tv Fox 5 News Ten FOX June 1, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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this is fox5 local news at ten. right now at ten, a fox5 exclusive, the prince george's county public school system is racking up a multimillion dollars billion just to keep some teachers on leave and out of the classroom. then, hate crimes on the rice? racist mess there and sympathomimetic bombs are popping up
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schools and now local museums. is it a sign of the times. caught on camera, a group visionally attacked a rider passenger. is rider safety at risk. what the mayor had to say. the news at ten starts right now. we're going to begin tonight with breaking news in montgomery county. these are live images, sky fox over the scene of a crash in montgomery county. a fed ex tractor-trailer collided with a car a short time ago. we are told two people were hurt. this happened about 45 minutes ago westbound on the icc near lay hill road. some lanes are blocked, crews are on the scene as you can see there. we will, of course, continue to follow the story and bring you updates as they come in. now we turn to a fox5 exclusive. fox5 was first to tell you about the nearly 800 prince george's county school employeeses placed on leave while allegations of abuse and misconduct were investigated. now, strict new policies on reporting abuse cases is one of
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factors for those skyrocketing numbers, but those aren't the only numbers going up. fox5 learned the school dists is spending millions just to keep staffers on leave. lindsay qualities has the story. >>reporter: when staff members are put on leave because of abuse allegations they still get paid. the majority of employees that have been accused of abuse have been cleared. employees off the job and away from students have been p paid nearly $10 million just this school year. for school staff members under suspicio and placed on leave it's far from a paid vacation. it's hard for us -- for me. bus driver ja ja what tara has been on leave since february. the girl say i curse at her? a. did you curse at the girl. >> no. q. will prince george's county teachers accused of abuse are sent home, here is a look at what happens to bus drivers in that
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report to work, but they're in the allow to drive. they pass the time playing cards and watching tv. it's like you're in jail. >> yes. >> another driver who accident want to be identified sayses she doesn't even know why she's on leave. a. i don't know why i'm sitting there. it makes you feel like you're not trusted. it makes you feel like you could lose your job at any time. whether it's playing cards or sitting at home, prince george's county had paid nearly $10 million to school staff on administrative leave this school year. that's up nearly 1500 percent since the 2014-2015 school year, before new policies were created on reporting alleged abuse. the district paid more than 34 million for substitutes so far this school year, but that's on track with costses from 2014-2015 which totaled about 40 million. the district says that's because they're
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teacher retirees who cost more per day. they ought to find some way to fix this thing. there have been nearly 800 cases of alleged abuse and misconduct this school year. wa tara says initially his case fell through the cracks. >> they lost his case? a. yes. >> since we interviewed him, child protective services has cleared him, but for now he's still sitting, still getting paid to play cards. he has a meeting with district staff next week. >> the district has provided a written statement that says in recent years prince george's county public schools has increased our focus on protecting every child. the number of employees on administrative levies substantially higher due to hiented emphasis on mandatory reporting of suspectedded abuse and neglect. correspondingly, administrative leave pay haines creased. pgpcs is legal lily required to pay these salaries, our substitute position costs are lower.
