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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  January 25, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST

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♪♪ straight ahead on good dayha at 9a, president donald trump getting to work with tworeside r developments overnight from the white house.ite h. targeting his allegations ofns f voter fraud and making good on o his campaign promise o
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a border wall.l. but the moves being met with met tough critics this morning. >> what they're doing is likeinl just coming into our culture. >> maryland principal forced to apologize to the school's the ss cheerleaders after hurling an an insult their way.ay the comment that has them firedf up and how the students areare coming to their peers defense. and location, location, location. with the washington redskins bee super bowl bound right now ifuni they played elsewhere? why virginia's governor seems to seo think so. ♪♪ and a heart warming duet going viral.ra the story behind this adorable father/daughter duo.te duo. good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ we want to get to breaking n news out of northwest dc. protesters climbing to the top t of a massive crane near the oldo washington post building indi in northwest dc.rtt dc. our melanie alnwick has been there on the scene.there the she joins us now with theit the
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mel? >> reporter: good morning. morng we have more information now asa to what this is all about. green piece has takenen responsibility for these there are seven of them on thist crane. two of them have chained cin themselves to what isha is essentially sort of thatf t stairway that's going up. tu you can see them here. 270 feet though in the air.h in. that's where the main action iss on the arm across the crane. cra you can see the repealers herels getting set up what dc police de have told us is that they are planning ton unfurling a bannere that says "resist" and green g piece did send us press releaser into our newsroom saying thatg t this action is essentially thehe protest president trump's policies. they're upset with perhaps somem of the actions he's taken on the pipelines just yesterday pushins those forward. also, search what they believe isch w a gag order now on the on environmental protection agency. so those and other policies the are protesting here and we don'n know
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take. they've been here since aboutenc 6:00 o'clock this we did ask dc police what theire plan is, and really the mostos thing that they're concerned con about now is safety.ety the safety of these activist aiv who's they say are taking a first or they say the activistit are taking a first amendment act here but also the safety of anyf police officers who may have to go in and try to get them. get e so at this point, it sounds likk they're just going wait them oum and let them do what the planned to here. but they didpl say that as soon as -- as soon as this is over,ie they are going to arrest them tm and decide what sort of chargesg they would place upon thesese activists for what is unplanneda and unsanctioned protest here ie d.c. they do not have authorizationat to take overio this crane. also, you can see the streetsher all around the construction sitt here are still blocked off. really l street, m street from 15th and the blocks surrounding you know we did see a
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special operations folks andks a people from the d.c. fire. fir department who are used to climbing tall equipment withipmw their gear on as well in casenas they did have to go go u it sounds at this point, guys,,y like they're just going to waito the out and make sure thate t really they are doing what theyt said they were going to do whict is really just a somewhat peaceful action but they are prepared that if -- if things go awry if they have to go in, thee will. back to you guys. >> i have a question for you.ory so it's my understanding that t this is a sign that will be unveiled obviously upset with u the apologies put in place byce the trump administration theytry want the white house to seehitet this, and they were claiming that they were hanging this sigg over the white house.hite h now, by my estimation, you're aa solid six blocks or so away fror the white house.ho is this in au direction pointing toward the white house or i'msem trying to understand how the t white house would even be ableeo to see something so far away? >> reporter: it's possible youeu could. perhaps across lafayette park p maybe if you w
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high and in the right directiond but i think it would be pretty e tough call there, steve. >> mel we continue to look atoo the images of the protesters who look to be scaling that gianthat crane. just carry yously i know you got out there when they were upousle how did they get up there? i t can't make it it did they repel up there? didre they climb up the side of it?f how did they make their way upp there?e? >> reporter: you climb up the ut crane. i mean if you look right in thet middle you can clearly see ladders and covered stairwaysta that's how you get up into thata crane. that's how the people who workor on these crane get up and downpw there. obviously these activists are skilled with they came here with the intent of doing this.. had all the right gear.ea so definitely something that wah planned for quite sometime and looks like they have thise completely orchestrated to doedo what they plan odd don.don >> i'm sorry. sorry. >> we're seeing the full scalels of the crane now.ra you can see how they climbed upb that wasn't clear from theas previous shot but, yes, we can see that nown'hot .. >> mel, if we -- we -- >> sometimes you got t
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point. >> mel, if we know that this iss green peace here, we know that they are advocacy group for matter that is concern the the climate. earlier we did report that therh was a lock down on speech or tweets or information coming out of some of these agencies, the park service out in the badn the lands one of them. tm. what can you tells us more? s m? have you had a chance -- i knowk you're busy doing that. have you a chance to sort of get the correlation between what tht new administration is alreadynii doing and why green piece mightm be upset? >> reporter: actually nolly allison. we haven't had a chance to doadd that yet but, again, i think iti is pretty much just an overall protest against what they see as very unfriendly policies towardw the environment in general coming not only action that isti already been taken from them trump administration but actiont that the president has said thad he plans to take.e. including lifting of regulations as w >> understood.>> under >> i think i can fill in littlee bit of blanks there. there green piece has put out p o
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that statement they say they ara basically calling on people toge resist the president's attacks s on environmental, social,l, economic and educational justice to contribute in their words too a bet america. that's the statement they are trying to make this morninghe sg >> more to what you said allisos epa is one of those agencies ass well where the information ior flowing out of there. >> right. >> cut off -- put on that ast well. so perhaps all of that again a lending to what this protest isp all about by green peace memberm who have climbed a crane there in northwest d.c., l and 15th streets right in the middle off there stalling traffic, causing some problems there. planning to unfurl some sort ofr a sign that they're directing aa the white house with a message.a >> all right. we'll keep this on the bottom oo our screen.our seen. we kind of, you know are theu k fireworks seem to be toe we know they're going to we know what they're going togot do. if they follow their plan at this point, but we'll keep upee there just to see if there's any inaction between the police atet this point who are just waitinga things out. we'll keep that on the bottom of the screen but right nowsc but according to what melanie had td say obviously they're breakingin the law by doing by d
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things but they're not going up after they them at thisy em a point.po they'll let them do their do thr business. from what green piece has saidcd there won't be any foul languagn on that barrier. barrier once they come back down policel plan on making arrests. arres you can see from the blue skies we don't -- we don't want to gloss passed tucker completely.. today will be a beautiful day ii washington. highs around 60 degrees. >> 9:08 is the the let's talk about politics now.s. two major things coming out ofgo the white house. president trump is answeringnsrg critics about his claim on massive voter fraud and theudnd president is set to fulfill afi campaign promise on building aui border wall.border w let's start with the fraud f claims. it has the,, the president busy on twitter this morning. mni president trump continues tonues stand by his belief thatie millions of illegal ballots coss him the popular vote despite aee lack of evidence. evide this is a lack of evidence thatc he will be asking for major investigation into voter fraud a including those registered tored vote in two states, those whohoo are illegal and even thosehose registered to vote who are deadd and many for a long time.g t now depending on ther
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will strengthen up the voter procedures meanwhile today the e president set to take an a executive action on immigration. >> the wall is coming. com president trump in a tweet lastl night said "big day planned onlo national security tomorrow.omro among many other things we willw build the wall "the president is expect make the announcement ana perhaps sign the executive ordee at department of homelandepar security later today.ent secu a cleatar priority according tog the white house.itou >> he is doing everything he cae to direct agencies and congresss to commence with that work astht soon as possible.on as ossi >> it was something he promisede again and again on the cam papem train trail. >> on an tangible, physical, powerful, beautiful southernth border wall. wal >> trump may go further fth targeting so-called sanctuaryant cities that refuse to cooperate with the federal to governmento enforce immigration laws. he also talked about stemming sm the flow of refugees. his executi
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already riled critics critics environmental activistsnmentatii protested outside the white house last night after the president signed an executivet order to help clear the way forr the keystone xl and dakotandakot access oil pipeline projects.s another station has reportedly clammed down on communicationsca from executive agenciesgencs including the epa. coming soon, a supreme court cou pick to replace justice antonin ask a lee y3 like the finalistss neal gore such, thomas hardimann and william pry your.ou >> we will pick a trial the trit great supreme court justice butt i'll be a nounsing it sometiment next week. >> the president also made another announcement on twittert says he'll make his supremereme court pick next thursday.hursda you just heard him say that anda overnight the president takingsk to twitter to talk about theboue violence in chicago.olenag now he threatened to bring inng the feds if they don't fix the horrible carnage going on. goi he tweeted that the city had 42 killings up 24% from this time last year.r mayor rahm emmanuel' office
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addressed how the federald the l government can help addressmentc violanence several times. >> let's bring you back toringob capitol. capi president trauma pops house toou lead the fight against obama oba occur is running into oppositepi in the senate likely not enoughn to block his confirmation.ion it will be the finance committet that will vote on his nominatiot and it is republican chairmanhaa blasted attacks on tom price.rie >> in a show of bipartisan shipi the senate overwhelming appgpp approved south carolina governoo nick can he haley to become us am bar to the united nations. 96-four even though she looks l foreign policy experience.xper >> we've got much more ahead ono good day at 9a including the the manhunt for the man accused of shooting a woman at a schoolbush stop in front of children.n on we're live with the very latestt on that story.t y. >> high school principal forceda to apologizel to his cheerleadd after admitting that hurling ang insult to them. to t bob barnard is life just aheadhe with what that principal saidpas and how fellow students ares are reacting. >> ahead at 10a this morning ong guest who is sure to make you m laugh funny man joey vega will join us live in the loft. lof he's written f
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biggest names in comedy. >> of course, over next two hours live coverage of this thi crane protest in downtown d.c. green peace protesters taking to a grain blocking trafficic happening on l street and 15thnt street in northwest d more on this protest.. our melanie alnwick on the t scene. details when good day d.c. comes right back.
