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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  June 21, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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♪ ♪. it's wednesday, you know what that means? hump day. >> indeed. where is the camel >> president trump today claiming victory after the republican party triumph anded in the most expensive house race in u.s. history >> i have to start first of all by saying thank you. >> you did it, girl. >> and a special thanks to the president of the united states of america [cheers and applause] >> it was all the
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whether this was going to be a belt weather kind of race. we're talking about tonight at 6:30 one of many stories we're talking about here on 5at630. the seat in the 6th district remains red. republican karen handle defeated democratic newcomer john ossoff to replace health and human services secretary tom price, it was the fifth special congressional election in recent weeks. and in those race, not one single seat moved from one party to the other. let's bring in the strategists to talk about this -- any -- i guess the grand scheme of things, all this money put into this race, there was so much attention paid to it anybody surprised >> i don't think many folks are surprised. one of the funny things here as democrats have tried to make this a referendum against president trump, they're 0 and four, and to be honest with you, the most these special elections have been referendumsga
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nancy pilosi >> michael, do you want to respond >> i have to disagree with spencer. this was not a referendum on donald trump, john ossoff didn't mention trump in the closing months of the election. moral victories in this situation i'm not a big fan of but i think there's positives that democrats can take away from. we managed to get new voters registered in georgia. we managed to excite the base. and this was a place where democrats overperformed >> you say this was a -- there were a lot of good things to take away from democrats but the democrats spent a boat load of money do get this newcomer elected and a lot of people thought this would be a referendum on the trump presidency after everything they thought this would fire people to go out and vote but it didn't end up like that >> one of the things is not only do the democrats spend more money, they -- very adamantly have made this a referendum against donald trump. they continue to lack candidate recruitment for their best candidate to be a dcil
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for himself. a republican karen handle who had long deep roots within that community is part of the problem >> that, i believe is valued criticism because that was used in the he race here but when you look at the drain the swamp mentality, you're not talking about washington itself, but handel has been pretty entrenched in politics in georgia. she ran a couple times, michael was this a matter of the democrats not exactly could there have been a better candidate for had this race >> i think hindsight is 2020. you can say there's a better candidate but i got to correct spencer. john ossoff was from that district. and the only reason he wasn't registered there was because he had left for school. so this was that an issue of carpet bagging. >> that beg that is famous political phrase called if you're explaining you're losing. right? >> speaking of ossoff, let's show that concession speech. here's what ossoff said as he t. >>
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dominated by fear and hatred, and scapegoating and division, this community stupid. women in this community stood up. we showed them that we can still build coalitions of people who may not see eye to eye on everything, we find common ground to move forward >> let me ask you, what do the democrats need to do moving forward as we start looking ahead to the mid term elections to insure wins >> democrats need to be better about talking about kitchen table issues. for example, karen handel doesn't believe that gay couples should be allowed to adopt. karen handle doesn't believe that there should be any form of living wage for individuals. that's out of the mainstream for where america is. i think democrats need to be
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issues and how out of the touch republicans are. democrats we have the right message. at winning message. but we don't always have the best messenger. i think ossoff was a great messenger in this instance but i think overall, we need to be better about recruiting democrats who can make sure that republicans and independences here that message >> i feel like the messenger story line we've heard that a couple of times, we had those other special elections and i want you to get your take on the fact we have two elections in this country, two gubernatorial elections, virginia and new jersey will be coming up in november and spencer, i want to start with you. will there be this spotlight on this race in virginia that people see purple, purple you but gone blue? >> i believe it's only natural for after presidential election to make special elections or upcoming 2017 year elections in the national spotlight. i do think that democrats do have a problem here, because
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points, there was being out of touch. the fact that, you know, nancy pillow see, they've lost more house seats. the other thing here is, you know, the best candidate was a person from out of the district. it wasn't a person were you community roots or who could communicate within that message then you have the democratic party in this position where how far left can they run to apeace their base? >> republican strategist spencer sullivan, democratic strategist michael star hop kins, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. the former head of homeland security today revealed the fbi waited to notify him about russia's hacking of the dnc's committee server >> one of many bomb shells from the hearing before the house intelligence committee. tom fitzgerald wh
