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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  February 8, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST

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♪♪ straight ahead, from the 60s to snow.w. watches and warnings popping up in the d.c. rniegionng ass old m winter gets ready for a come back. tucker is tracking the firsthe r february storm. senator impound the motives and conduct of our colleagueollg from alabama. >> democratic senator side lined during another all nighter.llig the fight over president trump'u attorney general pick takes anen ugly turn.. after senator elizabeth warren calls colleague jeff session age disgrace.ce. it's the second time democratsem have tried to block a cabinetet pick.pi but it could end the same way. w we'll have live report. could the d.c. commute end up even slower? like it's notik already bad enough. enoug well now some local lawmakers want to lower the region's top t speed limits.s. we'll tell you
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you to weigh in. and later, hang it up? tom brady five-time super bowl champion now his wife says it's' time to retire.. so should he quit at the top off his game? good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ yup it's time for to us getg to work giving you all the newse and information you need today.. good day dc. 9:01 on this wednesday february 8th i'm maureen umeh along hollyth i'm morris, steve chenevey and the wisdom martin.n >> president trump and is not it missing life president barack obama not missing live in themii white in wh what he was finally able to do d that he's not commander inn chief. joe biden with a newie job as wl former vp choosing a different e path in his post white house >> first, though, we have got tt talk about weather.eather big changes are on the way.. yesterday topped 70 degrees.s today we're still in
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tomorrow it will snow, folks. fs how much could fall? when willl it get started and which partscs of the region will get hurt worse? i didn't know if i wantw dunkin' donuts say hit worse oro hurt worse.orse tucker is back.. >> not going major event here in d.c.d. off to the north and >> did you ever ever try kite et surfing. >> it's really hard.ry it' >> i heard that video was on the potomac yesterday.te >> it could have been.t [ laughter ]co >> don't go into shark's domaini and play in the i just me.just the hater in me didn't want tott get in. ere ere we go. >> mark it down. 9:02.02 [ laughter ] >> it's a long day.. >> reagan national 59 degrees. e dulles 58. bwi marshall 59 degrees.s that is already extraordinaryora temperatures.tempatur our average daytime high shouldu be in the mid 40s 15 degrees5 dr above normal already.lrdy. we'll be in the mid to upper 60s da-da. lots of sunshine right now.e ri. another mild one to look forward today. it's hard to believe we'red bee talking about winter weatheroutr we've got the origins of outut here.. that's the circle you
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my bad diagram.iagram. what will be happening coldpenig front coming through late this morning bring us cloud cover and then it sets up just to thesto e south and east. h this will be the track of our area of low pressure over the next 24 to 36 hours. hrs and it looks like it brings us a period of rain late tonight probably around midnight andt ad then that will transitionrans northwest to southeast to snow s during the early morning hoursrs tomorrow.ow. our biggest concern not so muchc snow sticking to roadways.. but the fact that we'll be be getting perhaps heavy snow for r parts of the area during thehe a morning commute tomorrow thatomt could cause some travel delays.l speaking of travel delays ifays you're traveling tomorrow newore york up towards boston they'llhe get the jackpot with thish thi system. they could be looking at upwards to six to 12-inches in parts ofo southern new england by tomorrot afternoon. all right. winter weather alerts nothinglte here locally. off to the north and west that'' a winter storm i'll have plenty more details oo this forecast coming up i want i to quickly show what we'ret we'e expecting in the way of snow tho totals. tota again this will be very slushy u couple inches off to our north r and west.and kind of a slushy coating to annt inch here in the immedia
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washington area by early early tomorrow morning.or i'll have plenty more details oo the forecast but the furtherheuh north and west you get out towards the ski resorts steve se mentioned that's where the snoww jackpot will be with this thi particular system, guys. back to you. >> can we do the show from there tomorrow. >> too bad it wouldn't stayad i around for one more week fork fr president's day when everyoneven will go skiing. >> the long weekend. the >> you never know.>> y nev >> it's february.ruar might get snow next week.get snx >> thanks tuck.. >> 9:04 is the time.he time. first up at 9:00 another allherl nighter on the senate floor. t this time around democrats arehe protesting the president'ssidens attorney general pick senator jeff sessions. hours before confirmation vote t gets underway.way senate democrats did the samehem thing yesterday before betsy devos' vote to become education it didn't she was confirmed after price president mike pence cast amikec historic tie breaking vote. v >> today's stand probably won't work either. irework feworen some f after leading republicans publicly rebuked one of its owno lleagueses. melanie alnwick back on capitolt
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morning. mel? >> reporter: good morning.or senate republicans invoked a pretty archane r i'll read it to you it's rule re 19. it says, senators are not are nt allowed to directly or indirectly by any form of wordss impute to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming ag senator "now under this rule 191 senator elizabeth warren ofref massachusetts was basicallyasic handed a red card last night. nt she had to sit down. dow not only did this give rise to the hash tag let lizzie speak ii also set off what one mighte gh guess is the biggest spike in internet essential force the the word impugn. i >> sons and brothers,. >> mr. president -- >> mr. president, the majoritynj leader. >> senators impugn the motives and conduct of oivur colleagueog from alabama as worn by the the chair.r. senator warren quote said
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awesome power of his office to chill free exercise hr of of tht by black citizens.izens i call the senator to order ord under the provisions of rule 19. >> mr. president --ing. >> senator from >> mr. president, i am surprises that the words of coretta scott king are not suitable for debate in the united states senate. >> reporter: well that is how h senator warren's turn at the mike ended. end. they started off her anti a session speech reading statements from senator kennedye and coretta scott king. kennedy's speech referred toferd sessions as disgrace to theracet justice department. dtment. king's letter as you heardou hea accused sessions of using hisis power as alabama attorneyne general today disenfranchiseanch black voters. warren called for a vote in the senate on her sanction and she lost on party lines. lin she is not allowed to speak a
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more on the senate floor duringg this debate over sessions befor his confirmation.firmatio she did, however, not let that silence her completely.plel she took to twitter and facebooo to finish reading that letter lt from coretta scott all of these tactics democratsec say they're continue to employ for each and everyone of o president trump's nominees as for sessions today, senator, ser sessions, i should say, he will probably -- there's really no'sr doubt that he will end up being confirmed and probably sworn ini some point later today. tod live on capitol hill i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news.s. >> thanks for update, mel.el appreciate it.t. three judge general appeals a court will likely issue its warning on president trump's tru travel ban bite end of the weeke yesterday they heard argumentseh from the department of justicece and the states suing theuing the government over thegovernnt o controversial executive order.rd the trump administration wantstr the court to reinstate thenstate temporary ban on immigrants and refugees from seven majority muslim countries.ntes let's go back to thet' district right nows
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receive bed bug and rodentnd r problem is underway. underwa in the meantime, class resumesss today for the students.y for th they've been bussed down tstheud road to nearby ferebee hope hop elementary school.ta that's where annie yu is this yt morning with more.morninth mor it's been a busy trip for you and for student this morning.thi annie, good morning. gooing. >> reporter: yeah, no doubt.ou i mean, inconvenience for someom parents if you ask them.m. others say that things went verw smoothly and they're pleaseded with what d.c. ps is doing soo far. classes are in sessions atsess ferebee hope elementary schoolnh which is about 3 miles fromro savoy elementary. if you look right behind met ind there's a big sign theresign tre welcoming the students for theie first day here at ferebee. fereb this is sort of their new norman nor the text few weeks.weeks. and we shot video i want to youu look at of students arrivings a around 8:20 this morning here aa rebee.e. all the students we're talkingag free k through fifth grade fromo savoy were bussed over here to ferebee.fee. over all things went we spoke to some parents whoen w say, again, that they are pleased with this part of thehe process and they were notifiedrt by phone or text a
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information. i also got off with d.c. ps ands they told me they also sent homm hard copies of the schedule anda the bus information for parentss to really follow until thishis ordeal is taken care of. now busing the children from frm savoy to ferebee again will bei the routine for now.routinnow. no official date has been set oo when savoy will but the district told me thise i morning that they are hoping byb the end of this month. meantime, pest control willol continue to treat the school and hopefully work to fully get ridt of the remaining bed bugs and bs rats that are in around thed t building and the families who w are concerned that bed bugs mayb have come home with their children, the department oftm health is letting us notice nic they're providing justus information not a cyst tans with removal. so the doh says that families should notify their landlords or directly contact pest control professionals. you know, we spoke to the schooo district this morning and theyiy told us that ferebee was closedd several years ago due to low enrollment but
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center for this area they tellha us that one portion of the rec c center will remain open to the kids in this area. area. while the school resumes and the other section.. it's a big they also want to just get theet message out that kids should sul drink just bottled water overere the next few weeks.ks and, you know, they're testingng the water here to make sure it's safe, but those results should o come in later this week.s wk. although they're not sure, butet we did speak to some parentsen this morning who say they packed those bookbags with waterbookba bottles. that's the very latest from southeast dc, annheie ver yu, fx local news. >> annie, thank you for thattha update. stick with schools now. n today it is actually celebration for the principals. the prince george's countyount school system throwing them ahea series of surprise parties.. school officials traveling on an party bus visiting all the highe schools in the county that couny achieved a 90% or higherer graduation bob barnard actually has been oe the bus with them.e bus th t he's just arrived at their firsf stop. this is a life picture of bowie high school as you can see theye are very excited.xced th
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they've got the pom poms. ps. who knew this was what was going to happen on wednesday for themh right? >> awesome. aweso. >> it real sal whole lot of funf i love the positive em em burst many. many. >> principal answer party bus. a >> we'll check in with bob a little late for more on the celebration. >> here's the best part. e'en i was on the busns everyboo wass eve cheering ryandbo happyd they're now in the schools andit the students and the other oer teachers everybody popping their heads out and all excited, too.o >> any time you can celebratete educators, you know, it's welltl worth it. they do not credit they deserve. >> it feels like more. we want it to happen t that's the whole point off positive reinforcement.. >> the party bus rolling onollin through bowie high school and sh two other schools today.he >> we've been talking about thiu one. he's taking advantage of womenan looking for love and line ande a found yet another victim righttg here in our area. a well now she's hoping to helpop police put an end to his cassanova con. c her story that's coming up nextx later the show must go on. o we are going to go live to tmz t because there are new details ds about how beyonce' is, yes,es preparing for
