tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX January 19, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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cemetery paying tribute to thet tomb of the and knowns inknons honor of the nation'sati's veterans. at the lincoln memorial theln m celebration continues at thetine make america great welcome concert. it kicked off just about anabout hour ago and donald trump will l be make an appearance at thee ah event. we'll have a live reportl e straight ahead but firstbut thousands of protestors expected to descend upon thece district in the hopes of creating havoc and having han their voices heard as donaldhead trump is sworn in as the nextxt president. president. >> unlike the inaugurations ofon george w. bush protestorssh p being up front and candid ondidn what they plan including a plan to block some of theome of security points and the paradepe route. >> fox5's paul wagner joinsr jos us live outside the press club u there's a pro trump group gup that has rented the ballroomal in the press club and they're t having a party and so theo the group of protestors calledte disrupt j20 said they're gstoing to come down here, they'rehe going to protest and you'll y see over my shoulder here police are getting re
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them. we've counted as many as 20 to 30 police officers that are here ready to be ready in case e any kind of trouble takesoubleta place. now, the protestors saytors they're going to come down here and protest against whatstt they call a deplorable andrabled they should be down here between 7:00 and 7:30 this: this evening. we're on 14th street right byhty the willard hotel. hotel. now, i want to tell you that tht there's going to be somegoing ee problems tomorrow according to the protestors, they saowy thas they are going to try andand block some of the securityerity checkpoints and they've got thet other things that they're noteyt telling us about.tellinus abo earlier today i spoke with oneei of thet leaders of the of te protests. here's what she had to say. sa. >> very early in the morningn t we'll be physicahelly and symbolically blockading theockae security checkpoints into theine inauguration and the inauguralgl parade. pade. we're having an unpermittednpe march starting at 10:00 a.m. each check point action is s being self organized by an a autonomous body of folks so each group organizing those checkpoints has have m
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>> reporter: so, juscat gollingo to pop up and we're not going gi to know whether it's happening'p or not. or >> i mean, it's all publicallyuy available on our web site. s disrupt you're well do you mean check that out but a lot of groups are keeping kind of a lot of a o their tactics close to the to chest for >> reporter: now, some ofw, me o the protestors are gatheringgatg at saint stevens church near ar 16th and newton streets northwest where they're takingag part in training sessions on on how to deal with the police.l lilly daigle says they're not encouraging violent they'rethy teaching protestors how to deescalate. she says they have beenheve been planning the civil action ation since may and include groupsudeu that want donald trump to knowow exactly how they feel about abot his presidency and the insults he has been hurling at them. th. the checkpoints are spread out t around the mall and along the par ride route on pennsylvaniart avenuee .on d.c. police will have civil
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disturbance units equippedt with riot gear ready to move at a moment's notice wherever trouble may pop up.ce now, lilly daigle also told mee today that they're expectingex tens of thpousands ofands of protestors here in the city, ci, some have permits, some do not. >> i think you ask different dif people you get differentu get things.di a man has threatened at thetene bonds lives and safety of so ofo many different population across america.amric from our muslim brothers andand sisters black and brown folksr inquiry folks women basicallyfoi anyone that's not a rich white e man is under attack and we -- w you know, we're ready to stand up for america. am >> reporter: so, keep ineep mind if you plan on coming cming down to the inauguration,naugurn along the parade route ore routr trying to get onto the mall ml and you're going some of those e security checkpoints thatty che there may be civil disobedience people willing toe get arrested.wi get you might want to gistveedve yourself some extra time tot get through those securitysecriy checkpoints tomorrow t liverow e outside the pres
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wagner fox5 local news.ews >> ♪♪ >> meanwhile happening now, they are atnwhi leit again. protestors fueled by fakers fuee conspiracy theories about acy ta northwest d.c. pizza shop are ae working to disrupt therkin business again tonight.. >> pizza gate has led to deathtd threats against the owner ande o employees of comet ping-pongping and it led to man with a gun u to enter the pizza shop back sho in december. he said he was there toem self investigate the patently falseee internet rumor claimingtern hillary clinton and her associates were operaratingy ag child sex ring inside of the ofe business. >> we do have to warn you the protestors have been usinge some offensive language. fox5's alexandria limon isimon s live in northwest outside comet ping-pong.g. alex, how things out therehow right now? >> reporter: well, right nowt nw those protestors who vowed tovoo come back this evening have have not showed up but i want to show was has developed here devl outside ofop comet ping-pong in northwest d.c.rthwest d.c. this group of people, they aree counter protestors, if yours, if will. now, i want to talk to one oftof the organizers, j.j., hey, do he
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>> hi. >> reporter: hi. so, tell me what you're in the>e middle of doing right now and an why. wh >> we're trying to block outingt the hate speech from thepeech fe protestors that were here earlier today.ay and we're using angel actioning as a model.anodel. so, from matthew shepherd's funeral to orlando forward, block out those awful a >> reporter: what was your whatr reaction when you heard that t there were once againgain protestors here outside of comet ping-pong and they -- ifhe you take a look at this video v from earlier today they werewere holding signs with antigayigay messages and shouting out some slurs and things like that. t what was your reaction whenas y you heardou that? >> let's -- margaret boozer let's get down theres get downhe immediately and do somethingelyo about it. >> reporter: you can seeeporterc members of the community outan u hereni now.n they are here in the event ev that those protestors do showo w up again like they said theysa would. now, earlier today when weday wh were out here, we also talkedlso other people who live in the area.
