tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX March 3, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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♪ ♪ happy friday. can you believe we've made it after the week we've had? >> no. >> we're here and things are still rolling. the trump administration called it a witch hunt but is moving on after jeff sessions recused himself. more close aids to the president are facing questions about russian relations and developing the vice president is embroiled in his own scandal. as you can see from the rundown these are the big stories at 6:30, not just one, multiple. tweet us what's on your mind using #5at630. let's get you up to speed. attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself from the investigation. we're learning president trump's son-in-law, jared kushner and former national security advisor flynn had a previous undisclosed meeting. it has been a wild
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mike lane and brad bowman are here to talk about it. >> let's talk a little bit about jeff sessions and this new revelation that more of trump surrogates or campaign aids had contact with folks within the russian government. mike i'll let you go first and then brad feel free to respond. how big of a hit is this for the trump administration? >> not at all. this is so much nothing about nothing. look, all of these meetings were entirely proper. all of them were meetings that should have been held. all of them meetings as a new administration is coming in, they want to get to know the players, the first thing you do is call the ambassador and sit down and have a face-to-face meeting. i'm astounded at the good fortune the democrats had in being able to turn an absolute nothing story into something that captivates the news >> even michael flynn >> his meeting was fine, he
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little bit more forthcoming with the vice president when he was asked about it. but there was -- you know, not only was there nothing wrong with the meeting, not only was the meeting a good thing to have, but the transcript of the meeting showed that it was an entirely perfect above board business-like meeting. >> an above board business-like meeting? private citizens of the united states, it is illegal for them to run foreign di plomacy. this was not just illegal. now we're also seeing where folks within the republican administration, within the trump administration may have perjured themselves in front of congress. i'm talking about jeff sessions, our attorney general. these are huge, huge deals. and this is something that's not just illegal and immoral but brings into question who they're serving. >> i
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are they serving the american people or are they being unduly influenced the russian government >> brad obviously didn't watch the hearing >> i don't have to watch it. jeff sessions answered that question. >> no, he didn't >> impeccably honestly. >> hold on. let me -- go ahead let's let mike finish >> jeff sessions answered the question asked. if brad wants to make the case that frank inwas so out of it he asked the wrong question. i'll let him make that case >> mike, wouldn't the answer have been splitting hairs a little bit? he's a lawyer, jeff sessions has been a lawyer a long time. he's sort of knew how to respond to those questions >> yes, he did. let's not play games. what is happening is something far beyond what's acceptable for america and far beyond what's acceptable for the common interest and the security of the american people. we need to
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exactly what happened, exactly what russia's influence over the trump administration is. and we need to get down to it right now. >> guys, let's move on. actually, we're going to run out of time. we want to move on to -- we don't we want to talk about trump's speak to congress. we see trump day-to-day tweeting out things, being sort of adversarial and we see a different trump before congress. do you think this is a turning point or well crafted speech by his people >> i think donald trump presents a different face depending on the circumstances necessary for him to accomplish his objectives. he went into the well of the congress and delivered a fantastic grand slam home run speech, 78% of the american people responded positively to that speech. they liked it. van jones, known democratic activist said donald trump took control of the presidency that night and is moving forward. today, h
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in florida. talking about his educational choice plans. people know that it's not russia. the issues they're interested in are jobs, the economy, national security, controlling the borders >> i'm going to jump in. i believe there are a lot of people out there who are still concerned about russia in addition to the other things that you mentioned. we're almost out of time, brad, i want to let you respond to your thoughts on the speech >> i thought it was fantastic that we finally got to see donald trump be able to speak in front of the american people with a teleprompter. he did a really good job with a teleprompter. and his people should probably give him a teleprompterer more often. the number of people who watched was down by about 10 million, they're not watching donald trump. they're turned off by the way he's handled the administration in the first 30 days. guess what? we're a third of the way through his first hundred
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he's accomplished squat. >> mike lane and brad bowman. we could continue talk about this more. >> you guys got it started thank you so much. >> thanks, guys we've been talking about all day. vice president mike pence who used a private account for public business while serving as governor of indiana. some people say it's screens to hillary clinton e-mail scandal hypocritical. >> the question is is it the same thing and legally what's next now that the information is out there? legal analysts rose anne. thank you for joining us via skype. let me ask you, are we talking about apples and oranges or is this similar talking about mike pence's e-mails when he was governor of indiana using an aol account to conduct government business? >> well, so in some ways, it's better than
