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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  February 2, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios. this is fox5 local news at 10. right now at 10, a metro bus driver has a racist tirade. the man who recorded the driver is talking exclusively with fox5 about the abuse he says endued.a virginia residents getting hosed on their water bills.lls. with some
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to nearly $2,000.000. what's causing the problems ands how can customers get it fixed? and are you tired of all thethe political pickerring on your social media apps. >> definitely too much. everyone thinks that they'rehey' experts. > there's a way to purge your p way from the political atmosphere.mosp we begin tonight with a fox5 exclusive. a man says he was the target of a metro bus driver's racist rant. thanks for joining us, i'm shaw, yancy and i'm tony perkins. this began on the roadway andada ended at the boston metro stop. fox5's marina maracco is live oo the scene with the troubling story. >>reporter: that's right, tony, it unfolded exactly a weeing ai right here just steps away fromy the metro's bus supervisor'super booth. this man says it was a metro bur driver whoo called him the n wod and tonight he says he's not looking for an apology
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what's recording going to do? this video shows the aftermath of an emotional encounter between a metro bus driver andr another motorist. he pulled up, opened his door. i figured he was going to telltl me i'm driving real slow. he like man, you don't own the i'm trying to find my location. he said you're the typical mfn and i was sort of like in shock. maurice green says the metro bus driver called him the n word just prior to h confrontation.o you're not going to call me that. i'm going to hit you.. > things could have went wrong, terribly wrong if i was thethe wrong person.on fortunately i was the rightthe person that walked away fromom him. but it could have went wrong. green says he owed it to himself to con front the metro drivermer who quickly looked for things th get physical. >> i know that's what you
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to do. but green walked away choosing, he says, to be the bigger person.. it was hard. and it took like everything i had. i had to show this to my kids. my kids took it a little hard. as you can see i'm still like -e i just don't understand how, you know. > the man says he reported thee driver to metro and tonight metro would only respond saying, quote, an investigation intoesti this matter is underway. live tonight in arlington, virginia, marina maracco, fox5 local news. > new at 10 a marylandmary homeowner is puzzled by a bizarre incident that happenedhp on her front
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her surveillance camera whatha recorded what may be a scam oror an attempted burglary. the man walked on the door ofof her home six times twin 45 minutes. twice he plugged his phone into a charger at an outside outlet. the woman asked the intercom to ask the man what he wanted. police have not identified thatt man. > we have an update tonight, the corrections officer who was killed during a nearly 24-hourhr prison stand off is beingbein remembered. officers lined the streets astre the body of stieve floyd waswa escorted to the medical examiner's office.fice inmates armed with three guards and a t understand could already hostage morning. two guards were release. they used a backhoe to get into the building to rescue the counselor. they later found sergeant floydg dead inside. > an merge meeting about a bed bug and rodent infestation at a
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provided fewl answers for outraged parents. health and school administrators were on site at saw invoice elementary school but he gave no solutions about how to top theop problem at the school. teisha lewis joins us live in southeast with the story.heas >>reporter: thet parents say that the bed bug infestationesta started here on the first floorf in the pre-k classes. they tell us that it has quickly spread throughout the school.e walk with me, this is the lettee that greeted parents dropping their little ones off at schoolt today and the department ofnt o health was here to tell parents about kids they can pick up to determine if they have bed bugs. according to parents what's missing, what was noticeable absence at this emergency meeting was solution on how to fix anisole the problem moving forward
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not only that, this building has rats.ra outrage, anger and frustrationur filled this auditorium at savoy elementary school in out east. health and school administrators met to discuss parents' concernr about a reported bed bug infestation and rodent problemrl at the aaron dottie was there. this f this would have happened on wisconsin avenue, the school would be closed. dottie shared these snap shotssp with us earlier this week showing us what he says were bed beg bites on his two daughters who attend the school. done any was one of am who saysy the school has been infested with bed bugs since november anv complaints were ignored. >> i was aware of the issue back in december, but the principalnp was nonchalant about it. are bed bugs still in the school. >> yes, my daugh
