tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX March 2, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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>> ♪♪♪♪ >> it's been a very busyy afternoon. af >> really has been. >> in the world of>> rpoliticsc right here in washington.ah attorney general jeff sessionss recused himself from any trump campaign investigations butesti he's still accused of lying ln under oath about his contactth n with the russian ambassadormb during the campaign.aign. >> tonight he's denying anyes dy wrongdoing. this is what we're talkings what about. you can see i t on the rundowne ru side as much your screen. s hottest story at 6:30. 6 a lot of you have alreadyalady sounded off. use the #5at630 but let's get right to it. >> i have recused myself in i the matters that deal with the trump let me be clear. i never had meetings with wi russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump p campaign. and the idea that i was part of a "continuing exchange
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information" during thei campaign between trump is youree gates and inenter tmediaries fos the russian government is i totally false.lly >> so the big story theg story e growing calls for attorneytto general jeff sessions to stepsis down. of course it comes amid those revelations that session spokesk with the russian ambassadormbor during the presidential the campaign he called a press conference about 4 o'clock pgn e today and about in 4s isted he o talk about the campaign withcam the ambassador. >> political reporter hadas hada gold starts us off via skype. s. thanks for joining us.oiningus jeff sessions answered all thelh calms he recused himself butimsf is that enough to tamp down all the critics who are saying g he per injured himself and hea should step down.d st >> democrats are going to continue using this to callemocn jeff sessions to resign. he was somebody that a lot oft f democrats weren't happy with w to begin with. it just adds further fuel tofu the fire. for the republicans whichep would have been the real been tl danger for jeff sessions hadad he not recused himself thisthi probably satisfies what theyatiy
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question of whether theig of whe coverup is worse than anyan a supposed crime. crme. because he did in fact have a meeting with -- have two meetings with the russianh the a official and he did notd not disclose that in his hearinghean and he did express his regret h for not talking about that inhai his confirmation hearing so heag that's still going to be a to b shadow that lingers over this.vr >> we should point out afternt t the fact when this came outen thatth senator -- excuse me- eue attorney general sessions sayssa he was doing that in his hs capacity as a senator at that point and not necessarily as aya member of the trump campaign.cap before we get to anything morete hadas we want to hear from president trump. earlier eliehe said today when you asked what theyke should do about jeff take a listen.ten. >> mr. president, should sessions recuse himself from rem the >> i don't think so.. he should have spokenhave spoken personally about whether he abor had spoken. >> he probabhaly did. di >> so we heard the presidente pe talk about that. so, where do we go from here? >> well, i think that for thehe president and the white househe they'll probably be satised
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that jeff sessions has doneef hisf se duty, recused himself en if they didn't think it was necessary but i think we'lll continue hearing callsearing cas especially from the democrats on capitol hill lyca flling roon jeff sessions to resign,re calling even stronger calls calling for independentnde prosecutor to look into this,ok look into any connection to russia because that are their continues to be a decripau,se dr drip of stories coming outg about this contact betweenontact people related to the trump campaign and rusia.sia. >> hadas gold thank you soold tk much. we appreciate you weighing in.w. thank you. than >> thank you.>> >> this is results from our fox5 twitter poll we did a di a little while ago.ttle wle do you think attorney general gn jeff sessions should recuseo himself from current andnd future investigations into russian ties to the trumpn campaign. 71 percent say yets, 29 per cent29p say no. this is highly unscientifichly s it's twitter but we still wantet to he sao your tweets. y we showed a coupoule before.e we'll keep showing themep showi throughout the course of your yu show whether it's yours your thoughts on jeff sessions or on anything else in the world of
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politics 5 at 6:30 we got the story covered ovd from all angles. >> former prosecutor and trial attorney debbie joins us tonight. >> thank you.>>ha >> jeff sessions recused himself. is this enough, though, oror what happens next here? here? should he face some sort of penalty for what many arey are saying he did per injured perjud himself. himself. >> well, he absolutely shouldhou face a investigation so we s we know something first timeom about what he did talk withet h the russiane ambdiassador about but more importantly the issue e really is whether he should resign because he actually did lie under oath.nde i mean, the only senator who is point blank saying he lied ld under oath is the senator fromom california kamala harris a lie e is a lie. li he indicated under oath thatd he had no contact, none, zero, z nada with any russian ambassadors during thebass campaign and now we find outt that during the gop
