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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  March 21, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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fox5 exclusive theve montgomery county school's superintendent speaking outpeint after the arrest of twotwo teenagers for a rape inside k rockville high what he told us comlling up in a live report.ort. >> i can promise you we willou l follow the facts wherever they >> for the first time the headi of the fbi admitting his agency is investigating russian efforte to influence the u.s..s presidential election.leio that means it's also looking into any possible links betweeni the trump administratioblne and moscow. we'll have more on this explosive hearing.ring and later, a super bowl mystery solved.y solved fbi is track down tom brady's by missing jersey and now we may know who too, it. it. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ >> who does that. t >> collector with no moral compass.coas >> what are you going to do wito it.with are you think >> i also read if it's true he h had some other items from somerm other f
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previous super bowls. >> the fact he can just walk out there and doesn't try to hideo it. >> did he get away witness. wit >> they have the video of him walking in empty handed andde ad appears this is the jersey undey his arm. i saw the video from it's pretty craze is he story.. >> pretty bold. >> all right. all right. good day d.c. it is 9:01 on thii tuesday morning. it's march 21st.. i'm allison, along sigh erin, e, steve and wisdom.. holly and maureen are enjoyingoy time off. o >> we're having a big show. the wait almost over empire empr returns from its winter breakteb tomorrow night believe it ort not. wednesday night is almost upontp us. so the cast hit the red carpet r last night to celebrate this thi morning we have an exclusiveaveu clip from tomorrow's new episode. >> was that rumor? demi -- d >> that's right. >> she's going to be on there. >> beautiful. >> cool. there you go.e you . the rumor is confirmed.firm [ laughter ] >> we'll talk about it comingg you. >> i see it was there. s >> winter break in the exactlyee over. the second day of spring off tot gloomy start. start. so the question is, wh
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going to seat sun again? for? f details tucker barnes is backsac with a first check of thef t forecast. fo tuck. tuck. >> a couple of hours. >> okay.ou >> a couple hours.ple ho. that's all we have to wait. i can believe holly and maureene have the whole week off.ff you guys are working off. off. >> you know holly is off because duke [ laughter ] >> on sunday. r all right. >> the women lost last night. nt it's a clean sweep for duke. du. >> let's's 47 now in washington.n. yeah, cloudy here to start youru day winds northeast at seven. sn wind chill 44 degrees.degrs. we'll get the clouds out ofe clt here. i know it's gloomy out there.hee showers overnight but we gotot lots of in fact if you're a viewer outro on the west getting in on theg sunshine and it will turn into a partly to mostly sunny afternoon should be beaut pull day with wt spring like temperatures.rares. look at that. at. 64 degrees later today.ater t. and a dry afternoon.on. dry this afternoon, dry this thi evening.g and 64.4. so nice spring tuesday.uesd let's do it. i seven day coming up everything from freezing temperatures toso 70's on it.n it. that's exciting. back to you. t >> it's march. march in washington, right? >> nice. >> thanks, tuck. all r
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9:02.. let's see what's happening inwh other news developinatg's overnt major security change involvingi some international nights intos the the trump administration says passengers coming from ten frote airports in eight middle easters and north african countries will not be allowed to carry on their laptops, i pads cameras and most other remember tron 96. they will have to be in their checked t cell phones and medical devicess are still okay.. the action was prompted by quote evaluated intelligence of on-going potential threats totst planes bound for the us. the new ban applies to non-stopp flights from ten internationalon airports including once ine i egypt, jordan and turkey. but officials cairolsairo international airport sayingnala they haven't gotten any gotn instructions on the ban uusn uus officials say the impactedmpte airlines will have 96 hours too implement the security order oro face being barred from flying into the united states.s the other big story the head of the fbi admitting for the firstr time the agency is investigating wh
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interfere in the us presidentiat election. ti james comey made that revolution during a house intelligencegence committee hearing yesterday.rd the fbi director also said the t agency is investigating whetherg anyone in the white housete houe coordinated with russianusan officials to sway the during the five hour sessionsi comey also commented onn president trump's claims of wirw tapping by then president barack obama. >> with respect to the president'sith tweets about ald wire tapping directed at him byy the prior administration, i have no information that supports thu those tweets. >> comey lee advertised to offe details on the scope, the targee or timeline for the fbi's investigation into russian rsi involvement in the election. tho all right. turning no> w to president trump and's first 100 days.s. today the white house is workink to get all congressionalal republicans on board with the wt gop health care plan.p heal meantime, gop leaders have released 43 pages of changes tot the bill in order to get skeptical couldn't verve tiffs't and moderates on board.raon b the change cos give larger large
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accelerate the repeal of taxfax increases that were part oft o obama care. the house representatives isatis expected to vote on the healthet care plan thursday.y. also on the hill this morning,or today is the second day of confirmation hearings forear supreme court nominee neil gorsuch. he will face hours of will quesfationing from senators.ena. democrats are determined too press him on everything if any a abortion and guns to his independence from presidentesen trump and.nd now to fox5 exclusive. fox5 the only ones to speak with montgomery county public schoolo superintendent over the allegedl rape of a 14-year-old girl atirt the hands of her 17 and 18-year-old classmates.mate >> after several attempts to t talk with jack smith fo finally caught up with him lastl night outside of his office heee be a insured outraged parentsgen that students are safe withinafh the school system for many fan parents that is simply notsimplt enough.ough >> fox5's melanie alnwick islnwi live in rockville with theh the latest.late melanie.lanie >> reporter: good morning, morng guys. and, yes, parents i talk to said that it's type to get ass
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but they don't feel a hundred% confidence in student safetyafet here at school.ool. now as far as the questions thaa we had. we had they really want hard answers tt and take a look at the questiono we were trying to get answers tt all day yesterday.ay. coming from us as journalists,os coming from parents and teachers. people from familiar with the school system. students as well. what we finally caught st audfter a day long working this story ww finally caught up withpit superintendent jack smith hek sh gave us answers to someo some questions such as he did tell us that the 18-year-old was w enrolled here not in general ger education classes but in a in special program for english plank of watch lerners.erners also clarified and reiteratedr montgomery county schools policc they do not inquire about abouta student's immigration status stu when it comes to enrollment inn the schools.oo. some other questions, though, we real weren't able to get a lot t of answers on. on. >> i really can't talk about tau nest facts around the case
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police investigation and theestn police and the courts will sortr all of that out and as i said ii my letter last night informatioa will continue to come out in tht coming weeks.ming so it's important for people asa horrible as the situation is non to jump to conclusions.clusions we will do everything in og i or power to keep all students safee every day. i have five children and fourr grandchildren. i understand. >> reporter: but again parents want some hard solutions. not just saying that they'rey' going to do everything they can. this issue of whether or notr n there's a problem in the schools with these older students it is really coming to light here in a violent way in this rockvillevil case that 14-year-old girl gir dragged into a remote area of o the school into a bathroom brutally raped by a 17 and 18-year-old.18ea we now know that both of thesehe young men were illegalllal immigrants who were enrolled asa ninth graders.rade what concerns parents most is ms the potential for those olderseo teens to be mixed in with the youngest students and apparentpt lack of vet
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>> i would just expect thatha people have a better understanding as to, um, how people are admitted into the school, what kind of screeningng happens before kids admitted tot make sure that, you know, badad guys colonelling in the school. obviouslily these guys were animals and they should nevery n been let in.enet i >> reporter: now, we know that 18-year-old henry sanchez hadand previous immigration order ord placed against him we learned that the departmentar of homeland security came inam i contact with him in august of 2016 encountered by a border patrol avenue in the rio grandrd texas awaiting deportation or o employment with immigrationt wi judge that had not been scheduled.led. that hasn't happened instead hee became enrolled here at rockville highrock school. as far as the 17-year-old, jose montana, we also learned lasteds night that he also has immigration order lodged agains him. that information coming from fm county
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said he was sickened andednd disgusted by the allegations inl this case. case. also, saying that if these twohe men are convicted they will thel cooperate with ice authoritiesti to have them deported.d live in rockville, melanieelanie alnwick, fox5 local news. n >> all right.ight. mel, thank you very much.hank yr 9:09 is the time right now thisi morning fox5 confirmed a breakre in an unsolved murder caseas that's baffled northern virginii community for more than a year.a arrests will be announced this morning in the murder ofurder 21-year-old heather cha cone. fox5's bob barnard is there now. spotsylvania sheriff's officeff with some answers. good morning. >> reporter: allison, good, g morning. we told you last hour that theae time of heather cha coney's disappearance in december 2015e0 her family told investigatorsrs that she had been threatened she had a female well we are learning fromg spotsylvania counsel tearea sheriff's office investigatorses this morning that the two peoplo arrested and charged in this case today are men. men. now we can show you what heather looks like a 21-year
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waitress at red robin here. she went missing briefly on the night of december 6th, 2015.,01 she was at home here ine spotsylvania county.ount told her parents she got a callc on her cell phone from a friendf who had car trouble.ub she went out to go help thatpha friend supposedly.sedl and later that night, around 11:00 o'clock on that sundayt ny night, heather was found shot tt death in her car in stranger'sg' driveway about 30 minutes fromuo her home. at the time her cell phone washo missing.mi it was later discovered at thata time spotsylvania county cou sheriff's investigators saidtori they had information on thehe phone that should help nim themm in their case but it's now been 15 months before they've made aa arrest. it's actually two arrests. they are not identifying theng t people who have been charged and are now in they will later this morning, mg guys, but again we're told, t yeah, there may have been a case with female talker back then but it's two males who have beenavee arrested in this area are now ii jail and being charged with heather's murder when
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more about who these guys anduya what the story is, behind this terrible case that is haunted i this community for 15 monthshs now, we'll be sure to let you know. know. >> all right, bob, thank youk very much. certainly a strange case.a st thank you. get those details coming upp as we learn them.nhe we're learning about that superp bowl mystery when it came to tom brady's missing game jersey.. we're learning more. mor it's super wei learning more about the man whoo reportedly took it.ook i >> later from the streets d.c. to his own art showcase. painter man joins us live in the loft.lo it's an incredible story with aa look at how heart is changingg his life.e. we'll let you know how you canoc help, too., too it's 9:11.:11. ♪♪ ♪♪
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(vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one.
