tv Good Day DC FOX February 2, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, a pre speech rally takes a violent turn. boo!o! >> why a police called out aftet protesters in california set fires and destroyed the target, a foreign writeeigni rider set to give a speech onhn berkeley's campus. campu now the president has message me for the here at home police releasinin new pictures of a kidnappingidpg suspect in the hopes you canin t help track him we'll have live report.. three days until super bowlb li and this morning, all eyess are on the two we'll go live to houston withh someone who knows all about thee pressure of playing in the bighb game. ♪♪
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announcement.unce. the queen has two bei beis onei the way. way. and the beehive is celebratingei on social media. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ i know you're so stunnednn when you heard it yesterday, right? moment of silence. all right.l rig >> you put your own songs onon o your mix.your mix. >> why not? >> let baby get acclimated ond the air and internally.nterlly. >> good day d.c.d.c. 9:01 on this thursday, february 2nd groundhog day.ry 2d i'm maureen umeh alongside holly morris, steve schenn 15 the t wisdom martin. >> also ahead this morningo ah breaking details from that tha hostage situation at a delawarel prison which has just come to aa end. this morning, at least one hostage is dead.ead. the other has been released. rea we'll have the very latestlat coming up. first though six more weeksw of winter.of it's official now because that'b the word from
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punxatawney phil emerged from hibernation, clawing scratching, sleeping, yawningawg not looking at the shadow orhadr himself. f. apparently the word is he sawd w his shadow. hi somehow on a cloudy snowy day.. >> yeah, right.ig >> not feeling so wintry today.. some changes are on the way for details tuck is back with a looo at the forecast and fullt l analysis of the break down of or punxatawney philea. >> yeah, right.ight exactly. minute by minute. steve, you ever beennute b ther? >> this is groundhog day bit. b >> you ask me this question q every hour. y [ laughter ] >> makes me laugh every time i e say it. 45 in washington.hingn. yes, we got clouds movings movig through the area. winds out of the west atthro eie we're not terribly cold.ol about 50 this afternoon.noon but with approaching front itro will start to feel more and more like winter later tonight and certainly for friday andnd saturday. off to the north and west i'm nw not quite sure how phil saw hiss shadow, lots and lots of cloudsc in fact it was snowing a fewew minutes before he came out offoe his cubbyhole there.. so, um, yeah i'll call a foul oo that one. one for us it's cold front com
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through, and then we're going to see the breezes pick up laterbre this afternoon.ernoon but it should be a dry afternooo for you, and that daytime highh of 50 actually, let's see, fivef plus degrees above normal not aa bad day for us look at your at y breezes out of the west here te gusting to 3 all right, guys. we'll talk weekend forecast andd the debut of the bro block nextt hour. ur. >> cool. >> isn't that fancy? >> all r>>ig >> the big news story att 9:00 breaking news coming fromfr delaware, a tragic turn to the hostage standoff at a prison. the standoff itself now over asa of this morning.rning but unfortunately with deadlyy consequences. so here's what we know. her about e's what happened thispedh morning. about 5:00 o'clock this morning, delaware state police got intooc the building where the standofff was on-going.goin they were able to rescue onereu garr, a female guard. guard they found the other guard a grd male guard uncons spiff.s spiff that guard was pronounced deadca at 5:30 this morning.orng the inmates originally took fouu people hostage yesterday two off those hess statues were releasel and then again word of those t other two hostages this morningi the one taken to the hospital
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believed to be okay.evedbe okay. the other unfortunately foundlyf deceased in the prison. 9:03 is the time right now.w developing overnightdeveng protests taking a violent turn t last night in california.a. these demonstrations all in a reaction to a scheduled guest speaking appearance at the university of california att berkeley by a prosecutors ofs o controversial writer.. my low, news he had foror breitbart news who comments havm been criticized as racist, misogynistic, anti muslim and white supremacist.mast. protesters set fires that wass t smoke balls and set offlld set fireworks during thefire demonstration. they canceled that appearance. the writer respond to do his evacuation order with facebookib video during which he slammedlam protesters later posted the t message don't give up.ive they cannot win. w they will not win.. >> the president sounded offsids about the protest tweetingetin earlier this morning, "if you y see berkeley -- uc berkeley uc k doesn't allow free speech and practices
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people with a different point of view, no federal funds". >> all right. r we want to turn now to president trump's first hundred days theat white house issuing a cryptic at warning to iran senior officiala say iran will be held to account that's a quote for his weekend month's bas will list tick lt missile test.tet the white house is looking foreo the best way to respond to thepe te.t. financial and economic measurese as well as providing support fot opponents of iran are allrell options that are being considered.consered meanwhile president trumpwhile d slamming australian prime pme minister malcolm turnbull overle refugee deal.e deal. the deal work out during thenghe obama administration wouldion wu resettle more than 1,00000 refugees detained in australia r to the u.s. phone call between the two t leaders over the weekend thougho president trump accused ofentrum turnbull of trying to quote ship the next boston bombers to the u.s. s. senior u.s. officials told the washington post mr. trump hunkrn up on mr. turnbull after 25 aft2 minutes when the pair were meanh to speak for about an hour.ou but prime minister turnbull i'ml hearing from him this morning mi
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down. it didn't end abruptly, and downplaying this feud that i think we've been hearing aboutee this morning.ning that was the latest on some ofso the early news programs but we'll see how it continuesii to play out.. >> staying with politics. with t a surprising move.e two gop senators announceded yesterday they'll vote againstst president trump president trump and secretary ofrump education y vos.s. it's possible the vice-president mike pence a staunch devosunches supporter could be the one toheo actually tilt the scale in her favor. fa melanie alnwick joining us liveg now from capitol hill with morem on the controversy.or t good morning, mel.he >> reporter: goo cdgo morning,n, guys. you know this could be a sign of more partisas nco politics to cm no big surprise, right let's pup it in perspective.tive vice-president joe biden inoe bn eight years in office never hadh to cast a deciding vote, butut vice-president dick cheney usede that privilege eight times. tim you can bet that over thebet tho weekend there will be a lot of blogging for and against ain nominees betsy devos and republicans trying to keep her in office or get her to
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democrats really sensing ang opportunity here to try too derail a trump cabinet nominee. at this point, no democrats says that they will vote for betsy by devos to become secretary of now with two republicans susan n collins of maine and lisa murkowski of alaska say theyay e can't back her either it will bl a tight vote.ote. devos a michigan billionaire and conservative activist. she's never been a teacher butrh she's work with the michigann charter school movementhool memn supporting legislation that redirected public funds ever e since the early '90's opponentsn still have many questions abouts her investments in privaten p education businesses and her experience.peri >> i have heard from thousands,s truly thousands of alaskan who'o shared their concerns aboutbout mrs. devos as secretary off education. they contacted me by phone, by y e-mail n person, and they'rere concerns center as mine do on mrs. devos' lack of experiencefe
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lack of knowledge that shet portrayed in her confirmation >> reporter: now, the fullheull senate vote on her confirmationo is scheduled for monday, and that was another tactical movelv by republicans. moving her vote up before senatn jeff sessions confirmation votee to become attorney general.ome g that is because they want w senator sessions to be able toet cast a republican vote for betsy devos. vos. last night, also, secretary of state rex tillerson, he was was confirmed and sworn in. also, two other cabinet members. representative tom price for hhs secretary and also we have steven for treasury second.yec they both advanced out of thoset finance committees.s but another rule change hereha r another tactical move byy republicans.pu they had to change the rules.. suspend the rules that usuallyty say at least one democrat has to be present for that vote.e live on capitol hill, i'm i
9:09 am >> 9:08 is the time. thank you mel.thk yo come summertime, presidentdt trump will no longer be livingig alone in the white house. first lady melania trump and first son bar ran will move toie washington, d.c. when the schooh year ends in new york.ars in the aid to the first ladyir confirmed that news yesterday. . the white house announcedunced lindsay reynolds joining the j first lady's team as her chief c oftaff.f. >> back here at home possiblesi break in a rash of overnight ovg armed robberies targetingt pharmacy stores in montgomery county. coun early this morning another cvses was hit but police got thereot t quickly enough to make an arresa thihis case. let's get to fox5's annie yu y who's been in silver spring alll morning long with the good morning, annie., annie. >> reporter: good morning,orood maureen. good morning,, ry yeah, police are definitelyitel looking into whether today's tos incident could be connected toeo the serial -- series of robberies we've had inad i montgomery they tell us there arel there similarities we're talking about the same time of day, as well as the type of establishments the suspects t or suspects have been hitting h up. this is th
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at the glenmont shopping center right off of georgia avenue.iave i want to show you video fromrom earlier this morning what itorng looked like. we had nearly a dozen officers vehicles out here responding ton the scene. e they got the 911 call aroundd 4:15 this morning, and they tell us that multiple suspectspe entered the cvs this is 24 hour cvs and a quick thinking cashier called 911. 9. by the time officers arrived, a the suspects had made it just ij down the street in a car and a police tell us that they did thd stop more than one vehicle andia they took all of them intom we don't know exactly how many.n now as far as we know, they area still being questioned atuestioa montgomery county policemery cyo headquarters at this hour. hou they tell us that the 911 caller did report that one of the t suspects did have a gun but thet good news is, no one wasas injured, again, police looking o into whether today's attemptedpd robbery could be linked to thost string of robberies inries i montgomery county.y they were cvs, rite aid storesto over the last week or so.o. the sergeant on scene did tell
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robberies recently that theyhatt have been on extra super tight patrol annal area which is howiw or why they were able to respono so quickly and apprehend those suspects. so the public informationorti officer we know is on the wayhey here. he so hopefully wheat get some morm information but he was thinkingk maybe around noontime they woulo have an update fours. frs that's the very latest here atet this hour from silver annie yu fox5 local news. new >> annie, thank you meanwhile kidnapping suspect still on the loose in d.c. now this morning police aree are releasing new pictures in theret hopes you can help find we'll have a live report.eep that's coming up next.ex later should cheerleaders earner more money for what they do the during football games? at leasa one thinks so. actually is suing the nfl just as it gets ready of course forfs the super bowl.
