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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  January 11, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST

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♪♪ straight ahead, the president-elect compromised by russia? bombshell but unsubstantiated new allegationss claim moscow has damagingam information about donald trump.. and the news comes just hoursou before the next commander in chief delivers his first press e conference since winging the t election. we'll have a live report. >> yes, we can. yes, we can. [ cheers and applause ] and aus >> yes, we did. yes, we can. >> barack obama says goodbye.ooe the president going back tong bt where it all began for emotional farewell to the country. his message to the first lady, d the american public and the mann who will take his
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needs to hear.ea another report questioningiong whether frequent mammogram are even necessary.esry this morning a doctor break dowk the pros and cons of the latest >> and later, our first look at joseph fines as the kick of popf and whether it really matters ii they're black or white.te. good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ >> it might not matter you'rer e black and white in this song but it matter if's you're watchre wh going day d.c. because this is i the only place --thonly place [ laughter ] - >> -- to be.e [ laughter ] >> no, it doesn't.. >> i just did. >> no, itus doesn't. >> he doesn't know what heknowhh means. >> it doesn't matter if you're black or white. >> that's the song. bl>> tha't matter if you'ret ma watc yhing'r good day d.c. if yu black or white.k or. >> it just matter if's you'reteo watch going day d.c.going d. >> yes, yes. y that's what i was -- - >> i don't know ya'll do on here. i don't want to be part of thatt at all. all. >> time now 9:01 much that'ss what i was trying to say. s. i hope i conveyed that message.. it's wednesday january 11than
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holly morris, steve chenevey.. maureen is off. o >> well have more on the t president heartfelt speech topec the nation coming up.e nation c a lot of people were asking last night -- i'm only counting one daughter that means where wasres sasha and why did she miss hers dad' last trip on air force onee we'll talk about that.ha >> doesn't everybody know that a by now. >> everybody knows by now. k byo >> only two members of the obamo family came back on air forceor one. we'll have the answers for you. >> even tuckerhe ans who never s spends a lot of time online heih was study -- she was >> she was studying. she >> gave the whole thing away. a >> for those lucky people peo getting to sleep and just now n turning on the news and watching we'll have the answer for you. >> first at 9:00, though, the midweek warmup. we woke up to temperatures abovo freezing for once. onc we can actually top the 50s t 5 later today.od. but we might also have oh deall with some raindrops out there.he tuck is back now with thehe details. have i to say, i know it's allll relative, but it felt balmy whee i went out this morning.or >> it feels a lot better.
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feels a lot better. i'm going start that show overhr again, wisdom. >> you didn't understand what iw was saying.t unde matter ifwas sa msn't you're black or white but itckrh does matter if you're watche going day d.c. >> oh, it matters if you'ree watching -- >> right.. >> yeah. >> got it.ot it. >> we're using the word wisdomm lightly.tly. >> now i get it. >> genius. [ laughter ] >> it only matters if you're watching. >> i'll be back here tomorrow. >> i think we all knew that,ack, right yes. >> reagan national 41.tional1. dulles 41. bw. marshall 43.mahall 43. yes, we are headed towardsow warmer temperatures and we'vera already started thtuis morningtg with temperatures above freezinn for most of the area and that's great news and again low to mid 50s this afternoon with even warmer temperatures expectedxpte tomorrow. so the january thaw in full in l effect around here a little lite later this afternoon we areerno dealing with cloud deck at theee moment. i think we'll be partly sunny for the fir'lst hall f ofbe thet and then as we get into theet it afternoon hours, we will seeill clouds move back in prettyy quick, and these rain sh
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are headed so you can tell fromm the blue arrows headed in ourowh direction and we are going to have rain aroundand we here lats afternoon.rnoon five, six, 7:00 o'clock tonight we'll showers across the areare that threat will linger until midnight. it should be all liquid.uld temperatures in the low 50s even off to the north and west you'll be in the in we're not worried about freezinn rain like we were last night which is great. 53 this afternoon.wh tafte sun to start. start clouds this afternoon rain showers this evening.s i'll beth back with temperatures in the mid 60s tomorrow.omorro and a full explanation of what kind of test sasha was studyingn for coming up. >> >> do you have that informationn >> no, i don't.>> n but i'm going to look it up ont the internet.e tern >> i thought you were going to break news for. >> i have no idea. i'll find out.>> i youi' tuck.ou t >> now that's a tease.a tse. thanks tuck.thanks tuc big story, though, at 9:00,, the trump transition, we are now just nine days away from traumaa and's oath of office, and whitei house move in.n for the first time since winnini election donald trump is set to hold his first press confe
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>> all yeah, he'll like vol to face aae lot of questions about that tha bombshell but sub stun say thed report claiming the russianimin government has information itnfa could use to blackmail thehe president-elect. >> donald trump denied the claims in seriesd oftr tweetsws including 190 minutes ago. ago. fox5's melanie alnwick live on o capitol hill with more on the wo report. the trump team's reaction and a where this information cametionc from. mel? >> reporter: hey, good good morning. so last night, donald trumpru tweeted out fake news and this t morning it was back at itk at it tapping the tweet button repeatedly the most recent oneon saying intelligence agenciesgenc should have never a loud faked e news to leak into the public. pc saying are we living nazi another saying that he win theet election easily a great movemenn is verified and crookedrook opponents are trying to be little him and our victory witht fake news.s a sorry state. the file began apparently as opposition research done by ay a former british spy and paid forr by a republican client whowh opposed
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up the tab. t mother jones first reported ondo the existence of a secret do's d say in october and said the the operative was so concerned overe what he found communicationsmunn between the trump campaign and the kremlin he turn thenhe information over to the fbi.e f. news organizations have not beet able to confirm the allegationso in the report one of trump's top aids was asked about it on latet night with seth myers.h mye >> nothing has been confirmed,cd and i have to say as an americaa citizen regardless of your partp or if you don't like politics aa all which are many americans wee should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked to the press and won't go and telll the president-elect or thehe president of the united states mr. obama what the information is.. >> reporter: now, of course,r: c the ap has been able to confirmm that the fbi did hold a meeting last week with the president ana also with the president-elect to tell them about the informationi in this report saying that therr was compromising information on mr. trump dealing with finan
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and personal information thentit ooh even though they had not h n been able to stan stan state tht claim they felt comfortable cfo enough with the credibility ofly the source they felt those menhe needed to know about it.knowbout live on capitol hill, melanie me alnwick fox5 local news. >> mel, thanks. m, thank more of that coming outin ot later on. press conference coming up inern just less than two hours now. all right. 90:00 company seven is the timem some of donald trump's cabinet picks are met with pro testify.. this is protesters dressed up as t rexes to protest rex tillersos the former head of exxon mobilxb that trump wants to be thee t secretary of state.fta now tillerson's confirmation hearings are just getting gti underway. demonstrators say exxon hid h information about climb changee for more than 50 years.ears. >> melanie mentioned jeff j sessions his nomination in fronn of the senate judiciaryia committee will continue fortinuf second straight day.trt day. one of the most conservative men's members of the senate. his hearing was interrupt besidr proteste
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advertisements if confirmedconf sessions promised to crack downn illegal immigration, gun, n violence and quote radical islamic he also toll the hearing he would protect the equal rightsht of all americans. on the hill today, a hearina for homeland security secretarya nominee retired marine general john kelly ahead of todays's' hearing he told the commit mittm his top priority would be tobe close the border to the quote illegal movement of people and things.thin. kelly said achieving that goalgg starts with physical obstaclescl like a border wall a supporting zyrtech followings.s. >> president-elect donald trump has also tad tapped robert f.. kennedy -- injury to be iny toei charge a new commission onommiso vaccine safety and scientificc integrity.gry. the two met yesterday at trump tower discussing issues per p pertaining to vaccines andes and immunizations.immuniza kennedy is a prominent vaccine sceptic believing some vaccinese may actually lead to autism.. scientists have ruled out a link between vac seeps and autism. however, the trump team said aai
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stone.stone noting that donald trump is only quote exploring the possibilityt of an autism commission. rfk, jr., becomes the veryhe democrat to accept a trumpmp appointed roll.ol president obama is back at b the white house this morninghous after his final m trip on air or force one.rce one he went back to where it all a began last night. night his adopted hometown of chicago. where he said goodbye and thanka you to the nation after eighter years in the oval office. offic the speech also also includelude addy fence of his time in office. some tears and direct commentsoe on the incoming administration. >> tonight it's my turn to sayoy thanks. >> president barack obama makesr his final address to the nationo in a speech in his adopted hometown of chicago. >> america is a better, stronger place than it was when wen w >> reporter: mr. obamaba addressed concerns theconcer the president-elect donald trump and republicans will repeal his signature piece of allegesf alle laying the affordable care act.a >> if anyone can put together aa plan that is be
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improvements we made to our our health care system that covers r as many people at less cost, i i will publicly support it.t. >> even though there's been nohr major terror attack on us soil s since 9/11 the president prede acknowledged the rise of radicalized terror is a big worry. >> we have taken out tens off thousands of terrorists including bin laden. >> he addressed those concernssc as the first african-americanme president. >> after my election there was talk of a postelec racial ameria and such a vision however well l intended was never realistic. >> mr. obama called for votingvt reforms as many democrats are a upset over the election oflectio donald trump. >> when we sit back and blame ba the leaders we elect withouthout examining our own role inol electioning them. >> the president alsoelec highlighted the the p peaceful a of power ahead.. >> i committed the president-elect donald trump myp administration would ensure the
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transition just a thes p preside bush did for me. >> the first lady tweeting out a very personal message followingf her husband's remarks.arks mrs. obama wrote on twitter that she was quote so proud of the ot president and all that we've accomplished together. tethe she concluded that theirs waseis quote an incredible journeyrney filled with remarkable people pl and sent him her love.ove. that's a sweet picture. >> yeah. cute little picture.. >> and really, you know, you think, gosh, has it been eightnt years when you see that picturee of the girls so young and even e michelle and barrack as well.el. eight years -- yea - >> full head of dark hair on the president there. yeah. it went by just -- i guess weues bus busy. >> just a little >> i guess we were busy.e re bu. >> when i was listening to hims talk aboutli michelle obama, i'i not emotional guy, but when i w was hearing him talk about -- a- [ laughter ]laught >> i was hearing him talking tai about michelle obama and their relationship and especially whew he started tearing up i mean itt kind of did something to me me because this is like a family fl
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this is family is fa >> wisdom like what's this water coming from my eyes?yes? >> i don't know what it >> emotions i'm not -- yeah.- i mean just to see him the way y he talks about her.. >> right.>> right. >> we're not in the housere obviousl noty.obvi but the way he talks about herut in public and the relationshipnp that we see that they have.ave. it's amazing to me. >> they haven't been shy trying to keep the family structuretrue together.geth. >> the first grandmother rightit by their side with the firste wr lady and one of the firstst daughters. >> i think they truly have beene a firsy ttrul family.amil >> right. >> you know what i mean? theywt have always put that out there.. >> yeah. >> all right.llht. 9:12 is the time.12the ti transfer of presidential powerer takes -- it takes a ton of workr we know that and so there's the inauguration ceremony.gura coming up next, we're going gng behind the scenes with a look at how the military rehearses forrf the event and also an intervieww with the stand ins for the incoming chief executives.s. >> pretty good job.ob. >> later the bare minimum newimn study revealing the magic number when it comes to just how longon you have to work out.ut so this could be beneficial. it
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♪♪ ♪♪ >> that is two pull ups. >> that's all i'd be doing. >> see you tomorrow. ♪♪
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♪♪ all right. 9:15 is the time right now. the tigear up for president-elect donald trump's inauguration our service members they play a veryur s prominent l re the preps. >> no doubt about it.out to make sure everyt
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absolutely perfect there are some even serve as stand ins. now, they would would be would e standing in for the president,, the vice-president, the first lady during all rehearsals.rsal who are these people? how doowd they get this job. job bob barnard live near ther t capitol with the story. sto. bob? bo >> reporter: hey, goodter:ey, morning. yeah, you know, guys, there's ts going to be a full dress rehearsal on sunday up here atpr the capitol.e tol. the swearing in ceremony.on the parade to the white house. and of course, they need peoplep to play the new first couple and the new second couple and heredh they are. th they are four members of the army band portraying the trumpss sergeant major greg lowry and specialist sarah corey. and portraying the pence masterr sergeant neal, and masteraste sergeant leanne hinton and ihii just found out this morning is i didn't know that the new secondd lady will be karen pence.en leanne thanks very much for joining us tell us what yourhan roleys are on sunday, your mainl gearing up for the dress the d rehearsal g sure..
