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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  May 18, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> another twist in the white house russia probe. president trump today spoke out about the justice department naming a special counsel to investigate possible ties between his campaign and russia. all right. so the question is what comes next? as you can see from the run down over there on the side of your screen, this is the story that is still dominating headlines at
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tweet us and let us know what your thoughts are on this. use that #5at630. we'll show some of your tweets. let's get to it. >> well, i respect the move but the entire thing has been a witch hunt and there is no collusion between certain and my campaign but i can always speak for myself and the russians, zero. i think it divides the country. >> that was of course president trump reiterating in fact what he tweeted earlier this morning. he once again called the naming of a special counsel to investigate russia's meddling in the presidential campaign a witch hunt. former fbi director robert mueller will be heading up that investigation. he'll have the broad authority to subpoena records bring criminal charges against people he is also able to decide what he wants to disclose to the justice department during his probe. hm. >> so it will be interesting to see exactly what comes out. it's going to be a long process i'm sure but he has a lot of respect also on the hill
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to see what happens here. >> absolutely. >> democratic house minority leader nancy pelosi still calling for an independent commission to lead the russia probe. many republicans still say they don't think a special counsel should have been appointed. >> that is reason to believe that the president's pandering to russia citizens bank endangering our nationality security our economy and our democracy. >> i believe that the professionals at the justice department need to do their jobs independently objectively and thoroughly and i believe the special counsel which is robert mueller now helps them do that. >> do you think it interferes with the congressional investigation. >> no, it doesn't actually so we are going to keep these investigations going here. >> all right. let's bring in our legal analyst now a. scott bolden and james norton a security expert and president and founder of play action strategies. gentlemen thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> scott i want to start with you. do you think this was a good move for the justice department to bring in the special counsel to
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this independently. >> absolutely. once rod rosenstein became a a remember, he was head of the investigation and then there was the firing of comey and then the president's tweets and what's come out from comey's memo and notes he became a witness and other leaders in the doj became a witness and so you either had to have an independent counsel which would have gone to a panel or a special counsel on the under regs. he shows a special counsel. it makes sense. politically on the hill it allows the republicans to walk away from having to go against their president at least for now. >> uh-huh. so, what do we think is the next step james maybe you can chime in here for the special counsel? what is sort of the process now? what's the length of time that we think thk expect? >> well, i mean, i think that, you know, we just need to remember that one of the reasons that donald trump was swept into office was because of the political dysfunction in washington, d.c. and they brought in an outside
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your outside president that's pretty much ensnarled in a political drama here in the early stages of his presidency and so now that we've taken the step or the justice department has taken the step to appoint a special prosecutor, the reality is there real is no time line and this could run for quite a bit of time if we think back to ken star and the early stages of his investigation of bill clinton that started way white water investigation and had all sorts of tales and we ended up with monica lewinsky at the time and a impeachment trial. i think if democrats are looking for any type of time line or a quick win on their end i don't think they'll see that. i think bob muller is very judicious and as scott said earlier that he has a pretty strong reputation on both sides of the aisle. he actually was extended two years to have a 12 year term so the first director to have that which took an act of congress. it's going to be interesting to see how it will go but i don't think we'll see anything in the short term. >> we'll talk about robert mueller coming up in a few minutes. earlier we saw a sound bite from the p
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today colombian presidents. reporters were eager to ask him about james comey. >> did you at any time urge former fbi director james comey in any way shape or form to close or to back down the investigation into michael flynn and also, as you look -- >> no, no. next question. >> all right. he quickly moved on with that one, denied it right away. scott, let me get your take on all of this and if indeed this memo exists that we've heard so much about, what sort of legal issues could the president or the white house be facing? >> well, i think mueller is going to get his hands on that memo. i believe that it exists because the sources have been verified by various media companies and the memo was read to them. secondly, the congressional committees and our senate committees are going to get their hand on it and while the memo itself is not dispositive of whether that conversaton took place it's pretty powerful because like most prosecutors and
