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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  March 1, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST

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only at my giant. ♪♪ straight ahead, president pt trump strike agnew tone. ton >> why not join forces and finally get the job done and get it done right. rig [ applause ] >> the commander in chiefhi delivering his first address toe a joint session of congress andd laying out an ambitious plan fof the next four years. >> dying industries will come roaring back to life. induso lie heroic veterans will get the g t care they so desperately need. . our military will be given the
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resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. >> democrats, not convinced.vinc >> real leaders strengthen. they unify. they partner and they offer real solutions instead of ultimatums and blame if this morning we'll have highlights and reaction tii the president's speech and whata comes next. marcuming in like a lion. temperatures today near record territory. but severe storms could be close behind. tucker has the must forecast. and later, tag, you're it. kirk cousins making nfl historys weren't exclusive franchise tag. what the designation means for f the quarterback and his future r in the burgundy and gold. g good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ all right. 9:01 is the time. welcome to good day dc yourc y future starts right now much this is wednesday, march 1st.
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wisdom martin along withlong maureen, holly and steve. sve >> another black eye for one much its executives caught t on camera lashing out at a ot iviver. what he's saying about thebohe confrontation this >> first we have to talk about the weather.the we could see near record highig temperatures today but that tha spring like feeling comes withot the risk for severe storms. for details tucker joining usniu live live with first check ofe i the forecastth. >> yeah, we're hoping we getingt temperatures up -- well hoping p we're thinking we'll get wll g temperatures up into the mid 70s later today.od. unfortunately that's just going to be fuel forth our storm systm which we're watching off to theo west and i'll show you here on e satellite picture, but alreadyla big concern because we've seenee history of producing very vy violent winds and tornadoes anda lots of damaging hail as well. w 62 now in washington.asng off to a very tropical start out there. it feels like we're in thels lie middle of spring.'rle of spring 63 in quantico. 63 manassas.s look at fredericksburg alreadygr 65 degrees. so temperatures well abovel abo normal to start your morning ifi we hit 75, our temperatures thii
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25 degrees above normal. so there's your fuel. strong gusty southerly and southwest winds out there earlyr this morning that's pumping in n lot of tropical moisture andstua that's going to be our fuel here as it clashes with cooler andr a drier off to the north and westw that's the result. the you can see the showers and thunderstorms that have beenhaee able to maintain themselvesves overnight. tornadoes watches, severeesse thunderstorms watches out to ouo west and this whole complex will be marge to the east here during the early afternoonth he ours. we think -- most concerned about a line of thunderstormsndst developing up ahead of this of t front that will poe in a littlel later today.. so tornado risk not out of the question.qution. our primary concern gusty windss we could see winds gusting along that front 50 even 60 miles an e hour and remember last saturday we had a lot of hail across thes area. we could do that again today. so not wintry forecast for thetr first of march. very spring like forecast but it
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concerned about the stormsd abor moving in.m we're not the only ones.yne storm prediction center put usrt under enhanced risk for severeoe weather across the area.a. again the timing on this betweee about 12:30 if you're off to tht north and west, two, 3:00 o'clock right through thecr district and then if you'reife little further south and east e whole thing should be out ofldoo here by 4:00 o' by here's the forecast.orast 76. those temperatures enjoying them this morning this afternoon youu won't want to be out in the t ot storms. storms developing this afternoor guys. plenty more.tyore. look at future cast together an time out the storm coming up.. i'll toss it back to you >> the big story at 9:00 president donald trumpsidel changing the tone.changing t today he's going to meet witho w congressional leaders one day after delivering his firstir speech to joint session of of congress. it was ambitious address asress well. outlining his agenda for theg hn year ahead includadi fng his bib push for comprehensivepren immigration reform. fox's doug luzader has highlights and reaction from democrats. >> reporter: it was a late l night here on capitol hill.apit. what we really saw last night ng was a restrai
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still pushing forward with a a controversial agenda but alsoo calling for unity. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states! sta [ applause ] >> reporter: president trumpside make his way down the house h aisle for the first time. tim there were friendly he candlhe changes along the way but it was clear through the night thatig a this was a house divided. dided still there was a powerfulfu emotional moment that drew bothh sides together. honoring corrine owens the widow of navy seal ryan owens killedld in yemen just a month ago. >> ryan's legacy is edged intod eternity. thank you. thank yo [ applause ] >> reporter: honoring owensorino would be a rare show of unity,ty though.though. many democratic women wore whitr in opposition to trump a nod tod the suffer ratch movement and the president launched into hiss agenda eventually coming to c border security.ury >> we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.e [ applause ] >> rep
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room was clear. car but on this issue, immigrationti trump signaled new willingnessii to find a comprehensive solution involving a path to citizenship. he also touted an infrastructure rebuilding program but his pushs to repeal obama care won a w thumbs down from democrats.. >> so why not join forces andnd finally get the job done and geg it done right? r [ applause ][ apse >> reporter: unravelingg signature democratic program inr congress will not be easy and delivering the democratic docra response last night formerme kentucky governor steve beshearh a big booger of obama care fromf a state trump won. won. >> we democrats are going to dot everything in our power to keepk president trump and the republican congress from reneging on that commit many. m and that is going to be the reae challenge ahead for presidentnt trump and republican leaders inn coming up with a plan to repeall and replace obama care.are in washington, doug luzade,
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fox news. >> let's dig deeper. the president's speech gotten high marks from marks on both sides of the aisle.sides of some abused the president from m stark contrast on what he says e want he does.s. we want to talk to hadad a fox5 political contributor and also gop strategist gianna caldwellaw both join us this morning. mni hadad i want to start with you u want to look at the big picturec right now. on-going battle between b president trump and as he refere to it as the media.ed a lot of the members of theembes media and publications that hadh been attacked by the presidentrn were actually quiet kind inind i response to the speech lastpeecl night. what's your take?ake? >> exactly. i think a lot of the media t eoo it as the most presidential houh and few minutes that trauma tra donald trump has had in his 40 day or so presidency, because he kind of laid off a lot of these trivial attacks that hee specifically reference to do only made one reference to theoe media and it was pretty mundanea compared to what he's beenee talking about in the past he th just said the media doesn't dsn
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just the people he's speaking to, people he's trying to work w for to get jobs and health carer and things like that. so this is probably going to beo one every the best days forsor president trump thus far in hish presidency.. >> gianna i see you nodding youy head on the side. on th side. let's bring you into thes br conversation one of thingssa brought up was the tone ofti thf message last night.mee la we heard from the west wing andd administration before theni address that it would bestra a softer tone.on more of a message to themeto the american people perhaps than the bait. orfective or not. >> very much effective. i got to tell you someone who vo defended president trump where e believe appropriate key word ite believe the appropriate for f almost two years one of the onet couldn't stan questions i stan s continue to receive will he be e presidential? will he do this?? will dough that.ght. >> good news for the viewers ats home which was he fhasor finaly hit that pivot point he ise i actually being presidential andl i felt that this speech reminded me of two figures, one being b ronald reagan and another beingi president obama for a couple cou different reasons.. one, director quote for him, fresh him. fre i'm here tonight to deliver a
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message deeply delivered from mf heart. we've heard from that presidentp obama who speaks from the hearta on constankst basis f. bas. another quote from him. him new chapter of america greatnest is now beginning. n beg a new national pride is sweeping across our nation and a neww surge of optimism macing impossible dreams farley withini our grasp.sp we are witnessing today the the renewal of american spirit. spii i think given new york city yorc complimentary towards his speeco want i hope to see is progressgr just from the actual rhetorictoi the conversation the speech t itself and we see a continuatiot of this. folks like myself who defend him can be very proud of what he'sth doing moving forward.orrd >> jianne know let me stick youw on that point as you said l you defended when appropriate.ropr right now lot of the question io and what we've heard from some m people on at least thehe democratic side of the aisle isi what they saw last night, they can it seemed more presidential.more it seemed more talking to theo whole, not just the base. so what is the president do noww moving forward? does he have tv continue along this line ofline rhetoric or if he goes back toac
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seen for the last month or so ir he going to now suddenly, younly know, last night won't matter as much? much >> if you looked at his twitterr yesterday you would have sawy that hyoe hadn't tweeted ineted probably about 24 hours. hrs so we see that he's laid off thf twitter a little bit. i'm hopeful from that this t speech and of course he has toas send a budget to congress andgr work with both parties to come m together for some compromises oo immigration, obama care and aara number of other litany of otherf issues, i'm hoping that it'shat' going to be unified messageied s moving forward.rd to be honest with you, when he's attacked folks in thisolks in profession the media, the press which i thought was inn i appropriate on every level, we have to unify and that even e comes to, you know, notnow, n necessarily attacking the press. >> hadad let me bring you back in on that point.n thatoint. obviously the press willouthe ps continue to cover the presidente differently now, make any make y changes based on last night,tig more aware perhaps twos what wee can look for? is it more of tht president we saw last nightwe si versus the president we sawnt ww before last night? how doesowoe this relationship continue now n in the future?ure >> well i'm sure most of theostt media will hope the relationshit will be a li