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change she did have to makee tok after announcing her pregnancy.n ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ it's 9:14 this morning we have update on a fox5 exclusive. it's4 ath sto a fry that certan
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a man conning women he met on dating apps across the country.t now targeting victims right herr in our region we first told youy about cassanova criminal earliei this week and since then we'veee heard from handful of other women who were apparentlyary victimized by the very same mann yesterday we told you about a at montgomery county woman who sayy she fell victim to his scheme hm and now fox5 has learned of af howard county woman who saysan s she, too, was victimized by thee same man.. fox5's marina marraco broke thii story and has the very latestatt again. >> you know claims he went tow l college he never has been to college. he has notai eve nnev graduated high hig school.ho but don't let that fool you.. he comes off very intelligent, very confident which i think that is what makes thatakes tt professional con artist. a >> reporter: you heard fromou h this woman in montgomery countyy she says she was romanticallyy involved with who she thoughthot was devon glaze for two months.. she ultimately realized helizedh swindled her out of $700 and
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disappeared.. until her friend discovered he'h resurfaced on a dating app this time as charles. charles it was on that same app known an tinder where another woman whoth reached out to fox5 met charles davis.davis this latest victim is fromrom howard county.y she and the montgomery countyy t victim have been texting the same phone number communicatinin with the same man who is pretending to be two different he's neither, he's trevor devonn thornton.on a con man arrested and convicted in states as far as florida with a rap sheet that dates backatesc decades for fell honey theft,, forgery and fraud.ra. the phone number both theseoth e local victims have beene communicating with appearsppears listed as the business numberr for numerous escort and massagee sites in the state of georgia. >> i would hate for a woman toao become engaged to this guy orsuy have a baby with this guy tuy because i believe he hasi belihe multiple kids across the u
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i believe he's also married toai at least five or sick womenkomen right now with differ names. nas and he's telling them all thesel different stories of himsties traveling the world for work or for family and it's not thes not case. he's conning you. conning y >> reporter: this montgomeryntgy county victim has texts with criminal cassanova dating back k to august of 2016.01 selfies of him in luxury cars, pictures that claim to be of hih arriving at ronald reaganga national airport from supposed e business trips.. >> he could be taking someoned e else out to dinner and i'm pretty much funding it.ding i another woman is funding thenghe next date, and it's just endless cycle that needs to be stopped.p >> reporter: that's exactly exay what has been just this past month of january, the same tales were told to hish most recent victim in howardow county.. same selfie from last year, same airport picture, same lies. just this time in 2 pretending to be someone else. e >> that was marina
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latest victim says she gave $1,600 in cash after he claimedd his assets had been frozen.n. she says he promised to pay herh back. ba police in montgomery and how waw counties are now investigating.g thornton has multiple arrest arr warrants for forgery and fraud a and fox5 also spoken to peopleoo who say they've been conned by b thornton through business dealss so again this man if youan ifou recognize him be aware because c he certainly seems like he's h been on a role for years now and taking advantage left and rightr >> it's tough. if you fall for somebody and sed it's fresh you guys are excitedd about it and then somebody askss for a favor.for a far >> exactly. t to d want to do them right. >> and clearlyo he's charming.i >> exactly. he wouldn't be able to do this time and time and timebe able . >> i read yesterday someone wass saying we were being ensigns ens sensitive and say how cot womanm fall for this. if you've never been in this hos do you fall for it? as you saii if someone is charming ands you're in a place where you'verv met someone, you're excited. ex. >> they have good intentions. ge >> it could happen.. >> however they spin it. it. >> right. rig he's out there.'sut there >>yeah.eah. >> they're still loo
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him. >> they're thinking he's across the country doinghi tnkhiins. who knows -- >> there are arrest warrants ous for him,t right? >> multiple apparently according marina. they'll find him. >> that music gavethey me like stress.. >> that took it to another level. >> i felt like we were halloween. >> like the id channel. weigh in. what do you think you've been talking with us about this.ike h connell to do u we appreciate that.ab >> all right.ouconnpp 9:19 is the >>tim ae righllt now coming up severe weather tears through parts of the south. the. patriots take a victory lap andp send message to the controversial leagueeagu commissioner along the way, pluu how much would you be willing tt pay for perfect cup of coffee. e allison seymour is back withkit what else is making >> i'll have to think about that. >> and later taking it all off f for a good cause. the cupid undee run hits theit t streets of dc this week and this morning the co-founder will joii us live in his scivees i'm i guessing with a look at what too expect if you sign up.n u we'll be right ♪♪ ♪
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(gasp) just head & shoulders? are you kidding? this is celebrity hair
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there's life in it, there's stuff going on this is so free ah, it's just so smooth. like i wish that you could feel it. new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair you see it on commercials and you don't wanna believe it but, this is real people it's not head & shoulders, it's the new head & shoulders
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♪♪ time now 9:22.> ti allison seymour back with check of what else making headlinesakl this allison. >> good morning to you, wisdom and to all of you.rninllyou first up, major damage in louisiana as severe storm systes continues to march across thes t governor of louisiana saying say there are seven parish hit byity twisters. he's declared twa state ofo emergency.emergenc the ninth ward in new orleansrla hardest hit. hit the storm injured about
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pe.ple. destroyed homes and businesses. back here at home, we haveee update on missing fairfax countt teenager and her five month old byby. police now believe that lizzieie rivera colin did he say and herd son may be with the baby'sy's father jose castillo. police released a photo of him. investigators are stilligat concerned about the mother andma satisfy son's safety.y sos sa the father has gang ties. police want to hear from you ifu you know their whereabouts.heire >> patriots quarterback tom brady joked on social mediajokec earlier this week tuesday wouldw be a holiday in boston telling all workers they shall take the day off.y off. it looks like they listened tott him. him. look at the crowds about at th million people braced the cold c and the wet streets of bostonfos for the patriots fifth super s bowl parade much the team roller down the streets in duck boats.. tom lifting the lombardi trophy the whole way.e whe wa the team also sent message toest league commissioner roger goodell along it way t shirts. join five super rings
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slogan roger is back.k. >> automaker upping the size of already giant expedition.xpedio ford unveiling the new aluminum body 2018 expedition aiming toai make it a top seller once again. pardon me. it is the biggest reworking of f the big suv in 15 years.ea it will go on sale this fall. sales of the recent modelel increased 44% in 2016. 2 and finally, coffee loverser listen up.p. forget your five dollarse starbucks. there's a new cup of java it'sj' going to cost you some major dough. do a brooklyn business is selling a coffee at $18 a cup. the pricey caffeine fix made inn a special android powered machine preset with exact specs to bring out the s best flavor r each coffee or tea it makes. mas the shop's owners don't want ton you balk at price tag.ce t they have beverages that startht at three dollars. back to you. >> you hum. you i'm going need a taste ted heed
9:25 am >> iphone version, good, one.d,e >> eighteen dollars for a cup or coffee. coffee. >> we see you over there al.u e we're not staying straight ahead >> now we are. >> okay. ave.>> okatave.e pageant >> i like that. iike does that come with the creamhem and sugar or is that just --us >> that's extra. ts ex >> straight up.aight >> it should. >> all rightul.. >> thanks friend. >> thanks, al. ossible pretty pre soon your drive to work in theot morning could get even longer.r erin como will join us live after the break to explain exp exactly why.y w >> more big changes on the way w from the 60s to then back again. aga got a check of the seven day day next. next. >> fresh at 10a kevin one-on-on- with lego batman sitting down dn with one and only will arnett at and his take on the dark knightn and his voice. and his romantic relationshipioi with the joker.okr. way, wait? >> it's 9:25 now. stick around. stick around.
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♪♪ >> 9:28 is our time right former vice-president joe bidend has a new gig. new g ivy league professor.rossor biden is joining the universityt of pennsylvania where he'll lead the penn biden center for diplomacy and global engagebal e many. a new center focused principallp on diplomacy, foreign policy any national biden says he looks forward tofa
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post world war ii internationaln order that keeps the unitedted states safe and strong.. >> being vp isn't enough youug have to teach at an ivy leagueea olhool. >> there you go. g when president is over you go yu kite boarding.. you launch yourself on to the te board, grab a hold of a kite ana go suffering. acation with sir richard branson on his private i island. former president and theerresi billionaire went kate surfing s together. >> ooh. >> you can't stay up all thetayt time. time >> yeah. >> i did it. r coormer commander in chief evenmm beat branson in challenge. he said secret service wouldn't let him surf when he was in cret s wn office. this is extra suite, bro. check out some of the memes that hit twitter and instagram abouto his vacation you know that lastw picture was leading to lot of .hem. one of them tucker you need to t move out of the way standing inn front of my words. my w thank you sir. little bit more. bit little more to the right.le me o there you go. obama just posed for the i'm great pick that y
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after a break up. >> love it. >> the next one -- if we're notn going to throw these up that.heu we go. when you realize your bestt friend is better friends withit someone else. sad face from joe biden.iden >> does he have an island.e an >> i know right. , i missast one america you.yo >> not. >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> i was like -- i don't know. >> not. >> i'm living that live. what was the one you had earlier out t his hair. it said, he might -- his hair hh might even go black again. >> he's having that much fun. f >> for sure. >> being president will make yoa go gray for sure.e. >> went to gray right away. >> it was almost warm enough too do that here yesterday.teay breaking records right and left. >> shattered the mark at reagana national.nation 73 degrees. all right. let's get to it. eather to talkoalk about, and we'll start withith today. y. very warm again this afternoon.n in fact daytime highs expected c to be about 20 degrees abovedeeo normal
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only 20 degrees, not 30 degreess above normal like yesterday butl mid to upper 60s so no issuess today. and i really want to just pointo out here that this is not goingt to be a major event for most off us tomorrow morning.orng but the timing couldn't ben't b worse. rain arrives later tonight. between 11:00 o'clock tonight00k and one, 2:00 o'clock in theoc morning the cold air rushes inrs as our storm system develops ass a deepens overnight and we'll wl likely -- this is what we'rehatw most concerned about likely have a period of snow around here. h could be heavy snow for parts os the region potentially thundersnow by early tomorrowrow morning, and again the timinging couldn't be worse between five,, eight, 9:00 o'clock in the 9 morning when we're expecting:0we that snow across our urban areae here. 59 now in washington.hito 62 annapolis. 62 in manassas. all of these temperaturesempe already off to a very very mild start. start. 61 up in frederick.ri 64 in martinsburg.ns again temperatures already a running a good 15 or so degreesg above normal daytime highs. hig that is not a great looking diagram but it gets the point tt done here.
