tv Good Day DC FOX February 15, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, the white, e house in crisis.ri president trump facing a newng a wave of provocation from russiai at the same time new questionstw pop up about contacts betweenet his campaign aids and russianan operatives.op we'll have a live report.. a day without immigrants. tomorrow high profile d.c. restaurants will shut down asowa part of a national demonstratioa recognizing the contributions of immigrants to american society.e some critics say the movement in missing the point.he poi we'll tell you why
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and millennial drivers can't even.. new study shows they're the worse when the it comes toomes o climbing behind the wheel.he whe >> another close call for ano harrison fordth. star wars star under investigation by the faa after landing at the wrong runway.ronn we go live to tmz with all the good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ you landed your set right st here on good day. day. you're in the right place. p it is wednesday, february 15th. i'm wisdom martin. holly morris, reen umeh,h steve chenevey. >> also ahead this morning rumo has it west minster has new topw dog highlights from the big show and we'll introduce to you the winning, wait for it, the germar shepherd dog. dog. >> throw back. wow. wo okay. >> do they still call theml television sets? >> i do in my house. h the one in my basement i
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television set. >> on the floor model good yeah. giant model on the floor thatone you can't move. fmove. >> hilarious.arus >> grandma calls she wants herme tv back.tvack. >> remote control, the children. get up and turn the channel. cha ilill got all that. >> first at 9:00 let's talk thet the weather.eath cool and cloudy start to the dae after valentine's day.after we can see somvaele rain movingv through. tucker barnes back with the bar first check of the pore cast.e . good morning.od m >> good morning. just a couple showers out theree most of the shower activityctit overnight fading off to the south and east. but we s ll got a cold front cold fr i'll show that to you we got tot contend with today. it will be cool one today an lol of clouds out there early.t ther 43 now in washington.ashito quantico 40 degrees.0 degr 41 leonardtown you guys pickingc up rain fredericksburg as well gettinglt in on those rain showers. 44 for you but you can see we remain quiet cool here with cloud cover, 34 up in fredericki there's your satellite/radar,, and round number one of showerss actually associated with an area of low pressure that will bee emerging off the carolina coastc kind of pushing away from us.rom still some rain here forer f southern maryland and lowerand l eastern shore.ern and you can see all the cloudthd cover
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want to focus up to our north on and west, and it's a cold frontt clearly see it right there, thi, will likely bring us some scattered showers maybe even aa few snow showers well north andl west. west midday and then this is a coldsl front as it comes through, wehru should get a little clearing clr here late this afternoon, and the other thing you'll noticel n we'll lock down that cool tha c feeling for the afternoon theere winds will pick up out of the po north and west and it will be wl kind of a typical february afternoon with a little sunshinh here later this afternoon tempst remain in the 40s wind chills ci with breezes picking up in thees 30s later today.30s te take a jacket. guys, seven day if you like springtime, i think you will love the weekend forecast.time i'll have w details momentarilyy can't wait to hear to heai >> look forward to that. loo thank you tucker.thyou breaking news at 9:00 o'clock:0 for i was teen girl who had beee missing has now after talking to police all all night, investigators havegars announced nine arrests in connection with gang activity, t and another missing girl found dead. fox5's annie yu has beenas bee following this story all morninl
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she joins us now live from fairfax police headquarters witr the connection. good morning, annie. >> reporter: hey, good morning everybody. you know the plot sort oflot sor thickened throughout thened tou morning. we first started out with venus the 17-year-old teen from exandria.a. she had been reported missing ms for weeks and then late last lae night around 9:00 o'clock she came home by herself entered the apartment door where is hertmen mother was waiting for her.t erf we were all out there.e all t th the media.ia she was okay. and once her and mom reunited,ed detectives took her intoer custody. they brought her down here tough the fairfaxer dow county policee headquarters for questioning,sti and we understand that shestande remains in custody and so and s throughout the morning, we w learned that nine people are non in custody in connection withit multiple gang investigationsgati including the death of a 15-year-old girl froml fro now, police say that the venus disappearance case became partar of a bigger case involving areaa gang members and police say they are now dealing with multiple ml overlapping investigations witht
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multipl they continue to question venusn who went missing for weeks w because they believe that she knows the gang members members affiliated with some of theme oe cases that we have beenve been reporting on.g o the murder of 15-year-old did he marius reyes from gaithersburgtr the young teen that went missing and found dead over the weekende in springfield and then policehn told us that they believe that e the victim dee marius and venus new each other.each o they received multiple leads onu that and made thelt connection t they have had ties to gangies tn members. they also believe disappearancee case involving lizzie rivasas colin dress and her five monthe old baby is related to the samem group of gang members. both baby and mom were latere found and are okay. but we were reporting on this for quite awhile.whil police did arrest the baby'ss father jose castillo rivas we rs learned he is one of the nine in custody believed to have ties hv with gang activity.ity so a total of nine people in i custody this morning. m seven of which are juveniles j we're told.old and charges a
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correct, sir not releasing the s exact charges yiret, but they tl us police tell us that some ofha the charges are gang relateded charges.s. possibly abduction as well. wl. they also say that as for venusv she will remain in plice custody she's being hell over a the juvenile detention centeronn and they are working with the commonwealth's attorney farceora the charges in that case. that that's the very latest from f fairfax.fa back to you in the studio.yoin e >> all right, annie, thanks vert much. 90:00 sick is the time.90:0 let's turn to president trump's first 100 days in office. offic today he'll host another worlder leader at the white house thisw time it's israeli prime minister benjamin net 82 who. the prime minister arrived in dn monday night.n night his goal for the meeting to improve ties with the unitede it states. israeli's closest and most and m important ally.imant al president trump has big a bigp a supporter of israel much thisuch will be netanyahou's first visis to washington in two years.. the visit comes a mid a timt of crisis for the white house h the new york times is reporting that members of trump's campaiga president trump's campaign hadpn repeated contacts with russian n intelligence officials duringias
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the united states new abouted sb these contacts through phonegh p records and intercepted calls c the times said but the paper p said there's no evidence of o llusion.n. mean the fallout over thean firing of michael fly tnnheha fy continues. continue the white house now saying thatt flynn's error was not that het discussed us sanctions withons russia's ambassador but that het denied it for weeks.ks. officials say just six days into the presidency donald trump was told that flynn had misledisle vice-president mike pence aboutb his contacts with russia.. >> the white house is facing a a new wave of provocations from fm russia.. just as though new questionsstio arise about contacts betweenactb russians and trump campaignampag aids.aids >> this morning the white househ must be e left wondering where a of these leaks are coming from?f melanie alnwick is live from capitol hill now with the very e latest.late mel? >> reporter: good morning. mor both democrats and republicans here on capitol hill are calling for investigations, but they are asking very different questions. democrats want to know more about these alleged covers an
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contacts with russian officialsc while republicans want to know w more about the leaks. lea russian spy ship spotted off the us a us ship buzzed by russiansi fighter jets reports that the russian government is deployingi new nuclear tipped cruised missiles. all of this may be to test the new trump administration. >> this is obviously done withh mr. trump in mind. and they want to see what hisanw reaction is. >> reporter: but this does buths come at an awkward time for thef white house.e h just after national security sit adviser michael flynn was forced out, after reports he had misled administration officials, abouts his contacts with the russianus envoy during the presidentialsi transition. the new york times reports thisi morning there are records ofds russian conversations with w others close to democrats are calling for a newn round of investigations. >> do you hear the silence? this is a sound of housese republicans conducting no
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>> reporter: for trump theorteru largest question has to do withh leaks. where is all this information tr coming from? are there hold hod overs from the obama administration and the justice s department? or the intelligence community who are purposefullype leak wagon could be potentially explosive information. >> any time there's a transitiot in administrations particularly when control of the white househ shifts from one party to thee other you're going to have manye employees who for whatever whate reason might be politicallyally motivated to under cut incoming administration.strati >> reporter: now some sourcese s told the new york times that they were providing the information because they fearedd the new administration would wou clamp down on thesese investigations.invest these classified investigations. donald trump this morning also s take to go twitter calling these alleged collusion and contacts t with the russian officials nonsense and also saying thating the leaks are illegal. live on cap tool hill, melanieen alnwick fox5 local news.oc >> back here at home and
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and in with the new.. metro retiring the 4,000 series rail cars today considered the most unreliable rail cars in the fleet. new rail cars being load dad and 4,000 rail cars travel an t average ofl 27,000 miles betwen maintenance. compare that metro bestetroes performly cars the 6,000 series that travels more than 103,00000 means its maintenance. it is nationwide meant to recognize the the contributions from immigrants ts american society and if you're a fan of a different topic if topi you're a fan of celebrity chef jose andreas it could impact your lunch or dinner plansr p tomorrow. some say the plan is missing thp point. we'll talk about day withoutit immigrants next.grantst. >> little bit later, something m to warm you up on this cold cd february morning.. yes, the sports illustrated swimsuit cover is out. out. kate upton she got the cover she wanted. we'll show it to you coming up. time right now 9:10. ♪♪ ♪
