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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  June 26, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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down the wrong way on some streets and coming up on a sidewalk just like this one putting pedestrians in danger. and prince george county police say tonight, it's going to stop. >> we will not meet reckless behavior with our own reckless behavior. we're a constitutional police department and we work within the framework of the law and we are smarter than these guys and it's our brain that will bring this to resolution. we will not go out and chase these folks and do things that put us at risk and citizens at greater wrist. >> this video shot by david heyman show what police show are the riders swarping national harbor. they made its way around the district including 8th street where many atv riders were popping wheelies. prince george county police at national harbor the group estimated to be as many as 1
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put drivers and pedestrian in danger as they road down sidewalks and around 8:00 last night national harbor cameras captured the vieders and head of security there deexplained to make footage public. instead trying to get over to police. and now, another deputy chief came out here to speak as well. george nicoles, he said that they need the public's help. they have several tactics they can use to get the people to stop what they're doing. some of those tactics they don't want to reveal. he says they're using helicopter and they're getting in touch with gas stations where they know the riders go to see if they can get ahead and surround them. but, tonight, they are asking specifically for people to either take video of them or when they see them to give the police a call. here's george nicoles. >> don't think you just got away with. it we'll be knocking on your door and coming to see you shortly. what i would like to do at this time is like to ask the citizens and partners in the community, busines
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to please contact us when you see those that engage in this malicious behavior and you can also remain anonymous. i would like to let you know call 1866-411-tips. >> and now, police made it very, very clear that this behavior is not some fun for these kids or young adults riding atvs and dirt bikes. this say dangerous activity and they want to to stop but need your help. paul wagner, "fox5 local ne news". >> now to a "fox5" sol solutionive. maryland governor larry hogan is responding to our investigation into alleged fog and grave fixing in prince george county schools, he told us where there's smoke there's usually fire. >> governor hogan is calling for immediate action and gave fox5 new details of what is next. several prince george county school members asked f
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investigation into what they've called widespread corruption. and the ceo of school system says their claims are false and politically motivated. here's a quick recap of what we uncovered so far. >> i think we're doing injustice to the student allowing them to graduates when they know they didn't put in the effort. >> the staff knows what's happening it's widespread not just a handful of teachers. >> it's what do you want to do to make sure they pass and rather than what do you do to make sure they learn. >> some of our dreeingz decided to go so far afield of our system and make pretty out raiming us allegations without going throughout process and we trust and believe in students and staff. >> i would not make such allegations if there was not significant proof. >> you have asked for the allegations they referenced. >> we have not asked them for evidence. >> we're finally seeing fruits of our labor. some want to question or cast doubt
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accomplishments. >> when we lower the bar for some of the students we lower the bar for all of our students. >> there's incredible pressure coming from the central office on to all of the principals of all the schools. >> and when i see you know us laughing and partying and saying, gee, look what we've done, 92%, what i'm thinking about are all those students who are now out there. >> there's been no systemic effort ordered by me or others acting on my behalf to promote students to inflate graduation rates. >> "fox5" lindsey watts broke the story last week. >> she interviewed governor hogan today as she was visiting salisburyy maryland, here's her report. >> biggest news ought of this interview with the governo today he says he wants to see outside independent investigators looking into it. so that would go beyond any investigation by the maryland state department of education. governor says that he has not seep
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alleged grave fixing and fraud in prince george county schools. but he says he's getting request after request from people who are calling for an investigation. and he says he's very concerned. >> we keep hearing all of this out cry. we have not seen any evidence. when there's smoke, there's usually fire and there's an awful lot of smoke out there. we want to find out if something is on fire. >> governor hogan wrote a letter to the state board of education requesting a thorough, exhaustive investigation. state board met today and did not make a decision on next steps. and we're expecting more from the board and potentially a decision tomorrow. we ask dpovrn nor hogan about a prior investigation by the state department of ed. into these same claims out of prince george county and the state investigator talked to the school ceo and four people the d eo recommended in that case. >> we just found out there ws this so-called investigation. and it was not acceptable to other people and was not acceptable to us. th
