tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX March 2, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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any trump campaign officials having communications withatio moscow but now sessions says nos he did tasilk to russia's ambassador while a senator and trump campaign advisement fitzfz sessions didn't quit today.n' is that still at possibility?i >> reporter: in the short so term jim it appears not. make no mistake we are at the at very beginning of what's going i to be a long term argument all over this between democratsemoas and at the heart of all this is the question, could a u.s.. sitting senator who is a i a member or was a member of the u.s. senate armed servicesices committee meet with thee me russian ambassador and then as an attorney general nominee be questioned about meetings between trump campaignampai officials and russian rssian officials and not have ana ethical responsibility to to disclose that in those tse confirmation hearings.irmati hea well, in his press conferenceone tonight at the u.s. justice department, attorney general ger
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fact he did meet on two occasions with the sovietons russian ambassador. however, he knocked down hardha any suggestion that he did did anything wrong or intentionally tried to misleadms the senate and those that were e quesg him.g him. in fact senator sessions whenios he was in office said that tha those were routine meetings hege had and moving forward now asd s the attorney general of theener united states he says he's removing or recusing himselfrecf from any future investigationsen of russian influence in the 2016 campaign.a >> let me be i never had meetings withgs w russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trumprp campaign. and the idea that i was part of a "continuing exchange of information during thehe campaign between trump tmp surrogates and intermediariesntm for the russian government
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totally false. >> reporter: so, this move today comes as there were increasing calls amongstlls democrats and republicans forrer sessions to remove himself.him among those, the houseus republican majority leaderader kevin mccarthy and the house hoe oversight chairman jason chaffetz both calling forth calr sessions to step aside fromde rm these investigations if he in hn fact was going to be one ofe the subjects investigated inated all of this.of this. now, while that was going on, n, there appeared to be a coordinated effort byordinateefy democrats today to step upy to p their efforts against the new e attorney general outside thee u.s. justice department todayary protesters from the liberal activist group move rallied outside the doors ofouth the justice department calling on sessionse tod resign. the democrat members the house judiciary committee sent aary letter to the u.s. attorneythe n tonight asking for a
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investigation of the attorneyioe general andy all the while almost in unison, theon, the democratic leaders of both theoh senate and the house chuck c schumer and nancy pelosi went t a step farther calling on then attorney general tonight too resign from >> the fact that the attorney general, the top cop in that our country lied under oath tone the american people is groundsi for him to resign. it's grounds for him to resign. he has proved that he is unqualified and unfit topr servs in that position.p >> reporter: president trump tup was asked about this in this in virginia saying he has totalto confidence in his attorneys atty general. you'll remember the formere form national security adviser michael flynn did have toe to resign after only more than 22t2 days in office after hee admitted to misleading viceslea president mike pence as to as whether or not he had any
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discussions with russianth ussin officials. however, the white houseve the w tonight is saying there is aerea very big difference in these t two cases. c flynn was accused ofuse discussing obamang obama administration sanctions withcti the russians and then lateren tr admitted to not telling theling vice president that he had h these discussions.discsions. the attorney general sessionsrns is was a sitting alabamaalabama senator at the time of hisofhi discussions and sitting on thene armed services committee.commit the white house tonighttonight saying, jim and sarah, those ths are very different scenariosscos and the attorney generaleneal insists that he did nothing wrong. we're live tonight.. we'll send it back in to you. y. >> tom fitzgerald thank youthano much. >> meantime new tonight u.s. forces engage in their firstr ft military action in yemen since e the raid that killed u.s. navy.s s.e.a.l. ryan owens last month. u.s. troops carried out moremore than 20 morning airstrikes targeting al-qaeda fighters. f seven militants were killed. the strikes were aimed atwere destroying the group's abilityab to coordinate future terror
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attacks. >> ♪♪ news in nbreaking prince george's county.ce georg a s teenager is dead after aafta shooting tonight. >> fox5's anjali hemphill ishils live in oxon hill with more on what happened. anjali. a very active scene after af teen was shot and killed literally right smack dab inigh the middle of this apartment apt complex. you can see yellow crime scene sene tape roped around several ropeda buildings here, several biglbig area of this parking lot haslo a been roped off as several as officers are standing aroundarod trying to figure out what to fit happened. this is also near a playgroundpn right here in the middle. i this is south view apartmentpart complex here off south view drive. you can see several peopleveralp also standing around, lots ofots kids out here, very activeacve time in an apartment complexnt x like this for something likethin this to happen and there's notes a lot of information that has if been released soor far. ar. just all we know is that athaa call came in just before fore 3 o'clock that a teenager hadee been shot here off south viewiew drive. this is also near potomac highph school. he was-
