tv Good Day DC FOX March 9, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, repeal and a big move overnight in theht ie fight to get rid of obama carear after republicans strike down one of the most controversialeri parts. we'll have all the details.. off season the redskins could be back too the drawing board after more reports that scott mccloughan's' time with the burgundy and goldg is all but over.ver. redskins fans are pointing the t finger at bruce allentownllwn they're taking action.ctn. >> listen up metro riders. rer metro getting ready to approvede a fare hike while slashing raill and bus service.and buservice. i'll have everything you need t know coming up. first, though, enjoy whileow it lasts. one more day in the 70s on the way before a bitter chill
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in. in tucker is tracking weather weaer good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ you can track us right we're ready to go. g >> um-hmm. u >> good day at 9a. 9:00 sorry one is the time.s e . thursday, march 9th. >> also ahead this mornings mor remember yesterday when we toldd you about that parking spotaytht going for $300,000?0? >> yes. >> well it's a bargain compareda to how much the d.c. region owew in parking tickets.ts coming up later we will sharel e that number that might justht jt below you away. >> okay.. i paid a few. f might not blow me so much away.. >> let's talk about this weathes though because we have one more, just one more beautiful day onao tap before winter makes a major come back.k. for details tucker barnes backrk with a first check of theckf th good morning. morng >> hi, guys.>> hi,s. >> good morning. g >> hey. good to see you. ogoveodr here. h >> you know we'll more beautifut days they won't be warm and wnd spring lik >> okay. >> rig right. >> i knew we weren't gettinget
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saying. >> you're absolutely right abouu that, because next weetek lookso colder than any week we had in february so we'll talk more tk m about that. let's enjoy today first.irst 60 degrees, bright sunshine, sun beautiful start to the day. d winds out of the south and wests at nine. nin yesterday of course very very ce sty y winds. we'll be breezy today. tod so i do want to mention that. otherwise, look how quiet it is locally here.llere. there's your satellite/radar. and we're just going to featurea sunshine an nice mild -- in facf warm afternoon highs in the lowh 70s. 70s. and a rain free day. day so good looking forecast this afternoon. all right.all changes start tonight.ight clipper system out to the westes that will drop down into ourintr region maybe a little bit of aoa rain/snow mix around hereder tomorrow morning for the mornini commute. and then that colder air willill really settle in here. he. i'll have more details on thenhe forecast for tomorrow and the te weekend coming up and whether or not we got any snow on the sevev day but look at today. no snow on the thursday forecass with highs in the low 70s.0s get out end? beautiful beautif afternoon should be really thiss day. all right. guys, that's latest. , atcoming u'sp, i'm doing a food segment.segmt.
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of course you are. >> back to you. >> we'll check in with you later. but first the big storytory republicans making progress pro overnight toward their long sought goal of repealing obamaof >> it could lead to the end ofno the so called individual mandata to purchase health insurance bub the gop still has a really longn way to go.y o. >> luckily members of thelybers congress are not paid overtime because it's been just aboutus a around the clock effort to debt this whole thing done ande a republicans made a major moveove overnight. >> ♪♪ >> there being no further for the committee the committee stand adjourned.rned >> just aft 4am on capitol hillh this morning that the house,, weigh ands means committee pushh through the repeal of the least popular provision of the obama b care the legal requirement for all of us to carry health hlt insurance or pay a penalty.. >> we're passion this first pasi installment which is to gut to obama care, repeal the mandates, repeal the taxes and the the spending. we replace it with conservativee republican tax policy that hasts been lon
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reform.rm. >> for all of the confidencedene house speaker paul ryan this iss not going to be easy. some republicans are non who who pleased with their party's planp because in their view it perpetuates of the idea of o entitle the of health careare shifting the payments fromnts fr subsidy to attack credit.t >> it continues subsidies,di continues obama care taxes, hass a mandate. and has insurance bail out monem in it so no, i don't think we'r' at all on the same page on that. >> that's where the white houseu comes in.mesn. president trump is trying to wio over conservative members of congress and interest groups. vice-president mike pence headsd to capitol hill today to do some arm all while democrats are trying to whip up public >> the questions to she'llly be, are you with the wealthiestes families in america or are youey with your constituents? >> the real sales push from them white house continues.ntins. the administration inviting some
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house for a bowling night next week as they try to sell thel repeal and replacement of obama care. >> meanwhile president trump hah tapped a former ambassador tosar china to serve as his ambassadoo to russia. we're talking about former utah governor john huntsman not anota easy job especially since itt comes at the same time several s members of the trumpofhe t administration are facingon facg criticism because of theirm beca reported communicationsus with w contacts in the russian huntsman served as ambassador tt chain from a during the obamaa g administration and ran forraon a president in 2012. 201 he will have to be confirmed bym the us new this morning the fcc investigating an at and t outagg that prevented some customersuss from calling 911 on their celll phones. this morning the outage has beeb fixed and while customers shouls have access to 911. 9 last night's outage affectedd d.c., maryland and virginia.. back up emergency numbers werers set up for people to use duringg that how the taj. also new this morning inew montgomery county police are tye searching for whoever broke intt a rockville gun shop and stole s number of
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it happened at the united gunn shop on randolph road. rd. police say they responded to tho scene just before 4:00 this 4:0h morning and aft the store' as alarm system went off.stem it's unclear how many weapons ws were stolen officers believe suspects forced their way in way through the front door. they're not sure if anything wan stolen.olen >> let's turn to metro right non riders to need to get readyeady another fair hike likely on thee way. >> metro board set to vote on proposed hike today as they deal with on going budget gap. what does this all mean forr riders? annie yu live at thelie king street metro station withmi the details. annie? >> reporter: good morning toorni al you you. what does this mean? this meana that your rail service is goingg to be reduced but your fares ara going to increase.reas so a lot of people not happyap about this.t this. we're here at the king street se metro station this morning where we spoke to a lot of riders. they are very frustrated over oe this proposal, and it looks like it is going to to move forwarded and riders we spoke to say,ay, look, we're open to paying ag higher cost if they, you know fo
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consistent disruptions going ono you know, daily or week, and tht fare hike comes at a time thatmt metro is seeing lower ridershipp so here's how it's going tooingo impact you. rail service during peak timeses is going to go up by ten cents to $2.25.. off peak fares and bus fares will go up a quarter. go quart and the times between trains trn could increase to 15 minutes.ins and weekly bus passes we're tolt will remain the same at $17.50, however, some bus routes areoute expected to be a eliminated. metro admits that could causelde pain for riders in the regioneg but they say it is a necessaryea move to avoid a major financiali crisis and it's going to close a $290 million budget gap but,get again, riders who say -- we- spoke to this morning say theyae are very frustrated.rustrated. that they have to pay the high price, for a system that isn't n reliable and already expensive.. take listen
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>> i think there's other waysers around that.. maybe perhaps they should takede pay cuts. cuts. >> i understand that the trainsn have to be repaired.d thve the tracks have to b te ro epaip at what cost? you know, youw, know, i mean a lot of can'tan avenue for the price rate of a train. i rely on trains. >> reporter: again, this fairhir hike proposal will be put to a a vote later this morning, and iti is likely to move forward.. but behind me here you can see s lot of work is being done at the king street metro station on that track work for the on-goinn surge right now.t back to you in the studio.. >> thank you for that.ha if you plan on spending st.g patrick's day with cherry blossoms in peak bloom you'll have to make other plans.. national park service pushed phd back its prediction of theof t cherry blossoms peak blooming bn period originally they expectedp peak bloom to begin betweenben e march 4th and march 17th.. the park service now says that because of the colder than average forecast temperaturesemu this weeknd the peak bloom predicted between march 1
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and the 22nd.. peak bloom means at least 70% oo the trees around the tidal basin are blooming. once alabama peak bloom is p reached the blossoms can remaini on the trees for four to ten ton .ays. >> that knocks you out of theocs pool now. >> i was going to say. what happened. y wasne >> i said march 20th isn't ih it think holly and i -- - >> oh, >> you're out. >> between two now.we >> between us two.>> betwe >> i had no comment.en u i >> that's what i had.hat'at i i'm not in it. i >> you can never go with the first. always we'll see what happens. happens. all right.ght. so you know we talk all thet time about eating healthylt working out, looking your best,, apparently though more and moree americans are choosing to notot lose weight. wei experts say there is a major m reason why.on why we'll tell was it is coming up u later. >> first though back to theacke drawing board for the burgundyuy and gold why the team could be looking for a new general gener manager sooner than later and a what may the impact be. b we'll more on the off season i call the show the front office. >> i like it. >> redskins front
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up next. next. ♪♪ ♪♪ new infallible total cover from l'oreal. full coverage foundation. super-lightweight. pro formula. really lasts. but if forever doesn't last forever, just cover and conceal. new infallible total cover from l'oreal paris everyone loves an original. america's number one mascara. voluminous original. in classic black. and now in blue. builds five times the volume. ♪♪ voluminous.