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changes h june to student safety administrative policies with additional employee training and other systematic changes. we expect improvements next year. we have been wondering for weeks what is going to be done to prevent a similar, expensive situation next year. it's june 1 now. we don't have all the specifics, this is the most information we've gotten, that there ising going to be something done. what's the difference between last year and now since this new system has been implemented in the cost the school system is spending. >> we used at the 2014,-2015 because there was none of this in place at the time. >> sure. >> we looked at those numbers and currently the district is spending 9.9 million on of staff and administrative leave and back 2014-2015 that number was six of 30,000, hence that 100 -- 1,500 percent increase. as a parent i want them to do everything to make sure my kids are safe, but it seems there has to be someplace in the middle
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and we tbhoa money is hard to come by for the school system. it could put you in in a bind. >> something has to give to protect students, but also protect students and save money. >> see what they come up with this summer. >> good job, thank you, lindsay. >> we have new video nowf the pennsylvania man arrested on charges at the trump dec. he's charged with unlawful possession and transportation of a firearm a. officers fell several guns and a.m. neution in his car in the hotel parking garage. today in court the judge release moles but ordered h him to stay at an undisclosed hotel in the area until tomorrow. moles is also manned present going near the white house or the trump hotel. a senior member of congress is calling on the justice department to investigate what she calls an up tick in threats at the national african-american. after a noose was found in
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gallery and display on segregation. teisha joins us life with the story. >>reporter: the incident at the museum for african-american culture is the latest slap in the face as hate crimes continue to spiral out of control across the country and here at home. in many instances often the culprits are captured on tape and ultimately caught, but only after the damage is already done. at the end of the day we don't let acts of coward as like this deter. we are, if anything, even more vigilant and even more determined to tell this important story. hate crimes popping up across the district and beyond. the latest, a noose spotted wednesday by a tourist here at the national museum of african-american history and culture. five days earlier a smithsonian police officer discovered a noose hanging on a
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museum. we live in a complicated world, there are people, who whatever reason can't seem to find a way to live with their fellow human beings. >> on the surface sean your ban ski appears to be one of those people. he's charged with murder after fatally stabbing army second lieutenant richard collins the third at a bus stop the bowie state university student was visiting the university of maryland's college park campus when he was killed. your ban ski was reportedly a member of a racist hate group on facebooks that's since been deleted and then back to back noose incidents first at american university bananas hanging from noozs on campus, the same day an african-american woman became the student government president for the first time in the school's history. and another noose discovery at crofton middle school in maryland. did. >> we do know that
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hate crimes reported to police is up compared to years past. though, it remains a mystery y. now, as for the noose incident at the national museum of african-american history and culture we're told there is surveillance video of the person who is suspected of placing this noose in the segregation gallery though it has not bin release. teisha lewis, fox5 local news. >> take a look, if you see a flyer like this one on the streets of d.c., mayor bowser wants you to tear it down. the bogus flyers look like they are from immigrations and customs enforcement but they're not. they popped up overnight in southwest. people posted images of flyers on the potville blog. it is a crime to harboring an undocumented immigrant and instructs people to call customs and border protection. once the mayor found out about these bogus she had the accident of public works go around and take them down. i want the residents of d.c. to know that these
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fake flyers. they didn't come from the federal government and they're certainly not from us. and the messages contained do not reflect the value of your city. i encourage every c resident who comes across one to tear it down. she reiterated that the d.c. is a sanctuary city. if you see someone posting the flyers, call d.c. police. >> tonight, metro transit police are trying to track down the suspects in a brutal attack. a woman says a group of people knocked her down and kicked her in the face. fox5's marina maracco questioned the mayor about the safety of the transit system tonight. what did she have to say. >>reporter: she didn't have to say, shawn. questions about safety on metro and you'll see this video, surveillance video inside the metro station here at waterfront, a handful of teens there on your screen and then up near the elevator you'll see a station approached from behind by what appears to be those same teens, a woman sucker punched right in the head,
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hard she lands on the group. you'll see the group running away seemingly laughing following the incident. we nt whatted to physical therapy mayor about metro safety. she says she had not seen the video h h was her response. i haven't seen it so i'm not going to watch it now. i'm not going to watch it now. you're happy to share it with my of staff. >> i'm just trying to ask -- ma'am, i can't answer a question about something i haven't seen. here in southwest, residents when we showed them the the individual they did want to react. they wantedded to talk about metro safety. this was their response. we have to find why -- you think it's safe to ride metro. >> it's not if they're behaving that way. it needs more people, more police action out here. people would feel more safe with more police action. >> do you see metro transit police down there. >> n
