tv The Final 5 FOX July 19, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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sglv we want to accepted well wishes to senator john mccain. he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. he's 08 and they've diagnosed with him with gleoblastoma. it's aggressive and also important to say treatable. the diagnosis was made after they reoved a blood clot. he and his family are looking at options including combination of chemo and radiation. we don't have toel you this john mccain is a here yes. former navy pilot shot down over vietnam and pow five and a half
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senate and served as senator since 1987 and by the way yeah i want to point out at the end there that's not -- littlejohn mccain video nexd mixed in there. there he is well wishes pouring in. >> mel ania and i send thoughts and prairdz. get well soon. there's a couple other tweets that came out tonight from a couple of likely people and then maybe some you would not expect. fist of all paul ryan says john mccain would be a war warrior. it's who he s all of us not republicans, democrat, but americans are behind him. and also barack obama former president who i can feeted mccain. give it hell, john, and hillary clinton tweeting john mccape is as touch as he come and thinking of
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and his whole family tonight. >> there you have it tonight. a lot of well wishes. a lot of warm thoughts to john mccain no matter what side of the political aisle you may fall on tonight. >> now let's move on to l lateeter in gop healthcare debailt. monday night they were throwing in the towel to it. they're back to scare one was. a straight repeal is making things look worse. 13% of americans support straight appeal of obamacare and non partisan congressional budget office said repealing without replacement would leave 32 million americans uninsured 2026 this jekdfy wanted a nice picture. healthcare and then he said more. >> any senator that
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against starting debate is telling america that you're type with obamacare. but being fine with obamacare is not an option for another reason. because it's gone it's failed it won't be around. on the other handy have to say this a yes vote let's senators debate future of healthcare and suggest different ways to impoof the bill. >> we have two options here i think. there is a large majority in our conversation that want to demonstrate to the american people they intend to complete the commitment they made. i think we all agree it's better to both repeal and replace but we cocoa have aet owe o vote on either. >> just yesterday he said obamacare would be allowed to trail. small group of protesters m mansing medicare for all
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she. little more on rush yap investigation today a interview with the "new york times". president would have toll jeff sessions would recuse himself from over seaing the investigation. according to times the president called recuseal very unfair to the president and criticized muller saying he is running an office with conflict of interest. when asked if muller vehicle would cross a read line look at the trump family finances and president said yes. he would not say what he could have at least ordered part. >> donald trump kushner and paul man tort will testify on capitol hill. the president son-in-law and top advisor is set to answer questions at the senate intelligence
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surprised you see him center court. he's said to be questioned about nat jibry committee along. that testimony is also expected to happen lind close. >> and you won't see the briefing one again today if the white house. depositty white house says last time we saw her on camera thursday, june 29. there was not a briefing on camera since. audio only in embargoed until it's overish uk like healthcare and russian investigation. ed to sanders just found outta last night. here's the audio. >> they had a brief.
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incredibly awkward. >> the only restrictions white house barred reporters from carrying audio live. one person today didn't get the memo. the reporter called us in site pavlovich today and peri only i couple of dozen people tuned into the live you stream any way. we'll see what happens here. >> the first meeting of white house election integrity commission thrown though they gaermed most of data. president trump says commission's critics say it's a partisan effort to stir up unsubstantiated names of vo voteder fraud. frez claimed without evidence 3 to 5 pillon voted illegally and vice chair kansas secretary of state chris cobuck was questioned today. >> again,
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hillary clinton did not win the popular lar vote. >> you may never know. >> how do you sea we may know. >> what i'm saying let suppose the commission determined there were a certain number of votes cast by ineligible vote rz you know those upel i believe voted for trump or slin ton or somebody else. >> if you took out all the votes what the final tally would be. >> again no substantiated proof of vote other fraud. requests forcepstive voter. happeneding over the data violated privacy laws. he could not hand over social security numbers questioned because originally those are not public information documents 2349 state of kansas a federal judge confirms whether or not the commission can compel states to happened it over
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confident he never got it. >> i'm shared they've afreed to send information with the commission. and other states that information will be forthcoming. if any state does not want to the share this information one has to wonder what their worried about. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> democratic congressman. i have to part. >> did the postal service violate federal law by pressuring managers to approve time off for employees. looks like that may be the case a hearing on issue was held in front of homeland security report from office of special council says it violated hat shack which limits federal employees taking parts in rt
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campaigning under the law and employees allowed to do some work while on leave and bias towards clinton and other democrats. >> we determine that because 97 character took leave without pay to participate in political campaigns for periods ranging from 4 to 50. >> in total employees took more than 2700 days off. >> the way this was done. and reading other reports it was a nightmare. >> the report finds majority of the little work took place in key battle ground states like pennsylvania and wisdom martin. >> up next talking more in-depth about helm care and where he goes to with pp.