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♪♪ >> 9:14 is the time right now. and new this morninghe, ne tw vo released in the hopes the publii can help crack a kidnappingpping mystery that began in georgetown one week ago. >> it shows the susgopect and cr involved in the kidnapping.ppin. our bob barnard life nearea georgetown campus with that newe video. what's the story here, bob? >> reporter: well, guys, we'vesw just confirmed from another georgetown university student that the victim in this case iss a georgetown university studentt the kidnapping last thursday afternoon was right along thishi .lock. this is the 3400 bloc
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street.reet two blocks up is the mainai entrance to georgetown university. you talked about theu ta surveillance video released byy d.c. police. very clear evidence of thehe suspect, the suspect's vehicle.. the two things police are looking for. but i got to tell you this is aa bizarre case because, first ofs all, the kidnapping along the t street here was last thursdayhua afternoon around 3:20 right neaa the georgetown university campuu around the corner from holymol trinity catholic school, and the suspect is clearly scene, he'ses described as white man in hisis 30s or 40s wearing a black suit. the kidnapping victim is a student who looks equally in terms of size and statue to thee suspect.sut. the kidnapping suspect.uspe and throughout this, you see y s them go into an they go to a jewelry store up ii chevy chase the friendshipenhi heights up on wisconsin avenue.u and the victim keeps looking att his phone, and never runs off.ff goes in and out of the store. se in and out of the c
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you never see the suspectpect flashing a gun or anything.. but police are calling this ahis kidnapping. the man -- the student is a victim, and they still haven'ttl been able to identify the suspect open though his face ise clearly scene.rly sce. hopefully after our broadcastroa and this -- this case keeps kee making news here in the next nex coming hours they'll be able too identify this guy and arrestd ar him. but again, guys, a bizarre kidnapping story. sto. an odyssey that has ended with t the suspect and the vehicle v still out there and the victim okay with an e-mail going out to all georgetown universityveit students and staff and community here warning that this thingshi happened last week. guys?? >> the question, one who rt rodr the kidnapping? did the victimh report the kidnapping or didor d somebody else? >> reporter: you know that's ats good question.uestn. i don't know, steve.doknow but i'm assuming he did.m sumi i mean it looked like as if hese was in touch with people or checking social media throughouu the whole ordeal.. so i'm assuming as soon as he was freed he told someone and whether it was he or som
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toll they reported it to policee >> did the victim say why the t guy all of a sudden let him go? >> reporter: no. or why he even stayed, guys.s. >> right.>> >> they have not identified the victim and they're basically non saying anything about th victim. police didn't even identify the victim aa ges orgetownt even as univorergesity student.tytude it was a fellow student who feln showed me just about 10 minutesn ago the e-mail from the t university to the communityomniy saying a georgetown universityns student was kidnapped last weeke so police weren't even putting g it out that it was georgetownow student. so whether there was a gun or an implied gun or whether the kidnapper threatened this guy'ss family or says i know where youu live, why he stayed or while he was looking at his phone didn't alert somebody that he had been kidnapped, we are all mysteriesi guys. gu and, you know, questions thatsta are good but we just don't knoww those answers. >> yeah. it was a curious story before and even moreurious curious wite video that should have cleared up things. up thi bob barnard, thankngs. you for . it's 9:17 right now. now coming up update on that hostage
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standoff at delaware prison. ollie back home safe and soundnd and why bringing home the baconc may get a lot more expensive. e. we've got a check of what elseoa is making headlines next. >> later, how about this? is it ever okay to set up a datee essentially pick up a woman at a funeral?? >> sarah fraser saw it happen. she wants to know was think. is that cool or not? she'll join us with a special thursday edition of love and order. a s ♪♪pe
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>> 9:20. >> 9:20. allison is back with the other c stories making headlines. good morning, al. >> good morning. i'm thankful with madonna as my walk up song. i appreciate it. here's why, though. president trump speaking right now at the national prayer breakfast. let's take live look inside that breakfast. iltonul wite washingtonma he onretrum t conhene ivcticute a venue.iln anu now, we do know that there aretr some protesters outside of the hilton.on. we also know traffic gridlockedd around that area north of dupont circle due to the combination of high security and of course russ hour in washington at 9:21.:21. in a fox news exclusive, the new homeland security secretarye john kelly is opening up aboutpo president trump's plans for aor wall on the us/mexico kelly hopes the two countriesris can reach an agreement about the wall because it's a quote beneficial thing on both sides.d kelly also said he hopes to woro closely with mexicans on the wall. now that the national zoo's escaped bobct
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what's next? zoop keepers wills give her a full check up to make sure sean exposed to any contagious diseases.ious d then she'll be released back into her exhibit. exhib zoo officials say other than aea small scratch on her paw, olliel is okay didn't seem to be overly hungry or stressed out just hadt a little vacation i guess from g the zoo.zoo and then back in the zoo. bacon lovers relax the pork t pr industry says there's no baconan shortage despite was might see trending on social media twittei blew up after it was reported aa recent demand for bacon did heid fleeted frozen pork bellyk bel supplies to a record low. l in case you didn't know bacon is made from pork bellies. bli sounds gross i hear it'sear is delicious. experts say that pork productioo is to increase this year to keek up with the demand a pound off bacon may cost i was little morl this winter but prices should sl stabilize by summertime.. and finally, talk about abo forming a bond with students. st barry white, jr., is fifth grada teacher at english teacher inn charlotte north carolina he'sin' going viral this gives me chilll because he has a personal hand
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students. . yup. everyone. each hand shake is different.ret using custom moves inspired byre the student's personality. mr. white said that remembering all the hasn't shakes at this ai point is like muscle memory forr m.m. it's about, what a way to row late.te >> on personal note my dad and d always had a personal hand shaks growing up it made you feel likl you had a little something, you know, that was just yours.ou. for these students how sweet is that. >> true story. ugged huggedy zula and i h each other and did a little dide knows thing. i want start doing somethingomeg that's just. >> there it is. >> i'm inspired. mr. white. mr. white. >> all right. >> aww thanks.has. >> sweet. >> thanks al. >> 9:23 is the time.>> 9:2 the m the patriots and falconse. havev just three more days to getdayst ready for the super bowl on sunday. this morning we're getting are g look how they'll spend that time with some help from a formerafoe super bowl starter.tart charles tillman joins us liven e from houston coming up. com u >> first though a secondugh aon opinion. s sire ws six more weeks of winter.nter. >> nah. >> what about our residentidt groundhog?
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>> tucker back with check on the seven dan next. next >> and then fresh at 10a, one oo the most popular super bowl alternatives.s. this morning the stars of the puppy bowl are s.s. they'll share a play from theirt playbook.playbo later you know him when you hear him, right comedian gilbert g gottfried is joining us us livei in the loft with a sneak peek at what to expect when he takes ths stage at the d.c. improv. 9:24 is our time right now.htow ♪♪
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♪♪ >> 9:27. that's the music of the chain smokers. you love them, great. great if you don't, keep in mind atin least they have a sense o humor. duo best known for closer rosess let me take a selfie, got themoe into the main stream burning upg the dance new sick charts. esquire magazine did a story about the backlash the duo d worthy of the nickel back of edm. it's not exact al musicians took the insult in i stride. check this out. >> ♪♪ it's not like to you sayay sorry.rr i was waiting on a different story, this time i'm mistaken, your heart was breaking and i'vv been wrong, i've been down, to t the bottom of every --, ♪♪ >> having little fun singing aii little music back. alex playing the piano his partner drew sings a spot onn nickel back cover. cer
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>> i love nickel back and i lovl the chain smokers.moke >> i do too.>> itoo >> i love responding with humorr >> what's edm. >> electronic dance music. >> okay. clearly i've passed that stage. >> i'm all disco. dco [ laughter ] >> no glow stick for me, no. >> all big weather day. groundhog day and i know you got your 2 cents, tuck, on what went wnwn. >> i feel it could have been thn tie breaking vote so far we have two ground hogs both saying sixy more weeks of winterin.inter >> yeah but then there's the gug up in nova coccia he's got some fancy name is guy down inn tennessee they didn't see theire shadow. shadow. >> by guy you mean ground hogs.s >> ground hogs. we have the world famous --amou- >> soon to be. sn to >> um-hmm. >> reg the rat if dupont.ont >> did either of you catch thatt when they did -- when bob did bd his interview the guy keptuyep saying the temporarily taxily t determined.dete >> yes.>> y >> how can one be temporarilyemi taxi determined. >> it's just a question i have.a >> once you go there you don'tgt go back.