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>> we went and looked for the mayor today and we asked to show her this video and she said she was unaware that had taken place and she did not want to react to it. she needs to step her transit game up because this is not fun no more. i don't feel safe going into metro anymore. now i have to walk every where i want to go now. >> that last young man that just heard from, he, too, has been a victim of an assault on metro. he says it just happened at the l'enfant station as he was picking up his suit for prom. they tell fox5 tonight through may 24 aggravated assaults also known as part one assaults are down 29 percent compared to the same time period last year. live tonight in southwest, marina maracco, fox5 local news. >> coming up next, president trump says he's keeping his campaign promise by pulling out of the
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>> we're getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can make a deal that's fair and if we can, that's griet. and if we can't, that's fine. that's president trump today. he kept his campaign promise to withdraw from the paris climate accord. the president said the current deal puts the us at a disadvantage and will cost jobs and lower wages. his decision, though, is drawing fire from both sides of the aisle. critics say it undermines world efforts to combat global warning. shortly after the announcement protestors garyted outside the white house. he's he doing this in the name of jobs or the economy, he's insane. >> mr. trump said he wanted to renegotiate or create a new
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to work. the leaders of germany, france and italy said once you're out, you're out. there will be no reknee negotiating. let's take it outside for a live look. it's disark out. that's your headline. plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures today. will this trend continue as we get ready to head into the weekend, that is the big question, sue. >> followed by increasing amounts of light if we're going on go there. >> shawn and tony wasn't it show great to not have to chase storms around. >> yes. >> beautiful day. kind on the warm side. we did get into the 80s in many areas. the humidity was so incredibly low and there is a helpful and refreshing breeze around. that's the best that 80 has felt in a long time happy june 1, and our average high is 80-degrees. we were above it today. we're going to be above it tomorrow but because the air is so dry
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see the temperatures getting cool. sixty-five for culpeper, 72 at dulles, but i would expect to see a lot of places head for the 50s and that's refreshing. that means a cool start tomorrow, but another great day is on the way, excited to show you your friday planner. eight in the morning, the temperatures in the suburbs will likely still be in the upper 60s to near 630, but by 8 a.m. we should be close to 66. by noon we're still mild by 76 and by 5:00 on the toasty side at 79. a very nice friday ahead. we'll have more on what you can expect on the weekend in just a few minutes. >> tony and shawn. >> this is a very interesting story, if you use the waiz app to navigate around d.c. you may be causing neighbors in the northwest community a lot of frustration. they say cars are speeding down their residential roads to avoid back roads. the what is app may be parti
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here because it's rerouting people. >> did you try this out tonight. >> good evening shawn and tone nivment yes, we did try it out. this is what we found. we're actually on manning place as we see. i don't know how well you guys can see outside, but as you are about to see in the video we shot today, the street is a lot more narrow than you'd actually thivment take a closer look here. this is again video from earlier today. this is what residents have been dealing for the past year, they say, the increased traffic, especially during rush hour. so rush hour traffic doesn't help in this h case. they also say like you guys mentioned, this waiz app, ever since they started using the waiz april in the neighborhood they're seeing more and more congestion, people speeding on through. they have these bright kids, i would say, look like construction men trying to get t them to slow them down. unfortunately it's not alleviating the
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one neighbor we spoke to said as price for it. my car is in the- shop being fixed because someone sideswiped it and kept oning go i have no problem with technology avoiding traffic jambs or accidents, but when it's used to cut through residential neighborhoods to a i void one or two lights i think it's not a good idea. >> now today we learned at least 1200 cars pass along manning again up and down the street every day and neighbors say again just to reiterate here that it's apps like waiz that's increase the traffic volume in the area. we also learned today that there is a petition going on with local neighbor, as well as department transportation official and also there's city leaders to try to make it less accessible from manning and mack author, drivers making their way in and out
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accessible for them to come in of course. once we learn more about this or if anything else develops we'll let you know heer and online. reporting live in west d.c., christine leo. >> we might want to get our news van checked out. it sounds like she's airplane. coming up at ten putting eyes all over the city. what d.c.'s mayor wants to do to help low income residents get security cameras. coming up tomorrow morning, the morning crew is zip tripping again. this time they'll be in buy p i, m. they will be there from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. also, did you know tomorrow is national donut day. >> again? >> it was probably like national chocolate donut day the last time we did this this. the morning crew is all ready to celebrate so tune in because all the fun starts bright and early at
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engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. fios built its 100% fiber optic networkke advantage because we knew that everyone would need faster internet. so we're introducing fios gigabit connection. it delivers amazing new download speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. yes, 20 times. and the really incredible part, is that it's $79.99 a month. and what's even more incredible, is we included tv, hbo and multi-room dvr service, still for $79.99 a month online for one year
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fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years. all with a 2-year agreement. switch now at ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam, and when survivors of the virginia tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. i saw what those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia.
