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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  June 26, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>>. >> a legal victory for president trump the supreme court is letting the trump administration mostly enforce the 90 day batch on travelers from 6 mostly muslim countries. >> move over turned a lower court ruling that blocked. it shawn, jim off tonight and sarah and tom along with the next 30 minutes. you can see on the side of the screen the rundown. those are top stories here on 5@630. tweet what is on your mind. use 5@630. >> in october meantime travelers could expect to see very soon changes. last week the president said within 72 hours of supreme court approval this ban could be back in place. >> the former consultant to the department of homeland security is here with us to talk more about this thanks for coming up in and talking with us here. so, what exactly
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changes be and how soon do you think we'll see them? >> i think you're likely to see them within 2 hours as the president said and change is basically most of the things he asked for and wucht key things he wanted some amount of urgency and wanted to move on this right away and supreme court punted this and they'll listen to in in october, early december, early part of next year if they weigh in it will be that point. >> they are allowing parts of this to go on. one of things we're told you'll be allowed to come into the country if you have bonafide relationship with individual or entity. what does that exactly mean. bonafide relationship? >> well, you should consider this a travel batch.0. this is what he should have proposed to the first place. if you're a student and you have a student visa and you have a relationship with an existing university, you're allowed to come in. if you have a family member living in the united states sponsoring
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to come in. anyone who has preexisting relationship certaintyty or person within the united states will be able to come. what you're seeing not only the president declare victory but many of the state attorney generals that filed against it travel ban claimed victory to. they are saying this is what we wanted as well. the only losers in this are the refugee population. anyone other than that that has relationship within the united states will freely be able to come to the united states. >> what is your thought on what is this going to do for the u.s.? i mean we've heard back and forth this will put the u.s. at greater risk. what do you think in this time frame until october doing this allowing this during that time period. what will that really do for the u.s. you think. >> one of the reasons people believe this puts u.s. in danger is really just like we
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so do extremist groups arounded world. isis, al-quida, others will continue to call this muslim ban and that creates this clash of civilization. that's why from national security standpoint this begins to be a challenge where it creates sense that muslims are banned from the united states. that's what isis and al-quida and other extremist groups say and other thing it does we have a lot of troops on the ground from muslim country and they rely on local popul populations. message that sends us is even though they're helping u.s. and supporting u.s., u.s. is unwillingly to protect people that support them. many refugee populations many that come to the united states come because they're sup supporting. in these countries we may have military operations that puts us in danger. >> okay, former consultant to u.s. department of homeland security joining us tonight,
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>> thank you. >> another looming question for the court. will justice anthony kennedy retire now that the court term is over. at this point it's specu speculation. >> but big speculation because kennedy is supreme court critical swing vote. sometimes he sides with four liberals other times sides with four conservatives and this is important. vacancy would give president trump another opportunity to place a justice on the court. so, one of the things weaver discussed about this today as we've talked about it is qulorpt we're going forward. ruth ginsburg was going to leave at end of obama administration giving last 345d administration opportunity. that never happened. it is hard to read the tea levels what the justices will do. >> it's up in the air now. the question is what kind ever road blocks can be put in place and can sdem crates do anything. >> we know they tried
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time when neil gorsuch was up and what can they set in motion if anthony kennedy decide to leave this court. we checked with senior legal fellow. the apps is not machine. >> no as long as republicans stick together. if republicans stick together on whoever the president would pick for supreme court then they can get that person on the court. now, there's no doubt the democrats can slow down the process and put out" lot of sound and fury over whoever is chosen for. >> now the problem for the democrats right now is when neil gorsuch was up the republicans mitch mc connell changed rules of the senate. >> not as nuclear as everybody thought. >> they wept nuclear nucleus and now you only need simple majority to nominate a justice which is a supreme court ban. democrats
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in a bad position if they hope to block any future republican nominees to the court. they don't have a lot of options here. if den di leaves the court president trump will name who he wants. >> republicans made it easier for themselves in the future for sure. >> meanwhile up on capitol hill senate healthcare bill hitting a hurdle. today non parts san going gretional off crushed numbers on the proposal. predicts 20 million more uninsured by 2026 under the current bill and mitch mc connell facing battle with little margin for error. he's trying to bring it up for votes by the end of week before the july 4 recess. >> five republicans already came out and said they cannot support this current senate bill in current form. other senators still on the fence. we're hearing that number could be as high as 8 now. let's bring in death catic statgist michael star hopkins and mean the media consu consulnt
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joining us tonight. >> thanks for having us. >> let's start where we are on this as far as the h holdouts. is there any opportunity if you make the conservatives on one end of this happy about this bill that you start losing more people on the moderate side. >> i think that great lead in music there come together. that's xactly what the republicans need to do in this case and i do believe that there are some ways to extend you know some offers to the more conservative side and ted cruz and ran paul and others and ran paul said he will consider compromised bill. so i think that's a step in the right direction. i think it's funny some of these conservative republicans in the senate are acting a little like donald trump as they go way over to the side on an issue and then all of a sudden they want to negotiate with him a little more. maybe they've borrowed a strategy from the president. i do believe this is as good as it will get for
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time soon with majorities they have and come together great theme. >> what do you think negotiations will be. what kind of things do you think mc connell offers to holdouts that swing in the right direction. do you think it's possible. >> i do. i think it's very possible that he can you know bring in the other sort of factions of the gop. what they're finding right now being mathty party is that what democrats found for a long time. that's these factions within the party. you need to pay attention to what they're talking about. and now it seems like he's been able to receive a concession or two from the leadership.
