tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX March 9, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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>> ♪♪ >> 6:30.>> 6:3 70 degrees. >> yeah. >> nice, hm. long.lfor70 >> let's do.>> the gop fight to repeal and replace obamacare won two wontwo victories today.victories the house energy and the commerce committee both passedih the american p healthcare >> you can see on the side of si your screen is what we'reeen isr talking about tonight ate 6:30.. tweet us what's on your mind with the #5 at 6:30. this bill that the gophe gop released will be sent to theento full hou
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overnight hearing that lastedla 27 hours. hours. many republicans though say thoy democrats are not seriousr about working together together create a bill they say willwill help improve coverage.age. >> fox5's tom fitzgerald isgeras live on the hill tonight. hil fitz il toimagine there's a lo of sleepy lawmakers today. t >> reporter: yeah, you'reeah, ye right about that shawn much mh .this was a whopper of a a hearing. ing. we've had long hearings.egs this was not only 27 hours, itst was 18 minutes and it went on n and on and on and it was about t the the american healthcareeal act which was introducedics intr earlier in the week.eek. now, the bottom line on this ts is the situation now. n they have this passed, the republicans out of two o committees both ways and means s and energy and commerce. commerc they finally got it out. t. the ways and means hearingshe only went 18 went 18ou. they went 27 hours in energyergy and commerce on this.rce on ts. now, the argument from both bo sides boils down to this rightdt now. now. the democrats are saying thatayg
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dead on arrival in the senate because too many senateto republicans are opposing ito ar righto now.. like rand paul, like mike lee, , like ted cruz.ed cruz. they just don't like this th because they said it hasn'thas been analyzed enough from a a cost paul ryan he says s the thinghng that's dying here right now is okay casement and ryan'sya's positions and the republicans'ep position is this. is they put out a presentation today they say showing thattha obamacare as we have known itown the past eight years is dyingis premiums are rising at a rate that is unsustainable andnd ryan's words today listen tosteo how he put this, if deathier dtr don't do something now theyow th say, this system is going tog collapse under its own weight.w. >> if we in the majority partyty said you know what, thewhat, te democrats gave us obamacareaare let and live with it the t collateral damage in thisal dagh country would be awful.ea more and more people would see d even higher premium increasesnce in that 2018. 208. more and more people would just see zero choices we canic
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>> this administration has h developed a pattern,veloped a p, healthcare is part of that.f th. they talk like populists butbut act like those helping wealthyty special interests time afterntef timete after >> reporter: so that is the is h crux of the argument on bothh sides. so, take a look at what it wasts like inside that hearing roomo today inside the rayburn raybn building. it was quite remarkable as you y saw congressmen, their fistsi on their chins trying to keepto their heads upright throughght h all of this. this some of them appear to be be closing their eyes for longfor periods of time.ods of t we don't quite know whet theyn fell asleep or not during allria of this but it was hard toard to stay awake after that amount of time.of one of those congressmen who says he stayed awake throughd ah every single second of it, 33, 3 hours, in fact, was maryland congressman john sarbanes and nd he says this. look, democrats lost on this tis one. republicans were able to get abt
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sarbanes says there were victories for the democrats in this jim andays r th shawn.shan. while they delayed this bill bll today, the democrats were able e to get this to the point wherewr some conservative groups werepsr actually coming out againstt this. sarbanes says moving forward,rwa they believe they have some momentum even if at this pointth right now what they also haveo a are some very strange bedange fellows in the fight against agt this. how does this work? how do hoo you pull one of thesee all-nighters? what do you have to do? do you set up? doo with each other to make sure se somebody's always up there,here, somebody's always talking,ays tl keeps this going. goi >> well, we do a little bit ofd tag teaming but i got to sayy the democrats i wasn't payingsna attention to the other side ofif the aisle but the democratsdemcs were pretty much up all night nt long being very active inv their debate over these amendments that were being put forward. >> reporter: associationorter: i where does this go from here thi right now? well, it is noww passed out of those twoho committees. the fullhe fon to how fast representatives butepre what we saidsent last night