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i have two grandchildren that goes here. the l school's principalprin attended the emotional chargedcr meeting, but avoided questions from the crowd and media and other officials dodged our questions afterwards.erwa > why did it take so long to have this me.have >> i'm actually on may way outot at the moment. > what do you guys want to say to parents in. >> hi, there, what do you guys want to say to the parents. they say that you ended thisis meeting abruptly without answering all of theirir questions.s. >> ma'am, we stayed here for over an hour trying to address every question that parents had. we had pcs represented and dgs. why did it take so long to havev this meeting, though. m i'm not sure.t this school should be closed. the student and staff should be moved out into a facility until they resolve this problem. and health and schoolcho administration here tonight say they were not here to offer
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instead they were here to provide information. as for moving forward they said that they will provide all thisl information, take it back anda share it with their colleagues and higherups and go from theree teisha lewis, fox5 local news. > dr.s say a two year old hasol been diagnosed with one of the worst cases of led price ong the district has seen in decades. and there are concerns more families could be at risk. the start for heaven shortly after she and her family moved into a home in northeast that they paid for with d.c. housing vouchers. the d.c. housing authority performed a required inspectiond before the family moved in.n. but after the diagnosis theyy found led paint throughout the home. we called to make note that wet had noticed some chipping paint in the bathroom. the bathroom tub was completely spray painted, fixtures and everything. that was one really major concern to me just
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glance. who spray paints a tub. one of problems is the way inin which the law is structured which requires only a visual inspection. for example, if the landlord paintspl ande, then there is the next day there's an inspection you can't see behind the paint what the problem is. the house initially failed forly several violations, but beforeoe the family moved in. they had the landlord fix the problem. they claim mow one was wear of the problems when the lusterus family did move in. > neighbors in arlington count arear complaining about their hh water business.wa now we're not just talking aboui bills higher by a few dollars, but sometimes by thousands of dollars. the county says it hasn't seena' any major problems with the system, but people aren't buying it. sarah simmons is here with the story. >>reporter: that's right. we don't think too much aboutu our water bill when we're in the kitchen and we go to turn on the faucet or whatever.what it's something that we do everye day multiple times.ti bu
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county, they are are certainlytn thinking bi.i. when they got water bills that were sometimes, hundreds, evenur thousands of dollars more thanth residents in some of the north arlington neighborhoods say they've noticed a change inchan their bills since sometime last fall. while others haven't noticed any significant change.ant mike can't well, the president of the york town civic association says while he hasn't experienced problems with his bill, he believes there is a problem. some were 50 percent higher,high some were five times as high anh some approached the county and tried to get their bills changed, but they really did not get any resolution from therom county. we spoke with arlington's department of environmentalen services. they say it's common for them to receive complaints about high bills. it's actually typical in any billing cycle that we'll see als couple dozen bills that willwill come in several hundred dollarss higher and even thousands of dollars high and there's a's number of reasons that that can
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but after investigating he sayse they can usually pinpoint thein problem and that each case isis different. leaks are a common one. it could be changes in water use patterns, irrigation is a common culprit because irritating even a small quarter acre lot like ie common in arlington will doublel triple or quadruple a domestic con sums so irrigation is a big thing. there cannerrors in the process. > well, residents are actually also concerned that perhapsrhap instead of it being on their end at the facets that perhapsat there's some are the some of meter issue, perhaps a softwaref issue. apparently he said, the civic association said, there are some residents who received brand new meters within the year that use wi-fi so they're computerized. now, if there is an issue withi your bill, arlington county says it is very important that you do contact them because each case can be very diff
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the p number they say for you to contact, the environmental the services is 703-228-6570.703- they say they will then followup, send out a high use investigator to determinestig whether or not it's oatn your ed or if it's something they needd to reimburse you for if there ir some sort of leak in the system. that's the latest. back to you guys in the stud yes. > wow. that could be a lot of money. very frustrating. > it's one of the most frustrating things about socials media these days. it seems like you cannot sign onto facebook to catch up with friends and family without being exposed to political r but there are several new appsp to help filter those items froms your feed. how they work next at 10. we have a fox5 followup.ol this local woman ran seven woman ran seven marathon on sevenra yes, she's actually here aliveve in our studio to show her gurney.
