tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX January 5, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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sue you were telling us it'swes all about the >> it really is is jim marina this is not going to beig a big snow we know that and there's been a lot of dry air ar around so we've had a little lit wave come through a few hoursrs ago but a a lot of it driedried up.up but the winter weatherr advisory is in effect forsory i parts of os ur area until 5:000 a.m. tomorrow. this winter weather advisoryer h got issued earerlier today and a it does include westernrn portions of howard, western montgomery, western loudoun ldo those are areas where youou could get an inch or two ando ad again the bulk of this holding h off for a couple more hours soro what we had come through come tu didn't really cause any't reacas problems and that's greats grea because while we still havellav some flurries just east of theaf district and down to the south, it's just been so fine bf and so light it really hasn'ty been able to stick so put this in motion you can watch thatcan going by. now we're getting a little bitte of a break but the main actionno still out to our west so west so you'll be able to see thatsehat here look out toward ohiohio western pennsylvania into westat virginia, that is going to bethn moving in our direction.on
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8 o'clock tonight until aboutilt 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock in theloe morning. temperatures are superures sup important and it is cold outits there and once it does startsta to snow this is going to t stick. ick. there will be some slick spotspo on untreated surfaces butfaces you've seen these road crews,re they have been scrambling theyit don't want an inch of snow tonot cause problems so they're t trying to get ahead of it and hopefully the timing will beg lb good that the road crews willt e be out there working overnightvn to keep you safe tomorrowro inrning. but it's already 30 in gaithersburg, 31 in dulles, 30s, at frederick and we're headed ha for the 20's once the snow t s gets started so a look allooal right evening planner so you have an idea of what you need yn get through for the next the n several we'll probably see flurriesur around 7 o'clock with a temperature of 32.ou by 7te 9 o'clock it's snowing, and by 11 o'clock, ito'clock, continues snowing atco 30 dntegrees as we head for theo 20's overnight.rnht it's all about tomorrowll abo tr morning.rng. we've got gary mcgrady gary mcgd standing by.standi by. gary great to have you back onou the evening shift. >> thank you.
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>> hello you're outside.lo you' >> i got a newou hat. >> you don't have your fedoraeda anymore gary.ymore gary. >> maybe, maybe, mae not >> you should have talked tove o me about this. >> trying something not sure it works. w >> hats matter.>> hats matte >> in rehearsal it was snowing s so that's just the way that was. it's not snowing now. >> i love the hat.>> >> thank you. obviously. i want to show you wisconsinnsin is fine and there's a lot of treatment down. d as a matter of fact on the sidewalk this is heavily treated too which is all goowadg as we mentioned before this isei a timing issue.g iss. we don't want it to snowo s during the commute hours so hopefully basically the steady d snow will wait until after the e commute. we did lay it out though.houg look at all this wardrobe for fox5 laid it out. out whatever i needed, had it all i figured out snow pants big snow galoshes and here is thee trusted fedora so i'm notm getting away from this. this. i've been wearing this almost a 10 years. i'm going to go back to it.o i i think later on this evening ee when i'm out here we'llerwe probable have some snow on thewn rim. let's go quickly and showly andw what's going on now. i think in terms ofwh oaturur temp
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es, dropping, okay, and most ofay, s the northwestern areas as you a saw down below freezing.rein so watch out for that. look, steadier light snow.htno it's not going to be heavy butut the steadier stuff starts toffta roll in after 8 o'clock, 8lo western suburbs maybe by 7 o'clock, all right. rht most of this accumulationulio anywhere between a dusting and up to two between about 8:00 p.m. and 3 a.m. hopefully thisly cuts off before we get to the ge morning commute. amond accumulationsns generally speaking we'rere talking across the area a a dusting to 2-inches. 2-ihe here it is specifically.cifica here in the d.c. area we're talking a dusting to maybe up dg to 1 inch, all right. r you start getting up intop int montgomery county, howardow county, really where this t weather advisory is and we're talking about the potentialen for maybe as much as 2-inches of it's going to be right andight a fluffy, easy to move tomorrow tw morning off the car, theth car sidewalk or the drive way sow s don't worry about that.ha and then tomorrow we'll get a tr little sunshine and hope toro sn melt this out.d hopelt t listen, again, it's all abou
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timing. our own lauren demarco is outs roving reporter this eveningepor looking for some snow. we're going to toss it over totv her. he lauren, where are you and whatnd are you seeing i guess that's g' the obvious question. >> reporter: hey, we are on outbound southeast-southwest sou freeway. what i'm seeing is a lot of traffic that's just your jusour typical rush hour.ty look at the sky, we've been b seeing some gray skies aroundkio town and we had some flurriese r earlier but it's actually actuay tapered off right now sod oft no everything is dry t you also, though, see that the roadsoa have been pretreated andd and that's the case all around ourur region.regi the good news is as we've been reporting that because of thise is an event that's going tong t start with snow and not with w rain crews were able too pretreat the roads which helps h because they don't have to t play catchup later on. o they're creating that layer tote stop the adhesive of the snow onto the pavement and sort of prevent things.hi then they can come around androa do more work, plow to get it g i off. here in the district they usedcs a