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♪♪ >> one step closer 9:14 right now. on this tuesday morning findingg out what happened to tom brady's missing super bolger seem bolr m authorities found that jersey in mexico and now they're trying tt find out former mexican and newspaper executive is mind thet theft. fox's steve rah port has more details for us. >> a break in the case of tom brady's missing super bowll jersey. houston police tracked down twow of the new england missingndis jersey in mexico. mic the nfl and nbi in boston have h the jerseys are trying toingo authenticate them. tm >> we're highly confident that
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u.s. and mexican officials have not yet identified the suspect e but authorities are nowow reportedly investigating ang a former tabloid newspaper newspar executive as the possible thiefe fox sports one is reporting that authorities are pointing to thii man as the suspect who swiped wi the jersey after the patriotseri win over the atlanta falconsns last month. mon he's seen in this video v following the team into theamnte locker room.ckeroom. >> you don't come to texas, um, and you don't steel when the wn eyes of the world are upon our r state again i'm very proud of our team that went own out andna found the suspect and as ands result it's been recovered.n >> reporter: jersey said to bede worth about half a million alion dollars. do police also found a brady jersej that went missing after thehe patriots 2015 super bowl win boi over the seattle seahawks as well as a super bowl helmetel belonging to a denver broncosos the mystery of the missingthsi jersey created headlines forin days after the super bowl. >> it's unfortunate becauseunfo that's a nice piece ofe of memorabilia if it shows up on e-bay somewhere someone let
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report brady thanked investigators and saying he'syig happy his jersey have beene been unund. in new york, steve rappaport,pat fox news.ew >> now he's an executive. >> newspaper exec to. newspaper >> that's what i always heard.t. i dwhon't and where that storyaa came from last hour.nd wmerom i heard it was an executive.cuve >> but i fine it more bizarre bz that this jersey -- jse >> he's a criminal. cna >> that started at $150,000 noww both jersey are $800,000. $0, this is like the best --es >> when they re-evaluated.evuate >> it seems like now that it'skt been the hot topic the pricerice value went up.p >> right.>> >> best investment ever. >> totally. >> it puts more money in brady'y pocket now the jerseys are worth a million dollars if he wants to sell them he can get the cash.he >> he can get access to as m cam jerseys he wants. >> he's lived without it for thu last two months.on >> i'm sure he's happy to get it back. >> this guy allegedly if this it all accurate information that he has other super bowl equipment e that he's taken as well. >> he's taken jersey apparentlyl he's taken some cleats fromts f previous super bowls. >> and did he has sold those nod that you can. t th
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>> a collector.olle >> a collector. >> yeah. >> just wants to steal things and keep them because he can.waa >> right. >> just because he's there and he has access. e even show it to? >> right. >> it's strange story. >> a lot of tim iest' when i wah my, um, crime shows people justs keep trophies. that's all. >> i agree with that. wthat >> seems like he's doing it. doi >> not saying, you know.ou kw >> i got a collection too but none of it is >>xaxactly. >> look at my five dollarsar jersey steve bought me >> don't under sell it.'tnder i spent lot of money on that. >> ten dollars rgiii3 jersey hanging up in my basement. bem >> you still got it.>> y >> i still got it it's hanging up. >> wisdom martin is sentimentalm who would have known. kno. >> i'll do investigating.gating >> wrapping up the sleds so thee kids could get on it safe goingi down the hill. hil >> mystery solved.d. 9:17.7. coming up this is a big question for parents out there.outhe how would you feel if you paidai for three years of an ivy league education only to have youre you child tell you, hmm their futurf what in you farming. f
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of love and order a little first though ivanka trumpa taking a seat in the west wing.w nba sending a message to some of its top stars. stars. you know i got a lot to sayot ao about that.about >> yes you do. >> much george clooney making some teams come true. t we got what else isea makingin headlines this morning coming ug next. next.
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>> welcome back. 9:20. wisdom has check of the other stories making headlines this morning. back. has cs makis wis? >> good morning to you all. first up, the hunt is stillood n for teacher and a student he allegedly ripped kidnapped inppi tennessee.e. tennessee authorities you now turning to the public for helpst findinhegub thelim.he so far no one has seen 50-year-old tad cummins or his r former student 15-year-oldyear elizabeth thomas.. officials say they could behecol anywhere.anywhe cummins is now on tennessee's te most wanted list. lis but his neighbors say this is sy tunlike him he's reportedly armed with twoi hand guns. well it's official.. evan trump is moving into theino white house getting an office ia the west wing and will haveil access to classified informatioa but she will not be a government employee or have a title. her husband jared kushner kus already work as an adviser to t her father.ather now to closer look at impacc president trump proposed budgetd could have right here inht washington, d.c. president's budgetudge would cause the d.c. government more than $100 million and leadd to the loss of about 120 publicb sector jobs. the budget will also mean losses big losses in funding
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programs that offer assistanceic to low income residents.en and how about this? the te commissioner of the nba is nba taking issue with the team'sm' resting star players.rla in a memo sent to the team the t owners, adam silver called thelt practice an extremely ere significant issue for ourur league. le the matter will be discussed at ar wi meeting next month.. this comes aft golden state andt cleveland the last 2nbaa champions sat their super starss in recent nationally televisedid games. games. finally how about this? na george clllooney bringing a litl joy to one of his biggest fansgt in lonn. he stopped by a nursing homesi h there to surprise an 84-year-olo fan and he didn't come emptye e hand he had brought her card and some flowers to wish her happypy birthday.hday. worker at the home said the ladd would talk about george clooneyg all the time. all so she sent him a letter aet inviting him to stop by and makk the fan's dreams come true. so that is a very classy movey for george clooney. cey. >> i like it. >> very classy move.>> >> i'm not surprised.>> i'm not i'm not surprised.suis it seems like something he wouli do. >> he's so smooth. smo >> seems like a nice guy
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talk about this whole nba thing or wait for that later.t l >> i don't get it. i d tickets to nba games are not a cheap. if i'm paying $100 to see kyree on a bench and lebron on a o bench, kevin love on the bench n why -- i want half my money bacb at >> sometimes when you go toom broadway show you know that thet persim sonho isnw 'tyo -- you k you get there -- >> the star isn't going to be s >> did they know. >> when you have already have the ticket.hen not buying the ticket at theyou theicket at the gate. >> here's the thing. nba is>> driven by ratings.atin those ratings are driven byn super stars, lebron james of tht world, steph curries.ur world last thing if i'm an owneo i don't care about this fines fe silver is talking about ortalkio crying everybody is talkingbodya about. i'm going to seat games they'ree not there. the you got 82 chances to see them.t that's number one.r 82 opportunities.niti these are super star players. pa last thing i want to go into the playoffs when it really meanslla something. >> -- you're on the side of thn resting players. >> yes. i would sit them out for more than that.d sit pr i'm surprised. >> last thing i wanted to --wan- >> it's a nationally televised game. >> the on thing i care about tht offsoffs. you got 82 regular
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which is a long season whenon you're talking about giant growg men running into giant grown men all night for 82 times a year. y plus practice.ctice. so if you want to rest your your super stars, rest them as longhe as they're there in the playoffo which they will be because thene you have to win or you go home. >> you think it's globe i'm alle about resting i don't care about --n't ca- >> why rest them on the samethee night.ght. >> that's fine. >> one night kyree sits, one nir night where lebron sits you takk them all out of the game at oncc what's there for the fans to fat look for. >> good point.oint. >> steve, it's never -- for thef owners it's not about the fans. >> owners need they don't get money if fans iff stop going. >> they'll never stop going.y'ls >> that's the thing.s e th fans will never stop going. goi perfect example look at ourur burgundy and gold right here thr drama. the years and years of drama and drama. the years and years of badand yf invest many on bad players. plae what happened? opening night pack. pa then midway through the seasonte after all the tickets have beenb bought they stopped tht that doesn't hurt anybody. a owner doesn't care he's alreadys
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already charged for parking. par already so they can stay at home. they t it doesn't matter.ter. it just doesn't matter.atte >> rotate your bench.e your that's all i'm saying.ayin >> i'll go were with that. tha >> don't start your -- sit yourr starting five all at once.e al o >> i'll go with that.>> igo w >> if you're running second teat team give me second tear on mydo ticket. >> i'm all about both of those o options.s. >> feel better you got that off your chest.better >> almost. >> everybody can get on board with this story.ry feel good stoborydy.. alert, alert feel good from sleeping on the streets tot his own art showcase in thee ine nation's capitol coming we'llll introduce you to dc's painter pi man. >> really looking forward tofwat this looking forward to spn the first full day of spring ofg to gloomy start.start tucker will be back with a checb of the seven day. he swears we'll see sunshinensh quote in just a few few hours. >> i'll bench him and mike if wi don' [ laughter ]hter ] >> kevin is off the railsheai interview with ryan reynolds and jake gyllenhaal. it's full of get this f bombs.. stickers and dead poold pl references. sounds le
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extravaganza. that's coming up at 10:40. right now 9:2 5.'s c 95. we'll be right back and wisdomds martin cannot wait for thisfoth interview. >> nothing about the movie.
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♪♪ that is a catchy little tune. i wonder who sings that.hat. >> how ironic cat stevens singsn that song about dogs.oudogs >> he changed his name.his n he didn't want to confuseonse anybody.anybody.