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from l'oréal paris f fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to
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24 spin off. >> wait a minute.>> that was my adlib script lastpts hour.ur >> is that right? well -- >> so good that you wereyouer plagiarized.agrize >> i believe he call reboot, ro, steve.eve. >> exactly. exactly >> reboot. remake. rema vampmp. >> direct copy.ect >> a little show that steve ste coined called the front office.o as in the redskins front office. and steve, the head writer foror the show.e sh >> apparently. >> has i wasly latest twists ans turns. like the best transcriptionip service ever. >> i know. >> >> you just say it on whim nextn thing you know they're take youe words and putting them off formf somebody else to read.mebody you know the officer e.icer it's funny. this is the front office. it's not sito's i fs unnyth.unny move over general hospital andta days of our lives because heresh come the burgundy and gold turnd in the latest saga gm scotomyy mccloughan fading further intoui the side lights. light you might as well put him in th upper deck right now several ser media outlets report he's no longer involved in the decisiont making for the team and has nots been scouting players.g player it's according to the washington
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are in the process of working towards an actual buy o discussions about the next gmex well the post says they'res alayady underway. most says it's coming down to power struck dell betweenstru mccloughan and team president bruce allen nothing new.ew no surprise there. allenno apparently thinks thatt mccloughan is too hands on with the players. let's take look at the timelinel since he step into the role of l general manager he was hired in 2,015. 2, reboot the skins resulting inti playoffs and near misses ofmisso playoffs in the last two years. mccloughan takes leave for leavf family matter.te then is no longer scoutingg players.s. espn reports no longer involvedl in team decisions as well andl fans understandably frustrate f beside all of this, because thet like it when the team wins. w like it's been doing the lastas two years.ea. facebook page even created to protest at redskins park set for tomorrow 8:00 a.m. yell this morning we dug intog g all of wis radio host and fox5 sports analyst grant here's what gp had
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>> i think what is difficult for fans this morning what peoplet are frustrated by is that it did feel like things had changed for long time the redskins did notsn have what i call an adult in tht room. a if the ball person making football decisions.ecisns someone who is a talent evaluator calling the shots ando for the last couple of years the perception on the outside osi looking in that w happening.apni when mccloughan was hired heir said at his press conference that dan snyder told me over anr over again he said it once hench said it 20 times in six hoursir face to face meeting withing schneider that winning is all tn that matters.that mrs well, they've won.y've w they've had their best twod the seasons in a row that's what'sss kind of staggering here.g h they haven't had back to back b winning seasons with the recordr they just had but once since 1991. that was in the mid '96-'97. after two winning seasons ito nn looks like he's on hisin wg ays. >> pierre garson shipping outsot expected to sign today with the 49ers.sign 49 joining kyle shanahan there. the garson expected to sign v
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$16 million in the first year and guys we did a little gone or not gone with grant earlier today. pierre garson gone to sanre gso francisco. desean jackson gone likely to tampa. mpa. >> yup. >> chris baker gone. kirk cousins wouldn't be surprised if he is gone. >> now yeah. yh >> two of the top free agentse e the redskins were supposedlyposy interested in both going to sigg with, wait for it, the redskins but jackson. >> really? >> yeah. >> who is coming? >> exactly. >> great question.uestn. general manager, two widetwo wid receivers, maybe a quarterback,, maybe free we should see.d s >> i know this is really loadede question. but okay.but okay. tony romo is >> if this is a team by all a intents and purposes did prettyy last two years why then do youdy make this move and dismantle dma this team that seems to be on te good track record.od track reco. >> it is a power struggle. and if you are the person inso i power then you call the shots.hs >> it feels like you're cuttingg your kno
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this case. >> have you followed this team.a >> i have one name for you. you marty shot ten heimer.n imer >> gone. >> i know. remember he had amazing season.a >> he's gone.s gone >> exact same thing. just how many years later? i -an -- >> well, okay.>>ell, this one i'm starting to learnrn the game they pull the rug fromm under me. un >> they always pull the rug from under you. >> stay tuned fort neck episodei of the front office. >> exactly. >> that was good one, steve. >> you'lwal bs e touch with everybody. >> very well written, steve.we . writing the rest of the show.reh >> upper deck comment that washt adlibbed if some shows up in tht script next hour somebody iseb getting a phone call.. >> thanks steve.e. 9:19. coming up the man behind the beast a little later kevinlittlk sitting down with the star of disney's new life remake of thet tale as old as >> we're checking to see what'sw making headlines.king hines allison what you got? moree fallout wis from that marinet re corps nude photo scandal.candal good news for first lady melania trump and the cruise ship videod that has a little -- hits too ht
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♪♪ all right. 9:20 is the time. allison seymour back with a check of the other stories9:n se maymour of theking had he linesn morning.g ha allison? >> we begin with newbegin th n developments wisdom in the story that we first told you abouttolt earlier this week involvingng allegations of nude photos ofhoo female marines posted online without their consent much thisi
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gloria allred is now involved il the case. she held a press conference yesterday with one of theerda victims.y wi the victim's claim the photoss were posted within a privacy yet group on facebook without thehe women's one. 11 victims says the photos werer taken from her personal persona instagram page. the naval criminal investigativi service is now looking into this. well, got stock? then happp birthday indeed. i wall street's current bullrent market was born on march 9th, 2 to us nine after the worse stock plunge since the greatunge depression overcame obstaclessts ranging from debt -- the debthed crisis in europe to natural disasters like hurricanes. hri so how long will this streaktrek last? no one knows but it isutt worth noting the longest bull in history which spanned most ofedm the 1990's before topping out in late march of 2,000 lasted aboua nine and a half years. well, people are loving the new first lady.. according to new poll, more m americans the more we learn about the first lady m
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trump the more we like her. her favor ability rating is upgs 16 points since her husband wass sworn in.. about 52% of americans have a favorable opinion of mrs. trumpp and increase from 36% pre inauguration.inau fortune magazine out withmao 100 bestut companies to work fo. google topping the list theist eighth time in 11 years google o is number coming at number two wegmanswoes food marks new york basedas supermarket chain with severalnr stores in our area is one of a handful of companies that havetv made the list all 20 years thehe list that is a been coming out.t a boston consulting group aro global firm with an office inffi bethesda is once again numberr three. th and finally, talk about hittingi too close to home. home. check it out. homeowners in ft. lauderdalee getting quite the surprise. can you believe it? right? ig outside their waterfront home cruise ship inching frighteningly close to theirclor prompt. we learned high winds and stron cuwirrents are what caused thane ship to come unusually close
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those homes. hom so it's a good thing and bad bad thing about living right thereht on the water, guys. g >> went out and thought this thi would stop the big cruise linern >> get out. no, sto >> meanwhile i just want to says that's a good problem to have. v if i look out my backyard even e see a cruise ship coming thatomt means i'm living pretty well.rew >> i'm winning if cruise shipsip are pulling up to my backyard. >>.exactly. >> back bay or wherever.rever. >> yeah. >> thanks al.>> thas al >> there's one episode left inei season one of star and this t morning we're sitting down withh the cast for a sneak peek andee look how life has changed since the series took off. o >> first though tucker is taking the crab feast outside. he's being selfish keeping it tt himself.f. he'll share with all of youshara especially since it may be the e last chanced to the outdoorutdor dining for a little while. a liw we'll check in with tucker next. >> man, that looks good. g >> fresh at 10a how much d.c. area drivers oh in parkingarng tickets. that's not so good but plus morm and more americans are ameri a apparently giving up on weight
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we'll find out why they're doin' that. one empire star showing off herh new figure and opeerning up abot her life-saving surgery. surry comedian guy torry will join usn live before he take the stage ae the d.c. improv. athe d. imp get ready to laugh later, we'll check in with ali landry from holly woo today livl for today's celebrity dish. d we got a lot to talk aboutalkbo today. it's 9:24.'s 9:24. we'll be right back.htack. ♪♪ ♪ i love you so much, that's why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash.