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that helps the freezing. fezin there are more than 220 plows at their posts ready to go.dy t the district snow team hasst been deployed.rien same story in northern virginia, more than 1100ha11 pieces of equipment ready tof um go and be on the roads and inndi maryland the same deal.e dea we've been talking with w maryland state highway andhway they pretreated as well. just again happy that they'ret able to do that because of theut conditions that we're going to o see with the snow and it's nottn going to be one of thosee one o events that we normally haveyav where it's the rain first andt d we're dealing with all of that ice. but so far so good as far asar s the rush hour. l at ur noking at your norma traffic here and we will we wil continue to update you along the way.ay back to you in the studio.tu >> all right, lauren demarco there heading into virginia out of the district. we're now following breakingoutn news tonight outg of charles cl county where a short time ago te a school bus was involved inolvn an accident.cciden the bus overturned after iter it collided with another vehicle v at the intersection ofion o bryantown road and hunter hillui place in waldorf.e three people were on the bus.e n
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vehicle. all of them suffered minor min injuries and the cause of that t accident remains underns u investigation. we have a crew heading that t way and as soon as we get more m information we'll keep youp posted.. >> a huge bribery scam he br revealed in prince george'sed i county today. right now four people haven now fo charged with briberybrib conspiracy. two of them state appointedpped members of the prince george's e county liquor board.county >> but the biggest part of theaf story is yet to come. com prosecutors expect to chargeha at least two elected fishes insi connection to the scandal. fox5's matt auckland is liveland at the federal i courthouse ino greenbelt with more.wi mor hey, matt. >> reporter: hey, marina,a, yeah we don't know at this point who those electedle officials r the reason why thehe u.s. attorney today said that st he won't release those details i until these people arepl charged. but as you were saying, fouringu people have been arrested. aes officials came here to theme her federal courthouse inus greenbelt and laid out the plan. federal and local officials offs walked out of federal court to announce a bribery scheme they e say was abt
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for votes.ot >> our goal is to put fear fea into the criminals who are out there committing corruption.g cr we want them to be worriedbe w that we're in theth we' neighborhood. >> reporter: all over princepr george's county federal andder a local officials carried out card raids at two liquor stores, a salvage yard in capitoln capitol heights and at the liquor board headquarters. prince george's county liquoriq board officials davidson andnd andrew sud were arrested asrresd well as liquor store owners young paig and shin lee.n l federal officials say much of m the wrongdoing appears to be connected to the sunday salesyas bill. bi this law allows a certains aer number of liquor stores to sell on sunday.unda the push was to get moreetor stores allowed under the law. l >> it alleges that beginning in 2012, there were bribeser that were paid in return for f grants and other governmentererm assistance and then the and tn h references to liquor sales s arise more recently in 2015 i20
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was state legislation thatate involved about a hundred hun liquor licenses in prince ipr george's county. >> reporter: officials say the defendants named todaynd nad helped carry out one to 5,000-dollar cash bribes toar cs local and state officials. the feds say at one lunch withec an elected official, a $4,000 $, cash bribe was handed to the elected official in the men's bathroom. >> this conduct is not thi tolerated. those days are over in prince ir george's county. and we will hold accountable ace those who feel that that's appropriate. ackkeporter: all right, b live here at the federal courthouse in greenbelt.thse for those of you who havethose lived here for many years backk in 2011 this is where jack j johnson the former county executive here at prince george's county came out after pleading guilty to corruptionton charges. one thing that a person inn government here inside thee county executive's office told me today, it's important tort keep in mind that these twohe t people who were arrested todaydd
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governor, not by the countyhe c executive even though it's the ' prince george's county liquoriqo board, these people wereple w appointed by the state.tate. one more note before we leave you. these two state officialse offis possibly state officials whoffis could be charged in the ced i future, the reason why we'rewhyw led to believe they'reve possibly state is because thishs bill that was being voted oned n was at the state level. level i was told by a source that possibly those charges could chg come as early as next week. wee. live in prince george'sce g county, matt ackland fox5 local news. >> ♪♪ >> u.s. park police trying to t solve a mystery tonight.myst who left weapons including incdi what appear to be a number of homemade silencers in a wooded o area near never's boathouse.ou >> that discovery was made by a hiker. paul wagner joins us inul wag nortnehwest tonight with that t story. hey, paul. paul. >> reporter: a hey jim and marina.. we have been diging into this
