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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  May 19, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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>> right now, a family is demanding changes after this 6-year-old boy was hit by a car. what the city says it's doing beginning this weekend [ sirens ]. a man in stolen ambulance led police on
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through two counties. what the department is saying about security of its vehicles. and caught on camera, rescue of a handicapped man left alone in a hot car for hours. your news starts now. and we thank you for joining us tonight i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> we begin tonight with aftermath of a tragic accident a car hit and killed 6-year-old xavier luck wednesday night as crossing livingston in southeast. >> his family and neighbors say cars continue to fly down the road at high speeds. they're demanding the city take action before another life is lost. laurean is live with more on what's being done. lauren. . tony, shawn, as we've been reporting the speed limit is 25 miles an hour, 15 miles an hour when the school right down the street here is in session. but cars continue to fly past us all during the day and at this hour as well. while the horrific crash that
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is still under investigation, speed is a problem here and his family and the community are asking for speed bumpps and crosswalks so this doesn't happen to someone else. >> no family should feel this pain they need to fix it. >> yes. >> not tomorrow, not later as in today. >> we have to started. this has to stop today. they're speeding right now as we're sfapding on the street. they're going 80 miles an h hour. >> we showed you this last night kawrz speeding past the vigil held for xavier. livingston runs between housing complex and playground and the area is filled with kids. around 11 p.m. last night a car zoomed past us highway speeds. police caught up with the driver and our camera was r rolling as that man was ar arrested. we asked mayor bowser's office what is going to be done about this they sent us a statement saying this weekend they'll put signs up here alerting
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drivers there are pedestrians who cross in the area and they say they plan to gather date ato determine if crosswalks or additional traffic measures such as speed humps will mitigate safety concerns. i asked councilman train don't white to see if something can be done quicker. >> can't we do something quicker. it takes time to get data. >> we need to push director of d dot to put speed bumps out and this is an area plagued by speeding in the last couple years. so we will press the issue. the mayor and her office gave a statement. simply, we need speed bump. it could have been avoided. signs are not good nuxt we've seen signs. snaps happen where there are signs it's a ge effort but not enough to slow traffic. we see cars flying down the
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>> he's head of d dot in his office today and they'll look into doing something faster. we'll continue to stay on top of this and i want to mention that tonight, i talked with a police force that says they're not expecting to file any charges in the accident where xavier lucky was killed. that could be because there's not enough evidence in the case. but either way i can assure you firsthand speeding is a problem heevrment live in southeast. laurean, "fox5 local news". >> hope they get that worked out. >> now to the storms that rolled through the region tonight that led to scary moments for drivers in laurel. prince george county fire department says 22 cars got strappeded here in a flash flood on mount peelier drive. by the time the fire crews got here the water receded and no one was hurt. let's talk more about tonight's weather and of course the weekend forecast. will we see some of this this
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>> hi there. shawn. lots of improvement before we get to saturday and sunday. let's see what radar is showing us and we still have activity in thames of the storms rolling through. take a look over delmarva there. we have a pretty good batch there as well as to the south. as we look to the north we've got quite a lot happening here in through parts of northern regions and in through baltimore and anne arrundel. you can see here we have a fair amount of heavy rainfall in the system moving its way across. and that is where we're also looking at the storm that is moving through at 30 miles an hour or so in howard country. as we look south not much happening here. heading to 95. and things will improve into tonight. we have a little boundary north of us that could slide down. i cannot rule out that things will be peaceful and calm the rest of the night. temperatures now, 74 in na nation's capital and 68 baltimore
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69 fredericksburg. overnight tonight temperatures will hang around into the 60s. we've got a cool down for the weekend ahead. i'll have the details coming up. tony. >> boy, this was really quite a site this morning a wild ambulance dmaips prince george country and a hospital they led police on a one hour pursuit. that patient was 43-year-old william person. "fox5" bob barnard was there as the event unfolded and shows us what ultimately led to this man's arrest. >> see him coming this way. >> it was quite a sight and coming right at us. [ sirens ] a dozen police cars, lights flashing and sirens wailing chasing a stolen ambulance with its lights and siren on after