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in for the president-elect andct his wife and the vice ve president-elect and his wife,if and we're going to be up on at the capitol just taking -- taking their place so, um, we uw can rehearse and know exactly ey where everybody is going to goo on that official day on the t 20th.20 >> reporter: neal, you're playing mike pence. what is for everythingrying everything can be blocked out be and choreographed.ho what's the purpose? >> that's correct. our primary qualification wecatn were the right height. hei >> report the reason they'll bel setting all the camera angles a and setting all of the the microphone heights and thend t lighting based on our positionsp so that everything goes seamlessly on the day of.da o >> very cool. c excuse me mr. president-elect, sir, do you have to recite the oath? how specific are theee getting on this dress rehearsal. >> we'll stan in the exacthe places raise our right hand anda deliver the oath just like they woul
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inauguration ceremony.gura so, yeah, it's as close to the t real ceremony as they possiblyoy can. >> reporter: then mr. president you'll be riding in the parade as>> rt yo well?e? >> absolutely. we're going to take ride fromg t the capitol down to the white we house and follow the parade par route with the bands andnd ceremonial units and it will bee the real deal on sunday morning. >> reporter: are you going to go stop by your hotel use the facilities, meet and greet. gret >> i may. i may it depends on if they'll let mem have limousine or not. not we'll see. >> reporter: that's good. sarah, you're playing melania.el was it because of your height? like what did they ask you to do? what did you have to do too prepare and do you know why thew picked youhy? >> well, yes, i am her general height, and i was told i wasd is just also because of my of excellent military bearings. beg >> report roar very good. g good posture and all of that.lla >> exactly.xact >> reporter: you're actually a a ranger for the such s armyy band, is that correct.or >> rt a range the orchestrationn ross or whatever.r >> the army band has
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different ensembles with variety of different instrumentation,ti different combinations ofons of instruments that may not have nv repertoire written for them i a range those for those particulau ensembles.mbs. >> reporter: very cool. coo you know what, the other three r here are members of the army arm band chorus which is notis n participating in the parade butb the army band is leading the so you guys wouldn't be part ofo all of this because you're'r singers but you are because bece you're stand ins and you'reou're going to be here. tell me, neal, how excited areie you for sunday? is this kind of something you'll be able to tel your family you portrayed theede vice-president?? >> how many people get to say ty they were sworn in assworin as vice-president of the unitedden states? >> i can think of one.fne >> very good. good >> all right. thank you guys very much for coming outguys this morning.orng it's something that i guess weie all have to be aware of, guys,fg in this area, that if you're y'r going to be down along the malll on sunday, be prepared. pre they are doing a full dressss rehearsal with these stand in i ins for the first two couples cl but also the parade route downn
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so there will be some impactss here not just neck friday butdab this weekend as well. >> they have great personalities as well. >> they do.y do >> when you work those longhoseg days. >> things you never think of. i never thougyoht --u ne it makk sense they have stand ins but ii never really thought about theme having stand ins. ins >> now we've all met them.hem. >> thanks, bob. bob. time right now is 9:20.:20. coming up, a death zen owns for convicted killer.iller. when we could find out which oui state delegate was involved in i prince george's county liquor board bribery scandal, and why monopoly wants to get rid ofid o some classic game pieces. pce what could replace them.hem. we've got a check on what elsehe is making headlines coming up next. >> later ray jay kicked offay ko celebrity big brother.ther. now, he says, he'll sue to get back on. on. we'll go live to tmz for details. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. [ laughter ]
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z25enz z17vz
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y25eny y17vy >> 9:23 is the time.> 9: erin has a check of the other23 stories making headlines this morning. i che erin.ckki >> good morning wisdom andng h good ndoo morning to you right now at at 9:23. 23 first up three hours that's howo long it took a south carolinain jury to sentence convictedvict killer dylan roof to death.ea. the 22-year-old was found guiltg of killing nine people at a historically black church in charleston back in 2015. judge will formally sentencetee roof today.of t he is the first person in u.s.. history to be sentenced to deata in a federal hate crime trial.r. officials say the killings werer racially motivated
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today maryland governorovno larry hogan says we'll learn whl else is being investigated for allegedly being involved in a a growing corruption scandal inndl prince george's county. meanwhile prosecutors say former state delicate and council cnc member william campos admitteddt he accepted bribes and pockedke taxpayer money. he plead guilty to federaltoeder conspiracy and bribery charges g last week. in other news, wal*martm making some more cuts. cs the company preparing to slashoh nearly 1,000 jobs before the ene of the month. mth this according to the walll street journal. the jobs are mostly corporateore and wal*mart says it's cutting i costs and shifting its focus to e commerce and improve its stores. two washington capitols wilt be heading to la la land for nhn all star weekend at the end of e the month.on alex ovechkin has been selectedd for a franchise record eight eit times and goalie braydon will be making his second consecutivecue all star appearance.rance. ovechkin is now just on
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away from another career milestone, 1,000 points. pois. and finally, could the shoe gett the boot. b makers of monopoly need yourd yu help deciding which included in the next generation of the boarb games. ga voters can select their favoritt eight pieces from a collection o of more than 50 inn clueing old favorites like the shoe, top hat, scotty dogs. also new designs like the t rex rubber duck and emoji. voters taking place on -- votert which is take place in the vote on throughrough january 31. winning pieces will be announcee on march 19th which just happens to be world monopoly day.da so i don't kids still play monopoly.ol i loved it growing up. u >> we played monopoly, jr., thii past weekend.past weekend. we sure did. >> i never played monopoly. monl >> you didn't. >> i've never gone all the way to the end.r gohe end >> little kids versions they'reo different than the classicnst tn pieces but specifically for thek five years olds. yea >> i like the hat.. >> yeah. it's really it's a great introduction to tho >> did you make it to the end oh the
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>> dad wouldn't thanks for bringing it up steve. [ laughter ] >> dad not letting hayden >> the website is vote >> i going to vote.>> ing >> it will show -- sw >> i want the scotty >> this is the best part. p you can vote for some of the t ones that have been retired like the little dog. >> old school classic.ooassi >> i agree. classic look for sure. >> no emoji.. >> no. >> all right. all rig health news now. now mammograms a vital part in the fight against breast cancer,, right but there are new new questions about how often womenw are supposed to get them.o the. coming up a doctor will breakl k down the pros and the cons ofono the tests in light of this o thi latest report.ept. >> first, though, a taste of spring.ri until winter returns.urns. tucker will be back with with a check of the seven day next.ex >> and fresh at 10a, the story y behind the iconic boy band. b we talked earlier about the new edition star which debuts latert this month. the big show on bet but one
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the stars itself and one of theo creators of the show are going to be here in the loft with usfs live with a sneak peek coming up at 10:30.0: >> is that bobby brown? >> yeah. >> were there issues with new w edition? was there drama back in the day?in the day >> i think so. we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to. tide pods can.
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♪♪ >> aww.