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that's quite a coincidence.ce. laugughter ] >> all right. r thank you erin for co signing on that. any dog lovers out there if thef you're looking for a four leggeu friend you might be looking for labrador retriever and if you're not alone, because you know oncw again it's the most popular dogd breed in the entire country it i has been for 26 years straight. >> wow. most energetic i think.hink. >> also making the americann kennel club top breeds, german shepherds, golden retrievers, bug dogs and beagles, french, fc dull logs, poodles, york shire, terriers and boxers. rotweiler the number eightr gh ranking the highest it's been i nearly two decades.ades. look at that little doggie. dogi >> where is the wes tee on thewn list. >> that was yorkie. >> little yorkie. y >> that's a black lab.ab >> german shepherd.d. >> i think, you know, i have i h always want add german shepherd. high one when i was a baby -- b when i was a child but then -- >> i had big coley that looked e like lassi
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>> me and collies, no. >> why? >> one chased me, you know who you are.. >> i'm so sorry.>> i'm so sorry. >> but an end to your basketball career? >> well probably around the same >> i always wanted -- her name was jeez feign and she had aad a brother named napolean. >> they both chased you.y bo >> jeez feign did. >> no th jank you jeez feign.z . >> my tullly wouldn't have donee that to you.o yo >> that's pretty >> i found out i was pretty fass and i could jump a shrub. >> there you go. g >> you got hurt, didn't you?n't? >> check in with tucker.ucker check of the forecast. >> tucker, you know about it anu the jack russell terriers.errie. >> they're a full gang. seriously there's four of them. they were >> they lofted against you.. ck poor tucker. >> you know what, one look at me one day steve i swear would havv taken me down if it was big enough.ou i saw that look in the eye.. high lab for years much my favorite dog in the world betor dog ever the lab.ever the lab super cute. cute. let's get to it.t clearing leads to afternoonfter sunshine. su and it will
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spring like day. steve, bumping out i heard youru comments about the lack ofack sunlight so f. but we will get sunshine hereine later and it will be a beautiful afternoon.rnoo 47 now in washington.hin. 46 leonardtown north and west 43 in frederick west minster 43. 4. 45 dulles. and after a cool overnight here with some rain showers and and lingering cloud cover we'lle'll start to see breaks in the clouds and again i don't want tt pretend like it will bell be perfectly sunny day here but we should see more and morere sunshine build in this this afternoon. you can see the clearing n starting to take place out tot the west.est. just hang in there we'll get thg some sunshine this afternoon.. then again pleasant conditionsdn and dry afternoon.rnoo. uh-uh got plans later today,ay sporting events after that kind of thing it should beh a fine day for iout.ay f i as we'll get more and more and r sunshine around all right.all right let's take another look at it again area of low pressurere overnight that brought us showeo activity that's out of here, and between systems this afternooneo we should turn mild withd wh pleasant conditions a cold frono tonight will move on in. and that's going to lock down an
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days wednesday and thursday.rsy. daytime highs won't get out ofte the upper 40s to about 50. 5 but as all things in spring thee chill will not last and we'll be right back into temperaturespe that are going to really niceic around here the weekend thishi wednesday and thursday chilly c may have overnight lows near nea freezing look what happens bype the end of the week.of the week. tododay. wednesday and thursday cool butl sunny and bright. and then what a nice warmup wea have to look forward to near 60 friday and into the 70s for the day on saturday.ur looks warm.looksm. we'll take i all right, guys, gy that's the latest forecast. allison, love this story i'm sty tossing over to you.iner to you. >> thanks so much, tuck many ou, next guest is going from fm painting and sleeping on theleep streets of d.c. to having hisg h own art show in the nation'ss capitol.capi it's all thanks to a local artist and self proclaimed hippie named visto. >> meet carlton joyner.t to kak painter man. man >> most people call me carltonln like on fresh prince. prie. i can't do the dance. dce ughtughter ]
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on the streets of d.c. for moree than seven years.ea but that hats not stopped his love of the painting. >> this is a gift god gave me. i enjoy doing it.oing i >> by using whatever he finds to do so. >> whatever god put in my handss i make it work. my put paintbrushes in is oatmeal jug. the bottom of a chicken cage. c. this window somebody throughodth .way. >> so with that being said -- >> if you ever invite me overeve your house don't leave me in thn living room because the couch, h your sofa is going to be crooked. because i am going to take the sponge out of out of i [ laughter ] >> painter man has been piningng since he was seven years old. his work a reflection of who he is.. >> god said if he made peculiarl people the word peculiar means a what the world says is weird. and what the world says is weird that's not weird. wei it's wha
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i'm paul your.aul i feel what i feel.l. i do what i do. do. i like it. i if you took it away from me and said carlton, you can't paint no more, you can't express yoursely any more, i might as well be gone.go. >> this morning carlton aka painter man joins us live with visto the man who diss covered r carlton on h street they're herr to talk about their unique friendship and the charity event happens this morning for paintet man. welcome to fox5.ome toox5. >> you couldn't to do what you do. me ask ask you. tell me about when yo yu met. >> well, when i met painter manm i was literally doing a photo shoot walking down h street doing photo shoot. sho we weren't supposed to go as far as we went.. we went stopping and seeing himh painting and he was so thankfull and lively and that's whats inspired me. he said one thing that reallyt r stuck to me. he said "people always say they
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never come back" that righttig there hit me in the heart i knoo how it feels to be let downow people promise you things. tngs. >> you're an artist as well. >> yes, ma'am. >> tell me what you do. i sing,ell me i rap.ap i write songs.ongs. i'm the head hippie in d.c. i go philanthropy work, community cou work. when he said that it reallyeay touched me.uched i told him i'm coming back.k. got food while i'm eating i madi a phone calls and set up the ara show right >> so you set up the art show. you made sure painter man looked a certain way. u got the canvasses becausese literally carlton you were on the street doing this, right? rg >> yes, i was.. >> okay. okay let me say, we saw that you've v been painting since you were aee just a boy.just a. >> yup. >> how did you get to this id yt? >> well,. onurnenow it's a long journey from sen >> wow yeah. >> to now. how did you wind up on theoud ue streets painting? >> okay.>> to be honest which i have to beb i did everything wrong andnd everything backwards. i made all the wrong choice
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i fell on my face in the streete and when i i was there i there i realized i had one thing leftef and the gift to god gave me anda that's what i've been using. usg i knew would it amount to wou something but i didn't knowld'to when. now i'm 51 years old. it wasn't until i met the angel over here that changed.hanged that's why i'm here now. here nw >> you were literally paintingl with what you're paining with w today. >> i was laying on the ground.r. >> cushions out of a sofa in the street.. >> right. don't invite me to the house ana leaving me in the living roominm because the couch going to benge crooked. >> trust me i'm not. trust if you can leave me with some oo this artwork it will be a fair i trade. tr you are selling your pieces,you, right. >> yes. >> how much would you sell a piece for when you were on thehu >> when i was on the street itss dependtred how hungry i was. forty dollars, $80, $20. five dollars.lars. um-hmm. >> all right.ll rig now vitsto there's this art a show. look at what one person can do. you made phone calls and now onn thursday tell us abo
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even. >> yes. on thursday, we have the carlton joyner akk painter mannter m experience an art show.t show fundraiser and, um, all proceeds will go to paint man. so everything we raise will go g to him. ten dollars donation at the r door. you can buy his paints life, yoy can see him paint live. you can hear his story gofundme as well if you're out of town. . it's on h street.tree he's known on h so many people contacted meow io used to see him all the time on h street.h >> i read all of the comments. that's painter man. painter m it's paint man. they know him.nt man >> he's very popular already.lry it just took some initiative and someone to stop and take theak time to actually stop and takeak time out of your day to helpo hp somebody else. that's the most important thingm to givepo.. >> and so at the art show youwou need to give your money to buyob these paintings, right. rig >> yeah.>> >> to give somebody a hand up here.he so let me ask you painter man.a. what does this show mean to you?
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>> the show means that -- thet t show means to me that god didn't make no junk. no i still have value and i can do all things through christ who strengthen me. >> um-hmm. nost wornot just words. it's inds here.. it shows when i pain. p had the how i i paint >> have you ever had one lesson. >> um, don't paint in a small sa space because the paint getsnt s everywhere. >> okay. [ laughter ] .> i like it >> how many pieces do you thinku will be on display? how manyowm pieces can you do?? >> i believe about 20. 2 o okay. >> uh-huh. >> all right. show.. forward to the what's next after this? yous?yo have housing now. n you have a place. >> yes, thank god. g rigight. >> thank the whole team and thee crew and especially voice tow hw connected me to everybody andboa everything that i wanted. w except for the helicopter.icte that's the only thing i haven'tn got the helicopter.. >> look. in your life i wouldn't be
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story we do.story do. things are just coming together. visto let me finish with you i want to make sure i give you the prop that is you deserve.eserve because you really made a difference in paint man's lifeaf and you don't know where it's i' going stop. you don't know where it's goingg to stop. sto >> i know he's going to be w hegreat. i know that.. we all deserve opportunity.ortu we all deserve to succeed andced have the opportunity to excel. . just a lot of times like i said, um, before a lot of people hold the blessings for themselves and don't spread them it's importanr to spread the blessings.the in i just wanted to live throughugh him i know how it feels to be te let down.n. >> what's next for you?for yo >> i got an album coming out o called hemorrhage in the sky. i have a book comingor orhutag n also called hammocks in the skyy and this seven tips to stayingng positive during negative times.m >> i know that's right.nothat's thank you so much visto. thank you painter man. pai we showed the information ofti course it will be on our web .ide. the show at touche nightclub ono
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painter man and so we're soo excited. i hope you make a million you m dollarars. although i suspect that's not ts what you care about.ut. but -- >> it's the helicopter.t's he >> it's the helicopter.op you can buy a helicopter with wt that. that. >> back to you on the couch. y >> i love everything about it. o ier lytove they said every perso has value and it shows that. tha i also love that picture in then package the painting on theon t beach with the palm trees. tre >> the attitude and the love yoy felt from that interview. >> no doubt. >> 12 years of world downn syndrome day with lots of sockso how your fashionable footwearooa can help raise awareness for an important cause.ause. time right now is 9:40. 9:40.