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taken to a hospital where thethe teenager died. d no other information on thatthat victim at this time.ctim at is . only that the person is a teenager. we have heard they could be as s young as 14 years old. ol police are actively lookingoking for any suspects at this this point. no information on a suspect, s how many or any motive.otve. obviously police are lookinglok for any information that couldt lead to an if you know anything, you are e urged to call prince george's county police.ce y activetill a gver scene here. it is inside this apartmentinsi complex not impeding any y traffic nearby.neby. but certainly if you know anything, you should call prince george's county police.n, back to you guys. >> let's head over to fairfax fx county now where police sayces detectives have found evidence v of a crime in holmes run parkn where they have been searchingeg since tuesday night.nig but so far they have nothave nt discovered any human remains.res >> police went to that parkice after getting a tip therweea tie might be bodies fox5's paul wagner live fromi the scene tonight with that story. story. paul. >> reporter: well, sarah an
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jim it was back in may 2014m that police and the fbi discovered two bodies inside two this park. they were gang members who had n beeng murdered and decapitatede there were seven men taken toakt trial and tried and convictedon in ca. now here we are almost threel years later and police say s they have discovered a crime scene here in holmes run park.oa they came here on a tip andan basically they said that itthatt was gang related.elat. that crime scene we were able to shoot today from a backyardbd basically right here where youe see this jeep behind me, we were able to get backis ther jeh and get you some good picturesps on what's been happening hereni in the pngark. p let's show you that video now.d. detectives and investigators ina were back at a cordoned off section of holmes run parkrun pk today where police say theyce sh have found evidence of crime.e. through the thick woods from aia neighbor's yard we could seeld e detectives using evidence bagsns which they then placed inside orange crates. they also used special s measuring devices
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l-shaped ruler as they wented r about colleculting items in the woods. wood approximately a dozen lawlaw enforcement personnel were onwe the site sifting through the sit leaves and markinghr ouwhat they had collected.llected. the scene is about a hundred hu yards from homes off crateroff place and everglades drive.lade. we first noticed this site yesterday where fbi agents with the evidence responsevi team werede working in the area. a white tent opened on all ted sides had been set up in inn in what appeared to be to protectpo a small section of the woods wds where they had discovered some e evidence. as for the initialev tip about o the bodies, police aren't a saying much.. >> there's something that weom t can't release right now.right no the detectives are lookingtectea into where this information is t coming from andhi the credibility of it but we don'tt want to receive thisive information and do nothing songo we want to make sure we're out e here and we're leaving noavin no stone unturned in our search.ou >> reporter: now, there is a la
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hill behind me here in holmes in run park. it is next to park lawn they have a mobile commando post there. the fbi is there. t they have a lot of vehicleshicls down there and gators andors and other things and they had beendn bringing in k-9 teams in heren e to continue to search the park k but so far the only thing thatga we've been able to see to show w specifically that there's ahere crime scene is what we just we showed you in those picturesic and that's just on the otherthe side of th backyard fromard fr where i'm standing.ere i'm ding. police say they're going tooingo continue to be here in theue tor park for quite some time. time. live in fairfax, paul wagner,wa, fox5 local news.. >> in montgomery county, a man is that under arrest tonightonih for allegedly threatening toate harm a judge and saying he hadne a car full of explosives.xplive. police say they received aa suspicious call from a man man around 10:00 a.m. m officers tracked down theer suspect and arrested him aboutst an hour later near falls roado and maryland avenue in rockvenuk vigil the bomb squad thoroughly searched the area but
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in the suspect's car.c >> i think part of this mayhis stem from a divorce, a custodyry situation as well as allegedlyal he may be claiming that he'sat s not eligible for a tax return re as he may be behind in childn c support payments.ymnts. >> but so far the suspect'ssuecs identity has not been released. re right in you atle 5:00 5:00 unanswered questions remain about the deadly de police-involved shooting ofho motorcyclist terrencemoto sterling.rc >> there's new info rmation innfo that investigation tonighttigatt coming up from the the attorney's ofc we'll talk about that straight a ahead. >> and there is a disputedi brewing in maryland over beer. . the special treatment smallatmel independent brewers say a major brewery is getting thatint they want, too. to hey, sue. y, sue >> well, you can certainlycer tell saint patrick's day isainti coming up sarah and jckim's.andm that's for's for s hey, i've got to tell you obviously it's muc
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today. we're still dealing with gustyg winds but they are going tooing get better tonight but there's an albetrta clipper heading indn our direction.r could we be seeing some snow showers before we usher in the weekend? i'll show you whatu ht we're seeing on satellite and on radar and give you a heads upads for your friday.frday. full forecast and a peak at peat that friday forecast coming c your way in just a couple ofoupf minutes. we'll be right >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> small independent brewers in maryland want the right to expand their beer makingndepd wa operations in thnge future. fut so that's why they're asking'reg customers to sign a petitionpeit to support a bill that wouldll d allow them to serve more.m >> at the same time they're opposing two other bills that wouldr b allow guinness beer tos get special here's fox5's matt ackland.ak >> reporter: this petitionthis effort really has nothing too do with whether or notor guinness comes here to the comes state of maryland or not.not in fact many beer producers they want guinness here. guinne. but they also want a level playing field.fie. >> a lot goes into creatingcreai this beer before it hits theth long before the doors open atopt den the this son's brewing company in silver spring the' art of crafting beer is unders e way. julie is one of the founders.s. >> i don't think that limits thi make sense when the onlyen impact of thsee limit isits stopping businesses fromnessesrm growing. >> reporter: the amount ofnt o beer brewers can serve is the issue.
