tv Good Day DC FOX February 22, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> straight ahead, metro's financial future looking grim. thghe transitt ture agency facig another huge budget shortfall.ra
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rate. gm says he plans to close pe the gap and earn back the public's trust. take two. two president donald trump set totrt issue another executive order to revive his controversial travell ban. it comes at the same time thee t white house takes a tough stanca on immigration.ra we'll have update from the firsr 100 days.. the panda has landed.ed bao bao touching down in chinana early this morning.orning we'll have update on the next tx leg of her overseas adventure. and later, a close callse c caught on camera.era we'll show you the dramaticti video of harrison ford's nears n miss. good day at 9a starts now.ow. ♪♪ >> i'm maureen umeh along holly, steve and the wisdom martin. mti >> we'll be hanging out with a w couple n
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the winning yesterday high school coach in maryland histora will join us too. t >> we want to talk about the the weather.atr the spring fling continues willi it be warmer today? don'tng cey expect to see as? don much sun. for details now we turn tonourn tucker barnes he's got a firstst check of the forecast.of forec hey, tuck. >> you said it, wisdom.aid itwi. not a whole lot of sun today,od, but we're looking at milderilr temperatures.temp yesterday was our big cool down. only made it to 58 degrees.. today back into the mid 60s anda we're still doing the 70s arouno here thursday and fridayhuday afternoon. so the real warm stuff gets in n here tomorrow. 49 now in washington.hingto winds out of the south at eightt will pump in warmer temperatureu this afternoon and that littletl gray guy you see that's clouds d cover across the area. t we've had a few showers early it's all kind of fading off to the south and east and couple cl showers here looks like southeru maryland the focus of a few a f showers as they've gotten southu and east here of us in washington. most of this rain showershower activity should fade away. awa i'm losing the last frame of ouo clod cover but the clouds will l stick around for much of the day and we'll be mostly cloudy, clo, cons
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afternoon a few peeks ofks of sunshine but generally moreer clouds than sun.ds t here's your forecast for -- for- what's today, wednesday?ay? >>.yes. >> thank you. between the four of you somebody would know. [ laughter ] afternoon.ernoon. mostly cloudy.udy. i think we'll get the drizzleri out of here.of her stay tune. i'll have the seven day.the sen. talking big warmup.. how warm will it get. g >> will this be the warmestst february in washington history. >> will it be the warmest winten in washington history? i won'tt have the answers, yeah, i'llh,'l have the answers. >> back to you. >> thank you tuck.>> big story at 9a metro's met financial future.uture. the agency general manager paul wiedefeld offering pretty grim reality saying budget andbu personnel cuts alone won't fix'f its financial situation. >> to make matters worse he sayy he's running out of places too help close that million dollarol multi million dollar i shouldi d say budget gap. so what does this mean forn for riders in the future of metro? paul wiedefeld spoke exclusively with fox5 about this just just moments ago and our melanieand e alnwick now joins us live from o metro headquarters with more. m hey, mel. >> reporter: hey, goo
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yeah. and so wiedefeld basicallyasic saying this is reality check ofk a budget.. he knows they can make thingscaa work this year.rk thia perhaps a little bit more shared sacrifices they call it in the e next year, but then things really start to get dire whenn you go into the year after that. so right now, we are looking at proposed fair we've heard those before.eefor looking at proposed service cuts as well. and all of this is even as the safetrack is supposed to besed b making things better. better. we're almost to the end of that initiative to increase safety and reliability.ia we're also getting rid of thoseo 4,000 series rail cars that have really been so cranky and causec a lot of those delays on the rails. the system finding itself,emindi though, with a bigger budget bue hold than it has in recentrece history. $290 million, lower ridership, d really is contributing somewhatt to this because a lot of peoplel have decided that it's just nott worth it they're going to takeak
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instead 12% dip in ridershipdehi across the board fewer riders r means less revenue some of the e things they're talking fairs on bus and rail will go up ten to 25 cents. trains will run less freakily.rl some of those on lines with less ridership would be during rush h hour. some of those would be after afr rush hour really pretty much m slower trains throughout 20 some bus routes canceled some alsosos rerouted and then of course c really going to hurt a thousands positions eliminated some of those have already beenea bee eliminated.. others would come if thoseho service cuts are also approvedpo by the board. one thing that a lot of peoplefl are wondering about is paul pau wiedefeld after he gets thishis plan into place is he going toho stick around? he said that hee described himself as impatientst not frustrated because he realll wants to make this work.ork. he wants to bring this system um to where it should be.d b they've talked about getting
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require more money from the jurisdictions it's alwaysit's as difficult to go and ask them for that. there's always resistance and ia the future, guys, we are looking at again call for some kind of a regional transportation tax to make this system profitablerofie instead of losing money every single year. year. the board of course will get aia look at this most recent budgetd proposal on thursday. thurs back to you.bao you. >> mel, thanks very. very. let's turn to president trump'ss for 100 days now.ow. the white house new guidelines on deportation rattling nerves in the immigrant communitiesigra across the count after 2 million immigrants inig the united states without legall permission.rm the bill change involvesvolves non-violent crimes. undo you meaned immigrants whono use fake id's or drive without a license will be expelled toll t enforce the new rules the whitet house plans to hire 15,000 new0e customs and border patrol agentt and construction of the wallioot along the us/mexican border will begin in parts of texas, arizono and california
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you can expect the president too roll out revamped executive order on his refugee and travele ban sometime this week. the backlash to the new then executive order already showing the national park service trying to figure out who hung a giantga banner at the statue of libertyb saying refugees welcome. that showed up at some pointe po yesterday afternoon it wasoon is removed after about an hour. the stunt happened the day thepp department of homeland securityy announced expanded immigrationtn enforcement polling >> washington monument has beenb cleaned up after being up vandalized over the weekend.ween but work on the three other historic landmarks vandalized continues today. theco lincoln hem memorial, wor, war ii memorial and dc war memorial were damaged byamaged y graffiti it does not to be b racially or politically motivated they're reviewingtheyi surveillance footage looking for clues. >> police are working around the clockrk following multiple leads to find the the person who shoto a 23-year-old man in arlington. >> victim's parents are pleading for the suspect to turn himself n annie yu is live from fro arlington this morning with thet
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annie? >> reporter: hey, goodepter: morning, holly.ol. good morning, yeah, this is a case that more e than 30 investigators areto involved with, and they haveav have been working around thed te clock as you mentioned.tioned they've identified the suspect t and right now they're stilly'res searching for him.r him let's take look at the suspect.t this is 37-year-old jason allen johnson. there he is right there.t the you can see that he has a veryy distinctive tattoo on his neck there. ther he stands about 5-foot fivet fi weighs about 145 pounds. pou they believe he is from d.c. and right now police say he could bb anywhere in the arlington area anywhere in prince george'sprin' county report district butrict b believe that he is armed and a dangerous and would like to heao from you if you have anyveny information about hisis they are -- they believe helve h killed, shot and killedild 23-year-old michael gray earlyar sunday morning as michael was leaving a party in arlington. we spoke to the family exclusively last night, and thet are pleading with the shooter tr turn himself in and hoping ifin that doesn't happen that someons out there who has someom informat
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up. now gray was shot leaving thisnt party. it was at north 29th street inet arlington. it was a house party. pty friends who were with him thatit night say that he got into an altercation with the suspecteded shooter prior to the party. pty. it's unclear right now what they thought about but no one reallyl thought much of it. it think say, you know, they went to the party hadn't a good timem and then as gray was leaving thg house around 3:30 in the mornini that is when the suspect was outside shot gray and killedille him. take listen to his mother. >> all right.ight looks likes we don't have oh oho soundbite for you but clearly cy the family is heart broken overe this just devastated.d they say their son was a goodson, a good brother, lovedov basketball, a good student, gre, up in manassas and he was realll the light of everywhere he went. so they are pleading for anyonee with information to give them ae call. arlington county police wouldld like to hear from you as well.el that number is
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that's the very latest here from arlington police headquarters. annie yu, fox live local news. >> annie, thank you for that. t. 9:09 is the time. t let's switch gears and talkrs a about bao bao because bao bao s long journey to her new lifeif is almost over. over her fed ex jumbo jet landed in china 6am our time. tim they brought down her crate jusj before 7:00 and bao bao was onbn her way to nature reserve wheree she'll live.ll liv now that reserve is a two hour u drive from the airport. the national zoo just tweetedwet out this photo of bao bao during her they say that bao bao happily ate, drank and slept the wholehe way. that fed ex took great care ofaf her and the team.ea bao bao who's name means precious or treasure will or trw eventually join a panda breedind program.. so bao bao nice and safe. saf >> are we going to get picturesc arriving at the reserve too.t sv >> probably so. >> blow by blow.. why stop now.op n >> i actually want to see thatht >> do you? >> have you seen pictures of it? >> no. >> yeah. >> lots of pandas.s ofdas. >> lots of pandas.>>ot >> all right. lots of
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>> the best in the world, wis. >> 9:10 is our time.ur tim the oscar countdown is officially underway. out in hollywood.od coming up a little later howatew host jimmy kimmel is gettingettg ready.y. plus, why even the stars who don't snag a golden statue dota indeed walk away big >> yeah. >> speaking of big getting readb for life afterig the grid iron.n we'll sit down with a few folksl who know a little somethinghi about playing football because they're in the nfl spendingpein their off season, though, in offices just like we are today.. why? we will find out next.t. ♪♪
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made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. ♪♪ >> 9:14. professional happening leaseon face a difficult and harshal dii reality when they're playing pyg days are over.days a lot of players find it toughou to adjust to daily life as theye try to figure out what's left.hf nfl players association createdt a program to combat this veryer problem.proble it's three week program call tht nfl, pa externship program which revised -- provides internshipns opportunities to professionaliee athletes in areas they mightight want to pursue after football fo and 28 athletes are taking parta in the program wkiorking in businesses right here in thee d.c. region.ion four of them join us live thisst morning along with the programrr director down at the very endatr right here.ri talk about their externshipns experiences. good morning to all you guys. thanks for coming in.ning t f cm
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>> you had to bring all linemenn today, right? r lauughter ] >> you guys each have a hundredh pounds on me. it's great to see all of you you guys we want to hear about youru stories individually let melyet start with you first.starwith we hear so much about players ps who just kind of don't reallyofd know where to goon when those playing days are over.days are . so it's a great program to get t folks involved when they'rehe still on the playering field. f. yup.p. >> we do. want to want nt we expose guys to industriesse g outside of football that's exactly what this program has done for the past fouruye yofea educating guys on areas ofn s o interest that they have whethere it's broadcasting, politics, non-profit management, he's working with nflpa we want to expose guys to industriesse g outside of football. >> do you have a lot moreuyoutsa ot minterest than you did when n first started the program.d thea >> interest has grown.t ha so this year we've had 86 guys apply. we have 41 guys externing exter essentially for the next threeee weeks. that's up from 25 last year.e so guys are showing guys are debunking the mythng tt about players only having skilll related to football.l.