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have the actual state board of education themselves, which is a body that over seas the school system as responsible for oversight for them to conduct the investigation and do a complete and thorough one that gets to all the facts. we'll let the state board decide the best way to pursue. it i think we should have an independent body to look at it. >> outside investigators. >> state board overseeing it and potentially will have to hire help to get it done. >> hogan says he knows we talked to a lot of school staff about the allegations. people who say they're concerned if they speak up they'll lose their job. >> anything wow say to people hesitant to come forward. >> i would say that you know our state will aggressively protect any wrisle blowers that come forward with information and state school system and our offices, attorney general, will make sure that nobody will get -- have their right vie lighted coming forward and we'll make
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ce off of schools maxwell refuses our request for ab interview and calls this politically motivated. governor says as far as he's concerned this has nothing to do with politics but ensuring students in prince george county have the opportunity for a great education. lindsey watts, "fox5 local news". >> major development tonight in the battle of president trump travel ban. supreme court today said it will allow the ban to go forward on limited basis while it create the case in thef fall. >> a fire storm of protests last wipt wher the administration barred travel into u.s. from six mostly muslim countries. "fox5" tom fitzgerald is now with what's next. hey, fitz. >> trump administration will remember to have the travel ban knocked down twice by lower courts. they ruled this travel ban was instead a muslim ban which b barred travelers based not on threat level but on religion and taking this case today from the
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of the institute said that triggered a number of events today sets aside the lower court rules and brings back the travel plan and puts the trump administration in favorable position for victory in the fall. >> this is definitely a win for trump administration because travel ban goes into effect almost entirely and signal that the government is more likely to win than the challengers. >> and it allows the trump administration to ban visitors have iran. libya, somalia, sedan, syria and yemen as part of extreme vetting program. the only people with credible bonafide relationship with person or entity in the united states will be loued to travel here. in the long term opponents will tell you they will we rule in their favor when the supreme court hears this case and he 24eu scotis will find this unskonty constitutional next tesh.
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committee is upset they allowed this ban to go into effect before reviewing this case. >> ban itself is clear on a arabs and muslims and ban based on religions job of individuals and it's not national -- in the national security interest of this country. >> remember, back during the campaign president trump called this a muslim ban. those were his own words later used against anymore court. president stopped using that term later on and administration says the ban will be in effect 72 hours and supreme court is expected to hear this case in october. back to you. >> also tonight growing tech speculation that supreme court justice anthony den di could announce retirement. 08-year-old is high court longest standing justice and arguably one of the most pi pivotal members. one of the best controversial opinions declared in controversial decision same
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marry. it would allow conservatives to take firm control of the court and giving supreme court pick in the first months of administration. >> metro making changes and not everyone is too happy about. >> especially commuters in montgomery county. hey, kristin. >> that's right, ladies, we're live at the red line grovrner and explain changes further and tell you why some are not fans and what they would like to see dochbility. >> and then out-of-control driver lands inside a motel swimming pool injuring small children and what please say led to the crazy crash. >> school let out and d.c. youth getting bark to work. kickoff todayed with new initiative sepingd some students home with extra 2, 2,000. sue. >> that sound look a good deal. marina, sarah is this not the most but fuel day. incredibly low humid
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breeze and beautiful evening ahead. a couple changes tomorrow and first look at the forecast when "fox5 local news" at 5 comes pass pa
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pass pa >> if you normally take the met low bus or rail you may have noticed change in the schedule and some metro useers in montgomery county say these changes are
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better and now asking the county to take a closer look at the system. >> "fox5" kristin leon is live with how this sim pacting t them. kristin. >> good evening, ladies, a lot of people rely heavily on using metro system here especially red line and we're seeing effect here of people going to and from point too. b especially across the way at rockville line. this is at where we're at right now and a lot of people telling us in this case they wish the couldn'ty would ask the state for more money to be allocated xeshlingly in montgomery county. county council will be wr writeing a letter they are writing a letter asking the state for more money in this case to meet transportation needs. according to local coalition group they're not asking the state specifically for more money to go towards metro bus and rails. again like i mentioned they say as of this week there's more delays taking rails a
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if there's an opportunity to in this case fix a failed system when it comes to metro system why not do it now. before this week it came every 6 minute it's cut now to eight minutes. it may not seem leak a big disruption but difference between couple extra mintd on platform can be more crowds and fire seats and much reduced quality of reliability of commute for others. >> giving up on metro is giving up on the country's economic future. hundreds of thousands depend on testify day and millions of billions of dollars in development and economic development depend on metro and bus and county. >> beginning today what you see on screens these are new hours for the metro rail system. sunday system runs from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. monday through thursday from 5 paex to
