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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  July 6, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> president trump in poland lashing out on what he calls fake news north korea. >> as you see from the run down on the side of the screen this is one of the big stories we're talking about at 6:30. you're invited to join that conversation. tweet us right now but use the #5at630. the president touched down if warsaw overnight. he met with several leaders in advance of the g20 summit in germany. this morning he delivered a major international speech. he spoke about the close ties and history between the united states and poland. >> for americans, poland has been a symbol of hope since the beginning of our nation. polish heroes and american patriots fought side by side in our war of independence and in many wars that followed. our soldiers still serve together today in afghanistan
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of all civilization. >> after a speech the president met with german chancellor angela merkel in germany. there was a lot of anticipation of course because their last meeting didn't necessarily go so well. some say. and there was that moment there, i don't know, they were about to do it in that video, there was an awkward handshake moment there. >> came back and -- it's one of those things where i think a lot of attention has been paid to the putin visit which we'll talk about but again you talk about germany, you talk about angela merkel. they weren't sure. well, it's a little more cordial than the last time. >> absolutely. >> i think that says something and the one thing for sure donald trump, you know where he stands and it seems like he's very good with the body language where you know where he stands so there you have it. >> there you have it. >> let's bring in policy adviser james norton on capitol hill -- that's a good shot behind you. >> thanks for having me. >> how that important was i
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the right foot here. >> i think president trump is very much the new kid on the block in washington. he's also the new kid on the block when it comes to the world stage so i think that he's feeling his way through some of these leaders and i think they're also trying to understand him a little bit better. you know, angela merkel has over a decade in germany soor- she's very much the senior citizen when it comes to world leaders so i think the two of them are trying do you understand each other's styles. >> let me ask you on his last diplomatic trip abroad there were critics who say they were some missteps. how would you grade his performance so far. >> well, you know, i think it's important for eastern europeans especially those that live just in the shadow of russia to hear america's commitment to places like poland and eastern europe so i think his speech was well received by eastern europe. i think western europe is still trying to understand donald trump a little bit better but i think irrespective of the polls being allowed to purchase patriot missile
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think is a very important step. it was something that president bush very much was for and was promoting the obama administration didn't necessarily see it that way. they took it off the table so i think for president trump to go there and offer that up it was important. >> we saw some protests in the streets and let's be honest you see protests any time g20 rolls around so it's not necessarily spurred by the u.s. or anything like that. the world leaders in one place and people want to get their voices heard but there's always been a lot of talk about the world standing and where the u.s. stands in the eyes of other nations and, you know, some people say well who cares, it's our destiny, not theirs. how much face does president trump have to t-, what's the game face that he has to come in here because obviously with the move he made getting out of the paris accord, with some of the things he said in the past, is it important for him to coalesce with some of these world leaders or is he going to do his own thing. >> i think it's obviously important for america to continue to play a leadership role abroad. i
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that he has relationships with the chinese president which during the campaign it didn't seem like that was going to be the case. it's a relationship person. he's done a lot of deals in his career and him understanding there's rhetoric at home and there's also kind of the behind the scenes relationships and i think he's probably interested in building those going forward. i mean, obviously russia is still a topic, you know, the bear is very much awake and i think that's something that a lot of eastern european countries are concerned about and it's something he's tried to address a little bit today. >> certainly we will be talking about that coming up next. we know he will be meeting with russian president vladimir putin. james norton policy adviser thanks so much for coming in tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> all eyes on the big meeting between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. no doubt about it the two men have had a rocky relationship over the last couple months. mo. is asking will the president bring up russia's interference in the u.s. election when they actually meet. we sent fox5's ronica cleary out to get the pulse of the people today. ronica. >> hey, jim and shawn. it