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kidding me guyyous? like you're crazy. like this is enough. it'slike enough.eo it's fake news. it's ridiculous.ic somebody almost got hurt with wh a shooter coming up from north carolina. >> they'd rather rely on fakeon information to push theirth ideas rather than actuala constructive information. they could havetructi easily eai critiqued hillary clinton on actual policies but they would rather pretend tshehe secretlyl works inside arabia to enslave children. it's ridiculous.iculs. it endangers our >> i'll downed with a little coh little bit of money.f mo in the past we have talked tolko the d.c. police department whomh says there is no merit whatsoever to to them the protestors who were oute ut here earlier today again holding those antigay signs. s they're not back yet this ye evening but if that happens wetf will let you know.will l for now we're live in northwest.
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>> all right, well perhapspe you're hid heading down to the national mall for the bigll forh swearing in ceremony and other e events. >> if so there are things you t have tohere consider beforesidee leaving home.home. matt ackland with the top fiveop things you need to know aboutabt inauguration day.on day it's go to be an exciting dayay tomorrow, so many peoplerrow, sy involved in the inaugurationeo u so we have some tips for ifps rf you. let's start with number five.erv security officials want to youln keep in mind that it is going to be tight tomorrow when it comes to security measures.cur that's why they're sayingithy ty travel lightly.t make sure you raleave your bigub bags at home and also if youyou have and special inauguralaugura tickets, don't forget yourget yr i.d. at home. number four t-be prepared toepao walk quite a bit tomorrow. remember, some metro stations st will be closed down tomorrowto because of security reasons socu a really good idea leave the he dress shoes at homestead bringth some nice comfortable ones. ons. number three, we might get aa little rain tomorrow.rrow. at first officials said noid no umbrellas allowed at all butall they changed their policy just this m
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small umbrellas like this oneti are allowed.owed. number two, if you do plan ono n taking metro tomorrow, makemoma sure you plan ahead. plan a put plenty of money on youryou smart trip card. crd. the last thing you want to doyoo is wait in a long line beforeine you actually can get on the on e train. and number one, the mostm important thing that you cann ta do tomorrow is leave your car yr at home. already 24 hours out, no parking signs all over thel oveh national mall.tional ml. also, don't think about takingtg bikeshare. bi take a look behind me. me mom access to -- no access toaco bikesharely. >> great information matt thank you. visit our web sitereat i fox5 for our survival u guide. >> a lot of good there's so much questionse' people have about getting out there and right now as so lot of questions people have about the weather for tomorrow as weas give you a live look outside. kind of dry, kind of nicee today. >> not too bad.>> not t bad. a little overcast but we'llbutel have be having a change for
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tomorrow t gary mcgrady.rr >> i'm glad to hear they'reow ' letting little umbrellas.brell >> yeah. >> listen, there's going to beig showers tomorrow. i want to show you theshnt to sh forecast. i want to start briefly w ithefly with our temperatures now just to kind of give you anerat idea. i it is january right, not bad at all. at all. 49 degrees now at 5 o'clock. o' we dropped off a little bit. we were upittle to 50.50. and looked like we topped outped at about 50, 52 degrees,52 d something like that.some now, listen, there is rain ra back to the west of us.f u. you see this system coming ininn our direction.d we are believe it or not even with the clouds we're underun high pressure right now so thene high will beat down a lot of dow that rain and keep it away atawt least for awhile and i thinki tn there's a possibility ofibilityf tomorrow morning, 8, 9 o'clocko' we should of we could have a few showers but listen, mostt lt of the showers come across by by 10:00 to 1 o'clock tomorrow itmr looks like so right thalght thal noontime swearing in i think swr we'll definitely have showersnir around and then as wes start getting into the laterthe later afternoon hours, we're talkingig about most of the heavier rainin moving off.ving of we're just talking showers. h we're only thinking maybe upma
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of rain in some places. i don't think we're going getoig that much on the mall, though,t, tomorrow and high temperatures out there will beigh te up to at 50 degrees or so for a high ah temperature but remember,e but m that's probably going to taketo place after 3 o'clock thatlock t we'll get up to 50. 50. so, we're thinking again the t time frame, 10 too many about tt 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock, mosto of the rain comes we should start to dry out indru the afternoon as well. yeah, this doesn't look liken't we'll get out of this one dryner but looks like it's not goingno to be all that cold. generally speaking guysaking gus tomorrow temperatures will be t in the 40's so that's prettyempt pleasant for inaugural.inaural. >> not bad at all.ll. >> especially when you compareco to it years past. president obama made a lot oftoo references about eight yearsears ago about how breezy it wasbree and cold. and co >> breezy is an a understatement.un i was there. i remember. it was freezing. ur word r your word for it,s th, . [laughter][l >> all right. fiveeght ahead here at spot. 5:gloomofficers sworn in as temy officers. we'll tell you orders they o were given from the mayor.en frh