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>> we see them all throughout the school year what w their flourescent colored sash-type belts. school safety patrols. i used to be one. they play an important role in keeping students safe throughout our area and today 14 outstanding safety patrols were honored by aaa. three of those received the life safer award. >> take a look at this, nope, do not adjust your set that is the wilson building in the district and yes, it is green. mare muriel bowser says the building is lit in green in honor of the city's commitment to honor honor climate change. >> shawn and i will be back at 11:00 coming up next is fox5 news at 10:30. >> what is new. >> a
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surveillance cameras. we're going to break down the mayor's plan help more people buy security cameras even if they're out of their price range. and it's been 50 years since the release of the beatles legendary sergeant pepper al lum, a local beatles talks about the significance of the music and why at album was so ground breaking. we're not just talking about tony. you just stole my line, sarah. >> i was just going to say is tony go to do the interview or perhaps interview himself? that would be very cool as well. it's almost friday, everyone. are you getting excited, it looks like the weather is going to keep the for friday as well, but the weekend, we'll talk about and have your weather headlines as the new season begins here in d.c., meteorological summer.
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tom went to washington to take on the insurance companies and the credit card companies and the wall street banks - that's what tom perriello is about. i was proud to stand with president obama because progressive causes have been my life's work. i'm tom perriello, and i'm running for governor to reduce economic inequality, raise wages, eliminate the burden of student debt and protect our climate. together we really can build a virginia that works for everyone.
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>> this is fox5 local news at ten:30. right now at 10. 30, protecting your home may get a little easier if you live in the dists. some residents are getting security cameras free of charge. tear them down, that's the message from d.c.'s mayor, but she's not talking about a wall, but rather something that does involve illegal winners. finals of the scripts national spelling bee going on tonight. we'll have an update on the big contest. the ten:30 starts now i'm jl and i'm sarah simpsons. we start with a fox5 exclusive. prince george's county paying out big bucks to teachers and staffer on leave. lindsay. >> it's a story we have been covering for weeks, new policies on reporting abuse in prince george's county schools have meant hundreds of employees put on leave. now learn the
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has paid $10 million to school staff and admin leave this school year. that's up nearly 15 a hundred percent since the 2014-2015 school year. before those new policies were created teachers on leave are sent home but bus drivers have to report as urban just sit around. we've got some video. one driver says this is like being in jail. a district spokes woman says policy changes are coming to prevent this next year. a member of congress calling upon a department of congress to investigate after a nooses was found at the museum of african-american history and culture. teisha lewis with the latest on that investigation. >>reporter: congress woman sheila jackson lee is making these demands for congress to launch an investigation after hate crimes are popping up across the including the latest slap in the face, a nudes discovered at the national museum of african-american history and culture wednesday afternoon. this comes after several incidents, including a noose and
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american university, a noose at kroft elementary school in and much, much more. the police tell us that reports of hate crimes are on the rise to people that we point to point to the political climate, though there's no specific reason. metro transit police are trying to track down the suspects in a brutal attack. marina maracco talked to d.c.'s mayor about p this one. >> let's go right to that video because you'll see the assault on tape. this this is surveillance video from inside the waterfront metro station here in southwest. h was on memorial day just past midnight, a woman sucker punched from behind, the blow so hard she lands on the ground. metro says assaults are down from the same time this time last year. mayor bowser did not want to comment on the video saying she has not reviewed it. tonight, still no arrestses. >> let's take it outside fr a live look right now on what is a beautiful, warm, sunny thursday night. let s
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is going to stick around. >> it's going to stick. we're excited that it certainly be here tomorrow and the weekend not looking bad, either. there are some big improvements in the weekend forecast and it has to do with less rain, that's for sure. another nice day is ahead, sarah and jim. we're excited that friday will be beautiful. i can't say 100 percent that you won't see a very spotty or quick shower along the mason dixon line, but not a big deal. it will also be on the breezy side. the humidity stays nice and low as we head near 80 are just a little bit above it tomorrow. saturday also looks like it's going to be a dry day. there could be some early morning showers also across northern maryland but i think that would be before the sun comes up on saturday. the rest of the day is looking nice and i this i we deserve that. sunday later in the night i think it will likely be after dark, but this is a a little
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late day showers and storms will be back in the forecast sunday night. sunday should event up being a warmer kay as the warm front kosms on through. and maybe another round of showers and storms as we head into sunday night and that will last into monday. we'll have a look the at the rest of the seven day forecast and talk about the beginning of hurricane season, june 1 marks the start of that long season. we'll take a look at what is expected and anticipated by noaa. those are your weather headlines. >> more top stories at 10679. thirty, investigators in prinlts looking into what sparked a house fire in brandywine. broe out around noon on cross keys road. the flames were shooting from the roof. here's the problem there wasn't a hydrant nearby. no one was injured. no one was home at the time of fire. surveillance video shows the suspects right here breaking into the store prying open the atm and stealing minute. it
