tv Good Day DC FOX January 5, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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>> straight ahead, winterai weather. the first snowflakes of the year will start to fall lghatert tonigflhtak ton and while parts of the region tg could see less than an inch, tomorrow's drive to work and school could be a slick one. o road crews want to be ready. r we'll have a live report. plus, a cia shake up. president-elect possibly psi considering major changes to tho nation's intelligence agencies and the news comes the same dayd top officials head to capitol ct hill to talk about russia's roll in the u.s. election. a hate crime broadcast life. four people under arrest aftertt kidnapping and torturing aring mentally challenged man andnd sharing the whole thing onngn facebook.
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where you live and thendhe likelihood you could end up with what you need to know beforeef buying your next house. house good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ all right.> l ri 9:01 is the time. t before the snow gets here, weer, are here to brighten up your you day, right? okay.y, rka good day d.c. it is january 5th, 2017.january wisdom martin,5th, 2 holly morri steve chenevey, maureen umehh we're all ready to go before tho snow. you like that. >> yes, we are. s>> morning fromng fm your fire to you're hired. former a. (sis stereome rosa will bell b spending a lot more time in d.c. and when you're in the nation's' capitol only one place to be ana that is good day d.c. coming up at 10a, emma rosa ros she's joining us live. liv >> we'll talk a little bit about the weather because the first f snow of 2017 could start to fall little bit later today. tay that means the possibility of
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in the morning. in details firstlsir check on the forecast.ecas tuck, what time are we going too start seeing the snow falling?wg >> don't you love it when you go outside it feels like it's going snow. ow >> like one of your greatest times ine of y life? >> um --,. >> i love the collective grown. >> maybe top five. >> maybe it's just me. >> allison is over h she loves it too.shves 32 in washington.hito steve, as far as timing it'simis going to move in a little fastee than we thought yesterday at yet this time. so i'd say by the evening rush s hour we got to be on the lookheo out particularly to the north and west. i'll show you timing here inu ti just a second, but specificallyl seven, 8:00 o'clock we mighto'ke start to see snow showers across the area, and we are expectedxpc light here's our snow not going to be a big deal.ea more like get out the broom by early tomorrow morning ratherori than the shovel as we're not wen going get a lot of snow butno b we'll see our first in manystn n indications accumulating snow of the season later this after anda real toll night. night prime time will be betweenmeill 8:00 o'clock tonight and and 2:00 o'clock tomorrow morningorg the good news is, it's a
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mover. hyere's not lot of energy wit it and it should be out of hereh in time for that morning commutm tomorrow morning.. so by again two, 3:00 o'clock il the morning we should start towo see this thing wrap up.p. l riright. no advisories locally littlely l surprise by that.ha wouldn't be surprised at all ifd the weather service doesn'tdsn issue some later today.eray if you are traveling out towardw west virginia or kentucky ortuco parts of ohio there are winterir weather advisories for today. ty all right. rig how much snow we talkinght about this moves in probably seven,bln 8:00 o'clock tonight prime timet between eight and 2:00 o'clocktn in the a dusting to an it will be cold enough whath wht falls will try to do its very best to stick out there on the t sidewalks and the roadways.. dusting to an inch plus here too north and west parts of loudoun county, montgomery county and a more like dusting to an inchnnch here in the immediate washingtog area by early tomorrow morning.g l riright. guys, i'll be back with plenty e more weather.moer believe it or not there would be around two for parts of the area on saturday. sat we got a lot of weather to talkt about and very cold temperaturea here to stay tort weekend. today's high temperatures onlyru in the mid 3
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tonight will do its best tot t stick out there.stk ou back to you. >> all right. appreciate it tucker 9:03 is the time.e. everything looking agree clear right now in washington ahead of our first taste of theashi whiti stuff tucker has been talkingki about. >> snow on the way. whit>> se it won't bnoe much, rr last winter what it looked like. any amount of snow we get in tht d.c. area drivers can't seem tom handle it.ndle we were once called weather wisps. >> remember that? >> yeah.. >> anjali hemphill in northeast this morning with a look at snoo preps that way.preps that way. good morning to you.od mor >> reporter: good morning,orni guys.. well, we might be wondering, non we're not coming to you live yoe from the surface of the moon and this isn't snow that's alreadyea fallen it's actually the insided of one of the area's largest salt domes.saomes. take a look at a time this pile re.e. just towers over me. maybe three or four of me.f i'm not sure. sur this where all mat psychiatric happens when it comes to winterw weather response here.esponse h. this is where ddot will takee this saul and brian mixtureix they've already done it a
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spent all yesterday eveningvenig early this morning spreading all of this salt pile along the d.c. roadways.ys and this is a good thing. why? because we're all familiar take look the a this old video o from last year when the dmv was notorious for that snarledsn traffic and slippery roads roa pretty much time we have a small winter weather event. eve. remember last year just daysda ahead of a historic snowstormwsm d.c. traffic came to a halt whee the area got just 1 inch of unexpected so this year, the nationalationl weather service is putting in aa extra effort to mitigateo gate something like last yearinlike happening so they will now issue winter commuting hazard statements ahead of know fall thatst couldd impact traffic.ff good news is, the snow that'ss coming to us soon seems likems it's not going to be impactingai us during that evening orning morning rush hour.mornou so right now, that commutert co warning is not out.g is n out. aaa says the rate of fatal fatal crashes are higher during theng first snowfall of the year thann any other snow day after that. mainly because drivers are not prepared. so regardless of how muc
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treating the roads and drivers e should also be ready to drive ii the snow.the snow. that's the latest here in in northeast.ast anjali hemphill fox5 local newsn >> thanks very much.uc we're weather wimps unlesses they're not treat the roads.thes >> exactly. we have plenty of salt this year. pl shortage. >> we know it's cominenty g. >> that's right. let's switch to politic right tionsno smin>> tch t ofo russin election hacking taking center r stage on capitol him. armed service committee hearingi comes one day before the day bo president-elect is to be briefes by the cia and fbi directors onn the investigation into that tha alleged hacking.king president obama will be briefedi on the hacking today.od receive the findings of a reporf he ordered last month into those allegations.tions. white house official says thee obama adminofisfitration plans n release the unclassified versioi of that report to the general public before leaving office onn january 20th.h. this as the incoming president is now talking about challenging the bureaucracy his idea his vice-president spoke about abo yesterday on capitol hill. hil >> given some of the intelligence failures of recent
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years, president-elect made itct clear to the american peoplehe that he's -- he's skeptical about conclusions. from the bauer row crass see and i think the row american peoplea him loud and clear.ud a >> the president-elect will now have to determinedent w-ehethert continue the sanctions againstit russia that president obamaest b announced last week. the president-elect tweetint this morning about wikileaks aba founder julian assange yesterdad many criticized trump for seeming to support assange's spo claims did he not get leakeak e-mails from russia.s fromsi today the president-electntle tweeted "the dishonest mediaed likes saying i'm in agreementee with julian assange, wrong. wng i simply state what he states it is for the people to make up their own minds as to the truth. the media lies to make it look o like i'm against intelligenceel when in fact i am a big fan ". trump's presidency draws d closer so did does the potential row peel of obama care.amre. the president making a rare stot on capitol hill yesterday in a last ditch attempt to save hissh signature health care row form law. the president urged fellowlo democrats not to rescue rescu republicans by helping them pass replacement meas
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idea to referring to a new planw as trump care. c >> the other big story this sryt morning a brutal kidnapping anda attack that played out live onen facebook.. this morning four people are ine custody in connection with the torture session involving anv mentally challenged white man. . the incident has spark outragepo in chicago and across thes t ununtry. some people calling it a hate h crime.crim fox's jackie ibanez has the t details. >> reporter: bleep donald d trump bleep. bleep bleep bleep. >> reporter: police arrested four people following a brutalra attack on a mentally challengede man in chicago.higo which was seen around the worldr on this facebook live video. >> images in the video put on display the brazenness of thehe offenders who assaulted the victim and then broadcast it fot the entire world to see.o s >> reporter: victim was fromro the suburbs but the attack attac happened on chicago's west side. the video shows the suspects sut ripping the man's clothes, beating him and cutting him with a knife. kni >> we're still talking to the
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it's quite a possibility eighths kidnapping and that's certainlyn one of the charges we'll be seeking if it turns out to be te that. but he's a little -- he's-- he' traumatized by the incident andd it's very tough to communicateme with him at this point. >> reporter: while the him a suspects can be heard swearing n about president-elect donaldside trump,nt chicago police don't dn believe the attack isk politically motivated.. >> they think somehow that sortr of invoking trump is sort ofor o their ticket to doing thishi everybody hates trump.rump they see celebrities hating onio trump. >> reporter: community activer:y visits are calling this a hateai crime. >> i think this is a hate crimer i don't care what race you arehu and that's why we have hate he crimes in this law and politicsc aside here this video iseos disgusting. >> reporter: police are nowter:l interviewing the victim.ictim >> our detectives upon being beg notified by the officers froms o the 11th district becamet bec involve in the investigation,, and communicated with the suburb where the subject was missingsig after his treatment at thes tre hospital, he was released and his parents came. >> reporter: formal chargesl chs are expected to be filed againsa the four suspects in custody.dy
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fox news. interesting to see whateeha happens but i do think it's a a hate crime.rime. that's my opinion.. but, you know, i understand that are people out there thatan dont think it is. but -- but -- >> i'm curious. you>>t really care what call it. it. heinous >> yeah. >> whatever would give thehe people involved maximum penaltyy is what it they should determini it to be. b how heartless are you you take e anyone let alone someone mentally up capable don this to them. i don't care what label they put it make sure these people areeoe pun initial.n it sends the message thiins ishs wrong. we shouldn't have to send the't me hssagave if we have let's dot in a strong way.way >> disturbed by the fact these a are people who didn't seet s anything wrong with way theyng were doing.oi. >> exactly. to rag wanted to brag about it. they wanted this to go viral. they wanted the world to see t e what they were doing with thiso person. that disturbs me. the fact people that arethatct deeoplsperate for attention thet take it out on somebody else.y . >> my question is, what weretioa they hoping to gain from it? i >> in this day and age --
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>> right. like what was the bigger picture for them. >> right. rig it's silly because you thinkingi about this from the act itself l which is deplorable and then you factor in the social mediaia broadcasting live as spec of it, and that just to me that justus kicks it up even more. m not only are you doing wrong tot someone else, but now you're putting it out there like --ike >> like it's not >> like it's not wrong.e it this is not big is bi let's do social media on this,hi it's just deplorable. >> there's web sites that panden to these people get into fightst and they post it oh and remember when they had those homeless beatings they calleds d them and they will beat upy ll b homeless people and post it on o web sites specifically just tout get the clicks and likes. l i wonder if that was along thest lines. again, whatever the reason, this has to be punished in a severe r way to let people know i don'tno care what you call it it's wrono it's wrong, it's wrong. wrong. you should never treat anyone or an animal even that way. >> come on.n. >> let us know what you think a lot of people are talking abouta it online. you can of course use the #gooddaydc keep the conversation
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okay. s morer news this morning violent case full of weapons, yes, found along the potomac poc river now this morning policenie want to know why they were there and who put it there we'll have live report. repor that's coming's c >> first though a sudden fallddf and dramatic rescue caught onaun camera.mera we'll have update on the metroat worker pulled to safety after falling 35 feet down shaft. time right now 9:12. back ihere's your receipt. have a nice day! thank you. start the car! start the car!