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downy fabric conditioner. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fiotoo. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to
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♪♪ he's not going to be cowboy anyy more. more 9:26 is the time.9:26 is time for to us check good day d sports and first up it is the end of area in dallas.las. cowboys plan to release tonyse y romo today. the question now where will the almost 37 years old quarterback land? it's rumored the broncosc or the texans could be a possibility.possib nfl free agency period begins as 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. romo's release would free up $5 million in cap space for the cowboys.oys. plagued with injury he hasn'tt played a full season in twoseasw years romo has career record of 78 and 49 but he never was able to gett cowboys past the divisionalisiol round of the playoffs in four fu play off appearances. his over 34,000 passing yardsars and 248 touchdown passes are the most in team history.ry >> if he gets to choose for himr to stay in texas they haveye indoor stadium much easier onaso his body and everything else ee prolong the >> yeah. >> rather than going to denver and playing in the coldan g. >> his wife is
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there you go.thyou go. let's talk about this. debut disaster for tim tebow teb former footballer made hisadeis professional baseball debut yesterday. new york mets taking on thetakie boston red sox yesterday in spring training and that match up it will let's just say tebow debut was no homerun.. he struck out on four pitchesurh and at one point he actually all walked across the red sox on deck circle to get ready to hit. red sox pitcher said he thoughtg he was an actual bat boy. home plate ump eventuallyventll noticed and told him to get back on the other side.onhe >> he's getting some attention. >> doing what he can. c >> he may as well be in thein te upper deck. >> let me get my attorney on the phone again. copyright violation.lation. >> wisdom martin. yeah.h. >> mark my words.k my wds >> you should. getting a lot of play today.t lo finally talk about come back. barcelona's men's soccer team sa taking on paris. saint jermaine and championshipi last barcelona was down after the aer first leg of the tournament andd need to do win by five g
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order to advance to the quartert finals well guess what? mission accomplish.compli. barcelona stun wig six-one victory.vior three of the goals coming in the final minutes of the game and gd then check this out. our own brody logan was there tt witness it in person.erson. >> that is i was m i actually iw saw the end of that game lasasts night. believe it or not.gheve itno that was crazy. >> is he really that or is thata photo shopped.o >> since he bought the scarf i believe he's there.h there otherwise i would have calledav photo shop. phot >> all right.o sh >> he's there. he's on vacation.vacat >> he's stand in front of an ofa 84-inch >> he shot the video of the posp game celebration in the streetsr and everybody was going crazy. a what a come back it was.. >> pretty cool. >> now i like it even more thata he was there. >> check in with mike thomas.s tucker is outside eating crabs.a >> today is the day to do.s theo >> some people get to grill outo somebody people get to stay inpe here with >> if you're able to grill outgt today is the last day to do it.a big changes coming up.. 60 degrees outside in d.c. at nine in the morn
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manassas at 62 and culpeper.. look at the satellite/radar.adar it's quite around the region really not a cloud in sight.. beautiful blue skies out there.. and plenty of sunshine and and that's what we'll have all day today. march forecast weiss doesn't get better than this ample sunshinee with temperatures in d.c. up and over 70 degrees later on td this afternoon breezy from time tom i time that's the only hiccup here other than it's a beautifuleaif thursday afternoon. things are going to change as ww head into tomorrow. look at this. fast forward to go tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m.:00 a we have snow, yes, snow pushingg into the mountain regions muchim this little system will swing w down in the d.c. region lickly l starts off a period of rain hern in washington then we briefly i mean very briefly change over tt brief period of does not a come late on theon t roads at all we'll be in the 700 daday's. ground temp as little too warm.. we won't be able accumulate much. off to the north get a littletle dusting. show that you in just a minute. that system quickly pushes off
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the morning hours leftover flurries here and therh really not all that much not a a expected here at d.c. d here's kind of the snowfallwf forecast again jackpot zones z central pennsylvania there thret to 6-inches. then we're down one to three in the mountains off to the north h and west closer to d.c. and points farther north isolate grassy coating to maybe an inchh up towards the maryland pennsylvania border once the snow stops in the afternoon howh warm the ground is, that will quickly kind of melt away.. fox5 accu set seven day forecass we are up today to 72 then we start cooling it down tomorrow.. temp fall all day. d 50's early high. we get breezy and cold. look at the weekend. tripe degrees snow out of sundaa still very cold, 41.d,1. it's next week now we're keeping an eye on monday night into tuesday.esy. perhaps more snow possible.ossil perhaps our final chance of the season we'll have more details s on that coming up in the days ds ahead.ah all right.. i'll sent it back to you at they good day couch.goodch we're heading outside now. >> very nice.. grab your mallet, get your sauce
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and roll out the newspaper. newr it's national crab day. >> crabs taste best this morning our very own maryland native and crab lover tucker barnes is live out in the fox lot paying homage to everyone's favorite crustacean.c good morning to you, tucker. >> wisdom, i'm very excited toit get chance to do this segmentmet because it's all things crabss r and with springtime feel oute ft here it's never too early to talk about crabs and it is national crab meat day.onal i am joined c by my esteemed che at naj bistro. >> dwayne. >> yes sir. >> you've been on the show before. >> i v never been interviewed by me. >> no, i have not.ot this is first for everybody.ryb. >> might be a first and last.e let's talka fi about national cr meat day. totally exciting day.. first of all he's cooking on camping equipment so, you know,, that's already a handicappeddicd right there. >> i am. the kay.l be o these pans are getting smokey. s getting excited for this i personally love crab. cra you'll find no bigger crab heada than me i used to go to the market after culinary schooly s
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900 kinds of crab.ra >> i couldn't go that far. f i was a crab feign.b fe the favorite part of the crab i the mustard and the molly. >> tell me what the mustard is. it's acquired test. a >> the mustard in this here it's like the row or the caca once it gets cooked becomes brightkecome yellow it's acquired taste ied i love it.t. hopefully after this you'll lov it too.. do a couple dishes here. start off with a jerk whole crac so take these crabs here hot her smoking here that sizzle. >> all these kinds of things thn type of careerth you mig prepare. >> we prepare a couple thingsar heree a . crabcake benedict.edict. we have crabcake sandwich we we serve and also a filet oscar with little bit of crab andand sauteed asparagus and developedp crab on top of grits.f gri >> what's the most popular. >> crabcake sandwich. >> that's classic.t'assic >> crabcake sandwich.dwich. >> not even close.>> notven >> we're
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little different.le >> yes, sir. >> normally people steam their r crabs with you can do that i just want to open it up for youhat get youru taste wide open here.n he. >> i got question for you. queno obviously we can't get the craba from the chesapeake. where are these coming from. >> louisiana. >> the gulf, the c>>ar lolinas around this time. >> okay. >> so, you know, there's wayre'y around it. i i encourage to you get local whenever you can.wh >>en sure. >> when it is in season. s but, you know, if you have hav hasn't kerring for crab trust m you can fine it at your localr l store here. so what we got going on in the pan we got crab here. h little saute of some butter.ut >> all right. i put a jerk spice in there nowe if you don't like spicy, you don't have to do spicy. s you can get it from the store.. >> got it. i >> grocery store here and thiste is going to help with thatlp wta butter and we'll steam this andd we're going throw in little bitt of rosemary so we get some herbaceousness.rbaceo >> this is like a little more l advanced probably i can preparee ghnight. >> tuck, you got it, bro. you g, trust me.trt little bit of ginger here. >> uh-huh. uh-huh. >> squeeze of some lime.e le. >> this is like a w
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different take on i love it.ent ve it. >> absolutely. absolutely. you want to e hasn't then't t flavor of the crab. cb. you don't want to overpower it.i people make the mistake theytakt want to put a ton of cream a tot of salt with it. it crab has its own unique identitt you want to hans it.ans it so right here, we got -- got >> i love your passion for craba man. >> you have no idea. ide true story my wife asked me what do you weren't for my birthday.a crabs and suite tea.abs and how long we beesunit married? u know me. >> that's fantastic. >> you're cardiologist said onee thing about crabs to avoid.out b what's thats to. a >> butter and salt with the craa but i just can't say no to old bay.y >> how disciplined are you.isci >> you got to.plot. >> it's by law. you have to.u have >> i mean if you don't old baylb you're not doing it. >> not supposed to have any sall in it. >> not even just a so much ofo f salt. >> i love that. i le th >> now it's already looking likk an amazing meal. mea right here we'll let this cook a little bit.ttle b we'll switch over to the crabb succotash we have going. going i wish you can just smell thislt
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i really wish you can just smels it.. >> i mean that smells reallysmlr good. >> i like how it's a totallyly different plate.late tell me, are you doing anythingh special today for national crabb day. >> absolutely. absolutely. know, a crab special.. we'll do some jerk crab we'llb serve as a special tonight.pecig always have our crabcakebcake sandwich. crab ben detective i'm doing'moi crab something.hing >> this jerk you're doings je tonight.rk >> yes. >> we'll have it tonight. .ll havwhat are we doing >> a crab succotash. standard succotash i want to mio it up a little bit. we got red i don't know and.d. when you want to surprise the wife with crab dish washingtonha do you prepare for fer >> what do i like to prepare? >> honestly i like to take snowo crab legs and grill them on my big smoker she loves so much.ovu >> oh yeah.>> oh >> i know i'm just joking. jg she hates that smoker. smoke it's so smokey.key. she actually hates that smokerme but, you know, she doesn't dsn't complain once the food comes.ods >> she likes the final product.
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>> is there crab in thes thcrab succotash, too.ccotas too >> going in there.>>e. right now we got a little garlic, onion/peppers.eprs throw some tomatoes in here.ere >> it looks so fresh andnd fantastic.tic. >> absolutely. i love the colors. green beans. >> zen it back inside we'll keep on cooking out here and i'm inse the crew will be out at some som point they'll want to tryant ty everything.eryt >> crab here. we'll be out of here.'l >> there you go.l be out >> all rightre. yight. >> we're in here just drooling.. >> right. it looks so good sufferingring succotash. [ laughter ]sulaught ] >> i just wanted to say that. tt >> suffering >> you have to say it like that. [ laughter ] >> 9:37. high tech take on tale as old aa time coming up next kevinevin sitting down with beauty and tht beast star dan stevens for hownh he brought the half man half h animal to life in the latest bib screen adaptation. 9:37. 9:37 we're back. after this ♪♪ ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone.
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it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to we care about using cage-free eggs. and we care about azing taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. define your brows. express yourself. brow stylist definer from l'oreal. the ultra-thin tip recreates tiny brow hairs. the spoolie brush blends effortlessly. now brows get their most precise look yet. brow stylist definer from l'oreal makeup designer paris. z29phz z16fz
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♪♪ you join me for dinner. that's not a request. >> gently, masterjoin. mat's n. the girl lost her father and her freedom in one day. d >> the poor thing is probably pl scared to >> exactly.. >> just minute.inut >> you see, there she is. now, remember, be gentle. >> kind. >> charming. charming.