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trump will be getting a newid twitter account with 13 million new followers.ewol what happens to the presidentprt obama's social media whenal medw trump is sworn in. hey, brody. b >> reporter: hey, sarah. i am here at the make americam great again welcome eventome evt where lee greenwood is singingdi right now and we'll hear fromr m some people who are veryo are excited for this concert andnce for tomorrow's inaugurationnaugn coming up after the break. >> ♪♪
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together, all the way. >> ♪♪ >> supporters of the president-elect aren't the only ones excited to attend tomorrow's inauguration.>> a number of high sch soenot-lnes are making the trip to thetrip district including these ts students from palmettopaletto florida. >> these kids are really getting to witness somethingsome special and to just be a part a of history ton say that theyha were there and to see it actually happen, so i'm supersur proud. proud mom. >> school for a normal day i dai see people walking in class cl and i feel like it's a normalnor day but in reality i'm you goi bow to go to washington, d.c., . i'm really excited.cit. i'm honored to be in something e so porn like this.orn like thi >> most people won't go to an'o inauguration in their life let t alone the most controversialnt
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ine in history. >> the high school got ot donations to help make t performance become a events were already under way at the lincoln memorial.nco >> the make america greathe again welcome mak celebration features remarks from thearfr president-elect and otherter performers. brody logpean is there live andd joins us with what's happeninga down there.p down hey, brody.. >> all right. clearly we're having>> some some issues with brody logan's micl there but we'll hopefully getygt back with him shortly. >> obviously we have a lot ofusl coverage to get to tomorrowge te and the best place to watch itah right here fox5 d.c.c. inauguration special coveragecil begins tomorrow.begins we start at 4:00 a.m. and wean e will take you through the entire day. of course our team fend outeam all throughout the region,reion live team coverage of therage oe ceremony inaugural parade andded protests. if you're heading down to thee events stay in touch with us wi
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using #fox5 potus to shar you're seeing and and expericing to be exciting for sure. >> let's check with brodyng to r logan who is at the concert,con the make america great again a welcome concert. body d.c., what's going on?c.wh >> reporter: well, it is aa make america great againat again concert. three doors down performing,erf, toby keith, lee greenwood justen performed the one song that has made him a lot of money for the last 30 years. yars. some people a lot of talk has been more about who isn't here'h than who is performing here. you know, jim and sarah, youarau can say that these are a lotre t of d listers in that these arehe the people that donald trumple a has performing for hiss inauguration but regardless of who ison bu here, there's a lotr excitement for this concertement and for this finora tuguration. i want to show you earlier ea before everyone was let in there was a line going about a two blocks down the street.e st. and actually people wereere reverted because they used upu all of the rafter its insideth
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next to the memoe rial.rao they had to go aroundthe the wasn't enough space and these people have come from all over the conouugnth e ryco.ount they're very excited.xcted and i asked them what they'rehae looking forward to in a donald trump presidency.res >> i think that he's going tohei move very fast on things whichi could be great and i thinkd i th he's going to do it reallyrely well. he's got a lot of really smartlt people in he's bringing on andon i think they're just going toing blow away any otherblow administration we've ever hada so i think they're just goingeyg to move in, get stuff done andn i think people are going to berg happy. >> we want to stop the illegalgl immigrants. immi we want highgr educatededuted immigrant coming to contribute t to the country.cotry. not just welfare people and we w want to have the strong securere national security policy against terrorism that we wantma a secure border and secure sec life here.fe here. >> he says what i feel thateel t most americans feel. we want borders language and and culture. culture. we want security.we want se we want to make america greata e again. we want jobs..