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we've got developing stormopg so system out to our west. w this is going to be the track oo our low pressure that's going tg develop later this afternoon ana tonight to our south. and then it's going to roll up t the coast. i do want to point out justt looking at mike at some of the t expected snow totals tomorrow. r new york to boston will get thet jackpot with this storm a foot plus in parts of southern newer by late tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night.fterow n. for us, it will be a rain to a t snow transition. and again the rain will get inlt here probably around midnight mi and then overnight tonight as we get into the early morningarlyor hours, we're going to watch that snow line march from the t northwest to the southeast andst notice what happens this is at 2:00 a.m. we're justs starting to get some rain that t colder air rushes in and we a watch that snow line dip to theo south. there we are at 5:00 a.m. and we could have a period of mixed sleet and rain, littlen,ie snow and the whole thingle t transitions to snow for us justj for a couple of hours between about five and 8:00 o'clock in a the morning.ndthe rnin however, everybody is getting oy the road getting off to work ank school tomorrow morning betweenn five and 8:00.:0 and if nothing else because roae temperatures are pretty warm wem could
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there's snow coming down heavyih across parts of the parh whole thing is out of heree bab nine, 10:00 o'clock in the majo it won't be a major event for uu but the timing couldn't bet worse. all right. as far as advisories, north and es, no west that's a winter stormrto watch, nothing locally. loc just looking at some of the latest guidance i'd look shockee if we don't see weather wther advisories posted closer to washington for late tonightig early tomorrow morning as itng i look like there will bee e wi accumulating snow in parts ofar loudoun county, montgomery, monm howard counties to our north anh west. west. snowfall forecast.owfall foreca. jackpot north and west.est. coating to an inch here iner maybe parts of northwest d.c. get up into montgomery countytgc here we'll see more like le 2-inches, but visibilities ands the potential for heavy snoweavs falling even if it's nott's n sticking will be the biggestigge problems tomorrow morning with w this snow event. eve hey this is what you call a wild roller coaster ride ofid o temperatures.atur 68 today. wintertime thursday and friday.d and then we bounce back to near 70 degrees by sunday. sda so if you want to get outetut potomac and
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afternoon this weekend will be l just about perfect for it.fect i colder again next week and thert maybe another storm we have torh deal with or contend with next w week that could bring us anothes round of winter weather.. so got to love february. fru >> keeping you busy.>> keepi right. >> we're going on early tomorroo morning, too.rrow mo jurnst sino folks know if they't watching now. >> 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. tomorrow. >> we'll be here. >> whoo! >> all your snow and roadr ow ad coverage. definitely get up and watch w that's when the transition willt take place. >> right in the miffled it. >> thank you tucker. good or bad>> idea? t we're talking about lowering the speed limits on some of our region'ses streets. this morning both d.c. and and montgomery county are considering lowering speeding limits to low as 15 miles ans an ho.r. >> real they say it will makee the roads saver but critics arei pumping the brakes. >> like walking. >> road expert erin como hittino the streets this morning to finn more about this idea.dea. good morning to you, erin. tyou, what's the deal here? how didow this come to be and who thoughtt this was bright idea? >> well it's a bill callall division zero plan it hasn'tpl h been passed yet, but a lot of of su
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passed because they say lowerinn reasonable areas to speeds of 2e people safe and through school h zones jason and my photographero we're going through a schoolchoo zone right now about 15 milesute per hour and i'm pretty sureretr some pedestrians are walkingns i faster than we're going they want to take that 15 miles perm hour school zone and extent it t all the time to make it 15 milee per hour every day all day through school zones aroundro parks to keep adolescents and a seniors safe.nis sa people that are against thisagai bill argue that it's just j unreasonable they're worried this is going to be ahey' speedt that cameras will get added and all it's going to do is causes tickets for folks that are thare driving through the area and bib tickets you're paying reallyu're when you're just trying to drive around your enabled. enaed they go as far as to say you you could serve up to 90 days in dai jail for going over 30 miles ana hour through some of those zones if these speeds limits arese reduced and put in place s muchc this report coming from aaa a big hot topic right now folksks that live in the district inistn montgomery county a lot of theme don't believe that this is goini to make the neighborhood safer.f they think this is just going ti be a headachs e foris driversris
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i'm curious to see what you whay think. do you want this? do you thinky it will keep your kids safer s through toes school zones toes o have 15 miles per hour zone alla the time? or do you think it's unreasonable? let us know onnow good day dc. good weigh in from the what do you guys think?o you gui >> erin, i live near a school al park and initially when this report came up i said this isthi ridiculous but the more you're r talking, the more i'm thinking,n i see these cars zoom through mh neighborhood now.. and it is ridiculous.ul all hours of the day you neverev know when kids are out. wn kidsa i actually think i support thist i would never have thoughtav before i would have said yes tos this but i think i support thiss for the safety of the kids ands the elderly who are crossing.ron i think, yeah.eah. yeah.yeah >> here's my -- >> there are lot of pedestrians t and lot >> here's my problem with it,rot though, the people that are thae speeding through yourh yr neighborhoods -- >> they're going to speed any way. >> i get goiany i gett. >> that's the bigger problem tot .e. the people that obey the facthe they should only 2520, whatevere it is posted now, 25, fire finee but the crazy people that speeds through are the ones who are a aggravated it could lead to mord cameras.
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make this happen and do lower lr the speed limit they probablymio will step up and start watchingg those areas even more because bu like you said people will zoom z through it any i they're not paying attention son if the police are out there,e or maybe that will get theirt eir attention. >> first of all they should fixo the potholes you're driving youe ght t now, erin. that was a result we all feltt even here.en her second of all, they already havy done safety studies. stu they already have speed limits,m stop signs, red light cameras, r speed cameras.amer. if you're telling me you put aly of that into place and it's a still not enough, you might want to look at like maureen -- likel holly said the problem may beay the drivers not the regulationso that you have in y i don't think we need any moroue regulations.regulations. you've got enough.u've got but focus on the people who areo breaking the law. >> exactly.>> >> what about speed bumps it ab wonder maybe that's a better -- i wouldn't say deterrent buterrt something.methin. >> speed bump you didn't noticet and hit a pothole. >> i think the thing is, i thini that their trying to pass thisst bill to try to set example, heyy we have to kee
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students and kids and elderlyldr safer, but i agree with you. you people who are going to blow by 15 miles an hour sped limit itnr will make it more dangerousrous environment those of us that don't want tickets an beside bys the law going 15 miles an houran and folks will come speeding byn and it could potentially cause more accidents.idts an argument the folks again the law are >> i'm all for safety.ll forafet the first time you have somebods who creates road wage becausewac somebody driving 15 miles an dri hour in front of them it will take on a whofrleont other thig >> the grandmother whose son was shot and killed because she wasw going too low slow. s >> here's what they have to do e erin.erin. everybody whether you're for itf or against itor drive 15 miles e hour for awhile. ail see how that feels like and seed if you feel like that's going tg make a difference safety wise. >> that's what we're doing righg now. no >> jason, he's already upset.'su so frustrated. >> jason quit rolling through those stop signs we saw that. >> that was california rollingal stop. >> 5 miles an hour is really ahi not -- i don't think that's don going to makth
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difference. by slowing down five more milesm per hour i just don't -- >> the bottom line --ine >> we'll see you in about three hours when you get here.s when h they're right down the industryr 9:38. the show must go on when you'rer beyonce' it does.nce' coming up tmz with brand new brn details about the grammy g performance upcoming but changes she's got to make. plus, does she deserve 15 more5 minutes of fame? one of 2,017's hottest memes.em i still don't understand what she's saying. >> you will soon. this girl is on fire. beyond it. ♪♪
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this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy
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♪♪ >> topping the fox beat brand new details aboutng the beyonces grammy performance. perform good news for britney niece,ie thank goodness. g the cash me outside girl wasirlw thrown off a plane. pla making her most of her 15er minutes.s. >> i watched that video. wat for details we turn to tmz garyr trock live in los angeles. lives good morning to you, gary, how r you doing buddy.u ing buddy. >> good morning. doing well. >> gary, we'll start off with beyonce' after she announced hed pregnancy with twins on herncy i instagram everything went crazyc one of the things everyone washr talking about was, what's goingg to happen to her grammy andd coachella performances. grammys she's still performing and changing up her show a bit.t >> yeah, we're told they'rehe going full steam ahead obviously she wants to perform as a big bg deal.. shs
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grammys she's very pregnant andd we're being told that, you knowu from sources that have actuallya scene her, you know u out and about and going to rehearsals, that, you know, she's showing sg obviously we saw from the photoo she made the announcement andent it's unclear exactly when thoset were taken. so this is, upping, x many weeks later. we're told the performlaance win be a bit different this time. it's going to be slower.r. obviously beyonce' wants to givv it all but she's going to take k it little bit easier.. obviously they want to be b careful, you know, going forwara and this is going to be a litmuu test for coachella and producers of coachella are watching thisci concert very closely they have v lot riding on april. beyonce' is their big headlinern they haven't made plans to getlg anybody else yet because they ty have faith in beyonce'.eyonce'. she wants to be there and shes b plans to be there. the. barring any, you know, complications or anything out oo her control that happens, but everybody is going to beo watching to see
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listen, beyonce' is great no n matter what. w i think whatever she does everybody will be very happy brh with. >> no do you. but, you know, even ifo do y she i'm sure she'll pull off the the grammys flawlessly it's another two months until pregnant with twins two monthswh is significant amount of time. >> absolutely. that's the thing. and it wilthl be -- i'm clear, o know, how that all goes down ana what happens before we are told that she is lined ud some cameos atco kell la to help her out from rock nation. so unclear if jay-z will maybeil there be but, you know, she'sno, going to have some -- going to deal with help from her friendsn >> that's all right. appearance would still be awesome.arance awese od s be a good show. >> we received good newsew yesterday in regards to jameso j lynn spears daughter maddie anda britney spears niece as we mentioned.nt there's some news obviously oio she's breathing on her own now.n can you talk about the latestatt update after this atv accident d that happened that left her underwater unconscious, it wasuw
