tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX January 26, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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>> ♪♪ >> not official until the tie comes off. >> thank you. >> there we go. >> relax. >> let's do it. >> you ready. >> i'm ready.icial >> starting to get into the a i 'ml rittleea dyb.itg .to g [laughter][l >> all right. r let's get to it a key campaign promise tonight n we may know how presidentw presn trump plans to make mexico payy for his port wall. p one of his proposals a.m. a.m. 20 percent tax on mexicanexi imports. ports. >> the hour of justice for theee american worker has arrived.ive. border security is a serious, serious national issue and problem. a lack of security possess a substantial threat to theat to e sovereignty and safety of the t united states of america and d its citizens.tizs. >> all right everybody.r i know weyb got a lot of calls,a a lot of tweets.a keep those coming right now. >> what can you do?o? >> is let's talk about thattalk for a he could is.fohe there's a big concern on line. lindsey graham sent out a a tweet. his words i believe tequila corona a
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that would be affected.f a lot of concern the he 20 percent would be passed on on to consume ertz as opposed to to mexico bearing the cost.os >> other interesting thing to to hear sean spicer saying this ts 20 percent thing wasn't set inst stone it is right now one ofne f many proposals that could belde coming up. coming u so, we will see. se >> we're going to talk about to that and much month areuch monte tonight. you see the run down on then t side of your screen muchf yocreu that's what we're talkingch about tonight at 6:30.6:0 tweet us what's on your mindourd and it will pop up on myon my phone. use the #five at 6:30.: >> this morning mexicanmex president canceled a trip toptop meet president trump in trump in washington over the rising risi tensions about the border wall l and president trump'st trp's insistence that mexico willc pay for it.y for it this morning mr. trump responded. re >> the president of mexico andad myself have agreed to cancelcanl our planned meeting scheduledngd for next week. wee. unless mexico is going to to treat the united states fairly, with respect, such a meeting would be fruitless andbr
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route. ly. >> the president maintaineddenti his country will not pay forp that wall. that wall. he has not responded to thed toe news that the u.s. could poseule app 20 percent tax on mexican increase.. >> how are you tonight inight i great to be here. >> let's first of all hear from thest o president from o yesterday or should we move on here? let's move on. n. >> the secretary of homelandar security workingho with myself and my staff will beginb immediate construction ofa border wall. [applause] so badly needed.e >> i don't think anybodyon didn't see that one coming.'ton are you surprised that che madee that proclamation so early onlo in the administration.inis >> no, i mean, the t administration wanted to spend d the first week coming out
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a bang and one of the thingsne o they were going to do was really uphold a lot ofa lot campaign promises that theyses had made and building the wall l was one of the main ones. that's one of the longest ones n he's had since he launchedan this campaign. now we go into the nitty-gritty of how we get it gi done and what we're seeping isre the administration runing intoi runningproblems.rob everybody was talking about ab how much it would cost and for americans to purchase certaintop things what it would mean forur mexico. mexico. then was that walked back a t little bit and said thehase t ae one of the e i thinkof twe'lhel o ptsee a lf potential options comesoptio cos through. ultimately there seems thatms tt there's going to be a walla wl built at least $8 billion or $8o more and so congress and thed te administration will have to find a way torati onpay for it. >> hadas this relationshipla between the president ofthe prif mexico and donald trump has certainly -- the tensions have e gone up especially in these last few days.ay. what does this mean for our ur bilateral relationship moving
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forward. rwar >> it's very tense and it'sery important mexico is a reallyre and important trading partnerr for the united states and is ata really important partner in ar n lot of other issues and thed t economies of the united states and mexico are very much the intertwined and also you havealu to keep in mind that that the -- it is in the american interests to keep the mexicanp n economy also healthy because they're so that intertwinednte and because they are ourcaus border. if their economy goes downoeswn what does that mean for ours th security on our border aser as well. enrique pena nieto by canceling this meeting heg he thinks that's a way of showcasing his strength. >> hadas gold we appreciatepprei you from joining us tonight. to. >> thank you. >> see you soon. >> the president was insident wn philadelphia earlier today for r a gop retre he met with fellow republicanse to strategize on how that toizeh repeal and find replacementeplae for the affordable care affectar the president says he is doing democrats a favor by repealing obamacare. obam >> we're taking them out of a oa big jam.m.