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on my mind. it's going to be -- the meeting is going to happen around 9:45 eastern standard time, so the world will undoubtedly be watching if president trump decides to confront or address russia's meddling in the 2016 election when he has his first meeting with president vladimir putin. now, we first took it to the experts. we asked matt wentworth republican strategist what he thinks the president should do. take a listen. >> oh, i think he should. the speech today in poland even though it was for technically the polish people it was a precursor to the meeting tomorrow so i think he did a great job with his speech he walked a fine line. he was forceful enough that i think he wanted to set up in the meeting that foreign policy under president trump is different than it was over the last eight years and that america if it does draw a line in the sand is going to protect its interests. >> reporter: now, it wouldn't be 5 at 6:30 if we didn't get the pulse of the people. we tk
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out what you think president trump should do. take a listen. >> in private, yes. in public, no. >> of course. why wouldn't he? communication's key. talk it out. why not, yeah. >> absolutely not. i mean -- but that doesn't stop him from saying a lot of things that he shouldn't say. >> absolutely he should. you know, to see what his -- his answer is, find out what his thoughts are on it. i mean, it was a big deal. i think we need to get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: well, we also took to twitter to ask you your thoughts, unscientific but it does give us a feel for how our followers are feeling and thinking. 64 percent of you said yes, address it in that meeting tomorrow. 36 percent of you said no. one thing's for sure, president trump is unpredictable so we will be watching. back to you jim and shawn. >> i think
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know it will be interesting to see what ■happens. >> a lot of attention paid to it. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> thanks ronica. >> thanks ronica. the nation's capitol has always been a popular place for protests. a third of washingtonians have participated in some sort of protest against him. washington post poll found there was a clear racial device. 36 percent were hispanic and people from other racial and ethnic groups. >> polling analys emily guskin from the washington post is here via skype. how are you. >> great to be here. >> glad to have you here. >> any surprise in terms of the numbers of people turning tout protest so far. >> yeah, actually those numbers the 53 percent that's the percentage of white washingtonians who turned out to protest, who said they had protested, 16 percent of african-american washingtonians protested. you see there's a pretty big racial discrepancy there. also we s
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the wards of the city. so, in wards one and three, which are predominantly white, those had much wider turnouts for protesting against trump than in ward seven and eight east of anacostia which is predominantly african-american. >> i was just surprised in general that one in three washingtonians has participated in a protest. as you look at those numbers a little more closely, what's the break down when you start looking at men and women? >> that's a really interesting thing that it is that high. we looked to compare to a fox news poll where i believe it was in the teens that people said they had protested since the election so you're right in saying that's a much bigger number. there wasn't a difference between men and women in the -- those who protested but we asked a another question about how much they thought trump changed the city and 50 -- over 50 percent of washingtonians said that trump changed the city either some or
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women than men said that trump has changed the city a lot. >> and what does that mean? i mean, i don't know if the poll went that far enough to say we're looking at some pretty violent protests there, but when we -- we're talking about change how? change for the better? change for the worst? what is -- or did you guys not talk like that? >> reporter: we didn't ask about change for the better or the worst but we did ask about what they thought trump could change in the city. >> okay. >> and over 40 percent said that they were concerned that trump could change the -- let's see -- what was it -- budget cuts to medicaid and social safety nets, 26 percent said overhauling the 2010 healthcare law, 13 percent said deporting more undocumented workers and 11 percent said increasing defense sending so there were some issues that people had more attention to than others. >> certainly. >> i think it's good to have that perspective and get a sense of why people are hitting the streets. some peopl
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protest fatigue but if you have a clear mission, a clear reason you're out there it makes all the sense in the world. emily gus man thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> see you next time. the attorneys general in 18 states and the district of columbia suing education secretary betsy devos. at issue her decision to suspend rules meant to protect federal student loan borrowers defraudd by their schools. the rules were finalized by the obama administration. after president trump took office devos paused the changes. the new rules would have made schools financially responsible for fraud and block them from forcing students to resolve complaints outside of court. >> let's talk about outside period. gary mcgrady it was a little rainy earlier today. you know, are things getting better. >> there's more rain coming, severe thunderstorms to the south of us. let me show you the radar picture. this same storm that we've been watching -- oh, now we have a new tornado warning so let me -- let's just go right down and deal with this.