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accomplished a lot in very young age right his lot now.ow that's maya and she's on the new season of kids baking championship.. tucker, are you going to stealog the food? >> amazing. >> you have to wait. y we'll talk with her a little bit later on.. >> now she's frightened.te >> right. [ laughter ][ >> don't leave. >> stranger danger.anger >> don't leave.'teave >> we warped her about everybodo accept ununcle tucker.. >> let's get to what you're gooo which is the forecast.ast. >> thanks, steve.teve that was sweet.. >> those cupcakes do lookke l delicious. 50s here for this afternoon. and that will feel pretty goodyo considering we've been in thee e 20s for the better part of the t past week and yesterday of course we finally dumped the the temperature above freezing. fren current reagan now 41 degrees.grees. we are -- we have a little clouo cover working back through thero area that's holding the numbersm down little bit.down 41 dulles.. still little touch and go hereor north and west.north we we had the problems with icing e earlier off the north and west t and with frederick atck at 34 degrees.34 d i can't guarantee there couldn'd be a
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the north and west or your you sidewalk covered in ice. be wary of that when you head ha out shape.ha 45 in leonardtown. 40 in quantico as we expect daytime highs for just aboutt at everybody upper 40s and low 50s5 cloud deck working through, anda we'll be partly sunny for the fe first half of the day and we arn going to get some clouds this afternoon as yet this is ts actually good news.ew we've got even warmer air on the way for tomorrow. tomrow. that is yet another warm frontrw headed in our direction.irtion you can tell from the arrows,, and i would expect rain showersn around here late this afternoonn and this evening.. five, six, 7:00 o'clock tonightn start to see some showers breake out, and that will also usher as mentioned warmer air. air. temperature i was rip here in the 60s for thei d way tomorrow. mild conditions later today, and even better conditions tomorrowm with some sunshine around ad showers tonight.s tot they should be done by midnighth i'll show you future cast here,r and then we should be in for one more day with that january thaww tomorrow.
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ast 5:00 o'clock you can see shn across the area. ssshe a certainly a possibility insidept the beltway we'll have showers o as well. showers threat continuesonnues 8:00 o'clock. olock some of the showers could beould locally heavy.cally avy might be a little fog overnightt we'll be looking at partialt paa clearing by tomorrow morning. mi there we are at 11:00 tomorrowow and i think tomorrow will turnl into beautiful afternoon. aftern again with temperatures in the t mid 60s. my advice don't get too used to it. because we got much colder aircd for the weekend in fact, lookini more and more likely here we cac get a wintry mix around here i i think the primary threat couldrl be freezing rain on that 38 might be a little a ltle optimistic. maybe more like 34, 35 with parts of the area right around d the freezing mark by saturdayata afternoon, saturday evening. eng 53 this afternoon, guys, enjoy.. remember we got showers laterwer today. bring your umbrella if you'll be out tonight.t toni. >> all right. thank you so much tucker.. >> um-hmm. >> i'll take it.>> in today's health watch ach new study is raising questionsus about the necessity of frequentt fox's sharon crowley hasey h reaction from a doctor about the pros and the
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>> reporter: a new study raises more questions about thee necessity of frequent mammograms. danish researchers followed thousands of wom esearc in denmark dma for more than a decade and their data found one third of the abnormalities detected by thehe breast cancer screenings mayay never cause life threateningeatg health problems. dr. lauren castle is the chief c of breast surgery at lenox hillh hospital north well health. nor. >> what's it's trying to tell uo is that in fact we may be over diagnosing the number of breaste cancers that actual dollarla require treatment.ment. >> reporter: doctors typicallyyy suggest women start getting atia mammogram after age 40.0. doctors say regular mammogramsas can help with early detection oo breast cancer. the study says one of the riskss of regular mammograms is so-called over diagnosis coulded lead to unnecessary treatments.. but dr. castle says while thelet findings may be partly true,e, doctors are not a
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they can can say which women will develop life threateningeai cancer and which women will notn they says women should not takee the findings to mean they shoulo stop getting mammogram.. >> the problem is, we have notet yet gotten to the point where ww are able to distinguish whichch cancers do need treatment and which we can wait on or or potentially ignore. i don't think people should jumm on the bandwagon say i don't i need a mammogram because weausee haven't caught up yet. >> that was fox's sharon crowley >> all right.>> a check with youdoctor. >> continues to be a hot topic. >> fur find your new year'sind ' resolution to work out every day to be too much maybe this is t good news for you because it turns out are you ready for it,i you really only need to exercise once or twice week. >> what?? >> not like 12 hours day once oo twice a week. >> wait a minute.t minute. >> new study has found thattudy exercisin hg even just one timea week
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your risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease and allll other causes and if you're sweaa session isn't long enough to eho meet the world healthlth organizations guidelines whichlh calls for 150 minutes of of exercise per week, two an half a hours it's no big deal. dl. people who exercise any amount n already have a 30% decrease riss of dying over people who do notd exercise at all.ll take away the study involvesnvol weekend warriors who really only have time to lace up the running shoes on the days off.s t those people are making stridesr just as much in some cases as cs those who work out every day.ay >> i won't die if i work out? ot >> as long as you get in ones ue good work out week. >> yeah.h. now that's news you can use. neo >> there you go. the >> i'm telling you.ou >> 30% for once a week. w if you take it up to like threee or four times a week think of what your odds >> i think that there have also been studies that say at a certain point just likee overdosing vitamins, it doesn'tt >> right. do it if you want to do it. it >> i don't believe that.on't bet >> it shows doing something is better than doing notdohingin.h. >> exactly.ctly. >> that's why i don't believe it. i don't believe if you keep youe
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heart going and moving andnd keeping your life active i don'n think that that -- i thinkhink there's a benefit to that. t i know you said the study.tu. the study was saying you just js got to do -- come on. >> send you over to britain forn a study. >> let me go over there. >> if you don't feel like you lk can work out four times a week e and you're like i can't do do do i'm i'm not going to do ito i that's not the mindset to have. mindset like steve said something is better thaninis b nothing. >> right. if you can only get in one time a week,nly get heyin, you're sd good for yourself.rsf >> spread it apart and get 30 g3 minute walk in every day.very d >> there you yo >> 30 minutes.utes. whatever.atever. >> i'm just saying.. >> but ever, you know, 2.5 houru what you need to get. >> okay. >> it's not a problem.t' >> that's ths e wealth healthh a organization.nition >> right. >> what do they know? >> i'm kidding. >>laughter ] what >> if you are tuning into a particular kanye west song when you hit the gym you're in goo3 >> if you are tuning into a particular kanye west song when you hit the gym you're in good company power ranks among the top most played out work out songs on spotify. right next toanye wm u are eang collapse. >> nev
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>> and jump man. heardn. >> calvin harris the weekend ana other popular artist to jamoam with, the weeknd to me goes aoea little too slow. s >> puts to you sleep. p >> is that for the cool down.utn >> what song is -- good point. t >> i can't feel my face or -- >> sometimes i can after a hardr work out. >> it's to be that song.. >> let's put perspective like ww always kind of make fun of these all studies coming from englanda >> right.>>ight. >> the spotify study came from o people working out in norway, iceland and sweden.wede apparently most a i most a i work out music on the streaminga service this time of year y they're working out indoors.nd >> i just had a epi >> they're hearty. they'll go outside even when oue it's cold >> i had an owe pufalw. with all these studies going on overseas -- - >> that's good word.t's go word. >> we should start us a companys don all these sameta srttudies r here in this >> they do like the nih and the other -- other --
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we don't hear about those. ht we needed to one where we can dd l study and hear about it. >> outsourcing our studies. stus >> outsource them to the news. t >> there you go.m >> t >> you know how much work goeshg into these studies.oehe stu >> no, no, allison.llis we're not going to do the work.r >> okay. >> we'll be the supervisors. >> we'll delegate the authorityi >> that was part of the if pitch by wisdom. >> we can send all our studies we do overseas. >> let little side hustle moneyy >> we'll have to get some moneyn >> nobody works for free.. >> i'm on board. brd >> speaking of working out, alla week we have been sharing some real life weight loss suck losss second stories from fox5 familyy members. in the hopes of inspiring anyonn out there who made the new n year's resolution to get in get shape to stay on task. tk monday sports reporter grantrra paulsen told us how he cut hisuh frame by 40 pounds without witho stepping foot in a gym.ym he's looking great, doing greatt wants to lose 40 more.e yesterday photographer end direr rah le i rah le i plus pound
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if you caught that segment, thet you know she's all about the gym and eating healthy.. now, tomorrow we'll have unmorer for you but today we wanted toae do we wanted to hear yourou success stories.toes so tweet us your wd. your wd. tails. what worked for what didn't.. any advice you'd like to sharehe and any before and afternd aft pictures you might want toight t share, too.shar all you have to do is use the #gooddaydc and we will get themm on. because you know what it reallyl does help, i think, to feel likk you have a community. >> sure. you're doing it together andng h that's one of the good thingsf d social media can provide. co whaunity where you're allre working on it together. >> i can't wait to see the pictures't w.ctur >> please send them in resooyou mayght w.u mayght w. >> whatever tips you have.ver if off succeakiful wd. wd. story. loem i can say for me i onlynl lost 15 pounds i'm not on the nt level of these other people, but coem ing instead of buying pre p packaged foods made a huge a h difference because you're in bec control of your ingredients.edis i know it takes more but you have to have that tha discipline, too, to say i'm to m going to put that effort into ii
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soay coem on the weekends have youre food ready to go for the >> can't even do that.n ha what always works for me is, you know some of these apps you canc like a calorie counting thing.hi to know like -- because what yoy don't realize how much we realll m io overeat and the empty calories and, like i justust remember 10 grapes that's at' seedee of grapes. gpe calories did it for me.e. i drink a lot of water.. because when you just drinknk lemonade, pop, soda you for yt.or that's all sugar. sar >> get at least that one workonr out in a week.t in aeek. >> there you go.>> >> if you get more than one woro in you can eat that junk.t junk. >> don't eat the junk. sugar my crypton.ry i still eat some junk food but i cut it way back.k way >> no longer the cookie du youru with wisdom martin. m >> not all the time.ot allhe tim >> just once a week.k >> like his work out. o ray jay kick off celebrity bigrg brother and now he wants to sues to get back on. b o we'll go live to tg hz for details coming up next. 9:40 is your time.