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he things for us and it's thes and first time i felt positive in in awhile about our country andcoun the direction that it's going.ig >> so, jim and sarah, a lot of,f people are excited about this event this momentous event e forelifted people and i didfted want to note there have pbeen people hanging out onou constitution because there is a rumor that president-electesi donaldde trump and viceand president-elect mike penceent- will be coming down this roadowa to make an appearance at the welcome concert.cocert. that has not been confirmedonfmd but there are a lot of rumorsr around here that he might be making this his way through thi here. people that can't get in arein r going to be lining up alongup constitution to welcome him. hi >> brody, i see some policepice behind that you. obviously the presence prettyhe big down there. i see themm assembled behind you. are you seeing similar groupsros elsewhere nearby?ne?
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all right. ri >> i think bro difficulties hearing us downltie there.arin it does get to be difficultto be when you're covering things covi down there, a lot ofher frequencies happeninge, aand i difficult to get youret you equipment to to . >> that's one of the things that i think ift's onyou're gou to the inauguration if you ina have your cell phone at&t some h of the other providers put up pt mobile towers to supplementowerp the coverage butpl it won't be uncommon to see a lot of thath happening tomorrow with signals dropping out here and there. e. ahead inauguration> ahead ti protestors could get freeould g lawyers if arrested.s if a >> why dozens of attorneys inof the district say they will he that defend demonstrators formoo no charge. ce. >> this year's national anthemam singer hitting a high note hig t with attendees.ttedees. the big way her performancepe will be different fromfrom beyoncé's four years ago.r ag >> i don't agree with peopleee w who say he'its noth my presideni i mean, he is.s. >> and two families both twoamil making the trip to theto district from missouri buturi bt
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only from fios. >> ♪♪ >> it is certainly going to be a business seem weekends here in the district from the inauguration toertass seehe d te march on washington, massive wam crowds are expected over thev next few days. >> fox's katie bank takes aakes look at two families who areho both making the trip to therip e district from missouri but fromt each has a different reason re than the other. >> so we're going to the to wreath laying ceremony the 19th. >> emily stevens has a jamm packed itinerary.ti >> we'll do the memorial.ial. >> planning every detail of ain trip to washington, d.c. wheresn she, and her mom plan tom plan celebrate the inauguration ofgu president-elect donald >> just going to support otheror americans. it's just so's just i mean, you sesoe call these te people in front of you andd behind you waving flags andou wn you're just a part of that experience in history.ce in hio. >> it will be a familiara fa atmosphere for stevens whoevenso also went to president barack pr
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obama's inauguration back in n >> it was just an awesomeesome experience and i wanted towant share that with my mm. >> but this go round she'llound have better seats.ha >> we're in the orange area soee we'lla be >> and a personal interest inrei who stands at the podium. pod >> i don't agree with peoplepeop who say he's not my president pe i mean, he is. is. he's going to be so that'sthat's just hard to hear. >> stevens noting the hundredshu of thousands of people who arehe expected to be in d.c. to to protest trump's transition tosio power including long time hillary clinton supporters symphony wilson and her her 13-year-old daughter >> it's not about the campaign a from last year it's about whaty he has done and said, not justoj during the campaign but in the e last two months. mo >> the politically active mom-daughter duo will skipwi sk inauguration and instead join the women's march onth washingtone wo a event planned r saturday.