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understood s. n then you see them o national stage, two of the puppy bowl contestants will join us right here in the studio. fox5 news at 10 will be right back.
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' take it outside tonight, coolt and comfortable out there. a live look at the washington monument. tomorrow you can expect perhapshaps a drop in temperatures and maybe a little wind. sue palka, what can we expect. >> hi there, you're absolutelyre right. we had a stretch of mild andand comfortable days, but a little bit of a reality check tomorrow. once again today getting up to 50s. a very lovely ground hawg day. we did have a few passing clouds, but even with a few clouds around we managed to get above average by some six degrees. it is getting a little bitttle chillier tonight. wech have a couple places down n the 20s. we've had a frontal boundaryndar come through. that's bringing in a colder shoc of air and it's going to get
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it's 27 in winchester, 29 in martinsburg, 38 for d.c.urg, that is on the chilly side for us compared to where we have been, wees minister down to 28, 32 in frederick.deri this is a pretty decentcent departure from yesterday. we're 8-degrees colder in martinsburg. 11-degrees colder in gaithersburg and 6-degrees colder than we were at 10:00 last night down in culpeper. winds are a little bit gusty. these are sustained winds. we saw gusts at manassas atsa 256789 your sustained wind, 21. but look at the direction of the arrows, a cold direction for usn at this time of year.of as we look up to the north and west we find the source of that cold air. pittsburgh is 26, crumb bus 23.s chicago and detroit is in the teens. bottom line for tomorrow, a chillier, cloudier friday. temperatures may only top out iy the up arer 30s to near 40 and it looks like we'll keep that k cool trend going even on intoon the weekend. we'll
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in just before > you're going to want to hear this. hot on the web tonight, a solution forhe w making your facebook timeline politics free. fox5's lauren demarco joins us in studio with the details. the >>reporter: when beyonce twins are a welcome break from politics we know we are overloaded, even though i waswas excited to hear about the twins. since president trump's nog ears yours it seems like the rants l are ramping up. some people are choosing to disconnect. what p p you can filter out the political posts? here's whate's people were saying in dupont circle it would be a nice to piltier it. my boyfriend and i are on opposite spectrums and we get it fights about it all the time. he just deleted his facebook.ebo when it comes to certain things i'm glad to see people voicing their opinions, but when
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juicy mornings i really wish iis could delete it and get it out of my phone. so if you're fed up, what can you do? check out social it will clean up your facebook speed. you download the extension toxt your browser and when you're're logged into facebook you can customize it with new settings.g if you select the election politics 2016 filter it remove any politic feeds.feed you can also go in and add yourd own terms, names or key wordsrds you don't want to be bombardedbb with. social fixer only works on an actual if you mainly use your mobile device, the other thing you can do is unfollow any particular users. they won't know as long as you still like them. you can also click the top right arrow on a given post in your news feed and choose to hide posts from that individual user. this is an option that already exists within your facebook appf we are in the nation's
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so we need to be realistic.eali for many people here, a political purge is the lastca thing they wantl pu to do on thr social sites. some people told us tonight that they can't get enough.ugh. others are hungry even and maybe especially for posts that they disagree with. i kind of like it because i lik seeing where the protests are going and what to go to. sometimes the concerns are unreasonable, but a lot of times you understand where they're coming from.m. sometimes -- there are some apps that help you pierce the bubble and actually see what other people are saying outside of your own personal bubble and i think that's kind of a good idea. that last guy is particularlyrtc fond of h feature from the wall street journal. it's called blue feed, red feedd and it shows some of the top liberal and conservative facebook side-by-side so you can see what people are saying evens if you don't agree with them. something for everyone.very we're going to p
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links on in the film there, did i see you unfollow my page. >> i was going to say i've gote to go back in. i needed somebody to democratoca on. i've lately tried to keep as little politics as possible. i don't like reading the back and forth and hate.e. i kind of like seeing what people are saying.sayi >> i don't mind intelligentinte discussion. i don't like the hate andqec bitterness. > just scroll past a that. thank you,t scro lauren. all right.righ could you imagine over coming cancer to compete in seven marathons in seven days? it is an incredible feet and this woman with me right here took on the challenge and you crushed it, didn't you in. >> of course she did. o we're goingf to talk about bet and toll perth's general knee next. these guys are going to be national celebrities soon when they compete in the 13th annual puppy bowl. we're
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jeffrey and we're going to playy a little foot upcoming up next on fox5 news at 10. we have some breaking news for you, sky fox is live over the scene in lorton, virginia.irgi there is a two-alarm fire at the fairfax county recycling and disposal center. these are live pictures. pretty intense flames.flam this is happening on furnace road in lorton. right now there are no injurieso to the cause of the fire of course still under investigation. that fire being battled as we sex we'll have more coming up.