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heading south in to charles county the pursuit is northbound on indian head highway and yes, we're live on air. >> my colleague lauren lauren is in touch with some of her law enforcement sources and she's the one that told me they laid out these strips in the street that have spikes in them and that's how the treads on the tires of the ambulance were destroyed. but it deposit stop the guy. it slowed him down obviously but deposit stop him. >> smoldering bits and pieces of rubber littering roadway in the wake. >> i think this pursuit is over and we'll do our darn toast get up to it. >> this unusual of police chases will end on allentown road in camp springs west of route 5 branch avenue and stolen ambulance colliding with a maryland state police trooper cruiser before coming to a stop. >> you know what, legalities beg forgiveness as opposed to asking for permission. >> suspected ambulance thief 43-year-old
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temple hills would be placed on a stretcher and loaded to another ambulance to be taken back to prince george hospital center where his wild ride began after 6 a.m. >> a gentleman by name of william person was admitted to the hospital last night. prince george county police officers discovered this gentleman in the overnight hours suffering from apparent injury and acting erratically and he was taken to the hospital for treatment they treated him and discharged m mr. person and after he was discharged he had access to ambulance and took that ambulance. >> prince george county fire officials say they had no trouble finding their stolen ambulance. >> each one of our emergency response vehicles has what we call automatic vehicle loc locater, avl and we use that to ensure we dispatch. closest unit to a emergency call in this way they could tell exactly where the unit was at. >> despite more than
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long pursuit in middle of friday morning commute nobody else was struck or injured and the only conveniences caused by some road closures. >> officers engaged in this pursuit were trying to get his attention to bring him back to a frame of reference where he will stop. he has what he describes as toes ten stare. >> allentown road reopening after 9 a.m. n camp springs, maryland, bob barnard, "fox5 local news". well, today's pursuit begs the question how could someone steal an ambulance and were any protocols broken. the response we got coming up at 10:30. we're following several major developments tonight involving probe into russian involvement in u.s. elections. james comey has agreed to testify openly before the
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senate. that will be scheduled after memorial day. >> there's a report that firing comey took pressure off of him. he made the comments during the recent oval office mee meeting. he said i just fired head of fbi he was crazy nut job faced great pressure because of russia and that's taken off. >> "washington post" is presenting that one of the top advisors is a person of significant interest in the russia probe. is that the described as someone close to the president and his or her name has not been made public. >> latest developments the president is traveling overseas and that will be his first trip. he has stops in saudi ara arabbies, italy, and belgium. he'll have meeting with the people and nato leaders and first lady mel ania trump's debut
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she plans to accompany her husband but she has her own independent schedule. >> coming up next a helpless man with special needs left aflown a car for hours on a 90 degree daix the evidence that helped convict the woman who was supposed to be taking care of them. >> take a look at this dozens of police officers lined a maryland highway today to honor a teenager as she headed to graduation. we'll explain why
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(man) hmm. what do you think? ♪ (stranger) good mornin'!
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(store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. "tom went to washington to take on the insurance companies and the credit card companies and the wall street banks... that's what tom perriello is about."
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i'm tom perriello... and before and after congress i led non-profits to battle climate change, poverty and president bush's attacks on civil rights. now i'm running for governor to reduce economic inequality. because together, we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. >> a lesean mccoy chaotic commute. someone shot a man 100 yards outside the entrance. they are looking for the gunman and they believe he was driveing a silver honda accord or toyota
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metro trains and buses were not affected. >> a maryland woman will spend the next year and a half behind bars. she was tlird care for a special needs adult and instead, she left him in a hot car while she enjoyed a day at the mall. tisha lewis joins us tonight with the story, tisha. >> 26-year-old afia abore was charged with abuse. the victim is 26 years old non verbal and immobile. one of the few ways he communicates is smiling or crying. the judge was disgusted asking where was your moral compass when you left him in the door go to the mall and hair salon. >> we're pleased she got five years with three and a half years suspended even with good time she'll do 14 hose in jail. that was satisfied what we wanted. we wanted her to go to jail for some period of time and then also again send a message to people in the community. >> rick campbell says the message is
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vulnerable people the justice system will come after you. brett campbell faces more challenges than most of the he cannot speak. has cerebral palsy and wheelchair bound and needs continual care. all that was apparently brushed aside when 26 years girl was caring for him on summer someday last august. it was 90 plus degrees when he left campbell behind and spent two and a half hours inside lake forest mall. >> it was def stating to see video of my son pulled out from emergency vehicles. i obviously had not seen any of that and it was def stating to watch her the videos of her walking a around the mall enjoying herself in soci socializing with friend. >> as temperature continued to rise inside the car a good samaritan spotted brett inside passed out. that person called paramedics and had they not made the discovery we could be telling a very different story. >> how l
