tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX April 26, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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i don't know if you heard but president trump released his tax plan today, we already knew he wanted to cut corporate taxes, his plan could mean changes to your wallet >> this is what we're talking about at 6:30. tweet us what's on your mind, did you see it's one page but the skeleton framework but first impressions use the #5at630. president trump calling for deep tax cuts for businesses as well as individuals, we know for sure the plan would drop the top rate for individuals to 35% from 39.6%. standard deduction would be doub
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reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. the estate tax and alternative minimum taxes would also be repealed. >> we have an uncompetitive system hindering the economy and jobs. we want to simplify the personal tax system, lower taxes, and create economic growth. this is going to be the biggest tack cut and the largest tax reform in the history of our country >> critics sounding off. say say the plan will benefit billionaires and worrying about soaring deficits >> tom fitzgerald is live tonight in takoma park with more on what the tax plan means for us regular every day folks >> you hit it at the top. you called this the biggest tax cut in the history, the secretary of treasure added that it is the biggest tax reform in history. it's
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reform this is and how much more it isn't a cut because when you go through this one page today, you see these tax rates dropping. now, this was essential campaign promise that he had made on the campaign trail. essentially this is nothing new. a lot goes back 30 years ago to the reagan bush administration back in 1980. back then, it was called trickle down economics during their republican primary campaign in 1980. george hw bush called it voodo economics. if you lessen the tax burned on the corporate level, well, then those companies will essentially have more money to invest in the businesses, have more money to invest in hiring employees, good for the economy, the employees have more money in their pockets and then if they have jobs, they too are paying more taxes. but this is a gamble. because wn
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corporate tax rate and cut the individual rates, what you're banking on is that the economy is going to continue to perform. so if these economy that we're in right now does not continue to perform, then you've got a couple of big problems and you referenced one of them right there. united states already dealing with a deficit problem. that could compound upon itself if we do not get the continued economic performance that we're getting on right now basically to say if people aren't making money, there's no going to be able to pay taxes, there's a gamble and that will be the crux of the debate that goes on capitol hill. the white house proposes but essentially we're going to have to have agreement between the house of representatives and the senate. there's a lot of deficit hawks in the house. people who were making arguments that you knot spend anything in the federal budget if it was not have a compensatory cut
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for. so this is going to get to some of these old argument that is eric can tore used to have when he was the house majority leader, two, three years ago >> this argument not only between the house and senate but certainly republicans and democrats will be talking about this as well. what do you think about the president's tax plan? we sent ronica cleary to get the pulse of the people. >> reporter: an interesting thing that the president said the tax reform would be a key priority but obamacare would be introduced first even though the repeal and replace wasn't passed we see him moving on to a tax reform introduction. what do people think about that? the results were mixed take a listen to what people had to say >> i'm happy that it looks as though it will be a middle class tax cut god knows the rich don't need attack cut. so there's a lot to do. >> going to bankrupt the country with giving
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to rich people and companies who don't need it >> it's goes to hurt the low income people not making a whole lot like me. and i don't need to pay anymore tax. because i can't afford on the money i'm making now. >> i think tax reform is great. i like to see tax cuts. i hate trump but i think what he's doing with the program is good >> we also took to twitter and still up and make sure you weigh in if you think these are you notes are wrong but certainly clearly a winner here. his tax reform important to you? 74% said yes, 26% said no. i'd love to speak to the 26% who said no. if you go back to that sound from people on the street, one person said tax reform could bankrupt the country and another person said tax reform is great. clearly, you know, not a sexy issue, if you will but certainly a divisive one, back to you, jim and shawn >> and important what we need to see
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not just a one pager as we move forward. a lot of the facts. you heard the last response said i hate trump, guess what? that's not an argument for anything right there. you got to look at the facts first. >> yes. >> we asked questions today, we only got 20 minutes of questions. tht include the introductory remarks. a lot of press feeling like we need to know more >> the question is how do you do it? ronica cleary at the white house, thank you much the entire u.s. senate took a field trip to the white house for a rather unusual briefing on north korea. because the entire senate doesn't typically go to the white house for these kind of briefings >> the escalating situation in north korea raised concerns among lawmakers, president trump isn't leading the sanction he's expected to drop in or his top administrators will brief them >> there's a secure room in, you know, overall on capitol hill where they could have this briefing. the question is why