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>> it was very very bad and isti she was ins serious condition ff couple of days, and they havey e now upgraded her little bit released statement she'sment s currently breathing on her own.o she took out the ventilator anda e's awawake. she's alert. she's responding.g. at this point they say there's no neurological damage which isi amazing.g. especially, you know, for allegedly how long she wasw lonw underwater.undeater that's something that you worryr about.. so remember she was in thishi polaris atv when it flipped andn went into a pond in their houseu in and she got stuck in the vehicle she -- she had seat belt andt lt there's safety netting and jamim lynn and maddie's step dad tries to rescue her but were unable tt get her out of until emergencymn workers arrived and got her out. very scary situation.on. everybody was obviously praying for the best and it looks like l she'll make a good recovery. so keep updated as we get moreer info. >> you mentioned her step dad. d he posted a photo to step dad sd with good news as well saying w that, you know, thank
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all your those prayers might have helped out a little biter.s mit a ttle. >> nice to get good news there.. >> absolutely.>> >> the cash me outside girl youy love her i saw the video off catch recently tmz had and now,w look, she's threatened to fightf everybody it looks like she'sik backing up her words. >> she walk the walk. w her and her mom were heading back home danielle 13 years oldo on a spirit airlines flight anda her mom in a walking cast and ct apparently was having someavin trouble putting something in the overhead cart are danielle claims a woman put herp hands on her mom's throat and danielle sprung into action andd sock the girl in the face.he fac there was a little bit of a scuffle. they were all removed from thelt plane and spirithe airlines hass banned all three women from ever flying >> who is filming ts. >> no charges pressed. pressed >> who was filming this?il thi >> the entire plane. plan [ laughter ] >> everybody knows who this giro is. she's been -- like the viral it wasns, you know, once peoplel knew who she was she's on the oe flight she starts screamig
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everybody knows right away phones go on everywhere.ody esve this is before take off. so everybody has access to them. >> oh, my goodness.dnes >> this was in flightin ft entertainment. >> we got to wrap you up do youy know if they caught each otherth outside at all after thell aer t incident? >> did she catch each other bach outside. >> i think they made up. >> oh, my goodness. thi>> >> would not be the last we sees or hear of her. her gary, have fun out there. the we'll talk to you soon.'ll talko thanks for joining us ason alwas >> take care guys. take guy >> tmz week nights right here at 3:00 and again at 7:00 p.m. back to beyonce'.ce she's having twins.ns. >> yeah. >> already showing and in two months she's going to do ady shg ncerert. >> she's not. >> i'm calling bs on this. >> beyonce'. >> she's she'll do a videoid tribute. >> she's beyonce'. >> she'll sit down and just ands sing. i say she's not gsioing to showt up. >> i think she'll show up. >> let us know what you think. k >> she'll there be. shether >> place your wagers now. >> in two months. mths. >> will beyonce' be atco kell ll hash tag good day dc. >> or perform atco kell la.o ll be there but not perform. >> the beehive will perform
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way somehow. >> why do you attack meme she'ss the one egna >> 9:47.>> 97. coming up a guy who pretty goodo at getting people to take theire clothes off in the middle ofe o winter in public it's the cupidp undee wear.r brendan joins us live next with a reason why you should striphoi down for a good cause.or a gd ca >> we'll be right back.ght bac >> hit it, wisdom. wdom. ♪♪ ♪♪
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at dominion, we're putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy. now at havertys furniture, it's our presidents day event, where you can create the perfect home. from now through february 20th, everything is on sale.
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accessories for every room. plus, enjoy thirty-six month, no interest financing. come in today and save. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. the presidents day event is on now at havertys. life looks good.
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♪♪♪ let's do it.o i take off all your clothes.lothes come this weekend.his wend you've got the right to do soo s because if you do happen to seeo a bunch of half naked peoplekede running around downtown thisow t weekend, really there's no needd to be alarmed. be alarme don't worry, because it's alls a for charity.. the 2,017 cupid's undee run iss taking place in dc this saturdat and thousands of runners will bl raising money for the children's tumor foundation wearing nothing but their unmentionables that ii and this morning brendon hasn't' rah hasn't the co-founder and a board member on the undee run joins us-in the loft.of here he comes running in toning dish. he's going to bear almost allosa for the cause. cause you can come closer.r. o okay.
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>> you don't have that be afraid. >> i didn't know how you fell in myow how underwear.wer. >> cozy on up here. h because this is an amazing thini that you all have started.taed. let's talk about how the cupid undee run ever got off the ground.grou. >> sure.>> i was a graduate student in the university of maryland, and ind made this little brochure on on photo shop for just doing ang a local undee run. i sent it to few friends.ri great idea let's do it. >> that's what i want to talko t about. how do you come up with the idee it would be fun to run in yournu underwear in february? >> well, people in d.c. are crazy. they're fit and there's a lot ol charitable stuff going on in in town. i think we had to come up withph something crazy enough that itht really attract people'seoe' attention. >> find your niche.>> >> exactly. >> why this cause? f >> well, my best friend's littll brother he passed way it fromitm neuro fiber bro metosis, sois, we've been dedicated to findingi an end for this cause ever sincn the >> it was interesting because ie was reading about it in what struck merein ig s that it saids the least rare rare disease. dia >> that's right. one in thee thousand births a
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ethnicities.. >> doesn't discriminate who getg >> no. >> how does this all work.llk how do people get involved othee than taking their clothes off? >> yeah. the main way it works sign up on cupid's undee solicit sc funds from their friends andheia family say hay look at this a ti crazy thing i'm about to do in o february. >> support me. >> support me exactly. sup is reallyllyent mostly a celebration of all the fundraising they've done.y've d so that's how people can get g involved. >> how long is the actual runon itselfis t? >> the run itself is about about third of a mile.. >> okay. because you are in youre yoare underwear.derw >> yeah. >> it's february. >> last year it was 7 degrees>> when we did it.yeart therere you go. we did this year fingers crossed it's e looking like 50 degrees.. >>ightht. so the run third of a mile. m the party is --party i >> four hours. hrs [ laughter ] before and after ar the run. so we're not timing anybody here. >> and so the first year youear ever did it, which year was that? that >> snow mageddon. 2010. >> you thought you were going to have how many yha >> wvee thought we' howd m have5 to 60 people and the timing wasw pe
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the weather broke. and 600 people showed >> what's more amazing is the fact that not only was it a hugh success that first year, butut beyond it has grown.rown >> it's a worldwide event. worldwide. >> we have 36 or 37 events innt the united states and thentaand another ten of them in australia >> why australia. >> because they have atr b chilecdren'sau tumor foundationu similar cause there.similar caus >> there you go. >> they actually saw it on their >> we say that with all love. le if you're watching us. >> how much money have youuch u raised since you started this? t >> since we started we raisedai about $14 >> wow! >> and one and a half million od that comes from d.c. a alone our biggest city. city. >> did you ever think it would go that far? evegohat >> absolutely not. absno so then how close or what or w strides have they made in the t research for finding a cure fore this? do you know?know? >> they made huge stridese st actually recently the first drud that has been shown to treato t certain auditory tumors gone tun through clinical trials and had great success. and part of that, you know,nica there's slice of tha ot fundithg that came
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crazy people running in ourg unrweaear. >> crazy can do good. >> exactly. >> you are evident of that. the best way for people to sign up? are eay for up >> cupid's undee r >> it's going ton this saturday. >> this saturday.s sda from one to 5:00 p.m. at park oo thth. >> now can you just show up at park on 14th on saturday andy a sign up or better to do so inoo advance. >> you have to do so in advanceo i think we'll sell out i.n we'll we sold out every year.r. sign up now if you think you thu might want to do it. to i >> what's it capped at.t's cap >> 1200 people. >> 1200.20 where are you now? 1 1199. >> yeah. 1199.99 next person in. >> 1100 about 100 spots left.tsl thank you. than thank you for willing to run ini here in your underwear.erar >> yup. >> i love that spirit more so thanthkat you for your philanthc works and the difference you'reu making. maki >> thank you very much. thanks for having us. >> i actually havethanks my undu run. do you have your pair of ou hunderwear. >> from last year. >> i still have mine. i love the>>m>> i s. >> i can't admit to actually acy running in them outside but i two wear them.wear them. >> you won't admit it.. good one
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>> you caught me. >> i may have run in them but tb obviously with shorts on overver p.p. >> steve, sure you did. >> good clarification steve.teve >> thanks a lot. okay.>> so you know her from the real> housewives of atlanta and alsolo dish nation she's going to be gt dishing with us today. tod porsha williams.s. cool.l. >> stay tuned for her.for >> lego batman is cupping outupt soon k will have review i canie tell you this. you know kev, this is one ofef movies he geeks out about.. he had a chance to talk to billl arnett as well. that will be awesome. we'll share some of that. >> the big question should tom brady retire because his wife hf asked him to because he's nots n going to? we're asking you whaw you think. >> we'll talk about it as well.l it's coffee time. t you've been eyeing our good dayy mug.g. head to fox5 dc/contests for our facebook page to enter a mug a m contest. one lucky winner selected bysele random drawing but hurry you huy have from now until 11am to 11am enter and it's nine cock 56ek riw.t now. >> and 45 seconds chris on thesn dot. >> back after this. bacafter
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♪♪ at 10a tucker continues to t track snow throughout the hour h and he said it couldn't come atc a worse time. t live updates just ahead also ata 10a you know her from the realea housewives of at land today.and. porsha williams is life and shes has some celebrity dirt to share. oh, parents you know about this one. the batman lego movreient. ovie we get up close with the man behind the lego mask with amaska preview.ev >> and we are cooking with como. plus, why you should go nudeo ne this spring. , realally. >> we're turning up the heat. roll it.rot. the 10a starts right now. n. ♪♪
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we started with an empty an blble. >> right. >> feast or famine in oe >> it really is. >> kind of like our show. >> and we feast. a [ laughter ] >> this is great. >> thiis g >> yes. yes >> steven the executive chef c with the latest founding farmers venture farmers disstillers.lers >> wow.>>ow >> i like the disstillers part. >> exactly.xact >> you like it t >> yeah. >> started with our first president.ent. god bless him.. >> whoo! >> we'll be cooking seafoodeafo pasta dish.h. i'll get to at the end of the eo hour and lots of breakfast benda for to you sample.. >> okay. if we have to.veo >> i'll twist your army, holdlyl >> if we must.t >> compliment your coffeeomplimn nicely. >> we'll get everything set uptp make the lot of smell nice and d good. >> thank you.ou. >> chef if you want to start tos mixing me a drink i won't be mad at you. >> clear that -- put some ofe o that washington whiskey in it. i >> there you go. how about that? >> now that we left erin in en control of the kitchen we'll see how much disappears s now.ars n save us something, erin.g, eri make sure to. 10:01.:01. thanks for staying with us for r