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>> a in all levels also experience as well. aj i want toex tpealk to you fit of all. aj frances with the redskinsedsk now. local guy. agree up in maryland.aryld went to gonzaga and dc played at maryland. ma but you bounced around in thed league. you're one of those guys who is think, you know, kind of is morr the norm it's a struggle to make it on io the league sometimes. >> yeah. i mean sometimes it's all abouta the position that you're put in, the situation that you arriveive to. sometimes it's about your draftr status. sometimes it's about everythingh but what happens on the fieldthf but you can't control that.ntl h take what you can't control, gol out and put the best film on and eye in the sky.he s >> when we watch you on sundaysd and we see the best of the bestt that's out there all the timeree sometimes we don't realize guysg like you who are -- you're you hustling out there. out t you've changed teams five timese in the last four years.ur years. >> for sure. >> so, you know, you want toou o focus on football right now n because you're still playing isl know you want to make the most that at what point do yout salem take advantage of thesef t opportunities for the next stagt in life. >> had nothing
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how the field work has gone fore me. i've been doing this for -- thi is my second time doing this nflpa i did two years ago i was at the university of maryland workingmi with kevin anderson it was greag experience then and i decided to come back and do it again thisai year, because you can never beer too prepared for what's coming n next. that's just the way everyonery should approach it. it. >> you wanting to into broadcasting.oadcasting. >> absolutely. i want your job. [ laughter ] >> you heard that.ea that >> i'm out the door new yorkoo city doubt about about will with seattle seahawks andha you're taking a little differene turn when it comes to what wee w might expect from professionalfs athletes career wise.areer wise >> oh, yeah absolutely.bsolutel so with me, i started ass defensive lineman like aj and seattle converted me to t offensive lineman and my secondd year up in seattle playingng offensive line.ive l >> what do you want to do nowo o because are you turning toe youo politics? you just want to gett an idea what's happening here in washington?ington? >> it's definitely as tely transformation al time in d.c. and i'm working with senator sar gardner
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eye opening experience. expienc. i'm learning a t >> what do you think so far? i mean it has to be drastic changg from -- i mean look seattle you're far geographically as yoo can get from washington, d.c. aw lot of times too we have thisass inside the beltwaye mentalityei things run little different onie capitol him and in politics.olis is this something you think youk might wanting to 92 or just o j taking in that information now?n >> i definitely think i could gd into this. you know, reading the media youd might think, you know, it's at' street war every time -- every-e day out in d.c. but reallyea everybody is going to work.k. working hard trying to make thee world better, and it's cool to see the the people side.ple all you see is kind of the headlines. >> today mario with the the cleveland browns signed two year contract last got nta nice little paycheck out of that.of t you're not in this for the money. we know that.monewe kthat >> we and the want to get the g dirt on rj3.j3 we tricked you. [ laughter ] >> while you're in washington. ou you've had a're in w really strn career so far and you're still i going strong.going you did sign a p
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deal to be cleveland last year.a things are going well. are gng w so why did you decide to take to advantage of a situation like sl this? >> um, for me it's all aboutbout philosophy that i live by and a that's we can do a lot more m together than we can ever docanr alone. alone. and i think football is the bese teacher of that because ultimatm team sport. you know, it doesn't matter wha i do in my individual positionlt if everybody is not working wor together to chief the goal, anda i think that's the same inin serving the community so for me it's about giving back servingei my community finding the best t way to do that. no matter who i have to hitch mm wagon to whoever i can help h maximize the platform i thinkm i ultimately like he said we allal want to change the world but itt will come from us working together.toge. >> rgiii going to start next gnt year? [ laughter ] >> i don't know much that's not my call. know much [ laughter ] c >> darrell i'll turn to you tto you're the statesman in this group right here. gr hadoa tech guy and also fantastic career right now onowo the field.ld. so taking advantage of a prograp like this. t are you following maybe a dreamm of interest that you kind of o always had or are you looking
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this such just as opportunity to broaden your horizons.your hon >> looking at opportunity to broaden my horizons. 11 years in the league. yeale more days behind me than inays front of me last three yearsrs i've been looking at different e opportunities trying to finditie something that interests me. game of football has been sog ta great to my familiar and i. andi provided us a lot of opportunities to visit and meetd a lot of people.lot i'm very interested in seeingesn how the nfl pa has stood up for us, and made things capable that without them we wouldn't be abll to accomplish and make the gameg better for guys coming after mem >> all levels of talent right rt here and experience on the field and off. o give me the final w what are you hoping to take awaa from this as far as trying to get employers maybe to be parte of this program to give moree mr opportunities to the nflhe nfl players?pls? >> yes. just having the guys shine auysa light on their interest andon skills outside of football. thet each of these guys have specifii skills that translates to thesl real world.realorld we're hoping we can expose the industries to that and evdustentually higher these guyh much that's happened before in b the program. we hope to do it with these four guys and theh t rest of the guy.
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field. we certainly know live doesn't n end when time on the field ends. congrats to the nflpa for f putting the opportunity outortuy there. >> thank you. you >> thanks for joining us this morning. no problem.s fo >>r fello watchingatre what all are doing. >> 9:21. we're checking what's makingin headlines next, allison, what do you have. >> we need that for tvt people. ppl live aft tv, right. rig it will come. wme. fallout continues meantime for milo after that shocking video v plus ups wants to make sure youy get your packages even on saturdays, and they're goingy'rg high tech to make it happen and later, alex trebek channeling aa fellow canadian and going viralv in the we'll show you his best drakedre impersonation. that's next.ext. holly? >> later would you think it's i weird if your boyfriend texted e shirt less selfies to otherth guys?gu? >> yes. >> that's really a question? >> sarah fraser has the story in
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order. we will be right back. ♪♪ at dominion, we're putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy.
