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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  January 26, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST

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♪♪ ahead on good day at 9a president trump not backing down.down >> i'm working long hours. hrs i mean the country has a lot ofo problems.prob >> as he gets ready to talk talk strategy with his fellow fello republicans the presidentsi remains committed to his executive orders focusing onuson immigration and nationalation an security. new developments in that dramatic crane protest.atic c the protesters nowra under arret facing numerous charges.harg. we're live ahead of their first
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court appearance. the best ever? 25 years25 a after the redskins last super bowl, the team given new reasono to celebrate. dubbed the best championshipp team ever.r so do you agree? ♪♪ and another tv icon loft. hollywood remembers mary tyleryl moore. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ people are throwing hats everywhere today in homage ofmao mary tyler moore.oo. we're so glad you're with us ono this thursday, january t big day ahead on good day. day it's throw back thursday.. so we'll be going big with starr power live in the loft. ♪♪ as we speak tucker isker is bursting into song.rsng into i'm sure you are at home as well we all remember that song rightg finally it was the dance hit oft the '90's.
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si in the loft. the lof she'll be right here dishing on her more than 20 years of of stardom. and why she's in the nation'sios capitol this weekend. weekend. we'll find out about that.nd o we won't let her go without w doing a little fox5 rendition of finally.finay. >> why do we torture our guestst >> you're not going want to miss it all coming up in thep inhe 10:00 o'clock hour.our >> plenty more fun coming up cou first in the 9a including a sneak peek at this year's washington auto show.ho i'll take two of those.hose >> nice. >> opens to the public tomorrow at the convention e pubu ct oonurve very own car t caitlin roth is getting all thet scoop this morning.orni we'll check in with her life at 9:30. >> right now speaking of life let's get live lookow s outpesie we certainly hope you enjoyed ej yesterday's beautiful spring sin like weather.. lots of sunshine to go around.rd warm temperatures. and then today happened. hapne all right.all right. still okay out there, tuck.uck but if yesterday was great, gat today is just kind of okay. oy. >> it will be just okay. oka weather report card we gave 8c. >> avege
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>> c minus. m >> last year around this timehit where what --wher >> we were digging out.e wegi >> still digging out after we ow got 25-inches of snow. >> basically i'm saying it's ana improve many i'm going on then high side.. >> when the temperatures go loww i go high.. >> we find that a that with aith lot of things with you.of thing [ laughter ]er ] >> let's go to the forecast.oras we got cloud cover. cov it's not, you know, a total t write off.ff. 53 degrees still nice and mild d winds out of the west at three.e after yesterday's 61 and sunshine, definitely some, changes here. d fron cold front comingde throt had a few sprinklesro and showes early we'll watch those wrap upu pretty quick here and turn turn partly sunny this afternoonerno you'll notice the breezes. breez breezes out of the north and west and that means cooleroole weather pattern you see snow off to the north and west.noorth ae. we won't get it in of that we'l' be in for much cooler air around here little later this afternoon. all right. 56. we'll hit that number early by ght. afternoon turning breezy andtuge cooler temperatures will be inr the 40s by four, 5:00 o'clockoc today. so seven d
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look at fry daring saturday andy sunday and talk about much muc cooler air here and the move january. can you believe it's almost febelievbruary? >> you know february is traditionally snowiestou kno mon washington.. >> good thing it's also the t shortest.test. >> tuck, seriously are those the palm trees or not i can't tell.. >> those are palm those are decorative washingtono herb plants. p >> ferns. >> ferns y. >> i'm guessing. i don't know. [ laughter ] >> again, like wisdom i was looking adot halm fi full becai thought it was screamingeaming >> steve, i see what you're, i putting down.seputting >> those are potted plants. pla. those are not palm trees. tes >> it did give you miami look.oo >> that's what i was going for. it warms our heart and souls sou this morning. >> thanks buddy. 9:04.. big story at 9:00 o'clock thisoc morning comes from the white whi house.ho more executive orders might berr coming today as president trumpt talks strategy with fellow fello republicans. >> his critics may be lashingcs out but trump says he's he' following through on hisin h campaign promises. >> i mean i'm working longg hours. i mean the country
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problems. >> he says in his firste sa in interview on abc news that heha felt he had to move forward on a border wall um immediately aftet taking office.ffice considering how prominent thatnt issue had been on the campaign trail. what we still don't know todaynt is how he will pay for it or or rather force mexico to pay as hh had promised. >> but i'm just telling you there will be a payment. p it will be in a form perhaps a complicated form, and you have h to understand, what i'm doing is good for the united states. ste it's also going to be good for d mexico. >> trump wall push angered mexico's president who maynt w y cancel u.s. visit next week. wee and here at home trump has also targeted sanctuary cities. threaten to go with hold federad money from cities that do not nt cooperate with immigrationigrati enforcement.. next stop he's expected to scale back rev if you gee programs. still even his fiercest criticss acknowledge that none of this is a surprise.urpre. >> some of what he says will wil have its popular appeal becausee immigration was an issue
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fueled the flames in histhe fla campaign.mpaign >> today trump will head toheadt philadelphia where republicanep lawmakers are holding a retreat. no doubt discussing anothercussr trump issue that will require re not executive orders but acts of congress as well. repealing and replacing obama fox5 will bring you the president's remarksem congressional republican retreat live today. the president is due to speak ope around noon. we'll have that right here on fox5 also streaming on and our fox5 d.c. facebook pagep and just moments ago president e trump tweeted out regarding rarg mexico and that meeting with mexico leader that these are tht two tweets we'll share with youy right now. now and let me get closer.loser can someone read that for me i i cannot see it? it? >> u.s. has a $60 billion tradee deficit with mexico. mexic it has been a one sided deal d from the beginning of with massive numbers of jobs and companies loft.anie if mexico is unwilling to payg p for the badly needed wall then it would be better to cancel the
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>> then of course is in responss to mexico president saying hein was considering canceling thisni meeting because he rejects whata president trump is saying aboutt that wall being built.l being b. you can see the intriguentri building. we'll see if this pans out withh the meeting happening. happenin. it seems that president trump is following through on his main mi campaign promise to build thatlt wall along the us mexico bordere >> he made the argument laught u ght t why wait. let's get started now.started nw figure out the payment plan paye later on obviously a dispute between this country and mexico's leader as to who will o foot the bill. >> 9:07. new this morning the group oforg gr theeen peace protesters who scaled a construction crane inrt d.c. and stayed there for hoursu yesterday set to face a judge at any moment. an >> our crews were actually thert this morning as they were booker and transported to courtort downtown and annie yu is liveli now at the court.. good morning, annie.nnie >> reporter: hey, good heyod morning, everybody.morn we're live right outside the dcc superior court house where allha seven protesters with greenhre peace are expected to face a a judge any moment now. now so we'll jum
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after this live shot, but i wann to show you video from earlierar this morning. we were over at the secondond district police station where we actually caught them leaving that station. station. they're facing a number offaci n charges that is where they spent the night after they were takenk into custody last night.ig they're facing charges including burglary, destruction oftion o property as well as unlawful entry. the protest yesterday began ban around 7:00 o'clock theo'cloc morning. really in the thick of rushk rs hour, and the demonstrators climbed a 270-foot crane justcr blocks from the white house andd they hunkered down on it fortor about 15 hours or so, and durinn that time, you can see they unfurled a huge banner with thee word "resist" on it. the environmental group saysl gp they are protesting president trump's decision to push forwarr with the keystone excel and a dakota access oil pipelines, and so, again, this is an a environmental group.. they've been planning this forhf quite sometime now.imow dc police had to shut down a few blocks to traffic while the protesters were on top soit s i
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traffic for most of the day. the department though they took offhands approach and didn't trt to coax the protesters down andd then around 10:00 o'clock all a seven deciderred that they woulu make their way down and that was just around 10:00 o'clock.lock the department later tweeted ouo that, you know, while they weret respect everyone's right to pro testify, what happened yesterdar was extremely dangerous as wells as unlawful.ful. not to mention mull pell government resources were beingg tied up. so it did cause a little bit of chaos down down but we were just there and business as usual noww this morning and we're just we'j about to go in here where theyre will face a judge at any momentn that's the latest.'s t latest. back to you in the studio. >> all right, we'll keepee following that annie. ann fox5 tracking metro thiso thi morning. we are due to learn more aboutat the firing of nearly two dozen employees accused of falsifyingy cocords. >> metro general manager paul ml wiedefeld is expected to commene on the firings later thisings lt morning. our bob barnard has a preview. >> reporter: guys, we're we're outside metroea
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metro gm paul wiedefeld is about to deliver his final report on that track inspectionpeion investigation which revealed a a number of employees wer actually falsifying records.ords now this stems from that train a derailment near east falls falls church. the east falls church metro mro station.stat that was last summer. the investigation system wide oo tracks and track inspection inse process sees after that revealed that employees were falsifyingsn records and allegedly at the the direction of their supervisors. initially we were told half a dozen, six employees had beenadb fired. fired. now we're learning from the union representing metro it's i' 22. nearly two dozen metro workers e have been fired.n fir. five are supervisors otherrs employees we're told have been demoted or suspended. again, gm paul wiedefeld iss delivering his report to board b members here at metro mro headquarters and we'll have more about what he
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revelations later on on our social media mat forms and fox5 news later today.. guys? >> 9:10 at the time. te update on a story we firste brought you last month about abo metro trains shaking homes in dd pet worth neighbor. council member brandon todd' office metro informed him it'sds bringing in an independentnt contract to look into thoseo os claims and complaints andnts a determine what's causing thewh shak residents so it's intense iten wakes them up and causes thinghg to fall off the walls. >> sad news coming frommingro hollywood you probably heardpro about it yesterday.heay emmy award winning actress maryr tyler moore passed away.. >> in her first major break shes grace the the tv screen as perky suburban housewife in the dick van tike later showing on theati mary tyler moore show as a budding feminist. she was nominated for an oscarnr in the film ordinary people. ppl >> moore on screen hub co-star dick van dyke tweeting there arh no words. she was the best.was
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each other's lives for the better. better in addition to the tweet, he twt include add link you can seeinke there to a video of the on screen couple dancing togetherhe performing i've got your number. >> while her mary tyler moorere co-star ed asner wrote, a greatt lady i loved and oh heed so mucc to has left us.t u i will miss her. h i will never be able to repay her for the blessings she gave g me. >> actor ben stiller alsoor beni sounding off sayingll quote lovd mary tyler moore on so many many velsls. it was confusing.fusi such huge part of our culture and consciousness sending loveen to her family. >> michael keaton tweeted "mary mtm was a gem. g she was iconic, my boss, cast cs mate an friend and i will miss s her ".. let us know if you haveu thoughts as well you want to t pass more along. we'll talk more about it in thet 10:00 o'clock hour.k hou >> nearly one week aft they presidenton's inauguralal festivities one group of his ofh supporters trying to keep the ke momentum gng. exactly why the group isy why gu supporting the president mightdt surprise you a little bit. y we'll talk with the leader ofe the group known as gays f
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trump with more on why they aree pro trump.. >> later, dreams do come true t but if you're looking to getkint your hands on the big mac sauceu here in our region, you may havh to do a little road trip. tri time right now 9:13. good day back aft this. this.