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her aor dashing debonair smile. come, come, show me the smile. >> no. [ laughter ] >> that's a clip from the new nw live action remake of disney'ss beauty and beast features alltul star emma watson, emma thompson iain mc kell land, iv mcgregor, josh klein and steve.e the prince who learns what it w means to love.e kevin mccarthy i can say thatayt real easily sits down with theie actor. >> good to see you. see >> all star cast.cast. >> sometimes i'm in interview ii get super surprised by a momentn because when i'm sitting therent talking to the actor who plays the beast in the film daninhe fl stevens, i just assumed that tht voice was done in a compute.ompe because how does human being geg their voicing to that low i i figure maybe he mouthed it onses and they digitally made it or o add add bunch of effects to it i that's really his voice. voi add a little bit of base.f be. now the crazy thing is, fors, f people who don
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watch this film dan stevens wass there for many of sceness specifically dan sequence withu him and bell he had to stand on 10-inch stilts and learn thernhe waltz on those stilts. ts. first he learn them on feet. he learn them on the stilts he'' much taller and broader thanerha obviously the character -- actor who played him.wh i spoke to him about the voice. he does the voice for me.e pay attention to his face ase a he's transitioning into theg int beast voice.t vo it's really remarkable. this gentleman dan stevens was in downton abby played matthewah crawly did you not like his his ending of his character. >> my wife didn't like that tha dan steven the beast. >> ♪♪ >> have you really read everyone of these books? >> some of them are in greek.n . >> do you speak lower for the -- >> yeah. >> i know they enhance it do you speak lower. >> they certainly wack up thertk base, you know, on that.t >> you do actually go lower witw your voice.
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prosthetic exploration they made great fangs for the beast which you see in the movie but ifor th wasn'tin t actually wearing on e day. i had them to explore if youlo u know what i mean i took themookm away and i was trying to figureg out what would a guy whose veryr vain who suddenly been cursedben with this look given these t hideous teeth because if you put the fangs in and you try and and hide them then your mouth ends s up going quiet down.own. on top of which he's very very r grumpy character. so your mouth let's longer and a larynx gets stretched and thes t voice comes out that's dreeepere and kind of speaking from thekih bottom of his, dude, bottom of his body.. >> what did do you to it. it. >> nothing. >> get out of here>> n. go!go >> ♪♪ >> i know you're on stilts but b like are you -- they buildinguid you out more, too.oo. what are they doing that. tha >> what i actually look like. l. >> i am on stilts 10-inches off the ground carrying sort of
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about 40 popped like crow muscle suit. >> wow. >> and it was my little face fae poking out of the this giant t g thing.thg. so, um, yeah, it was pretty beastly but not like the beastea that you see in the movie. >> ♪♪ >> when you dot dance, though, , how do you dances on stilts? slt >> that is very good question. [ laughter ] with my m had to anioswer feet over the course of about three months dance training we t started on the ground obviouslyy learning the steps and then came the day when, yeah i had to sort of, a his to get on the stiltsis all the way i was learning howiw to move in those things any wayw and learning sort of beastly bly walking and stuff. s and so that eventually became bc incorporated into the dancehe d rehearsals and emma was a littll bit terrified getting up on my steal high heels basically. but i didn't break her toes.oes. >> it's pretty cool. listen movie magic something that fascinates me ever since ii
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terminator two for the first time. the idea this actor who youou barely see on screen in then in movie was there for the whole performance is right really doel enhance it and gives you anou a appreciation for what the actor did. i mean a lot of acts doing thist for a long time. andy sirius plays gallon lump in lord of rings and played kingyei kong in two to us faced kings fn kong this is another actor. aor but even in those planet of the apes films they have an actorctr playing the aping the avatar was famous for that as well. wel it's cool the performance cancec come through a digital charactea the academy hasn't yet gotten tt point where they can appreciatet a voice performance or a performance capture. i thought that robin williams ws deserves academy award formy a r aladdin.di he was on screen but you knew yk the character and the presencehe came through that character.raer >> voice acting is an art in a i >> totally. e performance capture. cap the fact that you drop hisis voice. >> when i was doing it i foundsi myself -- >> me too. i was moving my mouth becauseaue i'm like -- i remember he d
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and you hear him in then the background dude.ude that was my last question they were wrapping me up. real fast did you drop th voice. >> i thought he was going to sas no. he starts doing it.rtg it oh my god this is insane.. >> it's cool that he practiced it that way and kind of came upu with it. they wacked the base up in the n interview.inteie kind of cool. >> of course beauty and beastndb hits theaters march 17. >> next friday. >> lookiext ng forward it to. fo thanks kev.. 9:46 right now coming up on trend fashion for curvy women.en plus size retailer he will low wee just opened its first ever r pop-up right here in the dmv and guess what this morning they'lll show off some of the hottest tht spring looks. we'll be right back. ack. stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith.
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not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. we didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to tie that space together. with an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. it's perfect for our family.
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♪♪ if you consider yourself to be a curvy woman you know that t like all women sometimes findini clothes that flatter your body might be a struggle, right? r have no fear.. there's a new store that justt j popped up in the dmv area that's looking to honor your lovely lol curves it's called he will low kyw-3. a women's fashion retailer thatt features day
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wear and other suggestions for f women sizes 14 through 28.size they just opened their first store ever in pentagon city buty if you're trying to get in on g the action you got to hurryot tr because it's only here for a a three-month run.nth so this morning we are hostingeh our own fashion show with creative director jodi arnold. l good morning.. >> good morning.>> gm >> so great to see you. so grea >> thank you.t t what's the concept behind the bd three month only.ree >> we decided we first justrst wanted to see what our customere wants from us in brick and mortar stores we'll be doingre tests around the countrys to se eventually roll out stores.res >> go from there. go from the l riright. so it's special experience foror three months and there's someome things you can only get in storo not right. >> we have some collections we come out two collections aio month. we have two collections in theoe store now that will not be wiln online for about another month.n so if you're in the area comea c now and take look.and ook. get them first.them fir >> let's start with our's srt w wonderful fashion show.shionw. and let's talk about what we'rew looking at here. >> so this is danny and she is one of our blogger here in dc area. one of the trends
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swirling around the fashion aree for a couple of seasons now isow off the shoulder.r. >> um-hmm. >> so it's still not -- doesn'ts seem to be stopping and this is beautiful off the shoulderhoul chiffon principal dress. bright floral and darkk background.grou >> you know what i like about a the offshore.offore. your shoulders don't really have anything to do with weight i wgh think your shoulders are just a beautiful feminine part of ami r >> shoulders and neck justus always -- couldn't go wrong.uldw >> is there a wrong or rroight y to wear off the shoulder? shode >> no. i don't think so. ctuali ly has h string that you can tie it tha around your neck.neck. this new iterations it coming cm out whether it's one shoulder, e off the shoulder.sher. cold shoulder. shoulde anything about the shoulder.. >> circle cut outs. >> peek a boo shoulder. shoulder >> the cold shoulder.d shoul danny you look wonderful. >> who is next?>> w is >> this is val. vaeerie. the other big thing that we'vete been seeing other than, you know, stripes are kind ofarnd o perennial now bold color stripee
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the statement sleeve this isnt e balloon sleeve so you'll see whether it's a flared sleeve, se it's a cascading sleeve, all kinds of sleeves, and we're a getting into even more the leg a mut ten sleeves back to theveckt '80's. >> what's old is new. what'old >> exactly. >> always. >> exactly. >> so this is a puffed sleeveev tie front blouse this is one ofs our number one skirts thishis pencil skirts sells like hotselt cakes. >> what i love about it too sometimet i los people think yot wear horizontal stripe. you know what i mean that makesa you look bigger. b >> she look just amazing.mazing >> doesn't she look >> i think that's one of thene e myths plus size women have beene told. they can do anything they wantgt to do. you have to pair it togethero pe right. >> get the right proportions.ios >> can't beat a good penn systee skirt. love it. >> our last model. >> this is hola.. and she is i just love thise is outfit. she's combining two trends herer one is the conversational printr you can see these got parrots oo her skirt.heskirt. >> um-hmm. >> this is one much our key itee skirts studio pleated minii
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flattering for so many different figures. on top, the whole embroidery trend explode this seasoneason embroidery on top of shirtingf t stripes you can see what she has here whether it's a faux embroidery.broiry. to mix embroidery with a bold al skirt that's a fashion statement but it really work. it really does work.ork. that wouldn't be something i'd i necessarily pair it together.ogt it looks incredible on you.on y >> ladies come back out we can n see all of the fashions. also explain to me you're havinh some kind of i-pad something ing the store where you can taken tk pictures or -- >> we have something our user generated content called xoq take your picture and the loadea to our website.ebsi our customers love to owe otherr women their size and shapeze and wearing the clothing.ine cl so in the store it's kind of a digital experience as wellel trying new thing with retail.ewg you can see every witthing thatn our sight.our we have over thousand styles onn our site that can hold thee t hundred in the store there's lol more to see.see. i-pads you can search for thatot or take pictures and we'll up wp load them on
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>> i think that is justs us brilliant.illian. because i always like to see see like real people wearing theeang things i want to wear. w because it always looksoks different when it's on realeal person versus the model that'ss been photo shopped and whatever. as lee, a the these three lovelv ladies when you're a fuller sizs person shopping war the myths t that people need to, you know,e, not worry about and/or war somem of the rules you should follow? >> well i think looking at holah here for so many years peoplerse you can't wear a crop top if you're a plow size.iz she looks amazing. myth about horizontal site or wearing white.or ourjeans ite jeans on sight. it's really just all how you hou feel about yourself.el aut y getting the proportion right. but i don't think they're realll too many rules. >> i think the keyto go etting proportion right and getting ant good fit. e exactly. >> nobody, no matter what their body type can wear >> yes. right? you just need to find f out what's right for you.'s you ladies are amazing.rema thank you very much.h. again, it's elo
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city level two and only going tg be there for three months isn't what's the final'she f may 31st. w tillndot from now till the end of may to go there and shop andp look fabulous.uls. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> enjoyed it.njoyed back over to you g >> looking good, ladies.kiood, all right.all right. ready for movie showdown.howdow. >> sure. let's go. i'm ready .. i'm always ready.ays ready. i can't wait much it's not onlyo wisdom going up against kevinoig next hour. u next >> guy torry you may know him hm from couple different movies.dii we'll tell you all about andut d he's a comedian in town doing d some shows. s we'll talk all about that. abo we'll talk about movies, laughsh tell some joke with kevin.ev >> here's the thing this is fros the i told you so file. j.lo she's got new man. >> um-hmm. >> that drake thing.. >> play on player. >> ali landry dishing the dietze >> we'll get the dietz on thated plus we'll have the stars of the show star including one local actress right here coming up onn the 10a today. t first though we want to give aov mug away if you want the good g day mug we have
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us live to dish about nextext week's shocking season if youf untilly. u >> a movie match up and epic proportion.. kevin, wisdom and comedian guy y torry.torr get out. >> did we mention it's nationalt meatball day >> mange'!ge! >> 10a starts now. srts ♪♪ too early o eaearly. never too early in the loft to o t drt drinking. >> it's 5:00 o'clock somewhere. >> how many times we say feast famamine. >> today is fest men.>> t >> can i get an amen forod thist spread right now.ow. >> amen! >> thank you very much. ych we appreciate it. >> celebrating filomenas' didn'd bring any food today. >> national meet ball day.etl da we got meatballs and then some. >> we have the best >> no argument from us. >> looking forward to diving in. >> yeah. >> we got to pay some bill
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>> can't do the whole show from there. >> maybe the first time we do.hf we wouldn't get any talking donn because. >> we'd be full. >> we'd be eating thee' entire e time. >> one person eats. the other three talk one.. >> we'll revisit them in just a minute. thanks for staying with us for the 10a. i'm steve along holly,a m staaue and wisdom.d wisdm >> we have to talk about the aut weather because the perfectbeca temperatures we see today mighta be a distant memory by theyy t weekend. ekend. tucker has been watching for a f chance of snow okay he joins us with a firsth r check of the forecast enjoyingg summer like treats outside sampling the crab meat ou there. >> listen... crab day!! >> yes, >> you've been teaching meg me everything crab row lated. >> yes.>>es cooking a little jerk crab. a little crab succotash.uccotas. >> i love it you'll plate thishi up this is dwayne with naj it's cab day. he's been teaming aboutng different kinds of crab.rab. i'll do a little what is this again.
