tv Good Day DC FOX March 15, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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♪♪ straight ahead, thawing outn any snow left on the ground from yesterday's fast-moving winterie storm froze solid overnight.veit that means another day of school closings and delays. and a slower ride to work. work plus, d.c.'s signature cherryhey blossoms in the danger zone. zon we'll have a live report. what i have here is a copy c of donald trump's tax returns.. >> a white house bombshell. msnbc obtaining a copy ofop o president's 2005 tax returns.ur what it shows about his personaa finances.nances. and how the commander in chief f responded to the documents leaked. captain kirk punching holesh in those rumors he demand adddd trade from the redskins. redin what he says really went down. and later, ben affleck'sffck battle with the bottle. bottl the oscar winner opening uppeniu ab
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and sending message to his estrange the wife.ife. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ >> did we survive, gang? we survived. survived b the big snow. 're e still here. >> refreeze.>>efre >> we made it. it >> we're so happy to be here. t. good day d.c. it is 9:01 on this wednesdays wd march 15th.. the eyes of march beware.ew i'm allison along with holly,ol maureen and wisdom. maureen has the week off. o. >> prince william caught on ct camera showing off his best moves or the least moves. mov. video posted by tmz we'll checkc in with them live for more onor the duke of cambridge just letting eight out.t o having a good time.. >> the king in act. king >> i love it. >> throwing it itn >> what's wrong with that. t >> he's got a little partner.arr >> i love it. >> he's on vacation having a ha good time -- he's on holiday. hd >> that's right.right >> okay. let's talk more about ourabour weather now. we woke up to bitter bold marchm temperatures. meaning any of that snow left on the roads or
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solid overnight.ern so can we expect it to melto m during the day? or are we stuck with with a few more days ofe dy winter. for details tucker is back witht the first check of the forecastf the music is still playing for g to you bust out your moves.oves. >> i'm absolutely meme her risee by that dancing.. >> yeah. yh. >> who knew he had such skill. . >> i don't think he saw anyon't cameras on him t.n >> and the women looking backhel they were like --ookie like >> were they looking back at hih dance moves or saying that's the big wig right there.g there. >> you guys are going break it i >> all right. let me do the forecast. 25 nowt me d in washington.ashio we're up to 25. to we were at low as 22.s 2 we may have had an overnight lol here in washington of 21. so i'll let melanie tell youel y about the cherry blossoms. bss i suspect they're not in great shape. sh we are not going to warm up a u lot today.t tay. we've got to get through onehrgo more day we'll get well above freezing tomorrow but daytime de highs today only about freezingn and look at your wind chills right now. i mean prett y extraordinary forordinary for march the 15th.h e 15th we're looking at wind chills inc the single digits
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feels like six here in gaithersburg. seven at dulles. 13 herese iven washington.hi 12 in 15 you get the idea.get ide we waited for winter. most of january, all of a february, and then it decided tt show up in march. and roaring like a lion today.ny how about that? i beated this map earlier today and let's just say the reaction was not what i was hoping for. for not lot of enthusiasm for windss gusting 50 miles an hou we do have wind advisory indvisr effect until 6:00 o'clock uil 6 tonight, but winds will again bb gusting 40, 50 miles an hour, ii think more like 40 perhaps gusts of 50 later today.ay. maybe a few snowflakes and snows showers today. that's a possibility.'s a you ca pn seeos the and the clod being pushed down and with veryv strong wind coming across the te great lakes.lak it's possible we can have a fewa flurries around here thisrehi afternoon and along with it temperatures 25 degrees belowsel 33, wind chills in the teens ths throughout the day.thro please if you'll be outdoors fof any period of time lots of
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make sure you're prepared forre those winds gusting to 40 mileso an hour. it will be cold one, guys.uys. back to you.back t you. >> all right. r barns.u tucke 9:03 is the the big story at 9:00 the 90 the weather people across the dmvmv digging out from yesterday'sesty snowstorm and waking up toakingt bitter cold temperatures alongaa with slick roads and sidewalks.. >> some schools in northerne sc virginia are closed for today.hl annis e yreu c is live in woodbg this morning checking out some of the trouble spots. good morofning the. >> reporter: hey, good morningoo to all of you.ou let's start off with the roadsha here. let me get out of the way. this is old bridge road, and yod can see no major problems.robl you can see plenty of pavement.n this is pretty much in goodn g condition all the major roadsajr are looking good as well.el but it's so neighborhoodghrhood sidewalks that you need to lookh out y ou it's just a sheet of o it's that refreeze fromm overnight. nude knead to be extra cautious and wear those shoes with good betrack.hose i saw a man earlier walking wal across this patch very slowlyryo taking those mini steps almostpm making his way across likingikin like a penguin but he was not wn ashamed because safety first, right? neighborhood streets str look pretty good as well
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they're still little mini moundn every now and then that that mat limit your space. sce prince william county schools so canceled for today.or we went up by woodbridge high school this morning where much of their sidewalk looked like this. much the snow covered sidewalks. >> clearly it's so bad the shots froze. >> right. >> there you go. ie.thanks, annie we're not the only onesnlyne hoping for a thaw out.haw out. the cleanup is now underway uer along the east coast followinglo that massive winter storm.. some communities getting buriedr under 2 feet of snow. o s while the region's largest cityt new york city was spared thed t worst of the conditions.ondi more than 6,000 flights were canceled yesterday.esteay boston also canceled schools for a second day as cleanup continued. ♪♪ it is day 55 now of o president trump's first 10000 days. days. first stop in minute men he will take aim at fuel economy at fuee standards.
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tennessee to pay homage to whith house predecessor andrew jacksos would would have have been hises 250th birthday. that trip being overshadowed this morning by last night'sig's bombshell. >> copy of the president's taxds returns finally out. o and the decade old document oldt giving us a first look at thea o commander in chief's finances. n but the way it came out a little unusual. bob barnard has details. >> reporter: president trump is tweet bowing this story thisw morning we'll have that foring minute first of all the whitete house basically confirms that the leaked dsioccaumentsll arere legitimate. that in 2005, the president psie wrote off about $100 million in losses claimed about $150 million in income, and paid about 25% of that in federaleder income >> what i have here is a copy op donald trump's tax returns. ret >> reporter: a lot of build bld up. in fact msnbc rachel, tookook social media heat for waiting so long in her show to deliver thet goods.
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donald trump' twos-page 1040pa 1 form from 2005. 200 the numbers are as you wouldld expect. large. trump earned about 153 million5n that year. th but even after some big writeri offs he still paid a fair amount in taxes. 36.5 million. according to former new yorkorm times journalist david cay johnston the returns simplypl arrived in the mail.arri >>ve came in the mail over theer transom and there's absolutely y nothing improper aboutinimproper journalists if you haven'taven't solicited something getting it over -- - >> reporter: white house house released the same informationma and suggestingti that last nighs reporting was illegal. >> you know you are desperate de for rating when you're willing to violate the law w theo push a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago. >> trump's refusal to release returns became an on-goingg campaign esche with rival hillary clinton at one pointcl suggesting he may not havein pad any taxes.anxes in reality, the president'sde's effective tax rate was only ay bit below what
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earners were paying that year.ea >> donald trump paid what washaw the equivalent i guess of about 25% in federal taxes, federal fr income taxes. tax i think he needs a better taxax attorney.attorn i mean why -- is that -- i meann if i were trump i wouldn't beldb worried about this at all.t all >> reporter: still democratsem will keep up the hee on theeen h president. arguing that his claim he can'tc release his returns because of on-going irs audits just doesn'n hold up and journal leftourn lef johnston believes the president himself sent him the documents in the male. >> trump has a long history ofto leaking material about himself when he thinks in his interest.r >> reporter: in his tweet fromhf the house this morning theorni e president said "who is is thishi reporter, nobody has ever hearde of him. johnston happens to be a formerf tax reporter for the new yorkhey times and he said, this thinghit would just happen to show up ono his doorstep through the male. l he called it a again fake news.n at the white house, bob barnard, fox5 local news. 9:00 sorry eight.9:00 sorryt tracking metro and the agency.ny
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a new report from the government accountability office criticizes how the transit agency drew upp its safetrack plan. plan the watch dog agency says metroo could have done a better jobbetj with the planning andnd implementation of the repairthei work. now it claims the program couldu have been more efficient which would have reduced disruptioniso for passengers and possibly evee saved some money. easter tradition continues at the white house.he whi h there had been some speculationi about the fate of the white t we house easter egg roll.use eastee but today, the trump t administration has announceded it's on.n. families with children 13 and a younger can enter a lottery to win their chance at getting oneg of the available tickets.ickets the online lottery it's going tt be open today at noon and be be open until saturday march 18th. winners notified on march 31. white house easter egg roll will be on monday, april 17th onnotio the south lawn of the white wte house.e white house easter egg role dates back to 1878 when whe rutherford b heys gnaw office.ff >> well they are the newestt internet stars thanks to life tv interview gon
