tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX December 29, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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>> ♪♪ >> well, big news today. the white house has slappedpp sanctions on russia for allegedly meddling in lasty dd month's presidential election. . >> as you can see from the run down on the side of yourom screen this is tn th the big sty at 6:30.0. use the #5at6:30.0. so the state department ist is also kicked out 35 russian russi diplomats from its embassy in i washington and consulate in c san francisco giving them and their families 72 hours toours leave the u.s..s president obama said russiansobm will no longer havea sa access t two russian government owne
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maryland andnd is n new york. y. >> the president is receiving rg bipartisan support fromrt members of the u.s. senateisano over these hacking scandal and a the reaction to it.t. and many lawmakers say the issue trumps party loyalty butat the move could add more mor tension to the president's relationship with president-elect donald trump who has so far rejectedelec clas of russian interference in thefn election and said last nightst g that "i think we ought to gett g on with our lives." liv." in the meantime the russian r foreign ministry has promisedstp to retaliate against any u.s. actions. well, fox5's tom fitzgeraldzgal has more on this one frome f capitol hill. >> reporter: so far there appears to be bipartisans to support for president obama's move. republican speaker paul ryan sar calling this move overdue. virginia democratic senator mark warner calling it ann important step.te but where there does appear toe be a disconnect tonight isht i between the current and incoming presidents of thents t united states. state donald trump less than 24n
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not have great confidence in the reports of the russian rus hacking despite u.s.ite s. intelligence reports to the to contrary. >> i think we taught get on with our lives.nk we i think theth c oomurputers have complicated lives very greatly. the whole, you know, age of age computer has made it where whe nobody knows exactly what's wha going on. o >> our goal continues to be tobt send a clear message to russia i or others not to do this to uss because we can do stuff to stu t you. >> reporter: the obama administration's economicstrati sanctions are aimed at two atwo russian leading intelligencelige services and their topheir top ficials.s. u.s. intelligence determinedne that they actually ran the computer hacking operations. remember, those cyber attacksac of the democratic national committee headquarters leakeds internal e-mails which rnembarrassed hillary clinton'an campaign and also forced the dnc chair woman to quit hero qur post during the democraticin convention and ing addition 35 russian diplomats who work at wt the russian embassy
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washington and the russian rsi consulate in san francisco,, they have been expelledeeexpe tonight.nigh they and their families haves hv three days now to leave theve t united states, also, as of noon friday, russian compounds in maryland and new york, they y have been ordered closed. cse and despite donald trump'smp's call to move on, many peopley pl we talked to say they support st president obama's actions today. >> i think we should retaliateea at a time of our own choosing. we shouldn't tell anyone whaton we are going to do. >> i think we probably shouldprb have done -- taken steps to retaliate several weeks ago. a >> reporter: too late now.ter: >> yes, too late now. yes, too a >> i've seen the headlines butib i mean what are they really reay going to do?o? >> if the evidence indicatese ia that they have beenee interfering, i think that we thi shouldn't just let that stand. a we should do something aboutethg it. >> reporter: a spokespersonpoero for russian president vladimir putin says moscow regrets the united states' actions today tay and is considering retaliatoryao effort of its own. what is not known a
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point is whether or notor president-elect donald trumpelec will keep these sanctions inns i place when he is sworn intorn office here on capitol hill in just 22 days.ay on capitol hill, tom t fitzgerald fox5 local news.ews. >> it's a big story bears watching. >> yeah. >> ♪♪ >> okay. okay. >> there you go.o >> okay. >> just a little random musicanc to get you going. >> okay. president-elect donald trump is taking credit for bringing thousands of jobs back toel tect u.s. speaking from his mar-a-lago-aag go estate trump told reportersrs that executives from sprinter had just called him and saidalli they would be bringing 5,000ing jobs to the u.s. u now sprint later clarifiednt l they said that the jobs were wee part of a previously announced d commitment by japan's softan'sof bank which owns stake in theak mobile carrier.biarri the bank's plans allegedlylled predate last month's election. e >> some of the plans were in place. they didn't make the didn'make announcement of how many jobsmab for su