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>> 9:24. got urgent walking back into thg shot here talking to football players but that's all right. take your time. take your time. allison in the meantime will taeck the other stories makingtt headlines this morning.ta the good morning to you. >> good morning, mo.he fir rsstt uieps makingod c monsr milo yiannopoulos no longer an editor for breitbart news hee resigned afternoon after a interview resurfaced appeared tt show him
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relationships between men ands e underaged boys. in anun apology yiannopoulosoplo called the criticism a quoteuote media witch hunt. he's now plan agnew media venture an touring to along witt it. in north dakota this morning, a 2:00 p.m. deadline 2d looming for the few hundredfeund people who remain at a pipelinen protest camp to vacate the areaa the army corps of engineers saii it will not extend tha deadline, and is concerninged about potential flooding as snoo melts the last big section oftin the pipeline is close to being finished. no opponents say the threatens the environment s aaynd sacred native american sites.. officials at virginia's oldd dominion university areyre condemning a racist video thatea was circulating online until youtube removed it video shows a white woman odu sweatshirt cursing and i don't go raciald slurs in rant rap againstant rai african-american.afri video is titled, white gal white power youtube says it wasyo removed for violatutingub the ss policy on hate speech. well, good n
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who hates to wait for their ther packages bought online. beginning in april, ups says itt will deliver ground packages onn saturday.rday fed ex and post office alreadyea offer the service.ervi and the changes don't end there for ups. pardon me.pard me. the company also says it's testing drone delivery.lery. it's putting drones on itsn its delivery trucks to reach ruraler areas easier.asie areas hard to get to by cars. and finally, if jeopardyeord doesn't work out for alex trebee he might have a career i hiphop. >> started from the bottom now n it's here started from the fromt bottom now the whole team here.. by a chopper haven't a doctor on speed dial i guess city 6-foot, 7-foot, 8-foot bunch young monen mali san i'm the commissioner you don't want to start weezyhee because the f is for finisher. panda, panda, panda, panda, panda. >> panda, pan darks panda.. host showing off his rapping h skills in the
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championship episode category cr was called let's rap, kids.s. with each clue featuring lyricyc from artists like drake, kanye and kendrick this isn't the first time since trebek has dropped a few bars on the air. . just the latest time.t t >> i want to see the practicee session for that. >> i love thatsess. >> i don't know if he dropped any bars. kno he may have had the bar rightw bar rig hehtre. here >> that was dropping the bar. >> exactly.>> >> sounded like he felt it in l the middle and went back tot cko reading. >> yes. >> got to own it. >> he need add beat. >> h>>e g h de thanks, al. all right.ight 9:27 is the time right now.ow after 50 years and more than 404 wins local football coachl coa hanging it up. coming up next coach bob malloy will join us with a look back aa his legendary career.r. >> thunderstorms in february? tucker is back with changes oneo the way just in time for the the weekend. >> fresh at 10a, we are breakinn out the star power. power the cast of new tv1 originalnal movie media will join us live and so will two of the
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seven from the wgn hit underground which is about toabt actually kick off its secondecon season. we'll talk about all the hodgeod and journey smo let back with uu in the love. later, your first look at seasoo two of the real housewives of potomac and let me just tell yoy the shade is real, folks. folks it is 9:28 right n we'll be right back. back. ♪♪ ♪♪
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9:30. welcome back. major front office shake up in la. lakers promoted magic johnson t oont ke up hnso t president of basketballl operations now running the showe after the team owner dismissed her brother jim and long time manager.ger johnson will serve as the as general manager through thursdays toes trade deadline ge position will be filled byild robert poe lynn company a prominent agent who presentedree kobe bryant.kobe b >> so la to have an agent so ta ing ing the team. >> magic is only there for a the week? week >> no, no, no. he's going to have position as vice-president. right now they don't havet now d general manager he's doing thatt job. >> okay. >> do you think because he's doing that through theyou tradt deadline they'll make a move? m the problem there's no move thav will help them because i thinkat what they already made traded te lou williams to the rockets whoc was a backup.a back but whatever.hatever the problem they want to keep to draft positions which means thes want to keep this rebuilding ren thing going. if they get better they lose thy draft positions because theyonb guaranteed top three and i'm ind the woods right now for
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people who don't care aboutar they want to draft a goodft goo player. >> i want to know how magic is able to run the lakers and ownso the dodgers haven't sanity at the same time. >> all his businesses. inesses. >> movie theaters, starbucks.ucs >> he's not someone who is boreb with his time. >> no.. >> okay. okay. >> about all that draft positiot that's exactly what i wa >> i know. >> that's what i was thinking. s what t >> that's why i exceptxc explaining. >> they ned to get back to old lakers.ned la all right. >> show time lakers. >> get back to tucker barnes>> a talking about this warmup on trt way and man, we cannot wait. w >> magic still with cookie? coo? yeaeah. >> yes. >> yes >> cookie is the best name ever. cookie johnson.nson. >> i want to date a woman namedm cookie.cook i want some cookies. >> oh my.. >> cookie on empire.e >> did you just say -- s >> you do know that's ao knowt' nickname, right? right? >> exactly. >> all you have to do is name and you hokiour live cookie you have cookies. cookies. >> not necessarily. necessari. >> and they're sweet.ndhey're se >> she doesn't have to giveave v you -- okay. oka >> i like you. >> always
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>> all another warmup. we're going to be 65 today.oday we're going to be in the 70s th7 around here thursday and fridayy i mean well into the 70s. winter has, well it took at too vacation and i'm afraid it's no' coming back one of those wherese ust tot took off. 49 in washington right now.n rih 50 in 48 fredericksburg.. 46 in cloud cover holding the numbersm down at least for the time beine and we are going to be mostlyos cloudy today. you can see all the clouds.oud losing that last frame didn'trad suddenly clear up we still havel plenty of clouds out there, ande even a few showers here just tos our south. s and south and east this morningi down into southern maryland autr few light showers.t show showers will fade out of here.o. clouds will stick around today.u we'll be mostly cloudy. we'll go considerable cloudiness you might get a little sun sheen here and there this highs in the mid 60s. 60s so temperatures after a cool ono yesterday in the upper 50s willl be back in the 60s today. tod we're still doing 70s around here thursday, friday and saturday. extraordinary warmth i meanaordn we're on track for a top
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warm february in washingtonashio history and potentially one oflo our warmest winters in historyis as wel if we keep these temperaturespe going through the end of theth month. and again temperaturo trehes bys thursday and friday in some cases close to 30 degrees aboves normal.. so the up side is it will feel e like spring the bad side if you're an allergy sufferer,fere yeah, pollen will be on then b increase around here next couple of days as we'll be looking at 60s and 70s. so there you go. i'm speechless.m i don't even know what to say. t incredible warmth around here.u. 70s around here thursday andhuda friday. maybe thunderstorm on saturday.a all right. going to get some cookies.toet m back to you wisdom.u wis >> all right, tuck. tuck. thank you very much. m i appreciate it.reci let's talk about this if we can flip the prompter please.hee thank you.thanu. after 50 years on the side linel and 400 and five career wins our lady of good counsel legendary football coach is bob malloy began his coachingoa career while in college at thehg university of maryland and today coach malloy is maryland'ss all-time winningest h
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football coach. coach before he hangs up the whistlehe the coach, the coach, the, the winningly coast in marylandd history joins us live from olnen to talk about his impressiveress record, the numerous players heh sent on to play college footbalb and nfl as well. wel coach, good to see you. y. congratulations on a long lon successful career.. >> thank you so much, wisdom, and nice of you to have me on. o >> look we appreciate you cominc on and talking with us aboutut your great career that started t believe back in 1970. 197 at that point, you know, you'reu coaching football.hitball. how did you get into it and didn you think that you were going to be coaching this long? l [ laughter ] >> well, i got into it i started coaching my younger brother mike's eighth grade team when the coach just quit coaching onn day, and i was a business majorj at maryland at the time, and i just -- i just -- it gets int gt your blood, and after about five years
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last team we had was really good team. and morgan wootten and monthsnd collins and joe gallagher, theyh were all coaching football at carol and saint john's morgans offered me a job at the dematha teaching math and coaching and g took it, and but to answer yourr question, no, i didn't think i'k quite be doing it this long, but it's been a lot of fun.un it's been -- it's a great great reerer. >> y you've impact add lot of o lives. sent a lot of players to collegl and on to the nfl as well.el anybody stick out in your mind m on anyone of those levels thates you said, hey, i know this guyuy is going to be big or maybe m somebody you didn't think washik going to be big and was like wow? >> of course, you know, we awosw couple of them. tm. had the privilege of coachingg sean springs and, you know,you o after coaching him for a year ir high school, you kind of figured he was going to keep playing ant he did.he did. and, you know, we have five hav right now in the n
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gentleman jglan knee jenkinskn down at the dolphins and kendall fuller with the redskin, digssk with the vikings. blake with the rams and louand o young is down at the >> >> and but they were all, you ao know, dominating high school sol football players.. you knew -- you knew they were e going to keep playing, of course >> all right. coach, let me run through these et me uick. anyone of your 400 wins thatinst stick out, i know this is a vague question, anyone of thoset 400 stick out more than any other?ot [ laughter ] >> you know, that's a hard aar question.. but, you don't want to make t m anybody mad by answering it. >> coach, uri tiring. you can't make anybody mad anyta more. [ laughter ] >> each stop, you know, had had special games. obviously, my first wcac championship 2009 here when we beat did he math a was great. my first state championship at spring brook in 1979 was
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and, you know, the two att sherwood in '95, '96 were great. our first win at whitman, youhi know, was -- i'll never forget it we beat the number one teamre in the area perry 15-two had too take a safety with a minute to o go. that was back in 1970.that w bac >> okay.ka >> every place and every group had its high points believe me. >> coach, ten seconds.n sec i'm coaching fourth gradefourthe basketball right now. i need some help becausebask i'm and five and i'm on a skid. s [ laughter ] [ >> give me some advice to reachr these little kids now they're te looking at me like i'm crazy.ray in ten seconds, coach me up, me, coach.. >> have a pizza and ice creamam party.y [ laughter ] >> and call practice one day. d [ laughter ] >> it works. wor we'll run to you death and then when they come in give them icei cream. they'll love youea.'ll lo you >> that's great. great >> great advice. >> awesome. i'll try that. not this week, though, because i'm goin g r wunk, them this week. thi i'll try that next week. coach, you know what, thank youy much.uch. you've had a long successfulcce c
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we appreciate everything that he lreciivates you've changed, appreciate it, coach.ta have great retirement. >> well, thank you so much and a my pleasure, thank you. >> take care,,ir >> great >> i love that guy. >> i love him too.>> i lovhim >> i love that guy.ove guy his memory -- like amazing. >> went all the way back to thee '70's to get that win. win >> 9:00 thirty nine. oscar night is almost here.r nis while not everyone nominated fof an it ward will walk away with a golden statue, no one, no one will go home empty handed cominn up next we'll get a look inside the everybody wins nominee gift bag and why just being nominatet can really pay off. wow! >> ♪♪
