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tv   The Final 5  FOX  July 7, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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>> it is friday, how are you doing tonight? top five. final five. top five is sports and final five is this show. president trump vladimir meeting. president insists mexico will pay for the wall. coming gress headed to work next week and pressure is on to deliver the healthcare bill. defense secretary talks about threat from north korea and mike pence opens up on the do not touch photo that went viral. up first, we start with much anticipated meeting between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. that meeting which was supposed to go 30 minutes l lasted oer two hours
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rex tillerson they sent in the first lady to try to end the meeting. she was unsuccessful before the two leaders that down they had a photo on for the cam cameras, let's take a look. >> president putin and i have been discussing various things and we had some good talks and we'll have a talk now and that will continue. but we look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for russia and for the united states and for everybody concerned and it's an honor to be with you. >> by the way the issue of russian metaling in the election has come up. shockingly what the russians are claiming is different than the white house. president did push putin about the issue and he denied involvement. tillerson it may be intractable disagreement and the matter was unresolved and they wanted
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show me receipts. show me. >> meanwhile russian foreign minister accepted insurances and russia did not medal in the election. >> coming out was word of cease-fire in syria. this is a big story here. u.s. and russia struck agreement for cease-fire. russia and u.s. have been backing opposing sides in serious civil war. russia support syrian president basharal assad and back to the rebels fighting him and both sides are trying to push isis out of syria. tillerson talked to others off camera about the agreement. >> i think this is first indication and of u.s. and russia being able to work together in syria and as a result of that we had a le lengthy discussion regarding area areas in syria we can continue to work together on to deescalate the areas and violence once we defeat isis. >> still unclear though how
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the cease-fire will be enforced and it goes into effect sunday noon demascus time and southwest area of syria near actual tillerson border. the two countries have different views on how to handle north korea nuclear ambitions. it was not just the trump meeting there was a lot of other things going on. president trump sat down with enrique and toll the first meeting of the lawmakers. he's making progress renegotiating nafta with mech mex and mexico will still be the one paying for the poder wall. they say no. >> head of european council spoke at g 20 today and encouraged by the speech he after in poland. it's actions that matter. >> we have about waiting for a long time to hear this from president trump
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question is one time incident. or an up polishing. >> with years of experience and country playing host german khaption lor awd ra americale. she's wearing red. stand out from all the other leaders. i remember the g20 in united states and pittsburgh you saw barack obama property and certainty. look off left you see france president and president trump and well you can pick out the rest of the leads yourself. i'm looking right into the back. let's go back on canal raxt i want to point it out f we go back on camera here i want to show out that justin. it rego -- no, i know. seconds row straight cheesing in the back. there you have it,
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there you have it, sorry, guys. >> an exchange between americale and vladimir putin is going viral. take a look at eye roll. there it is. right there. it says it all right there. of course we don't know exactly what was said. nonetheless that's a problem when you disstill everything do you know to gift you speculate and there you have it. >> concert held by g 20 leaders deserve answer of 9th single hope toy but i'm not sure i enjoyed. it just about everyone looked board during it there. okay. >> americale especially she wants to go home. it's been a long week for her. and in the meantime back to work for congress after jewel 4 and do something about health care. pat toomey offered app explanation as to why nothing got done in town hall in ak last night. >> until the election last fall which surprised me i did not expect donald trump to w win.
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did not expect to be in this situation and given how difficult it is to get to a consensus it was hard to force that until there was a need to. and so, as what we've been working on. i'll say there's been a new wrinkle in this the early version of how we would handle this difficult challenge. >>en it was to passe repeal bill that would be pretty much a clean repeal and stabilize individual market and set repeal self years hence and have the opportunity n to work out the reforms. >> in the meantime angry protesters signed up outside of a town hall. reject the original version of the gop healthcare overall and pushing amendment that would help me leave under regulatory requirements of the affordable care acting. >> president obama
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series of promised he said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan. now that turned out not just to be wrong but spectacularly false. >> senator cruz was there to talk about vet rapz and steer the conversation towards healthcare in whatever role ends up happening he's one of five, six, 7 coming up and he didn't like the plan they came up with. house speaker ryan protesters would come in out of district and disrupting things. remarks in wisdom martin while receiving honor ft. boy sc scouts. he was presented with 2017 distinguished hertz taj alord. >> back out here is james mad dog madda and michael fall on at the pentagon.
