tv Good Day DC FOX January 18, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, two days tot go and the inaugural festivities are already underway. donald trump taking the stagethe during a black tie event in d.c. last night.nig. this morning countdown to the to oath of office is on and the a t security preparations are abouto to take full effect. one last controversy.ovsy president obama under fire aftea commuting the sentence ofe o chelsea manning.chelsea manning the army. private who leakedeake military this morning, he'll likely facef tough questions about theut the decision during his final presss conference.. i'm demand
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and how long did it take forak f them to realize he was suffocating. >> three-year-old dead aftereaol choking on a meatball while in n daycare.ycar now family members want to knowk what happened. we'll have a life report. and later, bottoms up. up. the hottest new trend for yoga fans.fa might have lot more guys gettint in on the action. actio good day at 9a starts right now. >> ♪♪ all right. bottoms up. up. tv is i good day d.c. welcome.welce. 9:01 is the time.9: it is wednesday, january 18th. wisdom martin, holly morris, maureen umeh steve chenevey.hene >> first at 9:00 let's talk about the weather a lot oft of people getting ready for theor t inauguration and they're hopingd the rain will hold t off. o we are too. but first we have to make it through today.hoday. you're taking live look now at madam tussaud's there is newests wax museum the donald himself president-elect donald trump wax
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figure unveiled there at the t northwest location of madam tussaud's very live l we saw them doing it making that wack figure earlier and some of the video we showed you but herh it is in full glory. mr. president-elect himself donald trump with a familiaramia look on his face. face is that a scowl? sco >> is that a -- a - >> i think that's just his -- >> resting face.>> resting >> the face he has.>> t i dohe. it's very live like. >> it is. >> literally was just unveiled v like at the top of the hour. hou so these life pictures prettytt mazing and they always impress e me down at madam tussaud'.ussa >> they do.>> they d if you haven't been down you b o have to get down there they do o great job with every single waxw figure unveiled the latestates unveiled president-elect donaldd trump. i'm sure it will be a big hit leading up to the inauguration i and >> i will say this.>> iis we showed a couple of weeks agoa the work in progress when they were showing how they were wowirkinngg on the final faciala features.fe the hair was a little bit of ata mess a couple weeks ago when w they were first putting knitter. >> the hair looks good.he hair can they get that under controlc looks like they did. did >> it looks muc
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now. >> of course the big thing about madam tussaud's you can go there put your arm around him, getim your picture taken with him youo can do whatever pose you want. >> tastefully. >> you can do whatever pose youu want. but i have a feeling every nighy they have to go back and retouch them. i have a feeling they'll have tt retouch that quite a bit. b. >> probably. extremely popular this weekend.. >> yes.>> >> if you can get >> right. >> tucker barnes, you're alwayss perfectly coifed and people cann walk up and. and >> touch you youoo >> touch you too.>> t [ laughter ] >> hi. >> i'm speechless.peec >> i'm frozen. let's do the weather.eather. we're looking at temp right now 52 big jump in the past 15 past minutes or so. as we're starting to get thateta air that warmer -- milder air in cold front has come through. winds shifted out of the northdf and west at 15. the thatd iwes great sign that we a going to, a, dry things out and, b, get sunshine around here thii afternoon as cold front has beee moving through early thisly ts morning. leftover sprinkle it looks likee north central maryland, that'ss the worst of the forecast todaya otherwise parly sunny thiss
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winds out of the north and westa about 15 to 20 gusting to about 25. 25 but no complaints about thatnts afternoon high temperature. that's almost 15 degrees above normal. so enjoy beautiful afternoon ana it should be dry wednesday forsf you. coming up we'll look atlo at thursday. of course we'll look at friday noon our weekend'll .. i heard we got some activitiesy here at the end of the week.e we'll talk about it. aut it. back to you guys.bao you guys. >> all right. sounds good, tuck. thank you.sounthan new this morning, formerr president rushed to the hospital. george w. bush reported in stable condition after suffering from shortness of breath over. s the weekend of breath the 92 year old has beenas bee hospitalized since saturday butu the news just was reportedor overnight.ght. mr. bush is expected to return r home in just a few days. the 41st president and former fr first lady barbara bush had h previously announced they will not be attending friday's inauguration of donald trumpdona because of the former president's health and also his age. we are of course just twose days away now from the 58th presidential inauguration.ugur and today president-elect donaln trump he's in new york.or he plans to sit down though witt new york governor and
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at trump tower.ow >> the two are expected to focus on issues concerning new yorkcog including cuomo's ambitiousmbits plans to upgrade and rebuild bridges, train stations andtatid airports in new york city andn around the state.. last night though donaldight trump was here in the nation's o capitol kicking off the the inaugural festivities b attending black tie invit onlyny dinner.nn he told a room filled withit diplomats, donors and soon to bb white house staff he ise i assembling a cabinet quote theuo likes of which has never beenn assembled before. about 500 guests attended thatd event last night. n. tomorrow he'll be back -- h went to new york after the evene last night he should say. s he'll be back in washingtonhiton tomorrow along with vice president-elect mike pence to participatt e in wreath layingg ceremony at arlington national ceremony and deliver remarks ats a concert at the lincoln memorial. he'll spend the night at the the blair house across the streetsss from the white house. w >> some of you willhi start tort feel the direct impact of the security measures in place forlr friday's inauguration starting today. toda >> parking restrictions actualll begin this afternoon but that's' really the beginning of traffica tr
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our annie yu is on the nationala mall this morning withng wh everything we need to know.tono which is don't go down, right? t >> reporter: right. rig just don't even bother. it could be a complete nightmarg if you have to travel throughe o the district but, guys, we'reuye just two days out as youou mentioned i want to show was the scene is looking like down hereh at the national mall.nati mall. the transformation is remarkable. there are crews out here still working, of course, ews seeingg security folks coming in herener and installing what they need td as well.. but this is sort of media village/where thousands of youfu will gather on friday for the inauguration of president-electt donald trump, and as yous y mentioned, down here at theat te national mall you'll see a bunc' of these signs here, the noe, te parking signs. they are up on all of the postss up and down this road hereer warning drivers about the changg happening today. it goes into effect at noon, and basically what this means is, ii want to show you the map.. organizers for the organization they broke up the sections intoi two zones.two z the red and the green starting at noon today the red t part that you see the
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enter those areas. areas any cars parked in thatd t perimeter will be towed.ow it's pretty much the nationalat mall area, capitol, white house, only towardsed vehicles areles a allowed on those streets and tht green zone that's where you havv the traffic will be able to getg in and out, however, you have to be a resident or work in that wt area. so national guard members willrl be checking your id.d. keep that in now, the other map that we havev for you are just some othere o closures that we have as well. we're talking pennsylvaniania avenue, of course, constitutionn avenue, lincoln memorial andlnd parts around union station astis well as capitol hill so i knowsw this is a lot of information and what we've done we put togethert a survival guide for you on ouro web side at go there. there. we've got all the metro closingg as well in addition to the t the street closures, and metro willl be opening at 4:00 a.m. onn friday which is an hour earlierr than normal.ormal. they'll be closing at midnightih as well, and you know there will be five stations that are goi
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reasons on that day.hat day. so if you are headed down herenh on friday, be sure to check our website and plan yourr route ahead of time.ofim that's the very latest here fro the national mall, annie yu, fox5 local news.ocal n >> thanks annie. tha 9:08 right now. now. happening today another round of confirmation hearings on capitot hill. lawmakers will hear from southro carolina governor nicky haley who is trump's pick to be the te next un ambassador. scott rue it his pick for environmental protection agencye and tom price who is up to be te the next health and human han services secretary.ecre you also have his confirmationrt hearing today. lastly wilbur ross will appear a before the senate commercemmer committee he is trump's pick too be the next commerce secretary.y meanwhile, trump's pick for education secretary betsy devosv took some heat from lawmakersmae yesterday during hersterduri confirmation hearing. >> student loans from theoans fe federal government to help payep for college.llege >> i have not. not >> have any of your children hah to borough money in order to goo to college?ol? >> they have been fortuna
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>> have you had his personalis r experience with pell grant? >> not personal experience but certainly friends and, um, students with whom i've worked.. >> do you have -- now personalea experience with collegeollege financial aid or management of higher education. mrs. devos let's start with thee basic. >> trump nominated devoss to t help lay out his education plan including providing vouchers for familiar tolls choose private oe charter schools. >> tradition during the waiting days of the administration thett presidential pardon yesterdaysta president obama released finalin list of pardons and commutationn and two names stood out.ut. president obama has commuted the sentence of chelsea manning thet tran gender army privaterivate formerly known as bradleyey manning. she was supposed to serve 30r 3 years in prison for leakingking military secrets to wikileaks.i. now she'll be released in may im about serving about six years.ia the president also bar pardonede general james car write who w plead guilty to lying to the fbf about leaks of classified
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controversial moves some critics say dangerous precedence when it comes to punishing those who threaten america's' nationalatio securities.riti we turn to greg rin key militart defense attorney he joins us non live from new york via skype. s good morning to you. >> good morning. morning >> so i want to start withart wh chelsea man pogs commutation.ti. whistleblowers obviously hailini this a victory but politicians on both sides criticizing it.. what is the inherent danger in i this commutation if there isatit one? >> i think the inherent danger in this commutation is the facte his manning jeopa frdized natioa security. the amount and volume of of information that was leaked wasw did he tri mental to national mo security. and the fact that the amount ofo information that was leaked anda the amount of the sentence has h now been reduced to about sixuts years there's a lot of people on both sides that are very areer outraged about that. abo tha >> the white house has made thes argument that people whoopleho committed similar crimes gotrimg lesser sentences than chelsea
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does that make a difference?ferc >> i don't think in this case is does, because of the amount of information, the damage that was done. diplomatic cables were leaked,e, information from sources wasours leaked and also miss manning atg the time who was an active dutyy so the sentence i believe waselw appropriate. >> let's dig deeper into this julian assange the founder ofour wikileaks. he had tweeted last week i wk believe that he would turnur himself in should chelsea manning her sentence be hasn't quite said he would.ui but is there a problemte s now,w should julian assange turn himself in and prosecuting him p given that chelsea man pog's sense tense is being commutedted can he in essence go free, assange?assae >> we have the new>> we have thw administration coming in on fridayration. so i don't think that's likely l that he'll go free. free. i think he'll make that argument, and i think he had hed hoped this was going to happen p lot earlier than two or three oe days before the newhe n administration comes in. >> general james cart write ther
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pardoned which essence means his record gets wiped clean in a i very lay person's what is the bigger picture herer with general cart right?ht >> bigger picture that he gets e what we call the officer offer discount. i mean the fact that, you know,k he's general officer, and and because of his position he got a pardon because of that? as whew you have a lower enlistednlis soldier committing the same typt of crime and they have the bookb thrown at them. t i think that's the bigger issuee and bigger concern from militarr ice ice side. >> president obama the most commutations and pardons of anya president at least through the last 12 presidents.sidents. it's raising eyebrows.ow should it? or is this perfectlt within his right? >> perfectly within his right. h i mean, he does have a highig number as the president that iss within his right. >> i understand that more mor pardons expected on thursday.te. are you hearing the same thing? >> absolutely. >> any big names that you mightt think might be on that list? >> potentially hillary clinton.i >> oh that is a big one.