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♪♪ all right.ight. welcome back 9:15.lcomback 9:1 first it was a woman' mars onar washington.shington now another group is planning an massive protest here in town. t gay rights activist in new yorko city has announced plans for the national pride march. march. it's being described as a masss lgbt protest at the nation's nas capitol on june 11th. the march will coincide withe wh capitol pride which is d.c.'ss annual pride celebration. organizers are hoping the marchr draws large crowds to sendcrowde message to washington that lgbtb rights are not to be threatened. >> less than week afterr president donald trump's inauguration celebrates oneon c group is thinking of wayels toat keep that momentum going.m g the group is called gays fors f trump. and they sponsored one of the deplore rah ball events lastll s weekend and despite somete s controversy surrounding the president's dance stance lgbtq gays for trump says they havehae his support. peter boy coin joins us live via skype. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> giv
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you're in support usof p trehese >> trump has been in support ofs the lgbt for many, many, many years. ye he's got new york values. he is not the old school gopchol that people hear about.r a he's trying to protect allll americans including lgbt. >> when you decided to have thee ball here in washington, d.c., d what type of response did you first get and is it what you expected when you,ing when youhn got here to washington? >> i've been growing the grouphg for a long time. so the response that i got wasas actually perfect.fe actually was a lot more people o there than i thought i would enw up with.h. as for washington, d.c., it was actually -- as chaotic as it ait was, you know, out there, it waw a lot less chaotic than i anticipated.cipa the news pretty much said it wat going to be really really really rough. yet there was, well, funny the
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prevent us to get into theo inauguration because they wereou protesting the [ laughter ] >> so... >> -- violence happened afterd the word -- afterwards. >> interesting mr. boykin when w people they look at your y organization there are a lot ofo people who are members of the lgbtq community who do not agree with you who are protesting thii but you have come out and yout n have said that you don't want to divide the lgbtq community. so how do you go forthwith youru efforts without having autaving division? >> well, personally, we are not trying to do division.. they are on their side. s we just recently had somebodyadb who had to give up a lot of hiss shares in his company becauseec they just saw a picture of himim at our ball, and he just came, m not even as a trump supporter,ut this guy came to speak to me toe make sure that we were keepingeg donald trump in check and we and were doing the right things, and yet hi
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community shunned the guy. so i mean we are not trying torg do that. we're trying to stay positive. . we're trying to represent whole lgbt and our biggest thing,ng, look, you can cry, you can, youc scream in the streets all you want. nt but unless you get a place atc the table we're not going to be so we have to be represented sot that's what our group is for.or >> so what is your response, res mr. boykining when you hear from other who's are members of the lgbt community who may not agree with you? do you get the sensen that there is a feeling thatngha perhaps everyone who is a member of the lgbt community has to h t feel a certain way? do you feee like maybe there's more people'o that support you than others realize and i guess the bigger r picture who extends the oliveheo branch here to make sure s everybody is okay with everybody?ody? >> well, when i did the initial prides during donald trump's running i got a lot of, um, a
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and trying to argue but as wes did more and more prides, moresm and more people would come around. there's a lot of people outeopl there for donald trump. tmp the problem is and the lgbtt society they believe they talkey about equality but they don't -t they try to exclude the whole community.un we are a part of thatit communiu they try to deny it. i but we're going to try as hard as possible to get more and morm people to come out of the closeo for donald trump and the gop and they're out there, believe me.vm we've got a lot of response.poe. we're having a huge campaign of gay pride we're going to do goig across the nation. very soon this pride season.ea >> two more questions mr. boykib that i'll try to incorporatete into one one, curious what it is aboutbot donald trump first of all that l you are so much in support of. and, two, being this ishi washington, this is ans a administration now that is int i charge. it is not just the president. so included in thatt justin t administra
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mike pence who has been antii lgbt in a lot of respects in tht past when you talk to members of lgbt community. so some people question why youy would support an administration that involves a person who has been against lbtq rights in the past. >> well, see, that's the whole w chicken little here.ere. because they've already griped e and moaned about web pages beini changed and they fuss all day a long about somebody being anti lgt.lgt i don't know if you noticed thie hat i'm wearing right here mike pence signed this hat. he knew clearly it said gays for trump. trum >> i met with jeff sessions.. mad dog even commented about us. the administration as a whole embraced the lgbt. lt. but it's our point to make sures that we are the moreor conservative type lgbt. l they're tired of hearing thering yelling and the screaming of the liberal lef
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so mike pence in my book is not an anti lgbt he had sponsored a bill thatl t they said was anti lgbt. l there's a lot of bills that thet deem if they just happen to sayy anything about lgbt in it the liberal left -- claim that somebody is anti lgbt. if you do research you'll find'f out he's not against the lgbt community.unity mike pence --ke pen >> in might argue.>> i don't mean to interrupt you but some might argue sponsoringr bill is equivocal to saying whag it is that they believe. >> it doesn't always happen thaa way. for him when he he was pointed p out there was a few things thatt were not good for the lgbt.t he had those removed. and as for mike pence hepence h actually was a case where he hae stood up for lgbt people in a food establishment he ate foratf awhile and the ownership of o where basically trying to keeprt those people out.
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never back to that place againca if they treated the lgbt peoplet who were in there like that. so mike pence is at any moment at any time that t he was anti lgbt, which they try to assume because somebody is a christian they're lgbt that tha doesn't make any sense in my i book from all the christians we met that loved us, um, mike m pence is grown just like hillary clinton and obama to love thehe lgbt and believe me, our job ass gays for trump to make sure we bring more to the fold and we w understand and we sit down andoa talk to people. >> it certainly going to be --tg it's certainly going to beng t something to watch for and we certainly appreciate your time m this morning, boykin.oy thank you so much for joiningroi us. >> you're welcome. you thank you very much. >> 9:24 now. >> all right.'rthan rta this morning hollywood star arrested for assault dramaticlti new images from that deadlyy italian avalanche an tiny sr
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gets unexpected ocean companionn those are just some of thef th stories making headlines as we w have the details of that comingg up. >> and the best ever? why the e 1991 redskins super bowl team is dubbing them the best championship team in history.toy the story, of course, sparking lot of feedback as you cann imagine. share your thoughts.houg use the #gooddaydcgooddaydc
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lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together.
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>> ♪♪ >> time now is 9:26. allison seymour is back with a a check of some of the other the r stories make pentagonke pengon headlines this morning.s thisor. allison. >> thank you.>> good morning to awful you andyoa to you. we begin in mississippi wherehe two deputies are recoveringeco from gunshot wound following fog ally shootout with a this happened in the city ofyof south haven after the deputiespt confronted an alleged robberber who had carjacked someone.s one of the police officershe po shot in the foot, the othere otr deputy who was shot in the leg -- excuse me who was shotast has a collapsed lung. lung. the suspect was killed in thee exchange of gunfire.nfire. we're getting a closer c look at this this morning.this i it's the amount of devastationen caused by that deadly dey avalanche in italy.itay. the final bodies have beene ben recovered from italy's devastating avalanche pulledng out of the rubble of ava a hoteo crushed by the tons of snow. sn. after a week long search se firefighters announced theth final death toll stands at 29.. actor shia labeouf facing assault charges afterter allegedly getting into a fight f with a man in new york city ciy overnight.