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coming back, you know, a lotw, t of things that we don't talk't l about are the fact that thesehe companies many times will havelh some sort of tax breaks or tax incentives that -- in order to r get them to come back so it's unclear exactly maybe if therefr was something else going on too behind closed doors. cd doo. >> very smart from a political c point of view and, you know,no visual point of view. >> absolutely.>> >> for trump to say we've done n this again now,e we got 5,000 g0 more jobs we're going to be g t bringing back or keeping hereer or however you want to put itt and that's a good thing but then it is kind of undermined ue when at least in the two t occasions that he's done thisth so far going back to the carrier deal as well,at t hhat t others come out and say, well, l this was kind of preplanned.repe it was not really because ofcauf the election or necessarilyri because of donald trump. >> and from what i understand i believe some of the carrier jobs there are still a possibility that some of thosese are going to o go the athwaaty.. >> right. there's t'sf them but still a possibility so, yeah,ea we'll continue to watch meanwhile there are at least six multi-millionti-millin there's and five billionairesd e committed to the incoming
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trump administration. but his core supporterse support they're the working classlass americans so how can you get get your money right in the new year? >> mark avalon joins us now, n he's a personal finance and wealth management consultant.agm hi mark. thanks for joining us.en ks for >> good to be here. joining u>> >> we understand you goo have hv seven personal finance tipssona for the new year.fothe what is the first one. >> well, the first one is to ons set up a cash flow worksheet.kst put a pencil to paper and figure out how much money you take home after how m taxes andu health insurance and see what w you have left to spend on o expenses and what's left, save >> uh-huh. what else do you do then afteron that? i mean, kind of what's wa the next step and i'm sure s there's a good process here.e. >> well, the most importantimpo thing especially in theg espe holiday season here is to give v yourself a gift and pay yourself first.ursest i said earlier save automatically go and set up an n automatic way to take that tt extra money you have eache each month and send to it a savingsan or an investment accountunt before it hits your checkbookhek and before y c
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treat yourself well and if youfy do that, you'll be on your way to a better financial future. f. >> do you ever find that a lotto of people say i don't have theat money to be able to save ande a put it aside? do you findou fin that in working with people, pe, that they actually can, it'san, just a matter of, you know, putting the funds in differentif areas? i mean, can everybody eo pretty much save something?hing >> well, that's a great point, t that there are people whoe w really truly want to save butut after essential expenses there's not a lot left and when i talk to these people inoi wish there was more we couldorec do for them but the reality is i you can only save what's leftef after your income less expenses.expe and in that case sometimes it oi suggest find what we call afindw hobby job, something you loveouv to do that will pay you a few extra dollars. you're already working hard. woh you don't want a second jobonob but if you find something thatot you really love, whether it'shei in the food service business,es, if you love wine and food andd a you work at a local restaurant r one or two nights or if you'rery a fitness buff you work at thek
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few extra dollars and use that money and save it >> just briefly, you say people -- people who qualifyfy might want to consider a home hm equity line of credit. cdi tell us the pros and cons of that. th >> el were, every situation iss different.differ but right now home equitye uity lines could be going up in thept new interest rate world we saw w rates bottom from one and ae ana half percent on a 10 year0 y treasury a year ago. year they're almost a fulley'r percentage point higher.tant that's going to impactng to pact homeowners who need to access cash. home equity lines allow peopleli to do that but that's ane veryer custom personal decision.n. >> all right, mark avalon,lon, thank you very much foruch for talking to us. we do appreciate it.appriate it. >>nkhank you. >> thank you. >> ♪♪ >> oh, it's that time of years again. i just don't make them.he >> neither do i.>> >> because i will break them. fox5's ronica cleary is live liv with the pulse of the peopleuls tonight. we understand ronica you spokepo to maryland governor larryr larr hogan, too.. what dd
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well, we'reorte here in northweh and we're talking about new n year's resolutions.esolutio last week i had thelastk i opportunity to sit down for anor interview with governor larrynoy hogan and i couldn't let theethe opportunity pass up withoutut asking him his new year's resolutions first.lution take a listen. >> new year's resolution is probably lose some weight.eight. because during my chemo,y chemo cancer battle they filled me with steroids and i gained i gad about 40 pounds.40 p i'm now trying to get back in shape. i'm going hair and i'm trying ty to slim down a little that's what i'm goingwn have tot document governor if you everovr want to do a sessinoon at the at gym and let us come, i will w work out with you. y >> wow. >> reporter: and we cane break news there. there. >> i'm going have to practicetoc a few times first because ist b don't want to embarrass myself l on tv but once i get a little a bit in shape i'd that you haveu do that. >> reporter: great tv made of em bars yourself. you >> yeah. >> reporter: thank you very much for your time. thank you.ter: tmuch f >> thank you. >> reporter: isn't that true, tony and sarah about greaortteny a tv embarrassingssg yourself.