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new information.mati this is the wooded area where the hiker found that violinio case yesterday morning pickedngp it up took it over to ao national park serviceervi employee, opened it up and up a inside was a weapon. w we understand that that weaponeo was an assault weapon possiblybl an ak-47. it's its been described asscbed possibly an sks. sks. i want to show you where we whee are now on a map because it's not an area where that peoplethp normally would be hiking.ik we're right here just west of fletchers boathouse where the blue dot is in this very smallvl stretch of wooded area in in between the canal and canal road. not an area again where whe there's any actual hiking h trails.ails. so, the actual weapons and the t violin case were found just j west of here. he we want to play you now what w sergeant anna rose from theom u.s. park police had to sayo about this yeste afternoon. >> we found i think it was at least two weapons insid eund i the violin case and the woman thatan
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hiking in the area saw thisaw t pile of debris kind of alongflo canal road near the stone wall w and she brought the violin case down to fletcher's boats louse to tell us hey i foundey this stuff so we responded.esndd we found -- we recovered the violin case with the weaponspo inside and then we responded r to the area where she found s f the weapons. weapo >> reporter: now, here's a picture of that violin case. c when you take a really goodll close look at it, it doesn't doe look weathered, it doesn't doest look like it was sitting oute s here in the wooded area for aor very long time. t it also looks like it has some s duct tape on it. tape it. now, this is what we've alsolso learned from sources who weres w on the scene.. what we understand is thatand it there were these what they'vehe' been described as homemade silencers.sile now, these people that saw s them didn't actually examine exa them but saw them and indicated that that's what what they appeared to be. we checked with park police today and thecked w atf. a they declined to confirm thatfia that is exactly what theyhat thy found but that is a troubli
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aspect of this cache ofe weapons. we also were told that theyy also found a what washat w described as a 5-gallon bucketet with a lot of ammunition inside as well as a a l couple f handguns and that there wastherw other ammunition that wasthat w wrapped in duct tape. d they described it as beingng very heavy. heavy. there were other weapons as otha well. now, we tried to get an exactct accounting today from the park police and from the atf on exactly how many weapons they found out here but they declined to comment.o commnt. they declined to give us anyivea new information whatsoever at at all. they also declined to enocho down what their theory mightormi be in this case and this ishi i what has concerned a lot ofrnedl cops that we talked to today, ty that this was some kind of a a drop perhaps for an attack fortf an ambush on cops, for perhaps a an attack on a nightclub orhtclo having something to do with to o the inauguration.ugurat that was the concern. so, we presented our questions t to the u.s. park police and toed the atf today
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declined to say anythingline further about this. they say they're investigatingd it and thafut's asrthe fary' ast today and that's what we doo know. live just west of fletcherstches boathouse, paul wagner fox5 local news.ews. >> ahead at 5:00 electionio >> tom fitzgerald live tonightd on capitol hill with that one. hey, fitz. >> reporter: marina, jim, marinj what is it that u.s. officialsic know and do not know about a these allegations aboutnsbout hacking? we heard somerdom surprising news today from the top intelligence official inia the united states government. we're going to bring that toed you in staing just a minute. marina.marina. >> several groups grantedra permits to protest onrotest on inauguration day some of them s expecting over a hundred a hundr thousand demonstrators wherers e some of the largest gatheringsng will be kicking off.cking >> did you see this one today? i a huge mistake made by a local l paper.per. >> uh-oh. >> do you see what might be the issyou seuer. >> yes. >> we'll tell you about the error on the latest issue and ll tele and it has some people calling the paper sexist.r sexis we'll explain coming up. >> ♪♪ ♪♪
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the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪♪ >> weeks of investigations and claims into russianinve election hacking the director of intelligence is saying u.s. u.s had no way of gauging.auging >> remarks came during aar c hearing on capitol hill. capitol tom fitzgerald a live at theat t
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tom we're hearing and learningin more about what the realea motive in this really mightyight have been. >> reporter: yeah, marina, there is ater: lot to unpack up here. here. consider the position that russia hacked the 2016 election to elect donald trump, it's repeated up here on capitol hill so often that ta it is become accepted fact fac amongst many democrats and republicans.ans. but under testimony today, toda, james clapper, the director of f national intelligence said ind n fact russia may have hadad several motives for engagingngin this kind of activity and as ana to the election of donald trump, he said flatly, notot only did the united states stes officials have no evidencevi that russia's activity influenced any voters, they do or do not know exactly what what that activity played in thelad n election of donald trump. >> first, we cannot say theyy did not change ny
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tallies or anything of that sort. we have -- we have no way of o gauging the impact tt tha certainly intelligence community can't gauge the g impact it had on choices the the electorate there's now know way for to us o gauge that. gauge that. >> reporter: all right. so, that was one exchange.eporte and wconsider thisas o one. o donald trump, he's beenn tweeting about julian assangeas lately and senator john mccain c wanted to know about that. about he wanted to know what clapper r thought about somebody like julian assange who is hold upld in the ecuadorian embassy inn london tonight facing sexualua assault charges over in europe, what he thinks of the incoming president-elect giving credence to assange's positions over 17 u.s. intelligence agencies.ges. here's what clapper had to say s about that.t that. >> you say you think this was approved at the highest level of government in russia generally
