tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX June 28, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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k guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. i'm getting goosebumps. get 17% below msrp on all silverado 1500 lt pickups in stock. that's over eight thousand one hundred dollars on this chevy silverado. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. ♪ ♪. those you know said senate republicans missed their
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repeal and replace the affordable care act. anti-trump trying to make deals with the hold-outs while democrats are taking a victory lap >> as you can see this is one of the hot stories we're focusing on at 6:30. president trump are doing their best to make a deal. despite missing the deadline, republican leaders insist the deal is not dead yet. >> there was an air of resignation as president trump met with republican senators at the white house tuesday. >> this will be great if we get it done if we don't, it will willing something we don't like >> the gop isn't giving up or at the least a partial partisan of obamacare. but getting enough republican senators on board has been a challenge for mitch mcconnell >> it will just take us a little bit longer >> for democrats it will be a small victory, they l
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the report that said more than 20 millio americans will no longer have health insurance >> the republicans cannot excise the rotten core at the center of their healthcare bill >> they've been talking about repealing it for seven year, but conservatives admit consuling back the entitle can be almost impossible >> the reason that the left usually wins is because when you hand out goodies, since the new deal, it is extremely hard to bring them back. >> while republicans are not giving up the fundamental issue remains the same. they need to come up with plan that both conservatives and moderates can get behind >> let's bring in niles stand itch, and deputy news editor to talk about this. what is next here? where did they really go from here?
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>> it's difficult because it's dull to reconcile the moderate and the conservative republicn positions. that's where tension is. it's just not clear in substantial or specific terms how those positions can be reconciled >> do you think some of the hold-outs from the more conservative republicans might be the mixed messaging we're seeing from the white house, one hand they celebrated when the house passed the bill outside and everybody was excited and then later we hear the president call it mean. i think conservatives want to see a real repeal of the affordable care act and they're not seeing that with this and administration officials told axius we can expect this sort of short term deal were mortise will be getting more money in short term in exchange for long-term reforms for conservatives and i think that's the only way they could have hopes of passing this when
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out >> what do you think the strategy is now during this break for the president. he's kind of been in the background, is this his time to kind of move forward and try to, you know, work with the people who are holding out here? >> i was with that yesterday, sarah and what people or close to the white house tell me they won't want the president to expand or expand political capitol in the absence of a deal. he has to come in the the end if they think a deal is going to happen. but that's so unnecessary right now, that it's just not clear. someone was suggesting to me that it's important he uses the recess to try to create some kind of positive message so the republican senators don't get hit at town halls by progressives who disagree >> let's talk about a digital how much is it going to hurt the gop if they don't bring in the democrats? it's almost like they won't understanding both sides, the failures or the wins with this
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they both get the success or they get the failure together. alexia, are there any talks chance we could see the democrats brought in? we heard mitch mcconnell sort of using it as a threat saying we will be forced to work with chuck schumer and basically that's not what you want. and we've seen the ways in which this bill put off so many republican, we have 11 republican, nine explicitly said nominee two who have said we can't support this at the current state. mcconnell is pushing his politics and not wanting to work with schumer and i don't see them working together any time soon >> i think that's pretty much true. i don't think democrats feel they have any incentive to unpick what is president obama's signature domestic achievement and not clear republicans would offer
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they're trying to repeal the law and that's not something democrats will be interested >> there's group america first policies kind of working in the background for trump's agenda, are they going to be part of this push during the recess? do they have any political pull or anything at all that they could help with this. >> i think that their effort is really directed, particularly dean heller, a republican relative moderate who has said he won't vote for this bill as it stands. mortderates they just think it' counter productive to put that kind of pressure on when their imperative is to try to retain a republican majority in the senate >> are they going to get something done in the next month or is this going to be dead in the water >> administration officials also told axius that the gop is rallying to try to come up with a new policy plan by this friday to then submit to the congressional budget office to say, you
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july 4th and revote when we come back. but administration official also told us they know the way that congress work, if you don't make your first deadline of the first recess, then you know, the next deadline is the following recess. pushing it back further will hurt the gop and we will see if they come up with a new plan friday. if so, they will have a better chance presumably of passing, otherwise, i think they're in same predicament >> promise you guys will come back and talk to us on friday unless you're out of town for the 4th of july holiday. we'll see. a lexi and niles we appreciate you coming in. happening right now, demonstrations right now, demonstrators are attempting to form a human chain around the u.s. capitol protesting the healthcare bill, more than
