tv Good Day DC FOX March 2, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ breaking overnight, calls to the attorney general to step down. down. jeff sessions accused of lyingo during his confirmationof l heaa when it came to any contact with russia before the presidential election. sessions and the white housend i denying he did anything wrong.rg we'll have a life report.. local park in fairfax countt marked off like a crime why police believe there could e be human remains in the i'm annie yu and i'll have thata story coming. a major abuse of power. seven police officers underpolic arrest.arrest. accused of stealing money from people while on the job.he j they're due in court today.rt t. we'll have the latest fromatesto baltimore. and later, like a scene sce straight out of the dukes ofes o hazard.rd. a driver on the run from police
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going airborne. we'll show you what happenedappe next. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ >> right. that was quite a scene. can't wait to hear all aboutat o that one.ut details for coming you.r in the meantime good dayco d.c. the 9:01 on this thursdayhursda march 2nd. i'm maureen umeh alongside holly morris, steve chenevey ande c wisdom martin. >> also ahead this morning, ann, early start to the madness. northwestern the wildcats wild winning a wild game over game o michigan and possibly making ncaa history in the process. pcs we'll have much more on thatt buzzer beater will we check the good day sports report.ept. >> looking into wisdom martin memory bank right there.he >> that's right. could be the first time i think they're in.he no frtirhwestern ever makes the ncaa tournament. >> hence the celebration. lock at that.en likece t the l already won the alr w championship. >> i know it's a big deal. >> i'm all in. alln >> i like when smart kids do kso well. i love it. >> i'm all in with northwesternr >> me too.>> i'm a big fan of theirs.heirs. all right. let's talk weather, right? wha
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temperatures yesterday pushingtp into the 70s, near 80. before those strong storms stos pushed through. this morning, though, we're dowe in the 40s. t and it could get even colderr so for all the details mikeailse thomas in for tucker today.. and he has the latest on the focastst. >> winds still blowing outds s there. you can feel the difference ase soon as you step outside this oi morning. morn winds continue to gust.s inue tu they will be gusty as we heads a through the afternoon.the tern if you haven't headed out and od about just yet grab the windhe n breaker you'll need it this i ti afternoon. winds right now gusting to 31gh here inon washington.ashington. 36 up towards burg. douglas 40 miles an hour.n hour. temperatures here in dc48 degrees but with those t winds factored it feels like 433 and here's what it feels like ie your neighborhood.rh as we look at wind chills around the region. unfortunately that winter feelaw is back. it's sticking around for thehe weekend. weekend forecast coming up justu a little bit.ttle b satellite/radar shows clouds have cleared.ha
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from d.c. off to the east as well. we north and west few more cloudsed and even some snow showers in the forecast this evening for higher elevations of the fartioe north and west. wt. believe it or not here in d.c. c we can cease some snow showersrs coming just north omaha here and iowa we have that little bit ofo snow shower activity that will l move into our neck of the woodsw as we get into tomorrow morewor details again on that coming ini about half hour. your forecast for the day todayy 56 degrees. mostly sunny skies.. remain very windy and i'll let l you know how long that cooleroo winter like feel will stickck around coming up in just bit. b >> all right. sounds good, thank you mike.e. the big story today at 9:00 growing calls for attorneyt general jeff sessions to resign. >> sessions spoke with russiansr ambassador during the durinhe presidential campaign but thistt morning the attorney generale ag insists he did not discuss theit campaign with the ambassador.e r melanie alnwick live on capitolp hill with the very latest foratt us. mel? >> reporter: hey, guys, so thes, controversy goes back to januara and what then senator session
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said under oath during hising h confirmation hearing.ea as the presidential campaignsl s were heating up last year, on at least two occasions then alabama senator jeff sessions spoke witi russian's ambassador to the u.s. sergei. sergei. no evidence of any campaign c collusion during hisn ring h confirmation hearing when he was asked about possible contacts,ct sessions said this. >> i have been called aled a surrogate at a time or two intw that campaign even did not haveh communications with theuons russians. tic houseousedemocra minority leader nancy pelosi pounced in statement saying "after lying under oath tongh congress about his ownngress a communications with theith t russians, the attorney generalen must resign". sessions was an early trump supporter but he did noise any i wrongdoing suggesting thegdoist meetings were part of his job aa a senior member of the senateen armed services committee.omttee. i never met with any russianan officials to discuss issues ofus the campaign, he said ind in statement. i have no idea what thishi allegation is about. aut
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but whatever role sessions may have played, onssio capitol hill investigation is churningchni forward into allegations ofd in russtoian interference in theerh campaigns with the republican ia charge blaming the obamabama administration.. >> year ago i went out andent od called the failure to understand putin's plans intentions theons largest failure since 9/11. largest intelligent failure sipp 9/11 and last administrationinio didn't do anything about it.o >> reporter: and there arehere e calls for attorney generalal sessions to step away from that federal investigation into that alleged russian interference inc the election and growingrowi bipartisan support for perhaps a special prosecutor. live an cop tal him, melanieie alnwick fox5 local news. >> let's turn to president trumt first one hun the commander in chief heads too newport news virginia he'll meet with sailors and sip builds. bui it's part of a mission to a promote his plans for majorhiano build up in the nation'satios military.mitary he'll deliver the speech aboarda the uss gerald r. ford. for >> okay. have you checked on yourheed o
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they light look good because ofo the soaring stock market thist morning the dow is still lookino strong after making history.. yesterday it closed above 21,000 for the first time gaining 300ni points. s&p did well 500 index gainedaie one point 4%. nasdaq also added one point 4%. president trump tweeted abouted the good news saying "sincee november 8th election day then e stock has posted $3.2 trillionii in gains and consumer confidence is at a 15-year high quote jobss ". ". >> hard to argue with that.ith t >> now to developing story inpiy fairfax county police and fbi are searching parks in the areae for human remains and they a t believe those remains areai related to on-going ganggog violence. >> fox5's annie yu is live ins e fairfax county with more on thii story. st annie? >> reporter: hey, good morning to all of you. y i can tell you that we're seeine more vehicles showing up here on the search that's underway att holmes run this isn't the first tim
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this neighborhood.borhd. back in 2014 in may theyy actually found two gang membersr that had been dee tap at any timed and buried in holmes runms park. we do know that this is gang related, however, fairfax countt police remaining very tight vy lipped about the information that they are giving out. so still at this they hour we k there's another day of searchini going on.g on we have seen all sorts ofor equipment being brought in, itn, look like tools used for excavation and they have stillel limited this access to the thist culled did he sack on craterratr place. this leads to park lawn poolla p just down the road an area thata leads to holmes run park whereae much of this activity s iss taking place. you'll not be able to access this area unless you live inou l this cul-de-sac.-de-sac this video you're seeing iss video we captured yesterday of y lot of the activity going you can see investigators they t roped off a large section of the park set up a mobile commandilen posted a jay sent to the park pr lawn pool and tuesday when theye got the tip that there could bec
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area and since then, the fbi,bi fairfax county police, they'vehe taken over sort of this sectione with all sorts of k9 teams and equipment.eq they also set up a tent in theee woods in the middle of the woodw about 200 yards from some single family homes. hes we still don't know exactly howh that comes into play. p what exactly is inside thishis tent. tent but it is being protected byct some crime scene tape there. the we talked to neighbors.bors they tell us that one neighboroe told us she actually heard gunfire in the park sunday nighg as well as tuesday night but wat not concerned enough to call the police.poli we do know that this is gang igg related a least police believe it is and soe we asked about alt the recent activity, recent gana related murder of a 15-year-oldr girl from gaithersburg.ersb her body was found not too longn ago in a wooded area inn springfield, virginia.irginia. take a listen to what policeolie told us. >> we don't know of anyf a connections from the previous case that is we've recently beer investigating, however,g, h preliminarily we do believe thie
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it. we don't know what type of crime but the information that we'ree' receiving is there may be a gang involvement.t we walked down there, you know, we go hike on that side. we go on the other side and kids normally outside every day whenw it's a nice day. so i don't know. really kind of worries me. >> i'm scared because, you knowk i'm home all day and with the dog but she's not going to goo after anybody.body i always leave the door open. >> reporter: so you know, anow,a lot of residents here feelingli uneasy unsettled about all ofllo this activity going on, and thee possibility of human remainsemns being found, you know n theirthr backyard here.e. and so the -- we know that the search will connell for a fewcof more days. but at this hour, still fairfax county police telling us theyngh have not found human remains but continuing the search.eah. that's the very latest here from the land cone ya section of cons fairfax county anni
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local news. >> governor hogan declared a dla state of emergency in responseme to the state's heroin crisis.ri the governor announceded $50 million in new funding overr five years to help address thatt problem.prob the been will be used to supporo the state's prevention, recovery and enforcement efforts. effts hogan says the heroin problem is increasing at such an alarming m rate the state must a law for rapid coordination with state se and local management team. >> heroin and opioid problems. prescription medications peoplec become addicted to not jusatt jt heroin. >> democratic congressman facinn some backlash this morning aftea some really uncomfortable jokesj during a press dinner includingi one targeting white house hou adviser kellyanne conway. fox5 political contributor hadah gold was at that dinner. d she'll join us live next withe w the details.thdeta >> later, a family affair. we'll have more on that biden family bomb smell. sll former vice-president's son now
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and apparently he has his famous parent's blessing.lessin ♪♪ ♪♪ mmm... i can't believe it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients...
