tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX June 6, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. ♪♪ >> how to are you doing everybody on this tuesday? president trump taking the heat for his tweets and not just about that travel ban, either. what we're talking about tonight at 6:30. check the run down. you can always tweet what's on your mind. if you'd like to share use the #5@6:30 the tweets could under cut the administration's defense of the travel ban. which he insists it's a travel ban, which the press secretary say it's not. it goes back and forth. the president took aim at the justice department to review the water down measured kelly and
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conway's husband said the president t won't win. the potential problems it could cause. early this morning the president responded, yep, on twitter. he wrote the fake mainstream media is working so hard trying to get me not to use social media. they hate that i can get the honest and unfiltered message. >> for the record we don't think we hate that you're using it. we're just asking why you use it so much. it's content. if you don't give interviews this is how we get the mess aiblg from you. >> sean spicer told reporters the president is his own best spokesperson. >> the president is the most effective messenger on his agenda and i think his use of social media, he now last a collective total of close to 110 million people across different platforms gives him an opportunity to speak to people across the platform. >> the back and forth goes back to yesterday
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conway was asked by the today show, that's his favorite way of communicating. no, it's not. she was on seth myers in january saying that it was. there's a lot of confusion going back and forth. national security aid insisted whatever he was tweeting wasn't official poll he situate. today sean spicer said it was. they need to get on message. it's not about bias. it's about that we all deserve objection, the media, you, to know exactly where the president's heart is and where his mind is with all of this. he says it's twitter. >> let's bring in gordon faib and from the kelly ann conway says the media obsesses about every tweet that come out, but i think there's a lot of legitimate questions about what the president puts out in twitter spher. >> you can look at things like what he's tweeted abo
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london terrorist attacks and debate whether thoos ' been good for the response. but on the travel ban, i'm talking to legal experts, people who have worked in the solicitor general's office before and they all say, republicans and democrats this is undermining the case that they've tried to make to the supreme court to get the travel ban reinstated. it's undermined some of the specific arguments that justice department lawyers have made in koamplet the fact that the president is out there saying these things ising going to make it very difficult for his lawyers to put those arguments in courts later on. judges and plaintiffs attorneys can just say well, look what the president said. your argument don doesn't carry any weight. that dynamic could develop in the coming weeks as the supreme court takes this up. we know it's not the travel ban that ease tweeting about recently. there's been a list of things, his
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lond ofnlt today he was tweeting about kiter. we've seen a lot of different things that sometimes are contrast. from what we're hearing from the official white house spokes people how does this administration stay on task when the president, you know, has his hand on the button any minute, any hour of the day? >> that's a great question and we're seeing a perfect example of this this week. the white house, many people might not know it outside of the white& house or the beltway, but this week is supposed to be infrastructure week. they're doubting their plan to rebuild the nation's roads and bridges, but you wouldn't really know it because president trump has been tweeting about all the things you've said. i've talked to aides who were frustrated by this dynamic where they try to set up some sort of counter messaging for all the russia controversy, everything that's going on, try to push their agenda forward, but the tweets from the president don't really back it up. in can pennsylvania, they get in the way. before we go, jor dwan, the white house says many times that thi
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bypass to bypass the filter of the media, to get his word out there. there are voters who look at these tweets conversely and say this is exactly what we want from h this president. we want to know what he's thinking and this is what we want him to say. it cuts both ways there it seems. >> yeah, definitely. and that races a good point. we've never had a president like this who is sharing his thoughts unfiltered on twitter or on social media at all. in some ways that's good for transparency. i think that people i talk to, they're not criticizing the fact that the president uses twitter, h they are criticizing how he uses it. that's the point that they bring up. also there are situations in which a president's words need to really be on target and need to be accurate and sometimes twitter nt the best forum for that. i think when you look from the media perspective this is what he meant to say presidency. so many things come out and you hear what he meant to say is
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we're trying to get the message out to people. we'll keep following this. thanks jordan. >> the tweets don't stop there. president trump pupilled out several messages and had a lot of people talking. >> get the pulse of the people, ronica, what did you find out? >> before i got the pulse of the people for you, i spoke with a social media expert. she pointed out a really interesting idea. it almost had me thinking what comes first, complaints about how the press covers the tweets or the tweets? it's this never ending cycle, if you will in a way it is something that donald trump can use to almost control the narrative because inevitably we do report on what he tweets. so the first thing i want you to listen to is stephanie carton. she is a social media expert, cofounder of social fly. listen to her take on this. by trump using social media he doesn't have to rely on the mainstream media to deliver his message. ease actually able to
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message directly to the american people by using social media and then we see the mainstream media reporting on what he is tweeting about or posting about on social media. so it's a more direct line to the american people to deliver the exact message that he wants to get out there. >> well, then i did take to the streets. i shared one tweet in particular with the people. the one that donald trump posted this morning that said, sorry, folks, but if i would have relied on the fake news of cnn, nbc, cbs, washington post or new york times i would have zero chance of winning the white house, so i asked people, is that true? >> they told me he would not have a chance. actually, that's true. they told him don't even run. you're not going to have a chance to win this race. i don't think that's true. i have to say as a confirmed democrat i think that there were a lieutenant of things actually in his favor. i think it was really a change election. no, i don't think
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he has been very irresponsible in his tweetses. i think he could use social media and put it to some good purpose. i think he found a new means of communication that got to regular people. unfortunately most people don't pay much attention to the media in depth read the rest of the article or pay attention as much. those tweets communicated with a lot of people. >> it really made you stop and think. i love the pulse of the people. what a wide variety of points. but if you think about it all of them said truthful things it's just the ultimate and final interpretation, did it help him or not that's for you to decide. weigh in on social media, use the #5@6:30. >> back to you jim and shawn. >> well, jep, another tweet sparked this next story. the white house is denyingha