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>> today is world down syndrome day and to celebrate we encourage everybody to wear soco the crazier the better.craz get out your colorfur l socks, s bright socks whatever it is anda thtee reason why well we could c tell you what it is or we couldu just ask one of the experts whoo is with us right now to find ouo why socks is a big deal.ea we'll turn to two guests one an actor and author frequentr freqt contributor and leadinglead spokesperson ending th end derogatory use with the r word.r frank stevens and has downnd h d syndrome and this morning hend o joins us in the loft and besideb him the founder of race for respect gina mitchell.ell. good to see you both. gina, good to see y >> frank good to see you back sc here again. he >> good aga>>oo >> thank you.d >> let me see your sock. break them out m.seut >> go ahead frank. >> red and black stripes and yoy went with the pink, mul
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and the trolls. what's the reason behind thee socks?sock >> socks are conversationrsio starter for world down syndromee day, where, um, it's really rll about wearing crazy socks, you know, why are you wearing crazyc socks for? what do we say? >> for -- for respect. >> and world down sim drome dayy talking about people with downow syndrome. >> you've done this racehisac numerous times in d.c..c race won't be until june this jt ar.r. >> correct. >> right. t to kt to keep building awareness the entire time. why that reason, why so much ana why spend this entire time allel this effort into raising thisait awareness?? >> never until the race respect in 2014 never been any events specifically stopping traffic ii washington, d.c., and i have a v doubter with down syndrome andod wanted to stop traffic and build awareness, and it's important ii think we're one of the only causes that isn't trying toin eradicate and we're, we want to celebr
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>> frank i want to talk toout u we've seen you on tv. we've seen you in the movies. i understand that maybe there'se more work coming are you still i working on other films, tv shows? >> i am a tv show.w i don't know if you ever heard i've been on show called bornalr this way.thisay >> of course we have.f co we >> a and e.. >> yeah. >> my vare first showing was, um, on episode ten season two whereas you can see -- there you go.. >> how did that go for you? f yu >> did you enjoy it? i >> it was really fun to do. everyone was so sweet. the crew was very nice. nic it's good way to show the show w has way of showing what life isi like with down syndrome. >> absolutely. a
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a real leader when it comes to o telling people what it's like. k it doesn't hold you back in anyy way. way. we've seen you on shows likes le on tv.v. you've done movies like we mentioned. you were at the white houseio wt president obama before. >> yes. yes. >> so you've been able toeen ab accomplish much more than most m people ever have or ever there.. right?t? >> yes. >> it's not holding you back ono bit, is it? >> it's not holding me back. >> what's next for you? what's? your biggest goal now?? >> i'm an activist for special olympics.olpics i do a lot of outside work for them.. basically it's been fun for what i do.i do. >> no no doubt. dbt you're still smiling.mili >> you're selling yourself short. frank does a lot of advocacy internationall
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ed give them ica true account of wt it's like to be a man living l with down syndrome. >> don't sell yourself short. st >> quincy jones award as well.a. that's a huge deal. >> down syndrome foundation.atn work fog advocacy as well. one of things i think i know frank you talk abouti too,, however we've come just in youru lifetime as far as not just research but september tans ofef down syndrome.down syndrome. how far do you think we can go? >> go as far as we want. reach for the stars! >> what's the best advice you've been given. gen. >> from my dad. dad. he had always told me that, frank, no matter how big or howh small you reach for the stars. make sure you always remind yourself that you need to take
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baby >> don't shoot too high too high soon. so >> yes. >> >> just work your way there. y h >> frank always good to see yout folks want more information about this race' race for respect can where can they finee it. it >> race number four respect.comt and we're giving away special education grants to the threeto largest school teams in the dchd metro so we're getting bigger andr a better and we're still stoppingn traffic on pennsylvania avenue. we hope of one comes.omes. >> holly has been down there ana emceed it before.efe. allison emceed it last year.t y we look forward to more bigor things to come.ingso c frank, thank you very much for u all your great efforts.orts keep on going strong. strong. we'll look for you on tv and atd the movies, okay.kay. okay.y. >> and at the race for respect.t >> thank you. >> see through too.>> s thanks much.eeanks much. 48.8. erin back to you.k to you. >> that was such a great interview.t wa coming up how to handle a boss s who wants to gossip, and advicea for parents raising an ivy league farmer. sarah is back with all new bac editiok n of love and order nexx >> you did it.ou did it. i leak it.i ak
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>> i feel power with this. >> isn't it addicting. >> yeah, i'm ready to roll. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years.
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i love you so much, that's why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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it's tuesday and it's time for r little love and order.rder that's where sarah fraser sresra some of the messages she gets gs from fans and viewers and we trt to offer a little life advice.iv good first up this morning, a goss sop buddy and co-worker -- >> what you doing down there.. >> go ahead. ahe >> your sarah tells us all about it. it. sarah, what's the deal? >> sorry, erin, i'm okay now.. >> i'm sum this up for you. thiy so this person writes in to us t and they say look my co-workerwk and i were kind of -- we've been managers at a business. busines but my co-worker got promoted. e here's the thing though my my co-worker and i used to love to gossypol about our fellow flo employees but now that he has hh been promoted and has more me control over myself and those t employees i'm beginning to feele a little bit of remorse aboutbot gossipping about people.e can i -- i -- >> totally understandable isn'td keep up the habiter or do i neen to stop. >> you don't need to be gossiping any more.goss you can't change the past.n't ce what's done is done. d cut all gossip. if somebody bring it down, shutu
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>> i wouldn't say anything youn wouldn't want repeat the.dn't w >> that's aan good line.oo l that's fine. >> they're friends. >> you and i -- i >> and all of a sudden you're au manager. so i'm going to be like, well, fras i'd like to talk to you --u be honest.. >> there's no way if i ever gott promoted here that i can stopp gossipping.ssippi. the dirt is so good behind the >> you're the boss you can doe that thougthe h.hough. >> you said if you got promoted --omot -- >> gossiping i heard wisdom wasw doing blah, blah, blah outside t of work or so and so is tens minutes late every day.ay >> there's different kinds offen gossip. >> you could be in hr.. get somebody nel trouble. >> you're saying if you think you got promoted e tosa byie thb you wouldn't be able to stop? so >> absolutely not.utely no >> i would f you got promoted td boss i wouldn't talk to that's the end of that. end otht >> they're friends though. tho >> i don't care. no. >> no. >> our friendship would be overo >> different in and out of thenf work. >> what if steve became yourveao boss or you became steve's boss that would change things. my policy see don't chang
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about rumors. rumor >> i'm only talking to wisdom about duke losing that's right. they're done for the season.done >> i wouldn't talk about it and' i wot tauldn't engage. >> your friendship might take a different way.ay >> if your boss tries to get tog information from you there's ways to politely not engage in the conversation.nversaion >> right. you just can't >> can't engage. topic two.c t parents wrote to us and theys ay said their son they've been sending him to an ivy leaguehim school, and he has come to them and decided that he thinks he wants to be farmer. far >> they've been paying for it.pi >> they have been paying for itr >> that's lot of money. >> a lot o tfhat' money. >> okay. >> o >> so he says that, um, they'ree wonder wagon they can say toag their son.on they obviously respect the farming but can they tell him that,ha look, he's got to get a higher g paying job for a couple yearsobf out of school to help pay backor the college blown or -- o >> no. >> is he quitting.>> >> is he quitting the school or is he going on.scng >> still going to get hiset h degree. >> he's still getting a degree.e aftettr schoole
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to be farmer. far >> once he has that degree you e can't take away an ivy leaguee degree. >> he's 21 years o >> he's in school.oo zune your or sophomore.op >> if he's 21 years old and he1 wants to do now, may not be thee same when he's 31 or 28. >> he always that is a degree. s he might be running a farming empire at some point.e point. >> there you go. on farm. on frking >> you have to let him live hiss dream.ea >> change the way farming isarng done and be a >> if you have the money to payp for ivy league education --ducan >> i don't think they really do. >> the problem is a lot of lf people don't have the non paythn for not even -- not just ivy league. they don't have the money to pa for regular school.oo rigight. >> so if you're going to come tc me and tell me you're quitting n school which i'm not going to do by the way kids if you'refe watching this i'm not paying for ivy league or knitter school get a scholarship.holip [ laughter ] >> if you come to me and tell ml you're quitting, then i gotn g problem with you because now yoy owe me some money.ow som >> we don't know if he's hs quitting. >> i'm just saying. that's different.>> i if he want to finish go ahead. you're to the going to quit on
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>> i feel like this.>> i fee i feel like he's not saying heah wants to quit to become like a street performer.. no shade. shade he's saying he is going into ano honorable profession.rofeio >> yeah. >> maybe with his education andd his background and his credentials, right, he can'tht,n help it could go a long way because farming is the back bone to this country.. >> but lie say this. thi if you go to ivy league schooleo and tell me you want to be the farmer i get the corporate and all that stuff i'll still be mae you can have gone to any schoolo you can go to any school and geg an education.ducati >> maryland has great>> m arylagriculture program.proam >> there you go. don't tell me you have to go tog ivy league school to be farmer.e i'm mad about that too.oo. i'm just saying.sting >> what's the ruling?e r >> i think the ruling is you should live your dreams and,s a become the farmer.hear >> not on my dime. >> we have a good interviewhaveo coming up that will interestnter wisdom martin win ryan reynoldsd that's all you need a is as little dead pool in your life.r. that willc
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>> new book out and also jason dirden time for mug.or m if you want it it's up for grabg get the entry in lie lie 11:00 o'clock if you want theant dunkin' donuts mug per fox for dunkin' donuts coffee go to one lucky winner selected by random drawing.wi. 9:57 now. now. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years.