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>> happens a lot here. her >> reporter: hopefully we can do that segment live on 5ve at 6:30 but until then, let'shet chat with some people here at the bar get theirso newme y peas resolutions.reso one of the most common themes i've already gotten chatting with some people is they don'tdt have one.vene we'll starter here.we'l what's yourl name? nam >> kelsey it. >> okay, kelsey, what is your yr new year's res institution i don't like to bad habits. i like to add new ones. ones. i'm going in the new year makee sure that i volunteer foror martha's table once a month.a mn >> reporter: i love that.ha listen to talk about a very positive newew year's resolution that wet could all consider.d all consid. mike come back here. her we're going try to go down ato little bit farther take youit fr through this very busy bar and a i've got another couple backplek here having some fun gettingng another round of drinks. what i like to see happening at the bar.e toat tar what's your name?am >> my name is theresa. >> ian. >> reporter: what are your wha new year'st >> to be nicer to strangers. >> reporter: and look hower k
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think you're already fulfilling it at the end ofink f 2016. how about you. going to dong i'm in 2017 is go on a seconds secos date with this >> reporter: romance starting here on 5 at 6:30.0. tweet your new year's resolutions use that #5at6:30.:3 >> ron today, do you have one -d you have one yourself.have i have to think about it. i'm asking everybody else so ioi don't need to answer the question. >> haven't had time to think about it. had >> sorry about that. s >> but i do like that, youor dha know, we did have someone on our show yesterday that wasas talking about how to improve yourself instead of making the typical resolutions but maybe things on how to improve yourmpu relationships with people,ship make those kind of resolutionses that are so positive and helpful in that kind of way.t ka >> i like that young lady be kinder to to st >> oh, yeah, be kinder onkindero social >> social media, that would bete good, too. >> maybe we should startbe w there. >> let's get the latest on our e weat
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are shaping up for tonight.g t here's mike thomas with that. hello, mike. >> hello, tonight. we got a pretty good night in store hretty tonight. while we're getting rid of theit showers it will be on thes itn chilly side. gusting to near 30 in d.c..c tomorrow is cold and dry. d saturday new year's eve if if you're heading out and about late bring your jacket.acket. you'll need it but no rain noai issues for new year's sunday different story.iffent s we're briefly warm, mix of of clouds and sun.un late in the day i think mostly l after dark there o could be a be shower or two around.un monday, tuesday we start, day wt warming back up.rmin 60's next week but those 60's 6' do come with a little bit of rain. rain. is there winter waiting beyondta next thursday?it possibly.osbl we'll give you more details onas that, maybe later on all right, tony, sarah back to you. you. >> thanks mike. we are soon sayinghanks goy to president obama. oba >> coming up a look at somee fun moments from over the years. we'll be right back. >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> i think we've got a deejaynkw working in the control room. >> i know. go goodbye toay t president obama the white house is releasing some ofident this releaeir favorite videos fm events over the last eight years. this first one is video from the white house science fair in 2012. the eho event quickly became onn of the most interesting placesne to film the president. preside in this one, president obamaideb was seen shooting a marshmallow cannon.allow >> that looks like a lot of fun. >> he seemed to have a lot ofem fun with the kids. >> he's so good with the i lovefu good wi it. who wouldn't want to havewol a beer at the white house. in 2012 we learned the whitedn e house is brewing its own learneb and when it came out that the io honey used for brewing was collected from the newly installed hives on the south sou lawn so that was pretty cool.ate >> very cool. and made people very excitedxc about the whole process.t the w you knoprw, all --ll >> there we w go. >> a lot of cool stuff goingco u on at the white housewi
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guard again. >> oh, right. >> and>> o the hives. hes. od stuff.f. also we can't forget this wa one, of course, probably a lotb of people, 106-year-oldeaol virginia mclaurin metaun met president obama and the firstt n lady earlier this year and she s just could not stop dancingan during the entire visit whichisi the obamas seemed to reallylly >> that's one of the moreha memorable ones i think.t's rabl didn't i s the come back again o the white house? hou >> i believe so. >> something she'll never forget.rg. [laughter] >> a lot of fun to be had thebed at the white house.ouse. >> coming up here at 5 at 6:30.30 >> we come back there will be drinking involved. [laughter] >> that's every day. >> every day. >> we'll be back.