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day with without immigrants.mmig >> the goal is to recognize thee contribution of immigrants toigs american society some say that's not telling the real story orryo tackling the real problem. allison here now with more.e >> feels like this is actuallyis just the lates its a protest, rg day without immigrants it has h been planned for about week butt it really got a push on monday m in wisconsin when immigrantsra walk off their jobs as way to protest milwaukee sheriff'sherif interest in making his deputes immigration and customsd custo enforcement officers to helpel enforce president trump's trumps executive order. ord. now, similar protests action isi planned for right here.ere. one big name celebrity chef jose andreas an immigrant himself h tweeted that he will be closingi all five of his d.c. restaurants tomorrow.moow and he's not the only one.. bar pillar, bus boys and poetsds and pizza, are just a few of the restaurants that plan to close o some or all of their locationsns tomorrow.torrow. thousands of immigrants arere expected to not report to work
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organizers say this is in direct response to president trump'sess crack down on illegal iomigration. some dc restaurant owners saywny they're all for it. i >> once we told them, like,ike, look, we're in support of this.t we want you guys to stand up.p. he we want to you, you know,u k fight for your rights and, upping, be a part of the this at much as we are. a they're happy about it.ut it. first they're coming up like,ik we're not going to get fired,, right? we can do this.o this. yeah, yeah, you're good.oo >> in addition to taking the dae off from work many in theanin t immigrant community are alsorels encouraging people to stay homey not to shop or buy anything tomorrow.ow now, this is generating a big response on our fox5 d.c.. with many of our viewers sayingn the protesters are missing the e claiming the president said hest wants to crack down on illegal immigration, not immigration asa a whole. a whole. so let's take look at a few a fw enmments now. kyle says, it's not about immigrants.migrants it's about immigrants coming here illegally without the right ments.nts. if they ar
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them and higher citizens ors o legal immigrants. joseph says, this is a countryou of immigrants. so are we supporting the peoplel who work hard and came here here legally and the people who camec here illegally equally if we cae chick laws we obey then let ouro family members out of prison.ri. they were just trying to make tm better live, too. t but others say it's mores m complicated than that.mplicatedh nick posted, i say do it for week.. no a month and do it on every e level with every job they may be working.g. a lot of people have no clue clu about how much work is done by legal and illegal immigrants i'm for strictor regulations butor b against a wall and completeete banning of people. ppl also unless they get arrested od commit a crime they should notre be bothered as most are justus here for a better life for themr and their families and have risked live and limb to ge here. most americans have no clue whao they e cndure just in hopes of a better life.if that's what's going on. it goes on tomorrow and as wee saw several local restaurateursu are on board with it.h i >> i think the comme
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did give full picture of what ow the argument is.e arg i a lot of people saying let's make distinction between the legal immigrants working and illegaenl tmigr ones some are s, arc lost people are saying say should not be here. not b it's a complicated.ed steve and i and tucker talkedr d about it earlier.t it earlier. i think people need to take thee full become cher into account io before you just objectively say you're allowed, your no allowed. so many other layers here. >> the problem when py eootplhet caught in it if you're checkingk documentation of everyone, whoe, looks a certain way, i thinkaink there's another word for that.wa >> also when people sayple immigration, they have a certaia picture in mind. i've said this before. b i was -- i'm an immigrant.rant there are lot of people look l like me who are immigrants, too, the situation is not always alwy black and white.te it's not as crystal clear orlear clear cut as some people would want to make it it's a complicated issue i think we alw need to come to some sort ofe sf couldn't september suss and note jumbst say things and do thingss reactionary.. >> here's the thing with me i'll say this. onder why if this is such a topic, such an issue for the f people who are in charge, then
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after the company -- if theyhe don't want immigrants to work gk after the companies that higheri them. >> you're talking >> illegal. or people.e. >> they're the ones who ares o r hiring them. >> don't you think sometimes people i think sometimes p youep higher and don't ask becausesk they don't want to know. don'tto >> exactly.>> e that's my point.po. >> they don't want to know ift t they're >> they want the cheap labor they want to talk this rhetoricr about them, but then when itheni comes to i want to you work atk my project, i'm going to pay yoy whatever i can pay you and i y a don't want to ask any questions. to me that's hypocritical.ypocti that's all i'm saying. say >> very much s >> yeah. >> all right. say>>, back say,now i to you [ laughter ]ughter >> al, thank you. 9:18. coming up the so-called lol assassin under arrest warning wi for drivers who head in and out of dc every day, and the most public friend zone ever maybe im is. erin is back with a check ofck o what else is making headines hel next. >> harrison ford close call how he ended up flying overver passenger jet and the punishment he could face forhe
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mix up. x we'll go live to tmz with thehhe details. we'll be right rht b ♪♪ ♪♪ an ordinary jar of vaseline® jelly... it's something we don't think about much except when we've got chapped lips or a small cut. but for people living in areas of crisis, simple skin conditions can turn into serious issues. so we created the vaseline® healing project... a partnership with direct relief to help millions in need heal their skin so they can go back to work, or school. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin.
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>> all right. 921st time right now. 1st ticheckack with a check of the other stories making ofhest headlines this morning.orthis mg erin. >> thank you very much, wisdom. right now we begin very overse. malaysian police say asay vietnamese woman has been been arrested in the death of the half brother of north korean lead k
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he was attacked with a chemicala spray at an airport on monday iy kuala lumpur and died on the way to the hospital. hospital. reports say the two women whom o carried out the attack were likely north korean agents. kim jong nam was estranged fromo his half brother the currenturrt leader of north korea.rtkore he fell after favor after tryinn to enter japan on falls passporr back in 2001 to visit disneyland in tokyo.yo nearly 200,000 people living near the damage oroville dam are being allowed to return home.e crews say residents should behoe prepared to evacuate again if needed.need rain is in the forecast for f tomorrow night but structuraltru engineers say they can do thinkh the dam can take it.ey they also warn about snow runsnr off later this spring. new report says thats t arlington memorial bridge iss among thousands of spans in thet united states considereds nsider structurally deficient. now that doesn't mean the bridgg is in immediate danger ofr o collapse, but that it's in needn of rehabilitation or replacement
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component that has advanced todt deterioration or other problemss the brooklyn bridge was also wo found to be in a very similar condition. and there were record lows for lot of luggage and people pl being bumped off flights because over sold.old. airlines say they are getting gg better on time rifles but it's i not all a bed of roses.os. 2016 was the worst year for long delays since 2013. 23. some flights sat on the runway for as long as four hours. hawaiian airlines alaskaaska airlines and delta were on thehe best at on time rivals. rivals. and finally, a young man is being hailed as the king of thee friend zone after taking a woman on very extravagant date only to be praised as her amazing frienn on instagram. bachelor daniel took his date to golf, horseback riding and thent dinner before giving her flowere and taking her for ice cream. ca sounds like the perfect date bu when the woman posted about thet date on instagram she
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really out did yourself on this friend date causing somengom backlash online from people whol said daniel had been ve unfairly friend zoned. daniel has since respondednd saying, he planned the date forf her because she never nev experienced a romantic day anda he's askingro people to lay offf i think that response sound liki daniel still thinks he has a has shot and he set up that lovely v day for her hoping to maybe gett in her good graces. gces. back to you. >> that's way wanted to get into. good graces. >> good graces is one thing he es ied to get into. >> he wanted towanted t go etge good graces.ces. >> i don't see anything wrong with the what's the big deal. sl he did something nice for somebody.some whatever. it's all good. i wil'sl asay that he is in the friend zone clearly and trying y to get out of the friend zonedon that's what men do they try to t get out of the friend zone.. >> it's much easier to get in i than get out. >> i'm telling you no guy wouldu do something like that not thatt trying to get out of the friendi zone.zo >> listen let me tell youn let something.something. any crack in the armor you'll'll have --ve- >> you say i have chance
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>> a lot of people thinkhi millennials are the worst and now one study proves they iney fact might be at least when ithn comes to driving.mes to drivi why millennials have taken overe as the bottom of barrel fromom teenagers.en teens may have sponsored thishas study in the uk.pons we don'torst know. k [ laughter ] >> my guess is yes. we'll fine out.'ll fine >> we made it to the halfway hay point. oh, my goodness.s. wednesday, yes. yes. tucker is back with a check ofhk your seven day forecast.en day that's coming up next. nt. >> fresh at 10a, singer, actorct and model tyrese gibson from the fast and furious franchise too the new fox hit star. star. he's going to join us live witht all the details, plus we're heading into the kitchen with a chop champion with d.c. roots silver diner chef ype cooking c with como today fresh off his debut last night and then latert our week of love continues witht rapper and radio show lil mo. m. right now 9:25. 9:25. we'll be right back. bac ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ all right. 9:28 and there's a new top dog in town. rumor german shepherd was crowned america's top dog lastat night winning best in show atn the west minster kennel club. here's a look at the specialal moment.. >> best in show at the 141 annual west minster kennel clubu dog show the german shepherdphed dog.g. [ applause ] >> rumor. best in show
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>> five-year-old shepherd is-olr named for the adele hit that we were playing the song rumor has it. rumor is only the second germanr shepherd ever to win best in show.. >> i like it better if the dog d cracked a beer and started start running lapse. >> i know, right.>> k >> celnoebrate.rate. okay. i can relax after all thishi training now. just and joy the moment. >> classic. >> i can't watch this every year and not think about the movie bechst in show. tink ab show. >> if you've ever seen the documentary --me >> it's so classic.>> i c they nail it. >> although i've tried to show w it to people i don't get it if i you have seen it it makes dog shows much more entertaining. >> right. kind of gives out the trophy.ou. what does he do the rest of thef year?? >> is there like a pre-dog show. >> like miss america circuit. >> exactly.>> e what's hess platform? yeah, you know. >> you get more than just that t big ribbon? is there likehere l trophy or just the big ribbon. o >> i want to know -- know -- >> so many questions.uestio. >> for one day he's allowed onle the couch afterwards.rwards >> exactly.>> e >> celebrate his victory.ebrais >> i guess.