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remains even truer tonight.true this is not going to be the final version of the american healthcare act, not byion of a g show. shot. shot. the president says this is upp for negotiation and the senate republicans are making iiotn vy clear they're going to need need substantial changes if thisf tis passes out of the house andut o gets over to theth other side oe capitol hill here before thise i moves down the road tos pennsylvaniado avenue.aveue. >> hey fitz i'm just curious.r >> reporter: yeah.>>te >> this sort of reminds meinds e back when they were trying toert pass obamacare and, you know, k, the republicans were not not playing along with thethe democrats. democra right.ts >> the republicans w.ere w accusing the democrats are the c doing the same thing.the sa i mean, you know, do we seewe se anyplace where they might come i together down the line here? >> reporter: well, you know, ko, the bipartisanship that i saww today was one of weariness asea far as trying to keep their th eyes opened.opeed. to seriously answer yourious question, shawn, no, because bea the differences on this are soao stark. you know, when the democratsdems are saying you're
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throw 10 million people off of health if you do this and the te republicans are saying no it's s even worse than if we don't dodo anything, that the entireir system is collapsing under itsrs weight, arizona premiums up u 114 percent, republicans are ree making an argument right nowht w just not on rhetoric but ryan rn really went back to what he made his bones on capitolones l hill, you know, when he was w the top republican on thean on e budget committee, you know,, yo eight years ago, paul ryan was s the one person you could go togo way before he ever becameecam speaker who could talk, you you know, off the top of his head hd about these very complexy budget numbers.nm he went back to that today and really remarkable performanceore chart by chart, number bychart,n number a lot of stuff off the o top of his f head. hea he probably made one of thee one most compelling arguments republicans have had so far,ad , better than these two chairmenwm made earlier in the week whenwh they presented this bill sobills they do have the numbers thattht do indicate there are problemser with this. where the rubber meets theber me road as far as how the
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going get together on this and i a lot of people do not see that because their differenceses are so stark right there's no middle ground here.d. either they rip this up and and start over again together ortheo they just go off in their t different ways. the advantage here is to theo he republicans though.ans though. remember, they have the votesthy up here. h they control both houses.both >> they run the show.e show. >> they do. thank you fitz.k we a yppreciate it. >> reporter: sure. >> as the b atstle over the the healthcare bill continues thenue president had strong words forrs the house and the senate.e and >> he reportedly setold them if this new bill doesn't passesn'tp he's going let obamacare faile and then blame the democrats. jordan fabian for the m joins us now.ins us no. jordan thanks for being here h first of all. al >> thanks for having me. >> let me ask you what youask yu think of the president's do itrd now or do it my way or else strategy? is this going to work. it's s interesting. he's making inate hard sell butl when he says something likeys si obamacare is going to fail on ti its own and we can blame thecan democrats it's a differents it'e message. messag it's one that says well, maybeab the stakes of my presid
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just going to collapse andand we'll still value politicalol win phone we don't get thisthis through so we're hearing'r different things from whathingst speaker ryan said, what fitzhatz was just talking about and what the president is so, it's going to beg to b interesting to see moving forward if their messages are going to unite and they'ree andt going to have this reallye united full court press pushurtu to get this thing through. throh >> i have to tell you jordan jo when you talk about semanticseat here president obama went headhd first, said, yeah, obamacare i like to care for people i'mpeopm fine with obamacare.amare. the trump administratio iss being very careful not ton brand this as trump care.hias t >> that's exactly right andy rid look, if you pay attention toeno what president trump has saidntd since he was inaugurated boob b aboutobamacare, let's not donoto anything, the political damagede getting involved with this andid being responsible for itfor it republicans do control both bo can't the white house might behe too large and if we l het it l collapse on its own, thenthe democrats will on it.t. so, that k