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one tonight. fitz? >> reporter: jim, shawn, that was from jay johnson, president obama's homeland security secretary. it came during a somewhat surprising hearing today. why was that surprising? of course, the senate intelligence committee has been making a lot of news especially with the blockbuster james comey hearing, but this came because of something said by the vice chairman democrat mark warner, throughout the course of his opening remarks, warner noted that two states in the 2016 election, illinois and arizona acknowledged that they did have evidence that the russians had tried to access voter roles. let's be clear about this. this is the internet system that is used by election boards. voting machines themselves are not connected to the internet. repeatedly appear on capitol hill intelligence officials reveal that no election voting
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the hacking instances that they've been looking into with regard to the election. but warner said this. he said, that he wants the department of homeland security to release all and any information he has about additional states that may have had their election information attacked. why that is important in raying eyebrows here on capitol hill, as the vice chairman of the senate intelligence committee, mark warner has a vast access to different kinds of information and there have been media reports in the past 48 hours that as many as 39 states may have had some sort of an attempt to gain information about who voters are through state and local voting records. this is how warner framed it in his opening remarks on capito hill. >> much of what the russians did at this point i think at least in this room is was well-known. spreading fake news, fighting social media, hacking
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e-mails and leaking them for maximum political benefit. without firing a shot, at a minimal cost, russia sewed political and undermined faith in our democratic process. >> reporter: what's significant about this is up until now, much of the attention on here on capitol hill through the these hearings have been about the trump administration, who met with who? who disclosed what? not as much informtion has been any veiled about exactly what it is the russians are doing and what they intended to do with what they got and what they were turned away from. so warner now opening up this new train of attack actually looking at what the russians were into. a lot of the drama we her in the past couple of weeks on the hill >> another round and another face we throw into the mix, tom fitzgerald thank you very much. speaking of faces we're throwing in, we're
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talking about the latest person to throw their hat in the ring for govern of maryland. >> i was going to say who was that then i realized that's not the purpose of a tease. >> thanks, jim >> i know. >> listen here, jim. >> you're running for govern? running for govern? ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. i'm getting goosebumps. get 17% below msrp on all
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that's over eight thousand one hundred dollars on this chevy silverado. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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. december of 2015 a memo came out where the owners operators didn't want us talking about any kind of politics. that was tough. i tried to abide by that, but i do talk show. so you know, you don't know how it's been the last two, three years with politics. it's been tough not talk about it. >> how can you ignore the topic? we should mention, i believe the owners of your station are staunch trump supporters. am i correct >> the owner, he's a country singer. and made a song about voting for trump. >> certainly, he can do, you know, he owns the station. he can do that. but in your case, did it feel like all of a
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looking i'm on air waves owned by the american people. i've a first amendment right. did it come to that >> feels that, i'm doing a talk show and i need to have everything open. so whatever subject comes up, i can talk about. if there's a subject let's say you can't talk about apples. no, no apples. and then all of a sudden, it's fall and you want to hear what kind of pies are you having at thanksgiving? i need to be honest with my fans and talking about everything. and that's why i quit. i wasn't fired. i quit. >> bruce. there are, i've talked to friends journalist that is work at other tv stations or other networks and they have actually been told to sort of lay off the negative stories about donald trump too. but the reality is we can't all quit because we got mouths to feed, education to pay for. how do we weave through, you know, management telling us to lay off some of the negative
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>> well, you know, a lot of people think all of a sudden, the extreme, and i didn't come in every week with a full agenda on politics. in fact, i did sometimes have a couple things i wanted to talk about, but when it got down to it, i like went, no, you know, just doesn't feel right. but you know, there were certain things, like i might make a joke. like this past week, i think i said something like seven % of americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows and ironically, they also voted for trump. that's a joke. i made fun of myself, i'm making fun of that situation. that's it. that's all. but that is not allowed. and i just can't do it. >> i think too, when you hear -- when people, they con flate talk radio with right wing. we're at a talk show. we want to know what's on your mind, things in our co
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we want to bring different viewpoints into it >> i can't do a talk show like that. if it comes up, i need to comment and i believe that there were some people in the audience who basically intimidated the general manager, and then tried to get to advertisers and of course, that never happened but he took the intimidation factor >> what's next? do you have anything lined up >> i'm available, looking. i maybe a podcast. i mean, i'm open at this point. i do the radio show in my head. i need to get it out. >> maybe we'll bring you on as a regular. >> there you go. >> we'll talk and find out >> facebook, thank you, bruce, we'll be in touch. >> all right. thanks for joining us, we'll be right back. .