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right? >> that's what we said. we sa. >> okay. who is the highest level of lelo government? >> el were, the highest is president putin. >> do you think a lot happens in russia big that he doesn'tthn know about? about >> not very many.y. >> yeah, i don't think so. so. >> certainly none that areinly h politically sensitive inive in another country. country >> reporter: and the finalr: anf question is this.hi what has all of this done too the psyche of u.s. intelligence officials men and d women many of whom aree veterans working under these the conditions when theirnheir motivations have been questioned. clapper said that there is a very bigid t difference between being suspect of informationnfon that is coming in and being disparaging of informationnforma that's coming in and he had h very pointed things to says to s about how u.s. intelligence workers have been processing pss this flood of criticism aboutbo what they have found out.ut >> the name mr. assange hasange popped up and i believe thatve a he is one who is responsibleespb for publishing
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individuals that work for usor u that put their lives in direct danger; is that correct? >> yes, it has. >> and do you think thatha there's any credibility wedibi should attach to this individual given his record of -- of --f -- >> not in my view. m vie >> reporter: so, at the endt the of the day what did we finde f out up here today with these wih hearings? well, we found out this. time and time again, we haveweav learned that the obama administration, according totioc these officials, had beenls, han dealing with these cyber intrusions whether they're from russia, whether w they're from north korea, whether wth they're from china on a case-by-case basis. senator mccain said there isca i no one overall strategy at the e obama administration has put into effect. effec both sides say that has to t ange.e. what's next on all of this? oi well, there's going to be a goie very big report coming outg here next week and director diro clapper says that that will w outline several, not
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several motives for theses forhe foreign intrusions that have been going on. the hillheiltrus tonight, tom fitzgerald fox5 local news. ns. >> ♪♪>> >> hundreds of thousandshoan expected to travel to the to avl district for the inauguration.u. >> while some will be here towie celebrate donald trump others oh of course coming to protest. pre >> more than 25 organizations have a permit to protest onermi the day of thet inauguration on the days surrounding it.dingt. >> here's a look at some ofsomeo the largest gathering.ri the women's march will be onene of the biggest demonstrationsonn slated for january 21st theuaryt day after trump takes office.ic organizers expect more thanrs ep 200,000 people to show up. >> then the american american constitution society and a pro c life group expecting 50,000ting, people a piece and you can see e it here a couple of otherfth groups expecting more thanore ta 20,000 people.20 peo >> while most of the proteststes respect anti-trump we know atwea least three organizations with w permits that are holding aoldi demonstrations in support ofiopp trump. now, the president-elect willnte attend a series of inauguralnaul balls on january 20th of 20t course in the evening and tmz reporting one will be about aboa place rather that
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familiar with, new york, the event known as the big apple ball will feature ftu several new york city iconss including massive cutouts ofouts the empire state building anduia the statue of liberty.iber. the theme of the event will benw a line from the classic sinatra song new york, new york. if i can make there it i canan make it anywhere.e. >> you're fired my friend. frien some big changes to the skinshei front office.t >> we'll tell you how that news could affect some of the te team's biggest name players.lay. >> and ending peanut allergies.le why experts say give your kids k peanuts to stop the popular reactions. >> and the gift that keeps on listening. could amazon's alexa be a a witness in a murder case? cas we're back after this.s. >> ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> it was one of the hotteston gift this holiday seasone his d talking about amazon's alexa. aa now the popular high techh t personal assistant is taking tak center snatch a first degreetch murder investigation. police are asking amazonrder i t unlock audio sent to its cloudtd servers to help solve a murdermr mystery in arkansas according to court documents thatuments tt bentonville arkansas man had mah some friends over to watcho wath football game and in thehe morning one of the friends was s found dead in a hot tub. police found the amazon echon ho device in that home and now andn they're focused on determiningeg if the virtual assistant recorded any you may have seen the speakers r in this t they have a newer one. newer one this is only 40 bucks plugs inli has a speaker in it.n with the new case a lot oflo questions are swirling aboutwirl voice activated devices and ifef your privacy is protected ifprof u u use them. joining us now via skype isky text expert pete erickson.riso pete, how are >> hey, doing well. >> we werete>> hey having thisii discussion in the news room innh the studio right now so alexa remotes controlled by v