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>> hey, holly. hly >> hi, kevin. that's you. >> hollywood's biggest night the bigemy awards just four days awaydst .fo i'm geeking out >> i think a lot of people arepe geing out.t. big night this morning though th we're getting a sneak peekkee inside the night's most covetedd swag bag we're talking about the everybody wins nominee gift bag. trust me, if you got your handss on one of these, you would feel like a winner too. too joining us now live with look ak what it includes is hollywood gift guru lash ferry.h good morning to you. >> good morning.or thanks for having me.. happy oscars week good we'reod e super excited.super cite kevin asth
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just talking about this.hi >> i could be wrong on this i ot was reading an article that only certain nominees get this ifs they're in certain category.egy am i wrong on that? does everyy single person nominated at theet show get one? one >> you are completely correct.oe this is our 15th year putting pi together this very specialpe everyone wins gift bag it onlyy goes to the top oscar nominees.. >> right. >> best actor, actress,es suppt acorting actor and actresd best director. woe also give one to the host oo show because that's the hardestt its defendant gig in hollywood.d we don't have any affiliate witt the oscars.. that's why we're able to just tj shrek the nominees that we wantw to gt. and that our clients are mosttsm excited to gift.cite gift. >> all right. let's get down to brass taxss t lash. what are we talking about? what are people getting this year? >> the most coveted items i think certainly the biggestigge price tag items are always thelt trips. we have some amazing ones for or them this year including sixng days in a luxury villa at cole l low ya landing resort on
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sunny south short of kaeu. full day mansion stay for them e and up to ten friends at the lot of coast ranch estate inst northern california.ifnia we have cutting edge tech this year from umi. umi this is smart home starter kitek it allows to convert an ordinary home into a smart home so that t you can control from anywhere h the world as long as you have wi-fi all sorts of things inhing your home. your light bulbs outlets events even surveillance we've got the hays dual threel h vaporizer the first and only o dual chamber vaporizer on thehe market and when you're an oscarc nominee even something as seemingly simple as an apple has to be the best apple in thenhe world. so we're giving them a year supply of opal apples these aree the only all natural non browning non gmo apple grown inn the united states because, you y know h you're meryl streep yourl cannot be baking with brownro apple. >> we're excited to share thosee >> i have i read so many articles about these gift bags. if this gift is not in therethie please forgive meme i readi read there's going to be sell lou l unite massage
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correct. >> you're concerned about your cellulite.ite. >> you've done your research. you're 100% correct.orrect. >> what is that.>>t is >> it's called sweet cheeks.he cellulite massage masks -- -- >> i need to find there. >> they have grooves on them. you simply sit on them thisve ii only for women obviously men don't get cellulite typically. l >> i know. >> you sit them 30 minutes a dad it increases the circulation ana flow in your upper legs andegs a helps reduce the appearance ofef cellulite.llul >> that is amazing.hat ama i'll take five if i can purchase th myself.f. but listen, lash -- lash -- >> just because you're oscarcae nominee don't mean you don't got cellulite.llul. >> sing it. here's my question. how do you go oreutqu selectinge products and really what doty wt companies get out of this? howh does this really translate intoo something that means somethingom other than just the wow factor? >> absolutely. well the selection processce really runs the gamut we'reamut' pitched by companies we're com pitching companies this year more so thaompan ever so many is are actual personal favorites of mine and things that i use on
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daily basis like the luminosity skin serum from healing saint. this rouge maple syrup my favorite maple syrup in thehe rld.d. all sort of beauty products i i use personal project of mine mie with the american heartn h association spreading the wordor about the importance of cprpr hands on cpr awareness and and learning that live-changinggin skill and life-saving skill sons we're giving them that kit soki they can learn from the privacya of their own home and under 30e0 minutes.mi how to save a life. le. and to your point about how thee clients benefit sometimes it'som veisibisible. when we get t-shirts we gave aev t-shirt to amy adams in her giff bag she was seen wearing it thet next day to the gym photographed it was all the weekly magazines the client was thrilled the case of a resort so many celebs havev shown up at the resort and it's always a gay good day when hughh jackman shows up at your hotel h or any of the nominees. nominee. so there's a clear benefit of the star dust being sprinkled on the product. halo which is an all natural pet food company they're doing yet
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again this year a 10,000 mealea donation to an animal shelter or the nominee's choice.. the most redeemed item in theeme gift bag we've again it givent n out in the last 15 years. julia roberts, meryl streep,l te julianne moore, rose a mondaye m pike, ethan hawk so many celeby doctors redeemed that.ors de in some cases it's helping doeld good in the world and helping h these brands do that. >> lash he we got to let you go. one word answer how much is this all worth just out of curiosity. >> over $100,000 this year.r. >> okay. okay. >> cool. lash, thank you so much.h people can read about thesese online.onli. there's so many different onesan i'm curious about they cellulie massage mat still but i'll reada more up on that shortly. lash, thank you very much for joining us this morning and we're looking forward to hearini more from you next year. >> amazing. >> sorry. i'm just -- >> thanks so much. ha enjoy theso m oscars. >> thanks, lash. >> figure out how i can get nominated in one of thee ou bigb categories.. >> steve made a good point. they have to pay taxes on theses it coue.ld be five figure taxesn regards torquing. >> five biggest categories all those people have plenty ofest o money s
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matter. >> so many different things herr thank you for joining us.s. >> yeah. >> for all of at home you guysog are so cool you get one ofnef those, we have to send it all al back.back >> i think it's basically unfaii you guys for them to have chubby chipmunk hand dipped chocolatesp and cellulite map in the same se package. i mean -- >> little bit of an oxymoron.xyo >> back over to you.. >> very cool stuff, though.hoh. man. >> you tell kevin is a holded he wood the value was 100,000. 100,000 >> i was like what? >> kevin was like okay. >> 9:48. is it weird for guys to senduysd shirt less selfies to each each other? one girlfriend she's s starting to wonder.onder we are, too. czar from a sis sorry weighinggh in with an all new edition ofon love and order.nder that's coming up next. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest customer satisfaction r the fourth year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. mmm... i can't believe it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste.
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advice. advi coming up this morning a up thia boyfriend with an odd group chaa habit. okay. this one is really like -- >> i think this is odd or just s the new normal.l >> court is in session.sion. >> okay.>> oka this woman wrote to us she andod her boyfriend in their young 202 she says her boyfriend group chats his guy friends all the fa time, right, perfectly normall but shares one strange thing.. they often take shirt lesses selfies like if, you know, thent guys do.o. >> dump him now.ow >> and send it to each other.h r >> dump him now. dump m no >> why? >> don't read any further. fth he's not interested in her. >> shirt less selfie is quote ae thing. thing. >> it's not thing. >> is it okay the boyfriend>> in ndnds -- >> no. >> it's not thing. >> wait a minute, guys. w is sheait part of a competitive bodying building circuit,it, perhaps.ap. >> no. >> nice one, steve.. >> she does not say that. s tha. here's my thing.y thing you're home.u're aren't you hanging out shirthi less.less you're just -- >> excellent question i a tribute to our producexcrelle cs
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smith. smit do they just happen to be shirte less are they purposely shirtrt less. less. >> i think they happen to be shirt less.shirt less. >> wait. >> all of them are working outkt with no shirt on. n >> this is -- >> accidentally --ly - >> check me out earlier when ili was flecking.was that's wife a it sounds like tok me. >> i feel like, you know, there's like a bro -- >> she made this fantasy foransy you. >> she's not the only one he is interested in. in. >> yeah.. >> men are very into theirinto e bodies now. n >> this could be like these guys. >> sarah, there's nothing wrongr with what you like but let me'em tell you he may not be asno truthful as to what he truly isi liking. >> okay. all right. not normal. norm >> next. n >> not normal. .ll right this other one how do youowo feel about this? an aunt thataa wrote to us on a changing notesg a little bit she says her navy n few has been arrested drug arreg charge she does not go intoto specifics but is he says she ish nephew could be going to jail for quite sometime. her sister, owing, someto her se has contacted her and her brother-in-law and they want t help with their son financial
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and emotionally.tionly the problem is they've asked hed not to tell anybody else in thee family. they also won't face the facthec that this nephew has an addiction issue. iss so she's wondering look if iookf help them out financially andnd emotionally, do i have the righr to say to them, you know i amnoa going to tell people and -- >> absolutely. >> he is an addiction the only y way i'll help you if you -- i -- tell people.eoe. >> yes. >> pretty smart move to use that as part of the process if you want me to help you out, thenhen you need to accept theset t conditions. >> got to admit your problemo ad before you can solve it. y sol >> you can't ask someone for sor help and give them conditions.o. >> exactly. >> that's what i kind of ewhat f wondered when it comes to family matters is it like okay to kindi of want privacy?cy? >> not in that you've got a drug addiction issue. no, you've got to air it out ant let him get the help he needsds otherwise one secret builds upon another upon another.upon you go the to let it go. igo >> just >> okay. there you go. th >> we have time for one minute.n >> one minute.ute. >> reallney quickly how do youod handle this. ha a woman writes to us she's us se jealous of her friend. they've been good frie
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long time. her friend is very success saysy full in her career and relationships she can't helpshi herself. sometimes she's is there way to stoe p ttihemese jealous. >> she needs to get therapy.eedt problem is with her. i mean she's, you know,.no >> don't you think it's just you normal we all kind of go througg faces you kind of -- i thinkhink jealousy can be c you just have to recognize thata it doesn't get to the point where --whe >> not if if you're friends. fen >> a real friend.eaien >> if you're a true friend, you, are happy for whatever successss and whatever area your friendri has. >> you don't have if youe if y girlfriends you're kind of competitive with? i doiend. in true friend you should be ppy y for them. you know deep inside you both yb started going after the samegoie career, the same job, the same,e football position, if that if friend gets it and you don't you are going to have a littleittle bit -- >> a little bit. >> if she's focused on it that much that's t >> that's an issue.>> that's >> i was going to say recognizei i feel like jealousy can be ae normal emotion. emotion >> it is a normal emotion. >> it is a normal emotion. eti it's how you let it get the besb of y
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if it's running your life you yu need some help. somhelp >> we have solved it.e solved i. >> there you go.heou go >> solved world's problems. prom >> are we talking world pieceore [ laughter ]laught ] >> we are talking about next isx the cast of media because they're coming in here we'lln r' talk about new show that's on tv1. kathy hughes is the executivethv producer. this is going to be >> wait wisdom not the onlynl kathy. kathy. what else we got. >> underground.nd they've been here before. here e journey smollett bell they'relh' back to tell us about season two with which is right around thede bend. bend. >> season two we'll get theso skinny on realn tw housewives of potomac. >> whoo! >> next. season two. >> all right.>> a first up i was waiting for the tequila -- tequila tease.ea we're making margaritas.ta >> first it's coffee we will take our drinks in orded and first up coffee the cool col coffee good day mugs fromy mugsm dunkin' donuts now available.ilb if you'd like that for yourike r dunkin' donuts coffee.nkin' head to fox5do r our facebook page enter the mugg contest one lucky winnerne selected by random drawing getsg the entry in lie
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y2a0gy yi0y >> it is a must watch wednesday on good day at 10a and we are pulling out all theway sattopss >> live in the loft, the two tho stars of the hit tv show underground journey smollett art live here to tell us all about o season two. >> also live in the studio, several cast members from theemf new tv1 movie media. med it's a drama about a family fighting for power already love