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> all right. you met this woman a couple of s ago. wom lindsay watts talked to bet and tell perth on skype from chili. the story is amazing. it speaks to the power of the human spirit.rit. bet and is one of a kind. last month sheid
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marathons, seven days on seven continents and she's here tots tell the story a tonight.ight how are you? >> i'm doing i just returned back to the states last night p and i feel d wonderful and it's great to beto back in the united states z,es especially in our nation's capital. this is something called the world marathon challenge.enge there were 33 people that took part from 13 countries, 25 men, 8 women.en. you were the only american woman to participate. why? why? are you crazy? >> i'm not crazy, but i was looking for something epic to do to use my platform. i have brain cancer and i'veve been living with brain cancercac since 2004 and i was looking foi something epic to do to get the world out not just to the united states, but globally and what better to use my abilities as an endurance athlete to run aroundu the world and run around the world to help defeat brain cancer. you discovered you had brainain cancer running the marine marathon back in 2004, right. >> that is correct.ha > you were running
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something. >> i felt a pop in my head and that's where this journey began and i've run every marathon he's had since then. > you're here before obviously you're doing quiteite well. how do you prepare to test your body to do that? you ran what, 183 miles in a equal woo.oo. how do you gear up for that. >> i had a wonderful team behinn me, not just of supporters but other athletes who helped meed prepare for h this. a great trainer who gave me a m program every day. i simulated the seven marathons on seven days, not on seven days, but i can it here in the d.c. pennsylvania area.area > you starred at ain't artic. >> chili, miami which you had a big contingent. > talk abnut miami. >> miami i was able to see mymy beautiful parents and then some wonderful people came down and fromy
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pennsylvania to run with me and cheer me on. > dubai and sidney, which stands out as the most difficult challenge. >> definitely dubai.ubai everybody thought it would be antarctica because of the temperature, but it was dubai. it was almost the 5-degrees and very, very who the. > you have several of your shoes here. you did this for a good reason.. you're doing this to talk aboutk the shoes and the significance. >> new balance sponsored me. they gave me 14 pairs of shoes. so each marathon i wore two different pairs of shoes and wee sent a template over socialcial media to children that had brain cancer or brain cancer in general. they were able to submit the designs. an artist locally here in the arlington in the local area put the template on the shoe.shoe whatever country that child ran with
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i have 14 pairs and i wore two in each country. before we go, tell me about the organization that you race money for. >> i've been working with accelerate brain cancer right out of here of washington d.c.c. stieve's brother died of brain cancer and they're a great organization that fields money to 54 institutions all over the world and about p $20 million so far and i'm almost at that $1 million mark. what's next for you, by the way. >> i talked about that on my antarctica trip and throughough sidney and i talked to the foundation and they said receipts ' get this over with a couple days before you talk about that, but there is a trek that i'd like to take throughhru europe. >> thank you so much. you > if you can't think you can't do something -- we're back after this.