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z2ay1z z16fz y2ay1y y16fy ♪♪ fresh at 10a the terminatorr versus president arnold schwarzenegger sending si old school message to the chantt inef.ief. meet on the play ground afterroe class and that showdown couldth happen right here iatn swashin, d.c. >> trending at 10a amazon, helping you look for best.t. the new feature for primeri members that will turn us
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>> but you are.ou are. oh, steve.e. plus, the wait is almost overlmo for empire the winter break ends tomorrow.o we have an exclusive first lookl at the all new episode.. >> just day away. a whole knew you. actress and author tia mowerytiy joins us live with jump startinn her journey to healthy lifestyle. >> later off the rails sit down he rails with the sit dow stars of life. good day at 10a starts now. ♪♪ oh, boy. boy >> what's happening?t's happeni >> it's going down. >> wait a minute, steve., what is going on in the corner.. >> most times i would say itime don't know what i'm doing much but this tims hae i knot w exac what i'm doing. doing because --becaus >> tell us. >> abreu den holes bee's pre-game tonight if you go to the caps game, sorry, dude you lost yourt stick, you can get the brayden hull pee bobble head. this one was chosen in person hn sprays the water before the gamm he looks up at the water likeerl this when you have that you canc
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water like that.hat >> what did i tell before youou this little demonstration?detrat >> i made a mess over there. the [ laughter ]laught ] >> no. no i instructed steve do not get mm hair. >> oh, yes. oh, yes. exactly. , no.o. not worried about your hair.ut . >> that's right.. >> you want to see the expert do it, let's take look at brayden hull pee doing his pre-gameame ritual with the water bottle.ot that's how he does it.. >> you watch it and drink it. >> tonight you can pretend likee you're doing that with your brayden hull pee bobble head.lea >> he sprayed it all over his head. remember when you got to vote on which bobble head the fans wouls get and this one won. erin -- she was going to do it.i >> erin, no. no >> she was going to do it. tdo >> no, she won't. >> wisdom. >> no. >> wait a minute.>> w >> i'm going.. we'll quick playing around. >> it will be dripping down mym cheeks.
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u don'wa tont get wait. wai >> good one, allison.llison. i'll but that in my back pockete and take it home with me.. >> i'm steve alongside, erin and sdom.m. holly and maureen have the t morning off. o wisdom before you go, i do want to mention frank who was just with us -- frank was awesome.. great interview. >> frank was here down syndromem for the rice for respect. we said we're really bizarrere cool fun fee socks. socks frank gave me some withh doughnuts and cough if he cupsfp wisdom got emoji, blue emoji one.on >> that one should go actual aca toll tucker who is now found a u love of emojis. >> you know what, that's a goods point. >> that's a good point.good poi i can orchestrate a trade. tra. >> we'll see what we can do. yoga socks take those >> cool. >> making headlines today. toda. let's talk about what else is making had he lines. following breaking news from northern virginibra.eaherngini break in unsolved murder caser c that baffled the community for more than year. yea announcement is expected thisd i morning from the spotsylvaniavai county sheriff's office about ao the murder of 21-year-old
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heather si cone. s con two people have been arrested ie this case. she was found shot to death inth her car in 2015 the car was w parked in driveway about 30bout3 minutes from her home.e. investigators found her cell cel phone and she received a call tl meet someone before she was w found dead. turning now to president trump's first 100 days.100 day white house is working to get tt all congressional republicans ob board with the gop health care r plan. meantime gop leaders haveme gopl released 43 pages of changes tot the bill in order to getet skeptical conservatives and a moderates on board. brd the changes would give a largerr benefit to older americans and a accelerate the repeal of tax tax increases that were part ofartf obama care.. it's not what you call not making america great again.merie come on. i mean who is viewed advisingdvn you? let me give you some advice. go to middle school hart middlel school right in washington.hing 6 miles away from the whitehe we house, i take you there..
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work that they're doing for thee children.chen. >> all right. aht that is former republicanublin governor of california arnold schwarzenegger ramping up his feud with president trump and id the video mesensage on twitter t this morning.. schwarzenegger blasted thela president over his low approval rating.rang then suggested the low ratingshn are due to his plans to cutut funding to schools and programss like meals on wheels.els as you just her, arnold challenged president trump to p visit hart middlere school in southeast d.c. dc. the actor founded after school o all stars which is program thatt serves low income students in 1i cities including at hart middlee school. school well when it comes to livini a long life italy is the place to be be re the country has been ranked aske the healthiest country on eartho in a new report.eport now baby born in italy will likely live into the -- into- io eir r 80s. so here's the question.stn what makes european nation so healthy? apparently, their medr did he rain yann diet, which inh fifty three vegetables ands a drizzled in olive oil. o.
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bird. internet going crazy over thishi video of a giant chicken leaving its coop.oo people are trying to figure outt if it's real or maybe a child ai dressed up as a chicken.. well they're now saying thatt this chicken is actually real. naturally this chicken has roughlied some twitter feathersr i'm not -- i'm still not buying it. >> obviously it wasn't bornuslyi yesterday. >> right.. i'm wouldn't why they haven't't posted videos the whole why tim. >> the thing is him coming out o of the coop.oo so, yeah. >> you bring up a veryng up ery interesting point.inrestin steve. this chicken wasn't bornorn yesterday. it's a giant chicken. norm's aal whole chickens are bo there's this big and grow andw d and grow.row. that's the first time thishe f chicken has been outside of thet coop ever. eve >> maybe something else saw it.i >> it was >> maybe he wo in a local count. you don't know what it is.hat ii >> this is the first time -- >> famous from his area.rea. the internet opened a wide worlw of phenomenon.he
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chicken in the same category car with the giant alligator thatata keeps showing up in florida.ri >> that alligator is false.alse. >> the alligator is fake.. giant chicken true story. story. >> let me tell you something.oui i'm not going to tell where your i'm from but i know -- >> mississippi.ssip >> she did ask about that. >> i'm just a i'mt i've seen a lot of chickens. isn't yeah. from this big to this big. >> have you ever seen a chickenk that big. >> they don't grow this way thea grow that way.grow that wa >> super chicken. >> perhaps it's geneticallyicly modified. >> that's scary.di>> thas sc >> it could be geneticallyly modified chicken. >> 50% chin chicken.cken. >> yeah. >> all right.llight. well i think it's real. rl. erin you think it's real. >> i think it is real but via bv lot of questions about it.ut i >> i do have lot of >> steve, are you on board.. >> i'm leaning toward real.eani i hatnge to leave you >> i love that suit.t >> it's north carolina blue. blu >> first up the president sayse he's the reason why former 49ers quarterback colin kaepernickae cannot get job. job kaepernick famously took kneene during the national ant
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year started the protest in in august in response to the police involved shootings of black menn and women. wom kaepernick opt you had out of oy thouis contract recently he saii he would stop kneeling during the national anthem.p knalhem take listen to the president taking a few moments last nightn to talk about why he believes be kaepernick cannot get a job. >> that nfl owners don't want to pick him up because they don't want to get a nasty tweet fromef donald trump. do you believe that? b [ applause ] i just saw that.t. i said if i remember that onet i'm going to report it to thet t people of kentucky. because they like it when people actually stand for the americann right? [ applause ] >> okay. the movie director spike leeikle meantime has conspiracy theaterr why kaepernick has not found ach job. he finds it fishy. a itis because louisville kentuckyen seems like the weirdest place tt talk about san francisco 49ers kaepernick or the nfl because no
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back story the president was talking about an article thatlet was on a sports website where we the person who wrote the articla said he was going to talk to tht ownness of a bunch of teams thet general managers of a bunch ofaf times to find out why kaepernick still doesn't have a job. aob >> he seems like --e -- >> majority according to thee article the majority of the team officials said because theyy don't feel he is in a football position whereas he would havea the job.woulthe jo >> right. then there was a small.ermaller percentage that said that theyhe felt he would be a distract toat the team and then there was a a smaller percentage of that o t estimated to be about 10% of tht league which would be three thre teams that felt that he could bd so much a distraction that it could be something the presidene might even weigh in on. >> did he put it in there. the the president was included inwa the article. but keep in mind he was included at level of about --ut - >> i don't by any of this.hi here's the thing. thehing you can say all you want to. to. if you can play if the ball inhn the n
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you will get an opportunity topt play. >> is he that good.s he tt go >> that remains to be the bhe question. can he play? if you can play, a michael vick went to jail. jl. >> right. >> and got a job after he went to jail.ail. so don't tell me that they'reth' not going to pick him up because of >> quarterbacks will be needed. they'll this one sit on the side lines and put it on the back bac burner when training camp startt and teams need a quarterback, nobody else is out there. the let's look at him. h other teams will be like yeah. y >> what's the point of saying at any time >> that was my point. >> there is no point. in louisville ke tntucky whehare there's no team.ther when those teams start -- got to have of the draft still. they'll draft quarterbacksrter everything starts to draft out o and see when the free agents land if if he can play he'll geg a job. a controversy doesn't matter asrs we've seen people -- people in p the nfl there's been players inn the nfl who had horrific car c accidents while they were drunk and got contracts theth next yer don't tell me controversy willor keep you out of the
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other sport. s >> does it matter what kind ofaf controversy. >> no it doesn't kneeling at tht flag doesn't trump killingmp kng somebody in drunk driving accident. >> i don't think so either. seir that's still kind of pan gentle to my question though. >> i understand. >> we'll fine out as we get fin closer to the i think it will sit for awhile. i'm he'll end up playing again.n he's still young. sti you >> 10:11 right now.11 next up amazon is helping you become quite the fashionista.on. it has add add new feature nor prime members called outfit compare. here's how it work you up load d two photos of yourself wearing i two different outfits thetshe feature will tell you which onee it thinks looks better.r. >> cool. >> each outfit -- like a virtuau friend.. >> that tells the truth. >> i love that.t teat. each outfit gives a rankingking ranging from definitely pickm di this one to it wasn't a close call.ll keep in mine the photos need to be head to toe shots. shots our own jim lokay tried it out o for himself and between theseene two outfits it shows the suithei with we like this better ratingg >> you didn't need an app for ar that. look at what he's going on.oingo
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them to the same event. eve >> that's a very easy decision.s >> that's cool.>> tt's >> i like.e. amazon out phil compare iscomp managed by a team of fashion specialist and you can delete dt the photos at any time.phot it's hard for meos it's not donn at random. >> really?>>lly? >> magic eight ball >> yeah. >> you know who does it now foro me? me >> my teenagers. >> hmm. >> no.>> n >> really. >> yeah, that's better.ea >> i ask theh,m t. they don't offer pins. >> i send my mom's pictures alla the she gives me a yes or maybe notn this tim >> daughters know,,. >> daughters and moms.auters >> what is it? wt is >> any way. >> i like it. >> 10:12 is the time right now.w a whole knew you.. coming up later actress and author tia mowery joins us liver to taly k about jump starring hh journey to healthy lifestyle ans how you can do it as well.asel >> i like that. >> first sneak peek at tomorrowe night's all new empire. nicky minaj bumping an r and b legend from the billboard chart want woody harrelson kicking
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30 year hab.hab. why he says he's off weed for good.go >> hmm. >> um-hmm. 10:12. good day celebrity dish next.ex. >> i see the ben harper night there with the music.