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arrested outside of a museum at an anti-president trump artpr protest. the actor allegedly pulled thee unidentified man's scarf sc scratching him in the process. c he's also accused of punchingncg that man. ma much lighter here, attention big mac lovers.lo your dreams are about to cometoe true. today is the give away of thewa big mac special sauce, special secr sauce.e. the 10,000 bottles are beingtlei given away across the countrycoy but around here only the th mcdonald's at 1944 14th th street in northwest d.c. is d.cs taking part. get down there hurry.urry. it's a first come first serveded basis. nord to get the free bottle bote customers must say the specialel code phrase, there's a big macbi for that. you're're w and finaelllyco a 10-year-old-od australian surfer had a reala ra close call with a photo bombing great white.whie. yeah, look at that.look at th can you see it yet? that great white shark is a babyte but shared a s wave. eaton's dad was snap
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he spotted something quite unexpected if the photos. turns out he photographed theotp face of a twisting shark justing below his son. sn. experts took a look at that at shark and say that shark was ah young grate i don't really care ityouns as a great white. thankfully eaton and they eatonn shark, everybody is just fine.f. >> wow. >> that is crazy. >> yeah. that is c >> okay. >> and kept his:looked like heis looks and kind of saw what wa:ls going on. whatever, to think of what could have happened you.h >> don't want to fall off thattt board. >> no. >> n >> mere misses are so scary.sser >> right. >> they're almost sometimes more >> don't start on the web almmob finding >> i'm notly.ot. >> it doesn't help my anxiety. >> exactly. al. l.ks, >> time for agree or disagree. the 1991 redskins the best reds championship team everly? let a us know what you think and you d we'll break down the argumentaru as to why or why not next. ne >> and looking for a new ride? well, look no further.urther. the washington auto show kicksss off tomorrow but gu
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we're getting a sneak peekk pe live on good day. caitlin roth is there ande she's checking it out. o we're going check in with herer next. >> fresh at 10:00 a, finally singer cec e peniston live inl the loft f brent warren also wao stopping by. you know him from his hits it shows like brooklyn 99 and undateable. un he'llda be live in the loft with us at 10:45.
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>> ♪♪ >> 9:32 is the time. this next story generating a lot of >>re 9at ction anstdactid discussion. 25 years ago today marks thema last redskins super bowlskins sl victory.victory. a 37-24 win over the buffalo bills. bi well, fox sports ranked alled previous super bowl champions sp and believe it orer not. the 1991 redskins topped thatedt list. they finished at the season 17n7 and two outscored theirscoredher opponents in the playoffs 102 to 41 and the quarterback was w only sacked seven times that tht year. year. so, we've been asking peoplepeoe on social media what they what t thought about this.though so we're gt oing share some now. steve wilson starts us off andod he says name the top superp supr bowl champions . >> [laughter] >>ll rightht. we got -- wrong super bowl b chicago bears talking aboutkou the chicago bears from 1985. >> is at
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>> the 85 bears. probably that's the only onethel they had.they it was a one hit wonder forwor r the bears. >> that's okay. you can be the best of allbe tha time. >> the bears are number three nm on the list by the way.bebyhe i know this is d.c. news butewst come on, man, #alternativealte facts. that's from marcus sales right t there. >> not many people on board with this.his. fox sports put this togetherhist and he did put an astericteic beside it. he said he counted the teams as the best champions not theth best super bowl winning teamnnim but the best champions because they were underdogs coming in,i, didn't have a lot of big names s and he said for and people that would be otherwise unforgettable put themselveshe tong became a super bowl bec champion. it's kind of a back handed an compliment but it's a championship. >> isn't there a steelers team in there that should be up foheu the running. >> number two was the >> the 89 49ers..
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other redskins teams that were w in there, redskins ranked 28th8h doug williams team and 33rdnd was the first joe gibbs.joe >> and dead last was brady'sa first super bowl with the patriots. >> which was so exciting.xciting back when they were the underthe dogs. that's hard to remember. >> when they beat the rams. >> the rams, glare greatest yea. >> greatest show on turf.reat >> what is youres team. >> 89. i was living in the bay area at the time. >> was it 88 when theyving played pl the bengals. >> played the bengals twice inai 82 and 88.88. >> 85 bears. >> that 88 year when s whens joe montana beat up with 26th 26 seconds left on the clock.lock. >> 85 bears, yeah . >> [laughter] >> go ahead, tuck.ahead, t. >> sadly 'cause we're all backwr in thee 80's very comfortably.r colder air on thy e m
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yeah, it's moving in.ving in fact we got some very windyyi conditions setting up northions and west as that that front thar starts to move in.arts 53 now in washington.ashton. our highs for the day we'll pretty much be looking at themt in the next hour or so s look at leonardtown 59, 55 inin fredericksburg. we have that hangover fromhangom yesterday but it's at it's comfortable one.ortable on we hit 61 yesterday.yerd winds west and north and west at gusting now to look at martinsburg 40 miles per hour.g. 35 in cumberland, 30 inand, 30 n hagerstown. and because of that, thethe weather service about a half hlf hour ago hoisted a winded ind advisory here north and west. looks like loudoun countyounty frederick county are the localoc counties that are thunder windtw advisory butin along 81 winds wd could gust 40, 45 miles per 45 e hour. just keep that in mind. m going to be a breezyee afternoon. for the rest of us we'll bee ret breezy as o w well, so daytime e highs again will be early andly then we'll see thee'll seehe temperatures kind of fallingures this afternoon as the windss thw pick up and that colder airold settles in and just realeal quick, the overall weathereater pattern is a much cooler coo weather pattern.atern. not bitter cold but daytimetter highs in the low 40's an cd
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overnight lows back around freezing and some 20's north's r and west as we get into the weekend. here's you remember weekend y forecast. plenty of sunshine to look forward to and nice foour r t ohf at h pro bowl on sunday.l on things are looking like 70's. 7' pro bowl. o bowl. aren't you guys excited? exited? >> the skills competition oncomt thursday. what's the forecast for that? >> looking good.ooking gd. >> excitement. >> yeahly. >> thanks tuck. >> thanks tuck. aboutis week is all about celebrating that's because's bue this weekend kicks off theweekef chinese nef w year so how do you celebrate? we'll dance live w with dancing pro kerry an inaba. we'll have tips from her.h >> we are one day away fromrom our live wedding ceremony c happening right here in there loft. the whole thing is going playngy out tomorrow during good day.ino in honor of it all we want toe o see your wedding photos and a tell to us specifically whatalla your first dance songs were. soe tweet us using #good day d.c. d. there's a.m. picture fromture fm mine. this was not my song. s etta james at last was the t first dance song for t
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and i when i got married.arred. so, let us know yours, #goodgood day d.c. and send a photo,oto, too. that would be great. >> ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen,
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>> ♪♪ >> got new music. ther hen love and other when we answer some of the hardome od hitting life questions youou send us to sara frazier.
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>> this person writes to ushis says i'm a vp of ape company. co i don't really make hiringlly mi decisions but i do have a lot at of power so when i recommendheno something it likely happens. needless to say i hired anie intern and she did an okay job. but the internship was dones because of app friend i did a favor for a friend and now an that that friend is coming t back and saying you reallyha need to hire this girl. th it's good for all of us. us. and it will help your career. c it will help my career so hireae her and the vp is writing to us saying she wasn't that th great. she wasn't and i do owe this friend fr favor. should i hire her? hireher? >> oh, that's a rough one. >> no.>> no. >> no. >> are you willing to loseng toe your job.. >> put your line on the job like tha >> you're the vp of the>> you'r company. you're not going to loss youros hire. >> you never know. kno >> what's higher than the vp? there's always someone abovewaya you. >> here's the thing.e's thing. can you be maybe more savvybe s put her in another position post and say i don't think thatsay dn position is right fo'tr t her ad
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maybe we can direct her di someplace else.someplace el that way everyone sort ofone s wins. >> i don't know how you get around this, don't the old favo you're getting the i gather from your note there the girl is connerec ftedro somw like herm parents are bigwigs. . >> the parents are parentsre influential. do i hire this kid? kd? >> this one's tough.t i don't know. i've never been a vp.vp >> you're president of your ownly. >> my podcast. >> connections will get you anew job but they ilwon't keep your job. >> do you give her the job andhj if she does a terrible job youoo fire her.her. >> if you fire her you'll beer in a worse way. now what does the frienddoes the think? now you just fired my daughter. >> i'm laughing because i'm like hello'm lau little people. [laughter] >> how are we -- okay, i guess you will stick to your truthll s and you don't give her the jobt if she doesn't deserve it and id just take the fallout with thelt friend. >> no, i'm saying give it tog g her but give her a different
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job. >> why the favor have to ber ha that. >> because wisdom that's the favor, i get to call it in. you owe me. >> i will reject that favorat sane i can't do it. >> i'm goingsa to say if this ii person already friends withon the vp of o anelr company theyct probably have some other highhih profile friends. f >> you can be a bad employeebad somewhere else. >> my god.god. >> or an okay >> i wouldn't want to be in b that position. po a um it's a no-win. nwin. >> why can't she say to her he friend i don't really make the hiring decisions and get out get of it this way. y >> you're burying the leadou'r that the vps are writing to t sarah for >> i don't reveal my sources. s. >> so, what's our next one.t o >> this next one is about me, e you gus i need advice. >> uh-oh. >> you wrote yourselfly. you wrs >> i wrote myself. myelf. everybody downstairs likesnstaie this one. th okay. i was raised catholic but the catholic church is no longerno l doing it for me and i'mand looking for other religions.rel this is a debate my
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are having.having. my mom says to me there's are'sa reason some religions andeligios dominations do not stay not sta arnd.d. this catholic church is tried and true, been around fordfo centuries. >> they're going stay around oun r awhihile. >> here's my thing with thehing catholic church.cathol i think sometimes you needd like music and i need to be b motivated. my mom says religion is not iso about a band and performances.en >> okay. >> so, here's my question.queti. what do you guys think? firsthn of all -- a >> can i answer 'cause i'm app a ictholic here. >> the question is if i'm if bored with the catholic churchch is that a reason to leave. leve >> no, i'm catholic and i'ved been bored with it. with it. if you're true to your faith yo there are catholic churchestholh that give you a little bit more of the oomph. they're a very staid. st there are churches are aere chus little more progressive andore g they're right here in the d.c. region. before you give it upbe
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those. e. >> okay. >> i think one of the smart t test things anyone hinkcan do i to learn about all different religions what they really r stand for what they all meanfort and go to the one that speaksha to you. >> and it's perfectly normal to me question trust me: iquon question all the time i really do. >> i have a question and godavea always has the answer. >> wisdom can i come to yourm c church. >> come on in.our >> i've between hison church.hic >> come on in. we have a good time.we h >> i've been to his church.o hi. his church is great. g >> we'll continue to have ouravu church discussion none at the d less.iscu we are going to head out toe ouo the auto show in just a few so don't go anywhere. >> carrie ann inaba will join us after the break. >> and i'm going to figure out how to make this chair work.