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♪♪ this morning metro employee recovering after hening m fell y 35 feet into a shaft.haft. rescue crews used ropes to savea the man and it was all caught oo camera. >> this happened just after 1:30 this morning.orng the intersection of wisconsinisn avenue and elm street. fox5's melanie alnwick is livesi on the scene with the latest. and pretty incredible story, mel. >> reporter: that's right.hat'st you know, i know you guys a lott of people if you're like me i always avoid walking on top of o these greats but a lot of peopll never think about what'sutha underneath here, and how deep down it goes and the truth is i metro worker found out the hard way. y just how far down this is. i now these metro workers are in n the tunnel because they're doini maintenance work. we'll show you some video fromo montgomery county fire and rescue of a technical rescue r that had he had to perform thisi morning. you can see here this about 2:33 in the morning right here.ere. crews got on scene about 1:30 actually.
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this pulley system that was s connected to a ladder truck anda then here you go you see them pulling this man out. out this metro worker out from that deep pitt. i asked fire chief scottef stt goldstein what happened. >> this maintenance crew wastenw working on removing debris, leaves and other general nuisance material from inside this shaft they get through the greats at the street level.ev the worker fell from one level v below ground to a further deeper level below ground and had outer loop injury so pain in his backc and his leg. >> reporter: and we're alsore as showing you video here of the t inside of that pitt so basically it's a tunnel that has almost at ledge that ledge is where thatt worker fell from murder down in there 20 feet to the bottom off that tunnel.unl. and it took quite some time tim again to take him out of that because montgomery county firey and rescue said they really
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wanted to make sure he washe was stable so it wasn't an emergencn situation to get him out of there, but they did need to take their time make sure they didn'' injure him further or injure any of the rescue workers working in that very tight quarters this morning. we can tell you he w transported priority two whichww is serious but not critical with again those non-life threatenini injuries so he will be okay but certainly very very scare rower moments for him and hishis co-workers this morning. mni back to you guys. to guys >> no doubt. i want to. confirm with you the worker who fell was alreadylreay inside that great, right thishti wasn't like what you were sayinn where somebody would just stepus on that great and the great gre would collapse and give way? e y that was already open he washeas inside at the time, right? >> reporter: yes. so there's -- there's a series r of maintenance tunnel that ishat run pretty much just alongside i where the metro would be hereer underneath wisconsin so, yes, they were already downw in here working.g. there's a ledge and then he fell
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>> everybodi' fears that walks down the street some day' yfeou step and that and the ground grn will give way under 19 of you. u >> i walk on the >> me too.. >> always safer on the solidonod ground. >> exactly.>> exa >> 9:18. still to come this morning close call for the qthueisen of englad macy's dropping the ax after a t bad holiday season and, yes, iti will impact many of us locally,y and why where you live could cou play major role in your mentall health. later in life. we have a check on what else iss making headlines next.ext. >> later on, a new year revivala featuring some of the biggestf g names in gospel and this morning we're sitting down with one ofho them actress and motivational speaker priscilla shire joins uu live. we'll be right back. ♪♪ z27mkz z16fz
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now this happened when she wentp for a stroll around buckinghamkg palace at 3:00 a.m. apparently one of the guardsf tg thought she was an intruder.. the queen the guard confessed td her magesty that he nearly fired his weapon.pon the queen reported told himd quote next time i'll ring r through beforehand so you don'to have to shoot me. m this report from the times of london buckingham palace hasn'tt confirm the account. account i'm glad she's out of the's of hospital.hosp long live the queen.ivthe quee >> the macy'ns storm in landmark mall will close its doors for good this year. macy's making that nouns many ns following disappointing holidayd shopping season.n. 10,000 jobs will be eliminatedna due to the closures. macy's store in alexandria firsf opened back in 1965. 119 associates will lose their e jobs. final clearance sales there will begin on monday. monda we have a health warning fon you now. did you know that living near at busy road can increase your risu of dementia? according to scientists roughly one in 10
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cases of alzheimer's urban arean could be associated with livingv a mid heavy traffic though dementia and alzheimer's subtles difference there is.diffence the the study says that particlesars from air pollution can make itsm way to the brain tissue but could it not determine if detere pollution is directly harmful to the brain. bin and finally, you can just cn get just about anything out ofgo vending machine these days,ine right? imagine buying a car out of one.of one dealership trying to do juss that. that car vonaaceo ernie garcia wants to simplify the car buyingg experience with coin operatedcod vending machines. customers buy a car online andin then they get a coin to pick upc the car the next day. day. calm down wisdom. wis each car comes with a seven days no questions asked money back bk guarantee and a 100 day warranty. >> i'm all in. >> there you go. >> sin me up. n.hat cnot lose >> don't lose the coin but i'mnt all in other than that.ther tn h >> what about associates andt ab their commission i wonder.r >> that's not m
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>> i don't care about that. >> all right. r get my car and get oigut thereoe >> all right. >> see ya. >> thanks guys.>>nkys >> sounds like something out ofs the moviesom. desperado police say it reallytr hammed. coming up bob barnard has more s on the violent case full of fulo weapons that was found in theoun woods near the potomac river. rv >> tucker is back with more onh the snow that is headed our wayw when will it fall, how long it will last and what it could i c actually mean for tomorrowomor morning's rush? and fresh at 10a reality star turned white house staff member omarosama joining us live for one of her f first interviews since joiningoi the trump administration officially.officially the role she'll play and theay a important cause she's helping ti tackle. right now it's 9:24 and we willw be right back.
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we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live ream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. this is your last chance to get incredibly fast 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year, plus a 150 dollar visa prepaid card with a two-year agreement. hurry, this amazing offer ends january 21st visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. that's 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79.99 per month. only from fios.