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we're putting ourselves atlves t risk to a certain extent ext because we're taking it off their platter. but i think congressirmen, i plt think we have no choice.cho i think we have no choice.o we have to get it going.g i'm serious.erious. if we waited two years it's's going explode like you'velo never seen an explosion. explos. nobody is going to be able toe o afford it. it's a disasterly.isate >> philadelphia also saw multiple protests and people trying to get around the city.c. chris o'donnell from ourom our sister station in philadelphiai joins us near the lowes hotel.h. i said chris o'connell.c >> reporter: you got itt guys. president trump's first tripfirr outside of washington, d.c.on, . he certainly captured thet attention of his criticscrtics although the president wasresids only on the ground here inthe gd philadelphia for a couple hours, it touched off a day a long series of some massivema protests in the city. demonstrating pretty muchtrat against every issue you can can think of and just about anutan hour ago a group
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hundred demonstrators left the h rittenhouse square area. area. that's a premiere square inuare center cit they started marching at theat height of rush hour butrush hout thousands have been here all har day and from what we and understand, these protestsr will continue through thee night as president trump herehee addressing this group of congressional lawmakers, also as the prime minister of greatof gt britain here. so, a lot of people here, ae lot of people that these demonstrators voices wanted toto be heard and we also aso understand tonight as those tose congressional leaders leavee tonight from the train station, there's anotherher planned protest at 30th streetet station as the congressionalngrl leaders make their way back tobk be washington, d.c.ashingto d.c. so, these protests now haveests been going on for 24 hours straight, clogging citylogging y streets and most of us who ho have nothing to do with thewithe protests or politics just haveue to deal with the fallout oftof all this traffic, thethe congestion and presidentialr motorcades.s i'm sureow
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that washington, d.c. you guysto are very used to but here in,nhn philadelphia it's just in a n log jam of protests ands nd motorcades throughout thees thre city. >> oh, yeah, we are certainly wa used to seeing allin of those t sorts of protests and logandlog jams. i'm just curious do you know was there any response fromf any of the gop lawmakers who goe were up there today that they acknowledge any of the protests. >> reporter: not a single sigle word from inside the lowesoes hotel are congressionalgrsional leaders are hold up.are none of them made their wayheiry out. in else the of -- they mightheyt have made comments off cameraam or something like that but know official word to any of these protesters out here and ha it doesn't matter to them.thm. they're still making theirh voices heard. vo o'connell'onnell thanks so much for join and usoi from philadelphia.hladel we appreciate the updatesly. t >> another major order ofor ordr business for president trump, filling that supreme court vacant see. he nnounced have iial twitteral twr he'll reveal his pick next nex thursday its always a dramaticdr reveal reports the president has narrowed down anaa
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judge william prior of alabama, judge kneel gore sick of colorado and judge thomasth hard man of the supreme court seat haslv been vacant since the death ofhf justice antonin scalia lastia ls february. >> columnist is here to tellst i us a little more about this. th what do we know about these t three >> well, naturally enoughen they're all conservative.e they have someall slightly different priorities.riories. it's mr. prior who is most noted in judicial circles for political of the roe v. wade decision that legalizedat lalizd abortion. the other two gentlemen known to some extent for the gun righomte s issue and basicay being very skeptical of gun g control legislation.ati. so, that's among the things. >> you're seeing judge hard seeg man on the screen righte now. there is judge prior at thisrior point as we move forward.orard. i hear a lot about when youut wn look at the three t-, i don't-,t want to say candidates butid when youat lookat
