tv Good Day DC FOX February 20, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead armed andednd dangerous.dang police in arlington need your yr help tracking down a murderr spspect. we'll have a live report.. a working holiday weekend for president trump.iden >> you look at what's happeningg last night in sweden, sweden -- >> this morning he's defending i those comments about sweden.wen. seemingly referring to o non-existent terror plus the search for new nationao security adviser hits high geara we'll have the latest from the first 100 days. ♪♪ fans want four more years. but bao bao has just 24 hours hs left in d.c..c we'll take you live to thee to national zoo for a look at theot last minute rush to say goodbye. >> later, a record setting night on the hardwood. hood. anthony davis leading the
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and earning mvp in the process.. we'll have all the highlights and high scoring good day at 9a9 artsts now. ♪♪ sorry we're talking aboutngo the all star game. game. you think it's entertaining. >> if you loved seeing peopleeol lay down on the court and not ad play dse. >> all offense.>> ef defense. >> it's a dunk show. it' nothing wrong with that.wi tha >> yeah. >> three-point contest. >> it's not like years gone by. >> do weep know who saw the staa spangled banner.sped b >> no. >> nobody got hurt.>> nody got . that's good thing, too.'s g oo>> there you go. >> hopefully nobody gets hurt oe this show either. 9:01.01 >> not promising a slap dunk bub it will be entertaining.. i'm steve alongside, holly,, maureen and wisdom. >> bus feed is out with its list of hot nest news anchors in the nation and there are very noticeable omissions, for example, this guy. [ laughter ] >> chris you set me up again. aa >> any way, we'll hav
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this glaring oversight comingngo >> obviously.g >> later.>> >> i don't know how chris getsws all these pictures and he always does this. >> because he knows you. >> exactly. >> he never deletes them. them. >> just own the that's a very pic picture. own it.n you look >> i do want to mention about this rigged election. some other people who were ino i it. >> go back to to them. [ laughter ] >> that's chris in the dark bacc there.. >> did we not pay the utility bill. bill >> what happened?>> >> it's holiday we're trying w g save some money.e money. >> like the washington monument. >> i >> we'll talk about that later.. >> about the election little bil later. >> first at 9:00 let's talkk about this glorious weather. wer what groundhog? little furry creature know about anything.g temperatures splendid.en this is a live look this is the national zoo bao bao getting gtg ready to make her trip to china. we're saying goodbye to her.. a lot of people venturing out tr the zoo toin see her and hopefup again today.t winter, what winter? that'st's what we've been asking? tuck k kearse
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of our forecast and the tuck i'm not mad at this at all. >> i'll take a picture overground hog any day. >> only few us holding out for r longer winter. did you see the shadow.e the adw that was totally cool.oo >> more springtime ahead here hr not quite as warm today as a yesterday.stda tough to beat the 71 we had had yesterday but we should be backe in the low to mid b 60s across t area. . little cooler today with wit northerly flow, but feelingy fl nothing like february.owing liku nothing like winter out therear early this morning and it won'tw later today.r toda in fact, it won't all we'll be right back in the 70shs by thursday and friday. friy one or of two us may need air-conditioning by fridayitionr afternoon.rnoon 57 now in washington.hingto 54 dulles.. 55 leonardtown few spots gotot back into the 30s early thisly i morning out to the west.g out ts you can see with that sunshine and the springtime temperaturese are just ready to once again blossom out there later today. >> quite conditions. quite c not much of a winter here in tht mid atlantic we're not featuring
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again, sunshine and quiet anduia just a nice looking i'm throwing the seven day up. . i'll bring it back.t bac want to give you a speak whatakt you can look forward to for thet next seven days. sevens. no winter on that seven day.n dy look at thursday and friday. daytime highs back in the 70s 7 around here. her deceive we'll have to do happy y hour outdoors friday afternoon.. >> steve is like okay.y >> sure. >> that sounds great. great >> all right.>> aight i knew i would look forward to t friday for let's get to the news headlinesi first up a manhunt inter way for a man wanted for he's on the run. >> police say the suspect shotho and killed another man at a mana party over the weekend inn arlington.n. >> melanie this morning covering this story and bring us the latest.. mel? me >> reporter: good morning, mor guys. arlington town company teepanyee police this morning still thimon putting out the suspect'sct picture again. letting people know that he isw considered armed and dangerous,s and if they see him, they'd likd everyone to call 911. 9. the house we're talking about ii question is this yellow one here. 6300 and where you
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park in the driveway and we andw believe that the shootingg happened right in the front yarr there and if you take a look ata some of the video also she was s shot on sunday. sunday afternoon as police p continue their investigation yoi can see where they have all thet cameras in the front yard.ard. all of the evidence markers. it looks like clothing otherth items strewn about the frontwn e area. we saw 52 evidence tags here bue police have not said whether w there were multiple shots firedd or not.ot. we don't know exactly what was the argument that led to the shooting but police say thereayt was a party at this house on o saturday night into sunday morning. there were several dozen people at this house and some -- fore f some reason two men got into ana you're seeing right here the suspect that is joshua -- let mm pull this up here for second. sc that is jason allen johnson, 37, of washington, d.c.n, d.c. he is wanted for
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the man who was deceased michael gray of manassas, 23 years old,d did have a gunshot wound to the neck, and he was police pic performed cpr on him here on the scene until paramedic arrived.rv rush him to the hospital and hed was not able to be rescued there. but jason allen johnson again of washington dc arlington counsell three police believe she wasievw last seen heading towards tar maryland where they had had information it was either princn george's county area,orge washington, d.c.'s, they believe that he is still in. in so again police saying also toot the folks here in this neighborhood that it does appeaa to be just isolated incidentiden dealing with the people at this house and altercation betweentie the suspect and the victim no n threat to the larger lge neighborhood but still veryller concerned they'd like to get mro as possible. posbl live in arlington, melanie alnwick fox5 local news.ew >> mel, thank you for that.ha want to turn to presidentesident trump's first 100 days today tht commander in chief heads back tt washington after working
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in at his club in west palmal beach florida.lori he's preparing for busy what may be new executive orders to tackle immigration and border col.rol. travelers would be banned fromd entering the u.s. but big carver out for green card holders. dual u.s. citizens and those whw hold a travel visa. vis he's likely to expand ean enforcement to deport illegal immigrants. vice-president mike pence he is in brussels this morning mni exploring ways to deepen thehe united states relationship with european union.. pennsylvania facing scepticismep you know e.u know e. leaders among the for reason rso policy directions of new administration.ti pennsylvania voiced strongd str support for nato. >> meanwhile president trump tru he's defending comments he madem this weekend at a rally in florida. the presenceid indicated some tp of terrorist attack happened ini sweden over the weekend.kend. in reality there was no attack.c here's what he had to say.ay >> you look at what's happeningi in germany, you look at what's ' happening last night in
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sweden, who would believe this? sweden they took in large numbers, they're having problemm like they never thou possible. >> remarks even prompted swedish embassy in d.c. to reach out to n the state department to makepr.a sure that nothing indepant factd happened.pp it hadn't. sweet den fosses perform fourfof prime hipster reaction to theten comments on twitter posting tteg sweet den, terror attack.ack what has he been smoking. questions about.ut >> last night president trumpgh tweeted this in response to thee backlash saying, my statement aa to what's happening in sweden was in reference to a story thaa was broadcast on fox news new concerning immigrants an sweden. but the comment has criticscommn pouncing a cushion the presidene of spreading fake news. news at the same time he hurlstime hs accusations at the media calling it the enemy t ofhe the american people. anti truck activistctiv organized rallies across the the country called nod mynomy president's day.t's d. thousands of people hit the streets.s. local not predrillly from two to
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they're calling on people comeem together in solidarity againstst rhetoric and actions of the done current administration.nistrati. believe it or not it'seve io almost time to sayr no goodbye.e bao bao the national zoo's giana panda going back to china da-da- is your last chance to see herer with beautiful weather the zoo o will be packed with people p trying to say so long and one of them in the midst of course ouro own bob barnard on panda patrolo for the last few days. day what's it like there, bob? >> reporter: hey, holly. i think better for bao bao in bi the although it feels fine here in the shade. you can see the back of her of r head.head she just gave us a profile shoto she has some bamboo up there. te this is her last full day here e at the national zoo.oo she's three and a half years d old. and she's actually you can see her with bamboo she's been's b putting on sho you can hear it when she snapsss the bamboo branch with her teete and she'll break itr apart andnd use her paws to feed herself hse here. here. she's been kind of roamingen kin aroud ndof the compound here ant zoo officially opened at
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8:00 o'clock.lock. will when he got here about three or four minutes afterot h there were already dozens ofo people here. her it's again the last full day to see her many people have beeneee following her since she was bors in the summer of 2013. she's going to china on oh 1:303 flight out of dulles tomorrow.or fed ex jet will take her, 777 is going to take her to china. chi it's a 16-hour flight. fligh she'll be accompanied by by veterinarian an caretaker and she'll be in crate which they'va been using to get her readyte fr the flight back to her homeland. we want to pan to the left and t show you all the folks that are here lining along the railingaig here. don't fret, because bao bao iss younger brother bei bei who is s only six months old will be here ferrated three years that's theh deal with china before their fourth birthday the panda cubsdb born here at the national zoo oo at the other zoos in americame atlanta, and memphis and sanan diego have to go home.ome. joining suss leslie johnson.ohns i pick you out of th
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what do you have here. do you ha >> this is actually one of the original tyshawn pandas hedas doesn't belong to me he belongsl to friend of mine. m but she and i and many of ourur friends go back all the way to t tyshawn and i go back to lincinc and sing sing in the 70s. so pandas have been a big partar of our lies. >> thai sean bao bao olderse brother who was accept back to t the same kind of thing back in 2010. tyshon who was born here at thet national zoo before his fourthrh birthday had to go back to to to china. they're telling us that bao baoo who is kind of up there, you cac barely see her behind the treest here, bao bao will probably go to the same compound in china where tyshon lives. but again, baby brother bei bei just six months old may meiei xiang and father tian tian are still here in the zoo frolicking around in the sunshine as well.. thank you leslie.lesli guys, panda cam one will be streaming bao bao' every moveerm through the rest today of
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morning and tomorrow morning as everyone says so long to bao bao. she heads to china tomorrow. ch. we went on saturday. satda my family we went -- how long ln did it take not long at all. go now. now we went in the morning.orni they had just given her an ice i thing she was right there. t we walk right up to the -- wehe were literally at the zoo ten minutes.minus all right. you need to go early.o early the early bird catches the wormw saturday afternoon.fterno no chance. >> so go now. n go in the morning. fan cam one. yeaeah. >> if you do go feed tweet usweu your message to bao bao. b before she takes her trip. use #gooddaydc.yd all right. right in the meantime, president psi barack obama getting high marksk in new c span president's pollnl coming up where the formerr commander in chief ranked firsts time eligible now. n >> first enjoy the break while w it lasts. we're not talking about theitlkt
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♪♪ all right. 9:15 is our time right now. s our thise in d.c. then next story isn't anything new to you because driw ving in theivig nation's capitol can be b stressful.ssfu thanks to all the trafficffic congestion.cong >> if you think dc is bad. this twice much it's a breezeh e compared to other cities.ed to of course, someoneot who knows o thing or two about d.c. traffica troubles. erin como joins us with a lookhl at the most congested cities ine the entire world.ld >> yeah, thank you very much,har maureen. hard to leave d.c. doesn't topot the list talking about the talko beltway every day.. believe it or not when it comesc to traffic congestion d.c. doesn't rank to the in the topnh ten. new study look at more thanudy o 1,000 cities in five continentsn and 38 countries.ntes. so how does d.c. stack up? according it comes in 15th on i the list of most couldn't jeffed d.c. drivers spend average of 61 hours in traffic a year.r and at its peak, 20% of dc d driving is done in some kind ofo congestion.on and 9% of that congestion is mes during the daytime.