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i'll tell you what if you hadf y chance to get outside yesterdaye i hope you enjoyed it. i it was one of those days i wentn for nice run in the afternoon. o i have to sit i just watched like jogger and dogs and just people that were w taking long lunch breaks and it just -- >> glorious. >> i don't recall a february inc this area in recent memory whery it's been this nice. >> we're talking 60s and 70s.0s >> look at that. t >> i took a picture of my temperature in my car and circle it. it was like 72 degrees.. >> mark that date down. date do. >> i know. >> enjoy it while you can.e youn >> yes.>> y >> because the winter whiplash.h >> on the way. >> on the way because we go froo the 70s to snow literally thises time tomorrow morning. m and then back to the 70s again a for this weekend. >> which oh by the way we're ate 4:00 o'clock in the morning.lo if you're getting up in theckint morning turn the tv on the showo starts 4:00 o'clock tomorrowclkm morning. >> we are here for you.e here >> yup. >> wiping the cobwebs out of ouo eyes right now. >> it sounds like that's when
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happening tomorrow morning. >> right in time for the morninr commute many we're calling thist weather insanity.r innity >> let's go to the maps. theap steve, go outside and play righr now. take good day i'll scholl you the temperatures. >> you're not fooling me into leaving e not .. >> sounded very much like aery k parent. >> wisdom we got a chance toe to play outside yesterday.ay >> that's true. >> the rest of the class should go outof. look at these temperatugores.t check out what we got right now. 66 degrees.egrees. >> wow. >> currently at reagan nationalt sketch annapolis. aapol so once again we are gettingagna very close to that 70-degreeee mark for many parts of the areae here. it's only 10:00 o'clock in the c morning. very mild start.. people tweeting me they're out playing and headed to theed t te playground and that kind ofound thing because it's perfect abeut weather conditions and hard tond believe we're talking about sno tomorrow morning. mni here's the makings of our stormo system. system poorly illustrated you gettedd idea. idea. the circle is our storminess ans arrow there and the line will bl the path of our storm which will pass to our south and then t become a nor'easter off theoff e coast tomorrow.w prime time jackpot here will bee off to the north and east new ns york to boston where they're
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inches of snow in few spots.ew s during the daytime hours em heo tomorrow. for us it will be a nice dayay today. our cold front comes througheshh later this morning during theisi early afternoon.on gradually we turn cooler later. and as the system approaches aps we'll see a period of rain later tonight that will transition to snow right when we don't want it to early tomorrow morning androa the snow when it's falling fling although it may not be stickingn on the roadways it could be falling at times heavily here h between about five and seven,nd, 8:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. winter storm watch off to our to north and west for the countiesu in blue. that's where we're expecting eec widespread pretty impressivempre accumulations.cumulations. i'd say more than 3-inches in 3 many spots.ny. locally no advisories yet y although i would not be at all a surprised if we don't see a few of those posted later today. tod all right. rig what's the snowfall forecastec heavier amounts off to the north and west a coating to 2-inches e but again, with the snow falling potentially heavy at times,t tim early tomorrow morning, we can,w have visibility issues for thatf
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plenty more weather coming upinu again 66 degrees atn 10:00 o'clock in the morning ge out and play. back to you. >> justin thit to know shi beautiful 66 degrees what time is that going to end? like 2:00 p.m. the cold front comes in? o? 8:00 p.m.? >> steve wants like a le personalized forecast.ast. >> i want it -- i want to knowiw if i can get outside thisde t afternoon really.rn >> the bottom line we'll gete'lg cloudy but you shall be fine temperature wise all day long.wl >> thank you. >> awesome. >> sounds good. >> thank you. what's tennt's tenning this first up, steve, you know what theyg this say? t up, hap, happy life. l but for super bowl champ tom brady his wife's career advicerv seems to be going by the way way side. take a listen what he tolde sirius xmnfl radio about whatutw the world famous super model giselle had to say following hio epic super bowl win this weekend. >> if it was up to my wife, she would have me retireas up today [ laughter ] >> she toll me that last night n three >> okay.>> o >> i said too bad,,ab i'm having too much fun rightht >> obviously, the new englandla patriots star i
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hang up his cleats just yet. despite his wife of seven yearsy wishes. but should he retire? that's the question we're asking thiss morning? >> there's only one person thato can answer that question. >> inlt's tom y brady.answer >> he said he's not going tonot retire. >> he said he feels good.e feel. his body is better than he was s when he was 25.5. >> i'm not saying i don'tg d disagree with you all but to b continue the did you go.inue he has five super bowl rings. mvp4 times.mvp4 tim he's done a lot. admitted in his new conference i nting to home and be with my kids. kids. they haven't a dad for awhile. there could be argument go outto on top, can't we just be a be family now? it's not like youoy need the money. mon >> here's the problem. he's doing what he loves.oves he's in the environment he lovee you take him out of that by l nn his choice, it will beil completely different person.n. >> exactly. >> that guy at home day in and a day out. >> i could have to one more. on. there's two more in ie. she'll be like oh my god if if just left him alone. >> i think let him go out on hih own terms. >> i'm not trying to get
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anybody's family dynamic if youu take somebody dedicating theing majority of his time to hiso craft and now suddenly you havee that year round that person 24// you don't know how that mightowg change the relationship. >> exactly. >> which is why i said thisch earlier we were having the is re conversation about this earlierw in professioere hanal abo sportf happening lease when they retira from these sport w, the divorcet is incredible because nowau they're away from what they've ' didn't doing for their entirehee life and now they're at and then that creates a problemm >> the wife is like this is whaa you're really like.y l >> that creates problem a lostpa athletes get divorced once theye go >> that's just the way it. w it. >> to be able to maintain the a focus of being a professionablla athlete takes a lot more thaneha people realize for somebody likl tom brady this is a -- this is- something he's been working forg since he was able to walk.ble . since he was a little pee-weepe football this is the goal in otlife to be able to continue this on througr 39 years of your life -- you'vee earned the right to decide whene you've had >> we don't know what theirdon'n family conversations are.ow whac onshe might be srsataying this t the risk of your family.amil
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>> is that fair to put thatut pressure on him. >> you guys can weigh in asuyca well. stick with the super if you were one of the 117 million viewers that tuned into the game you probably saw lady gaga's showame stopping hf time show. after the show packed in 30 minute performance -- 13 minutee performance internet they had a lot to say about herr glittery white two piece costums they wore. they criticized her for showingo her quote unquote what bell, right? >> her fans praised her for fani showing her curve.showin lady gaga is fighting back her nay sayers posting a pictureictu with this caption. i heard my body is a topic of conversation i wanted to say i'm proud of my body and you shall s be proud of yours, too. t no matter who you are or whatwht you d i could give you a million m reasons why you don't need to nd cater to anyone or anything too succeed, be you and be relentlessly you.ou that's the stuff of champions.hp thank you so much everyone forrf supporting me.sung i love you guys. xo, xo, ga-ga for her to
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her own song reference into th.t. >> right. >> lay off. pictu of to see the picture those who are criticizing. if you call that little thing a belly ---- >> they're the ones who aren't t going to post.he >> please. all right. 10:09 is the time.he t how about a little vocabularyar lesson courtesy of me? >> oh, wow. >> and player hater is not in i there. >> yet. >> but hater is. but >> if you pick up a dick nary d you'll notice more words.otmore miriam webster head adding morea than 1,000 new words to theo the dictionary.ionary. finally giving legitimacy to binge watching tv and cutting ct off contact with date by actingt as a ghost. ghost here's some of the other wordsor added.added. humble brag.rag. >> um-hmm.>> um-m. >> throwing shade.owing ade. >> um-hmm. um-hm >> first world problems.robl >> so when did phrases becomeec part of the dictionary.on >> words, exactly.ct >> that's what we shouldhas wh investigate.igat why are phrases now part of thee dictionary? >> where is miriam. what do you look them under>> w? >> first world problem under fnf or number >> or world.r wld. >> there's a sub -
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world.d. >> under problems. p >> a type of problem.. >> miriam webster get this together.togeth are you itching to move because if you live in dc you might want to reconsider that t plan washington, d.c. has justno been named one of the bestamne places to live in the united i e states. you knew that. we knew that but now it'sut official because it's in the usu news rankings. at number four it's not bad,ad right, according to us news anda world record d.c. plethora of restaurants, bars and dog parks and entertainment make it number four. it notes our public transportation ntem. >> what? >> did they say that was good or -- they jushey tsa said we hh one. >> noted it. >> we had onet... some metro riders may disagree.e in case you're wondering who out does dc austin texas at the topt of the list. great city. coming number one they will tel you when you visit austin don'tn move here, we have enough. enoh. >> exactly. >> denver comes at number two. i talked to somebody who livesos there and they bonus of livingfn in denver at high altitude easier to lose weigh.eeigh >> maybe that factored in.t fao. >> s
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number >> from tenth to third.o third. >> what happened?>>hat >> they moved the 49ers there.s maybe that had something to do with it. it. >> rounding out the top fayetteville, arkansas i've not been there. be can't say much about that firstt hasn't. sn did he look at afford ability, job prospects and quality ofpec life as well as schools and and hospitals in the area.s in the a among the worst unfortunatelyna producer chris cover your ears, philadelphia baltimore, new yory city. city new york city at least becauseyu of the high cost of living. >> complete completely see allea of those places on that list. >> great things and bad thingshg about every >> yeah, hmm. >> new york is so congested. >> um-hmm.>> u >> you can't have -- you can'te- have a aar. >> listen --iste >> you can't drive in new york.d >> if you've got the means to go live well in new york... who hao e means.s. >> a lot of people.>> a lot of e >> everybody else is justve living.rybo >> if you had the means new yorkew yor is fantastic. so i've heard. heard >> clearly not. because 's
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that list. l. >> great place to >> meanwhile we need to book boo vacations to fayetteville,ll arkansas apparently isn't we'ren missing out on something. no doubt about it. >> what that is i would love to >> the question what are we que missing out on -- at the theaters another batman rebooteb but this one way a little difference.eren like that little. this time thehat darlik knight lego. kevin sits down with star willrw arnett to talk about t animated adventures of the raped crusader.. >> did beyonce''s dad spill thei beans about the baby? specialya ed dig of good day celebrity dish starring dish nation's host porsha williams. >> yay! >> lovely and talented.