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democrats lacking a message. ever and a version to fix the problems they think obamacare does have and we hear silence now. what is responsibility of democrats to hear and at least offer alternative even if that alternative is not going to get a fair hearing amongst republicans in the majority now. >> you know democrats suggested ways we can go back and amend obamacare and make changes to it so it works better. republican have not been open to that and invited democrats to the stable and many republicans were even invited to the naishiateing table and this bill was done in secret and released to lobbyist before released to anyone else. i think that's one of the first problems. but you know like the other guest was saying republicans are going through kind of the same process that democrats went through in trying to put together a healthcare bill. takes complicated thing which is why it's aism sixth of economy and i think by playing politics with this bill, it
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makes it more difficult to ever resolve a lot of healthcare issues we're going through. >> michael quick we're up against the clock. do democrats have alternative or stand back and implode on the republican side. >> things democrats would suggest to do like being able to purchase healthcare across state lines there's things we're really open to. republican strz to invites us to the table and be open to negotiate sdmring michael star hopkins and jason kelly mean reappreciate you talking about tis situation with the gop healthcare bill. >> meanwhile let's check in with sue palka get latest own weather out there. a gore us day makes you want to go to the beep for sure. >> absolutely you want a jacket for evening at the beach. because the air is dry sarah and tom we see temperatures fool cooling off quickly. a lot of places head to 50s. let's run through weather headlines. beautiful day thanks to low dew points and very dry air which means suburbs in the 50s to about 60 maybe low 60s here in city for overnight temperatures.
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you'll notice a little more cloud cover coming in especially overnight and during the day tomorrow and slight risk of shower or storm coming in any time noon or 1:00 i think it moves quickly but 239 kids head to the pool in the afternoon they want to keep an eye on radar and lifeguard whistles. wednesday looks great. not forecasting rain for wednesday and nice, dry day. fem turz comfortable wednesday and near 0 tomorrow. that's looking good as well. hot and heat and humidity will be back in the forecast beginning thursday and taking us through the weekend maybe into next week. enjoy this break from real summer heat and humidity and soak it up while you can. that's a look at weather head lines. sarah, tom back to you. >> i was at the supreme court today it was beautiful out there and hard to come back into the building. >> i know you were saying. >> the one time it's nice and you're not outside right? >> own nope. >> the white house scaling back on on
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and will it continue, 5@630 coming right back. l
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l >> two recent polls and trumpps rating seen improvement over the time and we heard less from the communicatetis indications team. there's fewer things for thoyming get in trouble about or say things they should not have been saying or president was upset about. >> it's tough to be a spokesperson for themselves. we'll see. >> "fox5" ronica cleary weigh in as well. what are you hearing. >> tom, sarah, let me tell you almost every night when the get the schedule for the white house i will tweet out whether or not briefing is on camera
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force one. you know i get a handful of responses, i don't know it's been going on for a few weeks now or are people fed up all of a sudden and this morning when i tweeted it out i got so many responses people weighing in on both of the aisle with how they felt about think knew this was something i had to do for pulse of the people here at 5@630 since people have strong opinions about whether or not these briefings are on camera and how often they're on camera. and so we took to the streets and take a listen to what people had to say. >> i think it's just attempt to counter what mr. trump would refer to asteak news. but it's you know i think it's probably maybe for the press to understand let's maybe change the way we're doing business and reconsider and then all side get back together again and come up with workable schedule that there should be transparency in all and more information put out there
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definitely trying to choke the american people from crucial information that they're entitled to. >> i think it's unpress departmented and i think it's dangerous because i think the press has a very important role and we're holding government accountable and if they just tell us what we're supposed to hear and they don't get challenged i think it's dangerous. >> now we have a handful of tweets for to you see as well. one says boycott it all of you #msm boycott the press briefing that's what they're referring to and next one this is so lame can anyone defend this meaning off camera briefings and then finally someone in defense of these is saying i think it's a great idea to slowly get rid of useless pressers. trumen can speak directly to the people and pressers are a distraction now. so of course i always say continue to weigh n i love interacting with you on facebook and twitter and use the 5@630. >>
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organization sentence a sketch artist. our friend bill hency said he drew everything. >> we're back to drawing things. >> is johnny depp in too deep at the white house and what the actor is saying tonight after the controversial reracks he said
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hi guys. it's great to be here. in the desert. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah yeah today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy.