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whether it house is pick a fight with the mayor of london. the british press snapped back and said mr. trump incorrectly characterized the mayor's comments. president trump of course fired back, slammed the mainstream media. critics think mr. trump is attacking the mayor is muslim. the mayor is now calling on the prime minister to cancel mr. trump's visit to the uk coming up in noct. >> on thursday we're going to hear from former fbi director james comey t to get his side of the story. this broke yesterday, the president said he wasn't going to use executive privilege to block comey to speak to the intelligence committee and he will be likely asked if the president asked him to stop the investigation into michael flynn's russian contacts. >> what's going to be interesting we heard reports today that the president could be possibly live tweeting which goes into this. i mean, i can see it happening, but i hope someone maybe pulse it back. >> i do know,
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we were getting ready for the show that this is a group that is aligned with the president that has already started negative ads of james comey. that goes with what the president said when, he allegedly whenever he fired james comey that he was a quote, showboat. the president was asked about this today, he said good luck to mr. comey. we will be watching. we hope you guys watch it with us, too. >> right here on fox5. >> let's check in with sue and talk a little bit more about this weather. >> a gorgeous one. first and foremost today, 79-degrees. tomorrow significantly cooler, maybe nine or ten degrees cooler in many areas and that's because our wind direction overnight is going to shift. it comes out n out of the east and it bringses in the marine layer, the clouds, maybe the drizzle, a little bit of shower activity tomorrow morning, but bottom line a whole lot cloudier for us as we head into wednesday. spotty showers can't be ruled out. i think they'll
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the morning than they will in the afternoon. it's not particularly a rainy day but i'd keep the umbrella handy for the morning hours. as we head into through the wednesday through thursday timeframe, temperatures are going to stay blow normal, near 730. but then get ready for a summer-like feel. the heat is back. we're talking mid to upper 80s and bring on the low 90s after that. enjoy the cool down while you can. that's a look at your weather headlines, jim and shawn back to you. >> coming up tonight, skipping out on the speaker. that's right, a group of middle schoolers slash back after being criticized for refusing this photo op with house speaker paul ryan. 5@6:30. we'll be right back.
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tom went to washington to take on the insurance companies and the credit card companies and the wall street banks - that's what tom perriello is about. i was proud to stand with president obama because progressive causes have been my life's work. i'm tom perriello, and i'm running for governor to reduce economic inequality, raise wages, eliminate the burden of student debt and protect our climate. together we really can build a virginia that works for everyone.
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conference but there was a bit of a twist. let's bring in tom fitzgerald live in arlington to explain this h one. >>reporter: hey, guys, do you like magic? who doesn't. you'll have to stay steund. this performance today was worthy of david copper field and we'll tell you why. the assistant attorney general of the united states, rob rosen steen we've talked about him endless limit he is the man who is the number two at the justice department. he has for all intense and purposes reframed this entire russia question because he is the man who authorized the independent counsel being robert musclier. now, he still has some other things to do in his job besides being the guy who gets asked a lot of questions about the russia investigation and one of those things he had to do was come here today where we are. this is
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were doing a story about the dangerous first responders are facing right now in dealing with a lot of these opioid overdoses that some of these officers are getting exposed to the dangerous opioid fentanyl. rosenstein comes here today and talks about this program now where they're trying to get law enforcement officers to be aware of this danger. frankly that's not why a lot of the media was here as well today. there were a lot of questions that were waiting to& be asked not only about the status of the russia investigation, but what we've been tracking with the president and apparently this growing discontent he now has with his own justice department. those tweets yesterday, many of them aimed at the justice department highly critical of how the justice department's attorneys have been handling these federal appeals on the travel ban. so clearly a lot of people had
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questions for rod rosenstein today. those questions didn't get asked and here's why. the assistant attorney general came up post office the podium. he talked to officials about these fentanyl problems and then the acting director of the dea came out and he talked about this program that they're trying to do with first responders and then they said we're going to answer all your questions after we look at this video. the lights go down and the video starts and as soon as it dose both of them go off the stage and when it's over only the dea director comes back on. rod rosenstein left the building and nobody got to ask him any questions today because simply there was that statement. there was that announcement and there was the exit. so we're going to have to wait another day to find out exactly what is on rod rose einstein's mind and the russia investigation and the
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doesn't seem shy about leveling in his own justice department. rod rosenstein who walked into the thick of this just weeks after his confirmation. a lot on his plate early on in his tenure. he is somebody we should point out who is not shy about answering questions. we have rod rosen steen at fox5 for years now when he was the us attorney for maryland. he has been for years at the core of many of the big ers stories in our area, tax fraud cases. the bee and daycare way pedophilia story. he has been the man who has prosecuted a lot of those cases. we've asked him questions for years. clearly now, though, he is in a different position. he is in a different role, clearly a very difficult role right now and we are not getting the kind of access to be able to ask him questions the way we used to when he was the us attorney in maryland. >> all right. we will be watching
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watching this thursday to watch james comey testify. thank you, fits. on the way on 5@6:30. do you remember this? this right here? h this was seens as the shove seen around the world. here it quoms. both men say no hard feelings. there maybe much more to it. we'll explain when we come back. they also know you need to get your annual check-up. now prepare for your check-up with one touch using the mycigna app, where you can find a doctor in your plan's network to save money, manage your health and more. need to be thorough. ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam, and when survivors of the virginia tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight.