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my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the... ...nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best... ...sleep with a cold, medicine.
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y25eiy y16fy ♪♪ >> 10:15 is the time. 10: that means it'15s time for the t good day celebrity dish and thii morning we're bringing in somenm outside help and not just anyusa outside help.outsid >> no, no, no, we're bringing in super star. joining us now live is dishis nation real housewives ofwive atlanta porsha williams.s. so good to see you.. >> thank you. >> lovely and talented porshaora william.william. oh, my goodness i just love this trtro. you make me feel so special. sp. >> you're special to us because dish nation actualecial ly intro right into our early morning mng so we start our day every dayved with so we love it.
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no better bern for to us dishis with than you.with than y so let's talk about kate upton, right?t? >> yes. mrs. katers. teout upton, honey. she is giving everybody peer thell. th she's throwing ailette completel diva fit over there with thevere sports illustrated people. now, you know, coming out with w new cover it will be threehr covers is recent in a williams, christie brinkley and possiblybl kate upton but kate upton istons being such a diva that theyhat y don't know if they're going toen still use her or not.. she has these huge demands.eman first of all, she told them, if, i'm not on the cover, i don't dt even want to do the magazine. >> what? >> second of all, she wants her own prefer photographer.tograp her own glam squad, i mean, they're saying onset she is just driving everybody insane.nse. now, she has been in a couple movies. she was in the other woman, she has two other films that are ini post production right now.. but i just don't know why she'se about to mess
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herself by being this big big diva. >> i think she just has two big assets that she really likes to, you know -- i got two words forr her. her. child, please.le move on with your life.if >> child, please.>> c i love it. i love it. i >> let's talk about beyonce'ce because apparently her dad let t out the little secret about thee babies she's having.aving. the twins.ns. >> yeah, you know, beyonce', you know, she plans out everythingvg she does, very purposeful howw she gives you hints on the fact they shaye be pregnant.gnt. how she dropped that she'st's product. her dad did an interviewed anded he was gushing over his daughteu and so excited that he might have told everybody the sexes oo ese babies. he basically said that he'ss proud of her that she's having n two little babies and that bluee ivy is going to have brotherss and sister and she's already excited. >> of course -- porsha. porsh >> words got out of his mouth he tried to take it back. te it >> i thought people were alreade
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matched lingerie.lingrie. the blue and the pink that thata was her own little hint. >> exactly. >> it could have been her ownhae little hint but when your dad actually says it, it makes makes everybody feel like, okay.kay. >> don't they have a complicatel relationship any way? i think?k it just got more complicated.. >> yeah. he said that he found out fromro instagram basically and thenllyn called her and congratulated her. so i don't know if she really k gave him this inside informatiof but, um, i thi inkt was ias innocent. i really genuinely think he wasw just to be back in the mix.. >> um-hmm. [ laughter ] .> yeah, um-hmm hey, let's wrap it up with h this. let's talk about la la land l because there's a famous quote that ryan borrowed. >> yeah, he borrowed from hisros live partner eva mendez. mendez she said they were talking one e night, and she said this quotesq that he thought that was reallyy powerful and funny. it was la wore ships everythingg and values nothing.otng now he said like i said it's a a joke. joke. she didn't mean it.she la realldidn
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anything but he thought it washs so good he added it into the film, and of course, eva wasva w super sight excited but but unfortunately for eva she she doesn't get sole screen writingw credit for it. i ended up going to damien chazelle. >> but that's super sweet to swt know her husband actually usedye her words and thought --ug -- >> i want you to know wisdom hah been in la la land ever sincer e you first appeared on the screes so thank you. >> oh, is that right?that right? >> that is right.>> t >> lovely and talented porshad d williams.iams >> yes.>>es we'll see you.we'll see you. >> thank you. rn odishext time we turn on dish nation. >> if you come to dc come to ou show.ow >> bye. >> i will. i will. w i'll be there soon.ll be e >> all right. we'll see you in the loft. t lof thanks, porsha. >> you can sit hide me. m >> , my god, would you just ease up.. >> speaking of dish nationnn usually comes on at 4:00 right:i before our show except for tomorrow we're having snow we'rh on at 4:00.. >> 4:00 o'clock.>> 4 speaking of music, are we we speaking of music?? >> okay. we are now.>>we are katie perry -- yeah.
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taste of her new song chained tt the rhythm track drops 45 day.. here's the teaser she put on instagram last night. nig. ♪♪ >> okay.kay. >> interesting >> it does that make me want to watch or listen to her.hat mah >> i'm seeing old ball and chaic or katie's last song was rise thath was used of course during thengt ympipic. >> okay. all right. good for her. good f h >> ♪♪ >> you want to do the neckan story.t >> whynot ? girl star lena dunn defending her best t swift. swit she believes taylor has beenasee unfairly judged. jge she says if her relationships were public wh she was in herer 20s it would be a disaster.te she also says if she was maleasl actor at her age they're datehet happening played and scene as perfectly normal.mal dunham calls it an unwinnable game
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wasn't she moved supposed tt move to canada? >> right. oh, right>>.gh >> didn't we hear that claim? ca >> we can help her along. herlog >> um-hmm. >> somebody help her pack.odlp h >> there's your dish today withu a little side of porsha.r di poh >> i liked the little extra exta helping today.y. >> seriously. she is lovely. >> wisdom. >> and talented.>> talte >> and talented. >> whoo! wisdom calm down. d >> i know, right.. >> that's the only time he'ss happy. dough notice that.doh no >> yes. >> hater is in the dictionary. just remember that.. >> 10:21.21. coming up looking your best when you deciding to nude? celebriti make up artist kym lee is helpsp us pick the perfect shade. sde >> party like a president. likes the team from founders and disstillers cooking with we'll check in with them for a a little sample want makes this t new addition to the d.c. restaurant scene so let's justus say unique. >> deliciousness. >> it looks so good.ic >> extraordinary.>>ry >> ♪♪
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>> we are love to share goode lo news and there's a celebration going on in prince george's county right now but it'he secret. only few people really know about it because iewt's p aeo ss but it's a surprise forise principles at the school. >> shh.>> shh. >> a party being thrown for principles with note worth w academic achievement. we sent party animal bob barnard to prince george's to party wity the principals and, bob, it surt does look like a lot of fun.f f bring us up to speed. s >> reporter: sure, guys. we're at eleanor rows vesselowvl high school in green
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this is the third school we'veol been to today. to toay. they are between classes.ween so you see the students are e coming here and being greeted by school officials from theicials central office.e. congratulation. they have no idea why i'mno ide congratulating them.ratulating including dr. kevin maxwell thee ce he will of prince george'sllo county schools.f . basically, there are eightig prince george's county publicrgy high schools that have highig school graduation rates at 90%0% or higher and this is one of o them.. we've been to bowie high school. duvall high school now eleanor w roosevelt and so here in thee t hallway they're getting to gree ste students. they've already congratulateduld the principal.rinc and it's all about academicmi achievement.evem joining us is dr. kevin maxwell with his party favors here.or you don't have to put that away. tell us why it's important to celebrate the kids and thehe teachers and stan of theirheir achievement of such a remarkable high school graduation rate?ua r >> so we're extremely proud off our school systems progress. pgs we've grown over 7% in the firsr three years that my team has has
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make sure we came out andure weu thanked our principals, oural or counselors, our teachers, ourer staff, the rest of our faculty,y and all of our students anddenta their parents support networksrk forgetting us to where we are w with the graduation rate.atrate. the graduation rate at eleanor rows vessel high school amongooa the highest prince george'srg county.ty. last year 91.47 and we are w absolutely [ cheers and applause ]eend a >> our principal here, what does it take what's the motivatinging factor getting families involvev as well?as wel >> families involved, all staffa from the teachers, to the counselors, to our cafeteria staff, and our maintenancean building staff.ding sta all working together for our students and the central officec for really making this a focus c and then supporting us as we dow the work that's necessary tosart achieve this great mark.k so we congratulate everyone for their hand in thiss accomplishment.acco >> tell our viewers your name. >> reginald mack kneel principa of eleanor roosevelt highvelt
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[ cheers and applause ] >> thank you guys.cheersha nk>> the bus tour continues.onnu we've been on the bus bouncing around. they had heading to south prince george's county we don't want to tell you wherenty they're going next because it's a surprise every step along the way, guys.. so great academic achievement being recognized and celebrateda here in prince george's countyru today. back in to you. >> yay! >> see if the bus pulls up pls outside their school now. now i love the celebration. we'll celebrate with kevinhev coming up too.ming. another batman reboot is on thee way but this one may be one that wisdom doesn't hate on so much.c >> i love batman. >> see. i'm going to watch this.g atch changing already. >> talking about the new legoewo batman movie the spin off to tht hit lego move movie where w everything was awesome. >> it was >> will arnett back as the voici of the caped crusader and kevinn had chance to talk with him alla about that and he hade interesting questions f him ass well.we the 10:27. the ♪♪ ♪♪
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can deliver ual uploads and downloads. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it'half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, the only 100% fiber optic network, with uploads as fast as downloads, their half house has full internet. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their downloads. now you might think it's a little odd that the wilsons have a half house, but they think it's a little odd to pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for one year. visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. that's 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79.99 per month.
