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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  February 24, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> a stunning twist to deadly altercation a teenager was shot and killed during a dispute and police say his mother pull the trigger. chilling cellphone video of a shootout in the middle of a d.c. street. two officers shot and one suspect dead. >> it's crazy i stepped in and witnessed the whole thing. >> the latest on
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>> and plus stopping street harassment it's a problem in the district. one council member is introducing legislation to end unwanted advancing in the nation's capital. >> developing right now, hikers made a grizzly discovery along the potomac in maryland. i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm sarah simmons. >> tony has the night off. >> police say they spot aid woman's body near the popular billy goat trail. laurean is live from great falls with the latest on this story. lauren. >> reporter: sarah, shawn, it was a beautiful day out here as i'm sure you're aware and someone walking a long the billy goat trail saw what they thought was a child in the water and that's how the 911 call originally wentz out. the montgomery country swift water rescue team and helicopter from u.s. park police responded and they did pull a body from the river here. but it turns out it was body of an adult woman. the medical examiner office will determine the cause of death and police wer
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out exactly who that woman was. and whatever the scenario they're asking we take the time to remind you about the dangers of the potomac river. the current is often much stronger than it appears on the surface and if you take a look at this, on the left of your screen the scene last june after bodies of two men were recovered over grawlal falls of a span of several days they wept missing 20 miles north of here. on the right the scene from last august when a man that didn't know how to swim was wading in the shallow water near great falls and was swept awayen his body was found days later and a photo from october after a woman fell into the water from virginia side and rescued by helicopter and had life-threatening injuries. again while we don't note exact circumstances that ed up to a woman being found here in the water today a reminder that both swimming and waiting are prohibited at great falls and for good reason. that's the latest here back to you in the
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>> all right now to a disturbing story in prince george county a mother is accused of shooting and killing her son last night in the clinton home. police tell us ankle leak chase and 17-year-old son christopher perry got into an argument over foul language and video games and then things got physical she grabbed a revolver and shot her son once in the chest and he died at the hospital. police charged her with second degree murder and they have upped the charge to first degree murder. >> during the course ever the dispute they found evidence that may indicate that the suspect had in mind to engage in this activity. and instead of being in a heat of the moment type environment. >> meaning it may have been pre-med tated it may have been but that's still under investigation right now. >> that's the reason why you would change the charts charge from second to first. >> that's correct. >> and -- was a senior at grace christian school moran a dozen
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house after school and left throughers. >> developing tonight an investigation is underway to figure out who shot two d.c. officers in north east. and they're not sure how the officers got hurt. we have video from a witness and part of altercation between a man and police. we want to warn you the video may be difficult to watch. lindsay watts has the story. >> and you can hear someone yelling shots fired. the suspect is already down on the ground then, three gun shots, one of the officer's involved falls and more officers arrived running towards their two injured colleagues and wounded suspects. >> it was crazy i stepped in and witnessed the whole thing. >> darren watson recorded the video. before this he saw the suspect walking down the street and police in unmarjd car he showing up to arrest him. >> he was fidgety and walking and looked back mt and len
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because that is it who he was looking at. >> suspect tried to get ai and ended in struggle. >> they told him stop resisting. >> he heard the suspect fire off a gun five to seven shots and police gave us this picture from the semi-automatic weapon. that's when he started recording. the three gun shots in the video are from the foyvr shooting the suspect. >> he was on his tom ak and i still moving and they had to do what they had to do because i don't know if he had a gun on him or under him i'm glad the police officers was fine and you know they had to do what they had to do. and peter says this is not the only video officers both activated body cameras before the foot pursuit began. >> it's up at mayor to release that gotage. >> it would be my recommendation to her that we should. >> monsig
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>> lynn lindsey watts fox local news. >> and we're cooling down for the day now. this was a day to remember. take a look at georgous sky fox captured that this evening. and got into the 70s it's outstanding but the temperatures cool off a little more this weekend quep the question is how cool will we get. >> the reality check the season that's where we should be with temperature. >> wonderful day today. take a look at daytime highs hit into the mid to upper 70s. nobody is complaining about this. it definitely felt like a wonderful spring day outside very mild. little on preezy side. other than that i'm sure nobody was complying and it's not bad tonight either. right now, 5 at quantico and 61 in the nation's capitol and 63 mannasas and at gaithersburg and we've got 67 degrees at
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and 65 martinsburg. we have a frontal system coming our way and strong front sets us up for thunderstorms tomorrow we're march a marginal rick of severe weather for saturday afternoon. so be aware of that. i do recommend you get out early and get anything done you need to before this start to kick in tomorrow and with the weekend forecast, we're going to see cooler conditions on your sunday because behind that front we have a real sharp influx of pretty cold air headed our way. saturday, scattered storms and sunday will be much cooler and 73 on your saturday but 51 on your sunday and overnight tonight we're talking 58 with clouds and into the too bad. as i said things will cool down and tomorrow is action day. warm and unsettled with a chance of storms. your full forecast coming up in a bit. back to you. >> a d.c. elementary school dealing with rodent and bed bug problem set to reopen monday.