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>> okay. we'll end it there at the mike k drop full. greg rin thank you so much for spending g time with us this >> my pleasure. >> 9:12 is the time. tim president obama will likely facc tough questions about that commutation decision today anday also explain why he did it.did i he holds his final white housete press conference this after foxf will have live coverage of the new conference due to beginegin around 2:15.:15. you can watch it on air andh it online. >> in other news this morning tn family trying to make sense of a tragedy three-year-old choking i to death while at a daycare in a government building.uild we'll have live report coming up >> later on it is the politicalc party of the year but there aret still a lot of unansweredwe questions. questi coming up we'll go live to tmz z for a look what they have h learned about some of thesehe inaugural balls. ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> 9:16. a story every pan's nightmare. we say that a l this is disturbing you drop your child off at daycare and something horrible happens to them. >> that is exactly what happened to one mom who's son died aftert choking on meatball at daycareay and it all happened at a daycare inside the department of labor.r that's where we find our anjali hemphill this morning with
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on this heart-breaking story.ry anjali. oomorporter: good morning, guys. it's really hard to imagine thei grief that this family ishis fay feeling this morning.this mornig this is all after a motherot dropped her healthyealt three-year-old boy off att daycare something she does evere day here at the place where shee works with the us government.ovm only for him to end up chokingpo to death while she was upstairsa in the same building the entiret time.ti now the family of three-year-oll sterling moore is now demanding his mother is an accountant with the labor department here andme yesterday she dropped sterlingrl off atin the child development e sent here where he'd been goingr for the last two years thee e st family says while mom hadly saya stepped away from her desk, thee daycare called and left her h voicemail. by the time mom came downstairsr her son was in an ambulancece this is all after choking on a the family now wants to know hoh could this have happened underpe the supervision of two adults. >> he was just at my niece's
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he ate meatballs there. t we even have video how big is these meatballs theyy saying or claiming that he choked on? and why are they feeding children and not watching them? >> reporter: the daycare didaycd release a statement to fox5o f saying "we are shocked andnd deeply saddened as we grieve thr sudden death of one of oureath f children today while eating lunch.lunc the child showed difficulty dif our trained staff respondedespod immediately to call 911 andnd perform the heimlich maneuver and ch pr.. the child was then transported to children's hospital byl by paramedics and passed away.wa we are devastated by this tragedy and our hearts and a condolences go out on the family during this unimaginable type o grief. we do not know the cause of death at this time but are fully cooperating with authoritiesuthi following this tragic loss "tha" it this case is being is bng investigated biophage local and federal law enforcement and it'i not clear right now the status
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of those two employees who werer both that's the latest here ine i northwest.rtest. anjali hemphill, fox5 localal .ews. >> 9:18 is t time.isime. coming up, earthquakes rockk italy.y new proof that dads might also s suffer from postpartumtptu depression, and bottoms up. the new trend that could get alt lot more guys into yoga. we'll have a check on what elses is making headlines next. n >> you got my attention there. . also later on heading home. h going to sit down with sarah fraser' new i'm on the hot seat today. toda. >> ut-oh. >> we talk about>> that, that's' correct little time ire disappeared from all you guys gy for short amount of time and tie then came back for the reunion.n >> we missed you, steve. sve. >> coming up at 9:50. we'll be right back.
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...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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♪♪ >> 9:22 is the time right now. allison seymour is back with a check of on the stori theesymoum headlines this morning.s morni allison. >> wisdom, thank you very much.y good morning to all of you. y we begin in europe where three r earthquakes hit central italy i this morning hit region of italy still recovering fromg devastating quakes over the pas two years.two years. so far we have not heard reportr of damage nor injuries from thee epicenter the region which got t lot of snow recently. ren we do know the shaking was quiet intense in the city of rome and that city subway system wasystew closed for a time so the damaged inspections could be done. the man accused of killing orlando police sergeant is unded arrest this mark keith lloyd was arrested last night ending intense nine-day manhunt.. officers found lloyd inside of
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he's accused begunking down master sergeant debra clayton ct outside of wal*mart last week. s lloyd is also wanted ind also n connection with the murder ofmuo his pregnant ex-girlfriend. happening today, the supreme court will consider whether a a law bearing disparage trademarkk violates free speech. speech. offensive trademarks case could have implications for our for o football team, of course, thee, sks.s. the case involves a governmentor refusing to register a trademark for a band's name because it'se considered offensive to asians.i back in 2014 the washingtonn redskins had their trademarkma canceled after the us patentat office ruled the name was name w derogatory and offensive.ffenve health news now.ow apparently moms aren't the onlyl ones who end up with postpartumm depression.ession texas researchers say that asha many as one in 10 men deal witht it too. analysis -- analysts reads new s dads can like new moms can c experience mood alteringlterin hormonal changes and some of the symptoms they exhibit can be c similar such as extreme fatiguef
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sleeping men have struggled withuggled wh depression before or have ae family history of it may be morm likely to experience it.. and finally, two things that you don't normally expect to seo together, right, ply back bac becoming a thing.hing beer and yoga. yoga and beer joining forces ate a growing number of eventsf e around the world including righg around here.ere you can find one at a northern h virginia studio known as eat yoga drink and also in frederick maryland at the flying dog brewery.. so in a mass thai to you.o you. >> and to you. >> great way to get peopleay tg involved. >> which would might be the onll way i do yoga.. >> i was belong to a health cluc that had full service bar andnd restaurant overlooking theve people working out in the healta club which i thought was counter productive especially when theyt had taco >> something for everyone. e >> at the same time if you were working out and should i pussahs date, look if i'm going get angg beer afterwards upstairs maybe m we should do it.d do i
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>> speed up that yoga i might dd ito too. >> that's what i'm talkingal about. we need to work on something.ors >> speed yoga. you just thought of it.. >> not too relaxing. >> called regular >> in that case, never mine.aser thanks al. >> we're not done yet. yet hollywood star and d.c. native jeffrey wright joining us live v for more on his new role. r did you hear me jeffrey wright.w he's coming in directing a playa about veterans and he's live. >> first though gray and gloomyy day. da other than around that dmvat temperatures above normal. nor tucker will be back with a lookl at how long the above normal nor trend will last and if it will ever feel like january again. >> fresh at 10a, how would you u decorate the white house if you had the chance? well thisl morning the celebrity designer e joins us live to share his ideas for 1600 pennsylvania plus just because you don't hav' a ticket to the ballt doesn't mean you can't celebrate the political party of the year. celebrity planner andre wellsndw joins us live with white houseit worthy ways to make your party y at home a little more glam, a
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wax figure they've been workingk on it for some time now. literally just unveiled momentss ago. you can see some of the members of the media getting their lmeoo at it right now. n and we're bringingit to you ass well. we did mention when they werethe first working on it we got sneat peek at it it was really they rh were working on some of theme oe facial features and the hair wa a little messy.anessy. >> yeah. >> but it looks like everythingn is under control right now.troln >> came together.r. >> um-hmm.>> u >> very presidential pose there. >> that is.>> thais >> for donald trump.. >> red tide and all. 2017 baseball hall of fame class will be announced today.od big question is, will barry bar bonds and roger clemens receivei the cooperstown invitation? of course bonds and clemens hadmend been regarded as the finest fins hitter and pitcher of the steroid era.. both have long been suspected ot using performance enhancing drugs but they could be close to getting into the hall.g to t player must get in baseball 75%% of the vote composed by 450 veteran members of the baseball writers association.ociation. other players up forp f consideration include firste fst baseman jeff bagwell
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hitting outfielder and former fr member of your washington nationals vladmir guerara.ra he did make an impact back in bn the early days with the nats.hen >> i fine it interesting there't so much emphasis put on firstn i ballot and second ballot.allot. in other sports did you get in n or not? you know what i mean?n? >> you got in or you didn't. dn' >> once they get in do you care? >> that's my does it matter if you get inn first, second or third. >> people that are in if theyatt got in on the 15th they don'ty d care because they're theri with baseball it's a little different the threshold is so i high to get in. nfl takes 68 people. >> baseball might take none. non >> you're not guaranteed someone every year.y year >> no. you have to get three quarters of the vote.get of >> right. >> that's why the first ballot is typically wheny th you're hot because barry bonds doesn't get it this year, next year he mighb ononnely get 6xt0% of the vote d then 40% of the vote. vote that's why the emphasis i there >> i just remember a lot of talb aber a lout barry bonds and roge clemens the writers were sayingy first ballot, there was a lot ot talk about them not voting for f him on the first ballot becauseu of everything that was