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now this morning their dad photp bombed by his adorable family ii speaking out about their newhe n found fame. first though, how about those to cherry blossoms. they dealt with the snow but cab they deal witness cold? will wl they survive winter's revenge? melanie is down on the tidalidal basin trying to keep warm,parm, trying to keep them we'll check in with her in justj a minute. inutesa pasts ten m the hour. ♪♪ ♪♪ (gasp) just head & shoulders? are you kidding? this is celebrity hair i thought it was just for, like, dandruff there's life in it, there's stuff going on this is so free ah, it's just so smooth. like i wish that you could feel it. new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair
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♪♪ >> 9:13 is the time. 9 sure sign of spring. smack dab in the middle of oursm fiidrst real winter weather. wth we're talking about the cherry r blossom festival which actually starts today. there are some concerns aboute how thissome cold snap is goingo effect those delicate blooms.ate >> the national park servicerker already pushed back theirir initial bloom dates after warmew than normal temperatures in i february because we like to flit the months around we'remonthsune celebrating february in marchy m this year. th >> right. >> maybe even january oraybe eve december in march thisn ja year. any way the national parkiona p service says the developmentel depends on a couple ofpl of conditions. there's picture from earlier asi we saw those blossoms and thehe hope was that they would survivi the storm. s. and for what melanie was tellini us when she was down theren the earlier this morning was that ii looked like a number of themf te seem to survive the snow but itt was those freezing temperaturese overnight and t
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so she found number of them thit morning that were encased in ici and that's not a good sign.ig we're hoping that we won't losel the majority of them. >> right. definitely going to be some damage. it was just a mattertely ge of h damage. >> then there's another wholee'n group that we're not expected tt bloom until april. ail >> right. right.. these are the yoshino cherryy trees the moved of mostf mos concerned about they give thed big bloom around the tidal basin that we're so used to.d t fingers nonetheless the festival will gl off whether there are flowers oo not, right? a lot of wonderfule fun things planned.nn. welcome stage today if you'redf whenned out make sure you bundll up. it's going to be cold. right? >> usually you have to deal witv the crowds when you see the blossom. >> you might have to dealht havl witness wind chill this timewi i around it. >> will be tough for the tourgh groups,, to because which week do you plan?p they moved back and forth. fth and then, you know -- kno >> don't you think a lot of thef they just have to pick a week. e it's kind of a lottery any way w with weather.ea >> come and see them. come se exace tly.exactly. >> oka
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>> warmup. warmu >> 9:14 is our time root now.. coming up, breaking tradition. he always watches march madnessd with his guy friends but this year, the old ball and chain tht wife says no way. way so what would you do? saraharah fraser is back with all new love and order. >> first though we're checkingui what's making headlines.eadlin erin what you got?? >> allison, top u.s. marinee response that nude ph scandal. two top luxury department stores could end up with the same owneo and our video of the day a guy at a gas station, hey he's luckc e ale alive. we'll show you what happenedouen next. we'll be right rht b ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ welcome back. it is 9>>:1> 8 on a wednesdayned morning. erin como is back with a check k of some of the other stories srs making headlines this morning. . good morning. >> good morning allison and goon morning to all of you out there. first up, lawyers for charles severance will be in court to bu begin the appeal of his sentence. he was convicted of killing okil three prominent alexandria residents nancy done, ron kirby and ruthanne la dat tow the murders span from 2003 to 2014. all three were shot in theirir homes.mes severance was sentenced to threr live terms plus 48 years. the nation's top marone wil be at c
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carolina today. tay where he will address that nudee photo scandal.ndal. the scandal involves former andd current marines sharing nuderind photos of female marines on facf bock page called marines unitedu calling for these women to be b sexually assaulted.aued yesterday general robert nellerl was on the hill facing veryy tough questions from lawmakersas about the scandal. general neller says he will find those responsibility for thisori and hold them accountable.. happening today, secretary of state rex tillerson headed tt tokyo he will be visiting south korea and chain n the trip isp s taking place a mid escalating tensions with north korea.h this will be his first trip toro asia as secretary of state.. listen to this. neiman-marcus may be puttingy bg itself up for sale owners of tht department store chain arerehain looking at options as itt struggles to bring shoppers intn the stores.tore sacks owner hudson bay is reportedly in talks to buy neiman-marcus. and finally
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a car crash and explosion at a a seattle gas station.ta this uber ride ended up in flames according to seattle police six-year-old rube -- 60-year-old uber driver wasver speeding when he hit car sending it off the road the car hit a tree and split in two.wo. the suv kept going into thent t shell gas station hitting gastis pump and burst noose flames much the driver of the car suffered life-threatening injuries. injue the uber driver was not injuredd but his passenger did sufferr minor injuries.urie a driver filling up right next x to had pump also escaped unharmed.harm could you imagine pumping yourpy gas and seeing that go by? just insane. >> absolutely not. not how people walk away from thingi like that is just beyond me. b . >> just a miracle right there.r. >> really.>> rll >> erin, thank you.>> e >> thank youri. >> how do you rate the uberr driver. >> one star. >> freezing cold weather mightco have you thinking about a sprinu break get away but seeing theg t world it doesn't have to breakao
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the bank. coming up how to get champagne p experience on beer budget.n beer >> i'm all ears.>> first though some signs of sig o spring on the seven day. d tucker will be back with all ofa the details next.t >> fresh at 10a, beyonce' sending a message about the gender of her twins? the cluelu some eagle eyed fans pick up ono in the latest picture of the the pregnant super star. plus, lights, camera, drama. season six of the reality hit braxton family values debutss dt this wee this morning one of the stars ss life in the loft and later aat cooking with como.. and the caps.ap this morning we're eating like k ove and helping a great causeatc tame. right now it's 9:21. 9 you're watching good day. day ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪♪ all right.l right. 9:24 right now. ncaa tournament play in gamen g last night.ight mount saint mary's from marylann in frederick county facing newnw orleans. game featuring 5-foot fiveoot junior robinson the shortest shs player in d1.1. robinson, you know what he does, though, height doesn't mattern'a because he hits the jumper toumt give his team a one point leadna late in the second half. half. there it is. they hold on to win 67-66 and a they now advance to a thursdayy matchup against defendingng champions villanova. >> a win a win. w. enjoy the moment. >> inquire to mr. schneider tonn bruce allen just if th
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any interest in trading me justt trying to get understanding ofdo their perspective, and the a the answer i got back was, um, youmy know mr. schneider communicatedd his belief in me, and his desire for me to remain redskin and a desire to help me by surrounding the quarterback position with p all the players and coaches thae you need to succeed and that's ' the kind of message you want too mary from the owner of your team. >> kirk cousins right there talking about thatco report fusn espn that he demanded a trade. apparently number eight said iti didn't really happen like that.. maybe the ask happened but not n quiet like that. >> difference between askingnce where you stand and. >> demanding. >> trade me or let me free or whatever. >> i don't believe he ever't b demanded.ed i don't think it turns out well when you demand from dan snyder. >> he said he did.>> he lavar ball is the dad of three basketball players and stevend tells me they're pretty g1 off them alonso played for ucla1 ofo the best in college basketballkl today. the others still in high schoolh and since his kids
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the court he wants a 1 billion i shoe deal for his three sons. offering them as a package deala >> i think you have a betterter chance getting what you want out of -- >> million dollars for your kidr while they're still in high i school. >> he's done a great job of at jobf marketing his kids. ks. one at ucla right now the otherh two are going to ucla. ucla. >> they scored a hundred pointsi in game. in got headlines.ines. >> he already said all three alr will be one and done.d done. they're going to the his oldest will only play forlaf the lakers. he's basically seizing the t moment. moment. >> he's controlling it. >> should he get a billion dollars from nike or adie'das ss >> you can ask for whatever you want. >> oh yeah. oh somebody gives it to you that'su on them.on t >> that's right.>> ts .> yeah. i don't hate him for nono. >> wouldn't we be surprised thee next pass we pass foot look kerr we saw the ball brothers.s. >> maybe half a billion maybe. . >> he got awhile to go to get g all three the only one that cann get the contract the one turninr pro. the other twor
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going to be while before it even happens.s. >> i tell was, i didn't knowtno about him or his two sons inons high school and now i do. so mission accomplish.plh. >> they have cousin too. >> way to go, dad. >> lavar ball. bal >> that's what their dad >> okay. . balli.bout balling >> um-hmm. >> all right. we'll talk to tucker barnes now balo litung ockr not not balling when it comes to thishis cold weather.ea >> we got a trademark in therehe somewhere, right. >> where?>> wre? >> balling. aat's a billion dollars tradlionemark right there.there. >> you got that right.ou >> you know what that's not a bad idea. gw whatdea. >> right? rig >> we'll talk after do you your weather.k afte he all right. to>> c aomlle upome u with something. >> now everybody >> that's true. [ laughter ]true.[ laug ] >> cold and blustery today.od we're going to be extremely,me listen here's the deal. deal extremely cold for this time ofo year. i mean, pretty extraordinary.di. dididn't get. of this all of january and february. and then, you know, at the end d of the winter here the middle ol march decides to show up.cis to but it's a real deal of cold oul there early this morning. mor 25 now in washington.ashito 27 in leonardtown..