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acrimonious than it was befores and not that the immediate yesia will stop somehow covering the e administration in a tough manner but at least we don't have thesw constante attacks actually medm to be fearful for think their t actual safety when you have ayov president calling them the meann of the american people.eo i do think that the media rightd now is trying to look and seend will this continue? was this aa quick phase? was it just forusr show? because what donald trumt might say versus what he might t do, that's what a lot of people will be looking for.wie looking also a lot of what he was bringing up in the speech costsc a lot of money and some of it of are things that the republicans have his own arty have been havb railing against for a long time a lot -- the infrastructure, ala those things will cost a lot ofo money immediately looking to seo if they actually start gettingti any of those things started, ana whether there's going to beoinge fight between republicans.ublica a family fight over how this get done. >> jianne know final word one that topic right now one of thee things we've heard again fromino even within the republican partp they want details.ant dai they don't want these broadhe b
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take action and move thingsove i through congress they want tocoe hear details president. can he deliver there. >> we know donald trump ran a uncons sense al race leading up to the white house.ouse. he's ban populous candidate and politician, president we knowan he's notpr an i'd yo log he's l' going to look at america from f the scope of what's going to beo american first, what's going to help americans and i recognize e the fact that this will costl c money. we recognize that and we want to run a lean and conservativeseat government to degree and we see he's looking to cut departmenten budgets i think some estimated about 20 to 30% in some cases. for certain departments. so the money has to come fromcom somewhere and i'm hopeful he'lll work with the republicans in congress to get this done and ww can keep it as conservative asia possible but, yeah, it will cosl some money for sure.ey fure >> all right. jianne know caldwell, hadadell,d gold, thanks for joining us this morning. we do appreciate it. >> thank you.we >> thank you. >> more fallout for the d er more fallout fo her over h comments about historicallytoril black colleges it comes at theee same time that howard universits is getting hit by raciall vanda
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allison will be back with allbat the details much threats >> later, sure sign of spring.g. a little bit later we'll fine wf out when the cherry blossomsoms will hit their peak want impactc all this warm weather could havh on the city's blossoms.. 9:13 is the time right now.htnow we're back in a moment.e n ♪♪ lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains
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>> 9:15 is the time right now.t and the president ended blackt n history month with an executive order designed to providede ah h boost to historically blackck colleges and universities acrose the president. >> he signed an executive order yesterday that would give them e more grants and set aside moreas federal cracks.a allison joining us now with morm on the impact and fallout fromm what we've been seeing on the se national and local levels. ls. al. >> maureen, thanks very much., h support it's ofanks v hvcu say i is -- they say this is a historic cal move for aor a president honor to be recognized for their efforts in education. dozens of hvac leaders join the president in the oval office onc tuesday where he signed off onfo that order to move hvcuvc initiatives from the department of education back to the white i house. there's the picture there.the. the president says this orderrd puts quote the full force of thf white house behind the hvcu's h' again.agn. but it does not come without wit local impact.ct. vandals struck at howardar university j
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president met with all of thosee leaders including how war's president wayne frederick, andnd the vandals spray painted messages like these aroundd campus. one message says, "welcome toomo the trump plantation over zerorz wayne ai frederick" frederick ii the president. he spray painted a secondd message, "stand for something or fall for something" at howardowr here local until washington.ash. the incident at howard comes asa the fallout continues ovary a made by education secretary s betsy devos who called historically black colleges thee quote real pioneers of school choice. her comments came after thaterha meeting at the white house. devos pack medical pedaled on o twenty eight saying providing an alternative op to studentstunt denied the right to attend a quality 62 is the legacy of hbcu. >> there are over 230,000 students enrolled inn historically black colleges and
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universities across the country. and i am a graduate of hbcu, hbc wisdom i know you are. are i was heart tendon by this moveo but i have to say the real person not the person up here ii have to think you just neverever know what president trump isntmi going to do. >> absolutely. >> you just never know where he's going to fall on an issue.a ill think that's wh oy an lot f people, you know, like this lik president.esid >> we talked about thisut ts yesterday. you know, people are saying, tot his credit he has taken on thiss issue.issu i know that april lion was oneao of the first who asked him about that one white house press briefing for this to become an issue maybe more funding for hbcu' as lot of them who are in financial perils.ncpe >> yes. >> they can definitely use it.di that's something they didn't ses the previous administration. >> exactly. >> fair is fair. call it out where you see>> it n both sides.ides clear example of that. that. >> that might be surprising tobe know the first african-ame sricn president wasn't necessarily a huge supporter of our hbcu's and this president coming out and saying that it's back at thek ae white house and the whi
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is giving hbcu's their full support. it's heartening. >> it is heartening.t >> thanks thank. >> 9:18 is our time. time. coming up, super bowl half time .equel. lady gaga taking over after beyonce' bows out of thehe coachella. we'll go live to tmz for all the details.detas. >> we'll check in to see what wt else is making hide lines. >> uber boss under fire after at fighting with a driver. dri suspect under arrest in a highh profile college kidnapping andgd later, what you're reallye rea getting when you order a chicken sandwich from top fast food fas chains. good day at 9a will be right back. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> time now 9:22. that means erin company smo back with a check of other stories making headlines this morning.> erines ts ?morn wisdom anrning, wisdom and goon morning to all of you.d goodg to we begin in th ae o mf idweyoste cleanup is underway following a deadly storm outbreak.. at least two people were killedl in missouri and illinois.ois. the powerful storms hit western missouri last night bringinging heavy rain, wind, hail andai a prompted tornado in illinois, a tornado did touchdown.. storm chasers captured tornado in the towns of ottawa, illinois about 80 miles outside ofde chicago.. storms also ripped through part of arkansas, indiana and ohioiai that storm system is now moving along the east coast and couldld bring severe weather to our region later today.
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you keep changing every dayd you keep changing.. >> hold on a second watch have e changed about black? b >> you changed the whole who business.siness. >> what? you drove the prices.i >> on black. >> twenty dollars.wenty doll >> started with $20. $20. >> uber ceo travis is apologizing for this moment momt caught on on in which he gets into an into argument with uber driver in san francisco.frano. in the video first obtained bydy bloomberg news, the driver accused him of lowering the price of rides in the video.ideo he pushes back at those claims.. but in memo to staffers he admit he needs to quote grow up. the man suspected of kid kidnapping a georgetown studentt in january has been arrested in seattle, washington. the fbi tracked down 34-year-old paul low rossi through a rentala car registered in pennsylvania.l police say he forced the victimm into a car along o street intn northwest and drove away.. the student was then forced withdrawalas
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atm's. amazon is blaming its ownwn server for a massive crash that impacted thousands of web sitesb and apps. it took amazon more than four f hours yesterday to get a hosting service back online. many companies rely on many maam son hosting for their web sitest and apps. as. amazon connected the problem pro back to one of its data centerss in northern virginia. and finally, when it comesom to your sandwich, chicken or soy? well if you get it fromtrm subway you may not have to choose. a report by canadian broadcastrt corporation is raising questiono about how much chicken isen is actually in chicken sandwichesae from fast food restaurants.. the study finds subway chicken n breast is only about halfalf chicken. the rest is soy. s someone way says the claims area false and that its chicken is 100% white meat. mea other results found that placese like mcdonald's and wendy's wens chicken was nearly 100% chicken. so that's a big talker today ono social media. i usually get
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from subway i don't have to worry about it. rrhow about you? >> you know it's not aho burgerr >> i don't go to subway.way. i haven't been there in awhile.l >> fair enough.r >> i feel like every subway sandwich teague tastes the samet no matter what you order.. >> the smell every subway restaurant smells the same. when i lived in tennesseent t se was one >> load up on veggies then.n. >> hopefully they're realre r veggies. >> i like to >> i think they are. tare >> captain kirk -- by the way iw didn't see the part of the ubere thing he blew up.p. >> i didn't either.itr >> i need to seat whole videoleo that seemed like they wered like just --just >> pretty calm. >> having a conversation.y calma >> yeah. >> any way captain kirk makingkk nfl history maybe not the kind he wanted but he'll take it to the bank. burgundy and gold give him the franchise tag again. what does it mean for kirk'sr k future in the nation's capitol.t we'll check in with fox5's grant paulsen coming you. >> a tale of two seasons we goeo live to the newseum whereo th officials are getting ready totd announce when the cherryy blossoms will hit peak bloom but tucker will be back with more on our