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judges that president trump isps looking at i hear hard manrd m would be regarded as more thee e most moderate of the three.e th >> yes, that's right. yes he's identified with ath more libertarian strand of conservative jurisprudence, inpr other words he tends to putrds morehe emphasis upon the idea of the government not interfering g with people's individuale's indd rights. i don't know whetherua the other ot two judges believe similarly bel but they're not as known fornowr making that kind of argument.g >> nile, certainly democratsertd are a little sore withttle s president obama's nominationoba' to fill that vacancy just sorttt of sat there, there were no confirmation hearings they did h not move forward.move forwa how likely are we to see themeet sort of retaliate by not nt letting this process movess ve forward or can they even don do that. >> el were, they can certainly make an effort to dothey so, shn and you're quite right the mertr rick garland failure tom tom confirm did rankle democrats a a lot. they can try to stop this but the diffi
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senate majority leader mitchleah mcconnell could move to theo the so-called nuclear option.ptin. basically a simple majoritymple which would then m remove fromem democrats that power to to restrict or restrain.r >> nile standish before we get t you go, you have a new title tit over at the hill. h we want to share it with you. iy >> i'm now the white houseo columnist for the hill which fot i'm glad to hedo and i also nott jim only one of us has a tiea ie on to match shawn's dress. dres. >> she made me take it off. o. >> he's supposed to take his is tie off for the show.r thsh >> i'm going casual.casu i must go that way.way >> you can take your tie off too, nile. >> okay. >> thankou.u. >> thanks. >> all right. good day to goto outside and take your tie offief because it was warmer. warmer. a little windy out there, right, sue pal cal.right, sal >> yeah, or use your tie toto tie the wind advisory is set to be a lot to allowed to expire atwet 7 o'clock. of 29 infing a gust
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and quantico 28 annapolis.napis. that's real noticeable andnd unfortunately the breezey the be really isn't going to be disaearingng. we'll expect tock have windst ta gusting between 20 and maybe m 25 or 30 overnight and duringd the day tomorrow gusts ofrogust about 25 miles an hour. an ho definitely it's having anel effect on temperatures.n temp we started out around the noon n hour 61. we're down into the 40's now0 and the we're definitely going to seal the chill staying withch us.ilwith so, sunshine tomorrow but b we're only going to be in theint 40's and with that many breezety it might bfeel a little bita lt cooler than that.cooler than tht that's a look at your fr.idayfr forecast and bundle up if you're heading out tonight.ight shawn, jim, back to you.ack to y >> thank you very much, sue.y mu all right, guys, we wantwant to hear from you.ear we want you to tweet useetu anything that's on your mindnd political, jim's lack of a tie whatever you want to talk you na about tonight.n use that #five at 6:30.6:. >> back after this. this. >> ♪♪
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lot of coverage worldwide.wor some of the people attendingopln the march for life rally thislyi friday in the district arethe di concerned the media will wl ignore them. even the president weighed inwei on this one. one. >> on friday, a lot of people lp are going to be showing up toppp washington, right, mike? ai lot of people.lot of peo you know, the press never gives them the credit that that they deserve. 300, 400, 500, 600,000 people.0,000 you won't even read about it. i. when other people show up, youo read big time about it. right? so it's not fair butr bt nothing fair about the media. md >> ly well, mr. president we we talked about it this week. tom fitzgerald talks about the h push to get attention on thisnto cause a lot of people holdt of d near and dear to their heart.ei >> reporter: you know thatter: t podium is getting a workout onon this show tonight jim and jm and shawn. >> yeah, it is. >> reporter: the bottom lineom i is this.this. for years pro life movementso have been c
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amount of news coverage out ofef the media because of what they say is a bias against them in te the major news organization. ora leading up to tomtiorrow, thist new group called the coalitionon for fair coverage of lifeli issues announcing this new hashtag campaign.mpaign. they're calling it cover theve pennsylvania. ete idea is to get the media to come out for t the march forf life which will be held hereere on the mall tomorrow and coverdc it in their words "covering it fairly." fairly." now, some pro life groups weoupe talked to today will tell you,, though, that they are actually l looking forward to tomorrow tomr and they think they arethey thie actually going to get more coverage of their activitieser tomorrow because of all that bec will coverage that that wentt on last saturday for theor women's march. why is that? well, we talked to marilyn quigley.u