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>> because they would do it inh the second. a slight penalty. >> that would be punishment.unit i don't know if that's true orar not. not >> you have some politics have s involved here.edere but i think that the concern con from those are, if once you putp one person in from the so-called steroid area, now you got to got open the flood gates and putatet everybody in.every in >> interesting. >> on feel performance, which has not been proved one way oreo another definitively no questioo the same thing with pete rose.t. i hate to go back to it.o it. >> i know. know. yeah -- yeah.eah >> he should be in as well.l >> what do you off the fieldhe e often gets you in trouble.role [ laughter ] >> our nominee for 2017 weatherh hall of fame is tuck barnes. ba. first ballot or not you should l still appreciate the honor. ther >> i'm still an active player. e >> would you get enough votes to get in. >> that's very good the third question is there a weather forecaster hall of fame. maybe i'll start one in my onenm basement, steve. >> crickets. >> if you nominate yourself onma first ballot in your basement -- >> you might be a shoe in.e >> different issue
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>> i'm the only one voting i'mo guaranteed to get.guaran that's guarantee. breeze -- milder wednesdayedsd sunshine breaking out for parts of the area it will be very verr pleasant mid to upper 50s we've nowve now jumped to 52 in washington.hing. manassas 52. fredericksburg 54. 54. cooler north and west. w fog was big early this morning.i that is burning off.burning off last little piece of energye ofe coming through this morning a cold front. hahn neverly the air is not n cooler bit of change of air ofir mass. notice the winds out of the wino north and west later today, andd in addition to some sunshine,unn the winds will dry thing out.ngt so it should feel less damp andd soggy than it has the lasthe las couple of days.ay there's a look at your surfacece features. cold front coming through.hrou drizzle and fog out of heref h build the sunshine in and for ar couple of nice days.. i do think we'll have raineai showers that return by friday. so friday will be a little toucl and go. little cool with cloud cover but the main theme around here fortt next seven plus days and reallyl dealing with for much of january above normal temperatures
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big bubble of high pressuress across the eastern half of theae country has been deliveringin unseasonably warm temperatures. have friends in upstate new york and yes where is the snow? we have mud season already feelslry like late march.. we're looking at 50s and a overnight lows in the 40s for 4f the next seven days. so winter where have you gone? u looks like it returns by the ite rental of the month in facturnt looking downstairs at some of the modeling, i think by the end of january we'll turn. tn. colder. there you go. ere 57yo today.od. 56 tomorrow. tomorw. upper 40s we'll be rather grayr and some showers around for then day on friday.. so make sure you dressre accordingly if you'll be down ad the mall. the ma guys that's a look at weather. r looking forward to allison's interview. >> all right. thank you tucker barnes lookingg forward it to as well.ard to aw let's get right to it our next r guest hollywood star withit hometown roots. you might know him from hisknims rolls in movies like the huntern games trilogy and the bond, james bond movie. movie >> don't do it wis. do itis. >> don't do it.>> dono it >> casino royal. roy >> he's already here.ere. >> all right. .ew about boardwalk empire >> okay. >> that's a good one. >> you can catchim
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break out drama west world butob this morning he is back in d.c.. for an event honoring veterans.r allison is here with more details on. he needs no introduction. take it away. awa >> we're talking about d.c.' own jeffrey write who directed we are not done yetec an originalgl multi media performance by by veterans highlights the intersection as jeff writes off grief, trauma and survival in i civilian and combat settings iti debuts tonight it's right here.r is it one night only jeff.y >> one night only.>> o >> one night so free event i would encouragea you to go. go. jeffrey wright joins us in the i loft right now. n good morning. >> good morning allison.llison. >> good to see you. >> great to see you.>> goo y. okay. how and why did you get involved in this because goodness knowsno you are so busy acting? >> well, little bit of a longbil story. i'll try to make it short. i went to searer leone in 2001.0 there was a cease fire at their time. but the war had been raging pretty hot. and first time i had been
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zone. ended up doing work there over a number of years and i began to appreciate security.ur was sensitive to the effects off war in away high not been beforr and also sensitive to the effect of war on warriors as well ass civilians. started a foundation that was headed by retired major generall from the us army he had worked d in liberia for two years post retirement. spent a lot of time with him.h m a lot of time with other veterans talking about thingshig and it really educated me in aen way that i had not been before b and so i just became more me sensitive to those experiences. last february, i was coming bacc from colorado, i saw a gentlemam in the airport in a wheelchairei triple amputee had all his badges on.n. happened to be african-americana he recognized me from someromom movies and we talked and he tall about folks that had come to see
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him at walter reed and i asked myself, you know why why wasn't' i doing that? so, i ended up doingn event around ptsd where we take greek mythology and do d stage readings of these stories, stories of hercules, fors, f example, who goes on, comes back from war and in rage and killsns his children.dre. we use those as an examinationxi of ptsd and an opportunity tonio have a larger conversation,ion, contemporary conversation arounn the subject and so happened toao be at an event that we did in i d.c. some folks from the dod,od, and i asked if i can get more deeply involved and one thing led to another.led to and i ended up being puttingting contact with the woman in fema race is a who's been runningin writers workshop out at fort belvoir and walter reed withd w active service members andemberd veterans who are facing some challenges relative to their the >> when you go tonight again the event is free you hav
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e serve a spot. what do you see? >> well, we've got -- it's obviously, you know, it's is focused on the service members,s but as well they're local artiss who's will come and add their input to it local dancer named tiffany carson a local cellistel named white told who has been a part of the workshop for couplel of years now. n. friend of mine whose a 59 lynn n any of from the met in new york will come down to add somethingt to -- add some more flavor to ii and we also have a group off syrian refugees who have usedse similar prop to write poetry ass well there who have --, who wilw be present through a video and so they'll blend together theird stories with the stories of thee service members and because one of the things that we want toatt examine is that ptsd is really universal, right? some of theee soldiers are suffering fromro combat related trauma. tum but there are others related tot bouts with cancer or sexual as
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so we want to broaden the understanding.rstandin one to understand that this ishs normal for human beings who -- o who have had to confrontonon difficult things. >> clearly your message issage i touching the people in yournou other world the acting world.. evan rachel wood will be here aa well to give your support.uprt to give support tonight and thed event i want to get theo get t information out before we talkbk about some other things we'rethe not done yet it is tonight at the lands berg theater. t do you know the address. >> it's seventh street northwest. seventh and f. >> all northwewest. >> presented and directed byy jeffrey wright and it's free. 7:30 to 9:00 encourage you to go tonight and support our veterann and those >> it's at the lands berg thedse home of the shakespeare theater which is where i began my first job i ever had as a professional actor.sional actor. >> let's talk about big breaks, because, you know, there's some people come out of d.c. but youy don't hear it all the time. so advice for those folks watching.. young men thinking -- i could bb in on stage. stage i c
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globes and, you know, star start revolution with that. t the list goes on and on. >> my first big break i thinkakk was when i got on stage and a nobody in the audience througheu anything at me.hing a me. >> that's always good. >> tt's when you get on there,ne get on that thing and it, you know, it clicks, it feels rightt one thing leads to i always -- my advice to young u actors a couple of thing. thi one, do a play, you know, startt for me, again, it started at the shakespeare near that the foalh injury my first role then ith ti went -- because of that in somes ways went to another role at aot arena from recent in a stage sell today fitch handler invited meim to go to nyu. n i stayed there for graduateradu school. stayed there for two months. re qu fick orstudy then i mon leftd another play but it was play p after play after play.lay. >> right. right >> ultimately seven years ofrs theater led me to angels ofangel america on broadway. browa so i say that to young actorsct but i also say, also, educate you know,
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just film making, acting, theater.r because our, you know, goal oroo my goal the way i view it we itw tell stories about the world and we have to educateorld ourselvev about that world if we're goingg to be relevant in delivering and telling those >> that's right. free wright come out and see ans this tonight.thisonight. one night only.onnigh so if --f >> one night only. 7:30 lance burg. lance burg. we're not done yet.'re none powerful people incredible messages. >> we'll put all of that, on our platform we can get to it andnd get to wright on twitter and instagram.instag >> yeah. >> thank you. >> thank you. okay. appreciate it.>> >>ec pointia of reference theene theater is right next to verizoz center. >> wonderful space.>> w also hopeful if you're boronn wh that voice. v you might have some luck in the acting wld. >> it doesn't hurt.esn't hurt. >> thanks so much for coming in. eighths party in the usa comeome friday there's still a lot ofoto questions about those inaugural balls and who exactly will be performing. coming up we'll go live to tmzot for the very latest on that. 9:
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>> all right. talk of the town this week the t inauguration historic ceremonyen said to get little taste ofte hollywood.ho who is performing still somewham of a mystery and dc to new yorkk in 90 minutes.inutes >> sounds impossible to me. me >> no problem if you're the sooe to be first lady.rst ly. >> for details we turn to tmz'ss gary