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storms. >> fresh at 10a, grammy award winner dionne warwick.wi. she's in town for series of shows at bethesda blues and jazj pperer club. first, though, she's sitting sig down with paul wharton to talk k about her life, career and whatt she thinks about today's singers remaking her music. mus that's coming up at 10:30. 1 right now 9:26. 9:2 we'll be right back. ♪♪ we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. z29pgz z16fz
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y29pgy y16fy
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♪♪ >> this week we have had some beautiful weatherweek w. perfect in fact for cherry bob barnard at the newseumum waiting for all the details on o the peak bloom the plans for the 2017 festival.esti is that pink on your tie today y oh, bob, or red. >> that's red.hat's red. we were just down to the tidalil basin in our last hour.our. very close.rylose you can see the green buds arese there and there's a hint of pink coming through as well.s w i know it's supposed to be,poseb what, maybe 80 degrees today any then getting i mean i don't think they knowty what's going on and neither do we because it's been warm, it'si going to be cool again. and so we're going at 10:30 herr at the newseum get the forecasts from the national park servicece and their chief horticulturistsr what day they think will be peap bloom. last year was march 25th. but the year before it was apri. the festival, the national cherry blossom festival startsl on the first day of principlencp march 20th and goes for about a four weeks joining the presidene
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good morning.orning >> good morning. >> thanks for being with the weather it's been we've had weekends and someome 70-degree days in mid februaryru just crazy how does that play tt into the planning for you guys y to tie the festival when then t cherry blossom bom >> does it matter to you howou this weather goes?er goe >> it matters so many peopleanyp make plans to be here during the festival, my entire career car they've always hit sometimes h during the festivalit planning.. so unless there's extreme ext situation we usually keep the k dates the same as you said marcd april.ap >> reporter: and like i i mentioned like last year theyhe had made a forecast. forecast. we were at that event last years and then shortly after they a te moved it up. move they pulled it up two weeks ande they actually peak on march 25th. but the year before it wa apr il 10th.pril0th so it's tough to know exactly iy terms of the trees when they'ren going to be blossoming.loom correct. >> you never know with mothernor nature but that's our job. but t our job is to keep people here e for four weeks. wee for a lot of fun, we have fouraf weeks amazing activities. dynamic exhibits,
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and there's so much to do. so come back a couple times.eim >> and the parade is what capshc it off? that's one of of highlights but can you hit usit with anything knew this year, y anything different that if tha i people are attracted to the the festival itself they'll findy' f different this year?erenthis y >> go to the website for sure.os get all the information.orma mares amazing exhibits with thei hershorn as you know, smithsonian, otto morrow is here as well a pink tie party kickstk off next week which could be,ld, you know, kicking out springg earlier than we >> today the park service is the getting do you know, have they shared -e i see the envelope going aroundo do you have a sense of what thea day is going to be? toe? >> i definitely have a sense ane via gag order.g o so you'll hear about it in a fef minutes.tes >> reporter: very cool. diana, thank you very much. v >> thank you. >> president of the nationaldent cherry blossom festival.ry blo that's one of the main thingsin we'll learn this morning, guys, when the national partiall rt service is predicting the peak k will be. again, it kind of changes every year. ye last year they made theey mad te prediction and then they had tot move it up twohe weeksn so we'l
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pass it on to you.ou >> no doubt. bob i hear theyo have two envelopes one for each side ofoa the stage? [ laughter ] >> you might be able to grab one e o of those. >> reporter: yeah it's not pricewaterhousecoopers someonehs else who got the tally going. >> we should good. goo >> we should be good to go. >> if there's way bob will findd it. thanks buddy.than 9:32 right now. tucker barnes checking inckg with our forecast. for it's warm. it the buds and confused. heck, we're confused. cfu >> in fact we're expectingng daytime highs near 75.r real quick. let's go to the main camera.ame. i want to show you something here quickly. he >> you need a name forre your y friend. >> i know what you guys are g thinking. a lot ofth similarities, right? >> no. n >> absolutely. >> that's exactly what i was thinking. >> that was your hair back in s ex college.s >> big head.yo big h >> yes. my smile was never that good,too though. the reason we got the lion because marcuming in like a lion any other year i'd be talking about winter weather.ab not this year we'oure talking ti about springtime storms asstor daytime highs are expected to be in the mid 70s and we got the ge strong line of thunderst
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just out to our west. w they have a history of producing tornadoes overnight and lots ofo damaging winds that kind ofng ws thing. here we go. 62 now in washington.hingn winds pumping in the tropical ta moisture south southwest at 21.. and that's big factor here as h we're getting a lot of energy eg for kind of juicing priming ourselves for strong stormstrono later today.te tod okay. coming through in two parts. round number one going to stay o just to our north, and to ourndo north and east here the nextere couple of hours.f ho this is the line we're concerned with. you can see leading edge therede of the cooler and drier airri arriving in the form oform o thunderstorms. and already severe thunderstorm watches, these red boxes areoxea tornado watches earlier we had d tornadoes reported in tennessees early this morning and this alll marching to the east.. so we may break out into a int little sunshine here lateerla morning.g that would actually not be goodo news for thus will fuel thehe storms later this afternoon.ron all right.ight. what are we looking at here? >> again very warm tropicalcal moisture notifying from there nf south, and our primary
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concern is gusty winds. winds. we can see winds gusting over 5a edge of cooler air arrives and s clashes with the warm tropicalti air overhead and again this isis not going to be all day eventayt but for a period of time hereeer this afternoon we could be cou rocking and rolling with veryh v strong storms. stos. there's future cast at noon.t n there we are at 2:00 o'clock ank again looking for that line ofeo thunderstorms to develop and iff it pushes off to the south and east, you guys in southernther maryland lower eastern shoreasho will get it later more likeik three or 4:00 o'clock thiso'cl afternoon. there we are at 2:30 and i justj want to mention that the worst r of it should be over by late byt this afternoon.fter we may have lingering showersnge but as far as the severe threatr we don't have think we'll havelh any more the rush hour. that's good news. eth will be a secondary ban of o storms and showers with thers we actual front that may moveay mov through later tonight that willw give us another round of lightft showers. there we are at 9:30 you can see those storms showers trying develop. seven day action packed weather. kevin talked about action packee vieses. he's got nothing on the weathera look at th
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fix today. t 56 tomorrow did i mention we w might wrap up the week with snow showers friday morning for the morning commute? um-hmm. i don't know why i made that t face. [ laughter ] >> saturday sunday, thanks forhf laughing holly.. saturday, sunday temp will w rebound.un feel like more for the weekend.d >> guys, that's the latest. i'll work on my lion pose.os back to you. >> don't think we didn't see tht 20s sneaking in there. >> cold. c blossoms will not love the 20s.. >> no.>>o. did that eyebrow thing.t. >> um-hmm.>> um >> thank you tucker barnes. bnes all right. 9:35 is the time right now.. tag, i'm it. that's the tweet that kirkhat ki cousins sent yesterday just j moments after news broke that be the redskins have slapped thed quarter become with the the exclusive franchise tag.hse t mark the first time in nflir tim history a team used the t franchise tag twice on the samem quarterback.terbac so what does the tag mean forn r cousins and his future with thew burgundy and gold? for detailsi we'll turn to fox5 redskins insider grant paulsen.nt paulsen good morning to you, grant. gra
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now, i just want to ask you this. if for some reason they don'thet give him a long-term deal endeal has to play under this franchisc tag at the end of that deal, isa there a scenario where he canreh get in his feelings and say, you know what, i'm going to punish s you by rolling out and going tot play with the 49ers? because that's where kyle shanahan is. my guy. >> absolutely there's a scenarin where that would play out. o i'd actually say him not being g in washington next year if her f does play on the tag this comigg season is more likely than not.n i don't really see a scenarioo where they would be able to get long-term deal done with kirk wi cousins next off season which ic why some around the league i'me' talking to would view this year as essentially a one-year rentat at about $24 million for kirk f cousins and that is why, wisdomo there's a lot of speculationlatn that they will dangle him in him trade talks right now. >> really? >> basically i was this exclusive tag meant basic they t negotiate a trade rather thanrar letting him and his agent do soo so the most likely thing that tt kirk cousins is here
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more year on this franchise tag, but second most likely there arr people that think that there's better than 50% chance this could happen, know a lot aboutoa football and get paid to analyzy it, there's a chance he could could be traded to san franciscc or chicago or cleveland a a quarterback star team this offs season. that's not out of the realm of possibility. >> but the problem is, if they e trade him, they have nowherere else to go which means you go from here to down here.e so is that really a realea scenario or is that justha complete speculation? because e there is no backup plan. >> there isn't a back-yup plan,p that is correct but what the t redskins are trying to figure tf out they have their own debatest going on at redskins park as tot whether or not kirk cousins isrc going to be worth the $24 million this season if theyh are willing to pay him.e wig if they decide that he's not, n, then they could go with mccoy or backup journey man they bring ai a stop gap and try to find newi younger quarterback and safe ane presumably 20 to