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. he announced overnight he's running for govern of maryland >> joins three other declared democrats hoping to challenge larry hogan for the office next year, ronica cleary is live at national harbor. i understand the county executive is there >> he just pulled up. we love it. welcome congratulations on announcing your candidacy today. >> it's exciting. >> reporter: i want to ask you, we saw you released this youtube video overnight. you had your first event in baltimore this morning. but you didn't do it at home, tell me about the decision not to do it with the people that you currently represent >> what i wanted to do is go up to baltimore and show the people in the baltimore region that first of all baltimore city is very important to the state. the economic development there, getting things right. i wanted to go up there and
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i'm least known, start there and let them know i want to be the governor the whole state. i was excited going there meeting folks. it's a new venture, haven't done that in a long time. >> reporter: there's other declared candidates, and in the democratic party, there seems to be a bit of a divide between this idea of a establishment candidates and progressive candidates. you just talked about introducing yourself to people who don't know you. where would you place yourself on such a spectrum? >> the benefits of being executive. what people care about, can you approve education, find jobs? will the transportation system work and get them to job centers? those are the things they care about. those are the things i've worked on before i was county executive when i was allege legislative. >> you got to take on an
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extremely popular republican govern. thousand do you do that >> the govern will have to make his own case why he should be reelected. people will ask him about record and what he's done. that will be on him. a what i plan to do is go out and talk to people about what i wanted to and what i've done as county executive both in the legislative body and also as county executive. in my private experience, i spent most of my career in the private sector, where there was economic development or working in education, and i'll make that case and the good thing about elections is voters will make a decision. >> reporter: democrats just lost two special elections last night that a lot of people looked at across the country. what can you bring as a democrat to the party to people are saying does it need a revival? is there a problem? what is your take >> i'm excited to see, you know, how close those races were and how enthusiastic people were about getting involved. if we have the same type of energy going into the 2018 election, we're going to take back
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win seats in the state legislature and remain and keep people in the federal level. it's the excitement, getting people involved. >> reporter: last question, 30 seconds. top three priorities, again, for people just getting to know you that you want to bring to the agenda when you're on the campaign stage >> starts with education. the state has a responsibility to making sure we have a first class public education, healthcare. which is vital the important to all of us. and creating jobs, economic developments, those are the things i'm going to talk about when i go around the state >> we hope to have you on 5at630 a lot more as you campaign for govern. we appreciate it. congratulations on your announcement. that's prince george's county executive rushern baker. you announced your candidacy today. >> i'd like to ask him, he said education was going to be one of his key priorities but we know that prince george's county is dealing with a serious situation right now within the public schools, with allegations of grade fixing. how does he plan to get b
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state-wide there are no issues. >> reporter: have you seen the reporting of the problems in prince george's county schools? tell us about the fact that you have to -- that is the county that you represent right now. how do you respond to that and then talk about addressing education at a state-wide level, you know, when you got these problems right now in prince george's county >> one of the things i saw the reporting and thank you for doing that. i was very pleased to see the response, kevin maxwell and dr. eubanks, the first thing i want to say is we've been proud of the progress in prince george's county. one, the graduation rates increasing, the work of the teacher, students, parents. also the fact that parents are voting with their feet, putting their kids back into the school system. i was very glad to see the reporting. the oning thing i've said to dr. maxwell and eubanks, allegations we take serious, i was glad to see they stepped up on that. but i was also glad to see the other school board members c
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the graduation rates. every school board member who stands up there validates the fact that these are, you know, they met the requirements. i was glad to see the other members step up there. but you know, i'm very up front with the fact that we made progress in prince george's county. we have a long way to go. that's the same way with the state. places where there are great public education systems and places where we need work. that's what i wanted to as govern. >> thank you so much. we appreciate your time. >> thank you for your work. >> reporter: back to you. are you headed to the beach this summer? would you consider wearing this swimming suit, jim? >> no. that's not for me. >> it's for, we're going to talk about it when we come back.
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. i'm the king of awkwardness when we saw something that said awkward hug? it
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look. it's a picture of senator marco rubio trying to hug it out with ivanka trump before a meeting to talk about tax reform. at first glance looks like she's standing there arms by her side. it became joke on social media. senator rubio went along with it and after first seeing a picture he went on twitter to say it was under investigation >> i like when they go with it instead of get nasty >> or say that's not what we meant. today is the first day of summer, it's a great day to maybe buy a bathing suit. take a look at this one. yep, maybe it's for you. you can now wear president trump to the beach. the clothing company known for its outrageous print created the shocked trump one piece suit. it will cost you 50 bucks. would you wear it? that's the question. >> the one item, the one points about that is it is actually made in the united states. which president trump should be on board
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>> that's when you freeze at that exact wrong moment, that's the face you get. >> of course you know with social media these days. it's all out there. thank you guys so much, give an awkward hug? >> yeah.
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-- harvey: kim kardashian has been dethroned in "paper" magazine because when you look at this guy, there's clearly a new ruler. >> milan christopher, he was formally on "love & hip-hop" decided to go full frontal. the biggest black bar ever created for "tmz." >> oh, my god. >> i love the way he's adjusting his headphones. [laughter] oh, you're looking at that? it's like he can hear it. [laughter] >> kim kardashian is having a third kid and has already hired a surrogate. this surrogate cannot be around cat litter. harvey: cat litter is toxic for pregnant women. >> that is something women have made up to get out of changing the cat litter. >> that's natural balancing, cat woman don't get pregnant. [laughter]


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