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check in with tucker. tucker. one of those blah days out thert today. >> it's cloudyda.oudy the beagle was the best part tht one that was striking the pose.. >> doing his own thing.. just stopped and go over we'll go over here.r here. that's a real dog. >> cute.ut headlines, grumpy out there.. and i'm not sure we'll get a lol of sun today. i'll tell you will we'll gete' g some this afternoon but i'm b i being hopeful.ul showers mostly contained in thei south early this trying to get the sun in heren this afternoon we tried yesterday, too. we got a little bitye late day.. kind of the repeat today.oday we hope we get a little sunshinn later this afternoon. aftnoon all right. cold tonight.ld tight. breezy and chilly tomorrow.omoro but that will give way to a very spring like weekend.kend i mean we're featuringtung temperatures for our holiday weekend 60 or better.ter. saturday, sunday and monday. mon and you know what, we might getg very close to 70 degrees or at a least upper 60s by sundayy afternoon. so we've got a lot tafo lookooo forward to for the weekend ifkef you like springtime.u like s all right.prin 43 inl washington.hito 37 dulles.le 38 culpeper. f
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out early this morning morning 34 degrees. 43 here in the lots of cloud cover and rain showers early particularly south and east here and the rain hanging tough across extremextre southern maryland and lowerow eastern down in southern virginia vgini richmond had heavy rain about an hour ago but notice the movement there kind of south to east it's being pushed out to -- push outh into the atlantic thanks in parp to this cold front which is just off to our normal and west thiss will be our main player thisyert afternoon. this cold front it may bring uss a few showers kind of midday and then this afternoon in additiono to that clearing we're hoping to get winds had pick up in thep it wake of that cold front and itni will be a very breezy lateat afternoon and breezy tonight t with winds out of the north andh west gusting to about 25 to5 30 miles an hour.our. so just be ready for cooler cooe temperatures moving in and again cold and breezy tonight tight overnight lows back in the 20s.s 30 in the city.ity. chilly tomorrow.orw. and then when this area of highh pressure gets park off to ourpa south and east this weekend,eeke we'll get that warmup going andg look at saturday, sunday, monday
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monday. queue it kc and the sunshinee band. winter weather lovers, eh, sad oji.i. back to you. >> tuck i want you to do ant y o little something extra for usoru are you up for the challenge?ha? >> i don't know.>> >> say >> he's scared.cad. >> yes.>> >> you've seen best of show,se right.en ri >> yes. y bynt you to do the pla play for your favorite beagle a we watch the beagle run. r. give us the >> okay.>> i got -- i can't see it. it. >> okay. here we go. >> all jump the 3-foot cross and then, well, hang on.g o [ laughter ]ug >> that was the best part. >> i heard something.omething okay. okay i'm off and running. runng steve i want to be the guy or go the girl that gets to, you know, have the dogs follow.lo that would be the trainer. >> yh.h. thank you. y. >> perhaps i asked the wrong wro person to do play by play.y byl. >> i'm back on course.'m i go b around see people thought couldn't do it
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showing my skills skioff. up up, there i go. go. down with ease. ease sometimes going down.times . look at me now i'm flying. >> exactly. >> i'm flying. e>> i do tdo this. i told you i can do it. d i don't touch me. >> exactly. >> don't touch me. >> like t>>he d beagle i'm easiy distracted. >> clear. eau're the beagle of the group. >> dglon't youof love it. the most esteem dog shows youwsy still have --av-- >> a dog being a dog.ei d >> still a dog being a dog.og. so wins it right here. here. millennials get a lot of o flack for being a the worse in a lot of areas.reas in one area they really appearya to be and this time there's the science to back it u >> we're talking about driving i and in one particular caser people between the ages of 199 and 24 apparently are the worstt bob barnard live in silverr spring with more on why they'ret considered such a hazard on theo roads. all right. do tell, b ob. >> reporter: yeah, maureen,, calling them young millennials aaa foundation for trafficff safety surveyed people. people. young drivers 19 to 24-year-oldd and what they found is
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these young millennial drivers -- excuse me, are morerr likely to read or type, text messages or e-mails while driving.iv they're more likely to drive through red lights.h red they're more likely to speed in school zones, and perhaps mostos troubling they apparently consider this settable behavior. triple says 88% of young millennials engage in risky behaviors behind the wheel. wel again these are 19 to 24 year olds. the concern though that thisthi dangerous behavior may be one oo the contributing factors leading to more traffic deaths.ea increase in traffic deaths in 2015, there were more than 35,000 people killed on ourur roadways just over 35,000 an increase in -- of 7% in just a year's time the largest single l year increase in five decadesecs according to aaa. a and so again we've just been out here for little bit. you see people of all ages on
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their phones, but apparentlyenty it's these 19 to 24-year-olds that are most concerning rightnr now, guys.uys >> all right, bob. bob. thank you for that. i agree.. where did they learn thatrnt behavior? >> everybody is guilty of something. >> exactly. >> you're right. you're right. i think we talked about is aryby t sgo. while ago.>> how, you know, modeling goodgoo behavior especially as parents.n i was finding myself doing this. checking the phone at stop at sp lights and all that stuff. >> exactly does i decidedi whenever my daughter is in thedn car i put the phone in my purser and in the back seat.. >> you hear caveat whenever myy daughter is in the thear when my daughter is not in the car i'm totally -- >> i'm being transparent.rapare. when she niece not there i havev by my side.. when she is i'm very conscious.o matt gaff they are ep foundthey himself doing it.init. listen i've got to stop this bad behavior. >> there's good news we'll have wonderful driverless cars soonan much that's what everybody keeps talking about. >> exactly. >> text away.>>. >> all bets will be off.ll be of check your e-mail.k yourai the cars had drive us accident n ee
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>> oh, my goodness. mgoodne >> so they say. >> exactly. >> i'll pass on that one.l pa o >> we're all passing. we' >> i want to be breehind the whe of my own car.. >> control your destiny.estiny >> that will be after our time.. >> yeah, yeah.h. i'm predicting that will behat l after our time. >> we'll be playing with ourafeo cell phones in the sky by then.e >> exactly. [ laughter ] e >> speaking of sky -- sky >> speaking of sky -- >> do you have unlimited.. >> it better be free up there. yeah.h. >> right. unlimited you just don't callall downstairs. [ laughter ] >> don't call down.>> always call up. don. >> hmm. >> speaking of sky -- under investigation by the f bit. and the one tathingion missingf the weeknd's birthday we'll check in with tmz lifemz f coming up next.p next. time right now is 9:36. ♪♪
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♪♪ hey, >> what's up kev glynn how youny doing buddy. >> i can't complain. can't i'm excited to be here to do tmz with you. y. >> and you should be.>> and >> i'm very excited.y eit >> i'm kidding.di another close call for harrisonn ford.rd him and these airplanes.irpl i don't know if this is working out toothis well. one link missing from theis fro weeknd's birthday party.nd bir >> for details i believe we'reve waiting for gary to join us. he's live in los angeles. anges gary, how are you, sir. >> good to see you this morningm >> hey, i'm doing well., i'ing thanks.than >> we're talking about harrisonl ford thikis story ings all overe place right now. he was landing yesterday over an american airline
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can you talk about this story? s it's incredible.. >> yes. this actually from monday.on he's under investigation right now by the faa. so he was landing airport inrtn orange county, and he, you knowo called air traffic control. conl they gave him his landingan instructions, told him which w runway to land in. said absolutely.bsol doing it now. and then he landed in a taxi wai where other planes were going,ei and like you said he buzzed ann american airline 737 passengersr plain full of people waiting tot taxi on add jay center runway tt take off. apparently in the audio he evene says to air traffic control wass that plane supposed to beposed e underneath me the answer is no.. so, you know, you'll remember in 2015 he was in pretty bad crash but actually miraculous he wasas able to survive that, um, he's s great pilot and everybody we've spoken with said he's alwayss aw very careful.very caref it's unclear exactly what what happened here. but the faapp is
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and there's a number of things t that could happen whether it beh a warning letteret oher sanctio his license. but my guess is, you know, it it appears he has a very cleanery c record so, um, as long ass lo a there's nothing going on here ie could just be little accident ad and they'll move on. o >> i mean he's had problem witht this whole thing before. who so i'm a little concerned.rn >> right. >> for his well-being and how this keeps happening. >> yeah, i think it's time to tt stop flying much listen take a private jet.e jet he loves to fly. it's weird not only does he lovv to fly he flies really old kindk of vintage plains that are verye cry cool. but, um, a lot of problems witht them. th >> if you're harrison ford, takk all your money and just buy a millennium falcon and fly that.. why are you flying old >> what are you doing?you [ laughter ] >>do what' s going on, man? m >> remember last time he was ons the millennium falcon the door closed him and broke his leg. hl >> this is very very true.. >> while filming star >> how about harrison ford justd stays on the ground.round. >> right. and crash you're referring t
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crashed on a santa monica golf course.course. >> gary, let's talk about the t week and, selena gomezom apparently there was a >> yup. >> yup >> something was missing from this party..hing w >> i wasn't invited to this party.this parasn't party. >> yeah. i know.i kn none of wuss invited to this pear. the weeknd and selena, selena ia a very very cool girl, becauseec she got him a $30,000 birthday present. present. it wasn't even there. >> that's it. >> she through him party at davv and buster's. dave and buster's big gamingg restaurant you can, you know,u k drink and play, you know, adultu games and stuff, like an adult chuck e cheese, and she renteden it ought for all of his buddiesd for the whole night. night. put her credit card down and cad wasn't even there.wa she was out with her girlfriendn out in new york city for fashiof week. but he had a great we got photos from them over the weekend in marina del ray on yacht. making out pretty good. listen the weeknd is doing doi really really well right now. at the grammys, obviously he'sbs killing it.