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>> if you were with us a couplee minutes ago melanie alnwick was talking about firefighter who wr fell down under the sidewalk in bethesda and we asked did hee fall through a great. a great he was already inside working. i mel treat tweeted out thisuthi picture from the montgomeryomery county fire and rescue just kin of showing what happens hpe underneath the sidewalk.ew so on the left of that picturefe you can see like a sidewalk grate and then on the righthe there where all the peoplewherae what's actually underneath whenn you walk across them on them sidewalk that's what you'relk t walking over.haover. >> okay.>> good perspective there.he. this one is response to the beating of the disabled man in chicago.o this linda saying it's truly
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people living among us thinks ti treating anyone this way is wayi okay.ok hash tag hate crime a lostos people are saying is it a hatee crime. >> david thinks as well. wel i think the hate crime video iso just that and like maureen saysu the culprits should be charged accordingly.y. >> absolutely. >> when you beat another personp especially a disadvantagedvaag person it's hate. he. i don't care about race that's pure hate.pu h >> that is very good point.oint >> all excellent points.nt >> okay. all right 9:28 is the time. let's switch gears right now talk about some good day sportsd >> all right. good day sports report. we'll begin with college hoopsge right now.. the indefinite suspension ofpeno duke grayson allen over.. grayson that will teach him.h h allen was back on the court forc duke starting last night gameigg against georgia he missed one game for trippingg opponent two weeks a he scored 15 points helping blub definitely to 110-57 victory vio also coach k's last game for for while. he's set to undergo back surgery tomorrow and will be side linedd for up to >> h
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played without them they wouldyu only won by 38. >> i will say this.>> il sa i will go on record saying hed n should have sat more games.e gam i agree.gree the game he missed was a a conference game duke lost it. i. he also was stripped of beingd b captain for the rest of then fo seasreon. i'm just saying, he should havee sat more.e. but there were a couple of other things that did happen.did hapen it wasn't as easy as it seemed.. former washington redskins redin quarterback joe theissman inhein isn't happy with the 49ers decision to cuff colinf c kaepernick an it ward for beingb inspirational and courageous cra player. embattled gw who startedtart national debate by kneelingy kn during the national anthematiolh before games to protest racial l injustice was given the lynn lyn esche montgomery award lastmonto week. achievement considered to be tht team's move prestigious honor. theissman told fox news thatsha quote everybody has the right tt express their opinion but not in the workplace. >> i disagree with what he's saying because this is different than any other workplace. this is football field. he has a format.or >> a platform.or >> a platform. did he a it.t. they gave hm
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award for it. so i don't know what joe theissman is -- i don't knowno what he means by not in the workplace because that's nothat' your typical workplace. wkp >> even if it is the workplace meaning you're being paid by pab somebody to work for them. them. >> right.ig >> his employer is the one thate gave him the award.r gaveim >> exa tctly. they didn't have problem wit ehw it. it why should joe theissman. he doesn't work for the 49ers. >> tom brady anybody want to abw sleep with tom brady? anybodyda out there want to sleep with tot brady?brady? >> why? >> you can kind of because you can sleep in tom b kradiin' pasm mass. >> owe!>> owe >> apparently -- >> in his actual pajamas. >> then his re's his model of p. under armor will make you sleepu better they unveil the athlete recovery sleep wear consumeronsu electronics show yesterday all that fancy stuff on your screene right i don't think you'll actuallyu'a see that but the pjs what they are calling a bio ceramic print that they say acts as a sleeps s aid by regulating cell metabolism and improvingving circulation. now, if that sells you on it ant not just the fact that they are the
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you'll have to pony up between t 80 and 100 bucks to wear the tot brady pj's but tom brady has has been very outspoken aboutn a wanting to get good night's n sleep he apparently goes goes tt bed at 9:00 o'clock every nightg the perfect marketing partner pn for that.ha we'll see who basis them. >> his cells are atas rest. r >> i was reading in a business n journal about this this morning and the under armothr people the higher up there is were even e saying we get the scepticism.cec there were people who were skeptical about it. we put it to theskep test. t people seemed to like it.ik we're putting it out there. >> people used to say that about by my pillow, too.. oh wait that is now proven ton not be -- b >> we were just talking about on unrelated matter this morning.s. i would try them. i'm not going to pay awo hundrer bucks. >> if you're a local company anc want to zen us some. som we'll try them out. we all need to sleep well. >> i would give my pillow a shoo too. send us one. i'll try it and i'm hell you know if you should be in hot water or >> get awa special code. c >> we see it every morning
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>> all right. finally, here we go again. . poor mariah even nba mascots are making fun of her now. n >> this is funny.ny >> san antonio spurs channelingn the pop diva during the half hal time performance wednesday night. you see that crazy coyotes deck out in nude leotard rocking out to ma yi's he starts singing, si you can't hear anything muchg m what's wrong, what's wrong? wro what does the kay yet tee do? ed i'm done with it.t. walks off the court in the in middle of the performance.form while the dancers keep on goingi just like mariah did on new on ye's eve.e. >> you see he moved his back upu singers to the front of the fro court. co >> right. >> that's what happened. >> exactly.>> e >> that made it different. diffe >> here's what i want to know. >> why is he wearing a leotard?? >> if we can get a real world w out of screech or slap shotslapo where do all these outfits for mascots come from. fro >> right.>>ht where do you shop for those? s that's a good question, steve. e >> they seem to be up with thept latest fas. >> wouldn't they have to beldn' custom made.t >> maybe. >> you would think so. >>
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franchise. >> we should see that one again. that was just horrendous.endous >> that was hilarious. gouge my eyes out, >> you already tucker. alr >> i'm good. it.ik it. >> you got your arms up as if you had to something to say. >> i think his mike issues.ue you're background dancers okay.y >> i'm fine i think.nk here we go. actually i thought the outfit o looked great on that mascot,as didn't you.'t. >> um-hmm. >> i thought it was funny.was fy >> i thought it fit well. well. actually enjoying it.g that was good little show. sw. little show weather wise will bi late this afternoon really thiss evening. evening as we're looking at our firsturr snow event of the year for mostr of the area here.hea h i know we've had light snows off on the north and west in theor w month of december but most m everybody should get at least lt some snow shower activity later tonight again steadier lightie g snow expected later tonight witt very light accumulations we're talking more getting out the out broom here than the shovel byany early tomorrow morning.rly rr most of the accumulation betweeu 8:00 o'clock tonight andmu o t 2:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. g that will be prime time. time that's also i just want to wt mention again this is moved upip from where we were yesterdaywers thought it would be afterit be
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i think we could see some snowflakes as early as mentioning again here thiss afternoon with a chance fornc f isn't accumulation by seven,en, 8:00 o'clock tonight. system. s likely gone in fact i guaranteee it will be out of here by sunrise tomorrow, and that is tt great news and we will not havev snowflakes flying for theg for t morning commute tomorrow.omrow i do however think with some ofo the secondary roads getting get covered in snow we may have h travel delays later tonight and early tomorrow morning.or all right. it's cold out stage number one here cold airrr is in place. 32 in washington. washing 28 in gaithersburg.g 29 dulles.. 32 leonardtown fredericksburgrib 32 degrees as well. here's our snow. snow. i have seen some reports out ofr parts of indiana and southern ohio of snow covered roads outot there and this is all headed ind our direction here shortly.. so we're already clouded up here early this morning.this m cloudy throughout the day. day we may get a few snow showerswhe this afternoon our atmosphereos still pretty dry.ill pr dry but you may see a few snowflakea or flurries later today tweet mt tucker fox5 and get t
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the afternoon hours.on hours. again the main event betweennt about 8:00 o'clock tonight and 2:00 o'clock tomorrow future cast let's take a look together. there's our system and there wee are at 6:00 o'clock tonight.on if you're one of our viewers vwe along 81, western maryland,d, cumberland, frost burg, out there you guys of course willrsw get this little sooner. and then pry time for us alongng the 95 corridor between bw 8:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock in the morning just looking at the very latest still on track for an inch of i snow across the area.a. midnight things winding down byn two, 3:00 o'clock it's out ofo't here, and we should be right rit back into sunshine by earlyney tomorrow morning. not at 4:00 a.m. butto by sevenv 8:00 o'clock in the morning thee sun will be up and should bend beautiful day although cold dayd tomorrow for the day on friday.y how much snow we talking about?a get out the broom. bro dust to go about an inch. upper end of the guidance herenh about an inch.ounch. maybe a little bit more thane that off to the north and westnd inch plus maybe a fluffy 2-inches in a few spots out herh we have no advisories locallyory i'm surprised by that. t would not be at all shocked if k the weather service does notoest issue a few a
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afternoon.tern little closer to our region. fast forwarding to saturday wanr to gives you heads up we're nott in the clear with this system oo saturday.turday as it looks like it wants to --- coastal storm here on saturday.a wants to track very close to the area. we'll have a lot of cold air in place.ple. saturday 1:00 o'clock look youo' can see that parts of the area e southern maryland lower easterne shore i'm thinking of could you get in on bands of snow here asa the storm passes off to our easr and it would not take a lot forr that to kind of sneak further to the north and west. so continue to monitor theor forecast here for the weekend. we can have some snows for partp of the area during the day on saturday.satu as that system passes ons o through. all right. there's your seven day. e's theur s other theme cold weatheh here to stay through the weekend daytime highs saturday and sunnd today do you not get above getbe freezing once again here look for snow heaviest of it it will be a period of light snowno starting seven, 8:00 o'clock 8:' tonight through about midnightot 1:00 o'clock in the morning andg i would not be at all surprisedr a few delays tomorrow morningomi with cold temperatures in placee
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guys. i'll give updated at 10am.0am. back to you. >> tucker appreciate it.ecte i 9:36 is the time right now.ightn well it sounds like a scene outt of a movie the movie desperado o woman running along the potomact finds a violent case full of guns. guns. >> this is particularlyisticula unsettling considering how close we are tsiode the inauguration.t who do they belong to and why wy were they here? fox5's bobs bob barnard is on the case for usasr this he joins us live f mrom northweh with the latest. crazy story, bob. >> reporter: yeah, on the case c you figure a violin case. cas the movie i had mind was the godfather.df i mean, literally this was a a violin case with pistols and a long guns and ammunition. apparently, later, park policeie found pails and garbage bags one source tells us there was as homemade silencer among theng te items that were found. found this is a wooded area. basically, along the potomac river, and it was in this area,e just to give an idea, canal roaa is just down below us, you see e bicyclists riding
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there. the person who found this andond right behind there with the the green roof that small buildingll is fletcher's boat house.. the first person who found the first violin case with guns ands ammunition brought it to fletcher's boat house and then d police came out to furtherth investigate. we can show you the video tape from yesterday.terd park police had canal road r blocked off, and that's whens we they found more of this sinistes stuff, weapons and ammunitionmmt when they investigated where this runner said they found the initial violin case. what this was all about, we, don't i mean is this something thatt has been stashed long ago? more recently? was someone planningn to use it on someone else or for hunting? we just don't know. here now is anna rows rs spokesperson with us p police. >> there's no way to know rightr now how long that stuff had beee there and how it came to beam b there. i want to highlight one greatlie thing. th this woman who saw something seg chose to say something.. and as
