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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  January 4, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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♪ ♪ the shed is underway over obamacare and both sides brought in big names. the run down this is one of the hottest stories, we invite you to join the conversation. tweet us, use the #5at630. let's get to it. healthcare reform. front and center, during president-elect donald trump's campaign he promised to get rid of the affordable care act or obamacare. today, vice president elect pence did not mince words on capitol hill >> make no
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we're i'm going to keep our promise to the american people. we're i'm going to repeal obamacare and replace it with solution that lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government president obama is hoping to save at least some of the law and he had some basic advice for trump and the new congress. >> what's your advice to democrats >> look out for the american people. >> phil cunningham the senior healthcare correspondent is here to sort it out. hi, page >> hi >> we knew this battle was going to happen the second donald trump was going to happen. we had a republican majority in both chambers. what's the next step >> republicans and democrats are obviously deeply divided over healthcare. but the one thing both sides acknowledge is that somebody will get blamed for what happens to these 21 million people who have gotten coverage under the healthcare law. today, you saw a lot of positioning. republicans trying to convince i think the public that they're
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going to transition these people, their coverage isn't going to be dropped immediately, which could be politically disastrous. then you have democrats trying to set up republicans to be blamed for that, saying they want to strip away the coverage before they have a replacement plan, they ruled out a new slogan, make american sick again, which, of course, is a play on trump campaign slogan. i think a lot of today was really trying to cast the blame on the other camp and be in a stronger political position >> you can't just dismantle without a replacement plan >> paul ryan ruled out a proposal over the summer and republicans, including pence recentedly say that's going to be the model. but getting enough republicans on board plus democrats in the senate. they're going to have to
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they keep putting the emphasize on this transition period. they vote to repeal the law, there's no going to phase it out over a period of two, four years, to come up with time to mention come up with a replacement >> you have a lot of democrats in purple states, states that used to be blue have turned a shade of purple maybe red. they're i'm going to find themselves on the hot seat >> i was talking to a lobbiest who suggested if republicans keep healthcare taxes in tact they can entice democrats to sign on replacement efforts in exchange for getting some of these healthcare taxes repealed, which deeply unpopular. >> what has been the reaction so far from the american people? this affects all of us, anybody who has healthcare out there, even if you work for a private employer, how -- what have people been saying about this battle >> we have seen something of a shift since trump won the election towards a feeling that we should keep parts of the affordable care act in tact and
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of course, there's widespread agreement it needs and there's a problem with the premium but i think most people don't wants to see kind of a broad repeal of the law. i think republicans are going to be under pressure to come up with something that's still provides coverage for a lot of americans as the affordable care act did but also brings down could have. of course, that's the formula that is to difficult to figure out >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. what a local lawmakers think about all this going on >> i'm sure they have a lot to say >> fox 5 tom fitzgerald is live on capitol hill with their reaction, fitz what, it's the word? >> the key thing is this, barack obama knows the affordable health care act is his signature issue. he wants to make sure now that the republicans don't come in here now with the majorities in both houses and they're about it take over the white house in two weeks and take an eraser to that issue. this is what he did. here on the
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of the united states shows up and he's rallying the troops, talking to all of the democrats. talking to democrats like senator chris van holland from the state of maryland. he wasn't the only one up here today. the vice president elect pence, he came up here. he was talking to republicans like maryland republican andy harris. now, this is interesting. it's almost a mirror image of what we heard on capitol hill back in christmas of 2009. back then, democrats were saying, what we were about to do, obamacare it's going to make things better. republicans were saying no, this is a mistake. this is all flipped on its head now. republicans are the ones now saying, we're about to make this better. democrats are the ones sounding the warning bells. listen to how these two lawmakers have dramatically different opinions on what happened here today. >> well, the president talked about the progress we made on all sorts of issues during his
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presidency, working oh together on the economy >> he wants you to fight for obamacare >> he stressed where possible we should find ways to work together with the new administration like modernizing our infrastructure, but he point you did out that republicans are starting out not on an issue that unifies us but on a part sandy have i as if issue where they're talking about totally destroying the affordable care act, obamacare. it's going to outline the broad spectrum of reform efforts that corresponds to large extent with what mr. trump outlined. no one is going to lose insurance, it's going to be available, more affordable. s into the going to be -- there's no government mandate. the federal government will not force anyone to buy their brand of insurance but it will be available, we'll cover preexisting conditions. >> reporter: if you listen to congressman harris, the only