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brewery will look like ine baltimore county, a huge tourist attraction providingroig many new jobs. many small independent brewers welcome guinness but areme guinn asking customers to sign this t petition to oppose two statepseo bills they believe will give bee unfair advantages to guinness allowing guinness to sell muchn more and be open longer >> there's breweries that havere been around for years in the th state that have created jobs, invested in the economy, invested in the locale local community and we have guinnessav which is this internationalhi company comings in and they'reh all of a sudden getting ati carve out special rule created e for them so that they can doo te what they want and that leavese everybody else out and i justi u don't think that that's >> reporter: while two builtil are opposed by the small sll independent brewers, one othernr they house bill 1420 allowing allng l breweries across the state,sta, the act to produce and sell much more beer than they h curren
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in silver spring matt acklandkld fox5 local >> ♪♪ >> getting you ready for saintt patty's day isn't it. d >> no kidding.>> no ki >> cravings that's for sure onon that. 50 degrees outside. deg not too bad.rees ounot too nice and sunnyd. at least. lea >> a little wind out there the but -- but -- >> yeah. >> -- not bad.>> -- >> is that going to sticknooing around sue palka.palk >> winds are finalling going to start getting better sarahsrh and jim but you know what even n today we had gusts between 45ee5 and 49 miles an hour at reagan n and dulles.d dulles. so, those gusts that's whatt we're starting with tonight, t they're considerably bet butet t they're still prettyey're stl py noticeable and so it takesit tae that 50 degrees and makes iteest feel like it's in the 40's.'s i. we've got a gust at 30 at manassas, 32 at frederick, 22ed here in d.c., 28 at want coitwan will get better after about aout 6 o'clock or 7 o'clock tonightot but don't be surprised if theif winds pick up a little bit bt again tomorrow because we'verrow got an alberta clipper passingis through our area and it misighti bring us a few snow showers sows we'll talk about that in aut tha moment. and a fewd s 50 points south are also in thethe 50's, you can see it'se it' considerably cooler as we getget up towar
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cumberland 44 for hagerstownagen cumberland coming in att 39 degrees, 45 for frederickrede and 43 for gaithersburg.ithebur. and by the way, what a significant temperature changeun considering yesterday we touched 80 degrees to set a -- - tie a record here in d.c. we are about 19 to 23 degrees ds colder and i know you feltfelt that if you were out today butwe i agree it's great to see thethe sun. that sun hack goal getting higher and higher every dayvery and so it really warms you ups p while you're driving along inrio your car.ur car. now, this alberta clipper clippr that's going to be passing by it's a weak area of low weak arw pressure that will pass to our r north. notice the cold air up here here towards pittsburgh at 33, 33, detroit 31 and chicago 33.icago3 the clipper is going tog to transport that colder air intooo our area for friday.or frid so, friday's going to end up en being a cooler day and bonusonus t-you might even see a few snow showers or flurries maybery even a quick light sprinklesprin but it's looking more likely ley that it may be some flurriesfl and the we could see some ofoulf these even later tonight.oi this little system is going to be approaching the mountainsmous and
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coating of snow in thehe mountains but closer to ourto or area it will just be a quick q passing snow shower.ino again can't rule them outhe later tonight.onght. can't rule them out during theo day to i think we'll take am pass onss them for the early evening though. thou 7 o'clock temperature at 46e at will still be breezy byzy b 9 o'clock about 42 and by 11 o'clock, 40.11 o'cck, we're headed for the 30's tonight. tomorrow's only going to top tp out in the low 40's and again, a we may see a couple of snow snow showers passing on through,passt so, hey,hr just because we hit h 80 yesterday doesn't mean weme can't have a snow shower 36e a hours later, right, jim and sarah? anything goes this h year. >> isn't that the truth. >> mixed bag of everything.'t t >> yes, it is. bager sue. you, su >> right now at 5:00 50 merchandise comptrollerom cracking down on tax fraud andd identity theft.identi. >> shutting down over a dozendon tax preparers in our region.rego find out if it affects your return. >> a new report is a new reports highlighting racial inequalityq in the nation's unemploymentunet rates. we'll talk about that butt first hey, gary. >> reporter: hey, jim,r: hey, j, what's going on? i hav
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what happens when you take ata bunch of artists and you throw w them in a room with a biga b brand new telescope? well. w you get great creativecreate things just like just le we'll tell you about the t program. by the way i'm in beltsvilleltve maryland at the nasa space goddard flight centerddar basically.d it's going to be very's goingbey interesting. there's an art exhibit its all l based on a brand new telescope and it's a big telescope, too,et and i think over the next next several years it's going toing bring a lot of discoveriesiov from deep, deep space so stick k around. we'll be back. awell about thisab when fox5 news at 5::continues.5: stayh us. us. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪