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is this something we should beob concerned to you. >> absolutely we're in this thi newer ran the ces show isces sh going on next week and alexale is all over the place andlace a really more than just alex is a that correct, sir just voicect interactivity is all over the, a place an od it really invites -s it's another level of privacyva that we need to be thinking tnk about definitely. >> all right.ight. so, having -- you use o, i use one and when you asksk questions it stores it in inn the app right. right. >> that's right.hat's rig >> does it go into a big cloud d that amazon can tap into as a well or is it sort of caughtau up in our own cloud. cloud >> when you're talking to alexa she's processing a lot of information and i'm going i'g to go ahead and mute mine mutmi right now because she'sus listening to me when i say her name.e. and i'm sure we just triggeredrr a lot of alexas out there. >> right. >> but, you know, so myy apologies to the folks and the e viewers.ewer yes, the informationorma absolutely goes to the cloud. there's not enough processing power inside oft enou alexa or h dot or a phone or
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that is -- that's listening tont us and, you know, at ces youou see all these devices whether wr it's in car or refrigeratorgerao appliance or what have youe or that are now alexa ale neighborhood or voicehb neighborhood, theor processingcn power exists in the cloud sooudo your voice goes into the cloudo and that's where the answers the come from. come from. >> so, really though i mean you consider for advertisingdvei purposes i know when i look upok something on my phone from from amazon and log into my work w computer because it's loggedlo in the same account suddenlysude i'm seeing those here at is this something in theth really the future of these like it or not this is thiss sticking around isn't it. >> this is sticking around aroun voice interactivity is here toe state.stat it's really the new interface. and, yes, it's definitelyefel something that we need to bee ne aware of. we did aaw slow not too recentll talking about the fact that, tha you know, we -- we allow all certain apps to listen to or tor phone conversations and pick up what ourersa preferences ares and start selling us products pr based on t
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really good question because i e know somebody here at the station who went from anomeb iphone to an android device dic 'cause he was concerned thated t there were so many devices, soio many apps out there that might tap into what you're saying or what you're doingt yo on completely independent apps he wasn't noticing a bit of redundancy there.ancy t. >> look, i think that what it tt comes down to is you've got toet look at the privacy policies poe of the apps you're using. >> and don't just scan throughot it. >> don't just scan through.hrou you have to look at that and alexa, you can erase your yr history. i would -- and in other apps otp you can as caas w just it's a time to be gilalant. anything you say is going to the cloud and it -- you know, k, we've all been victims of o hacking i think at this point. p >> right, right.ight, righ >> we are in a new era but b these are great they definitely bring a lot of f convenience and fun.nv >> there's that part toarto enjoy as well. wel >> absolutely. hey, pete we appreciate it.e wea this is something we certainlyty could talk for hours on b
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couple minutes. pete erickson thank you veryyovy much. see you soon.see >> thank you very much. >> marina. >> jim keep that alexa on. closureeep tonight for a a family who lost a loved oneovedo back in 2005. 2 how investigators were able tobt solve the cold case more thane n 10 years later. >> ♪♪>> ♪ and four charged a beatinghi crime that was streamed live on facebook. what officials said about that hate crime. ls s ronica. ric >>maey, marina. we just arrived in this sleepyse town in arlington but let mee tell you it's not going to be b sleepy much longer. lger. candidate for virginia'sgia' governor is going to be here.toe we're going to chat with himha live after the break. >> ♪♪
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a murder case that had gonead cold. a d.c. plan is charged in the t stabbing death of brian moses.os moses was found with stab wh wounds in a car back in 2005. i2 fast forward to march of 2016. investigators able to find new witnesses who helped solve thee case. moses family joined police today to announce thefami indictment. >> three adults and a>> t 17hr-year-old were arrested inrn connection with a shooting in .anassas. police think the two people p arrested carried out the attack and thested others were waiting in the getaway car. car detectives say that was gangwa g relateed. >> a school bus was involved in an accident.oos then bacus ociverturned after collided with another vehicle ve at the intersection of briantown road and hunter hillll place in three people were on that two others in the secondecond vehicle.hicl all suffered minor injuries. iu. a cause of the accident still under investigation.tion and you may still bey stil reco
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presidential race but if youacty live in virginia, the race forer governor is just getting governor terry mcauliffe cannot run again due to term tor limit. li >> which means every four years the field is widehich m oo for both democrats and republicans. fox5's political reporterepor ronica cleary live in arlington with a look at thehe state of the race and the an latest candidate to throw throw their hat in the ring. virginia is one of the fewe he f states that it's just one termer and you're out. >> reporter: yes, it is un rique and let me tellepor yoy jim and marine marks it justs ij got a lot more interesting.esng okay so if you feel like tol ke november governor's race in i virginia is a lifetime away we y just got out of the thatf that presidential race, it's reallyll not. you got the primary coming upin in june and things for thisor ti primary just got a lot more i want to take you through the candidates. there's already been a lot ofale talk about the republicans.ady t let'hes rep start with ed gille. now ed gillespie he is theshe frontrunner in the race. r there was a december dem quinnipiac poll where he hadere the majority of the support spo but there were over 50 percent e of the repub