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♪♪ >> topping fox beat ray j. >> sh'sthe boot plus mar hollywood star >> for details westar go live to tmz's gary troc lonlive in los e an gary, good morning to you, buddy. m how you doing? >> hey, good morning, doing dn well. >> all right. let's start with ray j. i thin lonhe was getting like aa million bucks and he didn't evee last bear al week.l what hde,pened here? >> i i know. buth
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ch for him.roch for him so, yeah, he was going to get aa million dollars for beingng celebrity big brother in the uk. so less than week into it, apparently he had a real really bad tooth if he can.he he had a gum if he can. he had a cracked tooth.oo he was in horrible pain and itt got so bad that they actuallyacl had to give him painkillers at one point.oint and they woules.'t atolarently l him go see aar dentist, and the other house ga wests aleaordingr ray j. now aleaording to ray j.y right now we had him on tmz live right after he got booted he h said the other cast matess refused to participate until hel can see a den he was booted from the house foe this issue going on. o he claims the prosugacers were e neglecting his pain and he paine apparently blackout right whenri he was leavinggh the house andsa went straight to the dentist tet go get help. he is considering a lawsuit ifst the prosugacers don't, dorks not let him back in the house afterr he got fixed up. so obviously he wants to get g that million bucte million bucte
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lietting a lectsuit in regards o that happening? is that poaki, dleary3 >> i'm not sure.>> i not i'm not sure i don't know thenoe details of his crack he seems to thnk it's possily e. we a♪o have not heard from thert celebrity big brother peoplepl yet.t. it will be interest to go see their take on things. ray js story has got to holdo y b if iectss on camera. >> a♪o when you sign up to doig those reality shows, those contracts are pretty iron saiadd and they basically own you.. >> absolutely.olut >> they can do whatever they want. >> that's what i'm wondering ifi th'mere's any possibility.ty. >> sh carey. mar her star on the walk of fame was vandalized with the questionuesn mark next to her name carrie. i'm wouldn'ting one of theng ono things that struck me was the $1,500 cleanup fee reportedly.te can you talk about where thatrea money is going, why did it costt úwhat much? >> it costs a lot of money, manm you got to -- why? w >> a lot of times, you know, ifi úwhey can't -- iectss not just l a power washing sua
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especially if it messes up thehe >> sl. mater they have to replace that whole placard. and it costs a lot of money. i mean this is the city.he you get a parking ticket it costs $800. >> gary, they can come up with a little oxy clean >> how about like a toothbrush.. thatters no wayt tuata >> listen, yeah, if it was up to me and it was payingt they.starr just scrubis,ng it out i'm suree we could do it for cheaper. this is the commiakiion out herr in la and this is what theyy charge. this is la, high prices.ris. >> gartio do we know if knowf there's -- obviously this t follows the controversy thatover hatolened new year's do we know if there's ad nes a connection? do we know of any y information so far who mighthoit haveeandalized the star? >> yeah, there's a girl onir o instagram thaectss actually acty saiaiming responsibility for it. >> oh. >> our investi it ting right now it's for felonyameandalism because, you know, the cost of replacing ih f and f ging it ists really high.ig so cops are on the case, andasea like you said this has happenedp a few times t
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up trump's star as well.l. >> right. >> there'slk - they're all overe this, and it costs a lot of o money to fix it, and maintainn it. it. so thek oreameery serious about it. >> over the past couple of daysy gary, there's been some new n developmencons in the kardashiai robbery investigation in parisn. so do you have update for us?? >> yeaen really slight chance they'll geg any of this jewrmry de,parently, you know, cops havh told her, you know, the way it i works, after, you knoort thenoot diamon1, and everything wereer taken, they believe that most oo them were shitoled off to antwee basically a region in belgium aa lot of underground, you knoort r diamond trading and srmling s going on.o there were 13 items totaling $5.6 mminlion..6 mminlion. they trml her iectssameeryameerr slight chance she'll get itll it back. now, kind of interesting, you know, everybody was talkingy tai about this limo driver that wast arrest ayou m few days ago withe 17 people and this was possiblyl the inside man that knew where kim was.m was. you knoort times and everything. he's been released by
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>> hmm. h >> the limo company is saying is that they have nothing to doot with it now, and he's beens released non charges fminedesmid oveaio wet him, so it's unclearr exactly what his connection wass in it. he was owashe was owas you know, cops brought in a lott of people so iectss possily e te are eliminate theying them one b to who was involved. >> thank you gary. youary. the stories read more on t's t y always always tmz airs weekdayse airs wkday at 3:00 and 7: you p.m. right t on fox5. fox5. gary, have a wonderful rest ofrs the day, buddy. >> thank rep gary.hank r >> thanks, you too. >> let's head over to t>>he t ge y cafe.e. >> i hh f e marshmallows. that always makes eight goodig d morninshe' i a♪o hh f e cupcakes. cups cti, and, um, one of the younget contestants on the new season oo ki1, baking chati ioo wehip anda sh mes doing pretty good so she's going to give us a lited e tips and treats and w mell work me our way around the baking scenes i'm eyeing those cupcake rep may they look goomore t wever l talk with her coming up.
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game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals.
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z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy
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♪♪ i'm going say before we getg sa going this is awesome. our next guest is not it's safe to say not the tallesty g pthen we've had in the loft but man m does chef big talent er
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maya jindall just turned 10urd 0 years old.yes ol she's a culinary super star frof great falls, virginia, and she e just happens to be competing ong season three of the food network's kids bakingak championship.pionsh here's a little bit of a >> you my deer are one heck of a baker.r >> flattery will get youttwill everywhere. >> groovy, man. >> that's way too honest.onest. [ laughter ]ug ] >> new season premieres mondayon january 2nd at 8:00. 8:0 >> those are some of the other f contestants on the show.tas on t she's one of 12 other kids chefs battling it out over the next 1 weeks for a sweet grand prize $25,000.0. but i'm sure it's moresore impressive for you to be here i the loft. it's good to see maya.ya. hi?? >> hi. >> how much fun is that showh is doing that show? >> um, it's pretty fun and stressful but it's like awesome. >> yeah? how did you get involved with it in the firste t place? >> well, my aunt texted my mom m when she was eating one of our r desserts that she said it was really good, and so she said you
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her in a contest, and so my momm asked me.asked m i was like, totally.otly >> you're in. you're on're on bo let's do this.ard sot' hs ow did the audition pros go? what did you have to do? d >> so the first thing we had tot do is go on to the website and d audition and like put our o information in.n in and then, um f there we skypedee about me and like, um, what are my favorite things to bake andnd everything then we startedtaed baking desserts and makinging videos for it and then i got in. >> they took from it there. you go on the n maya was the youngest competitot on the show nine years old.w nis they taped the shows before youo had your tenth birthday.irda happy birthday by the way. way. >> thank you. >> do you remember the first thing that you ever baked? >> the first thirengmeat y i evd was probably an apple pie because, um, i do it every thanksgiving.thanksgivi it's kind of now a tradition.. and i did it with my mom for tht first time and everyone loved ld it. it. it just kept going. >> how old were you then. old >> i was four. w was fr. >> wow!! >> and now, that you are 10, do, you still help mom with the
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now? >> i'm the baker now. i'm t [ laughterhe ] b >> so you have to do all the a baking.baking. >> yes. >> it sounds look you love it. rself loo as a mad scientist in the kitchen so io i guess you like to experiment ape ttlele bit. >> yes. >> very much. >> what have you found thathavey works anoud what didn't work?or >> the things that i found that worked are sometimes when you instead incorporate something into the batter and put it on top it expands, and it actuallyl tastes pretty good.d. >> okay. >> the thing that didn't work was, um, technically if you substitute ban nana for an eggn it work but does not taste as good. >> it doesn't taste as good.n'ta you also said it rsteally makess difference if you're using hot h water versus cold waterd w sometimes. sometimes. >> yes. >> you learned that the hard way, didn't you? >> yes.yes.y, d >> but the key i guess you leara from it. i >> yes. >> so when you, f you make make something that doesn't tasteoe's right, do you go back and try to correct that? >> um, sometimes i do that orhao sometimes if i'm
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frustrated i kind of follow bylo the recipe.ecipe. >> listen let's talk about thet' show real quick, becs ause we gt to see you on monday night onht the show. s big volcanoes everywhere.wher is it more pressure to be on ato show like that when you knowhey that you're -- i mean look the t whole country is watching. watin you've got some awesome judges j up there who are watching you. >> um, well, it's kind of pressured but, um, when you're'r actually in it, technicallyechnl you're focusing on what you'ree baking, not that the whole entire world is watching you. yu but it was pretty intimidatingin because i was like they're notyn going to like me.ikee. >> he like you.liou. >> yes. >> awesome. i don't want to stare at the the marshmallows and cream andnd cre cupcake many what are we going w to do.ha >> we're going to frost theseois and put marshmallows on top.n t i call these the hot chocolate cupcakes because, um, i madee these in winter and they werende really good. >> glum everyone really liked ld them. em
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make them hot chocolate cupcakes? >> for different the ganache ihe put peppermint extract in it in kind of like that winter flavorv and then for the chocolate onete instead of -- o-- >> can i try one. iry o >> keep talking. >> instead of doing like theik e basic hot water one, it's easies for these type of cupcakes to be a little more, um, like, soft s but not like totally moist. moi >> what are we going to do with the marshmallows.s. >> for the marshmallows we justs put them in our hand and popdndp them on top. on top >> i love that.e th i'm going to let you take career of that. >> i have to say so, you know, holly you'll appreciate this.s she said she's kind of has a a little thing for duff1 of the ot judges on the show. duff is awesome. awesome. when i said that duff has been n on our show before what was youu reaction. >> i was freaking was f [ laughter ] >> now she's on his show and mym bet is, some day he's going toot be on your show. >> aww. >>
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>> y teah.ha >> real quick if you win the $25,000 what are you going tongt do? ? >> if i win i would probablyrobl save some for my college fund, , some for my future bakery and some for a shopping spree.. >> maya you deserve it you'reou awesome.awome. off to great start. start can we do a cupcake toast. t >> cheers and good luck ands an watch her on this seasond thers the information another episodeo monday night at 8:00 p.m. congrats, maya. m >> thank you.nk you >> stick around the 10a is0a is coming up up these are so good. ♪♪
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now at havertys furniture, it's our new year savings event. save up to one-thousand dollars in bonus discounts to create your perfect home. plus you'll get twenty-four month, no-interest financing. hurry, the new year savings event ends january 16th.