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e-mail and some ways worse. let me explain. hillary had a private e-mail server, not a private e-mail company. so pence is on aol, which is clearly easy to hack, has a number of times when it said it was hacked. it also is an e-mail company that has access to the underlying data. hillary had her e-mail on a server that was in her own house. she could have adequate protections on it. i know there's been some raised questions whether it was adequate. >> real quick the vice president did respond these accusation, >> there's no comparison between hillary clinton's practice
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handling classified information, destroying e-mails when they were requested by the congress and by officials. we fully complied with all indiana's laws. we had outside counsel review all of my private e-mail records to identify any e-mails that ever referenced or mentioned business, state business related activities. >> a lot of people were saying, the vice president was pretty critical of the whole hillary clinton e-mail scandal, and that this kind of seems to be hypocritical of it and that there was still information that people that was not to be made public that was being used through aol, what is your thought on that? >> for sure it's hypocritical. to say that someone else shouldn't be using a private e-mail server but you should be using a public -- a private e-mail on a public e-mail server. somehow, that's better. it's hard to follow that logic. so yes, he is be
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hypocritical. the other issue is that he claims you he didn't mishandle classified information at all but as governor he received information on a need to know basis. we can maybe take his word: . we wouldn't take hillary's word. why should we take his word that he never received anything classified >> i think he just said he had his attorneys look over everything. bottom line what he did was legal. am i correct >> it was illegal for him to have a private e-mail account but he had to have it for certain activities such as campaigning activities. you can't do that in indiana under your gubernatorial e-mail. you have to have a separate e-mail. question is whether or not it made sense, and we don't know if he was receiving or passing along information that would have been
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information on that. we can't make a final determination whether he wasn't sloppy and reckless with confidential information. i don't think we know that at this time. >> rose anne, thank you for joining us, have a great weekend. speaking of governors, maryland governor larry hogan is making another push to do legislature restricting. current plan allows politicians in power to draw the maps to their advantage instead of the consideration for the peanut butter who are represented >> in places like white marsh and owings millions and town send towns are cup up into two or three different pieces to keep an effort to keep one party in control. the current district maps are simply absurd and disgraceful. >> hogan is proposing a legislature maps be drawn by an independent board and voted on every ten years. that sounds v
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if you let somebody independent vote on it and they can change it every ten years. we'll see how that goes. we've seen a wave of anti-semetic threats around the nation. in an address on tuesday, president trump condemned the threats against jewish and muslim faith. >> these threats targeting jewish community centers and vandalism of jewish cemeteries as well as last week's shooting in kansas city remind us that while we may be a inpatient divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. >> alexandra limon has the latest as police in missouri made an arrest connected to the case. >> reporter: on a local level, two different jewish schools received bomb threats on monday. and that's what prompted political leaders, community leaders and interfaith leaders to come together at meetings today. head stones
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destroyed at two different jewish cemeteries. threats to neroly 100 schools. in 36 states including maryland and virginia >> it's a difficult time for young children, who can be traumatized by having to leave their classrooms or have to watch bomb sniffing dogs go through their classroom to make sure that they are safe. >> reporter: jcrc say that's what happened after threats were phoned in on monday. >> as long as i'm attorney general, i will do everything in my power to keep every virginia family safe. no matter who you are, what you look like, or how pray. >> we don't have to let their actions and words control us. and that's why we're here today.
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standing together as one community. we don't let hate prevail. >> reporter: dozens including politicians faith leaders and law enforcement came together to show solidarity on friday the same day fbi announced the arrest of 31-year-old j. uan thompson. they believe he's responsible for eight different threats. he's a form journalist fired for making up sources and quotes and facing charges for stalking a woman. bizarrely he accused her of trying to frame him for the anti-semitic threats. thompson is not believed to be behind all of the threats nationwide. in some and now looking to the highest office in the land to put a stop to it. >> president truman once said the buck stops here at the white house. and that's where the most forceful action needs to come from and needs to come from in a real
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terms. >> reporter: only by speaking out can we stop these threats against the jewish community. reporting in fairfax county, alexandra limon fox 5 local news. next story had the newsroom had people all over the country buzzing today. new scandalist details in the biden bombshell. >> back after this.