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>> exactly.. >> here's my d okay with our friend up in punxsutawney. >> thank you. y >> they pull him out. the it's cloudy andy snowing and he sees his shadow. i didn't get tt.i di >> it did look like it's at' little fixed tucker. tuc when i watched he looked like he didn't want to be there andant didn't look like he was lookingi for anything. a way out.for ooked him in the trying to read his soul.ou >> i think the major clue waslus him reading off a preparedd script.script. >> yes.. >> exactly.. >> he had in his hands before hr pulled.pull >> awkward. awk >> yeah. >> all right. wthme go on to weather. 45 in washington.ashington. 39 in quantico. ianti 38 manassas. cool out this morning.orng overnight lows back in the 30s,s but the real theme around hereer has been the mild air we've hadd for much of january and we'llnd' keep it going later thiserhis afternoon. we'll up near 50 little latere r today. all right. nghrous a front coming through i'll show it to you here onere o satellite in just a moment.t winds shifting out of the north and west and pickingng o uput ye towards frederick and and gaithersburg starting to getto g winds 15 to 20 it will be a breezy day. d
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gusting to 30 as this front frot continues to make progress toror the south and east. it willth move the rosough quicy look at the snow showers up inti northwest pennsylvania and thend cloud that's why i question the shadoo being seen up there.seen up as the front drops off to thero south and east here, we'll get g cloud deck. i don't think we'll get precipk with it.'l the winds will pick up and as as high pressure builds in coolere temperatures moving in thisures afternoon for groundhog m day.. so daytime highs about 50 but b then we'll be cold tonight inig both friday and saturday temperatures will be a little ae below average.avage our daytime highs both friday fi and saturday upper 30s and low l 40 ace round here so a few cool days and then real quick warmupr again as we get into early next week. look what happens by nextyex tuesday and wednesday.ay we could do 60 or better around here by the middle of next weekk and, you know, we just haven't't had lot of winter so far this ti season. maybe the last couple of weeks w of february, february typicallyy our snowy west month in washington.washin not much of any winter there onn that seven day forecast otherash than overnight lows back belowlw freezing here.
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so keep our fingers crossed cros those will bring us some snow.eo >> i'm looking forward to the te puppies.pp. >> yeah. we all are. >> can't go wrong with puppies. >> no. never go wrong with puppies.h ps you're right, tuck.u're thank you very much. >> 9:30 is the time. tim biggest day in sports is comingg up on sunday and our next gueste knows what it's like playing pla under pressure. charles tillman spent a dozen an years with the chicago bears and played in super bowl 41 now he'h an analyst for fox sports onepon and this morning he joins usns s live from houston, texas with aa look at what to expect when thet two teams atlanta and new a new england face off in just three h days.da. good morning to you, mr. tillman. good to see you.yo let's get it right out of theitr way who you predictingight for t game, atlanta or new england?nd? >> man, you waste no time.o t >> no time. get right to it, brother. >> my heart is saying atlanta. but my gut is telling me to picp new england patriots.ot i'm going new glenn going withnw new england because of these of history want they've done in the past? >> you know what, bill belicheck is so battle tested, me and
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this morning, and bill belicheck has a system in place. pla you know he's had militant guy.y he runs the system like theik t military. every three, four years, youu know, he brings in a couple of o guys, they get their system, sy, they do it, okay, you guys are gone.gone i'll get these hand grew group g s. guys. i'll get it.i' he has a system in place, and the unique thing about what he does, he does it with -- doesn't do it with household clearly, the atlanta falcons, fs they have a better team as farar as talent. as far as athletes and playnd p makers, but belicheck he winds ways to do the unconventionalntl way.way. >> right. >> you got to respect that. trec >> okay. all right. so look let's talk about when s taut w you played in the super bowlperw because you can give us somen go perspective on this.rspectiv you played in the supere bowl n super 41 when the bears played p the colts. >> and 50.nd 50. >> and 50.>>nd last year.last yr. >> right. >> so you know all about thekn super bowl.ow the stage, thesu mpeedia attent. does this affect you at all.ll i mean i know it's a lot. the first time
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eight lot to deal with or was ii just, okay, now i'm here, i'meri just going to play this football game? >> no, it's a lot to deal with.t you're on the you of your ofr element. you're out of your zone. you're out of your environme onn and you know, there's tons of to media appearances that you haveh to do, um, everyone is pullingsi on you this way, that way.tay. when you go to practice, that'sa tassk. you know, normally you can just walk out and go. ando. but you have to get motorcadeota you got to get an escort. everything about this week is wk different, and as a player, iye tried to keep it as normal as possible. what do i mean by that? i trie to what -- i tried to what io wa would normally do. obviously, i'm in hotel room soo my wife and kids, woe go to the park or we would do something as there's a lot of parties a lot of distractions.ti you got to think you're under mag any feig glass you're underr the everyone is watching what you're doing. if you want to go out and kickto it and party i don't have a go t problem with that, but just jus waste one week. after th
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kick, party for seven months ifn you wanted to. t >> right. nd ooat was kind of our approach aseam.eam. >> right. when does the moment hit thatt t you this is the super bowl, the biggest game of the year? is is when you walk on to the field? d at the first play? is it when w you win the conferenceference championship and you say i'mip a going to the super bowl? isl there is there a moment that tha says, all right, now this ishis huge?hu >> so when you go to the t t conference championship, you know, when you win -- obviouslys us being in the nfc when i won w it we're going to the super -- - super excited.xced but it doesn't really hit you until whoever celebrity is i singing that national anthem ana your heart is just beating. bea just like, yeah, i'm i've been dreaming about this at since i was a kid.sie like this is so exciting. >> whoo! w [ laughter ] >> i'm here. once you get there do you get that -- once the play starts do you get nervous because you're u veteran i mean this is -- againn it's not normal. >> i was nervous but at the sama time i was excited,
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i had to get that first playy out, you know, just like i justt got to hit something one time,e, and, you know, whether it's a is run play i got a jog, okay, let's go.o. now it's game time, right?ight >> now it's game te. >> now it's game time. exactly.actl >> so look, let's forward towa t when the game is over, if youf y lose this game, how long does ii stay with you because we heareea about a super bowl hangover andd that causes problems for lot oft people.le >> oh yeah. y withtay g does that you? >> i still haven't gotten over e super bowl 41. bow i haven't gotten over super bowb 50. 50. to this day i have yet to watch any of those tapes on film.n fm. to this day right now. and every year at this time,s when they -- oh, there's showini 50 of the greatest super bowlsew every played or all 50 super my two come up that i've lost, i'm zero-two on super bowls.ow. god, darn, i was so close. cse [ laughter ] >> why? soea
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yet to get over it. i still have jet to over it.r i >> hard to get over. or >> i understand.and. >> i've never, arc it will nevev get over it, never. never >> all right. >> never. >> i think we got another question for you one of myhink co w-hosts for ove yr they got question for you. que go ahead. >> charles, i have a question qn for you you're getting paid toai ask the questions, but when youy were at the super bowl eitherl r one you were at for this crazy y media day thing what was the craziest question somebody asked you? you? >> oh, man. last year, when i did my media m day i got asked my sex live. l >> oh, okay.kay. >> yeah. you see how your head popped up. >> ya'll didn't see that on thao camera. valerie is on her phone like this. this. what the -- yeah.ea i got asked sexual question. qut >> did you answer it? did ans >> did you answer it?t? >> you are a top guy, are you aa bottom guy. guy >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah that's what i said. >> wow ! >> next question, please.e. >> yeah. nothing is off limits then whenm it comes to that.itit that's com crazy. c >> real quickly --ick
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>> real quickly this is maureenn i'm from chicago. chicago. i remember the theos it hurts me as much as it hurttr you. i too will never get over thatra super bowl loss so with you in i spirit, my with you in spirit. >> yes, ma'am, it still hurts. hur >> hunk tough. .e'll get them one day >> yes, ma'am. >> ask her how -- ask him howimw the actual game is played.s pye she's playing you.s plg yo >> no, i'm not. >> thank you very much. muc enjoy the enjoy houston.ouston. >> thank you guys.>> t >> you take care of yourself.ouf >> all >> just reminder fox5 is your ir home for the assume per bowl onn sunday.ay. the seven and a half hours off pre-game coverage begins at 11am. kick off is at 6:30 p.m. >> he was delightful.htl. >> i loved that.>> i know. >> he was real.a. >> that was fun. tha >> genuine. like eight lot. all right. thlie carter family is about to abo to get a whole lot bigger. beyonce' announcing yesterdayesd that she's pregnant with twins.s so this morning we're talkingki all about what the queen willenl face while she's pregnant withaw
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royalty. ♪♪ ♪♪ we care about using royalty. ♪♪ ♪♪ cage-free eggs. and we care about azing taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios.