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gnarring it's very importantt's that we all do that. you know, the citizens out there being our eyes and ears help tol us do a better job of keepingee everyone safe. >> reporter: and again, youin see a violin case you think, oh, some kid that had stolen it sle wasn't thrown here in the woods. let me get it back to them. t and then they open it up and find rifles and pistols and ammunition, guys, so again,, success story if you will but ib begs a lot of questions who waso this, what were they intending n to do with it. were they going to bring it intn the city for some reason? wen?e just don't know. kno but it's a fascinating story ano like you mentioned seems likee something right out of theinri movies. >> totally. >> certainly does.>> my goodness c. >> wow! okay. bob, thank you.ha you >> 9:39 right now. 9:3right >> speaking movies, he's one off the newest additions thens t underworld series it's not the only franchise he's helping to t carry. coming up next kevin sittingit down with actor three yo james.. it's almost 9:40 now.ow
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likens sophisticated.ed >> if i can remove it in time. >> at least -- the least you cau do is attempt to sound reassuring. reassuring >> i'm going to a item not to t kill you.o ll >> the problem with that scene n my wife will watch that scenehan and say kevin how come your body doesn't look like that? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> there are no complaints atom all. >> i feel like --eel like -- >> how long have you been married?ow lon married? >> three months. two months. >> do you think that she's going to watch that scene and not re ink alize there'chs a tha diffec >> there's major difference.iff. i have -- i have a keg he has aa six >> i will say this. i wily t what's interesting about thatngt scene i guaranteed you the screen writer was like, how do,w we get a scene where this shirts less right around it around that scene. >> it work brilliantly.lliantly. >> i'm sure it did. >> theo james known for all thet films he's done allegiance, divergent insurgent films whichh dididn't like. >> i agree with you, kevin. kevn can you believe that?lieve hat? >> you agree?ee? >> we agree.>> wee >> i'm coming over for hug. h >> hug it out. >> no diver
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wisdom. >> you can two can >> theo james in the new movie don't really have much to sayo except for the fact that he tha wears teeth and has contacts cct that make him a hearse talking about that. tbo watch this. >> i'm actually genuinelyenui curious how the eyes and the t teeth work when you're filming'l the movie in regards to is it -i is any of that digital, it'st's practically there? in regards s to like the, are they contacts.a how are they making look the waw it does in the movie.ov >> bit of both.. mainly it's contacts which arewh quiet uncomfortable and give you very restricted laugughter ] >> yeah.>> yeah >> but then occasionally they do digital rendering of it, you i know, because if you have tocauy look at someone and get angry a and then the lights -- the the lights, your eyes change color.l [ laughter ] >> and then the teeth yeah theie specific moldings. mdi i think the funny thing is firss day of filming, you know, withh the underworld franchise every y actor you can hear themeahem strugglingit
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guy giant teeth in their mouthtt trying to say something seriouss but with a giant list and. a >> is it hard to deliver theve e dialogue? like do you have to o do something differently whenfew you're delivering with th teeth? >> you sound like you have s teeth. the character has toouve. >> i guess you have to make sure you wear them otherwise do you sound like, yod know, you've got a piece of cardboard box in your mouth.. >> underworld blood wars opens e up tomorrow in theaters, and we had kate beck ken stale earliere this week. who is incredible.dible we'll hear more about that movie later on this week. this eek. >> review that tomorrow morningo >> yes. before we go there's incrediblei petition out right now for carrie fisher petition and a father of five daughters is created the petition online it's asking disney to make princess lee yea an official disney princess thee same lines as cinderella. >> the first non on any mate. >> right. r the idea behind this i guess a e quote unquote rule that the disney princess has to be animated.anim
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star wars franchise they boughtu lucas film for over $4 billionn in 2012.. so i think the question now is s what do you think? there areree 32,000 people so far over thatt who believe she should be a disney princess i actually agrel with it. i think it's a great i think the character is a rolee model for so many people. ppl i think the idea of being disnee princess is really that idea ofa being a role model. mod what do you think real fast. >> do it. >> why not? >> win for disney.>> they own the rights to it theyt can do what they want.heant. >> i like it. >> more market ability i guessri unless they turn night an a animated thing at some point.e i >> sure. i do thing she's obviously she's passed.ed not just because she passed though because the character ini my opinion is such a great rolel model. now that disney owns it -- >> i think it's a great marketing employ for disney ifes i'm being hospital nest ittal ne appeals to our age. >> you know what i mean? itno appeals to our age. >> listen if you're taking metrg heads up because we have breaking news coming the entiret system is on a delay right now.. yes. according to metro every lin
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now because of a system widee signal problem.robl so metro is telling literallyery everybody in the d.c. marylandyd virginia area heads up if you'ru taking metro, a system widee problem has metro shut down now -- not shut down has metro m delayed for at least 20 minutesn on every line. l heads up there if you're takingn metro this morning. morni. >> 9:47 is the time.. coming up next a few year y revival featuring a whose who wo from the world of gospel andl a this morning we're sitting downw with actress and motivational speaker pre sis la shire.hi ♪♪
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♪♪♪ we just update you on y o breaking news again. do remember if you're headinge e out on metro any time soon, s right now all lines are delayedd up to 20 minutes. system wide due to a signalnal problem.oblem so obviously you'll want tot allow additional travel time ase you head out. we'll keep you posted on how onh things progress. meanwhile, let's head overes to wisdom very special guest. >> very special gift it is ift i you're looking to kick off your 2017 on the right foot, on thent right foot, you should head to a the first baptist church of glenn
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revival. it's a free event. sermons and guest speakers from marvin statue to shirley caesar, bishop jacques, and our next o guest as well. she's big, she's huge. he. i've heard her speak. she's amazing. priscilla shire an actress, motivational speaker best bes selling author and creator off going beyond minute trees. good morning to you.od morning . thank you very much for comingry in m. hanging out with us this morning. >> i have heard you speak and i saw you acting in the war room.o it was a great movie justie jus talking about that. that. >> the success of that movie was surprising you it was a faith fh based movie and it did so well l in the box office. offe. >> it did. all of us had the privilege togt be a part of it. i we're all sitting back goingk gg what? what happened?pened? >> what just happened.d. >> we were so grateful becauseau it really did remind peoplepl about the power of prayer.r. because that's the reality iss prayer works. works if we take it seriously god g hears our prayers and he and h responds.on >> absolutely. >> so let's talk about why yot'u're is n town now. now >> youe
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revival at the first baptist church much glenn a den.glenn a. >> one of my favorite churchescr on the planet.he p >> one of mine, too, how abouttt atat? >> that's where i've heard youed speak before. y amazing talk about what this is going to be about, what peoplet will take away from this oncehi they see you and go to the revival.vival. >> well this revival this evente really is so important becauseta it's a joint revival it's aal i couple of really notableab churches in the area that come together. this is 17 years in in nw that they've done this.hi so a it lone such an incrediblel thing to see two different difrt groups of people from different did he nominations decide forgee all these lines that divide did let's just come together andthnd start the new year off right. rt and so there's going to beo be encouragement, incredible timeee of worship together with togth brothers and sisters in the lorr and just an opportunity to be together over god's word andd a hear weights he wants to say too us. >> in this time where we seee se challenges every time we turn or the tv how do we how do you you reach people and keep encouraging people and kee putting something out there thae they still want to hear becausee your message is getting a
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and it's successful? >> i think wee he remindingindi people there is hope. the is that this is not it. that we're seeing on the news ns what we're hearing on the news n if we put all of our eggs inggsi that basket you're right, lifei is going to be real tough.ou when you recognize there's always hope and it's found inoui our god, when we find that and discover that, it gives i wasivw reason to to live. gives i was reason to get up inn the morning remembering that it's going to be worth rem it.t. >> okay. talk about your going beyond bey minute trees as well. >> going beyond minute trees wei have the privilege of tryinnug g craft and create resources thata will help to encourage people whether it's through bibleh bib studies or writing with thetinge books. we have a children's series s called the prince warrior series for about that eight through 14-year-old range of -- becausee i'm a mom of three boys muchs mc that's my full-time job. job >> that's a real work right wk r there, right?the, r >> that's real work right there. or through materials even likee movies just trying any way we ww can to offer encouragement and offer hope and help people to feel encouraged.elouraged. >> you doing any more movies. me >> you know what i got to film a litt
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called i can only imagine whichh is about that incredible song sn you know i can only imagine. >> right.ight. >> that millions of people havee been so blessed by they're doini a little film about the guy who ote e that. >> okay.>>y. >> so i a have a part in thathat movie i think it will be a great film for people to see.or >> you got books.>> you got you're doing acting much y bou'e doing motivational speaking you're traveling you got aveling family. mily. how do you have time to do all o this stuff? through the grace of god, right? rig >> that's exactly right andightd freak naps.freaaps. >> and freak naps.reak n >> look, thank you very much for coming in and hanging out with h us this morning. continued success with theh the movies, the books everything that you're i'm telling you trust me she's s great speaker.aker. i've seen her numerous times. tm i was so excited when she got ii found out she was coming in.omgi >> you were encouraged justed jt hearing her voice.g her e. >> exactly. >>he's amamazing. >> thank you guys.>> t i love being here.ei her >> come back any time.ome >> we all need hope and you a provide it.ovid it. thank you.thk yo >> maury we all need >>namen. >> absolutely we.>> a to all the time. >> thank you. f you.nk to you toboth o >> she's talking about it wekine have to
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we got news for you coming up aa well metro is running on delaysy mis morning. all over the place. >> literally just system 20 minutes delays right w be aware of that. o t get you latest details at thet top of the 10. >> omarosa got a new job andob a she's coming live to the talk tl talk about what she'll be doing with the new trumphe new trump administration. >> we'll get you go going thisgi morning literally with team familiar they are set up andp a wait until you see setup they have and they'll be rocking outt and we'll tell you how you canln see them not only here buteut elsewhere as well. >> the 9:30 club in nothing give away right now if you want it it is up fornow gra right now. gh our dunkin' donuts good day mug perfect for your dunkin'r donuts coffee head to fox5 our our facebook page to enter the mug contest.. one lucky winner will get that a mug by random drawing get yourr entries in by 11:00 o'clock this morning. right now it's coming up on 9:56. back with the 10a next.