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mall for do you think. >> 30 minute or more. >> in this enter gaition she said she was gone a half hour and mall sure velence reports otherwise. >> we're shocked, absolutely shocked he made it through this trauma. >> for a woman to leave this young man in a steaming hot van with temperatures approaching 120 plus degrees, it's like torture. this kind of neglect is criminal. first responders who rescued campbell says his temperature was 102 at the time. his parents were on anniversary trip to italy when they got the call their sop was victim of neglect. a board pleaded guilty to second degree vulnerable neglect in march this was her first offense. tisha lewis, fox news. >> detectives need your help solveing a disturbing incident in virginia. this man is wanted for illegally recording women and a youn
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the suspect recorded up dresses of 36-year-old woman and her 10-year-old daughter last sunday. the child's mother confronted the man he and he left the store before officers arrived. police are asking anyone who recognize this man to give them a call nvrjts prince george county a special tribute to honor a fallen officer and daughter who graduated from lis today. dozens of officers lined the highway in upper marboro as she headed to her ceremony. alexandra limon was there and shows us. >> i think he's looking down and he's sad he's not here but i think he's glad to know his brothers came out support the family. and his signatureers. >> route upper marboro was lit up with blue and red lights and officers lining side of highway in uniforms. in show you of support for nicole finally a high school graduate that lost her father
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2008. >> for those of us with children we know how important it is to be at graduations and we're sad her father cannot be here with her today but we're glad we can come out here and hopefully spread a little cheer in her world. >> sergeant finally was killed after of a driver of stolen car ran him over and dragged him causing deadly injuries. >> at the end ever the day he's the kind of gay you wanted to show up on your door step when had you a problem. that's the best thing you can say about a police officer from another police officer's per spec live? show of support to the teen headed to her graduation ceremony was a small attempt to fill a huge void for a young girl about to start her adult life. >> we can never be the father that they lost. but it's our attempt. as humble as it can be to come out here and try to
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demonstrate that we have not forgotten and never will sb speaking to members of prince george country employment it is clear it was important they she support for the family on graduation and also obvious it's important for their own healing. reporting in prince george county alexandra limon, "fox5 local news". >> well a long-running dispute over d.c. police body camera footage over tonight. >> we're looking at body cam videos d.c. attorney general said public had no right to see. the exclusive is after the break.
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>> now to a "fox5" exclusive the long running dispute over d.c. police body camera footage has finally come to a close. d.c. attorney general turned over five tapes "fox5" asked to see since last december. it's body cam footage of expected drunk drivers. they call
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their clients. paul wagner has the story. >> so what. so i can see your driver's license. >> sments of 2015 app officer found they man sitting behind a wheel of pickup truck in an alley. >> you have keys in ignition and you're in control of the vehicle. >> i'm not driving anything, sir. >> are you not sitting hint the driver's seat. >> i'm not. >> what is that the steering wheel right? >> the map then slide over to the passenger side of the truck gets out and begins to walk down the alley. the officer call for backup. >> that's a negative as of now the subject is walking a way. >> when they catch up with the man he becomes combative and blink rent. >> put your hands up against the wall. >> how much you have had to
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to drink. >> as officers investigate they told the man everything he said was captured on camera a discussion that ends in laughter. >> i was not in the driver's seat. >> that's his word what he said i have it on camera. tell the judge it's on camera. it's on camera. >> another video used in court an officer tells suspected drink drive he has liblingt to -- if he does the driver will loss his license for a year. the camera records his answer. >> all though these videos were introduced as evidence in a courts of law they said the court exhibits turned over with faces, information and audio redacted. a position taken by attorney
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open government coalition which then took up the case and convinced carl racine he was wrong. >> i asked a different team to look at this anew. we were not investsed in our position and they came back and said look we think the statute is ambiguous. let's interpret it by con on sense. are you right. we were wrong you were right. >> all body worn camera footage used in courts as evidence will be made public upon request. paul wagner, "fox5 local ne news". >> let's check in with sarah simmons to see what's next at 10:30. >> that ambulance pursuit this morning that was wild. the question is how did the suspect math to steal the vehicle in the first place. fiment out
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department says of that. new help is here to remove tops of trash from local rivers. we'll head out to show you when the 10:30 starts checking fast.