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happy with him.. >> listen we love dave and dave buster's one right up the strees here. >> here's the thing about daveuv and buster's with $30,000 that'a ten games and one meal thene mel re dre done. >> i know. >> exactly. >> i don't even know what that will get you eve a prize. >> two chains a big party and id just wanted to know where the $30,000 went.0 w i believe they were there from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., right? >> they were there.e the they were there a long long time. and i think even longer thaneveh that. that. i mean you lock down the entirer restaurant for, you know, just j your buddies and it's full drinks, food service, the wholet thing, i mean my friends canridc rack up $30,000 alcohol tabol pretty quickly.uily >> before we let you go, gary,ar we'll mention nick cannon.n tmz caught up with nick cannon and got exclusive in regards too america's got talent. tal what's going on here? >> yeah. yea so he says he's done.on we actually caught him at the hm aiort.t. he says there's no c
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the execs are scrambling to keee him they're less than a month away from shooting.hoin now he is under contract buttrab we're told that, you know, theyy basically feel if he reallyea hates it that much and wants ous of it they'll let him -- they'll let him out if he's determine tt leave they're not going to fighg him.. but they're really upset about o it and they want him to stay. sa nick is adamant he doesn't wantw to be a part of it any more.ore. >> gary, you know what that means? kevin and i have somebody somewhere to to >> do it. to fight me foror it. it. >> one opening, throw people.pei i'ngm sure we can figure this ot oh it.oh it. >> gary, you're flying to d.c.yc and going to dave and buster' wisconsin dom and i and we'll spend theirs thousand dollars.ol put it on tmz tab. t tell harvey it's okay. >> see you gary. yy. >> just reminder you can watch t tmz week nights at 3:00 and 7:0f >> i was looking at the guesthee list. i just don't understand how youu spend $30,000 there. tre >> that place is expensive. expi
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lot -- it's called balling,, kevin. food and drinks and games. games >> bawling until you fall.ling >> you don't know what kind ofnk bottles of wine they weretheyer buying. >> they have extremely expensivy wine there? i've never been.. >> when the ballers show up. >> maybe they took a couple a c games home with them afterwardsd >> in you go. in you go. >> i wonder if they closed downd dave and buster's just for thejr party. >> that's way said.>> t >> that's probably part of it. >> you're paying for the wholepe nunu. >> one day, d, kevin. e daday. >> that's what a baller does, kev. 9:45. getting the most for yourr valentine's day money becauseeyc you got the flowers. fwers. now you need to keep the to he flowers. we'll show how to keep thoseeep flowers that you got for your sweetheart alive as long as asng possible. we got great tips for you, too. hi, everybody. we'll talk to them next.
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♪♪ these flowers are so prettye so valentine's day of course has come and gone, and if you hit it right that means the houses and apartments across the area are packed with red roses and otherd beautiful arrangements this t morning. not that we're let's say frugala but we want to make sure thate these flowers just last as longg
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get your money's worth out of it. mayor more beautiful when theyhe are beautiful.are autiful how do you extent the life l avenue flower that's already tha been cut? we've got help for f you for free.e. here's to share tricks of the trade this is marius, she's the owner of karen's florist andlost head designer david with us asss well. well first of all i'm guessing'm gueg biggest day of the yeargg yesterday.est >> absolutely. >> which day do more people buyd o more flowersmo on february 13 and 14th.and >> orders come in on february 13 people walk through our door ond february 14th.uary4th >> last minute shoppers will bel there. you have to keep stuff ready top gotu.go >> absolutely. >> it was pretty busy for yous bothpret days. day >> very busy both days. ds >> david, here's the bigid, he't question. hopefully everybody got flowers for their significant other orho themselves or whomever they wanw to give them to to brighten up the home. a lot of the people that are ina experienced in the flower gamed you get the flowers, you putou them in a vase, vase however yoy want to say it then you let it l go. go what are we doing wrong here?er >> you're do
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okay.y. >> what can we do better.cao be. >> the next step with that yout need to make sure that you'rstee adding water daily to your design. it should be completely full of water every day. the first couple of days you'llo find that the flowers are goingg to drink a d a lot and then it kind of slows downn the as, throughout the life of the t flower. >> the little packets of food or evatever -- >> what is that.t is >> what that actually is, it's a combination of many differentnt things.things it's a food that actually feedss the flowers and if there'shere materials in there that helpre h keeps the bacteria down. because what happens when you actually do recut that stem, sm, because it is a fresh material,a bacteria and in water theeria ad bacteria is going to start t ioa grow. >> super important that we uset that. >> super important.>> i >> i know we do have to do atooa little bit of maintenance on the flowers.ow isn't little bit of maintenancee on the dohi to dothe best thing tnco we can get the most life for our buck. >> the most life where thet lift arrangement looks the best whato you really want okto do is when you're looking at the design ass the petals start to die in the n design, just pull
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pull the petals off. off pull the leaves off if they tury green and start to turn tur brownish.browsh. and that will kind of give youru a range amount fresher look. loo the other thing you can do is as at range many goes on you getn t fewer and fewer flowers, becausc of course you'll remove those flowers that have faded, and yod get fewer and fewer flowers,lowe remove them from that vase, v recut them and put them inm i smaller vases. >> okay. i've heard to cut it at an is that true? t >> that is very true. true. you've got good information.ormn >> i brush up on my flower mow research or maybe i'm just aust natural. natural. [ laughter ] >> what's the advantage to thatd >> the advantage to that if you can imagine taking a straw andaa placing it in the bottom of the container. if bacteria starts growingteri around the edge of that structoundure it wil tl create a vacuum and seal it you have.. the flower will not receive anye more water. you cut it at a sharp angle it gives you much larger surfaceur for the water to be dran
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into the flower and there's no t way that it will seal off. >> i'm sure you wish people wilo come in every day and restock eir famimilies. it's youlir family's business fs many many years and decades.ades how long should something last?l like if somebody came in cam yesterday and they bought a bout dozen of your beautiful roses,, how long near yet rhett kleehe should they last. >> it dependshs i'll turn thatna over to our expert david on that one. >> all right. a lot of thing.hi when you go to karen's floristli or any other retail flower shop, we buy a premium quality rose. just like foods variousus different grades of flowers asws well. >> steaks or whatever else that you're going to get.or >> w exacthayou' so the other option or the other important thing they'rething y' processed correctly.d corrtly when they go into the flowerhelo shop, we actually recut the the stems, put them in a solution, t water filled with the solution,t and then they go into the design. desi >> so let me ask you this.le all right.t all i'll just
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i come in, i buy that whatever e the best quality is or goodie sent quality.ty. if i don't treat it in any way and i don't put the vitamins inn or whatever it is in a nutshelll how long might that dozen rosess last. >> you're probably looking inabi they don't have perservative or any treatment like that, you'rer probably looking that you're going to get three to five daysy out of the flowers.he flo >> if i follow your advice and i put the nutrients in the watert and i cut it at an angle and ang trim the leaves, then how muchw time are we going to get.. >> easily you should be gettingb at least five to seven days.ays. >> we literal double the t lifespan of the flowers if we de it right. >> yes. >> that's good news. we have customers that come>> tn and sayre their roses have r steded over week. >> i mean, look, you're making n the investment why not make itei just like everything.thg. beautiful flowers.lors you brought beautiful flowers.lo i want to talk about aut arrangements here and some and s themes when it comes to colors.l any real quick tips for people o if they want to kind of work onk their own arrangements or something they can spruce it up
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>> okay. oka if you're basically taking andia working with your design youdesi want to kind of come up with a combination pleasing color cor combination.mbinaon. oftentimes you're looking at like two to three colors.s. really creates a beautiful design. if you have a design that you'vu actually gotten for thehe holidays, and you want to sprucp it up a little bit, come backe b into karen's florist retail ret flower shop, pull a couple loosl stems as we talked about recutbo the stem at an angle, and placea them back into the arrangement.e >> we can make anything work asa we can see here all thehe different designs.t des >> of course.>> ocour >> i think i know the answer ton questuestion. aside from valentine's what'sha the second busiest time of year in the florist >> mother's day. right around the c>> morner. c >> this is the best time of yeaf for you guys. >> absolutely.>> a >> you've been in business for a thank you for joining us thisr t morning. >> thank you very much. tha >> do i have tonk go home and cc my flowers at anneal good todayt or can i do it tomorrow. tom >> do it today. >> thanks for the t zen it back ohaver to younk guy.
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thanks a lot guys.ks a she's a cover girl again. kate upton sports illustratede swimsuit issue we'll show you ww her big debut. >> why the squeaky wheel doesele indeed get the oil, right.. >> exactly.>> exaly. >> we've got tyrese he's not ton hard to look at either, right? t a good looking 10:00 o'clock00 o hour. he's going to be on the showo nh tonight star on fox.n fox he's going to join us live tolie talk about it. aboutt. >> we've got a week of lovef l that's continuing.ontinuin lil mo and her husband in here. they'll talk about love. >> okay. and we're always cooking coong something in the good day cafe. chop champion ype is in the is t house he'll share with us his u winning recipes.. let's do our coffee time.e if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs we have a good day dunkin' donuts mug we give awaya perfect for that great dunkin' d donuts coffee so just go to or ourur facebook page at com/fox5 d.c. to enter thent t contest.