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>> ♪♪ >> all right 9:48 is the time. ht 9the fute, the future, shall we. shall we. >> nor let's hit the road to do's do it. this year's washington auto a show kicks off let's get you a preview.p caitlin roth is down that wereo right now. so many sweet rides to choosee o from. >> reporter: yes, steve,epor thankter: you so many sweet ridn and so much else going on ating the d.c. auto show.s here at the district ofof columbia convention center. i'm joined by
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good morning to you.o we are upstairs at the art inps motion portion of the d.c. tn po auto show.n of tauto sw. it's the second year in a row. w you, yourself started tell me what auto motion is. i. >> it's an exhibition here atxha the washington auto show wherese we bring the vision of street ot artists here at the show and allow them to communicatecate their visions onto automotiveive platforms. we wrap the vehicles and eachnd artist really creates their the own patterns onto the vehiclese so for example we have jamaal and he's painting a mini and jamaal is real methodical.metho. he puts science and followingang into his paintings. his paiings. you see some of his visionaries edwin and -- an >> albert einstein.n >> albert einstein.instein. but when he's done this, it's it going to be the incrediblencribe hulk and the joker and thend he whole platform is that theorm ie mini is small but it drivest large and you want to showcase that pizzazz and >> is he actually painting onn
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>> reporter: we wrap thewrap he cars its a matt wrap andnd jamaal uses color palates anr pl app on the phone and puts to pus it work. sometimes the vision comes asvin he's creating but this year here wanted to go into it with a wit little bit more precisenessprecs so, yeah, auto motion itoon i interest greats fashion music ge technology and theat culture off the arts because in d.c.n d. there's a great renaissanceeat a even the d.c. commission theymi have murals all over the citys r so it's really ab tout giving back to the community and highlighting what some ofat somf these artists are doing. d >> they're works of art thenrt t represent the local artists. what happens to the cars. hap >> reporter: then we takepe the cars out different eventsev where artists are teachingeahing younger kids how they can also o manifest their dreams andams vision because there's not a lot ofecau resources in the artt community. so these car companies whoes who donated the cars allow us tosto use the finished product toshedo showcase and let these kidshesei know that there are biggerb dreams and we can -- and they- can become a
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scene.scene. >> absolutely its a wonderfulndl idea. now, tell me when people comepep up here to visit the auto showow they come to the art in motionti area, are you around the clockud going have different artistsnt r painting different cards besides jamil.ja >> reporter: thursday isep media day, we have twoort cars,, friday night 4 o'clock we have e a car being painted anded a saturday sunday afternoons weune have cars being painted atnted 2:00 p.m. so, yeah, we're justet trying to give back to showck goers and let them know it'sletk not just about cars, it's a lifestyle. give them more excitement whenme they're coming to the convention center. >> reporter: last question.theyv does anyone driveorte esthese te painted cars around town.ound t. >> me. >> reporter: good for you. thank you so much fororteyou soc introducing us to rart int motion your second here soecondo congratulations on that.lations ou thank you.on we appreciate the love. >> reporter: when we come back later on on gun dayon n day towards the end of the 10:00 a.m. hour i'll be downstairsowts showing what everyone wants toew see the luxury cars, guys. uys back a little bit later withterh that. now back to you in the >> thanks
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we like to celebrate onebran good day. good in a few days we'll have aays w reason to do justha that. th the marking of the chinese newew year. the year of the rooster beginste on saturday and we'll be celebrated by thousands aroundan the world including one personsn you recognize dancer and tv host carrie ann she'll be throwing her own heron chinese new year party and carrie joins us live from newe w york. york. her interviewing is sponsorednsd by pf chang restaurant group. g good morning to you carrie. to u >> good morning. how are you. car >> i'm doing welhol.w ll. >> so why is the chinese newsenw year such a big deal for you.r >> first of all because i'mse im chinese and it is the most most important traditional holiday of the chinese culture andultura it's a time when you bring bng everybody together family, youa clean out home and you let go yu of the year that's passed andsed bring in the new year with wt lots of love and good wishes g w of prosperity good luck and lk d good health to all your friends and family and i'mly anm here today because i have ha partnered with
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launch their new chicken and pork dumpling and first ever family size skillet meals. we have chicken fried ricecken r orange chicken anied food is a o big part of celebrating the th chinese new year.ear >> right now i really wish you were in our good day kitchen.i >> i know, i was thinking --hin >> if i'm being honest herenesth but can we talk a little bit about theit year of the rooster. what specifically is that special about that.that. >> the rooster is who wakes us s up at the crack of dawn to getcc us started with our day so the year of the rooster is about aot soft punctuality and gettingctua going. it's a really exciting year.g ye i think it will be a year fullrf of good fortune for all of us.f. we'll celebrate this year, theee rear of the rooster with ourthe friends and family. we'll have a nicefr iefamily stm dinner party and we're goingoing to serve a variety of foods because i don't know if youe i know this but in chinese culture food has symbolism which is a really ndoice thie fo important th ringea lyto no, si. so, likely
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represenlit prosperity.ity. mandarin oranges representanges good luck. go it's a nice way to haveav restaurant quality food easy eay to prepare. pre ing prepare it in less than 15 1 minutes and it's just a reallyay nice way to bring in the new the year. everybody loves a good chinesech meal. >> if you're going to do oneo de thing for sure at your familyfal celebration for chinese newnesew year what would really make itat authentic in addition to the th food, of course.ur >> well, for me, the mostmost authentic thing is to makeake sure the color of the decor iscs right. i'm all about decorating foratir parties and using the colorstheo of red and gold make it really authentic. if you hand lanterns it's lante' really nice if you have nice ife candles it's nice and putting pg the oranges throughout the thr table and making sure it'se i family spread so everything isee out on the table at once. at if you and want morewant information on how to do that you can get tips at pf chang'spc home we have a lot of tips on how
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chinese dinner party. pty. >> real quickly, i know upnow u recently got engaged, right.ged. >> yes, i did., i did. >> congratulations on that. tht. >> thank you.ou. >> will the year of the year ofe rooster be the year youoste actuallyr get married?ly.a >> i do believe that the yearth of the rooster is going to beos a veryte special one for rob and myself because i do believe bel we're getting married this marrs year. >> i want to accident occur askg advice. we have a couple that is uple that is getting married live in thee int loft in our studios they planned their whole their wedding in a week.eek >> my gosh. >> i know, isn't that crazy. >> awesome. >> today we're helping them sayong, we' song, dance i so one, i want to know if there were any songs that you think make for the perfect pe first wedding dance song and n what would be your best advicedv on pulling off that firstth dance as a couple?ly.ple?y. >> well, i think that, you thina know, i have many songs that i t would choose for my firsty firs dance 'cause i'm already already starting to think that way. the most important thing is toio choose a song they a soy don't make it too l heavy. i think people like to feel celebratory at a wedding. we make sure you know that you'
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got the hold correctly.orrctly. i'm tell you all just get injusi hold properly and point your p toes but most of all just have >> carrie anne thank you sori much. it's beene an so such a.m. delih >> thank you so. take care. >> she was fun. >> i know, super cute. >> no food on the 10:00 a but we have plenty of music and laughs as well.hs as we. cece peniston going to join us and. >> and brent morin you know k him from a lot of his comedic co endeavors will be in housevors l making us laugh.l we need that, right. r first though coffee time ontime good day d.c. we know you have been eyeingeing our good day mugs. we have ther go new one, the dunkin' donuts mugs to give away. away. one luck keep winner selected wn at random from now until 11:00 a.m. that's when you have top's w enter. time right now isop 9:56. 9:56. we're back with more good day on the other side. side >> ♪♪
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i will never wash my hair again. new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful.