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♪♪ never waver. ♪♪ because going around is rarely ever as enjoyable... going right through. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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> tomorrow will be a bundle upi kind of morning.ll b i wanted to show
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overnight temperatures becausemr we've been getting a break-in-in this department but we're going to head down into the 20s. even 29 in the district. while i'm i'm not talking about polar vortex cold, tomorrow isto going to bmoe a chilly day. we'll have more clouds aroundd for friday.y. some temperatures may only stay in the 30s, near 40 for ther district. we're going to be sunny on saturday, but saturday also betd quite a chilly day. we'll get more clouds on sunday. there was a little chance of precipitation, light snow or rain. it looks like that ising to be well north or well west fort sunday at this point.. next week is warming up again, but we are going to see a couple of rounds of rain and that may begin on tuesday and last into wednesday. more warmer temperatures coming, but get ready for tomorrow but it will definitely remind youd o that winter is still here and in full effect even though it's not going to be
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that's the look at your headlines. > everybody knows we are just e three days away from super bowly 51 right here on f fox5. that means it's almost time for the annual puppy bowl. guess what, this year some local doings are going to be competing in the competition. two of them present city doings rescue in d.c. are joining us live in our studios. take a look at this we have doughy and jeffrey.ffre shannon felder with the rescue group is here. tell us a little bit more about these competitors. i have zoe. she is chilling out because shee is resting up before the big game. >> she is about seven months ols and same with jeffrey. let me can you, these guys, will they be competing on the same team? well, you'll have to wait and see the puppy bowl on sunday. i can't give that away. what are the teams. >> rough and fluff. represent all the kind of dogs out there.ere. > i he
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rough team. >> we have to win this thing. we know what the puppy bowl that all the dogs are looking for forever homes; is that correct. >> yes. found forever homes. >> they have. know that you have other dogs.dogs >> yeah, so with city doingsgs rescue we have a ton of dogs that need their forever homes ranging in pep why yous all the way up to some senior doings. we have big labs, little toy dogs. what's the process, then, like. if someone is watching and they're saying owe, my gosh, these guys are so cute. how do you get down -- what's the process everybody has to go through. >> there's an olympics process. some reference checks, a home visit.t. it usually takes a couple of days to get everything throughve and then youry you potentially meet your dog, the new additionw to
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you can go to our website city duty rescue to look at the adoptable dogs as well. we know these guys are going to be resting up. >> sunday at 3:00 p.m. p.m > have they been doing any kind of special exercises or workouts. >> you know i don't really know what goes into their workout routine, but i'm pretty sure it has to do with some roughing around. >> maybe that means they're on the rough team. > i heard that the puppy bowl has a very cute correspondent and his name is rottweiler. >> and they're going to have some kittens at half time. >> there is a kitten half time show. > i hope you can adopt all your dogs out. that would be so cool. >> i hear the kitty half time show is featuring kit i gag gag. there will be a lot going on. thank you so much
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down. > thank you for having us. >> we wish you guys the best. > you guys do wonderful work.rl we appreciate what you do. >> thank you for having us. > saving so many animals. >> watch the super bowl on fox5 and watch the puppy bowl. more workers are getting ping slips at least for now companies cutting nearly 46,000 jobs in january up sharply fromly december. now, a lieutenant of those cuts hitting retail stores. but a lot of you were shopping on amazon over the holidays. the online retailer reportingori sales of nearly 44 billion-dollar over the final three months oflar the year. but get this, those numbers wers blow expectations.pect and mickey mouse is on fire, literally. walt disney theme parks recalling thousand thousand of mick my mouse nightlight. apparently liquid from the lights can leak creating a fire hazard. and trying the not is not getting any the cheaper.aper according to a new survey, the average cost for a wedding
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now over $35,000. that is up around 3 grand froman last year. by the way, that doesn't includ buying a wedding dress now running around $1,500.,500 that's business. i'm neil cavuto. .