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compared to los angeles whichelw comes in as the most congestedst city in the world.or no shock there.he drivers there spend more than 100 hours fighting traffic.ra coming in at number two, moscoww russia.ssia. rounding out the top five, wherw drivers go average of 8 miles an hour. followed by san francisco and study used federal statisticstic for the value of lot of time and sewell along with the alongith e environmental impacts of carbonn emissions in that city. c in order to figure out the costs to drivers sitting in traffic, c so here's how it all breaks down. every year the average arage congestion time in the us is 42 hours and traffic jams cost about $1,200 in wasted time in fuel. those traffic jams spanned out o over more than thee trillion miles of road that is 3% boost b in previous pre the world isvi building more m cities in japan and china wereer not
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because they'll blow new yorkk even d.c. and especially la out of the water because they have y terrible congestion there.. >> i got houston and atlantatlta both have far worse traffic than d.c. d. to me. m >> i've been in both places. ple they're traffic is i was if full it's d.c. is bad but you want tt talk about traffic go to at lanl to or houston. >> la and new york they're allhe eorse. >> some cities here the traffict is getting to d.c. d it's kind of like from thefrom e outlying areas in. some of the otherou >> it's >> cities are so much morearso m widespread you're already in thr >> gridlocked anywhere you go. o >> houston is horrible.orble they actually use houston as an example --ple >> whatnot to do. >> whatnot to>> do. the worst planned city. c >> it's how the roads are constructioned.nstruc >> thanks, erin. >> bogoto columbia.. >> go figure.ige >> still to come this morning,n, allison what you got right now? 9:18. check some other headlines.
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some other parts of the countryt not so much. damage left behind.behid. time to play powerball.owba oh you high the jackpot climbedc since the last drang. and later, the best ikea products ever.ver. officially named. we'll check out what else iseco making headlines next. mo? mo? >> all right. nd>> wisdom head tod t head. we are -- oh, no. oh, n oh, no. n not the karate kid. k they're kicking off brand new bd segment this >> wisdom, can you wash my car? >> you might as well be useful.e >> call the movie useful.sel >> wax on, wax off. >> don't miss this. >> ♪♪
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>> 9:21. ali on is back with a check ofch other stories making headlines. good morningie,s ma friend. fri >> good morning s first up people in california ca bracing for yet another round oo rain after dealing with deadly y flooding over weekend.kend. the latest round of bad weather moved into northern californiaer ight.night. raising concerns of more flooding.oo. residents low lying areas beingb told to evacuate now. now. the rains also impacting southern california causing cau mudslides near los angeles. overseas we go.> overseas wg we are learning more about theoo death of north korean kim jong-un's half security footage shows a a carefully and deliberate attack on kim jong nam at a malaysianai airport last week.eek. two women apparently approached jong nam and one appears to holl something over his mouth for ata few seconds. son meanwhile malaysia recall its ama
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rising tensions between thetweee nations. horsily lottery alert.y al the bad news you didn't win thet big money.on. powerball jackpot but the good g news is, nobody else did either. no ticket matched every numbertc in saturday's drawing whichwi wh brings the jackpot to $403 million. someone from maryland did win $1 million. knot nothing to sneeze at. the nextothi powerball drawing g wednesday night. nig get your tickets.kets the world's rich chest man m bill gates think that is robotst that take away human jobs shoulo pay their fair share of taxes. in an interview with courts neww the co-founder of microsoft sayy that robot taxes could help fun salaries for jobs better suited for humans like health care and teaching. gates says the government shoull tax the companies who use the robot technology. and finally, we know that w ikea has just about everythingry you need for your house or ohr h your home, your apartment, whatt have you, dorm room and nownd thanks to new interview withith long time company executive wete
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he says it's the clip on love .eat. the two seater costs from two fief tow dollars to 299 bucks. pretty budget friendly.en the love seat can come in many under changeable colors, red, green, black.. you name it.t it was designed back in thein 1970's and the best product he says his story sells.ry s back to you.o you. >> interesting. alrighght. >> worth 50 bucks. bks not bad. president trump says he wants to sit down with congressionalessin black caucus but the way he wenn about it raised a few eye browso if you watched the pressss coerenence. maryland congressman anthony aho brown will join us with an wit n update on the status of that sis down. >> old man winter apparentlypa taking a vacationre. tucker will be back with a checa on how long the spring likeprg temperatures will stick around.o >> fresh at 10a angelina jolieie breaking her silence about her h split with brad pitt.itt what she said in an interview that's coming up at ten sol 15. right now it's 9:24.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest customer satisfaction r the fourth year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. z2a0gz zi0z
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y2a0gy yi0y 9:27. looking at bao bao there. she's out in full glory. her very last dayg iatn bou tte nation's cap tom heading tog chain n we're saying bye-bye bao bao. don't go. at least we got her for a couple pl more hours.. get out and enjoy the views atwt the zoo. zoo. okay. time for the good day sports spt report and big story over therhe weekend nba all star game. gam john wall making his fourth frt straight appearance.ra he made two dunks in t
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>> oh, my gosh.go. >> whoa! >> i don't know how he got through all those people't k.. >> 12 points.nts. also first quarter russell westbrook to kevin durant.. was it -- yup. y. back to westbrook for the dunk.n is that steph curry lying down w on the free throw line.ow lin >> come on.>> com >> that's great defense. >> i miff this >> wilt chamberlain's record was shattered by anthony davis pointsts. the west wins shootout, 192-182. >> wait. >> what kind of score is that. >> wisdom the players are so enamored watching how good the t quality of play is they justt stop.stop it's not they didn't want to play defense. >> i understand.ensendstand. they're just in awe. >> the guy from new orleans o where they're having the all star game scored most of the mot points. >> right. >> out of the 400 almost 400 points andthe gets the mvp. >> why not? n? >> okay. all right. i see it. >> i'm not hating i'm just'm jt pointing out some
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>> i don't get the point of it. >> some people entertained bye t it. we have some people -- it's a show p.eo >> for some people.op. >> ragging on davis let me tellt you good news on the pelicans pc they are adding another all staa to their roster.heir roster. dee marcus could have vince sacramento kings agreed to trada him to new orleans. nba trade deadline is thishi thursday. waves. wavesof a lot of folks saying what just happened?en >> they'll get a first and a fid second round pick. >> i wonder what the ratings are for the nba all star game. >> i'm sure they're down.. >> in years passed you would gear up to go and people were so excited.ted >> i didn't realize it was thist weekend.we >> it's tough because people sae all stars games are meaninglesse baseball tried to make it meaningful with home fielde fie haven't advantage in the worldtd series. that's dumb idea why no some beb based on all star game. what do you want, just a break e enjoy a lot of dunks and homeruns and --ns and - >> which is fine if you're intoo that. th >> how about just a break? >> that's a novel idea.el idea. >> we get a break.reak. the players get a break. b
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have a break. a b >> right. they need more money.d moreoney you're right. rig before absolutely. you can never have too much moneynever . >> powerball, wednesday. >> i like the slam dunk contest. i don't care so much about the o game. >> the actual game -- who wongah that this year.thathis >> don't look at me. d i didn't watch any of iont.ny oi you know what i was doing. d >> what were you doing.ha >> i was outsidet we getting bet down. down >>why who? >> my basketball team waset tea getting i didn't have time to watchatch that. that's all i'm saying.'s it's coaching.. coaching is the problem there. >> let's point the finger at tht >> fourth graders are havingareg problem. i may be the first coach in rece ball history to get fired muchec that's all i'm saying. sayin >> how can you get fired when yu you g have taken this team so ff further than where it was lastwt year. >> you're right.>> y we did double our wins.s. >> you won two games. ges >> you won two games this year.a two more together. togethe we've doubled our within total.h steve you just saved my job. >> rec coach. >> glenn robinson won the dunksd contest. a guy on the other guy's shoulder.shou that i did i did s >> i would rather see that thant the game. the game. just me.