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the white house? >> i have a feeling when you think about donald trump and all the times you've seen him in his office, you have to imagine that's the buck stop here imagine he's giving out white house is slamming a federal judge's decision to stop an executive order that would have blocked funding to and to stop sanctuary cities. put the measure on hold while pending lawsuits, some cities within the jurisdiction. the trump administration said ruling undermines faith in our legal system, democrats, think otherwise. >> that wall will not be built. it's not going to happen. i think sooner the better the president realizes that, there's no appetite from democrats but republicans along the put border as well to not want to see that wall ever built. >> well, joe crowley talking about the wall but talking about the sanctuary, latest
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proposed travel bans have been blocked before >> lewis thanks for joining us >> thank you for having me >> is this this judge's ruling a victory for so-called sanctuary cities >> we think it is. there are significant thing important. the main wasn't one being local jurisdictions shot able to create the type of communities they want in their areas. so if the -- if washington, dc believes that community trust policies are good for our area, because it creates trust and corroboration between law enforcement and immigrants that then that is good for washington. sanctuary cities are here to stay and president trump can't get rid of them by blocking federal funding. just out of whim. >> let's talk about there are people who
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cities and say, it's a wrong concept. it's wrong. there are people who aren't following the immigration laws and that sanctuary cities should not be allowed. pthat seems to be a prevailing opinion. where are they wrong in saying follow the rules? >> well, those are certainly talking points but a lot of that is based on alternative fact >> you're quoting kellyanne conway >> if you look at what the law enforcement community is saying, many of them will tell you that it does not benefit anyone to create mistrust between the immigrant community and the law enforcement officials. in fact, sanctuary cities, in many ways, may make us safer because immigrants will feel more comfortable reaching out to law enforcement when there are actual problems. now, the cities that are sanctuary cities are still enforcing their laws. it just says they're not going to get into business of
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enforcing immigration law, which remains at the purview of the federal government >> the judgely ruling doesn't actually block the government from enforcing these conditions on federal grants or from even developing new regulations and going into actually define what a sanctuary city s are you concerned, you know, seems like the trump administration is going to keep coming that this may be a temporary victory and if so, what's next? what's the plan for how to deal with what comes next? >> you're absolutely right. i mean, the fact that there isn't a single definition for a sanctuary city is part of the confusion, because we have places being targeted and being labeled as sanctuary cities, simply because they choose to take alternative and different approach, at the end of the day they come down to do cities have a say in how they create the communities where they live? and the answer to that is yes >> your bottom line, at local
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issue? you're saying this should be determined locally and not federal level >> absolutely.pon that angle, l knows best, in those communities what is working and not working and law enforcement officials are saying it doesn't benefit us to create mistrust and that's what we do when we force local law enforcement to engage in activities or duties they aren't themselves committed to doing. >> thanks so much, we appreciate your perspective. republicans say they're making headway on a new healthcare bill >> the freedom caucus announced it would support the changes to the affordable care act. the group in favor of partially repeal and replacing. many house democrats say they don't think the president is interested in fixing healthcare >> let's be honest. donald trump didn't know anything about the american healthcare system when he became president. he largely out sourced the
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authorship of this bill to house republican whose wrote it in private and then gladly offered himself as a cheerleader and champion of it once it was released. number of republicans have yet to get behind the bill but imagine the house freedom caucus being the major stumbling block to why he didn't get the vote period later time. i can't see a situation if you have the wing of the caucus, seems a pretty good chance >> we didn't talk about democrats, they have blasted his bill and say, you know, what happens though to those 24 million people who will be left without coverage? a lot of this was in this new plan puts the coverage back at the jurisdiction of the states to decide and make decisions. >> president trump said he would tackle tax reform after healthcare. apparently the sun is out. i have not seen it we w
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basement. sue palka, >> i'll let you use and i per scope later. you can definitely get a peak and i know some of you in the far eastern suburbs may be waiting, but if doesn't get there, it will be there tomorrow, we'll see the skies clearing can for those who haven't seen the sun and many areas west have had several hours but there's still lingering moisture, maybe you felt the humidity in the air, we may see areas of fog, but sunshine will rule tomorrow and with a full day now that our storm is departing off the new jersey coast. it's been a slow movie for sure. we should be get into the mid 80's and probably friday. thursday into friday morning, there's a front going to come through, we could have couple of showers late tort into the overnight hours, we think it clears out nicely again for friday, what about the weekend? saturday, we had to get the fan out. looks like a hot day. might feel humid. we could pop an afternoon thunderstorm. could
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in dc of 2017. still tracking a frontal boundary sunday that could have an effect on temperatures, that's a look at your weather headlines, sending back over to shawn and jim >> there's been a lot of talk about this, but president trump not the first to hire family members. take a closer look when 5at630 comes right back. s right back.