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maybe even more at that positiot spread that money over the restt of their team.of the tea so that's debate they're havingn in house.ou i personally think that long-term deal should already a ve b been done. they a chance last year to sign him in a rate that would look w like discount very reasonabley e right now they completelythey ct botched that. someone at redskinsbotc park is sonsable for now it's difficult. cousins has lot of reasons notet to want to sign right now mostom notably as you mentioned thateda his favorite offensiveffensi coordinator he's ever workedor with kyle shanahan and seannd s mcveigh are both head coaches ch now out west with teams that int san francisco's case needs a nda quarterback now with the rams tr may need one next year.ea >> if this happens, if they the botch this and kirk cousins is s out of here, how much backlash l would be here in the burgundy br and gold nation after, you knowu the way he's performed, statistically and the success s he's had and nervous you don'tey have a guy and you d got to go t journey man and colt mccoy thert would probably be a lot of backlash from the fans. fs >> i agree with you. y i think initially the redskins n
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i don't mean just by fans i meaa around the league by teams, by executives.. but i don't think it's easy to say people would stay angry fory an extended period of time. of i think what would happen if the redskins would be in a situatioi how cousins perform at his nextx stop would probably determinene how long people stayed angry ang what do they become? do they t hit on the next quarterback they evaluate in the draft colt mccoc play pretty well.l. does kirk suss since succeed with kyle shanahan if that's wee ended up hypothetically in sanph francisco? if he goes somewhere else best season ever seasonsea were in washington they move onv and they're next quarterbackua plays well, it's going to look a lot better.etter. see robert griffin we wereffin w asking the same questions when they were letting griffinques g. a big faction of the fan base alien 88ed incorrectly because he couldn't play that well those people were upset he went to cleveland and did what he did he this is and which was not asot whole lot and kirk cousins overe the last two seasons has become fringe perrin
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statistically. i think how he performed would u determine how people would feele about the decision but i will il say there are people around thet league that just look at thist i and kind of shake their head hoa it's been handled already. >> okay.>> o all right. grant paulsen always good toulse talk to you.n ta we'll see how this alllk p tlays out. they still have until the 15th h of july to get this all work o out. that's a possibility, too.ty, we were just looking at the gloom and doom if they don't. which is what we like to do. ifk e grant, always good to seeto y. see you later.. >> thank you. >> i'm just going to say i thino thineg redskins screwed this u. i think they screwed up lasty year and again this year. you pay think guy $45 millionlin only two quarterbacks withrterbw guaranteed cracks higher thanght aaron rodgers and andrew luckrec and luck signed through 2022. 2 you could have given $3,300,000,000 guaranteedraee 45 million if he plays well if if not you're not out any moreym money than you are now.. take your team to the playoffslf two years in row. no quarterback has done thatonea since the super bowl.owl. set franchise passing
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nobody has ever done that. tha somebody i don't think organization isn't sold on himn. i don't know why, i don't knowto who. >> somebody with a lot of powero i'm glad kirk cousins is getting paid.paid >> 25 quarterbacks in 25 years25 you finally got somebody. seb >> if they lose him and theynd control really they have to goat with colder mccoy or someonene backup, the season is overve already before it even begins. >> unless they plan they won'to' resign desean and pierre aierrea rebuilding team.m who knows. >> who wants another rebuildingb year?year? >> fans don't. >> haven't we been rebuilding for a long time.time >> it would be huge we've been b rebuilding for so long.buil f >> cousins has to be carefulns e there's nothing in san franciscn right now. nothing there. so if he goes there -- there's s money.y >> you are going to get paid. >> you got one of your bestr bet friends running the show.ho >> it's who he's working for. f >> hope he catches the ball forr them.. there ain't no receivers, noiv running backs.backs nothing nel san francisco if hei goes there. >> let me give you one otherveno sports note because i'm theuse m expert in this department. in >> yes. >> dream come true.e. for one of kevin duran's
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fans. fans. james jones is a huge durant f fan. and even got to meet him as part of an american family insurancee commercial. you remember this right. last night during thereme warrir with swords game the two were tr supposed to reunite for theo reo first time since that surprisets meeting but durant got hurt inun the first quarter hadn't toquar leave the game so little james wasn't toot t disappointed though and had soms words of inspiration for his fos hero.hero fox5 tisha lewis talked to him h afr ththe game. take a listen. >> reporter: what advice do you have for kevin durant? >> i have, washington ooh advico i have for him. i would say the advice i havee h for kevin durant is just stay positive, um, yeah, just stay positive and just always believb that anything is possible. because what he wrote to me inom that note was like very v inspiring.sping >> reporter: and you have thee t note with you? >> yes. >> reporter: always
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>> that anything is possible. p. >> reporter: what was it liketea to be here tonight and seet hw i know he had to go early because he got injured.ot injed but what was it like seeing your hometown hero?o? >> it was a great experience.xpc very great experience. yeah. >> reporter: we'll have to havet plan this reunion another time.. >> i guess so. >> aww tisha sells us jamesja might get a second chance athana that reunion it will happen thii weekend maybe up in new york ana by the way wizards went on toeno win last night's game 112-108.10 >> great personality. >> remember when he was here in the loft.the ft that smile melts my heart everye meme. beyonce' out, lady gaga in. we'll have all the details about the new coachella headliner whee we check in with tmz life.if that's coming up next. n ♪♪ ♪♪
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the in-laws have moved in with us. and, our adult children are here, still. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants?
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♪♪ all right.. company mel chel la finds its i back up for beyonce' why you' wy might be able to cash 2017's hottest meme in hollywood.ollyw. >> i see what did you there.youe for details we turn to tmz's gary trock live in liv good morning to you, gary.ning o first startu, off -- hey, good d morning.morng. >> beyonce' and lady gaga and coachella we saw beyonce''seyon' performance at the grammys. people are still questioninguesi what's going to happen atco kelk la. we know she dropped out. o there's r
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>> what coachella doing.oing. are tickets changing? how is oi this working out. out. >> tickets are not changing. actually, we did a story overtoo the weekend that after beyonce'' pulled out the prices were stili going up for like third partyrdy sellers and this is a huge festival all weekend long. long they were able to findd replacement for beyonce'. she's up and comer maybe usedbee her of lady gaga.. >> yeah. yh. >> so, yeah.eah. so obviously everyone is verye very excited about that. tt they've done songs together andg everyone actually thought that t beyonce' was going to show up au the super bowl when lady gaga g was performing.. so you know if anybody was ablee to replace beyonce' it had to bo somebody on her level or closero to it and lady gaga definitelyel fits that bill. so the organizersfi haven't cloe the deal officially.ll but they are close to locking it do.n. so this is, you know, this is ts something they're really hopingy to get, you know a big name. >> yeah. that's pretty big. ptty bi gary, do you think beyonce' maybe give lady gaga
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say hey, can you help me oute o here. >> i'm sure. yeah i. i'm sure there was, you know, something said that helped it h out. but, you know, obviously ladyy gaga loves performing andrmin a something coachella is, you know, tailor made for her.or that is her audience m and she'l have great time.e i'm sure beyonce' said, hey,d, h thanks for the help or please help. help somebody out. o. she's going to be very very pregnant at that th but you never know she may stily show up.showp. i mean canceled her performancee what big surprise if they t actually bring her. >> gary, it would be a cool coo story if she picked up herp telephone and called lady gaga.g >> i see what did you there.he. gary, wait for the delayed delay laugh. [ laughter ] >> they did a song telephone together. toge [ laughter ]ther >> that's gary laughing rightgay there. that's him rolling on the floorl >> they did the song telephone. kay.kay. gary, let's talk about t i mean come on.e o it looks like anybody can get reality show these days.ow can you tell the
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girl. >> anybody can. c don't go to work any more. more. hank around with each other. danielle on dr. phil said cashh me outside became an internett she's just blowing up everywhere. she's heading out to hollywood now because she is ngg outi offers from productionrom produt companies. they want to do realityio t v with with her.r. surprise, surprise.urise. there have been seven production companies that have contactedate her and herd team.eam they want reality series alsoo talking about scripted television.sion. >> oh, my guess she would she'd have to memorize lines.ze les. >> yeah. she will be an actress. wii mllean, b i'm sure the lineo know, will be, you know, know, something in her wheel house --- >> sure. >> regardless this will be anth actual production. also getting a lot -- she's getting so many offers chargingg we did a story 30 to $40,000 for appearances.ces. >> what? >> people -->> >> gary what world are we livinr ldin? >> i also saw over the weekend --ek >> she's
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booking -- what's that? what'ha >> she charged ten dollars foroa selfies over the weekend at a bars. is that true, too?ist tr >> yeah. yeah. people were paying it.le i people were paying it. comicon status.. you're charging that much for f so, yeah, we're told that she obviously wants this, and a they're even thinking about moving outer to hollywood for good from florida to be closer e to the action which i'm sure sue everyone in hollywood is very iv excited about.. >> why is she outside of bars aa 13 years old at nighttime? htme that's what i'm trying to figurf out.. >> her friends wanted byd b investigators right now.right >> all right. right >> thanks, gary. g >> gets more int. >> i know right.>> thanks gary. always good to see you. >> thanks guys. >> you can catch tmz weekdays at 3:00 and 7:00 right here onere o fox5. >> you couldn't pay me tenn't pn dollars for selfie with her. whh >> i won. won. >> no. >> wisdom, how much were you charging at those sip trips? tri >> how much were yourself fees.. >> i can't talk were you that.t.
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>> part of the contract.t he c >> part of my deal.y dl laugughter ] >> cash him outside.ouide he'll let you know.he'll le >> how about that? abouthat? >> cash me outside. >> i think it's time for break.k we'll be right back much it's 9:50. z29phz z16fz
9:52 am
y29phy y16fy fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios.