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♪♪ all right. this is what's happening downtown right now. protesters disrupting traffic in the area of 15th and l the old washington posts facilitywhdow. they climbed up a giant craneiaa they're hanging from the cranegr right now. getting ready to d isplay aay banner. now green peace is takingg responsibility for this. ts so if it's not them stare toom o long stealing somebody else'inse thunder. we have not yet seen the sign. s we're underring it will read tht word "resist" 70-foot banner bne said to be hung from that crane. they are prove testing some of i president trump's policies whenw it come to the environment.iront so we'll keep an eye on it havev it on the bottom of screen thisi morning should anybody happen. dc police will let them do their thing and make arrests once thee come down. 9:15.9:15 the search is on foreman afteraa an outrageous attack at aat a schoolbus >> police say that he shot a woman and
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watched it all unfold.nfold. our annie yu is live in oxonn ox hill this morning with theithhe latest on the search for the man police say is armed anday is me dangerous. annie, at first that was not w n what went out, right, on thehe search for armed and dangerous,, that's changed? >> reporter: that's we didn't learn about his name m or even have a picture of him until hours after the scene. sce you know the fact that thishis domestic situation this shootint played out in front of about 155 elementary school aged childrend has a lot of people concernedond around here.arou here. it's the talk of the neighborhood.. people concerned that this man n did it in front of, you know, kids as young as four years oldo i can tell you that this morning according to some parents theene crowd was much smaller today.. again yesterday about 15 kidss witnessed this morning we sawe w about four or five children chid standing at the corner wherer we this happened on chester and winthrop streets here in oxoneen hill. so perhaps, you know, some parents didn't want to take anyn chances and took their childrene to school this morning.. but prince george's county police we checked in with them.t they areti
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man.n. this is a picture of him this is 42-year-old eugene sims.e it's believed he is armed andedd dangerous.da police are advising to you not t approach him to call 911. he's wanted on a slew of chargeg including attempted first degret murder and reckless endangerment much police spent some time outt here canvassing the area we tall to many witnesses and accordingg a witness we spoke with simsiths jump out of the bushes near the bus stop.t bus he tried to grab astop young gig the the girl's mother was nearby.rb. she was said saying you're notet taking my child.taking m she tried to the two adults began fighting fn and the woman was shot once wee know and then grazed by a second bullet. she was taken to hospital wherew she is she is expected to survive. svi so that is the good news. also good news none of the kidsk were hurt. police knew who the shooter wass early on again because this wass a domestic situation.uati but we didn't get the information until about aut 6:00 o'clock last night and so s they put out the name.he nam they put out the suspect's piure.e. alerting us that he's armed andd
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and so this morning they arenin still looking for 42 yeared eugene they're asking the public to call 186-6411 tips if you havesv any information.any that's the very latest from oxon hill this morning.orni annie yu fox5 local news. ns. >> annie.>> thank you 9:18 right now. n in montgomery county thety t principal at spring brook highir school is under fire for allegedly telling his cheerishe squad their routine at a rivaliv basketball game was quote too ghetto.etto. >> tonight the cheer team is cha boycotting its own athletic ati department because of thathat comment. bob barnard joins us now live le from silver spring with the with whole story. so, bob, i know you'll get intoi this. just so we're clear, one clear, principal talking to anotherg principal and then thatcipal an principle went and told lthen tt cheer squad what was said, thatt led to all of this? >> reporter: that's right. allegedly this all started withd the principal of paint branch pa high school that's i burtonsville dr. miriam yarlboro who's african-american told the african-american principal the spring brook during that gameam dr. art wil
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cheerleaders routines are too ghetto.etto well, dr. williams allegedlyly relayed that or even shared thaa pin himself with the cheerleading squad and that's when they got upset and said,ngs all right, we're suppoqusedgot o play -- we are playing northng n wood tonight. tonht we're not going to perform. pero we can show you video tape ofap this cheerleading squad which is predominantly african-american gis.s. they say they are inspired by the culture historically black colleges and universities andnd there's ghetto about their routine. uni we'll tell you,gh tethough, thet athletic director here at sprinr brook apparently told these students that that culture that hbcu culture has no place in pli montgomery county schools. sls well this is all blown up andp d here's some reaction fromro students here at spring brook.rk >> do you think it's fair to call them ghetto? >> no. >> no. because what they're doing is
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our like -- how can i say this? on tradition. >> yeah, our culture. ourultu >> that's like saying there's nn room in montgomery county forout black people and their culture e so that's >> they try to stay away fromm all the sexual redemption andiod everything. i don't know why it's being callknedow w ghetto. ghett >> reporter: what do you think u about the routine? does it seem too ghetto to you. you >> no, i don't personally don'tt have problem with it but thenhe again i'm not in charge. >> reporter: now dr. williamslim has issued an apology to the cheerleading apologizing for his commentsom saying they were inn appropriate. that he -- that they do not reflect the school's values. dr. williams we're told will beb meeting with the schoolchool community here in the comingomig days to kind of discuss this.his to kind of build a sense ofse cohesion here, guys, but it's obviously drawn controversy.ontr i will tell you one parent driving by after dropping off af kid this morning here at schoolo said, yeah, i think i
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ghetto but the kids we talked tt said no, they don't think so it appears dr. williams is makingg taking back his comments whichsi were either just relaying the te other principal's or he agreedre it her we just don't know. >> bob, i don't know if you knon the answer to this but has the cheerleader coach orcoach principle -- has anybodynydy actually i mean he was talking t to another principle.rinciple his feelings on this this wholeo thing did he really think it was too ghetto was he just repeatini this? that's the part that's t' confusing to me? >> reporter:. >> i know you probably haven't v had chance to talk to him. t h >> reporter: we reached out toet them. they put out a statement the sme school system is put out a statement we have reached out to the coach of the cheerleadinglen squad, have not heard back fromm her, but dr. williams did d apologize for the comments. comt not saying i apologize for f relaying another principle'sncip comments. but apologizing for his own much we're not sure if he agreed with her and said, yeah, that was too ghetto or just was relaying what another principal said.prin we frankly don't know what was w in his heart. >> inter
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>> thanks, bob.hank thanks, i think it's important to note e as well that, um, these two principals in question are bothb themselves african-american.ric. >> right.>>ight. >> and for me a part that bob mentioned it but saying that loosely that the historically black college and university u culture has no place inure has a montgomery county thatce to me i especially damaging besides all the two get, too ghetto. ghett people use that word way too lose loosely.. use that phrase way too looselye that's my fear, because, um, asa a graduate of an hbcu that'su t' what i take offense to. >> we were just talking aboutngt this i went to hbcu as well. w the inn appropriate whatever yoe want to call it inn appropriate, that's not done at hbcu's.s >> no it's not.o it's not. >> i don't know where that came from.wh from >> i wish we can -- correlationi between ghetto and hbcu is my issue. >> i want to seat routine to see was it maybe something lewd that they termed to be ghetto. g you're right. that word is used veryu' loosely inn appropriately and i always a crimple when i hear people say e it it's laced it
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lot of instances i'd like to see what this routine and if the t girls are dancing in suggestivee inn appropriate way.n appropria i can see them saywinayg listenl that's not appropriate for thisi level of schooling and thenhe maybe take action. act >> there's other ways to address inn appropriate -- without witht making that statement.eme >> you're the principle you're in charge. if you thought it was inne pr in appropriate,ou go tell them or r tell the coach or talk to thekte coach and say, i feel like this is -- i don't know what he he thought.ou this is inn appropriate or did you a little bit tooap much opro this, too much of that. so you know make an adjustment to straight up gone say this gus came and told me it's too ghetto. what is that? what is that tha supposed to do to a student?tunt >> the moral. >> i'm hard on students. s i'm hard on teachers, too.oo but come on. just to go up to them and say as this is too ghetto. i'll lead more specifics thanha that after you insult me. that's all i'm saying. >> lots to that story. s >> tweet us and let us know what you think hash tag good screen. protests happening in north
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d.c. grease piece protesters on the scene that blocking traffic. they climbed a crane planning tt unfurl a sign that reads "resist" we also want to tello t you would us that.. remember the mother in baltimoro who lost her six in devastating house fire.e. we're working on.wog on sorry to get it all jumbled.umed working on a lot of differentift stories coming soon after good o day d.c. continues.ti ♪♪ ♪♪ z27mkz z16fz
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y27mky y16fy
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>> we are back now at nine colorado 26. minute nine mark dayton announced he is fightin prostate cancer.unceanr. he says that he plans to undergd either radiation or surgery buty will finish out his term. ter dayton said he learned of his diagnosis last week.eek. however, doctors say his fall on monday is not related. the baltimore mother who lost six children hard to even e wrap your mind around it six i s children in devastating housengh fire is out of the hospital. hp. her name is katie malone. mal she was released from johns fm hopkins on friday.y. her three children who survivede that fire were released from tht hospital earlier. malone took to facebook to thank everyone for their thoughts and their prayers and she said their family must now plan a funeralal quote that is frankly impossibli fatathom. the cause of the fire is stills under investigation. >> couple things we're watching
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right now the pro testifyti activity on the bomb of your screen. the stock market will it 20,000 when it opens in jusrt 2.5market minutes? we'll watch together. we'll see you then. ♪♪ we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway? we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to. tide pods can.