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p.m. friday 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. and saturday 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. keep in mind saturday june 24 metro rail will close midnight and first 1 a.m. closing will thb friday june 30. as far as addressing country about asking for money to be going towards metro system in this case asking state for more money we reached out to them today and as of right now we have not heard back at this time. of course we'll let you know when we learn more this this case. reporting live in montgomery country this evening, kristin leon, "fox5 local news". >> and as a sign of appreciate for dealing with metro fare hikes and svs cuts one of the transit agency was handing out free $10 smart trip cards. they passed out cards to 1,000 lucky riders at the dunn lauering marifield station in vienna and educated riders to fund it
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fair. >> taking a live look out outside. look at the beautiful sky near downtown d.c.. 82. low humidity. >> perfect. >> wind. >> perfect out there. >> no humidity which is best part. >> that is absolutely -- >> is it really almost july. >> lookty bright blue sky. that's how you know the humidity is low. the contrast. this is rare for late june for sure and soak it up while you can. we can't hold the heat and tut humidity off much longer, temperature 82. 79 gaithersburg and winchester 7 and cumberland you're there as well and 81 quanitco and 79 annapolis. takes beautiful evening. that's for sure. and big parts of it is that really low humidity. sometimes we remind you that the humidity can be quite oppressive when the dew points are 70. look at these 39 dew point in frederick and 46 d.c.. that's crazy dry. and also means that
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pretty school tonight because the air cools quickly once the sun goes down tonight thank to nice low humidity. new york city is only 74. boston 77. richmond 82. out towards detroit bright heat 68. chicago coming in at 73. really fantastic evening to take in a ball game. if cubs are in town and they have chicago weather in d.c.. we think first pitch temperature is 79. perfect evening for baseball with lots of comfortable conditions extending through the eeption. rest of planner looks like this as we take you forward to 9:00. it should feature temperature in the low 0s and again getting klool cooler quickly in the suburb aebz places in 60s by 9:00. by 11:00, partly cloudy and temperature of 69. now, overnight, we will see more clouds coming in and generally mix of clouds and sun tomorrow. and just a slight chance tomorrow as little piece of energy swings on through that could be a
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maybe isolated storm. not a widespread risk. i want to you know as this piece of energy goes acoz the area it could trigger that may time tomorrow afternoon. again it would be quite widely scattered. i'll show you quickly few clouds out here. as we look at bigger picture a little spin up here over the great lakes that's what's going to drive a piece of energy through your area tomorrow. i'll though you hour by hour what to expect tuesday and with day forecast you will be able to see that summer heat will make a return before you know. it en joy this evening. marina, sarah, back to you. >> sue no complaints on our part. >> not at all. >> multi-million lawsuit settled in high profile police shooting in minnesota. >> a large payout after her son's controversial death and money comes with a catch. >> and rapper 'lil kim in center of lapd investigation involving robbery of home she rented out for bet awards party.
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have set it all up. >> and bill koz didn't pr team can't agree with itself. couldn't districting staimingts it made about town halls the topic was about sexual assault education. back after
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. >> his mother valley will receive 2.9 through an insurance trust. and castile shooting death gained wide spread aattention after his girl friend live streamed. it the officer that fired the shot was acquitted of all charges. the settlement couldak
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>> li'l kim is involved in the robbery of home she rented and according to tmz li'l kim was disappointed the -- with the home and demanded her money back. when the homeowner refused an argument broke out and police were called. after li'l kim area her crew left the house tmz says the house was robbed we a group of men in ski mask they took the deposit check and cash to totaling $20,000. thieves did not leave before slashing homeowner's car ti tires. >> bill cosby publicist is denying claims the unp coming town hall meeting will be about sexual assault. ebony benson said it will accepted her on restoring comedian legacy after his miss trying. the team previously said young people need to be educated about the laws on assault and on sunday his pub signature said the
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>> coming at 5:30 mass shooting spree that spanned across three maryland counties and "fox5" was on the scene. >> total of three victims. two males. one female. all adults and we understand that the gubman is still on the loose at this hour. >> he stays in my brother's bed. i started screaming. >> today the man accused of killing three peopleen including estranged wife puts in plea for the crime. details of day in court next. hey, ronica. >> well, we're talking about the press briefings and where you have not seen much from shawn spicener a long time. we're doing our best to get to the bottom of it coming up after the break. and a woman gets stuck on rock after swept by raging waters the dramatic rescue caught on camera that's coming up we'll be right back.