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oh, that's lovely... so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... ...his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird". breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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[ inaudible ]audible ] >> this is the way to start gooo day with a go-go band. [ inaudible ] >> okay.>>kay. hey. hey. >> hey. >> good job. [ applause ] .> good job >> wake and crank good day at 10a with team familiar. familia we'll talk more about knitut k little bit.little b. >> man. playing with familiar team no tm bout about it.t t. >> and familiar tune to someome people who may not go-go musicus but they know that song.t song. this is a is clas >> great way to star the showho today. 10:00 o'clock thanks for being g it us for the tepp a.p i'm stealing along holly, hly maureen and wisdom.isdo first got to get to breakingakig news. >> we've got breaking news fromo system wide delay due to signal problem this is affecting everyy line on the transit system.ysm. erin is joining us now with the latest. what's going on here, erin.
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>> system wide all rails delayed up to 20 minutes because of that signal problem so foror clarification and details, weai have dan stessel on the line l spokesperson with what can you tell us,. us, >> good morning, erin. eri delay up to 20 minutes on allll lines. li it's due to as you reportedte signal problem and what's happening is our rail control center is not currently able to remotely control switches.tcs. so under manual control.ontrol what that means is at placelace where is switches need to moveov in order for trains to beto b properly routed, those trainsran are getting hit with little bit of a delay. so for example, as silver linein train comes in east falls church where that line merges on to the orange line, that switch is is being moved manually now instead of the rail control center being able to do it remotely and and that's adding a few minutes of time to the trip. so right now most trains areraia seeing a 10 to 15 minute delay.y the worst little bit earlierer just the last half hour was up p to 20
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less than that and we do havendh technicians working on therkon e problem right now.. >> aside from the example youxay gave with the silver and/or ando ranch line any particular stopss stations or rail lines impactede more so than others? >> no. it's system wide.'stem the locations where we have have those key switches that need to move east falls church is one, king street is another where the blue and yellow lines come together, stadium armory is another where the orange and silver blue lines come together, so places like that lines merges together are where trains might stop and need to hold for, youu know, between five and 10 minutes for the personnel in the field to move switches so thatth the train can continue on. on >> now do we have any timeline l on when this should be back toko normal or do you think thisr doi could impact the evening rush home? ho >> i don't have a timeline forai we'll certainly pass that along as we get morenl infy orpamatiob as i say, you know, we've gotvet the technicians who are at thert control center right now working on restoring that communicationn >> dan, thank you so much for mr joining us that's dan
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i'll be tracking this on twittet at erin fox5 dc. d up to 20 minutes delays systemye wide across all rail lines foror metro and we'll keep up it dad d on the latest when things getngg back to normal or more m significant delays start tode sa grow. back to you guys. to >> all right, thanks erin. erin. >> scary any time an entire eir system is affectedd >> and they have to go intoo to manual operation. >> stay on top of that and thist our other big story today at at 10:00 the weather because we'ree standing by for a first chance of tucker barnes monitoring it alla morning long joining us nouse with the details. good morning.withod morng >> hey, good looking at all the latest maps updating here, and i think allhi systems go for our first widespread very light snow evens of the season. but it's pretty much a guarantee at this point.oint i'll show it to you on radaru od 's t there. 33 at 10am at reagan national. wind chill 29 degrees.degrees. winds out of the south here at s 5:00 we've clouded up in for f cloudy and chilly day today. day times highs won't get out of the mid theirs.mid tir live look at satellite/radar. you can see the snow back to the
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ohio now. now parts of indiana looking at a light snow and all that trackina in our direction and we cane can expect maybe a flake or twolake during the afternoon hours but b as far as our main event lookntl nor to arrive maybe seven,be 8:00 o'clock tonight. o'cck t so the big change from yesterday we moved it up. up. we moved it forward by aboutybo sick hours. look like by seven, 8:00 o'clocl tonight we'll light snow acrosss the area that will continue into the early morning hours hrs tomorrow. probably till about one, 2:002:0 a.m. how much snow we, looking at light amounts dusting to an inch. it is possible that were you'rer off to the north and west it could be an inch plus or fluffff tee 2-inches in a few spots a sa lot of dry air in place and thee ratios with the snow will bewi b very high.veigh. it's possible we can have moreeh than an inch north andav west.d. but when all is said and donendn here you'll be able to get outet the broom and kind of sweep itdt away it won't be a major eventoe 38 this afternoon.s afternoon cloudy skies out there. there you might see a snow shower shor early but again the main eventte for us between aboutwebout 8:00 o'clock tonight and two t clock tomorrow morning.ning tonight, tha
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through overnight lows belowbew freezing for everybody.. so hey, listen i think thethk t beltway will be in great shape.a the main thoroughfares in washington and the immediate area will be fine. secondary roads though likely ll get covered as temperatures will be below freezing.ow freezing. all right. guys, that's the latest the snow pretty much guarantee weather service likely to puttt out additional weather wther advisories before the noon hourr if that happens i'll show thoseo on tv and put them on myn m facebook page as well tucker tk fox5 you want more info. inf >> sounds good.>> s thank you >> we know any time there's anye snow i mean it's traditionditi around here create a problem.rom doesn't matter how much it is. s >> all bread, milk and toilet tt paper is gone in all groceryro stores as we speak.peak yeses. >> right. >> all it is 10:05.s0: that means it's timing to aheadd and check what's first up formal charges expectec to be filed against fourstou suspects in connection to aion a shocking crime broadcast to thet world on facebook live. liv the video shows the suspectscts beating a development mentallytl disabled man in chicago rippingp his clothes and cutting him with
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police say the suspect made anti trump remarks during the torture which they believe happened ove a a period of one to two days dy where they hell the victim captive.e although president-elect donald trump was mentioned in the-e vio chicago police do not believe be the crime was politically tivated.d. however, there's a big debateige going on on media with manyman saying this should be consideree a hate crime and that if the t roles were reversed with a blaca person tortured by four white suspects that hate crime charges would definitely be on the table. disturbing story all around. look police will get to thee wit bottom of it they'll sort out through owl the people they talt tom it shows four people whows f felt like they needed to beeyeee better than somebody else and a they picked -- >> and put it on social mediaona which is even more awful. aul >> they picked on somebody and, but, man, one of the the disturbing -- everything isng is disturbing about it.stur but one of the disturbing things to metu these people were mamaam your rest video if you watch thh 28 minutes of video majority of the time the camera is pointedot at them. them talking, them showingwi themselves.themes them not -- n
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look what we're doing. >> they're doing anything wrongh taking ownership and being prouo of what they're doing to this t person development mentallyvelo disable. who took hours to even calm doww to the point he could speak aldk word to police after they findhn him wandering in the streetsts after this ordeal ended. eed >> gosh it makes me so pad maddd >> if you think taking advantage of somebody to the point thisnti could scar the rest of their ofe lives much it's a terribleerri situation regardless of race and political anything else. els >> it's crazy.. anyone who could do this you'rey not human any more.e. what did you go through in yourr life that allows to you do thisi to someone else? it's just -- - couldn't watch the video evenve the clips we showed on different programs i couldn't even watch h it. you're looking at someone l thinking that's a human beingoou masuffering how does that move u in any way? >> but, again, i hope they throw the book at them.he >> justice is served. >> broadcasting this as andcastn acting like they're proud of itf is extremely disturbing.. >> people filled with hate forif sure. >> i don't care what was
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i don't know why they did it the it skin matter you can't go cant around being up on people and a putting it on social media.ia that's not right.ight. i don't care what was said. sai >> i agree. okay.kay. let's move up -- on rather.athe next up we're talking aboutbout president obama's white housee u legacy because as his term winds down he will likely be he wiikel remembered as a president thatna didn't shy away from pop culturu from hosting several artists ata the white house to appearancespc on the late night shows hehows e seemed to have a pretty cooloo factor that's for sure.e he slow jammed the news and reaa meme tweets on jimmy kimmel andd appeared with jerry seinfeld ono comedians and cars gettingti coffee. co during presidency he fill out ncaa brackets, the white houseoe created twitter facebook andacek instagram accounts.ount he even was on snap chat. cha definitely a social media med president.esent. >> really is.>>lly >> he was on snap chat. c i got to find him. >> really started -- >> took advantage of that too.