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creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure.
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this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. so delicious, it should have another name. ♪♪ >> all right. there you go. there's your stock market right now. >> ding, ding, ding. >> opening bell look at that g soing iton tckhet din bel i wrong direct right nnow. tht n well it opened at least 20,000 2 right now. righ hopefully it can hang. h that will be the big questionign will it be able to hold thosedho gains throughout t
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>> never closed at 20,000.t 20,. the dow rallied yesterday onay o action that president trump mada saying he wants american made products used in infrastructure projects and the futures hades d been up about where they are t right now expected to open about 100 points higher right now up 113. 11 dow just opening one minute ago. so again, look we known know how it goes throughout the day toy.y. we'll see we can blows abovews o 20,000 for the first time. t >> let's get back to melanieelan alnwick in northwest. green peace protesters about too unfurl a banner. what are you seeing and hearingg >> reporter: looks like thingshi are kind of at a i would sayou s maybe a standstill.stl. we haven't seen much differentnt here in the last half hour. hr. the protesters are still upp there on the banner and it looko like at the very end here, if you see the protester closest tt our activist i'd like to call cl them closest to the center of
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the crane it look likes they're' starting to make some movementon with some kind of material. we're not really sure.e not ally what we do understand from gree peace is they are planning on o unfurling a 70 by 35-foot bannen with the word "resist" they says above the white house but we'rew still several blocks away fromor the white house. hou with all of these buildings anda trees and things in the way i wi think it might be somewhatewhat difficult for that to be seen sn from the oval office itself anda the grounds of the white house.h but again they say they're doini this to resist president trump' as tax on environmental social economic and educational justici saying people in this country ti are ready to resist and rise upu in ways they have never donee ne before. talking to dc police obviously ly this is an action that thesehahe folks do not have authorizationn to do. they don't have authorization to be on the crane.rane. the folk on the lower part ofarf the crane we understand arestand chained in there. so that police would not be able to go up there and get to themhm or any crane operator as well. l looks like dc police really area just going
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they say that the protestersrotr told them they're taking a firsr amendment action and they'rehey' really safety the up mostost priority. they are 270 feet above the ground here.ere. they look like they are experienced climbers they knowcm what they're doing they've got all their safety equipment withw we also see dc police on thehe ground with us climbing andgnd safety equipment as well. wel pat if you can come down here d for a little bit as you see, see they're keeping a close eye on n their activities up there. there making sure that everyone ison i going to be safe. indeed they are going to do only what they said they are going to do and nothing more. so at this... they do not n believe there's any threat toeat anybody here on the ground or in the immediate area.the di they do have cordoned off justfj in case and again a very large police presence here as well. but they say they tell us that t they are going to let them do do what need to do and then whenn they bring them down, they willl arrest them and place pla appropriate charges back to youo
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>> thanks very much. of course, green peace has putas out statement saying that thehat banner i expected to read theeae word "resist" unless it'ss i unfurled we don't know what itot would say we'll keep close eyepo on that just in case there's anything we don't want put outdt on television.n >> in the meantime let's debt td tucker barnes despite allpi all happening out there it ising ou beful tucker now with the details.etai >> hey, it's gorgeous day. day. by the way you know who is notst an experienced climber, me. m remember the zip trip last year, i was like 2 feet off the ground and i was like trembling.mbling. >> um-hmm. 2 feet is scary.fes sc i mean -- m >> on the wall. >> right. >> i wasn't tied in or anything. >> that step behind you wouldu d you be okay there. t >> don't do it, tucker.on't do don't do, >> let's go to thet. >> in interest of full disclosure you have jumped outdo of airplane. >> but i was strapped to man who knew what he was doing.t as doig >> and terrified.. >> and terrified.erfied >> let's be clear about bothr at those thing.ose thanks for remaining that was terrifying. terrig. wonderful wednesday weather. wer absolutely beautiful out there.e all things sunny and bright andd beautiful and mild for the end of
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49 now in winds west northwest at about eight there wind chill chi 45 degrees. that is -- look how nice andni a quiet it i finally getting some sunshine an chance to dry out after days ana days of clouds and of course als the way we had around here a few days ago.ysgo so we'll take the break, and a just very quite weather pattern here for the time being.e beng cold front off to the north andd west.. this front will bring us cooler air may bring us a shower swe overnight tonight into early eay tomorrow morning.ow mor temperatures overnight will behw above freezing so we're notzinge concerned with ing that's good news.. and then progressively cooler ce here as we get into friday noonn your weekend. just don't get used to thisd tot weather it's a one-day specialcl southwest breeze and asest br a mentioned near 60 this afternoon enjoy a gorgeous afternoon.. it's been two weeks since we'vew had freezing temperatures inratn washington at least at reaganea national? there we w g that's shower overnight then we will turn progressively cooler e around here with northwest n breeze over the next couple oflo days. days. quick look at the seven day. at 60 this afternoon sunny and mild. and getting cool aroun
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maybe cool enough for some snown shower activity on monday. mon does in the look like a bige aig deal. we haven't seen a whole lot oflt flakes for the month of januaryy so maybe we'll get some here inr the month -- the rental of theaf month. that's a weather i'm going climbing.clim back to >> take your time, tuck.uc >> more bad news for that limo driver who's vehicle was set ono fire by protesters on o inauguration day.. the insurance won't likely covev the damage here.dama her the president of the nationwidee chauffeured services in in alexandria says replacing the t car could cost tens of thousando of dollars.olla insurance would cover vandalismm but may not cover his situationn because the car was damaged inei what's considered a riot. riot good news here, a gofundme pageg has been set up to help the company. so far people have donated moroe than $13,000.13,0 >> in maryland, the frederickck county pub lib schools systemtem updated ed social media afterer employee was fired aboutiredbo bantering a student about theent word tomorrow on social medialdi employees will receive mandatory training session that
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how to properly social media.. the system guidelines nowow include note that social media m should not be quote mocking, disrespect, rude, mean orear dismissive.sive that should be the general l rule for anybody on social media. >> it should be but -- it is our pepe. >> there's question whether orut not there was intent to -- >> right. how many times have you misspelled something on socialnc media. >> right. >> i'm guilty of it. iy >> all of a sudden, everybodya comes out of the wood work.sudd gives i was lesson on how to spell.el >> a lot of grammar experts thaa suddenly appear.. >> on social media, twitter twir class. spelling classes.ellilass >> um-hmm.>> um- >> all 9:37 is the time.the t let's talk about a disturbing ag story out of texas where policec in houston are searching for a a home health care aid caught ongt camera abusing her 94-year-old patient. >> this will make you sick too.o victim's family said the aid hah been with them for severalev years. she was hired from the website and fox's did he meal a keith reports the story raises r questions about the safety ofe o those websites. >> reporter: there
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audio and video on this home h surveillance camera capturingtui what police say is clearly a crime carried out against a 94-year-old woman.. memorial village's police assistant chief ray schultz says the video shows 59-year-old home health worker brenda floyd attacking the 94-year-old womanm she was supposed to be takingin care of. as chief schultz says floydsyd flies into a rage after the 94-year-old feeds her dog peopll food. >> and she comes up behind her,, starts berating her and actually slaps her in the side in the sie back of the head and the lady ld gets up and trying to work her r way to get back into a bedroom d with the assistance of a walkerr the caregiver continues toeso follow behind her yelling at heh and continues to strike her.e hr >> reporter: the 94-year-old4--d suffers from dementia. demen so her adult children set up u this camera when they sawaw bruises and they thoughts and th something had goneey wrong. >> man did it go wrong. wrong i mean so we've got the video tt prove it.prove i we know who she we just can't find her. >> they have hav
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them for extended period of timf actually a couple years, i, i believe, but they'd even goneon farther than that and actuallytu assisted her in getting a vehicle. >> they helped her buy car.clhep >> helped her buy eda car.a car >> reporter: there's a warrant t out for floyd possers rest she' charged with abuse of an elderly person, a second degree felony. >> for her to display this typep of behavior against somebody whw is completely defense what makee it very disturbingfe. >> $5,000 for informationti leading to arrest in the aid case. says they're fullyey'ry cooperating with theatg wi investigation.investigat >> they'll find her. they' >> they'll find her. ty'll >> i hope they do. do >> it's disgusting.g. rd t to watch. >> you hire someone to take care of your loved one and you get yg that. i mean, last couple of daysupleo we've had these stories of -- o- pet abuse, elder abuse, child. d it gets too much. people you wonder.onde you wonder.. okay. weigh in what do you think if this thito weigh in on unwhat are you even going tooint say. >> i can't even -- >> i know. >> speak on it.>> i yeah>>peak. >> that is,
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okay.. >> okay. let's move on now. 9:39.> 39. a big surprise this time foror waitress -- >> good news. >> use the levitt light heartedness. a group of customers in town for the intersection left rosslynec harris aro $450 tip.ip now get this this is on the $72 bill. thank you very much.u very much. it happened yesterday.rd they also wrote a note on thee e receipt and this part is goingsi to make you smile and your heart just warm. just war note said "we maym. come fromro different cultures and mayres ay disagree on certain issues, butt if everyone would share theirree smile and kindness like your beautiful smile our country will come together as one people, not race, not gender, just americana god bless".ss one of the customers told harrir he is a dentist from texas andaa he liked her smile.. >> i love it. >> perfect.fect >> i love it, too. >> perfect. >> the world is filled with plenty of nice porld ieople.e. >> exactly.>>ly. >> we need the balance.ce >> lord do we need the balance.. >> okay. 9:40 is the time.s thtime. nearly eight years after her aer father's death paris jackson isi
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her own personal struggles. we've got the details thon ahead. >> keeping an eye on what'sn happening downtown right now.eyn prot resters who are suspendingn themselves from a crane a c preparing to unfurl a banner. be we're keeping an eye on the situation much it's not 9:41.:4. more of good day coming up nextn ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ welcome bac nearly eight years after michael
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paris is opening up about heruth loss and her own personall struggles. former president obama recent move all right big beast for dcd real joining us with the details tmzz gary trock.ryro good morning to you.ning tyou. good to see you.od to e y >> good morning. >> et cetera start off talkingra about paris jacks son she's noww ready to talk about her life anl some of her struggles.. >> um-hmm.. >> absolutely. so paris is kind of made it heri mission this is her break outret year. she really wants to get intont modeling and acting doing thatot whole deal and she started outut strong with cover on rolling stone, and talking about michael jackson and pretty, you know, ko harsh things she says andays a obviously coming from, you know, this is such a huge moment in i defining moment in her life. she says that she believes herih dad was murdered, she is stillti believes that, believes that tht doctor who she insinuates iss conrad murray was basically aaly patsy for the people that wanted him dead.m she says michael used to tellol her that people were out to gett hi