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it's a random drawing.ra you only have until 11:00 to 100 enter.ente and don't forget if you win,in, take a selfie with your mug.ou m post it on our facebook orack twitter pages like this one from selena walton.n. selena looking good there. t just make sure you use that #gooddaydc.. good day at 10a rolling your way next. next ♪♪ ♪♪ she looks years younger than she should. is it dna or olay? new olay regenerist helps take years off your skin age so you can look younger. who needs dna when you have olay? new regenerist. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of “mmm fresh” in that washer with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. because this scent lasts up to 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship i've ever been in. freshness for weeks! an ordinary jar of vaseline® jelly... it's something we don't think about much except when we've got chapped lips or a small cut. but for people living in areas of crisis,
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tyreece. he's live to tell us about hisbo news role on the fox show star. >> the week of love at 10a continues.inue lil mo and her husband are herer to share with us how they'rehey' relationship works. works. >> plus kevin goes one-on-one-o- with matt damon who has new action adventure movie out. out what's up with that ponytail?yti >> the 10a starts right now.ow ♪♪ um-hmm. smelling so good, too.o. >> um-hmm. >> my goodness. >>. >> man. >> feast or famine, people. >> feast or famine. fine. >> we're feasting f [ laughter ] >> great minds think alike. alie >> i'm telling you man how can n you go wrong with this a chop ac chef in the house. >> not just a top chef. >> the chop champion.ion. [ applause ] s local..' his cuisine is available to you. he's whipping up -- it.-- >> smells amazing in ie >> this is what got you the wip. >> one of the dishes. one >> it's a good day to start -- ogood way todo s dtart breakfai the morning.morn >> there you go. the
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chef, how late did the viewing v part go last night?? >> you know, i think by the time the party was over -- o >> you came here, didn't you? in i came here.i [ laughter ] >> i love you but i'm a little disappointed your hair is aair a little tame >> really? >> all right. i can fix that. i ca.. right, good >> by the time your segment comes up. >> we'll give you a few minutes. >> i don't want any more of thaa today. >> enjoy. we'll see in you a bit. >> thank you. him.can't wait to talkl tosee >> he's so great.e's so. >> i love watching chopped chopp because it just forces the creativity.eavity >> yes. >> to come through and the splil second decisions. i can't wait to hear what he hah to do those challenges he had h la nigight. >> he came out on top. top that's great tng. another d.c. champion.. thanks for staying with us for r the 10a today. i'm steve alongside maureen,auen holly and wisdom.dom let's get to what's trending this morning first up, the bests part of valentine's day may in i fact be for many people not the flowers, not the candy, but b sports illustrated.ated why? because it's
10:02 am the cover reveal last night onio it, yes, she got her wish. america's favorite bombshellll apparently kate upton her fifthh time landing spread in the annual swimsuit issue and she is posed to perfection not one, two, but three differentiffent versions of the iconic cover. cr apparently wearing less and lesl in each eh vers >> right. >> since her last bikini clad spread she starred in motion picture, most notable until thet other woman slated to appear in the upcoming movie the lay over a comedy about two friends whoes go on an epic road trip together. she revealed her gorgeous coverr on jimmy kimmel live.e >> quite a big start to 2017 for upton said to marry detroitroit tiger pitcher justin verlanderna coming up but of course we justs talk about this the other day. the downside of this was was apparently she said she wasn'tn' going to do it unless she was on the cover. >> then is it that really thatya big of a surprise on honor to d it if you bas
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play your card and say i'll do d it if you put me on the cover. v >> when you go to a store to buo it do they have all three coverr available at the store.he store. >> i think they want to you buye all three of them.y waree ofhem. >> they're all available in one store. >> it's not like different difre covers for different stores. >> i don't know if it'son'tnow different regions of the country. >> okay. what? >> are you getting some intel? some si intel? >> chris smith our expert on tht sports illustrated sweat suitats issue says usually subscribers get one cover then you have to go to the newsstand to get thees others.taothers >> yes. >> exactly now we see you.e see >> okay. >> chris i'm a littlee disappointed for many days overe the past few years that we havev busted on tucker for being latet to weather school because he wab looking at kate upton pictures c on his computer, we don't have n him as our kate uptone upn correspondent today.pondenda >> you're absolutely right.e abo i apologize. apo that's an oversight on my part. >>ext yearar. >> absolutely. you got it. >> probably at the store pickini up the magazine.azine >> all three covers. c >> he's unavailable gh
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next year we can do it nextt nex year.year. >> there you go.>> >> she may demand it five years straight. >> al mcpherson's record. >> how many did elle. >> five. fiv >> newest american girl doll isl a boy.oy american girl says that's beensb their number one request forreqs decades now.s so here he is. logan everett from nashville and he plays the the company gives each of theire dolls a back story his character will play the drums for the doll teey grant.t. it's trying to advisers is the to its dollars.ol also be a new korean american and haiyan doll releasedan dolld tomorrow. it will cost you $115. a lot of people hailing this ain huge success. >> i think it's pretty chris tyi have a c question fory on this story as well. >> did you have an american girl doll, too. >> no.>> >> nothing to do with american girl dolls. chris -- >> yes.>> >> follow me along here.low me . okay. >> all right. rl doll thissan gi young man is a drummer
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flannel very grunge like.e. >> absolutely. >> who could that be?e? >> little bit dave >> i'm going to make sure we'ree on the same page.on the s >> you got it.ame >> okay.. >> somebody at the american gir was big fan.s big n. >> maybe. your kids ever get into american girl.rl >> do i look like i paid $11511 for a doll. >> what am i thinking.hat >> i'm samorry.ry i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry.sor >> oh, my gosh.os where was my head. >> really? >> i would have bet a fortune o thatbe one. one have you had won big. >> as the words were tumbling out, what are you saying, maureen? >> 115 on a doll. dol >> if that's you do you. 10:05. 10 when teens get handled theed the driver's case many may teaseay them or say ut-oh it's time fors me to get off the road but thisi morning teens aren't the ones oe being labeled as the worstbed at drivers. it turns out young millennialsls are getting that dubious dubus distinction. ays 88% of o aaa s those surveyed who are 19 to 244 years old admitted to texting ti behind the wheel, running a redd light and d
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limit.. >> my only question with thisiot is, are they admitting to doingi this chronically or just sayingy have you ever texted have youve ever run a red light? that is t good question.stio >> i would think that would apply to sldo man tyhi people at point. point. >> right. i can also see when you first get your see w license at 16 ort least i got mine at 16 that16 ta you're really careful and you're nervous. nervous. >> absolutely. >> by the time you're 19 uri lacking then you back more more unsafe driver. d >> i think so. .ng.n see that happening yeaeah. >> there's an an ar i think more study is needed.eed all right.rht british people get on it.le geti [ laughter ] >> heat difference. hea when we all got our licenses wee didn't have these --hese - >> you're right.>> we didn't have any of that.nytht there was no social medial thert was no texting none of thatone a stuff.uf it was just --us >> i'm pretty sure wisdom was mw father and i was scared to get g of getting in any -- >> yeah.>>ea >> both hands on the wheel.s hee >> that's the way it was in mynm house.. >> ten and two. and two. >> how long were you when you got your license. >> i think i was 16 as well.g w >> i w i got myas 16 as temp atg my actual license at 16.t 1 >> same thing.