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cleaning savoy elementary. they forced to shut down three weeks ago to help the problem. there will be an on house so the public can see the class rmz and chief of schools is expected to talk to the media. >> also in the district d.c. mayor announces a big financial boost for city public school system, 6 mirlon in new investments will be used to the new school year and it will expand extracurricular activity and science and college and career support. >> we made a tremendous investment in public education and we don't equate improving offerings or choices or schools with dollars alone. and so we are making sure that we're looking at all the different things chancellor talked about but these -- this is a discrete area three discrete areas where we make new investments. >> and the mayor says investments mark 8th year in a row of expanded report for d.c. st
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and lude. this city law maker says cat calls on city streets are out of control. what she's doing about it tonight. >> and this waitress accused her customer of leaving racist note on bill but he says she made it up and he has proof. so, what really happened here. >> and 15 minute recess enough time for elementary school aged children and a virginia mom says it's not. we'll have details on why she's pushing for more play time straight ahead when fox news at 10 returns.
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cat call on city streets district workers owe could be a thing ever the fast past i city workers could mandate all employees to undergo street harassment training and if they get caught harassing others in public they would have to face the consequences. tisha lewis is live in forth west with this. >> tisha. >> the so-called cat chael is brain child of
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-er isyes of personal confrontations led to this legislation propose to poseal. it could happen anywhere high risk areas swrawkz, public transportation settings and construction zones city streets are filled with familiar sounds. cat calls may not be one of them. >> i don't do that. but i do feel like you know people do, especially workers that do construction need nor training. >> in the district counsel ill member has their way all z.c. workers will undergo extensive training about harassment including cat calls in public. >> if we can train all of them on what's appropriate conduct and how to be good, helpful bystanders then we have army of people in the city looking out and helping create safe spaces. >> brianna doe introduced proposal this week. her personal experiences are fueling the legislation. >> walking down 16th street and being harassed by a government worker on duty in un
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commuting every day on the metro, every block i would be harassed. one days was walking to work in professional attire somebody commented i asked them not do that and response was well if you don't want us to comment why do you dress like that. i was on the metro one day standing on the platform an a man asked me for my number and i said no and he actually spat on me. >> it says women, minorities and lgb. it community is most vulnerable for the harassment. >> i lived in d.c. 15 years and since i moved here i had the experience of being harassed on the street pretty much everywhere i go. i know i'm not alone. >> the proposed street harassment legislation was introduced to the d.c. council on tuesday from there it goes to hearing and before going to the council for a full vote. all of that happens this year. tisha lewis, "fox5 local news". >> certainly never fun when you walk down the street and people say why are
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like that if you didn't want the attention. >> i can't believe we have to talk about that these days. apparently we do. >> thank you, tisha. >> now to a "fox5" follow up to a story we told you about last month. a waitress klamd a customer stiffed her on a stipulate and now that customer hired a lawyer and said the serve made the story up. someone in the restaurant forged signature and he did in fact leave a note on the receipt that said, terrible service. in documents september to "fox5" by attorney there's a copy of customer receipt they claim has a different time stap. he they say it's proof the version of the racist note was reprinted later. this is what the waitress and owner told us last month when the incident allegedly happened. great service. don't tip black people. i was like what? what? shocked.
