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tv   The Final 5  FOX  July 17, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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the gop bid to replace obama care is dead. now they're looking to just repeal the whole thing. also break out the red white and blue. it's another theme week at the white house this one is all about america. also susan rice will be headed to the hill to testify. one area town weighing giving noncitizens the right to vote. let's get to what happened about 30 minutes ago because this has been such a busy night when it comes to the health care bill. 30 minutes ago senate majority leader mitch mcconnell
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the push to replace obama care is dead. we'll talk about that in a moment. what was called the better care reconciliation act started to unravel tonight when republican senators announced their opposition. remember the gop could only afford to lose two votes. in this hour the president is tweeting about what should come next. first i want to take you back to what he said about 4:00 today on health care. watch. >> and i will tell you, it's a very, very hard time they're having with the obama care situation. so we're going to get that done and i think we're going to surprise a lot of people. but they're pushing very hard, the republican senators are great people. but they have a lot of different states. some states need this, some states need that. but we're getting it together. >> all right. so compare that to less than eight hours later, the president tweeted this. republicans should just repeal failing obama care now
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on a new health care plan that will start from a clean slate. dems will join in. although judging by the twitter reaction there's more celebration on that side of the aisle. mccain was said to be a yes. he'll be out at least a week and doctors say he can't fly. by the way the president before all this went on with health care took a chance to express his well wishes today at the white house. >> i can tell you we hope john mccain gets better very soon because we miss him. he's a crusty voice in washington, plus we need his vote. [ laughter ] and he'll be back. and he will be back sooner than somebody else would be. >> meantime white house officials earlier
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president trump had been working the phones to try to gain support for the senate health care plan there's word that's what he was doing over the weekend. there's been strong opposition to the plan from democrats and activists and dozens of people were on capitol hill today to protest the bill. they say that repealing obama care would eliminate health coverage for millions of americans. >> there's not a single one of us probably who doesn't think that at some point we just, just could be diagnosed with a major illness. and there are millions of people throughout our country who have preexisting conditions and there are millions of older people in our country who will be impacted by trump care. >> and today new york's attorney general eric schneiderman said he would sue the federal government if the president signed a bill to repeal parts of obama care and in nevada things went way beyond. there was a threatening note left at a dtr
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telling him to vote against the gop bill. police say the note was found near the door to heller's office. so far they haven't made any arrests. the question tonight and you know this is going to be the topic on everything tomorrow, everybody is going to be talking about this. does the gop have enough votes to just repeal obama care without a replacement which would in turn leave millions of people without health care coverage. let's remembe president trump was elected and not many people thought he would. it's a very convenient vote to repeal the affordable care act knowing full well that president obama would veto the bill in the end. mcconnell plans a repeal vote. it would be a 2-year delay. there's a lot going on. trust me i know. stay tuned to fox 5 we'll get you covered tomorrow morning at 5:00, 6:30, tomorrow night around this time considering how quickly things chaed
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who knows what we're going to be talking about. but let's move on and talk about the trump white house. they love a good theme week. we have had infrastructure week, we've had energy week, we've had technology week. but always overshadowed by other things, including health care, the russia investigation or the president's own tweets. this week it is made in america week which is a bit awkward considering there are a lot of trump products made overseas and that's documented fact. the president today though looked like he was having a blast at event. there was a product showcase they brought in a lot of american-made products, products made in all 50 states. he's not a hat guy. baseball bat made in louisiana and then the president went outside to climb into an american made fire truck and the president says where's the fire while sitting inside the truck. if that video looked kind of familiar, it's because this is not the fitious time the president posed i
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outside of a white house. remember this one where he predended to drive after a meeting with trucking representatives. the president promised to role back regulations and lowering taxes to encourage companies to manufacture more in the united states. >> you're going to see a lot of things happening over the next six months, stat toerlly and through the legal process. it takes a while so that you're allowed to do it. we've mostly fulfilled that you're going see things announced that you won't believe in our country and for selling product in our country and making product in our country and things that are great for american jobs you're going is to see that happening quickly. >> people have been quick to point out that there is hypocrisy in made in america week because