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♪♪ democratic congressmancr getting some backlash this morning after making jokes about a recent photo from inside the white house, inside the oval office last night at the washington press club foundatios dinner congressman said trickerk pond took a shot at kellyanne conway stemmed from the pictures this week of conway sitting fron her knees on a couch in the ovaa office. offi richmond told the crowd "ya'll l seen that photo of kellyanne ono the couch.ouch. she look familiar in that tt position ". fox5 political contributoron and political reporter hadadad gold was at that dinner and tweeted representative richmondr making a lot of uncomfortablefoe jokes about kellyanne on thehe couch also about white house strategist staff ban i don't know wearing a white hood inng a reference to the ku klux klan.un this morning hadad joins us livv on skype with more on thepe wite comments and the backlash. o a e good morning to you. y my first question is, when you heard this, it's cringe worthyny just repeating i would imagine e that that room was probablyrobl stunned as well. >> right.>> rht senator scott who went beforeefr congressman rhm
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edgy jokes he made jokes aboute race. he made jokes about donald trumt and and while they might have been uncomfortable i think everybody thought that he kind of came upm to the line maybe put a toe ovee but sort of stopped.toed. when congressman rich mannedichn came up a lot of people were actually you uncomfortable.ab they clearly saw the sexual nature of the joke he made about kellyanne conway, and the joke he made about steve bannon wasa also a little bit gasp worthy. h definitely landed a little bit uncomfortable thely in the roomo people weren't necessarilyrily laughing outloud at some of those jokes. i think people just weren't really expecting them.people >> i was curious is this a is dinner known to have sort of racy jokes alfalfa club roast r and digs are appropriate. is this a dinner you hear thesee types of comments or jokes thatt may cross the line come up? >> yeah.>> it's not like a white houseou correspondents dinner broadcastt more widely not many people outside the washington bubbletou will even know the dinner
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experts. everybody after the dinner was sort of talkingter like, this i sort reminds of donna edwards es the year before she also gavelsv some sort of uncomfortablefortae speech. i do believe that with the tenor and tone the election and the t first few weeks of the t presidency there's been a lot oo ranker between democrats andocrs republicans that a lot of peoplp saw some of the jokes that were made to really have sort of crossed the line into unnecessary territory.. >> hearing jokes that are racist and sexist and one wondering, you know, what is this allll about? is this completely off f the pale now or is this thehihe environment we live where thesee sort of things now can be said d and people laugh them off and say, he's just being him? >> right. think everybody whene you're trying to be edgy it's aa fine line that anybody speaking has to kind of make for themselves over what's edgy andd funny which makes everybody kind of laugh and blush a little bitt but
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laughing at the joke versus veru jokes that just make feelkel uncomfortable. i think some of the jokes lastjt night landed really well reallyy funny senator scott his closingi joke about how he'll go to the white house to watch a movie he her it was going to be from froo russia with love and everybodyry laughed. some of the other ones a lot ofa people were just clearly even if they thought they were funny mam be inside they weren't going to be seen laughing outwardly about them. >> haskillly an conway the whiti house has anyone responded to these jokes? i know we startedt by saying there's been backlash. but how much backlash has theree really been?? >> from the people in the roomoo that i spoke afterwards a lot oo people found it uncomfortable.. journalists and members of congress.. emma rosa was sitting at my at m table. she got up before senator --ator congressman richmond's speech ic heard she was standing in thedit back of the of m. i'm in the sure if she somehow related to the white house or t the president.iden i think she probably left rightg as the news was break
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attorney general sessions. sessn but it was -- i believe she wasw the only adminasistration offica i saw in that room at that timee but i wouldn't be surprised if'b we start hearing about it or maybe not, maybe they want to tt just go away. a. it was a shock to all the people there. >> i'm wondering how much legowm this has. are you writing more about it? t will you follow up or is thisisi sort of are you letting it gou g with the tweets that you put out about what happened and yournd r reaction to it? >> right. i think it depends a lot on, umu what everybody -- what otherha o people's reactions are if if kellyanne reacts then that's th' something we would write about. i think things have been writtet about the dinner itself and a lot of depends the white house e will react, kellyanne will reaction, congressman or senatos say anything more about theirutr remark from last night.rk this is pretty fro busy news day already. al so therere madight be some biggr things that are kind ofin o overshadow what happened at the dinner congressman richmond anda senator scott's luck.'s l >> this is holl
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i is a quick question i'mstn i'm listening to it, and you're saying, you know big news day nd and just depend on the reactiona is it a little bit of a doublebl standard or hypocritical if donald trump, president trump would have said a comment aboutt a woman like that, wouldn't thaa have gotten reaction everywhere and i know has a history so, yoy know, it would be built on thatt but it seems a little bit hypocritical this would just gog away.. >> well, i don't think that it a will necessarily go away.wa it will just be probably overshadowed by the other news today. also donald trump is presidentpt versus a congressman who a lot t of people don't know very well.. so there's obviously differencec in name recognition and knowingo the person.e peo i quickly looked through thed th coverage this morning and it waw covered by a lot of differentift outlets and i know that probabll more is coming later today. tod >> all right. all r had today's gold politico and a fox5 political contributor.ibutr thank you so much for that.foat. we'll wait and see what allhall happens with that. that. certainly always interesting int when you go to
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had today's thank uh-uh neveruhv know the most benign commentsnt you might think end up having legs and sometimes ruiningesui political careers.l careers. >> no doubt about it.o doabou >> there's always that in the ah name of comedy.. what's okay. o we're just kidding versus when we're being serious.ous >> is this day and my age, my am whole thing if you think it might cross the line don't do dd it. clearly, this guy probablyy thought i'm on fire with thesehe jokes. now we're talking about and it'' being tweeted about it andout ia reaction coming.. >> don't do it.on't do >> be responsible what do you ii the name of comedy. >> seven baltimore police officers due in court accused bf abusing their power.ower snap chat ready to go public.ubc later a high speed chaseed straight out of episode of dukee of hazard. the our video of the day andnd that's coming up next.ex >> later the end of the line for wolverine and professor x.. kevin sits down with logan star hugh jackman and sir stuart to talk about the final chapter of
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♪♪ >> 9:23. time for check what else is making headlines this morning. steve washington you got. >> all right. we'll start this morning following up this week's string or chedlin l st torhinas doweesek's orna swept through the midwest.h dwe. unfortunately killing at leastet three people. twisters in ottawa,aw illinois, wind speeds up to 155 miles an hour. h the white house says presidentre trump is monitoring the clean uu efforts and will provide federal assistance if needed.
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now. this was video shot by bonnie barker up in gaithersburg downew power lines star add fire in thn road yesterday.esay. thankfully no major injuries ine reported here in our areare although there were numerouseros trees down. tr let's go to baltimore.almo another black eye for theblack r baltimore police department.epar seven of its officers due inicee court today to face federaledal charges in an alleged corruptiot scheme. federal prosecutors called the seven police officers thieves is uniform and 1930s style gangsters.gang the allegations stem from crimei investigators say started backsb in 2015 continued through 2016. including falsely detaining people, stealing money fromrom those detained and then fakingfg reports to cover up their tracks.tracks. former president george w. bush opening a new portraitrtrai exhibition today. featuring 66 oil paintings ofgs american veterans all painted by the former president.. the portraits encourage exhibita will open at the george w. bushs presidential center in dallas. s it will run throu october 1st. the 43rd president alsode a
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in the book tore right now at r the reagan library in california. parent company of the popular snap chat app you know you use it just about 30 minutes away from trading onab theou ntw york stocks exchange.hang no filter there. get it? venice california bases snap priced initial publicinit offering at $17 a share.ha. that's higher than the originala proposed range of 14 to $16. and that would put the companyoa evaluation somewhere around $24 billion.$2 not bad for a couple of 20 of something co's vet investsest experts say may it not be a sure bet because the company has beee losing money and it has not it n grown as fast as it has in thene past. take look at this. t seen out of a movie playing outo in real life in high speed chase ended with w truck flying nearly 50 feet in0i the air. for it.or here she goes. and sticks the landing oh andhed top of car in a parking lot. that truck flew about 50 feet. 18-year-old driver being chasedc by police after escaping fromino work release program.. at one p
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115 miles an hour.les an teen eventually lot of controll as you can see, landed on that t car parked in the restaurant. r there was a woman in the car. tc believe it or not she was nothen hurt.. >> what. >> believe it or not he was notn hurt. was taken into custody thoughtot but looks like if he turns his life around he might have a he future as a stunt driver. >> are you kidding me. >> the woman was hurt.oman was . >> can you imagine you're sitting in your carou ima an cas on you? on you >> last thing you'd imagine.ingg >> okay. this is officially a bad day. [ laughter ]offici >> right?>> r >> to say the least. >> i wonder how it impacts his insurance rates. >> you got bigger problems than insurance. >> he won't be driving anywhere any way. t be d >> how about snap chat ceo26 years old with evaluation ofluao that much money.. >> and dating miranda kerr.r. >> billions of dollars. dolrs >> right .> someone is winning >> 9:26 is the time right now. it was the biggest mistakess in oscar history and now the academy they're taking some acta coming up the punish m