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let's see him.m look at him. him he's almost as cute as bao bao. high tuck key poo. k p >> that was so sillily.o sli >> that was little weird, yeah.t >> hey holly, youle should justs come out to fox5 basketball game. wisdom, it's just like the all e star game, man. m we don't even go -- g-- >> that's why the team no longee exists.ex >> just a score fest.oret. >> nothing but did you know fest. [ laughter ] good i get oner ] wisdom's shoulders and we can put in it.t. >> reagan 71. 7 dulles 69. bwi marshall 71.shall . those were yesterday daytimeeste high temperatures. 70s yesterday for the third time in the month of february.f feby. our normal daytime high is 48. s we are just soaring past those numbers. pretty extraordinary stuff.nary three times now for the month of february.february we hit the 70-degree mark. mar record is 1976, seven, and not d sure we'll get there but we'll w add to our totals for the monthm by the end of the week as we'lll have few more days in the 70s by thursday and friday and wellnd into the 70s.into t 70s 57 comfortable degrees now inown washington. 55 in 52 in annapolis. a few spots we're
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it down not 30s this morningorng quickly rebounding with brightt sunshine and very spring likee air mass that's in place today.y winds today out of the so we're not going to do the 70e we did yesterday but still veryv nice very pleasant it will feel likek early spring.g. low to mid 60s. 6 we should be nice and dry. we've been very dry this month.. only little more than a tenth oo an inch of rain for the month. h not only been warm but very dryy not dry in california that's where the problem is today. san francisco several moreer m esches of rain. of course we have that oroville dam we've been watching keepingg our finger crossed it holdst hos here. he up to 5 feet of snow in the ishs he err ya nevadas where they are running 200% of normal as far aa their snow pack so that's wheree the real weather has been lastel couple of week.uple for us high pressure and quiet.i we'll keep temperatures astu mentioned little cooler thanle yesterday in the 60s. but don't despair if you love the 70s from yesterday you'llayy love the seven day. look what happens midweek we we warm it up little cooler tomorrow rightomor back in the 70s by thursday and
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friday. we'll maybe flirting with records around here maybeybe aa thunderstorm on saturday.urda temperatures in the upper 60s.t6 all right.rig guys, i'll toss it back to you.y wisdom i got an idea you need tt coach your daughter.aur. triple double or something,omet right. >> she's amazing i need to getzi her on all star team. >> maybe i shall get her to i s coach my fourth grade teaham. >> that's what you need.eed. >> steve, i'll toss it to you. 9:3:33. contentious news conference fros the president. c president trump said that he wad eager to meet wit thhat congren black caucus members some say he stumbled when he pressed anhen s african-american reporter to make connection between thenect white house and the caucus.ioths take listen. >> are you going to include the cbc, mr. president in, in your u conversations with yoruban a jenna, inner city agenda ass well -- >> am i going to include here.le >> the congressional black caucus. >> i would. i tell uh-uh want to set up the meeting? do you want to set upp the meeting, no, no. no. >> are they friends of yours.fos set up the meeting. meeti >> i know some of o the >> set up a meeting. set up a mn i would love to meet with theith black caucus. i think it's great. gat
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president but never heard back.k joining us now with more on thet status of meeting between the be president and members of the congressional black cause caw congressman anthony brown of o maryland. good tow sue this morning. morni good to be here.> to be he. >> good to see you asood toee y congressman. the last time i was hereimee maryland lieutenant governor.goe >> that's right.rn tha talked to you many times as as lieutenant gov now you're in you congress representing maryland.d when you first heard that tha exchange between april ryan anda the president what did yousideni think. th >> i thought it was insultingin because april ryan is a respected journalist with the american urban radio network.rk she asked very legitimateitimat pointed question.inted q and he treated her instead of as a journalist, journalist thatt a she is, as a scheduler or an executive assistant asking hersr to schedule the meeting.e meeng what he did was he dodged the question. in fact, the congressional black caucus did send a letter to then president-elect trump i have itt right here it's dated january 19th where we lay outth a num wberhe of our concerns wit the trump administration's so
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so-called new deal for black bck america which quiet frank systek more like a raw deal for african-americans.n-ans. so we reach out to the presidene and his people.eopl haven't heard from him, and the way that he responded to aprilpl was just sort of typical typal president trump. dodge, avoid, um, and put the pt ball in other people's courts ct good did you get a response, ana response at all to this letterse sent on january 19th.h >> nom the letter was fromtes fr chairman richmond who chairs the congress mal black caucus nom response until a tweet on friday. we pointed out in this lette that the congressional out b ilan thisck black caucus 49 members a lot of experience, we representepse collectively about 80 millionn americans.ic only 25% are african-americans.. so we have a breath of o experience in representingre people across, you kno diverse, you know, ethnic and racial and faith. faith we've got members of thef t congressional black because cuss rank on judiciary.
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eye elijah cummings.mi maxine waters on financialan services. and the congressional black b caucus has spent a lot of time t and energy and has a lot ofot experience in how to effectivele champion the causes that arere important to african-americanmen community and the trump administration has not veiledd itself to of that. tt. >> you mentioned representativee cummings from maryland.m maryla. he's been brought to the forefront in this.t in had his name brought um numerouu times from the thei now that this hapdepened this he can change occurred during thect press conference, i know k representative cummings has saii we're close to having a meetingg do you have any update ondaten timeline for actually a meetingi between the congress mal blackbc caucus and president trump.nt t. >> i don't have update on the have timeline. what i can tell you we'rel we'r certainly proud of mr. cummings, my good friend elijah, hes provided quite an oversight roll in congress whether it's on prescription drugs, whether it's on, you know, kellyanne conway a inn appropriately promotingng ivanka president trump's private
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so he's been a voice reasoning and scrutin.rutiny so what i know is that elijah wants to have and has asked forr meeting with president trumpt tu toed dress escalating prescription drug costs.. and the president has not invited to elijah. i think elijah is a straighttrgh shooter has not been invited byy the president to sit down and speak and but i can assure you y not having spoken to elijah thaa when given the opportunity hetye will sit down with presidentidet why? because he wants tots to address the issue of escalatingg prescription drug costs.ipon d >> as far as your knowledge isoi right now, no meeting isng schedule at this point.t point >> not that i know of.ot t >> okay. let me ask you this. congress happen black cause canc you or notk you're new toneo congress. a long time here in the state of rylandnd. representing the state. the s. now new in congress.ess. what are you finding the proses and couldn't cons so far.s so what are you enjoying? war thee challenges in this new congres
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>> it's a pro. it's a privilege to serve inven congress. an opportunity to represent thee fourth congressional district so whether we are, um, protectingrn and defending and trying to improve the affordable care act, um, whether we are ensuring forn you know, and moving towardsar comprehensive immigrationigon reform, it's a privilege.rivilee but it's a real challenge. everything s so far that has come to the floor of the househu of representatives has come to o the floor without the benefit of committee hearing.mmit this is new for mete.. in annapolis everything we do is in committee and opportunity fof members to hear from, you know,, public input.. >> sure. >> to question, to challenge,til and then to makeen a recommendation on legislation on the floor.oor. the republican controlled congress has really steam rolled a lot through the house repealing environmentaling regulations, consumer financial protections.. protections in the affordables n care act. so that' ts alarming. but what we do have democrats ii a voice and we need to continuei to have our voice h
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to app pose, to point out the shore comings in the republicann agenda and in mr. trump's agendd and need to be voice in the community that's why we're outeo there in the community.ty. >> a lot of learning on the jobj whether it's new members of congress or wall the way to thew white house now a lot to learn as we go along mhe wnow . >> that's right.hat's rig >> thanks for joining us thisfo morning. great to see i was a member of o congress. >> thanks for having me.nks >> absolutely. anthony brown. wisdom over to you. 9:39.9:39 hollywood has something forhingr everyone. when it comes to great moviesatv not everyone always grease togro say the least.y the ast. kevin mccarthy and i have he different tastes when it comes to movies. we're kicking off a brand newran segment. we're going head to head. mav tin versus mccarthy.thy till death till the end.nd. >> oh, god. >> i'm just exaggerating. ba in a moment.