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teens still in the 9:00 o'clockk hour in gaithersburg. 19 degrees. 22 out at dulles and i'm not showing you the wind chills. but they are single digit hereih right now. winds are back.k. picking up here this morning now we're getting sunshine we're wee mixing and we're going to mix some of o those winds a lot of back down to the ground and it will beane very very windy day. d winds could gust at times 30, 3 40, even 50 miles an hour andoud because of that we have a winden advisory in effect.fec 28 the current wind inind n leonardtown.ardtow i mentioned 29 here in in washington.washgton. 30 martinsburg.burg. 28 dulles. 35 in winchester.ester. here are your wind chills. single digits off to the northhh and west.d we frederick feels like eight.ight. gaithersburg six.rg six. 14 in 11 in cambridge.idge 13 in fred burg.g. everybody very very cold today t and just not a chance to reallyl warm up. we got a little cloud coverloudc working in.g . a very very strong northwest wind and the flow here out ofou the north and tapping intong i arctic air we won't get a chanca to warm up today. warm up tod
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please be careful of sidewalks,, driveways that kind of thing yoy could slip pretty quickly hereer pretty easily the snow won't geg a chance to melt later thiserhi afternoon.afrnoon. that's what we call strongg pressure gradient. we've got our nor'easter off to the north and east.stthe noand and high pressure out to the toe west. in between those those two, two pressure systems we get a lot oo what we call, well, what we call here on planet earth we call itt wind and we'll be dealing withdg wind later this afternoon.eron again cold just above freezing. 25 degrees below normal this bea afternoon. cold again tonight. and then a gradual warmup lessms wind tomorrow.nd t so even though it will be in thn low 40s still well below normaln temperature wise.ate wi it should feel a little better.. i'm looking forward to thewa to rainbow, the pot of gold and the four leaf clover on and let me mention your weekende not terribly spring lockout werr a little milder than what we'rew looking at today with temps 50 5 or better saturday and sunday sa with a few showers on saturday. spring by the way guys gets herr on monday temperatures in thetu mid 50's it should feel b
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by early next week. week. i'll toss it back to you. >> it will feel awesome comparem to today. it's all speaking of the cold we arewe ae worried about the cold effectd c will have on the cherr blossoms. supposed to be peak bloom right now that was the original time frame, right? well, best laidtd plans. plans. melanie alnwick is live down at the tidal basin this morningmorn with an update.ate. hey, mel. >> reporter: hey, guys. guys so i think the big question thao we're all wondering is, how mucc damage will the cherry blossomss sustain? and will peak bloom bb pushed back even further becausu of these few days of cold? now we have been able to see -- you can see on some of these where the -- where the blossom -- thet leafs basically the petals havev already started to come out alll that brown that is damage muchha those are not going to survivet. and then but the buds that we t have they're a little closer to the stem here these perhaps little bit more protected theyed may be able to withstand thetant cold temperatures tha
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had. 24 degrees was the mark we werer really concerned conce that's what the nationalrned pak service said would be wherehere these trees might lose 90% of0%f their blooms but some of thatf a also depends how long are we in those 24-degree temperatures and blow? at what stage of bloomfom were the trees? so this tree in particular was one that looked o like it was ready to pop beforer the cold snap came in but we've' seen a couple others that stilll have some pretty tight buds on them. th so that's the good news.. i mean you are still going tooig have cherry blossoms here around the tidal basin per happen not as profuse as in years past.ast. one other thing, too, if you see across the tidal basin fromro where we are where the boats ars seeing a number of tents set upp there, that is where the cherryy blossom festival was supposed to begin today. now, remember, they moved thedhe cherry blossom festival upp because of peak bloom moving upu and so now they are moving somee of their events back. they were supposed to have thevt number of performances beginnini today. y. just found out from the f
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festival the beginning and the opening of this welcome area att the tidal basin they'll waitai until saturday to do all ofll o those events.thos event nonetheless we have still scenee a couple of tour groups coming n down here. her maybe not taking as long of ag f stroll here on the tidal basin b as they normally would do, do, because it is very very and for those of you who have he been telling me melanie where ii your hat, put your hat on, havee i hat much it's a little dampttm from yesterday. so sometimes it's easier just jt not to wear it.t to weait. i promise, i'm not freezing out here like these cherry blossomss are. back to you guysar. >> back up hat, mel. mel that one can dry out haven't aaa backup. [ laughter ] >> thanks, mel. >> in the meantime let's keep ie inside right now maybe yo wanting to somewhere and escapee the cold much wisdom got the got hook up there. wis. all right. look there's no doubt that>> afr the late rival of winter and the last 24 hours in d.c. everyonevn is thinking about way to get out of d.c. out of this area for aar little r and r. r and following the j
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social media it will leave you y wonder lusting -- wan lusting. but did you know that a trip to due by or week get know t away to turksur and caicos is not just for theje rich and famous.. national travel correspondent davey sutton here to tell us how we can travel like the rich andd famous on less than what we payp foreign. is that how we're doing this today?w we >> well, yeah. >> who wouldn't want to do that, right. ri >> sounds great.>> so from the champagne budget to a -- it's a beer -- i want to d a water budget.udt. >> champagne to water.neo wate >> you wanting to places for tof free. >> right. >> didn't your mom tell youell nothing is for free, wisdom. >> that's true. tru there are five things we want tt talk about right out of the r gate. so give me some tips on what we can do to get the best deal weew want to get out and get away. ay >> first you have to be you havo flexible. >> okay. >> all right. most people have a particularara day or time that they can travel.trav. >> right. >> or a particular destination n right. they want to well i want you to reshape these way that you travel and thinkndi about it in different
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and my favorite website i'll i'l start with the golden nuggetugge that's going to sky scanner.comc my favorite thing about skybout scanner you can searchner everywhere. >> okay. >> so you're going to departo dt d.c. area airports and thenhe you're going to put in the essential tool search everywherh and what will populate is what'' on sale.e. >> then i can make a decisionkea based on that. d >> what's on sale.hat's onal sometimes places that you never even imagined would be on sale.l like i searched this morning. mg going to china, $500. >> right. >> then now you can spend soigho much more on where you stay. >> what about if for example i wass talking about my spring breakine because spring break that's bre' limited. that's just one week an lot ofon people in here have juste sprin break to deal with. with. >> yes. is it still the same mindset? >> yes. >> you can't be as flexible. but you can somewhat flexible. i >> if you change your mind i'mii going to be flexible where ileri wanting to you can put in the pe everywhere tool. >> gotcha. >> the second way to do it is to find a glitch fair.h fair. >> i was going to say what a w glitch fair. >> let me explain to a you a glitch they're ge
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have you heard of people goingrd to lik oef due by for $200. >> yes. y >> last week that was flight fli from new york to south of of of a forty three from $212. $2. how in the world do you findd those? well, there are severalr sites online that claim to findf glitch fares for you.itch right? f >> okay. >> you can find glitch fairs they're kind of hard to find, ot right? righ >> okay. >> so i search all of these anda my favoritlle web of sithte is y glitch. month,about two bucks a actually i love them so muchso c that i partnered to get an extra deal for you guys i'm going to t give you the link you put on the website for about two bucks a month they will search where tht glitch fairs are and they happee about five to ten times a month the reason i love fly glitch glh because he will find them regionally so it's not like youo probably couldn't make the la tt sweden flight.fligh >> right. >> but you can go to new york. you can get oh and that train and go to new york foran g $t 2d go to -- to >> get e-mail or something.hi >> you'll get an e-mail when tht glitch fair happens.appe they're mistakes from the from e airlines.
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so that mistake is temporary.. and it will, k last from likem l two hours. off shorter window to book it.o. you might have time to call your significant other book the t flight and then figure it out io later. usually have one to eight months to book book it. you can book it at the end ofheo yearyear. like say i'm going to go ino goi november.mber >> gotcha. let's run through the rest ofh f these. th traveling in the off season.. i think i can figure that onegu out. >> traveling in the off seasoneo what also goes back to what you were saying. so like the off season for the t caribbean is in the summer. sme. so your kids are off. off you're off. off little warmer.ttle warmer. so you'll have to deal withl wit temperatures, but you can savets up to 70% traveling in the offhf season. >> okay. rent an apartment instead of hotel.artm >> yeah.ea in the center let's say of pari' you want to stay in luxury hotel you might have at least $600 a night.t. right next in that enabled youe can rent a luxury hotel and inn places like the philippines thaa luxury apartment -- not luxury y hotel. hote that luxury apartment will comee with a butler, a chef and a driver all at a a
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>> always ask for upgrade.pgra >> most people aren't used tot t asking for upgrade.rade but if you go in with like a pleasant disposition youron strategy starts at the beginning. so you're smiling, greeting gre people, you're acknowledgingu'ra that worker as a person. pern. telling them they look nice. nic and then you lean in for the kill and let me tell you one of the biggest secrets i do for d flight attendants it's like a thank less job. j i'll bring them cookies for thee day. day. because i'm acknowledging them t as a person and i've beenn upgraded to first class beforee and,. >> really. >> yes. go win that -- move through lifeoughif thinking that you'll get upgrade ask for it. >> okay.ask >> just be nice. o>> jt be okay. >> wow. wow that's amazing.mazing. thank you very much for comingry in and talking with us. we're out of time right now mnd. i'll talk some more. all of us have plans coming upon we need to get tips and information about.ion abt. >> okay.. >> davey sutton much thanks fort coming in and talking with ush this morning. steve and allison, over to you.y >> all right. all r. oscar winner opening up opeu about his battle with thehe bottle. le >> coming up next we'll talkal with our friends at
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we'll get the latest on ben affleck's rehab stint. what prompted him to get help much what's mad dad dancing dcig skills as well all coming upomip next. next. ♪♪ ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to z2b1kz zi0z
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today's fox beat ben affleck's battle against alcoholism, plusu president trauma many talking ti aim at snoop dog after snoop afs took a shot at him in video, and prince william showing off his f moves on the dance floor. >> for details on those stories let's get to tmz gary trock live in la. gary, good morning. mor. how are you.hoe yo >> hey, good doing well. in >> gary, let's talk first of alf about ben affleck right now andd the situation. what was it thatth we're hearini actually led him to rehab andnd why the oscars was there w the anything to do with the timingg there?th >> you know he's been battlingtl this for a very long time, and a if you remember back in 2001,n00 you know, he did a stint inn malibu for alcohol abuse it's on-going issue and we're told that there were some issue thati is came up again recently iteny doesn't appear there was one trigger but the oscars, you you know, right afterwards almosts s immediately afterwards he did d check himself in to a programro and he just complete the it.he he announce the it yesterday yte he's out and really wanted tod t let eve
