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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  May 29, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> president trump honoring nation's men and women as commander-in-chief. >> this is of course the big story tonight at 6:30. tweet us what is on your mind as well using 5@630 president trump delivering address at arlington national cemetery earlier today and also laid a fwleej honor of men and women that fought and died for the country. to every gold star family who honors us with the presence lost sops and daughter and husband's and wives and mothers and fathers. and they each
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and their own stories snir own but full dremz even shared one title, that slt title of hero. more than 400,000 service members buried at national arlington cemetery. >> they honored soldiers killed in iraq and after began stan and ties into something that we're years from operation dessert storm. there's a large group of veterans to fast track that. >> this will honor 650,000 members who served in dessert shield and dessert storm. tom fitzgerald is live opt national mall where some of those veterans took part in the national memorial day parade today
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>> good evening, sarah, jim, you're right, jim, it is remarkable to think that we were approaching now 3 decades since dessert shield. he's exactly what is upon us. mow the situation in washington remarkable group 200 vet rapz of dessert shield and dessert storm all marked together in the parade. me are launching snational dessert storm war memorial. located near the vietnam veteran memorial and korean war memorial. this will not be cheap and will require fundraising over the next couple days and years as well to get them to their goal. we spoke to lieu ten ebt kyle legs who served in dessert storm and basically this is effort right now
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country recognize the sacrifice that hundreds of thousands of service members did offer up in the course of that war and to also honor those that lost their lives. this is how he view today for us. >> and we're going to capitalize on that again over 600,000 veterans served in the war and obviously we're doing it to honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice here on memorial day to recognize those soldiers and that's what it's all about. >> they want us to let you see what this is looking like this is artist concept of what the memorial looked like. that curve is to be soym bolic of left hook maneuver. this mass every movement from
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it was one of the decisive moves on the war now. all these veterans turned out and the national mad and their family was there and warm welcome from folks and happened shakes from people that came up to them. people don't realize this sometimes. 146 americans died in service during dessert storm. and this is not going to be cheap they're estimating construction and design will cost about 25 million dollars and that fundraising is starting now. they're in the process of reaching out to people both in person and online to begin the long journey of raising these funds. >> all of. it 100%. we have the support of the american people of courseen and we have the bill signed by president trump and president obama allowing us in d.c. and we have to raise all of the fund ourselves and we have a lot of support from the vsos and american legion and vfw and vets and they stepped up in the last two years. >> all right
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election will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 and constitution and jim and sarah you heard it will there. people think that the government pays for all this they do not. foundations that are set up raise the money to construct these memorials and that's the work going on right now. the timeline for this right now if they can get this done and they think they can from a fundraising standpoint they think they can start putting shovels in the ground by 2020 construction would go for about a year and they're hoping right now that they can open the dessert storm war memorial by april of 2021 and amazingly enough that would be 30 years from the end of the dessert storm war. >> i think we all remember where we were when that broke out back in 1991. well up vacation and war itself in 1991. thanks, fitz. >> thank you. >> in the meantime another memorial. we don't hear a lot about it's vietnam women's memorial and dozens were there to share their stories part of annual in
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at the event. educational program tells the story of women who served in vietnam and those that served in more recent conflicts and organizers hope these kind of stories bring awareness and support healing. >> vice-president pence welcoming bike riders today for the annual project hero memorial day bike ride. he thanked service men and women for service in the military and in law enforcement. >> all of you who worn the un form of the united states and many of who whom have worn uniform of law enforcement and worn in own bodies and mind the burdens that come with the service and so i say to each one of you thank you, thank you for your service. and you make this place better for you being here today. >> and you honor us all. >> today's group of wounded warriors and first responders coming from the national capital and will inat virginia beach friday. ♪ ♪
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bill clinton and former presidential candidate hillary clinton were out on this memorial day honoring nation's heroes and clin tons took part in parade newcastle, new york. the focus today was to honor veterans and those who died fighting for our freedom. >> i do it every year because i think it's important to honor everyone who sacrificed their lives in pursuit of our rights and our values and our freedom. and it's here in our hometown and i love seeing everybody. >> we know people here who have lost family members in batsle. it's an important days for americans all of us. it's one thing that ought to bring us together. >> this is a big event for them dating back to 2000 when they first started taking p part. >> all right. we'll try to put politics aside for first part of show we have to talk about it this is big
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written front runner ed gillespie was campaigning. tom merry ela march in falls church today. >> hey, ronica. >> hey, jim, and sarah we're talking about the primary race and getting pulse of people today just if you think anyone is paying enough attention to it i was thinking back on primary i voted in once back in new jersey one of the first ten people to show up to vote and it was mid-morning and a lot of people forget primary to she don't focus on them they really are important and the people we spoke with today at this race were not just there for tom periello but they were there for a group of candidates politically minded civic minded people and wanting tone courage obviously to remember the importance of a day like memorial day and at the end of the day they're there to encourage to you vote for candidate