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[hissing] uh- i- [sound of wrench] [intricate guitar riff] [engine starts] [guitar continues]
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jvr right now at 10:30 how did a man manage to steal an ambulance and lead police on a wild ride through two cou counties. >> we need to up the potomac annie yu costia. pigging up tons of trash every week. that story coming up. >> a deadly accident inv involveing a school bus. now a twist
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investigation. the 10:30 starts now. >> thank you for staying us with i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> off the top tonight a family is demanding changes in their neighborhood after a car hilt and killed his son on his sixth birth day. what is being done, lauren. >> memorial here for gaveier lucky where he was hit and killed while celebrating his 6th birthday. his case is under investigation. his family is saying too many cars fwli through the stretch and speeding is ai clear problem here. they're asking the city to put in speed bumps and crosswalks. they are saying they will put up signs starting this weekend and gather data to to look what else can be done to help with safe concerns here. council member trainon white will work with d dot to come one a solution fast
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senate intelligence committee announced james comey agreed to testify publicly into the probe into russian involvement in the u.s. election, s and "new york times" reports president trump told russians in the oval office meeting the fire of comey took pressure off on him. i followed fbi and he was crazy or nut shop. >> prince george county captured live on air. a hospital patient stealing charges from prince george hospital center. police laid out spike strips to punch tour fires and slow him down. they eventually caught up with the map. he was loaded into another ambulance and taken to the hospital. the question people are as asking. how could someone in this c case, a patient, manage to steal an ambulance. >> lindsey watts went to prince george to
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you can see where the emergency vehicles are parked here at the hospital. this is where everything started today and where it ended. suspect took off in ambulance and was brought back here in one after captured. acording to prince george county fire officials there their policy is not in use. it must be locked up and engine should not be running, an investigation is underway to what may be a policy violation that allowed suspect to take an ambulance for the joy ride. we'll give you another look as it went by our newsroom this morning. all of the ribs on the ground. prince george county assistant chief says this this is a vehicle that cost nearly 300,000 and he says it may be able to be repaired. it's unclear. this was assistant chief answer when we asked how somebody could sal
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ambulance. >> it's difficult. but they had keys like regular automobiles and if it's not secure it can happen. we have a standard protocol we have the ability to he. >> d.c. ses ambulances also have mechanism they can be running but locked at the same time. if running it has to ab tenltd by someone. montgomery county a vehicle cannot be unattended and o oneing at the same time. we've seen several high profile countries across the country. a man hijacked an ambulance and ran over and killed the emt trying to stop him. on april fool's day me west texas a man stole an ambulance and led police on a chief topping spds
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hour. video shows him dragged out and arrested. in oklahoma city same thing was arrested after she took off in ambulance. this certainly does happen time to time. one local fire official i talked to today says lock up the vehicles is so important to protect not only from low level criminals but also potential terrorists. and there is a concern that someone could steal an ambulance and then use it was a weapon or restricted area. the suspect arrested in this case is facing a long list of charges, heavily, whip win, "fox5 local news". >> busy night in warm center keeping a close eye on radar. take a look. straight up the i 95 corridor. we have a severe thunderstorm warning that popped up for the baltimore area to south. we're seeing activity here as well. this is a fair amount of lightning imbedded in h
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anesthesia well and moving east 25 hoylz an hour and affect several years i 70. to the south another batch popping up as well. headed to i 95 corridor. keeping an eye on. it more details about the car later. >> a man who died after putting a -- investigators tell us tayyon need aid car and we do not know whoa shot todd. medical examiner to determine exact cause of death is maim. >> this is video of him as he was rushed past reporters into the building. he apologized to the 15-year-old at the center of the case saying he as a sickness but there's no execution for his actions and sentencing is set to september and you could face ten years
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estranged apple dean. >> and little motivation if you were thinking about taking a break from exercise routine. >> and caught up with redskins great at charity event today. thoughts, newest part and kurt cousins situation
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whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> go not take a break from exercise routine. what happens when people are normally active take it easy two weeks. healthy people that sat on the couch or napping began losing muscle mass and developed fat around their organs in two weeks most lay
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which is major risk for chronic diseases. >> two weeks that's all it took? >> when you hear that. >> that's scary. >> very scary. >> if you're like oh, i'll take a month off, two weeks. >> or we're just sitting h here. >> right. >> we cannot be running right now we would be tired. >> do you like nutella. >> i do not. >> you don't like chocolate right. >> the woshld's officials nutella cafe will open next month. it's owned and operated by the italian company behind the hazele nut spread. nutella topped waffles and par fay. that sounds much. and they actually you have sandwiches, soups and salads. >> what exactly is it. my kids ask for it. . i was like no what is it.