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g. it's not too big. not too small. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. she's a bad mama jama. (laughter) current qualified gm lessees can get this introductory lease on the all-new 2018 chevy equinox for around $249 a month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> welcome back to 5@630 br breaking a 20-year-old tradition white house skipped the annual ramadan celeb celebration. now this dinner often been attended by prominent members of the u.s. muslim community ghan 1996 during former bill clinton administration. and tenure continued through the bush and obama white house's. now president trump and first lady instead issued this statement saying on behalf of american people melania
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send out our greetings. the president has gotten criticism about his relations to the muslim community. >> and travel ban. >> would he be attacked or mocked if he went through with it. >> probably both. probably would have gotten it from both. mocking and -- >> darned if you do and darned if you do enters. >> supreme court said it will take up issue of whether a backner colorado had issue to deny a couple a wedding because of his beliefs. he lost lower courts which ruled he discriminated against dave mull ins and charlie craig by refusing to make thj a cake for a wedding reception. >> this is one of those things you think was settled before now. >> i thought so. >> it seems to come back. >> white house suggesting tonight johnny dep p got off light for that crack he made about assassinating president trump. you remember sean spicer saying lack of outrage over the statement is
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the statement is troubling. the audience was asked at a british festival how long it has been since an actor killed a president he was referencing john will bees booth and said it's been a while, maybe it's time. and a statement that went on to say he didn't intend malice by that. i don't see how that is possible but trying to be funny. and. >> sort of like kathy griffin did the same thing but she held up what looked like severed head of donald trump. she got backlash for that. perhaps that's because the visual of it created more backlash than what he said. i don't know if this spread as much. >> here's the thing there's nothing wrong with making jokes about a president. however. >> that's crossing the line. >> when you cross the line and nobody is laughing and some cases like kathy griffith repelled by it you're not making a joke and in some cases going too far. >> somewhere wondering where he didn't get in more trouble over it. >> let's
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politics going to the dogs. but this time literally coming up, on 5@630 we'll tell about you one town literally going to the dogs. we'll be right z2d1iz z16fz y2d1iy y16fy ♪ ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant.
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a small kentucky town voting a dog for mayor. >> when you ride to rabbit hash ken tuck dwri are you put back in time. >> porches still hangouts for young guys to talk girls. >> since i broke up another guy. >> 6:34. >> general store. >> this is 34 cents, thank you. >> one stop shop for anything you need. >> that's all right. >> every town no matter how this spot on the bachkz of ohio has one. >> she's very outgoing. >> she has the best smile
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>> there's always appropriate licking going on. >> wait, what? >> up, it's a pit bull sgu heard her. >> well that's interesting. >> it's funny. >> this treat-loving, woods exploring good girl, is mayor brenet pawtro. >> sounds like a millennial name. >> be a good girl. >> after policemening to sniff out the khunty problems way little help from her best friend. >> i'm brynn's human. >> she's so good. >> she won election competition stiff kind of a zoo really. >> there was a cat and chicken and donkey. >> brain took them down without a bark. he is not the first in this town. brynn slt fourth. >> it started as a fundraiser $1 a vote and you can vote as often
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>> it is so small it doesn't need a mayor. usually money goes to town improvements. but this time it helped repair the general store. after a devastating fire last year. >> it was so heartbreaking but it's been beautiful to watch it literally rise from the ashes. >> shake. >> now that she's in office. there are substances to take, decisions to make, fenice balls or sticks oral po or blue buffalo. >> he may go' up on me. >> all the pundits want to know will she return to the campaign tail i mean trail again. >> we'll see what politics does to her for the next four years good perhaps only time will tell if it's back to the dog house. or if she has a nose for this. >> nice they pointed out it was appropriate licking going on. >> you don't want the other kind. >> exactly. >> i don't know i wonder ft. owner will try to ledge
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>> i would vote for a dog. >> thanks so much see you tonight 10rbgs 10:30, 11 and final five at 1:30 see you then
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: bet weekend, nicki minaj was helen of troy because safaree and meek mill, both exes, got into it in an epic way. >> safaree's getting his ass whooped by like three guys. harvey: who seem to be connected to meek. >> and safaree runs. he's running basically because -- harvey: he's running because he's getting beaten. [laughter] >> lil kim went to a house she was renting for a bet party. didn't like it. wanted her money back. guys in ski masks came back with weapons, took the check, cash, slash the victim's tires and stole one hubcap. >> i don't get the hubcap. >> big ufc fight, felice herrig and justine kish. felice gets justine in a choke


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