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conservative comment at any timer speech at berkley is off again. the university invited her then cancelled over security concerns. students were planning massive protests. one student group sued the university for cancelling the speech. the university has seen its share of violent protests over free speech on campus recently. you may remember back in february. people caused more than $10,000 in damage on campus when they took to the streets to protest a
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>> if you oppose, which is her first amendment right, you're not helping the cause, because in the grand scheme it doesn't come off as brave students fight back. it's going to come as a bunch of vandals >> that school is known for fighting for free speech and being liberal. when you see them fighting against it. it sort of goes >> counter productive >> former vice president joe biden made one of his first post white house appearances a the george mason university. he's trying to help change the culture that lead to sexual violence against young people >> if you see something if you're a fraternity brother and you see a young freshman co ed in the second week dead drunk and he's walking her up the stairs and you got to say not in my house, i
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an accomplice. you know what's about to happen. >> reminding the audience sexual assault is still the number one violent crime in college campuses in america. he's got a lot of gripe about this but president trump is not the first president to hire family members. presidential historians, most of them secretary to the president and 14 daughters or daughters in law have taken up responsibilities. the daughter of andrew johnson lobbied members of could go depress for appropriate approximations. hillary clinton of course tried to healthcare as first lady, nancy reagan influential to her husband and if you want to talk about sons and you daughters, robert f kennedy serving in his brother's administration, i think one of the reasons a lot of people complained is because you know, the background. >> sure. i mean, not a background necessarily in politics, but a background in business and they've been in busines
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whole perception. we still hear about connections >> these are the advisors to the president is comfortable with. they're not congressionally approved positions, he can appoint whoever he wants >> we're going to shine a spotlight on father men and boys, while local council builder stronger in prince george's county is making a huge difference, we'll be right back. now through sunday at havertys, everything's on sale during our anniversary event. find furniture and accessories for every room. from traditional to contemporary, the newest designs and the freshest styles. plus, you'll get twenty-four month, no interest financing.
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♪ ♪ strong families prince george's county is the aim of a brand new commission on fathers men and boys. >> this is mel franklin and he established this and is live with us >> good evening. >> tell us about why this is important. >> this is crucial because there's a fatherhood movement building across this country and in large part because
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recognition that we have a lot of families where fathers are absent and those, in those situations are creating big negative impacts for worsening academic achievement, behavioral problems, creates a cycle of poverty. we're working with national organizations like the national father initiative and other jurisdictions. building initiative that's anchored in prince george's county and designed to get at a lot of the obstacles that fathers are facing >> how will this work? so this is law. this is -- this initiative, how will you actually make a difference or change things? >> this is the critical part now. we've created the law. we created the commission. now we have to have the commission appointed and we have to have the staff and resources to build a true father hood initiative. they would pull together folks from the business community, faith community, the mentoring community, other fatherhood advocates,
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where we focus on the gaps, the obstacles, unemployment, under employment. reentry, issues of anger management, impulse problem, issues like abuse and things that fathers are overcoming, fathers who have become fathers too young and need to be mentored. all of those things can help strengthen >> people will look at this and say it's just the government stepping in again but by bringing in different groups that's how you make things work >> government can't solve this problem. it can only be solved by mobilizing the community. the commission on fatherhood would work in tandem with the community. we have over 800 churches in prince george's county. dozens of mentoring organization, a number of resources we can bring to bear if we focus on where the gaps are in our system >> how do you pick and choose the fathers or the young men who will participate in this program? can people just sign up?
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>> once the fatherhood commission is appointed, they will be able to put it together, but it will be open. we want -- you can't have too much participation. and we really want to try to reach father that is need the help the most. young father whose become fathers too soon. we want to reach kids who don't have fathers in their lives and the fathers are not going to be in their life. we need to have positive male role models >> i think we can all agree, at great initiative to pursue here >> thank you, it's a bipartisan effort? that's the important part >> absolutely. thank you so much for coming in. mel franklin we periodic it >> we'll be back after this.
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>> after undercovering the fraudulent credentials of their school's principal. the principal later resigned. the students are going to be the guests of the huffing ton post and this ties in with the white house correspondence dinner looking to raise money for student scholarships. this is not about lamp pooning the president. this is what it's about >> it's cool, the students when they found out took it to the administration and the administrators basically thanks, you don't know what you're talking about they kept publishing it into the newspaper and four days into the job, the principal resigned because the adults looked into it and realized >> these kids are right >> they were absolutely right. apparently they said the university claims she went to didn't have the -- >> it wasn't accredited >> some something like that >> accreditation >> future journalists, good luck.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: so ass gate continues. kim kardashian is still in mexico with her friends but after the ration of crap she took for the butt shots, she played it up on the balcony while her friends jet ski. >> you keep dogging her for hiding her ass the last two days, and then we got a good shot yesterday of it. >> but they send us a low-res version and we're like, ok, where's the high-res? >> oh, the photographer is like on a plane. >> drake looking like a snack in this photo right here. he looks delicious. >> you're right. he does look like a snack. >> he looks like a frigging snack. harvey: what's a snack? >> a snack, you can have it any time of the day. [laughter] >> we got charlamagne tha god in new york. >> love him.
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