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juice and some fresh jerk spicec >> never seen anything like it.k it smells amazing. >> awesome. this is again where we goe suffering succotash. >> unfortunately the mike is no working there.workin >> sad i could have just watcheh that. without hearing it.wit hear >> no audio. no aud >> still be em salivating we'll try to try reconnect with tucker having hin technical we'll get back with him in minute. allison has stories making had d he lines this morning.s mo >> good morning al.>> gd mo >> when you running forunni f president trump said quote i i love wick key leak.k key le now that wikileaks revealed cia hacking method thisg thod this administration is denouncingraon this latest leak. white house secretary seantaryea spicer says the leak under minds our security, our country andouy our russia is suspected of giving wikileaks document on cia hacking and senior us officials say they are authentic. pay up.y p.
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tickets in d.c. may be a biggere headache for the city thanithan intended. last year, aaa says more than 2 million parking tickets were processed but nearly 800,00000 tickets went up paid. resulting in $125 million losss for the district the city alsoia processed about 1 million tickets from red light and spee cameras. irs owes estimated 1 million americans $1 billion unclaimed a tax funds. but time is running out to get your money. mey the refunds are for the 2013 tax year and tax filers have thee ht hiv year window to claim a refund and that window closes on april 18th.l the irs says the median expected refund would be $763 which meana half of folks out there wouldou get more and of course halfrse h would get less. and this mystery of the clapping nicole kidman isidn actress is responding to thehe backlash that she got duringot this year's academy awards for the way she
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some say it looked like thehe grinch. grin kidman now says she was afraidwa of damaging her 13-carat diamond ring that she was wearing thatrt night to match her her g she later had to give that ringi back to jeweler harry winstonint after the show and this just in. she doesn't expect normal peoplo to understand. have you ever had that kind ofrk ring on?in >> no, she didn't i'm just i'm s adding that. finally the internet sensation known as giraffe mom has given birth to healthy baby boy. erin deitrich wrote her baby bob is healthy and beautiful.. deitrich captivation with the live stream of waiting on aprila up the giraffe to give birth gbh inspired her to put this videoid on with her giraffe mask sheaske ordered online, and while she we was waiting to give birth, alono with april. ail. she posted a new one last nightn while in labor.while in la then afterwards, holly morris, she had that giraffe head onn you know i think it's weird. wrd you don't have a problem withblw it.
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same report on another shower s today and they were talkinge lki about how sweet it was. >> really. >> so funny to me the rea whole different accept many thatent people have with it. >> i think it's bizarre.peop t i >> would you tt'ake her 25 milln views? >> to be bizarre,, no. yes.s. >> it's weird.d. 25 million people are nowillion judging you.u >> no judgment.udgment. i'm just saying it's weird. weid >> reaction is overwhelmingly iy favor of her. >> looks likes a freak show.reao >> thank you wisdom.. >> freaky. >> meanwhile while i was i cowering in the corner during i the birth of my three children e can't imagine my wife, where iss my giraffe head. giraffe head. >> where is my giraffe head so can go social.oc >> any way, she's we're still waiting on april psp >> got it.ot how many weeks now, two weeks oo labor.r. >> seven months. ms. >> no i don't understand thedon' nicole kidman first worldt rl problems but i do -- i do understand you break it you it bought it. i give her credit there. >> except for that i understand the diamond is like one of the e hardest materials out >> but does this help if i'm nom falling off.ll. >> what is
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>> it's not going anywhere. harry winston is not worth a a ring where the 14-carat diamonda faout.out. i'm just saying.ayg. mystery solved, gang.d, g >> all right. .hanks al 10:05 is the time. time. let's see what else is trendingn on a thursday morning. first up losing battle when ittt comes to losing weight. new study finds fewer americansa are tryingme to shed those exces pounds. and now experts say one reason a could be what they call quotel q bad acceptance and becausese medicines aim at preserving thev health of overweight people have gotten better some may no longen see the point in losing weight. one expert says sociallyy accepted normal body weight is shifting toward heavier weight.. i always say it's not a number. it's your health as long as heal you're healthy i mean, you knowo but i mean if you are really overweight -- no one c argue -- ar >> medicine got better you shouldn't be in a healthiericin place. i don't know about that.t i don't know about that.bout okay. speaking of weight loss and losd bucking the trend t
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star grabber nay, she says she s didn't want to lose the weight -- she want want to have weight loss surgery to drop arop dress size or two but to saveo her life.he lif actress nominated for oscar forr her work in pressures as youssu recall says she had the surgery last may after being diagnosedis with type two diabetes.o diab she's writing about here's experience in wrbook which is dd out in may and she says she hash changed her eating habits and ia working with a trainer she she hasn't said how much waist she's lost. lost that's no one's business but b good for her.od for her again she wanted to gettoet healthier, it was about eating healthier longer life. >> personal choice. p >> let's talk about actor samueo l jackson roughly link few theye had feathers this morning withrs latest comments on the state ofe llywywood. now apparently he's not a fan on brits taking on an americann role. role. kevin joins us now downstairsowa with what this is all about. kevin what does sam jackson have to say about british people taking roles from americans? ai good i'm not going to lie wisdoo there is a moment there where ii does sound like samuel l jacksos yo
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there. i'm not going to lie.going lie >> we've heard it for a third ai day in a row, kevin.evin >> you're going to hear it're gh again, kevin.agai >> it sounds pretty good. what you're referring to're interview that samuel l. jackson did on hot 97 on monday this iss getting a lot of traction online. he was referring to the criticism of was r black british actors taking on american rollss now, here's the thing. thing so one of things that peopleteol were finding fascinating aboutio this particular situation is the quotes he was given in regards to the movie get out. mov out now get out is new movie outie o with jordan peel phenomenal film and he spoke specifically aboutt black pitt british actor and het said quote a lot of blacklack british actors in these movies. i tend to wonder what that movie would have been with an americaa brother who really feels what would a brother from f america have made of that role o and some things are universalal but not everything.thin so he's speakingak specifically about getting outti which is a phenomenal movie with
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actor is a black actor. now in regards to selma, selmams another film where you had a british black actor playingng martin luther king, jr., in this film there are brothers in i america who have been in thatt movie who would have been a different -- who would have hade a different idea about how king so that's in regards to sam t jackson speaking on mr. davidav oyelowo playing that character.t so what do you guys think? >> well, you know i think he mah have have a point.oi but maybe whoever cast it justtt thought that person was then wat right person for it.. i do think that maybe if you've had an experience that similarim to someone you're playing youyiu might play the role better, but i think that's what acting ishat about as you take on role and you embody that perp andhat perp hopefully do the best job to beo possible. >> it's what's the bigger the br picture here.pict it's not a black and white picture. we've been talking about why soy many british actors get the bigger role in hollywood.wo are they easier to work with.k w mo
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one british actor says what's tmz? maybe hollywood thinkss these are people focused on thed movie than the attention that comes with the the move >> are they are just better act glass they have a betters e schooling, better training,in better theater.g, evbe we might bee fascinated with brits and theirn accent and they have this t fascination thinking,.hinkg, >> you're not hearing their acto zen in the movie. rocesszeting proceg phe perhaps that's it. >> i marvel -->> i marve >> i think there's pipeline ---- >> there's something to be sethg about british acting schools and hollywood. >> i think the directors aretore choosing them for a reason. >> yeangh the.. >> easier to work with.h. better product.du. >> kevin washington do you think. >> are they nieces particularly cheaper? is there a money fact in this as well? i doisn't the. it could be money. >> i think they're choosing them because they think they're theek best person for the job.the job >> i hope so. kevin, what are you hearing? do you have any insight into that?a >> my personal minute on this i think acting is acting.s act the actors are acting doing doig brilliant jobs. danielle what a perfect casting roll forget out. people don't even know he wasnoe british. he has an amazing americanng a cc