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this will be babies two ando a three for the music power couplc who already have a five-year-olo daughter blue ivy. so having twins it's no small deal. de there are certain risks thatalsa comes with births multiples this morning we're to dr. andrea ray from shady grove fertility.tity thanks so much for coming in. >> thank you to having me. >> we went to showed gravy ad ga lost people when people do do fertilities they have multiplesl we don't know if beyonce' used ivf or not.ot a lot of people are asking that question. but, upping, it is interestinges to me, why is it that people ara so afraid to say they used ivf if they did? >> well, i think that, um,hat, they're used to be a stigma with infertility but in recent yearsa we know infertility is very common in and we spend our wholo life almost trying not to gett t pregnant and now we realize forf many women especially women inon their mid to late 30s that getting pregnant can be very challenging. and
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conceive with fertilitytility treatment and ivf, actually nowl i think there's a lot more lotoe people that are coming out and a providing a lot of the supportut to those patient. patient >> the out come is the same.utes you have this beautiful baby.ifb at the end of the day, right? >> absolutely.>> a >> let's talk about though justj whether you use ivt or obviouslo people have twins naturally alla the the risks that comes with having tws.s. >> certainly. so certainly our goal as atainlr practice is to always have womem get pregnant with just one at aa time. that's certainly always going ty be the safest for the mom and m safest for the baby and that'sha our goal.oa but with that being said there'e a higher risk of twins with soms fertility treatments. there's medication that is cant have a woman release more than t one egg at a time and that posea an increased risk for twins.wi and certainly with ivf more thae one embryo is transferred, thene there's a higher risk for twinsr welell. t > but how is the care car different? like does beyonce' need to do things differentlyife than someone whose just pregnant with one?? >> well, certainly that will bea a conversation for her and hernd doctor
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women that are pregnant with twins, a lot of it will dependep on their pre-existing healthgeat want kind of health they had t before they got in general most twin pregnanciei do well. but there are a-risk the woman may go labor earlier. elier and the earlier she goes into gt labor that can be certainly morr risky for the babies as well.. >> so now you may or may notay know a lot about she's the headliner for coachella like the biggest music festival out there these days. and she's supposed to performpoo for a couple days in a row and a lot of people are going based os seeing her. so the big question is, upping,n should she perform? should shed not perform? what's going tos happen? and now let me just say, dr. ray is not beyonce''see >> okay. >> no. >> definitely not. >> i know she cannot -- she's not saying what beyonce' shouldd do, but in your opinion, what d you need to kind of think about in those terms for her?er >> well, i think, again, as yous said this will be certainly a bl conversation for her to haveero with her obstetrician and some m
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managed together with a highh a risk obstetrician or maternal mr fetal medicine specialist.medi in general for women in pregnancy, whether they can pursue exercise which ise whichs essentially what this could bede will depend what kind of tape they were in beforehand. if you weren't inere very good shape before pregnancy oncenance you're pregnant especially withl twins is not the time to taklyep a sport f you're beyonce', little bit better shape thanrha probably the rest of us, then t certainly i think she would be e able to, you know, have that,e t you know, cardiovascular abilitr to handle that.t. but, again, there certainly risks in pregnancy.n p make sure you're well hydrated.. really take care of themselveses and in general are not pushing themselves to the same limits sm they did before.eid b >> when people are pregnant witw twins they do usually go full f term or no?o? >> there's a higher risk theyish will deliver earlier on average. >> like how much earlier?ar >> like four weeks is normal. >> 40 weeks is normal. 4 so a lot of0 twins in general t doctors will not allow them tom go that long. that ng. usually be delivered by 38 weeke only about
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>> people are trying to figurear out when she's going to havee i these twins. that's why i'm asking all thesel varying questions, dr. ray. r. >> exactly. >> so i mean there's a higher he risk they can go into labor evee before that.behat. that's really where the concerne lies. but, um arc lot of times the t doctors will deliver them withrh just a few weeks >> bottom line, every pregnantat is it's own adventure. >> absolutely. talk to your own personal persol doctor. thank you so much.k u so much. really much appreciate youh ap coming in and share yourhareou expertise. >> thanks for having me. >> we're not done with beyonce'y talk. oh, no. oh you knew it will continue and it will. we'll talk about the latestat pictures posted to her website.i we'll show you the full album. >> late edition of love and le a order.r. this morning we want to know iss there every a good time to say s goodbye to a relationship? ? sarah fraser is sorting it allta out next and we'll be rightig back. ♪♪ ♪♪
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topic, just watch this. >> you're at a funeral. you >> i'll throw in wedding every'n now and then. wednow d th >> funerals are insane. chicks are so bleep. ble. it's not even fair. it's like fishing with dynamite. bleep. blee yeah. crazy bleep. ble at a >> grief is nature's most powerful look it up. >> i didn't know that. >> ma, the meatloaf.eatloa >> that is a scene from comedy wedding crash schers and it kin of sets the stage for this firss question. ever okay to pick up a a woman at a funeral? sarah isari here to get us started with thii bit of oh my goodness. exactly. >> that is the pefect clip and i have to tell you i witnessed wne this.. sadly i was at a funeral and i thought funerals are terribleree i'm standing neck to guy who's w talking to a w
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talking for few minutes he'sut like you're really cute what'sew your deal. deal she's like i'm single. >> we should go out sometime ane can i get your number. >> right there at the funeral t they're like exchanginghere nume i'm sitting there going, is this okay.ok >> case closeday. >> you never know where cupid'ss arrow might strike.t s why not? >> you don't think like maybeiky you should wait until, i don't t know -- >> wait for what. the opportunity presents itself. >> the ceremony.>> >> or home.>> o >> what point of the funeral dil this happen? happen? >> it did happen at the end ofnf the funeral service.l servi it didn't happen like mid churcu service. service. but, you know everyone standing as their bringing out, you knowk the casket and then they'ren thr standing there and he's like --k >> the basket is all right r passed >> yes. >> >> everyone is just that kind of turns into like a very social setting. setng. i've been to lot of funerals. you go celebrate's someone live. >> i -- if you're rolling thehe casket by, hey, yeah. >> hopefully the deceased is not like curs
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or his. >> i did know this person and ia think they would be very -- thee would find that very comical. cc i'm sitting there with all these tissues and like bawling my eyel out and these two are making a date. what's going on >> i guess it's appropriate. one of the hardest things -- th realization i came at a funeralr for my grandfather but it was the whole realization because bu you think your world life goes on. on. >> live goes on. >> that life goes on.. that's an example of it. >> if these two get married irii cannot believe this reallylly happened. >> think of the delicious story they'llthe have to tell.el we met at so and so's funeralal and he was their friend. >> he helped get them knowingno weird why way.ird why w >> i would love this guy on much he's really >> we're seeing on theinon the relationship beat but talking t about the break up as spec of so this. what do you have. >> from good to bad.>> fgo so this is someone who wrote toe us, and they have been datingnat their girlfriend for a little while. unfortunately she's fallen on
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dog died much he's basicallysic ready to end the relationshipelo and says he wants to do it to i before valentine's day. is it okay? should he cut heret off now or should he wait a he t couple every weeks. >> cut her off.>> cer o >> be done with it. >> dump her. d. >> move on. >> she's already in a bad placel >> she's already down like joe. >> don't let her come up and up crash down again. >> you think that would becr th worse. >> yes. >> especially if she look at heh as helping her through this harh time and it lifts her up and u a then he crushes her.. >> bottom you never should sul really stay with someone. what's the value in staying? si who are you serving? >> i think that's -- i agreeee with that that one. >> and how do we know she wantsn to really be in the relationship. she maybe maybe he'll take this ace a key. maybe t might be her star to t er way up s. >> exactly.. >> whew, that's all it took. t >> maybe her dog didn't die.t maybe she's still working.lki how do i get this guy to break up with me? what more can i doo at this this poi >> i will that one.>> i w >> do we have time for one laste one. what's the last one.. >> how do you do this.hi
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bad review at work and she feelf like now she's on the verge ofeo being fired. she's wondering how do you spiny a poor review to your next yr ne employer if in fact she losesos her job? this came from upper u management f you're putting them down as a reference you worked there for awhile. >> technically as a reference rn they can't --'t- >> disclose. >> right. >> i don't know. hat part.t.w t >> technically you cannot talk about bad things from your --ou- somebody that's going on tong ot otheher job. technically you can't.y yocan' you can drop buzz words butds b legally i don't think you cani h say that person stunk as an employee.oy >> really?>> rlly? >> okay. >> she's just worried if something bad comes out how doee she handle it with the new the employer. >> focus on her job strengths.ot don't worry about the negativee stuff. the new employer will want toeml know how are you going to benefit me.oy how a what can you do foner me? r m everybody is in bad situations s at different times she needs to sell herself howse she benefits the new company and that's the best she can do.. >> don't be worried -- don't beb worried that the bad review thee could come out.d me out >> no, because people get
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and they get another jobs.ob it's so subjective.'s so s you might have one boss thatsha loves you. loves one boss that doesn't understanu you. >> we have that happen all thetn [ laughter ] [ >> the panel has ruled.. successful love and order. we'll see you again next week.k >> tuesday. tue >> yes. >> all right.>> a right. >> thanks, sarah. >> i hear we have puppies. pupes >> yes. i went out there to get myy coffee.ff >> so cute. >> i was detained by the most cuteness you have ever seen. s the puppy bowl is coming uping during the 10a.0a. >> speaking of cute, gilbert gog freed, ah, just kidding he'se' adorable and he's going to bein here. oming up and up andc he's coming in house first to t tickle our ribs.ckles. >> very very funny man.very fnym >> first though it's cuff feecuf time on good day d.c. >> we have plenty of time to t o this oh h yeah. >> shall we read it dramaticma >> go ahead. >> and go. >> maybe we shall get a cup of p >> bring the puppies in forheupi coffee if you want one of the mugs here's the deal.he's the deal. one of the new good day dc d dunkin' donuts mugs is up forpor grabs. perfect cup for that greatha dunkin' donuts coffee.ts c so somebody pick it
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here. >> okay. head to fox5 d.c.'s com n contests or our facebook page at five d.c.fc to enter our mug contest.onte someone pick it up from here. >> wis? >> one lucky winner will ber wib selected by random drawing butnt hurry you only have from nowm n until 11am to enter.nt >> why did you go so fast.o f >> i'm in my element.y i'm in my lane.inlane. >> there's a puppy. >> aww.. >> i did not over sell thesell cuteness. >> i want that one and that oneo and and that one.t o >> they're adorable. >> puppy bowl with super bowl is genius.. r right. >> absolutely. >> so cute. scute. >> equally genius. the often imitated neverer duplicated good day at 10a.
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>> you are in the politics zone on good day at 10a. so here's what we have ahead.tho the hottest talkers right w.w. beyonce' breaks the drake rushes to the rescue, plus more drama at the today show. >> get ready to laugh. laugh do we need that bleep button handy.ha legendary comic gilbert gbe gottfried is live in the loft. >> plus heart melt alert puppies will be here. >> we have other surprises in store. just watch.justatch the 10a starts now. ♪♪ >> ♪♪ i got you babe, i got youy babe ♪♪ ♪ >> we need to whisper thisispert morning. >> i know. oh, my >> they're sleeping. look how good they're being onrg good day at 10a.ay10a >> those are the most chill dogs i've ever seen. >> right.