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i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to ♪♪ good day d.c. is a party.arty. >> um-hmm. i
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go along with that party. alo >> yesng. >> good day celebrity dish.y cee all right. first up, empire the springprg premier the wait is almost overo i know you're happy about that.t >> i am happy about it.>> i >> a almost over.lmt over. the second half of season threet debuts tomorrow night right herr on fox5ro.. shameless last night the stars of the shoh hit the red carpet in la. i tomorrow night's episode picksks up where he left off in then winter season finale we have a v sneak peek update on whatate onh happened after jamal went to rehab. want to see it? here we go. [ laughter ] >> you're you are a genius.iu add a little bit of base. lucious, i need you on this one. >> where is my son? your son ii in rehab cookie.. >> he left rehab and i know youu been supplying him with his drugs.. >> that look add little began ig it a i knew it was going to betg bad the way they walked in.d >> look at what's his name in h
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>> >> the devil. >> eyeing cookie. d you handle it. yoha yondu handle it, cook. coo >> this dude will come upe missing at some point during tht show. all right. >> oh, boyal.oy >> we're sitting down withith jussie smollett later today andd we'll have that interview forw r you tomorrow and just reminder,n if you didn't hear me the firstt time i is he it you can catchant all new episode of empirefmp wednesday at 9:00 right here o >> tomorrow. and love you tomorrow.omorrow. okay. nicky minaj making historygs an breaking a whole new record.r she beat out the queen of soul s riri herself aretha franklin fof the most hot 100 hits by femalee artist.ti her three new songs basically a whole this track answer to rem t knee ma gave her a total of 76 hot 100 tracks ending aretha franklin 40 year reign. r 76 of them. ba, in 1977 -- hmm.7 -- h what's nicky's songs? >> seven full albums worth of hot 100 songs. son >> always. i wonder if that's with her collabos with other rappers o
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>> it must be. i >> any way, int 1977 franklin song break it to me gently debuted her 54th appearance onr the charts lifting her ahead ofd the prior record holder amongmo women who was connie i'm surprised about that. like dolly parton, um, whoeverer else. >> i'm surprised nicky minaj isi on that list with all the greatg singers and all the great --reat >> i'm talking about putting out hits. >> i don't understand you putont oundt 76 songs.76gs that's literally every song from every cd. >> i average about whiting twohg songs per >> you're are not all top 100.00 >> true. 's a's a lot. i'm telling you these are theth facts, steve. steve >> i'm not disputing your factss >> seemed like he was.>> s [ laughter ]ee things are getting heated ie here. >> you know what, i think we better move on before they do ke get even more heated.ted. twenty-fourth season of dancingn with the stars kick off last off night. the 400th show to be exact ge et so glad
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>> why is that. >> you got a lot of names. gymnast simone biles and her barner sasha farber opened withh tango. tango. >> tango. look at that tango, i like the fan go. she's olympian and she's gotan g kind of an edge when it comes tt foot work.or the judge gave them score of 32 out of 40. >> wait a minute. we're on scharr row right now. >> let's talk about char sch ror char row and her partner kale k mr. september pee.septber they did the salsa. the salsa. >> okay. >> it wasn't perfect when the'te judges tried to give her a a little constructive criticismiv she didn't take it too well.dn k they got a 21 out of 40.f >> i believe that we missed mis another person there. t >> we missed another person.mith >> how about singer and realboul housewives of beverly hills star erika james.ika jam she also danced to salsa. ssa to her own song erika provedka o she's definitely not shy anddeni plans to bring whole new flare f to monday hts. >> now we started the video over because that's simone. s >> there you go.
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learn how to be ballroom dancers. >> it's a lot of hard work. >> it is hard.t' njured andoften get ia everything. i wonder if i could do it. >> you can do it. ndero it. >> i've seen you dance. you could learn easily. e >> i think you shall try it.hink >> you do? >> you should.oud. >> okay.>> >> i've taken tango lessons. l if you can learn it you canu c absolutely crush it.rush it. >> all right.ight. >> allison don't fall for the okie-doak. >> nope. >> pennel pee cruz making a return to the small screen. she will portray the fashion the icon in american crime story. sy the ten episode series willies focus on the 1977 killing of o very cacci's she took over, yeah, '97. i remember that just like yesterday. 1997 killing she took over his famed fashion business after hih death you'll remember right onio the steps of his mansion iis mai believe it's in miami, right.ig >> south beac
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>> right. so the series set to air early next year. year. >> i want to see that.>> i wan >> that should be pretty >> what about this? finally sas it ain't so. woody quitting weed for good. >> woody a weed dee no more?or [ laughter ] >> say that woody a we'd dee no more.o m >> that's pretty talentedalente allison.liso >> i have lots of talents only l know about maybe steve. aboutbee >> you just showed off one of o them right there. there woody the we'd dee no moreor 55-year-old oscar nominee told vulture he stopped smoking nearly a year ago and after 30 t years of partying too hard he realized that he wasn't was emotionally available. >> okay. >> woody harrelson once applied for a license to run a medical marijuancensa dispensary in hawi and served on the advisory boary of a non-profit that advocateded for marijuana reform.. he cites 30 solid years ofid yea partying and says he quits heui because it's quote keeping mepi from being emotionally available. >> so but here's my question with this.but because we know marijuana has a lot of medicinal properties.pere >> right
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it's because he was partying ass opposed to it just beingeing basically something he does his lifestyle mellow him out. >> it's one element. >> al, i was not disputing youru facts.fact >> ut-oh. >> let me factual lies youre far facts. >> ut-oh. isn't a little bit mor >> chris is saying we have to ge to break. >> i'm just breaking it don't wisdom me h according to billboard, the hot 100 billboard hot 100 aretha franklin was the lead artist ont 73 of her if he hits. >> right. >> all 73 she was the leadll 7 artist on. >> nicky manage how many do you think she was the lead artiste e on.. >> 25.>> 25. >> 17. >> 1 >> 29. >> so it's collabos. colbos. >> yeah. >> okay. >> a lot of collabos.s >> got those numbers out therebt now. >> so back to tou thank you steve. s >> thank you very much. green leaf star using his star s power to help protect kids fromo cyber bullying. actor jason dirden joins usns live. live. >> is this the real life.thisher that's what kevin was probablyaa asking himself after his sit
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down with life coach stars ryant reynolds and jake gyllenhaale gh that went off the rails as soon as it as i i love this t interview.s intew you don't want to miss it. we'll fine all about it coming up just a little bit later.
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for vacations that exceed expectations, make it busch gardens virginia! with surprises hiding around each corner, and good times guaranteed. busch gardens and water country usa. a whole other world awaits. plan your two park getaway now, and eat free with select packages.
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10:25. happening right now knew information coming out this hour about break in the case of a 21-year-old woman murdered inend spotsylvania county.y bob barnard outside the t sheriff's office learning morege information about who is undern arrest for this crime.ab bob? >> reporter: steve are thiis
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the end of a 15-month murder investigation.inve a case that went to grand jury.. we can tell you these are the a mug shots of the two people whoe have been charged with first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder. murr they are joshua christophertoph williams age 29 and jonathan julian, age 28. 2 they are in jail here ine i spotsylvania county.nty. we're told their both from thiss area. and charged in the murder of 21-year-old heather chi coney. y she was murdered back on december 6th 2015.01 this is a young lady await trest at red robin restaurant whot apparently told her parents that night that sunday night that at friend had called, had car h c trouble and that she was goingoi to help that friend.ri her body was found later thatatt night in a stranger's driveway about 30 monies away. she was in the driver's seat of her car.r. she had been shot to death. dth. now at the time the family saidd she had received threats thathra she had a female stalker.