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defense lawyers, when you leave a meeting like that and that occurs, you automatically go back and try to put together a contemporaneous writing to reflect it a memo to the file, if you will. whether you share it with your fbi associates or not or your superiors or not you still have that memo to the file because you don't want to forget it because if you get to court you can refresh your recollection with it but more importantly it makes it more likely than less likely that his memory has faded because he wrote down his memory contemporaneous with that that conversation. it's going to be a pretty pour full piece of evidence. now, that being said, it's still a factual dispute. president says it didn't happen. comey says it does. one has credibility. one has less credibility. take your pick. >> all right. [laughter] >> let's, also take a look at the investigations that will continue on the capitol hill. they're going to continue to do their part in this, too, and they have been -- there have been several calls for former director comey to testify. do we think that he is going to hold off
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being appointed as special counsel now? what do we think could come of that? >> well, i think -- if you want me to take that, i think it's really up to the chairs and the ranking members of the house and senate committees. on one hand people are going to give mueller a a lot of latitude because they want him to define not only how he's going to work with these parallel committees doing separate investigations. remember, he's doing a criminal investigation. the senate and house committees are doing either national security oral separate investigations on his part and so they'll give him latitude. i think comey ultimately once the memo is subpoenaed by any one of these organizations i think comey has got to testify. he's got to explain what happened. and he's got to explain that meeting to put a lot of pressure on the white house to rebut it or to present some credible evidence to rebut it and we'll see. it will be a very interesting next couple of months. >> months, weeks, who knows. every day there's something new going
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legal analyst a scott bolton great to have you in. >> thanks coming in tonight. >> the justice department tapped as we mentioned we've been talking about that robert mueller to to be the special counsel top handle the russia probe. >> the question is who is he. let's bring in fox5's tom fitzgerald. we know he was the former fbi director prior to comey. but, you know, what's the deal? >> reporter: well, the deal right now is that if you felt a big gust of wind at some point today, that wasn't sue palka's forecast. that was an exhale coming from the republican side of the aisle on capitol hill. here's why. up until yesterday, this has been a mess on the committee side and the reason being is these committees simply were at odds with each other. today this man, rod rosenstein the assistant attorney general of the united states getting into that vehicle right there, he took that chevy suburban all the way up to capitol hill where he today briefed the entire u.s. senate about what has bn
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been done is this. rosenstein we know from our own reporting, from other sources was we are told furious about him as one of the reasons that he went and fired the fbi director james comey. rosenstein we were told was so angry about this at one point he considered resigning but then later decided to stay on at the justice department because his steady hand was needed in that job and what that hand did yesterday was appoint this man, robert mueller. mueller is a 12-year fbi director. fbi director terms are only 10 years and already today you could hear from both republicans and democrats who frankly have been at each other's throats for months over this russia investigation start to sound similar today in what they were saying about their confidence in both robert mueller and now allowing them that magic phrase, there's an investigation under way, i don't wan
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but by and large, to a man and woman today, they all had very positive things to say about robert mueller. listen to this. this is the vice chairman of the senate intelligence committee. virginia senator mark warner who is going to be at the heart of this when the senate intelligence committee begins its hearings on this as well. >> he has been very emphatic for years about the fbi's independence, its neutrality. he is highly respected as somebody who navigated the fbi through very difficult times. and he was seen as somebody who really sort of led an fbi that didn't have a major scandal for the 12 years he was on top of it. >> reporter: and unless he's undergone some sort of metamorphosis. right now