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i taught myself how to drive a a stick shift.hift. >> yeah. >> stick shift more shif >> i knowfu.n >> i did too when i was 27.7. >> really? high to learn arn a drive a stick shift while my dad held a cup of coffee. cofe that's how he made me learn. le. you had to really learn. lea >> i hope it was cold coffee. >> it was weiss castle and it was hot. in ohio, he was brave. bra. man i learned to ease up on thaa clutch. >> i'm telling you. >> you learn.>> i'm ouut.u don't burn it out. >> listen we talk about this thi next story during today's facebook commercial commentary it's news kevin mccarthy ears. e take listen.ten apparently you can now getan n married at taco bell! only goinn to cost you 600 bucks. bucks. fast food chain opening a chapel in las vegas strip cantinatina location and put together anogen actual wedding package it includes tackle bowl garter, bow tie, sauce pact, wedding bouqueu and cinnamon delights weddingedg cake.cake your first meal as newlyweds will be a taco 12 pack. >> um-hmm. >> i'm t
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get those shirts too.s o >> that's kind of cool. >> okay. go ahead.go a. why are they giving you saucece pacts. free.n take those for >> keep it saussy. saussy. >> grab a handful.ha i'm telling you kevin and lauren will renew their vows.irows. >> he said last hour when we talk about it. aid they're going to renew reew their vows any way. >> i think it should be ar foxf zip t >> we shall all go with him to o make sure everything goes everything.everyt >> to the tack bow kell cantina chapel. >> it's not a place i would likl to go in and do that.. >> you'll limit it to fast foodo places. >> i have to limit it to fast io food. they're a couple of restaurants i wouldn't mind going to >> what if they offered you chic filet platter. >> i moved on. >> what about it's not fast foot but what about out back and thet wings for the whole wedding wedg party. >> we can talk. >> fast d. fast food. that's more upscale. more scale. when you talk about the wings -- >> medium.iu. >> i'm got a hasn't kerring forg c
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i was not awareness break up. u >> this is news people. people you broke up with chick-fil-a.-a >> did something happen? was it you. >> i'll leave you with this.s. sexy doesn't make it itself. it. >> sexy doesn't make itself. >> o-h.-h. think about that.t th. >> yeah. i t i it. i'm picking was that you'reng w putting down good i appreciateor it. >> sticking with fast food and d after getting married at taco bell, you can then head on overe to burger king because you canoc get an adult version of their t king junior meal.ea along with your meal, you'll get a toy.oy. >> what kind of. of >> of a different kind maureenem add dull kind to be exact. >> of course.ou >> feather dusty, sleeping maskm and a head scratcher.ater >> that's what they call it.ll . >> are some of your options. >> some people are scratching sg their heads at this story.sto but there's only one catch. you'll to be honeymooning in israel. >> oh, okay.kay. >> small detail because those are theet only buairgl er king n locations that are participatinn in this 50 shades darker promotion. >> seriously? >> some guy at burger king wasgw sitting in a room and said, i
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got a great idea. >>es.s. >> let's put sex toys in israele at a burger king. >> quit calling them happyemap meals. i'm telling you how it couldg y be -- that would be mcdonald'sol not burger king. >> some guy above him said we'lw do it. >> exactly. >> somebody approved it.. >> this is a greatebod idea. >> huh. >> all right then. h>> all >> something for everyone. >> you go to israel and it workg for you let usael knoand wit.. >> on your tweet us a picture #gooddaydc. >> exactly. >> all right.. it's here and we have it knewwek empire promo and boy, it's drama filled.. cookie and lucious the star ofhf this one. we have it for you coming upingu next. next. >> from fast and furious to being a star on the small screee as well, tyreece live with us coming up to dish about his new you're watch going day d.c.atch good day at 1 g0a. 10a we'll be right back. bk. ♪♪ ♪♪
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is not his actual mug shotug s though.ough he made headlines aft his mugug shot went viral last year. this is picture -- they're theye mug shot. s do you remember it? you remember the blue eyes. it was prettyou rmember enticin. well this week let's go back tog the other picture he just madeum his runway debut at new york fashion week.k. the 33-year-old posed shirt lesl this is not that picture. back stage at klein show beforew hitting the runway there he iset at the new york public library a on monday. m if you're wondering jeremyer actually has been married for eight years and has threeand hae children. >> good for him. >> good for him.>> good for >> yeah.>>h >> let's talk about adele and tb beyonce' adele was left in tears when she picked up album of theo year at the grammy awards at thy breaking the award in half as as she claimed it deserved to go t beyonce' but carlos san tannishi said adele was a target sing.ges i think she won because she can sing sing. with all respect to our sister
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very beautiful to look at and it's more like modeling kind ofo music music to model a dress she's not a singer singer withrt all respect carlos took to too t facebook to explain that he didd not mean to cause any offense my end at the present time to wasro to couldn't late adele on her amazing night at the grammys. >> a bit of fire storm there.. congratulate adele and move on.o >> it's probably never a good g idea when you're congratulatingg someone to compare her toe he t someone else. if he would just stuck withtuckt saying -- i don't think anyoneth would argue that adele is an is amazing singer.inger. .> right. >> and obviously i thinkiously i beyonce' can sing too, she's definitely more of -- more of a powerhouse.powerhou >> entertainer. full package, you know, show sho stopping kind of thing. t they're apples and orang
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them if i was carlos santana. >> give one some congratulationt and leave the other one out. >> give me a break.reak come on. o >> there you go. all right. calendarsen mark your now.w. ready? um-um in ink wednesday,, march 22nd, empire is back. bk. and let's just say cookie is ons the war take look. >> twisted kind of love.. >> ♪♪ >> i know we have thrown a lot of blows at each other over thee years. you're still my first love.ov >> it's obvious you love me. ♪♪ >> spring premier of empiremp wednesday march 22nd and fox. >> hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, ome!me! >> now, in the promo fort f upcoming season t
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can't deny destiny.tiny. apparently you also can't deny cookie's ability to swing t baseball bat. >> right. >> >> again she steps up to the u plate along with the whole lyon crew wednesday march 22nd right here on fox5. onox you know who i did not see in there --there -- >> who is that. i >> taye diggs. >> right? >> what was his -- >> first name. >> dubois.ub but it was, um, cookie's lovee'e interest and i didn't see him in any of the >> little bit of a love scenee l there. i couldn't tell who was on topon of >> but you know what, love, l interests don't stay aroundsts long. >> it wouldn't be drama.wo >> they usually get taken out.ul >> yeah. you know like old school soapl s operas the original coupleou always gets back together. >> right?>> r >> of course. .hey get a part remember eden and lou >> oh, lou jack and beth andh an philip. phil >> and philip spalding.. >> alan spalding. >> the whole spalding clan. cla. >> that's general hospital. >> beau and hope.eau anhope >> from empire to star if you
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haven't watched fox on wednesdaa nights then you're missing out.o >> it is a music industry drama that follows three talented singers trying to navigate theie cut throw music business created and produced by lee daniels thet face behind empire and featurese an a list cast including benjamin pratt and queen latifaf and features a who's who of o guest stars ton night that nigha includes actor and musician tyrese he plays pastor harrisrar and this morning he joins us jos live from atlanta to dish all al about his role on the hit series. tyrese, i have to say, iset's gd to see you alive and well, right? [ laughter ] >> how are you, good morning. mi >> good morning to you. g >> people don't ooknow there wa little bit of a death hoaxeathoa earlier in the week.r in t wee >> gotcha. our dear dearaid tyrese was departed.ted whoo!oo relieved. >> you know, chocolate is stilli alive, baby.ive, baby. i'm still here. >> amen, amen. [ laughter ] >> that's mice coat by the way.e styling and profiling.ylin >>
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>> thank you. l you guys thatuy my character name is pastortor harris. i'm an ex-con, a did lot of timm in jail from the streets,, rededicated my life to christ,os and i've become a senior pastors at a church. c i start dating a woman in my congregation played by queen latifah her name is carl lotto t on the show and she's met myet three daughters, i've been veryy transparent about my story and d my past. pt she for whatever reason has walls and won't let me in. m won't let me come to her house.. won't let me go to her salon.. and she keeps telling me aboutea her daughter but for whatever reason i never metha her. her i finally meet her daughter. dae so i thought.hoht her daughter used to be her sonr who is now living as a transgender, and this is whens e everything gets a little funkyuy and murky and starts to get uncomfortable.table because as a man of god, i trusted her. i fell in love with this woman m
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her daughter's lifestyle choiceo a secret? so tonight's episodei is going to force you to have a dialogue.. lee daniels he specialize inn forcing us all to have dialogue. we hear about sexual assault and abuse and molestation. we hear about, you know, peopleo you know, who had to have these type of dial logs at home, gay, lesbian, transgender f you're raising your son or daughter ass a man ofon god, we're living ini some very different times rightt now. and so for to you believe or think that you're never going ti have to have a conversationatio about your daughter who may grom up and decide to fall in love il with another woman, you're you'r living in different age. age. >> tyrese -- tonight's conversation -- yeah.h. >> i was going to say when youou got this part to guest star didd you say mr. daniels couldn't yoo give me a little complicated cod story line.
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thing. doing the fast and the furiousus and the transformers time of of movies which is changed my lifei forever, you know, i've beenn praying that i could do a roleol that takes me back into thathat when do you drama rolls, it's a different level of acting. you know f baby boy to fourur brothers to annapolis and so so it's a role that i asked for, f and so i knew exactly what i was signing up for, and it requiredi me a lot of sleepless nights, aa lot of questions, you know, iu , was able to really bond with amia who lives -- this is not,i, you know a woman who was casteds to play a transgender.nsgeer this is amia scott who lives as a transgender. so fellow capricorn as well asel lee daniels and we all came together and peeled back all off these
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sure that we did this right, an, it was uncomfortable to shoot,ho real tears were flying, and it'i going to be uncomfortable to t watch.wa so tonight here's my directy dic invite for you and all your y loved ones looking at thist thi interview right now. n the show is called star, rightr, here on fox, go to hewell louhel and apple tv and i want to youo binge watch. because i never assume peoplepe has ever seen the show.n thshow. >> right. >> so binge watch, watch all the episodes so you can be brought b all the way up to speed and tonight you have to tune in and watch the show.e ow it's airing at 9:00 9:0p. correct? >> gotcha.ot >> all right tyrese weyres appreciate you spending somegom time with us this morning. m we appreciate you.we appreciateo >> thank you. >> no problem. >> take care of yourself. >> thank ya'll for having me onf >> all right. >> all right. >> it's so great>> that, um,m, they're addressing such heavyeay big issues on the small screen.r you know what i mean you thinkok sometimes as being a big dramatic movie but here he ishes doing it on the
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i think lee daniels obviously shown via empire and star he'st' not afraid to address issues. >> have time to get into that and at the same time he's stilll doing fast and furious. and fus >> that's true.harue. >> he's showing diversity righti there. >> i love how wonderful andrful direct he went right to theo heart of the matter. >> listen this is not me guest g starring in a show.arringw. this is serious business andessa serious topic.rious pic. >> yeah. >> sorry about that.>> kudos to him for tha st. for tt >> we didn't even get to talk tk about fast and furious 92. >> 77 i'm in the quiet sure. s [ laughter ] >> oh, tyrese. >> 10:23. coming up later on kevin goess one-on-one with super star matt damon and we'll find out what ii up with that ponytail.. >> little later he wouldn't he t chopped last night and thisd mornlaing hste's live in the go day cafe. how chef ype cooking up a storms and showing off his award winning skills. we're back aft this. ♪♪
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so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful. ♪♪ 10:26 with a live look outside.i a little gray, a little icky ouy there today a little cool.eoo maybe things will look up. tucker?? oh, tucker.r >> hi, can you hear me. >> we can hear you now.e can y >> that's so sweet. sweet okay. yeah cloud cover out there ly early. temperatures hanging out in thet 40s. 40s. not going to be a great lookingi day. i'm hoping for little sunshine n this afternoon bshutin it may be wishful thinking
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storminess to our south and ass cold front coming 44 now. winds out of the south here at sick. let's take look at the satellite/radar together.t rain showers early quicking quik fading off towards ocean cityowy and we're left with a lot offt cloud cover.over our next point of interest ist just off to our north and westns and there's a cold front kind oo see light shower activity upy u towards hagerstown.. perhaps frost burg getting lighl snow shower. that's going to push into ourngr area here shortly.. and we're hoping that behind itd we'll get some clearing skiesg s and get little afternoon afer sunshine. i do want to mention we're nottm going to warm up a whole lotholt today. daytime highs will be in the mit 40s. and the winds will pick upick behind that front with temperatures particularly wind chills falling this afternoon as winds pick up. so might be a few more showerswe around kind of midday with thata cold front and then we'll keep k it cool later this afternoon ton night. there's your seven day.evenay cold tonight.coldig 30 overnight low lots of 20s tomorrow morning if you're norte and west of town and i also wano to point out the other weather w feature of note spring likeing k temperatures saturday sunday
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day looks fantastic temps in the low to mid 60s with brighthri sunshine. so signs of winter not on thatha seven day. d other than today and tonight.odn all right. maureen, that's the latest.les toss it back to you guys. guys. >> thank you tucker. t you val tins day it's over, butb our week of love is not. we're keeping the romance alivei at least until friday.da so coming up next, singer lil mm and her husband they're joiningg us 35 share their journey to t happy every after. a right now 10:28.w 10:28 we'll be right back. back.