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it. >> plus also live with a daytime legend finola hughes who plays anna did he vein on generaln hospital talks about the twistkt that has her character fightingn for her life and how it changed her own life.heown >> did we mention it's nationall margaret at a day? you know wen are celebrating.ebrati >> all right. roll it. a good day at 10a starts rights ♪♪ >> yes. >> yes. >> jim pee buffet on wednesday.d >> um-hmm. >> whoo! who >> ♪♪ .> i like that >> wow! >> empty right now. now but not for long.r long >> we're going to fill up thesee glasses with margaritas that will than at a lies our taster buds. buds. >> we'll be work throughout thek show today o tn some good drinks >> frozen on the rocks.roze >> i'll take it either way. >> really. i'm'm on the rocks.take i >> usually on the rocks for men but no salt. >> no >> no soul.>> nsoul really? >> i like the saul.ike >> no salt. i usually say light salt.t. >> and wisdom is like -- >> light rocks.ocks >> i'll take pine al pep
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>> i know exactly what a marguerita is. is >> you're no longer partaking. i >> you can have one without thee tequila. >> it's called lime juice.lled [ laughter ]lime >> exactly.. >> i feel like way back machinei i'd like to go back and hang oug with wisdom.isdom. >> back in the day.>> bac >> when he was fun.>> w >>he i don't think any of you'ta would like very much. mh. >> when it was fun.>> >> i did read that on wehe in 50 americans have a margueritaguer machine at home.e ate. at t home? >> one in 50. 50. >> that's a lot. >> start living. i need one of otho >> i need to meet that neighboro >> right. right. >> you only have to knock on fef houses and you'll find one. o thanks for staying it us for the 10a.10a. i'm steve, along with holly, hly maureen and wisdom. powerball jackpot over $400 million. it checks in at 400 and leend l million dollars. so get your tickets pick them ue and good luck if you win. w. >> share with me. >> reminders >> buy a ticket. buy a >> i keep forgetting.. >> let's check what's trendingtg this morning. tmi or putting all out there aha good thing talking aboutng political candidate who
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telling the truth to whole newlw level. arizona candidate for governor noah dire is really up front f like really like putting all hil business out there intentionally. on his campaign page he is ampals of se details of his personal history.tory. he has a separate page ofe of scandals potential scandals that he's trying to set the recordec straight before anybody elsedy e bring it up inn including things that are dicey involvement in group sex, sexting, under a tabt labeled scandal and controversyr the campaign i'm addresses hisis sex live with the experience e he's had deep and casual experiences with all kinds of women. he's an advocate of open he's had group sex and sex witht married women.domen he has sent and receivedeived intimate texts and pictures andd occasionally recorded videos during sex. s movement ah has been forth right with his partners. instead of any scandals poppings up later along the trailca hndeh doing something different,ferent putting his business out there.. >> keep in mind -- mind -- >> i think it's smart. >> i will say this is a man tw has a background in education and advertising
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>> what a great way for him tooo get his name out.. >> talking about it here. >> he's just saying look i don'l have anything to hide this isids what i've done. if'v thae t doesn't bother you r i am as the candidate.te if it bothers you -- >> i'm going to go the completel opposite on this. onhis. i think it is a publicity stunt to get publicity because like you said he's never been in bn public office before, and what a is the point here? to put allua this out has it and in bad to the point i where you think somebody mayodyy blackmail you? otherwise what is the point? i think it's silly. who you sleep with is yourr business.bu >> it should be your >> it should be your business.s. >> it's your business. busines >> if he puts this out there,hee okay, now he's being very openyn with it.with i does this make you feel whichee way, do you feel like because hh put this out there i'm not goini to address or do you feel feel because he put this out there te maybe there's something else is need to dig for? what's yoursou dig for.dig for >> probably something else youse need to dig for all of thoseg ff people involved in this they'lll be okay, let's find this stuffss and put it out there. >> it's already out >> it's already out there.alady >> no, it's not out there
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because the video -- >> he put everything out there.o >> i think he probably putut god majority of it.f i no that i feel like he like l doesn't care what you thinkt thn about me, you know what i meantn energy terms of that side of my life, so i'm okay with i >> i think you take ownership op it.. that way when something else comes down the pike, listen i'vi been as open as i possibly canba be. what more can you possibly sayy at this point? isa guess whatha you're saying there might bere e scandal i think he's heading it off. i wander to so if he gets if gt elected. i don't think that's going to happen. >> speaking of putting it allinh t out there maryland couples thiss next story for question posted on ask read it.i this is the question. i do you tell each oths er yourou friend's secrets? some wouldou argue secret is a secret youretu don't break the bro or girl codd by telling your mate that secret. but others in the poll responded when you get married, you 're athe 'r unit. you tell one, you tell them them both.both we wanted to hear from you weomu posted the question on our fox5 twitter page. p 69 responded of course you woulu tell your
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>> here's the thing. thing if you open your mouth and sayny something outloud to someone sne else, then it's going get told l to someone else regardless of the circumstances and therc you can say don't tell it but it n'tell it bu it comes out of yourt if mouth i free game. gam true. true. >> that's the bottom line. >> i would imagine, new yorks matter what yothu say igi. >> married unit --nit >> you tell one you got toell eo anticipate the other one willthl tell. tell >> i kind of assume that, yousst know, if i was going to tell tol somebody f i was going to tell l wisdom that he would tell his wife if he wanted to and that wouldn't bother me.othe >> right. >> and that's kind of how my marriage works. works i mean i guess i can honestlyony say there's no one on this planet i trust more than my m husband. so -- >> it came with the caveat iavei told you wisdom i know you're going to go wanting to home tell your wife.f keep this to yourself. yours would you still do it. >> i wouldn't do it. in general i wouldn't do it because you told me not to wal w >> whatever it is -- is >> i would be under the assumption if i told you something without a caveatder t-
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was important enough to say itt outloud and say don't tell youru wife i'm not going to tell you.. it's your'sou >> i'm really not comfortable thomas knowing this i would l i would totally respect that.ect h >> that's fine.hat's >> i know thomas wouldomas wld understand and respect that anda wouldn't expect me to tell him.. you know what i'm saying? >> okay.>> o >> right. >> we've spoken. >> if you do>> it outloud i meaa that's why you wouldn't say -- - wouldn't say anything that ithat wouldn't want anybody else to know. >> fair game. >> all right. f >> all right. 10:07 is the time.e. just how close did a famous fou actor come to hitting jet withet his small plane. p >> take look at this videolo at because tmz has released footaga from harrison ford's botched bcd landing at a california airporto last week. wk. the video shows harrison ford'ss landing approach coming comin dangerously close to an americaa airlines 737.37 ford was flying over the plane which was on the taxi way at the the incident has prompted thedhe faa to investigate.tite no reason has been given for why harrison ford made this bigig mistake his publicist
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replied to requests for commentt ford was supposed to land on runway that runs parallel to the taxi way. way in previous release sound fromm air traffic control ford asked,k was that airliner meant to be underneath me? >> fortunately -- unfortunatelyr the answer was yes, it >> was you y can see he abortede landing.ndin >> it's so scary.>> i >> the big plan was starting ton put out the taxi way. way >> i think it's time he stopsps flying.fl when you make this agregiousegio mistake people -- hundreds of lives could have been lost herer hang it up already.eady your second i'm sorry.r ee is enough. >> let's get to harrison ford ii vehicle we know him well we're e getting a look at the cast and d crew of the star wars spin off. official star wars twitter and a instagram posted this picture of star alden eisen right -- aaron -- alden ehrenreich -- [ laughter ] >> kevin is shaking his headis a right now along with coach stars in the cockpit the millennial falcon.. hand s
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hero a new star wars begins.egs what's the deal with the guy ini the hoodie on the left.t is he really in the movie. >> woody harrelson is in the is film. everyone you're seeing in thatht cockpit in millennium falcon is in the film. film there are two director sittingr in the photo philip mooreoo standing next to donaldo dal glover -- sitting there ande a chris miller right below woodydy harrelson they directed the lego movie and 21 jumpsuit they'rey'e doing the hans solo spin offpi o that opens up may 24th, 2018, 21 looks amazing i'm very very v v excited about it.. alden ehrenreich is the leadheea star in the film he looks justos like harrison ford in this ithis photograph. i think -- i was initially veryy skeptical about the casting of him because i didn't think he looked like harrison ford seeinn him in this outfit and seeing sn him in this setting it does looo like harrison ford. amelia clark
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him cease from game of thrones.. i'm super excited about this.d it takes place before the evente of episode four and the obviously everyone says that hans shot first, greet tow shot first that was the scene you were just watch wasing i think h shot first as always.ways i'm very very excited aboutercie this. it comes out in 2018. >> kevin, are there any of those fancy swords in this movie? the fancy swords that light up? up? >> you're doing the thing wheree you poke the nerd bear i'm notat going to take it.goto t [ laughter ][ laug >> good for you kevin.ood for yi you have grown.wn. >> sit back and enjoy. >> good for you. y >> it looks amazing. >> that cool plain thing that t fly.y >> all right. we'll stick with the hollywood hype now because we are countint down to the oscars. 10, nine, eight, seven, foo,, f five, four, four days left untit the big night.big n we're getting a sneak peek fromo show host jimmy kimmel as hese prepares to host the worldwidewi audience in front of more than 200 countries.ntes. kimmel getting ready byy practicing tying his bow tie and
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probe billy crystal who hosted d the show eight times.. kimmel also keeps a note pad by his bed to right down any jokesk he thinks of during the night. so what do you do after hostin the oscars? retire perhaps? ? kimmel says he's thinking ofin o giving up his late night talk show. show. jimmy kimmel live.ive. he tells variety magazine he mah retire at the end of hisfis contract in 2019. kimmel has hosted the show forhr four years now and he says he'dh like to have more freedom timeme to spend with his familiarly.ial >> 14 years. >> 14 years he seems so right? >> i know.>> i >> good for him. goo >> that's crazy. crazy. >> i didn't realize that.. >> that's two yours away. t he can change his mind before br then isn't yeah.then isn't yea >> we'll see. >> i hope does he a good jobesgd sunday. >> i think he will.>> he will. i t >> star-studded morning on thent way coming up a little later twt of underground's making sevenve join us live with a first look at season two of the drama. dra. this is exclusive for good day d.c. by the way. w >> first though we're sittingho down with the cast and the crew of new tv1 original movie called media. me for a look wait takes to creat
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saturday you can find out when tv1 airs its original film called media.s the now a em caed a m passion project radio e founder kathy hughes who was thh executive producer of the filmfe and it will explore the dramath and the secrets behind powerfulu black family dynasty as they trt to keep their status andtus a position in the communicationsnn industry. take a look.ook. >> this afternoon help celebratb the 25 year anniversary of jump weekly [ applause ] >> we have some challengers.eng. with the help of my four wonderful children, we have persevered.ered >> we're being plotted against.t >> we're always being plottedint against. you just haven't been a round tod see it.. >> when you're a family like fay ours, people come after you and those people must be dealt withl ♪♪ will pay you. y >> your family, your family f can't begin to pay me what they owe me. >> you're going steel from us. >> i got caught up in t the film premieres this saturdaa at 8:00.