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t, even when life isn't. the new year savings event at havertys. life looks good.
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♪♪ the hottest stories at 10a. obama gets emotional.
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allegations of bombshell reportp and why mariah, madonna and michael jackson in the news thi 10a. just wait.ju >> live in the lot of must see u tv new edition biopic at tepp 30:00ep1 of the actors ands a major announce many. m >> also at 10a, he's starringe'i new movie with jamie foxx andxnd he's live with us at 10:40. don't miss our interview.ntview. i get a chance to talk with music royalty. wee talking queen latifah.if. she gives me the scoop on her new show on fox called star.r >> what a wednesday. let's do it, the 10a starts now. now. ♪♪ >> that's my cousin ricky martin. >> i love this song.. >> awesome song.g >> it gets me going.oing >> i'm on sugar rush from thoset cupcakes. cupcak >> we're taking a tour around to the thanks thank to the tv travel and adventure show and sw today we're heading to mexico.eo very cool.l. >> very nice. >> love it. >> chef, thanks for coming innko today.toda >> thank you for having us we're excited to be here we're goingee
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shim and. bacon wrapped shim and tequila drunken shrimp are more fun than sober shrimp.r >> a big bock of wine holly. >> why did she say holly. >> what time we need to come c back over here?er >> we'll leave it to you guys.s we'll read some words and come a back. >> we have to get set up and up we'll be back to join you. join. >> thanks for coming in the goo day cafe.afe. >> we talk about food of course we'll be indulging in. also talking about weight lossls stories. >> we ask our viewers if you hah any to share as well and we got a response almost i love this. loft 22 pounds in a six-week challenge.lenge. three time a week work outs anda healthy eating. eatin my journey continues.nues. congratulations.. >> looks great.>> looks great. >> on the weight loss. o that is awesome. torys stove a weight lossn s of your own, feel free to sharea itith h us. what we're really looking foroof what worked for you hopefully hf that can inspire others to do
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so thanks for staying it wusst s are the 10a. 1 great way to show the show with good personal success stores.s. >> allison took off. took ff. maureen is off. we're here for the hour.he great hour.great glad you're here. let's check what's trending thig morning.rning >> first up, in a tearful goodbye president obama saidoba farewell to the nation lasto thl night. the president returning to his h adopted hometown of chicagohi where his campaign began. there president obama thankedha the nation and reflected on thet past eight years also taking time to thank his wife and his h daughters for their support oveo the past eight years. >> michelle lavon robinson girll of the south side.e. [ cheers and applause ] >> for the past 25 years, yours, have not only been my wife ande mother of my children, you haveh been my best friend.ri [ cheers and applause ] >> you took on roll you didn't ask for and you made it
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with grace and with grit and gri with style and good [ cheers and applause ] you made the white house a placa that belonged to everybody.vebo and a new generation sets its sites higher because it has youu as roll model. >> the first lady tweeting out t very personal message inssag i response following her husband's remark with this photo from bacm in the b day. mrs. obama wrote on twitter sher was quote so proud of thehe president and quote all that we've accomplished together. tee she concluded that theirs wasth quote incredible journey filledf with remarkable people and sentt him her love along with thath ta great shot of the girls whenirln they were little bit younger.oug also on twitter some questionse though about where sasha what wa you its last night. the hash tag sasha began too trend. she stayed home to sudden for an scam. scam >> good for her all of a sudden i just hadher this flash in myd saturday night live exit of the
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like she's staying home to studt for an scam. sm. cut to the white house. party! [ laughter ]laught >> sasha, i know you weren'tknow doing that but all of a sudden s just had that exit idea.. snl if you want to steal it. >> michelle obama stayed behindd as well she instead of coming on back to d.c. is going to new tne york.york she's going to tape angoing appearance on the tonightot show >> i look forward to that.ha >> a lot of celebrities take tot go social media during and aftea president barack obama's farewell speech in chicago. kerry washington tweet the yes,, we can that's how the presidenti ended his speech reminding theit nation of his 2008 presidential campaign slogan.lo ellen degeneres also takingoak social media tweeting to theinto president "i love you more thana i have space on twitter to describe" whoopi goldberg goldb reactioning you are the last president my mom and brothert ma were alive for. f the last president we all shared.ed so you will always represent thn best of times to me. ". >> 10:05.>> 1 guess what yes before presidente obama takes his final bow guesse where he was he served as a a groomsmen over the weekend.he we he w i
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nicholson's we hadding ins addig florida. secretary of state john kerryoh fished the wedding ceremony. nicholson is the white housese trip director and he's also h as president obama's golf partner.. what a fun job to have. hav >> that's a job i didn't know trip director. white house trip director. direc >> i have new career goals.r goa [ laughter ] >> unless you actually get to go on the trips --rips - >> i know, right. kw, rig >> behind the scenes setting up. >> you still get to play golfetf with him. that's cool. >> that's the other thing i havt to learn how to play golf.. >> they got plenty -- they can a train you. >> i volunteer to drive the golg cart if they need help with ha that. >> there you go. this morning morni president-elect donald trumpldrp denies he had anything to dod ao with russia just a few hours ago trump tweeted were you is a hasa never tried to use leverage oveo heim and he has nothing to do h with russia. no deals, no loans no nothing.hing he's calling the report gatheree boo intelligence officials a quote political witch hunt top intelligence officials met witht president obama and
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week and told them russia had compromising personal andsonal a financial information aboutformb trump. trum however, as of right now the not report remains unsubstantiated. trump is calling it fake news. i will say i have a little l bit of a problem with so much reporting going on for somethint that is unsubstantiated.ed >> agreed. >> i think that we do lot ofnkh that these days especially withw social media and everything andh i think that's a wrong direction for journalism to go in. so until it's substantiated, yo know whatever happened to the i had two sources verify it before we reported it? you know high g little bit of trouble with that. >> especially after the electioe with so many fake news articlesc being out there on social media. >> there's a lot somebody put sd something out there and the immediate feeling for others to respond to it instead of digging into it fining out more about me >> we'll find out about that and hopefully many other topic at 11:00 o'clock.0 donald trump's first pressst pre conference in a long time that
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11:00 we'll air that right hereh on fox5. we'll have that for you. >> let's switch gears and talkwc about something else.ab elizabeth taylor,out marlon brr and michael jackson take road to trip not the start avenue badveb joke or is it?ker is >> maybe just a bad >> maybe a bad show. show. [ laughter ] >> you're right about that.'re this is a tease for a new moviev and that movie called urban myths.. >> get ready for the finale. ♪♪ >> where is dave? i'm dave. >> the movie about elizabethth taylor, marlon brandon and a michael jackson taking a roadoad trip after the 9/11 attacks. brian cox he's playing marlon mo brondo stock card chaning is i playing elizabeth taylor and you might remember this, becauseec there was controversy about whot was playinrog michaelve jacksons a shakespeare yann love star joseph fine who's is white. w many call him playing the rolehe of michael jackson white washing but the director insists thehe star u
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michael jackson. he defended the casting lastast year saying that he went with the mind that this was a positive light hearted comedy. d so there you go.o. i saw the trailer for it. >> like a spoof.of >> the whole thing is tongue an cheek. >> it's a spoof. >> it doesn't seem s io st'erios >> it's definitely not serious.. and my understanding it's not -- clearly it's not even true.e. urban myth part it's not even ne true there's no truth to it. toi it didn't happen.appen. it's a spoof.po it looks like a spoof in theof h trailer so, whatever.teve >> was that supposed to bed b mccauley cal kin in the onene other scene. >> i think you're right. t ithi might have been have been.n >> yeah. yh. >> stock card chaning she'll'll always be rizzo to me. rizizzo. >> right. >> also new this morning wisdomw listen up our super hero moviesv to blame for gun violence because new study in the journau of pediatrics that looks atooksa prevalence of gun violence willw movies rated pg13. ♪♪
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what will you become? you bec >> now that's from rogue one.s r but if you look at super heroer movies like transformers, batman avengers, x-men no doubt thereot is violence.lee. in rogue one a star wars story rated pg13 nearly everyone has e gun or weapon of some type. typ. the study says hollywood reliese on gun violence as a prominent e feature in pg3 rated movies. so if you're saying haven't weew been here before, why is this ti new research important? mportant scientists say it's because itsb is still unclear if there is a definitive link between theve lw movies and real life gunifgu violence some researchers says until we know more parents should be careful taking theye e are kids to the moviesful ta wi violence.violence and wisdom, as the parent i pen think i know what you're aboutwt to say. >> this is nonsense.e they're movies it's about superp unless darth vader is coming cog down from the sky or any ofrom those avengers or x-men it's not real. re >> i saw an ad app in the parking lot. >> if that's the case i'm a a little concerned.once >> this is not real stuff.l stf. and to blame gun violence andlee some of the problems
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on that stuff is ridiculous to me. because it's not like peoplee pl committing these crimes justs js start the going to the movies me when super heros movies startedd coming in mass bun dance nowe that i've seen the avengers, now that i've seen iron man shootint pull czars i'll get a gun and ga i'm going to shoot somebody. eb. >> a lot of unrealistic violencc scenes. sc >> it's not real.en it's not even close to beinge tg real. there's violent in the comicentc books. i mean, there's no connection here. so i don't know where this studu came i don't know how they even madea the connection that real violence is connected to a silll super hero movie.ov >> based on their logic thereogt will be more studies of the samt exact thing coming out until uil they find a definitive link l which they'll probably never find. find. >> i blame more video games.orve >> that's different. >> that's different.nt because then you have --e psychological thing you sitting there in front of this computere >> actively participating.tively >> you're actively shooting anda killing people opposed to --edo let's keep it it super herom