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down for the two account tentsos at the center of mix up. >> first what it theakes c to sd with the first ladies of football.tball. the redskins cheerleaders areler getting ready for tryouts andou this morning our own erin como is showing us why it's about a lot more than just shaking thoso pom poms. >> fresh at 10a match made in me bro block heaven.k hve we're talking about girl scoutou cookies and beer. beer. yup. yup. coming up we'll show you how tou find the perfect pair, plus fro the runway to your closet we're getting first look at h and m's new line and hollywood today live co-host ali landry isandris joining us live.ive. right now it's 9:27. 97. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> 9:30. time for the good day sports repo rt. the re is there drama brewing in thepo redskins organization? maybe ay the better question where one is there not. >> that's true. latest chapter in as thehe redskins turn. sources telling the fansheans redskins general manager waser w sent home from the team back onn february 20th.brua 20t also not been seen in the fnl combine in indianapolis.napo when asked for comment hee reportedly said he's dealingea with a death of his 100-year-old grandmother also said reports that he'd been ordered to staybo away from redskins park were we quote not true although others r have pointed out his grandmotheo died one month ago. so make of it what you willl hopefully they're not too much n drama going on when it comes tom the skinses. >> wish his family well. making golf great
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announced new changes to theohe game in the hopes of attractingt more people to the sport. the st you can see some of the changes there on your screen. yr sc pretty tiny but read realea closely you can make it out.t o a player would not receive aeiva penalty if the ball or ball marker accidental the moves on the putting green.reen. players can now leave the flag f stick in the while putting.ting players can repair damage on thd green with no penalty. caddies would not longer be abll to line up for a player time tie searching for last ball goes gs from five to three minutes. mint changes up for public review r which the hopes of implementinge them in january 2019.ry 201 >> what about kicking it closerc to the hole. >> getting referred lie. ref resetting it on the fairway andd no penalty search for lost balls. >> how many drinks can you have on the golf cart. on..ow that's ay readrlin >> extra cup holders are alwaysa welcome. >> check this out.>>heck this is a fascinating story. s getting the madness startedrt earlier. that's a buzzer beater. buzzeat. here's what happened. what ppen northwestern hosting michigan in big ten if ou
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you shall care. c it right it there.ight 1.7 seconds left.ds l even at 65. nathan through the ball down core, bang, northwestern wins 67-65.65 they could punch their tick tonc the ncaa tournament for the verr first time in the school'ss history.. they now have over 20, 21 wins w most they've ever had in schools history. the brackettologist expert who'g do all the brackets andcketnd everything say that with thatt win northwestern is a lock. loc >> a lock.ock. to go into the ncaa tournament. >> they shall get bonus pointseb for drama.onr >> my gosh. >> what way to lock it up.y gowl >> i love northwestern.hwestern. good for them. >> excellent stuff.>>xc >> all right. right. let's talk weather. wther mike thomas, okay, the cooler co atheher is in. we're dealing with it because we know the sun will come oute o tomorrow. and then some, right.e,ight. >> sun will come out tomorrowom but it will come out with a bit of a cool feel in also maybe a couple snowflakes,e too. reagan national today -- rathert
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dulles bwi75. bwi75. well above where we should be. that was a record whe at reagan national.. highs should be in the 50s clost story where we'll be thisl behis afternoon.. 24 hour temperature difference d here. he 14 degrees colder than this timi yesterday here in d.c. 20 degrees colder in west in we minster. 22 degrees colder there inhere i winchester. so you can kind of see coolereee air pushing in and unfortunately it's settling in for today, tomorrow and through the weekent as well current numbers nbe 48 degrees here in washington.t. gaithersburg is at 43 but look l at the 30s north and west. west 39 martinsburg.bu. hagerstown, frederick westricket minster checking in the 30s this hour and one of the things that's bringing that cold air ia is these gusty winds. 31 miles an hour gusts reportede last hour here in 38 for dulles. their at hagerstown.agst 41 there both gaithersburg andsd baltimore reporting gusts overns 40 which here in dc we can seeae as we continue to work throughkh those afternoon hours.e tern not until this evening willil winds start to pull back andack subside and then tomorrow much much less craze.ra. satellite/radar showing s
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the north and west aroundlyh ant pittsburgh. here in d.c. clouds from time to time. much more sun. snowflakes yet and i say yet because we have thisat little system working its way is threw the midwest during the t daytime hours today that will tl approach our region tomorrow. tr that could kick up a chance for snowflakes around dc as we heada into your daytime hours onours o friday. friday so here you go. thursday night for those youor y living out to the north and nord west. maybe a couple inches of snowcop for the higheler inc elevationsi we work into this i can rile out an isolatedsote snowflake or two making its wayw to d.c. but it's not a big deala by 4:00 o'clock tomorrowk tomorw morning, you see just kind ofusi scattered snow showers and that's going to be the theme ofe tomorrow. maybe the main event gets here h kind of early to mid afternoonon with more widespread scatter thr snow flurries and showers. shows all right.all ght let's answer some questions. will you have work and schoolch tomorrow? yes you will.ou will. not huge deal.not hueal. ground temps are far too warm tw for anything to stick around. an a spotty area or two could get a co
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and some of you won't even seevs any snowflake at all. at a it's more flurries than anything else. else 56 degrees your daytime highigh today in the meantime.eaim overnight tonight, few more clouds roll in.ol in. isolated flurry here or therehee for the most part it's a dryry evening. partly cloudy. those winds will finally subside into those overnight hours. fox5 accu weather seven dayeveny forecast here again a couple ofe snow showers tomorrow and then t saturday sunny, but chilly, 45h4 up to 50 on sunday and then we start the march back up monday 62. 62 tuesday 68 degrees. all right. that's check of forecast. of focast holly, i'll send it over to youo >> all right. thank you mike. appreciate it. r for forseason may be ove the players, but for a selectt group of women it is justt jus starting we're talking about tht washington redskins cheerleaderr who are already gearing up forru the 2017 season, and thisnd thi morning, our erin como is como s learning what it takes to cut it as a side line dancer.r hey, erin.n. >> holly, that's right it's tims to break out your pom poms andod get the dance on the washingtons redskins cheerleaders are hosting open tryouts for 2
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but if your dance skills aren'tt to par we're talking about wre l myself right now they're even mosing prep classes everyclassee tuesday and thursday get youursy audition ready everything youthu need to know there.edo know team director stephanie along with two squad members are heree to when i me into shape butnto first, here to give us a taste s of what you can expect at thet t auditions we'll let the professionals take it away. ♪♪
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something you really need toyo pull off theu redskinsins cheerleader.. >> absolutely. i mean we all work together towr get our confidence up but it but definitely helps when you're onu the field and representing such a great organization like the te nfl and redskins. rskin it definitely helps. f for sure. you have these prep auditions.uo wide variety of women come come out. who comes out and what you canon pepect. >> we're looking for rep statioi of the dc we encourage all women to comeom out. all ages we range from 18 to 37o >> which is really impressivempe because i said at 33 i thoughtut for sure i'd aged out of my of opportunity to audition. >> no. not at all. a we look for people who are mayby continuing their education in college. already in theirco careers.r it helps put together veryet v diverse group of women that cann help encourage and role modelse in the community. >> jade and jacqueline aree anda telling me they're like a sistes hood. really good friend. they put in relong hours theyous really get along and makes it such a fun environment.onnt >> yes. >> let's talk about howt
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fitness is a big part of being a redskins what's some great advice fordvir girls who want to get inn redskins cheerleader shape to audition?audi >> first i would say go for it.t just get out of your own head. h come to some prep classes. css we do work outs every tuesday.ay so jacqueline is part of our fir might they do a workout everybody like we dot ourur practices. we go into the prep class.herep so come get exposure. >> learn the routines and get tr comfortable you're not justta scared during the audition.blio. >> right. >> what are some good be a tipst i need some. you guys are killing it. >> well, abs are made in the ab kitchen so clean eating eat definitely try and promote that. also, cardio makes sure do youo cardio and work on core noe matter what exercise you're y're doing. >> that's really good advice.rey so show me some o gfoo the basif i came out as a beginner dancern but really, you know, wanted tot shine personality wise with youi guys how can i learn these moves? >> give me some basics. givba >> we'll show i was little bit.. >> okay. >> you're going to start and you're goinge go to go one, kne, two, step togethe t
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hips to the right, five and six. seven and eight. eight. >> i'll just watch.>>l [ laughter ] >> i'm better at that.'m better. >> you can do it.ou c >>kay.y. go again. go ahead.. >> step one, knee up, two,wo, together, three, four, hips,r, h five and six, a lot of >> a lot of, you know, we got tt dance big.nce big. we're on field. you got to let everyone seery s ntery movement. >> you want it to be exaggerated oll of energy. big smiles.le >> absolutely.olut >> big hair. .> lots of hair >> great eye lashes. l >> absolutely. abs >> good. those are some good tips i need d ti a lot more w i shall go to one of your boot o camps fitness wise i would enjoj working out with you.rking come on back over here stephanie. tell everyone you said april 1sllt big eve preliminaryy audition.ti >> our open call at fed he canhc field starting 8a.rting 8 m we welcome all women to come m and try out for our team.. prep classes are starring nowtan every tuesday and thursday at fed ex field starting 6:30 p.m.. >> the big audition is is april 6th. >> april -- april 1st openil 1st call. ca april 6th yes final auditionsalo open to the public at the fillmore silver spring. it is a show lot ofre
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lots of friends and family comee out and support.ouor it's a a great great event. e >> get ready. rea get in shape for april 1st.prst check out the prep classes. clas i'll toss it back over to the couch. i think i need a little bit more boot camp oh here while youp ohh anchor the news. new >> you're you have to a greate o start.u t >> if abs are made in thef abar kitchen where are her legs made? >> what is your tip to make minm that lg >> i'll take that too. >> all right. thank you very much. th94an1st time.1s t 17 years, nine movies and one oe character coming up kevin sitset down with logan stars hugh h jackman and sir patrick stuartt to stalk about the final chapter of the wolverine s we're back in a moment. moment. why am i so devastatingly handsome, i'm in a fragrance...