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question as we head into tonight who is going to be the fbi director. that's still up in the air. we keep hearing that former senator joe lieberman is a consensus pick right now. but there are some questions over his political background. as you know he was a democrat and then independent senator from the state connecticut. he was also al gore's running mate back in 2000. >> tom fitzgerald for us. thanks so much. let's check in with sue palka get the latest on the weather which, yeah, it's been a hot one but now it seems to be a stormy one, too. hey, sue. >> classic summer day here in d.c., right sarah and shawn except that it's spring but we're tracking a couple thunderstorms that are very strong. not everybody is seeing it as you can tell here as we look at the radar but this is the one with, oh, my goodness, so much lightening we've been tracking. this severe thunderstorm warning is for clark fauquier loudoun and warren and it goes until 7:30. the storm is generally moving to the east at about 20 miles an hour. the big concern now a lot of lightning, very heavy rain and it
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in it. there could be three-quarters of an inch briefly. we've had a couple reports of hail elsewhere but this also could produce some winds that could gust to 60 miles an hour. hey, and the good news is it's really going to drop your temperature if you get it but it's tough to drive in it. headline for tomorrow, it's still going to be a hot day. we are expecting another round of storms in the afternoon because a frontal boundary will be coming on through and it will be the end of our hot spell. here's the front. want to also let you know that the storm prediction center there's the marginal risk we could see more strong to severe storms tomorrow afternoon and last thing i'll show you here, these are the temps we're expecting tomorrow. low 90's upper 80's, a lot of humidity to work with with these storms and then it's over just in time for the weekend. we return to the 70's with a lot of clouds. that's a look at your forecast. send it back over to shawn and sarah now. >> cooldown is coming. thank you sue. we wants to hear from you guys tonight. there's a lot going on. >> sound off with fox5's ronica cleary. hey,
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sarah. we're at the old ebbitt grille. tonight we're asking you about sheriff david clark. he says he's got a role in the department of homeland security. what do you think about it? we're going to hear from these people after the break. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> president trump's staff is evolving. in fact a controversial sheriff may be joining his administration. david clark says he will be the new assistant secretary of the department of homeland security. the milwaukee county sheriff is a vocal gun rights supporter and has criticized the black lives matter movement. the position does not require isn't it confirmation. >> ronica cleary is live at old ebbitt grille getting the pulse of the people. >> reporter: hey, shawn and sarah. i've talked with a few people before. i got to say 50-50 on people really aware who he is but i found a handful of people who do andet
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them. so, what's your name, sir. >> it's ed dillard. >> reporter: all right ed what's your reaction to hearing this sheriff clark's news joining dhs. >> i'll tell you what, i'm glad to hear it because i was wondering he kind of disappeared from the trump campaign and i believe strong law -- opinions on law and order and i believe that he will bring a very strong force to homeland security. i think he's -- it's a good choice. >> reporter: all right, thank you so much. let's -- i got someone over here. he's going to weigh in on general in who trump is surrounding himself with. what do you think about in general who he puts in roles that support him, if you will. >> doesn't make a lot of sense. it's all over the place. so, there's a lot of inconsistency. so, we're from florida. bit different than here in d.c. seems that the people he's assigning to his cabinet have been almost like the polar opposite of what maybe the expectaton has been for like the experience and the background so we have not
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really happy about that at all. >> reporter: all right. thank you so much. let's come back here. we got some more people over here. these people do know about sheriff clark. what's your name sir. >> scott phelps. >> reporter: what's your reaction. >> i think it's fantastic. i think sheriff clark if you've ever heard him speak you know that he really cares about kids. he knows that the break down the heart of a america'ss at- social ills. i think if every county in america had a sheriff clark this would be a completely different place. he's amazing. >> reporter: really resounding praise for him and one more lady back here. here you go. all right, what do you think when you hear about sheriff clark in dhs. >> i think that's an interesting choice by the president. i think he has a right to fill his administration with the people who he sees fit. >> reporter: all right. we'll see what happens. yeah, we'll see what happens. that's what we're doing every day on channel five. we're sending it back to you shawn and sarah. >> thank you ronica. all right. former president george w. bush apparently has the look. we're going to give you the story behind a photo bomb of his that went viral . >> [ug
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] vo: at dominion, we have a long history of providing reliable energy and that'll never change. what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. and we'll continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. more than a new name, a new way of seeing energy.
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narrator: "the time is always right to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us.