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that he's lucky to have the love of his family and his coach h c parent jenn and i think that'sh' also interesting because a lot of people were thinking theynk were getting back together. tete they've been seen a lot recentll but we're being told the divorce even though there's no real no r action happening on it it's i is still going on. it's not being called off. but they're co parenting. parti they're very civil with each other.he they are civil still living oniv the same propertyil a everything. but this is a constant battle i s thinka ns benta has dealt with h long he saw there were signs of, youy know, something not good happening. you know, a possible, you know, big relapse and so took it upono himself to get treatment and so this is something he'll have toe deal with more, you know,rekno forever.foreve >> sure. g to was going to ask about that. we read what seemed to be his heartfelt facebook post that het made talking about the problemsl he's having and that he wanted e to seek and that he thanked, yoo know, jennifer. jennife but you guys have been hearing a that, you know, she's saying's n this is not, you know, don't d't look hi
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woo her the divorce is still on, right.t >> no, no, no. it's still oten-going, and thatt the thing.hing. she has been a rock for him. they are still very goodood friends. somebody i spoke with said thatt you would never think thatnkha they're involved in a divorce,ce because they are so civil too c each other. they have so much respect forsop each other.. and i think their children, youu know, play a big part in thatint obviously. they are, you know, this is is think one of the most maturet mt couples in hollywood that we cae see. with all the squabble link andak bickering and petty fighting wew see, they can -- they realizeze what's more important and they're making it happen and,nnd upping, not being a big public spectacle.speccle. >> we wish him all the best. let's talk about snoop dog snood latest video, and in the video o it appears that he is making a threatening move against persono who resembles president trump in a clown mask and president trump coming on twitter just todayay actually and saying, can youingc imagine if this w
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obama jail time? what's goingt' on here. ? >> yeah. i mean, you know, everyone wasn't waiting to hear whathear president trump was going to iny say. i think that was expected. expte we also had his attorney michael cohen on tmz live yesterday who said basically a lot of the samm things he should be ashamed ofao himself. snoop for his part and thes people involved in the video are saying that thispaved was, you, their artistic, you know,, representation they're allowed to freedom ofhey' speech they cn ess ess it. and they point out n you know, o obviously that is verythat ivery aggressive imagery with snoopsnp pointing the gun at, you know, a mock version of president trumpu but when the trigger is pulledd it's a clown gun that says bang and they point out the fact that they -- there is no actual assassination and apparently apn that image they were using to bt tape out of context and show sho that people just pick out onekut part of something and don't lool at the peace as a whole becausec they were -- the whole point is everybody notice there's so mans clowns running the country isunt what they are saying.whathey
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made its point by getting scene by a lot of people.ot ofeopl i mean obviously it was very controversial. but a lot of people we talked to, we talk to senator marco rubio and said that this is, you know, not a good thing to put t out there and obviously for a lot of people these get mixedetd messages you never want to, youy know, even put it out in -- eaters severe this could happen. very mixed, you know, both sides of the coin on this.on t but a lot of the rappers supporting snoop dog on this.opg >> let's end things on betternge note. >> happier note.e. >> and that is with what a lottt people do to me dance shamingcea and so i'm a big fan of thean oe prince for not letting that t bother him and dance like no onn is watching. >> yeah. he was in switzerland and heitzn dd efinitely was.d he was inef a club dancing i got five on it pretty great. gat little -- like a little likeik elaine from seinfeld almost.s. almost as good.ood but listen, the one they know tk you got to give the guy ishe g having a great time. te >> yeah he is.>> yeah he i
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littlet he can relax a bit. you would figure in switzerlandz you know, you're iner like awese shall lay in switzer lapped in n the snow. sno what other place to party and py dance like that, you know?no >> i love the fact that it's tha such an exclusive guest list any way nobody cares. car >> that's his environment.s hiro do what he wants.. >> there's not even anyoneny around him. around him >> they're looking at him.. >> no big deal.g dea >> how is this video. at first i thought that it was these two women and they wereenw sort of like, you know, doing a little sneak video here. but -- >> no. >> how did they even get thatide videy o.o. >> there's people in there. the few people said look at princeri william dancing and thought it g was great. he's having a good time.goodime. listen, if you dance somebody sy will be watching.chin >> love it.>> >> that is very true.ery t everybody needs a little downttn time, too. good for him for letting loose. >> yeah.>> yea even the royals. >> absolutely.>> a >> thanks gary. see you soon. >> yup. >> day day catch tmz twice a right here weekdays at 3:00 o'clock and seven systemens p.m. on fox5.. >> holdly.ol >> i say go will, go
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>> i like it.e >> go wills.wls >> you convinced me with that.ha coming up next, a snow delayed version of love and and order.order and this morning we're talkingnl about whether a husband should break a 15 year tournamentam tradition to make his wife happy. hmm. think about it.k ab >> we'll be right back. we'll b ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ >> like i need to sit up straight. >> court is in session. >> normally, of course, tuesday is ourike courty, of day for some love d order. >> yesterday's snow meant thata we had to of course make a rainr check. chec so if you aren't familiar this is a segment where sarah frasera shares some of the messages thaa she gets from fans and viewers s and try to off up a little bitte of advice.e. >> great advice by wait.y >> it's our best advice.dve. >> we sometimes get e-mails bacc from people that say, oh i tooko your advice and it really workee out. >> oh good. >> second part is the key. >> and it really worked out.d o >> ever get e-mail that say thee suck or they stink?y
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>> that's harsh. i'll skip those.kip those. >> okay. stay positive. >> let's talk about 15 year tradition versus a new wife. wif what gives here. h >> this husband wrote to us andb he said for a longan timd e my y friends and i have always gonesn to the opening round of the ncaa tournament thursday and friday.i i take the day off of work. now this past year he gotye h married and had child and myd cn wife is giving me grief about ao going to want i'm torn.i' t my cooled hood friends and id ho have been doing this for 15een 5 years and it's only two daysd i what should i do.what shoul >> keep going.p ain't nothing to be mad >> i agree. u shouldnk that yo hear -- >> you have a baby. youave >> set precedence.cedee. >> exactly. >> am i the only one.i e on like maybe one year. yea you got to get the kid. >> live doesn't get >> you negotiate throughout thea year for --te te.otiate have to negotia >> okay. >> at some point but what she wt has to understand, too, this iss something he's done as tradition for so long if he doesn't do itd he will hold that for the entire >> bitter. >> it will change him. >> bitter, bitter. it >>ter, bit bitter.ter. >> it's two days. let him do his tng
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she needs to get over it. i >> would you compromise for oner day or you think he deserving tt >> he needs to do what he's beeb doing. >> do what he's done.>> dwhat h >> if it makes himdone. happiere he'll be happier the whole way y >> meanwhile she has to do ito all with the >> guess what? for two days? >> for two days? oh, my.y. gosh. what was -- was - >> sarah didn't even -- sean - s even convincing. >> i'm giving i was guys a hardr time. >> here's the thing there can ba a time she go do something anded he can be with the child for twt da.s. right?t? >> all about balance.alance >> we rule. r you guys stick it to.ysck i >> all right. all right we talk about the co-workerwo leaving people in the >> how do you feel about thisyoa this person writes to us theirie co-worker has been supervising r project but his wife now got aot job in another state. state. so he put in his resignationesii next week which will have him leaving in the middle of a majoj project and having theing t co-workers in a huge pinch.inch. not only that he's the leader oe the project lea.oj i think he's using the move as v an excuse to get out of thishi work. should i share my opinion he'son
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>> riri sign.. >> he's resigning. [ laughter ][ laug ] >>orryry. >> yeah.ea >> so you guys basically feelicl like it's too >> i don't understand.nderstan >> what are they trying to say like he can't resign becauseca they're more important than hist wife t's new job?ob >> i kind of got the vibe from this shouldn't he see out theutt project if he's the leader and they're in the middle of it?e oi >>ono. >> if he's got to go.o g he's got to go. wouldn't you rather him leave l sooner than better than him leaving than tha day before the pitch.. >> why don't you step up and bed the leader.. >> it seems like the whole teama was one person and they weren't doing anything. >> okay.kay >> steve chenevey >> i guess we have ruled on ruln .hat. yeaeah. >> that was easy.t was easy. >> is that all you brought today? >> do we have this time for thir really quickly.real quick >> make one up much this womanon wrote to us and she said she has a strange relationship with her mom. give you back story when she wae in high school her mom goter mom divorced from her father.m he f her father cheated on her.ner the mom kind of had a b
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and kicked the daughter out forf a year.a y fast forward the daughter is nos 30 years old and she now has a child. chil and she is saying her motherot refuses to acknowledge the yeary she kick her she says it never even happened. she didn't remember it ever remt happening.happeng. >> oh. >> >> she's wondering how can my daughter, my daughter, have ar,a relationship with her grandmother? and she's really a torn because her husband says hy until the grandmotherthe grdmo acknowledges that this happenedp you really -- she really can'tyn have relationship with herhi h granddaughter? do you thinko that's true? >> or do you think you --hi you >> unfortunately that's probably true. it can't be honest relationship. relationshp >> do you think you let the grandmother and granddaughter just have a relationship and yod kind of forget that -- tt >> you don't. >> she just won't acknowledget c it? that seems strange. >> the person that wrote to us u says when the mom asks her abouo it she doesn't remember thatha ever >> oh wow. >> nothing that ever comes o goo from sweeping stuff under theer rug and not acknowledging it.gii >> right. so you won -- would you evenve allow your daughter to try and d have a relationship with thep we grandmother or --r no. no
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>> i'm kind of on the fence wit that part.that par i might. i mig i might.i. >> i might, too.>> i mig, as hard as it would be.d b >> real life, i might the. >> try to get them to have a toa >> next time we ask for thirde topic it has to be easier. >> that's what we say.ate we don't have time for more f m about that.ha >> okay. >> oh boy. >> coming up the next hour ofg t good day ahet 10a, remember the bbc star that went viral becausu he was doing an interview and his kids came in. i >> right. >> the one toddle in.>> t >> they speak about whathet wt happened.happened. okay. >> it should be fun. >> also the beehive is>> i buzzi because beyonce' wore specialpe pair of earrings she wore in wor video from if i were a boy andry so people are saying, are her twins boys? >> makes tracy braxton will be back withw us once again the latest scoop s on the new season.. >> porsha williams we'll talk tl her about what's happening inwhg hollywood. >> she knows about drama, too.r. >> yeah. >> she's in the know.>> s she's got the dish. >> and we've got the cheofshfeem mug if you're interested.est if you'd like one of ourone of o wonderful good day mugs, all yo,
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facebook page or on our websitei you only have until 11am to do so. so and that's it. i right?right [ laughter ] >> if you are lucky enough to be selected, make sure you take a picture showing show us with u your mug and we'll put you onutn good day like that. >> yay! >> larry lutz. lz >> hey larry lutz.>> >> looking good, larry. >> use that #gooddaydc.odyd >> see you for the 10a next. ne. ♪♪ i lost my sight when i was 1
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so i really navigate the world by touch. i think dove asked me to try out this body wash... because i am so in tune with my hands and how things feel to me. when i pumped it out i was like, oh this is different. the foam was really light, fluffy , weightless. and it feels really moisturizing, not sticky. i have never tried anything like this as a body wash before. discover the feeling of new dove shower foam. it's light. it's different. it's foam.