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> a husband and wife tookus matters in a theirba own hands d fought off an intruder at theirr home this morning. the two jumped into action aften the suspect attempted to break into the home off musclen way in let and near anap last. police say there was a struggle before
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handgun and fired shooting the intruder in the leg.leg. but that did not stop the intruder from trying to get into the home. the individual was not faced byy this, went outside and grabbed a piece of rebar, a piece of metal and came back and assaulted the male homeowner at which time the homeowner shot him in the head. residents in the neighborhood knew about him, watch out for this police say theis suspect tried o runaway, but collapsed down the road. he was arrested and taken to the hospital where he is p expectede to survive. the house of h representatives voted to rollback an obama administration rule onmini background checks for gun ownership.ow the rule established the criteria the social securitycuri administration would follow when forwarding names for the criminal background check system. it applied to people having mental disorders so severe that they can't work and need a
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benefits. today's vote is part of the first steps towards strengthening gun ownership under president trump.esid gun advocates and rights for with disabilities support the bill. > there was some major reform. the trump administration addressed relations with russia, as you trail a and put iran on notice. >>reporter: president trump shaking uper: foreign policy a, extending a hand to russia whili fighting with iran and australit much the white house will now allow us companies to do limited business with russia's intelligence service. after president obama sanged moscow for medicining in the election. the administration denies this is a policy shift. after tweeting his disapprovalda of an iran and missile test, mr. trump refused to rule out military action. the us is expected to i'm pose sanctions on iran as early as friday. the president is also fighting with
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over a deal by the obamabama administration to take in more refugees despite mr. trump'sr. t recent ban. we'll see what happens, butbut previous administration does ad objection,mi you have to respect that, but you can also say why s are we doing this. the potential tip with australia received swift action from congress. this, in my view, was an unnecessary and frankly harmful open dispute over an issue which is not nearly important as the united states australianustr cooperation and working together. > democrats continue to fight the president con on the immigrr ban. instead of making it safer thiss ban will aid isis bothboth materially and as a potent recruitment tool. nancy speak lowe's i reacted tod president trump saying quote, vladimir put in and president trum
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present. > this morning at the nationali prayer breakfast president trump brought his reality show, the one he used to host up, let me say that again. he started talking p aboutabou celebrity apprentice.ppre remember he used to host itment then he took a swipe at the new host and asked the crowd to pray for arnold warts nagger. the california governor snappede back. they hired a big hovnaniany star, arnold schwartz nagger toe take my place. and we know how that turned out. the ratings went back down the tubes. it's been a total disaster andnd mark will never bet again and i want to pray for arnold if we can for the ratings. donald trump, i have a great idea, why don't we switch jobs. you take t v because you're suce an expert in ratings and i take over your job and then people
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again. > earlier this week schwartz nationer spoke out against trump's immigration ban and he said it wag ill prepared and pr makes americepa look "stupid". > at some point president trump will not be living alone in the white house. it turns out first lady will be moving to d.c. all. it was rumored that they wantedd to stay put in new york city. the two will move to washington when the school year ends asnds they previously said they wouldl lindsay reynolds will be the joining the first lady's team as they are chief of staff. > super bowl 51 will air thisir sunday right here on fox5 a. we break down the performances with lady gag a, country superstar luke brian and all the other entertainments surrounding sunday's big game. an update on ollie the bobcat after she broke out of thehe national zoo.
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her. we're going to tell you whatre m they did and how she's doing at 11. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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are you getting this? these numbers are off the charts... sir! what's the status? there's a meteor hurtling towards earth. how long until impact? less than a minute. what do you want to do, sir? listen carefully... if we all switch to geico we could save 15% or more on car insurance. i like the sound of that. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer.