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but as we've showed you two menm have been charged in her murdere at the time heather' cell phoneo was not in the car. it was subsequently found and sheriffs investigators here says there was evidence on that celll phone that would help them inouh thcar case. but again it's taken more a yeaa to bring this case to a grandrad jury.ry investigators are telling usg u that it is on hiv goinghivng investigation and so they can'tc talk to us about any evidencede that led to the arrest of these two, 20 somethings this week. we so we actually don't know whatww the motivation was here behindid this murder case. but according to spotsylvaniaa county sheriff's investigatorsti the case has been solved with w these two arrests hopefully soon we'll find out what this was ala about. guys.. >> curious to see what thatt connection might be betweenti those two men and that >> thanks, bob.. keep us posted.pd all right.>>l r time right now zen 27:00.. changing your life just by b changing what you eat.yot. coming up next, whole new year author tia mowery joins us 35 m
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behind her new book a journey to a healthier lifestyle. 10:12. back in a moment. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to
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♪♪ all right.ight welcome back. time now is ken 10:30 when actress tia mowery planned hernd break out role on the sister sister she swapped home cooked e meals for catering spreads but b her teen dreams diet of candiese and carbs turned into aned a nightmare when she developed inn dough metro i don't see the s
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journey healthier live in her new book called whole knew you how real food transformed your u life for a gorgeous more healthy you. she joins us live from la. la. good to see you.. >> good morning. what a lovely introduction.ion it's nice see you.seeou >> well you do all the hard work. the least we can do is give you a gre catan d up tow duck. [ laughter ] >> tell us about the book, and d what inspired you i understand n there was some health issues that inspired to you actually dd this book. >> yes.>>es. i talk about it in my book as ms wake up call, and i was w diagnosed with something callede end dough metro i don't see a a highly inflammatory condition cn that can cause infertility. i was diagnose at 25 years oldld and you know when uruguay and i was with the love of my life ifi was thinking about havingav children. i wanted to have child.. and my doctor told me, you knowo tia, if this is something thatet you want, you are going to haveh to change your diet, and
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recipes in this book i truly believe nourished me back toac health, and i was able to give birth to my incredible lovely son my miracle child. c i just wanted to educate and inspire the masses about, um,m, you know, the fact that food cac be medicine.e good right. give me some of the highlights in your book or some of the of t things that are in there that are making the biggest bge difference for you.or y >> yeah. i mean in my book i talk aboutbo three concepts.pts. number one, is the food thatd t you're eating is it whole foods so are they fruits, vegetables, um, whole grains, seeds. sds when you're eating foods if your body are they anti-inflammatory foods like dairy.airy. if you know you eat highly hig inflammatory foods it will wl increase the inflammation inio i your body. for mow it was my end metro i m don't see. for others
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arthritis. another thing i talk about thatt was eye opening for me understand wagon gut flora isuts and that's just basically, you know, win win our die joseph wee have good bacteria and bad bacteria. bacter bad bacteria is not good.iactero that suppresses our immuneune system opening up us fors f diseases so i talk about in my y book foods that are, um, good like good bacteria such as meso paste and fermented foods likeie sauerkraut and chem chi. c so are kind of like the three tr big concept that is i break doww into this book and then i give g you over hundred recipes that includes these amazing anti-inflammatory foods, wholefoods and food that is aree great for your gut flora. flora >> tia, here the thing.e thing a lot of people when they eat,ht they eat bad. bad. some of the people in thise in i studio i'm not calling anyalli names. they eat bad then want foodedt d that fried. t,ey want food with lost salt,
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how do you sell something like k this when you're talking aboutno fruits, vegetables, healthy. hey i know it's for your body.r bod it's easy.. number one i think there's a's stigma on healthy food thed t doesn't taste wrong.wrg. healthy food is you talk about fried chicken.d c guess what? you can still haveh fried you just to switch out those o t ingredients number one insteadnd of brining your chicken with wit butter milk you can do it with unsweetened cashew milk it stilw gives you that, you know, creamy flavor that you makes your yr chicken nice and juicy. with the cash shoe milk andilk instead of, um, frying in it a very highly saturated fat oil,il you can use safflower oil whichi is really good for you. so you can still have thosese foods but you just have to hav t switch out some of theof t ingredients.ingred i think that's the, you know, ko misconception food healthy food can be delish and enjoyable as s
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>> okay. you still have your show on thee cooking channel as well, right?r >> yes. i do.i do >> okay. >> we just finished our third season, um, the finale was ias guess a few weeks ago. and, you know, i'm truly tly enjoying myself. i can't believe it's been three years already down this path, pt and i have to tell you i am i having the time of my life. i've been in this business foror over 25 years i'm aging myself.s [ laughter ] >> but you look great. leat >> that's okay. tha >> it doesn't matter.esn'matt >> thank you. but, yeah, i'm really enjoying the, um, just this whole culinary experience.ienc >> all right. look i got one more question for you before we go.yogo i don't know if this is true orr not our crack research team herr says you coach basketball team.e is that true or is that fictionn >> oh, gosh, yes. i did.. my husband corey her trick alsos an actor he was a part of this t kind of like an nba league with actors.acto. they think that they areth a basketball playe
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>> i'm very familiar with thatfa couldn't september.mico [ laughter ]uldn't s >> but i coached my husband's team within that league, andnd man, i had great time. ti it was lot of fun. fun. >> okay.kay. >> we didn't win.di't w but, you know, that's all right. >> okay.>>y. >> i'm sure they were healthyhey eaters, right? >> huh? >> they were healthy eaters your players were healthy eaters. e >> i mean of course.e. >> right. of course. course >> all right. look i coallch some kids so i'mo trying to get coaching advice.g. so give me some coaching advice. >> yeah. >> other than putting the kids on dien tpu. >> my advice -- wait. wai i would say i mean with youritou kids, you know, just have a lott of fun. f. that's the main thing. and, you know, snacks loadedd with lots of, um, fiber andib protein is going to give them a lot of energy.nerg so give them some good snacks. >> okay.>> i gotcha. i gotcha. tia, it is such a pleasure toast talk to you. you continued >> nice talking with you too.g t take care of yourself. bye.e. >> i love that interview. intviw >> so the
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advice you had for the kids one the team is to feed them.. >> yeah. >> pizza party.arty health though snacks.snac >> there you go.>> >> don't forget the fun.t the . >> pizza party and health thougt snacks. i don't care about the fun. we're trying to win out there. >> that's why i saidcare a t th. >> i hear you in the morning. mg >> all right. rht. well, 10:37 and the new movie live a verifying sci-fi drama. a kevin's interview with the castc on the other hand not so much. coming up next he sits down witt ryan reynolds and the dreamy dam jake gyllenhaal full of stickers and dead pool references justeru for wisdom martin. >> great. more dead pool did that movie just come out or has it been ten years already. >> it's been 15. >> oh my gosh. for vacations that exceed expectations,
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with surprises hiding around each corner, and good times guaranteed. busch gardens and water country usa. a whole other world awaits. plan your two park getaway now, and eat free with select packages.
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♪♪ >> what's going on? >> okay. miranda. >> nothing in that lab can malfunction.hingn. >> it's on me.t's m >> yeah it's on you. you five guys back home that can do my job. j. nobody can do yours except you. >> you don't know weights. you're playing around with ityit like it's your buddy. i'm your buddy. buddy >> this will never be a controlled experiment. let's all agree we made oure first and last mistake.
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>> all right. all r that's a clip from the new n sci-fi drama live it tells thems story of a group of astronautsst and scientists on board the the international space station sent to study a probe from mars fm ma carrying the first sign of extra teres tee ya'll life. le. it back fires leaving the crewnw fighting for their lives. kevin was at the south byouth b southwest premier and got and chance to sit down with stars ryan end reynolds and jail jakee gyllenhaal.ha he joins you with off the railti interview. >> pretty insane. prett the moviey is very serious. re-walk with six seriousalk questions. i walk outwit not safe for work pro nan in the driven interviewi we'll air the p.. good version of that here. it's missing --ing- >> little insane.. >> unfortunately there areortu things in this interview wen thr cannot air on tv. i will put it on my facebookacoo page kevin mccarthy fox. f. r rated, unsensored version nott for kids. i walked in i'm a big dead pooll fan. fa >> really?>> rea >> yeah.
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little bit. li but i had dead pool tie bar and jake gyllenhaal actual recently agreed to something i said in a news article saying that he thinks the movie shouldo have been nom nayed for betet actor for ryan reynolds.nold both big dead pool fan. f he's dead pool.d pl. i brought two bar for them. gyllenhaal wasn't having it the interview kept going and going.g i was trying to bring up shots s ofhe f film. i'm a big fan of long continuouu shots. in a film sometimes you'll seeey six or seven minute cameraa movement without any edits. hitchcock did it back in the dac with rope. wi children of men did it. >> spike >> yeah. i poke to them about the shot. s >> i often make fun of. o >> trade to get an answer. ansr. watch this. >> i brought you guys somethingt because you know i love dead pool.ol. >> that's great. that' >> thank you so much. >> cool. cool. cool. >> that's great. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> all right. coming in right now . >> where is my tie bar
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>> i like how your names are ono the chairs. cir >> so you know which chair to sit. si >> weighted yachts. let's be honest.t'be hon >> we're idiots. idiot i literally sat in that chairhac when i first came in. i what's wrong? wrong >> i was freaking out about daniel's continuing trackingckig shot in the opening seen.g s and i recently just senior video that carrie did you were singine and it was one shot. st >> what's up dude.s dud >> i'm just wouldn'ting what'sna it like. le. >> it looks painful.s painul does that hurt.does that >> it looks good.>> ilook i'm wonder when you shoot thoset scenes what does it look likek l for you onset. oet go ahead.he >> here we go. >> youtube so great. >> you have nothing useful here. >> next google question, is ryaa reynolds high? >> why does reynolds require hie name on chair? >> it's all about, um, reallyy being able to -- to [ laughter ]er ] >> thank you, jake. j >> can we get serious.