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difference seems to be that this mandate is going to go away, but democrats like senator van holland said if you take away the mandate not enough will buy this and the premiums will go up higher than what they are. what we do know is this. on twitter, donald trump is sound, the warning to republicans tonight, remember, democrats don't take complete opener of this, it's something that the democrats created. he wants changes but it's probable that a lot of what's already in place will stay in place. democrats tonight, their answer to all of this, a #makeamericasick again. that's what they're trying to do and block what the republicans wants to change in obamacare. >> it's going to be interesting to hear from the people. do you remember that old saying if you go into a store and you break something, you buy it? it could be that way for the republicans. >> if they're changing it and
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it >> i got john kerry called it the pottery rule in iraq. it was not true. it didn't necessarily work in that situation. >> we're counting down 15 until the inauguration. president-elect trump taking on russian intelligence officials. he tweeted saying it was delayed until friday. the president-elect went on to say, quote, perhaps more time is needed to build a case. very strange, the president used quotes around intelligence and russian hacking now wikileaks founder julian as sang is speaking about it too >> we have said repeatedly that out source is not the russian government, and it is not a state party >> officials are disputing trump claim they delayed the briefing saying it's always been scheduled for friday. there it is once again, the president-elect at odds with the intelligence committee
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>> it's going to be interesting. the first time i believe that we have seen an incoming president since ridge nixon who had come in at odds with the intelligence community >> siding with wikileaks, siding with the -- not necessarily as sang as a person but a lot of the context as a journalist the fascinating to see a lot of information been kept under wraps come out that way, but how we move forward remains to be seen >> this is all new territory. former campaign manager has a new big, corey lewendowski started his own political firm and one block away from the white house >> ronica, you took the walk before. it's pretty darn close. >> reporter: yes. we're going to do it again. towed tell you corey lewendowski. if you didn't realize this you probably heard the reports he was fired from the campaign but he never stopped being a major trump supporter and advocate. that loyalty was a
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we're across the street from the white house, it's right there. 1600 pennsylvania avenue. and lewendowski the person who was reportedly fired from the campaign, he's setting up shop door to door, it's .2 miles away. this is a political consulting firm he's setting up. here's the kicker that we want to make sure. 1717 pennsylvania avenue. now, if you heard that address before, if it sounds familiar, it's because it's the same address as the trump transition headquarters. obviously, they will be in different offices, but let's take a listen to what lewendowski had to say about what he thinks his role is going to be and how he's going to intersect with the trump presidency. take a listen. >> there's no formal relationship. my goal and hope is i'm on the outside of the administration helping make sure that the president's agenda is accomplished. that means tax cuts for middle families, reto getting bad trade deals, that
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to be on the outside being grass roots to congress. that's the role i see myself having. >> reporter: we're at 1717 pennsylvania avenue. now, inside these to doors and up into this building, that's where the office will be. it's called avenue strategies, he's opened it alongside barry bennett. the two met working at the house of representatives. they've been friends nearly two decades. when corey lewendowski was campaign manager, his motto and slogan was really let trump be trump. now, it's certainly helped donald trump along the way to becoming the next president of the united states. we'll see if his role in effect will continue when he is actually at the president. >> we want to make sure that you did the walk? you didn't take an uber when we were hearing about corey lewendowski. >> reporter: i didn't and my christmas present to myself, my fit bit, i'm getting
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i'm at 7800, i may have to do that a couple more times >> not too bad of a walk, ronica cleary, thanks. the good news, it's only 50 degrees right now. but i think >> only. >> it will get >> only? >> it's not terrible >> i love that. it's 50 degrees. >> it's going to get cooler. that's the other news >> you can tell ronica and tom. our first chance for a measurable snow. that to snow we think will be in the area between 4:00 and 7:00 tomorrow evening, first in the western suburbs then closing in on the district by about 8:00 or 9:00. it's going to be on the light side but we want you to be ready for it. let me show you while it continues it will likely be done by friday morning at 7:00 a.m. maybe road crews can keep up on it. while it's coming down, there there could be slick spots, a coating to one inch, maybe f
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inches, especially north and west of dc. there's a saturday storm we have to watch. it will be close by, it could bring several inch' of snow to the southern delmarva and a little too close for comfort. right now, we don't have snow in the forecast but we'll watch the second system. now you're up so date on what we're expecting, a cold day with a snow with finish. she's fighting to have her voice heard >> eleanor holmes norton joins us after the break to talk about restoring her vote in congress. stay tuned.