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only fios can. z27mkz z16fz
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y27mky y16fy ♪♪♪ that was >> i don't know why. >> right. >> bout full out there right now. >> 10:30. look at that. ri ok>> let's seize the moment. ate >> february, mid 60s. m >> you wake up in the morningom you'll be in shocken>> feb becaw 60 and tomorrow -- tomro >> we're bracing ourselves.raci >> when we come on 4:00 o'clockc in the way turning on fox5 we'rw starting at 4:00 o'clock in thee morning because it will beg bece
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tomorrow morning we'll do a lotd of the this is what it looked le like yesterday this time.his im. >> exactly. >> and this is what it looks like this morning. >> right, thiuckes lir., tke >> we can also say this willsil look like again on sunday? >> use the current picture for >> tucker?>> >> guys, we'll be all over theeb place the next couple of days. d i'm having people walk into then building tell me it's 70 degreee that's what their car car thermometers are it's just extraordinary that we'reray talking abou tt such warmuc temperatures and then the potential erfor thiatsur wintere tomorrow morning. i do want to emphasimoze parts f the area are not going to get much of a tran zig it may be mab rain overnight particularly ifaa you're south and east of let's get to it. current numbers 66 glorious degrees here in washington.asng winds out of the south and westt at 5 miles per hour. it feels great out there stillhe plenty of sunshine we'll cloudel up this afternoon and we did the old john madden diagram for youi on our satellite/radar./r there's our developing storm system. syst that line you see and then the t arrow eventual path of our of or developing area of low pressure. and for us tonight, it will be b comelier temperatures and b
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rain to snow transition and thad transition will take self hoursf so it will kind of march fromaro the northwest cumberland hagerstown thinking of you guysu to the southeast and town. during the early morning hours s and the real deal here our reall concern is, we could have perioo of heavy snow right when we w don't want it between 5am and seven, eight, 9:00 o'clock ino' the morning before it quickly pushes off to the north and east and visibility may be thee biggest concern here as the the roadways may be -- maybe tooaybt warm for it to stick out thereut on the roads. there's future cast at 3:00 that snow off to the north and we have. transitions zone in pink andin a watch it kind of march to theo south and east here very ver quicklily. that's at 5am it's suggestingugn it's mostly snow for thehe immediate washington area.on a even in around the beltway andtw then it marches to the southhe s there by six, 7:00 o'clock justs about everybody getting in ony n the snow. again, accumulations going to b heaviest off to the north andffh west. that's where we have a winter ww storm watch but potential isenti there for reduced visibles and some travel delays for justorus about everybody here snowfall forecast.orec two to 6-inche
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we have a winter storm watch. wh more like one to two but i do want to emphasize snows could be coming down heavy att times here between about fivebo and 8:00 o'ivclock in the mornie and even if it's not sticking ii could be causing some problems l with getting to work and getting to school tomorrow morning.ool o that's why we're going on 4:00m0 a.m. my recommendationation definitely stay tuned and make a sure you tune in tomorrowomor morning. quick look at that seven day.oka i just want to showt th yatou an somebody mentioned the sunday sn forecast. back near 70 by sunday.un so here we go. spring, winter, back to spring all in the course of four days.. got to love washington weather.r back to you guys.u ys. >> wow.. >> okay.>> o thank you tucker. ♪♪ >> get a costume for the missioe too. >> i got a feeling you'll justl look like a kid on halloween,lo don't you think? >> ♪♪ >> i like that one. tt on >> that culturally incentive. >> that one. one >> no way. >> no. >> okay. this one. >> fire starter. >> nop oene
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>> this one. thi >> no. >> how is this.s is. >> nope. >> how do we feel about this ths one. >> dress up parties for grownro ups >> what is that one there.t ish >> that's for the jamaica caper. local tolls me reggae man good d love it. >> feels like i was poured intoo this. this my only trouble is these pants p are a little tight. tight i don't know if i can throw aanr kick or jump in them. them. i got an idea. rip, that's better. b now i'm free. fre now i'm moving. min come on batman let's get grooving. >> i can only look you in the eyes right only now. now [ laughter ] >> snap chat filters for super heroes clip from new lego batmaa movies spin off to the legoo thg movie itself which came out in 2014 much this time batman goesn on journey of self discovery too find himself the importance ofno friendship and team work moviei stars all star voice castceas including will arnett michael sarah, row sayre ya dawson zac z gallon lynn fin knack kiss. kck kevin had a chance to sit down
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with the stars. will arnett. they talked about everythingut from finding his his voice to his romantic relationship with of all thing the joker.he j check it o. ♪♪ >> master bruce, your greatest fear is --s >> snakes. >> no. >> clouds. >> no. it's being a part of a family againgn a p. >> nope, how it's snake cloudsnc because you put that idea in myy head. he >> when you do that all day as s mentioned does it get harder ane harder to stay in it like that. do you stay in even when you'rer not recording much it's so deep. >> yeah, know.ea sometimes when we do sessions ss that go on and on for hours, it, does get to a point where almost like i can't do anything butthig that voice, because it's mysy voice is so raw that it justt sounds like that. um, but, you know, i got to be careful, 'cause it -- there aree times where it gets like gs strained if you're talking likee this all the time.this ahe [ laughter ] >> yes, we did it., we did it. pretty cool, huh yes good why go did you build this thing withs n only one seat.. >> cause last i check i only hah one butt
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many you're not wearing anyt thn hockey pantsy. >> where do you derive the voice from? from bale? the point ofo like the sound of it?t? >> no, for us it was -- don'tont forget michael keaton started it. >> yes. >> it wasn't as intense. everybody hadt wa different levl and we were able to kind ofnd o cherry pick the bits that we liked and tried to find the moments that for us were funnyun where it was like serious almosm to the point that it was, you know, absurd. absd. >> sure. >> so i didn't really base it on anyone particular batman but it was trying to go in that direction and then, you know, kind of put -- shed light on tho be a occurred is the. accur >> superman is not a bad guy.otd >> did i say that.ayhat. i don't colonel val a bad guy. . i am fighting a few different people. >> i like to fight around.und. >> with voice acting thoughh vo generally speae king it's a twos and a half, three year processeo you don't get to do scenes withe the other actors.r act but in this movie you did actually get to voice a couple u
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right the.the. >> yes. >> what scenes those were.t >> kind of the big breaksc up scene early on between joker and batman zach and i did that in the room and we knew that was an area but zac and i kind of turnr it into like a romantic break up. >> and we were both, um, on ourr feet walking a round and, you know, it made it easier becauseu zac and i have known each othero for a long time so we kind of a rapport and we were able to find that sweet spot. >> laying go batman movie hitsgo theaters this friday. i'm going to see it. >> i think i might too. too. >> it looks pretty good.t oks pt >> do you think you need to see the lego movie first. >> i saw the hay go movie.ay g >> i'm asking i haven't seen it. no.o. >> no. >> you'll be type. >> i did ask kevin do you needoe to know all the batman movies to see this? and said theyhe actually kind of go through them for you so you really don't neen to. >> good.
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>> sounds good. we've been asking you -- littlel escape.esca >> weigh in with your thoughtsug as always and you've beens and e tweeting us this morning.ting u let's take a looks at what some of you have been saying.g. >> ♪♪ warren buffet tryingfetrying 15 miles an hour is not going to make a difference this is a way to get more money fromth citizez this is in regard to newd to n proposal to lower speed limits t around schools and park to 15 miles an hour in residentiala areas. a lot of debate on that one. o >> i think wisdom is wrong onroo this one. beyonce' will be there babiesreb and all. a. talking about coachella.. >> okay. >> i think a lot of are i t definitely hopeful for that.hill >> you can hope.op >> i don't get it.'t g it i plank all the time to get a belly like lady gaga. are these comments blind. >> i agree. try tooa reel reach to find something to hate that he t much. >> does she even weigh 95 poundn if that soaking wet. wet >> as long as she's happy with herself who cares. who c >> exactly much be you.ctly mbey >> d.c. is number four bestfourb places to live and we love d.c. i knew it. [ laughter ]
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>> kate upton as well make herer own magazine with her insane demands.dema >> i'm sure she would love that. ridiculous. >> i hate to see when someone becomes a diva like that.diva l. you know. >> right. >> i work hard for my money ande can't see myself giving any ofnf it away no matter what bro mantm would have to get his own. >> talking about the guy with gy the cassanova.. >> is wisdom still married?? >> sweating porsha.ora >> kind of wondering the same tm thing. >> yeah. let me tell you something, love, lov thinkers. th yes, i'm still married and, jusj because i said someone is lovell and talented, there's no law now against that.ha and she is lovely and talented.e and yes, i'm still married.ried. 14 years and don't plan onn leaving my wife any time soon. o >> thank you very much. >> you don't have to be dough so defensive.e i'm shutting down the stating facts. shut down the haters.eater >> you got the platform. ptf do it. do it. >> that's right. that'ght >> that will teach you. you now you know. >> good day all about taking it
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f.f. valentine's day this week and last hour we stripped down to our scivees to talk about the cupid undee run. kym lee is helping us look our r best when we go nude. it's 10:40. 1 back after this. ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ >> welcome back. this valentine's day we want you to>>'s d go nude but this time e not talking about the cupidup undie run we're talking about makeup.. here to tepp us pick the perfece shade for the month of love anda some other sexy body product pru that is make perfect gifts for your special someone pleasene pe welcome kym lee the founder of wink and pout. good morning, beautiful.ngbeau >> good morning.d mo how are you. >> you always look amazing. come out and showlways them ful [ laughter ] you. y >> got to do this.>> >> i got to get ready for t ghee day of love. >> this is fabulous personafiedo >> thank you.nk you >> you're hoping to nude not nu just make up but with on thehe products.ts. i'm intrigued.i'm intri pieces do shargue.o e >> yes. so this is the season of love.e. >> yes. imes -- --ot of t >> newlywed by the way. way >> i am a newlywed.lywed sometimes it can be a little ltl overbearing for couples becauses theyeel like they have to spend a lot of ml onliey a tnd y husband and i realized you don'n have to spend a lot of money. m it's really about the time that you spend and so what i want to encourage couples to do when they go out and purchase thingei buy things that las