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♪♪ yes, our week of loveyes, ocontinues our next couple metp over decade ago at a concert ini philly went on their first date on valentine's day. what 2014.4 she's outspoken singer, song, s writer, reality tv star and hend is her manager as well a gold medal winning professional boxer with 17 wins under his s we're talking about the one, the only lil mo and her husband kyle dynatete. they have a successful coupleoul with a large family.with they have join us on the good day set to dish how they managea it all. we welcome them to the love chairs.. >> ♪♪ >> come here. >> you look beautiful. . youo see uyou >> good to see you. y have a seat.have a s have a seat.. >> i'm going to say to you welcome back. bk. >> thank you. >> you're nice and snatched're d today. s >> thank you trying to get it together. >> welcome. you look beautiful.
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>> so i know you're one of these people that we see,.w you're ont we heahar yourwe music beautiful voice but we don't really know k lot about your personal life. i know you did reality tv. >> >> but you've been very kind of judicious what you share aboutaa your family especially youryou kids. >> yes.>>es >> you have a wonderfu marriage. your marriage you got k ids and and some people might be surprisede torn tha that.mi >> finally got it right after a 2ls i took for the team. t wrote a book about it as well. i was married two times before e and i was like you know yes whaw this ain't right. this ain't right. ain'tht so finally fell back, laid off o the love seen for while becauseu i have too many kids to be outet here playing. >> honestly would you say was ii you, was it them arc combinatioi of both. >> i would say it's both because i used to play the victim likeik you know what i tried toie everything white which i did bue i accepted it.accept i i allowed it and so things so in happened. at the end of the day, i had to basically write down a plan. p what does mo want? what did i i want out of -- more to marriagei than just saying i
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>> absolutely.>> absolutely. >> do i? do i? >> hello. hel. >> yes. >> and what was it for you thatt said she is the one for me? >> that was over a decade ago when i seen her on tv. >> reallal >> what did you say.>> >> were you a fan w? were yoa f >> you were a >> heck yeah i was in love witht her before she even --n >> the love triangle.. yes. he said he made one of those. to >> i made one of those when i wi was young begin and she -- she s was going to be my wife. wif when i was like 13, 14. >> we think about coming outt t with those and selling them andt making a lot of money. mon >> that's so cute. t bat's beautiful. so you always knew, and for youy was it love at first site or dir it take time to build.ui >> well it took time to build tu because when he first tried to t holler at me he said i need hime no i had to hit s i had a performance much that'st when we met the concert incert philly and i was about touto peororm. mo, what up? what's popping but because of friends that we wee e mutually stay connected and in touch with each other and then t once the i guess the door was d
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time, on life tv we were already a married a lot of people saw us r and b in la.n they were wondering.g. you right.u rht thinking back --ng bac >> look at that. >> hindsight i'll give you youri prop on that a1 day one.1 day at the end of the day i didn'tnt take it serious. sious i wanted to be married.ri i wanted to do the arrivinghe av right thing i got it right.ingot look at my skin. >> you're glowing.lowing >> you're glowing. you >> everything is just gross.thi. >> what i love about your storyu it has not been we met years aga we fell in love we have thishi perfect >> oh no. >> there have been ups and ups a downs. >> yes. what do you say to those people out there trying to get it righg which i think is everyone to t to get it right in tithe rveirre relationship.tionsh >> marriage or justrie or relationships period. n in general. >> never give up especially if you're married till death do you part. pa >> take it seriously.iteriously. >> yeah. no marriage or relationship isao going to be perfect. >> yeah. >> you can't just when thing gei rough you can't just give up and say oh i'm done. de. >> don't fall for social mediaid
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media is rich and perfect. >> um-hmm. >> we the only family that's nos rich on social media. m [ laughter ] >> what do they work? i need ae job. i'm just kidding.iddi >> on there every day, all day,, where ya'll working? give me a job. jo >> how do you make your blendede family work? >> it works.ks >> you know what, the great thing s our kids it's almost like -- >> how many there are. >> all total? .> eight. how >> eight. >> eight total. tot. four boys, foyer girls.oyer gir >> oldest is 14 and youngest ist one and some change.e chang so we just make it work and our kids like they -- they just know.know we're brothers and sisters ihere don't call them my step kids or anything.. bonus babies. as a matter of fact those are my children. and i would say one oof ff the the obstacles a lot of people ask ak how do ya'll deal with blendedhn familiar al lost people say coay parenting we make it work. those are my children and i i treat children even though i didn't birth them you would notn know the difference. differe that's the way it should be.t s. >> how is it for you
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woman like her who is in the public eye? >> hey. >> you know she's a fire spark.k she's very lively.she' l how is it for you making it worr because you seem very reserved d i'm sure people are watchinge wh saying oh my goodness.dns how are they doing this?his? >> yeah. sometimes it's difficult,it dif because, you know, the businesss she in, you got to understand un she's going to have a lot of nance love her that want to bere with her and all of that. at the same time, me, i'm a public figure, too, i'm an'm a athlete. who doesn't want an athlete.want a successful athlete at thist time. so i understand what you have to do to go through and the thingsi that's going to come up people e want to run up to her and hug her. guys can i take a picture withit her. >> trying to grab her. t touch her in certain way. whoa, watch your hands.r >> touch the small of my back.m. >> hello.>> hel >> people real go there a lot ot times i'll have to tell my husband like -- >> yeah. >> i want you mo to talk to thealto women out there..
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real. you're not sugar coating theting fact that you have -- you haveoh had issues and you're final your until a place where you'rere yor feeling yourself and you're comm into your own. >> yeah.>> >> what do you say to the womenw out there especially in thisy it area it is hard to meet peopleee of ilk in this area anda a successful relationship. what do you say to them. >> i would say first you ro eall really real you have to loveov yourself. you can't move from a ceilings i hip -- you can't be serial --er >> dater. >> yes. there's a lot of people. i didn't want to b ecomee's a serial, i would say wife. because it's so much to it. and i was given my all and i waw like i didn't have enough fore h myself. so i had to fall back.l i had to pull pull b you have to make sure thatt you're to the giving your all ti someone else and have nothingeln left for yourself. for yel my mother taught me that. tt. also, just always know there ise love out there. tre but you have to wait for it. f it's not going to fall in your y lap and a lot of people i'm pe waiting for the lord to send mee somebody. in the '80s may come. c you may have to wait the at the at the
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there. you have that list. i want him to look like thiyosui he has to make t throw that list away. because just with that listhat t they're going to be some issuesb and you have to be able to havev a compatible partner that wantsw to work with you threw yourouhr issues. we all have issues.we all have as much as i'm sitting up hiserh beat, i am beat, honey, i'm, slaying, he's like, what? >> we're giving all types of o good -- i'm giving beyonce' beye t not now. hello.. but at the end of the day once take all of this off, once i look like kendra lamar under u this wig, once all that comes tt off you have to be able to deala with the person because thisaust right here is an image i created. >> right. >> once you know how no dealyou with that person even have to bb able to deal with that and whatt comes with his line of work anda it took work. wk. so i'll say the 12 years i was a slave to those other marriages - >> my god .. >> miss mo is free.ree >> you are hilarious. >> you would have listen. lte >> you right. y rig >>
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can we talk about you a you professionally what's happeningi >> yes. >> you want to? what's going on?hat' on >> yes. that.e of just all lil mo. m i'll be in the studio. studi actually we leave for la on then 17th. >> back in the studio. you know what, i would say for r every daughter everyone -- door everyone thought was closed i'mi glad for that door, glad forlad that platform, glad for that fot opportunity. >> um-hmm. time for godor g took me out of that situationon and he's propelling me to somens other bigger better brighterghte more beautiful things.hi >> can i ask you a real ask y al question? a lot of people are e saying she was just toooo difficult. you're too difficult to workoo with? >> oh, really. >> i guess when you show up on o time and you -- i'm not i difficult to work with.fficulwi you just have to realize whenzee you're the star.tar. >> you heard that.ea tha >> when you're not the star.. >> oh.>> o >> i mean, yeah.ean, yea i show up -- i'm a person i shon up on time. i do my work.or i'm a person i don't meander anr linger around.ling i go home. i'm a mom like i take being aeia wife
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so with that being said, if i'mi difficult to work with maybebe that's because i'm my own boss.b >> okay. i love tha>t you're ve tve that. that's what we love about you. y you have never come in here anda sugar coated thing.ated t you've been honesthi and trash a parent about what's happening.e we thank you. you're a beautiful coupl cou >> thank you. >> we wish you many, many more e valentine' >> thank you my tubes not tied.. look out.ok out might be another baby on thenotn way. >> ut-oh. ut- >> you're too much.>>e h, oh, my gosh. okay. i'm going to send it back overdt to you guy bs beforace real stuf starts happening over here. hape >> oh, my nigoodness.h,y goodn thank you guys so much.u >> thank you. >> breaking news >> 10:40 is the time.e. 1700 years to build, 5500 milese long so what were they trying to keep out? that's the bighe question in the new historicalia action movie the great wall. kevin mccarthy sits down withh the styramate damon to talk about it. back in a moment.