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>> the victims suffered in life threatening injuries. >> take a look at surveillance. this man is wanted in connection with armed robbery in annapolis and happened last thursday along annapolis road and clerk told police suspect pulled out the gun and demanded money and no one was injured and if you recognize the man calling police. >> a man in fairfax police say was impersonating c
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tyson rasher is in custody and say he was imperson nateing a cop near prince william and reed's prospect. police say he had flashing light on car and vehicle fuld over. moments later a real vehicle stop at the scene and rasher took off. investigators figured out he was driveing a stolen car at the time. >>. >> a man 62-year-old tortle shot and killed his wife gladys outside the school had her suv. >> disappointment. it should not have happened like that. >> she was very owe nice even very sweet person. >> one ever my patrol officers was patrolling the area of montgomery mall and came upon a shooting scene wrp three individuals had been shot. >> we have a total of three victims. two males, one female. >> and
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heed is my brother is dead. >> it's tragic that we were not able to interest veeb prior to additional victims being harmed. >> they came from all driks and ram the car from tront to back. >> tore dale exited car and surrendered. >> he has already pled guilty to two murderers in montgomery county. >> former federal protective officer says he killed his estranged wife. he is from adelphi maryland and he entered the guilty plea today. he shot gladys last may as she what waiting to pick up her daughter outside high point high school. a day after shooting his wife he shot three people at west field montgomery mall in bethesda and shot a woman at a giant supermarket parking lot in aspen hill. two of the victims in montgomery county died and two others wounded. to
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crimes in april and face as i life sentence for them and a judge will sentence him next month in the most recent plea. >> you may have noticed you don't see shawn spice are on television as often as you used to. that's because there's far less briefings than there used to be. >> ronica cleary is live at the white house with look this change how the white house interacts with the press, ronica. >> marine a. sauer after, it started a week before the president first trip abroad back in may and ship from on several on camera briefings with sean spicer to one. it has members of the press frustrated. president of the white house correspondence association jeff mason sat down for a meeting with sean spicer and sarah huk by sanders last week to address the issue and then again this morning with the entire board of the white house correspondent
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association. today's briefing was off camera. but i did have the chance to ask sean spicer about these meeting and really the future of the briefings. fay a look at the log apart of our exchange. shawn is talking about jeff president of the white house correspondp enter association when he start off and says he stated position of the board that he believes and i've shared with him, where we r and that we have been condition signature enter since december and january when we addressed this issue and them specifically and publicly. we will continue to have a mix of opportunities to stay in touch with the immediate i followed up saying there's been a drastic shift starting from maybe the week before the president took that first trip abroad and now we see you on camera maybe once a week. is that a new normal we should expect. >> spicer respond we'll see. we'll continue to mix things up. and after the briefing i also kawingtd up with jeff mason president of the white house correspondence association really about
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malters. and at the end of the day if these briefings are still on the record meaning the people can still get if you and information from them why does it mat fer they're on camera or off. take a listen. >> i think it's important for people to be able to see how their government is operating. and being able to see that on television or video or see it online is important principle and we represent at the whca video, television, radio, reporters in addition to present reporters like news wires and newspapers. and they need to be able to tell their storys with visuals and sound. it's in the interest of members to have that and we believe it's in the interest of transparency. >> worth noting since we've seen this change in communication style from the white house, president trump has higher approval rarityings. you may recall a tweet when trump
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trump said he hit 50% in an approval ratings poll. that's a number he's had since april. it's declined since then today it's 47% and another poll put him higher than last movement it's difficult to know whether higher approval meetings are directly correlated to a different white house communication strategy and fewer on camera briefings but it makes you ask the question. and what do you think about all of this. i've been having a lively discussion all day with you on twitter. weigh in we'll be back at 5@630 when we like to call the pulse of the people. if you want your voice heard use the #5 at 6:30. ronica cleary, fox news local news. >> today use people have court made rules on president trump travel ban. issue of
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as well as landmark ruling on key church versus state issue. justices ruled 7-2 missouri violated first amendmentp by denying state grant to a church for playground because of religious status. decision could have implication force more than 30 states that block public funds perfect going to reimus organizations. sonia sotomayor was one of the justices that ruled against the church and she said it ruins the commitment to separation of state and reduces it to a slogan. supreme court agreed to here appeal of a colorado bakery refused to make wedding cake for a couple. >> he would not make the cake because of religious beliefs. the couple fired discrimination complaints and colorado court rules against phillips and he pi titioned the supreme court to take the case claiming the ruling violates his freedom of speech.