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polled in that quinnipiac poll that were still undecided.ided obviously a lot could other names in gop race congressman rob whitman frankn wagner and prince willwhiamitric county board of supervisorsupsos chair corey stewart.y stt. now, the democrats. democrats this is where it just got very interesting. it looked like it was going to be an easylike victory for lieutenant governor ralphte he has the support of governor r mccall senator tim kaine andne seemed like it could be a natural progression from theogr role of lieutenant governor toet governor but today for gmeovr congressman tom perriello.riel >> i fight because being raised in charlottesville in the shadow of thomasn ch jeffern and barbara johns i was taught that our democracy our democ commonwealth is not a giftgif from our elder
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it's a charge we're given to protect and expand with each generationism this quiet q sleepy town in arlington, arlin he'll be here tonight havinght n an education round table and t we want you to know thesew candidates. we just went through agh presidential race where there wt were so many people to get to to know in that we want to make sure you knowyok who is running in virginia virgi here as well so we arere inviting each and everyve candidate for have a have'sate governor to come on our showhavo and guess who we're starting srg with the most recent person to e get in the race tom perriello.l. we'll interview him live on 5e o at 6:30 right here. you don't want to miss it. if you have any questions fornsr him tweet me. don't forget to use that #5 at 6:30. 6: reporting in arlington ronica rc cleary fox5 local news. n >> on capitol hill today acapito show of support for the affordable care act. a members of moms risi. were there to speak with lawmakers about why they do not want obama
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weakened.aken they shared personal experience of moms and dadsen from all 50ce o states. yesterday vice president electve mike pence says repeeling and replacing obamacare would beg ob their first order of businessrsb after inauguration. the director of moms spoke with fox5 withf about her personal story and why keeping obamacare is somaca important to her >> found out when my son was w born not until he was born w bor that he had a benign vascular vu tumor that was going to gng t require chemotherapy.requ he's now 10 years old and perfectly hir neaowlt 1hy but is thanks to medicaid that wethat were able to save his life anded also thanks to the affordableffa care act, the preexistingexistig condition he was born with w won't affect him for the restctt of his life. l >> her son went through a yearrr of chemotherapy and two totheran three years ofd occupationalup physical as well as speech as sc therapy during his recovery. >> new federal guidelines issued today recommend exposing babies to peanutsng bab early on to prevent a possiblebl allergy to the food. the food.
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institutes of health research rc found allowing babies to eatso t foods containing peanutsg anuts before their first birthday dramatically lowered their chances of becomingical allergir researchers say in each case eh infants should start with solid foods before they'refood introduced to food thato food tt contains peanuts.ns pea they also say all parentsll par should plan a visit to their the pediatrician before anythingnytn is tried without medicalut mic supervision. something that obviously these days. >> very interesting.res >> one of throws things we mentioned this befor oef not an lot of us grew up around kids with peanut allergies. it's more prevalent. prele >> coming up we know from theg f past history that off season sea with the redskins is rekins everything but dull. b dul i would say painful.y pain. >> yeah, painfully difficult.lyi today case in point brodyy casei logan breaks down the changesn a and what it means for thens fort redskins next in sports.kiext he's hatless. hle gary is back in studio.tu >> that's right a littlehat's t warmer,, listen we got one lit
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of snow showers move thw ere's more on the way.e's me i think the main action getsnet started later this evening.veni how much are we going to get aro and the most importantmp question, will this be out of, i here for the morning commute? nc those details all coming up inp weather coming up up ne. stay with us. >> ♪♪
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the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. >> i always wonder when we gets this shot should we be doingwo something? should we be doingeb the wave? should we bee walking? we're just sitting here. here. talk about cookies. >> how you doing gary. >> you're allowed to do a snow s dance at any time.da >> that's the one thing i don't do.hat's they're trying to get me todon'e dance on camera and they've ande not caught me just sit right here.ere. >> we'll get you. >> that's a challenge.e'll gs a. >> so, all i'm thinking is i know we're not looking at a blizzard by any