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me one day, and she also ag liv the promotor of this is it which was, you know, the big tore that michael was prepping for when he passed, she says they were w basically working into him to the bone they don't care for cae their artists.s. they says she's scared for sre justin beiber because she'she scared the way he's work and how hard basically the people around him force -- she claims forceor him to do things, and she's worried for the out come with very very strong words from herr we have not heard from conrad cd murray yet or ag.g. but obviously this was, youu know, a very defining moment ast she grew up and was kind of in o the spotlight of all of it. >> gary, i was surprised she i s also mentioned abuse in her her background which i don't think i any of us had ever heard before. >> absolutely. a yeah. i mean she mentioned herer struggles.stru this is the thing i, you know io you remember a few years agogo paris did go away. there was kind of an incident ic she had some mental healthea issues and she did go away forwf little bit kind of alm
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little boarding school deal, and she really grew, heal, learn a n lot during that time but she had, you know little bit of tumultuous time at the jacksonhj hold house growing up and she u did talk about some of the abusa that was going on in her familyl that she never really addresseds before. but, um, you know, i think thert are a lot of things in thes jackson family that we don't't know about but just -- what ihat took from this whole thing iss paris everything she's been bee through she is such a strongong woman and it's crazy to see howe well adjusted she is and i'mnd m just so happy she's doing so well and she really seems likeik she has so much togetheruch toge considering, you know, she was,s you know, pretty craz childhood. >> indeed. all right. let's talk about switch gears bout and talk about real estate clearly when the former theme president moves into youro you neighborhood and the family of f the current president moves intt your neighborhood you're in agh good neighborhood.. >> yeah absolutely.hut the kalorama heights, so reallyy really nice area. a is booming right now with realel estate
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you know, these aren't cheap arh homes as you guys they're in the millions of of dollars but ever since president obama and the ivanka trump and jared kushner are moving min everybody wants to be near theme we spoke to real estate agents.e one who has been in the businesn 26 years in that neighborhoodatn said that this is the biggesteit boom he's seen.s seen. everybody wants to move m. everybody wants to buy and rentr in that area.en there's one house in particularr he said just listed for a policely $7.9 million, and he's already had four showings and mull pell, you know, offers ofso so like people, you know, they want to get in there.want t this is obviouslyo a very influential neighborhood now.gho >> that it is. thait i gary trock with tmz as always a thank you we'll see you for tmz weekdays at 3:00 and 7:00 andan kalorama we know it well. wel drive through it waving. waving. >> i can even drive through it. [ laughter ] >> i'd say you're right. r >> oh, my gosh. my sh. >> i've seen pictures. >> sometimes the neighbor is soo nice you feel bow yourself.ou >> i don't go into the i d neighborhood. [ laughter ]ne ug>> d
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>> i don't need it in my life. >> 7.9 that's a two bedroom, bem right. >> next a local woman's weightwg loss makes national news and now she is sharing her story with uh here at home. h so how did she make her amazing transport mission is it's goingo to inspire with you.ithou. we'll talk with her life nextr e right after the break.. 9:48.9:48. ♪♪ ♪♪
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sure, you could sit around all night iting for a pizza to be livered. t wouldn't making it yourselfall a lot more fun? it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait.
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>> 9:51. january slowly coming to close we want to continue to inspire you to be healthier ily cnonti 1 we're getting inspired rightpirt along with you our next guest ge certainly sure to do that for fr her name a diana a local woman from silver spring. and her weight loss story got picked up by none other than t people magazine.azin it is the people magazine's half their size issue it's out rightt now on news stands in stores srs wherever you want to finder andn this is because forget about 42 pounds.ous. diana once weighed 275 pounds75p and over the last couple of o years she has worked so hard tot change her lifestyle and she hah slimmed down literally half herr size. we'll let her give us the final numbers but diana joins us now w
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feature and more importantly hoa you transformed your life andr e ur b body. congratulations.ngratulations. you're just slaying it outus there. >> thank you.t >> so give us the>> thank numbeo where you were where you are nw now. >> well, my heaviest i was 275 pounds and now i'm currently 135 pounds.135 unds unbelievable.ab. >> thank you. y >> everybody wants to know -- t [ applause ] >> big round of applause fromusf everybody.erybod >> if you do the math thath that literal is half of your size. >> yes.>> y. >> everybody wants to know how w you did it. we'll get doan t a minute firste fi of all, why did you do it? i because i heard there was a tres moment in your life where youheu just thought, you know what,owh, something has to change. >> well, that moment was promaso for me. prom was a tough time in my life. i was with all my friends. frie. i remember just like feelinge fi like i was in the backgroundackg watching everyone.e everyone had their beautiful bef gowns everyone had their but i didn't have a date. date. i still had a beautiful gown but that was the gown right there. e but, um, i didn't have a date at and i felt really uncomfortableb in
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first time i felt uncomfortablee but that was just the first timt that i really realized that thit would be the rest of my life ifi i did not make change.hange >> so what was the first theyhe know did you to try to change cg your lifestyle?le? >> literally the next day, i, i joined the gym and i cut all mym portions in half.. >> that's key. because i know i'm not trying tn harp on this because we've allva had times we feel like we want n to eat everything in sight. you were putting in someting ioe calories back in the day watchky was a typical d way for you? you >> typical day for me was wakinn up in the morning, before schooh i would go to any fast food restaurant i would get breakfast sandwiches, two or three, get to school, straight to the vendingg machine that's the first thing t did. i would get bags of chips and ad candy so i would snack in classs two hours later, probably lunch time. ti i would go get chinese with myy friends. whatever i was craving. crang and once i got off school if scf there was no one at my house, ii would order like two boxes of
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before anyone could even --ven - >> pizza party for >> exactly. >> so you decided you want to make a change.decidenge. you say i'm taking that step.t . i'm going to join the gym and a i'm going to work on my portionp size. we all know change doesn't happen right away.happen rig so whahtt was it that actually a kept you going like how long wa it until you realized, i cand, c stick to this much this isn't't going to be a one-day thing? thi >> it was probably after the t first month that i realized ili can actually do this. because it wasn't monthly monthn was the longest it was for me to actually stick to something.omei going to culinary school andhooa learning how to cook for myselfm that i really like lost a lot of weight. >> what advice, we talk about ao food, what advice do you have av for people who might want to do the same thing thatto you d didd maybe not as drastically maybebe 10, 20, 30, 4 pounds when ithe i comes to that food like how do d you recommend that they just go about being healthier or maybe e just eating half what they usedd to? to? >> one thing i do recommend is trying to c
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meals as possible because whenn you're cook your own meals, youn know exactly what you're putting into it.into and you don't even need to giveg up any of your favorite foods.ds you just change the recipe asipe little bit and make it healthier, but still delicious.o so that way you can still enjoyy your pizza. pizza. >> can you convince yours selfo that you're not as hungry as you thought you used to be?ght usedt [ laughter ] >> no.>> no. >> any mental tricks or reallyy just you know you have to haveto that dedication.ation >> honest until because till this day i still have the cravings when i smell e delicious food i want to eat itt but i have to remind myself andd looking at my old pictures helps keep me motivated because itaust reminds me where i started and let's me know that i do not wann o go.. >> what else keeps you motivatet is the future you were proactivc and you mentioned culinaryy school which you have done and d now you're working on a cookbooo to try to help others as well.e. you're paying it forward.ward. >> exactly.>>xact i'm writing a cookbook with a w bunch of my favorite recipes.ecs different countries will be in w the cookbook as well, and they're just
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healthier versions avenue lostru people's favorite foods that way they don't have to give upe up anything. >> now i know people magazineopz reached out to you which had toh be phenomenal phone call orl o message when you got it. it that's because you've been you'n posting your success stories oni your social media. mia if folks want to follow you fol maybe get inspired what's wha your -- best way for them to doo >> anyone wants to follow me, m you can go follow me onen instagram and my instagram is at chef d fitness journey and that's at chef d fitness journey. >> diana you nailed it and iou n love what you said. s you control the food.ood. the food does not control youolu any more. it's great advice.any re advice. diana, waying to you nailed it.d >> thank you very much.ha >> congratulations.atulions lost 140 pounds. >> fantastic. >> those were your pants? pan >> those were my pants. >> we could both fit in them.n e everybody else as well. [ laughter ] >> unbelievable journey.. well done.e. congratulations. >> thank you so much.ouc >> great job. we applaud you.ud you good day at 10a is next. nex first though it is coffee timeim on good day d.c. fo
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z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy ♪♪ at the top of the 10a breaking news.ews. protesters climbed a crane nearr the white house.e what will happen next? we'ree' also, at 10a the hottest 1 e stories including the madonnaadn music ban. ryan reynolds response to thetot dead pool oscar snub much whatha the overall reaction to the list this y
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we're life. plus our wedding in a week d continues with that hair raising question for the big day.. should i do with my hair? joeoe way vega live in the loft.he lof the 10a starts right now. we are starting the 10a witt that breaking news out of o northwest we've beenve b following this all morning longn protesters climbing a crane neae 15th and l streets.trts fox5 melanie alnwick has been oe the scene.e. bring us up to us up o they have jus stpeed unfurled ta banner says "resist"." please let us know what's wha happening. >> reporter: going to be a 70-foot by 35-foot banner withnh the words resist on it. i it took them four hours too accomplish this they call itt first amendment act.ct these are members its greentsen peace. september of them. we had three repellerssept and there's two helpers on the arm a of the crane and then two others chained themselves to sort of the leg or the foot of the crane wherpe
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crane operation center.enr. dc police pretty much on standta by here.ere they've got the crane arearea around the construction site sie blocked off, and they said theyi were pretty much going to justmg let them do what they neededed toed. 200 feet up in the air they air didn't want to put their tir officers in harm's way if theyy didn't have to, and certainlyery are concern also about theut safety of the activists here. now, green peace did send out a statement earlier today tellingi us exactly what they wereth planning on doing.. saying that people in thise in t country are ready to resist anda rise up in ways they have done e never done before.ore. talking about really this actiot is to protest president trump's attacks on environmental,mental social, economic and educationai justice.. now, again, dc police plan onlao once these folks come downn putting them under arrest, and placing them the appropriate charges.charge
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press release it doesn't sound'o like they plan on bringing their folks down any time soon.oo they want to try to keep thiseei banner up as long as possible. . the intent is -- they said to bb seen over the white house.. not sure how far away you'd beob able to see that or whether you'd actually be able see itble from the white house.hehite certainly it is very visibleisle here, and we are on the backk side of it, though.. so but it is sort of facing inan the direction of where the white house would be from where we are just down in that direction dirn would be lafayette park and thet the white house over that. so, very interesting here in northwest d.c..c at least at this point again tht protesters doing exactly what they said and no other threat at this point to public safety doww here on the back to you guys. >> it sun like from what you were saying, melanielike, somebd from the organization hasrgatios apparently been in contact withw police to kind of let them knowo this is their sole intention at this point?