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morning back on may 12 at a store in the 400 block of massachusetts avenue northwest. call police if you have any information that could help that crime. in virginia, detectives from both newark arrested this man is teak ash medicine and charged with him with prescription fraud. he was providing prescriptions and pain meds without performing the necessary exams. lower income residents in d.c. can get free security cams in d.c., that is if they qualify. the mayor made that announcement in a press conference today. alexandra limon has details on the plan. the mayor's office and the police department say they want to make the streets of d.c. safer and woon way they're doing that is by expanding the city's program. under the new program the city will provide vouchers for free security cameras to low nm residents who qualify because they receive public ass
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the cameras will also be available to seniors. i'm a single parent and i have young people and i feel safer and i wanted to do my part to support the city. this voucher program expands the previous city program that provides rebates to d.c. residents who purchase their cameras on their own. so far there have been 2200 rebates approved for 5500 cameras across the city according to the mayor's office. in exchange for helping the residents pay for security cameras, d.c. \police\police has access to the footage in the event of a break-in or other crime which, in fact, has helped authorities solve crimes in the past. in february of this year, following a shooting outside of a restaurant, we were able to locate three security cameras in the neighborhood. those security cameras assisted in showing us where the suspect fled. so this program demonstrates that when we work together police and community, we will keep our neighborhood
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qualifies for the free cams raised tonight you can head to our website, reporting live in northeast zc, alexandra limon. >> next here at 10:30, a furnish worth thousands of disol ars swiped from a price check. we'll tell you how long the woman who swiped the coat will spend in jail. stockses keep rocking, the do you surging to a new all-time on thursday and the same for the s & p 500 and the nasdaq. some good signs for the job market apparently helping the stock market. azp added 253,000 new jobs last month, well above expectations. this coming ahead of the government's may employment report. that's out on friday morning. but you're probably seeing fewer workerseses building homes around down, at least for now. construction spending down in april by the large efs amount in a year. and making
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>> welcome back, an update on a story you heard first on fox5. a woman who stole a 15 a thousand dollars fur coat from the mgm national harbor casino pled guilty. she was caught on surveillance cameras outside the casino. the video was later gimp to police. officers were able to identify her because she works in the p
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county administration building. she'll be on probation after a year after the sentencing today the owners of a family farm in northern virginia say red tape and bureauracy are threbting their business. fairfax county the owners want to offer a rope climbing course on the property to help make ends meet. but the zoning board says despite a law letting owners operate side businesses on their property, the family would need a permit that could cost up to an extra thousand dollars. they are putting the farm at risk. it doesn't make any sense to me. i would hope the at some point we could come to some resolution. hopefully, the board will vote in our favor and that will be the end of it. we afford to get a special permit to bring the ropes course here. we reached out to fairfax county officials today to get their side of the story but we have so far not heard back. all
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go, a beautiful couple of days we've had especially after -- i shouldn't say what we went through, may was a little bit gloomy and multiple rounds of rain so june 1 start of meteorological summer also the start of of hurricane season which we'll talk about in a moment. it's a long season. it goeses after thanksgiving. but tonight is so great and because the air is see dry that means the temperatures can really drop probably heading for the 50s in many areas so if you're going to have the windows open, don't have them open too wide. it might be a little bit chilly. it will be a chilly day, but another gorgeous day. i wanted to show you as we talk about the national hurricane center and actually noaa's hurricane pre dixies expected pre dichted to be an above average season all of which gets a name. the first one is i believe arden. five of
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to four could be major hurricanes, which means over category three. that is not to say that any of these make landfall, but that's and active season for sure p if this verifies. let's talk a little bit about that season because as we get going in june we don't see very much out in the the tropics typically. prime time for hurricane season is august and september with the peco curing right around september 11. as we get busier this is when we'll be tracking sometimes multiple storm at once which is why they get names. so we will follow that closely for you. meanwhile we know tomorrow is going to be another beautiful day and temperatures will likely be similar to where we were today. i'm going to go 84 for reagan but near 80 for the suburbs. a beautiful friday with again the breeze back. speaking of the dry air, you can see the disirches the city holds onto the heat a little bit thanks to all the buildings and the concrete.