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a response is latest aggression from japing diplomatic process and north korea present a worldwide threat. >> this is diplmoatically led international effort to stop a worldwide threat they're br bringing to bear. so it is let by dip mrom sigh and there's united nations efforts underway and secretary of state and we also see economic aspect to the diplomatic efforts to divert them from the wrong sglaj his nickname is mad dog. >> the president is thinking of severe things that are quonss. we showed you this one last night. it went viral because he's piecing equipment with a time on it. do not touch. mike pence ever the smokester sweeting today sorry
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ribo he prepared me to do it and he said me fairness i warnld bp you break it you own it. that's whimd in. it was easy to touch the surface. it was honor to host. like he said last night he's vice-president he gets to pass on that. >> up next final five what more american than barbeque and sunshine. pit master barbeque here to show us how to do a cookout right fios is not cable. and we believe everyone deserves faster internet. so with fios gigabit connection, you get amazing download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have.
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the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> welcome back to fourth of july. summer weekends to host the cookout. award winning barbeque right now. pit
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general manager here and brody had foods. we saw him earlier. >> gentleman, how are you tonight. >> good how are you all do doing. >> let's talk about what is going on you're down in old town. >> yes. >> we'll talk a little bit of both. we have barbeque here and hot drinks too. >> tonight we'll be doing grapefruit tyme cocktail and moon shine out of richmond all organic raid in corn, light, refreshing and great foresummertime. >> let me ask you about the moon shine. i have cousins that make their own shine. >> this. >> i had apple pie real moon shine that will tate rust off tail pipe. >> yes, it will. >> barnacles off the barn. >> is that what we're working with. >> not quite. >> puts you back a little. >> triple disstild after of james river and/or beganic rn
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really smooth. proof is a little lower than apple pie home ground bathtub moon sthin makes for light refreshing cocktail. easy to drink and can have more than one. >> you have the citrus from grait grapefruit and lime to pump the citrus nrelt. >> fraying rant too. >> you smell that grapefruit. >> that's one of my favorite summer drinks grapefruit and lemon. >> it works. >> especially with the barbeque. >> as you work on that let's bring in items we have here john. >> pulled pork and beef bris kit. we v use modern pit water cooker straight wood and harrisburgry. no gas, no electric.
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>> real barbeque. >> and baby back ribs. >> is this typical platter. >> is this the number two. >> we have a family meal. >> this is dry rub chicken wing with alabama white sauce. >> what is that. >> mayonnaise, lemon. pepperer okay an. >> like ran. built better. >> what's top seller. >> ribs. pork and brisket. >> excellent. >> brody you dressing up the plate. >> yes, police. >> are we ready for this or jumping the gun here. >> we have a ton of sides. >> we do. >> we have to get to sides in a second. let's have a little taste first and then get to sides. >> okay. >> dig in there and grab a drink. >> i'm brisket guy i don't have a knife
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which could be bad. >> okay i'll go with this here we go got that? >> no. >> brody ising is a tough time manuevering around here. >> that's good stuff. >> uh-huh. >> look at the camera again. let's -- no, no, get tight shot of brody with mouthful. how is it brody? okay. let's talk sides here. sides are crucial to any barbeque. we have a top here what do you got. >> everything made in house. loaded baked potato salad and coleslaw and deviled eggs with barbeque on the inside. pulled baby back ribs. >> you're kidding me. >> and that's jack's peach bakedied beans there's peachs in there and pork and desserts are made in house and it's chocolate pie, bourbon chocolate pecan pie and
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exactly what you want it to be. >> not what i was expecting when i hear soon shine. totally smooth. >> palatable and easy to drink. >> when you talk about summer bar b question we wantto you to check out pitmaster are bar about b que. what is a good driching or thing to complement the rids aside from the grapefruit. >> silt russ is key. especially summertime. it's hot out. you don't want anything heavy and weigh you down. you get that from barbeque already. light and citrusy is the way toy go. >> join appreciate. it fist bump right. >> pleasure. >> in old town we'll cho down. thank you for staying up with us late. >> brody and i will eat and drink. >> see you after the break.