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>> i know the super bowl has iti own puppy bowl on sunday butyut we're having our own on good day at 10a thanks to operation pawsp for homes. >> this is jay cutler here byerb the way in case you're wondering. >> ♪♪ -- jayutler i-- jay cutler is the only one tshat's up and running.nng. >> we'll check back with them i a little bit. >> we'll have a whole lot of fun. oh, my gosh.os so awesome. right.ri tip toe in. look at themti. >> cutler so you guys are justrt going walk out, huh? >> he does have >> we said earlier what is itt i about puppies that makes youou feel loved and warm and good. >> exactly.xactly. unlike politics which is why wew are the no politics zone when ii comes to good day at 10a. >> here, here. >> my blood pressure literallyeu just came down. >> good way to start the show. s >> thanks for staying it us fors the 10a. 1 i'm steve alongside holly,
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we have no politics today but we do have something >> we do have something special. before we check what's trendingd we need to talk about a new social media fad involving a beloved children's bear.n's bea. now you may have seen this popep up in your twitter feed or on o facebook page it's dancingancing winnie poo.winnie it is literally taking over the internet.internet mash al call it the only pick me up you will ever need. time to he doo declared the internet crazy for the meme andm called it a cultural renaissance for the disney usa today says simply it justt s ma y your day. i second that.t. now all it is is a 302nd video of poo bear moving and shaking i and it's set to any song youg y want. now the original twitter handle at winnie dancing to rapid up up tens of thousands of followersls since debuting over the weekendd and it's been taking requestss from fans for winnie's next dance.dae. today in the spirit of the noo politics zone and giving y
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little pick me up we're going to o iit. how ask you.ho >> this morning we've got ourrn own dancing bear. also known as meteorologist mike thomas.. there he is.therhe is. let's see it, mike. >> ♪♪ [ laughter ] >> the paws are the best part.t. >> exactly. here's the deal.he t that's the first song. f s but we need you to request whatt the next dance will be. what song mike our winnie theni pooh dancing bear of the day thd will dance to. >> bravo.ravo >> use the #gooddaydc we'll make this bare dance.. >> yes. the whole hour.thole hour. >> well done, michael, well done. [ laughter ] >>hehere you go. >>re wow!! >> i love it. >> all mike.mi warm up youker moves. mes. i'm sorry, winnie go warm uparmp your moves while we tell folks s what's hap
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politics zone.cs ze. we'll talk about beyonce'eyce breaking the internet with news she is pregnant not with one, but two babies music icon icon posting photo of on to her instagram account on her kneeling on a bed of flowers ana pregnant belly as center stage.. photo iconic shattering recordsr to become instagram's most liked image ever. beyonce' and husband jay-z whoay wed in twos no eight wrote onron instagram we are incrediblyrediy grateful that our family will bb growing by two and we thank you for your well wishes.iss. the carters already have ae daughter blue ivy.vy. she's five years old, and justt this morning, beyonce' releaseda a gorgeous array of new photos o on her website.te it's almost like a family photoo album.albu it chronicles intimate moments s between queen b, blue ivy and jay-z. the photos show their amazing traffic lights behind the scenei concert photos, family shots. ss a lot of it sure to please her hoards of fans and her well well wishers out there. the congrats to the carter family o their soon to
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addition. addition. >> congrats on keeping it quiete >> no leaks of this or anything. >> none. >> leading up to. she's been>> pregnant a millionl times.tis >> this shows it can be done bed when these sheen before the accident the paparazzi. if you want to be private you can be private.dent tt to brite >> speaking of will they shutthu down one hospital this time orim two. >> i forgot the last time. >> had to go there.>> had coming up next wishing them thee best by the way six more weekses of winter for some the groundhog in pennsylvania broughtvania welcoming news for others not so welcoming news. in the snow the groundhog saw it's show shadow somehow mack us willy unbelievable feat offeat winter not ending any time tim punxatawney phil saw the shadowo and so did potomac phil here ini d.c. although he can't move. it's official winter is here tot stay according to the ground gro hogs bureau.ea >> mike thomas says big phil isi only 39% accurate. that's according to -- to -- >> i'll take the under then.kehu >> except for when he predictsei an early spring. >> we're all in.e'rell in. >> a handful of times.f tim when he predict the early spring it's 50/50.
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>> imagine. ab toazing he was able to see shadow when the sun wasn't evene out. >> spring is exactly in sixg ise weeks fromxa today. >> exactly. >> it's amaze how long it worksw like that. isn't it? >> >> crafty fill.>> cray fi >> yeah. all right.> all ri let's talk about this.bout thi only three days remain untilinil super bowl on sunday. super bowl related events are ie full swing in houston, text fans have already descended oneo houston to get the full superer bowl experience and not everyone will get a chance to see the big game on saturday at nrg stadiuma many visitors say they came to o the city just for the pre hey ph game activities happening allnig week downtown.ow meantime, crews are positioning nearly 100 cameras around the t field so fans at home can get ct the full view as well.el they don't have to pay ticket tc prices.prics. what would you do to get yourou hands on super bowl tickets? ts how about a little physicalcal exercise? michelob ultra is holding an ultra pull upp challenge today.od one gym in boston and another ii atlanta they're hosting the
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many pull ups as they can in 95 seconds.s 95 seconds represents thes 95 calories in the beer.. >> okay. >> mike thomas and i gave eights shot this mo arningnd.rning now, let me just say for the record, this goes back to thatt little rodent that mike and indi have been doing these pull ups l all morning long.rnlon >> one handed, too. >> the rodent cuss us off.s o cut us off.. >> right. >> look at that. r>> >> i will say this.. that's the warmup.mup. >> when you were doing they legit mally you and mike dide dd combine for more than nine.n ni. >> there you go. [ laughter>> ] >> i want to say give mikee credit.edit. >> pull sup one of the sin guese hardest exercises out there. t >> it's not fun at all.. >> no. un at alln at all. not pleasant. pleasant. >> when you got to bench --ench >> even that is not pleasant.let even cheating on the pull up pup social security not still not fun. fun >> i'm interested to see howtedh many,, what will win it in 95tn seconds. >> one of those like ninja warriors gladiator times probably like a hundred. >> what's funny when we were
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any begans leo is friend of thet show was over there he was doini pull ups, his legs were crossedd running in >> no handed. >> right. >> left have you at any timing. >> left have you at any timing no big deal for him and he's looking at us laughing and youla shaking his >> that's why he's a trainer and we do tv.o t >> there you go. >> weiss words.>> weiss w >> speaking of the super bowl ot suhenday you'll get to seeoee something really cool. former president hw bush and hih wife bash septembered an invitation to flip the coinp c before sunday's big game. now this is a look at the former president's twitter account andt the caption was getting fired ui for sunday and super bowl with a pretty good gift of spinning spg coin which you can't see rightoc now that's a still photo of it i but imagine it spinning it'sg i' circle and that's what hewhate the former president released from the hospital earlier this week after battlinpigta pneumonn that's great news. nfl commissioner said hi he wase honored to have mr. and mrs. bush parts fate in the pre-game on sunday in houstonn h which is the city they call home. >> that will be one of the mostf memorable moments from the wholw game.
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>> should cheerleaders earn mors money for cheering during an nfl football games? former sanr san francisco 49ers cheerleadererled thinks so. she is suing nfl executives andd team owners saying executivestis and owners conspired to keep paa low. the woman is identified only as jane doe in the lawsuit. lawsuit the suit estimates damages between 100 million and theeon t hundred million dollars.llioars. it also demands cheerleaders pay reflect their contributions asua brand ambassadors for the team.a >> the short answer is >> they should be paid more.d m. >> huge amount of work that goes into what it is that they do ana there's very little, very littll financial reward now.ardow they do get great perks.. >> sure.ur. >> a lot of them will do, youo,u know, calendar shoots somewheree there's travel. tra the overseas ambassador tripsrri they take lot of times to helpp witness troops. there are from a financial standpoint when you're talking about the dollarl return for the amount of hoursts you put in, it's pretty crazy. >> and they also have to followo very strict rules. sict rules. >> right. >> now tell me what -- about hoh much they make.e. i asked just what do they make?
