tv The Final 5 FOX July 5, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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>> here we come, don't mess with america. all right. here we go , your final five tonight, president trump kicks off his oversees trip with a stop in. c nn fights back against accusations they tried to blackmail this guy knocking out the network. the us conscious man apologizing over cellphone video. things get even tougher for voter fraud commission. first, president trump big oversees trip for the g20 summit . he touched down in poland. it's about 5 a.m. the president
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the eight of the uproar of the nats disis. if you want to watch this, if you want to pull an all nitre, start right now, watch it at 4:30. the presidene in poland. it's been a place where they've been pretty acceptable to presidents. protestor government act teisha lewis the president goes to whom bugger, germany, for the g20 summit. it starts on friday. today a highly anticipated meeting with videoed miranda put in. now, the g20 summit always draws protestors. they had one in the us. 2009, 2010 in pittsburgh. i was working there at the time. we saw it and this this. hundreds of people
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s. there you have it. they were in germany to protest the summit. the customs are supposed to represent a society that has lost belief in solitary . but then they ripped them off the costumes and then they started cheering and dancie pepsi's new ad campaign other than some sort of protest. that's protests for you. it was pieceful. the threat from north korea will be on the agenda. the security council held an open meeting in response to north korea latest missile test they tested inter continental missile. the missile has the capability to reach parts of alaska. if you want to talk about the definition of fake news, north korea state media. it says this is of the success l ful test launch. un ambassador nick i hail i says the us is prepared to take whateve
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necessary to stop the aggression from north korea. she also says there will be consequences for n members who do trade with north korea. the united states do not seek conflict. in fact, we seek to avoid it. we seek an end to the threatening actions by north korea. russia and china issued a joint condemnation of north korea. they called for a quote, joint suspension that would require the united states and south korea to suspend military exercises and for north korea to stop weapons testing. judging solely by south korea's response to the missile launch it's probably not going to happen. the missile being dropped on what looks like armed forces in pong yang? a. there you have it. >> let's talk about cnn, shall we? it is trying to defense itself from shouts of fake news tonight and it goes back to this
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video. president trump tweeted it he. they said this is president trump versus the fake media. they tracked down the user who did it. they talked about offensive content and it's some pretty ugly stuff. they didn't identify the man by name only by his receiptic user name which we can't say on tv. cnn said he didn't identify the man because he's a private sts season. here's the thing, cn th then wrote, here it is, cnn re serves the right to publish his identity should eye of that change. some trump supporters out there took that line as a threat. any assertion that cnn blackmailed him or coursed him is false. in an effort to be completely transparent there was no deal. however, again, the hashtag cnn blackmail was trend ing all day long. it still is and
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less of what cnn says they're not going to believe them. a congressman from the the united states drawing inter national condemnation for a video he posted. clay higgins. take a look at this video and see if you spot why people find it so offensive. the guards would drop the sigh clone cyanide gas from above through hatches. so here's the deal, that was higgins making a cellphone video at the nas icons tracing camp. in that video he's inside of what wawa once a gas chamber. they criticize inside a gas chamber there should be mournful silence. it's in the a stage. he
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intended to cause anyone pain. he has also taken that video down. in the meantime the white house voter fraud commission continues to get pushed backs from states when it comes to. they will not provide all of their voter data than a it grew to at least 44 today. at least that's the take from some news outlets. they say they won't hand over anything. other state laws say what can be made public are stopping them. birth dates, the last four of the social security number and voter history going back to tweaks. maryland attorney general talked about the the legal reasons for turning down that request. you can get my voter history if you ask for it in the right way, but to compile a national database of everybody's voting history, their social security numbers, the last four anyway, criminal background, military service rveg that's scary. it's not appropriate. it's an
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of privacy and they shouldn't be doing it. let's break that down fr a second. the white house says there is no plan for a national database. however, they mentioned about public data . there's a lot of vote a out there at least in terms of voter registration. can get it, i can get it. you can't release social security numbers and one of the state states is kansas. the vice chairman of the commission cannot release all the data he's asking for. the first day is set for july 19. it also happens to be the first day the dnc is setting its own voting commission. are the president's tweets distracting?