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♪♪ >> she's like you. very much like you.>>veryuc >>h ♪♪ >> i'm not whatever it is youtes think i am. ♪♪ >> she needs our help. >> someone has come along. ♪♪ >> this is what life.hat l >> , that is a clip from logan g which tells the story of as youu can see a an older version ofern the marvel super hero became a reluctant role model for young y mutant like himself the movie tm marks the end of the line forinr the wolverine franchise after nearly 20 years.. >> yes.>> y this is hug
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and final time wearing the claws. it is at his side one last time professor charles xavier played by sir patrick stewart.tert kevin had chance to sit downit n with both stars to talk abouth the similaritiesab between the w movie and the classic western. take look.. >> i want to talk to you about a shane i think it's interestingni that man gold has that referencr in the film and i love the partp where you're sitting on the bedo and you say, i remember seeing n this in the theater. tat i'm wondering do you have a filf like that in your own memoryem that like that you saw in a theater you remember that fondly? >> shaken. >> it was shaken? eah>>. yeah that line wasn't in the screenen play. >> really? >> no. i told james man gold that whene he said, oh, we're going to be running shaken on the television. um, and i said, oh, that was ons of the most important films ofam my childhood.ho. >> total >> yeah.>> we did actually i think name the cinema that i saw it in.t i
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said, you know what don't let's name the town most people will never have heard of it.f it was very little town. tow up deed, yes, i remember one of the biggest thrills for me working in and living in losos angeles and hollywood because, u you know, i never expected in mn life to work in hollywood and then there i was on the paramount studios, um, that i learned one day the person whopo had been making me up for a long time, um, that her father had been the make up artist of o shane. >> would you were you! good it wasn't a direct contactou w. but the excitement and she hadhh once been on the set of that tha movie. vi itas - -- >> that's so cool. >> such a nerdy thing. thing. >> i love the scene when patrici stewart is watching shaken andaa you talk about the idea of hima going to movie theater when hehe was younger he remembered thatbt experience. do you have a fond memory of a spe if
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theaters that you think back ono like when you think of like athl theater experience? >> oh, many.any. first thing i saw was the wizard of oz.of oz. >> hmm. >> um, and then i remember a lot going to the drive in.rive we used to go to a beach holidad place every year. yea we'd go to the drive in. go i'm a family of five kids andids when you're the youngest, youes, sit in the very back.bac so imagine me in the drive in.n. my memory looking through faces and then my dad it's raining so the wind screen wipers are a going. goin i'm trying to watch this moviehv but dad is like, bought thet tickets we're going to watch tht whole thing. t i have that memory. seeing my dad cry at et when onn of first times i ever saw himawm cry. >> wow! >> and indiana jones. that, woosh saw that movie thatt was real turning point for me.nt >> that's awesome.some. >> yes. y >> they're wrapping me.he wrappe i have so many questions.ions >> oh, man. see you. s >> always a pleasure. >> logan -- kevin never wantsevw the interviews to end. logan hits theaters on friday.
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house. gou going to go. >> i probably will go. i p but i'm not expecting bigexpecti things. >> really. >> no. >> very very rated r >> i can actually -- >> very very rated r. >> the claw goss through herela and come outw go the top. the t >> are you and kevin going to do your at the time a at the time with that.withhat. >> probably. >> i have question.>> that i look forward to.wa to. >> at the time a at the timee t seems fru-fru for that. >> right. >> 9:48 is the time.ime. coming up next literarylira milestone. we are marking two decades ofkig read across america with help from the cat in the thing one and thing two. thiwo it's not allison and tucker butb they are there. we'll czechoslovkia in with thet live. we'll be right back. there they are. with hisckerwe'l spectacles on. is that bob barnard? it look like him.
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y25eiy y16fy >> today is read across americae day. >> believe it or not it is the 20th year now. encouraging children to grabadii heing chil cdrat.enhe cth t this morning our own tucker tuc barnes and allison seymour haveh made it to friendship wood richc international school they'lliolc participate in national day ofdf so hey, gang.,ang. what are you guys going to read?
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>> hey. rea.e got our book ready. what are you reading tuck. tk >> i'm going old school dr.dr seuss the lorax one of my one om favorite books when little bittb younger. what are you reading.atre y >> the giving tree.>> t >> that makes me cry.ry >> i'm prepared.pared. i'm prepared. good morning everybodyi'.. >> good morning. morng. !! >> yay! good good morning to the principal here principal oyo. o tell us about your beautiful bef school.hool >> hi. thank you guys for being here today.u gu my name is feliciays for o the principal and we serve about 505 scholars and we are so excited d for read across america. arica >> what's it mean to you.. >> literacy is critical for ouro students success and so we wantt to make sure we instill a lovell of reading in our students. so elan in a will talk what this day means for her.or h >> what does it mean for youeano miss. >> i get to learn more in mor reading and i get to read booksd that i like to read. r >> what's your favorite book? >> dork diaries. diaries. >> that's an author that localal to your areaoc. >> o. >>id
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>> yup, see.>> d teaching you something who else do we have you s >> hi, we have gregory as wellel he's going to talk about the day. >> what's it mean to you it.s io >> means to me i get to read r more books and learn about newew things and reading. >> tucker, we have such anve sun awesome responsibility today.ess >> i know we do. nly ones. oneheil o you have other guest readers. ra >> we have councilman kenya mcduffie will be here.. angie ang and shorty the from f 93.9 are coming out as well wes have you all so we're grateful. yes!yes! [ applause ] >> we are honored to be here. br i was a little nervous when ivo saw the cat in the hat on our picture outside the door.r >> they were ready for us. >> you guys love read across acs america day?day? >> yes! okay. >> so now you have -- i don'te i know when we'll start readingtea but let's talk about the fact fc that this is a sad story. >> yeah. >> but it teaches so much ands o how important it is and to metom the beauty of the books it's i just opens up whole other wor
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>> absolutely.bsol as international school we thint it's students to do somethingtod with that reading with thathat t knowledge that they learn.dge and so we also really push advocacy interestingly enoughlyg just a couple week ago our o students and our studio 20202 music engineering club took itnr upon themselves to write lyricsr because they were inspired bypiy the black lives matter movementn and so everything they learned in the text in the books aboutot their history we then want tot o push them to do action.ctn. >> love it.ovit. >> allison, quickly we have verr special student over here.ere. sir can you tell me your name dy you like to read. >> bobby and i love to read. >> what's your favorite book you'res yo reading recently? go manhunt. it was about something that tha happened in our backyard here in washington, d.c. about 150 some odd years ago.ea the assanation of presidentre lincoln and how they went and found the people who did a thatd it was very intriguing and i i couldn't put it down. d >> see guys you never too old td read you want to keep reading.p. [ laughter ] >> all right. what book do you like to read, r sir. >> what's your name.yo nam >> do you like dr. >> y
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this inhidown and read just a minute. >> bob is tearing up the sroom. isroom. >> i know that the library is i here.he if we can get -- you can come cm over here with us you don't havv talk.ta we won't put you on the spot. s definitely dressed for the day.. where do you want us to be.t us. we'll start. >> front of the class? >> okay. >> do you have a chair, tuck? >> allison i'll hold the chair over here.hold >> that's what we're doing today. >> we're so happy to be here. we're happy that y so ouha guyss invited us so thank you so muchs today.y. >> allison -- here's unclehe's c tucker. tucker >> i'm a little nervous about ll this. >> shall we take turns. tur >> you should be. >> okay. oka >> the lorax by dr. seuss.. s now you got to remember a lot of words here are maybe not traditional words.l you'll have to role along withlw me if i don't get it right.t rit at the far end of the town where the grike kell grass gross and the wind smells flow and sour fs when it blows, and no birds ever sing excepting old crows in thet street of the listed lorax.
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>> and the deep grike kelledke grass some people say if you y look deep enough you can still l see today where the lorax once just as long as it could beforef somebody lived the lorax away. >> what was the lorax and whynd was it there? and why was it lifted and taken some where froe the far end of town from the grass gross the old still livesv here ask him he knows.nows. >> that's what i call the old once her. h >> oh yeah. [ laughter ] >> once lower don't knock at his door -- >> so great. >> here's what it love. h evener ne'o matter what it is ho many times you've heard the boo or never heard it there are alll still paying attention.. >> absolutely.>> >> oh, my gosh.. >> giving tree i never made itet through that without a tissue.ha >> that book.>> tha oo my goodness. if you haven't read it giving tree a >> mazing. >> they'll keep reading give away coffeell k mug. mug it's coffee time if you want the mug it's up for grabs in goodras day dunkin' donuts mug.duin' do head to
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facebook page.faceok p one lucky winner will bewi be selected by random drawing. dra hurry get that entry in by 11:0h it's 9:00 vick.0 vick. ba, with the 10a next. next. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove.