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dozen advocacy and nonprofit groups are participating and hoping to put pressure on the gop to reject the latest healthcare bill. president trump is getting ready for 2020. tonight he's holding his first fund-raiser for next election cycle just down the street. there is the trump international hotel. the president already raised about $7 million for his reelection campaign. tickets start at $35,000. >> that's pretty pricey there. tom fitzgerald is at the hotel. fitz have you spotted anybody or what else are you hearing. >> reporter: don't act like shawn audience and sarah simmons don't have $30,000 laying around. >> i have tuition to pay, i'm not giving it to a candidate >> i don't know a lot of people who can afford a $35,000 dinner
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invitation but there's going to be a bunch and here's why you just got done with the 2016 election. hold on the 2020 funds raising circle is underway and already underway tonight here at the trump international hotel. now, it's far from a secret, folks, that there is bug money involved in these presidential campaigns, but in a way, this is unprecedented both in time and location, we've never had a president and a presidential candidate who owned a if a sillty like this. this is why these people are here in the middle of this healthcare debate. the questions they're asking is why are they having a $35,000 a plate fund raiser tonight at the trump hotel while the republicans haven't been able to get their old bill through the
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congress? we're going to come over here and talk to jane play books. she's the founder of public citizens, they're one of the groups that were behind this event tonight. joan, good to see you again. it's been a long time why are you here tonight? what are you hope to accomplish? what message do you want to get to these people >> we want to get these billionaires and trillion airs the message they're stealing our healthcare so they can get a tax cut. when they have so much more money than anyone else in america. >> reporter: you've went at this probably longer than anybody thing do the people care what a bunch of protesters on the streets say >> no but the american public does. and because we're protesting we're getting the message out to the public about this event because otherwise, they wouldn't know. that donald trump, the president of the united states, is having $100,000 a plate dinner at his hotel in washington, dc. >> reporter: we can tart at $35,000.
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>> they start at 35 and go up to he wasn't. some people are paying 100. those who want the special deals from trump are paying 100. >> reporter: is this made to order for you? if you want to put on display the things that you think you need to bring to light about both the campaign and about this administration? we're here in a building leased by the federal government. the president now in de facto owning that lease, what does this say to you and you've been following this lawsuit that's going on with dc and maryland over the conflict of interest about this building we're standing in front of >> i'm glad that trump is so did you mean that bought a hotel and insists on having his name on it right next to the white house, which is a perfect place for us to communicate to the american public. what's going on in his administration >> long time leader of public citizen one of the groups in charge of this protest here tonight, we'll swing around and show you, they probably got about a couple hundred people out here tonight. i will tell you they've got company.
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service. dc police out here. and there are a couple of pro trump groups we've heard, not organized, kind of cat calling as they went by for the most part, this has been orderly, peaceful. there's not been any conflict of any sort. but we will tell you that the perfect opportunity for the trump protesters they got him in this building tonight, having this fund raiser with the rnc they expect to raise several hundred million out of this, is this no small ticket event tonight, sarah and shawn. they expect to make a lot of money here and put a big dent in their bill heading into 2020. >> i guess they're kicking it off very early, fitz thank you. the lady made a point about saying how close it was to the white house. i mean, it is very close. and it is, you saw the protesters out there. so they will definitely get attention or attract attention >> and that hotel is ground
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for the protesters, it's a hot spot and it will be for the protesters to get their message across. let's check in with sue palka and get the latest on the weather out there, which has been a beautiful summer day, >> it's been a beautiful week. hasn't it sarah and shawn? the hot spot is where we'll be, things will be heating up. we'll describe it as the beginning of a second heat wave, maybe the third, but certainly the first one for this summer. the summer heat is back tomorrow, we're going to get temperatures at or above 90 across the region. we should be able to keep the humidity lower tomorrow but it will be much more noticeable on friday, and into saturday. that's when we're going to see those temperatures and the humidity combining to make it feel like it's in the upper 90's, it's a hot weekend, hit or miss thunderstorms around saturday, better chance sunday, 4th of july not a bad forecast, 91, maybe an isolated storm in the afternoon. shawn and sarah back to you. as you guys know, it is
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kate's law aims to increase penalties associated with crimes created by illegal immigrants. ronica cleary spoke with one mom who lost her son. she's here to break down kate's law and this mother's take on it. ronica? >> reporter: shawn and sarah, laura wilkerson, we told you part of her story earlier and when other things i spoke to her about really the idea that this issue of enforcing immigration laws, maybe creating stricter immigration laws, especially against those people who are here illegally who have committed crimes.