9:53 am
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♪♪ 9:54 right now. right speaking of young we have a bigg honor this morning.orni this morning little shout out tu fox5 family member because theat new issue of washington lives ls magazine is out the annual aua highlight of washington powerer players called the young and tht guest list making the cut this i time around we always knew itkni but now it's official. oic that young lady on the left off your screen is none other thanor our very own erin como. pictured local tv face you might recognize erin gill crest from t channel four, amelia drape per, julio from channel seven.en that one is kind of enough to eo hang with us right now. n >> she's the only one i see in many picture, steve. steve >> local celeb.alel >> i don't know. is there any other channel out n there? >> no. >> i don't know what you're talking about.on't k >>lkin >> it was such a fun shoot actually on my birthday thisday >> great. >> beautiful house in
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i'll take it. i had such a great time shootinght cold outside but we pretendedred like it was it was amazing and i will sayill this is the first year twoear tw covers. one featuring dc sports ands business and another featuring journalists under the age of 40o so it was really big honor to be included on that list. >> so cool. >> who is on this cover.. >> bill had a immediate from f d.c. united.nited. >> shout out to bill because he watches all the >> wrote on instagram.all te osa tune to good day featuring we'r' featuring your photo.. >> we also have nor friend goodo day d.c. featured really amazing trail blazing lady if we switchh to the other cover.he othover so i just can't say honored anda humbled i am to be included witt all of those people. >> those women are involved inne business. i'll have to to go through thebg list it just came out this outhi morning i'm so happy to pick it up. >> that's great. >> that's fantastic. >> journalists under 40.rnal >> people under 40 in d.c. >> just missed it.ed i
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>> stop.>>p. >> almost. >> celebration of erin, wisdom. >> come on.n >> i'm trying to understand whau maureen is talking about over ao here. >> i'm not talking about'm not t anything. >> we're celebrating our girl. >> some of of us are not eligible for the list. >> i've been tooth's partiesen r they're a good time.they >> they are. >> i'll find out when the partye is and we make sure we show up. >> we have to eat dinner at 5:3t and get to bed.. >> don't hate on the blue plate. >> i swear to you certain nightn i can stay up to 9:30. 9:3 >> we're just hating. hatin >> so congrats.congts >> we got lot to talk about thit morning including the lovely anl talented porsha ill williamsilam from we'll talk to her abouther abo celebrity stuff.y stuff. >> don't forget herman.t heman. >> herman? >> double dose of porsha today. >> herman is here too.. >> he came in to tal a
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it's a awesome.some >> legend dionne warwick is incs town. we had chance to catch up withh her. share that coming up at 10:30. >> kevin sits down with octavia spencer she has new movie outovt call the we'll hear what she has to say y when she's hanging with kev.gink >> all right. not spill any tea but t b we got coffee. got cfee how is that? thank you you've been eyeing our good my day mugm we have a new good day dunkin'ai donuts mug. perfect for that cup of coffee.. head to fox5 enter the contest.ter thcont one lucky winner shrek besideid random drawing. drawi you only have until 11am to enter and the 9:57 right now.ig we're back with more good day. ♪♪
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>> it is a must watch wednesday on good day at 10a.waday a 10a ahead a living legend the one and only miss dionne warwick.ark don't miss our one-on-one withit this i couldn't who's in d.c.n.c tonight.toni >> also ahead octavia spencer,n, kevin sits down with the academe award winner about her new filml the shack. s plus real housewives of atlanta star porsha william.. she joins us live and we have aa exclusive with boyfriend todd td stuart who came into our studios. >> let's do this. l's d the 10a starts now. ♪♪ >> hour of great music today. >> yes. >> you know, i so w yanted to ba solid gold >> did you?? >> yes. >> do you remember the lady witb the super longer hair?air? >> yes. that's who i wanted to be. >> she put -- p >> oh, my gosh.>> oh, my sh. >> i just wanted to dance in the cage. >> like what?? >> that's even giving a thoughto to that show that the laste last de
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>> that's what i think of. thinf >> not even the crew. c oh, man. >> when i think of dionne warwick i think of solid gold.ol >> you took me way back.ayack. >> that's funny.t's y. >> ♪♪♪ to be under 40 and to know o that is --at-- >> i'll say little prayer fore you, mo. [ laughter ] >> look up stuff that happened way back in the day. we'ry e mbaoving forward on good at 10a. i'm city alongside holly,ol maureen and >> first we've got to talk about the weather, right? it is the e first day of march.. the first day of meteorologicala spring and we're about to findut out when the cherro y blossoms m going to hit peak bloom. we could also see record high temperatures this afternoon anda we have a chance for severe sevr storms. storms tucker has been tracking all ofo this all morning long and he's s back with the first check of the forecast. hey, tuck. >> dramatic pause.c pau do we have him back now? maybe.
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>> hey. >>hehere you go. >>re hi. >> take two. >> it was on. i tried it again. ikei tr apparently was not onoto but it was but now it works. wos all right. let's get to it.le t'what we're talking about is i marcuming in like a lion, andnd it's because of thunderstormsndr which are off to the north andtd west. 65 now in washington.ingn. dulles is 62. 62. and bwi marshall is 64 degrees.e looking at the satellite/radar there are your storms and againa already history of producing tornado damaging winds even haih with these storm system as it'ss been moving east overnight andva as it approaches our area i wann to give you timing on thisnhi between about 12:30 and 4:00 it looks like we can havean convective line of thunderstormr as well, and our primary concerc is gusty winds. wds winds could gust in excess of 5f these storms as they develop a little later this morning durinm the afternoon but there you can see we've already got our line n of storms. of s the question is how strong willl they be when they arrive a a little later today.oday. it really very dependent on howo much sunshine we get. get
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but notice off to the south andd west there there's clearing andd if we get in on the sun here hee right before our system arrives, we could drive pretty strongy sn thunderstorms around here littlh later today.ay. future cast showing you the the storm watch it develop there wev are at 12:30 got storms off to t our north and west and theynd te blossom as they move through the immediate washington area aboutn 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 o'clock, andocd then off to our south and eastas later this afternoon.fterno there we go at 3:00 o'clock.. we're pushing into southern sou maryland. the good news, i think we'llhi ' just have leftover showers hereh for the evening commute. so the worst of it should be about 1:00 and 3:00 their,th 4:00 o'clock this afternoon andi things will start to improve out all right. al what are we most cl onricerned c about? i mentioned the gusty winds. winds. can't rule out the possibilityhp of hail and even isolated risk s for tornado as this storm system passes through, and let me justs i'll wrap it up let me just mention the storm predictionio center now put us under and a hansed risk for severe weatheree late today. really got keep a close eye onn
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as necessary.ecessary >> i was hoping to get outside e and get a run in.n i it doesn't look like thise afternoon will play along.y alo. >> when the show is over at a 11:00 run out the back door.. >> let's check what's tenning this morning. five minutes past the hour.esas first up the president's speechc to joint session of congress waw hit first in such an occasionn i but this morning we're not mnint talking about the politic.about we're talking about fashiont fai because the commentators say tht commander in chief stepped it uu last night. ditching the two long tie he wore to the inauguration jacketu was taylor he had cuffedguylor sleeves, major upgrade since hie first day on the job where the t suit said was a big baggy with two long sleeves an giant redevi tie although to be fair, othersr have said that he's very focusec on his looks and the way he does dress.dres. last month gw magazine postedd video offering some tips for the particular he had to improve his look.look one suggestion he did not takeak from the magazine their opinionn he need a new hairdo. hairdo. >> he's never let going of thatt hair. >> why would you?>> w >> yeah. i mean it's who he is, right.ig. >> right. >> part of his perso
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speaking of fashion everyone is also buzzing about the first lady's fashion at her husband'ss address last night. night this is her arriving to the capitol building show woreore glittery embroidered jacket andd skirt from american designer ame michael course.ou according to the website the head to toe ensemble cost near $10,000.$10, the jacket just inter fi grand. ties two and size ten arewo a apparently solndd out but cleary very popular and lots of peoplef being able to buy it.t first daughter ivanka drop trump operated for a $3,000 dress by b french des >> i like it. >> if you're going to spend tent grand do you want everybody to know it's the same outfite samet somebody else wore? >> you'll fine out any way.ay. >> here's the thing.e's the thi i think she was gettingng knockk for it being glittery.ttery i doesn't problem with it.lem wt >> i think she looked beautiful. some people were also ---- >> i wouldn't spend 10,000 on0, any outfit.tfit >> yeah. yea. >> they clearly have the money y toodo it. knots different than we talkedta
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$21,000 kimono to a basketballkl game. game. >> the thing is first lady lady michelle obama she got knock for her outfits are too expensive ei you're the fir lady of the united states. give me a break.ited if there's one time yougive m nt shine and inauguration, theio t speech last night of the unionhi give me a break. you're to the like some regularg rson.n. you are the first lady of the te president of the united statests of america for crying outloud.. >> leader of the free world. wld i have to problem at all. newcomer wilbur ross went for comfort by wearing custom made d slippers that start at more than $500.$500 the shoes appear to be stubs and wharton.arton he featured the logo of the congress department outshoot.ut the shoes were obviouslyious exclusively made for ross.s. stubs and wootten launched backb in 1993 and palm beach, floridai many people wear these velvet vl slippers to dinner parties byy the pool. >> wow! >> what is that velvet -- - [ laughter
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>> i think you all need someeedm slippers with the good day logog on it. >> exactly.ctly >> if you want to provide themdt go for it. f it. >> i'm not spending 500 bucks oo them. th >> we need to come and with wit slippers with the good day low w gone on them. tm. >> we're going to do that. g >> if they provideoi them, i'lll wear them. them. >> we'll provide them.e' pro i don't know about stubs andbs wootten people.wo [ laughter ]hter >> that's what i was talkingwhat about. ab >> will you two wear the slippers.pers >> i don't want the toe stubs. . >> marine will do little diy diy slippers for you two.wo >> oh, man. >> i reserve the right to -- >> i a vision.ision >> not wear what you guys are ae throwing together.oghe >> we'll use a hot glue gun, city. >> be dazzling and all don'tnd t worry. it will be sly. >> 10:08 is the typewrite now.. former president barack obama and his wife michelle breaking records with book deals. deals. they reportedly signed a $60 million deal for the rights to their they inked a deal with penguinpi random house the terms
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deal haven't been disclosediscld however at this time this willsl be her first memoir the obamas a plan to donate significantca portion of their proceedings to charities including the obama oa foundation. >> you know what i heard boww wh this that is fascinating. >> what's.s. >> what people are reallyt peop interested in mrs. obama's booko that is why they package the t deal together so that she won sw actually get paid more for her h book than president obama. >> wow. >> i think it's great. great. we know her but i think i wouldd love to hear sort of her innernn thoughts when things were wer happening, i'd like to hear hr that. again, i know she's a around. indulge me. former first lady michelle obama from one chicago native to another, we beg to you come to c the good day loft. l we have a seat for you. post white house surely you have stories to tell.ories surely you have things that you want to get off yourth chest. we are here for you.or you we are your family here at goodo day d.c. >> testing -- texting me maureee and said tell, mo tox buy the te book. bo
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>> i'm her home girl, right? r >> first lady michelle obama,ma welcome home. he. >> a lot of people will beple ll talking because they'll have toy sell a lot of'l books.ooks millions of them to make up forr that money and they will.oney ad if you're feeling hungry we hav good news if you live in dc d easier to get food pam ma sonon launched its rust restaurantt delivery service in the nation's capitol. prime members can order food from torn 150 restauranttaan delivered within an you have to order $20 worthwi of food. food. pool up with co-workers and four d.c. sip codes not included wood ridge, tacoma, as well as neighborhoods north and south oo anna cos city ya with the sip codes 20019. 20032. don't know if at this pointhis t they'll expand to those areas. >> they shall.>> they shall. >> which we hope they we everhoybody else is in play. py. >> we also now knew will putw wp their dancing shoes on forn for season 24 of dancing with theith stars. the cast was announced on goodno morning america today and hered is the lineup.