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>> you get a new exhibit.exhbit. >> the new art exhibitart exhibi officially opened to theci public today and that'als where we find fox5's garyx5gary mcgrady. grady. hey, gary. >> reporter: you knew alln about this new telescope thet james webb telescope didn'twebbs >> sure. >> reporter: you guys knewor aboutter: that. tha >> i vat smaller version atllert home. >> reporter: if you're like everyone else and yorouter: proo didn't know, a littlea paperweight, hm, jim, if you ifu didn't know about it there's a new telescope. maggie knows all about this. t this was her idea to threeto throw a bunch of artists in abus room with a new telescope and t say had you that idea.that ide >> i d the james webbme telescope is the successor tosc had you been b it will beyou enb complimentary with the data we e see from hubble.see from hubble. it's really big its got a sun shield that's like a tennisliket court size. >> reporter: you know what,orte i'm sorry, that dor:es not lookk like a telescope.l >> it is. >> reporter: where is the big round thing that we all like to -- we geprewor upte unwd ithth.
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thing isthe actually it's mirroi unlike hubble it doesn't havedo' a tube that be sort oft be sorto protts it.t. that big sun shield issun ie actually sort of like aa telescope tube so that mirrorth is about 21, almost 22 feet 22 high and it's covered withed w gold which is really prettyly p but it actually has a scientific purpose.scie it makes it reflect infrarednfrd light better. ter: it will it will bring things out that the b huringbblu can't see right now. >> correct. we're mostly an infrared i telescope so we can see thingseg hubble can't. cn we'll seat heat signals of 13.5 billion or more lightght years away. it sbillion.ion. >> yillion yes. we'll seat first stars andd galaxies forming in the thehe universe it's a beautifulautifl telescope. was that part of what inspired i you to have this idea. >> absolutely.u our first look at the real mirrors, it >> reporter: this is a i mirror right here.rror >> this r is one segment just to show you how big this thingng is. this is one o there are 18. >> reporter: you said that that sun shield, it's the size of a a tennis cour >> y-the size of a tennis tenni
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the light and the heat fromatom things like the earth the sun sn and the moon.d th >> reporter: let's see someeor art the wete talked about thist telescope which is beautiful. ba >> it is. honeycombneycomb shaped i keep saying and thisths is the hubble.h it got lifted off into space spe but this is some of the greate t art and i'm telling you it's's inspiring and what did youidu think about -- first did you think when you had this ideas id that you were going to getou great stuf wf or did you think,k ooh, i don't know this is i going to b deon risky.ri >> i was pretty sure i wasas p going to get great start.start. i met a artist a previous yearei and he was inspired byo a tourar to create something. o once we got a look at the the golden beautiful mirror what a a natural fit. ra it's so beautiful as well as a a scientific tool so we shouldo w have artists come and be be inspired by. >> reporter: this telescope is being parts right aroundround the corner at atodda. through the magic ofe magic television we found one of the artists. this is joanne barnum andrm this is great i'm going tong come around the
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can talk to you real quicklyqu this is great. ie and there is -- start and tell e us about each -- each one ofon o these particular pieces.ticular. >> so, this piece over here isps the one that i actually got tooo do in november when we were invited to come see the tellhe l nope person. >> reporter: it wasn't a joke. they just kind ofepor't a put yl a room and said create getet >> they did. s done fromdonefrom life. that was just a painting wherete i got to observe it directlyit y and just interpret it and thennr i kind of went off on my own w and i thought about all thet ale things that we learned aboutlead when we got to talk to the scientists. >> reporter: what did youat think when you saw thisw telescope? did you think that i can't be a telescope.elcope. >> well, they did a prettyl, th good job of kind of explaining g the science to us in a way a way that made sense and it was really emotional to be there tot with it. >> reporter: how did youorter: h find anow di inspiration for wiw flowers and butterflies? thistl is beautiful right >> so, this particular piecetice is called icon met for and somen i sort of looked at some ofate the metaphors that when
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look at the telescope the t things that it reminds them oftf or the metaphors used touse explain it visually so this this short of shape with the dark d center is a black eyed susann or a sunflower i the butterfly. >> one of the scientistsc explained to us when the jameswe web is going to go out into to space it's going to fold up like a butterfly.. >> reporter: we spear space sper to be so big and vast. maggie, this is wonderful.wo how long is the exhibit going to be out here at the th visitor's center r. >> right it's free and open topo the public march third to april 16th. possibly longer.poss >> reporter: i think it ister: it's really where art meetset ms science. >> absolutely. >> reporter: and you're big andi on the science and she's bigh's on the art. the art. it's a perfect collaboration.ol jim and sarah back to youk toou guys.guys the james webb telescope is going to get blasted off next year, right.r >> yup, late 2018.uplate >> reporter: we'll starteporr: a getting those pictures backg th and i promise you if it's
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anything like hubble it'shubbles going to be amazing.azi. back to you in the studio.stud >> thank you gary. thank you gy. straight ahead at 5:30, 3 police release the identity ofif a and officer involved in a deadly police-involved-involved shooting last month and it'ss the third time he's been ben involved in this kind ofhis f incident. in >> a 19-year-old crashes intoyer a house -oa half mile from wherh a kid was recently struck. struk hey, alex. a >> reporter: top democrats dem in virginia say the messageessae they're hearing from ice is ices different than the realityrealit they're seeing nationwide.tio i'll explain right after the break.. >> ♪♪ been ran 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone.