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about the british actor who actr starred as the lead in 12 years of slaves. sve so in my opinion i think it's acting i think they're choosinge the best person for the role.ol ava who directed selma chose a british actor david oyelowo to t play martin luther king, jr.r. >> why don't you think woe don'd have enough american actors tohn fill these a roles? roles? >> i don't think that's what't they're saying. t i tthhink samuel l jack on is saying these roles should beul going to more american actors. r i don't i feel that the best person whoo was cast in that role was castas in that role.ol >> it seems like that's as pattern. the best person cast in leadingi rolls come from overseas.veea >> right. >> all right. the debate kevin, thank you. ke thank you. >> from arlington to the sets star coming up later we'reat w sitting down britt fanny o'grady and the rest of the stars of thf fox hit show.shw. for a sneak peek at next week's season one if you untilly.ou >> we got a guest in the house.e comedian and actor guy torry t
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crew take a role, right. taka rh he'll take any any r >> give me a roll! r [ laughter ] >> we'll talk to him later on in the show. my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings (gasp) just head & shoulders? i thought it was just for, like, dandruff new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to
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time for good day to couldn't. that's what time it is.hat tid a our neck guest is a comedian ana an act as well about to kick ofo head lining set at the d.c.. improv. he joins us live in the loft. lf please welcome guy torry to thet show. good morning to you, guy. >> what's going on.orning>> wha >> good to see you.t's going ong >> what's up, wis.,is >> welcome to d.c. >> good to be in the dmv. d. >> you got a big show coming upu let's talk about the big shows.s what are people going to see to when they come to see you. >> uncut, unplug, unbelievable. of course with this aid stationi it's'solitic >> ut-oh. wait a minute.wa some people say when they comey to the comedcy clubs they cominy to get away from all that.ha >> they going to get it right in eir r face. >> you're giving it right tong o them. >> yes. >> yes. >> okay. all right. resident is unplugged.lued talk about me being unplugged. complain about me.mplain abo it prof, man.ut man favorite club in the world man d.c. improv, i worked there on my comedy special. new stuff i'll be unveiling onli the show t all weekend actually. actua >> you got other projects you'rr working on as well
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>> ghetto freddie krueger. kru >> is that what that is. >> what is getty freddie krueger. >> i don't know. i just made it up. >> we learn something new right >> i herejusomethin on good day. >> i got a cookbook i'm working on. >> hold up. you got a cookbook.kboo >> i'm not judging. not >> you're judging.. >> so what's cookbook about. abt >> it's comedy kitchen it's my favorite recipes and my comediaa friends and their recipes.ip >> you know how to burn. bur >> i'm a bachelor, man. >> ladies, ya'll heard that. tha i'm a bachelor that can cook.oo >> bachelor that can cook. coo >> yes. what's your favorite thing you cook. >> i makvoe the best greens in the in world. wo best southern greens in then world. i blow anybody grand mamma outdy the water on g my southern grees >> really? >> yes. >> you're not even southern. th >> my mom -- my mom is. >> you went to -- you're fromoue st. louis. >> grew up in st. louisou absolutely. >> you now live in la doing theh la thing. >> that's right. that'righ >> speaking of movies, let'ss,et bring in kevin mccarthy becausec we got little thing we need toe do. do. >> what's up
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>> wait a minute, kevin you'reie messing up the open.ssing oh, okakay.up >> it is time for the mccarthy/martin movie what's going to happen -- can ii ask him one question. qst >> wait a minute, kevin.evin snay your stay in your lane.ur l hold on here.e. wait one second.ond. we got debate these moviesie you've seen seen logan. >> i saw logan.>> saw >> you've seen logan.og. >> yup. >> so this guy looks like x-men- ter there. what we're going to do, we're we going to give each one of ya'lly ten seconds to either like or dislike this movie logn all right. atchupchup. right now. >> they're telling me to move. v >> that's all right.r >> keep talking. keep talki>>ng.ep talking. >> all right. >> you wanting to first or letrt the guest go first. first >> we'll let the guest go firstf here we go.e we're talking about logan in tee like or dislike, good. goo likike. >> that's it. >> i loved logan. lan >> what did you like about i'mbi like the story line they killed, you know, wolverine off -- >> hey don't spoil it. don't spy >> he can spoil it.. >> he's wolverine they come com back.
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>> kevin your turn.ur >> i loved logan brilliantnt masterpiece i think that jamesam man gold did brilliant job he's' played the role nine times overr 17 years i think you just realll nailed it he did amazing job.. >> i liked you in americann a history x by the way.x by the w. >> all right. right >> now we'll move on to the nexe movie that i have seen which iss get out. you haven't seen but you're'r going to see. >> i've been told to get out aet lot of times.of t i lived the movie.. >> we've all been told to getd t out. out. nothing to do with horror movie you stan in the middle.dle. you stan right here.u kevin and i wistll go against ec other we gotten seconds each. ec i'll let kevin go >> go kevin.ev >> get out. >> get out masterpiece by jordan peel it has comedy, horror also messages about our culture howue about we treat film.t treat it's phenomenal film.ilm. >> it was a good movie but it bi wasn't great movie to me i wasis confused whether i was watchingh lifetime movie versus a horror movie.e. the social commentary is fine but too mixed up for me.or m >> i heard it was excellent.elnt
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>> h has this much culture ram impacc in regards to people talkingoplg about it. >> amazing. i think it's beautiful story danielle is amazing in the films. allison williams is phenomenal.. already made $85 million so farn at the box office. box office. >> you're saying he's i might as well be quiet. >> phenomenal movie.nal >> you've been in a lot ofen iao movies.movi. >> yes. >> have you ever been more roar movie.ever be. >> yes. do you remember what it was.emb >> dead and dead derr.ead . with dean cane. cane. >> used to be superman on tv. >> ax to grind that was independent yeah.h. >> how did you like being in thk horror movie. >> i love playing a villain andd horror movies you can be as badb as you want to be. you don't have to wash up, doo your nails. you're the bad guy. you just show'reyou you're the s man. be a man. m. dirirty. >> i know you started workingorg off on martin kind of a cooll idea.. as a comedian now, comedy has changed what did you take fromm martin lawrence working on thatt environment. >> you have two weeks?
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>> martin was gracious andciousd martin he told me how to write. writing scripts and like that watching martin work and being spontaneous an you have the cufc was the bomb. bb. >> one thing i find fascinatingi about uh-uh started in dramatici fills film. american historyfi x. >> jordan peel the director ofhr get out is a comedian who then made a horror film. fm. >> right. >> i think it's interesting that comedys horinror and drama have such an interesting -- they're'r all very similar.veimil >> you know why? know y? >> comedy is truth and paper a a lot of comedians are dark on thr inside.inside we do comedy to bring light to those dark situations.tis. comedian can tap into his darkda side let his ego go and not to t be funny and tap who she reallyl is then that drama will come out.ou >> we're all dark.. >> you're all dark. dar >> michael bay >> michael bay is the bomb. >> pell harbor. 30 seconds left. i'll30 say movie you say firstaf thing that comes to your mind. . runway jury.ur >> loved it. >> animal. hated >>it.d i did you. did
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>> oh wow. american history x. >> loved it. phenomenal.enenal. >> don't i was minute to south central why drinking.rinkin >> first movie.. >> that's it. >> once again, guy torry in towt at the improv come out and seend him, right.ig. >> yes. .ll weekend uncut, unplug. ulu you come to my show don't have a come time i'll be in the lobby y after the show and say guy i didn't laugh. laugh i'm take you to the box office c and show you the sign no refundf get your butt out of here.. >> i thought you were going to u give the money back.ey bac >> no. >> my show is always funny. >> gotcha.cha good to see you.. >> we got to do this again. aga >> absolutely. come in here any time. any time you want. in u wa >> i heard that.nt i hea maureen. >> thanks a lot, guys.uys. 1,021st time coming up later lar hollywood hottest new couple cou bridging the gap between theen sports world and music.. we'll have details when we theyh can with hollywood today co-host ali landry for
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>> i think it's because it's national meatball day and we'rel covering all bases in the goodld day cafe. and there's just a sneak peek of what you can expect.xpec the team from filomena's arere here and we'll learn how to makm the perfect meatball a little later on. we'll be right back. 10:22. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios.