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>> most teams are about 75 or one hun direct dread bucks ad ba game. >> that's mind blowing to me.nd >> 75 to $100 a >> the only nfl cheerleadingadin make anything is the dallas dal cowboys cheerleaders bonafide - >> were they actually in thatint new stadium have a >> rifle. >> rivals any -- it's it's a mazing. >> they're treated like royaltyl but they're america's team. tea they have a long storiedie tradition.n >> there are a number of teamsrs that don't have steelers, cleveland browns, bro, detroit lions, giants don't havt cheerleader if's this comes tost fruition what these other nfl nl owners would do with cheerleaded if's they're forced or forced oo made to pay more money, what would they actually do other dot than the dallas cowboys becausec that's part of the team? >> that makes them money. mey >> that's a good point.od point. >> there are teams you mentionen to off the top pittsburgh andrgh new york that have been to manyy super bowls that don't haveave cheerleaders.eade is it a need. >> my bengals might go away. >> the bengals as far as i cansi recall my football
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have not gotten the team any a super bowl champions.ns >> they still worked hard. h >> when i was middle schoolmiddl there was a substitute teacherue and she was a ben-gault. ben-gat >> most popular.ular. >> exactly. >> i can only imagine. can they wanted her to come in. comn >> i'm sure.e >> let's stick with sports now.w kids on the football field mayld soon be playing a different typp of football.l. uss fat fuel plans to intro toww dues a tamer game of the versior for its youngest versions.sions. cutting the number of players oa the field creating smallerer fields eliminating kickoff andff punts and banning the three-point stance.point ce. intent of the change is to to fashion youth tackle football to be more like flag football witht much less contact and hitting. g >> it will be interesting to sei what happens with footbalngl doo the road. i'm talking many years down thew road this concussion thing is so real right now. n i mean in the past you knew youw got hit. you knew you got hurt. there was damage when all thishs stuff came out about concussions and now you have parents areu ha saying i'm not letting my child. you have nfl players who havehoh sons who are saying i'm not -- - drew brees, for example,, for me
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saying i'm not letting my son s play football.playl. you have that kind of culture.ue i'm not letting my son playlay >> i'm not letting my son play a football. >> you have this whole culture e 10 years down the road the best athletes where there's still's i playing right now may not beot b playing the game of football il think that's eventually going tt have an impact.veimpact. >> you might also have theig situation obviously it'sion different for every ma'amly forr every parent what they want forf their kids, you have some have s parents who want their kids toid be in pads when they're in thirr grade. gr >> right. >> you have other that is say look if they want to playe othey football play flag football fool today whatever you can. c i know people that didn't playna in pads until they were in tent grade and got d1 scholarships.s. it depends where you fall alongg that line. >> absolutely.olutel >> interesting to see the futurt of the sport.o se t wwe all know that the wes minster dog show is all aboutbot the dogs but this time cats aree crashing the about 40 different cat breedsreb will be part of showcasehowce designed to educate the publicli about different types of cats cs and dogs.s. called meet and compete.. the american kennel clubnel c describes the event as anvents n opportunity to meet and playdy with hundreds of adorable dogs and f
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learning about responsible petnp ownership.hi now to be clear they are notclea participating in the actual competition and they have been a part of the meet and greetnd grt section before.ction before. but this is the first time theyh are featured on the officiall program. >> that's the cat from charlesmc county by the way that will be represented.esend that cat looks more like a wild animal than ollie the bobcat. >> i was going to say ollie sayl escaped because she wanted to be part of this, and realized shede wasn't getting close. close >> she's going to crash the goir party.. >> she had wanted to now he's h like eh. e >> local cat done good. >> right. going to the big show.w. >> forget cats this morning good day did going to the dogso because part of our countdown to the big game we are having ourir very own puppy bowl right here r in the good day loft.of >> first though a close call at a drake concert.ce. more drama for nbc's today showo and chrissy teigen showing off o her post baby body.yod we'll have the details when we w check the good day celebrityrity dish, but as we head to breako k right now a little more dancing from winnie the pooh. ♪♪ >> oh, yes.>> oes
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♪♪ >> you are in the no politics zone on good day at 10a. so here's what we have ahead. the hottest talkers right now. beyonce' breaks the internetre . drake rushes to the rescue, plus, more drama at the todayhey owow. >> get ready to laugh, do we need that bleep button handy. h. legendary comic gilbertil gottfried is live in the loft. l plus also live in the lot of tho heart melt alert puppies will bl here.. >> and we have other surprises r in store just watch the 10awatc1 starts now. now. ♪♪ >> they're very quiet.y oh, my gosh this is the best waw to start good day at 10a.. >> hey, hey, hey. h i know the super bowl has its h own puppy bowl but that doesn'tn mean we could have one, too, t, right? >> sleepy. >> this is operation paws fors f we'll talk more about themtalk coming up a little later.. but i don't know. cutest.cutest. this may be one of our best ways to start the show ever, don
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>> i know. lay.l let them play. we'll play with them a littleit bit t >> we will. most chill puppies ever. eve ever. >> sometimes you feel likeimes l you're going to the same daye over and over again. ain >> we talk about how pep peaceea make you feel so warm and loved and -- what is it about that. >> no stress. no politic zone. z that's what we are. are no you're not going crazy. we are starring the show thew same way again because it's groundhog's day.ndhog's day get it? see what we did there. [ laughter ]uger >> all right. lock the timeime officially changes and we're an' moving on.ving o to celebrity dish. >> this is not repeat. rep this is brand new.s brand new. [ laughter ] >> free concert by drake soundso too good to be true.beru it happened e.for one group ofrp concert goers.ncergoer drake offered to refund fans whw attend add show at the o2 in london last night after hisfters special guest travis scott fellf down a hole during thee duri the performance.ore the rapper invited scott on stt stage to perform his song goodd bumps only for the hiphop are ae test to fall down a
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drake then helped his friend whw escaped serious injury. he climbed out of the holembed before they finish the song for the 20,000 fans inside the a recent n drake later told theatt audience i'm doing this bleeple for free tonight.ight he had london england i love you. i hope you enjoyed your free show. show. >> i think that's pret i don't think the fans wouldth have expected it to be free, f right. ri >> no. it is what it is. but you get it forit i fres e.wt >> speaking of drake, it's over. >> okay.>> o the two year war.two ye between him and nicky >> i didn't realize there was ws war. wa >> for two years now, wis. tears >> okay. f herselfsed a photo o and drake yesterday with noo caption but we know what wentwhw down before they squashed the beeps. drake saw an nfl segment onn january 8th that featured lil wayne and nicky. drake called mack main and said why didn't you tell me thedn't y family is back? mack quicklyuiy set up a meet fog the full youny money roster that turned into a piece summit and we're toldold drake hopped on
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down with nicky and wayne the photo she posted was taken was n during that meeting. >> aww. them..r a piece this makes me sad. speaking of breaking or being over.. cameron hall calling it quits at nbc. nbc. statement released from nbc sais yesterday was her last day as an anchor on both networks tam t marran is an exceptionalceptiona journalist.urnali we vow value enjoyed her work at today and msnbc and hope shee sh would decide to stay. we're disappointed she's chosene to leave but we wish her all the best. tam marran released a statementa saying the last 10 years haveave been beyond anything i couldthii have imagined i think gratefulnu and excited about the nextex chapter. igrate colleagues i'llague miss you and rooting for you. y. a source told people magazineazn hall was offered a multi yearea multi million dollar contractoro to remain with the network buteo chose to leave.. so do you
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leaving had anything to do with my began kelly coming over? >> hmm. >> drama. see jut when you thinkjut everything is perfect. >> yeah. >> never wait seems.>> never wa >> i loved tamperseem ran hall.h >> i do really like her. she'll obviously go on too something great.reat she's talented.s ta lovely lady. >> chrissy teigen had a baby. i swear.wear >> okay. >> but you sure would not know it from this. >> check it sur ut. o this is the super model thiss year's sports illustrated swimsuit edition her bikini shoot showing off her post babyb bod. bo this is her first bikini shoot s after having her baby. by. at first the swimsuit veteranet wasn't on board with posing ino the bikini less than year aftert giving birth to 10 month old daughter luna once she hit the sand, like ride ago bike.ike chrissy was right back to her old self. s i will say and she looks amazing.amin >> yes. >> i think, look if you had a baby, a year ago and you don't t look l
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a model, she's got a trainer, ta she's got a personal chef,lhe they're air brushing thoseng tho not to take anything away from f chrissy i don't want all the moms out there, right, maureen,e you know what i'm saying.what in >> a lot of moms bounce back tok their old i don't know why tell theseknowt stories. st back to pre a lot of women look amazing to i after birth. bth in fact some look better afterfr birth they really put in thatha effort. ef but she looks great not taking t away from her. >> but don't hold yourself -- >> exactly.>> be a little real. one hottest shows around arn break out star chrissy mets whow plays kate on the show says that she is only had 81 cents in hern bank account before she got thee role. how aboutro that? she tells tls glamor magazine she roommate whe told her not to give up and wasw a wonderful support system.te she since has paid off her credit card bills and bought heh first pair of alexander mcqueen shoes.oes. she says they're still in thetit box. >> i understand that. >> alexander mcqueen shoes. sho >> how much is that?>> h >> a lot of but you should get t your wife a pair for val
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day. it would be wonderful.erful >> i don't do valentine's day,'d holly.ll it's made , made up trumped up holiday tod get money out of people. ppl but that's a conversation for ce another >> uh-huh. >> romantic that he how about you take the nextti story? [ laughter ][ laug assume per bowl may be just a few daysmay away and so is ly gaga's epic half time show.ime s most of the show has been kept under wraps but here'sere' everything us magazine has h uncovered about the 12 minuteut performance.rfornce in rehearsal video released youy see her dancing to her 2009 hit0 bad romance.omce it looks like there will be some sort of lady gaga flying througu the area.rea she's been -- air.-- she's been planning this sincehe she was four. >> really? rlly? >> wow!>> w! >> people have bucket lists. l ere e you go. >> she's going to be coming from the roof of nrg stadium.di >> a lot of pressure on herselff >> right.>> r that's a lot, a lot of pressure. >> okay. >> yeah. over the top literally. >> yeah. >> 10:22.>> coming up comedian gilbert gbe gottfried will join us live inoi the loft this mo