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we had severe thunderstorm warning until 6:45. this is culpeper in orange and madison, madison it's out of there. orange i think it looks like that this basically this tornado warning has been issued for you guys. we'll just strip it clear here and we'll check out the details on this just issued tornado warning. the tornado warning is going to go for 7:15 -- until 7:15. it's for the counties of orange, obviously 'cause the storm is sitting right on top of orange now and spotsylvania, too. it's tracking to the east, it's moving at about 15 miles per hour, so it's slowed down just a little bit. this appears to be a radar indicated tornado. it's been rotating for quite awhile. just so you know, the history of this storm, it did have a brief tornado warning on it way back in madison county to the west. it moved to the east. it weakened a little bit so they took the tornado warning down but the circulation has tightened up again. radar indicated tornado warning this will be for orange county and western sections of spotsylvania county. it's going
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p.m. guys, it's a relatively unpopulated area there, but we can move down right along inter-- right along highway 20 here through orange county is primarily where this storm is and just look at the intensity of the lightning and so we see that much lightning in a core like this and we know there's a lot of wind straight line wind 60 miles per hour plus potentially here. the hail in the storm is up to maribel size to maybe very small golf ball size hail as it's tracking off to the east. any time you see this much lightning you know it's a very, very intense storm. there's -- of course with this much lightning comes a whole lot of thunder as well so it's very, very loud. again, it's important to note here this is what we call a radar indicated tornado. there's not been a tornado spotted with this storm. i'm going to get in super tight here. look at this. these are very, very small communities down here in orange county. grass land, the storm has pu
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the threatening part of this storm has pushed to the east of you. roadsville the most intense part of this storm has also pushed to the east of you, the core of this storm is really right along highway 20 between roadsville and golddale and it's tracking to the east i'm going to put a track on it in just a second so we'll see if we can find the small left of the communities here. let's take the lightning off, too, and you can see where the core of this storm is. right there. you see that deep red? let me help you along here. i'll use my point so you'll be able to see where the deepest of the red s i'll have to chase my point. that you go. right here is the deepest of the red. that is the core of the storm, all right. that's where the hail would be in this storm. maybe up to marble side. gold dale getting the most intense part of the wind. probably wind coming up from the southwest as well. i'll back off a little bit. i want to show you where the concern would be if there's going to be a tornado in this
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the red indicates where the tornado warning is so this is the remainder of orange county working down into spotsylvania county, tornado warning in effect until 7:15 p.m. this evening again the storm is tracking to the east. it's moving -- it's slowed down a little bit but it continues to move to the east at about 20 to maybe as much as 30 miles per hour. again, no radar -- no tornado has been seen. this is a radar-indicated tornado warning only but one thing is for sure. even without a tornado, trust me, this is a potentially a very, very dangerous storm simply because of the straight line winds potential that are in this storm. so i'll put a track on it for you, see if we can find the communities that are ahead of it. again it's moving about 15 miles per hour. so pats i hope i'm saying that correctly right in the dangerous part of the storm. gold dale in very much what could potentially be the most dangerous part of this storm. if you're in these communities and you're hearing us and watching us i suggest that you
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seriously and i would say that you need to find your shelter and this would be a very good time. even over farther to the east in hazel grove and brock road those communities out along for eastern sections of orange county and western parts of spotsylvania county this storm is tracking in your direction. so find the interior part of your house, if you have a basement obviously go to your basement, that's the safest place. otherwise find the most interior part of your house. you don't want to be in a room with windows. no tornado has been seen here but just the damaging straight line winds alone blowing potentially more than 60 miles per hour with this storm, maybe 70, 75 in the most intense part of the storm. that's what's going on right now. let me just do a little summary here. radar indicated tornado, the storm is rotating pretty good. all indications are it could be producing a tornado at any time. the tornado warning officially
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eastern orange county, western spotsylvania county. it's going to go until 7:15 p.m. gold dale, pates, logan, brock road, hazel grover, those communities in the path of this very dangerous storm and given the next 30 minutes or so if it holds together with some intensity fredericksburg is right in the path of this storm as well. so, again, nothing has been spotted. i'll keep a very, very close eye on it and let you know if anything changes. shawn jim barack to you. >> and we'll come right back to you gary. thanks for update. representative steve scalise continues to recover. he's back in the icu, his condition has been downgraded. >> in fact let's bring in fox5's tom fitzgerald life at washington medstar hospital center. fitz we understand he also underwent surgery. >> reporter: yes, that is correct. that is a development jim and shawn that just occurred within the last several hours. now, we had known that there was a change in the house majority whip's condition as late as last night. that is when
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washington hospital center released the information that they were downgrading the congressman's condition. why were they doing that? well, the official word was that they had grown concerned about the possibilities of infection. we learned this afternoon that in fact congressman scalise is now undergone an operation, that operation we are told was to deal with that infection and the good news here is tonight that the word out of the house majority whip's office is that congressman steve scalise was able to deal with that surgery well. now, when this happened back on june 14th, almost from the very day that the congressman's condition was treated here, we were told by the doctors that there were going to be ups and downs in his treatment and some of those downs were going to be the possibility of infection from a -- a treatment that was a very serious medical procedure, almost more serious than we initially knew at