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spoke as a trump supporter,sup that was the role that he wasths speaking in, the russianrusian ambassador came up to himo him afterwards to speak to i. i mean, that's clearly not t just a mischaracterization,aract misinformation. i mean, he flat out lied aboutu it.ut >> so, debbie, let me ask you, o there two instances thatstancesa people who support jeffople sessions are coming up with wns right are com now. w. they're saying on the one hande if you talk about lying under un oath they point to presidentpoin clinton backt in other people are saying on the issue of recuse loretta lynchly and the tarmac did she extricate herself.he is there some sort ofort o commonality. the the recusinghe recusi issue is the same with respectmt to loretta lynch or jeff sessions. that's why i don't think het thi was waving back and forth fr saying he would recuse himself s if appropriate.ppr it was appropriate when itpria came known that he had contactad with the russian ambassadoramb that he should not be involvedid in any investigation involvingog the trump ad
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that is exactly whatio loretta lynch did when she had thee had meeting with bill clinton onl the tarmac she did recuse herreu self from any investigationany and just decided that whateverwa the fbi came up with, wh, regarding the clinton e-mails e that that she would stand bywouy that. there was no hesitation on her r part at that >> now, with loretta limplore though that investigationnvestio continued within the justicestie department. should this investigation stayso there or should there be some sort of independentsort investigation sort of like the 9/11 commission.iion. >> exactly there should exa thel definitely be an independentdept special prosecutor that shouldos be appointed. i meeca hathink th think t anyone that's in thene tha department of justice at thisst time should be conducting thehe investigation of now attorneyw y general sessions and this isd ti different from the loretta l lynch scenario because loretta o lynch was not underlyncwas not investigation. it was hillary clinton that clit was under investigation.nst so, i think this is a totally, totally different scenariocenrio than what was done withne respect to loretta lynch.ta >> it a. debbie hines good to see you.seu it would be the ass
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this. the problem is there's not oneee right now. >> thanks deb bothur nextnk guest is an s adecademy awardedd screen writer award winningwin novelist and blogger who used to be a democrat and hed switched parties and he's now a republican. par repu >> he wroteblican an article is february 28th 2017 the night ngt the democratic party died. ded. pj media on by skype. by e. hey roger.hey >> how you doing. >> that's al bold statement february 28th, 2017 when the 28t democratic party died. died. why do you feel that day. you f. >> basically because theyas don't want to be --ically [inaudible] they'd really rather just beealj winners and attack republicans perennially. there's no ability too communicate anymore and it's t's become so excessive that i tt i think that gradually they'reallh going to turn everybody off. >> hey roger let me ask you,r le before you continue why didwhydd you switch parties? p >> oh, this is a long timeime ago. it was a gradual thing.hin. but the
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i'm liberal like most from losos angeles but on issues ofsues foreign policy and also also excessive government, i've, i've become more libertarian and conservative. >> roger in your field of worko optics is a big ink that ands ai one thingg up i pointed out waso as soon as the speech was done the other night you saw every ey member of the democratic sidethr get up and atget out of the chamber, the republicanse stayed put. one of the reasons thee of dthe emocrats did that becausera they wanted to get tots dthose camera positions and pt theirt t spin out there. was that the take away you took from the speech the other night, tat though.the >> you know, getting out therghe to do their spin, okay, buty, what you get when you reallyrea look at it visually, theuy, the optics as you say is soreis sore heads. that's what you get. g and sore headed is never aa winning position and also it'sts not ideologically interestingntg position. it doesn't convince anybody of f anytng.g. it just shows you that you're