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>> i feel like i can tell myan y kids later like oh, ofrt thereof. >> organizers say the charmont promote women's equality anduali defend other marginalizedginaled groups. >> it makes you feel hopeful,ho empowered and like not onlyred n can i do something d butli all these people are going to bele g doing something, too. o. >> both families excited to be d part of making history just insn differwaysways. >> as an american, justrican,ust looking around, it makes yousyou so proud to be a part of this country. >> they're doing it civilly. v i understand they both have h different viewpoints.di weff hopefully will see a lot of th.t. >> hopefully. ht.all right. >> more confirmation hearingsmai on capitol hill today.toay >> the president's secretaryecr of energy is in the hot questions rick perry.. >> the artist who created his iconic posted the barack obama o has created a new zest artworkzr for inauguration day. da we'll tell you the messagemeage she's trying to send this
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>> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 5:00.. >> three businesses damaged byua an early flier in takoma park. k the flames burned through the b roof of manna restaurant and spread to two adjoining stores. stores. nearly 70 firefighters werehterr called to the scene to put outsp thfire.e. no one was hurt. >> an annapolis man arrestedresd on multiple child pornographyrng charges. daniel dtion into burkhardt began back indt begacn october. officers recovered a computero from the suspect's investigators say the digital d forensic lab recovered multiple child porn files on chi its computer. he was arrested on frlei friday. >> a man in stafford county is s accused of sexually assaultingas a coworker. patrick sandler is chargedis c
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with sexual battery. a according to police the met sandler that day at work atk and he offered her a ride home. at a traffic light sandlerra exposed himself and grabbed theffd hims victim. she was able to push him away and convinced him to stop at a a wal-mart where she got out andta message a friend for help. hlp. >> in his last major act as commander in chief president obama commuted the sentences of 330 inmates convicted forvic drugrimes.s. during his presidencyng his prey mr. obama granted a total of o 1,715 commutations more thantatm any presidorent in u.s. historyi president obama's goal was towat reverse decades of harsh sentencing requirements forng ru drugirem offenders.nders he repeatedly called oned congress to pass a broader a bar criminal justice fix but fix bu lawmakers never took action. ac >> there are many more policep on the streets of washington, d.c. tonight.treets >> thousands of officers from alanl acdsross of of the unitedt joined apartment in our arear aa to keep the inaugurationion secure. tom fitzgerald has a up close c look at how they received reeivd their orders. >> reporter: in advance of the 5or8tter:h i presidential inauguration, a show of force
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here today at the d.c. 3500 law enforcement andment an police officials from across frs the country coming here top op d.c. today to be sworn in asswos temporary u.s. marshals.marsals. >> you should to me under the authority of the united states. >> reporter: okay, so this was the edscene as theorte u.s.s marshall for the district oftrif columbia patrick burke sworeickk in over 3,500 law enforcementfet officers. now, they will all have arrest r powers, they will all be enforcing the law throughoutth the inauguration and the d.c. interim police chief peter newsham says their deulteir position right now is thatow ist they expect the demonstratorsono to follow that law and the the police are hoping they will areh not haveop to use those arrest t powers. >> you know, we brought in lawow enforcement for as manyt for asy inaugurations as i can can remember from outside jurisdictions and we haven't hae had any problems. pr they're police officers,ice off, they're well meaning.they'rwella they want to come here andome