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it comes to inn know veighingsin and high tech gadgets at thehe consumer technology trade things in las vegas. some of these creativere innovations may not be be necessarily practical for your lifestyle some of themsome of definitely not for your budget. but others like the bling home m security cameras, the max si mas mucks flood lights are on the lr market alreae dy. they're just trying to get the word out.word how about a toothbrush thatha actual improves your brushingyoh technique?chni >> okay. >> real deal. pp that will help you get a plus at your nextt dentist visit.t vis this i think what stealing theht cool factor for so many people. because we love our tv's and big lg introduced plans for a new tv device 65-inch screen 2.57-millimeters thin. thi so basically if you think of two or three dimes like thickness oc two or three times.e >> that's how thin it is. >> that's your tv.t's ho>> tt' >>s how does it >> everything is in there supers super thin. it's kind of marketed as wallpaper tv apparently willyil have built
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hgr technology and also and als available in a big giant 77-inch version wisdom so you can seeane everything in 4k glory and justj have it as your wallpaper.. >> our 70th anniversary cake. c. the big fat tv. remember how big they used to ue be. that's incredible to me. >> over all the things tha it hv gotten more expensive tv's havee gotten bigger but lighter,iger thinner and less expensive. y yeah. really expensive when they first come out the latest technology. wait a little >> they flood the market. mket. >> you can get that one. can ge first model for $20. $ >> that's right. >> even you don't have a big olo tube tv still in your house?se? >> ut-oh.>> ut-oh the floor model? >> ut-oh.>>t- >> them fighting words, >> i'm going to move on.o move o keep the piece. the weight loss journey sometimes you can hit a wallt al when you're on it right.ight. this morning dr. row is here to show us what it takes to drop that final stubborn 15. 1 she's going to join us li
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the secret coming up a little lt later. first though omarosa she is livi in the loft. the the former reality star just jus officially joined the trumpthe p administration and she's going e to tell us about the new roleboe and what she plans to focus onoo during her time in d.c. it is 10:11. 111 we're back with her. >> if you didn't get rid of it because it's so heavy, i understand.
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♪♪ all right. r hiredir fire to you former the apprentice contestann omarosa has a new job with her old boss. president-elect donald trump. yell earlier this week thekhe transition team named her the h new director of communicationmun for the office of public liaison. she'll be spending a lot of time in dc when you come to d.c.endil one place you have to be, so s this morning omarosa joins uss live in the loft.n t good morning to you.good m >> i'm back in the loft.'m b >> you're back in the loft andbi back to the white house. hou. how is that for you?ou? >> well, i was last in the whiti house 20 years ago. a so it's great to be back in back with all of my friends ands my family, and back here witheit you all. a. >> absolutely. you've got a lot going i know let me first ask have h thing calmed down a bit during d the campaign people were sayinge you know what she's a turn coata and you were receiving somengom pretty harsh criticism andnd threats. things okay now?gs okaow >> this journey was not easy. 18 months of people, you know, k questioning why would i support donald? why are you -- even evn though you're friends you fendsy
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i'm very loyal person and he's a very loyal person.ern. and i am so proud of my friendri who is now going to be the b 45th president of the unitednid states. >> you've been steadfast in ste talking about his support will be growing and we've seen thatht with some of the numbers support in particular particularly amona minority start to go trendo t towards more positive territoryo you're not surprised at all by that? >> no not at all he's committedt to improving the conditions forf african-americans in thiscan- country and a part of what iampt will be doing is exactly that. a >> i know his vision will be fof this nation will be to start fot all americans.cans >> you're on the campaign,on the you're working with the trump team in the white house.. and personally you're gettinge g maieied. >> i'm getting married. >> yes. you talk about the engagementutg the big day in >> it's coming in april. i'm marying pastor john allenn a new man the pastor of mount calgary baptist church in jacksonville florida.rida i'm so excited about this t chapter of my life. life.
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you're so multi if as is heeds e very interesting.ti. you went to di vin in it schools >> i did. i went to theological school in ohio.ohio ordained baptist minister, minte assistant pastor at well listis street missionary baptist churcu in los angeles. >> military chaplain. something near and dear to yourr heart.. >> i miss my fellow chaplains. s i serve with the californiaalif state military reserve at inn california and i miss thes chaplain core. i miss the work that i do serving the needs of our soldiers and a lot of folksol don't know about how many h m suicides we have. how much struggles that our that soldiers have and that's part oo my calling is working withking h soldiers and making sure theyure have the spiritual care they t need and i miss that.issha >> okay.>> oy. let's talk about getting back tc the white house and can we comec along with you for some, uppingn fun and excitement? can we c w maybe plant the bug in your earr we can maybe do something in the white house with you give us inside look like we've never har
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>> i think it will be fun fornk you all to come.l toe. >> yeah.. >> president-elect trump has a a different perspective about howh we engage with the community. he wants folks the white househe is their house. house this is your house.ouse it's open to you. y and certainly i hope that yout y all will come scene what thee wh trump administration is allstrai about. about. >> you guys are hearing her sayy isis. does it feel different to you 20 years ago and now?? >> it does. ds. because i'm more mature.e i was 24 when i went to the white house. vewas very very young and i didn'try ver really understand e magnitude but it's mostt' mos important work that we can do. d serving our country and i'm so honored president-elect trump-e has asked me to come and to serve in this white house.e h >> why do you want to serve.o s >> why does this drive you. >> i know -- i would think thatt with your -- you have your yr calling in theology and faith based issues, why this?hi >> it's an extension of the work at i i've done. i mean, poverty is one of my central issues and it's, there'e no excuse for any child going to sleep without foo
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lay their head, and we have to fight for the least of these. that's an extension every myverm ministry.ry. no one to see the kind ofd o murders and violence we see inn chicago that's an extension ofen my ministry and the type of worr i'll do in my new role. rol >> got your gown pick off forff the inauguration >> i've have five gowns mc outae for all the gift gallas. >> i'll wear gentlemen van kneen forever. so they've already sent amazingi pieces to me and i cannot wait to dance on the 20th and celebrate this great greatreat suesess. >> plans are moving along a similarly. we hadn't gotten all the details. they're got to be -- there have got to bet to b amazing balls gi down. >> i cannot wait. w i'm actually going to be be participating in the armedin thm services ball. the veterans inaugural ball. b i'll be giving the prayer. the inn vocation.oc >> when you finally areheyou officially in the white house, don't be a stranger.. >> i always come to the loft. l >> we'll call you and we expectp you to answer the phone. pne >> wisdom, holly
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>> we want -- come on now. >> we can extendou an invitation but you'll probably y be a little busy.. >> when marie texted me in the morning we same as always. >> we expect expect that. exp good luck to you andgoodk to congratulations to you.tions tou >> thank you very much.nk very >> one thing about you stand stand your convict it's so it's evident we're so proud of youo y for following your dreams andrem making them come true.king tm >> thank you so much.>> t >> she's coming back inviting in to her wedding are the balls.. >> , oh wait. w >> we got invited to the wed too go? >> i don't know about ya'll.'t i'm talking about me k. >> my friend omarosa. >> i was going to pick out fivev dresses just for your wedding. >> go ahead and talk.ahd and we got things to settle. stl >> less than 100 guests. >> 101. >> steve and i finally wear our white suits.ts >> mentioned 10 sun. >> it will be >> we should do our first zipfi trip of the season at the white house. >> it will be perfect. it ll b >> on the spot. [ laughter ]
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>> and omarosa is gone. g >> it's over. >> thank you. tnk y thanks for coming in.thanks listen it is 10:19 right now. coming up, the celebrity dish ds we'll check in with rossos matthews for look at the storieo he's working on over at at hollywood today live. >> of course we got music todaya we're checking with the guys gus from team familiar they'reiliare getting ready for tomorrow's bib show at verizon center.ow at veo let's hear somen more. ♪♪
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♪♪ we are still following that breaking news from metro.from m. there is a system wide delay dul to a signal problem. proem this is affecting every line onn the transit system. ste erin has been tracking it allg a and she's got an update for us. erin?erin >> that's right holly. t 10:23 right now. we're still hearing delays fromf 10 to 20 minutes across alls a lines. we spoke with spokesperson dansd stessel little bitting a win tht last half hour and he said no anticipated time for when thingi will get back to normal.orma manually operating the switchese now and because oftc that signaa problem allow for extra time.xtt plan across all six rail lines l to leave early get an earlyar start and anticipate no moreate than 20 minute delay per line pl but we'll keep updated on that.t