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men's wear line featured things made in other countries. there's a reason why the washington post report that found ivanka's things are made exclusively overseas. >> with respect to his own companies obviously it's inappropriate to discuss how anything would affect their own companies. but i can tell that you in some cases there's certain supply changes or scaleability that may not be available in this country. >> you know the red hats, the official make america great again, the official ones are made in america and by the way, the president did seem to enjoy himself at the event today so it's a good distraction from looking at poll numbers. threw new polls looking at his approval rating at 40% or lower right now. that's his approval rating in all three right there. if you combine that with
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disapproval ratings, the polls give president trump the lowest approval rating at the 6 month mark of any president in 70 years and the president will tell you don't believe the polls because i won the election. very true, but keep in mind we go back to that whole popular vote thing and that's really doesn't gauge the electoral college. polls are polls. you believe the numbers you want to believe. the president will pick the ones he wants to stick with as well. there you have it. poll numbers are there. in the meantime susan rice was expected to appear on capitol hill tomorrow but her testimony has been delayed. she was set to testify before the house committee on intelligence. some republican members want to for the unmasking and leaking l- the names of several officials who may have had contact with subjects during the 2016 campaign. she's denied leaking any of that information to the
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it works to bring forward another former obama official samantha power. she's agreed to come before the committee. the congressional scrutiny does not mean they violate the the law or internal regulations but we'll bring them in for testimony anyway. in the meantime this is a hot topic around the area. ask yourself this. shd non-u.s. citizens have the right to vote in local elections? the city of college park, maryland is weighing the idea. there are six other communities in maryland that already allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. opponents say it's not fair to people who are citizens to have voting rights granted to people who are not. supporters say noncitizens who live in college park should have a say in the direction of the town. people in that area though and you can imagine on a topic like this had not been shy in weighing in on the matter. >> their experiences are affected by local politics. and while they still live here, i think it may be a
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have some say about politics. >> they're not citizens of the country or of the state or of the city it doesn't make sense. they don't pay taxes so how do they have the right to vote and make decisions for us as citizens of this area. >> so what would have to happen is college park would have to pass an amendment to change the city charter to allow noncitizens to vote. that vote is expected to happen on august 8th. now on to the local battle over the travel ban. grandparents of the u.s. citizens of six muslim majority countries are eligible to get u.s. visas. the ruling found the government can't bar grandparents. the supreme court allowed the travel ban to take effect with the exception of close family. the supreme court has asked the state of hawaii to respond to the department of justice's
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tomorrow. we've got a lot there. 10 minutes down more to come. after the break how much of an impact can the president have on the stock market. we know the president was not shy talking about how well the stock is doing. is doing.
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>> did you know it's world emoji day? it is. house speaker paul ryan is apparently a big fan of emoji emojis. this is a video he put out for emoji day. >> because they don't think of me as an emoji guy, i go crazy on emojis. i do seven
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things i'll throw those out there and my kids and my wife, i am just not the emoji type person so they think so i overkill on the emojis. >> so paul ryan probably thought he was being relatable but if you scroll through the comments, it didn't go over so well. there were a lot of responses and many we can't show you on tv. there's one person i like to send more gifs than emojis to that would be our producer christie barber. we saw that video and some of the replies. i can't imagine he thought it was going to go over well. >> i feel like his social team probably thought this is going to be great, the kids will love it. that was a lot of the replies too. this is an old man trying to say hello fellow youth. i understand you. >> what was steve buschemi on 30 rock. >> carrying around the skate board. >> i try to spare
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when it comes to tweeting at least on a professional level it's not great to do. >> i leave them for text messages. or if you're tweeting a story about like adorable puppies or something. >> many of you don't know this, tonight evan lambert did a story about a puppy and i have never seen her light up. >> the story was not even about a puppy. >> but there was a puppy in it. >> yeah. >> and also i wanted to point out because i was looking for other politicians who tweeted emojis and i couldn't find very many but i did find an article from 2015 where hillary clinton screwed up with it. she tried to get people to tweet her the three emojis what they felt about college loans and the responses were very negative. >> we know how the internet can be. it's bipartisan in how. >> how to
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emojis altogether. >> this is a term you've probably heard more in the last month than your entire life. the nothing is burger. it's been used to trump supporters to describe stories they don't think are worthy of press coverage. z burger is jumping on board the marketing opportunity and they're introducing the nothing burger. they'll serve them up tomorrow during the lunch rush. we're showing you all these for a reason. you have to say nothing burger and it's on the house. it's a plain burger on a toasted bun. back during the election z burger's owner through his support behind hillary clinton. in the meantime olympic gold medalist caitlin jenner says she is