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those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia. z23wpz z5yz y23wpy y5yy ♪ ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill.
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ares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. >> how lud krows there. no big deal. that was the response from the prime minister of montgomery village anything oh after president trump pushed him out of the way at the nato sump it in brussels. the primary minister visited white house yesterday to visit the country's entry. he didn't see president trump. the men did not even meet. but both parties say there is no bad blood. a lot of attention paid to that. you want to take the word of the prime minister and say okay, no big deal. p if you go back to what happened, they hav
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position where they stand and they take those pictures with the class. montgomery village nation oh is the last country coming in and he was supposed to be in the back. >> a class of eighth graders from new jersey is responding to criticism. the students were on a trip to washington last month and when it came time to take a photo with speaker ryan nearly half of them stood on the other side of the street. one student wrote an op ed in a local people saying young people are capable of so much especially in formulating their own belief. they take on what they hear their parents say at but i think it's important that we teach our young people to think for themselves and to make their own decisions. if that was their honest decision, let them do what they want -- i shouldn't say let them do what they want, but
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own mind on that. they're 13, 14 years old. >> you got to learn. >> it's not too unusual to spotty van contact trump wearing a $5,000 gown, but apparently she can't even pass up a good bargain. she was spotted leaving her house this week, in h this 35 minute i dress by tar jet. and it's even cheaper now because itself arrestd on an outstanding on sale. this is the california california a lilly design that she did for target. it's on sale right now for 17.50. so it's cute. i think it's really cute. but critics say by wearing this target dress she could be just trying to come off as more relatable to the american public, which makes sense. former first lady michelle obama made headlines for wearing clothes from target, the gap and also from j kreuvment we're back after
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>> welcome back, today marks the p third anniversary of d day. ceremonies marking the battles that marked the end of world war ii are held all across america. among the handful of world war ii veterans attending this d day memorial celebration today is silver springs herm and sky czech. he's 93 years old. a sergeant with the army's fourth infantry division he landed with the first wave on d day. once the fighting started, then it was just gung who he. one fight after another. we were lucky. >> i asked mr. sky czech what he he remembers of that day, d day nearly three-quarters of a century ago. he was
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years old that day. what thoughts today still come back to you. cornel arnold gabriel is conducting the memorial band, he's 92 now, a combat machine gunner he landed on the beach with the 930 infantry division, 73 years ago today. i had a lieutenant who told me, he said sergeant, it's okay to look back, just don't stare. the keynote speaker lieutenant gary cheek director of the u.s. army staff. general cheek says watch this opening scene from the move i saving private ryan and you'll get a sense of what the heros of z day experiencedded. and these great vet rarntion they lived it and they went through it. it is amazing the courage and commitment of those soldiers at
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incomprehensible to me. no wonder we call them the greatest generation. at the world war ii memorial on the national mall, bob barnard, fox5 local news. >> the memorial, if you've never been down there, go down and take a look because it is absolutely beautiful. that is one of the things i really wanted to bring my grand father to to take him down before he passed away. you missed the debut of the final five. you'e going to be back at it again today. >> they're keeping us in it was john did i men could he we've seen him on ads playing the president. a great way to laugh. we're all about having some fun with it. our buddy from campus reforms is going to stop in and we're g
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plan your two park getaway now, and eat free with select packages. harvey: ok. how else to put it? kendrick lamar, keeping his sister down. >> kendrick lamar bought his sister a toyota camry for her graduation present and absolutely got blasted for eing cheap. >> if he bought a g-wagon, he would have gone crazy saying i can't believe he bought an 18-year-old a g-wagon. >> no, that would have been aren't. he's a gazillionaire. it's equivalent of me buying my sister a unicycle for her birthday. it is. >> david spade, he's been burglarized for $80,000. people walked into his house, grabbed his safe, walked out. harvey: you carry the safe out. how do you open the safe? >> a blow torch. harvey: you take a safe to a welder? >> yes. harvey: excuse me, sir, can you open this safe -- >> i guess this is a problem. >> "bachelorette," rachel kicked
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