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>> char row was there. t >> but you know let me tellou you -- a knond steve today tan t saturday night -- chris today ty tan. >> let me tell you heather morris, do you remember her frof glee? glee >> no. >> she is an amazing dancer. >> is she really. r >> we used to watch her on gleee just to see her dance. dce and chris was telling me she waw a backup dancer for beyonce'. >> simone biles does a double back flip how can you not win. >> heather morris is legit.egit >> don't forget
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housewives story. story >> wearing yellow. >> mr. t will come out with a mohawk and those chains he's winning. mr. t.. t. she's music royalty and this t week she's performing right hero in d.c.rminin d.c. first grammy winner dionnee warwick sits down with pauln wiu wharton for look back at hert hr legendary career.areer >> first porsha williams iss i going to join us live for a special edition of the good day celebrity dish.h. ♪♪ ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years.
10:13 am
get the best. get fios.
10:14 am
fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years.
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get the best. get fios. >> it's time for good days celebrity dish. we're bringing in outside help. >> bringing it strong this morning.ceng dish nation host, real in ing ao housewives ostf atlanta, porsha williams joining us once again a to dish with us on good day. d. hi, porsha good to see you. >> good morning, guys. >> all right. rig if every there was a star too host a bad parenting seminar i i guess alec baldwin would be it? >> we guess that but who wouldld guess he would agree, yes. yes he has agreed to host bad parenting horror stories a nighg at a comedy club in new yorkw which will host a variety ofar o comics who will talk about
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pathetic moments of their tir parenting this is crazy to mree we know aa back in the day there was thatha voicemail of him basicallyasicay calling his daughter fat and a just berating her and goingoi crazy on her. h it was pretty bad press for him. any way he's decided at this point better than him run away y for him to do a project likectik so he will be head lining it, and hopefully the audienceudnc thinks it's funny to talk aboutk being a bad barn. bn. >> i think it will be funny. it you know what everybody at somes point has been a bad parent. if all right pan, maybe not that level -- ot mot me. >> oh, my gosh.osh. >> there are moments. the >> my kids will tell you -- >> wire not a parent?reds wilt n >> my kids will tell you how you great i am all the time that's ' part of the requirement ofreme living in my house.ving imy tell me how great i am. [ laughter ][ lahter >> i'm just saying. >> that might be see what we're working with >> exactly. exa. >> my goodness.dns. >> speaking of parents, let'sart talk about momma june she claimm she wants to be th
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mccarthy. >> oh, yes, honey, watch out melissa mccarthy. mamma june shannon is coming fof all of your million dolla roles. after mamma june surgically got rid ofjune s 300 unwanted poundd she's ready to take hollywood. so her reps ar saying she's she prepping and ready to move to hollywood.ywd. her confidence is so high. hh. she wants to become an actress s and the actress who she wants beat out melissa mccarthy. >> is she funny? >> she spent so much -- well,h l you know, she did a little exitt with some of our cast mates frof dish nation one time.ime. >> i saw that they were in thetn bed, right? they were in theree bed. >> they were in the bed, withe h frank and heidi. it was a short little line. le i don't know if i saw melissa mccarthy skills in >> you weren't rolling on the floor? floor? >> she has -- exactly. exact no, not at all.. >> she's been in front of thesee reality cameras for a very longg so her reps are saying that that
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you know now she has her own show on witv reality series called from not to hot.ot so i guess the new hot girl is i ready to come to hollywood.. ya'll tell me was think. thi if she's in move receive ya'll ' check it out. i don't know if i'll see it. sei >> i'm busy. i know i'm busy that day.t day i already >> i'm being a good parent thata day. i can't go. >> i got to wash my hair orai o something that day.atay >> right.. >> me too. lights off in the the studio.stud. >> i'll wash and set -- watch disney xd they are the ones marking new milestones.tos. >> yeah, they absolutely are. the disney channel recently showed same sex kiss in animated series star versus the forces oo evil star went to this show andd they played a song that was kinn of slow, and all of the people l who were at the show started stt kissing each other, and when w they did a freeze frame theye th noticed there were a couple samm sex couples who
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audience.. now, back in 22014 disney reported censored a lesbian couple and transgender symboll one of their episodes.piso this is pretty innovative for f kisses knee to come around andud hired a transgender cartoonist to work on upcoming show entitled country club. cb so we may be seeing more of thii from the disney channel as theyy evolve into the new era. >> interesting. all right. >> good parent think about that? >> you know we don't have enough time for me to get into all off because i don't understand why w anybody kissing on any cartoon o but i'll let that go. porsha, always great to see youu >> okay. >> the lovely and talentedovy an porsha williams.ams. >> thank you, guys. guy >> and don't forget you can always catch porsche on dish o nation which actually airs righh before our morning shoes att 4:25. watch them, then watch4: us. >> i want to know why on earthnh would anybody on any cartoon be kissing? >> that's what i was saying. was >> that's what i want to know
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>> you don't have to be kissed s in order to be awakened. >> is sleeping beauty a regularr cartoon on tv. why is anybody kissing in a cartoon for kids.for kids. let me deal with kissing in mynm house. i'm the parent now i got to turn it off. >> i don't mind characters can't show the love. a couple more dish stories stori peeking of this is not a not a teenaged dream or the bloom isos off the rose. ros see what i did there? after? ft over year of dating peopleg ppl report katie perry and orlando n bloom are taking a break fromngo their relationship.ip as of yesterday both have confirmed they're still on greae terms the break yup up was a mutual decision before rumors or falsifications get out of hand h we can confirm orlando and katie are taking respect full love le space at this time from theirhi reps.thei they both actually said it inr a joint statement.tement. the pair was just spotted stt together this past sunday at thh vanity fair oscars party andar a posed for photos together.ogeth. but many sources did report they were not as cozy as usual
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10:20 is the time.10:20 who you be a little tlc news? w crowd funded they got a crowned funded album should be out in june. bill writes on tlc kick starter page the reason for the delay dy was a ren in a tour. coordinating schedules withulesh writers and producers you justus can't rush art. art. tlc started campaign two years y ago and hit their goal of 250,000 and more than 430,000 in month. then there was nothing which wag made fans skeptical and theynd e believe that tlc took the moneyn and ran. ran album will be the first tlc album since left eye died inn 2002. 20 there you have your celebrityhae dish. >> i hope it's a good one. one. their album that is. i >> the dish was good, too. >> the dish was pretty good, too. >> time now 10:21.ime no10:2 coming up later we're sittingng down with porsha's other halfal d.c. native todd stewart. ste. what he toll us about hisis reality show romance. ran >> pretty a test of faith puts one manonen face to face with god in the new
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iting down with with the almighty herself, oscar winnerr octavia spencer and we'll bell right back. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one.