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get out in the sun.get t in going to be beautiful day. d enjoy today. today because we got much colder airr for tomorrow and the temperatures the next ten daystn after today will be well belowlw normal. 64 now in washington.washon still breezy out there. there i was moments ago cooking and a the crab and winds are westt southwest at 14.t lots and lots of sunshine. sunsn we are going to get littletl clipper system that move willovw move in later tonight byig b tomorrow morning lots of clouds clouds around could be coolrounc enough we can have rain/snow mii for the morning commute tomorroo definitely stay tuned to that. s i'll beto tweeting tuckste foxo5 r tor today. we're not concerned with local accumulations in the mountains of men's accumulations.umulat cold for the weekend. the wke quick look at the forecast. but both saturday and sunday temperatures well below normalma and hard freeze around here thaa rock and roll marathon saturdayt morning it's going to be plain old cold. col temperatures in the 20s i justej want to mention we took then wee storm out of sunday. but we've added a possible snowe event for monday night, tuesdayd we will keep a close eye on that certainly the possibi
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cold enough air and februaryebar feel. we could do snow monday nightmog and tuesday. before i wrap it up i'm bringing my friend dwayne in.wa we've bonded over crabs. cra >> chasing me down. you don't have to chase me down. here you you g thank you so much. na? bistro it's crab day andy d you'll be cooking all thingsll g crab. this is the jerk crab withk crat little bit of scallion and somem parsley and this is our crab isa succotash here. fresh green beans, corn,ea, c peppers, onions you got to sayos yes. >> oh, that is amazig >> that's what's up. >> ut-oh. ut- >> i just came to say hi to you. >> brother, brother, brother. br >> go ahead. do your thing.g >> all right. again, national crab day. d >> there you go. at naj. >> okay. okay. >> you taking that from me. takt >> i just want you to do your fy weather. i didn't want you to be't wanu distracted i'm going to the tohe restaurant with him now.ntith vick that. >> wait a minute. we're out of here>>. >> be easy, everyone. >> uh-huh. uh-hu thank you so much, chef
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>> fox music drama star wrappinp up its first season still a lota of unfinished business before next week's season one if you of until physical you're caught upl you know the star i ys still dealing with aftermath off hunter's action.ct derk and alex struggling to makm an important decision and thean girls are hard at work puttingut the finishing touches on their i rxt routine. what can we expect next week ana how is hometown girl adjustingdn to life as real live star.eta for answers the star of star brittany o'grady and ryan and jude join us live.oin us good to see you. >> hi.i. >> okay. >> how is it going.>> >> it's going amazing but not aa well it's going for you guys. bonafide hit i know, of course you had the phenom of the people behind it.n did you think the show
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the successful when you signed on? >> we hope. we ho >> we hope. >> i think it was like a thingli we were just positive the wholee >> yeah we really >> you have lee daniels at thett helm so you knew you were goingi in with the magic touch or the made today's touch if you will. >> yeah. >> that's definitely true. >> so the story line unfolding i people are following this andngd touching upon important issues.s you have a transgender person o the show you've touched on thatt you've touched on scenes withnes abuse and all sorts of things. g what do you hope people takeplet away from this? i know it's about three girl group trying tg make it in the music businessics but real life issues come intos play. what are hoping people who watct this, what do you hope they gety out of it brittany i'll give you that qstio >> i think that one thing that i hope that people get from thismt show is everybody is human and a that no matter where can he we come from, our backgrounds ourdr sexuality or who we want to beao all of us go through the same s struggles of life.s of all of us are just trying to be
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think that's what all of thesete characters are looking for which goes beyond the element of famee and a girl group and the music and i think that's so importantr it brings people together from o all different walks of life. le >> it's certainly d this is anls show that calls upon you tocalln really bring p your actingt skills but at the same time yout all are performers.ers i know ryan you a veteran performer as are you jude. j talk a little bit about your a y background and how it's helped you in this thi rol ryan you first and then you dede. >> well, my dad started out, yoo know, as a singer his whole e life. so it kind of has been in my blood now. and i don't know i just alwayslw loved to sing. s i got signed to universalveal republic at one time thene t capitol records.or now i'm here.m . and, you know, doing the showngs and it's great. g i'm continuing to do my music mc through the show and, you know, separately and, you know, i'mw,i just living live right now. >> yeah.>> y. jude -- >> my music and everything isi lovec .. >> jude, you co-wrote one ofo-wo fift
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from home. hom that's a pretty big deal.ea are you still doing lot of writing? >> yeah.>> y i've written some more for themt for their upcoming projects. pre and for a lot of other artists.s i think writing is somethingethi that i'll always do. it's one of month first but i think that it's been it'se really cool to sort of on thisni show get the opportunity as an actress to marry acting with all of the performing that i did before that, um, and get to do o both at the same time.the same m it's a dream.'s a dam >> in the setup to you i was w talking about you have one moree episode the season finale nextex week. are there any not really rea spoilers what can you tell us about what becomes of your characters? >> um -- i know it's a loaded le question.tion >> our characters.haract. >> you'll fine out who killed wd >> okay. >> that's juicy. >> yes. f think that all of our characters kind of finally havee the moment tbe
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how much that they've all overcome like in all of the darkness that they've been b through and being able too finally celebrate their success altogether so i think that willk be really exciting for thegor t audience to see and very positive because i think there't been ahi lot of dark times on te show but also glitz and glamorla and we finally get to see like,, yes, we finally made it.e we made it to the finale.inal we made it to the last round ofo the atlanta next fest. >> right. >> ryan, were you doing to sayeo something? i didn't mean to cun you off there't m.f ther >> oh no, no new york city.rk c. i just said yeah and my voicey v cut o >> that's okay.s okay >> i'm not leaving you other twt ladies out.ladiesut. brittany we want to thank you again. ag last time home you came into the loft and we so enjoyed having hn you here. of course we're tied to you tie because one much our anchorsch c tony perkins used to babysit fo his family.amy they say hello by the way. >> when are you coming back? >> um soon.. like two weeks.
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>> i'll be home.'l >> two weeks back here in thekse lot of -- can we expect you in u the loft. >> yes. sure. i'll also be in in my parent's ' pantry eating everything.rythin i indeed. listen we have miss lawrencee coming on the show on monday.on we'll try to get some more -- >> that's awesome. >> you want us to tell heranus t something from you guys? >> oh tell her that we love herh we miss her and we wish we weree there. ther >> she's incredible and she loves dc's inc. >> so that's something we talk t about d.c. all the timehe together. so you guys will have a ball. literally. it's going to be incredible. >> have a good time.ime. >> d.c., maryland, virginia area veves you guy. we love the show star.w s congratulations in all yours al success looking forward to thei finale and to season two. t go ahead, >> yeah.>>h. >> bonafide stars indeed.onafide >> thank you so much.ed>> tnk >> thanks for joining us today.n >> thank you. >> of course you can catch stars right here wednesday nights 9:0. man, this show. >> you didn't ask her if she waw going to babysit for us when she came back to
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>> she's a star now. starow she doesn't do such things. t she's moved on. >> celebrity babysitting.ting i think we need clarificationria from tony because when he whe he tweeted it, he said he was w hanging out with brittany and ad says who we used babysit. >> that makes him a 30 year old babysitter which is a littles l we need to get clarification.. >> from what we understood theet families are friends. f >> they go back a long time.. >> she's a lovely girl.irl. congrats to them. the >> love to see arlington doinggn well. >> and tony, call us.>> a [ laughter ]nd t we don't have to explain how awesome it is to have this muchm food in the loft for sure national meatball day today. when you want one of the italian staples in washington, d.c. youc head to georgetown and filomena's.filo look at this spread.thisd. here's your benefit at home.nef. they'll share their secret howew to make the perfect meatball. ml you can try it at home. h that's we'll chat with them next. 10:36. ♪♪
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♪♪ 10:39 right now.. the most renown i'll tal yannaln restaurant in washington, started after a young woman named jafoanntear moved back t. from new york to be closer tok s her family and herer mother filomena and wanted to recreate her mother' special dinners on n grand scale. scale. they serve the best italian inli the city and most well knownel people in the city. this morning they're here toe t share the recipes honor o
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national meatball day andal m joining us live on theea good dy cafe chef otto is with us. >> awesome everybody.dy >> great to see you guys both. t you don't give us anything fornr your services but i'll tell wasa one of my favorite stops in town. town. no doubt about it. always fantastic food.ood. i'm curious on national meet m ball day how we can make thehe perfect meatball.eaal start there.t e >> we go back to when joanna was a little girl because she usedse to live in brooklyn in the immigrant section in brooklynroy part of brooklyn i guess, and she would always make see her mom make meatballs and she aftet so many years filomena i want to make my mom's and my grandmother's meatballs becausee the recipes pretty much are the same. so -- >> this is the same recipe we'v' begun using literally forly for i want to get started so we can see all the ingredients. >> otto is the meatball master right now. >> our second sue chef. we'll put to you work. work. start making the meatballs
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then while does he that dino walk us through the process of what's happening.. >> yes, he's going to put the ground beef which is pure angusg beef. and then he adds some kosher salt which is two tee spans of kosher salt.t. adds 1 teaspoon of pepper. peppe you havely with chefs -- sue -ue chefs they do everything byryth hand. ha >> right. >> they know the measurement. ta they don't need to measure. mea. this is why we can never quite e replicate the at home. >> little bit of minced garlic. and four eggs. e >> all right.>>ll r let him add the eggs while he'ss doing this dino what i found was fascinating that you were sayiny about the recipe lot of times t when you think meatballs you thing of meat and pork, beef anf maybe veal mixed together you guys just found taste wise go ahead -- we'll let chef keephe e doing it. >> bread crumbs in now. >> you found beef work. >> beef absolutely works.tely because a lot of people, youe,