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anthony list of pro lifee groups. she says from her viewpoint viet all president trump has gottene with these executive ordersecute with these moves he's made inadn support of pro life movementsov she is expecting they areng thee going to get more coverageov this year than in recent years but she will also tell you it y has been a struggle up until now. >> the women's march washe womem coming for multiple issues. f this is a singleor issue m marca that has happened for 43r years. years. people that are very dedicateded and we do pull hundreds ofhundrf thousands of people every yearrr no mattert he weather. we >> reporter: every year doter: y you get big eacoverage.cove >> every year -- no, there'so, r not coverage every year. ye we have this joke in the proin o life movement that we are ninjas because we can sneak c into the city and out withoutwit ever noticing -- attractingat the attention from the media. >> reporter: new term for it tonight, pro l
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we should tell if you wed tell u reached out to the national organization of women and planned parenthood for a comment.. we were not able to coordinateor for an interview tonight.tot. this rally will start at noont right here on the nationale naol mall and the march itself will l begin at 1:00 p.m., shawn andwnd jim. >> i certainly understand c their concerns but i knowerta ww here at fox5 have covered thisrt rally every year that i can c so, maybe it's, i don't know,t o the national, the the international coverage is whatia they're hoping for.they're ping. >> yeah, yeah. >> all right. thanks -- go ad had.thanks -- >> reporter: that footage footae you just saw was from one ofom the rallies i've covered. cover. all that of footage was froms f one of my old stories. tories. so, you know, they do have, h you know, their points of view w and we'll just have to seee whether the media turns outdia t tomorrow the way they did lastet saturday. >> we'll be there for sure.sure. thank you fitzsimmons. fitz. the field is wide opened. wp you can't run
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>> ♪♪ >> all right. now that the presidential election is over, virginia voters are keeping an eye on the is s ra >> this is really kee ra a br.lwether. we'll see how virginia factorsfa on the statewide level. fox5's ronica cleary withearyith the republican candidate for governor denver rig gelman.ver >> reporter: i'm here atgorte i red's table inat reston virginia alongside denver reg gelman. gea you're a candidate for thedidate republican candidate foric governor in the virginiaanvirgin governor's race.ce. and what we're doing today isods not necessarily talking about at your politics we're talking about your passion. so, tell me about why we've we'e got all this in front of usfrons the and how it connects tos to denver. denver. >> well, when i -- i sold ald a c
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owned a department of defenseefe contracting company.ntract my wife had been following mee around for 25 years 'cause ic was in the military, deployedply overseas, incredible mother toto my three daughters.aughter once i sold the company iny i 2012 we actually went to celebrate in scotland and itin s was there i said it's your yor turn. my turn to follow you around.oud so, she decided at that pointt she wanted to be a distiller d so wise started it from scratchh so right now what you see in front of us is strange monkeymo gin two drinks made here atdrin red's table for us.ksble for this was the first restaurantest to have us in the state of of virginia northern -- andhern - d northern virginia so we're so w very excited to be here and hern that's why we wanted to doto do this at red's table today.d >> where is the distillery ande what is it about distillingt dii the. i know you said your wife isfe s the master distiller butsti you're still a part that of process. what is it about it that makes you feel passionate nate aboutsn that work. >> creating things. >> my wife is cre an incredible co. i got stop lost in the