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stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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♪♪ you just d there you go. here now you just need this, mo. good to go.o >> we are rocking indeed in then good day cafe. might not quiet be lunch timeunt yet but we'll go ahead and digig in. but well do it, we'll safe livee in the process. we got something special going on with taylor gore nay. >> taylor
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that came up with a specialith i sandwich for char r the sandwich -- what's in the zappen witch. >> roved turkey. ham long hots. >> long hots.>> lonhots >> marinaded mozzarella. >> roasted tomatoes. lettuce, onion and michael'shael ultimate vinaigrette. >> known as the he is is it ad i today. >> the reason for what? >> proceeds go for cancer forr r life when you purchase ayou pure sandwich now throug march 14th chance for life ise high energy premier charitymier event benefiting pediatricia cancer research.h. >> um-hmm. um- >> april 1st the first charitysa event to be hosted at mgm national harbor.arr. >> nice.>> n >> high energy, so fun., so f we have 700 poker players. plars the winner gets --s >> all the proceeds.roed yes.s. >> all the proceeds, there's non other char will the like this il d.c. it's so's s we have a wine and food tastings with celebrity chefs. >> funny you should bring that up. up because not only if you buy thi
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sandwich do 100% of the proceedd to now through the 14th go forot chance for life but think ofhino charlie and the chocolate cco factory.cty because they also will have soms sandwiches that are wraps thatrw have golden ticket inside and you could win entrance to the -- >> everyone wins with this. thi. children win.ilen w you win. >> exactly. exa >> win/ >> that's why we loved when we heard all boy all the money wwhs going to this so worthy cause. a charities administrative cost this absolutely wonderful.onde >> this is how we're different.t >> you don't put the ticket p te between the buns. >> no. >> it will be in the packaging somewhere.some >> right. >> that is awesome. th tis will be all the locationt except the airport, right, any taylor gourmet locations.ocatio. >> now through the 14th. 14t go to chance for live . to purchase tickets and get more information. >> i'll be stopping by bethesdaa >> that's mine. >> i love the logo by the way. w >> thank you. >> thanks
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>> wrist bands for my basketball team.ds >> fball collecting for his bas te >> we got to get some stuff. sff we got to come in and get is it stuff. first break sandwiches willchesw disappear.disaear. >> cookies?>>kies >> yes. >> thank you.ou >> thanks for being a friend. >> travel around the world. wor >> and back again. aga >> that's how you can save livee on your lunch break today you ty can head into any taylor gore g nay and if you order thatha special sandwich all thosellhose proceeds will go on to help witt charity which is great. thanks callie and everybody from taylor gore nay. gy. i'm steve alongside holly,e holl maureen and wisdom. wis yesterday we talk about thealt h cherry blossoms waiting for thaa day to find out when the peakene bloom is and we only haveonlyav literal al few days to wait nown until peak the team behind -- but that'sha coming up in less than two than weeks. week >> wow. >> look at that. phenomenom continues.tinu christmas pop up bar back at iti with new japanese theme to
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coming up we'll take you liveiv inside for your first look lk inside d.c.'s cherry blossomlosm bar. >> that is gorgeous. gorge >> how pretty is that.t. >> gorgeous. >> i love that. t i can't wait to see inside thata >> very cool. >> 10:04.>> 104 it's time to check what'shat's trending this morning.endi first up if president trump canr do it, why not the queen of talk, right? having no government experience could we p see a presidential runerie fromf oprah winfrey? she hined at tht idea during a recent interview r with bloomberg network. listen to what she had to say. >> i actually never thought -- - never considered the question, o even a i just that was, oh, oh -- >> right. >> it's color you don't need dod government experience to be elected president of the united states. >> that's what i thought. i thought, oh gee, i don't havm the experiendoce.n' h i don't know enough. eug now i'm thinking, o. >> winfrey has taken political c stance before. she was an early supporter ofupt
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house and in the most recentd im election she did back hillaryac clinton's campaign.n. so we thought we'd have fun witf this and say if oprah did run dd for president who would be inidn her administration? t take a ll at this. so vice-president of course who else could it be, right? her best friend gale king.gain so next up the secretary --tary- >> introduces her and thendhe vice-president and best friend n gale king. >> secretary of health and human services, of course, dr. o you know he may know something i about health a thing twenty thie four. >> makes sense. >> if you want real talker wholr knows how to smooth situations o over dr. phil. phil. making everybody feel good asl d second of state going around the world mending broken hearts.s >> gently explaining the world'w problems. >> that's right. >> you are full of -- okay. >> that's actually air you're breathing if you want to stay wa alive you need to breathe some e air. [ laughter ] >> that's pretty good. tyle trhat' perry for press secn u-crew thinking why? so we thih think he can doy? b etter job e than sean spicer because he canc take on the role of madea whenee reporters get out of hand. of h he can give them a little madea
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>> they would to have rename itt tyler perry's west wing.est win. indeed and finally secretary ofe the interior 98 burr kiss. interior designer. >> i said what about the white i house chef has to be rachel rayl >> of course. >> because she's also discovered her. >> they can dine for $20 day.ned >> everyone there's steadmanteaa watch do you do with steadman. d >> what do you do?>> >> leave him at him ahoe >> no. >> what do you mean.>> >> first hasn't. >> been around the whole time. oundhere, too., too w. >> leave him at home in theve white house him. >> what is he going to be b called.. >> oprah's man. >> no. that's just not right.not right. >> that's what he is. >> he's her ba. >> you want a grown man to beanb called hey, bae come here.eer >> first bae. >> not old bay. >> he gets to live at the whitei house. >> first >>ddid you notice she answered every question with, oh. >> exactly. ectly oh. >> i'll start doing that.doing >> i did not realize that david rubenstein had a show
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>> i know.. peer to peer chats. cha other big wigs and billionaires. >> i literally read about that o is w week. >> we forgot about one.. >> who? >> to be on her cabinet.o on >> who? >> from mississippi, the head oo education. >> here we go. >> wisdom martin. we're from the same hometown.etn come on.n >> give me that. give me that.vetha come on. o >> oprah wants to stay true toet her roots. [ applause ][ applse >> department of education,tion really? >> i can tell you exactly what not to do to be successful.cefu >> even the applause is late. le >> that's all right.>> as long as you get there. ton see that'sg theas message frome department of ed. as long as you get there. >> hmm. hmm >> it's all good.ood. i'll be educating all your you children. >> oh, my gosh.h,y go >> don't do that.ha you just single handed hurt oprah' chances think line alonee >> if you put wisdom in charge a of the department of treasury -r >> i like that. >> that might be a better fit.rt >> i like that.ha >> steve you're coming along'reo with me. >> thank you.. >> all going to the white househ >> steve just made his way tot s the white house. 10:07 is the time. the it look like former vice-president joe bid
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widowed daughter-in-law, wellawl she found love with biden's other son.on. ♪♪ >> it look like hunter biden idn confirmed that he's having aavga romantic relationship with his h late brother's widow. holly biden who has two childree with the late beau biden is nows in a relationship with hunterun who is separated from his wife kathleen. beau biden died from brainm cancer in may of 2015 and the biden family is apparently supporting the couple a hundredn in a statement joe biden said hh and his wife are quote lucky that hunter and hallie foundou each other as they were puttingt their lives together again after such sadness. they have mine and jill's full f and complete support and we aree happy for them.for joe biden said in statement too the post. p >> you need a flow chart toar following along with that. >> that's -- that's a lot goingo on. >> i get the grief but i'mriefum feeling some kind of way about o this. h.h. >> it feels like nighttime soa
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oprah.opra. >> it really does. does. >> he don't know. we're not in their shoes. but so but beau biden's kidsid that would be his uncle -- their uncle but it could be their step dad if they actually ge married. >> they're stu ncle. >> uncle/step dad. >> man. >> step dad, uncle. al>>l rig sht.lht >> you thought your relationships were complicated.. >> no matter where you are, are always complication.atio >> man. of course, it's throw backe, ito thursday. and we'll go ahead and stillndll with politic one world leader is melting hearts with picturesictu from his younger days. look at that jaw line.jaw line. we are talking about canadian prime minister justin trudeau. e >> not going to mention the hair. hair >> we're speechless.>> w >> these surfaced online peoplel are drooling over how moreroolim rugged he lookedor. >> oh.h. >> this particularly shirt lesst picture he's not only goodly looking now but he was back ina the day
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>> like that's he was attractive when he was >> can we see that first picture again. >> i know. print ittwant to us out so you can take it home.t h >> i want to see to confirm. toi >> i want to take a picture of o the oh. >> he's good looking. loong >> yeah. >> good looking guy. good okin >> he's hot. h. >> wisdom, don't hate. wis >> i haven't said a word. >> one eye brow went up. the one eye >> sometimes silence speaksences volume. >> you have to look at shirtvokt less canadian would you rather see trudeau or beiber.eir. >> exactly.>> exa >> exactly. >> thank you. ouhrisnk you chris for the courtesy laugh. >> oh, man. >> let's get more foul out fromo the oscar oops right now.htow not good news for thes for the accountants you knew this wasnto going to happen spokesperson for the academy of motion pictureic arts and sciences price water wt water house coopers accountantsn will never work for the oscars again. you had your chance.ur c of course the drama all sparkedl on sunday night when the wronghw winner for best picture was announced it was later determined that presentersed ths warren beatty
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way given the wrong envelope.elp he tweeted out this image of emma stone.emma so perhaps he was a bit distracted.stcted. well pricewaterhousecoopersouses taken full responsibility fornsr the mistake.. they say they are still employed they are still partners at thetl firm but the academy says yous y take your time to tweet, lose, s track and embarrass us you're uu not welcomed back at the oscarss again. >> you're fired. >> exactly. >> that's fair. >> i heard one report they werer still questioning whether pricewaterhousecoopers is goings to be back. as the actual accounting accoung philadelphia internationalel airport. they'll have to watch out for theiphr partnershiphave t becaut affects the company. >> you have one job and you heff it you. >> from paris to h. money to your closet.>> fto yr l coming up later we're getting a first look at the fag trendsnd brand new collect. clect >> justin beiber a better man. m brad pitt he's joining georgeeo clooney in the silver fox towerx
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why meg ryan hates john mellencamp so much.llmp s 10:11 is the time.he the celebrity dish is coming up next. ♪♪ (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one.