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>> ♪♪ >> the hottest stars and h stories only on good day at 10:00 a. finally it has happenedoton tolo app good dayened d.c., dance icon ce peniston is live in the loft.of boy do we have a surprise forsur her. >> hot in here? don't miss kevin's interview with heartitht throb william levy.l ladies you won't want to miss ms his new movie. >> from "brooklyn 99", undateable comedian brettbr morin is here.ere. >> this couple will get married live in the loft. >> i cannot wait.the c 10:00 a anstarts rightno now.
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>> ♪♪ >> you need to save some off those dance moves for laters for on. >> i know we'll need it. we got a surprise foresee see fe peniston. >> i remember that song.em she was awemesome.ome. >> ♪♪ >> speaking of >> exactly what's up with the he hat. >> well, hollywood has losts lot another legend.le mary tyler moore i'm sure you yu heard of her passing, listen,li, she inspired young women everhere.e. >> yes, she did. di >> to be independent, to be onet their own, to be in the newss and so today in honor of her, we're putting on our hans areoue you ready? i'm going to give you five seconds to get your toe hat right now. nw. >> grab the winter one on theonh hook. >> we are going to make it after all.e go afte you one, two, three. woo! >> yes! it. ok holly, we made >> we're going to make it going after almal.afte you know what, it's such a and
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iconic scene. >> i knnow. >> i actually saw an interviewne with her that was her own hat. >> i read that story.ory >> she said when they werehen tr filming that that day it wasit s so cold and it was like one ofif the last shots and thed t director was like you know was k what, let's go out in thelet'th middle of the street and throwse your hat and she was like iik was so frozen i couldn't move m my mouth and say no i went andtd did it.di >> and the rest is history.hist >> we'll talk about it. thanks for staying with us on s the 10:00 a.tayithe 100 a. i'm steve alongside holly andd maureen and wisdom.wisdom we're talking about mary tyler moore.. the mary tyler moore show sheowh helped define a new vision of of woman hood in the 60 and 70's.s. advocated for women off air traveling to washington togton o support the equal rightsl rghts movement. vement she continued her
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she was nominated for her role in the film ordinary people.naro the hollywood star surroundedrrd by her husband and friends inin connecticut at the age of 80. 8. but of course everybody hasdy their moments that theyhe remeer.r. >> and you know one of thee of e most, you know, she had a lot h of fans.ans. i distinctly remember when shemn was on the oprah winfrey show.h when she came out the cheers. c >> one of the most general reactions. reactions. >> that's the word i would use genuine. ge >> when i watch oprah i think th that's how most people areple ae when they meet oprah so for oprah to have that reactioneacto what you mean pretty amazingea and she was married to hern husbanwads ma for 32 years, too, which is also an amazingmazng thing, too, right.ri >> on the heels of mary tyler ty moore murphy brown thatt character came to be andme to portrayed the same thing butng u she certainly was a legend anddn institution and for a lot ofn us in meandia, you know, an icon. >> yeah, an
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>> if you have a favoriteyou haa memory or show about marya tyler moore tweet us #good daydd d.c. 10:03 is our time. we have new details on a storysy we first brought you earlierarir this week. springbrook high school'sook hih principal is apologizing tologio the school's cheerleadingeerdi teams after calling one ofling f their routines "too ghetto."ghtt the team leaders are speakingspg out saying their style is a mix between stepping ste african-american culture andul cheer and the girls were allthee dressed in black making a bold statement saying the meetingtin did not answer theirir questions. the girls now say they want w school officials to tell themem whether their style of dance is threatening to thetening tohe community. they also want to know whathat standards they must meet with new cheers. ch >> it's amazing to me thatto this has gotten this fars f without any answers. an to me it's direct and to the he point. if the principal whether he'sets talking to somebody else ory elr not for him to tell the coachcoh that this is too ghetto you gh need to give me some answers.ns. you need to tell me what
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ghetto about this.etto clearly they're not gettinggettg this because they say we don't d know what he's talking about.kib so tell them what it is thatt i you don't like or leave them alone. al it's that >> not going tell them thatng tt and then draw the line whichrawl is what we're going toin do.. >> which should have been doneod already if you're a h leader of the school you've donee routines all year long. all yea. >> for years, cheers a passed c downpas and the styles prettyst much the same at a school so so is -- are the girls doingdoi something different now or isens this a new principal? like ii don't understand why all of arsa sudden this is an issue now. >> andnds is wisdom said this is yesterday it's abouterday it abt leadership. be a this could have been nipped ina the bud with a little bitd with different langu aage lor at tie meeting saying okay goingoin forward this is it. t. maybe what i said was nots not appropriate but i apologizepolie for that but let's go forwardfod this way. for there to be more questionsus after a meeting was knowna answer questions someone isuest not taking aio leadership roleee and doing what's right. ig let's hope they get it together. kudos for the kids fors r the standing up.standi up. >> this next story
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a lot of reaction andtio discussion as well.scussions 25 years ago today marks theark last redskins super bowl.edsk last time they hadin a supera se bowl victory. victry. 37 to 24 win over the buffalobu bills at the metrodome.metr fox sports ranked all previousl super bowl champions andbowl chp believe it or not the 91the redskins topped that list.s topa theyt finished 17 and twotwo outscored their opponents inoppe the playoffs 102 to 41. the quarterback was sackedterbad only seven times that year. so,. >> they had a really good offensively.of >> they had a great coach. joe gibbs was amazing firstas time around. let's take a look at some oft sf the facebook reactions took reao this. th douglas mckee wrote the 1972th dolphins went 14 and o in then t regular season and won alln three post season games games including the super bowl against the washingtonns redskins to finisht 1th7 and o. okay. all right, nicole wilson wrotewr san francisco 49ers were thers best and the 89 49ers were thee second best team.. santo wrote #ht
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he's on board with that. yeah. >> you know, look, it's ait' little bit of verbiage goingiagg on. the writer said he wasn'titer ranking the best teams of all s time, he was ranking the bestst champions of all time and hean openly said he did not not consider the 91 redskins to be1d the best team that ever playedrd and won the super bowl but heute felt they were the best champions because it was some lesser names, they were underdogs. underd >> he had a lot of caveats.avet. the redskins team dougreds williams was on they were ranked 28. john riggins pacific northwestot joe theismann the first timeme they won they were ranked 33heyr and he had caveats for all ofl f them. >> some of the teams that are t ranged on thehe t bottom that we better teams or teams that arete expected to do well.e i think he kind of took it more like which teams that wontn a >> if you're ona the lift at lit all you're champio
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with a list it's all's all suestive.e. >> absolutely. >> you can look at it any kind of way. >> we talk a lotook about survs and joke they're all doneke t overseas and they're meaningless.mean would you like the monday after the super bowl off? u libf maureen. >> yes. >> holly. >> yes. >> wisdom. >> sure.m. >> unanimous. heinz is planning on doing something groundbreaking for the super bowl not o pn lasundad but the day after.. heinz corporation going torp give all of its employees ator least the salaried ones ite sald says the one day off. >> wow. a. hello, america. we here at heinz believe inli never settling.set. never settling with food.od. >> hey, randy, take a bite oftef that naked dog, will you., will. >> demand better aay >> we also believe that neverevr settling in life. handoff. handof and for the past 50 years theth greatest day on earth has been e followed immediately by the he worst day on earth. you know what i'm teaalking about. that sundaday. >> yes, you know it., you it. you're dragging the nextng the t morning. you don't want to go to worko on monday morning it doesn'toesn matter if your team waser i playing in the game or not. you f pinar t
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you enjoyed it. you stayed up late and thend u t monday it's monday.ay it's so, the idea here to relieve workers from draggingdragng themselves into the office ono that monday.nday. it's notorious for absenteeism. a lot of people call off sickaba that day but llalso off s promom the notion of a post supert supr bowl holiday.h they would call the mondayld c after the super bowl smondaymody because it would run sundayns into that they have a petition on linetoi trying to get enough n signatures to make smonday aay a reity.y. about 16 million people onion pn average call off sick the daythd after the super bowl. >> wait. who watches the super bowl upbou in here.e. >> every once in awhile. >> really. >> i've thrown parties and atroa halftime i was jusndt like --li- >> i make it to halftime.l >> i don't even try fany more. . the last super bowl i watched wa it was the patriots andd seahawks when the patriotspatios cheated the seahawks out ofwks f that super bowl jim matthewsmat in the back.b that was the last one ione watched. the other ones i didn't watchdit because i fell asleep on the e ones where the giants beat thebe patriots twice. >> if it's a good
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stay up and watch it.atc >> it's still fun the lead up to the gaeme. a >> oh, yeah, celebrateebra whatever. >> that's true. >> smonday. away are just one day from our wedding right heree live in the sara and corey are goingve to tie the knot tomorrow morning on good day.ot tomood day no word if the runningrunning president will be int will be attendance or not. no they were winners of mix 107-point 3's wedding in ain week. . they've had just seven days to plan everything and they'ved thv had your help as well withell many of you helping to choosetoh the dress, the flowers. thelowe. well, now it is time to pick their first dance song.r first o so, you can vote between ed sheeran's thinking out loud o-train's marry me, lee rice'src i don't dance and the king, elvis presley's can't helps can falling in love. le. and in honor of our wedding in a week, we and want to hear hear your wedding stories as well. we make sure you send us your