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to fall down party lines between republicans and democrats. interestingly enough, when i spoke to this mother, she lost her son to a crime committed by an illegal immigrant of her son was brutally tortured, murdered and then his body was actually lit on fire after he was killed. she says that when she thinks about this issue, when she addresses this issue with the president, that she said it is not about political parties. listen to this. >> it's not about political parties. it's about safety of american citizens. and that's -- it's about public z it doesn't matter who you vote forge this is about public safety and not giving anybody a right to go to a city maybe been deported three, four times, a felony and get away and not call ice to come and get you. that's all it's about. it's not about politics. it's about, you know, public safety. >> reporter:
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she met with the president along with a handful of other family member whose have been affected by immigrant violence. now, the impetus for this event, tomorrow we thought it might be today, but it's tomorrow the house will vote on kate's law and the no sanctuary for criminals act. kate's law would make it more -- make -- excuse me, make penalties for stringent for those illegal immigrants who commit crimes. the no sanctuary for criminals act would basically stop funding to cities who knowingly harbor illegal immigrants, and do not pass that information along to authorities if they committed a crime. we will see if those bills pass tomorrow in the house, certainly part of the president's campaign promises, remember, his campaign promises about immigration were much bigger than building the wall along the
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these, that's right in part if they pass he will point to that as success >> i know a lot of times we get a feeling for which way people may vote. what are you hearing about that kate's law vote? i know there was democrats who were hesitate for some reason about voting for it. >> reporter: that's the thing the this issue falls along party lines, the things i've read is democrats may put up a bit of a fight but not a strong fight. because this is such a controversial issue and at the end of the day you're dealing with parents who have lost their children and in many cases you're talking about enforcing laws that are already on the books. i don't want to be a betting person but i think the president may have a win tomorrow. obviously, we're going to have the wait and see >> ronica cleary, thank you. people there, about the president on the cover of time magazine. n
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we'll explain when we come back. what this is all about. ♪ ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant.
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. time magazine recordedly asked the trump organization to take down a prepresidential donald trump posted up in several team properties this is the magazine cover in question. it was handed out or has thattinging up at at least five trump golf club from south florida to scotland. it's dated march 1st 2009. problem is it published on march 2nd and the real issue featured kate win let a. it has not responded to the controversy. >> that is what we call fake news right there. just saying. former alaska govern sarah palin is suing the "new york times" claiming a recent editorial tied her to
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gifford. in the editorial called america's lethal politics, it initially linked her to the shooting that left six people dead. the next day it posted a correction admitting no such link was established. palin argued that the times violated the law and its own policies. jason shave fitz is stepping down this week, making headlines after saying lawmakers deserve a housing stipend. no secret he sleeps in hiss to have save money and others have done that as well. he's not the only one who camps out on a cot. shay fitz said dc is one of the most expensive places in the world. he sleeps in hiss to have save money. he thinks lawmakers should get a $2500 stipend every month. that would equal $30,000 a year per lawmer
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>> i was just quickly trying to see how much house members make. 174,000. >> yes. >> that was two years ago, but still probably roughly about the same. dc is expensive. there's no secret about that. but, you know, it, it's kind of a funny thing because lawmakers make up their own laws, i'm going to make a law that says we shouldn't give stipend >> why shouldn't the rest of the people that live here? he's also the one getting a lot of criticism because he was mentioning about it was in the healthcare debate, people should >> if you can't afford it >> don't go get that iphone. save your money, criticizing people on the way they should live their lives, perhaps he should take his own advice. i get it he's got mortgages but he did -- so, here's the thing, what is ahead for him? he
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. 36-year-old real estate broker is getting a whole lot of attention and take a look and you'll see. daniel o'hara burger is known as the progressive liberal. he wear as pair of tights, black boots and a shirt covered with hillary clinton's face. he started doing the character at a show in west virginia shortly after then candidate donald trump jumped in the
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: so we got gal gadot out. and she's grateful she was "wonder woman." >> are you as upset about the pay disparity as everyone else? pay disparity as everyone else? >> i'm grateful and happy. >> i'm grateful and happy. >> this set off her career. >> she's going to make a lot of moey. this is a happy story for her. >> she will make $140 million before she's 40 off this one franchise. harvey: totally true. >> "bachelor in paradise," filming has resumed down in mexico. >> this is kind of a little bit of a spoiler alert. there is somebody who's a current contestant on "bachelorette" that is in this photo. >> oh, no! >> there are new rules now. both people have to speak to the producer if they want to have sex. >> where is the line in the sand you have to ask permission? a little touchy, touchy ok? kissy, kissy ok? harvey: penetration, penetration. [laughter]
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