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♪♪ ain't nothing cold aboutt outside today. ice and warm. 10:24. 10:24. it looks like beautiful springpn post summer or pre summer day, right, something like that.. >> along with thunderstorms fhur exactly all that heat will stira
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right, >> let me remind you it's only march 1st. >> that's crazy.ra we're kind of acceleratingcceleg through the seasons here. cull per pepper and manassasasss 68 degrees. 70 in fredericksburg pping in pi warm air and along with eightit lot of energy. a lot of juice for someom thunderstorms that are expectedp around here this afternoon. and as i've been mentioning alll morning the threat is there.the some of these storms could be oh the strong side.restorthe e. you can see that very well defined line of storms that areo now pushing through westf ughes virginia and as they cross theot mountains and into this very vy really for this time of yearfea tropical atmosphere, we couldeou fire up some strong stormsto locally as well.s wel all right.l r let's time it out for you. you're fine for the morningor hours.ho these storms aren't going to last all day but betweenorms abo 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. of course thc further north and west you areu the sooner you'll see them andhm then i'd say between about 2:00 and 3:00 here in the city southern maryland lower easternw shore three and 4:00.three an4:0 we'll be looking for line ofe storms to
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primary concern is gusty winds.s there we are at 2:30.0. perhaps the first line of stormo through and you get the ideat ti here. here. that we can have storms aroundhu later this afternoon there we are at 3:30. 3 can't guarantee we'll see severe weather but i can tell you that the weather service, the stormhm prediction center has put us inn an enhanced risk for severe f weather later today. so that's pretty good indicatiot that we can see gusty windsin cloud to ground lightning hailni and even isolated tornado ana little later today.ateroday. there's your seven day.ere's much cooler tonight. tomorrow 56 and let me mention6 friday morning does not look l like we'll have any travelnyve delays but i just want to throwt it out there there could be snos showers in the nor cast as we aw get blustery conditions andcti overnight low saturday morning i of 28 degrees.s so 76 this afternoon. 28 by saturday morning. m i think in addition to then t plants we too may be goingoi what's going on? on? >> all right.ight >> that's crazy. >> all right, guys, back to hay. >> thanks, tuck.>> tk. >> appreciate it. 10:00 vick is the>>
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-- 10:00 tweak is the m >> ♪♪ >> don't walk on by. that's what friends are for. f i'll never fall in love again. n and the list goes on and on anda on. coming up next, paul whartonha goes one-on-one with the grammyy award winning legend that iss dionne warwick.wick they'll talk about latest tour,t her friends in the music the m industry and what she thinkshe k about some of today's singers remaking her hits. hits. don't miss it.t. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> what does this say? >> it says holly i wanted to bee a solid gold dancer too.. like like minds. >> i think they're more out there.e they're not confessing.e i'm telling you,, man when i watch dionne host thattha show i just saw the dancers. dan >> i'm telling you. you >> i just saw the dancers. >> wrap is the cage? >> i'll get in it.>> i'lin i >> 10:30 is the time.e yesterday our very own paul paul wharton sitting right that got a chance to sit down with one-on-one interview with theith true legend the one and onlynd y dionne warwick she's doing a series of shows at the bethesdae blues and jazz club. paul now telling us he's givingv us all the tea on talking with dionne warwick.wi. >> wisdom it's not the firstm if time. >> it's not the first time. ld old pals. >> lunching with legends is myes jam. >> t
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>> exactly. i'll ke tke that. >> that sounds really good. rll >> first time i talk to dionneio warwick she told me she came too d.c. in 1964 and sold out the howard theater.heer so this is 53 years later, she'e back in d.c. at bethesda blues b and jazz club i asked her aboutr a whole bunch of things and hadd good time with the legend. leg let's see what she had to say.. >> ♪♪ >> it is great to see you, misss warwick. >> thank you. chatted in time we 2013 you talk about coming toom d.c. in 1964 performing at thehe howard >> right. >> you brought walk on by. brohuh. >> what does it feel like to uhi come bacelk this many years latl and what should your fans expecp from this fabulous show here at bethesda blues and jazz >> going to get walk on yeaeah. >> okay. >> that's for sure. >> right. >> they're going to get me>> t . you know, music
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from me. possibly some of days before. >> exactly. >> pretty fun musical evening ii think. >> that's awesome. that' >> ♪♪ >> so luther vandross one of ths people thats recorded one of yr songs again. a house is not a home is the one i was thinking about. aut which other ones did dough? dgh >> what the world needs now. >> oh, yes.. >> a lot of those.f tho >> did he a lot of my songs. >> so he was one that did wellid and i'm sure with your blessing. >> um-hmm. >> which artists are out now oun that you would really like to to see recording any of your songs? >> i know. >> none. >> none. >> no. no. >> in 1987, i remember watching the soul train music awards.rd >> yes. >> you were on and you did>>ered that's what friends are for witt stevie
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>> uh-huh. >> and luther, of course,, luther. >> that song means so much to st many people and i think right rt now in the time we're in it in t means that much more. has anybody in the industry been that kind of friend to you? >> i still have those kind of friends, of course.ours i still have my high schoolh friends. fr >> yeah. >> we still get together.l getoe >> yeah. >> you know. friends for me it's very meaningful situation as far asfa i'm concerned like the blood the that runs through my veins very rtportant. and i feel truly fortunate thata i can say i do have true true friends.nds. ♪♪ >> i remember when you and patti labelle and gladys knight did the trio super woman. wan sisters in the name of love.e >> and that was -- they say it now like friend gold or quad q squad gold. gd that was our squad gold. do you still pose w
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ladies. >> those are my sister. >> in the name of love. >> that's not going anywhere. ie >> that's for sure.t's fo sure. we're looking forward to yourr shows here at bethesda blues ana jazz club. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for coming back to d.c. ou my pleasure. you'll ao lways be>>y pl iconic and justus what the world needs right now. >> love. >> love suite love. [ laughter ]ove >> thank you so much missmuch m warwick. .> thank you sweetheart >> hmm. >> dede i don't know warwick.i one more show wisdom tonight tog doors at 6:00 and the show is aa 8:00 p.m. if you want to check her outer she'll be at bethesda blues ands jazz club. c check out a legend it takes aaks true legend to rock a fanny pack.pack can i get an amen? >> well, fanny pack and mickey mouse jacket. >> right. >> i'm not surprised by that. >> she doing medley all hefff hits through the years or specific -- >> she is. >> genre she's doing. s's d >> she's been rocking those hits for 53 years in d.c. d.c >> the ones we love.we l she's doing all the hits. h
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>> does she like when you singks along.alg. >> we do a sing along in the int end. i got three words in with herith she told you don't do that. >> right. definitely not approved.te >> answer is noly. >> leave it to the legend.heege. >> all in all it was a fabulousa afternoon with dionne warwickari i'll catch her show tonight. >> good. >> okay. you. thaton, thank >> thank you he's realou hre housewives of atlanta star with dc ties.ies. we're sitting down with todd wid stew war he's dishing on ware's everything from life in the dmv to his relationship with our o earlier guest porsha william. it's juicy. 10:35. back after this. ♪♪ (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales
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ange your thinking about buying your next one. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios.
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z29phz z16fz y29phy y16fy
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>> my goodness wow.>> m you know we love reality tv herr on good day d.c. especially they real house lives of atlanta aan features our next guest toddodd stewart. lobbyist, a father of two an dmv native who just so happens to bt the boyfriend of cast memberbe porsha william.illiam >> two met ten years ago at agot charity event in recentlyectl rekindled their relationshipatio which is all now chronicle on on the hit bravo show.w. this morning todd joins us to ut dish all about his relationshipp with porsha. so pretty and how he's dealingei with his new found fame. fe. welcome to the show. sho >> good morning. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for coming in. >> thank you for havin yg mnkesm >> when i saw todd on the show e was so excited that you wereer from d.c. from >> yes. yes i have to be honest i knew righg away you were from d.c.. >> how did you know. how >> he had that d.c. swag. >> yeah.had th yeah >> you went to anacostia highigh
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>> born and bread? bread >> born and bread, yes. kenilworth elementary school. carter g woodson junior highior school and anacostia senior high school. >> how does our local guy end uu on bravo's real housewives of of atlanta. >> convincing, great cooking and a few other bribes i guess. >> we can't talk about all of ii tv.v. >> i was going to say. was t >> we love you guys relationship and there's the little snap chaa so cute. >> a durable.le >> but to be honest it was likee social media that was a big story line on the show becausese on the show they said that youhu had posted some pictures and soo your bosses gave you ultimatum you chose porsha.sha that's not really how it wenthon down. >> not exactly no. not at all.>> nno all. well, the pictures that were posted was just porsha and ind just having fun on birthdayirth weekend we were enjoyingoyg ourselves, and it became a distract at work for they were offering to move me to a
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i've been working on for maybeae six months and i was -- i was upset about it at the time we had a discussion and it ended up with him offering me a prettytty dee september severance packagep that i septembered.mbered. >> okay. >> and it was allowing me too transition over to start of my y own and getting a chance toe t focus and, you know, find out fo what i wanted to do in life. lif >> we want to tuck about whatuta that is. but first we need more tea one t the show.eho >> we sure do. make, you are you're not're unemployed. quit his jobis jo and cull out here. out he. you're not unemployed.nemplo >> no. i work for a great consultingsun company out of dc called called preferred platform partners.plar and i just enjoy it.. >> so cute together. >> look at that. >> okay. back to the show.. you seem all n there was anas a episode you were like i love you porsha.pors i was like what's going on?n? >> how deep is this relationship? >> it's deep. it' we enjoy each other.hther. we have a great time together. e it's real relationship.hi
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>> she wants baby. she wants the whole 9 >> she wants it all.e w she's a great person.ern she deserves it all. it's just at a time when we -- >> look at that.ook at >> you guys are like -- >> right.. >> those are the pictures somere more pictures that led to the live change.e. >> somewhat. that was trip we had taken prioi to i guess going public for tv t and everything that was just, ww took a trip down to dominican republic and just were hanging g out. out. >> that's nice.ic you know reality tv how it works no one who goes on there comes out unscathed full.d full. going in i know you knew that ta there would be some stuffwoul happening. were you prepared for that more d fothat has it been a different level for you? >> i guess that trip opened my eyes up somewhat what was goingi on because we were dominicanreic republic and people from liverle pool, england recognized porshah and it was just always so niceo to her and talking to her all oo them engaging i started to seeee but i knew that's porsha show. o it wasn't my show.
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would come to the point it isoit now but porsha savate greatea person and people love her on hn that show. show. it's almost like accessory to t her character.racter. >> you're cool with that?t? >> yes, i support porsha.or she's great and i love her workr ethic. i love her drive, her dealing with everything else ige guess celebrity stuff isffs something we working we >> let me ask you that. t what is the number one downsidee of this new found fame for you? >> well, porsha sharing herringh witness world.s world. that's the one thing that i havh to accept. to a she's a public figure, and she's i guess engaging at all times. s i have to accept that and it ani encourage it.age i >> todd we'll see you throughouh the duration of the housewives o as we wrap up thendf view. are you here to stay. sta >> reunion stuff and all that at good stuff. s >> there's a >> we'll see. 'll see.e. >> can't give away too much. mu. >> right.>>ight >> see mo that's why you me m work. i realize your fame and, you, yu know, we just hang out togethert and it does doesn't matt.