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take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll ange your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. (gasp) just head & shoulders? i thought it was just for, like, dandruff new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair
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♪♪ [ applause ]plau >> all right.ll r that's a clip from the movie called great wall historicric action drama sent the song danee nasty and starring may damon ass a european fighting along the ae chinese. what they're fighting is the bib question. kevin got chance to see it andtd sits down with the american stan with the ponytail to talk aboutt it. >> i did. did chris smith who produces good go day d.c. i think him and i are e on the same wave len.e le i didn't even know that was the clip chose much that's exactly t what i'm talking about with math damon in the interview.view. that particular scene.lar before we get to that, though, , chris if we can show you video o of manchester by the sea the t reason i'm bringing this up u because manchester by the sea s starring casey affleck.. originally matt damon wason supposed to direct and star in i this movie. casey affleck is the frontrunner to win best actor this year at a the academy awards for a rolee that matt damon was supposed tot originally play which isally incredible.
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now, you'll find out why he hadh to leave the role and give it to casey affleck in this interview but first the scene you just watched with the arrow catching the bowl, wait until you see how goofy that was in real life.if >> i can imagine. cmagi >> it's bad.s watch this. >> i'm a big fan of film makingn i love the sequence when you you catch the bowl. >> i know there's digital effects obviously involved in the film and i'm wondering when you shoot a scene like thavit,o, what are you doing? i mean arer you actually firing them in andd then turn digital? how doesow e that work? is it really it rlly happening onset? >> well, when i was training iin work with the best speed archerc in the world, and what we w w realized right away is that when you knock an arrow when you putt the little slit in the back of the arrow on the bow stringow sr that's really hard to do. >> yeah. >> he does it. he do i
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he can do it as quickly as, um,u but he said it takes about a year per second if you want toat shave off a second it will takew i was year of doing nothing butb practicing. >> wow!ow >> so we realized the arrows aow will be cgi. cgi. so i just learned the movementsn and so when sequence like that, i draw three real arrows. i walk out, upping, i have theme in my hand like the three arrows are and then as i go under the t camera i drop them. right. >> this is amazing. >> then shoot and then just go g through the motions as if i'mtii holding three arrows and then my friends at ilm put them in. >> one thing i love about filmss there's so many stories wherehee actors sign on for a project and different actors come on.e on. manchester was one of them forhr you. you were going lead that film. . i'm so happy for casey. he did a phenomenal performance. had you already started workingg on him. >> i rehearsed it we had the movie set up and we w
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we needed about eight weeks off pre production and then we werew like, well, we kept gettingtti closer i had to start the t martian and we kept getti get closer then it was seven, sixev weeks we can still do it at five weeks, and we still hadn'tn't rented offices in boston and wew were like, all right, we calledl kenny and said we're putting ini you a bad position now. now so my schedule i couldn't do itt r twtwo years. kenny was ready to go and casey was -- casey and i did kenny's s play in london 15 years ago likk we've known kenny for a long aon time. ti we're all kind of bonded by that experience. i said the only person i wouldiu ever ever ever give this roll up to because it was the best rolel i'd ever seen way like myey brother casey who will crush it. >> so i mean it's interesting ti think about that for a second. n this happens all the time in thi hollywood.holl i read a story the oywther dayty that will smith was supposed toe be the original neyo in the may >> oh, no. it. it >> happens all the time.. te. but to me the idea that he
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actually learned all the lines,n got into the character because b if you've seen the film it's am' brutal film about a guy whoseuyo going through tragic loss of his and then he has to shoot theot e martian he leaves the project the martian was mazing by thewah way ridley but asking an interesting question about how that all -- a that's how it happen. happe he wasn't able to do it. do i wonder --onder >> he was still the producer.odr >> still produced it. i >> i don't think he regrets it.. but the best role he's evere's e seen. very cool. >> cool. thanks guys. >> thanks kevin.>> ts >> great wall hits theatersl hie friday. next i can't wait for't we've been waiting for full houu now. we're heading into the kitchenin next with a chopped i would sayo contestant but now as of latf night we have to say champion!mp >> that's him right chef is going to be cooking witg como this morning and share thee recipe that he wowed the judgese with on last night's episode off chopped. we'll be right back with all the secrets. ♪♪
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did they remember to include ala the ingredients on the judges j plates. this morning erin is learning lg what it like first hasn't with somebody who not just noticeustt about it but a chop champion. co >> we're talking about chef ype. he made his top debut last nighn on food network and he three thr other modern diner chefserhe competed to transform some diner staples into blue plate specials worthy of a ten grand prize.ri so how did do you? we told youl he was the champion but in cases you missed it check this onehion out. ou >> that means chef ype that youy are the chopped champion foror best diner mows you have wonon $10,000.$10. congratulations.tulations. >> yeah. y [ applause ] >> wow[ ! >> and this morning chef ypef joins us live in the loft tooft show us how to make the same s dessert that he wowed the judges with last it smells amazing in here.. just put the bearnaise in.
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minute they'll be beautiful. i have fresh figures. figur what i did, you make sure youruy dry ingredients, knauer, little bit of baking powder, sugar,, this we really blew the judges e away that i made it so fast.t ss i mix these and what i do i micm it with the eggs, little bit of milk, have a nil land little bin of butter.d you got to hav e butter in them.n t >> you make it look so ease gleg were you stressed at all duringg the chopped competition.. >> i had had a plan all long.on you knew exactly how you wantedw to prepare the meal.l. >> yup.. i knew exactly how i was goingai o do it. look at these beautiful. >> figures and figure ice creamm what you do you i take a littlel bit of, of course, i take the t figures first ginger brown sugar and milk and boil it up. once that's boil i
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the cream and this is called a philly style ice cream you'reamu familiar because you used to live in philly. in >> of course. it.n't wait to try >> little bit of milk powder an salt and vanilla. mix it altogether.oghe off wonderful ice cream. cam >> you blew the judges howlee jg quickly you were able to whip uu that ice cream. >> i was the first contestant to have ice cream in the machine ii two minutes and ready in tendy i minutes. >> that's incredible.s i >> you got to have a an. >> you seem so calm, cool and collect. >> it was a humbling experiencem i tell you. it's really wonderful to work w with contestant because you never know who your opponents on are going to be and what they'rt bringing to the to thel >> did anybody stress you out, , did you feel fierce competitionn from any particular chef. >> mike was the guy that i knew -- he knew i was the guy to beat and he knew he should beatd me. >> you came out on top.e t on t >> i came out on top. t >> i'm so excited to try one off these. they look incredible with ice w cream on top. this is good for breakfast.crea >> you had three course mealee a that you put together.oghe >
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>> what were the other dishesths you >> club sandwich. old bread and tomatoes.. >> diner inspired. that's beautiful italian salad i took the bread bake it up againa added greens to it and then i had cheese fries and i made like a nice paste with sesame. so the puree on the -- on the plate with the fresh salad. s >> all in the presentation. in a >> all in the presentation andt flavor. >> here's the thing. if you don't think that you can confidently make this at homeom you can head over to silver nott silver diner but silver inilve bethesda and next three weekseee you'll be serving this. >> starting next week tuesday.a. there's a lunch dinner menu.en >> what's really impressive --ie not a healthy item but it's but great. you can't be healthy all thehy e time. >> i have to say this because you have such a passion fore food. >> yes i love it. >> a passion for life as well>>f and tooork lif your winnings ani grand and doubled it and shareda it with doctors without border.r >> yes. my inspiration for that was my w wife who went over there. t she worked with the refugees in greece. greece. she took all those poor people in from syria and helped them.
10:56 am and, you know, in our worse dayy we don't go through what they gg through so we took that money m doubled it and sent it over tovr doctors without border. >> we think you're juste thyou't absolutely incredible and weblew congratulate you on your success for being a chop thank you for coming in.. >> thank you for having me today. >> i'm staring at this and my mouth is salivating ittaring. we'll eat it together. >> we have to share with everyone.e ha ne i'll share with you too. sha thank you very much.than >> thank you. his par move on his part, too >> he wat,s a amazing.mang >> paying it forward.orrd >> my family is big fans ofans silver and we go to silver diner, too. too. patronize both.ot >> tuck you're standing by.g by. give us final word on theonhe weather.he >> hi, guys. hi,s. >> hello. >> what's up? >> smelling good food. >> hi. there's your seven day.ay today this afternoon we'reerno hoping to get little sunshinee h might be a few showers middayid cold front coming through itt will get breezy and cool thishis afternoon and tonight.ight. overnight below freezing for everybody.
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look at the weekend and threehre day weekend looks great. >> amazing. a. >> halfway through, hump day.ay. downhill to the weekend from mirror. >> have a great day. >> see you tomorrow. i will never wash my hair again. new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful. now at havertys furniture, it's our presidents day event, where you can create the perfect home. from now through february 20th, everything is on sale. save on furniture and accessories for every room. plus, enjoy thirty-six month, no interest financing. come in today and save. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. the presidents day event is on now at havertys. life looks good.
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