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sexually assaulting haas be famy member. warner murphy coached for they e boys and girls club in laurel il last week. he was indicted for sexually assaulting a second woman whoanh was a family friend.ied. murphy is due back in court c later this month.this month. >> in prince william county a w 19-year-old is charged with drunk driving after she ya'e northbound a home in manassas and you're looking the thend a t aftermath. this happened around 4 o'clockok on le mond drive.on le mondve the house sustained goodned amount of damage. building inspectors had tod make sure the structure wasstrut still ground. >> he we know the name of the know cused of sexually assaulting woman in annandale. n the suspect is identified as 20-year-old ahmed.20-yea he sexually assaulted a woman wa inside her apartment on johnhn adams court tuesday afternoonftr as she was moving out. o ahmed was arrested yesterday.y he is facing a long list ofis of charges including abductionbdtin and sexual battery.battery. >> and we now know the name of o the fairfax county policeou officer who shot and killed a ki man during a chaotic barricade
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authorities say officer lance gucker burger. he was involved in two othero police-involved shootings but ut in those cases the suspects survived. >> yes, yes. s >> he rolled down his window and shot twice. twic. >> heard someone revving theirgr engine four or five times and ad then, you know, almost right there after i heard the after it gunshots. >> shots weregu fired. fir the victim of the shooting wassi taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced >> black lives they mattermater here. >> to hear the story that theyay put out was totally a shock tohk me because it's not terrence'see character. he was more than just anas mores employee. he was my brother and a very ave good
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>> i have faith that the police will get to the bottom bm of it in terms of what happened. ppened. >> it has been five monthsmoths since terrence sterling waserrei shot and killed by a d.c. a police officer.icer >> a grand jury has been gran hearing testimony in the casetet since november. resolution.esnoim sterling was shot twice by twicy officer brian treanor aftern trr the officer and his partner pare blocked his path with theirh wir cruiser near the third streetret tunnel. tunn on wednesday fox5 asked u.s. u.s attorney channing phillips forir an update on the case. cse. >> continue to investigateto ine that matter. as you know, they're often complex. oftentimes they take months actively working on the matter t and hopefully we'll have a a resolution in the coming months. onto just like anyonto j investigation i can't uscomment any murder.murr. >> usually we see these caseshea take almost a year. y do you anticipate this also als taking that long. lng. >> yeah, i don't want to put a u timetable on it.le on it. every case is different.ffert. so, that's t-, you know, it would
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inappropriate top put a timeri on it right now.aton it >> as we previously reportedeprd based upon witness accountsc terrence sterling was on hisg w motorcycle heading for that t third street tunnel when thenne officers blocked his. block a he had his hands on thedst handlebars trying to getlery around the cruiser when thewhene passenger side window rolled wiw down and the officer fireder fid twice hitting sterling in theine neck and back. b witnesses say they heard knowha commands from the officer.ds f on the day of the shootinghotin chief peter newsham saidam s sterling was try to flee ando struck thef cruiser were it hish motorcycle before the shotsycleh were fe ishred.were fi one witness said the collisiontn was unavoidable and happened h as the officers moved to block l his path which is a violationion of the department's general gnel orders. >> he assured me that no th no individuals, no illegal folks fk in america or virginia will beab deported. the only ones being deportedpotd are those that have committedcod and been involved in a criminal offense.offen >> that's what virginias what va governor terry mcauliffemc told fox5 after meeting witheg the secretary of the t department of homelandomeland security over the weekend.r thee >> but today top democrats in
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kaine and congressman don bierdr spoke out against the icee raids and deportationsortaons nationwide including auding controversial one thatntro happened outside of a virginiav church. urch. >> fox5's alexandria limon limon was at today's pressay's pss conference. alex, can you explain why weainy seem to be getting a different t message from the governor's gove own party in virginia? vi >> reporter: yeah, we asked ask that very question today andday the answer i got from bothm bo senator tim kaine and congressman buyer is thats while although thsme message m from the secretary of dhs tos governor mcauliffe was thatulfes ice is focusing specificallyocgc on detaining and deporting undocumented immigrants with criminal backgrounds theackgroue reality of what they say ay they've seen around the nationan both before and after thater tht meeting on sunday has been een very different. now, they referenced a couple c incidents and one of themm happened here in northernther virginia, almost a month ago on february 8th outside of the rising hope mission church in