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we'll fishily serve it up starting now. we'll start the dish by sayingti happy be lated e b by irthday, wis, too justin beiber. >> aww.ww. >> the biebs big day washe b yesterday and to celebrate thata and of course way back wednesdad the 23-year-old posted this cutt photo of himself as a young boyg on instagram.. >> so cute. ce. love yourself singer include add touching caption writing it's m' birthday and all i want is to bb a better friend, a betterr brother, better son, and a a a better man. m that's all he wants. wts this his birthday wish, wis. he also posted pictures of himself with lil wayne, dj the among he also spent the day riding atv bike in the desert. ♪♪ >> good old justin. jti >> he's 23.>> he's 23. doesn't it seem like he's beeneh on this planet for like 47 yeary but he's only 23. 2 >> yes. yes >> how is that possible?bl >> long way to go. t >> had he been be he b how about tlahites? dinner paro one.
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john mellencamp said in neww interview his ex-girlfriend megg ryan not his biggest f chatting with howard stern for f the wednesday march 1st march 1t episode of the shot jock siriusu xm radio show the 65-year-old-od singer revealed ryan who's 55hos isn't interested in friendship even though more than two yearsy have past since the pair call ii quits.qu he said this.heaid oh, women hate me.. i loved meg ryan. she hates me to death. mellencamp, you know, he went on to say asked her -- he was asked to elaborate on ryan would hate being in relationship withhip w mellencamp the rock starocst explained i think it's becauseih i'm a child.. i throw fits. i gripe. explainin. m moodody. every bad thing that fella can a be that's me. m he really sold himself there,, didn't gentlemen. >> then who would be questionine meg at this point, right yes.. >> it sounds like she's legit to me. >> how many people are really ry friends with their exes.nds with >> that's true. t come onhe. there's an ex for a reason. >> right.
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sarah silverman is openingri up about her decision to for gog motherhood in the series of in f tweets on monday the 46-year-old comedian defended her choice tot to not have kids in order to ort prioritize her career. carr. quote as a comic always work an on the road i've had to decideec between motherhood and living mm fullest life and i chose the cho ladder. she tweeted that.eetedt then she tweeted, men do have te do that. t i'd so love to be a fun dad fund coming home from the road andhed being my best fun dad self.elf. so this is just a little all a ya'll because you can't be at be woman without sacrifice andce ad that's a fact she then added and i love mye comedian brothers that egg tt eg acknowledge this truth.e this t. they're my family and for a lot of us women comic sisters arere only family.. >> here's my problem. you don't have to explain yourin decisions to anybody.. >> no. >> i mean that's the part i don't get.n th why do you have to yv if you don't want toe to e haved that's on you.ou you don't owe anybody anny an explanation much it's your bodyy >> that's right. ts righ and just because you don't feele
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other that is feel like they can. some ways shape or form and fm a whatever.atever who cares? everybody's decision is their own. >> there you go. dec >> this? jamie lynn spears who is britney spears spe sister continues to give thanks to god more than three weekn after her daughter survived an n atv accident.t. celebrating ash wednesday at a catholic church the country singer she decided to pose for e selfie with her mom lynn spearse and daughter maddie al rich. hash tag wednesday she cappingec the photo that featured maddiere smiling from ear to ear hash tat god is good. the family's latest post comes a month after maddie was hospitalized after that atvfterv accident we just mentioned.enti. the eight-year-old was riding in vehicle when it reportedlye en flipped over into a pond. p maddie was reportedly submergedd underwater for several minuteses before being airlift to doft t nearby hospital.pi she would defy doctorsyoc expectations and was released one week later. lat that is quite a blessing to have that happen. happe >> amen.>> >> amazing. >> amen. guess who is the latest latt silver fox?
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>> who? ra brad pitt. rocking a head full of gray haih like his bff george clooney this is new teaser trailer for his uu coming netflix film war machinec so there you go. g take look. it's 452nd clip pitt doesn'tt d' show his face until halfway halw through the trailer shockingg fans with his different look.ntl war machine which will be will released on netflix on mayn 26th chronicles us general's gel rise and fall and what iss considered an absurd differentit commentary on war in today's society.y. pitt portrays a four star s general who rises in the ranks to command native forces in afghanistan to findmand n his pr eroded by a journalist expo sayy but this -- i think they'rehinkt burying the lead.burying th forget the gray hair. the trailer dropped the same dad as us weekly exclusivelyvely revealed that pitt still keepstk in touch with ex-wife jennifernr aniston. >> hmm.>> h. >> according to a source brad has been texting aniston a midid his ugly spl
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jolie.joli >> >> i heard about this story thio morning.ut mo >> um-um. >> we'll find out more.. ali hasn't degree will join us u from hollywood. mo, i understand she may have mh some more details on that. onha. >> really he's texting her now. >> really? >> he's tour up, mo. he's ur u >> really really.llll he needs a shoulder to cry on. . >> how did she feel when he tore her up.her >> he was her birthday.irth he was just saying happy happy birthday.birthday. >> you're the main one who saidw exes shouldn't talk to eachalk e other. r. s she shouldn't. >> -- they shouldn't. tt. >> why is he texting her. i tex >> he was saying happy birthdayy he didn't talk to her.n't ta to he text her. >> i can't with you, >> i can't.. >> any who. 10:20. more hollywood gossip on thesipn wage we're going to hollywood today live to talk to co-host ali landry about the details ons this aniston/pitt situation.uao. i'm perturb.pert steve? >> i have couple of things i thi like here. girl scout cookies and i havee beer. and by myself i mean
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broke in the girl scout cookiesi and beer from black squirrel inl adams morgan the reason we have all this because there arese the actually ways to pair your girlg scout cookies with the properr beer. we won't tell you which pairsch with which that's what we have h you here for.u he for >> yup. >> you don't need me. we'll talk with her coming up>> little bit later. later it's part of. our bro block.lo don't go anywhere. if these survive.
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>> hey, we're back at northeastr d.c. at friendship wood ridge elementary school where tucker ane d allbaisonfriend sch are re students today.oday. it's row across america day. acm in its 20th year. y always falls on dr. seuss' birthday which is march 2nd 2 and so you can see all the kidsd got their little red and white dr. seuss cat in the hat hats on.on. >> hi, everybody.very >> hi. h. >> obviously the point tont t encourage reading and all the at benefits that come from it and t so that's so great that our our thing and thing two could be oud there. ther >> it looks like they're goinghg class to class assembly to assembly. >> i love that. >> reading the lorax.he lorax. >> what was the other book. b >> the giving tree.iving tre an amazing book. >> tear jerker.rerke >> yeah. >> all right. e to g out's time to get out to mike thomas or get over to mikei thomas and talk about weather. h >> hey, mike.>> heyke. >> wisdom let's do a littlet's e weather. why not? big story about todayd is the wind is blowing and thata blowing wind is bringing inging cooler temperatures. tempe you probably felt it if you'veov stuck your head out the window w at all today..
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difference in the temperature. we were 80 degrees yesterday. we're going to be nowhere nfieae this there this afternoon.eron 31 miles an hour wind gusts lass reported in washington.hito 32 for manassas. 38 at dulles. 31 miles an hour wind gustsour towards frederick. win hipster the wind is blowing out there.ot that will remain through thero afternoon. later on tonight will the windsw start to calm down a 47 degrees here in washington. 43 in gaithersburg.sburg. even 30s still out there. cumberland, maryland, chilly 377 west minster 39 degrees at thisi hour as well as winchester thert kind of stuck in the 30s today. satellite/radar showing someowso snow showers up towards towar pittsburgh but those seem to bee wining down they will kim backb up tonight in our high lands ofa to the northth t i'm talking garrett countynt maryland, grant mineral countiee in west virginia looking at snoa showers here tonight and here in d.c., yes, here in washington,ao this little system here iowaow could bring us some snow showerw as early as tomorrow here's look at the future cast.s again, snow showers tonight. tht holding off to the west. we work into your daytime hourse f friday.
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overnight and daytime hours.dayu could be a couple flurries herer and this is not a huge deal.huge d it's not going to cause major issue kind of conversational ofl snowflakes. there's your accu weather seven day forecast.ur acc day weekend dry and chilly.y anl little warmer as we head into h the next work week. that's a look at the forecast. holly, over to you.ver to y >> i'll take it, mike. you know h and m is a great go o to for all the latest fashion fi trends, right now it's making ii easier. sier. coming up next, your first looko at the all new runway to closett collection.cotion how it marks a first for thest t style chain.stain. 10:26 is our time right n we'll be right back with looksh you don't want to miss. ♪♪
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♪♪ unprice is right rules i,, yes, i won the peak bloom bet i said march 12 many. man steve guessed saint patrick'sck day march yesterday the national parknal p service made it official.ffic peak bloom will run fro march 14th to the 17th. >> wait who gets the 17th. 1h >> did you. you. but -- >> price is right rules, steve. >> they haven't bloomed yetomedy people. technically you are in thelly yo running let's be real.inlet' >> it's not over yet. i >> you were closest withoutt's going over.clos >> i get it.est t. yeses. okay. okay >> reluctantly defer to you. you you only have few days to enjoy the blossoms in peak bloom but check out a brand new cherryrry blossom pop-up bar it openstpens today in shaw. annie is there inside mockingng bird hill no stranger
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events we've seen it atts w christmastime noun you get toe'y see it for cherry blossoms.loss pretty in pink, annie. annie good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning. and look, things are bloomingth hereings already a you're righti isn't the first time they'vefirs done this. ity,it, of the popular they've brought it back, they're bringing the whole japanesees culture, the cherry blossom festivities right in ourght our backyard to d.c.ckyard we're here at the southern south efficiency in mocking bird hilll it's two different concepts but all under the same roof andoo joining me now is paul taylor t the senior bar manager here. her good morning. >> good morning.>> >> this is not your every day diy project going on here.n this is some serious decorationo really feeling like the whole we tidal base sip is around you.un. >> for sure. that was the idea that we hade h here at southern efficiency. we have the washington monumentm right there.ght the and on the back wall we have a maggie o'neal painting.g. >> beautiful.>> bea >> jefferson memorial we're w encompassed by all thesell tse beautiful cherry blossoms we'vew got a lot of japanese and d.c. c themes going on here. >> right. and so for those
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familiar years ago back in 1912, japan gifted us with like over 3,000 cherry trees an lot ofn o them are lined along the tidal base si and so for many, many, m many years we have been able to enjoy the it's a big deal obviously inn japan. pa it's a big deal here in d.c. youville come up with food items and drink items surrounding thet whole thing.thin let's talk about some of those.o >> we really wanted to celebrata d.c. culture with this.his. we really wanted the type ofypf people and amount of people that would come into our bars and and celebrate d.c.e c. >> yeah. >> so we put together a menuu that features all sorts ofts different cocktails. some that represent the cherry blossom festival and cherryrry blossoms in d.c. and other thata is represent mario which isch i theme we have.ave. >> we got to show mario, too,, , because obviously mario the game started in japan. they brought it here to thetohe states i think i was three inhri '85 when -- i was all aboutbout mario growing up.p. >> for sure.
