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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  August 10, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> welcome in. president trump standing firm and delivering more tough at a you can to north korea. >> as you can see from the run down over there on the side of the screen this is what folks are talking about tonight at 6:30. as usual we invite you to weigh in. tweet us use that #5at630. let's get to it. >> ♪ >> if anything that statement may not be tough enough. >> what would be tougher than fire and fury. >> well, you'll see, you'll see. >> that was president trump today reinforcing his warning about fire and fury against north korea. pyongyang responded and called the president's warning a load of nonsense. it's just the latest of course in this back and forth in the escalating
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concerned that could lead to military action. >> uncharted waters as we follow this. tom cal lena is back. he becomes the first three times in one week guest on 5 at 6:30 but we have him in here because you have quite enough insight on north korea. how are you tonight tom. >> i'm great. how are you. >> well, let's talk about what we heard from the president today. doubling down, some people are saying it's too much but you say they should talk, it doesn't seem like the president is moving in that direction where he wants to set up a dialogue. >> it does not, no. what you have now is the united states and north korea stuck in a game of nuclear chicken and it's not clear how this ends well. you have both sides ratcheting up the precious sure ratcheting up the tension and north korea is not going to back down. they don't have a history of that. and frankly the united states and president trump should be playing the role of the adult in the room of speaking calmly, of trying to find
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way to diffuse the situation because the only way to solve this is through talking and diplomacy. military action is not going to do it. so, how do you get from where president trump is now and where north korea is now, which is basically trading threats to eventually sitting down and trying work this out. >> tom i'm just curious, what are you hearing or what do you think is going on behind the scenes? we're hearing that tough talk on the front from the president. we heard secretary of state rex tillerson come out with a more measured tone yesterday although saying the president should be tough but do you think behind the scenes there are people who are working to sort of open up some sort of diplomatic channel there? >> we have to hope so. i mean, what you see from the outside is an administration that should be talking with one voice is really talking with three or four. >> yeah. >> you have trump saying one thing, you have secretary tillerson saying something else. defense secretary mattis saying something else. there's no consistency coming out of this administration. now, are they trying to pursue things
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scenes? i hope so. but again, there's no proof of that. but we need to see consistency and some message management and stability coming from the president himself. there's no good that comes out of just ratcheting up this pressure because that is not the direction we need to go. >> one more thing from the president when he spoke about north korea today. let's take a listen. >> what they've been doing and what they've been getting away with is a tragedy. and it can't be allowed. >> so you heard it there. we talked yesterday about those diplomatic channels or the other day when we spoke with you tom and we mentioned the lack of -- there's no ambassador to korea. granted we don't have an ambassador to north korea but there is to south korea. there have been other ambassador ships filled. was this not viewed as a priority early on and then we sort of realized this is a serious threat. >> i think you have an inexperienced president
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state who have taken away longer than any other administration in recent memory to fill important positions even though they knew that this was going to be a priority. when president trump came into office, president obama on the way out said, you know, look out for north korea, this one's going the bite you. and so they knew this was coming. but even though, they didn't staff up for it and now you get the sense that they're sort of caught by surprise and they should not have been but they're responding in ways that don't give you a sense they're being prepared. for example, yesterday's statement by president trump when he talked about the fire and brimstone speech, that he did off the cuff. that hadn't been prepared. so, you don't get the sense that they're really thinking this out and that's simply just dangerous. >> so, there are people right now -- i mean, we've been talking about how dangerous this is. earlier this week when we asked do you think that we could go to war something could happen you say it's unlikely because this would be
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as the tension keeps building here, i mean, you know, we've got threats against gaum although the governor of gaum, you know, saying hey, i'm not really worried about it, where realistically do you think this is? are we moving closer to potentially something that could be really bad? >> well, certainly it's dangerous. not in the sense that i would expect north korea to attack us out of the blue 'cause as you said, that would be suicide for them. and they're very good at preserving their regime so they don't want to do that but the more both sides ratchet up the rhetoric, the greater the possibility that we stumble, that we kind of blunder into war, that neither side wants. so, that's why -- that's one of the most important reasons to scale don the rhetoric 'cause it's not going anywhere good. and figure out if we can open some kind of unofficial dialogue with the north. just so we both understand where our red lines are and so we don't make a mistake. and that's an interest that both countries share. neither country wants to get into
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so we need to sit down and anything out and then maybe from there you can talk about how to really diffuse the situation and try to freeze the north korean program but we've got a ways to go before we have in kind of relationship with the north to make that work. >> tom as i've said all week long i hope they are listening to you. thanks so much for cupping in again. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> earlier today the president appeared to switch his focus back to healthcare attacking senate majority leader mitch mcconnell for failing to pass a measure to repeal and replace the affordable care act. >> let's check in now with ronica cleary. she's got the pulse of the people on this one tonight. ronica. >> reporter: hey, jim and shawn. this is another battle that the president is having with a member of his own party but i got to say it looks like mitch mcconnell started it. i want to take you back to monday afternoon at a rotary club meeting in kentucky where when it comes to the future of healthcare mcconnell sort of points to the president. take a listen. >> our new president of course has not been in this line o