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>> reporter: that's what we understand in talking to the itk chief special operations sayings that they also have been in i contact with one of the activists on the crane.he crane so they do have direct direc communication at this point. poi >> all right. we've been following melanie, thank youen for your bird's -- excuse me on thee on e ground view of what's going on.o we appreciate it.. we've had our eye onye breaking news up in new york. y milestone fort stock market. mar the dow this morning opened up above 20,000 for the first time ever. stocks have seen a rally in thei la day.ay in part analysts say due to to president trump's executivecuve order calling for american maded products to be used in futureut infrastructure projects. proct we'll keep watching this. okay. time right now 10:04. 104 let's check what's trending this morning.moing. >> in montgomery county countymy the principal at spring brookg o high school under fire for for allegedly telling his cheerishe squad their routine at a rival l basketball game was quote too ghetto. dr. art williams principle oflim silver spring school was sg approached by the paint branc
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high school principal last weeke during a basketball game and that principal told the the principal of srping brook that his cheerleaders were, n routini was too ghetto. gtt the message was relayed to the t cheer squad.. tonight cheer team is boycottinn its own athletic departmentartm because of that comment. spring brook principal b apologized to this cheerleadinge saying the comment was innomme i appropriate didn't in thehe reflect our school's values.. more discussion to come on that later today as bob barnard bna reported from the field.ield >> right. >> also the comment was made after i guess going back and and forth the cheerleaders were we taking their inspiration from historically black colleges anda universities and the response was that the hbcu culture c doesn't a place in montgomerymo county and for me the correlation between goat tow and hbcu and calling its own students ghetto that is a major problem.prm. >> at least one person onast onn twitter that agreed with thug
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they went as far as saying i nngn their opinion the use of the o t word ghetto is acceptable but bringing in the whole hbcu isu s not acceptable.abl hands off.ff. >> to that i disagree.isre >> i don't like the term ghetto. >> we respect your opinion.pinin i just happen -- i frankly disagree.disa >> it's amazing you have thise t leadership and he's apologized. reiterate that did he apologizeo for the comment.lor thmmen >> and was relaying commentsommt from another principle.ip. so it's very complex. >> the whole notion that youot have leaders who are talking tag like this to students instead oo trying to, f there is an issue.s i don't even know if there is aa issue we don't know if there wah problem with the routine.he r then why not address the issue e in a leadership way from a f leader standpoint and say, if it is inn appropriate, tell them t it's inn appropriate, let's doet something else? it's a -- a >> tell the coach. they didn't make up the routine. >> felt coach. coach the whole insult of the ghetto t and talking about hbcu as i said, last time i checked you cy and i both went to hbcu's weu' paid money we got our so i don't to upped t
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>> to say it's not, i remember m went to hampton and i was goingg to hampton back in 1984 and i ad graduated from bethesda chevy cy chase and my classmates were going to the yales and marylandl and tennessees of the world.held often i had to explain where i was going, and i remember thatrt eling.g. so for this principal whoincio himself is african-american to confirm or, you know, that it has no place in montgomery county, um torque me wasuee was especially >> right.ight >> i come from familiar who'll went to hbcu's as well both myy parents, my in laws. >> we don't play that. >> my teacher from hbcu. >> montgomery county studentscoe and hbcu and its culture is anybody can go.ybn >> thank you both for your you b insight.ght. >> you're welcome.ou'rwelcom >> we sit on the hbcu board of trustees.trtees >> listen that's why i love thil we can offer our opinions.nion >> of course. in a it in a way we agree. sometimes we disagree but atway leas
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there and you know you can agrer or disagree as well but let's bt talk about it. it. okay. >>et's d do it. >> that's what we dodge this thi story proposed adoption app is i causing controversy. it was trying to raise funds ono kick starter until the campaignn us what suspended last week forf unspecified reasons.. epicenter to dating apps likee bumble and tinder and expertsd e say the swipe method is not ad n good approach for adoption process. process. >> ing in about that sounds liku a good idea. >> exactly. >> swipe right to adopt a child. >> swipe right for blue eyes. >> what aboutht f that says thii good idea. >> maybe this was a bad publicity stunt. >> just move front that. that. >> way of getting familiesamie together. if you love apples and someom folks may agree with you if youf love golden delicious you can yu soon pick up a strain of applese that will turn brown. small amount of arctic brand sliced and packaged goldend gde delicious apples will hit thet shelves of 10 stores
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along with not turning brown tht apples should be crisper insper texture which the manufacturerur says could win over picky eaters. sales come nearly two years after the usda ameppro nveead tu first genetically modifiedodifie apples which may or may notot actually be apples that's justha an opinion on our >> nope.ope. >> no thank you.>> >> i'm all for --'mor - >> give me the brown aturature. >> yes. fromromrying to step away anything that's not natural.ural i really am. >> it's hard.t's hard. >> it is har it's often more expensive. >> right. >> oyay. >> up next 10:15.. my turn, are -- we are serving up sizzling plate of celebrity dish. i almost asked are we? the t answer is is yes. >> yes absolutely. abs >> we are going to do it. >> yes.are go>>. >> ryan reynolds responding tog oscar dead pool snub. yeaeah. >> okay. >> all right. she's still expressingressin herself at woman's march and non one radio station is putting hei music on the shelf and asking ag others to follow. f you're watching the 10a.0a we'll be
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♪♪ >> that's what's happenings downtown right now 15 many and l streets a largewh now protest br hung on a crane facing the whit house. we'll talk more about that that coming up as well. it's 10 minutes past the hour. ♪♪
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>> you know what time it >> madonna time? >> yes, that, too steve. ees, day dayme for som celebrity dish with madonna andn speaking of madonna backlash bas continues for her women's marchr speech.eech radio station in texas bannedan the i couldn't's music and she of course said she thought aboua blowing up the white househite e that's when she was down theredt at the march. mar and used the f word numerous times. the classic hit station says tht ban will go into effect effec immediately. it will be indefinite.ndefite. >> right.>> you know, i just can't express enough talk about expressut ere yourself how disappointed i am i in her remark.r i mean -- they a lot of bigf b names out >> right. >> she's in the spotlight.'sn th >> she's isn't the spotlight. now it's negative, and her wordw choice was so poor.oor. come on you know you can say c y that and i think, um, yesterdays or whenever we talk about thishi the first time, the fact ofac o matter is someone might take you seriously.seriousl >> yeah. >> someone might think madonnaon will love me i'm carrying outryg her mission much it
10:14 am the radio station can do what dw she wants. she definitely is an icon i'mn i really disappointed.appoted. >> poor choice of and all the f bombs you don't have to do thatt to get your point across. acros come on material girl. viral video starring shakira she gets her hair washed by boyfriend football player --ye >> how did dough? >> okay.kay. we're seeing him and he'se se h adorable. >> okay. okay >> and there she is. people put strange stuff on social media. y do.oh, the >> this moment will be good onn social media. >> set a camera up and wash ai hair. >> they both ended up burstingut out laughing the video viewedwe 3 million times. >> ut-oh.t- steve going to interpret.pret >> no, no, i know what he's dogng. >> 11,000 comments. >> i'm not trying to read into what he's saying. trysaying. when we say football we think nfl this football in the worldwide world of football. ftl he plays f
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soccer >> soccer not american football. >> spanish soccer player. pla he plays for barcelona highest g level of professional soccer. s >> you're saying people justyiel want to see -- >> no, no, no, no i'm not tryiny to read you said you didn't know who heo was.wa you weren't familiar with him. >> when i heard football i thought football player. pye >> i'm saying why would -- there's some things really youel put this on social media but i i get it now.ow >> i'm just saying if for peoplo who might not recognize the namm he plays for barcelona.cena >> i thought football i thought somebody's bench over here. her. >> that's what you cared about.o >> why did they put that on.hat >> thank you mo. >> i'm here for you.e for you. you're here for me. >> here's theyou' other thing. has mark every washed your haire >> yes he has. >> i washed my hair, too. >> nine months >> what happened. >> aniya was>> born. >> spencer.ncer it's a sexy thing to do i'm tdo saying why are we sharing it.hai >> is that the news you're breaking.king. >> saying shakira is goingo
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>> >> mbe so. let's check it. >> nine months start the clock.s >> any way s, thank you shakira and your boyfriend of footballer. >> let's talk about ryan'sabout reynolds. i got to get through this. ryan reynolds responds to dead pool -- dead pool oscar snub.scs just like kevin mccarthy did.thy he had a melt down. d no, i'm just kidding. kiddi did he respond to the dead poolp oscar s some thought the super hero filf could have snagged a bestsnagges picture nod.picture no kevin mccarthy.. reynolds good natured tweet twet regularly schedule pickle fightg at camp hash tagead pool is pl still on. congrats to all the nominees for these brilliant films hash tag t oscars 2017 of course dead pooll was the top grossing a rateded movie ever. er. >> sequel is in the work.eque >> andl so although my friendd nicky send 33 copies of dead ofd pool i have yet to watch it. wch i'll ask you is there a tickleke fight scene in the movie.ov >> let me tell you somethinge tl about dead pool. >> let me tell you something y whenever starts with this, and does the backup it's about to bt listen