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it's garbage.bage it's entertainment it's not real. what are those things you said i in the parking lot. parki lot >> ad apps. >> very entertaining.inin >> death star is in the parking lot -- lot -- >> they're only on the planet haas. >> we're good to go.hao. >> if they rebill the death star we're in big trouble. tub >> that one coming out in 2024.2 >> stay tuned as they say.y keep it here, too.e, too new edition by now getting itsti own tv movie. m late this morning one of therni stars of the movie and thend the creator going to join us live in the loft. lof we'll talk about bringing the iconic boy band to the screen if you've seen the trailers for iti or if you were alive back then you know there's drama. >> mariah carey -- madonnaad opening up the next four yearsfa we'll talk about all of thatutt coming up in celebrity dish. ♪♪
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rnet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. ♪♪ yes, we believe together and we belong together doing doing celebrity dish holly. >> you didn't mean that for mow. >> we belong together onlong t cebritity dish. >> uh-huh. serve it up, >> let's startrv with mariah cac that's what we her in then background much it's hard timed to be mariah carey right nowht n following the singer's new year's performance flub duringbn dick clark's rocking eve
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walk of star has beenas been vandalized.ndized tmz reported the star had been desecrated over the weekend with a question mark sketched next th her name. r so it read mariah carey? did ii read that right, mariah carey? >> proper inn flexion.xion >> mariah carey?ey? >> the hollywood historic trustt has already had it cleaned upand with a $1,500 bill attached todo the evident. evident. los angeles police department ii currently investigating the crime for felony vandalismandali according to tmz. >> hmm.. and actually tmz when we checkek in with them reported theyd the reported there's a girl who thes fessed up to or claiming she did it on her instagram account. ac. i don't know what that's allow s about. that's all i know.that details to follow.ils tolow. >> okay. it looks like kim kardashiaa west is going to hrdave to answr more questions fromuestiorom investigators looking into the e armed jewelry heist she reported in paris last year. judicial official in france tolt the ap that a judge who investigators such matters may be dispatched to the u.s. to to speak with kardashian west. w no timetab f
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the person who spoke of the judicial visit says such a tripi wouldn't take place in thelace i immediate futurediatfutu meanwhile though authorities arrested 17 people in connectn with the theft including her h chauffeur that night and his brother, however, the chauffeurr and two others have been b released the brother and 13 13 others remain in custody, and tmz also told us earlier they've told kim k it's a really longy shot you'll get any of that jewelry back.jey ba >> right. >> i want to say -- i'm sure sur they had to have insurance you y think. >> yes. >> for the jewelry because so much and so expensive jewel.. >> i'm sure they living in the celebrity bigrityg brother house is dzhokhar, g how hard is it, wis. is it, wis. >> allow me to tell you. tell u. that even being paid a million m dollars wasn't enough for ray j. to last barely a week. w here's the problem despite being the main m attraction of the series ray r shaye has left the big brotherth compound. now according to tmz report the nominated house mate had been suffering from tooth pain forfrp three days before
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finally allowed a dentist tost o treat the new star earlier thiss week. you see ray j. right there witht his sister he's been on our show. promptly gave him eight painkillers for hisptly g condi. apparently kim kim k's sex tape ex has a be a saysed tooth,d tth cracked filling and severe gume issue and during transport torao the hospital he reportedlyported blackout from the pain.n. >> for the eight killers he tooo at once isn't either once. onc that's a lot to deal witch wordr he's out of the hospital andhosa reach out to tmz to confirm producers won't let him back in the >> tmz went on to say he's notsn above suing them to make sure -- not tmz so he can get back in the house.. >> right. rig >> hmm. >> interesting story there.esti >> ray j. is everywhere tnghesee days. >> he is everywhere. >> he's everywhere.>> hev >> he gets his hustle on. >> hustle. he. >> making it work.or drake is more than a meme butemu he's not above sharing one. to celebrate barack obama'sba's farewell speech the torontoorono rapper posted this photo of
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president with drake's beard to his taken gram account and saysd as a canadian who calls americai home for part of the years i will carry the words and thend t memory of your time in office oc with me as inspiration.tion he wrote on instagram big up yourself o. o drake poked fun at this meme the worthy statue when he hostedhosd saturday night live last yearasa even mocking the idea of the obama beard combo how can iow c explain to my momma when you got my beard on obama? obama [ ughthter ] >> part of the opening monologue charity song.y song. >> that's pretty good.hat' >> i would like to see him rockc that beard.rd >> i know.>>no i think he would look good.loood >> would it look good on post presidency hair growth. gwt >> yeah, all right.h, a right. how about you give us at you veu little -- that's your girl mad much. she was peeking out aboutbout president-elect madonna saysna s donald trump winning the white g house is really like being dumped by a lover and also beine stuck in a nightmare. nmare the pop icon tells harper'sper's bazaar interview for the magazine february issue electioo night was like watching a horror
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she says the feeling of trump as president is comparable to going through a devastating break upap saying i wake up and i go wait a second, donald trump is the president? it's not a bad dream.ea it really happened. happe so madonna how do you reallyeall feel?feel >> yeah. >> not holding back. n hol >> yes. clearly not a man.a man. finally, gymnast simone biles bl and ali ditching their liver l leotards for bikinis. biles will be featured in sportp illustrated swim shoot edition.n the photographer shot the photoo of biles at the the northth houston skate park and the lilly and high roy cullen sculpturere gardens.. also pictured, olympic teammatea ali looking steamy in her two to picks she was promoting the first ever vibe sportst ever vi illustrated swimsuisport festivn >> okay. >> i think they look great.lo ge >> why not? why not? >> they are worthy to bey are wt swimsuit models in my book.
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>> argument they're not in shape. oh yeah. based on what they have done for a living. th >> oh yeah.ey a li >>ye exactly. ely. >> all muscles. >> you know it. > youno w >> beautiful bodies.ul bod beautiful women. >> 10:21. still to come this morning que e latifah the star of the fox hitt star, star of star, tells uss about the show coming up and u d what's changed in the musicic business since, you know, backw, in the day. the day. >> can't wait for that one andne later week long trip around thet world continues in the good dayy cafe.. this morning we're learning to make some mexican and showing so you what to expect as you headea out to the d.c. travel and at at venture show this weekend cominm back on good day at 10a.0a that shrimp looks amazing. ♪♪ i laugh, i sneeze... there goes my sensitive bladder. sound familiar? then you'll love this.
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>> he's still sexy and he shoule know it because he work hard to get it. we're sharing your weight loss success stories this is was sent n january 2nd, 2016 yeaxyuse r o g yos thear ag inn p i entered the gym at 18888 plus pounds, 60 days later i lai weighed at 147.t 147 isn't what?t? >> go for him. gfor >> kept it off since.ince >> he's wearing a phillies hat.t good for you. >> superman shirt.hi you are super. >> from erin and wisdom withdomt that outfit. the ski to kite off. kiteff don't try to lose it in hurry.u. it will come right back. b >> do it gradually and the righg way. wa >> make lifestyle change. 10:24. let's check back in with tuckere maybe you can get outside and exercise the next couple oft cpf days. >> certainly tomorrow afternoon probably later today as t womorl
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temperatures will be in the loww 50s. s we are seeing milder mde temperatures start to work theie way into the region and you know what, 48 doesn't feel so bad s like it is in gaithersburg.sburg 45 here in the city. 48 now in manassas 50 in presidents burg after enduringug temperatures in the low 20s and mid 20s for much of the past several days here, 45 shouldhoul feel pretty g looking atng satellite/radar. little bit of cloud deck work through the area particularly tu the north and parly sunny the st next couple of hours eventuallyy the clouds will win it we'll be mostly cloudy this afternoon see the shower activity down intoy o kentucky not a lot of showers ss there but the blue arrows arr indicating where it's headed and you know where it's headed. right in our region later thiser afternoon maybe you don't know.' elll tell you. we do have showers in the shorsi forecast late this afternoon asa we're expecting warmer air evenn warmer than what we got today tt move in later tonight and for a your daytime hours tomorrow. future cast show that you showe activity again don't be fooleded by the relatively moderate or mild air and the sunshine we're'
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we'll cloud up with more rain bi evening rush hour.eving there we are at 5:00 o'clock.k. keep a shower threat in the forecast through eight, nine,htn 10:00 o'clock tonight.clk to get it out of here and we shoull be in for a great day tomorrow.. tomorrow will be a real januarya thaw day with daytime highs inn the mid 60s. my advice don't get used tod tomorrow. end ehave colder air by the of the week may be looking atooa this wintry mix by saturday.atda i think the primary threat ont o saturday might be freezing rain. so we got to real that reallyea carefully as the temperaturespee are going to chill down again by the end of the week but today 53. 53. again showers this afternoon.iso tomorrow looks for all thing fun outdoors, 65 degrees.egre go to the play ground.o th okay, guys that's a weatherh update. update. i'll toss it back up to you.up >> tuck, i know it's still overe week away any even estimate for inauguration day what we'reti looking at at this pointon yes.t >> if i had to say right nowighw mild probably 50 or better.etter as far as air temperature.. >> wow. >> can't guarantee sunshine wenh may have some rain showerswers around but at least temperatures should be on the mild side. >> not 2008, 14 degr
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>> exactly.xact >> brutal. >> 21 of january i'll take >> 30s at night and 50s for the actual inauguration on friday.. >> that's not so bad. bad >> more as we get closer. clo >> they were one of the first boy bands arguably one of the greatest. now the new edition story is coming to tv little bit later lt this month and coming up next nt we're getting a sneak peek fromf not just one of the stars but one of the creators. c we'll talk with him next. 10:27. ♪♪ ♪♪
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i had that dream again -- that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts,
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like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay.