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good morning to you gary. to yo >> good morning g i want toi wao start with something tmz justust tweeted. it looks like secret service isi going to have to put on theirnhr biking shorts when it comes to mike pence.mike [ laughter ]laught >> yeah, they're going to have v to get some like a whole dodoo nation of mike bell mets. m he'll keep bike riding.g. we just him out out in d.c. days ahead of becoming the the visual vp we talk aboutbout exercise. he's a fit due and we asked him if he'll jog, exercise once he takes office. . he says he's going to continue n to bike ride regularly.gly now, only problem with that iss secret service protection.ctn. they'll have to keep up with m him. and unless they want to like geg pace car or something like that and go ahead of him, but it will be rough if you remember clinton back in the day he used to lovev to jog around the lincoln lincon memorial. . >> sure. >> caused a big problem for secret service.d a bi they had to mount up.ey h to mo they had to, youun knot w, takek shifts jogging with him and hima you're out in the open, you knoo gy pgy public. i mean, it's a security risk. r. star the planning now. >> i see secret service lobbyiny for a stationar
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executive office building.ce bu. that's what i see. >> absolutely. a >> they should get it sponsored by schwinn.wi. remember schwinn bikes.mb >> that would be s. >> gary, about the inauguration obviously the performerse peorme everyone is wonder wagon will w happen here. actual list has not beeneen officially released.fici rel can you talk about this? >> correct. crect yeah, so the two for sure wee know are sam moore grammyrammy nominee travis green. the rest of the organizers areea being very tight lipped, and the reason is because every timery t somebody getting mentioned theye are getting death threats. tea they're getting a lot off problems jennifer holiday wasidw one of them that ended uped u pulling out. and so, you know, they don't want to ruin anything.ruin any they don't want oh spoil anyboda from being able to perform, and also, you know, we do know that, um, cutting costs is a big deall as well.el they really didn't want to pay o ton of money for, you know, thet huge gigantic rock groups weroup know in particular there was ono rock group that was almost at signed on w
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they wanted a million dollars. and trump said no way because he wants to use any leftover moneyy for donations to charities.riti so most of people that are tt a performing are doing it for fref or at a very very very reducedyd rate than normal. >> gary, any indication, f we'l' see what happens.. >> who the performer was? >> no.>> you know i think there were ther rumors but we're not -- we're -' not saying as of now.f now. i don't think we want to -- to [ laughter ] we want to put a target on themm anything.. >> all the talk before was if trump won the presidency thisnc lavish over the top and so andoa he's the very one that is saying let's keep it on below lowlow budget so we can help those inpi need. a little bit of irony in that, , right? >> of course.cou to be honest everybody else hash been saying it was going to be this huge lavish over the top thing.g trump said from the beginning he didn't want it to be a huge fanfare with a list celebritiesl he wanted to be about the actuaa event and he seems to bes be sticking to that.that >>
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gary, before we let you go weo w want talk to you about this incredible 90 minute trip thehe first lady and her son will beoe taking back and forth between be new york and d.c. right now i think the fastest fe i've gone isst two hours and 45 minutes on the acela. how is it possible to get theree in 90 minutes and back? >> it's going take a lot of help from the here's what's going to happen is. after the inauguration they'llut spent the weekend in the white e house baron has to start schoolo on monday so they do motorcademe from the white house to andrewss air farce base in maryland.aryl. 20 minutes. then they take a big plainin either 737 or the 757 to laguardia new york a 45 minute trip. helicopter them to manhattanhemn which is 15 minutes.5es and then it's a 20 minuteut motorcade to trump tower fromerf there. so 90 minutes total with a tonht of secret service, choppers, plains, motorcades, the whole deal. you will still be sitting in b traffic for 2.5 hours probablyrl longer now. now >> you got to find out how longg it will take mike pence to bike to new york next. york that's the next
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>> that's very good.oo >> gary, thank you so much.. >> we appreciate it. >> she's got to get baron back k he's got school on monday. >> 90 minutes.>> 9 all of t0hat just t mo ginet tht and back twice a week. amazing. >> all right. you can get catchat tmz week nights at 3:00 and:00 again at 7:00 right her on fox5. >> wis, over to you isn't 9:48 is the time. coming up next who says youays can't go home? it's steve's turn to open up to sarah frasera and this morning we're talking ' about the year orre so t that hh disappeared from fox5. ♪♪♪
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and today it is steve chenevey's turn to get barbequed andbequed secured by sarah. >> i just point out the obvious first of all.t of a. >> what. >> you go to sue palka's housese in her living room with her catr running around.aroud. es.yes. >> everybody else has headphones and mobile studio and i got a table. >> i got table. t >> we really should have come tt your apartment. apartme that would have been amazingld even more behind the sbeceennesf you.u. >> well, maybe next time. te >> maybe next time.ext time. >> you were great on this episode.ou wer you talk about youepris career.. you come from radio background.. >> um-hmm. >> i can relate. >> yeah. like yourself. >> then you make your way intok news. and you really took advantage oe a lot of opportunities.tunies you also reveal a lot about youu personal life too on this.hi >> do i.o i. >> yeah do you. do you. do you recall that? >> listen look i know a -- firss of all very tough we just hadad jeffrey wright talking about hih advice to youngsters that wanthn to get into acting world.orld >> yes. >> but i think it's very similar. we talked about this lot on the podcast reallyab houow yout sts
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set backs and how you cananhow continue to push through them. i think the advice is the samehs in many ways as to what jeffreyr wright was just giving. giv but it's also along the lines l you have to understand there are going to be set backs along thet way and you have to have that ta mindset like i can overcome orc this. be's going to be a small step back but we'll move on to theone next role. i think that's one of things wew talked about a lot most people who are successful in this business were not youtube starst and suddenly off tv show. sho there's lot that goes on behindo the scenes that you have toenesa really work to get to where you are now. ar >> you were great about openingt up and especially about a about transition in your career aboute going over a to a competitor jlr here want that was like. it didn't work out the way you y wanted and you were open abouteo that. let's take listen to that clip t and then we'll talk more about a it. >> okay. sounds good.soun goo >> first of all, what happened e there was probably one of theof lowest points of my career. cee >> okay. >> because there was a lot going onhe,re and to be, you know, toe like you're being celebrated ana then almost immediately you feef like you did
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that chance and i'm not trying y to say because obviously i hadii that chance. the opportunity was there. it didn't work outport. i can't fault anyone elseels because obviously they have thet right to put people where theyht want to put them. t >> right.ig so you get this job atht jla. j you leave fox. you had been here how many years when you took that job. >> nine maybe at the time. >> i was or nine years. yrs. >> instantly you start that jobj and you now it was the wrong fit? >> no, i didn't know it was thee wrong someone else felt it was the was wrong fit.wrong fit. >> okay. >> okay. >> look, i think with anything h else you grow through your you experiences and take onn challenges you don't want to get set in your ways this was an w opportunity someone came to me,m hey, we have an opportunity to grow an organization or grow an opportunity, um, wee he want yot to be a part of it.t it's a leap of faith and do you it and it didn't work out, and d it was relatively early on itar was clear it wasn't going tong work out. work >> a lot of people would feel wf like oh my god they couldn't got back to where they came from.e what in you said you know i neen to get back to fox
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>> happiness, food on the table. >> i mean steve it really can cn came together you talk about ito on the podcastut but the way iti came together for to you comeet back was pretty afomazir ng.y ai it was over like a week periodk of time. >> it happened quickly.pped q look this was time honestly i hi don't talk about a lot because there was lot of thingss lot t happening. >> sure. >> professionally and personalla all kind of cominglly togethere the same time. not in the best way. but yeah it was just one ofust those things where i think agaia if you continue to focus on forward and not back and you anu continue to look fork opportunities down the road ther eventually they will find you.du and that all kind of found me a the same time. >> i want to play this last clit really quickly because when youy did come back to fox after the jla, you know, move, you said it felt like home again. so take a listen to this withh allison. >> i think the best complementtp that i got was the first day fid like after we did the first show i came in, we did the show.ho we finish the show and allisonll was just like, it feels like you
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>> totally.>> >> that to me was like made meam feel like i was back home. >> you're back. back. >> funny thing we different bosb when i came back than we dide when i left i never even met tht boss after i had already done aa show here. he. i became back did the shows witw allison and later on was just w like how you doing i'm your boss night to meet you.ght >> steve you were awesome.e esom you give great advice how to get in the business and really justj persons veers.s it was terrific.erri so you can download the episode google play if android user ur we're on i tunes or website you'll see it there.yo i u'still have key card.ard. many people e-mailed me for youu episode. >> it's out there now. >> you have many fans. it' you they're waiting for it.rt. >> awesome.wesome happy to hear of the feedback.. back to you on the couch. >> steve chenevey unplugged.ed >> little history around him.y h finally revealed.led. >> no mystery --mystry >> go ahead. >> we'll talk weeing in a week.w that's our mystery. mystery. this is over.thiss over >> wedding in week. wk >> we'll talk about that.k out >> how do you do that, that's t the mystery.myst.
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>> step one. one. >> also andre walsh showing ushu how to throw one heck of ak of inaugural shindig.augural first coffee time. you've and burlington-bristolto looking at our mugs, the cup.ugp if you want one, head to our facebook page or you cau go to our other pages one luckyy winner selected by random youdou have from now untilntil 11:00 o'clock to do night. it's 9:57. we'll be right back.we'll ig more good day on the other side.