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a jerk. >> roger,. >> it's unsophisticated.ed. like all the women running around with the vagina hatsagins on. they may have impressedmpd themselves but they're nothey'rt impressing the country.oun >> and i think that most of i the people who took t phiart int that might disagree with youe w when you look at the numbersitkt of people who were participating.participing. go ahead. ah >> they can disagree.disagree. i spent a lot of time covering this campaigno in middlemiddle america and that's where this ws election was won and it's it's going to be worse if theyif hey continues that.hat. because -- all that does is preach to the t it doesn't convince a singlo eae human being who doesn't already -- >> let me ask you as a persone who used to be asa took isk noa republican and, you know, has ha some critiques of theme c democratic party, if you couldcd advise them what would you sayo to them to turn things around?o? >> okay. >> what do they have to do.t do two one, stop calling people racist and sexist who aren' that's just a nonsense position. and this alienate
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and second is start being a b loyal opposition with real eal proposals which they don'tals seem to have. hve. their whole policy now is get it trump. that's not a policy. that's just hostility.h >> is there any differencether between that and the -- the -- - led by donald trump ther birther movement? i mean, is m that sort of a similar --s >> i don't -- i think theink the birther thing was insane.ane. but that's not -- that'so yesterday i'm talking abouttalkg right now and right now thew he democrats are going off the rails.ils. they're not being smart.t beings they're just being angry. a >> all right, well, we willill certainly see what happenshap because everything --use everyth something new happens everying p day here inens washington.was >> new frontier. >> indeed. roger simon thanks for joining us. we appreciate you weighing ine u from california tonight.onit. >> tha you.u. >> pj in the meantime let's talkts about the weather right now.ghtn we had some winds, the winds win of change in d.c., the winds wd of, well, the late winter w around
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>> that was very creative.creti. talking about the winds ofg aboh change. >> that's what i love abouts whv march,e it's very changeablecha shawn and jim. i one of the possibilities wille be seeing snow showers. we officially hapod seein 1.4-is at reagan national march firstar is thec beginning ofgi meteorological spring.orologica. it's a little bit of a of a changeup as we watch an alberta clipper and that couldtc spread snow showers throughowerg our area off and on later on lat tonight and during the day da tomorrow. tomorrow. you may not see any of it butanb if you do get it, it could becou one of those things where for fr a few minutes it kind of snows s hard reduces visibility andvsi then it moves on out.s on now in the meantime we've beenvn continuing to chase some pretty big wind gusts they're going to get better inbe the next hoyer or so.xt hoyerr . winds gusting to about a 24 miles an hour down from 49 f9 earlier today. we'll see windsie back between 15 and 25 tomorrow its really re going to be all about theaboutte cold. tonight we head down tot we heao 36 degrees in the city but but near 30 if not 29 in the te suburbs and tomorrow not goi
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we're only going for 45 in the e district, upper 30's north andrd west. so, friday is going to be on to the chilly side. side. you're going to need to find fin the heavy coat for a change.cha jim and shawn that's your your forecast. forecast >> taking my heavy coat outing a right now.vy c ri you, sue.u, >> thought you could pack them away.. nope. keep those tweets coming. you have to use the #5at630.
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>> ♪♪ >> well, have you checked the 401k lately? might be lookingao better thanking normal because o tharing stock market andg stock today the dow isma still lookink strong after making history. >> ♪♪ >> there's the nasdaq.. the it is good news fors for president trump. his prime time address on addren tuesday received high marksive and left wall street in good spirits. the president tweeted about the go
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november 8th election day theyth socket market has postedpoted 3.2 trillion in gains and consumer confidence is at a 151 year high. jobs ."." >> mang avalon thanks foralon tr joining us. >> good to bejo here.h >> let me ask you first no doubt, no question that thet th stock market is doing really isy well right now record highs.hig can the president take credit ct for all of that.hat >> well, the market came off ff the lows last february.f we had some good earningsear corporate earnings we finallyn had a rise in wages after af wages had been stagnant so we we had a strong economy goingi into the election.e what happened after theafter e election i guess he can take a t lot of credit for becausebecause there's a lot of hope thata lott we're going to getet infrastructure spending we'repew going to get tax reform andformd we're going to get regulatory ry relief. if he can deliver on all threell of those then the recent run r up we've seen might been m justified. >> i'll tell you what any time we see some ycouhange in the ie stock market through thema years, you know, when you serke the stock market tank, yourket a know, in 2008, people weree were saying well that was bill clinton's fault when you seefa things hap