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♪♪ 10:30 right now.ow listen you know their music byub now. probably knew the music when yoh were little. the firstheirstoe f american boy bands responsibleie for hits like mr. telephone mann candy girl, cool it now, butow,b their success came with fairithr share of drama as well which ifh you're a fan you know you don'tn know it all.know it later this month their story sty coming to b check it out. >> came up were i was name forna you guys. you guys. your name ain't just who you are it's what you're all about. >> no jackson five. f they know the temptations.ptatns they're about to know about theu new edition. >> say it. i >> new edition. >> again. >> new edition. >> ♪♪♪ >> the three parts movie newoviw edition story follows the iconii boy band from the humble humble beginnings in boston individualv solo success and all that dramaa in between.. this morning we're typing more about the group's story from tht master minds
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project joining us now live inen the lot of executive producer jesse collins actor a lee a l gentleman kelly who plays newysn edition ricky bell. bell. good morning to both of youou guys. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good to see you as well. >. the process itself this is i connick boy band.d. somebody had tom come up with wh this idea let's put this on thet big screen. bi from?rothat come >> you know we did a show forw r bet 25th anniversary newsa edition performed, and the firsf time that the six have beeneen together and at least five orsto six years.s so getting first hand to see the inner dynamics of the group and how it really works and thehe leaders and the drama and all oo that, was like, okay, wayne this is really a rea this is really a three nightee mini series. >> i know that, you know, in tht credits on this you have members of the band listed as producerss how input to the members of thet band have in this production?ro? >> a lot. >> yeah. like so much so. like on the executive side, iid, can't speak for that, but the nightmare of having them behindd you every day while you wereou r dancing and sinking their lyricc
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literally pull you to the side and say, hey, that move right there, not cool enough. >> how much precious was that? >> it was amazing. it was because i think one of oo the most amazing things likeik this in culture and pop culture music there's so many times weiw aren't able to give people theet flowers while they're here.ree. so for them to be there selled s every day and to impart wisdom o we can learn from, it was an amazing experience.erienc >> did you ever say, argue with, them or were you kind of like yeeah eah yeah. >> you can argue. you can' can't. you can't. you can't. >> you just got t o do it. i you pick up little thing all the .ime. >> absolutely. you're still working on the project until the very last minute. when did you finish all the final edittill wuntil ing. you fin >> i mean, you know, i don'tw, n think we're allowed -- allowll isn't letting us back in the edit any more. m we were working on it up until monday.nday we're still tweaking stilliltwea adding things.. >> chris robinson our directorto from >> so i know that first of allta did you audition for a
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role or just want to be part ofo the production?roct >> tell the truth.the >> i want to you tell the truthr >> tell them 100%. 1 >> tell a thousand% truth. >> 1,000% truth.% truth i hate jesse.te jes >> there you go. >> i wasn't going to do it i'm >> that's the truth. >> they, um, he was a fan of, um, a project that i did the wiw and they called me and, you yo know, they had these things t called straight to offer. o it was one of the fffirst timesm that i ever had, you know, been fortunate enough to get that. t. so we had a meeting at soho aso house in los angeles where i ran his tab up as high as i can. can [ laughter ][ laug >> it was like a lunch.unch. like afternoon to a dinner then it was drinks.k twenty two it was like -- like >> you got two rolls out of it.i >> i got -- we got elijah that's an vin evident that.vint t pays off.pays >> and luke james.nd l >> that was a business day. not a bigwas la unch. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. yh. >> full business day. full >> it was worth it you got toh u put the time in, baby.aby >> you know it you get the ghe performance out of it.ore ou >> yes. >> it's funny
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you know, kevin mccarthy that ta does movies for us was talking with brashear who everybodybody knows from um he actually was liking spendingn so much time for the person he'' playing in the film to kind ofh get some of those nuances accenn whatever it is.ever it is. did you do the same thing? absolutely.. ricky's character was a littlete bit more in depth. dep. we actually -- we always debateb about it if we're going to gongo into the story of, you know, kno what happened to him, because hh has a really really strong arc around the third night.ig so i had to literally get insidd of his head and realize what made him tick, you know, what wt made him walk and talk the way w that he did.. a lot of internal issues and isd think that he may have had probably the most surprisingurpn down fall in resurgence of the which you'll see. >> that also sound as an actor a that's something that would bee exciting to tap into to bring ti that to the if it waats amaze ing to tap ino and it was one of things that it didn't know
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be that i would have my hands on when i first had the meetingad i with him.with him and that was one of the things t that drew me in. like i getting to deep. dp. i get to really really go deepod and it's not just about singingg and dancing we can really experience the brotherhood andnd healing process of this wholesho new edition.w edon >> there's that comradery.hacomd there's obviously there's the drama that existed over theve t years between the members of the band but there's the music, too. >> how much of that did you already. alre were you already a fan or diddi you have to go back and learn some of that? >> wmeell, i grew up in church.c so most of my music was shirley caesar and gospel and all ofll o that stuff growing up. and i wasn't the biggest huge hg jest fan of the new editionw edi records i knew their but when you got to definitelyey into everything writing music, the production of the music, jij knee jam, terry lewis, baby facy they actually recreated theed t music for this movie and thehe guys all the guy that is you t y see, we, you know, manipulatedal our voices to be able
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from 15 year range.ange >> wow.. >> all live vocals.ive vs. >> all of these guys are really sinking and what baby fe face producing all the early stufftu and then jamming lewis recreating standing in the rain if it isn't love, i was the hits gave the film authenticity. >> hence ricky standing behind you saying -- >> absolutely. >> hopefully there's at least a big cast party afterwards you tu got to hang out together? >> oman.>> oman. >> enjoy the celebration of the project. celeb >>ec real quick before we let yt go. you mentioned the wiz can was a life tv production. >> yes sir do a lot of work with the bet awards, grammy awardsy a life production.roductio the difference, big differenceie between i guess the pressure or the nervousness doing a live aiv show on tv versus doings d something like this?s? >> you just can't suck.'tuc [ laughter ] >> basically.>> basically. >> basically, yes. >> that's scientific.entific. >> keep it real.>> keep that's all right.itth break it down and keep it reaat. >> when you get ready to do thao live show do you even thinkn thk about that or do you think i'm
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just on a stage like any otherth night even though the cameras cm e onon. >> you kind of have to. t if you put yourself out therere and think about all the people that are watching you, you know, it will be very difficult to dod but once you're in the safeheaf space in the zone, you know, k like here, you know, we're all creative and you can go for whaw you know and you have people ana teammates that, um, push you toward that great point. point >> that's awesome.>> tt's awes thanks for pushing on this behalf.lf. >> absolutely. >> even though the bill was a little high atough t soho. >> still high every time we get together and talk. >> end result is good on thatn a note let's do lunch sometime.ome [ laughter ] ] >> absolutely.utely >> soho house in la.hous l >> there you go. t we'll set it up.p. here's the info for the show. to everybody will want to watch it starting on january 24th on o bet and we should mention as men well the real live bill due vo will be with us in studiotu tomorrow. the fun will couldn't as wes celebrate new edition all week.l >> we're doing a screeningcree tonight.tot. >> fantastic.
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here. go jeb stuart.tu go raiders.airs thanks guys.anks gs. >> very good. >> awesome.>>weso >> thank you. thankou you got it. i >> back over to you >> it's a live show.ho we just can't suck.'tuc >> good wore.>> gd wo hollywood star with hometown hot roots in fact coming up in next sleepless' dermot mulroney willl join us live.ive. 10:38 is the time.