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♪♪ you can't spend the rest of your life alone dressed in black listening to angry music and staying up all night.n't spone . >> yes, i, i can because i'm batman. [ laughter ] >> lego batman movie number oneo at the box office. animated raped crusader earned e $34 million way more than theioa second place 50 shades sequeleq which brought in $21 million and the new matt damon movie bombedm here taking $18 mili
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seas it made 170 something sethg million dollars in china alone. bomb is relative term there. most expensive, john wick two wo and fistfight round out the toph five.t >> if you're regular goodro dpad fan you know kevin even have a habit of disagreeing when it dri comes to certain movies. >> you're right, i'm wrong. >> i'm right you're yor >> you had it right the first ih time. time we're kicking off a brand b segment that gives us extra timt to offer the box office pros and cons it's called -- ♪♪ >> -- called movie >> our names are on marquis.qu. >> cool. >> we're kicking this off thisn morning with john wick chapter t two. what we're going to do we won'tn yell and scream all over eachovc other we'll get 15 seconds eachc to make our point. poi counterpart for john wick.jon wc you have seen it already. go, kevin.n. >> movie is mazing director by y stunt man who the stunt man forr keanu reeves in the you can see every bit of it keanu reeves is fantastic.. 2128
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brutally violent but works and so much fun overall.verall. >> there you are go, devin youev made good points. good points. you got me. here we go here we the movie was good.oo the first movie was good. this movie a cheap carbon copy.c it looked like all they did wass take the body count and try to t up the anti.hent i was confused as to whether ith was watching dark night, zerohtr fetch, superman wrapped into one or john wick.nk. >> time.. >> here we go. so my turn. t you're absolutely wrong.y wrong it's not a carbon copy at allopa they actually do great worldor building we learned more aboute the behind scenes of the assassins and keanu reeves backc story. it's way more action packed. pke they upped the anti. already making way more moneye than the first film did.m did >> here's the deal.he here's my problem with the wholo john wick thing. wk thin >> okay. >> he was hit by a car twice. t you had a stabbed.had a sta he was shot and he killed every hit man that came in his site. s is he human? because i know you suspend reality when go to the movies he called lot of people and he was injured. wasnjur >> you're stopped.e here's why you
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movie is meant to be an over the top ridiculous 91 movie but you also grounded in reality.lity it's kind of super hero he is human being but the point you'rr watching it it's goofy over thee top you do somehow want to beane with this guy i understand whatw he's going through. >> i'll give you -- i'll give g you john wick is an interestingi aracacter. >> right. do care about john wick.ohn wic. but my thing is this.bu i watchingt thimys the whole te they're setting this up another another john wick >> of course they are. at w ohaf t point are you goingo stop doing john wick movie.. it's going to get into beeno b there, done that. done tha how many people can you kill. >> john wick films areohn ck fil interesting the john wickjohn character has depth it to.deh it at end of two it leads you opene to what's going to happen in thn beginning of three.ginning of t the fact youhr have a direct whs his stunt double in the matrixhi action fans deserve this time os act. so many film makers have quite q cuts and fancy edit you can seee the action.. i'll watch 20 john wicks.icks >> all right 20 great walls witw matt damon
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movie as well. wl. i wasn't impressed.ssed i thought it was awful.wasul i thought the whole they knowlet was bad. i didn't understand why mattd wh damon was over tre i didn't unthe fighting thehtg monsters. it was bad. it w >> okay. now it's interesting we start off this week ibecause int acty agree with you on the great wall. >> what? >> i know. >> i think visual the movie isii cool but overall that movie wasw garbage and the scripthecr department his accent was changing every five seconds. fio dialogue was over explainingexpl everything. i didn't think it was horrible. but it wasn'hinkt i good. >> okay. >> you didn't think it was good >> no. >> all right. >> is that where we stand this t week. >> that's where we stand right now. i want to say thiswh berecauighe wisdom said he had doesn't looko horror films. fil this week i'm challenging you ty get out.. >> okay. >> new in many by jordan peelma i've seen seent. i absolutely loved it. i'm going review it f ll rig right. >> your task this week that aree martin,ing. >> that's the challenge. that's what you're laying down.' >>et o out. >> okay. >> we'll fight about it next week. week i want to you see lego >> i can do lego >> do it.
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>> touch gloves and we're done.d >> here we go.>> herwe g you're wrong by john wick butn i it's fine. it's better than the first one. >> what do you think. think >> one better than two.wo >> you're insane. >> hit below the belt aft the bell is rung good i like this,ke guys. >> wisdom came up with this sois he can see two movies a week. w >> this is getting wisdom out of the house. >> this is the thing i'm goingng say my wife saw john wick with t me. i woke her up. i'm not kidding. her. h talk to there was a lull in between likl the beginning of the movie and a 45 minute period nobody died. d she fell asleep. >> wisdom, let me tell you whenw i stopped listening teaware your story. story. >> your wife has worst tasteas s than do you. >> oh! >> worse taste in movies than d you. >> oh! >> she's watching.. >> oh, my gosh. >> we need to go to it's going to get ugly. >> she has worst taste than doh you. u
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>> we going to. >> it's going get ugly and wee don't have it will be real effect. eec >> oh, my god! good i like thatt better than the movies actually. >> kiss and make up.>> kisan >> i don't know what's going to happen over there.happ we're going to give your lipsr s upgrade with three mold optionst available at any price range.ce >> we'll be right back. >> oman. insulting the man's wife. no, you didn't!
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can.
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♪♪ all right. well the perfect bold lip can take your look from drab to fab and this morning we're using your day off from work to share makeup i pdeaserfelook f morff g when you head back to work wor tomorrow. joining us this morning to show house to rock a bold lip like lk the super stars, good to is hee you again >> good to see to you.o >> i'm so in awe of the factheac you're rocking that blue lip.lue >> you like it. call i not sure i can pull it off. >> you can pull it off. you got to know how to app ylyoy and you got to feel it.. >> yeah. >> it's a different feel.t fee right? ght? >> okay. >> we go to the pinks and nudesn quick but it's always good toood step out your comfort zone.or zn >> it is. >> let's talk about it and show s of our models what you'ret you'r meaning in terms of stepping out of your comfort zone want realla works versus people that
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okay, is it halloween and i i missed it. [ laughter ] >> you know what i'm saying. >> i got what>> i st gart with sahara the oh end. she's normal nude girl.rmal nudi but i gave her a dark boldd purple.rp >> um-hmm. >> then weed added texture toex the hair so it works.o >> here's the other thing. dark bold purple might be a goog ace to startrt. >> i agree. >> it's easing into the boldntob look. >> i agree.>> >> i've seen a lots of people kind of wear that.nd of what's the key? because i i noticed everybody is in blackn k here. do you need to tone down yourow outfit if you'll be doing this. >> everything these balance out >> you have to make sure if you are going forthe to m really bop everything else doesn'tdoes overpower it. >> right . >> i think like the red and>> oranges are another one thathat people can kind of maybe easeaye into. >> i think so. i think so i and take kay ya ini the middle for instance the thee bold green this is amazing. amai she's the girl on the go. >> right. r. >> she's young.oung. beautiful freckles she has textured hair so we have to makm her freckles pop. freles >> one of things i think youhi y said too she's young.ou >> she's young. >> you
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can pull this off better. b >> look at my mom.>> i put her in bold orange. orang. >> that's your mom.t's your mom. >> that is my mom.. >> oh, my goodness.ooes >> give it to her. give it i wanted to really bring her ouh and show you that it's just nott for young people. you can jazz it up at whatever e you are. >> so you said right off the tot the key to making sure you appla it correctly. >> that's right. let's learn how to do that. >> okay.y nadia here she has a clean a c palate she's going to show youho how to apply this beautiful bluu which i have on you can see the different skin tones of thet int color. >> she's going to do it with no mirror. >> i'm more impressed with thatr she has a i was like wow. >> she has mirror. m >> talk about exactly what thisl is. this in isn't your normalorma lipstick. >> this is the new craze aroundo for while call the liquid matte lipstick.lipsti okay. it's so very opaque it will give you a mazing color pay off.y what she's doing she's applyinga it in the center.en so she's creating a pal lot. pal she's blotting it out and then t she's going o line use the tip of the lip wand and line fromd f side to
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>> i see and with this there'she no lip line -- it's your firstri step. no lip liner. .> it's easy. like straight to the point.traih >> right. >> yeah. >> now she's doing this very slowly and meticulously. >> very slowly because it driesd quickly you don't want to rush h it much this is definitely athie process you want to take youre y time with. >> how long will this last?g hi >> oh, she'll have it.'lve i i mean unless you eat a agrees e see cheeseburger or something like that.ebur h stands that, wit right. >> exact it will hold up really good for her.t wi look how it'lls g ton.on. it's drying down >> amazing how quickly. qck >> the color pay off is awesome. quick cosmetic lip it's beautiful.ul they're online company. c >> is this going to come off on your coffee cup or when you kiss someone or one of those ones nos trace behind? >> no. >> n we all said they're non transferable depending whatablei you're drinking or doingng youou might see a little residue for f most part the color pay off is o that. gots to go hold for you.or >> do you leave it with or p yut
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>> if you want gloss.t gl depending where you want to tako your look.your lk. no, that will dry down the lookl is the matte look.k. the ladies look absolutely absol amazing. >> it really does.>> it really e you know what's amazing toos.t'n sometimes hard to find a mate lipstick that doesn't make yourk lips look dry. >> look at amanda. amanda a reddish orange tone.e ton it pops the skin she has beautiful pop.lop >> it's working.rking >> i get the long hair before i can dot top knot. >> we can add some holly k no worries. worries. >> what is a lip stain like thit run in terms of price.ri >> they're low and high end youh can do like a wet wow at a at a drugstore for like five bucks oc you can do a high-end burberry or use alcoholic cosmetics my my online company for four bucks.ks >> oh. that's pretty affordable. alcoholic cosmetics. >> click >> go to dem my v.tom. v.t >> you can go to alcoholiccoli cosmetics.ic >> absolutely
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>> yes. >> make sure you stay hydrated.d >> yeah. you all look like rock stars. >> absolutely love it. >> great seeing you.g you. thank you so much for sharing ii with us.with >> thank you.>> t >> mo, how about we do one of those blues. >> you can show your personality with lip color.or. >> or your nails.yo >> yeah. exactl y. actl >> thanks, guys.>> >> all right. all right. speaking of hot anchors, whoo,,w we've been robbed.ob that's all i'm going to sayo we've been robbed and we need t you get in on this travesty ofss tim weigh in because we've beenn robbed. >> tra jess tee of bec justice.. >> that's what it is.>> t >> you know what elseha, kikiiki wyatt she's going to be in heren and perform for us as well. >> awesome. asome. angelina opening up as well.ell. we'll get your celebrity dishrih much it's coffee time. if you want the mug your chancee to grab the good day d.c. d.c dunkin' donuts mug perfect for r your dunkin' donuts coffee heada to
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9:58 am
(gasp) just head & shoulders? are you kidding? this is celebrity hair i thought it was just for, like, dandruff there's life in it, there's stuff going on this is so free ah, it's just so smooth. like i wish that you could feel it. new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair you see it on commercials and you don't wanna believe it but, this is real people it's not head & shoulders, it's the new head & shoulders we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap.