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make sure we have a successful event. that's their intention.'s t >> reporter: thhee u.s.e u.s. marshall for d.c. says this this only lasts until at the d.c. armory tommory to fitzgerald fox5 local news. ns. >> confirmation hearingsonfi continued today on captor hillto with the president-elect'she secretary of energ pyresi nomin. >> you might remember former rer texas governor rick perry whopey back in 2012 during a gop debate said he would abolishbo the energy department.partent. comments came during hisents cau campaign for the republicangn fp nomination for president.e there was also a recent reportao from the new york times that claimed perry new misunderstoodd the job but that he was first nominated for but today he told the senate agency.. >> after being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the department of informationi i regret recommending itsnding s elimination.
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if confirmed, i will enter ente this role excited and and advancing the corecore missions of the doe, drawing d greater attention to the vital t role played bite agent seen se the hard working men and womenan who dedicate themselves inemseln pursuit of these missions. >> meanwhile confirmation hearings were held for steve ste mnuchin the president-elect'sids pick to be his treasurysury secrety.y. former goldman sachs partnerner mnuchin faces opposition forppoo his role as ceo of one westne wt bank where he oversaw thousands of foreclosures during the 2008 financial t he spoke on hishe time with theth he bank about his time with the wie bank and also touched on his ons goals if he is confirmed as cons the next treasury secretary.. >> i share the president-elect's goal of economically empowering everym citizen. we will not rest in our ur mission until that is a reality. among president-elect'song esid signature issues in this in t campaign was reviving trade tr
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policies that that put the th american worker first. fi i will enforce trade p that keep our currency strongy on the world exchanges andes ad create and protect american jobs.. >> confirmation hearings dates have not been scheduled fordule several position position. >> the president-elect says he has no plans to get rid of his current twitter handle whichside is at real donaldns twitt trumpo basically now instead ofod having only 140 characters youcu could say he has 280 to 280 t express his views.ex >> the artist hyped this iconic hope poster of barackop obama is back again with ae ne set of images just in time forte donald trump's inaugurationuratn and the women's march.arh. artist shepherd ferry hasrry has seemed teamed up with a groupamd
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of artists for a projecta pr called we the people.e they created a series protest posters reflect act diverse mix of americans andricd what they stand for.stand fo a kick starter page for the pag project raised more than $1.3 million that..3 money will allow them to take m out full page ads in the washington post tomorrow.morrow. the posters can ventedly be ripped out of the paper and of taken right to the >> coming up, cakeup controversy. >> one bakery coming underom fire for their trump hatp h cakes. >> when did america stop beingbg great? grea >> we'll talk about the bakeryby owners who say they are nota making are politically statement. statemen why they're baking up these t cakes. hey gary. >> not 60 today like yesterdayya but 50 is not bad.t 50 is no we're still in january so way above normal and a pretty gooded day is turning into a prettyingo nice evening, too, down other do mall no rain, no rain.ra. it's called the make america am great again concert.ain con everybody out there enjoyinge eg it. lots of music. mus lots of lots of festivities. thought we were going to haveing
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by florig in cooking up a new dn honor of donald trump.t do due amaechi created theed donald trump pizza in honor ofho the president-elect.e pr it features italian cheese ch flour and american gold brokenn into flakes creating a letter lr t for trump. it's surrounded by russianru caviar and comes with a bottleot of french champagne to help cha wash it all down. dow. >> being a small businessbusines owner and looking somebody so successful in life doing thatoig of course is inspiration toatioo everybody who is in business.bun who doesn't look up to him. h. >> the trump pizza isa s expensive as you can imagineag costing a few hundred dollars if you're interested.nte it will be served free ofree of charge tomorrow to celebrateelee inauguration >> from trumpau pizza to desserts, taub's bakery ineryin philadelphia attempting togto show their patriotism by making make machine greatach again hat cakes.