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the count down is onto super bowl 55 which will be right here on fox5. and for a lot of fans it's all about the have time show. fox's ashley devour kin is dev breaking down what lady gagga is haze for the big game. >> i want to more than anythingn create a moment that everybody that's watching will never forget. super bowl 51 isn't just aboutbt the it's about the entertainment, celebrities and performances, including time with superstar lady gag a, but don't expect to reveal too much about what's inn store. i don't want to giveaway whatat songs i'm singing for the half time show, but we went throughhu my whole career and
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songs i hope that both the football fans3$p'd people that are just tune in for the half time show will enjoy.enjo the only statements that i'll be paying during the half time shoe are the ones that i have beenben consistently making throughoutak myin i believe in a passing for inclusion. i believe in the spirit of equality and the spirit of this country, one of love and compassion and kindness. > luke brian who within performing the national anthem say this is the a milestone for. it will be certainly a highlight of my career and my entertainment life to be able te walk out there and hopefullyhope perform the anthem in the way that i've always dreamed that it would do it. another big line up on big day is a pregame party with lady and the bell up and oar. it's not just about sunday.unda housto
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leading up to it with headliners at events including sam hunt, bruno mars, information i ands,i taylor swift. there's also party with a purpose where the band perry will take the stage much there's music, food and more at super life downtown as just part of the many festivities takingfest place as the party that is super bowl 51 is in full swing. in houston, ashley dvorkin, fox news. > by the way, the super bowl is going to air right here on fox5. >> what in. > i hope it's a good >> i. do, too. > i hope it's not lop sided. it's going to be a great game. > hear the music. the water is going weather is going to be nice.e. >> it doesn't matter for them. since it's a dome that's retractable. i had you have checked. i'll get back to you onhad yo t, shawn. we do have news
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big news, a furry prognosticate or said let's gogo for another six weeks of winter because even though it was totally overcast there he somehow saw his shadow. can i ask you a question about this? >> sure. obviously the rodent can't talk. >> and he's pretty drugged ifuge you ask me. > they pretend that he's whiz ' tearing to that guy. so does that guy decide what he sees or doesn't see.. i think that was determined ovei drinks the night before as to whether he might or might not make an appearance.eara i do love this tradition, it's fun. that was at 7:25 this morning, but this is a tradition that started in 1887, so he's seenn his shadow 102 times. he's not seen it this is the way point between winter and break. spring begins officially
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march 20 and pungs contain any is the sweater little town ever. he lives in the library and i think he has a spouse now, too. isn't that lovely? > here's another thing that's going on this month. certainly the entire moist dedicated to heart health and tomorrow is national wear readwr day.da sometimes we don't hear about this until the last minute, but tomorrow is go red for women day. you might see people wearing a little red pin.n. it's to call attention to the fact that heart disease, heartt attack, stroke, a big killer and we want people to be aware that this is easy fixable. you can check the numbers and get yourself straight before anything bad happens. wear red to remind women to check their hearts.rts. 37-degrees in the district.istr it's going to be code tonight. we're down in 28 in westminstere tomorrow morning one of our colder mornings.
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been too bad but we're adding ig a little bit of wind. wind chill will be backa it's not a terribly strong breeze out there to. it will be pick up a little bita in intensity and the bottom linm for tomorrow, cool, breezy.eezy maybe you'd even describe it as chilly as compared to where we have been because we've been hitting 50 pretty regularly. a good amount of cloud cover wee think will try to build back in. here's your planner.nner 28 0* in the suburbs. by noon 38-degrees with moree clouds. by 4:00 only 40 with those breezes in ting even if we do get up to 42-degrees in the city it will likely feel colder than that. ation to your knowledge, martinsburg, winchester you may only get into then tog, win 30sa the that. a little bit of cloud cover trying to build in tonight. i wanted to mention forthtion weekend we keep the chillill around, only 4 # degrees on saturday with a lot of sunshine. we're a bit warmer on sun.
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i just wanted to show you as we look at the weekend, a brighter day with high pressure building in on saturday. we had been watching a storm system that we we thought couldo bring a little bit of moisture our way, but now it appears thaa everything that false could be likely west. could we see a sprinkle or a flowery, yes, but with a temperature of 48-degrees i don't think anything could causl any problems.prob we have a lot of clouds aroundud friday. we clear it out friday night and saturday and we cloud back up again on sunday, but as you can see any snow looks like it's going to be well to our west in the mount contains. let's wrap it with our seven day the three chillier days, although sunday is not too terribly cold. it will be at least above norm l a. we have a 54 reading on monday, a nice t day there. and some rain expected, but loot at the temperatures next week, 60 to 63, finally cooler again on thursday at 46. don't go anywhere. fox5 news at 10 is coming
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> this is fox5 local news at 11. right now at 11, a metro bus driver is accused of going off on a racist tirade. tonight, this man is telling hig story exclusively to fox5. i just don't understand how, you know. plus, water worries, some people say they're getting monthlyth bills that are thousands of dollars. and they want to know why. and a special super bowlwl preview. the game, the commercials, the half time show and the food. your news starts right now. we're going to begin tonighteg with breakingin news in virgini. firefighters are still here on e the scene of a fire in lorton. this is the fairfax county recycling and disposal


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