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already down to 57-degrees as most places i believe will fall into the 50s and here in the district with the winds much lighter, about 616-degrees. how like it's going to be a greatks- start 84-degreeses. we should climb to 84-degrees tomorrow afternoon for a nice finish. don't be surprised if it's just a little bit breezy again tomorrow. the dry air courtesy of the cool front that came through with yesterday's storms that is pushed away friday back into the 80s, but i do want to mention this, there's a trigger that will be up in pennsylvania that could be close enough along the communities to produce an isolated shower tomorrow. it will be the exception, not the rule. most places are going to stay descrie as we head 84 in the dists. seventy-six formatter instance bugger, 80 for culpeper, fredericksburg about 81. speaking of the slight chance of a shower not will we see a little bit of a shower up here, by 5:00 along the mason
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scoots down east of hagerstown, but it doesn't last long. a after the sun goes down those go away. but there is another batch of a little bit little weak i am prulses through pennsylvania that could spread a few overnight showers into the early part of saturday. there could be a couple more downpours, frederick, you may see some of a. but as we get closer to morning most of those are gone with the exception of a few little stragglers around the time of the sun coming up and then the rest of saturday is looking dry. heres here's your weekend forecast. we've taken the thunderstorm pockets out of saturday. we're going to go with the dry forecast with the exception of the overnight activity. eighty-four, that's new and i am profited. sunday if we see the thunderstorms it will be later in the day. a late shower or storm possible as we're a little bit warmer on sunday when the warm front goes on by and a temperature of 85-degrees. this is the weekend set up. saturday afternoon not
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front on the move and a maybe a little l l ripple riding along it we can get some showers or stomples later in the day hopefully after dark. heading to the beach this weekend, ocean city looks like they'll be a little dryer than it was last weekend. it was a bit dreary for our memorial kickoff. saturday should be a mix of clouds and sun with a temperature of 74 and by the time we get into sunday, a late storm possibly there, temperature at 73 and that water still on the chilly side, but up a little bit from what it was last night. your fox5 accuweather seven day forecast so here we go, mostly 80s for the next four days. chances of thunderstorms really pick up on monday with more widespread activity into the afternoon. by the time we get to tuesday it looks like maybe a lingering shower, but here's something else that's improved with h forecast. wednesday and thursday we thought yesterday might be on the wet side now they're looking like they're trending dryer and a nice light l trend setting up as we begin meteorological summer and i'm happy
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>> next at 10:30 it was a ground breaking album. we were talking about the beatles sergeant pepper legally hearts club band we'll take a look at it next. fios built its 100% fiber optic network because we knew that everyone would need faster internet. so we're introducing fios gigabit connection. it delivers amazing new download speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. yes, 20 times. and the really incredible part, is that it's $79.99 a month. and what's even more incredible, is we included tv,
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still for $79.99 a month online for one year and only $5 more per month for the second year. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years. all with a 2-year agreement. switch now at narrator: "the time is always right to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. vo: delivering cleaner, reliable energy... creating jobs for our veterans...