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there are new reports on the biden family bombshell. former vice president's son is dating the brother's widow. >> matt ackland is here and you got the court documents detailing what happened. >> reporter: now it turns to kathleen and hunter who have been basically separated since be october of 2015. this is a motion. i got in court today. this is basically
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attorney asking a judge to take control of finances because she believes hunter is spending too much money. and what she's alleging in here is pretty serious stuff. we're talking about using money for prostitutes, strip clubs, drugs. this is all alleged and kind of outlines the serious nature of the family's finances. we're talking serious debt here. over $330,000 in back taxes. also, issues with double morgans. and in just this point where it appears kathleen is saying to a judge help me out. we got to put a stop to all of the spending because we're running out of money. >> can a judge -- can a judge intervene in that way >> we're in the middle of a legal proceeding because she filed in october, so it's up to a judge. i'm no lawyer but i believe a judge could accept that and at least hamper the spending
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been caught up. hunter and kathleen biden are three children. beau biden's died in 2015. his widow is dating hunter biden. they came out and say we've been dating for awhile now. so was there something else that maybe could have had to do with the widow? like a ring >> this was -- i'm looking at the date, february 23rd of this year. didn't we find out just earlier this week about the issue of -- so you wonder if that was happening behind the scenes. this doesn't point out anything about that new relationship. it talks about the existing relationship. and just the need to get a handle on the finances. and it throws bombs here >> $80,000 diamond ring too. i think immediately people are like, who's he buying a diamond ring for? >> i don't know if it was a rink it was an 80,000 diamond that she wants to be able to -- they share a saf
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it would be both their possession. so there's a lot of salacious stuff in here. the ap did reach out to hunter biden, the attorney said listen, we have a friendship with my ex-wife. we don't want this to be in the public. deferred away from any of the allegations in this latest motion. the next court hearing on this will be in late march. >> all right. >> tough for any family. >> yes, it really is. picture went viral on inauguration day. former president george w bush had to say about this hilarious snapshot right here. he does not look comfortable. >> back after this.
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70-year-old couldn't seem to figure out where the hole to put his head was. what went wrong? mr. bush told his side of the story this week to ellen degeneres >> it must run in the family because your mom had an issue with the poncho also. >> it's genetic. >> of course, his trouble turning to internet gold with many being made at the former president's expense. >> it is fun to see him laugh at himself. still, it's fun to see him laugh at those moment >> he really laid low there for a long time and didn't have much to say, did his painting and own little thing, it's nice to see he's relaxing. president bush opened up about his friendship with michelle obama. this photo of the pair
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snapped last year at the opening of the african-american history and culture museum. he told ellen that people are surprised that people from opposing parties can actually like each other. >> it was really funny. ellen asked him, she said, so, you know, who do you like better, barack obama or michelle obama? and he kind of looked for a minute and he said well, he's never given me a hug like that before. >> he's got a good sense of humor >> that picture touched a lot of people >> i wonder how close they are. >> i don't know. >> clearly they've developed a bond. >> clearly they have. this is one way to make an entrance. do you know this is, ryan singky rode a horse to work on his first day at interior secretary. the park police gave him an escort. he rode from the national mall they keep the horses to the interior department's main building located off the mall, 550
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their new boss. z inke tweeted humbled. >> what a way to make an entrance for sure. >> we'll be right back. [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. ♪♪ new year, time to get rid of stuff. simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. i raise turkeys without growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. if you're looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a pretty simple
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national reading month. dr. suess is famous world wide. many of histories were inspired by political issues. >> here's the thing, let's put you to the test or us. which political issue inspired the lorax? the main character tries to save trees from being cut down. i had no idea. >> when i heard we were going to do this to segment, i didn't realize they were based on something like that. i
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what about the cat in the hat? you guys are saying what? that's about a political issue? sort of, yes. the book is about fight to go childhood lit literary si. children were failing reading and losing lit are a see. he challenged the theory, wrote a book and taught kids how to read and that is cat in the hat. you got to make it interesting. >> that's just part of the deal >> books are much better. next up, this is actually about american treatment of the japanese during world war ii. during world war ii, dr. suesss drew a number of racist political cartoons stereo typing the japanese. however, after the war, who is an expression for helping japan
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