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know, don't like pork.rk but again even in joanna's momss day or grandmother's days, youou know, when you had a blend it at was expensive.exnsiv >> right. >> and the beef was lessf was expensive.pensive. >> so you're sticking toyou're k tradition. >> she sticks to tradition.. which it works and, you know,, k she loves it. we all love it cause i do the tasting. >> we all do the tasting.heasti >> not only the meatball --tbl - >> you're the taste tester.te otto continues to mix in withit the bread crumbs and the cheeses to get his perfect blend howle w many meatballs are you making at filomena's these days.ay >> we use -- he does 80 pounds 8 of meat -- of beef angus beefngb per day. >> per day? >> 80 pounds. >> the sometimes during the week he'll probably use up to 70-pound. but if there's meatballs left over we eat them like a hoagie.. >> there you go. you you're looking at 500 pounds ofo meet a week going into makingin meatballs.meballs. >> yes, sir. we get to the cooking now.ow
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together. what are the secrets in cooking .t. >> using simple fresh inededients. the meat is very very importanta but the spices, you know, the garlic and everything the salt, pepper, but her trick of her cooking when she makes the blend she puts the meatballs friesls f them little bit of oil, panilpan zeros them in the pan withhe p h little bit of oil. and then once they get, youu know, good great color, she, s bakes them off in the oven. >> okay.ka. >> and so but before she -- s - before he does that he putst he little bit of flower. of flow >> this is the key that i -- i - i've never heard of this beforef so you're cooking in oils. oil we would expect. get little sear on the meat bulu but put flour on it, what does that do. >> the flower it kind of holdfol the meet ball together but alsot what it does, it maintains theat juice inside of the meatball.tb so when you cut the meatball yol see that beautiful fresh juice.e >> you can s t
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oatmeal ball.l b sears it off.ars itff. now he's working on that lesst l fast forward now.fa what are we going pairst the meatballs with i'm seeinglls delicious pasta downwi here. >> pasta mamma she does homemade chief ravi crowley.wley she's very -- she loves how to t make them. >> one of the joyce filomena's's being able to watch people makek tas at a as well. >> what she disturb she makese i them fresh every day and we pai it with tomatoes sauce and with meatballs a great hit. h you can't go wrong with traditional home, you know,.w,. >> i want two things dino i want to try what we have here and i'll bring guy in to help as hea well. i also want to you quickly explain what else we have on th table because this is not just s meatballs we have out here. >> right.. filomena has her own bakery weye make our open desserts and we ad make avert of different difre desserts. we have oreo chocolate cake andd we also have our famous filomena strawberry cheesecake.esak >> what is this.>> >> this is a
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bread we make that in house every morning and white breadad which goes very very well withlh tomato sauce. >> guy found some f >> that looks like the kind of glass you can put the entireousn bottle in.ttlen. [ laughter ] >> one glass for you or one bottle whichever you choose.ose. >> all right. u the firststve yo bite of the meatball. who are you go. .whe thing.he whole thing >> the whole thing,, ye. >> see this is was get. you come perform and we feed yoy with the meatball.tbal >> i came to eat. >> how long have you been in y e georgetown.. >> since 1983. >> fantastic.>> fan >> joanna started this restaurant, took her a couple ae years and she was alone. she was very -- all the decisioo were based on her.we bas she did everything from scratchh >> i love it.. >> she's a lot of things we do o filomena's based on her growingo up with her mom. >> she's honoring her motherherr right down to the kitchen experience. >> simple food. i mean we do have>> specials.pel which is the che
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today adds different ingredients do different types of italiantai food to mix things up.sp. give the chef the opportunity,, but the simple home ---- >> this is mazing isn't cooking is -- is -- >> very nice. >> it's that the key. it's guy --at t how is it?t? >> that's good, isn't it? [ laughter ] >> that's all you need to seed o right there.t e >> great mind with a nice meet ball with beef.ith >> we love it. >> filomena in georgetown wenten got plenty over here. >> great tips on the meatballs.l we'll try it out at home ase well.we >> thank you otto and dino.d din thank you very much. much. >> cheers!hes! >> we'll be right over.ll brigh >> we'll be right over after wew share some of these tweets the t first one actually has to dohaso with what ya'll were talkingking abtut. this is from stacey. so it's crab day and national nt meatball day? the perfect meatball would be a crab ball my ant tee used to make the gooood idea. >> i like that. good idea, stacey. >> okay.>>kay. this one art comes within ann actor cannot
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portray that which they do not noel. okay. >> i think samuel l jackson wass saying a black american couldn have brought a real life a rl experience to the role. okay. >> wisdom speaks angry black man also known as samuel l jackson impression very well. lol.lo >> oh, man.>> oh, >> i think the roles actors act portray should go to the most qualified the part no matter the national al will a shaking my head.. >> steve, holly, maureen, wisdoo did you forget my number to kell tell me to come by the loft to o eat. >> yes. y [ laughter ] >> it is a feast today. t >> if we can invite everybody in we would.ld >> this is it for us withs w tweets. >> as always thanks engaging. we really appreciate it coming up next a late edition of the celebrity dish as if we need tot serve up even more.. we've got celebrity to help us l on the today.he t hollywood today co-
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landry will join us next to tall about hollywood's hottest newtew couple. we'll be right back.ight b ♪♪ honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. “let life in with new herbal essences
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to put more life in your head. and now with the power of bio:renew to put more life in your hair. try new herbal essences and let life in” mmmmm psst. yoplait custard's back. the family favorite... protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too.
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>> double dose of the dish this morningdose os mo >> we've got our next big celebrity couple alert.. j.lo and a-rod alex rodriguez. they are a latin power couple. l they've been seen all over forr the past few months together. t he was also recently seen back b stage at her show in las vegas g called all i have. h and let's go back to the
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you're proposing.roposing i was actually thinking like, l, you know, what are they going ty be called, right? is it j rod as you suggested? or is it like jalex with a latin player. alo. i don't know. we have to get creative withit this good. >> i did also see where one of o the final clues before it brokeo was that she liked one of his hs instagram posts before peoplee really confirmed.ed. so, you know.u know. you're out there when you do wuo that. right. ri >> hmm. yeah, that's right.yeah they just did that. well who knows with her. h we have to watch and see howee h this all plays out.ll pla i feel like she kind of trick uu a little bit with drake.ra ea yeah. >> let's see what happens here. but we also hear that bachelor nick vile will get engaged in this next week's finale.. we're not sure obviously whether he picks the teacher vanessa ora the boutique owner raven.. and i am so invested in thishis show. show like we
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but honestly, i don't think t either one of them -- either onn of girls is right for nick. >> is it like third or fourthh time the charm for him with this? i think he's really nervous nvo about it.abou i don't know. i kind of think he's not goinghe to end up with anyone and they a say there's a big surprise spr that's going to happen. so i can't wait for monday toony see exactly how it's all going g to go down. gwn. >> ali are you telling me that a sometimes these bachelor showrho couples don't actually work outt >> don't burst my bubble. b [ laughter ] >> i think like, you know, out all the years maybe, what, a wh, handful of couples are still together.tother. now they're throwing bachelorher paradise in the mix. in the m you never know what will happenp >> speaking every couples is its true i heard a rumor more that the divorce might be off for ben and jenn? did you hear that?
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>> yes.>> y it's officially called off.ledff the divorce is called off.ff. they've been separated for a few years now.ow relationship has been on and a they've been trying to work on it's kind of confusing.onfung they're off and then they're one again and then they're trying ty and it has us all who are veryer invested in this relationship,ei you know, trying to figure oute what actually going on. i am thrilled that jenn actuallt called off the divorce.ivor they have three children whore w they seem to absolutely adore.. and you know i believe marriagee is sacred if there's a chanceha that a couple can actually make it work, you know, i'm all for it. so i'm praying that this allts l work out for this family. fil >> yeah i'm with you i'm rootini for them.r t i think they adore theirre the children. i think they actually deep down adore each other too. too every marriage goes through gs tough spots. let's not about calling thingsng off. off let's talk about what's on. gi
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today. >> what is on? we have great show we've got training day star justin cornwell is here. also knew girl star hannah simone who hosted new competition showing kicking andd screaming.reamin we're going to show you the best apps for parents which i cannoto wait for that segment. sment and watch us every day. every weekday the a 1:00 on fox5. >> you know we do right here ali alwawe dys great to see you.o se thanks so much. >> yay! >> you too.>> you. >> have a good one.d one. >> we'll see you this afternoony at 1:00 o'clock.k. meanwhile i'm hoping that thinkt might be a more celeste overlest here. >> take your time.>>ur take your time over there. >> always plenty of food.f >> take your time. >> okay. >> you were doing the heavy lifting.. >> holly was over here. >> seriously ham ravi crowleysry have you had two ravioli, two to meatballs and three glasses of t wine.f >> you're still standing. >> i'm sti
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>> i can hang with you. >> yeah.>> y >> tucker you got a good day.. first crab meat now meatballs. >> every time i turn around there's more food cominryg tim w thank you very much.c >> tucker since you like to worr out --out -- >> yes sir.. >> guess how much that hung of cheese >> dino i'm going to guessss 3 pounds.unds 20 0 pounds. 0 po0 pounds. >> the full wheel is 80 pounds.s that is >> who wants these? >> okay. elephant in the room who will cut into the dessert. the desse. >> anybody cutting into desserte >> this is full service. >> i'm on diet but i'll cut thit cake. >> 72 today but the cold airolda gets in here this great for eating meatballs allba weekend long. we [ laughter ] >> yes. we might end up looking like age meatball after.. >> comedy show.. >> shows this weekend now thatow you're well fed, right., rig >> can i top you off for more fr wine. >> i'm ready for tonight.'m reay >> i think this might be the best meatball i've ever had.ver. >> i'm telling you
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