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she notice cook protocol. cook . she's also scottish and irish so she has an affinity for making spirits its so amazing a that the passion -- the -- passion i have is not just forur the liquor but for my wife'swies passion and what she wanted towo do because she sacrificedacrced everything for us as westerlys y going around the world and the t can and tree. amazing human being. it's a paying for the lady lady behind the spirits who is ahe heck of sapi cook.ook. you got to cook mash top makep e the liquor. her nickname is hootch mama. ma i think there's cinnamon syrup paprika and that loose ant loosn apple. ape. >> so, it's healthy because becs there's an apple in it. . >> we do think these are a health drinks. you can do this before youdo t work outhi, after yos u work out it's so good for hydrating.dra i'm so kidding. we're not allowed to make any type of health statementsea about liquor. we're joking right there will.ig >> let's give it a
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>> cheers ronica.ron >> cheers.i thank you. we're sending it back to you. >> thankg it back you guys.guys looks like they had a littlelite fun. >> we know who will cater thel e election night party.arty. >> just a few people know whatow it's like to seat president at t work.rk >> our next guest certainlyext does. five at 6:30 isguest coming rii back right after this. >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> we're back at five at 6:30. our next guest has workedworked under seven presidents.prests. >> he worked as chandelierhandir polisher. polisher just to put this in perspective you worked underer presidents from richard nixonc to right before the obama >> that'ss right, george w. finished. >> explain your job was ands and chandelier polisher window wino washer. tell us a little bit about bit about that. >> yes. cleaning windows.ows. i worked so fast
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the contractor and it wasn't enough windows to keep mekeep me busy. busy. >> okay. >> and i didn't want to get inwe any trouble so i went tin up and talked to the head usher and i i told him that i needed aeededa little more work to do becausebe it wasn't enough work to keep kp me busy washing windows anddowsd didn't want to get any trouble b and he kind of looked up at meae and said i don't know about this guy.. [laughter] [laughter] >> so, he asked me, he saidsai steve, what you got in mind to o do? i said well i see a lotee o of dirty chandeliers and a lotnt of dirty light. lightglobes.go he said i'll give you a shot sot at it and these are very expensive chandeliers.han he said if you break any ofeak f them he said you're gone. gon >> you didn't break any.idn't b. >> not a one.>> not a o. not a one.o >> when you go and you think back at all the different diffet administrations you had been through, did you have a lot ofu d
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esid families.ents >> yes, i did.di as a matter of fact i had a ar lot of contact with the presidents and theirof f offa c. but more so with the presidents.presidts. where i started work at myt m first spot in the morning i would work at 6 o'clocko'clock opening the doors and theoors ae washing the windows and d everything. well, most of the presidentsesi was early risers. like president carter fora instance, he was 6 o'clock o'clk man. >> the farmer in him.him. >> right on time and he always had his bible with him going into the oval office and i would be washing the doors andos i would see him coming i wouldiu open the door and say good say d morning, mr. president.presiden and he would say good morning.on but at that time he didn'tt timh know my name . >> [laughter]] >> but later i got a brassass bell buckle and i kept it it shining all the time.the tie. >> hold on. before we go any more i want wnt to let people know where canherc they find your book real quickqk on line.
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>> yes, maim., >> white house chandeliers,and stuart calvin stevens.stens. get the book.ok. someone out there turn night ana movie. that's what he's hoping for. fo thanks for join and us tonight at 6:30. >> we'll see you tonight at 10:00 and 11:00. ♪♪ new year, time to get rid of stuff. simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: shia labeouf is six days into his four-year journey protesting trump and he's already been arrested. >> he will not divide us. >> he allegedly assaulted a guy. there were only two people when shia returned. one guy was so excited he goes, no way, i'm seeing a ghost! >> free shia! >> trump tower, some of the residents are having some issues. one of the big things is obviously the security. and it's adding another 30 to 45 minutes to get your chinese food or your anything that you want. >> it's so true, you order food in new york all the time. some people seven nights a week. >> what if you buy weed, how do you get it up to your apartment now? >> oh, yeah, your weed guy's screwed! >> the weeknd and selena have tken a big step in the relationship.
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