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on we'll keep you posted on these e delays and that signal problemao until it gets wrapped up. up we'll certainly keep updated. u. back to you guys.. >> appreciate that.e th thank you much. 10:23 right now. n and she has helped dr. oz fanszs lose a combined 5 million poundp guess what this morning she'sors sharing the secrets to shedding those last stubborn final coming up next doctor row joinsi us live with a look how toow overcome the hurdles keeping uss from looking and feeling our our best. best >> and later on, bringing theg t manhunt for the boston marathont bombers to the big screen, actot john goodman and the real life police commissioner he plays in patriots day both going to joint us live coming up. >> cool. ♪♪
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder,
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♪♪ if you've been working on weighh loss the first stages of thest f program can be really excitingin watching pounds come off almostm everybody hits a a plateau andau that's when it's important for to you not give up.e at least according to dr. ravinn in a box known as dr. row.. lose your final 15 in addition to being an author dr. row is aa frequent contributor to the dr. oz show. dr. where she has helped viewersd lose an estimated 5 million pounds.5 million poun >> yeah.ds over 5 million. half million viewers. >> that is a lot of weight.half. >> yeah. y >> all right. he finalhe fve about 15 is actually it kind oft nd follows my motto in life whiche
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is small manageable bits.. >> >> right?ight? >> yes. break it down. >> that's why it works.hat's it it works because you do it in small manageable bits and overno time. >> right.>> >> the fact is, more people whoo lose weight that keep it off are able to dough so because they do it is it small increments. >> because the big amount is too overwhelming.whelmi >> yeah. if you have to lose 45 orr 50 pounds and you get started st and then you give up, after ther first week or a couple of days,f because you feel like you can'tc do it, imagine if it's largerare amount the point is once youe y lose that first if i pounds,iou you've now motivated yourself to keep going. >> absolutely.. >> 15 pounds, 15 days, 15 ds, 1 >> explain that.. >> 15 servings of food a day.. people think diet i'll bet i' starving. the whole point of this dietsie you're going to eat food. f real food.realood. you're not going to drink yourru s.als. >> okay. >> but you'll eat real foods but eat correct size
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so let's talk about what those o are. are. >> okay film what they looky fim like. just to give you visual i want you to be able to recognize thee pourings wet you're at home orer out. whether you're away or itt doesn't matter. let's just say we're talkingng about half cup servesly whole grains. gr or half cup serving of o vegetables. both should be about the diameter of a light bulb. bul >> that's a lot of green beans.. >> isn't it though.>> i >> that would be filling.hat wo >> it's depens outspeak tiff.if justin said to me why are wee eating these little bitty serves. i said because these are the correct you'll have 15 of them a i think it's a lot of green gre beans and by the time you add at salad and add something to theo greens and pro tone that's a toa whole meal. >> you can eat your 15 serves5 v whenever you want throughout thu day. >> yes. >> 15 serves per day. per. >> 15 you can four serves of protein, six serves vegetables.s. low fat dairy. dai. >> gotcha. >> you see what i mean. you s >> iee will to say when i saw te hard cheese a i was like womani and, woman and. >> it's an ounce of cheese and
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to the visual of a looks like a domino. dom >> the visual is helpful. hpf let's do a couple of them.he look a this little bagel here. >> mini >> you've been eating large l bagels because they appear onheo the marketplace the next thing g you were eating a bagel threeagr time the size it should have been. here's what you want on thisave diet and for yourhat yo lu ife y you want your bagel to be ableea to fit on the top of a tuna can. >> okay. that's the size of tuna can.un >> that's the size you need.e su >> yeah f you're having ah f pancake you want it to be thee diameter of a dvd. >> okay. seeee that? >> yeah. >> that's pretty easy. easy >> if you're going to have nutav butter us want it to have abouta the diameter of a ping-ponginng ball. ba yeah. while we're on the subject of'rt fahets, let's talk about like ik you're going to have like butter or a trans fat buttery spread, right, or oil, it should be the diameter of a poker chip. right?gh >> all right.ig. >> and this is what 4 ounces ofc this is 4 ounces of chicken.
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>> isn't it? >> yeah. >> you get four of these a day on a diet. dt >> i can eat that amount oft of chicken four times a day. a day >> four times a day. four s this amount four serves ofur sv protein and the protein rangesae from chicken, fish, meat, ineati fact as i mentioned fish, yourr eye phone is the size of youre o .ish. >> okay. that's 4-ounce portion of fish.. >> imagine a piece of salmon s that's a pretty good peace sizee of salmon.ofal >> isn't it. >> you stick with the 15 theme5 when i love. in your book you twhalk about a exercises work outs you can doad in 15 minutes.utes >> 15 minutes.>> 1minu everyone is time starved no onen has time. you do haven't time to run to the gym i'm giving you exercisec you can burn calories and burn fat with in 15 minutes.inut >> you also talk about which i think a lot of peo wplhie don'tn but equally as important when it comes to your health 15 minutesn of meditation. >> yes, because dieting in andui of itselngf can be stressful.sfl >> um-hmm.>>m- >> right. >> not only that you have the other stresses of your day. etnly th cstalmress to get center to get focused so that tt you get through this process tht best you i give you 1
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meditation.. >> she gives i was lot of fun perks in her book as well andeld also hop on the challenge.llenge issuing a challenge to everyonee >> join the join the final 15 challenge golg to move your final sign up.sign i'm going to support you. weekly.we i'll meet you on facebook. face. i'm going to connect with you on the line.e l i'm going to be sending youe seo information.rmat i'll be chatting with you. y i'm literally going to hold youu hand through this processough ti because i want you to succeed. i want america to get its waitt down 15 pounds at a time.5 po >> there you go. g it was kind of little bit of a misnomer.omer not everybody trying to lose los that final 1 if you need to lose the final 11 it will look. losing it 15 at a a >> at a time. >> you can do it. >>n't run a marathon. thatt 'sru 2n 6 miles,ra right.g >> you run 2 miles 13 >> yes.>> >> yes. love it. >> love you. y >> thank you so much for comings in.o allll right. back on over to you guys. guy >> perfect. >> love the advice. i'll follow it as soon as>> l is finish this bag of m and m'. m
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here. he >> i'm just drinking water,er dr. ro just >> we're all winning because weu get to talk to john he has a new movie out patriotst day about the boss tan mora non bombing. john goodman and ed davis whois was the boston policeice commissioner at a time.a t >> double dose of celebrity doss coming up next take to youe toou hollywood today live with ross s matthews. he's got all the dirt. d we're dirking with him comingomg up. 10:33 is the time. ♪♪ z27mkz z16fz
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>> those are not our guys. a you're not any closer to identifying the two we're looking for. we need to release the pictures. >> if we have release the photos oneatrseolrele.nzerootfying c >> if we over play our head weew may force these guys to reaction. >> boston is working against it. you got a murder no run rats.rur we don't got that problem. proem in this city, when it comes too terrorism, everybody wants to talk. you got a lot of people talkingi about but talking about theg abe wrong people. release the photos of our guyss sit back and listen trust me.e. you got to start letting bostono work for us. u. i'm telling you. >> i understand boston but i i can't just snap my fingers.. this discuss goes all the way up to the attorney general.neral >> i'll call him right now. now this is my bleep city, rick. release the bleep pictures off the. >> strong strong that is clip tp from the new movie patriots dayy tells the story of the 2013 manhunt for the boston
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suspects.. it stars mark wahlberg, john goodman and this morning johnngh goodman and ed davis join us non live with more. mor gentlemen, good morning.ood morn how are you guys? >> guys, can you hear hee missh this morning. >> yes, ca yn you hear.n yo >> we got you now guys, loud and clear.clear >> thanks for joining us thisr s morning. john, i want to start with youhy because the clip we just ran the setup in the scenery lease the t pictures, we were in that a tt a couple of times you were inn command of that scene.ce but you're playing a guy sitting rye next to you.neo yo when you play somebody in real life, how much coordination isis the there between the two of you before you film.m >> there was an l immense about the coordination. the commissioner was very waser generous with his time, and his his knowledge.nowledge. he was a great role model for me and i knew i would always fall short so
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to shoot >> commissioner, i had heard haa that while you guys were talkint you at one point gave john youru cell phone number and said calll me if you need anything.nyth did ever call? cl? >> he did.. we had several conversations asa the film was going through theoe shooting process, and he asked k me a lot of about what i was w feeling in a particular time.r . some of the tech nick calk ca components of how the decisionso are made, how the law is to be followed. so we stayed in close touch andd i think he got it right. right. he nail it. n >> well that's the best praise p that you can get.that y can g john i would think from anybodyy who you are portraying in artra role. one thing that you also nailedod was the act zen.was th how much work went into that and commissioner did he nail the accent? [ laughter ] >> i had very good teacher. she would come every day before we shot and ran the dialoguee with me and it was extremely help