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that case will be heard in the fall. >> merion barry summer youth employment program started owe off today. a total of 13,000 14 to 20 years frold d.c. will be working in the private sector and for government agencies across washington rjts mayor bowser -- find a decent job during the summertime. >> our goal is not that they have a job but prachs their interestings and paings and build up skills and pour employees to get matched to a young person committed to working with them sglel two dozen young people taking part will receive a $2,000 scholarship if eligible for military or owe occupational training. >> two unsocial security speted
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caught on camera. >> tense moments at six flags a young girl dangles and falls nearly 25 feet from sky gondola. how quick thinking bell on the ground saved her life. >> i'm weak looking at the video marina, hey, beautiful day today and you know what we change things up tomorrow. pool planner may require live cards to be in average and have one or two scattered shormz. 11 a.m. at the bol, 73. and we'll keep an radar on as early as two. so the temperatures are a bargain. that's for sure. it hiss when it -- we'll show you what we're talking about when fox news at 5 comes right back.
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♪ ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant.
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>> moments later two more suspects arrive to help rob victims ever phones and wallets. police say both of them are recovering in the hospital and one is in city criminal condition and attackers are still on the loose. >> and san pedro, california several people recovering after suspected drunk driver crashed into motel pool. the driver lost control of suv while making right turn and instead of sdaiing in the lane busted through a brick whammy and plan dmd motel swimming pool.
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and driver of suv not as l lucky. and he's in critical and not stable condition. >> we're seeing dram ratic picture of a river rescue in nevada city yesterday. a 24-year-old woman went swimming in the river and got caught in rapids. she did manage to graph on to a rock and was stranded and someone alerted police and they respond. a police helicopter arrived at the scene you can see on the video an officer lowering baskets to the woman and pulling her to safety. she was not seriously hurt. watch in video closely air. young girl dangling and f falling nearly 25 feet from a sky gond la. it happened over the weekend. 14-year-old not seriously hurt thanks to quick thinking people on the ground. she fell into the arms of about half a dozen guests as well as security personnel. >> looking at her today knowing she's already because
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of worth it. >> god put us in the right place at the right time. we were able to do something good and we saved the child's life. dramatic video there. she was taken to the hospitals a precaution and was not seriously injured. six flags release aid statement saying they do not believe it malfunctioned but close today for further inspection. >> scary video there. >> sure is. >> wow, glad she's okay and heart warming to know people step up and dot right thing. >> right, absolutely they too could have been injured. walked away virtually unskaijd somebody had a back jer write but compared to the injury if not caught -- >> we had a beautiful day today. >> speaking of catching something the week looks amazing too. >> we have a couple chances for storms not a lot. what are we looking at. buy bridge. who is going to the beach. >> oh, my gosh how many head
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i'm sure as the big 4th of july holiday is next week, tuesday i think righted in middle of week. i'm sure bay bridge will get quite a work out. we have great beach days coming and he wave looks likened of week will heat up. en joy what we have right now and it's cool and comb for the annual overnight and some places fall into 50s tonight. if you don't have windows open give the air conditioner a break and let in mother na nature's cool be system. there's a very slight risk of shower or storm tomorrow afternoon. not widespread. nothing severe. little piece of energy coming through that has at least a little bit of attitude with it and any time after 2:00 we may need to keep radar just in case the kids are at the pool we don't want them caught by surprise. of course lifeguards always watching as well. wednesday looking great. this system coming through is quick. looks like temperatures still really comfortable on wednesday
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week heat and humidity return and plthey of 890s in the forecast. you'll see that on the 7 day in a moment. wonderful for nats and cubs 7:05. temperature should be about 79 degrees. we're at 3 now. gaithersburg 79 and as we talked about earlier in the broadcast the air is so droy that once the sun sets we'll really see temperatures dropping pretty quickly. >> and a little dip in the jet stream. chase the heat out of town and it feels fantastic and really tomorrow is also going to feel quite wonderful as well. the change is that we'll have clouds increasing just a little as we two through late night and into the day tomorrow. not quite as sunny tomorrow and with that little trawv coming through in the afternoon those widely scattered showers and storms. here's how wire thinking the couple days shape up. because of clouds around tomorrow we may only be 80 arm for this time year 87 and we'll keep eye out in the afternoon for thunderstorms erin shower.