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loft to tell us all about thehe new season and emotional momentn real housewives of atlanta fansf you'll love our first five minutes. minute porsha williams is live to dishs all the hollywood dirt with us. and from gossip girl to making history get ready to god back in time with a twist with the new fox show getting plentyt of buzz before sunday debut.y dt good day at 10a starts right w.w. ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ >> i feel like i have to keep aa distance here to stay safe.yafe. thank you guys for coming in. leo, good to see you down here.r you're holding down the low ende and showing off over there. the. you're in town tonight for big show at strathmere in bethesdaed 8:00 o'clock tonight you're inoi tour from japan for a couple ofo months. >> we've been on the road for two months doing twenty two tnt performances -- 29 performancesm in 22 >> wow. wow >> you getting toward the endd d now. talk about this particular styly of drumming watch is it thatis t sets this off and makes t it soi unique. >> our show tonight called dadon strumming men it will be all a male cast we're going to hit ala these different percussionerssin instruments for the wh
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it's going to show off ourur >> artistry and athletecism wecw hear as as ell. where does that come in. >> well, um, just to keep it ala going >> yeah, yeah. i mean the show is going to benb hitting it all the time. tim so just a lot of energy. ergy. it's going to be a lot of fun. . >> how long have you beeng haveb playing? >> um, well the show will be 90 minutes --nute >> how long have you been you bn drumming. >> i would say about nine, tenen years. >> all right. uys sodve it you guys sound amazing. amazing. tickets are still availableare a tonight if you want to come andl check it out.eou wan should be a great shocheck wit.w thanks for so much for coming ii showing off your skills.kis. looking forward it to.ard o. yes it is just as loud as you as might expect. ken it back over to you guys inn the loft. >> we could hear it in here, steve.d it sounded like they werehe rigt in front of us. amazing for sure.amazsu thank you ya'll for coming in. hey, good day d.c. thanks for joining us for the 10a. 10a i'm holly alongside of allisonfs and wisdom.m steve will be joining us in a bit. we've got something good goingid on in the loft today.od yeah, we do. >> yes.>> this is as much illiteration asn we can fit in cooking with comom and the capitals
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how about? >> i like that. >> for a good cause.>>d cau >> there you go.>> >> hmm. it will be good.l be gd >> all two minutes after the hour now.. erin is back with some storiesei that are making headlines thisit morning. hey, erin. hey, >> good morning to you right now. erirnin 10no:00 sow.rry theme let's tak look what's going on around toww this morning. first up, thawing out and a digging out our area didn't geta much in the way of snow but cleanup is underway in othern oh areas following that massive nor'easter.easter new york city which baird the t worst of the conditions but b upstate new york they felt the t brunt of the storm.. massachusetts also got slammed d with more than 2 feet of snow is the binghamton area that's lottt of snow. s while we didn't get much snowh s here the slippery roads andoadsa sidewalks meant a lot of o closings and delays for local students.stud in other news, msnbctv hosts rachel broke the internet.e ine. she revealed two pages of thegee president's tax returns on her show. show take the win out the big reveala the white house released thee rt president's 2,005 tax return
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before she can. can. the records were obtained by pulitzer prize winning eighty ey one will he. he made $150 million in income m and paid $38 million in taxes. the internet exploded with memee after the big late breaking newn last night.last n. people tweeted in facebook memes and gifts over the big reveal bl many thought wasn't that big at all. next up, sad update to a story y we told you about last week. we. the woman who wrote a heartbreaking viral love story has jg usvit died. just ten days after her articlea was publish in the new yorkor times.. amy rosenthal was diagnose with ovarian cancer in 2015. in an essay titled you may wantn to marry my husband shesband she expressed how she wanted herho h husband of 26 years to find lovv after she left his side. rosenthal survived by her b her husband jason and their three children.dren. she was 51 years old. old and finally, it's a look att mark zuckerberg out of his el
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mind.mi. zuckerberg joined nascar driveri dale earnhardt, jr., for a spini around the track in charlotte.o. by a spin i mean 170 miles perir hour.ho. he sat in the passenger seaterea yesterday all captured of courss in facebook live videoeo afterwards he said the ride wasw mazing if you watch the video his expressions show perhaps a a little bit of scared excitement. did he it on facebook liveoe and he curse add little bit, o too. >> did he really?>>id >> gone h170 miles an hour. hou >> then he got to driveo drive afterwards, too.oo >> none of the major curses i >> not good for tv.. >> little bit of bleeps.leeps. erin, thank you.. we're checking good day d celebrity dish just little earlr this morning bringing in outside help. he >> yes. joining us now dish nation hosts one of our favorites reall housewives of atlanta starr porsha william.. hey, lady, good to see ya. >> good morning, guys. >> did you cut your hair? >> i did. >> i like it. it. look at you
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i love it. [ laughter ]hter ] >> thank you. >> i wasn't expecting that. that >> something different.omet >> yeah. peper cute. >> i hadr cut it before and tht i started back wearing it long again so now i'm just goinggoin back. >> all right.>> allight >> it looks very nice on you.ou so look let's get it started tot talk about beyonce' because she was wearing some earrings andrr now everybody is like, oh, those earrings based on those earrings i know the sex of the twins sexs she's having. >> yes. okay. so the beehive is gone crazy. beyonce' posted a picture ofre o baby bump on monday, and everybody noticed her superup super fans noticed that theyt were the same earrings from herh video back in 2008 if i were aa boy. and so of course the song being if i were a boy they're thinking wait that's a sign she's tellini us that one of her babies is a a boy or maybe both of the twins are
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she does this kind of thing alla th timme. i think that this is definitelyl a sign to her fans that one ofof those babies is a boy. >> i don't think anything with w beyonce' is unplanned. you know what i mean.. >> exactly.>> e >> how can i mess with peoplexae today? exactly. >> let me get the beehiveve buzzing. buzzing. >> she's like world stop. lik think about me.thk ab figure this out. out what about steve harvey because apparently after his little miss universe gaft it was serious for him. him. >> it really was. i don't think a lot of people now howin seriok usa it was. ws steve harvey says he needs 24 2 hour armed security at his home. every since that whole incidentd he flubbed with -- in the i t pageant.t and he was doing interview withw afficionado he received death threats on twitter instagram all of his social media and thatndha that is why he now has to hav
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i was talking to some of my co-workers at the station theyot said in columbia they often bet on those pageants who will win,w and so that's why it's so serious to them. tm. but i didn't realize that to this day they're still comingomn after him and threatening him hm throwing empty boxes and bowls w and pitchers of bombs to hisis residence. all kind of things have him h super super scare he's juste'sus letting us know about.bout. >> i know the character gloria g on family -- what's the -- - modern family, they don't play'a in columbia. >> no. >> not at all. laugughter ] >> all right. >> let's wrap it up and talk t about russell wilson. because what's this businesshisn about him breaking the husband a code?? >> yeah the husband code. the girlfriend code. a couple codes that were brokenn so russell posted this video on facebook live and it was for aoa wom
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he invited his wife -- his wife's best friend to come overc and sit on his lap, and she did. and so of course the internet it got screen shots of it. o i his hand was kind of on her hipr and a lot of people are sayingay that it was very inn appropriate, and some people ars blaming russell for being, you know, naive enough to ask her tt sit on his lap. some people are blaming the best friend of why would you even sit on your best friend's man's lapl in the first place? um, i don't know. for me i think maybe i wouldou kind of feel some type of way. of course i trust my besty best friend. of course i trust my man. it's just what'rss pute i out e people always looking forngor something negative and a great relationship sierra and him havv showed a model relationshipionsp people are all over this this situation.n >> was sierra in the room at tht time?? >> um, i'm not sure if she wasfs in the room for not but i'm surr she has an opinion about it. >> i'm sure they does. doe >> i'm not sure she let it bet known but probably letting herer fans speak for her.fanspe >> i think that's making t something out of nothing.