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message the whole time and and that's different from what speak ryan is do. o sort of a consistent message from the president but onestennn that might complicate effortstes for congressional republicans.pb >> there are some componentse that are sticking around.d. talking about keeping kids ondsn insurance until 26, talk abouttt the preexisting conditions and d those are elements that haveth been remained in the new healthcare bill so the messageee there isn't necessarily thatsara everything that was inything ttn obamacare was in their eyes a a bad thing.thing. >> look president trump said during the campaign he wantedend everyone to have coverage.ov that is a remarkable thing tong say for a republican.epubl what we've heard from fro republicans is that obamacarebae which expanded coverage costsags too much is causing premiumsing to go up. he's not -- you know, he's not cut from the same cloth ase cloh these reaganite republicans.pu there's always a difference ofno opinion here and that's beingan worked out as the pd rocessp moves forward.war >> speaking of that differenceie
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democrats across-the-board who are opposing this. thi there are also a lot ofo a lot republicans and conservativecon groups who are saying we need to back up here.. >> right. and president trump met with some of them in theent white ti house yesterday.use yesterday. he brought in representativesses from outside conservative groups who callced this thinghig obamacare light and what hewhate told them is what we said said earlier about this mighti collapse but he also said he's ' open to changes.h that's interesting because heng might be able to give them thm something let's say moving the sunset of the expansion ofhe e medicaid up a couple of years.y. where they can say we got aot a win, you got a win, let's move forward. this is donald trump mr. negotiator art of thetiatora deal.rt o ah there. there.opr you get a win, you get a wina in everybody gets a win. a wi >> exactly. ave you.hagood to h i think we'll be talking aboutl this for awhile. awhile. sort of feels like whatls ke wht happened seven years ago buteveo here we go bagain.ain. jordan thanks so much forhanks comingfo in. in. >> thank. >> new york and oregon willork n now join w washington state inna
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trump's revised travel ban. bn. >> states attorney generals at says he's going to ask a ask a federal judge to exthento temporary restraining orderng er that he issued against thest first ban to the new revised nei order. the president's original order suspended entry to the u.s. of.f citizens of seven majorityajoriy muslim countries. the new order exempts existingxi visa holders from travelrom tral restrictions took iraq off the e list. st. hawaii filed the first legalirsg challenge against the ordere set to take effectagai on marchh 16th. >> i think it's going to benk interesting to i wat'ts ch thiss because the administrationinistn carefully went over this oneh to make sure that it did notdi mirror the last one, took out ou some of the language when theynh start talking about religion,eg, took iraq offer the list so it s will be interesting.erestin >> coming up we have new developments involvingi wikileaks. >> right. first the cia information dump m now julian assange plans to plat share the spy agency hacking tools with tech wem'll explain why when we come back. >> ♪♪
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>> the white house respondingte to the latest hou developments n the wikileaks.ii things that break intoeak into iphones smart tvs in your yo home.home. >> today wikileaks founderikiler julian assange announced he's hs going to give tech companies oms exclusive access to those ciatha hacking tools so they cang tooln develop fixes to make theire thr products more secure.e secure. fox5's ronica cleary is livel at the white house tonight housh with more on this. ronica. >> reporter: hey, jim andorte shawn. hey, that's right.rig you know it was really fascinating to hear julian j assange himself speak aboutelfpe this hack.hak. he basically described as devastating incompetenceincompet within the centralen intelligence agency to allow alw for a leak like this tok like to happen. happen and then took it a step further to basically ask thethe question of why the cia hasia hs not offered assistance to tech dose prepare for what may comeat in the future. take a listen to this question. >> why has the ce ntralenral intelligence agency not
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with speed to come together with apple microsoft and otherer manufacturers to defend us all l from its own weapon systems.y >> reporter: associationas so after posingthat question ass wikileaks is going come to the rescue, if you will and offer oe up access to some of this hacked code to help these tech companies defend themselves,fen, prepare for potential hackstialc and attacks.tacks but, you know, it's interesting, this is hackeds information from inside the cia. the white house takes a stancess that they do not typicallytypicy comment on something like this i but certainly acknowledged the seriousness of the allegationslg that we're talking about. so, i asked president asked pret secretary today would thereday e be -- because there's beentheren talk of legal ramifications for julian assange forn asfor releasing this information. so, to extend to thatt question, could there be