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like oh, wow, who would write this. >> i'm apaled. it's so disheart eping and my heart goes out to kelly and her family and friends. should never happen. never happen in over 40 years. >> the customer wants to remain anonymous. we also looked -- asked the restaurant for a response and have not received one yet. fairfax county school board members are reacting to president trump reversal after obama error the white house says the president trump believes the policy regarding transgender restrooms should be decided at the state level. fairfax country added gender identity to non discrimination policy. right now it appears the school tim will state course even though the feds are going in a different direction. >> i have heard from students that have expressed concerns but i put
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yesterday our board put out a message saying we are not going to be backtracking any time soon. >> for us does not have much of an impact in fairfax country and we have state attorney general that ruled well have the legal authority to you have protections. >> well the supreme court may actually have final say on this one and justices will hear arguments on a case from central virginia next month and a ruling could come in june and that could settle the transgender restroom debate once an for all. >> we have a follow up for last month a mother's quest to get recess extended in all elementary schools in prince william county. and barbara hosted a town hall meeting where woodbridge. right now children get 15 minute for recess. larimore want to see the time doubled. supporters of extended recess spoke out along with chairman ryan soyrz. >> we phoned through studies the more exercise the children gets they better they do on academ t
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success. >>. >> chairman sawyer says the change in recess will not happen immediately. and he says he will see what he can do but that the state may full actually have a over this. >> talk about a brush of fate. >> my plane went down on side of the hill somewhere i'm not sure where i am. >> yep that man stayed calm when his small plane made unexpected landing in maryland. we'll tell you how he managed to do it next at 10. and as we head to break, here is a check in on former national zoo resident bao bao there. seems she is still adjusting to her new surroundings in china but i don't think she's having too hard of a time she's uchewing on bamboo. happenedlers say she is
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troubles snrsing commands since they're not in english and she's not used to the diet and chinese style bread. she'll eptser the giant panda breeding program when five or six (vo) what if this didn't have to happen? i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford.
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more than a car, it's a subaru.
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>> for the first time we're hearing the 911 call after a pilot was forked to make a hard landing in prince george county nearly three weeks ago. girlald had taken offer from the potomac air field when taken off from the single engine plain and despite what happened kemton was pretty calm what called for help. >> i'm in a plane crash. my braen went down i'm on the side of a hill somewhere but not sure where i am. >> okay. >> all right. >> small plane. >> initially rescuers had trouble finding and he was able to
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he suffered cuts to head and trauma to chest. kevin was flown to a hospital for treatment and he is experienced pilot from road island he was in maryland for a visit. >> caught on camera tonight a frightening accident on the season bermuda at american cup crew member fell off a catamaran from the images on board you can see him tumble into the water and barely missed rutters and was not hurt. >> a bizarre story a florida man told police his dog shot his girl friend in the leg. take a look that is brian murphy with girlfriend there she's covered up you cannot see her face. murphy was asleep in their home when they took the dog for a lailingt night wawkt when he came back the dog -- he says he saw a flash and heard a bang and apparently the dog jumped on the night stand where he left the begun and it went off. fortunately his girlfriend was not siri list hurt. >> maybe keep the gun in a safer place perhaps. >> trump
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ban. several rights lawyers say the government list of people detained in the hours after travel ban went into effect is inago rat andp times more people were detained than trump administration claimed. what they're doing to help those people who say they were unjustly held.
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>> we're back now with tonight's top stories. we begin on maryland side of great falls park where a body was found in the potomac river today. someone walking a long the popular billy goat trail notice whad they thought was child's body in the water and called
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swift water rescue team responded and pulled an adult woman's body from the water she's not been identified. medical examiner is working to determine the cause of death. a mother is in jail tonight accused of shooting and killing her son last night in their clinton home. prince george county police say angelique chase and 17-year-old son christopher got into an argument over foul language and video games and they say she grabbed a gun and shot her son in the chest and she's now facing first degree murder charges. >> and a virginia waitress accused her customer of leaving a racist note on the bill last no and now that customer hired a lawyer and since the server made the story up. the man's attorney claimed someone in the restaurant forged his signature and the receipt has a different time stamp proving version of racist note was represented later. no word from the restaurant. >> pretty nice day today. temperatures well above the seasonal average. it seemed like it was another spring day in february. we hit
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three airports. very, very pleasant and hopefully you got to enjoy it. 61 right now and increasing clouds for tonight. also i cannot rule out a little fog. so, be aware of that. whipped pushing in from the south at 9 miles an hour and they're a little gusty in some neighborhoods. right now elsewhere 63 mannasas and same gaithersburg and we have 58 quanitco and 6 fredericksburg this hour and very warm 65 mar continuesburg and 67 hagerstown. and so speaking about what's happening terms of clouds they're increasing tonight and all ahead of a frontal system creating storms out to the west. that is headed our way and that's exactly what we're going to see as we get through into saturday. is a chance of seeing some thunderstorms. so i recommend you get out early in the day to do whatever you need to do. storm prediction center has us under a marginal risk for severe weather and on the backside of that frontal system we're going to get reality folks. back to
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should have for this time of year and even colder as colder air starts to move in. so here's a look at what we're talking about for the weekend then, 73 for your saturday and 51 for your sunday little bit cooler and your fox 5 accuweather 7-day forecast showing you more showers by the time we get to tuesday and then it starts to warm up all over begun a roller coaster temperature ride. i'll have more details in a bit. back to you. >> civil rights lawyers are challenging the accuracy of the government's list of people detained as part of president trump travel ban. justice text was ordered to hand over the list of the 746 people detained and processed in 6 hours after federal judge in brookyln blocked part of that executive order. that figure was 7 times more than the 109 people the president first claimed were held for he questioning and civil rights lawyers believe the list may be longer and they know of ten people wrongly detained and names were not included.