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it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. ♪ “turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack.”♪ “each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one,
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>> fresh at 10a hottest tvv anchors to s out and major oversights here. here. no wisdom. no steve. what gives fox5 fans? how you y can make sure it doesn't happenh again. ai >> speaking of hot, kiki wyatt w is on fire. fire. she's got new album out she she covers some of your favorite f songs and this morning she's she life in the loft with a speciall performance. >> celebrity dish angelina jolie break her silence about her split with brad pitt for thet f very first time. fir her emotional interview britneyy let'
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internet went -- >> crazy! >> we'll tell you why. good day ate'll 10a starts now. . >> you got to do the dance hollo and walk with purpose. >> i know. right. >> oh, my gosh. oes?>>oes? what she twalk >> that was back in the day.. >> yeah. look, we know it. we know itlook. >> you know what's driving merie crazy this all smells and looksl so good. >>maroma. >> i don't know what you whipping up but we're ready for it. >> little milk and get you >> this is mercedes everybody.ry >> hi, everybody.. >> hey. >> we'll get out of the way.wa >> we'll get out of the way andd let do you your thing.hing. she talked about her meal planlp and i talk about mine. >> vastly different.if >> way different.. >> way different. >> mercedes -- like my motto mmo i'll stick with the mercedes.des >> i i understand. [ laughter ]nd.hter ] >> i understand.nd ain't nothing wrong with that. thanks for sticking with usu for the 10a t
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i've steve alongside holly, hly maureen and wisdom.dom let's trend what's trending. presidential history in honor oo president' days today.od holiday for so home you're enjoying your dayyig off if you're federal worker. c span unveiling the results ofs its 2017 presidential historiann survey which asks historians tot rang former presidents in orderd of popularity. so now president obama term is i over he's now finally eligible i to be former president.side so he's the newest on the list participants had to giveado giv president as score of one to ten on ten different qualities ofnti presidential leadership. not exactly like wake boardingoa or anything. >> i was going to say. >> right after was he left the e house. like economic management, visioi and setting agenda and relationo with congress, crisis leadershii and public persuasion.asio so where did president obamasida rang on this list? this firstss year of eligible.gie. he's celebrating because he juss had great wake boarding sessions he finish 12 on the list of 43.. so in the top half. >> um-hmm.m-m. >> pretty good.retty
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woodrow wilson and james monroen so you're wondering who took top spot? no surprise if you've y'v been following the brackets forf the last few years becauseecse abraham lincoln once again camem out on top third year in a row.r president lincoln was number one follow beside george washington, fdr, teddy roosevelt and dwighth ice september ur rounding out as we said the topt five dwight eisenhower.wer. bill clinton came in at 15. >> okay. >> george w. bush came at number 33. >> case you're wondering who'sdi at the opposite end of things finishing dead last james buchanan the 15th president.sidt >> why was he so bad? >> what did he do.. >> wasn't there long. l never married.arried. the only bachelor in the whitelt house. >> why hold that against him. >> the recordkeeping is quiteui not the blog game wasn't so so strong back then in the 1850. >> if my memory serves me right -- what was it? he washe very under performing as a president according to
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>> a war was breaking out.akg o. >> little bit. that minor thing.. >> thomas jefferson wasn't up wu hire? i'm surprised at that.. >> maybe seven, eight.ig >> you never know.>> y >> i thought he might be in the top five.ive >> whole louisiana purchase.ase. >> vegas had him in the top ten donald trump he is -- helpsh me o >> i'm sorry. >> steve! >> he's apparently ratingingsin gold for the late show with steven colbert.rt. very political slant it seems to be working out for him. recently he has begun chipping away at the tonight show ratingn lead even topping it last week. jimmy fallon tends to stay away from out right political statements.. cbs is taking advantage.. colbert will do another lifeer f show after his speech to a joini session of congress hoping toing strike ratings gold. >> seth myers has a political game too.s ha >> absolutely.y. >> pretty funny. >> 10:04. next up want to get paid to sitt in traffic?
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with that virginiagini transportation institute isnstis paying drivers to participate in a study on traffic congestion.. here's how it works. w your car will be set up with an adaptive cruise control thatha keeps the car a safe distance dc from others on the road. r then inside the car thee cameras they'll be mounted to monitoronr traffic. and then there's going to be abe data box churning out real-timei information that's being sent tn an app on your phone withne wit traffic alerts.. the study lasts for about year.r you have to have a val hid v h driver's license to be involvede it in participants will get paid $3,800. >> that's for a year.ea >> i'm still all in. still if you're interested in -- >> you don't live in have an hae have. >> i don't live in virginia. i can drive around liv the virga part of the beltway f you'rewafu interested in extra cash youasou want more information on this, , check out your screen.creen. there's the website. number and e-mail address. >> another -- i know somew se security concerns with this asri well. ll >> right.>> r >> but they are insisting that the cameras do not recordig aary they don't record anything likee inside
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>> they are tracking you all. >> exactly.>> >> they will know where you are. >> no. the idea s, this looks -- it'st' safety but also when you look at driverless cars you want to sees what traffic flow is like. they're bakely saying in he cans change for giving up some of that information, they're goingg to give you a little bit of bf this. >> it's pretty easy money.on you don't have to drive anywherr you won normally drive.rive >> right.. >> then i'm in.m i >> really.lly. >> i'm in right now. i'm i >> i know.>> kno >> i mean -- >> money to do something i'methi already doing. i don't live in have a haveve hv either. >> we can carpool on the beltwaw on the virginia side. se. just drive around that side.thad >> i'm in. >> i got a plan. that money actually can come ini handy especially since you're ye basically burning it sitting ini traffic and we know how wild thd traffic is here in d.c. believee it or not there are worse placee to drive like los angeles, san,n francisco and new york.nd new yr they are the most congested us s cities when it comes to gettingt stuck in traffic la leads the world.d last cereal california
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in bumper to bumper roads andds it's not cheap because all thatt traffic cost drivers $3.0 billion. atlanta and miami round out the big five.iv dc you're number sick on theicke list. drivers in d.c. spend 61 hours s on average in traffic year. so where can you go to find some stress free streets? drivers ii parkers burg, west virginiairni spent the least time amount oft traffic. head over toaf parkers burg if want to avoid the traffic. >> not trying to apples ands and oranges this whole thing. thing a little more traffic blow in la than in parkers burg. >> love parkers burg. bur >> la, d.c. and i don't know how you can comparn the two. the >> i'm sure you could find lots of places traffic isn't appsn'tp issue in this country.e in tcoun yeah.h. >> i don't know what you'll dono when you get there youw won't t have -- -- >> my hometown we're lucky too see three cars a day sometimes.o >> there you go. the >> that's traffic jam.s affic >> right.>> rig. >> sometimes it is. setimes it . this next story had us like what? buzz
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sources fund way to waste time.t millions of receiveds daily butt it may have just made a powerfuu enemy talking about us at thes t good day team.ea why you ask? because they just publish theirs fir list of thest 50 hottest news anchors in theit world. wo >> these are all dudes.hese are >> in the world. ae rld. right. right. and there's some really glaringi omissions we'll talk about that in a in second this list as steve just j said all guys. alluy no women. just guys. we have to say, d.c. did get aet little bit of love local newsew legend jim v. in. ce came in number 28 his colleague dug camper err maderrd the cut two places back att number 30. 30. number one on the list goes toso mike woods. now i know mike he's awesome. ae very handsome he's thehehe meteorologist at our sister ours station in new york.n in new yor >> mike does this a lot.. >> takes off his shirt. srt >> but his body is set.set >> he work out a lot. >> likes to show it.ow it. >> makes sure everybody knows.ys >> so the reason why, though, t, sometimes he does the weather aa we just said shirt less.ess. yeah. yeah okay. hello.
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guy who likes to take off his clothe. >> rye.>> >> right. >> where is the love for tucker barnes.baes >> where is the love for tucker barnes.. >> tucker looks for every opportunity to strip down. tstri >> >> short tie and all. and >> foxie tale. t >> come on. >> look at this.ook ats. >> oh, my gosh.y sh >> i mean -- tucker looks loo amazing this is a great picture. postcard for somebody. i don't know who. but somebi oddoy.eb [ laughter ] >> he even hangs around in h speedo as we saw ranight there.e all right. so mike of course mike thomas hh made baltimore's most eligible l which i thought was cute. cute >> i thought we had chance.e. >> right. >> but, you know what --you kn >> steve has been in several sel publications. >> this is what i'm talkingis w about right here.haabou >> we have this picture wisdomuo which he gets embarrassed aboutt the man looks let's give -- only time i'll i compliment wisdom.ism >> you get lost in his eyes.isye >> steve chenevey, making a statement.emt >> you show my head shot taken on like iphone one.