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alexandria. now, witnesses said as many asda eight people were taken away aay by ice after leaving a hypothermia center here at thehe church. witnesses said they wereesse questioned and then loaded into paddy wagon and takenon ann away. away. no one knows exactly what exacth happened since. now, democratic politicians atit this press conference both th local and from around theund nation also referenced anothernr incident that happened just that earlier this week in mississippi where a dreamerremer was reportedly taken intoa custody by ice after speakingspg about immigrant rights at ant r press conference and so an s incidents like these areese ae specifically what they talkedalh about and what these democratic leaders say they're very unhappy about.bout. >> so, they may say it's aboutbt criminals only but then aut thea story like that comes out and a everybody is afraid and they are writing orders that arederse confusing, people are having aaa hard time understanding anderstn when there's confusion likesioni that, that's what amplifiest ame the fear. e fear. >> so we've got to push backush on the culture of fear thatfer t the president is intentionallyti trying to create through hisgh s executive orders and with thisi ic
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you know, we know that don'tn't make our communities safer. >> when ice swooped in on the people leaving here, this wasisa an attack on our practice of f our faith, our practice of ourcr religion because this is what ht our faith teaches us to do, too help those in need without w regard to their background, without regard to their immigrant status. staus. >> now, we did reach out tot to immigration and customscustoms enforcement and a spokespersondk with the agency said that icehae conducts targeted enforcement and not sweeps or raids and insi a statement they also said in part "the ice sensitiveenitive location policy that remains in effect provides that tat sensitive actions should be avoided and require the priorrir approval from an appropriaterope supervisory and official or exigent circumstances
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action." ac churches like this being onee te of those sensitive locations.lo. there's confusion about abut exactly what happened at this church because ashat i mentione witnesses said as many as eight people were detained anded taken away by ice. ic. however, today, iniopsd official told me there were only two people and they said one of them was actually an undocumented immigrant who hasia been deported in ntthe past, has several misdemeanor convictions and also a felonyfey drug conviction and that the second person was actually atuaa legal permanent resident witht h a green card.rd. however, they said he, too, to, had several misdemeanors and a dui and just to clarify that tof people whoy are legal permanent residents are subject to deportation if they violate vlae the terms of their legal status. reporting live in alexandria,le alexandria limon, fox5 local news. >> new tonight maryland comptroller peter franchot is taking action to combat taxo fraud and
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this comes after the state stat received a rash of rah of questionable returns. e franchot says there were says te several red flags.lag >> these are not returns thattha we normally think might be arithmetic errors or some kind d of calculation problem.tion pro. these are returns that are software identifies as justjut out and out fraud. fr business deductions wherens there's no business.usins. completely inflated refunds rds from what the taxpayer got the previous year.ious ar. >> 98 tax preparers inarers in maryland have been shut down han within the last year and if ad f this sounds familiar to you, since 2007 the comptroller'sper office has detected and blocked nearly 76,000r fraudulent tax returns.dulent tr >> a new report byns the d.c. d. fiscal policy institutecy instit highlights racial inequalityneqy in the unemployment rate.rat. 2016 unemployment numbersmentmbs compared top numbers beforeed tb the great recession andeat reced housing market crash of 2000of agent the findings
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district has had a substantialbl reduction in unemployment since 2010. since but says the district'sistt's unemployment rate was stills stl higher last year than beforebefo the recession.ecessio and research shows this isshowss especially true for black residents without college collee degrees.degr in fact, a fiscal policy p institute found that black unemployment rates -- rate isras far higher today than prior tori the recession but unemploymentin rates for white and hispanic hic residents in 2016 were lower lwr than in 2007. 207. black workers are the only racial or ethnic group thatp ha has not fully recovered from the recession in d.c. >> the yeas are 58, nays arenaya 41 and the nomination is confirmed. >> the senate confirmed bened en carson in president trump'srumps cabinet. ca in a rare showing ofshow bipartisanship this yearrtisip t carson did not receive nearlyney as much push back as other other
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critics say they're worried about carson's plan to shrinkan government involvement in involn urban developments. report any dealings withaling companies owned by presidents trump and hisow family.f >> white house press secretaryer sean spicer put out a tweet twee that kind of raised some eyebrows saying the senate has confirmed real donald trump as p the next secretary of hud.. obviously it wasn't what he meant to say. that tweetmean immediatelyediaty deleted. three minutes later he tweetedtd the proper news that theproper n senate has confirmed ben carson as donald trump's secretary of hud. >> none of us ever makeake mistakes on twitter.witer. er never, ever. >> that's why they need thatee he had did it button onon twitter. >> are they going to do that. >> might be better if if they h on. >> mystery meat. what subway is saying tonightwai about ghthose accusations thatt their chicken isn't real.isn'tr. >> changing the game.>> chang new rules comingin to major majo league baseball this season.sea. >> and this teenager was was walking for hours to and from rm work until a police stopice st changed h