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around for many years. y. it's great game but that whole concept is also a nod to japanoj which is lot of fun.. >> for sure. mario as you said i thinkd i t reaches so many differents so generations. m >> yes. >> there's generation that 's g marhe first mario or the geneiora or tion thatht made mar or knew generation now that's playing mario.inmari >> right. >> a way for us to connect withw our guests in a fun and whimsical pay way.ay >> let's get started with the wt drink. i want to get this in.nto what was the thought process behind this drink. >> this drink is called,behi ea, drink and be cherry. che we're in the cher lee blossomslm bar we wanted to create a light ever fess sent drink this one i like cherry whiskey soda. we're using toke key whiskeyy wk which is a blended japanese whiskey. morlack company which is a a cherry brandy. nardini manned lore row an almond gap poe. soda. like a cherry soda. >> that sound like a lot of flavors going asound >> for sure.
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>> are these things that peoplel can pick up at the store or they special to the experience here? >> um, they are definitelyinel special to the experience here.r >> yes.>> y >> we wanted to make things -- pretty.prty >> for sure. >> we want colors to representee our festival. >> yes.>> y >> little bit of soda to top it off.of >> that looks gorgeous. >> we put some march chinoarchhi cherries on top. >> i'll take a sip of this. >> you're not going to have onee >> a little early. >> wow! >> that's banning this is goodnh stuff. i wish you could take a seven an this. this is really good. back to youis i. >> i was just commenting annie i didn't even know you drank.rank i don't think i've ever seen you take seven >> she's already tipsy now. tipw >> i know. >> that was her max. m >> it takes like soda pop. >> that makes it better.etr >> don't let that fool you,ou, annie.e. >> put it down. >> walk away. >> wisdom, put down the devil'ss juice. >> act away slowly.
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>> the devil's nectar. necta i stand corrected. whoo! whoo! >> oman. said he's notnder drinking you my want to takeo that as a queue. 10:33. what you got holdly. h >> yesterday steve you won'tay believe this h and m debuted what they are calling see now, buy now. now. spring and summer studio 2017o 7 collection. it iscoll their first shoppable runway the paris fashion show s aligned witness current seasonc so customers were able able to t purchase what they see walk dowd the runway immediately.ialy here at good day we're all aboua the new and the now. now so we're having our own h and md fashion show and joining us this morning to talk about all of the looks that you can shop now is stylist lauren rothman.. good to see you. >> good morning. >> so this really is cool concept. >> not only is see now, buy nown it's wear now. many times at fashion week whatw they're sewing is six monthsx ms ahead. ashiany times at fashion week if i'm being hahn n wever, lauren,e i'm not wearing it.m not wearin. [ laughter ]
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actually wearable and affordable. >> this is wearable. it is affordable. thiit i collection of seasonably on trend pieces.iece >> all right. all right let's go ahead and get started what's first up. first up >> rhea will come out here, and this is our futuristic lease lea sure look. look. these are the love pants, rightt you may want to snuggle up onepn the couch in them.h the >> they actually say love onoveo them. th i just noticed.iced. .> exactly. if you love fashion, you're your going to own these pants. p i love it with the parachute hoodie. so this is a great pie you can actually make it a cropp top style or bring it down. so very on trend. tnd pop of color at the bottom there with our orange slipper shoe.. >> it does look super comfy. com i will say that.i wiay tha >> you will see all of oursee ao models today in this great shoeo 129 very on trend. tre >> all right.ll right. >> so let's go ahead and bring i out jordan.orn. and so from the couch to the office.
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>> oh wow. >> this shoppable collection han got you this is our by now wear now seee now suit.t this is great, again, now we've seen what looked like thatike tt slipper at home, now bringing ig to the office as a very chic and under stated shoe choice for e men. >> the shoe choice that workse for men,choice women, all lookss >> that's right.s righ >> in all colors.ol >> union any sex $129. fantastic. very on trend we saw themti last year with a lot of fur at of r t fashion shows.n sh >> um-hmm. >> still going. >> more real version of o that. that. >> all right. i like it. >> all right. ll what's up n rext? >> as we stay futuristic here wr have tyler in our all white look. ials are veryater sports wear oriented.rien he's in all white. whi. so whether it's work out, casual lifestyle or you're working from home -- >> okay lauren i'll be honest ii i see that dude walking down the street i think people are goingk to be like, p weohat is up? u >> then we come up and we say,, hey, look at that. that. this ces
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raining you might take off thatt parachute jacket and you justou got on a great whitey and some athletic inspired slacks.slacks >> i hope you won't do anythingn to get dirty. dir. that will be hard to keep clean. >> from white to cherry blossomm pink. >> aww.w. >> you don't have to even iron love it. >> this is really easy to wear, and again, so much of thiss clothing works on any body typey that's what i like about this ti collection. you'll see a lot of these aot o parachute ribbons, throughoutt both on our tops and the bottoms. >> parachute pants just wentustw back a couple decades when you said that. >> the '80's are in.. >> right, right. rig >> all right. gorgeous color.olor >> very on trend.>> ver great color making it pop.t p >> all right.ight we will take it then back too white. whit you're seeing our black, our o pink and our white this season.o so i like this. it has a little bit of romantic look. very on trend with our sleeve. e you've got that bell sleeve that ties. ti this is adjustable.table. again with o
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what i love about the t collections it also mixes andix matches all these ensembles forr under $200.20 >> um-hmm.m- >> you can run to georgetownrgew park or f street to grab any of these.the let's -- >> i love her because she lookrk like she just came off the she's got the look andnd everything.. >> she is a model. >> live says ken doll just walkw into the life.e. >> watch out.ut men will be running out to buyob pink. >> really.>> >> indeed. and so this is the bomberr jacket.ja this trend has been somethingomi hot we've seen in the fall. continuing into fall. excuse me into spring. sin we've got it with our shorts, our blacktop and again our go to slipper. >> does that jack fit? is that? the right size.e. >> for a ken doll it is. >> this is the paris show, right?righ >> yes. >> this is runway company derror you can buy now.yo all of this is available at h and is aand m >> all my models come back out o so we can see all the look. it is fun that obviously mostos people don't have a front
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at paris fashion week.onee >> that's right.t's ght. >> so now you can see i you can run to the store. s you can buy it and i'm sure you can get it online as well. well >> you can.>> y can f street and georgetown park tht two spots in d.c. where you canc get this available today. >> fantastic.>> fan thank you models.thank you thank you, laurenmo.aure >> great to be here. to be h >> so much fun. fun >> over to you all. all. >> wilbur rock had known aboutna the 129 slippers he could have saved some money and sold them.. >> still might turn into theurnn good day d.c. slippers forers f wisdom and steve.teve >> blank canvass ready to go.vaa all we need is a logo. log >> i'm getting that.hat >> don't worry we got that.tha >> yes. yes >> thanks you guys.hanks you gu thanks, lauren almost time forif round two of the celebrity dishy and this morning we've got a celebrity to help us do it.t. hollywood today live co-host ali landry is joining us live nextvt with a sneak peek at some of the stories they're working on on'r today's show. show. it's 10:39.0:39. back after this.ckfter ♪♪ ♪♪
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y29pgy y16fy ♪♪ all right we've got a double dose of the celebrity dish thise morn'vinceg and forlebrit this e are heading to hollywood. joining us now life hollywood today live co-host ali landry lr and ali we have not talk to you before so i'm curious to get t g your intake.yo let's start with brad and jenn. i can't even believe these two o are still staying in touch whatw the what? >> honey, let's talk about brada and jenn. jn. okay. so first of all let's set it upp much the story is an absolutebsl doocy. so brad and jenn apparently are texting again.