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♪♪ >> stay right there. >> dad! >> cop's son we have bring the dope. okay. okay. no! no! no! ahh! >> so that's a clip from the new movie sleepless
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romantic comedy -- ced [ laughter ]ug it is a remake of a french thriller it stars jamie foxx ass a corrupt police detective whoew secret life gets exposed when hn and his partner try to rip off a powerful drug lord which putship his son's live in danger. dge the movie also coach starsta dermot mulroney you might know w best from roles like young gunsg my best forty seven's wedding, i zodiac the family stone and the he joins us now live with morehr on his role in the movie and moa growing up right here inn alexandria. good morning, sir., sir. >> yeah.>> good morning. how are you.ning >> i'm doing well.>> let me tell you i watched thatt trailer and it was almost like seizure inducing there's a lot l of action in this movie. >> yeah. you know i think a lot of movieo have gotten to where they tearhe down the whole city and they the fight these mighty super heroess or whatever.hatever. this isn't that movie at all. a you know what we got here? jus a straight up brawling actionrag movie.e great car chase. everybody is out to get the guyy um myself included. so, you'll see from beginning to
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plot twists sleepless night. this is jamie foxx act thrillerr >> i'm sure you're at your action thriller best as well.s l you know it's one of those those things too you really -- everybody is good and serve badd you don't really know who is onn the right side here.side he. >> yeah.. >> we like this about sleepless. that it's like peeling back a ba rotten onion or something ihi i guess you could say. say i'm like the first bad guy but t it turns out i'm not nearly asra bad as the neck bad then there's even a couple ofplo plot twists after that.t. so, it's really fun script, story, that kind of unspools inn front of you, and jamie holds down the lead really really rll great performance and super fun action.action >> you know it's funny youny y talked about this being a funun i know you've done like 70 pluss esvies. you've done so many when i think of you i think of like good guy, my bev friend's wedding kind ofo thing. is it more f t
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guy?guy? >> well, you know i've enjoyed all along is doing differentfere things all the time. the t so obviously i'm probably betteb known if known at all for beingg good guy or the changing fiance' and so forth i've had a great ge run doing that. what can sometimes be more m interesting is to break awayy from that, those rails and takee another track. so in this one i got great opportunity open road called tod put me in the to play the seemingly good but, you know, ko not good guy at all. so i was thrilled to may this stand rabine know, i'm the casino manager, but i'm also running the drug game out of o that front >> when you're developing thehe character -- i'm sorry.. when you're developing the're character of stan rabine know kw you know what the store line isi you know what the plot line is.. in your mind though do you comeu up with your own back story to t kind of make him even more evil? >> yeah n a way there were bitsr in the script that didn't maketk the final cut
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about rabine know's family livee and so forth that really helpede a lot. it was fun for me to imagineo ii going to his kid's softball game and then going and selling, youu know, kilos of coke out of theut front office of the casino. so, you know, i think he's more complex character than you may m see in the entirety of thehe movie, but i've got great scenee in there face to face with jamie and it's just a great movie to t be in so fun to watch. wch >> i want to imagine a youngou dermot going to tc williams herr in alexandria.a. >> yeah, man. m i was a student there from 1978 to 1981 at the great tc williamm high school. so that school and the people ii went there with and the teacherh really set me up for great lifee learning and i can't believe mym good fortune to come frome fro northern virginia and from thatn school.ol >> it's true.
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of the d.c. area? >> oh, absolutely.uty. really it's great high schooloo experience still friends with,h, um, with the kids i was friendsn with then, and it's a great parp of the world to grow up in there adjacent to the capitol.pitol couldn't have asked for a bettet up bringing. bin >> if you ever come back you ba have an open invitation to comeo in the loft but you have toave t bring your cello. >> yeah, right. rht i know it's a little unwheeledne to go carry around. but it's got a lot of other benefits.nefi >> we sure thank you so much.oum we're definitely looking forward to your latest roll sleepless which hits theaters friday. fda thank you, sir.ank u, sir >> thank you.hank thank you so much. >> he's a classic klee trained a cellist and played on movie move scores and everything.ry i think that's fascinating and's wonderfu fl.wonderfu >> if he agreed to come in ween could find him one >> we could find someone who would loan him one.loim o he wouldn't have to carry thatrt unwielding cello with him.h >> 10 cot 46. 10 new fox hit star returns tonight with an all new episode and if i you reason caught u
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empire spin off and latestates musical drama from creator leeee daniels it follows three youngee up and coming singers as they t try to navigate the business ans find success in the process. it also coast stars queen latifah who serves as a surrogate mother and mentor too the three girls even though shes doesn't always support their thr dreams. yesterday i got to chance tonc t talk with her about her a h character and the differencesfes between making it in the musicus world today compared to when she got started. talk about star now. the new show by lee daniels starring you. you what is it about this show thatw people are going to love when they see you performing in thisi show? >> oh, they going to love carlotta's realness. reaes carl lot at a is real as hecks much she's real, you know, she's a got fearing she loves the lord but she's nos a perfect woman. and she's been through a lot. l she's got a lot of love in her march. marc a lot of love to give. g if you kind of rub her the wr
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way she's always strugglingtrugl with, you know, her streett mentality versus her spiritual mentality.ality one of the also the cool thingsi that these girls get into theyot show how to use social media too advance their careers.s. that's something that wasn'tn' around when i started at thathat age, um, we had to figure out a thousand different other ways, um, but social media sun of thee things that we're kind of making important in the show on hown hw that can happen.n. also, the pitfalls of it.. so everything seems to have a pitfall. oh, my god, then we fell off the cliff. clif >> just reminder you can catchnn all new episode of star tonightt at 9:00 right here on fox5. 10:48. coming up on our trip around the globe we're continuing one platp at a time and this time we'ree'e heading south to mexico. chef bobby is cooking with comom this morning as we countdow
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show. ind icoming right back and wish you could smell the drunken shrimp wrapped in bacon. it's smells so good. ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ everybody's weighteigh loss stories right now. n my journey began by changing eating habits eating clean and d training that is the key from steve williams 4905. >> you are gorgeous. >> clean and dirty. i'm borrowing that phrase.rr >> you got to do that more thann once a week. ak >> there's whip per super loyall fan photo good day and she'snd s super fit too. t i'm not messing with her guns.wn look at those arms are tight. tg >> her key was keeping a journal. you know an eating journal. jou your dietary journal and weighta and work out journal as well.alw makes big difference.iffe >> we love all the weight loss success stories and our hats are off to each of everyone of you.y >> with that let's eat. our trip around the world the wd continues this morning sponsores by the 13th m annual dc travelvl and adventure show coming toing town this weekend we'rend wre highlighting all week some of sm the best cuisine from around tht erin with the tough assignmentsm this morning of taking usgs cooking around the globe.lo
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esteban or steven, right.ig so far this week we've madeade stops in italy and india today we're heading south of theouth border and here to help us out chef bobby relia. relia i knew that was going to happenp from coopers hog winery and wery restaurant. i promise i haven't had a sip of the red wine good morning. mor thank you so much for coming in. you have such an incredible menm what are we cooking up today.od >> we'll prepare our mexican drunken shrimp bacon wrapped wra shim and tequila lime butter sauce.uc any time you wrap shrimp withimh bacon is a homes row. row the nice thing about this and ta our menu we have a 40 varietiesi of wine we pair all those winesn with our amazing dishes because of that it's diverse. like mexico any region in mexicx you go to whether you go to thee all inclusive i don't know if kw you've ever been to one.been toe >> i have.. >> there's's blast >> they are a blast. ar>>e o th go to the quiet fishg villages of the west. >> find a little maybe unknownno kind of restaurant.stauan >> those little secret spotsepo where they're catching it roohio
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dish we start with the bacon b wrapped shrimp get that going. garlic and shall lots brown than a little bit. tequila heads up it will get aig little loud. >> look at the sizzle. sz >> then we have ---- >> tequila a good glaze. glaze >> glaze the pan there.hean thee heavy little bit of chicken >> ooh. o >> you portion everything out st you know exactly -- >> exactly how much we'll make here. have a litt have a little bit left over.le bit le >> spice with the green pepper. >> hal mean nass, spicedpice tomatoes balance out on the the swtnesess. >> i have to point out theut t decant. that is a work of >> it is. >> what exactly is the purposetp of a dee candor.eeando >> the air rates the wine anye a time you order a bottle we'lltle bring this to you and serve it i table size it makes it a fun interactive experience just like eating bake can wrapped shim and can be much this a simple dish if you have extra tequila. >> no shortage of butter.ut >> adds to the t fla what kind of wine would you paio with this particular dish?rt
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>> for this you'll want seafooda a white wine.whit wine. balance out the heatness guacamole something to balanceae out that spice because the hal lean nass you get a nice kickeik there. >> the cool thing about cooper's hog you feature so manytureo ma different kinds of food while you're preparing mexico you canu get here on good day d.c. you'ru feed featuring mediterranean ata the show this weekend.kend >> we are unsown did you atdiyo 11:30 at the dc travel andnd adventure show chef matt chema mcmillan and myself will jump j across the pond over to the oto mediterranean and prepare some s bruschette tow for you.. classic tomato bruschetta.rusca. come out we'll be out there forr about 20 minutes preparing it. i'll show -- we'll do a cooking demo.demo. you'll get to eat.yo >> eating sounds good. i think that i shall try one off these shrimp wrapped in bacon bc dipped in guacamole when you you think mexican cuisine what'sha your go to meal? m >> i'm easy.>>'m eas i'm a sucker
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meat and cheese case is a dill l >> or an chill lad today. tod >> or four.our whichever.icheve >> tequila butter sauce on it. fresh squeeze of lime. o >> this is so good.. >> we've been smelling it all morning. >> talking b aeeboutn this segt this morning. >> here's a question. do you need help or keep>> e hat we'll talk more for you whileoui you continue to eat. t >> talk for me. it is so good.o goo i do not regret stuffing myng my mouth mid segment. i couldn't >> flat you get in northern mexico. >> exact.xa >> um-hmm. >> it's amazing okay i'll try i it. >> please dig in. >> the flat bread the mexican shrimp all featured in our happp hour from three to sixroree throughout the whole restaurantr you don't have to come into then >> off huge wine selection. >> over 40 varieties we'll find' something that you like.ll fin >> andthin tequila, too. >> margaritas are awesome, also. >> bobby, thanks so much foranks congng in today. we want to let you know will
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conference it may be delayed fod little bit.littleit. right now 11:15. 1 keep it right here on fox5 we'l' get it for you as soon as its happens.ppen meantime -- >> see you tomorrow.
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11:00 am
meanwhile on capitol hill. three of his choices for the new cabinet being grilled by three separate senate committees. and it comes as the president-elect pushes back against rather explosive but unverified reports that russian intelligence agents have potentially damaging information about him. furthermore, we go to fox news correspondent peter who is the life outside trump tower in new york. >> this press conference for the last several weeks has been billed as the president elects opportunity to explain to the american people how he is going to separate himself from his business interests before he moves down to washington and to the white house to avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest, but just overnight, a lot more questions have emerged because the president-elect is responding now to this report that suggests u.s. intelligence officials briefed him using an


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