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in here. you see them all right here. we'll start with end pennyen johnson gerald. gerald. you know who she she's the only lady up here. brian white, steven bishop and d lou kimball all here thisl heres morning thank you very much for coming in and talking with i got nervous i saw drama inra i there. some i said you always look mean inn those shots. you said you're a good guy. guy >> i play the goodbye by. looks can be deceiving. >> tell us anyone of you guys can address think and ls adiecae address this tell us about the t show. i know it's drama.sra but how much drama are we goingg to get? are we talking high-level drama? talking soki many opener rah drama i saw a a gun. i'll let you fill me in. i >> held by the good guy. >> yeah. >> i think you actually hit theh nail on the head.enailn th >> okay. >> you're going to have all'r parts of dramae .gorama. >> um-hmm.>> uhmm >> if you could imagine, um, the godfather and dynasty meeting -- oh wow. >> mix that up with being ablehg to understand what media is miai about. >> right. >> and the strength of family, r you're going to enjoy media.
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it's going a lot of inn fightint a lot of family fights.. >> not that we want to get inetn trouble much that's probablyro what's goes on at corp.tor >> you said it, not me. >> peeling the curtain back. b the world has never seen a billionaire black family run things.thgs in my life i never seen intelligent television that honored a black family. fam this is something new.s someth i think allin of suss known lott of people, lots of families thaa have created maintained their t wealth but we've never seenever anybody and sell brayed any on tv. >> is that what a tractor to yoo this particular role? how did r you get picked and what's itnd w look working with the cast? >> the classy cast.ssy cast. >> it is a class. it's a class in that it's an upper class billionaires.aire. it's a class in that we haveav all -- we came with our a game. >> okay. >> because we chose this projece at least i know i chose thisse s project because on the first tet pages it represented who i knowo we are as a people which iswhh everything and three
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what you're definitely going toe get in in m. >> right. what about you guys? >> she answered for us she's our mom. >> the boss lady. >> she's the mom. mom >> not my mom.ot my >> you're not saying -- ooh nott family. family. >> that's my big brother. that's my mom.hat's at's mm. >>y.kay. you're the end moo. m >> i'm amongst enemies. i'm a >> okay. >> he looks like fa. >> yes he does but he's the enemy. that's why you got involved inol this project as well, right. rig >> definitely we knew the caste was amazing. was the production is amazing. amang physical v1 held back no stopsoo wi thihis one. so everything about this isthis positive.po it's going to show blackho bla familiar unless a positive lighg that's never been seen before.oe so they drew to us it.s and the energy that we all had onset and the chemistry wasstry >> okay. >> like i said. s op lot of times people have a hard time working with eachac other. when you have a big ensemble.nsl >> not this one.. >> not this one. >> this is all allil >> except for you.or you except for me.ex >> exempt for you.>> >> he's family. ..'s still family >> perpetrated family. >> look. let's talk about some of the things that you've done in youru
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so miss johnson gerald,, baltimore and she said i didn't' say it right. say it >> how am i supposed to sayoay imore.ore. >> baltimore. al t's how you know you are really from froma you got to saylt baltimore.almo. >> i didn't say that right. >> okay. mr. white you're from boston,oso mass.mass. >> yeah. >> did i say that right. >> you can't miss bostonid i. go patriots.ot >> wait a minute. now we started some stuff.>> sta >> we startedrted some stuff. i know steve is from chicago.. your football team is not that t great but the cubs won the worln series. >> our baseball team won the world series.. >> they got that. >> wait a minute.>> i'm not done. because atlanta fal that'sns t where your town, you'r hometown, played against hisgait hometown in the super bowl andol it was a dee bockly. bkl >> what had happened was we hade a lot of head butting going on, too. >> bets were on the table. shots were thrown.ots were thr >> right. >> right. >> what were you doing when ya'll was down 28-t threwee,re . >> cheering.>> c cheering. i never stopped .. >> never stopped. >> we'll have him and finessende mitchell from the cast in full l patriots hats, jerseys
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pants on his home soon. >> -- arm. >> him and pooch are diehardierd patriots fans.. >> and the boston connection.ctio >> yes. >> we got all the teams represented even the orioles inn there. >> wait a minute.>> we do have the raiders. ransns. >> got that all wrong.rong. >> that's all good.>> we know what you're talking about. i know the colors. tw whatgi ow >> you got the col torhes c.olo. >> real quick.ui all right. so look you are the captain inti castle which is still on. castle the tv show you were ther captain why did they call you yu sir in that show? >> because it warrants thatranth position. po >> okay. >> okay. it's a part of the integrity ofy the >> gotcha. gotch >> and the superiority. >> you were also evil sherri oni 24 which was right here on fox. >> no i think she was crazy likl a fox. never evil but protecting herman. >> okay. brian, you're from boston mass.o we already said thatn but you u the son of -- o-- >> joe joe white. >> the boston celtics joe joe j white legend and
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famer. famer. >> yes, sir. >> did you play football andoota lacrosse.lacr >> i played briefly with they wh patriots and for the professional lacrosse team themt boston blazers.ze >> wow. w >> and then came to hollywood.. >> steven bishop you were inyour money ball. >> yes. >> with brad pitt.>> witbrad p you played dave justice.ce >> i did.>>id >> wow.. and minor league -- minor leagua baseball player?ye >> yes for atlanta and baltimore. >> baltimore. >> impressed. >> baltimore. right.said it right. mr. campbell we already knoweadw you're from an atlanta.tlta sorry about the whole super boww thing. thing. >> don't do that, man. >> you played arena fewer itsts football and all right wide receiver with the bills. rit >> we have a cast full oh full o athletes.etes. >> clearly. clely >> as you can see you have donea your homework and got the dirt t on everyone.veryon [ laughter ] >> that's what we do here ats wo fox5. we dig up some dirt.e >> seeee. >> we dig up dirt. d >> good god. >> you ought to be glad you'reht out of time because t i got pags d papages. >> there you see the informatior right there. it's going to premiriergh satury on tv1. turn your tvto
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and watch this show.d wah th the it should be b. the name of it is medial thankak you very much for coming in andg playing along. >> thank you very much. >> continued success. thankonti >> tedhank s you for toleratingh >> and not fighting me.e. >> exact.>> e listen coming up our first lookl at season two of the realhe housewives of potomac. talk about drama.rama. let's just say the shade is .eal. steve?stev >> wisdom is over there with thh a bunch of athletes. i'm in training right now for nf the margarita championshipio because i want to be a to be professional margarita taste tas derr. do i have a shot this. >> yes, sir. s. you've given me so many options. >> that's our specialty.ur specl making favorite margarita.argata folks at bahamas breeze areez getting ready to unveil a few a specials in honor of nationalnal margarita day. d we'll dive in and celebrate andi tell you how you can mn akean tt perfect margarita as well and wl they can save the work and come e yoyou as well. >> yes, sir. >> special flavors, too coming f up we'll talk about it after the break. ♪♪
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♪♪ well it's nice outside righi now but i'll tell was as nice ae it is outside it's nicer insidee when you have drinks and i'm'm sorry i said i was going to bent training to be margarita tastere i had to dive in.i to i'm going with the grilled pineapple right now.pi yoneu have accessorized and givn us so many flavors to choose t o wel have to i'll stay here stayh with you the rest of the show. o
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c >> absolutely. by the time we're done you going to be >> i see a little critter in one of those drinks. it's not real.ot rea to make it look better. >> we'll keep putting t finishing touches on theshing margaritas from our friends from bahamas breeze.ez let's see fit feel like theike e bahamas and tucker can help usps out in that department. that rt tuck? >> steve, definitely going tofit feel spring like around here and later this afternoon. a you know not a lot of sunshine n but it will feel a littleit tropical and have a little bit t of humidity and temperaturesempu will be well into the 60s. 50 now washington.asng lots of clouds out there. t you saw the live shot a few moments ago and we a shower or r two off to our south and ournd south and east here in the pastp couple of hours.uple e itit there. yup, there you go.yup, t you the other thing you'll notice o that satellite picture watch thh last couple of frames it pops up there we go lots of cloud coverr and we're going to keep thingspi mostly cloudy today. cloudy tody i think the rain chances are a really fade away here by midday. and we should be dry thisry t afternoon.aftern but we are going to keep thingsi on the cloudy side.e. daytime highs today mid 60s. daytime highs tomorrow friday
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off to our north and west. a wes we're looking at temperatures 15 to 30 degrees above normal. nor thank goodness it's not july oro august we'll we'd be looking atg temperatures in the tripleatur digits. around this week temperaturespee well into the 70s hard to70s hat believe it's february.liev there's a quick look at that att seven day. 65 today. 70s thursday, friday and saturday. can you believe we might havee h thunderstorm saturday afternoons to endat our warm temperatures? all right. guys, that's update.pd maureen i'll toss over to you.v. >> thank you tucker. all coming up on good day dc the d e journey to freedom continues in the naked seven come march 8th. season two of undergrou ndgrou premieres.iere two of the stars join us live iv the lot of exclusively with a sneak peek of what you canf yon expect. right now 10:27 is the time. t we'll be right ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> you said you could make they law work in our favor. >> how was i supposed to knowwoe the judge would bypass the entire legal system.tem. >> you open your ice. this happen all the time in thee north and the south.thuth. it don't matter.r. rules don't apply to black folkf >> hmm that's powerful the hit show underground tells the stors of an america on the brink ofthi civil war. civil wa a group of heroes on theirhe harrowing journey to freedom with lenger carry harriet tubmat blazing to trail. season one debuted last year ana was a lit to say the leave.ea the cast