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seems to blame the other partyhr no matter what along the way w because politics is always atayt hand. let's talk about what we see moving forward. forward. there's a lot of talk aboutalk t the federal debt limit andradeba where thatnd stands.tan what are we going to see andse how will that affect us.ct us. >> the difference this time isis that when we had budget bu deficits and ceiling coming up p against the ceiling, it was a a democrat in the white housein t and republican in congress.ongr. now everyone's a republican soei they're going to have to playo y nice together otherwiseother they're going to look real bad b plus the president was on tv onv talking about spending infrastructure spending almostnm a trillion dollars.trilli if he's going to dono that andad cut taxes, they're going to have to raise ceiling.rais so the republicans are going to have topu blget their actr c together and get something ineti front of the president to raise this debt ceiling and cein fast because the deadlines are e coming up.coming . >> that deadline is what in whan the middle of the summer. >> well, it's stages.ell, it's a there's -- some say there's geaa deadline in march but really re they can extend it out and then emergency measures can be taken in beforre
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come. they can slow down pensionpen payments so the treasury hasurya tools to mitigate the impactimpa of any coming up to that limit without congressional actionssin but i think the republicans are going to ge t something tomo the president so that theyy avoid this -- they're going tooo look very bad politically ifitic they can't do this.they can >> seems like one of those things you don't have much of't a choice to doof like it or not. >> no. and the president's entireent'se agenda is about infrastructurere spending and tax cuts both ofthf those put pressure on the debtue and put pressure on theure on deficits so they're going too th have to get something or it's it going to look bad for just jt about all of those who are inwhe the party in power right now.t n >> yup, the american publican will be watching. pe watc thank you so much mark. mark avalon thanks for join j >> my pleasure.asure. >> democrats and republicanspubi squared off not unusual rightus but it was one of the biggestigt congressional battles of thenal year literally.erly. >> this time both sides are ae playing on the ice. ie. yup, 5 at 6:30 coming rightminrt back. >> ♪♪ >> ♪
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stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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>> ♪♪ >> ing.. >> top lawmakers hitting the ice to give kids a chance at a college education. make >> fox5's tokimdsco llfitegzgerd joining us live at the live at congressional hockeyngssional challenge. it's a hockey night innit i northern virginia, right. rig >> reporter: this is cool. col. you guys like hockey, right. ri. >> i love hockey.ove hocky. you're hockey people. i know you are, jim.ere, jim. shawn you are as well.well >> uh-huh. >> reporter: this is pretty cool. take a look at the -- toter: tyo get -- they're getting the icehe ready right now.ady righ this is the ninth annuall congressional hockeyhock challenge. challe now, the reason they're doing og this is because this is as a charity event.even. they've done this for yearsyears and tonight we are here at the e ice plex and they're going to t be gettinheg this game under waa in just a few minutes.minut want you to meet my formerforer college roommate mike davisike not really but the same name.nae mike thanks for joining to us ts noon it. i. mike is the captain of the u.s.a. warriors hockey team. ta. this gentleman you might
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recognize in a suit on capitoltl hill. this is pat meehan. how did this game get started. >> as a charit syt for inner ciy hockey helping some of the som youth programe s in minorityin y neighborhoods and it's been aodn great opportunities not onlyrtun to raise awareness and getd e more kids involved in playinging hockey, but they've alsothey'vea started a scholarship program. we're graduating some of theof h first kids from local l universities. >> reporter: there are several charities benefiting from this. thereport arnithl is one of theof t rs.nsors. one of the groups that's goingro to be playing here tonight and some of the players are goingup to be g thheeayer u.s.a. warrioe hockey. now, mike, you were telling mete these are -- these are veterans combat wounded.woded. how did your organizationd yo start? what isur hockey mean tt them. >> well, our program startedrted approximately eight years ago g and it was originally woundedwod and disabled injured guys inys n the area that were looking for r a way to get together as aer asa team agai so, the program began and started with a handful ofandfulf