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potentially ramifications,iic legal ramifications for a techte company willing to look atloo at this hacked code? take a listen.. what about the tech companieso that he says that he will worklk with to give them these ciacia hacking techniques, shouldchniqd there be any legalegal repercussions for techr tech companies willing to sort of wig embrace to and use this ts technology that you're takingakg a stance against, if you will?l? >> so, number one, i'll go go back to the statement that we don't comment on validating or authenticating allegations ofleg this sort.ort. a program or piece ofr piece of information is classified itssi remains classified regardlessres of whether or not it ishether released into the public or vee or not and so i would just j suggest that someone consultmeo with them rnegarding the legal repercussions of any a individual or entity using any piece of still
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information or technique orec product that hasn't been >> reporter: so, when theashen press secretary said them in that sound bite he was sou referring to the department of justice. ice. he suggested that we reach out t to them forha more informationra about those legal potentialpoen legal ramifications for tech companies using this hackedh code. we reached out to the r department of eaj oustutice.f j we are still waiting to hear har back. of course, we'll keep youou updated on fox5. back to you.o yo >> thank you ronica.hank youica. >> ronica suddenly become thee most popular touristourist attraction in d.c.attraction in. watch out behind you ronica.ron. >> always busy out there. there. >> it really is.>>really >> she's in front of the white o house. >> right, right. they've taken all ntthe fen>>cig down and all the stands downll t so you get that unobstructedobsd view now. now. >> you guys know yesterday yestd busy news day here on 5 at 6:30. we had to cut our interviewtew with virginia governor short.shr >> we asked him to come back. ba we'll give you a sense of what t he plans to do if he's elected virginia's
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>> virginians will elect a newsi governor this year.. lieutenant governor ralphernor h northa.m. m hopes they'll heh will elect him. im. >> lieutenant governor and igov chatted a bit more after thehe show. and we're joined by thet lieutenant governor of thent gof great commonwealth of virginia. ralph northam. >> it's an election year. s an etry are notry are not thinking election. electi we're in virginia. virgnia. what made you decide you wantcit to run for the big office.ffice. >> i ran back in 07. 7. i've been in the senate for six years. i've a physician and was w frustrated with what we were wee dealing with with insurance insu companies they were dictatingeyi how we practictce medicine so ii said i can either sit on thet o sidelines or get in there andorg make a difference and i ranet in 07, ran again in 11 and ranra for lieutenant governor innant r 2013 and here we and her. >> so you've been at this for
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>> yeah, about 10 years.bout 10r >> how has virginia politics -- has it evolved,eo stayed the same? what havee you >> there have been a lot of challenges. if you talk to the averagege virginian they want job theyjb can support themselves and their family with.esthei they want accesr smi to affordae and quality healthcare.ealt they want to know theirnow children have access to a toa world class education systemste and they want to live in safe se communities. that's what we've fought fore ff since i've been in the senate and we've done very well wl economically. do we have room for improvement? but we're doing well inov virgeminia.we >> we know vir'rginiae 's unique un in that it's one term andterm that's's it. >> yeah. >> governor mcauliffec wrapping up his term.ter. >> yeah. >> are you looking to continuene his policies or are therehere things that you see working differently under your administration.mi >> we brought inni over 187,0000 new jobs to the commonwealth over $15 billion of capitolcapil investment so we'll continuewe'n to work on those things.thigs. we also are going stand up toupt what's going on in washingtonshn and this attack