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everything from his stand up too his podcast to working with now president donald >> okay. can't wait to hear that.ha take ugh where the action is.cti this morning we're showing you how you can experience the worlr of 24 i promise you like never n we'll be right back with more dancing winnie also, hit it. ♪♪
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♪♪ back here on good day 10aer happening right now the search for assault suspect in silver spring. here's what we know. about 9:25 this morning just about one houronght t susp ago , montgomerery's thimery county police were called to tht 3300 block of north leisure lei world boulevard for the reportep of an assault. initial information indicatedndt this could have involved a hinvo shooting.shoo so we're still trying to get itt sorted out.ed out. we'll share more updates as we w get them.m new this morning, a new aew video released in the hopes thap the public can help crack ack kidnapping mystery that began ii georgetown one week ago. ago. >> it shows the suspect and carr involved in the kidnapping.idg. our bob barnard is live near georgetown with the video that'' come out new today.. bob?bo >> reporter: hey, maureen, as a kidnappings go this one isonis bizarre. first of all, this is the scenee of the the cobblestone street here, 3400 block of o street. strt. two blocks up is the main main entrance to georgetownown university, and we understandndn the victim in this case is a
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georgetown university student. you mentioned the video tape. police, d.c. police releasingeag this video.. a couple things that are strange. the alleged kidnapper lookingsoong like a businessman.. victim again this malele georgetown university studenty e seems to be on his phone pne throughout the whole thing. he never ran away, and seems tot be as big as the kidnapper.pper this all started last thursdayy around 3:20 in the afternoon. the man is described as a whitei man the kidnapper in his late 30s, in his 40s wearing a blacka suit there. the vehicle appears to be white. police say light gray or silver suv. su the kidnapper took the victim to some atm jewelry store.sto. looks like the cartiere up in in chevy chase friend hip heights area and then apparently let the guy go. go. here's reaction from a felloww georgetown university studentit this morning. i didn't know much about itt personally. ooh didn't take the time to investigate more than the whatme university sent out to us. um, but very i know that's hard to hear.o h we do live in the city but i
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think, sometimes it's great gre neighbor.hbor we get lulled into a sense ofene security and that's not always n the >> reporter: and here again, ain an image of the suspect.pect. police have had this for awhileh they're sharing it with us us because somebody is going to gno know who this guy is and so i si would imagine it's only a mattee of hours before they police identify this alleged kidnapper and go -- try to find him andnd arrest him again bizarre kidnapping thatppt started here in georgetown ended up in chevy chase involving a georgetown university student se and a guy not wearing any maskk or anything looks like ae a businessman.. >> very bizarre story. >> right. >> thank you, bob. all right. we just talked about this.s. this new video that -- we just t read this story. s. we're going to keep going. gng. >> little groundhog day. >> groundhog day. day >> do it again. >> quick update to the leisure world situation.>>ate rl apd parently there was a shootin no serious injuries.njies. and the suspect and the victim v didn't know each other. oer
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point. >> okay. all right. 10:28 right now. 10no we do know also that the super p bowl is just three days away. who cares, though, because thiss morning we're talking about thet other must see game. g we're talking about the puppypy bowl. and this morning we're getting a sneak peek, look at that, ahh, h life in the loft. loft. it is indeed the cutest sporting event ever.r. it's coming up next. next. we'll be right back. bac ♪♪♪♪
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>> we have gone to the dogs literally look at all three of us herehave glook. >> move over super bowl everyone every furry bowl game is back.. we're talking about the animal planet's puppy bowl.uppy b this year's lineup will includeu 78 rescue puppies competing for the famed title of mvp and even better six puppies competing ine this year's bowl are from rightg here in the dmv. >> yeah. >> two are from city dogs rescus in the other four are fromm operation paws for homes inn alexandria and this morning we e are having our own puppy bowl bw right here in the loft with some puppies from operation paws for homes. >> are two special guestswopeci introduce yourself, please i'mai sorry. so >> jamie berman.amie >> um-hmm. >> alley. >> you might have the best jobtb ev.r. >> i mean come on spreading cuteness. tell us about it.out i these aren't the puppies in the
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these are four that are up for r adoption, right. right. >> they'll be up for adoption.eo they're five weeks old now. they'll be up for adoption eight weeks. weeks. >> oh, wow. just three weeks away.wa do you not already have 500 contracts of people wanting to t get these puppies?t these puppi >> we have a lot of applicationc come in and we do process them e and as soon as they become adoptable, we'll go through theh waiting lists and start choosins them because some people willaue see other puppie ss we have on e website and decide to chooseo them instead.emnstead >> these are all lab mixes ofesf some way?ay? >> yes.>> y >> where did you get them from? were you tell us about you each? >> it's a whole litter. lte the mom is still with ali and ai she came from newberry animal ai control in newberry southy sou carolina.. >> ali, you're fostering the mog and the puppies?pps? >> yes. >> then you have to give themhai up. up. i'm always amazed that peoplepl that foster.. you're so maze i feel like il l would just continue to collectoe dogs in my home. hom i would never be able to give them up. >> it's easy to fall in love bub it's nice to see they go to gooo homes. when everyone comes to my house and they have kids and they'ree' first dog.
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it's nice to see them.. >> ali these are all from the am same litter.meitte >> yes. >> perfectly have one of each oe color. >> i know. >> can i say this, though. says. i brought this up.brout th i would love -- someone like me i'd love to get a pup. they're a commitment.tmen you may want one but make sure s that you're able to take care of these pets because they need ad lot of love and a lot ofot of attention. at >> definitely a lifetime commiti many. if you think you want a dawk buk but you're not sure because youe can short term foster a dog. see your lifestyle.le >> what has the puppy bowl doned do you see like a surge inur people wanting puppies just as a result of the puppy bowl? >> we see a lot of people ask questions, and fill outt applications, and just in general become more aware of the need for people to go to shelters to adopt the dogs thatt are from unwanted litters like e this or just pets for some s reason owners were not able
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take care of any longer.. >> it's mind boggling you sayay unwanted litter like this. this. >> they're gorgeous.orgeous. >> look at these gorgeousou puppies and say they're unwanten but it happens far too often. ot >> we watch on tv and seeing sen them crazy and scoring sri touchdowns much these are the chill left puppies.upes is this how they normally are. a >> they have their m. this litter in particular isteri pretty calm. they get wild from time to time like a newborn they'll wakee uu play, eat, sleep. >> how old are thee right now.g. >> they're five weeks. >> five weeks. >> so now would there be any trb value if you were wanting to adopt like adopt siblings? mee personally i think that'shink t probably easier to not have two puppies kind of like havingikavg twins it might be over will l well ming.we ming. >> beyonce' you shall get twoceo puppies along with your -- >> no. >> one is enough love and cuteness i think for --or - >> yeah. we tried to discourage itt sometimes people come over wer would -- become overwhelmed them puppies end up back with ush u because we just can't do it. >> i understand.
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>> now these have very cutee appropriate names.opriate names. can you introduce to each one o and they're named after body builders. so this big guy rbuight here isi arnold schwarzenegger.. >> the one behind him is jay cutler. cu the yellow is female over theree her name is nicole bass and this black one is nicky fuller. >> nice. >> super -- >> what was the thought process behind that? yous nthame ed te >> my husband did. did he's really into body building. >> okay.ka >> i convinced him to let me pick seven puppies and you caney name them.hem >> that was a fair trade off. >> what do you think would bedoy the perfect home or is thereou a perfect home for this type ofe o puppy? >> um, each home is different. um, we just ask that, you know,k they come into a loving environment.enronment. that there's always somebodyeboy there to be with them, get a loa of exercise some people like to run with thi some like more couch potatoes. if you can get them as a puppyhs you can train we offer training. do a loft fre
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>> nice. >> to the public. and we also --ls >> are they spayed or neutered.. >> their spayed and neutered.yet >> yes. >> yes. >> if they aren't like theseeyr' puppies will not be when they're eight weeks and timing to homegh we have a spay and neuterte contract. an agreement that if they do ithe then we offer real em burst manm um to certain amount.moun >> you cover all the bases.ases. >> yeah. >> there's no reason not to adopt.t >> we'll take them from 10:00 t0 11:00 every morning. >> oh my gosh. omy gos >> everyone's voices we'rees talking in calm tones.on >> that's what they do. thawh >> look at them. they're gorgeous.e gorgeous >> this looks like us when we'r' done with the show.done we're that tired.e at t >> that's so true. tt's >> a long day.>> a long day. we know. we get it.t. super cute. c thank you guys for coming in. >> operation paws for homes.ome. >> where do we go from here. >> hopefully they find forever homes soon. we have a lot to come thiss morning.rnin including one of the most most recognizable voices in hollywood and made him a star around the e world. we're talking about gilbert gottfried.ttfried gilbert we got you four puppiess look at that excitement. he's going to join you live iniv
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♪♪ i checked, everything's there... wait a minute... hey... hold on, i can explain. you better have a good answer... switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your car insurance. why didn't you say so in the first place? i thought you's was wearing a wire. haha, what? why would i wear a wire? geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance
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now that is a clip from 1992 disney classic aladdin featuring the voice work of the scene sce stealing comedian gilbertilbe gottfried. he's had a long career in showho business spanning 30 years. starring roles in problem child, aristocrat and a role onnd a ren apprentice.ti. he's doing stand up and hostingg his podcast getting to talk witw his childhood heroes he's in town for to you see at the d.c. improv. im he joins us live in the loft. l good to see you gilbert. gil >> great to see you. gat >> that sounded like m obituary. [ laughter ] .> yeah. >> all it needed --t -- >> 40 years from now. >> the only thing missing from it was found dead in his newn hw york apartment. >> no, no, no. [ laughter ] >> we're not going to write that part. let's start with aladdin. aladdin one of the first animated movies i guess of thiss era that really blew up and tooa