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first dance song photos as well. we would love to share them. just make sure you use thovee e #good day d.c. and it looks t lk like we've got one right there. th and let's see, this is danieldal and ashley, they're firsth dance was i'll be, by edwinedw mccain sorry the print is very y small. all. >> here's another one.her one. keep them all right.r oh, moving on -- here we go. heo >> you can put it back up now. . >> oh, i like this can't take my eyes off of youf by lauren hill. h this is for i love pea soup.a so that's a beautiful picture itrei really is. look great.les >> so, hollywood heart throbwoor let's talk about him.t het' is s taone that has mades millions of followers onrs o social media hand some actually. up next don't miss kevin'skevn's interview
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>> paris dropping bomb shellsrop in ina rolling stone cover story. our second segment is next inexn two. >> ♪♪
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z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy >> ♪♪ >> all right, it is time forht the good, day and celebrity
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>> why are we talking about bo jailhouse ro >> i don't know. kn. >> act shia labeouf facing assault charges afterrges ter allegedly getting into a fightaf with plan in new york cityork cy overnight. police say he was arrestedarretd outside of a museum at aseum anti-president trump art protest. labeouf allegedly pulled the man's scarf scratching him intcn the process. process. he's also accused of pushing pus the man. the ma >> this guy isn. really strange. he does a lot of strange s things. >> he's doing this w holes whole anti-trump protest.anti-t he says he starurmpted on mondaa and it's something that he'se's streaming live and he's going hs to do it for the whole fourholor years trump is in office.fic okay.y. ly. >> all right. >> all right. all r right. >> okay. how about this? >> how about this.ut ths be careful what you wish forfor because you just might get it.s. remember paris jackson's telltel all story with rolling stone.ron it put her completely in thely e spotlight.light. the 18-year-old covered everything from michaelythi jackson's tragic ngpassing her r battle with depression andessiod suicidat
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victim of sexual assault. ault. she's never been so candid and c as a result never been in morene demand by the paparazzi.apa. sources say after dealing with t a massive crowd on lax thatlx tt brought her to tears paris isiss feeling more than overwhelmed. this is the firovster time she's experienced paparazzip attention of this magnitude.a she was very scared could, tocoo this report.r >> i can imagine.. >> yeah single. apparently scarlett johansson was the one toscar lepull the pe on her marriage to frencho fench journalist. the 32-year-old actress decided to separate last summer as she feltd ltoike they just didn't have much inin common as far as lifestyle.ifs might want to figure that out ou before you get married.t ma scarlet and romaine share a daughter rose she's two yearse'y old o the source says theysourc have an amicablesay relationshin and that scarlet feels very v blessed to have a daughter. >> okay. >> all rht
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that's a wrap.wra >> that's it?hat's it >> yes. celebrity celey a dish it was app celebrity a cely appetizer. >> we do have kevin you're about to dish up a real delicious plate. >> did you do something with your hair today. i noticedal del dio tyo. >> trying in it a differentg direction. >> i likein i it. it >> i'm troubled.>> >> i noticed steve's i hair. ha. i'm sorry. resident evil final chaptern came out -- comes out tonight t at 7 o'clock. 7 o'ck. finally released tomorrow.ased o sixth residentsrr evil film soio far in the franchise i absolutely think this franchise is that stupid fun.s you turn your braithn off have fun with it, r rated very vy violent but i spoke to myla. my. you never believe what theybelie had to w bring onset for one ofo those scenes.ces. watch this. >> are there d
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that the guns work now, thatnowt the zombies look nowly.noly. >> the biggest thing is thatgesi we shot the last one we did weie shot in 3-d. 3- you can't have a camera up up close. the cameras are huge when you wh have to shoot in 3-d and thend n you need all these monitors tott balance it so it doesn't allow w the camera to get in close toe o you. you have to zoom zoom i you can't really get that real palpable kind of raw feeling. and so with tndhis o i was so gd they didn't shoot it in 3-d d they transferred over ander a that's something they're ableeti to >> the conversion. >> the >> it's cthe conversion whichih wasn't good enough three orenoue four years ago, five years agos when we did the fourth one and this one i think why it's the we best of them all, i mean, this is the rawest and real left.lef. we went to cape town south t africa. it was the wild, wild west.we it's a place of extreme.exre it's so beautiful but the sun n is penetrating and the wind isni whipping and we shot stepstep weeks of nights so you're nighte running through the night, you're doing your fightingighing coveredly in blood and sweat s and dirt.
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it was really incredible and ind think in this movie you couldcod feel that because we were on the -- we weren't on a sound stage. we weren't spraying me with't sw sweat.ith that's real sweat.sw >> what was the most practical thing you were able to see on film.were a >> no, we were killing themillih for real. >> right, right.ight, ri >> we literally we were havingag dinner with them because wecause all get together, we all werel r together and say enjoy your yur last meal.last ml. >> going to blow your head off. >> totally blow your head off. . oh, man, they had -- we have fire coming up, we had a lot of -- we had to get in realn re lakes. this place was real. real. we didn't know what we were getting ours into. it was 3 o'clock in thetting 'ce morning, all of us, paul saidl all right, guys, jump in andin a we were like, what are we e going to jump into? we feltf we were going to find a studio u or something not a real lake la here in south africa.a. man, it was 2 o'clock in thecloe morning,
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dirty, you know. oh, man, thank god we're fine. f we had a jacuzzi right next to it. >> you just jump into thee jacuzzi right after. after. >> they bring it in for youn fou guys? who requests somethings t like that. >> production. man. mne really smart, they took care of us.f s. >> on a movie set would they ty bring in a gigantic jacuzzi jaci for their actors to climb outrso of the cold water they were inwe to jump into this amazing warm jacuzzi. i'm not familiar with himim h-william levy and i have i have never heard of him before ore seen him before. that was the first time ever fim talking to him but he has aa gigantic following onlowing on instagram, over 4 million 4 miln followers if.followers if are you familiar with him. hi >> "dancing with the stars, brad pitt when he was on "dancing with the stars" heith e was asking the same question.ue. >> tweet us #d.c. where do youho know him from. i've never heard oimf him untill recently. so, there it, there it >> you guys are is. like best bd now. >> we are
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>> jacuzzi scene, right.ght >> no. >> >> no. no. no. >> no. >> just kidding.ddg >> just wait. jus i know you've been waiting butn it will happen. >> finally. >> yes.>> yes. >> waiting for somebody to take the bait.take >> we have our wedding couplengu getting married live in the liv loft tomorrow but we need your y nepp picking out their weddingwg song. what is it going to be for their first dance? thanks for r sending in your you we got ar couple that's comingc in right now.. wedding day may 21st 2011.2011. looking good there. >> tbt good day days.ood our wedding song was with you ou i'm born again best day of mymy life 17 years ago. ao. >> thank you for your goodgood eyes, kevin. >> thank you. >> oh, there we go.
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>> ♪♪ >> this is kind of interesting. obviously ben's>> chili bowll iconic location in washington,it d.c. on u street. on u just as iconic the mural thatmur has been on the side of thatsidt building for quite some time. m. >> yeah. untntil now. >> yeah, appilarently it nistlt there no more.there noore so what's going on here, annie? >> reporter: hey, it's its interesting but i was shockedi s to learn about this. this we first heard about itout it through popville which is is anline site that sort of chronicles the happenings in d.c. neighborhoods and so we came by to check it out trghebl quick. guys, look, i mean be, this is a clean slate.cle it was completely -- the muralh has been white washed over, overnight.
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no one seems to really know. kno we checked in with and ben's b chili bowl. mary davis is here. you grew up in this shaw neighborhood. ups is a iconic mural went up in 20. what did you say to me as you y were passing bouy. sassing >> i was like my gosh washedh to the wall? where is the mural? new mural for new year? gosh that's quite? got' interesting. >> reporter: they put out a orte list of t hepy eopuple that thel like the public to weigh in,c t you know, with voting anding they're going to narrow it doito town six people. of course, up here towwne s had former president presidentpr barack obama, donnyes simpson,sm the godfather of go-go chucko ck brown and then bill cosby andbyd so they actually have those thse folks on the list still thatt st you can weigh in on butu they've also added to thecan at list. i want to name some denzel washington dorothy hite benthy e ali which is interesting angela davis anthony bourdain.on a list that goes on and on. on what do you think? who should d we pt
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>> probably dorothy hite isbly d very well known and orquite anqa icon as well. >> reporter: yeah.eporter: yea >> and of course i'd like too see barack obama up there on the wall. wall just to name a few. f donny simpson of course.ou >> reporter: i know. kno >> that's gone. i was like oh, my gosh.m >> reporter: he's a legend. >> exactly. >> reporter: log onto ben's b's chili and put yournd py vote in. te in. thank you very much mary davis. have a lovely day. day yeah, guys, i mean, it'sn,'s completely -- they're going toi start fresh at this time looksht like. they're going tooo nksarrow thaa list down to six people. pe you can even write in your ownru nominee as well and that's ben's chili back to you in the th. >> it would be interesting to talk with the ali family toth see why they decided to do i tt. >> and on a personal note, n they can change the wall butwalb if they take the picture ofice f tony and i down from insideinsie the restaurant --stau >> there will be a riot. >> heads will roll.ll. [laughter] .> all right okay, got a treat for you.
