tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX May 3, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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happy hump day. another busy day in washington. gets who was on the hot seat? fbi director james comey. >> like it's a surprise. >> i was watching, you probably were too. you can see on the side of your screen, it's what we're talking about at 6:30, you can tweet us what's on your mine with a #5at630. let's go. >> we did not find anything that changes our view of her intent. >> as you saw the fbi director that was just a snippet of his testimony. he defended his decision to reveal that the fbi was
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reopening its investigation of hillary clinton's e-mails days before the presidential election >> comey said it made him mildly nauseous to this it could impact voters but added he'd do it all over again. president trump added to the fire stroke storm. he said he gave her a free pass many bad deeds went ons at the russian connection story is phony, fake news, once again i saw the tweets last night. people said the president is tweeting. see what he's saying >> that's what he was talking about. hillary clinton was talking - about this too, speaking at a forum asked a question about the election, also said part of the reason she felt like she lost is because james comey made the announcement on the 28th. she could have won if the election was the 27th >> i feel like the president doesn't have to relitigate the election. he keeps going back to hillary clinton. he won. >> has been following
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fitz he said this decision was one of the world's most painful experiences, what else did he reveal. >> reporter: jim is right. the litigation of election seems to go on but seems to be going on on both sides. what we heard was a lot of complaints from the republicans about what they see as continued leaking out of the fbi about the bureau's investigation into possible connections between the trump campaign in russia. on the other side you had democrats keep going back to what the heck was going on last summer when comb kept coming out and having news conferences and days before the election, announcing they had found thousands of new e-mails on anthony wiener's e-mail, these appearances by the fbi director are quickly becoming must see tv because when he comes up here, people lien in and hear things they weren' expecting to hear, like the fact that comey now says as jim said, he feels mildly nauseous when he
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that he and the fbi may have influenced this election. so this led to this point, he was asked today what he said to fbi investigators about the lead-up to this decision to go public in october with this fact they had found thousands of new e-mails of disgraced e-mail. this is what he said he instructed his people. >> i stair at speak and conceal. there's an election that 11 day, lordy that would be bad. concealing in my view would be catastrophic. not just to the fbi but well beyond. and honestly, as between really bad and catastrophic, i said to my team, we got to walk in the world of really bad, i've got to tell congress weary starting this, not in a frivolous way, in a hugely significant way. >> reporter: and that wound up comey says
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election on the hillary clinton. what about the trump side? he also said he had very serious concerns about what the fbi's actions would do in regards to the trump campaign, however, kaheem, up here on capitol hill, more questions were answered about hillary clinton than there were about the trump side of this, because every time it was brought up, comey would say this is currently investigation with the trump campaign, i can't take and i can't answer that question in open session. but this is how he addressed this question when asked about what effect the fbi's actions had on the trump side. >> tom thank you. a lot of people hearing the situation wondering about can't we get rid of him? you're opponented. both democrats and republicans continue to claim victory, the
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and management mic mulvaney said the democrats left them few options >> in terms of funding the president's priorties, that's my job, and i can tell you that the entire omb and the west wing, including the oval office excited about the money that we did get for the president's priorities yesterday >> let's bring in a friend at 5at630, james at norton president and founder at play action strategies. here we go again, both sides are claiming victory. you've been through this before. do you want to have somebody claim victory or are they trying to work together? what's the point >> i think that mildly nauseous is probably a theme going around capitol hill and you should probably buy stock in pep toe bis mall >> that's the healthcare plan. just going to send everybody pep toe bis mall >> there's about 100 republican that is voted against bill for a lot of reasons they had in it and i think that you know, the realit
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another theme here, tomorrow is star wars day and i think this is the obama strikes back bill because he actually proposed this budget in february of 2016 and so 15 months later, congress is actually passing a bill that obama proposed and trump signing it and so there's a lot of irony i think in terms of programs that are in there that are inherently side. they're trying to claim victory for extra funding for defense and a little bit more money for homeland security but there's nobody happy with this legislation going through i think there's, you know, going to be a lot more here in a couple of weeks, the team budget will be proposed which is really the first trump budget, there will be a lot of details in there that i think will try to address some issues >> you mentioned some republican whose aren't necessarily happy. lindsey graham essentially said the democrats cleaned the republicans clock with this and he's talking about possibly not voting for it ends want to shut the governm