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>> when is a trump tweet not a trump tweet and sometimes is it lot of attention to thee paid a- president's twitter, but what is getting lost in the translation ryan meyer is here to talk about that. >> good to see you. how was your fourth. >> thanks for having me on. we're trying to get some fireworks but we're still trying to get them on. >> the weather, i think they're having a problem in annapolis tonight, too. >> we've talked quite a bit about the president's twitter account here and every where else. what are we missing along the way here? first of all let's talk about if it's the least of his problems, what are the president's problems right now?
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past. >> the president has a lot of problems with trying to get his agenda passed. he's been talk ing about tax reform. now republicans criticized president obama for a licensing time and that's governing via executive order. the last president didn't set a precedent for lots of executive orders. the frustrating thing for the president is they'd like to see him do more and right now what it seems like especially in the media is that it's all just talk ing about what he's tweeting about and who he is tweeting about and what is the gossip today. and for a lot of his supporters or his detractors or people who are following because they want to see what is best for the country it's frustrating to see so much revolve around twitter. sean spicer said these are official executive statements and
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said that's not his favorite way of reaching out. who is manning the shop when it comes to messaging in. >> i think a lot of us support being out there on social media some conscious men actually put a huge message up after every& vote and they interacted people on social media. i think in many ways people liked the president is very transparent with his communications, that it is him. people like authenticity, but people don't like it when you insult other people. i think a lot of presidents who want the president to success we'd like to have the positives without the negatives. positives authenticity communicating directly with the people and negatives when you have mistakes or things you might have meant to say but a lot of people don't really think are appropriate. that's been the battle within the administration is, you know, what is the appropriate
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twitter and what's the best forgetting the ageneral disa done? the agenda has to be the goal. p will we beat out the snout out of cnn and the press. no, you really have to get something passed. you mentioned obamacare. there was a lot of talk on that tweet. we're going back to the tweets. the tweet about micah bra zin can i. how will that be construed by some female republican moderates like lisa raised tonight scow can i which are crucial votes. we have to win these senators over. a. i don't think anybody, whether you're male or female or whatever really likes to see a politician criticize someone else based on their appearance like a face lift. especially here in northern virginia. i think people prioritize wanting to have constructive die lg and people working together smg that's what i heaal
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why can't people work together like it used to be. certainly if you're tweeting about whoever your political opponents are and trump decided his political opponents are folks in the media. i think people would prefer it not to be so personal criticize morning joe's content do we have to get into the face lift stuff? do we have to get into the personality of people in i think trump can be very creative with the way he criticizes policy and using very simple tactics. there's some pos fifs to that. if you're going to use it to in salt people, i don't think that's what americans want. at this point you like the path. you like the progress at least or at least where he's looking as a matter of getting to that point, fulfilling that agenda. >> the thing about regular poli
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the next generation of ukeeer people. we publish people across the country from all walk s of life. obviously it's right of center so if he does things that are conserve tv or republican, i think people are generally happy, but there is a lot of dissatisfaction out there . i can really only speak for myself as one of the many voices that says i certainly support a good chunk of the agenda, but if you're not going to get the ageneral disa done. president trump ran on infrastructure. for my other job i was in a government meeting trying to get another bridge cross over the potomac. we want brink crossing, roads to be built, that's usually what people don't run on, instead we're talking about
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there's almost a uniform look. >> i think the shoes are different. >> there you have it. do i need to pull up the socks like you. >> let's talk about messaging and slogans. there's some bad ones in the sports world and there's some bad ones in the news world. i always wondered when there's a band slogan what was rejected. are there wizards that came up with this one? we're going with h this. this one is fantastic. you gopt got to wonder if the democrats are running into that one. the democratic party, they get ready , the congressional committee, the campaign wants people to chose which campaign sticker they would choose. we'll show it to you full screen right now. she persisted, we resisted. have you seen the other