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sucker runner up best hair.. >> second runner up doesn't doe count. >> steve, look, you guys are att least on a list.. >> buzz feed couldn't recognizeg this. th i'm calling a sham.m. i'm calling for, look, open up p the investigation into this. >> i'm sending chris mod photo. >> here's the deal.s the this is key.y. >> this is where it came from,rf oughgh. it didn't come from us. u we don't care.are. >> right it came from viewers.. >> viewers.>> v >> who submitted pictures of of their favorites on air folks. >> did our viewers know, though. >> i don't know. don't know. apparently not. >> clearly they didn't. did >> they would have upped the upe buzz feed maybe we don't have strong buzzb feed following. >> okay.y >> now we know for neck time. t. so good day d.c. out there, heyy neck time around, we expect tox be on the list.e lis we at least want -- want >> there you go. oh!h! >> a little better >> lock at te hat sharp dresseds man. >> steve, what were you thinking. >> like at thetr
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that y th >> i look shot. >> what are you looking at>> i . >> probably a squirrel ran >> they need to meme this mth picture. >> yes. they this needs to be memed. me. >> that's the meme picture.s i'm so hotthe . >> they shall meme that picturee and tucker'sme abs by the pool picture and your green eyed.yed. >> every morning. m. >> all right to be memed. med >> where is the love?res th >> exactly. three reasons why we didn't get votes or get ranked. rke >> you've been challenged wehale want you to step it up. i u do your part to get us on thatha list next year. #gooddaydc. >> you get our vote. ve. >> that's all that matters.atte >> that matters most.t. >> 10:11 is the she's reality star and singer se and putting her own spin on some of your favorite songs withgsit brand new cover album coming upu later we're giving i was littlel sample tiny bit when kiki whitee joins us live in the loft. >> angelina breaks their silence about the split. donald glover just can't wait ti be king.. and brittany gets the lifetime
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of course brad and jean are noo more but angelina jolie opened e up for the very first time in in public about the difficult braka up of her marriage to brad pittt and the fact it's had on their e six hollywood star is in cambodiaami with the kids promoting her newr film and appeared to tear upteau when asked about her personal pa live during an interview with bbc news. n >> i didn't know if we were -- - don't want to say very much powo that. except to say it was a veryer difficult time, and and we are a ande will always be a family. we will get through this time,, and hopefully be a strongertrge family for it. >> obviously you can see she waw visibly tearing up there. the. you heard her say that she is -- focus on their children.ldre our children.hi we are and forever will bel be family and so that's how i'm coping.pi i'm coping with finding a way to make sure thath fi this somehowh makes us stronger and closer she said. >> at that point it's about the kids
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>> hope for the best. hop >> even te hough they're mega stars and they're whatever theyt hurt just like us.s. when families break up it's harh on everybody just like a regular person. >> we wish them the best insh th working through >> let's talk about a little hoe iron bling.iron drake is apparently questioningi his win for best rap song and ad best rap song performances forcr hotline bling at the 2017 27 grammys say, in new interview ii the song is not rap song.ap s he said during that interview.ew even though hotline bling is non rap song the only category theyy could m to fit me in in rap i category because maybe i rapidbe in the past or because i'm blaca i can't figure out why.hy i won two awards but i don't dot even want them. wt th because it just feels weird forf some reason.ean. now his comments followed otherr criticisms of the grammys on race issues. drake who didn't attend the grammys this yearo didn said, he writes pop songs but never getss recognized in pop categories.. so... oh, well. >> what did you say, mo.
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>> move on. on is drake not a rapper? did i dd miss that. >> i think he --nk >> i thought he was. hs. >> he sings and you know how some pngeople dos o want to be in one category.ategr they want to be all over the place. does he both. the'll take the money and award.award. >> still making money, right., g >> he can give the grammys backc if he doesn't want them. >> right, drake., dra you area that. do the right thing.hi. >> that's always an option ifala you really don't want tyshem.ane all right. l ri hey, do you remember this? remember that wedding dress tha maris ah carey burn and i don't video everyone says that sure s look like that 250 thou san san dollar valentino dress she was w supposed to wear to her weddingi last year.r mimi says it's not. insists she's more frugal thanaa that. when is the laugh time we saidai mariah and frugal in the samee sentence much that's question ii have for you. carrie says that dress wasn't w the expensive one. that would be she needs to do something withnt wedding dresses and charities to aone.e.
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she almost burn the red dress ds but not on purpose.urse she pacing around the fire anded near ignited it. i it happens. >> right?>>ht? >> yeah. >> okay. things happen. >> that goes in my stories itoes don't care about file. f you know i'm just saying. s any way. okay. britney spears lifetime movie it aired this past saturday nightun the film was criticized byd b billboard for among other thingg where it started in britney'seys live. there was no pre famous britneyn spears and the criticism didn'td stop at billboard reaction tocto the film was overwhelmingly people tweeted their t dissatisfaction with the movie.m many of them saying britney deserved better. b actress sarah michelle geller tweeted, who lit this movie and why does he hate women? also, omg is anyone else watching bright knee ever after. after get out the crackers becauseecau joey is bringing the cheese. chs that's a direct quote by the by way. user wrote, i've been watchingah the britney spears lifetimee movie for four minutes and it'ss all right the worst thing i've v ever seen much this person
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tweeted, you had one job, lifetime, one job, get someone o who looks like britney. i don't understand -- i knowan that britney didn't sign off onf it, right? she didn't want tot do it. so at that point, how do you dod a biopic on britney spears thata has no britney spears music inn it? it >> inow.w. eah.eah. >> they do it with so many entertainers.. it boggles the mind how theyow t pull it off or why -- it gets us talking about lifetime.ime. was it lifetime.e. >> ya, lifetime.etime. >> getting you talking about them there's their method ford o publicity.bly. >> that's their goal. >> let's round out with thehe circle of life and magesty. pride lines.. james earl jones and donald donl glover will have a say in how ih the remake of the lion king -- >> do that >> is that right is that right. >> their voices will be involved in the movies wi. director john fab bro announcedd the casting of the two actors ar voice actors.s glover is a the star and creatot of atl
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add simba. james earl jones reprises the te role of mufasa he voiced in 1994 animated film.m. no release date has been set for the new movie. >> ♪♪ for the rest of your daysd it's a problem free, philosophy ♪♪ >> i do know the sound >> clearly.>> cle you've seen this a movie a a couple times. >> hakuna matata. >> now we watch the new disney e version the lion guard. >> seen it on broadway.y >> i'm all about the circle of life.. >> james earl jones. jones >> listen that's the key jameses earl jones is mufasa.a no one else can do mufasa. >> or darth vader. orth va >> someone else doing darthe in vader good exact.ct >> the same thing. can you imagine another voice aa dark vader. vader >> no, i've altered the plane.d. clearly i don't alter them anyhn further. >> tasty dish. t dish. holly you notice wad i did. d >> look at you bold.ooat y >> she's going bold.he's gng b >> we're talking about the darkr i'
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can you see. >> great access says sorry. sory >> matches. what do you think. whatng. personality is popping. >> oh, my gosh, what.. ? someone tweeted and said tryy it. can i, should i, there you go. g >> i like >> meanwhile somebody is on thes phone for you.omeb >> holiday do whatever.hate tomorrow you're back to wrap. >> 10:21. fashion show for soon to be moms and brand new ones, we'ree' helping you stay stylish all all breaking -- without breaking thg bank for those nine months andnt beyond. >> heading into the kitchen. l int get a listen in how you can make a week's worth of foodo in about an hour that helps youy stick to your fitness goals inn the meantime.thmean we'll share the secrets next. ♪♪
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♪♪ aww. >> who hasn't thought about thii song when you looked at bao bao. the last full day for bao bao bo here before she leaves us to geg on that plane and fly 16 hours away. a lot easier to visit her bob barnard, and she's active againa this morning >> reporter: she is.s i think she knows she's got dogg of people here watching her every move. it's almost like performancece art. art. behind the rocks it's pinkish pi the bot tam platform of a sevenn tear ice cake she had and shehe was devouring and playing with and knocking it over you mightog see here in second her knows iss kind of red from the coloring in the ice. and she's just b
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show her last full day here ine washington, d.c. heading to china tomorrow. tom people from all over the place.. this family has come down fromow new york. what do you make of her today? >> jump on the bus down to dc, , yeah, just like you said. sai putting on a great show. she's a total rock star.ta love bao >> she knows how to work a crowd and we're going to miss her verr very much.. she's very special to us. us we love bao bao. and we hope that she's going tot have great time in china, andnaa we're going to miss >> reporter: she's going too get together we understand with her brother tyshon. thon. >> i think they'll recognize t each other and that'she comfortn when she's going so far awaywa that her brother is there, and he'll be excited to see her anda she'll have a friend when shehee gets over there, too.eroo >> reporter: you guys cames from new york on bus this this morning just to see her one lass time.time >> we came yesterday afternoon o on the bus just to see bao baoao to say goodbye to bao bao one be last
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and it was so worth it. it. we'll likely spend more hours in transit than we are here but b it's so worth it.t. we love her that much.t much. >> reporter: very cool.teery thank you much she's going to lounge up there get somethingetm sunshine. what do you make of what you'vev been seeing today?od >> it's just great.reat she's putting on a show, and and it's a lot of fun. definitely worth coming out to we really enjoyed it.ed i >> reporter: very cool. guys, 16 hour flight tomorrow leaves dulles at 1:30 in the t afternoon. the panda cam panda cam one the smithsonian's panda cam will beb trained on her the rest oft o today. she'll be flying back in a crate that they've been using to kind of train her in feeding her inn there and she'll have a veterinarian and a caretaker going with her and while she'she partially obscured i don't know if indira canscured swing the cr it's tough we're surrounded by people but it's been really funu to see. to s we were here thursday. trs she was tumbling down this hillh doing somersaults in the snow flriesries.ault we were here on