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the premier last month. month the cast came to washington to o visit the new national museum of african-american culture.ture. we welcome back two of the casts members.mb two of the leads.he lds. they're here to talk about season two.. journey smollett bell who is whi sliding into the shot here and d welcome back to both of you.ou >> thank you. >> it is such a pleasure to havr you. >> thank you for having us back. >> season one it became a were either of you surprised atd just how well received it was? >> yeah. y absolutely.abso >> i know you hoped to have a project wellyou ho received whet happens, what is that like? >> um, it's really fantastictasc because you get to learn so much as an artist. >> project like this you're notu sure if the audience is reallysy ready for this kind of content n in this way but the way they att it up was fantastic.tast we said okay we might be on to t little something something.etng >> yeah. >> do you get the sense thatgeth people are hungry for this typee of a series? >> that was the feedback we werw getting. i mean we were live twet
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every week it would shock usho because the show would trend and stuff and people, you know, jusj ate it up and own it in away where has this been along along. that was the response we wereeso kind of get.ns as if this was needed television. >> do you feel a responsibility to educate people especially el a respeal givenly the tone and tenor of what's happening to educate edue people about african-american history and culture? >> go ahead. ahead >> you go ahead. >> i feel like coming into a project like this i realized mym responsibility as an artist. ars we always want to tell the truth and be honest.onest i think what brought us to the e project was the fact that theyty told us from honest perspectivei we haven't seen before, youore,u know, something that was reallyy just validating for the time off this culture. but we definitely feel f responsibility to remain honestn and show the other side of really the potential of what is -- what stories are thereri e that have not been told.d. >> right. >> you were saying?>> you >> you know, i think, um, one thing meisha and the joe
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creators of our show, you know,o they kind of put a mandate ondae all of us to be bold and a audacious.audaci and to tell the story in a in a different way.erent w you know, we were given -- we're a iteming to give voices to thet voice less.icless there's so many stories stori underground railroad this is the first integrate the civil righth movement we haven't seen this story told before.e havey bef >> right. >> and for them it was about tho fact that we had seen theee occupation so much we needed to see the revolution.see the re we needed tovo see the side of r history in which we did rise upu in which we did resist and wet d did fight back.k. i think that's what peopleeoe responded to so pop positively.l >> absolutely. what was it like premiering thit at the museum? >> such significance.. >> it's premiering tonight.ight >> it will premier tonight. >> happening in the oprahng in h winfrey theater.nfrey t i can imagine the wholele symbolism.ism the significance all of it islli just tremendous.mend >> can we talk about howut h outstanding this museum is. >> were we did a tour of ite last night and i was in tears. tears i mean, just the
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where we come from and just jus appreciating how resilient weese are as human beings.anngs. how we helped build this nation. i mean it's going to be s amazing to premier season twowo tonight at this museum.useu i mean -- it's an honor. >> it's an honor an >> it really is.t reals. i say it's called the a african-american museum ofuseuof history and culture but it'se b' american history. histo >> it's one thing -- we kepteep elining that. it's like this is americanmericn history just told throughhrgh african-american limbs. >> right.>>ight >> this is definitely somethinge like first every all every chill in this country needs to go tooo this museum so they can reallyy unthe >> right. >> of what built this country.hy >> yes. orry, go,o -- i'm s ahead. >> i was going to say what arehe we seeing in season two? the? e story line a lot of people think they know the story already what are we seeing in season two? >> we get to -- t-- >> so much. i think the stakes are just so much hire.ire. we lost everything, you know,no,
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>> fight to get back to eachbacc other. >> we have to fight to get backo each other t go everyone that we love and season one it ended noah i was in prison and we picc up in season two it's about five or six months i'm trained byineb harriet to go and run she's she teaching the inner workings of the under ground railroad theai mission is to get my family back. . and to help free >> i'm still in jail. iai >> you're still in jail. i'll dovetail and ask you aboutn your brother jesse who made a guest appearance season one.. >> yes. >> what's up with him? i knowmw he's still on that whirlwindwhin roller coaster empire.oaster what's going on with him. him >> my gosh we were just in chicago. i was there ebony magazine didan like this whole reveal for my - the cover that i'm on for march. and, you know, he's doingoing amazing. he's working on his music, finishing up empire. yeah, he
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season one of the underground he really was a completelyomplel different person.ent pe. >> yeah. >> must be exciting to see youru brother take on roll like thatt that you're on and make it hists own. >> yeah. he got lost in it.. >> what are you up to beyond tod starring in this and doing -- ia know do you so much more.u so m. you're designer.ner in our last 30 seconds what arew you up to. >> honestly, i'm just trying ton prepare for sunday. oscar show.caho >> are you going?? >> hitting vegas. >> are you kidding me. >> seriously? s >> oh, man. y head not toto m heart. >> march 8th we come back. just -- -- >> you're on whirlwind rolleroni coaster too.nd rol >> waiting for the show to hito because we saw the first episode and, you know -- >> it's unbelievable. >> it's incredibleie.. >> we'll have you picture for a fashion segment we do postt o p >> give d.c. a shout out.
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>> i will.ill. from the carpet.he cpet. >> give us a shout out too.hout. good day d.c. >> you guys are awesome.weso underground amazing premieringeg tonight at the african-american american history and cultureture museum. if you haven't been watching yog need to. this is a powerful tail being bg ld h here. thank you guys so much.u guyso u >> thank you. >> thank you.>> >> all right. t okay. ok i'm going to chat with them somm more but i'll toss it over to oo you guys. >> start of seasonyo three. thr we'll see you again. aga >> any time you want to comee yt back. this is your home. welcome to thethis loft.of >> she is a legendary star of o general hospital.os well now actress fie noel in ao hughes is taking on real lifeeai medical issue and she's going ti join us live after the breaker e with a look at why raising awareness is so important tont t her.her. 10:37 is our time right now.. you're watching good day at 10a. ♪♪
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>> we do. >> we're hoping for better bette results anna, unfortunately we didn't get them.. your bone marrow biopsy indicates you have polly --ol - known as pv. >> i don't know what that meanst i'm not a doctor.i'm nodoct >> there's no easy way to way tt put this, anna.nna you have cancer. >> >> finola hughes made the crimee fighting anna devane for more fm than 30 years now.. but this week on generaleral hospital we learned anna is inan the fight of her lie
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cancer that most of us haveave never heard of we'll have moreem on that in a moment but first from robert to duke and her h beloved daughter robin there isi never a dull moment for anna in the fictional town of portt charles.les. now, finola hughes is using her role as anna to educate the public about a rare cancer. polly sigh feign ya vare rah orr simply known as pv with more ono this disease and her time on gh emmy award winning if you kneele hughes joins us live from newro york.. with full disclosure she's a a paid spokesperson for the insight corporation which ishici sponsoring today's interview. good to know finola. finol so good to see you. you >> hi, holly.olly how are you. >> i'm doing very well. and i shouldn't say you're what, anna devane scorpio lavery lav hayward if i want to do all getg all the marriages in there? the >> that's actually very good. i think that was a second son scorpio in there somewhere.ewhe. i lost count.i ount >> it's very good. >> obviously you've been doingbi this role for so long.g. yo
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why all a sudden did this particular story line become sos important to you personally? >> well, to me personally, you u know, my life was touch with wit cancer when my mother passed ps away from cancer when i was about 18, and so i saw the impact that is that can have onn family. and playing a fictitioustiou character on a show such as general hospital where we do do tackle issues, we tackle thingst like hiv, the girl who plays myy daughter on the show thatt character was diagnosed with hii positive many years ago. so we do tackle social and as we are coming up to raree disease day which is february fu the 28th, this was a perfect opportunity for us to find thist kind of way that a nan could cod have a complicated disease it's' a rare blood cancer called pv which is part of a group of milo
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prolific neoplasm mpn's very hard to diagnose an lot of people there are only probably 200,000 cases in the us and and there's lot of isolation with and this was a story where werew can raise awareness about very under recorded disease a lot ofo people didn't know about.owut i certainly didn't know about before we started to write the story, and you know it's a waysa to reach out for people who do o feel isolated.ed when i was preparing for theorh role, i met a wonderful womanan incredibly inspiring lady who wo was able to tell me some of thet things that she went throughthro before she was diagnosed theoset symptoms that she had and she s didn't know what it was that waw wrong with her. h. and then once she was diagnosedd how isolating it actually wasll for her. >> it's amazing because i think we always hear about grueling io is to work on a soap becauseau you're taping so for to you even have time to really r tes eearcveh your rolee that.. >> well, we have to, you know,o,
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it's part of our job is to go g and find out the resources thata we can and find out the right way to portray something all ofo us take that very seriously, yo know, my character is as yous y said a crime fighter, so it wass up to me to learn how to fight physically and to learn how to use certain weapons and so thata was part of my job to learn howw to do that, so that i can at c least look like i know what i'mi doing, and in playing thisng t story, you know, i used a website which is voices of to find out some moree e information about what thewhathe symptoms feel like and on what a it would feel like to be b diagnosed with a rare blood blo cancer.. >> so this is hard question to ask.k. but you know anna has come andnd gone. it seems like when general hospital needs a ratings boost you're back because people lovel you and they want to watch you. this disease doesn't mean annana is going to go again any time te soon, does it?