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immigrants is just so so unamerican as a veteran it bothers me a lot.bothers me a the new healthcare act thatt tht they put on the table is veryvey bad for virginia.irnia. it's bad for the working class. i think less people are goingss to have access peo to insurance and it's going to be more expensive unless you'ree affluent and in good health. in. that's the folks that that pl will.l. >> what do you see in terms ofos the politics of virginia? isgii it a divided commonwealth? nw are we going to see a lot of these tight races movingtimo ahead. >> we have our disagreementsisas but one of my reputationeu isworking on both sides of thei aisle. i took on the tobacco that was a tough rowcc to hoe.o. we agree to disagree.. we do things the virginia wayira but i have always fought for democratic progressive valuesa in virginia like women'sik access to healthcare, like equality for lgbt, like banning off shore so, these aresh things and i think once virginians see what e
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fighting for over my 10 years y i think they'll be comfortableme with where we want to take virginia.. >> lieutenant governor ralphnorp northam. what's interesting in thisth race is the issues and how they are going to pertain topeio northern virginia or if you goy to the eastern shore.hore. there's a lot of differenta things that lomatter to a lot of different people.diff the question is what candidate is going to come in and have a universal message.esage. we'll see.we'll see >> going to be interesting. t the southern part of theo be ste is more remarks northern partars of the state is more democratdem so we shall see. s. >> he's facing up against tom per iello. >> could tm cement be breaking political >> harvey levin in the ovaly le office with thein the presidenti yup, we'll tell you all about it when we come back.
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that was very good you was very gocodhilean billionan the d.c. house ivanka trumptrup and jared kushner live. li. >> members of the family'sam mining company filed a suita fia against both the u.s.s. government and environmental e groups over a proposed minerpos that will be located on u.s.. forest service white house spokesperson says sy the couple actually nevern spoke to him. him. issues with the u.s. with th government were not known knwn until recent.cen relative says there are noe n ties between the lawsuit anden t trump. >> just a little awkwardle awkwd there. >> yeah. >> after her father was elected retailersfter ma hde mae headlines for deciding to dropd ivanka trump's brand from's bra their stores they say it was because of sales not because n of politics.olics. but despite the move onlineon sales for items are at an all time high. >> according to a fashionor industry web site that sortdingo monitors online sales they say y that sales of the ivanka trump line jumped 346 percent from46 o january to february of this th year. and if you want to compare to cp february of this year tory february of ls
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online sales were up more thanan 5550 pcentnt. the president of the ivanka trump brand insists theand insis company is very healthy.he all right.. so, tmz we see them finding celebrities on thes on e street, gotcha' all that kindtca of stuff.stu did you hear they were in theine oval office.fc founder harvey levin met with thevin m president. >> the two discussed topicso dii including exclusive televisionln interviews. sources told reporters levin was gauge private tour of the white house grounds before meeting with trump. last falluse meetin levin interr the then president-elect actually he was still a candidate. he was president-elect atnt-ele trump tower for an exclusiveexce fox news and special called ca objectified donald trump.ifie it was welld received levin and fox news have a deal he's he going produce a few more ofmor those specials.e that's how harvey levin has as built his empire access building those thos. >> you remember when he usedem to be on people's peopr >> he still is on people'seope's court. court. >> shutup. >> that show is still on then e
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that. >> do not bash judge milian.lia she's the up.she' wired erently. >> we're judge judy fans around here. >> good night,er. best offf the , everybody. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. l for $79.99 per month, r the first year with a o-year agreement. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. go to or call 1.888.get.fios get the best. get fios.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: super good news for harrison ford. he is getting the progressive insurance stamp of approval for flying from none other than flo. >> he's a gold star customer, i'm sure. >> he just had some issues. >> the golf course, i give him a break. you're an insurance agent. >> ok. harvey: and my engine failed and i brought it in without hurting anybody. >> did you run through all of the protocol before you took off? harvey: did everything. >> how old are you? [laughter] >> judge mathis. we talked to him all about the faizon love incident. so judge mathis gives some advice. >> i would suggest he do some volunteer at the youth center to help the type of young people he may have affected. >> what young people were affected? >> there's some kids somewhere right now faizon, what the hell? >> he can throw a kid way farther than he threw that guy.
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