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lot of times flowers don't lasts i think i heard tucker or or someone laughing about the oneho rose. >> that was kevin. >> it was kevin.>> t >> one lose rose.eose. flowers are going to die. die. candy will be picked over you oy don't need candy any way.ay. get ready for >> keep it nice and tight.and it >> what do we have.. >> this time of the millennialla people are busy.people busy. get things that are sets. set sets will be really good thisd t season. if you want to -- know what you shall get your loved one or your favorite girl, sets are really great.grea target has cool quirky sets.. >> make up >> make up brushes much youp br can't go wrong. non'w t because this is the yeao nude everything is about nude.u. you can't go wrong with nudeng d pallet. whether you're getting nude contour pallet what we have by b wink and pout or getting newt og shadow pallets anything that says nude to is going to work no matter your skin tone you'lltone have your darkest and light test colors it will work great with whatever it is you choose.e. liste
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are a latino or front of kayt o american and it doesn't matter.e gentlemen if it get it it'sget i going to work. >>ll rigight. >> so let's talkht about nudeutn lips. >> yes. yes >> nude lips are really hot a lot of ties colors can be verybr personal. and so i really love the new thn color collections that are out by all brands including my own.n but i love all of the browns, b, all of your peaches.eaes >> how do you find your perfectt nude? >> you just got to play withnu i and so if you're buying a set at for your girlfriend, you can'ton go wrong if you do a peach oreao it's about texture tone. tone. remember we talked about that.e. >> last time you were here, yesr >> yes, we did., did >> so then i had this otherer really cool peace, guys aren'tn' you tired of sharing your table top and thermos tops with yourwi wife? you don't have to do anyy more. wink and pout we have a new collection. p .> look at thisout >> this is beautiful.iful acrylic make up case and keeps s your things contained and takess up 12-inches on your countertopp and it's beautiful and goes witw your decor.ecor. >> it looks professional. >> if you want to wow her and ad want her to go nude set here see thin
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doesn't -- even if it doesn't gt together put her makeup in there. wipe it off put it in there she'll love you. >> the evident alone is worthofh it. >> yes. this is for couples. for couples if you really aisbo iutuple gs oing nude, hoh about these wonderful fragranced candles that can double as a body rub. >> ooh. >> you can actually use these as e thesas massage oils.maage so these are soy you don't havev to worry about those dangerous,o you know, fragrances comingin through. you can have --ave -- >> where do we get this good geg these all over.l i got these from target. toasted coconut, pine al pep pep splash.sp your room smells great. room sml you're giving yourself als g g ivmassage. they're wrapping me. >> guys, if you'reey'r going too something for your hubby i really love all of the productso that are organic that have natural fragrance to them. so you don't want to gettoet anything that has too much too c perfume in it these are hundred% organic. your husband won't feel like fee he's doing girly things when yoo have this stuff on the the countertop. also art foaming bath for yourf husband if he works reallyreal heart, has epsom salt in it i helps him to relax
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relief.. i love this product.ct it helps your face to be smootht your body to be groomed. get all that taco meat all off there. norelco has one stop shop.p sho all of these products are greatt for those who want to do, what, go nude.goud >> kym lee, wink and pout the te website is right there if youhe need more information.rmati. contact this this . you can go can go you want a liv wing loving in yy life she's telling you how youei n do.o. just married so she knows. so s. >> i just got married. jus >> thank you, love.>> thank y >> thank you. >> back over to you guys.k overt >> cono gratulations.gratations. she knows how to definitely getn your attention, right.ig. >> sure. >> no doubt about it. coming up next bringing no g family, farm to food to your plate.p chef steven from farmers and distillers cooking with comoith this morning and we haveor something to make him feelni rit at home that you don't want to o miss.mi we'll be right back. ♪♪
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>> how do you inn good day ato o 10a? coming up on wendyu broacomidway and tv star suttont foster is on the couch plus all the latest juicy hot topic. >> dc has so many greatan restaurants. it takes something for a new sei restaurant stand out. o this next place has great foodat and something that may enhance your dining you can miss it. y a feekt's day a few weeks away righs t now we're dining
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of the original founding fathers if he were a live today andwe owned a dcre erin is in the kitchen with alla the details as we go cooking cki with como.o >> that's right, steve.teve this morning the team fromeam fm farmers and dill distillers cooking with como. restaurant is the the latest on the team behind farming tdd farmers. it's open for breakfast, lunch,n and dinner and weekend they have pizzas to hasn't madem noodles to schnitzels inspiredrd by historical cultures and cooking styles throughout thesth nation's capitol.nati's c once you go there you can see ah great picture of georgeereorg washington that they added aonh little spice and joining us now with a samplm an simple recipe you can make at home chef steven mueller.. thank you, disturb yeah.urb >> hang on one second. sond. >> i want to trumpet you for onr second. i want to see this picture of what what george washington might look like. odern d >> if he was 25 years old. old this is the actual picture thatt is hanging at this restaurant ss what we wanted to do to make the chef feel more at home andome a comfortable in the loft is wetsw wanted to recreate the pictu
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chef, with our own chris smith.h producer of good day dc. >> that is excellent.. >> hilarious. >> i hope you feel a little bitt more home right now that you'reu here with us in the loft.he >> now i'm better.>> >> you feel like you're at're farmer distiller. >> that is the best. thank you george washington for coming on>> tgeorge. [ laughter ]hter ] >> that's hilarious. >> all right.. >> now that we've laid out the e ambiance for the lot of kitchen we're making a delicious seafooo dish today. tell he have of of one whathat we're cooking you. >> shrimp and crab green vodka g sauce pasta so far we cooked off our shrimp, seasoned it a little tit. brought our green sad today t sauce up in our -- with our homemade bucc teeny and we arena about to plate. plate. >> and in addition to having tht homemade pasta, you guys have h your own distilled vodka.od >> we do. w we actually founding spirits which is our homemade product wu make it in house. hou at the disstillery which is
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located at the -- at the farmere and distillers on fifth and massachusetts.actts it's actually pretty cool when n you're standing at the bar you y can see into the distillery.istl >> a little bit of show withhoww your dinner. dr. >> it's pretty rad. pre it's very very cool.ervery >> you rad the crab meat.b mea the thing that's cool about what you're making with vodka sauceae you think blush sauce when youc think about sad today sauce.ayce any excuse to put pesto in something is good for me. me. >> you need basil, have a jay vin olive oil, pine nuts.pine n >> cheese and pine nuts.he that's really it. >> you can putth as much cheesee you want on there i'll eat thatt and promise i'll save you guys g to share. >> this is one of your dinner entrees. you have great fresh salads anda pave you can grab and go forab a go breakfast.kft. monday through fridaygh fy 7:00 o'clock in the morning weci open up. we grab and go sandwiches. we have everything made on our n fresh bread. we make our english muffins in house all our breads in house. and we have a variety of bacon,
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we do doughnuts.ts. parmesan pound cake. cake. >> stop through.>>p th >> it's a game changere an unbelievable it's so good.t's s. one of the actually one of ourur starters farmers and distillersr also. >> it's right here. it's ght >> savory and sweet. s it's absolutely killer.utely er. >> i'll take this over here. i'll have to try that. try tha it's still hot. it would be wrong night to try t it. it. >> i love where you're located right on mass of a northwestst it's close to the verizon zen.on >> real close to the metro realr convenient for everybody go ando from w you can get in and out in five e minutes with breakfast. >> real fresh ingredients. >> maureen was saying earlierg a how amazing the vegetables look. homemade dressings too.ings t >> our farm field salad.ur f we got our house -- our lemon vinaigrette on top that's reall' good. this salad actually our good olo green is like the super food salad. if it's good for you it's in th salad. sala >> i love that. you don't have to feel guilty going out and eating. >> exactly. >> weekend brunch sounds pretty epic.ep >> yeah, if you leave hungryun
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wrong. >> take one of these.>> >> you may, please, dig in. taka >> i'm so excited. so the fresh pesto parmesan cheese crab meat and shrimp in p here with homemade noodles. ndl >> exactly in this could be an s good dish for valentine's day.nd >> it could be. b make reservations.vati >> i did not do that delicatelyc but that is incredibly amazing.g >> i'm glad. >> hmm. it has the light taste you can'c really taste the vodka in it i which makes it that much bettert >> um-hmm. um- >> guys, i'm going to save you some of these doughnuts'm g and pastries while i indulge dinner. tucker hurry up with the wit t forecast so you can come overve and have some. >> licking her lips and lickingh >> hi. >> hi. >> i'm awfully close to you. t >> day by day, hour by hour, ho, minute by minute.y minute. how do we deal with the next 244 hours.hour >> live shot right now. live sh clouds moving in but voter ry ce to 70 degrees.0 deee >> i'm sorry. go ahead i. >> yes.>> y >> i know. >> there's future cast. t i want tohe menretion i guess we won't get it on this map, butap, the national weather service hae expanded their advisory toy t include parts of loudoun ands oa
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weather advisory i just tweetedt it out tucker fox5 if you want w to lock at it. future cast want to show youw that snow transitions from raini to snow here overnight tonight t early tomorrow not going to be end the world wd this storm but there could be ab brief period of heavy snowvy sno across the area between five an 8:00 o'clock tomorrow >> which is why we're going onre at 4am! >> right. rht. >> because it will be big deal in the morning. turn in to us. tune in.n. >> wisdom and i will be here. hr >> early.>>ly. >> did i mention it's pushing 7w >> we might have another recordr >> i'll live in the moment today. because i don't know what will happen. >> enjoy the day. >> all about wednesday today. >> there you go.don'll ow about tha>>t.bout w the youoo >> good afternoon to get outside. if you don't tomorrow morning when it's snowy andon m'tes tsyd slushy you'll say man i wish i i would have gotten outsided have yesterday and enjoyed it.d it. after the morning and afternoont is it pretty much gone?one? >> yeah, but it will be blustery and cold. >> temperatures in the 30s.pera >> all right. what did i say. >> today is your outdoor day.ord >> tomorrow is your day.omorro u >> tomorrow is indoor day. >> man jay, let's go to theo to kitchen and enjoy the have ite t tells.
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>> lemonade today.oday. hot to do december tomorrow.eror >> chris, spot on.n. >> 4:00 o'clock tomorrow.o'clocm tomorrow morning, 4:00 o'clock in the morning.orning tin t on.. >> that's bonus coverage. >> bonus coverage.
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liver live from new york city, it's the wendy williams show oig. >> wendy: how you doin'? we won't judge but we're judging. >> now here's wendy! >> wendy: looking good, world.


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