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>> no, it doesn't. doesn't this is a chronic disease, and you can manage it.anag so i'm going to be stayingtang around but this is going to bese part of my story now in dealingi with ts. learning how to weather a to wea chronic disease.isea. but she's going to be out theree crime fighting as you say andnd fighting the good fight forightr justice as she always is, and ia you're going to see all your y favorite characters on generalal hospital every day.ry d that's our job. job we love being there. tre. and we really appreciate youciay giving us this time to raiseaise awareness to this today. tay >> people are really happy thaty you are still there.. talking about fighting foring something, you know, a lot of soap operas we have loved overee the years though stories aretore nene. general hospital keeps on. why do you think that they're te one of the few survivors left in daytime television? >> we have wonderful storyry tellers.tell we have extraordinary writers, s great characters, and we haveav actors who really put their heart and soul into what they're doing. i think also we connect with tht audience a great deal..
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to resonate witness audience and telly stot the stories they wans to hear and watch.h. >> i love you as anna devane bub i also love you in staying atayg life just for the record. >> oh, that's right. >> thank you.nk y >> the last person to wearea spankly head band you rock itoci you did it well. miss finola hughes thanks fornkr joining us. >> thank you.>> >> you can catch her on generall hospital weekdays on abc. >> awesome.>>weso >> we have a jam packed show sho today. to >> i know, right.ight. >> amazing it's not over yet. 10:46. rumors, romance and reality rliy checks the trailer for the allhe new season of real housewives o potomac is out.ut we've got it for you and a a little bit later edition oftiono celebrity dish. dis >> steve, passed my first testet when it comes to being the ultimate margarita taster.ta ta. i have to work on my drinks. first step, little lime juice,mj little chipotle salt, we'll gett ice going as far as the secret drink
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♪♪ >> i feel like we're in margaret at a. we never miss the chance to celebrate a national holiday specials whole it has to do with beverage. we raise our glass to national margarita day here toke wareteri ur g help uselp u from bahamas breeze. bez further down south.ou >> yes, sir. >> it's good to see you.t'go >> you started to put me to worw early. jessica is with us as well. w good to see you thank you for yu coming in today supporting thern official t-shirt of your bigrig celebration you're about to kict off her i want to do a couple things i g want you to show you some of tht margaritas that are making but t also want to explain some behinh it one of them is a tamarin tar flavored margarita. people not know what it is.t it this is tamarin it looks gross.. but it's comes from a tree. >> yes. >> we break through this and enh up with thirosug and then you ho to take the seeds out and thenhe you puree it and end up with this kind of like a bold tangydt ki of flflavor. >> right. >> that's what we'll put in the margarita. i started earlier
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i think i successfully rimmed re e glass.s. >> yes, sir, did y >> with the sal, right.sal,ight es yes, sir. >> i'll leave it to you at the t expert. make us a perfect margarita mga after you make the first onehe e we'll talk about the what are we going to do first.of >> first we chill the glass witt ice in it. we're ready to go that going.t g >> step number one, get the get glass cold. >> rim that glass in lime juicec >> all right. e salt.alt.otl >> little flavor with everyvery delicious sip.. >> tam marran, we discussed that. we'll go ahead and get oursed gr ingredients.. tamarin the sweet and sour, the simple syrup and pro sad dough.h >> why do you like that? >> truly blends very well with flavors of the fruits that we're using whether it's pineappless are tom marin or whatever it is but et cetera up to you whatevee your favorite tequila is do so. whatever -- use whatever ---- >> let's get ice and our glassua
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go ahead. >> jessica i'll let you get thet next one ready. one r in the meantime so -- so >> then we'll go ahead and get get the ice, puree in.. >> we'll get our sweet and sours in. >> um-hmm. >> sweet and sour. all our quantro. orange flavor to it. i >> an ounce of simple syrup. >> basically sugar and water.atr >> that's it. lass iere andr glass i give it a good shake. >> we put tequila in that? >> no, we did not. >> oh.h. see. >> eagle eye. >> 1.5-ounce.-oun no drink without itce. >> he learn. he learn. all right . >> non drinker.nker >> see that was going to be theb wisdom special. speal. >> you paying attention.ou pay you learned. >> that is awesome. all right.l >> all right.>> a
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so that's -- this is yourour tamarin margarita i'll sample in second.. i know you want to make anothero one too. i want to make sure we get thiss out there tour folk. you're doing something specialns today to celebrate nationalatiol margarita day. >> kicking out of national natio margarita for the second sixondx weeks featuring class margarita for $2.22.22 next six weeks featuring mondaym margaritas for five dollarsars margarita.maa i hope we'll see you there.he just kickback, relax and we give all these flavors you see as yos noticed here we have flights ife you cannot mak fe up your mind o which margarita you want, you w, can go ahead and sample these flights. fl >> margarita flights not therith best idea ever. e grilled pineapple, had aleha business kiss and tam marran you have other flares dressed up so pretty as well.prets we any variety you want.youan we're going to make hibiscus one i'll taste the tam marran now. we'll zen it back to you guys iy the meant
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>> there's celebrating nationala margarita day for the next sixx week? week >> yes, ma'am. >> that's the kind of restaurant i love. >> that's it. t> we love it.e kint >> you make eight month and at d half.lf >> i'm just saying. >> we'll make -- hibiscus margaritas in here. >> keep drinking, steve.te >> i know, right. >> 10:54. time for good day celebritiesda did dish.did dis it's a good one today.oday. serving it up rumors, romanceome reality checks a bound when theh real housewives of potomac pom returns this spring.g yesterday bravo released theead first trailer fort second seasoo of the hit reality show and letd me just say the shade is real, , people. check it out. >> i'm the boss. >> the rich, the beautiful, likk to have a good time.ime. >> imagine things we can do onho this count top, baby.ntop, >> we'll have a good time.. >> you don't have a home.ome. >> i have four homes.foomes >> you go girl. girl. >> without your husband's banknk account you wouldn't be here.wob >> at least i'm still married ti mine.
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>> no one paid anything. ath >> i don't need you to be down on growing >> streets of potomac are sane.s they care no longer lives in potomac. >> oh. >> all right. i'm in. >> you see that. .> you got my attention. >> right.t we're all like this. >> i knowew.'rw >> okay. leaning in. watching the tv. >> okay. k incan catch the ladies bac action sunday april 2nd at 9:00 on bravo and you can bet c we'll have the ladies from the show live in the loft to spill l some >> that looks good.ood >> wait there's more. >> i mean, no, there's about too be more interesting this seasons on the fox hit show announces thees addition of film icon demi moore in a guest starring multipleulpl episode arc the ghost star willl make her debut at the seasonea three finale playing take charge nurse with mysterious past set
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with the lion family in season .our. she'll join big names includingg eva langoria, thai biggs,iggs phillie is a rashad and rumor more willis. empire returns march 22nd only on fox. f. >> i thought you were going togn say dem my moore from the moviee strip tease her and burtnd reynolds. >> a few good men. >> that was>> great -- gre >> plot line on that show? [ laughter ] >> 10:00 vick.>> fans today of show finally knoww where hoe today's have beeneee hiding.hiding the today show co-host calledosl into the morning show she'ssh adopted beautiful baby girl herr daughter's name is haley joy. j she was born on valentine's day. congratulations to her. h. congratulations to hoda. hod >> drinks over here.r h >> did he say margaritas -- >> i can't drink all of themrilo myself. >> don't you worry.>> >> get out of the way. you don't drink get. >> beautiful hibiscus flour.lour >> look at that. that. virgin mark rita over here. >> wahoo! >>
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