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imagination but that one dayn by before the blizzard back in t januaryhe b where we got about t inch or snow -- sw >> it doesn't take much in this area to completely shutel u down everything. >> it's all abouryt timing. >> right. >> we've managed to get through most of the evening we'v commute. i think we're good for the evening commute, all right.k we >> perfect. >> western counties and we'll watch that.rn and then we go ct toou get all g this out of here by early, ear early tomorrow morning, okayng,y and i think we're going to beine able to do tha'rt ae s well. so, just so you know. kno in terms of, you know, kind ofin where we are, i think what's wts important here, too, iss temperatures. it's so cold. it's been really, eally coldy col today and it's going tooing continue to be cold, too. to be, we're still sitting at 35 here h now in town so not a problemro for us here. it's not even snowing yet.owg yt once the snow comes across icros think most of us will be at freezing if not below and youel can already see north and westn all these numbers up there are e below freezing.wre all right. so, one little wave has movedovd through. that's the little flurryittle fl activity, snow shower thatwer came by. i don't think it was enough tonh white the ground but i did getit some pictures
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there's been a little bit one b the dirt, a little bit on theito grassy areas, a slight, a slight accumulation and most of thattia was north andnd m west. wes here we are now.e are now you can see another round isr ri coming in along 81 now.1 n it's kind of been getting to the mountains and falling we have a lot of dry air at a a the lower levels of the the atmosphere. so, getting the snow aloftnoal down to the ground is going to g be a challenge for the nextor t couple of hours. but we still anticipate thereatt with this next round coming, c and there's still a lot morelo back out to the west. out te you see all this in southernther ohio, coming through west virginia, that's the main part of the wave. of so, that's a few hours away away and as the leading edge ofdg there starts getting hereere that's when we think thishinkhi light snow is going to kick up u and that's when we think we stand the best chance ofd thst a getting some of these dusting to one here, d.c.,g tosurrounding i think back out to the easthe e of us along the eastern shore, mainly a dusting to one.o southern sections i thinki t you'll just see some snow. s i think once you get down ton t southern maryland you're justd u talking about maybe a little abo bit of snow flying but not not anticipating any
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and the deal with the blue up here northern areas, up to incheses. that could easing mean that m you just end up getting getti dusting and where some of o these bands set up if indeednd they do set up there could beld some isolated areas here along i-70, north of that where w maybe we get up to 2-inches ofsf snow. sn again i think that's isolated spots and primarily farther topm the north and to the northwest and even the higherand elevatis as you get out there by 81. by . so, that's pretty much what much we're thinking.nking. definitely 29 degrees tonightgrt so everybody below freezingow fz wino snow. and how about highs tomorrow.or we eventually will get up into n the upper 20's, low to mid 30's in terms of the the of thee temperatures and i think we'll l get some sunshine tomorrow,ine , too. most of the snow comes in by aboutthe 8 o'clock this evenini moves through 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, you can see justeeut about everybody getting someery snow here and then iget gets ouu of here. of by about 3, 4 o'clock in the morning it's all gone which iswh great for the morning commute.o. because once this moves through, highway crews can can treat everything out therehere before the commute gets goingets and so hopefully tomorrow morning we're not gong
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have a lot of problems. pbl be careful because there still i could be some slick spots and a then by tomorrow morning i think we have a little bit of h sunsavhinee and we're going tog end up with the drying processhd and get ready for storm numberue two, okay.ka and that looks like it's goingts to stay mostly to the east andaa southeast of us. sue is going to talk more mor about that coming up in thehe 6 o'clock hour.ock hour. here's your seven-dayreour se forecast. 37 tomorrow with some sun and clouds in the afternoon.row widi snow is stilln pthossie ble one saturday but again, right nowign it's not looking like it'sik i going to be a big deal for thefr district north and west.rict n very cold on sunday as this ts arctic air comes in and thenhe we stay chilly on monday, 35. 3 and by next week sometimeeek so middle part of the week, wek,e could go 52 degrees with rain. r not snow.t snow. so, jim, you're right, rht definitely not a blizzard butard we got to watch the commutesom around here. >> yup. ortant., very imp >> thank you, gary. >> you bet.. >> ♪♪ >> all right this now comingight out of prosecutors have filed hatefileh crime and kidnapping charges against four people in connection to a shocking crime broadcast to theains to
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facebook live.iv the video shows the suspects beating a white developmentally disabled plan in chicago ripping his clothespi and cutting him witngh a knife.i the incident went on forn nearly two days.arly police say the suspects madepecs anti-trump remarks during the torture but chicago police dobug not believe the crime wasas politically >> a huge mistake made by a local paper. we'll tell you why an embarrassing cover on the t latest issue has some people calling it sexist.g it >> brody and grant break downrak the unexpected changes for theee redskins. we'll be right back. >> ♪♪ ♪♪
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change of the off season.n. brody logan grant paulson here and the big news today defensive coordinator joerdin barry fired by the redskins redn and the bulk of the defensive td staff. i'm a bit surprised -- i'm not - surprised that it happenedse because the defense lab badad but i'm surprised jay gruden pulled the trigger after he defended this hire since hehi s made the hire and joe barryar didn't come in with the besthees track record. >> no, he didn't but jaydn't b y gruden did what he did did throughout the football season which what he could have done hd back up his defensive coordinator talk positively. po. there was nothing to be gained i by not doing that.byot d what i'm surprised a little bit is the timing.isedis the he said on monday when the wn t season ended he wanted to takedk a couple weeks to evaluate everything. was joe barry wronged by thearrd personnel they gave him? eye hi? perhaps. this wasn't the most fair gigosr ever over two seasons.erse he didn't get nearly enoughy eug help from his players. pye the personnel was inferior ier butcould somebody else get morer out of this defense than joe tne barry is. i think that's
