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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  January 3, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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died today but will they beay successful at but dismantling obamacare? this is what we're'e talking about tonight at 6:0. we want to know what's on your mind, use the #5@6:30.30. something that broke last nightb and thenro it was no longer. house republicans dropping plans to gut an independent congressional ethics board after pressure from president electt donald trump and democrats. the move would have replaced the independent office of congressional ethics under the lawmakers control. gop leaders faced intense criticism once the news broke about the plan changed. donald trump tweeted out his displeasure about the timing ofg the decision. with all that congress has to work on do they really have to make the
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of the wash dog as weak as it may be their number one priority. joining us to talk about this to talk about this and many other issues burke man and kennedy. thanks for having us. > why was this a priority soriy early on? >> well, it was -- look, paul ryan, i think they tried to slip this in. i was the wrong thing to do. substantively it was the righthe thing to do. the whole thing is probably unconscious al. there's no reason law makers police themselves. i think -- this is trump's first real stab at leading the party. i think he's doing that. and as he's leading the partye and leading the nation via twitter. i think trump is off to a good start. before we start talking about trump's start. i'm just curious, what do youu think, jack said that lawmakers should be able to policepo themselves? do you a agree wite
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>> certainly they should be ablb to police themselves, but thist independent office was put int because there was some problems with the ethics committee and there's been some partisan issues there. it put in when i worked for nancy speak lowe's we put ity sp in specificallyfia because we wanted to be independent and then refer those who the agency who then would take action against members. trump had big impact but so did calls to members of the congress. i talked to people on the hill who were day luged when theyen heard about the news last night. it started last night and thend today it was over. this is the last thing republicans need when they're on the verge of repealing healthcare, of an immigration bill, a new supreme court pick,u now we're going to giveprem the democrats an issue. thank god paul ryan -- i think if this would have been
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week. >> ouch. thing gets the whole setback. if i'm not mistaken, guys, i just wanted to point this out,t, it sounds like th bone off contention a lot of lawmakers have is that a hows on anonymous tips that could start the whole process. this is what the panel will do. it will investigate it and if there's nothing to it thenn they'll dismiss it.iss if there's something to it then they refer to it to the full ethics committee.itte let's talk about this completely controlled gop congress.lled donald trump has talked about tl his one of his main prioritiesie is dismantling obamacare. he a talk about that today in t that tweet. what do you think we're going tn end up with a complete gop congress. certainly they're going to vote to repeal it. i think they realize yes the bill itself is veryry controversial but 20 million b people have healthcare now
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think the republicans are very wary as they should be about taking away the insurance fromm those folks. we agree. brendan is right.. i saw paul ryan last week, in fact, and i told him if you getu into this horn nets nest it wili be the same thing that obama earns 15ed seven years ago, jus on the other side. it will be terrible. if you win you'll win by a few votes. the best path is where paul ryan was two months, repeal it two or three years effective in the future and then fill in the details. if you try to do it now, it could fail. it could certainly fail in the senate where you only have a two seat majority. it could be very tough. i look for the future, put itt two years down the road. the elections are two years down roadthe . things take forever to advance and then if in two years you see any change in power there you have it.
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the easy vote for thee republicans, it's the replacece part. it took a long time. i think this is going to be a very hard task, whether it's's paul ryan, where it's mitchellte mcconnell in the senate to try to put together something thatt actually keeps people with their insurance, lets people who have, you you know, stay on their health insurance until age 26. >> one thing to remember is the republicans have the power to do a lot of things. could they repeal it, yes, the e power is there. how much your political capitala do you want to spend on this? if you're donald trump and ryan do you want to spend all of this new political capital just on healthcare? i doubt it. you have other things. you have to budget. and we have to binge our timeto right now i love starting off the new year w ith you yoi ulov, but we're told we got to go.. thanks so much for coming in. happy new > two maryland lawmakers were among the new house membersbe sworn in today. tom fitzgerald
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them both. they're democrats. we've seen these guys before and they're in the majority. what does this really mean for them? reporter there's a littlh bit of an aspect, the congresse comes in, the 115th congress sworn in today, both in then house and the senate. listen it's not easy to be a freshman. it's especially not easy to be in the minorities. when you put those two things together that kind of lays forr you you're the low man on the totem pole when you come up here. jimmy russ kin and jimmy brownmy coming out of maryland they're no stranger to you having to work with republicans.publ what they are strangers to, though, are having to work fromk the republicans from a position of weakness. russ ken was a very successfulce senator in annapolis, but he dealt with them in the
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we up with him after he wass sworn in and we asked him what's the difference? how are you going to change what it is you do when you're operating present the position when you're not you operating the way you used to. he said they're going to go after them and made a clear point of saying that they're not going to oppose the republicansu for opposition sake. he said they're going to choose his battles. listen to what he say. will you concede there's a difference in these republicans than the ones you dealt with annapolis? how does that complicate your ability. >> teach them something about bipartisanship. the maryland ways youbi take the best ideas from all sides. so they're going to have dinner. meanwhile, the