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spoke with them. >> take a listen. >> i think they're probably focused on the governor's race more than any other it's up fortunate because i think each office is important my life did a lot of canvassing and the people she speaks to don't realize there's a primary june 13. >> i'm constantly thinking of my children's future. the whole anti-immigrants overall direction of where the country is going. >> primary is important. that's who we vote for who runs the country and takes chats of things i think it's very important we also track to switer and
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virginia voter are you planning vote in virginia governor primary. yes i love my candidate 15% of you 34% say yes you're deciding and 22% maybe when is the race and 22% not interested. 75% of you said you were thinking about it and going to vote of course it's not scientific just having fun we love to hear from you and pulse of people on 5@630 back to you jim and sarah. >> we lawvd at that meeting. >> let me know maybe i'll show up. >> and i take nothing for granted any more. >> i love the honesty in the people because that's what we want to hear and know do you care do you know what it is? >> i think when you mentioned national vocations we've seen on "fox5"a lot of ads for democratic race and republican primary through press releases and korey stewart is active on media and edward gillespie and tv bate
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now. >> absolutely. it's fascinating to watch. >> really is thanks ronica. >> all right. let's take it outside. ronica is outside it looks beautiful tonight. >> is sue out there or inside. >> inside. >> inside. >> i would agree with the assessment it has been a beautiful day and cloud cover comes in this evening and sarah, jim, at least we have a few hours of sunshine right and that made this the nicest day of our memorial day weekend as we got up to 5 degrees. just wanted to show you evening planner going forward tonight still lovey 7:00 temperature near 80. if you lived closer to water it will be cooler. by 9:00, about 75 and by 11 11:00, 73 and notice the clouds starting to come back in again and tonight we're expecting little morning fog and kind of marine layer that we've been dealing with the past few mornings it will be back tomorrow and at some point we think it should break up for sunshine and that could lead to spotty thunderstorms around tomorrow afternoon and especially if we get a lot of sunshine f we
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subship then they'll be s spottier storms. as we look towards wednesday another chance for storms. we had a couple of weak fr frontal boundaries coming through tuesday and then another one wednesday. we get a break thursday, thursday looks to be the best day of week, sunny, pleasant, not too hot or cold with temperature of 80. weather headlines. forecast unsettled and all things consider today looks like this week is going top be warm erin less wet than last week. that's your weather headlines i'll accepted it to you guys. >> sound good to me. >> we want to hear from you tonight. who are you spending memorial di. how did you spen the weekend. >> tweet us use 5
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>> europe must become more several reliant saying the times in which we can 23u8
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somewhat over and she made remarks in cam pain speech yesterday and this comes days after president trump first official visit to europe. chancellor never mentioned president trump in her speech and her comments seemed to be aimed at mr. trump in flash with european liters at the g 7 meeting and nato summit. meantime british police arrested two more people and raided several more locations as they had the hunt tore suspect in the manchester bombing. 13 people are in custody for he questioning in the terrorist attack and 22 people died and more than 100 were injured. >> a story breaking all west long another member of president's team getting caught up in growing russia investigation. son-in-law jacket kushner made proposal to bypass traditional dip maltic chance lorz. this was a secret channel in a transition team and russia using russian diplomatic facilities to do. it democrats are calling for curbmer to take
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abscess. homeland security secretary john kelly doesn't know ft. reports are true and describes back channel communications as a "good thing" president trump to the "new york times" defending jar et cetera kushner saying he was a good man and respect by in his words just about everyone, so we'll see where that moves from here on out. >> lots of debate whether or not the back end is reallyly good thing. >> right especially when you talk about somebody that has no experience in diplomacy and again the investigation is still well underway at this point. >> meanwhile former fbi director james comey is expected to testify on capitol hill this week and will tell his side of starty into the investigation into alleged ties between russia and president campaign. comey will testify to the senate intelligence committee and the big question is did the president ask comey to drop the investigation? a recent fox news poll shows 60% of voters think the president fired comey because investigation was harming him. >> still no sign of memos that comey allegedly had that said
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said drop investigation and i'm sure that issue will come up when he's testifying. >> perhaps there were something that will go to special. >> robert mueller. >> exactly. >> president back from first international trip as com commandner chief some what do you want him to focus on now. we're back with pulse of the people when we bass pa skl
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sdmrch now that the is back at home we took to the street to see what you would like him to focus on next. >> honest answers about what went on with russia. the american public deserves to know what happened there. >> i would like to see him focus on continuing to improve the economy and protect our country. >> i want to focus on education. i think that's really what the what would make america great again if we build the educational system. >> when the president comes home who wow like to see him focus us on or make a pri priority.