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>> it's possible.ossi it's possible.e. i just think it's familiar.ilia. it's too familiar, and, you, yo know, i don't know.don' it's a little close for comfort. if you see the picture.hetu if you're thinking about it it's okay if you see the picture, his hand kind of, you know, cradlinn her hip and buttocks.uttock maybe a lot. l. maybe.maybe. maybe. ma >> i definitely would not do ito uli'm just saying.just sayin do you what you do. wt yo whatever makes you happy.. >> i wouldn't do it. >> exactly. >> i don't want that kind of >> you know better, bt >> i know a lot better yer, ourt need that kind of stress in youu >> no, peace, that's what ieaceh need, just piece. >> exactly.xa. >> porsha we always appreciate it love talking with wiu thanks so much. so mu >> all righty.ll ry. have a good one. >> to you. >> dish nation airs right before our show early in the morning a. >> she is such a great person.a. >> should i be worried my best b friend and my husband did the bull together. >> or that we often --ten -- [ laughter ] >> or i run over to thomas tos t get my kiss an hug. h >> don't be worried.worrie. >> see, something out ofut of
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>> you ain't sitting on his lapl he's not grabbing your behind. >> well -- [ laughter ] >> there was that one time. >> i'm kidding. k >> just >> okay.>> o speaking of drama, the braxtons are back with all newlw season of their hit reality show and this morning we're getting a sneak peek at all the dramara that's in store when star tracyy joins us live in the loft. loft. >> very cool.. first meisha barton fightingg back after remember the story wh told you yesterday aboute st the possible sex tape.ible sex tape. plus why the star of get out says he resents comments samuele l. jackson made about his comment. >> i'm sure does he. i'm >> makes sense. >> bomb nam family that made millions laugh worldwidede responding with a sequel. seque we have check on what's trending next. ♪♪
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y2ay1y y16fy >> 10:14. let's check what is trending on k whatay mor.y morning. steve, first up meishap barton is blasting an ex lover e for trying to sell a sex tapee recorded without her consent. ct now according to media reports it's being shopped around forrod starting price of $500,000.500. in the video barton is seens se wearing a gray hood deal nothin else having a sexual encounter with a dark haired man.aired m her lawyer says the
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sexual assault. meisha's attorney lisa bloom b lashed out about the tape and ia statement she said, there's aths name for this disgustingg conduct, revenge pornography.hy revenge pornography is a form oo sexual assault and it is also aa crime and a civil wrong in california. and we will not stand for it. i >> sounds like exactly what itxt is. >> you can get in trouble forrob posting a picture of somebodyof and now you're putting out aut full sex tape and trying to profit off it.t. >> at someone's expense.e'expe hate it. >> she confirm it's her. >> >> next up, last week kevinevin mccarthy toll us about actor samuel l jackson caused quite a stir he's not a brits taking ono american he referred to two acts davidd oyelowo of selma and the star of the movie get out danielle kalu ya are british.. jackson said there are a lot of black british acts in these movies i tend to wonder thatt vi
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american brother who really real feels that.ha danielle says i respect african-american people i justus want to tell black stories. sri. i see black people as one group and resent i have to prove i'm m black. danielle is resealing a lot of praise in his role in get out which tackles racism and interracial dating.te >> i want to get to the bottomtg of the push. i wonder is it a cheaper scale.a is it you're working with ah blank canvass like i know forw david oyelowo playing king you y don't come in with some of -- if i'm playing king i'm probablyy going to do what to do a voiceoi because i've grown up with w dr. king being a hero in my home as an african-american. >> character for purely. p >> yes.>> >> so the canvass
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he can terment it, you know, whatever way. w i wouldn't what's at the bottomt of it. >> are they're classically trained? >> there's's questo >> better acts.ct it could be price. be price. we talk about that.we tt it could be price. it could be cheaper.ap. >> focus on the movie notus on t everything else on the side. els >> yeah. >> there's something that is let to this push.ush >> right. it's not just african-america>>n actors.tors. >> no. >> it's all leading actors.g ctr >> then we one speak when in ana interview i didn't know they kwh were acting. >> exactly. i think it's always weird for me to think of an american accent. >> right.>> r i don't think of -- right.ight depending on where you are we y have many. just like -- rob kelly the the professor who's interview withvw bbc last week went viral whenale his two adorable kids walkedal into the room or scooted intoott the room is now reacting to thee incident.indent the original video went viral on friday here she comes, hello, daddy. kelli' twos children interruptet him while he was speaking to bbc
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his wife just sort of like -- flew into the ran he ran in a rn panic when this baby, little on came in. >> wife!ife [ laughter ] >> thins then they've been swammed with social mediaedia family. his family joined him for a a let's say less chaotic interview. >> i tried to throw -- remove my daughter behind the chairhe c because we keep books and toys for children in this room much m this is just my home office.homc i was hoping my daughter might sit down and read a book orook o something even for 30 seconds sn we can discuss the interview.. but once my son came in in the i little roller, then it was sort of -- then there was nothing iat could do. i was hoping you guys might cutt it on your end and i was w maintaining a straight face hoping to get through it. to geh >> this is what you got to you got to embrace it. i embrace it.t. many people also wondered ifre i kelly wasn't wearing anyny why am i doing that because he's american. is this american? his accent an sounded like an american act en zen. zen. >> okay.>> o they wouldn'ted in he wa't
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wearing pants because he didn'ta get up to remove his kids. kid he's a professional. why would he just get up and doo it. >> distracted by everythingtrace around him. nd >> in case you were wondering, he, yeah, he was wearing pants.n >> thank you for the explainer.n >> yeah, right. y. >> you're welcome.lcome. okay. okay i think that interview was from their home in south korea, right? >> he was doing it for the bbc.b >> he was doing it for the bbc.. they live in south korea and koa that's where the interview --he- that's why it was the way it iw was. >> the kids are >> they are.y a if you think your slam swampeded or busy and you come up with excuses for push possible awayus because of it scientists say you might be rude. hmm. hear me now. n north dakota statetate communications professor says s sometimes people brag about being busy than they do their accomplishments.acli why do possible do that? researchers from to the top universities say because peopleo are eyes every busier arer are perceived as having a highera hg status. research researchers society soe places more value on being busy than actual
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people blame value on hard workk and reward efforts.ffor. we use also being busy as excusc not to see an old friend or toed do something.omething. >> that's it right there in one therapy says we should bansn the word busy altogether.ltoghe the next time someone asked you to schmidt something you don't m have time. be honest about it and say actna wal you're doing and what'su're going on d. >> that's rude. >> for example, my life ise intense or i'm a little behindid or i'm feeling frustrated at the >> i really just want to layanty here because i just want to do that right now. >> i don't have time to talk toe you. you >> or unfortunate just say no i don't owe any explanation. expl. if you ask me to do something, i don't want to do it i'll say no, i don't want to do it. d i i'm not into your feelings.r f if you ask me to do something ig don't want to do it i say i'may not going to do it. >> you get those people that art saying i'm too busy to doy t something. so busy. busy. bu what have you been doing.beoing >> well, you know arc lot of you stuff. >> i will say this.y thi >> have you ever had the peoplep that you try your like we shalle
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together, we shall get together and they're always like i'm toom busy but getting together withee other people.e. >> yeah. >> you know what i'm there's truth to the fact thattc you do find time and make timeim for the people you want to be wn with. >> exactly. often when you do, you have ao,a good time. what i've -- what i've found. >> exactly. ely. >> finally, fashion trend alert. maybe. ma be hold.d the clear knee mom jeans from f that's not it. >> nope. [ laughter ] >> viewing a little bit more than we expected to see. >> this is the clear jeans from top shop. okay. >> somebody will have to model.l >> for $95 you can be the -- the >> describe them. actually they look like high>>hh waters and in the middle of itei it's a mom jean because it'sbe high wasted and then in theas middle of it it's gotted that - clear plastic.last this is like all the stuff that like kanye west is doing.. clear boots. >> there they are. >> yeah>>.. >> good description.ip they're $95. >> yeah.ea rlleally?