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gus barry got fired.ot fed rex ryan, wade phillips. pll will one of those guys able to l get more out of this team and a i think the answer is probablye yes they wantpr to upgrade. to e >> and you mentioned thoughonedg there were a lot of problems pbl personnel-wise on thisrs defense. is that a case of noon matter me who comes in here it's going goi to be saddled with this --saddti with these problems.s. >> absolutely. now, good -- i think for thenk r next defensive coordinator isini the news that the bulk of this off cease is that is going toe s be spent addressing that side t of the foothtball. look at the draft. i think they'll invest thek thel vast minajveority of their picks on defense particularly the first couple rounds.ou i'll be stunned if the 17th 17t overall selection is not aion n defensive they'll also center in freealso agency. i expect the defensive line l and the secondary top twoop targets as far as playerr acquisition goes draft andion free agency. the new defensive coordinator cn will get better ingredients to cook with. w i think their thought is iug i know we didn't give you a lotot but we didn't make what we gave you better. >> you mentionedet ate couple bg nam
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there are other namesthere ar mentioned. i'm curious who do you think should be the next hireou.s >> if i'm hiring it's wadei' phillips. he's 69 years old at thist point so the one knock on himn is his age but it wasas coordinating a defense that a dn won a super bowl inse denver.nen go back the year before last. his son wes phillips is on thest staff right now.ghnow. he's the tight ends coach. coa he was in the building. bldin some people thought he wantedt n a job in washington and his contract just expired with theus broncos who just fired theirt wh coach and may be makingo ju sstm changes on their staff anyway.ta he would be the first guy iirsty would call.l. >> quick question on the mind tn of a lot of redskins fans.kins f was the wrong guy fired? some people are saying it shouldg itl have been jay gruden and not his defensive coordinatn >> not for me. r twohad the number two offense in the nfl in yardsn yar per play. p gruden conducts that offensese with sean mcvay who is trying to become a head coachoah because everybody in thehe league likes their offense. lik jay gruden has thingses he's got do a little bit b he had a successful two year run ass
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gibbs at winning super bowls b he should not be fired.beired >> as it usually is in the offhf season with the redskins a lot of change. you go from talk about will they r esign kirk f croousinsm tons t now you have an entirely newy n defensive staff.. there's always something withhih this team. >> always. off the off season. exactly.extly. back to you. to >> guys and by the way joeheay barry is not the only one o too go. they let go the defensive line n coach strength coach four f edges notches all leaving. leavg did the redskins fire the r right people. we put this question out on this ques tonight. tonight do you believe joe barry waselie the issue? do you believe the problems were higher up or do you just not care? we are do r already gettine?g lots of l replies on this one.onhis o you can vote on my twitter ttt page lokay fox5.ox we'll talk about this later on e at 10 o'clock tonight.tonight. >> a couple of months to sulk.ul >> no kidding.iddi >> a mixup that may prove it'se still a man's world is it not,, jim? at least at express itt ee is. >> yeah, washington post pos express covered this morningcove about the women's march inn's mi washington. instead of using the femalewashe symbol, you know, what thathat t looks like that is not the
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female symbol that's the male symbol. >> the post express apologizedxp saying we made a mistake andke we're very embarrassed.arraed some people called the cover sexist and others supportedport the post saying well it wasll i just a slipup. sli i'm not so sure about that. tha here's some tweets.reome >> that comes from themes fr express. you think that was deliberate. >> uh -- uh >> people make mistakes.eoplke m >> that's me. >> orr you need someone to you e pick it up and read it.ead thank you for joinings. >> fox5 local news at 6:00 parts right after the break.
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tonight.toght. i'm shawn yancy.i'm sha >> and i'mwn tony perkins.erki driving across the area could cd prove to be a bit >> we have team b coverage. gary mcgrady is outside but first let's start with sues arte palka inside in the weather wea center. center. sue. >> hello shawn and tony. you know we're notello expectini huge amount of snow out ofw ou this. like you said most places are a going to see somewhere betweenht a coating an that means you probably justy jt need your brush as you get ridet of this snow but it's all about timing and we know thate t since the morning rush hourrninh could be impacted that's why you see this winter weather advisory that goes into effecths and remains in effect for some of our northern and westernnd we communities until five.ies a you'll notice the district n is not inot it. nor are many places to the the south. it is includes western loudoun, western montgomerytern county, western howard.weern that's where we could see anre inch, maybe 2-inches in a few spots and that will be cominge m in here in the next couple ofe hours and probably winding up about two or 3 o'clock in the morning. we have had a little
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