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i don't think in my lifetimeif i'll ever get it right.ight but it was good enough.noug [ laughter ] ] >> when i first met john peternr burg had called me over to meet him, and he was practicing the accent and when i walk in hen turn around and he said i can'ti do this with you here. he [ laughter ] >> interesting relationship.ionp >> you got it, john. joh these are light moments but mom obviously the movie seriousvirio moments commissioner when you look backc on this, would when you get a chance to watch out this reals r life situation you were such aio major part of is portrayed onory the big screen, what do youwhaty think when you're watching thisi the hollywood version of what wa you lived in real life? lif >> well, it's a raw emotional el experience when you watch these things relived. peter and mark did such a greate job of getting the details of the incident right but it bringi back that hem -- bad memories.. so, it's tough to watch. but from me it was cathartic
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it made me see it through theuge eyes of the some of the victimso who suffered a lotme m oore than anybody else, and so because tht united states is still under und this threat, i think it's important to get thisrtanto g information out there.. >> peter burg the film makermak you're referring to really goode at bringing that drama out and a letting people realize thelize t moment or an event through the e emotional aspect of the people who were involved in i do you think that that comesat m across for people who are goingi to see this movie?his movie >> i think it does.oes. the story a little people forcee into heroism not little people but ordinary people forced inton being heroes. >> john, when you watch this movie, i heard that you kind of were had little bit of joltf yourself when you saw the blast of the movie got tow wthatch ia put together on the big screen for the first time. what was that like for to yofou watch it all come together? >> it was amazing to be a part r of something and then finallyn l get to see the whole thing really boosted my admir
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pete burg. b >> all right. all r listen we'll let you guys go.s g real quick before you do that,o, john, i'd be a miss as a fan a f myself if i didn't mention big lebowski i do happen to own a t-shirt. t- we talk to jeff about this in the past. when did you that movie did youd even realize the following itwii would have years and years later? >> oh, absolutely not. it was just having too much funn doing the movie.thmovi well it's a fun movie to watch t and we're really looking forwara to this obviously has serious tonee but from everything we've heard so far reallyea nails it great t talk to both of you gentlemen gm this morning. >> thanks for your time.s thank >> thanks for your time.nks fout patriots day hits theaters in january.y >> all right. time for the good day celebritye dish. when you need to know what'st's happening in hollywood.eninin you go right to the source. sou. joining us now life hollywood today live company home rossnyom matthews. good morning to you. >> good morning to you very v rainy and dark hollywood today.y usually it's so bright and sunny and gorgeous.goeous
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today. >> i know.>> ino there's lot to talk about. i can talk about the weather ala day but i actually really want to talk about mariah carey, isas that okay.ka >> she's getting rained on. g >> i can't stop withet thisti s. girl yes, she is. fallout continues from her on o stage melt down during new year's eve. it was a real mess. the latest person to weigh is her ex-husband music mogu tommy. his opinion he says she needs tt seek the help of professionalsss for guidance. now we don't know if that means,, what kind of, whatd of professional he's talking about' like a new stage managers or, u know -- he wants everyone to get off her back though.f back he says leave her alone. here's his quote. qte it's never about the fall it'sai about the recovery. so this performance might speaks volumes to what's going on. but took a parting shot in her reality show it does nothing for her integrity or
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>> i heard mariah's manager tooo a shot back at tommy referringri to howl he was.l he tommy is a relic or something hh said. did you hear that part ? >> i it's just not pretty.tty. >> no. >> creative director was firedad yesterday.yest there's fallout going on.ngn. and so stay tune. stay it will be very interesting.eres i hope mariah is okay.ka it will be interesting.eresti >> you mentioned pretty. >> mad man star -- say it againn >> you mentioned pretty.. >> talk about january jones.. >> okay. oka i see what you're doing. doing you're doing transition there.. >> okay. speaking of pretty january jones. she's -- she's alone and doing d fine.ine. thank you very much.ank she's 38 years old.she' singles mom. m she's happy and she is content.. she's not looking for partner and doesn't like being set up. she's not swiping right or leftf focused on being a mom. mom which is interesting because b there's so much pressure i thini put on evey
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are you dating? because i'm thm guy putting that pressure on. pn who you dating? are you lookino can i introduce you? sheou s doesn't want any of that stuff.u but she's going to be fun she'se gorgeous whole month name after her. i'm not board about her. >> what's on the show today?t bo >> on -- marriage boot camp andd jt and ashley rosenbaum are here.he it's 20 years since jerry mcguire. jonathan mc nicky is here he'seh above. heooks gooood. sorry about the delay.ay i kept interrupting you.g you >> no. i meant to say sorry about the delay hereay s. he we'll interrupt each other again.agn. hollywood today live much bettet than this interview i thank you ross.k you ross. see you next time. >> love you, bye d.c. >> ♪♪ all right. we want to get back to the get o breaking news with metro.. things seem to be rapidlyapidly improving after a system wide
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all lines. l this happened about an hour agoo trouble was with metro beingro b able to remotely control its rail line switches.ine swit now we are told control is backb with the exception of a few a f switches and most delays arere clearing up. meantime though there's morere breaking news for to us tell you about out of prince george'sof e county. sources tell f ox5 that the fbi is at the offices of the bridges county liquor board conductingdn some sort of investigation.. our anjali hemphill sent us this pictures from those offices affa sign on the door says the office is closed until this afternoon.. our sources also tell us the fbi is at other locations in thehe county that are related to the e liquor board. b. now we expect to learn aboutut arrests in the case in this casc particular later today. later td so you'll want to stayay with f5 d.c. on owl our social platformf we'll update you as informationn comes in. i something going on >> um-hmm.>> 10:45 is the time right now.. coming up a sneak peek at tomorrow's night's wizardard co
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10:47 am
fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live ream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time.
10:48 am
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>> 10:49. tomorrow night at the verizon center go-go a taking center stage all part of new wizardsiga friday nightgo a cpaonrtce ortfs local dj ricco and go go artistt backyard band and team familiarl will rock the main court afterra the wizards face the minnesota timber wolves but first teamve familiar they came to rocks the loft. here to familiar a medley of lock it and living like we owne it please welcome team familiar. ♪♪
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♪♪ i see the light, i'm see thee party light, red and blue and the green. so everybody come on party now, well, if you don't get the helll out of here ♪♪ >> ♪♪ if you want to go-go, lete me know so so so we can get busy hey in d.c. ♪♪ >> ♪♪ no, new york city you wann to go, go, rocking to the beat. ♪♪
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>> aww. >> like how i put that at the.i end.d >> what's happening?t's ppen >> welcome. >> look i go that way introduceu everybody.. >> that's my man scooby. sob this is miss kim, this is my man o, this is legendary go-go mickey, that's jamming jeff, big mike, rodney, kelly mine man sean.. >> ya'll will be at the verizonn center. >> verizon center friday night. >> how exciting are you to be a part of this.apa of >> unbelievable for me.elble back in the late '80s we used tt be at the capitol centerter performing out there so this iss almost the next best thing fornf us. us it's going to be real big deal.. we going to play directly aftera the wizards game all the people got to do is buy a tick they get to see us, they get to see backyard. it will be a party. party >> one big party. >> here's the how do you distinguish yourselff as a go-go band from other go-go bands. >> we the grown and sexy. sex we're the best of the grown anda sexy. that's how we distinguishdi >> it's that simple. is >> everybody puts a differentif
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the percussion and the drums. du chuck brown would put jazz onazn top. >> right. >> backyard puts rap on top. ot. >> we put r and b on top. t >> when people come to see you, they leave, in addition to theie basketball game, what are theya going to take away there this. >> backyard and team familiaril got the best parties in thisn ti city. [ laughter ] >> that's simple?im >> it's that simple. i wizards are going to win.o >> and the wizards are going to >> absolutely. >> thank you very much for you coming in. th ank you for having us. >> put the familiar back up on o the screen if we can. can. go down to the wizards game g friday night 7:00 p.m. wizards beating the timberwolves. [ applause ] ] >> let's go! g >> we got the music.thusic we got the game. game. >> yes, sir.>> yes, sir. >> all right. all thank you very much for coming in. we appreciate your time this rrt morning. >> all right.ll rig. >> grown and sexy that's whatha people often say about you tuckc >> when i walk down the street.e >> all the time.ll the t >> is that what they say. s >> we're interested in what youe have to say about wd eather. weh >> snow coming in late thise ts afternoon and this evening primp time not lot but dust to goto about an inch. i maybe a few spots get an inch
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