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standing team and another 25ot on the select team nationwide nd so it's grown significantly.sigf it's a great program.rog >> reporter: congressman your: c were telling usongre there's beb some mystery over the year. ye. you've had different membersent of congress. you've had some interesting intg games over the year. year. >> well, john kerry andn kerra anthony weiner was ouras o goaltender for aered pooh of f time but theor highlight for uss is when we won a game twogam years ago and the goal was scored by a wounded warriorwarr and that was no give way.o gy he fought in front of the net.te he put together a great seconded shot scored a game winninginn goal so it's a lot of of fun.f u >> reporter: this is a this is a friendly game but we know but wo hockey players.ers when hockey players get on the e ice they sometimes stop beingtob so friendly and just startt st playing hockey.playing hockey. how real is the game and what does this mean as far as beingaa able to get out there and doe things again especially ifgain you're a wounded warrior.d wa >> i got to tell you it to tellu changed my life. life being a part of this ts organization i went from from hobbling around on a cane tocaet
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couple times a week. so, as far as, you know, mental hygiene, self-esteem,lfse self worth, being with the withe team, the camaraderie, iterie, t really brings it altogetherltthr and it's made me, you know, a huge proponent of veterans vetas hockey across the country.coy. a's amazing. this is a message i guess you gu bring back to capitol hillol when you talk about these the issues congressman as well.l. >> well, the whole idea of usf being there and not leaving leag the warriors behind is the keyty thing and this gives theses gi guys who fought for us aho f chance to fight back, get aet life that is no when you watch a kid skatingka again and playing hockey it's sort of -- it hits you right r in your gut you're so proud ofef them and you're proud to be pro able to be on the highs with wi them. >> reporter: thank you growth congress. mike we appreciate your time.ep. this game by the way jim and shawn the puck drops atuck dropt 7 o'clock tonight.7 o'clock if you're into tnihe ballston aa come on on do they got plenty of seats. seas. also, you know, the nhl is oneis of the sponsors they're benefiting the fort dupontdupnt hockey association also te
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as well as the usa warriorsarros ice hockey team.te we'll have a great time.t >> fitz just to be clear theleae democrats and republicans arepue playing on the same team? te >> reporter: yes, it is a a rare show of bipartisanship,artn that is the history of thethe o game. game. it's the idea maybe if more ofof them took part in this every year, would you think.d yo >> i tell you what we need congress as a penalty box. >> reporter: i was going theas h use that line.that l i thought it was too corny.cor. thank you thank you bob. >> thank you fitz.>> thank you t >> they need a penalty boxalty b right now. >> right. >> all right. what y isknow what today is right. >> throw back thursday. k th >> throw back thursday.urshr one laowwmaker bis turning a lt of heads after his tbt got posted on social media.ed we'll be right back.back. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ z29pgz z16fz
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>> first lady mel yanna trump ld at the pedy iatric unit to readd a dr. seuss classic oh theic oh place you'll go as part ofpart f national reading day. dy. she talked to kids for a bitr a and took a few photos alongotos the way. the way. >> i love dr. seuss. s >> yeah. >> i love when they do this every year. er >> the day to do it.o dot >> definitely the day to dodo it. >> throw back thursday. thr we're sticking toow politics.ol. >> one world leader withwith pictures from his younger youn days. he's not a soap opera star. that is canadian primeadime minister justin trudeau.trud these old pics surfaced online. people are drooling over his rugged andonre d semi shirtlesss picture. he looks like somebody that was in a boyks lik band. b i mean. >> he really does.does. there may have been his appealpl early on in his political career. >> i understand. [laughter] >> that's all i'm going to sayi about that right now. o >> the thing about this, ihing don't think anybody else knowskn any other prior -- canadianc prime minister.nister. everybody can name trudeaun tr now. >> you're right. >> much better if i could get it out without aet teprob
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it's been a long afternoon.te >> that's all right.>> that'ri you've been talking a lota today. we appreciate you guys joiningyn us tonight and all the tweetstws tonight on 5 at 6:30.ction you tonight at 10:00. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios.
7:00 pm
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: this is actually kind of a scary moment. ariana grande is performing on stage and a creeper comes up behind her as she's singing. >> security pulls him away. >> he's like don't rough him up. >> she has to. >> canada, man, their prime minister is this guy. this is justin when he was in college. i mean, come on! harvey: every single person in here is too young. his mother was a party woman. >> i actually do know that because you can read about the past. [laughter] you didn't have to be there. you can just read about it. >> ashley graham in miami doing a "baywatch"-themed photo shoot. >> that's a real butt. these are the ashley graham's photos we've been waiting for.
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