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90's dance queen sisi peniston p cece penistonis here live in th. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> cece peniston, yeah, listenoy to that. that was my jam.that was mja she took the world by storm in the 90's with her hit finally.f. it became one of the biggest,he i mea
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records in history sellingan over 3 million copies million cs worldwide. of course she's also the voicehe behind we got a love thing. thi i cannot sing sorry cece to do d that to your song and insideinse that i cried. i now she's bringing that epic epc talent right here to the d.c. d. region performing on sunday alongside art sheeran. shee first she joins us live in the loft. welcome. >> thank you. >> we have been teasing you all weekend.l wee. everybody was like when is she coming. she's finally here. here >> thank you. tnk >> let's start with finally.fin i read 25 years, it doesn'tdoe feel like that long.lon. >> girl i feel like time hasme passed by so fast.y i look up and i felt like thatet little kid that was wearingeari those red sally glasses. g i was 21 and 25 years later soa i'm thankful to do what i lovei to do still. >> and still the, overtime it, t comes on you still got to get gt
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when you recorded it did youd id know this was going to have up longevity. >> i had no idea. it wa>>s a poem that turned int this song. and the first year i was likea i don't rwant to spend anything. everybody was laughing i think you're good now. theve been travelingwas world now so it was definitelyws an exciting thing but i had nono idea. >> but that's not the only ol song. i mentioned some of the othersh you had.had. you really had -- you came outa the box and just exploded.exp you were everywhere, did a lotdl of different things and thenre we didntn't thear from you forr awhile. >> you know what, i haven't kno reallywhat, i stopped.pped. >> yeah. >> with the change of like inikn between social media andn sociad everything, i didn't haveidn't a anything really commerciallycom on the radio at that time butt e i was still just traveling allag over the world.orld. >> working all over. workingll . >> yeah, doing what i love to wo do and i'm still doing it. i. most recent they know i did i d was in south africa. a great crowd.t crowd. 4,000 people in the it was great.op so, i value lot of showsshws coming up.coming u if you guys check out my web si
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can see the shows i'm going'm gn have coming near you so real soa >> speaking of shows you'reing s near our area you to perform ano what i love about this is i you're doing something a little different that your fans may not expect d oriff thos of you who know from thenow froe finally days. tell us what you're wha >> actually you know were, i'mti sitting in with art and he has -- he's jazz and if and if a people heard probably finally f they may say oh that's whatat't she does right and what theythey don't realize is i had inside id i cried, i had keep on walkingwl on the same album so for meor me i'm like i'm going to give yougo the things that you love toove o hear but i'm going give you a ga little something that youle don't expect because i'm just su the type of pestrson that iperha don't like to stay in the box. b >> i love that. >> thank you. lov >> i know from your early thanky beginnings that was the thing.h. you liked all music genres andn this is the early days wereys we more pop and dance music but you really -- you've gotve ot range. >> thank you so much. much. and i still love to do it. . i'm the person like still inike the car and i'm driving anddrind i'm like i wonder if they canf n hear me singing in the car and they're like, yeah, yeah, weyeaw can hear you
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i ha too, so to let everybody know. k i'll be at blue asia kitchenkith tomorrow. tomorrow. i have some more tv to do anddo i'll be kind of like minglingmin around d.c. and baltimore area.m here. >> we are excited to have youd o here on the show and excited.. folks if you want to see hert tr get out to the bethesda blueseth jazze and supper club where w she'll be performing on sundaysy january 29th but in the te meantime she mentioned she hasha other events around the go to hera web site cece you're even more love in love person. >> thank you. >> if you would indulge n >> yes. >> i have to dodu it because we have been hyping finally forn so long. can we do a little finally.f >> where are the backupkup dancers. >> and our apologies if thispols is like the most tr
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>> you've heard we're>> you've legendary.hear >> our karaoke is that tat legendary. >> don't be afraid. aaid. >> hey as long as i got -- igot- have a little backup --bac >> all right, maestro okay. ok and hit it.. >> okay, ready. >> ♪♪ >> z-this is where we turn ourt backs to the >> all right. the back with with you. >> ♪♪ >> okay. >> we already --lread- >> ♪♪ly. >> here we go.o. >> okay, ready, go, here we go. >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> one more minute. [laughter] >> you know what, though, we, th should not have murdered yourery hit because you are amazing.amz. i'm telling you this woman's om voice is amazing and we'rezing d having a great time but thank you for indulging us. s. >> i've had to sing it my way for 25 years. ye >> we have a little bit of littf time. can you give us a little something a capella.apa. kill the music.muic okay, here we go.. >> ♪♪ >> keep on walking i wait aon w minute talking to you any more. >> you can just go.o >> keep on walking, keep onp on walking a. you canwa just keep on walking l ain't talking to you anymore.n >> you can just.>> yan j
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[applause] >> cece peniston everybody . >> [laughter] >> oh, my gosh, thank you soy so much. >> but you won't forget user. >> definitely not. >> everyone is like finallily. >> finally, make it.>> finally, >> thanks you >> you look amazing. >> thank you.
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z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy
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>> ♪♪ >> 10:38 is the time.the ti today we're taking the gossipigo out west adding a littlee hollywood to our thursday withyh our good friend, r, to the o, o to the s-s ross are you there? good there morning to you. we got somein g audio problemsrs ross. ross. >> [inaudible] >> oh, no. here you you go. >> hello. >> there you go. you're>> back. >>.hello. >> hello. >> ross, real quick, 'cause i 'i know you have this awful delayfd so i'm going to throw twoo names at you and i'm just i' going to say go. charlie sheen and thend t flip-flop. >> okay, ready, i'll take charlie sheen first.een did you ever wish that you could take back something mean that you said to someone? ieo
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but charlie sheen has in the int past. he admitted he was "stupidly"t mean to ashton kutcher 'causecae remember ashton kutcher tookhero over for him on two and a half men and charlie said thatd tha smack about it.out he said he ran into ashton andh tried to make it right with a handshake but that it was award.d. yeah, it was awkward.kward that's called a.m. consequence for your actions, charlieha sheen. okay, your next story t i love that show flip or flop on hgtv. i watch it i feel like i know them.the i'm invested.nv tariq and christina el m usa a they're separated going toratedo divorce but they're stillre sti doing the show together. but it seems like theireir relationship is the thinge t needs renovating.noating. according to us weekly theyly th barely speak while shootingsho and apparently tariq bags about the women he's datinge woe younger women andn christinahra thinks he's a
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maybe you shouldn't work with w your ex, just an idea. ia. >> how do you still do theo youe show. >> here's another idea.her idea. i'll still be watching everyevry episode. [laughter] >> on hollywood today live lve today we have chef curtis stone that hot chef curtis whoi is kicking a classic australian dish for us 'cause 'e it's australia day, did youy, know that? also one of thee ofe stars of sleepy hollow lindai greenwood will be here and i'mn' going live on hollywoodon hoywod boulevard. estions i'veonsi've asked answers.asked anrs it's ask ross. we are every day 1 o'clock o'clk right here on fox5 and look, i'm casual today. od >> i know. i k >> i wondered what you were re wearing. >> looking good. good. >> i got this for $10 on o clearance. [laughter] [laughter] >> true story.e st >> you wear it well.wel. >> right now want me to showshow the whole outfit.utf >> come on. >> like a little -->> c l
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denim kick, look.l >> look at your personality. you go ahead, put it behind your yo head. we know you can. >> girl, girl, calm down: do tune in 1:00 p.m. on fox5 for that. >> all right. >> we better get out of this geo right now. >> i know, right.>> i >> the from all the way out west r to the o to the s-s. s >> i'm going to walk overve here. chilling over here.chil his opportunity to make uslirtuk laugh.e good to see you buusd.u b >> good morning.>> >> you've been with us before. s >> i have. that's a tough act to follow fo by t wayay. >> well, but you could do it it though. the last time you were hereyou r you had not -- the next flickse special had not yet run.not yet. >> no. >> i think it just came out. >> it was just coming out.ut. >> yeah, like a week. wek. >> but the response was great.a. >> it was. to do atherdo another one. >> yes, th ois tour neright noww i'm kind of working on the newew hour that i'm going tog hopefully do this summer. beginning of the summer. >> do you tape anything whentany you do the shows
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do them at the improv, back atba the improv do you tape any ofpef those shows.thos >> i don't. i don't tape them d because theu i'll have to watch myself. m >> that was my text questiontexu then, do you watch yourly.ou >> no, 'cause i have to rely on delusional confidence and to keep that you canon't watch poor angels of yourself tryingfg to make people laugh.opl doesn't work. it will work. >> it will always work.ork. >> look at that sweater i'm wearing, look at that outfit. o. >> it's a whole new line ofne o material there. >> the body of jomahn wall.l. >> do you watch some of the. t. >> when we were canceled i watched.d. that's depressing. >> the mistake would have beenwu to watch before the