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veep million americans could be refunds delayed here >> there's new law that requires irs to hold the entire refund of anyone claiming earning of tax credit or tack credit up at least february 15th. what should taxpayers do. >> for those clients and millions of others who like access to money sooner than the irs can provide attacks refund h and r block is now offering the refund advance where you can get advance on your refund up to $1,250 after filing your taxes. it's no interest loan for met bang and the lone repaid from your tax refund once received. it's available at participating h and r block offices for a limited time. >> how can people learn mr. about refund advance. >> to learn more bore fun advance visit h and r advance or h and r block office to speak with attacks professional. ♪♪
10:00 am
manolo! you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps you up to 100% flake free head and shoulders' dry scalp care ♪♪ the red hot topic at 10a. lady gaga's dangerous superre bb show. steve harvey apologizes ands a lamar opens up.opens u >> live in the loft, one of hgtv's hottest stars
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he has tips for redoing yourou living room and some advice fori the new first family. fam >> and it is a first for goodd day. da one lucky couple will get married in the loft so this t morning we are looking at epic wedding cakes for them.s for thm >> plus what does it take tos it become a star? queen latifah and ben extra minute brat tell us. >> let's do it. it. good day at 10a starts rightrtsr now. ♪♪ i hear there's going to be't wedding soon.on >> i know.>> k >> whose getting married. >> uriing into your vows. int >> steve, maureen.. >> i'm already married. >> renewing your vows.enewing yv >> 14 years i ain't got to renew nothing.thin keep showing up. all gotll i got to do. >> in the event do you, we'vee o got plenty of choices from cakea to choose from. actually these cakes are for our couple who will be gettingti married in a week. wee >> we'll find out. o. >> in the loft. >> who is the couple.>> w >> mast mind behind the cakes. >> i think you shall take one off the top.hink y shave a little off t
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these are gorgeous. >> take one of those pies andoft taste them. >> youho know what --t [ laughter ][ ught >> don't you worry we got yououy covered.cove >> wedding in week will happen.e the actual ceremony will be livb in the loft. l of course it will take time to plan it all the cake just one of many details we'll find outin exactly how it will work a work little later in our hour. h it should be whole lot of fun.. we pre viewed last week with jack diamond with the radio show 107.3 and he was talking about a how they've done this for couple years now. gets bigger andye better but atb couple totally throwing everything to fans to say plan my big wedding. weddi can you ime. >> it takes the stress out of ft it. >> we're playing fine countdownf should we playing songs aboutgs love and instead of the finalhen countdown going into --oing i >> it's the final countdown to their wedding which is a weekddw from friday. >> yeah.eah >> also a shorter countdowntdow underway to the big party that'a going on this friday in they in nation's capitol.. there's whole lost conodontsonon going on.n >> i don't want to do the wholee
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>> lock at it with positivity.y >> all right. kingalking about the wedding. >> abo thanks for staying with s i'm steve alongside holly hol maureen and wisdom. wisdo we'll have much more on that ont coming up in few minutes.mingp n let's check what's 10ing thiss0g morning. >> we're two days away now of course from president-electse donald trump fro's inauguration. he also kicked off theo kied o festivities last night at aitiet black tie invite only dinner inn d.c. during the dinner he told a rood filled with diplomats, donors, n and soon to be white house staff that he is assembling a cabinet likes of which has never beenerb assembled before.e. about 500 guests attended theded t.ent. speaking of parties thereti are plenty of them leading up t the >> all the pomly and andhe circumstance filling up theceilg district. fox fief's bob barnard is live at the willard hotel to tell usu and show us how one place is getting ready for thereadfor inauguration.inau all right, bob, i've beene bee looking forward to this one. >> reporter: yeah, you get, get, we're right along pennsylvaniaya avenue. there are bleachers and port o johns lots red and, white and, w blue and no parking signs goingg up. the no parking in a lot of the e downtown areas starting in
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hours. hour noon today.noon 48 hours ahead head of the hd of inauguration. take look at the outside of the willard hotel herek at t. there are... top notch hotel.ot >> we'll try to reconnect bob'ss microphone. we can still see you but weouute can't hear you right now. rightw we'll let you guys getuy readjusted right there. right te but you can see the bunting buni outside it looks beautiful. beat >> you know the lobby in thebbin willard is mazing. >> always mazing. >> peacock alley in the willardd they've already hung theung t american flags that like drapeta down. it really breath taking.h >> if you're looking for whose e doing it big the willard hotelia always does it big. >> okay, bob barnard. barna >> reporter: you back bob? >> coming back to us. >> all right. we are here, yeah, i don't knowk i will tell you, communicationsn along pennsylvania avenue and a constitution have been spottyntt and we don't know what it is ifa it's the build up to theto inauguration of what, we don't d think they're jamming signals s but there have been issues andie they'll be a lot more phonesl be down he
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again we're showing you theowg o front of this hotel.s h the willard hotel.d tel right here closest to the whitee house. and we'll go inside and show yow the lobby because there's not only red, white and blue on the outside but also on the inside here. and i was over at the jw marriott and hay-adams which are all close to the white house.. and guys, it's a lot like this.k take a look here a lot of of bunting arc lots red, white and blue flags, the floral displaypy here has got american flags alla over the mace, guys, and joinini us is jason did heville he's the executive assistant manager herh at the willard. wlard jason thanks for having us in.. >> welcome to the >> thank you. you guys host a lot of eventses a lot of special things going og in the city watch make thee inauguration different want doti you guys do differently?onys dfr >> sure. this is really special week for us.real obviously, we're the premierlyei hotel in washington, d.c. for. r the inauguration.urio we're going to have some reallyl high profile guests staying herg in the hotel. we do expect to sell out so so we'll expect to have probably po around 600, 800 gue
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hotel. hote one of the things that's trially great about this property a lotp of our rooms here on pennsylvania avenue you can watch the parade come boy. b so on friday this will be kindl of prime seating for that. that some entertainment will be happening in some of the sweetsn on that level as well as some ss other activities happening herer in the lobby and some of the lod other spaces. s so we'll have a champagne lounge, a bourbon tasting room,r so some really cool amenitiesni happening for the guests this ts week. report roar there's also art r neiman-marcus pop up store downw the way. as mike shows you around looksul at the bunting down the hallwayl here a lot of american flags.las your big sweets are sold out we understand, that's correct.nd, c >> correct. they're all sold out we havee al limited availability right now for our regular deluxe roomseoo wort. >> reporter: what do they set you back.orter:t >> we're selling those for 1899 per night.r n >> reporter: what would they t normally yes. >> well, they fluctuateat throughout the year januaryry typically is lower quieter montr for us. so lower objection can pee andep lower room rate but just s
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it's really good room rate for us. >> reporter: okay. i would say so.ulsay i've been -- you've got, you, yo know, lots of restaurants youurs mentioned all the different bars. can you hint at any of the vipsp staying here? >> um, no, probably not.y we can just say that wet definitely have some really higy profile guests that will be thab staying here with us. us. coming to really enjoy the t festivities an great location like the will the >> reporter: jason thank you very much.ha jason did heville one of the dihevi managers here. i will tell you back in the dayd of bush i remember coming in reo here to use themi facilities iie bumped into the florida governog who happened to be staying heres at the willardta.. guys, lots of red, white and a blue and there is definitely ail feel in the air here in the t downtown area and jason mentioned right along rightlong pennsylvania avenue.sylvania ave so yeah you have fences somebodo port o johns and a lot of noot n parking signs but lots of up lifting red, white and blue ase well.we >> thanks, bob a lot of historyh in the will lar hotel. >> very nice of them to take usu for the tour.r e to today. >> absolutely. >> donald trump speaking of the president-elect has be
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will bring records numbers ofrig people to washington and turning to social media to make sure rws that happens. the trump teamth is posting adso facebook and twitter encouragina people to come to washington fon the inaugural festivities.l esti the ads say trump wants too personally invite people to thursday's inaugural welcome's l concert and friday's swearing ii ceremony. if you can't make it to meem donald trump you can always go see donald trump at madam tussaud's wax figure unveiled uv just literally an hour ago thero you see it.t i mean they're always so s remarkable and live like. lik if you've never been there go tt madam tussaud's check stuff outo like holly said you can take te pictures with everything. do whatever you lveike when youu bring them in here and offem ina chance to really study them andm stand right neck to him it'st n almost creepy how real like.l you expect them to start s blinking.inki >> you can see their pours in their skin. one of the things ci lovean s a going to madam tussaud's andsa a seeing them you actually get tot see how tall the people reallyer e.e. >> right.>> >> it's shocking how short lot o of people.eople. >> right.>> rht. >> how tall is president-electle trump? ny
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>> 6-foot two. >> 6-foot two, 6-foot >> that does look like live ik like. >> looking at you maureen.ookin. [ laughter ] >> wait, no he's looking at me. >> i'm behaving.>>'m b like the mona lisa yesterday wey a long debate about his twittert habits. ing about thatlking about that now he's talking about it talkio himself and in interview with fox news president-elect donaldl trump explained why he'll keepel using social media to spread hih message. just listen. >> what about twitter? i mean,m are you going to continue toeo tweet? yeah.. look, i don't like tweeting. twn i have other things i could bele doing. but i get very dishonest media.. very dishonest press. press and it's my only way that i can count direct. like for instance when johnn joh lewis said, you know, he's never done it before where he skipped inanauguration. well, he has it turn out to beoe eie. when people misrepresent me i have least a way of saying it's a false statement.tatement now if the press
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which it's not i wouldould absolutely not use twitter. ter i wouldn't have to.. >> okay. and the media stays quiet. quiet no. so, you know., >> oh, no, we don't stay quiet.i >> yeah, yeah. yea >> he'll continue to tweet. we'll continue toe' talllk a cbt of course. many people are wonder wagoofn t future first lady will be wearing on inauguration day.nau many designers have refused tone dress melania trump but it lookl like the soon to be first ladyrt will wear a ralph lauren lookren for the event.nt lauren himself was vocal hillarl supporter and dressed thereed politician in numerous trouserro suits. however us brand is apparentlyar working on accustom made gown m for no word yet if the outfit will be her inaugural gown or forowno just one of the inaugura events. >> i was wondering she shouldngo have several gowns. gowns only rosa said she had five. >> only rosa has five.rosa has . >> that's what i'm saying. >> first lady soon to be first b lady melaniat trump should haveh several.. president-elect trump hasenr lot on his plate on day one in
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that includes decorating the private coming up a little later, hgtv h star tyler joins us live with at look at how he would style it it it was up to him.. he'll share design designs forgn your home. >> first though lady gagady g dangerous super bowl show.lho steve harvey apologizes and lamar, well he opens up a littll time right now 10:11. good day celebrity dish is dis coming up next.p next. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> time for good day celebrity dish. >> that's right. we actually mentioned this yesterday but today we actually have more intel on lady gaga'sg desitoredaag to sing the roof oe super bowl during the half time show. sh so this is picture of rehearsall from her instagram account. and although insiders say her sh team is worried about technicall and safety issues around her scheme she's all for it and it d really pushing to do it they're writing up multi plans aboutbo thou safely get her on the roof, potentially cutting a hole in the dome. dom they're considering airliftingei her on to the stadium stadium has start of the artsy through h retrackable roof that can openho in seven minutes. min we are told though that lawyerss are having a heart attack.ttk. they're