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>> a promise to repeal and 'place obama care and not just a straight repeal it's been eventful no doubt about that. what's next if gop on healthcare. friend cab ot phil from >> how have you been watching the everything unfolded the last couple days. we have not been able to keep tabs as much as we want to. >> i only think republicans have not been able to keep tabs. no one knows what's going on. i took a lot of reps they look back last two years and proms made by senate republicans. 201 give us the house and get done and they did. 2014 we need snoot give us senate and repeal obamacare that didn't work and give us the presidency and we'll promise we'll get it done and they
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fed up with this because it's paten of incompetencey and they promise to get something done and voters need this and this and debting them in office polltationes have not done theirs. >> dozens of times i lost track how many times they v voted to repeal the act. you could pass it. it would go to presidnt obama he would veto it. now they can do it they have the votes. they have the president to sign it. >> they get it done. >> they're basically admitting that back in 2015 especially when senate sent the bill to his desk as well as house. that was a bluff, employ, we have the will ready to go. get us in office. i don't want this to take away from how awful obamacare is. they do not mean obamacare is not something in need of repealing. in virginia alone brought
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we need to fix obamacare and republicans need to actually put money where their mouth is and i talked to a lot of reps today that still want to see the bill from 2015 voted on in the senate they know come midterms who -- they want to see on the record who keeps it to repeal it and two years from now they have time to enact changes piece by piece. >> some said along the way there were elements that people on both side of the aisle looked. they liked being april is it a matter of maybe there's things they like but they don't want to admit it or is it time you know, hey, we have to come together and get democrats in on this equation whether they like it or not. you have to have some bipartisan
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done right. >> it would be helpful to pass the repeal only bill. they would get repeal done no matter what. it would not take effect for two years. >> two years ago it will be repeeled and puts pressure on democrats to republicans seem to come up with something giving them bargaining power. it will be interesting for people my age we're growing newspaper a time of government incompetencey. what can someone my age look to as huge success put forth by government on both sides really. all this is, is one more example of cog solving problems for average every day americans. we need to get power to actual people and not big politicians in d.c. that are all talk in many case. >>
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what part of the spectrum you're from i'm going to to stay with the president or vice-versa prescribe the democrats into the equation. i have to tell think from my perspective i'm frustrated because nobody seeingz anything orphan r, or d in their name. that's how i look at it now. >> i'm con pam tuesday ul the time and talking to supt and i see that so much of it is a had the of derrek comes from the way people get media. so much is twisted. if i went on the street and proposed republican health care bill to -- said here's bring me sanders new healthcare view they would say this is a great plan i love it people are not focusing on and people could actually look at policy. yeah i think we need to realize that so many senators and politicians as a whole are reconcerned
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reelection than they are actually getting legislation passed and that's one reason there's so much grid look and a lot of people m accept term limits. if fem were less concerned being elected and then get him legislation passed. it's an interesting point they bring up. again there's point of pattern of incompetencey. we need republican senators to keep their word to vote to repeal obamacare and next two years is repeeled and we can have time again to enacts measures with democrat and reps as well that will actually you know fix the marketplace because it's open. >> do you think it will happen come together and pass something. >> i do. i think voters on both sides specifically voters keech the pressure on and vote you out of office. maybe midterm would be important. but i think it's up to voters and grassroots activists to keep that pressure