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cancellation.cancellation. >> picture me alone going igoigi remember the days.days. the life ones i never. n what it was too much fun. w it was too much of a good t we hadoo m a live bar -- we hada bar that was live. >> it had real drinks. dr >> real drinks, you werel drinks drinking., drinki live, what you see is what you get, if i swear it cost ct $7 million. they put me on$7 air any way.r y it made no sense and it worked o somehow and everybody loved it and we would throw parties there desk. you would see the cast of bigof bang theory kind of taking ting free drinks which is like youisu don't need it, we need it. you have all the money but itutt was so much fun that i knew weke were doomed but.were doo >> genius to have the show with a bar. wi you get extra points for that.t. >> that's the bar and the show became amea real bar once we wrapped. w it was liker oh my god. gd. >> a new definition of ---- >> smoked a cigar like you a dean mar
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i feltan like i earned i ened everything. i needed a hollywood star atlyw that incident you're back nowen doing the standup now.yoe an are you doing any other tv t work now? anything in the works. n> right now i'm working o actually -- it's pilot season. e this is something that actors at have to do in february andbruara march, basically you go outasicy and you read f yor other showsos and hope to work and if you y don't, uh-oh, but that'stht's happening right now.nw. so, i have to do that but i'mutm actually working on my own own show that i've been creatinge with the guy that createdcrted undateable bill lawrence who bir dated scrubs and spin city.n ci. we're working on a conceptconcet that i wrote and i'm writingi with him that hopefully wey e sell. we're very excited about it abot and if that goes it will be more etchy edgier and cable,indb more darker and me being insane. inne. >> oh, fantastic.ntaic. >> otherwise maybe i'll be onbe something else. else i won't wear this outfit.u i don't know why i wore this w which is every time i come toomo d.c. people are jogging.ogg i see a lot of people jog. i don't know what that is
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espionage going on.pionage go i don't reallyin know. i always think some spy stuff is going on.o >> i would like to continue tono talk to you though because youcu got the big show, you're back at the improv.he improv >> i love it here. love it her it's one of my favorite clubs. a lot of comedians' favoriteedi' clubs in the fav country d.c.u improv is always fun.ov i the guy opening for me jasonjasn collins he's a headliner asdlins well. i like to keep the shows greatow all the way through.hrou. sometimes you have a in this one yous yo don't.d >> do you dive in any political stuff just being in waington.n. >> here's what i don' i'll do thee' s jogging and thee espionage jokes maybe a bourn au identity reference at somerence point. what i'm trying to say is is i don't read and i think i'mnk getting that -- to point in. pon i read news headlines on my news app. ap and i read that and i go are go you kidding me and then ien i value million opinions abouton u nothing. that's basically's i >> then u
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real quick before we wrapr things up because you'reu're working on the new shows weow wishou yhe best of luck weluck hope you come back to see us. when you're doing a show andw you're doing something like l undateable if you don't do itdot live is my point and you'red you used to being on the stage and getting the laughs and and everything else, you are with w app bunch of friends, if you don't get the laughs is iths isi harder to go through.go through. >> it's better becauseer comedians we're all friendse als and i want them to bomb 'cause c it's more'se fun. it's funny when like -- whene -n something bombs and it's at'a live show you can do it again.g. when it is a live show on youn bomb on you can see the sweatcas and the panicwe in your friend'r phanes it's national n television and millions ofon a people are and watching it'shins the most rewarding period.per the problem is ii've done it more than they've done it. it. >> for you it's pay back. bak. >> for me it's like finallyfinay you feel the burn inside youre o soul the way i do and thosend te sweating insides. >> good stuff. stuf. brent morin
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the improv.improv. good luck with the pilots let lt us know what wh >> yes, i need something.met >> 10:47 is the time.t buckle up we're going back tok t the auto show. did someone say say driverless cars? 'cause caitlin is back in a moment.
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>> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ ride, seal, ride ♪♪e ♪♪ >> why don't we do that for karaoke. all week long our friend f caitlin roth has been filling fn in on traffic while erin enjoys a little r and r.d r. what better way to mark herark e week on traffic coming to an end with a little highway one. . >> caitlin is getting a sneakg k peek for us sitting in theitt happen of luxury. here's what we want you to do td kaitlyn we want to see howsee hw well you know us so as soon as s you get out s of that sweet tha ride, we and want you to
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a car for each one of us and s we want to see what you comeou up with, okay? oka? >> okay, done.y, now, listen, i'm already i'm alr claiming this one that i'm in,i, guys. this is the bmw i8 hybrid. let's take a look at thisk at ts beauty, right? this is veryery me. i know i'm moonlighting as aig a traffic report reporter but this 2017 hybrid which is the first the bmw i8. convenient for a woman.nt for aw you go through these wing the doors as i'm going to get out here and you just look pretty awesome on the road, right? igt now, this one, this i8 i combination of electric and gas is only going to set me back 140 now. obviously on my fox5 salary itli won't be a problem. we'll start out here with this bmw. this is the i3 completely anletn electric vehicle.electricle this one we have to give tohaveo tucktory. i know he's not there with youeu but he drives an electric not ar bmw electric car but i b think if anyone had to have to v the fully electric luxury luxury vehicle this would be for him,
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right. ri >> okay. >> save the environment. sav >> tucker barnes.>> tuc >> let's go over this way aovers little bit. we have not just bmw luxury hybrids and luxury vehicless but also porsches.posches. this one here i think i'mis o going to give to holly. hol okay, holly. holly. >> yes. >> very nice. >> this is not 2017 porsche p cayenne suv. a plug in here but now io know when you go to whole wol foods or you're driving around n and even at the fox5 parkingarkg lot we have plug ins. ins. they're becoming so the normthe now so you can plug in.a you can get little hayden in lit the back here and look howow perfect this is perforatedperord seats for not just heatedh seating but air conditioned seating. seating. >> caitlin i officially love you. you've nailed it. >> good. i'm so glad. all right, now i have to get toet steve's car down here because bs steve, you know, he's a flashy guy already popular with thear h ladies he doesn't need anyn't nn help but how can we not resist t this car for steve. for sve. >> whoa. >> i won't say no to that.
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this, the 718 porsche.ors don't worry this is only goingr to set you back a mere 79,000.0. >> not spending as much as idins am on the on thei8. weekend car.week >> i know. the cayman. caym just a weekend car. let's keep going over here. hre wisdom, you got a ton of kids, s you need an suv, too . >> [laughter]ly. >> a ton of kids.f kids >> oh, he needs a convertible.v. okay, all right. r >> wait a minute. >> a convertible.onvertib >> he needs a range rover ran because of all those kids. >> a convertible suv. suv >> he needs to let the topto down in the summer, too. t what do you think. >> caitlin wait a minute. mi >> hater aid getting out.ater ag >> i only see four seats. sat i got five people in my family. mily. >> maureen can have that one. c. >> no, maureen is going haveng e to have this one. >> no, no, pick out something just for me.r me >> maureen we'll give you theou range rover. >> this is amazing thougrah.h this is
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black and red interior.inrior >> it's a convertible range rover. >> only 41,000. 41 >> how much. >> starting at 41,000. 41,000. >> wow. >> we need a car for wisdom wi but we got to get a big car. r. >> got to get a big carbig car because i'm a big man with awit big family.g fa >> it's not a family car. >> here's a range rover sport. p >> there you go. >> lots of room, right.m, rig >> that will work.t will. >> okay, here we go.y, here weo. >> all right, let me see. all rt >> now i'm talking a, bout --bo- okay, wait.okay i don't even know, maybe thatno, is onl y a four seater. [laughter] >> are there seats in the are t >> wisdom i don't know if w there'sisdo anything here for y. >> wowly. >> we have 30 seconds. sec >> it's a lincoln navigator. at >> oh, there you go.>> >> no, no, no wait, this ist, ts great. this is a lincoln navigator. nav look how the doors come out. ou >> that's what i'm talkinghat'sl about. that's all me. me. >> one,
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five, six, seven. >> i'm with that caitlin.aitlin. >> room for your familiar tofami grow. >> they're not getting in.tingi. >> they literally -- wisdom- wi they letter rally have step ladders to get in there. get in. >> i like that caitlin.e that c you do well. >> how much is it. [laughter][laughter] >> oh, , go how much is thish ii lincoln navigator guys? let's e get in here and see. it's a conceptge vehicle. veicl. >> what does that been. wha >> that means it's not outhat yet. >> that means if enough peopleup like it they might build it. mig >> thank you, stevely. stevely. >> oh, all right.ig. so, wisdom, you're becoming be more challenging.halging. concept vehicle. but if you buy enough of themug and you show enough interestugh you can get one, too. too >> there you go. caitlin awesome job. >> if you don't come down for on yourself the auto show startsw s tomorrow goes through goes throh february 5th okay.bruary 5 okay. >> awesome job caitlin.caiin. >> awesome job caitlin. [laughter] >> found something for
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everybody. everyb >> i wouldn't turn down any wou frankly thank you caitlin ina don't forget to dress up dress tomorrow. we're having a wedding. e >> that's right in the loft. >> live in the loft. >> bye-bye. >> ♪♪
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. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> hello. we don't judge. >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ applause ] >> wendy: thank you everybody for watching my show.


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