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doesn't want to continue to fund obamacare for all the republicans who are like him, where does this leave them moving forward? >> i think you know, there will be republicans that probably won't vote for this bill, i think image mcconnell is calling for a vote here tonight to have one, but you know, i think they're going to live to fight another day in the sense they're going to look towards fy 18 and authorizations bills on 18 and try to work with the new administration. but you know again, this is something that this is why congress has the lowest approval ratings in history, you know, around the 15% because they failed to do their jobs, here we are, seven months past october 1st and they're passing last year's budget. if we had paid our taxes in october instead of april, i think we all would know what would happen. it's kind of a failure on part of congress, i'm sure lindsey graham is upset but he should be upset at the entire body in terms of performance >> we had to leave it at that. james norton good to see you. see you next time >>
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>> watch yourself >> wait a minute, we're not going to let you go with that. take him off of here. get him out. >> cut his mic, get him out. there we go. >> all right. >> he dropped that on our air. >> is he from boston? this is washington. >> he is. >> not going to let you backing james for that one. the other big debate. healthcare, the gop still struggling to come up with enough yes votes, today, they got two gop lawmakers to flip from those no to yes votes after a special visit to the white house >> we mentioned congressman fred upton. they change after working out a deal with president trump of the preexisting conditions. it would provide 8 billion dollars over five years, now, of course, they polled people. half of voters don't want states to opt out, 52% of democrats and 48% of republicans agree, maybe rare
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>> the ceo joins us thanks so much for joining us. american people seem to be concerned about this preexisting condition. where will this lead all of those people under the current plan as it is right now, the gop plan in the house >> i got to tell you, shawn, what concerns me about this isn't what i think is concerning the american public. this feels like something from that movie in the 90's wag the dog >> what do you mean? >> as a lawyer in healthcare and dan r candidly i think that's part of our problems we have too many politicians and lawyers doing healthcare policy, previouslying conditions for somebody that works in the industry is kind of like building our foreign policy around our relationship with the bahamas. we want to have at a good relationship with the bahamas, but it's not critical. let me explain why. >> are you saying that preexisting conditions funding for that or making sure that's included is not critical? >> it's not the major issue. they did a study back in 2012. and less than
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population said the reason that they're -- they weren't covered was because of poor health. let me tell you why. most americans are covered. the bucket of folks we're talking about and that's why this feels like there's a wag the dog war on albania thing going on here, to try to keep something in place that was brought in by obamacare. most people are covered by either medicare, medicaid or employers. and even if you're covered by one employer, for those folks oh before obamacare we had this thing called continued coverage. if you can show you were covered with no gaps of 63 days or more they never denied you of preexisting condition, that came from a clinton bill called h hiput, less than one % of the american population that isn't on medicare, isn't on medicaid, is not getting insurance through their
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getting denied based on their illnesses. it is a worthwhile cause. personally i have preexisting conditions, crohn's disease for 20 years, something that i benefit from. what i'm telling you as a healthcare specialist and lawyer, at small problem compared to the bigger problem >> what would be the overall -- what were the main conditions we should be looking at then if you're saying preexisting conditions are a small part >> i will say i'm supportive of the bill that's been negotiated and i think the president should get credit for quite frankly he's viewed as not being necessarily the most generous or kind, by trying to put 8 billion dollars into this which sounds like it's last negotiated piece so we're covering this small bucket with the high risk pools, i think that's something that's really benevolent. it is a good cause, overplayed and to answer your question, what are the real issues in healthcare right now? they are the fact that obamacare expanded medicaid for the first time to single
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without any dependants or children, who could work, but aren't working and making less than $16,000 a year. i know working in the industry, that this group of this massive population, which between the ages of 25 and 55, we have one fifth of our population of those men on medicaid. big problem, lots of opioids >> i think a lot of peanut butter will be debating this and going back and forth. that's your thought on the priesting conditions but you know, seems like people are upset about that. if it makes it through the house, we have to see if it will make it through the senate. we appreciate you weighing in, out of time. brian rotello, ceo of lawyer differently. thank you so much talk show host. jimmy kimmel's tearful monday log has become part of this debate >> kimmel posted a picture of his family, newborn son
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heart surgery may be a turning point on the debate on healthcare. sean spicer joined the conversation today. >> we share that corner for the kimmel's child as well as any child that needs care, that's frankly why the president fought so hard to improve the bill to make sure there was that extra layer of protection for anybody with a preexisting condition. no matter stage in life. >> it was a quote about parents shouldn't have to decide whether or not they have the money to save children's life. this is a guy who can afford it of joe walsh, former congressman from illinois had said last night, i'm sorry, i'm -- i shouldn't be forced to pay for your child's care or anybody child's care >> a lot came out and there was backlash against jimmy kimmel because he said here's this latestist rich guy whose talking about it. he said i know i can afford it. it's it's people who can't
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talking about a phone call between president trump and vladimir putin and we're told it was good. the white house said the leaders talked about the syrian civil war and discussed setting up safe zones is to deescalate the violence and agreed to try to meet in germany in july on the sidelines of the submit. the relationship suffered a set back last month when the president ordered missile strikes against syrian targets after the deadly chemical weapons attack on civilians president trump vowing to strike a mideast peace deal with private