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the restaurant.t. it's in the shaw neighborhood sa of the district andw that's t where they have been running a a count down 2017. >> each day up until the newhe w year they're revealing two ofngf the staff's favorite drinks.itdn ronica tells us about today's. ronica. >> reporter: hey, sarah and, ra tony. yes, i managed to somehow get sw a cocktail segment in here in i our political assignment atnm a 6:30 show.6: s i'm here with robin. robin you're one of the head bartenders here.e. >> yes, i am. >> reporter: tell me a little bit about thiste dr:rinki that we're making and tell me about me z cow for our viewersie not familiar with this. >> it's lime juice triplet's agave nectar.r. it's kind of like tequila in a sense tequila is
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section of the same spirit.pi it's more cultural to mexico and, you know, drinking inin i mexico.xico. >> yeah, and what i wasnd wha ws speaking to another person per here kind of comparing the difference mezcal and tequila the way we think of bourbon and whiskey. whiskeywh >> it's made from >> let's pour this beautifulutil drink and you have someave s specials leading up to the new n year. i know you have this adventadve calendar countdown to the new year and that features afeur different mezcal of a a different bartender here each ha night. >> exactly.>> e what we're doing is everyevery night we have 6-ounce pours of
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mezcals that we consider our favorite things that inspiredre us to appreciate this more. mor. every night we change them and they're half off.e hal >> reporter: look at that.ooat t let's take this over here.take come here robin come with me. m sir, you don't have a drink. drk do you have a drink to toastinka with me. >> here we go. cheers. >> reporter: thank you so much robin. let meepor gteive this a taste. excellent.ll it's fantastic. i love it. i'll see you guy'ss fan next year. yea merry christmas, happy new year. year [laughter] >> have fun down there, ronica. >> yeah. >> i think she lives there actually. ac >> all right, coming up nextgp n we are going to be keeping theee party going. we'rehowime we're showing you simple ways to plan and decorate even with timecorate ru enning out. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. >> delicious
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comes in. in. >> y-this lady right here,ladyi, monica joining us now live to le show us how to get your new yr year's eve party game up and and going.going. monica mccleary of glam candy gd buffet is coming in.buet thank you for coming i >> thanks for having me. >> this design beautiful. >> thank you. >> and you know, this is what ou kdo.s de helpyou do peopl.e put on then t best party they possibly can. c. >> absolutely. >> we do.>> we customize to any theme or color theme that you have forem your event. and maketh sure that it'shat' fabulous and grand. gnd. >> and it's not hard to do i tod would assume. >> it is not hard towo do a l all. you can do things with candy slices that you may havedo t gotten for christmases fro tm a coworker or neighbor and yournd have it left over or something i that you may not necessarilyecsr like to eat but you want too share with your guests.ue so, i'm going to show you how you can use things like a styrofoam ball feathers and
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ferrero roche.oc >> how do you do do >> start from the middle andromd stick it in the top and you just want to.o. >> now you have to be careful. f >> stick it in.tick in. you have to be careful but you just want to punch it in. you don't want to do that.ha go around the circle and go at a an angle so that they don't then come out. >> is this just a centerpieceenp or you would tell your guestsyou and you may enjoy these. the >> and you may enjoy it. yes, this is an edible e centerpiece. keep going around at an angle. e >> can i did one. >> of course,>> >> i love stuff like this.hi >> what are some of the otherare things? i see what you have h presented here.pres you have these very beautiful bt ways to present it.t. if somebody doesn't want to goat out and buy a bunch of stuff, sf what are some of your tips ontin making it look as pretty astt you can with what you have.t yoh >> you can absolutely use things at home. is a
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tray. this isn't very expensive at all. all. >> really? >> you can use something at home and make it can u fabulouss glam and very presentable fores your guests. these are things that you canou just absolutely have at home like this is a makeup box or a jewelry box so you can veryan v easily find things around therod house to make your table glam ta for your guests.our guests. >> i just made a mistake here. [laughter] >> crushed something. >> one of the chocolate >> i think he's making ioct thei way there my husband make it. [laughter] >> you know us m >> except he puts one in and eats one. >> i like that way of doing of i things. >> but you just keep goingepoi around and then you just take t your feather and you can stick s on the top, on the side you can very easily stick them in the cracks or the corners. corns >> that's that's really cool.atl >> just keep going around andron then you have a very pretty pre centerpiece for your guests.ecf >> very good. >> yes.
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>> partially naked.part >> itia is. i >> strawberries those areawrrie chocolate covered. >> yes.>> y >> what is the gold is that edible. >> this is edible awful it is es edible. >> but you brought, some, aught lot of times it's easier to t have someone cater. >> itne is. these items, for our companyur m we have we work with a lot of bakers so we can refer you to t some area bakers to make youto some fabulous >> for people who want too engage your services how do people find you.ou >> we're on glam kaine above kao bay facebook and and instagram and twitter, glamtterg candy buffets.bufets. >> it should say glam candy.m >> it should say glam candy, can g-l-a-m.a-m. >> okay, there you go. >> thank you for having me. me. >> happy new year. yea >> happy new year. >> this is fun to make isn'tma n it. [laughter]ter] >> i'm enjoying >> next two hours the show tony is going to be working onng that. that. >> a little tip because i said s you have to be conce
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: the bowl season is under way. however, the best action in a men's room urinal. >> the hurricane fan just clocks him. he runs out and he's like -- >> so what he's saying then is -- >> he likes black guys. [laughter] >> carrie fisher, very sweet tribute to her in disneyland. everybody had a lightsaber and they took a moment and everybody held it up in the air. harvey: we broke the story about debbie reynolds. >> her final words when she was dyeing was, i want to be with carrie. harvey: when you're older, can you will yourself to die? >> i don't know. want to give it a whirl? [laughter] >> rob kardashian, he was rushed to the hospital last night. blac chyna showed up, separate, kris jenner. >> he was doing better and everything blew up with blac
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