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it was being reported that the congressman had been shot in the hip. well, we know now that his injuries were much more serious than just being shot in the hip and this surgery today here at medstar washington hospital center was to deal with this infection and the good news here tonight, that despite this information about the congressman steve scalise's condition being downgraded, that he was able to deal with this surgery and deal with it well and hopefully this puts him back on the road to recovery as he has a long road ahead of himself in regards to dealing with this gunshot wound that he received back on june 14th, jim and shawn. >> all right. >> thank you for the update fitz. >> some say he was the no cut cards candidate with a thick skin. >> so, why does it appear that donald trump's presidency has made people a little more sensitive? we're back after this. >> ♪
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over the last few months we've seen all sorts of examples where people satarizing. >> the trump administration has been rating gold for "saturday night live." is there a happy med yum. >> thanks for being in tonight. >> we've talked a lot about snl was already always poked fun at whoever is in the oval office but they've seen certainly a demonstrableup tick in ratings because of it. >> absolutely and i think you have certain people vying to play roles within the administration. the problem when it comes to comedy is that we see when it comes to comedy in politics particularly in this very polarized environment it doesn't always work. we see kathy griffin with a stunt in some ways but the creators -- editors of the onion satirical publication they have admitted we have a hard time
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trump because he's a little bit -- makes fun of himself in some ways, the hair, everything about him is pretty outlandish that's the problem they're running into. >> how do you find that middle point then? because kathy griffin was blasted. she had the secret service come talk to her. johnny depp got blasted after the comments he made and recently this guy that made the cnn video of donald trump clothes lining cnn. how come snl can get away with certain things and other people can't. >> the happy medium is where it's funny. it has to be funny first of all. when you have kathy griffin saying i'm going to do something that's shocking which she actually said and holds up the head of donald trump t-i think that's not really a joke so much as it is just her trying to get attention and then she comes out apologizes which is a bit strange. i think she found the line. >> she was saying they're coming after me trying to destroy me and i think it comes down to taking some responsibility for what you do and realizing what you put out there isn't necessarily the desired effect. sh
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i find her funny. i find her act funny. i didn't find that funny. i think a lot of people out there said what the heck. >> that is the difference. you have people like bill more on friday night week after week doing satirical things that are funny. i think what he said was about a year or two ago he said i want donald trump to release the birth certificate saying he's not the son of a orange ore orangutan. >> i think moving forward if you were giving advice to the folks out there who are comedians what would you tell them when it comes to politics and when it comes to presidential politics specifically. >> be funny that's my advice. [laughter] >> that's always good advice. all right. >> i think it all goes back to end pooh saying remember when the dixie chicks got -- i shouldn't say they got in trouble but they got blasted for that and the refrain was shut
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>> right. >> that was from a lot of people on the right were saying it that way. but in the end people have the right to express their politics just a matter of finding a way to do it that's respectful. >> or pay for it if they have to. >> it usually comes back around. fort dix see chicks they're just find. we'll see what kathy griffin does coming forward. >> thanks eddie. >> we're still watching the weather. we'll have an update when 5 at 6:30 comes right back. >> ♪ z2ejdz z16fz
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>> ♪ >> back to take a look at the weather again gary mcgrady. >> tornado warning has been canceled. here's the radar. it's still severe. this gives you a bigger picture. not severe weather for d.c. this well to the south of us. stafford county spotsylvania coming out of orange county, too. if we zoom down i put the active warning which is severe thunderstorm warning for orange and spotsylvania, the storm is tracking east. goes until 7:30 tonight. the communities in red that will be affected over the next half hour or so as it continues to track to the east. we hav
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officially of a tornado. that's g it was always a radar indicated tornado but we have had reports of some damage, some tree damage in the path of the storm. the winds here 60 plus. maybe as high as 70. and the hail -- there's been a little bit of hail, quarter size hail, large marbles or very, very small like maybe -- maybe up to ping-pong. i haven't heard any reports of that but indications from the radar. the storm is still rotating so technically it's still -- it still could produce a tornado or we could get another active warning. what i'm trying to say is we got to keep an eye on it. >> that severe thunderstorm warning is. >> 7:30. >> 7:30 is when that stops. through the rest of the evening folks just need to keep it right here. >> we will run crawls. >> weather app, the fox5 app, on line, we got you covered. >> at fox5 d.c., i've been tweeting out warnings and pictures of the radar. we got you covered. >> there you go. we got you covered. >> if you're down there and you got pictures send them our way, too. we would like to see what the effect is. >> always like pictures.
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with fox5 news at 10:00, 10:30 and 11:00. >> and then i'm back for the final five at 11:30. eddie is coming back to talk a little bit more about comedy. we'll see you later. >> ♪
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7:00 pm
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: if amy schumer or adele want to play at the atlanta hawks arena, they do not have to go through metal detectors. kanye and 2 chainz have to go through metal detectors. >> the guy who was the manager of security for the atlanta hawks is claiming discrimination against black stars while white stars got the v.i.p. treatment. 2 chainz, jeezy and the dream requested to bypass metal detectors, denied. migos, denied. tyler perry -- denied. >> tyler perry! >> this is outrageous! >> the kardashian sisters thought when rob said chyna had dream out of spite was a little too much and they're worried about the long-term effects it's going to have on her. harvey: i get it but have you ever heard like a parent say to her kid, you were a mistake? >> usually they call it an accident, not a mistake. never a mistake. >> al sharpton is not beefing with jay-z.


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