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the crowds have been just phenomenal since themed atdt 8:00 o'clock this morning guys. it's been fun to watch. watch. you almost get the sense that she knows after three and a hala years being one of the starheta attractions here at the nationan zoo that it's timing to and shee wants to give everyone here, you know, one last show.t s i will tell you we walked overr at 7:00 or 8:00 this morning. the next pen her little brothero bei bei who's eight months old o and her mom is still here and the tian tian the dad. dad three giant panda bears here att the national zoo this one hasoo been special. she's heading home and she's gos a crowd here wishing her the the best as she heads to china for the first time her an says tour ya'll home we'll be here again a tomorrow morning as she makes her way back home to china andnd there she is. i partially obscured by the treetr but she's chilling out in thengi sun it's so long to were boo, guys.. >> bob i know you'll talk more about how the journey will go wo and all that stuff.l tuff. earlier this morning you had yoh some folks who
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upstate new york and i mean i ma that's not exactly, you know,w, driving in from gaithersburg and now folks coming from new york city. ci have you found lot of people ppl that have just specifically comc down just to wish the panda farewell? >> reporter: absolutely.olutely. the man you talk about from them finger lakes region of new yorkk upstate new york he said he wokk his daughter up like 2:00 in tht morning put her in the carhe c didn't tell her where they werew going.g and they drove down here in i their car. car straight down from upstate newta york to be here this morning and they were hereng 8:00 o'clock we the zoo opened. opened. i don't know if she'll flip itll over but where bao bao has got tepp back to this is this icesce cake. cake. it looks like the platter butttb it's part of the ice cake that t she's been playing with and and knocking over and scratching, clawing and chewing and, yes,es almost everyone you talk to in the crowd is here specificallycl to see her obviously that's whyy they've come to the zoo today. and quite a few have come a c great distance just to see this panda
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>> aww.>> a t' it's hard. bob i was trying to explain we e went on saturday. i was trying to explainnt o to t hayden how special it is for usu to have pandas. you know what i mean? he hase s never known a zoo to not have av pan he didn't get how special it is. not every zoo gets this forhi f sure. >> reporter: it is. there are panda bears inter:in atlanta, memphis and san diegoae as well, and in case you don'ton know part of the deal with theit government of china is that if i there's a successful breeding by the time the panda cub is four o years old, it has to go back tot china. >> i think we need an executive order today. today >> there you go. go. >> to keep this panda here inere d.c. we'll break ranks don it a don i little different now. now. thanks, bob. >> like bob said the fortunate e think we're lucky there's threes more. >> exactly. we're spoiled. totally spoiled.toll >> hopefully putting on show fof long time. >> 10:29. reality star an singer and thiss morning she's life right here ii the loft on good day d.c. coming up next we got a speciali performance by keke wyatt.yatt
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♪ “turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack.”♪ “each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one,
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>> welcome back.>> 10:32 is the time. our next guest has a vocal range out of this world. r and b singer, mother of eight and a reality star who10:3 h cac sleigh any song that she sings.. we're talking about vocal powerhouse keke wyatt who just j released her brand new album called keke covers.over the al album features covers of popular songs like prince's p diamond and rings, beyonce''seye
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whitney houston porks i will always love you. dee keke joins us live to dish new album.w al but first she'll do had he everr version of mary j. blige's hit "i'm going town". t take it away. >> ♪♪ time on my hands since you went away, boy, i was ain't gott no plans, no, no, no, no ♪♪ >> ♪♪ and the sound of the raini against my window pane is slowly, slowly driving me insane ♪♪ >> ♪♪ boy, i'm going down, i'm goin' down because you ain't around, baby, my whole world is
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>> ♪♪ sleep don't come easy, boy, please believe me, sincein you've been gone, everything is going wrong ♪♪ >> ♪♪ why did you have to sayav goodbye? look what you've done me, baby, i can't... baby, i'm goin', yeah, i'm goin' yeah. because you ain't around, baby, whole world is upside down ♪♪ >> you're goin down, yeah, yeah,
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yeah ♪♪ >> ♪♪ [ applause ] thank you. >> keke wyatt. wtt come over here and have a littlt sit down with us.h us. >> thank you so much. y so >> thanks for coming in andfo joining us.r we'll talk about your newjoinin. >> uh-huh.. >> so, you did an album ofum o >> i did.>> >> it's called keke wyatt keke >> why did you decide to doo covers? >> well, i just love to sing, and so if i can sing some of my favorite songs and put it outtut will for people to hear ---- >> right. >> -- why not, right?, rht >> right. why not? >> why not?wh wot? >> tell me how did you go aboutt pick your favorite covers? how did you go about pickings? th? >> well, i have this littleittl person in my life called myallem husband. >> okay.y >> which is my manager, too.oo >> right.>> r. michael jamar.l jama. >> and he kind of runs my life. him and -- a - >> wait a minute.>> w hold on. stop t
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we found a man that's running a life. >> and my gusband. gusba >> do you know what a gusband s is. is. >> my gay hub. >> andre.>> are. i just kind of, turn it over too him. >> yes, them. yes, . >> them. >> right. >> especially him.eciallm. >> gotcha, okay. oy. >> yes.>>es which one is your favorite aftee all the ones you covered whichhi was that is your favorite? doot you have one? >>eses. i would have to say -- i have he >> okay.y. >> i love mary j.j's i'm going undon prince's diamond and pearls. >> love me in prince. >> everybody hears me in the l high registeove r.dy hr. >> right. >> they geoff get to real howf a low -- i can go as low as i canc high. on there, i getting to low. >> right.>> rht. >> you get to expand yourd you horizons and show off some se >> i do. it's fun. f >> i understand. isn't so, look, what is it abouo this album that you think peoplp are going to -- what is itis i that's goi
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this album that people are goine to take away from it when theyhy listen to it? >> well, one, is everything that i sipping like number one hit. right?t? >> right. >> that's going to make them want to buy it again.goin to bua >> right, rye., >> i'm on it.>> i'mn it >> yup.up >> case closed.osed. >> case clove. nothing else needs to be said.e. >> throw it out. >> case clove.lo. look, i always like to google gl people when they get ready ton r come in here see if it'seaee ifs accurate.te >> oh, lord. lor >> you're from indiana. indna is that accurate. >> yes. yes >> somewhat. and kentucky, too. >> and kentucky.and keny. close together. >> you're high school wrestler,, is that true. >> that's true.s tru all male wrestling team. >> really? >> i swear to god.>> i i won lie. on -- all eight kids. >> did you win all the time? t what was the deal?? >> i got disqualified one time.. >> for what? >> well, 'cause, you know, i'mnm not a little small skinny littll girl, and i got, you know,no touched and so i had to -- >> you went rogue on t
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>> i went street. [ laughter ] >> let's get you off the streets and back to your let's talk about your favorite. stevie wonder, donny hathaway,ha legal fitzgerald, is that tha correct.rrt >> that's correct.>> my most favorite -- move favorite. tt fa>> shani and mariah c carey. oh, my gored. >> okay. >> wait a minute.>> w all things equal, if you had toh cut an album with one of the oft people either i named or the two you just named which one would you pick and why? out of all of them.em >> that's tough. >> as ever. shania.ia. >> shania twain. twa >> why so. >> she just inspires me in wayi that other people just don't. d like her story, her life story o is just so amazing.g. and it's just so blessed.. >> right. >> and she's beautiful. beaiful she's sweet and she can just j flat out sing honey.ey. >> gotcha. all right. l you've also done reality tv butv i understand are you done withnt
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that now? are you open to doini something else but just focuseds on you? >> well, it is keke and michaeln plus eight. hat yoee what you're saying. you're just putu're sting it oui there. >> i'm just saying. >> i'm just saying.>> i'm i'm j >> andsayi marriage boot camp, u were on marriage boot camp, is s that correct. >> yes. yes. it works.. >> okay. >> it work but you have to useut the tools. y th tools, youools, yo can just -- flat line any way.ay >> right, right.ight. >> yeah we used the tools. too and we're still -- we're trucking. >> still trucking. still moving along.still movingg >> still moving along. >> i need to talk to the men wht are in charge. i ain't in charge in my house. e that's all i'm saying. s >> they run my life.y run lif >> they need to write a book.e . [ laughter ][ >> thank you very much. yery keke, thank you for coming inomi and >> thank you so much. >> continued success on thank yy album.alb >> thank you. whater itv, whatever it is you're doing. continued success. >> thank you very much. >> we appreciate it. >> maureen, ohavernk y w te o y. >> thank you wisdom. t thank you, keke. you look bhaeathutiful. gore gorgeous.geou speaking of looking familiar while getting ready to be a momm that is, we're sharing looks to keep
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♪♪ welcome back everybody.very. anybody who has been pregnant pt knows wait feels like as yourit entire fee wardrobe slips away f you leaving you with nothingot that fits. a lot of women head for the wenh maternity store at that pointhai but our next guests say you cann be fab and fashionable all through your pregnancy withoutrc breaking the
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sisters run ascots and pearlsea fashion styling company.ion they brought us models to shows us how to be fashionable and comfortable while waiting fortir your bundle of joy to arrive. av >> good morning, ladies.rning, l >> good morning.ood nice to meet to i've been pregnant.regnan hold al lost ladies l you want to look stylish.lish >> of course.>> o >> you don't want to break the'w bank as yoanu said.u said. how do we do this. t >> one of the most important things is -- first of all, youou don't feel like you're ine re i control of your body whiley whi pregnant one thing you can one c absolutely do to maintain somenm type of control is like the lik clothe that is you put and yourr body from die day basis. >> okay. >> if you put on the right thint it makes you feel good.oo you can have a mix of particulaa maternity fashions including maternal nat fashions as well. >> you don't have to go out andd buy maternity fashions.ashi no it's nice to have a nice mix. some people don't want to spendo money on maternity clothes.. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> it's a misconception.nceptio. what happens after you've hadpe thens a baby, we as women we stl have --