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>> you really hung me out to dry. >> it was a good excuse to get a drink. >> i agree with that. >> cheers. >> we didn't do the actual cheers. >> what do we got? >>. >> there may be real contestants before they bring in d snyder and joan rivers. >> you're saying joan rivers is not a real sglern can we talk. >> vladimir putin has his own tv show. it's called keeping up with the putins no it's a call in show twice a year. the show is carefully staged to show that russia head
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solve problems better than anyone. >> he's like you're a plumber i have no idea what that s. >>. >> who is the guy from extreme home makeover. >> ty pepping ton. >> we're going to fix this house. >> move that bus. >> yeah. >> more than two million people requested to be on the show. >> that sounds fantastic. >> i would love to be on the show. >> scaling back on political humor. train parker several character in the show said he thought show runners were fall into same trap at saturday night live. >> satire trap? >> reality is funnier than sometimes -- ever notice
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quickly. >> he deposit want the show to turn into cnn so viewers could tune in to see what he had so say and he doesn't think trump is being funny but uses comedy toort gain headlines and attention to win him the election. >> honestly best south park are absurd ones. >> teaming up together next week. >> things stop being political and start being real e host a conversation on leadership >> with bill clinton and -- >> i'm plague the sax. part
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part of 60 members of leadership scholars program and bush and clinton launched leadership initiative when appearing before the graduation class it's ot the only time they worked together. >> that's rolling stones. >> they worked together in recent years. >> i have not had sexual relations to this song. >> sorry. >> ah, let's move on. >> i love nickel back. >> sometimes it's easy to forget built president trump has more than one daughter. >> what? >> the things is let's be honest we don't see much of tiffany. >> everyone forgets abou abouttive. >> i she's getting into the jewelry business. >> come up with something new tiffany there's already a tiffanies. >> that's where the name was inspired from. >> still. >> she makes jewelry for fun and calls designs ready for this name. >> what. >> tiffany trump jewelry.
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>> i hope boxes are like a little off tiffany blue. >> like that dress. >> yes. >> she recently took over. and boching glove charm. just personal. no intention to sell it. >> that's a good business p plan. >> build something. >> accessories and clothing. >> why didn't she do something different. >> like what? >> home appliances. tiffany trump smokers. >> that would be great. >> if you want to rock a pair of sunglasses like president trump's son-in-law he was caught with these on in po poland. is that orange or brown? >> it's i think one of
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brown tortoise type. >> this whole thing. >> other people have surprise glasses. >> everybody has sun glasses on. >> internet tracked down exact pair oliver peoples gregory peck round sunglasses on bloomingdales selling for $ $405. >> chump change for him. >> i lose sunglasses so much, i didn't know he was into sunglasses. >> who knew he was a fashion for sunglasses. >> there you go. >> in the meantime back after this
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>> finltly the president is in gernl any and sleeping soundly tonight and has nothing to do with vladimir put up but the fact all things together first g20 alongside world leaders that made it known they're not pleased with his withdrawal from the climate accord went off without a hitch. he can play along on the world stapling in spite of plan to put america first. >> and chris christie made jobs easy tonight. lots of ammo from el elaine.governor. and their governor flirting with single put up members is taking time off work monday and tuesday to play sports talk radio host in new york filling in on the frncessa show. that's the final five. i'm not going to lie. we have a lot of heat to get through here
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in the meantime guys, have a great night. who wants barbeque. come on. come on. will you come in the studio please and make me look like i have friends
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12:00 am
harvey: blue ivy doesn't have to be that jealous of the twins because she is now a rapper. ♪ >> she just came out with a rap. on her father jay-z's new album. >> isn't north west on kanye's album too? >> no, just that video. harvey: maybe north west should do what remy ma did to nicki minaj. [harvey laughs] >> only you like that! [laughter] >> so highly anticipated meeting between vladimir putin and president donald trump. so he goes in for the handshake. he takes his left hand, taps the right hand of putin three times. harvey: ♪ on the ceiling if you want me ♪ >> justin bieber is down in sydney right now at a church conference.


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