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so 50 years ago one of the most famous rock albums of all time was release. is what the beatles sergeant peep pecher lonely hearts club band and tony joins us about why the album is still considered a classic. sarah, jim, the beatles had already been the most famous band on the planet for three years when they release sergeant pepper, but with this truly ground breaking album they literally changed how rock music was created and viewed. earlier i talked to legendary surf caldwell about the album. here's what all the fuss is about, it was 358 years ago today s
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band how to play it. >> so good to see you. >> i'm happy to be here. >> surf has a brand new book out, surf's up. obviously you met george harrison. >> let's talk about the significance of the album in terms of the beatles story and rock and roll. my thing about this album and i was a little kid, i didn't hear it until years later when i was a teenager, but it was such a huge leap ahead in terms of the son iks, in terms of the types of music. it was very different from anything that came before even before the beatles. truth be told, my favorite beatles album, revolver and rubber sole when you go back and you listen to those two albums that came before sergeant pepper they kind of set the template for this band that started out doing pop stuff, not a boy band but not that
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but this album they were suddenly man and they were taking off in a completely different direction. each song is completely different than the previous or the next one. it's very different. i am like you, i love the creative stuff t. you were a teenager when it came out. >> i was a teenager. tell me what that was like and i've read it about it and the whole summer of love thing and people told me this was all you heard, certainly for the first week or two you heard this coming out of of house windows and apartment windows. >> the day it came out and i remember this, 50 years ago tonight, right now, my dad came home from work and he drove me to buy the album. we got album my parents went out that evening and as soon as they got to the end of the driveway i went over to the console and turned it up to 11 and played sergeant pepper and the neighborhood enjoyed it with me. years later i go over
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it. you're finding little nuances of things. sergeant pepper was the first album ever to have the lyrics printed on the inside of the album. now, that wouldn't be a big deal today, but on the gait goald fold there are the lyrics. it was the first of its kind. >> yes. q. it was a huge risk for the beatles really to take. they said we're not going to perform on the road anymore. we're going to be a studio band and this is what they came up with. >> we appreciate having you here and i love that he brought his picture disc. >> very cool. cool stuff. the album literally changed the course of popular music. it really did. which the beatles had done three years before when they broke big and the rest is history. >> what i loved about him telling the story of getting it the first time it reminds you music was a communal experience. >> a big
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>> that's a good point. you can check him out on the internet, music planet radio. >> fox5 news at 11 is up next of course. tony is going to be over there with shawn in a bit. >> he can talk about the beatles first. as you guys know the first day of june delivered some awesome weather. today is the start of hurricane weather. what forecast teres are predicting what we will see over the next few months. how much will you pay fr a piece of rock history. wait until you hear how much money someone has spent on a guitar, that the greatful dead's jerry garcia once played all that and more coming up night at 11.
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- that's what tom perriello is about. i was proud to stand with president obama because progressive causes have been my life's work. i'm tom perriello, and i'm running for governor to reduce economic inequality, raise wages, eliminate the burden of student debt and protect our climate. together we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. it is definitely a nailbitter ever every year. fifteen spell ers started in the finals of the script national spelling bee this evening at
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national harbor. just 24 minutes ago there were only a few contestants left. after three consecutive years of ties the bee says it will aim for just one champion onand added a tie breaker. >> thanks for joining us here at ten:30. the news at 11 starts now. this is fox5 local news at 11. right now at 11, a fox5 exclusive. a maryland school district is paying \million\mills of dollars to keep some employees on leave. then another violent metro attack caught on camera. tonight we asked the mayor what needs to be done to ensure passengers are safe. the paris accord will undermine our economy, hamstring our workers, weaken our sovereignty. president trump says that's it to the paris climate accord, but not e
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latest decision. the news at 11 starts now. and we begin tonight with a fox5 exclusive. thank you very much for joining us this evening, i'm tony perkins and i'm shawn yancy. we've been reporting on the hundreds of staffers in prince george's county public schools placed on leave while the district investigates allegations of abuse and misconduct against them. it's all the result of strict new policies and reporting alleged abuse and tonight we've learned the staggering amght of money that's being paid to those staffers placed on leave. lindsay watts has this fox5 exclusive. lined shawn and toy when staff members are put on leave because of abuse allegations they still get paid that's required bylaw and not to evenings mention the majority of employees accused of abuse have been cleared. employees off the job and have been paid have been paid nearly $10 million this year. for staff members under suspicion and placed on leave it's far fro
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