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my husband. >> it's not good for you. it always says made with skim milk. somehow that's supposed to make you feel better about it. >> jackson, more nutella. >> let's check in with gwynn for a look at the weekend forecast. >> and half million drar boat looking for crash. ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪
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when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪
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"tom went to washington to take on the insurance companies and the credit card companies and the wall street banks... that's what tom perriello is about." progressive causes have been my life's work. i'm tom perriello... and before and after congress i led non-profits to battle climate change, poverty and president bush's attacks on civil rights.
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to reduce economic inequality. because together, we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. well if you have not seen the d.c. water front recently you may not recognize it exploding with development there may havey yard to work development. >> and today matt ackland went for a ride on two new boats put into service to tackle the trash that never seems to end. >> they're like any other boat you may have seen equipped
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large metal jaws that dip down into the water and open up and appear to swallow crash on the surface. >> they're bigger so we can take more trash and they're also much yardier. much less maintenance cost. >> today the new half billion d.c. water skimmer boats were -- the amount of trash col collected on area rivers is simply stunning. >> it's hor fewing in some respect to think 3 to 500 tops of debris taking off. we don't get all of it but we get a lot. on the other hand we're glad to do it. >> with so many people nearby and billions being poured into riverside developments city leaders say clean rivers are a must. >> i like the fact that more and more people are on the water and see the water and that helps because they
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the city accountable. >> i'm proud the d.c. water is making a big investment to kline up the anacostia river. >> we're told after a major storm sewer systems overflow and trash all washsh into the rivers and where does it end up, here from the river to the boat to the trash dumpster. p matt aklin. "fox5 local news". >> and well we certainly saw our share of first hot and sunny weather and then storms rolled through again this evening are they out of here. >> no. >> what's the situation. >> we're dealing with it unfortunately with hot day today. lots of instability. coupl boundaries as well that are striingers as well when you put all the ingredients together and that's what happened and no we're not 100% out of the clear at all. skies rights now still lit up in neighborhoods and sol some still seeing rain. i can not confirm it won't be camp overnight
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we could see things popping up due to boundary north of us. here's what's happening now. through baltimore of proving east 25 miles an hour we have a strong system here. cluster of showers and thunderstorms. and we have a little action to the south as well getting ready to move its way through i-495 corridor. let's take a look here. we have a severe thunderstorm warnings baltimore, anne arrundel, baltimore city and howard and this also clipped parts of the north eastern section of montgomery country and some of this rain moved into prings george as well. so just be aware of this. this is in effect until 11:15 tonight ands with we head south we have another cluster here i'm keeping an eye on. headed east across the i 95 corridor and we could see a little bit of heavy rainfallthon as well and if you take a look at bright red that's where it is. we have had reports of hail
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from the storms. once again these are moving through east at about 20 to 25 we have a bountdy to the north to watch. once again i won't say we will continue to fire things off. cup pepper 1 quarter inch and baltimore three quarter inch mail and 58 mile per hour wind gust. today was a hot and stakey and humid day the whole bit. look at the highs we had. far dry over the weekend into the 70s and into the upper 60s right adrots board and we'll end up seeing change in air flow. mild day. more clouds than sunp this weekend, however, so don't look for too many bright sk skies. temperatures into the 70s. 63 tonight then. showers and storms popping up here and there overnight and
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as we head knee tomorrow 73 degrees. much cooler. i can not rule out a popup little passing shower for thursday. same story for sunday. here's a looking at calming up to tuesday another frontal system weekend. once again not quite as hot, shawn. >> thank you, gwynn, golfing for a. >> the event supports the mission of ending veteran suicide. >> former redskins months, portis were there. and money raised at the event will go to researching patterns that lead to suicide among veterans. he spent a couple minutes waiting in. kickoff next week and