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it's all choreography andray and everyone tense about getting itt right and making sure thateha everything work in the sameame moment. you're dealing with 100 crew 1 c members making sure one thinghi work there's a high tension ansn lot of stakes in moments liketsk atat. and to me it's so cool.. >> it's closest thing to like lk live theater that you can do th where everything you do cannotan be edited and everyone release l on each other. it feels -- it's pretty fun. >> it's also great when you seew it on the call hesheet. cl three days to shoot one shot. >> right. >> how is this possible you pos realize it's something hike that. >> ryan didn't memorize his neses. he took three lines and it tookt him three and a half days.ree df there's one great moment in thaa shoot when -- second davedav shooting that we were in thatha scene where he's gettings hiss h hasn't broken but him but aaronn and ryan is looking through the glass and i'm behind him and heh turns in the middle and goes,oe we're all going to die. to d good. [ laughter ] >> i couldn't stop laughing.g. t
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>> i say it at home all the timt as well. as >> all the time. >> the truth is, we are all are going to die. d great >> great talking to to >> my goodness. so that interview is fully unsensored on my facebook page. i'll pitt up there. very fun interview i ended upndd seeing both them on the carpethe later on in the night.ig i was that for south by southwest for the premier of the film. ryan is a super nice guy.nice g. he gave me a hug.a h >> it looked like they wereike r having great time during thehe interview. >> i would rather that kind oftf interview happen sometimes. som. they get tired of talking aboutk the movie. i love geeking out about filmutl making but to have that happenae was really funny the moment yout saw him putting stickers on myy body that was because someoneeo thought it was funny to put namn tags on their seats like they st wouldn't know who -- where to sit. so i eventually walk outk out interview they both but ryan and jake's tags on my suit. s >> did you keep them. k >> they're still on my shirt.y t yeah, yeah, yeah they are. >> they're framed.>> t >> did i miss the review of thet
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>> i review it friday. it looks good. >> reminds me alien actually.ctl >> written bite guys who wrotete dead pool which made $783 million.83 milli >> i heard of that.>> i h >> little tiny indy film.ndyil >> ryan was really good in greeg lantern. >> no, he wasn't. >> much better movie.o, he >> >> ver my badh be film. bad fil >> if you want to talk about a what should have been nominatede is green lantern.en >> now i know you're joking. kne >> now i know you're joking. >> grant lantern was gr movie. >> one of the worst films ever made. >> take this off linethe ever. >> green lantern one of the o worse movie ever made even ryan reynolds hates it. >> prompter, steve., sve. prompter! good coming up, recruiting -- allison is goingoi right on. o recruiting hollywood help in the fight against cyber we care about this, too. t kev. don't we. green leaf star jason dirdentaro joins us live in the loft next.f we'll be right back. okay now.
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10:48 am
fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds.
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get the best. go to >> okay. well there's no denying that cyber bullying is a huge problem. no one is immune andre'sr bu whe it's mean texts e-mails nasty n comments on social media, some fo
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victim of it and even become the platform of the first ladyad melania trump but local non-profit save cyber joiningits the fight as wellav tonight tong they're hosting a special evente with hollywood actor jasonason dirden in an effort to educatede and promote cyber bullying awareness. now speaking of jason you know y him from broadway and shows like tyler perry's house of pain andn currently the own network hit show greenleaf serving as special guest at i care kick off event.evt. before he fakes the mike he he e joins us live ins the loft alog with safe cyber founder reginald corbin to dish about the cause,e the whole campaign and get aet a question or two about greenbo g confess leaf. f you. yning to both o >> good morning.>> good morning. >> tell us about this even. >> tonight's event is raising r awareness we're connecting withw community organizations, some s businesses and just we want toat talk about cyber bullying someln of the everybodies of it.f i we want to focus on the behavior of it. the technology is only a
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facilitated we started the ed care campaign we want to raise e awareness about that so tonightn in the restaurant. resta >> you've been in before ween ie always talk about these horribll cases that go so wrong meeting i people on the internet. iern that don't have your beste es interests in fact very bad outao comes here. h so it can take many different dt forms. >> it can, yes, m absolutely. >> whether it's children who are bullying each other on thet's games, adults are bullying eachg other. we see that a lot latelyately especially after the 2016 gnmpaign. there's workplace bullying.llyin so this model is not just for youth.yout but it's also it can be adopteda by businesses as well. >> jason welcome to d.c.o d >> thanks for having me.hank i love dc.c. >> tell me why you are involvedv in this campaign. >> well, this specifically as far as the youth, you know, ino, have a ton of nieces and nephewp who are in school right now andd luckily they're not dealing witt cyber bullying.
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but the more education we have and underring we have about it t as a adults the more we canwe c protect and prevent, you know, , victims of cyber bullying.lying when i was in school, it was one bully in the classroom you goou home and say somebody isy i bullying me you can get over it. now, you have a bully in the in classroom they put it on sociala media so you have 500 likes, 100 retweets and you can actuallyuay have evidence saying nobody inoi school likes me. lik at that age, you know, your y whole purpose trying to being to included trying to be accepted. so your argument no nobody likel me then obviously you'll think'l about why am i here what's myy purpose may as well go ahead and commit suicide which we're s trying to to even >> it's so interesting you say that because i was going to ints that we're hearing a lot about a it now. but then some people say, i say dealt with it. you know, i turned out okay.y. it's little bit is good for youy i think your point is a good on it's a whole different animalhoe these days. >> whole different animal. d lefeyesre. >> what do you hope to from you personal involvement and how did you two hook
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that. how did you two get together. tt >> you know nobody who knowsno somebody who knows somebody. whs >> right. some salso, in doing research, we wanted to connecto somebody with the campaign whoin we felt like was passionate psi about cyber bullying and so, um, after making some calls and c ad asking a few questions, you knou we contacted jason and he was ae more than willing to come outn i and help us outin. >> what do you hoping your you involvement today. >> raise awarene. raise education.ducati for the adults to become more sensitive to their children andn to become more aware of the signs of tuber bullying want non and also just as an actor i'veov been blessed to have a certain a platform to where i can spe to t many people so you want to usett that platform not just to make money, not just to be an actor.r not increase your cashae but also to help people, helpp move, progress, you know, society. society. >> so can we talk aboutabou greenleaf for just a second. [ laughter ] >> give all the informationorma about the event in the minute we havet left. l i asked to you pronounce your character's name because i wasas thinking i look eight it wrong.
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your rival pastor on green g definite leaf.fite leaf. number one shown on one what is your s character evolviv into and what's it like working with miss o. o >> oh, man. so my character is pastoras skanks. >> yeah, pastor skanks. >> you her it right. >> s-k-a-n-k.-n-k. >> he's becoming rival pastor oo a mega church in tennessee. >> shout tout memphis, my daddy is from. >> oh really?>> oh ally >> yeah. >> and so i have the main character bishop green definitee leaf son preaching at my churche right acrossachi the street fros father's church. c so that rivalry right there and if you missed episode one of of season two, then you got to go o back and see why the motivationt behind it there's some things thatha happened with pastor scanning'ss family that he's trying to, you know, get the advantage on. >> what's it like getting thetie blessing from oprah winfrey? >> oh, man. m not just oprah but that whol
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family greenleaf set, the crew,e the acts, the writers it's a it' wonderful workplace, but of course when you have the queen.. >> right. >> you know, and everything sheh touches is gold.isd. she has a great eye for talent l and great eye for store tellingi you feel like, okay, maybe i'vev arrived just a little bit.e b >> just a little bit.ust a ttle >> just little bit.ttleit. >> indeed you have.>> i i mean, stage and movies i mean opposites denzel fences and alll of that. tt. continued success to you.o you. good thank you. >> thank you for being a part oa this. it's so important aren't let'sn't l get the information out ticketss still available.b. >> actually invitation only oy event. >> okay. >> so those were invited haveed already --al >> are already there. ady t >> got their invitations. >> let's talk about the campaign. how ca we we all get on board. >> safe cyber.>> scyber. we'll start with our pledge everyone can take to basicallyey care. you know, um, so they can go online fill out the pledge and a help tweet and using the hash th tag i care campaign.. >> it's easy.
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of divert is the recent spec ouc differences i will emphasize with others.s. beautiful. thank you so much.ank >> thank you for having.avin watch greenleaf. back to you guys. ba.thank you allison >> all right. >> get to some tweets or go or g right to tucker.ghto t >> let's do it. >> see what folks are talkingg about today.od. a couple minutes before the top of the hour.inutes the hr. throwing no shade his way thishi morning.moing. wisdom is on point. point >> i told you he was on in goodd mood >> what? >> okay.y all right. rig you guys need a talkingalki stick.stic who has the stick gets to talk.. others listen and so forth.or. talking all at once is annoying. >> yeah. i agree.. >> there's little kevinev conversation.sation. >> that was a joke.>> thas a >> that was kind of playing -- i that was a joke. >> relax.>> most days it's not a joke buteut today it was a joke. >> i'll give you the you can read now. now >> i'll read.. >> agree with steve. get degree adva
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techniques. here we go. we only got 15 -- tucker. take the talking stick. s. >> my turn?? >> 60s this afternoon andon a sunshine on the othe wa >> give it back to me. >> thanks for watching. tas i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide
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get the best. go to live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." [002:00:22;00] [ cheers and applause ] now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you for watching.


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