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jigsaw puzzle with pieces scattered aund ro the world the government has that puzzle together and could disclose tomorrow if they wanted to. >> a judge ordered civil right lawyers and attorneys to work together. president's revised travel ban is expected sometime next week. and remember we are getting the bad ones out. these are bad dudes. we're getting the bad ones out. >> president trump was met with a room full of supporters today when he spoke at the conservative political action conference at national harbor and the president took that opportunity to speak but owe what he calls fake news and dishonest media. bob barnard reports. >> arriving right on time and sounding all his familiar themes president donald trump had a standing-room-only crowd of conservatives in the gay lord ballroom of national
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harbor for 50 minutes. >> we'll cut wasteful spending. we will promote our values. we will rebuild our upper cities. and we will bring back our jobs and our dreams. >> president started his speech and spent a great deal of time blast what he calls fake news and dishonest media. i'm against the people that make up story request and make up sources and they had you not be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name let their name be put out there. >> bust just moments earlier at the white house two of the president's seen or aids spoke to reporters about the fbi russia investigation insisting their names not be revealed. >> are don't mind bad storiesfy deserve them and i tell you i love good stories. sdpr president trump promised
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care of veterans and reduce taxes on the middle class one by one we're checking off the promises we made to the people of the united states one by one. lot of promises. >> what is it about this president that makes you come here today to make you support him so much. >> one thing he speaks plain english anybody can understand him he's not a politician. >> he speaks to the middleman in american. i foal like americans are not heard. >> ass a businessman i felt he was the guy that could turn our country around. >> conference here continues tomorrow and for all intents and purposes the show is over. at national harbor, bob barnard, "fox5 local news". >> a woodbridge virginia man will spend next 11 years in prison don't for trying to help isis. a federal judge handed that sentence today. he pleaded guilty last october to charges he tried to pro
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several support to terror group. el hassan planned with joseph ferok to travel from the united states to syria to fight with isis. >> democratic party is set to cart a new course. und had reds of party leaders are in atlanta and will vote for new party chairman tomorrow. the race appears to be between two men tom peres and minnesota congressman ellison and she was early supporter of brpy sanders and popular with the liberal base and tom peres served as sikt in obama administration and more than a decade ago elected to the montgomery count why you council. >> touching way children from our area are remembering doctor martin luther king jr. during plaque history month. another day another record for stocks the dow in the red most of the day on friday and then finally turn around in the final minutes of trading closing at record high in case you're koupd counting now for
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meantime cold warm is not keeping home buyers on the sidelines. home sales rising 4% in january with mortgage rates higher to start the year. and fewer shoppers will be hitting jcpenney meanwhile and theory retailers is closing hundreds of stores over offering environmentally retirement buyout for 6,000 workers and fruit tour mom's and dads are choosing dollars over diapers for now according to new survey 0% of men and women overage of 25 are putting all plans to start a family focusing on careers instead and earning and saving enough money to provide for their brood. i'm neal cab outta a. that's business
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take a look at these barbeque trophies: "best cracked pepper sauce" "most ribs eaten while calf roping". yep. greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? uh, yea, well, uh... well, there's this one. "best insurance mobile app"? yep, three years in a row. well i'll be! does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy. the award-winning geico app. download it today.