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>> go ahead.ahe. >> dead pool was vulgar.r. >> um-hmm.m-hm >> it was over the top violentor with blood and guts everywhere.. everybody was killing. k so you couldn't get -- i mean ia was unnecessary. >> okay. >> all of the killing and allf the cursing was -- ithe get and don't want to hear kevin tellinl me that's who dead pool is you don't have to make a movie thatt way it was rated r so over the top silly with the gory violence. blood flying everywhere. curse words every otherd fl word. >> soon there pre viewed it pre can't take away from anything an wisdom said to answer your original question i don't recall a tickle-fight.icklfi this is your feel good movieeelm when it was really violent muchc it's tongue and cheek.e an >> i might have lost attention.. >> that's the thing about it abt through all the violence -- >> 100% guarantee there's a thes second one. >> oh yeah it made a lot ofye moneah iy. all right. listen to this a >> let me hear it. >> one minute grayson air hardu was performing forgray a hotel b the next, well, he was sharing a stage with great stevie wonder. >> ♪♪
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♪♪ there is super situation ♪♪ >> musician had just finishedhe performing super situation for f california audience just like lk wis set hotel lobby somewhere oe saturday when as if by magic the 25 time grammy award winner stevie wonder appeared and justj walked up on stage and startedta sinking with him. so this video shows stevie beini helped on stage after he hearde him admit i don't know the second verse and the their versr yet and then after a rousing performance stevie declared ivia think we're a good team. tea steve showed me this earlier ear much it is so a -- it's amazinga that is the good little singergr on the right girard -- whatevere his name is. his i think you'll hear a lot more m from h >> they sun great together.y sur we watched itea together.r >> stevie got some pipes.t som >> he does. >> almost 70.t 7 >> i saw stevie is the libraryry of congress. amazing.azing. nny y dude. he's so light hearted.'s so lige he's amazing guyart.. >> thanks guys. anaheim, california by the wayay still ahead on the 10a popular comedian joey veigh good join
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live in the loft. we go back to the scene ass protesters cook over a crane ine downtown d.c. d it's does not appear they'rer going anywhere for while. while. melanie is there we'll get ann update next.
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♪♪♪ take a look at the giant gia banner that is being displayed s above 15th and l streets thishis the site of old washington post property. green peace active vives havee been up there for saceveral hous we have just lost it rightstt it there.
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to most out of the way.ay about four hours and running sos far since people scaled thatcalt crane earlier this morning toort unveil that banner.anner it is a 70 by 35-foot banner. be it's backwards there it's facing the white house it said the word "resist" green peace upstate dating its statement adding to its they had initially been in protest of some of presidentresi trump's environmental policiesol and now adding to that list resistance to and quoting greene peace here the president'sdent climate denial, racism, misogyny, homphobe ya and bigotry.bigo that's the same time they're sam trying to make with the bannerhe saying resist.t. white house correspondents takep pictures from the white house t answer our question from earlier as if this is six blocks away.c. can the white house even seeven this? the answer is yes you cau see it from the white houseouse because it is 270 feet in the air. apparently pretty clear viewleav from the photos that we've seene online.. >> you wonder why -- we're ine'i this new cycle of it's got to be down now
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we're wouldn'ting why it washy w taking the length of time too unfurl and now you can see it's' basically essentially like a big billboard versus a small bannerb there. so to do the work. but again they will be takingakg into custody. >> they have broken the law. >> this was part of an illegal l trespass and dc police are a there. they have have been there theha envetire b time.ime they have been in contact withen the activist i who's had scalede the crane illegally to hang thii banner, and we are being toldeit from dc police that, um, they t don't expect any other activityy will come from this aside from o the banner.r. does right. no other threats i should say. a so dc police at this point arest prepared to wait it out and make arrests once they come back doww to the ground. >> we should point out, i'mouldi sorry, wisdom. safety issues certainly they art hanking from a crane thousandshn of feet or hundreds of feet up p in the t air >> huge traffic issues.uge traf >> exactly of someone pointed pi out if there were nor nefarious intentions they certain c
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view up there something scary to think about.. certainly something not beingthe encouraged. >> melanie was reporting earlieg there were seven e people involv in this at the very top. top there were seven people that were 270 feet above g. she also said if i'm not mistaken there were people peo chained to the bottom of the thf crane to the entrance not thatrt police would go up there any way because that's a safety issue'sf for the police but sheet said te were chained there for theined purpose of allowing these sevenn to climb up and then hang this i 70-foot banner that says resist and as you guys have mentioneden whenever they come down, theyhe will be arrested by police.e >> all right. all right that's the story for now. happening downtown. zen 24:00. let's talk football right an interesting twist heree virginia's governor makes quites the claim about the redskins ans how far they might have goneon this season were the read sincee stadium was in virginia and not maryland.rynd. ronica cleary had a chance to catch up with governor mcauliffe
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stadium move will come toomto fruition. >> we have great place for it it virginia what p i've toldol mr. schneider and the otherr th folks we can do this in way outt taxpayer dollars, we can worke r development rights around a news stadium that work i have to t protect taxpayer dollars.olrs but i would love to have thehe redskins be great for thehe redskins it would be great forrf the commonwealth of virginia and you know what, they been inn i virginia this season, they'd bed going to the super bowl. >> all right. >> well -- >> possible claim.>>sibl >> maybe. >> maybe.>> >>e would love it if they did. >> perhaps governor -- >> perhaps the governor hasr intelligence we're not riff teee 52. >> okay.y. >> super bowl just comes tot cot virginia.virgia >> he's selling his why not? >> those powers might be bestt used other than taking -- takin >> i did like the fact did he f say -- if they work out some som kind of plan he would be able to figure out thou get that stadiuh in have a have without taxpayere dollars. i think that's one of the shenanigans going today the nfl
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years later build me a new aew stadium or i'll leave and that' what they do.leavwhy do that's exactly what happened had with the rams when they were inr st. louis they meoved from la tt st. louis. l got them to build them a stadiui in 20 years later they go back to la and they got an empty stadium.adiu >> when they saw that peoplet aren't getting their money backc >> they aren't getting their money back.y ba >> still coming up on good day d.c. exactly yup.. >> she came up with the hash tat oscar so white.te go. so what does she think about tht nominees this year she'll joinhj us live next. >> also in the next block, thist couple will get married in thehe loft in just two days, oh, what to wear, mow? coming up we takk look at the hottest hairstylesre this wedding season. sea stay with us. ♪♪
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>> it is day three of ourt is wedding in a week on monday we n introduced to you sarah and corey. they are high school teachers in charles county where they methem and they are the winners of the mix 107p3 wedding in a week. wee the big ceremony will be live oi good day on friday. they have three days left to let plan everything from the ethingr ceremony to the reception. so far we've picked sarah's beautiful dress and there it is. and yesterday we picked between these three styles of bouquets.t you picked the gorgeous florallo design. so pretty. you guys are doing a great job.b today you're voting on cake.g
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check out these three optionseeo and be sure to cast your vote online at mix today it's all the hair and a joining us with style ideas martha sand val and her system s gabbie medina.gabbie med hello. >> hello.>> hel. >> okay. all you guys do is hair, right?? >> hair and mack yup.k y >> you do beauty for brides. >> yes, ma'am. >> you said you were born to do this. this >> that is correct g how do your know both of you are born to do this same thing.reof youthise it'sth so sweet. s >> she started it. >> my mom realized i had talentl she put me to beauty schoolych before i was 15. >> okay.>>y. >> i have been hairdresser forrr long long lonme. >> so who is the youngest -- >> okay. so come on little sis we'reis w' doing >> yes. >> did you have a passion tooouh early for hair and makeup andavd beauty?auty? >> no. no i was kicking and scream i don'' go wanting to to beauty school.h i did it look what we doing now. >> how do folks get in touchgetn with you because it's so s special. specia if you only do this, the
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guys i know are like so good. so do people get in touch with.w >> we have a website, and allll the information is there and -- >> okay. >> we have a phone number.have e >> give us the website n. >> website gabbie and >> gabbie and you brought a couple of looks today, right? abbie ght a >> yes. >> i'll turn it over to you tor bring some of our models.od tell us what they're hair andaia makeup is. >> we'll start with alma.. alma is wearing a classic halfsl up with a small twist instead od taking all the hair and coverinn the ears it's a lot fuller an lot more adult looking.oo >> can we see the back? >> two braids coming from them crown around into the design. of course, the bangs pull backlb soft and volume.anolume. >> we can see the front viewiew around if you wouldn't mindind turning. rn >> beautiful. i love the face. i love the makeup. i is very flawless with with br
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cheeks and the lashes that you u cannot have them.m. >> right. >> they're search. src >> all right. >> thank you alma.ou alma. beautiful.fu >> thank you alma. alm >> next look. lk >> now we have beautiful -- shee is wearing this style becomingg really big with brides.h bride turn around slowly.. it's called the very loose woven braid. >> yes. mermaid braid, too.. >> the mermaid braid.ra that's another nameid. >> rapunzle. rapunzle. >> the rapunzel. >> i love the curls.e rls. yes. that look better with swept swe really really soft to the sidehs bang. >> her eyes are a little more smokey and glamorous, right? >> yes. smokey glamorous look with beautiful lashes to make herl look gorgeous, and she has a a dewey look which ishis highlighting -- highlighted the cheek bones and accentuates herh