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governor of the state of maryland, anthony brown,ow remember him? just two years ago people were writing off brown's political rear. he had lost to governor larry hogan. people said he was finished, that that was it for anthony brown. guess what, tonight he's a congressman. we asked him, how surprised ared you even to be in this position when the political fell the way they did when don ed cards decided to leave congress and try for that unsuccessful senate? >> i don't know that a you probably thought anthony brown was going to be standing here as a congressman today. so where you at as far as how quickly these things can turnaround both politically and professionally. >> certainly thingspr are unpredict ductal and you can't u see today what is on the horizon for to. i've always dedicated myself to public service. i always believe that if you work hard, did the best
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that opportunities open up. incidentally over the senate, chris van hailen was sworn in as ad z senator today. the first bill they took up for the house, the first bill they voted on was for veterans affairs. so they're off and running in the 115th congress.ress it's nice to see, i guess, all the in coming folks, especiallyk likes, anthony brown. do they believe they can, you know, effectively make change or are they looking at this gop lead congress like okay we're going have an up hill battle.e. >> it's a good question. play very close attention to jamie razz kin over the next two years. he was at a democratic rallymocr just after the election and he was not liking his wounds. jamie razz kin got a lot of buzz telling democrats listen we immediate to pay attention whyy we lost this raisin we can't fold up our chairs and sit there. razz kin early on has gotten atn lot of attention and has tried to rally these troop
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they've got two who is of republicans in the house of the republicans and donald trump is going to take office in about two weeks.eks. > president elect trump's relationship with the auto industry has taken a about it of a turn. ford announced to cancel plans to move to mexico for a plant. trump threatened to hit fordt with a tariff. trump threatened gm with a similar threat. saying they could face a tax as well. the crews sedans are about built in a small number of crews hatchbacks arability in mexico. we're going to see how much lchl policy and how much we're goingg on see from donald trump and the tweets. expect to see a lot of policy cop that way.y. i comes down to how do we report that in the media much that's why the reason twitter has
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path from him to you. > donald trump's rival hillary clinton and former presidentrm biller clinton will attend the inaugeration ceremony at the capital.capi the announcement former bushsh they will abehind. former president jimmy carter i unseened that he would attend a while ago.whil actually this was expected.hi i don't thins k it's a big surprise. typically all of the formerme presidents attend.tten so it was really more so bill clinton who was going to be there and hillary being his wife. think back to 2000 when outgoing vice president al gear had to sit there with george bush. maybe it will be the same thingn when you see barack obama up there with donald trump. > ivanka trump and her husband found a house.. they will be moving into the northwest. sold last month for 5 and a half million a
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no word if they bought the house or if they're renting. it's also a few blocks away from where president obama and hisen family aret planning to move. do you think they'll ask eachch other for sugar? can i have ave cup of sugar.r. >> do you think michelle obama cooks with sugar. >> she probably uses sugar.gar. > the reel stuff.> t >> not the fake stuff. > let's talk about the weather now. let's do it.t. a little gray, a little ugly. it hasn't been a great start weather wise to 2017, but what b can youtu do.can >> we have a bonus day for you you tomorrow so enjoy it's going to take a while to get the fog and the low clouds, but then we're going to brighten up.up. it's going to warm up to the low 60s. wednesday is looking on the mild side. you're looking the planner for tomorrow. we pay start with a little bit l of fog, 45-degrees, though. we're not dropping to thee freezing mark or blow tonight
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still pretty wet out around the area. by noon the breeze is picking up noticeably. 4:00, 54 and breezy. we are watching two things of note in our forecast.reca friday morning there could bed some light snow, enough to have some impact on our evening commute or even on snows. saturday there is a storm offf the south eastern us that if it's close enough it could bring us the possibility of some snow. it starts to get cold thursday and last for about five days. > did you hear that, she saidd snow. >> she did. ready for it. > i don't know what else she say i just heard snow.ow. > he's back, former d.c. mayor vincent gray. we're talking about his futurete plans. if you have a question for the mayor,
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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former mayor vincent gray isay back in d.c.or politics. he was sworn in yesterday as council member for ward 7. mayor gray served on the council for six years before becoming mayor. he lost his bid to a second term to muriel bowser but he has not ruled out running again in 2018. counsel gray joins us rightht here. >> how are you. >> i'm fine. > what was it like to go through this again yesterdayagai being sworn in back on council. >> it's wonderful to be back. i'm a public servant at heartea and i just look forward to being able to to things for people. thanks to the people ward 7 i have another opportunity to dony that. let's talk about right now, what specific plans do you have for your ward? what sort of changes also would you like to see insee the >> one of the things that we die and i'm really excited about iso we did a summit with the people of ward 7 on december 3. we had hoped that we would be lucky if we got 150 people toe come out, there