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>> today d.c. public school students did the exact same thing it's the 13th year in a row they honored dr. king legty this way. >> dr. king's dream has come true in so many ways but we realize our work is not yet complete. now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sand of racial injustice to solid rock of brotherhood. now is the time to make justice a reality for all of god's children. i have a dream that one
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this nation will rise up to the truth meaning of its creed and i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia the sons of former slaivrz and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the stable of brotherhood. >> i have a dream that one day even the state of mississippi a state sweltering with the heat of injustice and heat of oppression will be transformed to oasis of freedom and justice. i have a dream that one day my children will live in a nation there they will not be judged by color of their skin but by content of character and i have a dream today. >> let freedom ring from california. >> let freedom ring. >> god almighty let freedom last. ♪
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i have a dream, freedom♪ walking hand-in-hand to the promise land♪ let freedom ring♪ let freedom ring♪ >> that was grade. >> the enthusiasm you guys did a spec tack awe lar job. what a perfect day for them to be out there too. >> i loved hearing their voices saying those words that are just that everybody remembers and so it's good job. good job. >> and good job photographer nelson jones shot that and put that piece together. nelson, great job. >> very powerful
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we'll be right back. >> first though the wrestling matt has long about a male dominated domain. one group is trying to change that wrestle like a girl showing that girls can grapple too. brody logan has that story coming up. >> liver on facebook and earn cash the site will pay us use he's for live stream streaming and before you do it there's a catch. we'll sprain at 11.
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>> if you're looking to land a new job you have to sit through an interview. >> and some are more interesting than others. sometimes people can throw out head scratchers. glass door collected a few. one interviewer asked this during space x ier
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hot dog expands which direction does it split and why. >> i would not think it splits the same every time. he don't know if that's the wrong answer or not. >> drop box interviewer asked if you're ceo what are the first three things you check about the the business when you wake up. >> that's a good one. >> that's a good one. >> i'm not sure i know all the apps to that one. >> and interviewer at trader joe's asked this. what would do you if you found a penguin in the freezer. >> turn around and run. how would a penguin get in a freezer. >> that's a good question. >> what would you -- you know what a lot of times i think they want to see how much personally you have. >> or how you can think on your feet. >> rescue the penguin. i don't know. >> job applicants should be be prepared to answer odd ball questions like you married they should be ready to answer basic or common interview questions like why do you want to work here on what's your experience. sometimes we don't think about the obvious ones.
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questions the last time you were on a job interview. >> actually you know what i don't think i did. i really can't remember they might have said what do you feel about april in february weather. >> we love it. >> i know that's exactly what we had today. tonight we had clouds rolling in and i can't rule out fog. but you know what the clouds are nothing compared to the nice mild conditions we've been having and mild again tonight as well. so, bit of fog and clouds. saturday starts dry and warm and then everything will change. we have thunderstorms to talk about and pretty strong cold front moving its way in on saturday and lind that some cooler air oh, yes. the winter cold air is going to return. just when we thought we had a good break. here's a look at highs today, 77 both reagan national airport and dulles and bwi thorough good marshall kicked in 74 and temperatures once again well above seasonal and very warm right now at 58 right now
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haag rz town and i really still can't believe that for this hour. 65 martinsburg and we have 57 annapolis and 59 leonardtown. still mild night. not bad at all. i want to show you national map. you will see a real, really distinctive dividing here up and down the mid atlantic to southeast temperatures in the 60s now. if you take a look here it cools down and gets colder and this is all behind the strong cold front that is headed our way. so, it kind of goes without saying i think that we're going to end up getting this colder air following that cold front and that is exactly what's going to happen as we start to really cool down behind that frontal system. and once it does move through. and in the meantime your overnight lows into the 50s and 60s and mild and winds are from anywhere from 3 to 13 miles an hour now sustained and with that frontal system tomorrow expect to see gusty winds. he
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its way through ohio. storms firing up and that is the same system that will be bringing us rain showers and storms for saturday. it will be warm ahead of that, however, we'll head into the 70s and then it moves in and showers and thunderstorms ridge of high pressure behind it and very cold and windy conditions expected. so get out early on saturday. and future cast showing us i about the time we get to about the 10, 111:00 hour we see things filling in and moving towards the i 95 corridor. here's 2 in the afternoon and after four on the backside that cold are air will cause snow showers over the mountains and higher elevations. so your planner for tomorrow, then, midday, about 70 and not bad by the time we hit the 4:00 hour expect to see active weather and 57 overnight tonight however and the clouds moving in and your daytime high tomorrow includes southerly winds from 5 to 10 but once again expect to see those thunderstorms. here's a look at 7 day forecast for you. it cools down