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>> it doesn't help your modelsod are naturally beautiful as you ladies are, too. t. >> yes.>> >> thank you. our>> next look.k >> who provided the gowns. >> finally they're from bridal.a >> all right tee.htee this is the most requested look. the low bun, you know, sided lod bun has been very strong thetroe past few years the the heavy big loose braid on top definitely in right now. >> i love the color.>> i love th is thae t by design or -- bridee designs. >> it's really pretty. >> as a bride she can be her something blue. >> this young lady related.g lat >> she's my daughter.>> she i i'm like. [ laughter ][ la >> i could tell.el beautiful, beautiful.. >> for her we -- we did a veryy soft make up, pink eyes, rosy cheeks, soft lips.ips. >> pretty.. >> nor brides are looking forri
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lips. >> right.>> rig >> we did matte and soft pink si eyes. >> the other models can come oue and we'll finish talk to go go again the way to get in touch th with you martha -- gabbie and >> okay. oka and these are the big trends tre now, right?? es.yes. >> i take you guys study them. . do they change very much fromyuo year to year what's classic.ic >> tiny variations and likeand classic is little more sleek aee little more put together and wee going into bigger more messy but still looks put together.get >> i love you ladies.>> i thank you very much.thank you v. >> thank you to the models foroh coming. >> very beautiful.beautul. >> thank you.hank >> maureen, over to you.. >> our bride is going to be sots happy tomorrow.row. friday. my bad.. okay. 10:34. this time last year the hash tat oscar so white was trending onio social media. m. highlighting the lack ofng tack diversity in the awardhe ard nominations but this year it's s different story.en. with this year's academy awardsd boasting the most black nomineen he sho show s entire
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question does this year's oscar nominations make up for last year's? a lot of people askingg join us via skype april rainprii creator of the hash tag oscars c so white. w thank you so much for joiningu us.for >> thank you for having me. >> you started this hashnk tag g it blew up leading to change c which we all hope any movementt we begin will do. what was your impetus and how ad surprised were you that it it actually led to the changes weee ended up seeing within theinwith academy? >> well, i think no one ever realizes when hash tag is goingg to become viral. i started the hash tag in january of 2015 because i was concerned and frustrated withteh the lack of -- the lack of nominees both in front of and of behind the camera fromm marginalized communities.niti so in the past two years, we've seen significant progress withgh respect to the academy bringingg in 683 new members and it'ss biggest and most diverse classsa ever and as you mentioned weentd have had some
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with respect to oscarth rpect t nominations.ons. however, let's be very clear, c there's still much more work tor be done.e while film that is reflect the black experience have seene success this year with respect to oscar nominations, there aree still other marginalized groups, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability andnt diatsability and first nationio status still lagging lging significantly. >> are you part of a filmsignm industry have i of eye i'm justm wouldn't what was your personall connection or movie goer and watcher like most of us?s? >> i am like every other o american who pays their money to go to the theater and wants to see themselves their story repped on screen.ed oncr so i didn't have any directny d connection to the movie theatere and i think that's one of thee e wonderful things about oscar so white you can use your platformf use your voice and make a me a change. whoever you are.whoer yo >> so we started this -- yous -u started this hash tag and becamc a movement. a some people will say withmove te nominations this year we have ah arrived we are done let's move v on. what do you say?
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as i said, there's still a lotll of work to be done.e d you know, why have we not had in 2017 a romantic comedy thaty tha features the lgbtqia community? we have professors x in the the x-men franchise but we don't't have a disable person in actuall disable actor and actress actre playing a super hero.. we still haven't seen a significant telling of storiesto from the latino latino community. again oscar so white is not just aboutso w race and it's dell non just about black people.eople. so there's lot more work that lo needs to be done. >> what do we do to push thish t forward for those of us who wann to see these continuous changes reflected on the scene gentlemae were can we personally do? >> well, you talk about them you go see and support the moviess that are out there that reflect various experiences some thatomt may be different from yours.ou you take a friend and you talk t it up on social media andnd whatever platforms you have. h and then you don't reward the hollywood stu
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earned theater dollars whenhe they're not reflecting those t films and your experiences onieo the screen.scree so continue to do what we always have, um, it seems thateems t hollywood is beginning listen. >> money certainly talks. where will you be watching theoi oh cars this year is there a tre party at hand? >> well, we did counterou programming for the last twowo years instead of watching theghe oscars we live tweeted on twitter movies that reflectedefe the black experience and in facn the last two years the academyce saw its lowest ratings we think we have a little bit tt do with that.t. it remains to be seen where i'li be at the end of february. >> april reign, hash tag oscarsr so white, you've done a tremendous thing.. we're glad for your effort andoa glad this movement continues. cu thank you so >> thank you. >> all right. 10:38 right now.t no we have much more still comingcr in the next 20 minutese st or s. right up next written the bunchb lines for chris rock, georgerocg lopez, et cetera, et cetera he'a funny guy in
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comedian joey vega is here withw us right. chef von today is here.s good day at 10a after the breake ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ back now at 10:41. we have breaking news o> ut ofbo prince george's county.e'coun we have just learned that theedt suspect wanted in the shooting n of a woman at a bus stop in oxon hill yesterday has turned has tr himself in.himsel the shooting happened in front t of more than a doz
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and the woman did survive.. she was shot once and grazedd once by a second bullet but b again he has turned himself in.i steve over to you. allison thanks very.n thank. do we have a clip. clip let's run clip if we have it.t. no cli all right. consider him hilarious then. hey, joey vega. v [ laughter ] >> he's a -- let's go to the twt shot. joey is here right now with us s he has a big show coming up. >> there's the information.maon >> funniest he's ever been.veree we're totally teasing he's workh with heavyweights, chris rock, george lopez, many, many more. m good to see you this morning.nig you'll be before the bethesdaa blues and jazz supper club. clu first off, since we're alreadyry off to awkward start let me couldn't the awkwardness rightht now. nd easy eo good looking a going joey vega makes you laughu and make you think.and make youk did you write this yourself,elf, joey? jo >> of course i did. >> who else would write goodoo looking. >> i like how we're startinge h let's go back tostar y
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got one of your starts here on e fox years and years ago.go >> i had showed called the latin connection on fox and it was 1988 so there weren't that manym latin performers out there.he after the third show we ran out of the performers and the kid k young kid -- this young girl tol me looked like a girl to me long hair, glasses, mark anthony. aho it was not girl.irl >> no. n mark anthony super star.ta >> he wasn't a stooper star. str >> way before then. tn he wasn't even singing yet. y he was writing music. and he kept telling me i'll be a sier.r. he kept coming to my show. m s when i become a singer can igeca open for you. y yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah he kept bucking me for twoor years. i said listen when you become au singer and you become famous f i'll open for you. you. isn't and what happened?appe >> we lost touch for five yearse and he became a big singer andr then he called me up. u opening his shows for 17 years.s >> i love that story. s i love and literally the latinat connection.nnec as the tile said back in the day. >> came true to form.o >> latin
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george lopez when he had the show that was on.. >> don't blame me.mee. >> no, no, no. i didn't say that. say t george has been guest here veryr funny working with chris rock and bacd with chris now, right? right >> i just -- helping him out. >> nashville he's doing aillea special for netflix, and i helph him tweak it.k it. he writes the material.l. i help him tweak it a little bit and he pays me and i come home.h >> sounds like a good deal. dea what are we getting in the joey vega show.vega s i can sense the energy levelevel starting to rise when you walke in. >> well you get stuff aboutt sto family.. stuff about relationships. across the board. whatever i think is funny.ny. got new president, you know, k orange is the new president.den. so, you know, talk about him. talk about, you know his wall hw and his mexican policies and i think -- if i was president psi every child in america would go to school in mexico. >> that's right. right [ laughter ] >> because mexico has the best icthe schools in the
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mexicans know how to do everything. you try to stump mexican.ic you can' ca't you can't. you take them to your house. hou you have them fix something.omeg an arc can't figure it out.ut. designer can't figure it out. o you asked a mexican he can do it. >> i have all the american kids go to school in mexico.ic >> when you saw the results ofwf election in november were you i just like this is a gift fromn i above right now as far as ar material? >> as far as material it'sl it's incredible.ed it's incredible.ncreble i have lot of mexican friends fn obviously because i'm latino.. and they were all craze.ra oh, my god what do we do? don'd worry about it. it. next four years i got you in myy attic. you're up'p the you're safe. don't worry about it.. >> joey nothing off limits whenn it comes to comedy.. in a serious way we see thingshi all the time. >> just jokes. people get all crazy. all czy. it's just jokes. jokes look at the protesters nones non crane protesting because theyteh couldn't get tickets to my show tomorrow. but there are tickets available folks. >> there's the joke in the wholt thing. go online they can pick them up.