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some customers say this thinkay it's a great ide so >> i would not buy a cake. cae. when did america stop beingeng great. >> we keep saying it's not aota political statement.tatnt. if hillary won i would have he did my little research andresear came up with something, you know, something creative.eaive. >> so there you have it. if hillary what would it have been like pant suit cakes ort c line. like that. th >> they're making a statement.e. >> yeah, and i think that's --a- why not, cashing in, it's it's capitalism. make some money off the th inauguration if you can do it. why not. >> i kind of hope the rain d will hold off.of hopd off. >> yeah. >> i know. of those one forecasts we've seen it coming' now for several days went justst hope -- it doesn't look tootoo heavy.avy. >> okay. >> a little caveat there.there. >> too heavy.vy. >> exactly. >> and the fact that they're>>th going to laet ytou have an an umbrella.
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>> i know. small retractable ones. os. >> a concert going >> at the lincoln memorialmemo this is the make americaameica welcome concert.ncer brody was down there you canwn n see the crowds as gary gy shimmies his way over to theo te weather wall.he >> a lot of people down there having ar goof d tipemeop it ls like. >> i don't know who this is.thi i would give them credit.cre >> we were wondering if thering president-elect and his familyec would be there. wothere.there.t >> ivanka, melania is there asis well. we don't know if he's going tosi be actually speak buying speak g chance. i'm sure he'll have something maybe to say to te'hell h crowd but ut fun to watch.wat >> if he comes in we'll let -- >> yeah. >> i'll leave -- yield my timee so to speak. [laughter] gh >> so nice of you. yo >> for president-elect trump.sit 49 degrees here in the city they now. it's not bad and of course there's no i showed you earlierear temperatures for highs today in the lower 50's unlike unke yesterday where we made it upe u to 60 degrees but listen still pretty good. we're way above normal foral january and it looks like that t will continue.on you can see the 50's to the50 south of us, 40's to the north t of us, pittsburgh is 41. binghamton new york is 34 and an new york city is 44 degrees4 des
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right now so nothing toog t terribly cold. out to the west because that's where the next system ishthe nes coming from. it will start to spread somes rain in here possibly as earlyey as tomorrow morning. mor we have high pressure on topssup of us now. n. that's breaking down a little d bit and starting to move off o to the east but what it will w do is it will keep the rain away at least during most ofur the overnight.overight. now, could there be a showershor here or there overnightght tonight out to the west of us? yes, there could be but mostuld of the rain starts to come inin tomorrow morning and it looks ls like moves right across the mall and i'm giving it a it a window of about 10 o'clock tooco 1 o'clock where we could see w showers as early ase 1 o'clockc and then by 1 o'clock'clock hopefully most of it moves off to the east.s. showers and thunderstormss possible down through the deepa south. south. and what happens a lot ofat times is you get h apthese thse thunderstorms firing up down upd to the deep south and itand chokes off some of thekes moisture so asof this rain trien to come all the way up into the midatlantic, it just jst doesn't have enough moisture to be able to get
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because all the rain andin an thunderstorm activity down to the soutac as a bit of a wall to keep theee deep moisture from coming so while we're expecting rainexc tomorrow we're notit expecting p lot of rain tomorrow.omor i'll show you timing here in he just a second.on tonight temperatures get downurd into the low 40' i think we could get down own about 40 degrees or soso surrounding areas right aroundad 40 degrees as well, lower 40's s in places. pl it is all dependent on cloudentu cover. you see on futurecast this is 11 o'clock, i think we'll be mostly cloudy and certainly cery cloudy overnight tonight. futurecast very consistentn with this and still shows asa little light shower possibleht coming through during the early mornin sgho throu hours, 9 o'clock but watch by 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock1 oock tomorrow morning, nothing here,e is too heavy but there's stillel a little couple spots ofs moderate rain.te rain so between about 11:00 a.m.1:00a and 1 o'clock, this will start moving across.c this is noon.noon. a chance for showers on thehowee mall there and then as we getn t to about 3, 4, 5 o'clock, mostlo of this will get to the easte et of us. there is a chance tomorroworrow afternoon we could have aould ha little drizzle after the rain ri
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moves through.throu here's the forecast fo tomorrow. 43 degrees early.. i showed where you there's are chance of a shower, a few few showers as early as 8 o'clock.8. some showers around the malle ml by noontime.noonime. and then later in thehe afternoon expect some cloudscl and some drizzle to happen. drit here's youo r seven-day forecast. fo high tomorrow generallyrally speaking in the 40's.n the 40's we'll top out at about about 50 degrees at 3 o'clock or so. o saturday mostly cloudy andloudyd that's optimistic. o i think we see veptriy little su if we see any at all onall on saturday but it will stay dry, , a temperature of 56 degrees. 55 on sunday.nday. it looks like sunday anday nd monday it's going to be veryvery wet. monday will be the wettest ofstf those days 53 degrees.d next week we stay in the 50's 5s the way it's looking now. no one thing is for sure, it willr, rain somewhere tomorrow.omewherr so, again, dress appropriatelypp to stay dry and then we staystay well above normal for the nexth several days. at least for the next week orher so. that's pretty good for's january. pre >> yeah. >> i love how you cover yourhove bases. it will rain somewherein some tomorrow. tomo >> yeah, i've been doing thisrrn
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awhile. doing t. [laughter] >> i know how to do it.w how to times. >> thanks gary. thanks coming up d.c. lawyers offering free legal services to protestors who getree arrested. arre >> and jackie evancho ise evanc keeping it real at donaldit real trump's inauguration with heritr voice. a live interview with tmz'stm's harvey levin coming up next about >> ♪♪
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oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? (laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> while several performersle have backed out of their commitments to perform on
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inauguration day, one sev bacite performer isntinauguraon d ayn,t and she says he will be much more authenticutic than beyoncé's was four years ys ago. plus, lawyers are offeringwye free services to protestorstests arrested tomorrow as well sow so joining us now talk more aboutle this tmz executive producer p harvey levin with the scoop on e these stories.these st. thanks for talking with ush harvey much let's start with jackie evancho and she's goingsh to be singing the nationalnatona anthem tomorrow and she'sorrow s going to be dhoeing it live. this is kind of a big deal. d >> she is.>> it is -- it turns out it is a big deal that a lot of thesee are prerecorded.recoded. beyoncé's had been prerecorded. she was lip it was also extremely cold. cd. and there was some issues isues there. but she actually took some some heat for that.that. jackie says i'm doing it live.i i'm going to do it on my own.on. and she doesn't really even even want to a teleprompter we're wee told. they'll have one but that'shavea really not her doing. doi she sang the song a number ofrof times. the amazing thing to me is sarah, she's 16 years olds.ears >> wow.