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did he have 2 ♪ ♪ i like that >> dc delegate eleanor norton wants house republicans to expand the voting powers on amendments on the house floor, she
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vote since the 112th congress back in 2011 eleanor holmes norton joins us here on 5at630. how are you? >> it's nice to have you >> happy new year. >> new congress. but nothing has changed for you from the last couple years. why >> you would think it would. what i was asking for was not full voting rights. i wasn't asking for state hood. i was asking for rights we already have. three congresses. i have exercised the right to vote in the so-called committee of the hole. how come? it was the first time the district ever voted on the house floor. because the committee of the whole on the house floor is formed by house rules. for year, i voted in committee that's formed by house rules. i wrote a memo when i first came to congress saying, i voted on committee and i ought to be vote on committee as a whole. we got to vote particu
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amendments on matters that affected the district of columbia. remember this figure, the district residents are number one per capita in taxes paid to support the government of the united states >> you pitched this again to speaker ryan yesterday. have you heard a response yet from him, boy, have we heard a response. >> what was response? >> the response was, first of all, i insisted when he did not respond to my letter. remember. he supporter the full voting right some years ago for dc when we went for that. i raised it on the house floor. the first business of the 115th congress was not the ordinary
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rules i moved for my vote, and when we did not get there vote, i got a vote, i got the names, not addresses of every member and how shish voted on district residents should have vote on the house floor, we've not given up on this one, two federal courts have said we're entitled oh to this vote. >> let me ask you this. what should dc residents do? they pay the highest federal taxes per capita. as you mentioned. you don't have the full voting rights and haven't for the last few sessions of congress. what, if anything, can dc residents do to help you help them >> they have been helping us a lot. what we're doing and perhaps the very next thing to do, because most americans are just what is most frustrating. most americans think we have the same rights they have. so what i am trying to get dc to do is to engage in a coordinator concerted social media campaign. when americans find this out and when they find out we're number one that we pay more taxes than they do, got a way to do it
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got to use it >> this is not about state hood. this is just about having a voice and a vote right now >> that's all it's about. >> eleanor holmes norton. fingers cross for you and the people of dc we'll tell you where donald trump's nominee for your secretary of state was spotted shopping in dc .
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healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. donald trump's nominee for secretary of state was seen by buying gross groceries at a safe way. >> a shopper apparently snapped the pic, tweeted it out. apparently billionaire shops for himself. it's not exactly clear but it looks like tiller son bought
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bottle of pealed baby carots. he's in the healthy food aisle. let's put this into perspective. he's a billionaire. about to get a 181 billion dollar payout. they're going to put it in a trust until he's out of that position. why don't billionaires go shopping >> do you remember back in 1992 when george h w bush was running for reelection went to a grocery did store and was fascinated by the scanners. it's interesting to see the parallel between that. >> i do remember that. >> there you have it. nothing wrong with shopping at safe way. >> it would be big if i did coupons. >> what was billed as a huge going away party for president obama has changed it's called the thanks obama party supposed to be held outside the white house on january 19th. turns out there will be a lot of street closures. the blind
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organization geared told cultural. this poses a challenge for the nearly 175,000 people who rscped. some attendees are confused and disappointed. >> maybe they will stream it live. tonight we're celebrating national spaghetti day. >> go for it. hold on, let me come over here. car mine is here, cooking up spaghetti. i can smell the garlic.
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y27mky y16fy we're cooking up what smells incredible. the whole building smells incredible. what are you cooking for >>
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>> we can smell it >> everyone can smell it. >> started with olive oil, roast ed garlic, the nice roasted garlic flavor. i'm cooking collapse. cherry stone collapse. you can see them, we make a fresh clam stock every morning, that's simmering away >> most people think you got the meat balls and spaghetti? you're having collapse >> we got 100 different pastas and sauces, you make it your own and pass it around the table and share it. spaghetti is kind of, some people say my favorite is link win knee. >> i imagine for you to stand by is probably the top sellers or
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has variations creeped in >> tell us the difference? you're cooking, while you're cooking >> i brought a couple for you guys on a classic meat spaghetti, we have the biggest meat balls in dc, the freshest cooked fresh every morning, this is a vegetarian option. pees, carots, broccoli, squash, good stuff >> then you're cooking up something for the seafood lovers. >> this is kind of like the chef's favorite around the car mine's, this is what the chefs >> is there a kind of clam or is it just the technique >> these are cherry stone collapse >> i'm going to grab this >> look allow big this >> massive. >> this is the cherry >> cherry stone >> we don't want cook the collapse too much. cook it maybe less than
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minute. we're good to go >> perfect timing. >> my goodness. >> ok. incredible. >> smells delicious. jim look what i happen to have. a fork. >> where can we find car minute's >> about two blocks south of the verizon center.
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harvey: i don't know how else to say this but margot robbie is playing tonya harding and we got her out on the ice. tonya harding is perfectly attractive. margot robbie is ridiculous. it doesn't work for me. >> it makes it hard to cast kerrigan, who is objectively hotter. >> who's playing nancy kerrigan? >> i hope anne hathaway. >> she's so unlikable. it would be perfect. >> i got oprah. so i ask her what does she hate splurging on -- >> spending money in a hotel to get your underwear washed. >> she tried to wash her panties and tried to dry them on the balcony and it flew out. harvey: if i was staying at the london hotel and everyone screamed out, oh, my god, oprah'sunder underwear is coming down, i'm going for it.


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