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the project trying to figure out insurance for this crazy scheme. >> that's going to be must see tv getting up on the roof tryinf to come down and perform.rm >> yeah. >> i got to see that. i >> my otprediction is that it it might be something they pre tape. maybe not live during the halfif time show. maybe something they pre tape fp too risky life.ife. i agree with you.e with. >> yeah. we'll see. >> all right. .ere's a question for youwe who is the hardest working worng entertainment on the planett apparently ariana grande thinkst it's her.'s h. ponytail pop princess declared r to her 94 million instagram followers she's the hardest working 23 year in the entirente world.rl captioned photo foe of her of wearing heels, skinny jeans and puffy coat. coa when you're cute, but you're yoe also the hardest working 23-year-old human being on the planet hash tag cute hash tabtab but also ceo and some other hass tags on there i won't mention.e. many of the 22,000 instagram comments on this post questioned the validity of this >> real
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>> including one who said shengo perhaps is not the hardestne working 23 year old but the most clueness 23-year-old human being on >> i think i might have to have second that one.. >> wow. >> really? >> why open open yourself up nor >> that's pretty funny. >> isn't she still recoveringg from donate gate where shehe s licked the doughnuts and nownd n this.this. >> ari nan don't do it.ri >> i think i might have to nnk t unfollow her. hav >> you follow her.>> you follo >> i don't follow her. flow he >> you shocked me for minute min there. >> i follow her just to unfolloo her.he >> yeah. >> take back. >> it will be cathartic to doic so. not good week for steve harvey.r first he drew fire for meeting e with donald dald now harvey is catching flackin about a joke he made about asian men on his sinned indicated show earlier this mth. harvey contracted that neither h white nor black women had any ay interest in asian men.en in a twitter message today t harvey offers his quote humbless apology for offensing anyoneon particularly those in the asiann he says the jokes were meant toa be funny and that he intended nn mal las or
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>> if you did this about a montn ago why is it just now comi out, why is the apology justus coming out if this happened a month ago on his radio show.ioho >> that's the problem with joke, right?ri >> takes some people longer toee get them? >> that is true. that is tru but you know what i'm saying?m n >> like this one here. >> when is it okay? when is iti not okay. >> you know what i mean. kno in the name of comedy.ed where do you cross the line? in? there's so many gray areas withs that. >> all right. lamar odom.bout lamar is laying it all out a o there. the show the doctors releasedele more bittersweet snippets from la lar odom's% post rehabehab interview now that he's he's officially sober he's able toblt realize who was there during tht dark times like his ex-wife khloe last wee he tearfully revealedle he wants miss kardashian back hh just took thing even further byr declaring that he wants to repaa her for all the support.uprt when you're doing drugs yougs yu become distant to everything even your feelings you become b numb to everything.. just to reinstate what he had as
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khloe is important to me.o m she's been through all this witw me. she stood by my side. s i just want to repay her. h the only problem the reality rey star is currently inrrtly relationship with tristantr thompson who plays for of the of cleveland cavaliers. cav she's moved on with her life. >> yeah. >> you probably -- pro >> not going to happen.ot goi >> move on as well.ovs we >> right. good that you're sober.t you' sb >> yes.>>es. >> we talk yesterday also aboutt hollywood's latest hot couple he selena gomez and the weeknd youy knew who that right. >> they're definitely are hurten feelings when it comes to weekns and's he can bella hadid. hadid who how do we know this. >> how.>> how. >> one day after gomez andnd weeknd were spotted kissing kis hadid unfollowed celine onn instagram and posted of herselfe flipping the bird. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> i just wanted to see your yor reaction.acon. >> okay, all right. rig oh girls. >> who cares meter,. >> right
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>> on the who cares meter it met does not even register. >> okay. >> for me. >> key word being ex, right? rt they're not together. toget >> and she broke up with him. >> you can't have it all. good bella get over yourself.. >> okay. that's your dish for today.our f >> all rightor. tod >> thank you. 10:19.10 we'll countdown to somethingtdow special. we'll do here next h ouerr wedding in a week and it'd going to end with one couple onl tying the knot right here in the loft. loft that's going to be next week.t . this weekend is a little busye here in washington n couple things going on.thin >> we'll get a preview.gse'll later gwe'll checket out weddig cake options for their happilypy every after and you as well ifsi you have a wedding coming up. u i'm liking what's going on. on. since we're in the celebratory mood the biggest political partr of the year two days away evenye if you don't have ticket, we are showing you how to celebrateelee right in your own home with help from our celebrity event plannea and friend to fox5 andre wells everybody he's back making itin look fabulous as always.lways. back with him and much more when good day at 10a continues.
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try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. ♪♪ 10:22 right now.:22 right nw everybody getting geared up for the big events thifos weekendeed wondering how to dress foror >> yup. >> how to prepare for friday.da. >> yeah. yea >> if you take picture, what w caption you shall put under it.. >> see so many questions outo mt there. should you make a funny meme fum about friday.out fry. >> right. >> hash tag should you use. y >> i think i saw a funny memeunm eaie
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>> yeah? >> did it involve neb you knew.e >> tucker barnes i think.uckern >> what? >> yeah. maybe he's on to something. >> tada.>> tad >> hello. >> wow. here's the deal. everybodyryncourage ome.ome. please please please we'reasee' starring a segment in thement it 6:00 o'clock hour.lo >> it's called hash tag morningr meme. >> um-hmm. why don't you explain what itt t is. >> you want me to explain. wan >> yup film what it is we whatts happened to you take photo it w could be anything,you ata scrks from the show something fun nean you're doing and write a reallyy good caption on it. it. share your morning meme with usm on twitter and then we'll sharew it on fox5. we'll be doing this at 6:45 in: the >> send to to it hash tagash morning meme. we'll have a lot of fun with iti >> let's show some >> first you go the to see ouree animation.animat it's really cool.y >> it's super exciting.excitg. ♪♪ ♪ >> i mean that is amazing.. >> i love the princess crown. >> right. >> southern accent there. >> so since we encourage peoplep to send in our morning memesni these are a few we've got teppae in the past coours. hrs >> john adams 1929 said whenhen tucker calls for light did you u having in the dmv.n thmv >> love it.> love it. actually ver
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here's a good one.d o but i can't read it.i can' why don't you read it. read >> i've had it up to here withh your utter nonsense.e >> can't go wrong with cuteith animals.als >> i watch cute animal videosid for like an hour yesterday.terdy >> very first one.>> great big thank to you maryjo yr who zen this right after we didd the segment. >> caption said i like big cupse and i cannot >> love it, love it.. >> we'll wrap it up with thish t one. instant classic for my goodoo friend mike thomas.homas that look when you find out thee gotham party is tomorrow.. that's when i dressed up as u grinch last month.grch l >> i thought it was normalwas n thursday. >> another regular day. >> we want to encourage to anoth sendd us your memes hash tag morning meme. meme. >> cat memes. >> a lot of fun with this lot oext co the next couple of weeks, c oouple months. mon again it could be anything atoun all.all. sports, weather.ts, weath your morning -- favorite morninr show here. wisdom.. holly. >> select our favorite one foroo the day and show it onri the aie and keep them culling.. super happy about the segmenteg much this morning was funny then
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monday with the side eye.ay wit you can fine that one onth twiti too. that's a good one. o. >> guys, back to you. back you thanks everybody for sendingor g those in. ose in >> tucker i got a couple rightpg off the top of my head i want tt zen it. >> you know where it is hash tag morning meme. >> all right. involve a jordan or me. >> it doesn't include me. >> not morning meanie, morning r meme. meme. >> good point maureen. >> i'm not a mean person. goo nm >> noea yn ou're not just say it like it is. it is. only on wednesdays.ednesdays. >> it should be fun.>> with all the i crazy traffic and everything else we'll be back ii january weather it will bey r something light weight to enjoye the morning.ning. keep them tasteful.ep them tas doesn't have to be about any ota us. it could be anything in generall anything topical.anything t >> just be creative. >> we shall share a laugh laugh together in the morning.e moing. >> decorating the white houseat might not be a toping priorityr the new president our next guest has ideas that could make itld e little easier for him or whoevew else will be decorating.or coming up next design expert and hgtv contributor tyler whistlert joins us live with a look at how he would set up a private roomvr for the new president and he'sd' going to share some design tipsp fo
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♪♪ ♪ it is almost moving day at the white house. right, steve?teve >> the current first familyamily officially moving out friday any at the same time the new one o will move in. in. each commander in chief chi decorates the private livingin areas themselves. i don't know if you knew thatyo but they do and this morning our next guest has vision for what a family sitting room could look o like in the white house his namm is tyler whistler and you mightg
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recognize him hgtv's design dig star. >> are we up for this.e up for i >> he has more than 16 years ofo experience in home design andhog has established himself as onele new york's most influential and die ma'am mick designers withsiw international klein clientele.l. he's in town for the capitol c home and remodeling show. s he joins us to talk about why he thinks these pieces could be prr perfect fit for the t president-elect and his family l nice to meet you. y. >> nice nice to meet you.. >> it's luxurious.uxurio that's my word for it.. >> it's lust but very littleit gold. >> yes. >> very little gold. vle >> we think trump we think gold everything.ything. we -- wee dripping in it.e dr >> and shiny.hiny >> yes. >> house of versailles that getg a little overwhelming veryinery quickly. he's also got a young a >> does he. >> who may or hey may not be inn the white house. for the family room things to be comfortable but he screams lucks and that's what he likes.. >> we're looking a
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behind the room you've imagined. you've sort of put together what one could look like in the president-elect's future home.o. >> exactly.. >> so dark pieces of furnitureuu are always great for kids. k because they can hide a miriad a of sins that might happen. also, wall treatments can create that feeling of just, hmm, h elegance and i did think with w this >> the wallpaper we see in this picture is this wallpaper.lper. >> this is different color but the same basic family. famy. >> i am loving this shimmer. smr this just to me sp expensive. it spells like you said lux. >> you just want t o feel it alindke it a touch it and love it. >> um-hmm. um-hmm. >> is this kid friendly, too. kf >> this is actually vinyl.ctualn >> oh, my goodness. vinyl. not your grandma's vinyl. vinyl this looks locate a millionillin bucks. but it's going to wear like youo can put it in kindergarten.. >> absolutely. abs i love love lovthat okay. >> small touches. s i mean even if -- you go with things like lacquer boxes at b a home. just a little touch of gold goee a lo