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>> how do y ou when all that happens.h she is -- honestly we got hert r out, she is cool.coo >> wow. >> w hey, kudos to her.o h i don't know how those people do it either.ither. so it will be interesting totert watch her tomorrow.ow. meanwhile ah also going to be interesting to watch to seein what exactly happens withg haph protestors down thereprot everybody's coming into d.c.s c as we speak.e sp. and i thought it was was interesting to hear that somet of the attorneys are saying,atta hey, if you get arrested, i'll i represent you. >> for free.nt>> f >> i know. >> we did some digging.g we were calling around andund a there are multiple lawyers' groups in washington, d.c. andca what they have done is theys thy have -- they are putting theti e word out to these protestorspro that if you get arrested we'llel do this all pro buono for you. y they are also going to be out in the streets and we're told that apparently the laws inthe w d.c. have changed, a lot of lawyers felt that the policet tc sometimes were too heavy
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handed with protests, that they inhibiting them closing groups r down when one or two or three oe people got upset and the d.c. dc police have been much better ber about allowing free speech toh o take place.ce. but these lawyers are tellingla us the prowyblem is they'ret going to bring inh 5,000n 500 national guard 13,000 cops cos from all sorts offrom allorts o jurisdictions who may not be familiar with the law soy theya are expecting arrests and as ar matter of fact, there's a d.c.d. law student's group, lawup, student in washington andnt in w other places too they caasnhioon actually go into court andinto u represent people with a supervisor and they've donend td the same thing so they'reey're going to be lawyers out ino forcetomorrow.t >> do you think it's due todueto the changing laws or more of a a politically motivated decision? to represent themto for free. >> ifor mean --, yeah, i mean,n look, based on the calls i made, the lawyers doing thise la
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would probably be protestorsroto themselves and maybe they will d be but they will wear and they want to represent re people because they do believe there are going to be arrests as and again, this is going to be e something to watch tomorrow tomo see, you know, crowd control,on, police response. response it could be very >> it certainly can and wenly will be here watch, it on thethe front lines. harvey levin tmz executiveecue producer thanks for talking ta with us today. tay appreciate it. jim over to you.o >> josh norman sticking up forur his quarterback kirk cousinsterc coming up ink ki sports. sp first lets go back to thet lincoln memorial of course thel make america great concertmericn going on once again. there's toby keith on stage asgs they kicked off inauguration 2017. the president-elect his familye- are there. we're back after this. >> ♪♪
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straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed >> ♪♪ >> good news for the redskins heading innetows f free agency w starts march nine. nin the team can take unusedkeunused salary cap space from last cap a season. talking about 15 plus millionmin dollars. current pr ojections have theve skins with $65 million in cap space for next year.ace for ne . all we know right now is that tt a big chunk of that will havel e to go towards the quarterback.rt kirk cousins has got a lot of lo flak for not getting his teamist to the post season.ost seas. the defense didn't step tupt either or for that much mostm of the season.easo earlier this week josh norman nn was a guest on f s1 speak for yourself. yourse thelf debate centered on if cousins deserves a long term t contract with the redskins.he >> don't guy don't translaten'ta into wins. >> i'm not saying that.g tha but the guy has 4,000 yards00 yr here. i mean, let me go ahead andd nd
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read some of these statisticstas off to you. i mean, he is number three inr n passing with >> two opportunities put youtunt in the playoffs.. >> that's your teammate.ea. >> that is.hat is. >> leave him al on.>> l >> we got to help him out on oun defense to stop somebody.o >> they got to get -- on third down they were >> aaron rodgers --odg >> we did not help him out atout all. i'll be honest with you.with yo >> today the oakland raiders ras officially submitted paperworkd to the league to relocate torel las nfl owners will vote on thehe proposed move this morning.rn they need 24 of 32 teams to te ratify the raiders will playll l the next two seasons inns n oakland making this a bit awkward before they would movefe to a 65,000 seat dome stadiumdim in las vegas for the 2020he 20 seas.n. meantime the 2017 baseball b hall of fame class nationalsatol franchise connections in the middle outfielder tim rainsieldr who played his first 13 years y with the expose. the
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on the right catcher ivantcher n rodriguez known as pudgewn as de started his career with thewithh rangers and played his finalis f two seasons with the >> i'm going to go in as a texas ranger. i'm going to wear the rangere ar hat. i know i played with five veryi good organizations in my career. if they they let me i would w put on all the hats if i can. h >> that's it for the news at 5:00. thanks for joining us.joining u fox5 local news at 6:00 startsst right now. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00. 6:00. >> we are one day away froma donald trump's first officialoff day as president of the uniteded states. it's good to have you with usha tonight. i'm tony >> and i'm shawn yancy.y the president-elect touchedesid down in the nation's en capitola this morning. force forluted the air officer who welcomed him as he h stepped off the military plane l at joint base andrews.ase donald trump haas a busy busy evening as he prepares to take e
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the oath of office tomorrow.omo. fox's joel waldman has theoel wd latest from capitol hill. h >> reporter: there's>> rep currently a massive securit effort under way with more than 28,000 law enforcemente officials here in d.c. aheadahed of tomorrow's inauguration. >> there's nothing specific or g no credible threats at this point. >> reporter: despite noesp specific 30's heavily armedea police patrolling the nation's ' capitol. tol. law enforcement agents saying they're trod respond to possible large scale protestsla preparing well in advance orgfeo friday's inauguration.augution. >> just this past week i wentent out to our training facilityfaiy where we had every member ofry b the secret service who isvice ws going to be involved in thee ine parade route and up on theuphe capitol that were, we wentl th through a series of approximately almost 40 scenariosism theenar president-elect meanwhile arriving here inident- washingtn this morning preparing to taketa the oath of office in less than 24 hours. ho vice president-elect mikeren pence also getting ready for rea the historic moment.the >> our job is to be readyhi onon day on.. the american people can becan
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