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wednesday. comfortable, temperature 83 and humidity not bad. we don't see much in the way of clouds around here but we travel up through the great lakes to spine fining system and little of this energy we'll find tracking through this area. for tonight dropping to 64. wind becoming light out of the west. some clouds will start to filter in later tonight and even with clouds we'll still see temperatures 50s in suburbs. foam more clouds around than today. few afternoon thunderstorms with temperature of 80 and any thunderstorm we see while not widespread severe could have gust question winds with them and maybe hail. there will be cool air. so planner for tuesday, 67 at 8:00 in the morning and by noon, clouds, maybe a couple thunderstorms well north and west and 74. we'll watch for thunderstorms to move through between 3 and 6:00 good morning, everybody 78 degrees. fairly nice. i'll show you fruit fewer cast and we'll get to the 7 day
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forecast. as we pause this tomorrow morning clouds thickening especially south and this is what we talk about noon hour we'll watch hagerstown to front royal. you may see showers and storms crossing i 9 5 corridor 3:00 or so and continuing to move away 6 or. a brief interruption for the day. fox accuweather 7-day forecast we briefly interrupt cool weather to bring back summer then thursday right back up to 90 and friday 92 and we're keeping it in 90s through the weekend with chances for storms friday, saturday, sunday and got one of these days looks like a washout. justin call summertime pattern you build up heat and humidity into the afternoon and pop a thunderstorm. and monday about 88 with couple showers possible then. that's 7 day forecast i'll send it back to sar of and marina. >> sue, thanks, going sl changing controversial policy. >> and snap chat giving up too much information? first brody. >> spoil area lert. they are giving
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much informing. nationals begin series tonight against defending champion cubs sporting one of the worst bull pens in the major. the newest nat ahead in sp sports.
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>> his obituary reads pat age 68 pass aaway peacefully at home june 20, 2017 after watching
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watching national relief pitchers blow yet another lead. good to have a sense of humor mean owe bit. for fans dead and alive help may be on the way. signing free agent closer francisco rodriguez recently cut. and sporting 7.82 era with six blown saves. >> he has struggled of late. don't expect him to be pancea for late inning ilz. today they named teams with dray monday green leading way with most voingts. ab sent from both second and all defensive teams wizards john wall who average as many steals as chris pal named first team point guard wall was not happybility snub and let it be known on twitter with announcement of ge fen receive teams with sarcastic
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lol asked. who does manual retweets tweets by the way. and lebron like chased and maybe next time. >> there are washington redskins located well technically head quartered in virginia and they are in maryland and represent washington d.c.. one place they don't rep washington state except on official nfl store. they're selling pride stick aernz license plates with the redskins logo in shape of washington. washington state. >> how does that happen. >> i don't know. >> is that on purpose. >> yeah. >> must be. >> it's a full series and they have every state for all nfl teams and for washington it is state of washington. >> we want to know how many were sold. somebody must have bought that. >> now they have to. i mean that's like a coll collector's item. >> how much will they sell on ebay. >> you think they have seattle sea hawks and put it washington i d't
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>>. >> how do you do that. >> geography for nfl. >> thanks, proceedy. >> so such things as online privacy and how going sl changing way they snoop on you next.
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>> google will stop grabbing information from other. >> this comes from many highly publicized hacking scandals. >> magical lights show marking 20 years since debut of "harry potter" book. jk rowling and philosopher stone was
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to celebrate the central building of hog wart's is lit ul with the light spectacular called nighttime light at hog warj's. thanks for watching "fox5 local news" at 5. "fox5 local news" at 6 starts right now. wreaking havoc at the national harbor and then guest answers state of maryland stepping in. "fox5" was the first to tell you about accusations that prince george county schools were inflating students gr grades. now governor hogan is demanding answer as and president trump travel ban in the hands of the supreme co court. closer look at what's at stake. the news at 6 starts
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as many as 10 atv and dirt bike riders swarmed the streets violating page oar traffic laws. >> i'm tony perkins. >> i'm marina marraco in for shawn. the vieders ignored all traffic laws and put pedestriansin danger. "fox5" paul wagner starts us off live from national harbor. hey, paul. >> he marina and tony, prince george county police are absolutely furious over what happened here last nights at around 8:00 a deputy chief came to talk to reporters and christopher mirj ahe was sickened and revolted bit video he saw of atv and dirt bike riders going against traffic and then here on sidewalk like this came up to the sidewalks all around national harbor putting pedestrians in danger. tonight prince george county police say they need your hp


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