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majority leader mcconnell has been clear with that. >> that's why i think when theyen what totd rush things through quickly you have to give it time to breeming and other people into the equation. look we'll talk about this i'm sure. before we go. as we wrap things up you know healthcare comes to a head and we get towards end of summer. training camps are opening up i talk to you about politics. how do you think the nfc east will look. >> i think redskins are disrespecting kirk cousins at the moment. you have to get him signed to long term deal. i think between my dallas cowboys america's team and new york impressive defense and added brandon marshall on offense can be contributed. no one has one consecutive title
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>> which a sfery false through the cracks we bring in brody logan. >> i don't know anybody that comes in and gets a around of applause like that. >> end of the day wind down with beverage or something like that. >> i do. i will have a brew. >> we believe that in this climate people are even split up about everything involving booze as well. >> no i'm not surprised at all. >> we love arguing. >> we do and a poll finds beer she preferred alcoholic beverage
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four of ten say they drink beer. 30% prefer wine and 20% liquor and 6 in 10 adults drink occasionally and 38% say they don't drink at all. >> i'm reminded of famous benjamin franklin quote contributed to him. beer is proof god lovs us and wants us to be happy that's fake news. he never said that. >> he didn't. >> it was in a letter to one of his friends in france about wine. he said swooip proof lord loves us. >> benjamin franklin drank wine. rose or piano. >> chardonnay. like nice cool chardonnay. >> new jersey govern nor chris christie not laying low after beach gate scanned. >> why would he. >> he was at melts game. he seems to be a met fan. i think he freak wepted when i see him he hates philadelphia fans. he said they're awful. the camera
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grounding foul ball in stands and there were boos in the crowd. >> souvenir for chris christie are you kidding me how about that? >> you just noticed him. boy are you hot, i'll tell y you. you just noticed him between innings and what do you know he. >> that's amazing. >> he's becoming did sdm he gets a catch. >> he the he'll. >> he's gone from hulk hogan to hollywood. he's doing this for the boos. before he got the cheers. >> i want to see if he pushed anyone out ever the way. >> he did give the foul ball to kid. >> was it his own kid. >> i don't think his own kid would be sitting three roses back. here you have it. >> tomorrow is a big day in the news and sports collide. i any everything wept off the rails in feevld journalism oj
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simpson case. >> you think journalism wept off the row. >> did you watch the police chase. brilliant tv but -- >> networks were going in. he was acquitted of murder case and serving a year sentence for kidnapping robbery and assault kharns convicted of 08. if granted parole he could be release as early as october 1. fox news, abc, nbc, cnn. espn fall nevada covering hearing. >> this is for when he was trying to get mem beihlial back that was stolen. >> women will be watching but won't be as compelling as the. >> one thing i did see do you have o.j. memoriabilia. >> not that i'm aware of. >> if you have any of it put it
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. as we leave you tonight if there's anyone sleeping so soundly it's lookly former president barack obama. as republicans regroup and attempt another shot at re repealing affordable care act the signature legislation remains intact. at least for now. gop made repealing obamacare priority one. >> tossing and turning jeff sessions with buyer's remorse after telling the "new york times" sessions should have said he was going to recuse himself from the russia probe he probably would have picked someone else. we're back tomorrow with more. morning team is here 4:25 meantime
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12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: one of r. kelly's women, one who was allegedly held captive, was out in a park and says her dad is a hypocrite. >> you know the situation that had happened that night when i went with r. kelly. >> she's saying her dad encouraged her to live with r. kelly, the dad saying that r. kelly is keeping her without her consent. >> the police have gone to the home. she said everything's fine. >> we just need videos from all of the alleged captives on every major holiday. hey, we're celebrating thanksgiving today. hey, it's christmas with r. kelly. >> kylie jenner, she finally got her wax figure over at madam tussauds. how many photos will be just a dude behind it humping? >> all of them. >> you boys seriously will have sex with anything. >> ah, yes. [laughter] >> cookie johnson, we asked her
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