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>> okay. >> yeah. the question is, is this the weirdest trend hetion have? dot answer that wet.tet >> check out this so-calledlled shirt. >> here we go. >> urban outfitter. >> show it again. urba sn outfitters a crop top tt covers nothing.hing >> come on urban outfitters. >> itty bitty piece of fabric -- >> how much season is that. muc >> that's going to run you $16.6 >> that's cheap for urbanhat's outfitters. one person on twitter did writee how is empty and all the devilsl ree here. >> sounds like something you would say. [ laughter ] >> the devil left the door openo and hell is in the water. >> wisdom martin.n >> it took that top make thathat statement? i'm just saying. ay. i'm just saying.just sin yet another example.r ample >> look at this.. >> like after the meisha bartont this is the story the devil is. >> ridiculous.ul >> okay.>>y it is, um, 10:22. 122 coming up, a trip that was timea with a former gossip girl star.l a little later we talk to latent meester about her new fox comedc
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there! i'm about to pop a cap of “mmm fresh” in that washer with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. because this scent lasts up to 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship i've ever been in. freshness for weeks! ♪♪ >> talk about living in the past. >> yeah. >> i feel like i'm about to get judged. >> our esteemed colleague stevee
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chenevey posting this picture on instagram yesterday.te showing he has not just a j christmas tree up in histr up apartment, but a halloweenn pumpkin, too. >> okay. also look at all his littletle christmas decorations in theions window.ndow i think your sentiment was now w we finally got snow so it looks like a winter wonderland.nderla. >> i was going to take it downng and i heard we were going to get snow. >> is that really what happened. >> last week that's what thas wh happened.happened. up until then i was enjoying the spirit of holidays.ay. >> the life of a bachelor.r >> i didn't realize the pumpkinn was there until yesterday. >> i like the tree. >> it is nice.>> i l iis nic >> this reminds me ands m a conversation i used i had with my husband. h when we wore watches, i would wu never change the time. the time. in sick months it will be right. >> that's a high degree of difficulty watch time is it? >> i could never forget.ou n >> microwave was likere that for while. >> you do this every year?o is e >> no. .st. the first like to be fair, this is only o the second tree i've had in thee last couple of years. yea i'm just enjoying it. >> i gave autry one y
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>> you did give me a g i had that for several years. isn't this is sis second.nd >> something happened to h >> it didn't seem like he was putting my tree in. i >> there's no tree popper on on that tree. >> the painting kind of work a w little >> do you you,, sve >> no, as soon as the snow goess away it's coming d i was going to take it down anda then i just i'll leave it up for the snow. the snow. >> we still love you. we stil >> anybody else having a whiteli christmas right now.stmas ght n. >> no, they're not.>> n[ laughter ]o, >> we're judging you. >> judge away.way >> we're judging jud you >> i'm comfortable, tucker.uc >>e's e's this. tucker did you even have a evena christmas tree this year?tree ta >> no i didn't get to have one v this year.ear. >> there you go.>> theou >> see. e one?n't get to hav >> he chose not to have h >> i didn't get there in time. . >> okay.>> okay >> it's okay though.hough. >> did you know when christmasno was coming?w ming? >> not everybody celebrates thee same way. >> okay.>>kay. >> you guys don't under. don't d steve is out a man out on the t town he doesn't have time to bee dealing with all of that. >> i'mg wi busthy. >> busy doing stuff and things.. >> yeah. >> i get it steve. sve >> thank god we g
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>> thank you for delivering the snow.snow >> yes. y let's go to the forecast.. now i'm delivering wind an lost win.n my apologies it's not a pleasans morning. 26 now in washington. n look at your winds.owwaokur w west northwest at 18.t 18. they've been gusting over 30. 3 the thinking they may gust overo 40 maybe to 50 today. tay and because of that, there's a wind advisory in effect until ec 6:00 o'clock tonight.. so wind chills which were as low as i saw two and 4 degrees thist morning off to the normal and nd west will hang out in the teenst throughout the day.rohout please take the cold seriously s it will not warm up today. toda. it is not going to feel likel lk late winter or early spring. spn even if you get a littlee sunshine of which we don't havee whole lot right now. n. it won't warm up. u as our daytime highs will only be about freezing and again winn chills in the in the te there you go. strong northerly flow and that'h giving us cloud cover. cer maybe a few flurries this thi afternoon.rnoon and a lot of wind in thed the forecast here as we watch thataa nor'easter from yesterdayro continue to get on out of here.. here's your forecast for thisort afternoon.afternoon. it's just about cold. 33, hey if we only g
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today that will be our defendana maximum temperature ever for this date.e. write that tweet that out.twthat o there's your stat for the day.t back to you. >> all right. thanks tucker. season six of the realityli hit braxton family values actually kicks off later thisats week. week but this morning, we are gettini the inside scoop on what tot t expect straight from one ofght stars. coming up next tracy braxton brt joins us live in the loft withow more on the new episodes and how you can actually watch the premier with her. 10:29 is our we'll be right back.beight b ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ >> all right. , camedrammera, drama. we tv highest reality show iss back and we're not talking abouo brady bunch.brad we're talking about the braxtont family values. they're back for six season full of drama secrets and of coursee singing. >> take a look.oo , where a checkered past hauntsn them all. >> he had a another woman for nine years.niears my father married just 30 daysay after my parents divorceded. when he got a new wife he forgot bugloss what brings the braxtons back together a moment 16 yearsy in the making. >> i wanted to man a trip t
10:33 am daddy will want to bring his his fefe. >> she can't come.. everybody invited to the party.r >> after years of strength the family comes face to face withac the woman they blame for makingn them apart. >> is that her? >> daddy really doing this? >> and what the other mrs. braxton tells them had t h change their world forever. >> the new season kicks off thit thursday night but before that happens, we are spilling all the hot tea with braxton sister and trend to the show tracy braxtont who just said this is like her r second home which she loves. le. >> thank you so much. t i have a bed herehank. >> i know. k glad they gave you one.hey ga i wish i can get listen, they say it's the most m scandalous season yet. yet >> oh, my goodness.. this is season 5b and um me anda my sisters you know we set sat around one day and we was likeik okay who has a relationship witt our you know, and come to findoind outings a lot of my sisters dotd have resentment of my mom and a dad having d
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that bridge never closed. clo >> just from what i heard theree i can understand why. >> yes. >> they're resentment there. >> and you know my mom and dad d have been married for 37 years. and in hour household been around we've been taught so many things and values and what happened. our dad was on this pedestal. >> okay.>> oy. >> it's a lot. >> did you think you were going> to go to mexico and the otherhir mrs. braxton wasn't going to wao show up. >> no. we had no isn't really?t rlly? >> we had no my dad was going to bring hisis wife.wife. no i was like, wait a minute. i was tongue tied.tongue t i'm one of the daughters that speaks to my dad, you know, i'mm like, wow. w >> okay. >> he didn't even tell me you bringing her --er >> your wife. wife. >> what do ya'll call her. >> i call her miss wanda.s >> i have no problems calling ci her miss wanda.s wan i respect her.
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we see tamar screaming andming a crying much you have got to goto choose your kids.r ds. >> yes. >> no matter what. can you give us a littl>>e n hin >> i can't give you too much without the tea, without thehout sugar and the honey. give you the bitter taste. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> when you're growing up andp you feel as though my parents ps are supposed to be in my corner. >> right.ig >> not, you know, going off donn what you want to do. >> um-hmm. >> i can tell that you. can t >> can you tell me was there any resolution at the end of this? >> is it worse than when it it start. >> in braxton family values yous always get a resolution.olut >> even if it's one you don'tt'n like. >> right. >> exactly. e >> are the family values still intact after all that went down? >> i think much so. s because now we have a more communication, you know, talkin, to our dad, talking to each e other of things that was hurting us and what, transpired withh sist
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>> here's a few of the otherof r highlights coming up. arrest, proposals, custody drama, social media spats topato throw a few thing out. o. >> all of the >> really? can you give me a a little something on that stuff.f >> new relationships. >> did you just say new, notew,n nude. >> new. ai nudsounded like you said nude relationship. >> no, no.o new relationships and it's like wow because my sister was w friends with this person for sor long and then all of a suddenud now they're dating. >> i'm like, okay. >> uh-huh.h-h. >> uh-huh. >> that's a good tease. >> that's a good tease. i'll take that.hat's hat's llakt >> list season you actual dollar have something very specialpecil because the actual premier ismii not until tomorrow night. night >> not until tomorrow m but there's a chance for peoplel to watch it with you. >> yes.. >> tonight. >> tell me at sole bees at 4:00 o'clock. the doors will open at 4:00 but4 the viewing will be at 7:30. 70. i would recommend you guys to bb there around 5:00, okay o
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purpose dress. all purpose >> right, right, right.ight. exactly.y >> and it is scandalous.ndal so i'm glad that i'm here in tht washington dc area and you guysy let me -- let the fans knowsno that, you know, it's an early screening so they can come scenm it. >> what's the point of having the early screening won't it beb out there in the twitter versetv all that will happen before bef everybody elsies it tomorrow? >> well, you know, i am traveling. i'm on travel so what i said i i was going to do is give my fansn something that, you know, i canc watch at the very first time wew don't watch braxton family fil values before everyone.ryone. >> you don't. you don't really see how it alll comes together.s together. >> we don't see anything -- howw anything comes toge. >> now when do watch it, do youy always think, yeah, it went doww just like that or do you thinkoi no it wasn't exactly like that.a >> some of the times i'm like sometimes, okay, i said sai something after that. uh-uh.. >> um-hmm. >> people would think you'reuli quiet about certain things thata hammed. no.