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who came out for that.that we're working now on the planan that emanated from that and wend hope to have it finished within the next couple of days anddays start to get it printed andm1ñ whatnot. but it will focus on the priorities that people talked about like economic development, public safety did, as you guys know the homicides went up agaii in ward 7.ward education which is a perpetual issue and working on housing ann senior sitsance. does your approach change as having the experience of mayor or do you go back to where whenh you were just a councilman? let's not say just a council member. it's an important role.le. you have the experience ofof having been the chairman of the council and then being mayor. you you back draw that into what you do and you really are, you know, a more experienced person at this stage. as we went thr
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there were things that i could reflect on that helped to inform what that plan will look likek when it comes out in a matter or weeks. i asked people to send in their questions on facebook or twitter. and one of the questions i got what do you think on d.c. firere and ems with constant struggletg with no improvement in site,. >> i think first of all council members do things, make laws and. i'm on the judiciary committee where public safety will be focused on and to be honest with you we had challenges with fireh and ems also. they have a new chief now.. the question is whether we havee the right structure or no. i know there were problems with w the ambulances and theye went tt this ambulance company to do the non emergent kind of situationd and o ems would continue
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emergency situation. i'm not sure we got itit completely right yet. rig it's one of the things i will focus on with the public safetye issues emanating from homicidesd again, ward 7 had an ingressngre again in 2016 so we've got to bring that down. we have another election in twot years for a job that you're quite familiar with.ith. is this a precursor to that orht have you really not consideredno itt yet?t? >> you can't help but considernd it because almost every day i get asked by somebody am i going to run again in 2018. realistically i haven't made aa decision you can't not think about it because people are always asking you but i haven't ruled it out.t >> i ask you that question every time i see you and i get the same answers.swer one of these days i want you to come on this show and break the news for us. > youan't knock consistency. >> thank you so much. > how often are you checkinghek your work e-mail at home? >> i'm sorry. > coming up we're going t
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that gives people the right to disconnect. >> let us know what you think about it.s know we'l l be right back. we'just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck.
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what are they telling you hey, shawn and jim. i'm latter with nick. nic nick we spoke about the we question. do you think that you should have the right to disconnect from not working? or do you check your work e-mail when youa go home.
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time. > did somebody make you doom that.eb >> no, i think my i'd actually be worried that he didn't want't to support my e-mail. > you missed the question. q the question is do you thinkou that you should have a right to not check work e-mails when you go home at night. ni france just passed a law thathat says you don't have to do it. >> i am not a fan of working soi i would agree with that. tha > i've got a family over hereee enjoying a lovely meal and we ad were chatting about this a a little bit before, what do youo, this think about the right to disconnect from those e-mails? i know your situation a littleyr bit s unique. >> yes, i'm my own boss so i try not to disconnect. > probably if you start answering your own e-mails maybe there's another bigger concern.c >> i have to send in e-mails too remind myself of what to do.
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i need to respond to those. > how about you, in yourour generation, do you think there's an expectation and a requirement to answer those at all times ofe the day and night. >> i think there's an an expectation and i think that my culture that my generation livev in it's constantly plugged in. . you would still have most peoplt checking the e-mails pretty quickly. good the guilty. > yes or no. >> i think it's up to each to individual when to and when to o not read their individuals. in > we are life at vin disin northwest getting the pulse of the people. i don't mind the e-mails from my fox5 family any time day or night. >> back to you. > i'm going to be honest, i do. when you're of on, you're objection to the form i was offf last week and i did not check one single e-mail. that doesn't mean i wasn't was working because we're still doing things on social media
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checking. >> i know. you didn't reply to me once. > thanks, ronica. presidents and first ladies upa for sale. >> we're going to tell you where you can get a life-sized wax figure of the commander in chief coming up after the break.
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> 44 american presidents ander first ladies are now upican for sale. >> so i > that's what. these live size wax figures at the wax murdered surrounded seer up.ed the lowsee attendance rates ford the owners to close the museum back in no. the figures will be auctioned of off january 14 at the 1863n of gets iceberg. i'd be curious what they'd go for. what would you do for it? >> who do you want john quincy adams. > i'd pay a
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anyway, thanks for joining uss tonight, everybody. we're back tonight with more fox5 news at 10 and 11. happy 70th fox5. that's right, happy birthday. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder,
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harvey: oprah winfrey is a little scared of donald trump. >> i go, oprah, what makes you nervous about him becoming president? >> i don't want to be in the twitter bird sunday. >> did you press? >> i go, oprah, what's the first question you'd ask donald trump? >> you were so good, you're able to hold that camera and talk at the same time. harvey: just got oprahed. she diverted you with a compliment and you bit. >> it worked. it totally worked. harvey: great. >> mariah carey claiming she was sabotaged by dick clark productions for her new year's eve performance. >> i'm trying to be a good sport here. >> there were multiple times she complained about her er pieces not working. harvey: dick clark is saying -- >> dick clark is not saying anything. >> we might have a face on who defaced the hollywood sign. harvey: they changed hollywood to hollyweed. this became a huge story over the weekend.


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