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with >> the peace process has been stalled since 2014. the president said he would do whatever is necessary to broker a deal. ma'am over the course of my lifetime i've heard that perhaps the toughest deal to make is the deal between the israelees and the palestinians, let's see if we can prove them wrong. ok? good. thank you. and mr. abbas said he's committed to peace too, he envisions a palestinian state with east jerusalem as the capitol. ronica cleary live from the white house. >> reporter: well, i'm here with omar badar, the deputy director of the arab american institute and you're a palestinian american, we're interested in getting your take and reaction
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to the meeting. the president of palestine described it as hopeful >> i personally did not think it was anything particularly hopeful in that meeting. i get why president abbas mentioned it was hopeful, grasping at straws, hoping that appealing to donald trump's ability to negotiate that he might get something. but just judging by the current climate and the lack of specifics from president trump i don't think there's anything that -- there's any signs that things will be moving in a better direction, i certainly would hope to be wrong >> let's talk a little bit about president trump, in the press briefing with the secretary, one of the reporters pointed out and said this is certainly not the first time peace has been attempted in israel palestinian peace agreement. what would make this different? and the press secretary said the man is different. president trump is different. your thoughts on maybe a different approach through this president. >> we don't know exactly what he's going to bring to table just because he's been
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very vaguely about the issue. but we do have some hints about the kind of people he's surrounded himself with, who are related to this policy and his reduction to offer specifics, i think leaves us in the dark to a great degree. when president obama came in he had a specific vision about what peace would look like, even though never muscled the energy to make real progress, at least he had a vision in way donald trump keeps repeating the idea that the u.s. is not in a position to impose anything on the parties that they have to figure this out and the problems there's such a disparity in power between both parties, that leaving the parties to figure out this out on their own effectively means israel will get its way because the palestinians are not in a strong position. >> reporter: thank you so much, certainly a controversial issue, one perspective from deputy director of the arab american institute and a palestinian american. back to you, jim and shawn. have you heard, there's a
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network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ ♪ there's a biographer about president obama. claims he proposed to a woman who rejected him twice before michelle obama >> the rising star the making of barack obama said he met her in the mid 80's. she said the former president asked her to marry him in 1986. her parents said she was too young. she also believed mr. knew he wanted to become president and was concerned being an interracial couple would do him political damage >> the president met michelle robinson during the first year in
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you guys probably know the rest of that. we haven't heard from the former president on those proposals. >> ivanka trump's husband kushner and daughter handing out doughnuts outside on the home in northwest. snapping the photo of the 5-year-old carefully carrying plate with what looks to be glazed doughnuts. >> i was trying to see if they were krispy kreme or duncan. >> hard to tell. the krispy kreme you have a solid glaze >> that was something else. don't know what >> hopefully if they're playing it right, at local dc bakery. there's great places to get doughnuts. >> absolutely. we've been talking, we talk a lot about animals, giraffes, bald eagles. the name you voted for mr. president and the first lady's eaglets w
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i thought we were going to come come out to video of the baby eaglets. we just ooed a long time as we watched the birds hatch from the eggs. hatch from the eggs. of course, now they're here and everybody is excited about them. and patriotic names have been chosen for the eaglets at the national arboretum. the nails are honor and glory. >> i was trying to remember some options out there. >> you know, think one of them was shawn. maybe jim. >> didn't tony say was a george and wheezy saying -- that was tony, almost 30,000 people voted. birds have fans all over the world and we mentioned about the bald eagles parents many time, mr. president and the first lady
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in the world, when there's hatch links when come together and name them northern of freedom and liberty and honor and glory >> i can't remember the last two born last year, weren't they like freedom and liberty >> it's hard to keep track, there's so many of them >> that's a good thing >> it is >> it's kind of cool they leave the camera -- sometimes i feel hike we're invading their privacy >> there was the one shot of -- and i forget who captured it. but i believe the first lady turned around and shooting some side eye at the camera. went around for awhile >> first ladies apparently do that sometimes every now and then. we'll give you guys little side eye as we say thanks so much for joining us tonight at 6:30, it's a pleasure >> i think we learned i'm incapable of giving side eye so i'm going to look at the camera and tell you get your local news on we're
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harvey: we did the story about justin bieber dating hailee steinfeld. guess who's on the phone challenging us a little bit on that? ryan seacrest. >> and they say they may be romantic. e news said no, they're just friends. >> i thought people pooh-poohed this story. harvey: but you know what, there's a lot of pooh-poohing going on in hollywood. [laughter] >> barack obama allegedly had the love of his life before michelle obama. she was miyoshi yag err. asked her to marry him twice. >> if not your wife is hot. >> if you date someon and you don't marry them, you wasted
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