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i mean this also hides yourdes remote. >> i was going to say h ide multitude of sins. >> something you want to havetov handy. >> absolutely. and let's not skip the fur. i love the textures. fur just screams elegance muchlc this is faux fur. f this is from robert allen, and d anything with a nice luckse ck serious tan i mean velvets, furs, this foe shagreen table, , mean it's again texture and luxx that's where we're going withh this.this. >> we're going to talk about tau separately how we're going to to imagining a room at the white ae house but i'm hearing you say ys thing anyone can sort of o implement in their own home. >> exactly. e that's onely things that i x really believe in as a designerr everybody should be able to have really awesome designs.igns >> yes. >> and great designs and itre doesn't have to cost a latot d f money.mone it's using key pieces and makinm them pop and sing in your spacee >> this is what you share withre folks when they come out to thet design expo, isn't it.t. >> exactly. are you coming.xa
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secrtoetly c have i passion fori i don't have the eye and a excution i love to learn about t new tricks and i do have a smala one so the dark couch and darkar colors that's right up my ally.. >> it helps a a ton.. >> yes.>> y i'm looking at this a. what's the story with this one. >> gorgeous brass drink table.a. drink tables are one littlene le piece of jewelry that a lot ofho people don't think about. about but as soon as you place it in n the home, you're going to useose >> yes. >> especially this. >> beautiful. beautif so if i don't have a ton of aono money but i want to sort of sort spruce up my space with something what would be the one thing, okay this is what i would do. i'd say the wallpaper but that may be overwhelming ming andg ad i've got dumpy furniture.. >> wallpaper is a commitment.omi you have to know that you arere installing that and it's a a commitment. >> yeah.>>h. >> accessories of the. ohe >> okay. >> these are the easiest ways tt bring in that lux this is faux fur. f this is not going to be a ton oo money but it will feel like ae million dollars. >> so the access sews little ltl pieces here and there.e th
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you know, the boxes.. a great lamp. >> absolutely.>> absol >> lighting is key in any room.y make sure that you've got at a least three levels of lighting g tolalay with. >> that is one thing i've i've noticed. >> hgtv good about every time tm they're designs i've noticed the lighting does set that tone itti makes you want to come in and in have a glass of wine and hang a out. >> that's because a lot of things are on dim mers.s dim mers pple. put everything on dim mers.n >> we told you we'd give you tips. where can we find tyler this ts weekend? he's going to be right there at the home and expo showw january 20th to the 22nd. tickets start at $7. listen dulles expo center yountu have no excuse. $7. . come on. tyler how can folks find you?ou >> well they can follow me on all social mode ya across the board and ny design g that's me. >> uh-huh. >> you follow mow. >> i'm going to. >> that's right. >> i'm going to.>> y > >> 'cause this party on fridayni somebody else is throwing --owg >> we don't anything about that. >> the party is at the dull
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seven bucks. buc >> bring your champagne we havev a share for you and luxurious throws you can relax on. on i'll a have a seat over here.e. moving this over. thiover. who has got my champagne.mpne >> i'll get that.. >> thank you, tyler.nk youtyle >> okay. i'm going to hang out>> here wit tyler. also on saturday you better too, back over to you guys. ♪♪♪ >> tyler i'm all about those dim mers. me these crows feet all about the dimmer. all right. al listen you might not havee invitation to any inaugural inar balls that doesn't mean youean can't get in on the biggestge political party of the year. yr. coming up next, celebrity evente planner andre wells shows ushowu thou throw a white house worthyh gala right in our own home. 10:34 is our time right n ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ >> come on andre give me yourmeu pitbull move.pitbul can do it. it. we don't have wisdom here. h you can do it. listen -- you got it.t. this friday open up that makers mark you'll be in it in no timem this friday we'll be all thingsg inauguration of course and maybc you didn't gouet an invite to te inaugural ball that doesn't mean you can gather some of yourgath nearest and dearest and throw your own party. party. joining us this morning to shows us how to do it with grace andaa class of course is founder andor ceo of events by andre wells the andre wells event planner to tht stars and wonderful friend to fi the loft. it is so good to see s yu >> it's great to see you. you >> we look like the first couple ght hehere. >> very american.>> v >> here we go.. >> rock and roll.ol i don't want the job.n't want tj i would like the job of planning
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a great inaugural party and youu have some fun ways to do that. a >> these are fun things that yoa can do at home with the family. and they don't cost a lot. l so i thought it would be great to do a fun very red, white and blue table scape good how did s you come up with thosecape coloc [ laughter ]hter ] >> right. >> this is one party where youne know the colors going >> yes.>> yes >> you can also do a play on pla those colors.oscol sometimes we use like midnight t blue and purple burr gun did he but fun themes.un the we use boxes. bes we took simple boxes here. grouped flowers together. >> um-hmm isn't put them in, fun you still have boxes left from the holidays i'm sure. se. >> that's a good point. poi >> blue boxes, red boxes and bod then we used white flowers. flos all white flowers.lowe these camillas came right out oo my yard. >> you know there's somethingomg just instantly classy thoughyhoh about all white.oul white. all white flowers.l white flowes you know what i mean? it alwayy does take it up a notch. not also i mean these little thingss are cheap as can be these little fake flags and they go million miles. miles. >> they la l
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you can use them in birthday party favors. you can put them in your car.. >> july 4th.uly >> july 4th. jul isn't right.t rig. >> independence day.ependee day. >> actually this is an ornament. it works as beautiful nice little table scape peace. pce. >> okay. can we talk about this? becausu our producer chris smith alreada commented on this that is one ie was you some makers mark bottlee >> you know, for special sci occasions a lot of liquor storee arc lot of brands do greatdo gat things. look at that little donkey anded the elephant here.e >> all parties included. >> check out liquor stores theyy have little minute niece and and cool thing who doesn't loveho dt whiskey. whiskey shots.iskey s. so check it out.. it's very american. >> what about the games. ges >> the games let's face itac i children get very bored theyeryo need something to do. >> like five minutes into thes n swearing in they're done ng iwatching that on tv. tv. >> they're done watching inre d you're going down to the mall make sure you gonetng dow them n binoculars.lars >> this is if you're actuallyct going. >> for you make sure you get a nice little -- >> we're not
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you see that live on tv. t >> you didn't see that.ha know somebody that might want tt take the risk.he r >> fun them for them to do.o. sparklers.sparkl they wouldn't be able able too light on the mall. rubik's cube i don't know thebe weather for friday. i >> if you're going to goweat oho the parade you'll have to get tt there early to get your spot ana sit there in one place for longn time. >> yes. >> so this could occupy a littld hands for long o time. te. >> it does. ds. then you tell them you have it. like a little trick you break out every couple of hours. hou then when you're at home if you have it on the station and a you're watching the parade and a the swearing in it gets kind ofd kind of boring after while. >> you said it, not me. >> hey.> h >> i didn't say i didn't thinkhk it. it i just didn't say it.n't y it. [ laughter ] >> games very american games. checkers and scharr raids andnd say anything i'll leave that one alone. >> cards against i didn't see that.seehat. go ahead.. >> and then also if you're goini down on the mall it's definiteli great to take like a
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get cool or if you're going toot sit down you don't want to sit on the concrete.e perhaps as your rain gear.r. >> right. >> when someone is puttingng together a gathering what's thee number one thing that they really need to think about in i terms of pulling it altogether? so there is a theme. >> think about the occasion ando think about your capacity.acity it's cool to have a very very beautiful table but you can do o fun and simple things like hotdogs or corn dogs orogs or hamburgers cut into triangles or tomato soup with grilled cheeses sandwiches. so it doesn't have to be sot hae fancy but you can just display l it where it's fun and it looksos elegant.elegt. >>h.eah. >> you put some thought into iti >> you put thought i you know, our drink today is i going to be cosmos such an a a american kind of drink.d of drik >> are you making >> i was going to make it you. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> now you're not. not. >> i am going to make it i justi ran out of time. >> i understand.and i understand. in terms of putting together ahr party because you know there's o lot of things that canu becomee overwhel
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a pear. how important is it to make sure you have things that you can doo ahead of time so you too can toc also enjoy the party that day? d >> that's the number one rule. . think ahead. also, if you stock add lot of l things we have a lot of things i at home that you can use. so think your event is on saturday start getting ready rey wednesday. set your table on monday. >> um-hmm. um- >> you know.>> youw. >> procrastinating is such atina good american quality.rican it >> it is. we are all procrastinators. >> andre, thank you very much.a you never disappoint us always a pleasure. thank you.u. glad to be to >> back over to ya'll.r to ya'l. allll right. time retama 10:42.0:42 it's time to switch gears. grs spotlight is shining bright ont fox's new hit drama star. sta ahead of all new episode thatso will happen tonight the show's stars queen latifah and ben in i gin brat are talking about a what's ahead in the series, fox's adam housely has thehe details g together we're in aog group. fox's freshman series stars continues the story of threef te talented singers who are tryingy to make it big. cast members queen latifah and a benjamin bratt ay
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really heats up. up. >> what's emerging now thatng nt we're about to film the tenth th episode is that the relationships are very complex.x the individuals within the wit relationships have their own issues.issu some are being chased by perm bm demons in some have secrets sece they're hiding but all of this s goes to creating situation where the drama is really ratcheted p up. >> stay away from those girls. >> any questions they might havh had the beginning are now beingg answered yet new questions areie being spawned with every newry w episode.. but the unifying element there'e always music. >> ♪♪ >> they say the songs within the show blend seamlessly into thees scene. >> the genre doesn't matter.atte as you said it could be gospel,s it could be r and b, it could be gladys knight. kgh you know who performing to thiss day is as contemporary as ever,, but whatever it is, it's goingtg to be hot. >> ♪♪ >> you have this drama unfolding but you're going to be surpriser at every turn what the new songg is going to going t because there's always going tog
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>> yup. people are already falling in love with the music. alreah theu >> repsicorter: although benjamn admits he's not singer there mam be a musical number in his future. >> wait until lee writes hiss h fantasy sequence in.ce i >> who am i going to like dub i my voice though? would it be -- hmm. m. >> maybe you'll just be talkingg across sexy music.ic >> maybe. >> hi people. hi i want people to sing for me.. >> get pitbull. >> do crazy rap and pitbull sinking. >> he can be your single.ingle >> mark anthony. >> i would love it. i would l >> shoovw me what you got. in hollywood adam housely fox f news. >> just reminder you can catch n all new episode of star tonightt at 9:00 right here on fox5. i was just watching this weekene a movie with kevin hart and icei cube and benjamin bratt was inn it. it that dude is super talented.d. >> yeah. >> queen latifah is super al talented as well. wl. she acts and sings and used tost rap. >> looking really good. reallod. co
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>> digressing. digressin >> i'm pretty sure benjaminjan bratt could sing if he wanted to. >> oh yeah. >> imagine the pressure when the thoseseow with all other singers and you have to sing as well. ly.>> et >> putting a lot of pressure on you a lot of youxaot o engaging us today on social media.sociala we appreciate it as always. time for us to share ao sh couple of tweets out there. tre good day dc the donald trump wax figure is spot he looks like he's constipated and we all knoo he's fool of it.f it. oucuch. >> ut-oh. >> can we say awkward pause irdu guess it's hard to speak when w you have just heard you are dishonest journalist. okay. >> man where do i get these mean .weets today. >> this is our version of us tweeting mean tweets.. >> ari nan grande making hard tg make her ego bigger doesn't dsn really counsel.nsel >> oman they're hating onn everybody does who doesn't lovet a whiskey shot? this girl does. >> that's our girl whipper. whi. >> all right. i do like that bottle by the ay way. >> it's pretty cool. i >> it's great.