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that kirk cousins situation. >> brody logan with redskins great santana moss. san tan a. got of not your forte so to speak. you'll go out and hit. >> i'll scuff up a couple degrees hopefully girt guy behind me and he didn't have a great time you know that's all. >> it's football sever position. redskins starting ota next week. lot of changes at the receiver position. how do you think they'll fit in new roles guys and ta targeting her cousins. >> and i think dealing with some of the gil you're mis missing, she was a del. it's good to have him starting in a lot. he did it in louisville w a guy like kirk cousins
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have a dominant man and new guys i'm hoping dustin can get back to what he has seen in college. he has ability last year deelt with injury and people don't know who had to put their feet in our shoes it's hard to set doyp and not be yourself. it's not a good experience but i'm glad it's over with and he can start fresh and be the guy we drafted. >> now, ota is a lot of fans. you probably wonder who goes on otas what do they get out of the session in the summer. >> what i get out of it or got out of it is a chance to get familiar with everything. you want to gop out and gets familiar with your knew team. a lot of new guys: when you get new guys in get familiar with how you work and how that ball is m coming and again if it's new or not some of these guys will be knew. you
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kurt. whatever the system itself and then like your head start to the training camp. you get a chance for a few weeks or month and then back in training camp one it's not everything is coming to you fresh and new. >> the question serve asking do you think a deal will get done with kirk cousins. >> i have no klou how they're doing things. when it comes to knobs certain respected and recognized from what they put up and numbers they put up. >> he put up numbers. >> from outside looking in i would say hey you have to pay him. i can assure you that a guy like kirk cousins is worried about it if you pay him franchise two years in a row. as long as they want to pay him a dollar for one season. he wept out and there and put the numbers up again. >> well, hopefully you can put up low numbers today in the golf tournament. >> they
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and i think high is worse. so when you put up odd numbers that's bad. .' i'm anticipating high numbers. >> good in pi khaekz and bad in golf. >> brody logan, "fox5" sp sports. >> okay. all right, let's check in with tony at 11. >> thank you very much, you all know a wild ride played out live on "fox5"this morning. a man stole an ambulance and led police on a chase throughout prince george county and we have a live mass on tv and the new alien movie told theater to hit those student this weekend. the 11 is up next >> from seeing red to making green dow surging 142 point on friday with investors hoping congress will get on track with tax cuts. friday's rally helping cut
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during wednesday cell off and getting a break at the pump. down 23 out of 28 and galen owe round 2.35. we have a crawl not for car but scooter. pulse performance recalling thousands of crusher scotters for full refund. apparently streering tube could break and that could cause fall hazard. >> according to zillo home rentals are rising faster than sitey rendered. it will close
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vo: at dominion, we have a long history of providing reliable energy and that'll never change. what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. and we'll continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. more than a new name, a new way of seeing energy.
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>> finally tonight preventing cancer and promote ago wareness in the district. that is the goal of on
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clinic. cancer awareness saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and medical experts say ward 7 and 8 have disproportionately high rates of cancer deaths and patients are often at stage 3 or 4 by the time they see a doctor. health experts say early desection is the best way to get better. >> the best thing is not to get it. there will be opportunities to discuss risk factors like lifestyle and variety of barriers. >> the event is free to everyone and will be free continental breakfast and special prizes and gifts as well. that does it for the 10:30 here's tony and shawn with fox local news at 11. >>
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a family is demanding changes after this 6-year-old boy was hit and killed by a car on his birthday. what the city says it's doing beginning this weekend. >> a man in stolen ambulance led police on a wild ride through two counties. he denied what the department is saying about the security of its vehicles. >> caught on camera rescue of handicapped man left aflown hot car for hours. your news starts now. >> and we begin with calls for change in the wake of tragic accident thanks for joining us tonight i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> 6-year-old xavier lucky was hit by a car crossing livingston wednesday night his family and. >> they're demanding the city take action before another life is lost. laurean is


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