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weight as it's doing it's goodtg to throw on old maternity it works. >> let's start showing looks. let's show looks and tell usel what we're looking at. >> first we have dawn. d this is beautiful dawn. dawn is 19 weeks pregnant.rean first trimester is over andtrime she's into the second trimestert so now we have dawn in somethinn we like to call a cash raul chic look. we made sure everyone is spring ready because it's 60 degrees right now. >> serious ly.>>eriously. >> spring is in the itin's coming so what we have on her, we have a j crew pufferw p vest this is a sale item, and we mixed that with an maternal natl long sleeved shirt she has on a chino pants and pair that off o with j crew sandals and thels at great thing about what she has s on two out of these items aretea non maternity clothing this is a stage where her body is changing her bum is that not quitete visibl
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mix. >> let's bring in our next model. >> thank you, dawn. >> thank you>> t.. >> you look gorgeous.ges >> oh yes. we have christina.e christi you can see that she's 37 weeks prnant.t. she's very springtime ready. at this stage we wanted her to be like flowing and not constricted buttner a maxiax dress. inexpensive one of my favoriteot pieces i love floral.ra yes, idol you can tell.n tl >> we put her in this burlingtog coat factory jacket pleather. pe most importantly we wanted toan give her a stacked heel.cked h we don't want to sacrifice being sexy and just because we'ree' pregnant. her nice little wedges.tle wed. she's walking.king she's comfortable. >> completes her look. >> you look sleek and sexy and i mean you're on point. i relying this look a lot bout b full. >> let's bring out the neck's bi modengl.l >> this is laura. she's ready to pop.op. laura is 39 week pregnant.regnt. >> okay.>> okay. >> she looks fabulous. labul >> you might have a baby here
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[ laughter ]uger ] >> we never a good day baby.ayab this might be a first. we wanted to give her more casual look.k. casual friday look something shg can wear with friends at brunch we mixed like non maternityerni clothes with maternity clothes.h the jeans are maternity very comfortable.mfortae. and then we have nice red jackec which compliments her skin so perfectly.peectl then we have this abstract shirt from marshalls inexpensive. tied it altogether with this patent leather loafer. loafer. >> love it. want to go in nine monthsinnt you'll go to red carpet event and you want to look good, too. >> now we have mary glowing ingw yellow.ow she's 33 weeks pregnant. pregn i actually wore this dress whene i was nine months my baby is back stage. stage >> is she the wouldn't makingdnn all the noise.. >> yes. >> nine months pregnant, and it was something that i got from in order tromm' as prom dress prom actually and it, we thought itht looked great on her. her really excited were one we putep it on her w
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material cascades over her bumpr it's very -- it's stretchy. set doesn't constrict her body iconc think she looks beautiful.if >> one more model. >> one more.>> one more. >> this is the last one.hiis t come in real quick. >> hot mamma. mam >> seven weeks postpartum.. there's a baby waiting for her.. we think she looks gorgeous. and we love that we just put heh in this dress and paired it upip with nice inexpensive dusterus coat we paired it with strappyia black heels she'll be sexy and s brief feeding and nursing thisus would be -- forget about the --e bring out all the models. we give people your informationn we're on instagram.nsgr you can visit us on our website -- these are all the t beautiful ladies.beau bring your baby out here. >> come on.>> come on. bring your baby out. out showing that just because you'rr pregnant or just had baby
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>> this is what happens after. >> eliana.>> eana. >> 20 months old.>> 2mont >> start to finish you lookook amazing. thank you so much for having usi it was a >> you guys are beautiful.utiful congrats to each and everyone of you. yo >> thank you. >> all right. back over to you guys. >> 33, 37, 39 weeks. wee i hope you're traveling way doctor.or [ laughter ] >> 10:48. coming up we'll talk a littlep e food right now.'ll taig now whole bunch of food we're doingi a week's worth at a time. te. ready, you wake up you're goodod to go. sounds like a lot of work.lo wor we're hearing that it is not.s n we'll find out for sure coming up. we'll try to stick to fitness goals. erin is all about meal prep neck.
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♪♪ so many people busy in youru day to day lives whether you'reu a mom ark student working full time. on your phone. pne hard to plan or cook healthyea meals every day. but there's a new trend outtrent there to make things easier forf you called meal prepping youppig probably heard it you've senior friends post their meals onea timelines.lines. if you've never done it it can c seem overwhelming and timed time consuming. ns doesn't have to be.n't haveo be one, you can hire somebody to do it for you, erin, or you can
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learn the secrets of you'refou'e about to share as well or littll bit of both.bit ot >> yeah, that's right, steve.tee meal prepping very easy way to t make sure you stick to your diet or fitness goals and avoid the t item teague of fast food and thd vending machine.acne. that's my go to when i forget breakfast.ast. it can be done quick with a week's worth of meals cook inooi one to two hours. >> mercedes johnson the owner of mercedes jo events and cateringt goor morning. >> hello, erin, how are y >> good. if people don't have time for this, e you candon' total do itr them.them >> absolutely. absolutely. we actually prepare on sundays and tuesdays. y prsds so hour clients get their foodd at its freshest point and pick p ups are the same days.. >> very convenient. v but if you want to try it yours self, good tips you were saying make sure you prep for the meale prep. >> absolutely. you definitely want to prep forr your prep. make sure you have all your tools. all your ingredients ure yor. different spices so you canent p change things up everythingveth isn't the same and i think ifhii you're going to do any proteinsn try to stick with at least thatt same protein throughout t
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two or three times. times. just because it make it easierie to reuse and repurpose yourser food. >> right here we have chicken.ce i was chopping earlier and kalel those are two major staples. stl what are we preparing for a sample this week? >> what you can do with theh chicken you can have yourn haveu chicken breast with a side of we did kale and roasted potatoee and you can also do -- we're wre going to do a barbecue chicken flat bread. also going to do quesadillas. kale, cheese, whole wheat w tortilla. >> you take one of these whole w wheat tortillas.tias we'll give eight little kale.le and you just sauteed that will w little bit of old little oileil with salt and pepper. ppe >> salt and pepper and some s spiced red onions and give it some cheese, close it up andse d we'll put it in the oven.. >> super simple.ple >> five minutes. >> sauteeing and kale is similam to sauteeing spinach it needs ie more time but it's definitely a breeze.ze. >> i love roasting it in the
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good way to change up thep planner. >> if you're in the a veggie fan i suggest roasting your veggiesg much it's easy super easy andnd quick. olive oil and salt and >> you said one to two hours on a sunday just one protein, onetn vegetable staple and you're changing it look at these sides for the quesadilla and flat andf bread you're making differentu' meals. >> absolutely.>> absolutel >> and we definitely want toant stress so the biggest thingssthi we're doing in meal prep isl pri making sure that you have the stuff that you really like. but swapping it out for thingstg that are better choices.c >> this is a bowl.>> t >> yes.>> y >> this is our bowl. we use these bowls for our meal prep they're really goodeally go airtight you can refrigerate ane freeze them. for our bowl, what we do we'llo' just put a little chicken breast and this is cilantro rice hereer all right in the bowl. the bow >> is this a good example of the size meal you want to make. >> sometimes meal prepping i mlp accidentally want to over packvk food because i made so much of h it. >> i totally un. i t what ou
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25% of your meal protein. another 25 grains or starch anda the 50%in is veggies. >> really veggie heavy. >> absolutely.>> we have a corn and black beanlab salad here.lad here. we're just going to give some oo that. th we'll do some shredded lettuce.e just a little bit of cheese. and of course >> for flavor. >> yes. we have to have our salsa . >> put flavor to the side tovott make these meal prep meals. >> absolutely. no you don't have. to lot of people think they havt to have superhink the plan dieti >> you really don't. d't >> i do frank's red hot a lot if i'm doing chicken and brussel sprouts.ut sprinkle that on it's really low calorie. which is my usual ranchsualan dressing. >> i love frank's i put that onn everything. >> great examples of what to dow i love the kale quesadilla.lla. love the bake chicken reallyealy healthy stuff.tu. >> absolutely. i appreciate you coming in mercedesecia joe.oe i add meal prep to my faceboo
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page if you have any question.nt toss it back to you guy. g >> there you go. g do a little bit of work on the e weekends good for the week. wk. >> not bad at all. all >> speaking of the week --of th- >> i don't work on the weekends. >> do you work through the weekw >> i'm just kidding. >> you knew she was going to sas something.g. >> i work for the weekends.ork k >> there you go. inter is gone. gw i've been tweeting out eulogy to winter rip winter of 2017. winrf >> you think it's officiallyffia over. it's not coming back. noming >> i mean, you know, i wouldould never want to declare somethingg over middle of february but i'mb going to be honest the next twoo weeks well above normal.orl. >> really tough to generate mucm winter her it gets late in the season. sea. >> we'll be into march. >> i'm saying i'm not feelingg e good. i'm a winter wet lover.ov >> you always got next a >> march is usually cold when we have a mild february. far >> it can still be cold we may not get snow in march. mar >> i think we getting more snowo >> there's going to be nooingo e >> what are we going to do withw all this sunshine and warmnd w temperatures.ur find way to enjoy
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live in new york city, it's the "wendy williams show". >> how you doin'? >> it's a hot topics show. >> we won't judge but we're judging. >> it's going to be insane. ♪♪ [ cheers and applause ] now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪♪ >> wendy: show time. thank you so much for watching. [ cheers and applause ] i know you
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