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voice work for that, did you have any idea what it was going toa wh latook like what it was g to turn out to be.e. >> no, i had no idea that it was going to be as big and how itt shows it's got a second live nw now. there's a documentary out callee life animated that has to dodo with an autistic little boy who couldn't communicate withit anyone, not his parents, nos not anyone, and his father -- her -h used to watch disney films allma the time, the boy, so his father had a puppet of my character yago. the parrot and he started talking and he started imitating my voice and that's the firstir conversation he had with his son. h >> no kidding.'s out now. >> life animated.that's>> life >> i'll have to look into.animat that's t fascio nating.nati. that's got to make you feel goog to have that kind of impact onon somebody. >> it shows i can dsoome wonderl things as long as i'm not directly involved.nvolved. [ laughter ]
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>> that's what screws me up. scu when i'm directly involved, then -- you are a funny, funny,y man. man. i want to ask you too beverly br hymns hills cops two you steal l the movie in my opinion and the i heard that your part was improvised.provised >> yeah. it was a very nothing scene when we -- on the script, and then we just like did it differently each >> they literally hand i was was break script and say make magic happen. happ >> no, they were expecting --ti- it's originally supposed to be b like, you have traffic tickets, well, $200 take care of that? a and okay, fine, and that was it. and then we started just joking back and forth, and doing it different each time, and that's' what happened.whatne >> then it work. pure magic.ic. i also heard you got your startt when you were just a teenager ii stand up.. >> yeah. >> take me back when you first t realized, hey, you know what, wa this thing might not get me a few laughs but a few
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too, i can do this.hi >> and there i always say, i was lucky that i had stewed did thet on my side. s [ laughter ]ht >> because it's like, now iow i think in terms of, wait, you'rer expecting to have a career in show business? that's not thest way it works. back then you're too stupid top know that and i went up on a stage, you know, non-paying,, when i was 15 years old and youu write your name down and this ii writing my name down. dow [ laughter ] >> in case, n case the termm writing your name down is so difficult, i have to act it out. >> visual cues.. >> this is putting gloves on. [ laughter ] ] >> do you remember what the first jokes were that you told that night?were >> i did mainly imitations i remember. >> of. >> oh, god, it was like i do like humphrey bogart and boris
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back then my act was dated. dat [ laughter ] >> i know you are adapting toda the times though.s th you joke about the datedness bub you're adapting to times.imes off it's very popular. >> gilbert gottfried amazing colossal podcast. >> fantastic long title. t you're getting a chance to talkk to the people that you were a we big fan of at some point. >> yeah. i've had on so far four memberse of the original batman series adam west and burt ward who who batman and robin two of the cat women lee merry weather and julie knew more.e dick van dyke was on. >> who's on the gilbertthgilber gottfried podcast buck list? who would you love to?o? >> oh, god it trial sal bucketac list because sometimes i'll call someone and they'll say, oh, i'd love to do it and they died thee next day.xt day. [ laughter ][ laughter ] >> i'm kind of like
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aper.r. >> okay. don't ever invite us on the show. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> if you want to come an kill --kill - >> we're not going there. goinge >> you have shows coming up ats the improv.impv when you're on the stage and and doing stand up and you've beene doing this all your life, but a now you getli a chance to do itt for the folks here in d.c..c what do they see when they comeo to a gilbert gottfried show. >> what they can expect sitxpect there and watch five minutes of the show and goes who idea was this to see gilbert gottfried? i never liked >> let them fight amongstt ongst themselves. >> very funny man i do have to asky you because this is washington. you on mentioned donald trump celebrity apprentice.e. yeses. >> your thoughts now that your celebrity apprentice host is nos in the white >> i think he should run the hhe country the way he did celebrity apprentice.appren two teams of celebrities and go, okay, whoever builds the better wall -- [ laughter ]wa
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of material now just because ofe that situation? >> yeah.>> y it's so funny. so nny i still don't do really political stuff any more, i mean, i never really did. it's like if i did political stuff, it would be in that category of like how, you know,, how when clinton was in then t white house. they did sex jokes. jes. >> right.>> r. >> and it was never reallylly political jokes. it was sex or with dan -- dan >> it was timely it was what waw happening. >> we love your humor.e ve y we've enjoyed it for years now w and i know you'll keep going gog strong. don't invite us on the podcast,t but we would love to come seeco you at the improv this weekend.d i hope everybody else does. gilbert gottfried.ri it's a pleasure my friend. frid. there's the information.s tickets affordable. tonight one show and two shows tomorrow and two shows saturday. >> how you can experience theie action of 24 legacy first hand d
10:48 am we're showing you the 3360-degree virtual reality reai experience as we kick off the first ever bro block. as we head to break. we to one last appearance from good go day d.c.'s dancing winnie.. dance, ♪♪ i will never wash my hair again. new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful.
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♪♪ yeah. >> time for something >> let's do it. >> ya'll ready.>> ya'll ready >> i'm ready. >> welcome to the first ever good day bro block. >> yeah. >> play the music again. >> crank it up. ylay >> keep reading cra steve. s they should put up more music.d >> crank it up. or npuot >> we can just do bro blocklo nobody listens to men any way
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>> welcome to the first ever good day bro block. block crank it up.. >> crank it up.nk i >> it's okay.s okay steve nobody listens to men any way. way. >> here's the deal.>> h obviously a lot of what we doe d here on the show is targeteded toward the female demographic. . >> all right. >> we know that. it's awe>> wsome.some we love women.ove men. >> right. >> we feel like we should n --l- >> i only love one woman. wan >> -- everyone. >> we know guys out therehe watching --watc >> bro block.rolock >> here's the deal.ea we're kicking off a new segment that is for the guys as well.l. >> uh-huh.>> >> keeping the guys in mine. in. here's what we're going to do.ed >> for everybody.dy >> for everybody but we're evero playing up to thedy guys a litte bit here. >> so wisdom has something inomg his hands right now that we thaw think a lot of bros out thereut will be jealous of.jealou >> that's right. we're talking about hey, hey,, y pipe down back there. >> uh-huh. >> we're talking about virtual reality -- you guys likee electronic stuff.tu. >> my first question you putrst that on, are you manly? i don'd know if you are.f yoare >> tuck we're talking video vid games and electroni
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i'll look in here and it's goini pop up over here in our bigig bistro thing over here. >> do it.>> d i >> you guys read. read. i'll put this on.n >> 24 returns to tv t weekend. >> there it is.. >> d.c. corey hawkins is the ex army targeted by the terrorist in thr nation's capitol 24 legacy debuting sunday after the superr bowl. bowl. >> we're getting a chance to beo part of the action -- aion >> i'll tell was i'm seeing. se. >> on the front line with aaronn carter.carter. >> samsung out with virtualtual reality prequel called the raidr it is a 360-degree experienceexi and it will introduce you to tht new cast and the story line sett nine months britt starts. we got a coast raid in our hands virtual reality and we want to show was you're in for. let's go to the screen behind us right now. righ while i'm looking in here. her this is what wisdom is seeing ii right now. do yoes it look? what do you see. >> i'm see guys at a computer. t all right a.. >> i'll turn this way and i see eric carter sitting in the witht a bunch of his buddies doingdiei somethinwi
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got all that military equipmente on them. ning uppeningat's happe here. he >> can you look. >> i'm looking up. nothing up there.noing >> look down.>> lk do >> let me look mlook now they stopped moving we mighg need to get our technical guyhnl over here and see why everybody stopped moving. there's a guy over here.y er h all corey still over it says the raid.. okay. if you look over and there youve see winnie the pooh you're not imagining things. >> here's the other thing wes have to realizeth in the block. we don't read instructions when it comes to electronicctni equipment. we just put it on and go withh it. >> that's why our segment lookss the way it does. >> which is why it's the bro bro block. bloc okay. all right.all right >> hang on. i think you're supposed to bese queuing something up.hing >> i'm looking down.ow why don't you pass it off too tucker. tu >> there you go. make magic out of the it.t >> at least you were dressed appropriately.prop >> i like that steve.ike at s >> oh, my gosh.h, mos take you to tropical paradise filled with scantily clad -- cd >> that's the wrong one. >> no, no new york cit
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>> this is all my dreams have come true.cot >> you had it on the wrong bronb channel. >> are they moving on -- arey vg they moving, tuck? tuc >> all right. right look here's -- oh yeah i seeea i they're the computer.pu >> right. right >> there's and there's tucker. >> uh-huh. there's winnie. >> steve is faking you guys outo >> what's the bottom line would you use this for virtu reality? yet guess thing yet. . >> here's what's supposed to wh' happen. >> it's supposed to be moving.pp it's not moving.osit not it's supposed to be moving.uppoe >> right. this is -- you're supposed toup have stuff that goes with it and playing --in >> i see. >> video >> so that's pretty much what i is. looking at this stuff and it'ss moving and you get it's interactive.ti >> steve, can i accident, n i question. >> would this be enjoyable withe a few enjoy cocktails?ocktls >> probably and i don't evenon e drink. >> sure or channel you had onouh yours you were watching.s you wn >> or some chips. >> or some other food, wings wgs maybe. >> yeah. >> or some high brow conversations, talking aboutng o things that dudes talk about.
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>> football cars.allars. what else do guys talk >> a work in progress. pgres >> it's absolute al work ins abu progress. we may need somebody to comeom over and upgrade this bro blockk studio. guys do complain, too., t they do complain when there's ns women around.rod. that's what we're complainingeog out t now. we're complaining about our abor studio.udio >> we need to set this up.p. we need some food and beveragesg >> we need a refrigerator. >> right. rht >> we need a ride.ide. we need a fancy ride.. >> we'll make this better placee >> we'll make this happen.apn. >> okay.kay. we need material we can workmaaw with. >> yeah. >> and in perfect world, giantla pin knee the poo.he p >> there you go. >> just to cater to our weird wd but sense seive side.e. >> every man cave you got to have all the stuff. >> can i bring my fair faucett majors poster. >> who? who >> let's ask winnie. askinni winnie, what do you think? thi winnie, come over [ laughter ] >> bro block, what are you
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