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hey, sue. >> jim, sarah we got a updatep that the drought is getting as e little bit worse in our area. a. just wanted to mention that so much of the east coast hashas seen a lack of winter this year and now unfortunatelyfortay much of our area right here r through the heart of the dmv mv here now considered to be in a a severe drought.severe dro the rest of the surroundingsu area in a moderate drought.roug. boy, we could use some rain. r i do not have much in theh in te forecast but i do have aave a couple of snow showers. show we'll talk about when youut wheu might see those floatingoang through your neighborhood withu a look at your fowirecast and ad that weekend outlook. we'll be right back. >> ♪♪ z29pgz z16fz
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stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios. >> ♪♪ >> all right, subway denying reports that 50 percent of its chicken isn't real chickhten., . the canadian investigation found most of the
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chicken is made up of so. soy. >> when you start making those h kind of claims people -- itle -i affects business.cts bu >> sure does and people have sensitivity to soy so they have to pay attention to thaty t asio welln .towell >> yeah. >> i'm kind of sensitive toind these cold temperatures we'reofn having tempera how about youtuhaving tod guys.u >> yeah. >> spoiled. >> i was walking in the breeze thekir ngway.y. >> yeah, that wind definitelyniy made it feel much cooler.olr. >> stronger gusts today.on we had a windger advisory earla this morning. the winds wthiisll get betterber tonight but it will be on thee blustery side again tomorrow. to i don't think we'll gust to 45 5 like we did today but we've w got a clipper system that'sip going to pass openr yeah, just when you think youin weren't going to see any more snow showers, you anactuallyctu have a chance of seeing themingm tomorrow. what a beautiful sunset.sunet. it looks like another one of o those rose gold sun sets se that's going to be coming inng n tonight as our days continue co to get gete here are the weathereeather headlines, though.head it's going to be cold tonightont and, yes, some conversatio
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forecast through late tonightton and tomorrow as a clipperliper system passes on by. y the main thing that clipper ists going to, though, is transportan in the colder air that we see s through the upper westernwe great lakes and it will stayl y chilly through the weekend.eke you notice the chill today.hill. it will be even colder tomorrow: we should have a we good amount of sunshinensh throughout the weekend and briefly interrupted with thoset snow showers that pass on through, it's the kind of thing where you'll get a few ew minutes of snow that will wil likely not accumulate, maybemul, in one or two spots we might ght briefly cover the grass but as we get into next week, youk, know what, we're warming upmingp again. chilly cjust kind of for the next couple of days days and in particular tomorrowomorro night looks pretty chilly.etty . we're head down already in thene northern suburbs gaithersburgurg you're down toai 43. winchester 41.nche d.c. still hanging i don't and to 50 but not too many places m are there and wean will see our temperatures falling through th the 50's and into the 30's tonight. now good news.n there aren't widespread 20'sesps but frederick you could drop drp down to about 29 degrees and29ed everybody is in the 20'sody is s tomorrow night so friday night out will be chill
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on satellite and radar.atel and. and that is the clipper systemst that could spread a coupleouple inches of snow in theow in th mountains and some snowome sno showers here. so, shright to theow futurecaste go to show that you while wewhiw see them beginning to show upshp at 11 o'clock, they likelyely don't make too much progressrogs past interstate 81 at 11:00.11:. now watch the timer here as i pause it at 4:00 in the the morning. we have a little bit of a snow shower going on by.ttleshower if it's cold genoughng o and it likely will be that couldt stick a couple of surfacesurfe briefly but then as we goo toward 8 o'clock, futurecastu isn't showing a lot but again,n, spotty snow showers here andshoe there. these are kind of hard to timehe out. so just know that they couldul be out there. here's the noon hour o you can see we mightwe mh have sprinkles or snow showers although the vast majority of these should be snow flurriesldb and then at 4 o'clock, te o weo have a few that come right right through the district rightstrici around the beginning of our rush hour.. 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock it beginse twined down and then we'reown just kind of cold and breezy.rez in terms of how much would accumulate it would just be wou flurries for most of
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you get a coating across thosese counties that borderunti pennsylvania and a dusting too 2-inches in the mountains.moutas that's as we head into the week, we, though, it's chilly. chlly. 45 degrees on friday so again a not much sticking but we head h for the 20's tomorrow night. ni. 44turday.ay. then we climb to 50 on sunday.s. here's the warmup.warup. some badly needed rain to help us with our drought onr drout on tuesday. not a lot of rain in thisin forecast but a few more warm wa days. we'll continue to coax thosenueo cherry blossoms on out whereh they expect them to peek inthemk the middle of march.march. right, that's your seven-dayyouy forecast but don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.