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all back up again and we're into the 0s by monday night behind that system and back up to the 60s age 50s and we have a roller coaster 7 day happening all over again. and back to you. >> and thank you. gwynn. well the redskins front office cold shoulder is beginning to thaw according to reports the team engages representative from free agents and kirk cuz ins at next week scouting combine. we may get some actual news on the contract. if they don't sign pierre and desean remember him. this is video posted today working out at redskins park. docksunday missed both most of the 2015 injury because of achilles injury. >> buckaneers quarterback jameis winston is telling girls in school to be silent and gentle. one group is showing middle school girls from the
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they're strong and tough as middle school count are parts. they hosted clinics wrestle like a girl instrucking girls and boys together on fundamentals of olympic style mat wrestling. two women ran girls through droylz show girls can grapple too. >> school wrestle is not a varsity sport and we want our kids access to all different sports this is fist step and making sure our kids have the opportunity to wrestle and what amazing way to do that kicking it off with beat the streets and wrestle like a girl and two olympia ans are here teaching our kids how to wrestle. >> i'm a three time world olympia an in wrestling and we have two time medalist and also the organization founders sally roberts for wrestle like a girl which is awesome org station. >> wrestling is foremen and women
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opportunity get an education. i could pursue my education get my degree and move on and it was an outstanding opportunity for me to train in the individual sport. it's option for both men and women to go and exel in the combat sport. >> i think an important part of clinic like this is also the boys with getting taught by olympic wrestling women and they can see there's a tough female role model they can auto look up to as well. female wrestlers helen from maryland won the first usa gold medal in wrestling at the rio olympics. there's tall ement in female wrestling there. >> did you graph well them. >> i did not. they were too touch for me you. >> know your limits right? >> i know i have older cousins who did wrestling and they would put me in weird pretzel twists and almost break my army have had my fill of real wrestlers. >> all right. thank you, brody. >> it is biggest night of the year in
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academy awards will be held this sunday night and kevin mccarthy has oscar gold prediction for us next on "fox5"news
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>> hollywood biggest night is almost here and academy what wards willing handed out sunday in los angeles. for movie fans this is like super bowl weekend. just like super bowl almost nothing is guaranteed. kevin mccarthy is showing his predictions for major categories. >> hey, everybody, it's kevin mccarthy here to give you oscar predictions for sunday night i'm super excited about this this is my super bowl i watch over 100 films a year and it all comes down it to this even though number one fill of of 2016 ""dead pool"" still rocking the socks
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tuxedo on i'll wear it surprised watching the show. let's go through major productions in the six major categories you can tweet with me kevin mccarthy st. v and first up best director damian shazel this filmmaker is genius directed "la la land" and he should win for this category. opening shot alone of this movie on the expressway is genius as the people are dancing on cars and singing and movie is brilliant from many, many aspects shot in 35 millimeter and fantastically acted by emma stone and ryan gosling and gosling learned to play the piano for the film. and comes to a wide shot and you actually see ryan plague. it's really cool. next up supporting actor and i love the movie moonlighting it was top five of 016 rehe hersal
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ali i believe will win this he's amazing actor he was in house of cardsment for me lucas hedges actor from manchester are by the sea is really more defining supporting character i think the actors that played shyron deserve to be nominated as well lucas hedges deserved to win. it would give "moonlight" one oscar win there for phenomenal movie by barry jenkins and next up best supporting actress and this category is a lot of viola davis is brilliant in fences and played character on stage and played character notice film which is directed by denzel washington amazing in the movie and by august wilson is screen play and incredible performance from viola davis. when you get to the ending and she has a breakdown sequence it's unbelievable to watch that moment
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strong performance and i loved watching that to me she was very much a leading character which i why i think she deserve this award and supporting category for sure. next up best actor. this is where it gets interesting. acting category tough to predict this year. if you asked me a couple months ago i would say casey aleck is main one to go to for definite win. i think denzel takes the win and deserves the win and he's fantastic in the film and he ekt drda it but gives a power house performance in the movie and i think he deserves to win. do not be surprised if casey aleck sneaks in there. next up best actress another category extremely hard to predict. leading up to award season natalie portman in jackie i thought he would win and everybody changed when isabel hupara one for elle and emma stone won for "la la land" at the saga wards. it could be any of these actors. be
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for sure. i think emma stone everybodys is it. she was phenomenal and personal and singing and dancing it's beautifully directed she became this character and you could feel the emotion from her real life coming through the perform apps as well. emma stone is my pick for best actress and timely best picture "la la land", 14 nominations tied for most nominations of all time with "all about eave" and "tie tantic" it's a masterpiece it is it makes you fall in love with cinema gene and makes you remember why you love going to the movies so much. >> tweet us tonight and let us know what you think about the oscars in and your nominations. please send them my way. i'm kevin mccarthy, "fox5 local news". >> got any favorites you know not necessarily favorites but i think kevin has it dead on a lot of them app i hope viola davis does win it. i think she deserves it. >> powerful performance. >>


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