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wright on shaft he's very good g we agree. >> he was little people's onn shaft. not very good movie. >> jeffrey wright great if inre all he does.heoe west world is another winner.r >> i heard that.>> >> you're trying to watch,e tr right, wisdom. wisdo >> i'm so far behind right now i got it on tivo completely lostes three episodes in. have no idea what's going on.n >> it all clears up edge sewedee seven. >> i don't know.>> i just made that up. i don't really know.justn't re >> let us knowly k when you getu caught up.caht u >> yeah.>> >> okay. i'm sure it will clear up at upt some point. point. >> we'll decide if we want toeca dive in. 10:00 we have much more coming up.e c. as a matter of fact the mat inauguration is not the only celebration that we are getting ready for here in the loftet.onw because we are nine days away now already jump ahead to next friday from a give day wedding,d right here this morning we'reorw getting update on our wedding ii a week competition and showing i off some cake ideas for the sooo to be happy couple but it's i information anybody who'sioanyb planning on getting married inai the near future will want tolan know about.know aut. ♪♪
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creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. so delicious, it should have another name.
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you four couples ready to take e the plunge in a big way and thee entered for chance to win weo wn hadding in week.haddinin w literal al wedding in one weekek courtesy of 96107.3 and the wedding experiences and bridal show making stops in the areahe this month. th the winning couple will tie thet knot in the good day lost next friday. we'll learn about the up coming nuptials the one and only jackac diamond. diamond. great to see you again myou ainm friend. >> good to see you my friend. s >> you cannot have a weddingeevg without wedding cake and lovely examples courtesy of victoria woo from cakes by happy eatery.. jack, you've done this many times in the past. >> wedding in a week. w >> have you ever gotten marriedv in geek >> divorced in a day.ay [ laughter ]laught ] >> jokes this morning. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> jack, you're done. jacdo [ laughter ] >> this is what the seventhevenh >> seventh. >> we're doing this. >> hundreds of we' couples woulu like to get married a in a weekw he is special physical we pay for i great people like victoriaictoa
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wedding we're down to four f finalist couples and wee needle your vote. your v we'll have the finalists onaliso friday. the actual winner.ner here's how it work.ork. everybody wants to do this.s. and then when the finalists are announced one couple getsouplees >> exactly. >> once they get selected they have no say get in anything that happens on their wedding daydiay it's all um to listeners,iste viewers and voters, >> exactly. ectly >> so everything you tell meythi everything from the cake to what gets selected for them. the >> we'll pick the bouquet nextko week and pick the cake.. the first -- decor. dec >> he also like the menus at tht reception site.ite. over at pinstripes.stpes. >> i will say this is our o seventh nobody has been unhappyp you know, your viewers, our, o listeners with jack diamond dmod morning show we want the coupleu to be happy.happy. >> sure. >> we'll go for exactly what they want.o we talfok with them little bit b about it. >> we don't know who the luckykl couple is going to be.le i whens were we find out. >> friday morning 8:00 o'clock right around there. >> just to be clear these peorie do plan on getter getting rried.d. >> absolutely g they know it'sy part of the deal.g paal >> one woke from when they getet selected, they'll be
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married. >> really is no divorce in a day but it is my wedding in week. wk it is legal they will be married here on fox5 a week from fridayy we can't wait. we're happy to be a part of ite you've been a part of this in t the past. >> we have.>> we >> what's it like for thata experience and then i hope you y get good feedback from themm afterward?afterw >> you know what, it is a happyy couple getting mary. so they'll go through the entirr process. they do have, you know, some som selections in regards how theyne want their ultimate wedding too look like.. so again decor and even with tht cake selection. selti >> let me ask you this. if somebody was coming to youy a normally and brought ins ton of different cakes here, so if so f anybody was going to get married they would come they would seeoe you they would probably sample l or try a whole bunch off different when you're doing this forisor somebody who really doesn't have say in the matter is gettingr ei married in week and other possible are going to vote onre their cakes, how g doio you evee decide where to start? srt >> they'll have say in terms of flavor.avor. i take into consideration allo d the votes that comes in. ultimate i want to make my bridb and groom happy that's the keytt thing so like little touches so they can vote on what is is
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selected but they'll go through a full tasting and session with me. me so it is my job to make sureur that i combine every and all and elements that make them happy ae the end of the day.e end the d >> let me ask you this as well. while we're on the topic of theo cakes because this can help c hp anybody else who really iselse w planning on getting marriedar soon. >> absolutely. >> what's hot right now when it comes to wedding cakes? wt arr some of the things that may be for 2017 people will be turningg >> sure. right now gold is always, you y know, very classic right now.ow. but also touches of greenery. gn kind of goes in to the nod -- n >> what we're seeing here.g >> nod the nature but yet withar the gold gives it a little biteb of a ultimate glamor to it. so we can use something like l this if they're having a rustics style wedding we could have aav butter cream icing we can haveav the simple florals and greenre reece it to. we can have something a little bit more like more embellish emi many with the gold painted with the flowers through there.e you can do many differentfent styles.yl whether you are a a soft icingci with whipped cream or butter crea
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want something again a littlehia bit more structured like the the fondant. so whether we're doing thatng ta design or the bubbling designg n here. >> something is missing here. hr i don't see a knife and i don't see plates.e ates >> can we get -- get - >> that's called behind thes cal scenes.scenes. >> only thing missing here. her >> i put you on the spot what's the most popular flavor forvor o wedding cake. what do most people cheese.e ce. >> people love vanilla withla wh fruit but you can always have even like some of the designsigs here with the pies or even red r velvet it really depends what you like but vanilla top selection.selection. chocolate, red velvet and if and you're a carrot or piss stashash show absolutely because --se >> really. >> yes. with multiple tears you can have multiple flavors. we can satisfy everyone.vee >> have you ever thought ofyo doing a reunion with allu ev the couples married in the past.ast. >> absolutely. a we have babies by the way. by ew >> wedding in week follow up. fl >> all are still together, andha we take it seriously it's not a radio stunt. they do -- want it to be a fastt wedding but we want it to beto b perfect wedding. so no shortcuts. >> we would love
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let's do that one morning. morn. have them come in.have >> i think it would be fun. get some of the people backple c together and celebrate it. and e now that you have -- you're sooo to be on friday have new couplee in the club when it comes to victoria big show coming up sooo as well for other folks who aree interested in the whole weddingi ococess. >> absolutely. so if you're not going to have the wedding in week you need tow comeee dyoou some cake selectio anything for planning theor pla wedding we are going to be att the wedding experience over at a the eagle bank arena and that is this sunday from 11:00 to 5:00.0 so again, perfect timing foror planning. they have a lot of differentfent thing. they have something called athin flip flop bar.lo so for those women that, you know, high heels do relaxation.. >> do a little quick change onnn the feet.eet >> flip-flops bar.. >> excellent shots. $5. >> wonderful bar happy hour.appr >> the jack timeline you'll pick the couple friday morning nextor week kind of like one thing at a time. one day is cake. oneon day --ay >> one thing each day.hiach give me a second to look at myom notes. notes. monday the dress.he dre >> tuesday the bouquet.ouet
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>> wednesday cake.>> wedne ansdd on thursday the couple's ' first song they'd like to dancen to. er very cool. all set up and friday all our al viewers can join us becausec we'll all beau here together. enjoying it and wedding will rap happen right here on the loft on good day d.c. fantastic.fa get to go out and about d.c. for the reception.thption. >> that's great.>> i love the couldn't september. >> thank you victoria.ictori thank you for coming in andn a sharing your cakes. >> thank you very much.hank >> jack, we'll work on getting g knives and and >> look forward to it. >> are we theook bridesmaids?si >> you are the bridesmaids. bri. i think they need flowers as well. they certainly need cake.ce >> we don't care about the flowers. get us the >> hooked up knowledge problem.o >> it will be fun much twlhanks lot, guys. gs >> so tuck, 30 seconds left. >> am i the flower boy. >> oh, ring bearer i think it's' called tucker. ll>> you got the weather. >> rink barry bearer. >> groomsman, best man.. you'll give good wedding advice. >> no. >> 57 today.od heads up showers around onround friday cooler with cloud cover 49 d
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