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so brad initiated the exchangexg by sending jenn an happyn h birthday text on her birthdayir which was february11th andnd according to the sources, he has been confiding in jenn about his divorce from angelina jolie.oli. okay.okay. listen, i am so not okay with jenn is a married first of all it's veryery disrespect full. i think brad, honeyful you neede to find somebody else to talk o to. >> um-hmm. >> not good at all, right., righ >> no, ma'am.>> n not good at all. >> brad, don't rue a good home. did you it before. don't go iditd again.. >> right.ig thank you. that's my my th what was that conversationveio before the happy birthday text?? oh jenn by the way, i'm so sorrr for cheating on you when i was s in the movie with angelina jolil did he say that? i don't know.' any way, this gets me heated and you'll see that later in ourn o conversation on the show.. but let's go back to whatkwt happened at the oscars.s. it's been four days. since the big flub for oscarss best picture.. and we're still talking about ii
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academy president cheryl boone isaac says that the two price pricewaterhousecoopersatusec accountant responsible for the snafu are never going to work tr the oscars again. right? >> i mean -->> >> i can't really say that ihati blame her. >> yeah. they had one job.>>neob they were one job. job. if you can get that right, whyiw do i need to have you back? bac come on.. >> one job. they were snapping pictures of o emma sto they were having a party back there.ther yeah. so that's now over.. and we have so many things goini on today on the show.ho from the series for pete sake we have holly robin pete today andd she plays betty in the archie ac comic reboot riverdale lillian i reinhart is here. is he we have got the cure for your yu high heels hangover. also today. today so just watch us every day.ay. yeah, i know.i know. we all need that, right? >> yes. >> we're on every day at 1:00 on foxfo you guys tune in.e i >> we definitely. you guys are so muc we h fun to
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gossip and get the great tipss ali landry it's great talking to you. we hope to talk to you again. >> same here, maureen.aureen same here. sa >> all right. all right. >> see you guys later hollywood today live here on fox5 today ty later this afternoon stay tunedn for it. it is always a goodie.ooe >> okay.>> steve, over to you in theou ithe kitchen. >> you're hanging with ali over here i'm hanging whiff avalonffn over here from black we'll pair girl scout cookiesoo with beer. with yes, it's a thing.yes, it' we'll tell you where you can dou it. we'll give you tips in advance.n i'll sit here and drink my my coffee instead.. who am i kidding.ding let's open these. we'll see you after the break. ♪♪
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♪♪ crank it up much it's time e for the bro block 10:48 right now. how many times have we done the webro block now at least twice.e we keep saying we need a beer. b so today here's what we're going to do we need a bar at least.. we're pairing girl scout cookies and beer and we are learning thl perfect alcohol pairing for those boxes of dose see doughs,h sam mow yas, thin mints etin e cetera, et cetera. let's talk about it right we are going to it bring
10:49 am >> yes. resident cookie --ki >> mike thomas the bros broo block. bloc >> cookies and beer. c >> you came running. you >> this is the most importantmpa person we have with us thishi avalon from the black squirrel r in adams morgan you guyss actually we're doing this today to have little fun with it. it's ali thingtt youle guys rea. you do pairings of girl scoutf g cookies and beer.d be. >> our second year doing it. it. started out because one of ourno bar ten as year ago had a girl in girl scouts and she wanted te sell so amy who is one of the ownerss along with tom they're like well let's buy a whole bunch andunch figure out something to do. som beer anddo cookies who wouldn't' want to eat those. >> dreaded research period youec had to dry allh pe the beers ana decide what goes best with what. >> yeah. there was some late nights. >> i want how much research goee into it. in how do you research beer andrchb cookies and get the combinationn together?to >> i'm a cookie guy.e guy not beer g >> you taste, wisdom.. >> use your taste buds.ud same with food pairings isn't ia that right. >> yeah. same thing when it comes toir ng cookies you're wit c allowed too little bit m
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witness flavors.ess it can be not as balanced.alan you can just kind of aim for the suite. >> go right in. >> um-hmm.m >> okay. you have exciting tough with thh restaurant we'll buck in minutem let's get down to the pairingsai right now we promised peopledpl that we do our best to pair girg scout cookies with beer. what cook should we start withrw first. >> we are going to do one of th new gluten free the toffee. >> it has little pieces of toffee in there.he >> we'll start >> you can eat one and take a te sip. or take a sip, eat one however v you want to do it. >> mike, where is your glass. g. cheers.s. irokie first. >> great year. great year.>>great year >> very sweet. >> what shall we pair this one.e >> you said you liked p cidars t least -- this is the potters out of virginia farmhouse c i'll give you that one >> all right.>> all rht. >> i will give you a brown.wn >> he's drink fog me.og m >> d
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>> okay.ka >> show the id. >> they card immediate at theiat door. do >> go ahead.>> g tell me and theo n i'll tell her if it's a good combination.. >> i feel like this is a refinen taste right >> we agree. this is a good combination.. >> nice little palate cleanser as well. >> i like that.>> i like t les momove on. >> move on to the next one. >> now we've got the -- trefoils. trefoils. >> trefoils. .nodehave no idea >> as long as you find theind te cookie it doesn't matter.doesn'. >> you just put them in your mouth. mo >> this the short bread cookie.o what do we pair it with. >> a pilsner and with an ale. so we have the skyfox pilsneriln out of pennsylvania.vania. we tried to stay as local ass ls possible. some of them are a little overto on the other side of the us.he and then we have the solid from pennsylvania. we have a pilsner and the pale. >> mike.. >> accents the biscuit
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short bread >> sell me what you think good i feel very european right now. >> i like that. >> it's good. i l >> there you go.>>here two tour two.wo >> what's next? nt? >> hold on to this. ts this is i'm scared of becaused b these are not my favoriteit cookies. >> this is lemon cookie. >> got citrus.>> g you got that lemon citrus flavov we paired it with ipa's. >> when you are doing the pairings are you supposed toou s drink water in between or -- i mean you can. can but -- >> you just rather have theere h beer. er >> why waste the beer. >> you want to have a -- that's a good pointha.good p >> here we go. >> we've got the lemon and we'lw pair this with what yes. >> evolution pine hop after maryland and this one is the ipa the space dust.e >> we really are going with sout for the lemon and suite from the pineapple.piple. >> sour and sweet.>> sour an >> so far we're doing very well i like w it. >> okay. >> that one was interesting.ters >> mike is not a fan of thatfha one. on mike is not
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>> lightning round about now wet have every other cookie that's ' left girl scout hierarchyrahy including the thin mints.n m >> this is what i want to know.k >> like the beer i'm not touchou the thin mints.e thin mints. >> can't dot thin mints.'t d>> sorry.>>orry >> you're not much a bro in thet brock.ock. >> step up your bro ship. s >> my >> i would guess from the thinth minute and chocolate we're goini to put this with something dark and stout like.t like. >> did that give it away rightit there. there. >> that gave it away.hat ga it in fairness to me i see fouree u cookies and one dark drink and k two lighter ones.ones so i was just -- >> they move them.hem. he's drinking out of the glasses they're out of brewery out ofryt d.c.d.c. >> love sporting d.c. >> in the bro block you have too be observant to be in the broheo block. block. that's all i'm saying.'m saying. >> mike, choose your cookie.. >> do the thin mints.himi >> i'm going to choose the highg end smores these are five are fe dollars boxes of cookies.s boxe >> i'll take this s one right rt here. why do we pair the dark beerkee with them. the >> t s
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chocolate out of a porter or stout none teeness you getouet from -- a little sweetness as st well that you get from the t cookies you're tasting. >> are you just not beer person or do you not drink. drink. >> i don't drink at all. i'll tell you abouont't my colll days another time. >> we don't have enough time for that. >> folks want to come out don co this at black squirrel when cana they do that. >> they can come out tomorrow so friday from 5:00 until close. ce saturday from 12:00 until closet and then if we have cookies asos long as you guys don't eat them -- right. r >> if we have some left over fof sunday it's from 12:00 untilil closing. closing. >> you guys did stock up thiss weekend it's a great idea. >> it's a great idea. >> have cookies to go along witw your beverages.ages you're expand agnew location when and where?and >> we are so it will b we in dun loring virginia right near theea dunn loring metro, and hopefully within the next two months itnts will be open. >> fantastic.>> fan >> yeah. >> just in in final time fortimf spring.spring. >> did mike vote.>> did mike vo >> i like
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it has the best flavor combo.r b >> you get a bonus cookie. >> shout out to the troops. >> where are are these comingrea from. >> from her troop number 369. >> noe thank you very much.hank the cookies are awesome. ywesom. the beer is awesome. avalon thank you very much.eryu. check out black squirreling fori your pairings. >> the girl scouts were not selling the beer. >> no, mike. !oirl scsell >> this is why he only gets onoe >> that's right.>> >> you don't get invited back t the bro block.e br >> come on.>> com. >> he earn his bro badge untilil then. then. >> my goodness. here's the thing i didn't thinki it would work just watching itci that's really fun. yeah.h. >> they actually work.. >> anything paired with beer iss good. >> there you go. >> amen, sister. amen. > en >> bro block is really simple. okay. what we got? tweets. twe >> tweets now.. people engaging today which wech always first up and this is what wehisa said too if you don't want kidsd that's your business.our bu motherhood isn't for everyone en women need to stop explaining r choices.ces. >> that's right.>> do you. holly, with dom i have
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i'm friends with we didn't workt as a couple but great >> good luck with that.t [ laughter ]ughter >> wisdom said good luck with lh that. >> look at this.ook my grandfather's brother marriei my grandmother and had kids k called him uncle mike not grandpa like my granddaughtersds call me. >> i'm so confused. >> okay. steadman would be the first baee that's what i said. [ laughter ]er ] >> first bae. >> is that it? >> no more tweet tweet. >> no more? >> that's all our tweets for ts today. we must go. >> holly -- >> i saved you one, holly. >> that's what friends are for. >> i'm channeling dion warwick.. >> it's okay. it's light beer.ig beer. [ laughter ][ >> that's i'll take that and a full box oo thin mints. >> well, mike already digging id ter there. >> i got the thin mints.n min >> avalon thank you very much.a >> sure. .> i'll take those too >> i'll even do trefoils.efoils i can eat a whole sleeve ofof trefoils in one minute flat. fla >> do
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