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>> but we did see, look, the snl writer right now being suspended for making fun of the first t f family right now.ow so is there a line that you evee though you want to cross it youi can't or do you just the more tm well known you are the more you can cross the line. >> yeah. absolutely right. isab, itther thing depends on how you do it. do if you do it in a vicious way, w it's never going to be right.igt there are lines but you can ovey step the lines a little bit. lit you can do a joke about cancer.e you can do a joke about almost anything as long as it's funnyin and as long as it's not really e hurtful.. and that's -- that's where the professional comedian comes in you have to really know where that line is.thatis. >> which you've been successfulu making a career out of forf decades now.des i don't want to make you too l old. old. a couple decades.couple decades. >> you said '88. d you to that. tha almost 20 years -- almost 30 al years ago.year ago >> did i say 2008? 2 >> i think did you. tnk did you >> but you probably know too if you're doing stand up you haveyv something falls flat or not youo get the immediate feedback.dback >> of course that was writerware from snl she's
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writer and sean funny about it.i it was something that was kind k of vicious. you're attacking a child. child and these are the same people pe that are saying bullying islying wrong and she's bullying.uling. >> yeah. >> you got -- if you're going te be funny and you're going to put it out there, be a comedian.omea >> no bullying with your show at the bethesda blues and jazz andz club. >> good fun. >> you have to balance out the e verything elsetoel happening in the world.pp >> of course.enin >> joey vega.oey vega. pleasure to meet you.easure to u >> thank you so much. >> very funny stuff.>> w then he krick rock special coming out by the way. >> i don't know. lmg itk they're filming it in december. he'll go on the road.he'll >> right. >> yeah, yeah it will be great.e >> errly start on material.teri >> all the jokes are mine.ok m >> of course they are. o all the funny onef s at least. >> joey vega thanks for joiningi us you saw the photo.ho check him out in bethesda. back over to you guys.. >> she's cooked for the rich anh famous now chevron today is todi cooking for us. u nothing says rich and famous and coming here in the d.c. lost. >> bringing it down a notch.ot when they go high, everybody ery else comes to good day. day. ♪♪
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back with that update on wi northwest d.c. green peace pea pro
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unfurling a banner on craner one several hundred feet up in the i air banner reading resist greenr peace activists are protestingrt some of the recent decisions by president donald trump regardini the environment and things ofndf that nature. several people there chained ton the crane others climbing on top the crane snarling traffice snai obviously safety concerns withot them being hoisted so high up iu the air.the a authorities letting them stayie there pretty muchin continuingg their activism their pro at theh time testing full.ull. when they descend they will be arrested that is the word from d.c. police.ol green peace activist you recalll furling a banner reading resistt as a form of protest in the wakk of president trauma's recentent cisionons. >> wisdom, over to you. >> let's wrap up this great dayg on good day. goo day it smells so great.s so you smell what the chef i gs cooking.ok >> smells >> joining us now this morningcr is chef vhonda mcphearson stronr believer in eating healthy anded
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to show us just how to do that.t good morning to you.good morniny in good gd mornin. >> thank you for coming in andoa hanging out with us.t wi us >> thanks for having me.hafor ha >> i see you brought us some goodies right here watch do we have right here?t ha rig >> actually we have some great t lump crab meat. >> we'll make a crabcake. cbc >> okay. >> we're going to have a ginger grit. >> ginger grit.r g >> something kind of different.e >> you start the process andssnd tell me about shaquille o'neal.n you're working on something with shaquille o'neal. >> actually, it's so funny he'sh wonderful he comes to myo m restaurant. >> he's a big man. >> he's a b>>ig man. m >> i've seen him before. him b >> he's actually very wonderfull and just, you know, it became an opportunity for me to -- i hadad have restaurant in newark, newkw jersey, and it became anan opportunity that he is doing a build out. >> right.>> r >> right across actually fromro new jersey because my business s was so successful, they're the interested in working with me in partnership.ip. >> that's good. that's good. workin ith big zach toll meol m
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>> i've already added to make m the lump crabcake i added the eggs, i add the bread crumbs c little bit of seasoning here. h crushed red peppers. okay. a little red peppers.eprs fresh red peppers, and most important mayonnaise.e >> mayonnaise. may >> you need mayonnaise. do you have to add thedd t mayonnaise or no.aise >> you do. but you know what, it'st, is wonderful because i know whyse w you're asking that. askinat. >> okay. >> for healthier reasons. >> right.or hea rig >> they have now olive oil mayonnaise.yonn >> i love olive oil.>> i l >> which i've used for crabcakek and they come out absolutelyut delicious.ous >> go the cha. >> so you can do it.>> s good okay.ka >> you're a big proponent ofneno healthy eating.g. >> i am. i'm a component of traditional healthy meaning the same thingat that we do in a southern cuisine, we can do those samehoe things and have the same greatre tastes without all the fat. >> without all the fat.hout >> without all the breading and like fresh fish to give you example, we do -- we do a lot of catfish.
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>> love that too.. >> we also do blackened catfish, we do hell mon catfish you havev great collard greens with noenso proteins or meats with them. o naturally c cooked and candiedan yams and all of that, too. >> how long does it take to coos this when you get all thiss together.ther >> it take about, you know, micm it into a ball. into al little bit like this.ike is. >> okay. >> give you an idea. >> it's real simple>> g. >> real simple. >> throw it in there. >> put eight pan a little olive oil in a pan then we just layust them down. dow >> okay. >> let it fry up. letfry >> three minutes, three minutes. and we take them out.them o >> good to go.. >> voila.>> >> through the magic of v t tehrleouvision -- magic ofmag o television. >> boom there they are right there already ready tother go. . ready to eat i see a line forming here.g he. they're already talking aboutgbt counting right now.coun rig >> you also got a letter fromteo wholefoods.olds >> yes. >> tell me about that. wait. don't put those down here. [ laughter ] telha >> keep talking.t.put keep talking. >> k we'll leave these right heeere.. >> actually my product line i have product line for healthyea dippers.pp >> okay. >> south
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wonderful because all it takes like, for example, sweet potatoes we use all natural foods in it. it you know, it's so wonderfulonde because it's arf dip, it'st's healthy, it's not like hummuse where it has lot of fat in it. all natural like, you know, k sweet potatoes, cilantro arctroa little bit of garlic and then te it's oh wonderful dip. d. who knew?o >> i also do a black eyed peaed dip that's amazing.zi >> it sounds good.>> it we need to come to yousounre y restaurant. what do you have over here in this pot? >> right here i havyoeu ha some e s southern grits.. >> hmm.. >> aroma.>> ama. aroma. >> okay. all right. all southern grits. >> so i'm going to just stir upu a little bit. >> all right.a >> then i'm going to plate somee for you.r you >> is there anything different,e is there any, um, health -- hea anything healthy about these opposed to when you do them at t home. >> nothing healthy about gritsbs if you put butter and cheese in them. >> you got to do what you got to do you can't have everything.avg >> we'll plate some grits. se yeaeah. >> got the crabcakes over here.h give the locate of your restaurant i know it's i
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newark. >> it's 183 west kenny street and so -- it's beautiful.ul it's beautiful environment.onnt >> real quick tell me how long l have you been cooking.n okin >> about 20 years. about0 years. >> 20 years. >> yes. >> just the passion, the love? us just the love.e pa >> just the love. jt the >> okay. >> of course, speaking of love l they love food. fd. my co-workers are all over. >> what's snack favorite go toe food. >> he loves our fried chicken. k it's so wonderful because he talk about it on espn.spn. >> okay. >> it's really nice thing.hi so i'm going to go ahead andad plate this.. >> allison seymour right here. e >> i thought i'd get a good spot. >> thank you very much. ver neat a bigger spoon if you will. >> we'll figure it out. out >> we'll figure it out.t out. >> thank you very much fornk coming in y. we appreciate your best of luck with shack and all your future endeavors. >> how we looking outside in th meantime tuck. >> absolutely gorgeous. a 60 this afternoon.bsol60 this af lots of sunshteine.. >> any window we should get ourr activity in.acty i >> between now and the sunset.. >> where are the forks?? >> it
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