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>> what good comes from you alla all putting all of this out t ot there all the time?there >> i think it's good because wew can reach other you know, if we're going througt the same thing, f we're goingoi through this -- this tumultuouss time in our lives. >> and ya'll are preacher'saches kids. >> it can help some othercan hes families.mili how to communicate with eacheach other. >> i think it is one of though h things where you know what evere family got their issues. isss. >> right. >> we all got issues. >> even friends. even friends got issues.e al>>e. let's not bring up our issue.ue i'm just kidding. kidding. we don't have any issues.ue >> we don't.don't. >> we don't have any issue.hanys super excited.per excited. thank you soap for always beingb so -- being such a good friend to us. >> thank you for letting me have a second role.ole. take nap in the bed you got.d yt >> i will. >> all right. >> so it's tonight. 7:30. if you want to watch it with w this fine lady right >> tracy, when you guys areou ge watching and you have the a you disputes about what reallybouth happened, are the cameras cam rolling then, too, for that? >> no. >> we migt
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i wish they did. >> good stuff no matter what.. >> thanks tracy.. >> we'll be watching. >> all three friends from two differene centuries with one thing inng common. at least. coming up next we'll sit down with latent meester the star of the fox comedy making history. it's 10:39. 10:39. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to
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♪♪ i hope you won't think this too forward but can we go outo out tonight? >> sure.. yeah. let's go out.go out. >> i've waited all my life for this. 1775 women weren't allowed unless they are of course whores. >> of course. we should get you something to wear. i don't know what you should wear but i do know it's not t yotoow w 200-year-old housewife covered r in squirrels >> right. here's everything in my closet that could be considered ladyy clothes.s pj pants, my girly sweat.weat my halloween costume.ostu i got big baby davis jersey. you can belt it.t. i like the green. >> nice. green looks good on you. >> do you have any beee juice.. >> girl, i got better than beet
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juice. >> cute, right? >> well you got to watch theat show to see.ow to s that was a clip from the new fox show called making history. it premiered on march 5th march right here on fox5 of course. and it is a really fun look back historical adventure about lovev and friendship and it follows fo three friends from two different centuries as they try to balance the thrill of time travel and trying to fit in an increasingly complex world.orld latent meester is one of theon e stars of the show. sw. okay you got to follow this. she plays paul revere's daughteh debra. i got a chance to sit down witht the former gossip girl star toto dish about the new show and her le.e. >> tell us about debra.ut deb because if i tried to explain it i'm afraid would it get lost inn translation here. here. tell us where you're from and history and and how you ended up meeting the lead in this show.. >> so i'm debra revere and ind live in colonial massachusetts
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1775 and i'm paul revere'severe' daughter who famously took theoe ride saying the british areritia coming.comi. ightight. >> and my by friend which i w don't know he is modern day manm who has access to time machineae and he's been traveling back inn time he's super cool because bae he's got, you know, modern mod knowledge but nobody knows. isn't right. i've been dating himn' and becae of that kind of created a dominn effect and prevent the the the t revolutionary war from having so we have to join forces with him and his modern day friend history professor comes back and we get it jump started i go intt present day and start living lin with him here and it's fascinating and exciting and a like everything from like pantss to plastic. a wonderful world. wor >> what i love about it you're r like a low key feminist in this, too. it's sort of this, um, revolution but done in a comical setting.ting i lo t
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>> yeah.eah. yeah. i think that that was one of the things that really appeal tohate and it was almost so nuance inui didn't even think about it toobo much in the beginning.n thgi i mean i definitely had always y my ears pricked to charactersrar that i could play that i didn't' feel as though especially in a comedy, you know, it's like, you know, very often the girlfriendi and i think we not only do thata in our show where i'm not justus the girlfriend.lf i even say it and i think by using humor and a disarming wayy to get to people and make them laugh but also kind of think.of. >> we can let you go without mentioning your ground breaking roll op gossip girl.p rl. blair is very different fromffem debra. >> yes. yes very.very >> in the ten years that youou you've been separated from fromo character you've done so much as well including broadway but tell us about what gossip girl meante for you. >> well, i started gossip girlo when i was 20. so
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think about almost like thinkink back to high school or college or kind of like nostalgic timeim that meant a lot and was very developmental like i mean ilikei think no matter i would have grown during those years. but i think being on that showhs sort of maybe accelerated it orr made it happen in a differentife way and sort of made the pathh not straight forward but any of the really good way. i le ookre back fondly and i'm i really grateful for theor t experience and also so happyappy that it created fan base that it so wonderful and supportive and has not only grown up with thehe show but grown up with me and ad now might even watch somethinghi like making history and think tk this is like really funny and appealing and different and sams with broadway and everything >> just remain you can catch all new episodes of making history sundays 88:30 right here on
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fox5. all right. s th cas of fox shows the casfot of star hit the red carpet inare los angeles to celebrate the first season it focus on three young singer e trying make it in the music mic industry. the show will have second seasoa on fox. won reflectedthe sho on theirs first season last night.ght >> i think we're all pretty ptt excited for the most part. um, we been rehearsing for thisi for the past week or so now. now so it's cool. this is the first time, youim know, we get to perform in fronn of people that watch our show. so -- really exciting to beitin popping to night and meeting n some ofig our fans and, you kno, the honda stage at a big dealiga much it's cool for us. us. >> all right. just reminder you can catch thee season finale of star tonight aa 9:00 right here on fox5 with virginia's bone brittany o'grady. she was the one in the middle te that was not talking in that clip. >> strong silent type. >> zen 47:00. coming up next w
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>> 10:51. you're watching capitals in>> first place hoping for another o big play off run spring. this morning we're learning tho fuel hockey so for details we're heading hea into the kitchen with como at wa least that's the goal erin. eri. get it. >> i like what did you therehe steve. i like that. this morning instead of justnine cooking with como we're cookingg with the capitals and that's because the team is out with ala new cookbook fully team's favorite recipes you can make aa home in your very own kitchenwnt joining me now live with all tht details and how it helps a veryy great cause capitals executive chef robbie wood.eood. thank you so much for coming inn >> thanks for having m appreciate you having us in herr to do this. >> tell me a little bit about a the book, becabause you justus brought this out the beginning of march and you can get it atai the caps >> absol
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the hard work that goes -- theot capitals do for the community. and so i put together someher recipes that the players loveyel and then we had the wives andivs the moms send in some recipesec and kick out the favorites and -- and >> everyone from the coach toon the in yeah. absolutely. the staff got involved. the trainers put in some fitnese tips. the nutritionists added add nutrition notes.ition so it really has lot of thef great information in there.infom >> and it benefits d.c. central kitchen absolutely.bsolutel >> you're getting great recipesc if you purchase this book for great cause. >> 100 proceeds go to d.c. central kitchen to keep their mission going. >> let's talk about what weout brought in today. this pesto sells ridiculous. >> do very simple herb pea stew. >> who's recipe in this.ho's >> this is mine. tis m something they eat every game day.y in the book under nate schmidt.m he loves salmon and pesto.and p. >> this is one of his favorites. >> like we were talking aboute earlier such a huge differenceie in between tasting fresh pesto e that you make
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buy at the grocery store. sre >> absolutely. abs the one at the grocery store ise okay. if you have the homemade kinds you'll get hooked. hood. i make pesto with pine nuts andd you brought in walnuts. walts. i'm so excited to try this. t >> absolutely. they have a little bit more bitr nutrition kick for them. and we like that.e tha so we keep them raw. r we ground them up in our pesto s the guys really enjoy it. it. >> nutrition tip. t >> absolutely. that's what the book is all ab wouhat t. giving you usable bits off information.ion. >> making pesto is so mucho is m easier get the fresh basil put p it in the food processor or blender and chop it up there. >> right. .acttly it really is simple.. and if you, you know, you make m the full recipe you're not ablea to use it all, you can alwaysany put it into ice cube trace and d freeze it. >> look at the good fresh herbsh you cook for the players on gamm days and off books in the book b you'll fine the full list of lis what players actually eat on game day. d. incredible amount of food really healthy and packed with protein. >> absolutely. we give the
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choices. ce they can put together their game day ritual some guys want pasta some want brown rice.e. most them love sweet tow thait t toes. they get to choose their the carbohydrate.rate their form of protein, they cann have salmon, chicken.en. lots of options.optis. >> what players gives you the te weirdest request for food? for f >> um, they all have theirheir little id yo sin crass cease.ra. brooks and i have a greatks and relationship when it comes tosht food because he's the health nut on the team he sets the >> he's particular.>> >> he's particular but h he knon his stuff. he teaches the young guys like andre and some of younger guysey what they should be doing tog take care of their bodies.s >> i'm going to try this pestoht while you get ready to put thatt in. i want to see what the finish fs taste like. >> adding in roasted garlic over i've already got in there parsley, cilantro basil.a you notice i didn't take a whola lot of care to get rid of stemst when i go to add the advertisement thyme, pull it ofm the stem you don't want the the
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soft stems nor big deal.igl >> they can blend up really well. >> they have flavor. you know what i mean? you don't -- you don't mine it. >> the walnuts are really good>d flavor.. it tastes like we can pesto made with pine nuts has more of a haf kick to etch how much parmesanaa cheese do you put in?t in >> in this one we keep no p.m. p may me san keep it simple, fresh. >> healthy. >> healthy. there you have it. you can haveth really deliciousl pesto without the dairy.he d i'm impressed.reed >> that's another thing we liket to keep the dairyhe out.ut we want to add -- we add plenty of if as sid acids with theith e walnuts and olive oil.lnuts that makes it healthy and cleann which is our goal. g >> i love this book because youe have so many great recipes inesi here.he all family affair from the fromt players families, their wives,is their moms, and you said you hao to have a couple phone calls p with family members from the fm players to get the recipes for f >> absolutely. coach corn his mom cook and has a chicken livers recipe in theit book. i had to call his mom and we we have 25 minute long conversatioo she just kind of walk
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mitch when he was kid and tells me how to cook their . that was a lot of fun. f we've actually had a couple a cl conversations since then.sinc te she lives down in florida and it's fun to kind of interactnt with their families and get to know them a little bit more.. >> chef robbie thank you veryrob much for coming in. all the proceeds to this giemurt book go to d.c. central kitchen we'll get this all plated andtea make it look beautiful and giveg everything else try.y. this pesto i know everyone onry the couch especially you steve e will like trying about it. aut >> i'm all about the food and fn the caps the on the thing ihe t learned from that when you talkt about somebody who can provide high impact food high food to get the high energy to get youou through the game i think we neew a chef. a ch >> without a doubt.ef>>itho >> and a second job. [ laughter ][ ught >> how we looking tuck.uc >> 33 that's what we're hopinghe to get to little later today.ody winds unfortunately gusting to o 40 miles an hour. it mostly cloudy out there righ0 noouw.dy o now. very very cold day.. so dress accordingly.ccding be ready for cold again tonightt we'll lose the winds laterin lat tonight and then gradual warm
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