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iup support her.s do >> thanks for coming in.cong in. watch good housewives of atlanta. sunday nights. >> dmv native. >> porsha. psha. >> you're so queue. que [ laughter ] >> 10:43 right now still to come this morning haas car winner octavia spencer just in time fof the start of the lent star sitss down with the star of the new christian drama the shack. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years.
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>> i'm not who you think i am.ho >> my god, y my god why has thou for saying ken me. >> you misunderstand the mystery. ♪♪
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don't ever think what my son s chose to do didn't cost us both dearly. i've always -- love alwayse alws leaves a mark. mar we were there together.ether. i never left him. h i never left you. >> it's clip from new moviewov called the shack it's a famet'se based drama based on 2007 novell of the same name tells the storo avenue man questioning his beliefs after his young daughtee was murdered during a family camping trip.. then he receives mysteriouste letter urging him to return ton the scene of the crime. meets a group of strangers ledrl by a woman named poppa helps to transform the tragedy and changg his life forever.fe for he was octavia spencer.. kevin had chance to sit downit d with her. kevin sits down with us. >> think us what pretty heavy
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his daughter has been killed and he's -- >> why did she want totter thisi >> octavia spencer is very much into faith played a big part ini her sam's character is going through a tough time.tougtime she plays god in the film im spoke to her about the idea of a playing this character what it't meant for her but also the concept of a scene in the filmhl god her character listening too kneel diamond. dia. i wanted to know what other othr music her character would beer e listening to. >> watch this.. we get to see god and human forr and all of the things that wehae get to enjoy, um, he gets to enjoy. and i love that there's not a single artist that or person that he doesn't love. and so i think neil young and in think he would like tim mcgraw g and faith hill. >> he mike like pharrellan songn from hid depth figures, too. fi >> run sag good song.. >> if you are who you say you
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are, where were you when i wn i needed you? >> one thing about fascinatingaa about sam's character how angryg he is and it is one of those the things because you watch theauow movie and you understand whatdt he's going you wonder. wonde i feel like people face thosese challenges in their life all thl time watch is your opinion inuri regards to like when things likl that happen, the reasoningeang behind it and like how you getug through things like that?things >> well you know what i think is beautiful about this movie it it does affect every man because we all do face challenges on daily basis, and once in awhile a movie comes along that will, um, provide a little escape i fromio that. but this one gives a littletl more. it allows you to examine your yu circumstances and really reallyy examine what your path is and a your walk with god.. and i hate to be the type ofyp o person to say you shall thinkhi this way or perhaps feel thisl s way or perhaps things happens he this way because i'm not a religious
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i am a had you man and i do experience the i can only tell you that my experiences you know having a a strong relationship with god,od your own personal relationshipap with god, and a strong family and friend foundation.. >> how do you think faith hasths been involved in just your career? obviously it's a big -- big thing in your life inlifen general in your career do you do believe it's there. there the rolls you're getting and the characters you're playing, i mean, everyone it played haslayd been important. help andmpor hidden figures you' playing people that meanean something. >> well, here's the thing i know i'm he can treatmently blessedmd but i don't want another persono to hear me say this and say, well, does god not love me anded not want me? so i -- i definitely -- i know that ii kn would not have come out here iff i didn't have true faith in myself and his belief in me that i can do it.. so,
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i feel very blessed.ed >> rule really good to see you.. >> good to see you.>> good love the outfit.utfi >> how have you been good? youu been good. g >> i've been good. i can't complain this last timem >> i interviewed her so many smy times over the years she's a she wonderful human being i'm i wearing the exact same outfit i was wearing during thatin t interview. that is a complete coincidence i did not mean to do that todayt d but maybe just work out that way because, yeah. >> it's fascinating in this cass there's been so many movieso mae somebody portrayed god.od >> sure.>> >> morgan freeman, george burnss >> right. >> it's great to see her in this role. >> yeah it's interesting. the film again as, if youf haven't read the book sam worth ton's character loses his child he goes to the shack, she's's playing god. god. the character -- actor playing i jesus it's a really interestingg couldn't september i think i thk octavia spencer has done the the help and hidden figures and alln these amazing films and i thinki she's just in touch with playing important people very importanta characters in her so it's very interesting to watch her on screen.
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>> obviously own the roles sheoe takes on. >> how is he in the movie.he ieo >> sam worthing to and is greatt i didn't really particularlyticy care for ava i thought avatar washingtonton billion dollar multi millionilli dollar film i think this t probably --ob >> quote unquote acting in this. >> this is definitely thenitehe stronger thing he's done fromng emotional stand point. you think about his avatar character.aracr. avatar was nothing more than poke company hahn tas and fernnr gull until 3d this lendsles emotional side he's able to pulo from and i sat down with him fof this movie actually really coolc scenes where him and jesus are running across the water and i wanted to ask him how they shott that and we'll that interview iw coming up soon. what they did essentially theysy put down like very thin glass or thin plastic and they put the cameras underneath the plastic.. >> shoot through it.ough i >> put about an inch of water oo top of the plastic or the glassa whatever it was and he would rur and it looked like he was h splashing and running across water. and but they were actuallyll shooting above it you can seet e the feet coming down really cool
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>> if i saw the film that'sm t probably the one season kevin k ll ask aboutut. >> how did they do that? very cool the movie comes out friday i'lll be reviewing that and very r rated movie called logan andogaa stay tuned for that coming up i the coming week. >> thanks, kev. >> thanks, steve.nks, steve. >> thanks, guys. this is even more commentinn on mustard and ketchup ensemblee today. >> i can't be in n >> no you can't every.. >> we go together like -- like - >> all right. let's talk a little tweets. this is -- oh, no. >> dionne seems unbotherred by this reporter. reporte she was really -- she was low key.key. >> very low key.y low y. >> i had a hard time hearing heh if i'm being honest. hont. >> i agree. i agr. >> i love dionne warwick messags to walk on by.. she loves dionne warwick. warwik >> it is hard not to like herd o music much that's for sure.e. >> relationship with todd and td porsha of real housewives ofsew atlanta is anything buting believable especially after thet
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major side eye >> i hate to hear that i reallyy thought he was so dives shall tl her and wanting to not do anything disrespectful to her.or i believe it. >> bug bunny was kissing in the 50s wiz. >> my kids don't watch bugs't ws bunny. that means nothing to me. >> here you go.o. wisdom get i want to introduce my five-year-old to kissing orso any type of behavior she thinks everybody shakes hands.yb >> let me raise people in my house. that's all i'm sayinodg.y rais . >> you're getting a lot ofa lo support.supp. >> no kissing in cartoons.artoon >> i agree. agr. i agree. i okay. i love wisdom martin shuttingg down the disney channel in his s house. hous come down here parenthood.enthoo >> i'm just saying. sing. i would pay good money to see ts steve and wisdom wearing good go day slippers made with pink glitter puffy pink. >> you are channeling our are thoughts larry. the hat's the only way we are c gooning toay w wear them if
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>> no surprise uber getsr gets complaints drivers come to dc dc and live by. b good ps because they don't knowt the city.ity. d.c. doesn't require require inspections. >> it is annoying whether it isn any type of rideg wh seterhevic, whatever it is if they don'theyt know where they're going and yoa have to tell them where you're e going that's problem. >> we got to saying th this one. damn! porsha might be the hard d test working wis in shown s business. how many jobs does chef again? a >> good question.d she does.she do a lot.ot she does. >> counting those coins as theyn say on the show.saon t >> um-hmm.>> >> tucker has one job to us u what's happening later today. >> update.. we now have severe thunder storm watch that's been issued for th region until 5:00 o'clock until5 tonight. >> oh goodness.ness >> all of us. again there you go.u go we are concerned about a line of thunderstorms coming through kind of mid afternoon. and the primary concern is going to be gusty winds, 50 plus miles an hour but to be honest witht o you music ghooing, too.oi t >> we do.>> we . >> never done -- yeah. start doing --- >> urgency to it.rgeno it >> in addition we got theothe concern of
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isolated tornado.. last saturday we tornado innadoi charles county.y so can't rule out that tha possibility as well. but i'll be tweeting tucker fox5. mike is downstairs tweing.s twe. we'll be on top of it all dayay long.. >> what do you think it will thl start rolling here.e north and west about an hour. around here 130:13:30.:13:30 bob is still down at the newseum for the cherry blossom announcement it hasn't come outt just yet.stet he'll be poeing it probablyba facebook live mentioning it. they're they're talking as we we speak. sp so when those dates come out coo just make sure you check ourhecr social media platforms and you too will be in the know. kno >> i'll go out on limb and sayay this. it will happen within the nexthe two weeks. >> next two weeks. nex >> that's about what i said.outs >> i think there might be a coll snap and might hinder them ar ea little bit and they'll be threee weeks. >> a couple cold days thisays weekend. we'll see.we'lee march 12th that's the date i'mam giving. >> i said saint patrick' days. >> that's week from sunday.sday march 12th.marc12
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>> going hard.ard. >> going march 21st.t >> i'm going home right now. [ laughter ]er ] >> i'm going for a cheeseburgere after this.. >> i'm hungry. >> we are that inspiration. >> thanks everybody. ♪♪ (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. z25eiz z16fz
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live from new york city, it's the wendy williams show. >> we won't judge. but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. ♪♪ >> now, here's wendy! >> wendy: hi. thank you for watching our show.


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