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>> a prior toy to stop tweeting maybe and it's trough hear every morping when you wake up to see what he's tw tweeted next is the first thing people are looking at. >> i have to till though all things considered you got a good cross section of people there who have legitimate concerns and you know that i think is all totally reasonable. >> these are reasonable he want him to focus on the job up stayed of sweeting we'll see what he poke es on. in terms of policy we should learn is president whim mack a decision leaving parents this week. >> and see if the president decides to make major changes to communications. there's been rumors that sean spicer may on the way out there's been talk you'll see less of him and more of huk by sanders moving
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president has been out of country and so has shawn spicer. >> everybody is talking about spicer didn't get to see the pope. wondering why the president chose to not let him see the pope. big catholic as you know. >> today would have been president john f. kennedy 100 birthday and u.s. postal service celebrated life and legacy by dead kaiingt a new postage tam is in massachusetts and wreath laying to honor 35 president at grave site at arlington national cemetery. >> royalty for former president obama meeting with prince harry in london and invited former president over to like wr we're on first name bias witness harry, barack, come on over to discuss military veterans and mental health issues and former president offered condolences for those injured in the manchester terror attack. back to the jfk story. i used used to live in boston and jfk
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library fascinating plate it's excellent and eye opening. back after this
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back after this. >> this is a holiday weekend tradition and it continues as thousands of motorcycle around the country road bikes in d.c.. the ride began at the pentagon and ended with a parade in d.c.. and this, of course, known as rolling thunder and riders say they're on a very important mission. >> they are gone they're not forgotten. let's bring our pows and mias let's bring them home all about the veterans. whether you're serving now or then but to bring memory of the people forgotten. >> the ride for freedom has been rolling now for the past 30 years and
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know when it's that time because it kind of hearing them drive ago roun the city over the weekend and as we're headed to the weekend. >> i was on dive driving north over the weekend and saw the motorcycles coming south you. >> know what they're doing. displayed in the pentagon. >> here is his incredible story. >> master sergeant david long finds peace through the lens of camera. this graph went from talented photographer and peace in the pentagon to the photos took while in afghanistan. >> i'm trying to catch up they're actually there it's amazing. >> pictures are part of wounded warriors healing hearts exhibit. >> it tells a lot of story. that's what makes the shots good. >> long's pictures are reminder of both accomplish ms and daichingzer and flight engineer took a bullet clean through neck and missed j jugular by a millimeter. jess
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it's remind fer life it one big ball of problems it can be unraveled one at a time. >> i'm calmer when i look at. it i have remind are i have friends that are going through similar problems and every problm is over i can't overcome them >> long also suffers from ptsd and one of the biggest passions for the late year is wounded warriors. >> it's a cool gig for me raise ago wareness somewhat i'm all about supporting my woundeled warrior brother and sisters. >> long has maintained it for 15 years and his grandfather and brother also served in the military anesthesia own reminder he keeps a pictures of dress blues just above his desk. >> david long is retiring from the air force in two years and developing a new web site to sell those picture. >> i think he will do well selling the pictures. >> i
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>> this with s we're on the military theme this is breaking news in the sports world mar of 3, 2018 announced there's rumors it will happen washington capitals play outdoor at the naval academy march 3, 2018 you gets another outdoor game after they played at nats park a couple years ago for winter classic i'm sure it will be great to see we saw major league baseball play this year and. >> one expected places. >> thank you for let is us know, jim. >> all part of the job. >> exactly. >> that does it for us tonight at 5@60. >> sarah andry back with more news 2010, 10:30 and 11 have a great night and oui seal you tonight at 106789 106789
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who wants sweet tea? listen up! it's time we set the record straight on that drink! sweet tea's been harming the health of this family for too long. but we always drink it... well just like grammy's holiday fruit loaf, it i mean, seventeen teaspoons of sugar per glass?! i might as well start sending my allowance
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are we supposed to do? we drink water! any questions? announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, happy memorial day, everybody! [applause] memorial day! ok, so here's what we're doing today. explain it. >> there are two boats with the boat race. so you have to use the squirt gun to use your boat down the channel. whoever wins gets to play for a bottle of champagne. harvey: so i'm going to read clues for the person who wins and they're getting a bottle of champagne if they win. >> let's go. >> katie and eric. harvey: and go! >> oh, oh, oh! [laughter] harvey: friends, vacation together, posers, yachts, jet skis. >>


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