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>> former president george w. bush photo bombed a sports broadcast. emily jones of fox sports was reporting during a live broadcast at the philadelphia phillies versus the texas rangers game wednesday. you see him right there. former president strolled right through with a beverage in his hand popped up and said hey. by the way the rangers won their eighth consecutive game and for those of you who don't know the president used to be one of the owners of the texas rangers. >> that's right. i actually forgot. that's a great photo bomb there. love it. anyone hoping to see rosie o'donnell play steve bannon on "saturday night live" you're out of luck. someone photo shopped o'donnell and bannon together and the resemblance was uncanny. maybe you've seen it moving around on social media. in a new interview with the hollywood reporter cast member leslie jones said boss lorne michaels wouldn't give
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o'donnell the gig because "when you're playing a character you can't play it from hate. ." even though snl hadn't offered her anything she said she wouldn't take the role if they did. >> i thought from the beginning she said she wanted to do it. >> probably after that quote from lorne michael she now says no forget it i don't want it anyway. >> okay. >> the president setting -- getting ready to head to saudia arabia tomorrow but we're taking a trip to the philippines today when the 5 at 6:30 comes back. >> uh-oh. something cooking up in the kitchen. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> vice president mike pence honored asian-american heritage month at the white house today. [applause] >> this room is living proof that people of asian pacific descent from indonesia india solomon islands to south korea from every nation between you are an indispensable part of the american story and your communities have
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leaders like those two standing next to me in every facet of american life. in addition to secretary ciao. >> he was joined by elaine ciao. president trump hosted another world leader today before he begins his first oversees trip tomorrow. the colombian president. >> president trump is headed to saudia arabia before visiting israel and rome. >> that's right. now it's not scheduled but perhaps some day soon he'll visit the philippines. chef red garcia is here now to talk about filipino culture and cuisine and what dishes the president should check out should he visit. it's part of the embassy chef challenge that's what you're doing. >> yes, ma'am. >> tell us a little bit about the challenge and what you've got here today. >> it's over 35 countries are competing this
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represent each dishes and to share the common values. >> okay. >> and so when does this take place? >> it's on may 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the reagan building. >> and so what are you going to be cooking up. >> a dish here we're going to do the classic filipino dish in the classic filipino tradition. it is dishes wrapped in banana leaves. >> what do you have. >> adobo, rice, different color of tomatoes. >> we'll mold the rice on banana leaves and then we'll put the adobo sauce. >> what exactly is that in the adobo. >> this is the chicken adobo. it has tomatoes, soy sauce vinegar garlic. >> mushroom in there too. >> no mushrm.
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then you put the tomato on top. >> now, this is a traditional filipino dish. >> this is traditional filipino dish. this is its unofficial national dish of the philippines. >> okay. >> you're going put the quail egg on top. >> this is a quail egg. >> how is it different? if you've never had a quail egg before does it take different than a chicken egg. >> it all tastes the same. >> they're just tiny if you can see, a lot smaller. >> then we'll do t the chives on top for coloring and taste too and then we'll start wrapping them. it will be one, two, three, four, fold. so it's going to be one. >> now, do you eat the banana leaf. >> you don't eat the banana leaf. >> i was wondering. >> two. >> it's just the banana leaf is just part of presentation; is that correct.
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the philippines. >> oaksoh, interesting. >> it's a classic lunch box. back in the old school wet haver but it's a meal to go. so what the farmers did is they wrapped their dishes then take them on the field and eat whenever they have a break or lunch break and then you tie it up. >> fabulous. are you going to be making anything else for this competition or is this the dish that you are planning to -- >> this is not the dish but i'm going to make a banalak traditional filipino but i'm going to be making pork barbecue in the actual event and hopefully people will like it. >> oh, absolutely. we certainly wish you all the best. you guys saw the dates there for the contest and hopefully you will win because you came on fox5. >> thank you. >> oh good luck. you've got some mad banana leaf wrapping skills. >> yes.
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>> we can't eat it because you wrapped it up. >> we h >> thank you very much. >> are we supposed to eat with our hands. >> yes, yes or we have the spoon if you guys want it. >> that's all right. thanks for joining us tonight on 5 at 6:30. >> we'll see you tonight at 10:00, 10:30 and 11:00. >> ♪
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te. harvey: olympic medalist mcka maroney, her thirst paid off in a big way because rich homie quan is interested. >> i did a video, little video basically. harvey: there's nothing wrong with people flaunting sexuality. >> not at all. >> she's got to think about her next chapter. >> you know what now is, everybody's seen her ass. you know how much she's going to get for her ass? nothing. >> ufc light heavyweight champion daniel cormier is finally telling us what we want to know, what does it mean to sandblast a prostitute? when it was announced daniel cormier was going to fight jon jones the other day, they were going back and forth and screaming at each other. >> is this man going to mess this up again by sandblasting prostitutes? harvey: what does that mean? >> is that like shoot your kidney stones at her? [laughter] >> lil wayne is furious at


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