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u.s. senate and representing the state of california. she made the comments today. she's a long-time republican and she says she wants the party to, quote, do a better job with all lgbt issues. she plans to spend the next six months figuring out what her role may be. if she runs she won't be the only famous republican on the ballot. in one district antonio sabato jr. is also running for congress. by the way, jenner would run against diane fine stein. ♪ cowboy baby ♪ p>> they seem determined not to make the same mistake twice. they are apparently raising money for a michigan senator. libds
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be a marketing gimmick but we all thought donald trump was promoting his reality tv show too. kid rock has said this is not a publicity stunt. he put out what appears to be his platform i believe if you work your butt off and pay taxes you should be able to easily understand and navigate the laws and everything else that the government puts in place that affects us all. >> i want to ask, do you think this is serious? do you really think kid rock. >> i thought donald trump -- for years and years they said he was going to be a candidate for something and i think -- i wasn't too sure about it. i don't know what to believe anymore. >> but trump you could sort of see coming because he had started years before. >> two words: jesse ventura. all thoel he was mayor. >> it doesn't seem like kid rock has
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paperwork. >> he still has time apparently. >> what is it like 15 days? >> yeah because have you to form the committee and the election is next year. >> but it doesn't look good that you're also putting out new music videos. that makes people think it is a publicity stunt. that's why i'm dubious. >> i'm anxious to see what ends up happening there. it's probably the most publicized michigan senate race in history. >> we'll be paying attention coming in closely on the final 5. >> in the meantime we also know that president trump plans to run for re-election in 2020. he's already fund raising but who will the democrats put up to face him. senator harris said back in may said she's not giving a 2020 presidential run any consideration but she was in the hamptons meeting with
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it could be a signal that they are rallying behind harris as a potential 2020 democratic nominee. meantime not everybody gets a wedding president from putin. ovechkin got married over the weekend in moscow. >> does anybody see ove as a romantic. the couple received a tea set from russian president putin accompanied by a note that read congratulations on your marriage. let love and understanding always rule in your home. love vlad. all right.
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in the political world. up next we have more on the final 5. stay tuned. stay tuned. z2e2hz z1a2z y2e2hy y1a2y
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fe are parlet's dance grandma! you. and you're not going to let anything keep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure. with nutritious calories 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. that was the best one ever! giving you the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. and finish! from the number one doctor recommended brand... ensure, always be you.
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y2e2gy y1a2y his memoir is coming out. it's going to called promise me dad. the book focuses on a difficult year when his son beau died and he decided not to run for president even though he believed he could win. this is the first of a three book deal biden signed back in april. one of the three will be cowritten with his wife dr. jill biden he'll also sit down with oprah before the book comes out. it will be available on november 14th. we normally see congressman and women speaking from the
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house floor, but tonight. >> we're going to show you three fun things he's got inside. so what have you got? >> gavel from tip o'neil speaker of the house. a prize possession. >> reporter: what's second? >> this is a map of virginia as it looked before the civil war. it's an original map from 1862 and you can notice west virginia. >> and third? >> third. get a dog if you want a friend. that was awarded to me when my dog was named campaign dog of the year in america. >> there you have it, three cool things inside congressman conly's office on the hill. >> campaign dog is a thing. we're back after this.
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hard at work on a cohesive message with plans to roll it out after labor day and the plan county leaders across the country. meantime the heat is irn turning up on jared kushner. to include 100 previously unreported foreign context. dem a couple of republicans in the house have already come out saying it may be time for the president to at least distance himself from kushner politically. we'll get rob back because the stock market didn't going anywhere and neither is the political world. have a great night. and tune in tomor
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health care. see you tomorrow. th care. see you tomorrow.
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12:00 am
>> ok, o.j. simpson getting some free advice from the current hottest ex-con, jeremy meeks. >> he's with his heiress, now girlfriend chloe green. >> o.j. may be getting paroled on the 20th, any advice for him? >> stay out of trouble. and the other part is, find yourself a heiress. >> and get rid of your family. they're dead weight. >> "game of thrones" is back. one thing people are kind of upset about, ed sheeran had a cameo. >> i see him. >> he only had like two lines. he was singing a song. >> it did not ruin the show. >> it took you out of it though. it made you realize it was a show other than oh, "game of thrones" really exists. >> so the flying dragons didn't make you realize it wasn't one?


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