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>> make congress blew again. that means sad. i think it does . that's what i think about . we're all about branding the final five. we want to try a couple brands that people out there may be familiar with. we're going to give you what would be bad slogans, maybe re jected slogans for some. sort of going off what the democrats do and just say we're not as bad as brand x like the old ads. let's start with k mart. k mart , we're surprised we're still a thing, too. i mean seriously when was the last time you saw a k mart that was open. >> k mart, remember hills, we're not hills. down in florida. i don't know what hills are. hills is a place you walked in and it smelled like pretzels and popcorn and the rest of the store was sadness. k
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they're not bankrupt yet. it's hard to lose track. k mart, sears, jcpenney, they all go bankrupt at some point. taco bell, come on, you're drunk. taco bell, we're going to throw anything we can into a shell. taco bell, it's not dog food, we promise. i like taco bell, though. we should previous preface everything with we do like. -- if you are running dui checkpoints you should put one side of taco bell at 2 a.m. that's bring our final product here, washington redskins. the washington redskins, this could be the year. >> we promise this could be the year, we promise. the washington red skips, the second most offensive thing in
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let's move on. i'm moving onto another failed social media attempt. what is your obama horror story. let us know. the responses weren't probably what they expected because within 24 hours of putting up that question they got more than 1500 comments the majority in support of obama care. here's a couple of them. i am so greatful to obamacare and the coverage that i have gotten through this plan somebody sends the e-mail out and only a bunch of conman would . steve barron. steve barron is one of the names donald trump used back in the day, is that where his son's name came from. >> thanks obamacare much obviously not what they
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some people on the other side complaining that they have to pay premiums that have gone way up and that they are forced to get healthcare when they don't necessarily want it or need it. some people got p the post they want. you put something on social media there's no absolute s out there. you make your feed what it is. so if you have a certain group of people that are say all liberals april that is your feed and you see people commenting on this -- wait a second, that doesn't belong there h. >> exactly. the other thick is you could put something up about puppies. puppies are great and you're going to have the puppies wearing a red collar. maggette puppy, get out of here. there's a political twist to everything if there's a mag a puppy out there. there's a great idea for
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>> i think it is. >> i like that. chris christie everybody buys calendars. or the ones in the remainder list at the dollar store. >> chris christie is never going to live down the beach pictures do we have to show you them again? >> there he is with his family while the beaches were shutdown there is a sand sculpture creat ed in his honor. that's a lot of work. are those supposed to be dark socks pulled up because i think he had the sandals on. >> or a reverse tan line. >> chris christie isn't this big >> no, he had -- >> gastric bypass. >> no, the sleeve. >> they went a bit far. >> if you look at photo frontal system him a while ago, he has lost a good amount of weight. now hs
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a. that's true. he's getting the beach body. he didn't get any sun. >> we're back after this. this. [ crickets chirping ] [ light music playing ] you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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ron said we talk about twitter too much. sleeping soundly tonight, paying off the calls to morning joe. the day after the president accused bra skin can i to social socialize after bleeding badly from a face lift they're showing some of the highest ratings ever. cnn toss ing and turning over a big backlash after exposing the wrestling video. obviously a lft people accusedry about how the network went by exposing or
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12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: so you would think that rob kardashian violated the revenge porn law by posting pictures of blac chyna's vagina and breasts, right? >> you have naked pictures of your girlfriend or boyfriend and you post them and she or he didn't consent to it, you can be prosecuted. >> chyna likes photos of herself. >> that hurts the case. >> her nipple may look good but her waist line -- na. i like my picture too. >> the guy -- got joey chestnut, the man's hot dog eating champion. i said how much did you weigh? >> probably 15 pounds of hot dog and 8 pounds of water. harvey: are you telling me the raw weight of what you eat is added on to your body? >> of course it's added on. harvey: no, when you chew it up -- >> when you chew it up, it's still mass. concentration of mass. >> tupac shakur, a letter he
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