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>> ♪♪ >> all right we got some good news and bad news. let's start with the goodight ws out of redskins park where wr reports indicate kirk cousins'ks agent meeting with teamth officials after the teamtheteam slapped the franchise tag on the the starting quarterback. talks for a lon fgstarti term dl broke down last year.t year
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fact it might be in the $20 million a year a year neighborhood is a good sign but absent from those talks t scott mclawn. fox5's grant paulson pauln confirms that will extend will t through the rookie combine in indianapolis. that's a prime scouting venueine for any team executive. this follows reports that follos claims that mclawn wasas effectively asked to leavele redskins park last month. mccloughan says that's false. pierre garcon will hit the e open markets next thursdaythursy when free agency he's using charts and graphs a to do the talking because iff there's anything social media ma loves it's facts.'s facts this one shows his 151 catchess over the last two years more than desean jackson jeffrey and terrell prior point being pi he's worth the money.he we'll see if's w any team agree last night everything went we well for the wizards in their win over the raptors but notorso
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john wall inside to marcin gortat and hits him in the him n face knocking the six-11 si center to the ground.round. case of wall hammering themmeri polish hammer. afterwards gortat was able toble joke about his encounter withuth the >> it was bad.>> it was it was he tried to break my nose . >> [laughter] my small s to break nose. and pretty, too, small andand pretty and -- >> right. >> and. >> he was dancing with thewas dc i thought he was going towias go attack and he called this do th do happen.. >> do do happen.>> put it on a t-shirt.irt. >> major league baseballbaseb changing the game this season sn with some new rules. ru >> does it happen that >> no. this is unusual. >> this is kind of big. thi kin among the changes include theude new intentional walk rulel walk which allows managers tos to signal his decision to homeo plate instead of having the
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outside of the strikethr zone. . managers will now put the runner on first by signalinggnag walk from the dugout.ugout. >> let your fingers do the walking. we're back after this. simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. i raise turkeys without growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. if you're looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a pretty simple place to start. my name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone.
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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00.. >> well, the controversy hasntrs been building all day and justdt a short time ago attorney general jeff sessions recusedsid himself from anyy investigations involving the he trump campaign.ampaign. >> i'm jim lokay in for tony to tonight. sessions has withdrawn from om any investigation in russian inn influence. this comes as democrats are calling for him to quit histui job altogether because they bect claim sessions misled congresscs in his confirmation hearings.n >> let's bring in fox5's tom fitzgerald. ra we know this story is far from over tonight s.toer tonight there's st
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he have to go through.o th >> reporter: that is certainly correct shawn.nly it appears at this point that attorney general jeff sessionsfs is not going to be resigningng his jobbe, r at least not any te soon. what he is going to do tonightoo and what he says he is goinggoig to do is not have any role nowew in any of these investigationses that are going to be movingin forward as to russian involvement in the 2016he2016 presidential campaign. ca. why is that? well, during his s confirmation hearing, attorneyny general sessions was asked ifskd he was aware of any trumpt campaign officials speakingialse with russian officials.sian off. the attorney general said he was not aware of that and hed h had not had any suchy uch however today the attorney general disclosed that in his is capacity as a u.s. senatoren from alabama he did meet twicet with the russian ambassadorambar but he says he did not speakspak about any political issues.isse. that's an importantpor difference, he says today andayn fifth news conference at the the justice department knockedcked down hard any suggestion that
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