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excessive expectations about howl quickly things happen in the democratic process. >> reporter: well, the president really latched onto that idea of excessive expectations tweeting about it saying, no, they're not excessive. you guys have been making this promise for seven years. and a handful of tweets after that. so, we went to the people to ask them what are your thoughts on the fact that this feudally is public? take a listen. >> it's kind of tacky. i wish they would just resolve their differences behind closed doors instead of bickering back and forth at each other. >> they can be blaming each other but the bottom line is if there was a good law on the table that and they discuss that we would have seen much more productive -- at least discussion if not an outcome. >> i just think donald trump's taking shots at anybody who gets him annoyed. >> it's been a circusi
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the inauguration so not really surprising i guess. >> reporter: and we took to twitter about this again, this idea of excessive expecttations, did the president have excessive expectations. 49 percent of you said yes, 51 percent of you said no. so, really split down the middle and i'll tell you this afternoon in bedminster at one of the pool sprays, a reporter did ask the president if he plans to ask mcconnell to resign and he basically said look, if he doesn't make moves on healthcare tax reform and infrastructure, then you can ask him that question. so, seemingly, you know, as i said earlier in my 5 o'clock hit, for the language that we've seen in the last six months, as much as they are feuding publically, it's really tempered language, if you l so, there you have it jim and shawn. back to you. >> pool spray sounds in principle much more fun than what they really are which is when all the photographers come in. >> reporter: may need to clarify the language. >> i think folks at home might have thought wow. >> that's fun they're having a pool day. >> yeah, yeah, we know. >> reporter: got to become a reporter, that's a
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>> thanks, ronica. >> thank you, ronica. all right. well, tonight we are also learning more about special counsel robert mueller's investigation into president trump's campaign connections to russia. federal agents raided his former campaign manager paul manafort's house in virginia in late july. the agents took bank documents. manafort managed the trump campaign for almost five months last year. a spokesperson says he's cooperating with investigators. the white house is still looking for a brand new communications director. >> sources close to the white house say senior aides have begun requesting resumes. assistant editor at red alert politics is here. how are you. >> doing well. thanks for having me. >> we were trying to count down a list -- they went to jason miller first. jason miller quit before the administration began, sean spicer er, what are you looking for a job like this? what makes this a
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position to fill. >> it's a difficult position to fill because you have a lot of dynamics within the white house currently you have bannon's people, you used to have reince preibus' people but all of his people are gone. then you have -- you have h.r. mcmasters' people and, oh, who am i forgetting, but really the struggle is between bannon and pretty much the establishment republicans. so, at this point it's kind of hard to kind of gauge whether anybody who would take that job would be effective at their job. so, they are looking at people like scott read who is a former rnc executive director and he managed bob dole's 96 presidential campaign. they even floated steven miller's name who actually did quite a formidable job of going back and forth with jim acosta of cnn on immigration. >> that's sort of the thing that the president responds well, to the president and steve bannon like to see that adversarial relationship which worked well in miller's favo
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and, you know, obviously steven miller who has been his go-to guru on immigration, it would be interesting to see him in the communications director role. he was actually in that role under then senator jeff sessions before he got promoted to attorney general. >> yeah. >> what do you think is the holdup here? is it just that the folks -- no one is saying, hey, i want this position. >> well, they're not finding the right talent and the ones that they are finding the talent for are all saying no because if you haven't noticed over the last few months. >> a lot of drama. >> anyone working under trump seems to get thrown under the bus at some point in time publically. >> yeah, a lot of drama there. so, i mean, are there any internal candidates? we talked about steven miller. i don't know, i'm just trying to figure out who might make a good -- make that -- who might do well. >> jason miller seems to be free after all of the controversy of him having a lover child with a former mp
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>> right. >> right. >> of course no one has actually thought about bringing sean spicer back because he is a free man. why would you. >> he doesn't want that. >> he probably doesn't want that. >> so, here's an idea. because i think a lot of people when you think about having that communications role you want to have somebody who knows how to deal with the press, who can channel the message out to the media and obviously over the media filter to the public as well so do you go with somebody like and i've heard names in the past like laura ingram special communicators who have a point of view and have a bullet in audience or do you go for a more wonkier type and leave the public roles to sara sanders. >> you don't want to go with wonky at least with this administration. seems to be out of the domain of this administration. >> yeah. >> in previous months we've heard from kimberly to guilfoyle, heather naylor who is a state deparen
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spokesperson. laura ingram would not seem out of the ordinary for this administration and actually probably seems like an interesting scenario and probably they would test it out. >> all right, well, we'll be watching. i mean, we'll see how long it takes. maybe we'll have like a little thing every day. >> or maybe it never goes filled. >> never know. >> maybe trump becomes the communications director. >> he kind of is. >> he's his best messenger. >> absolutely. >> aall right, thanks for coming in. we appreciate it. >> let's go to our messenger for all things weather. sue you said yesterday was one of the top days of the summer and i'm curious how she thinks today stacks up. >> not so great. it's nice that we had a beautiful start. we have clouds coming in now though. i'm always a big fan of getting that sunshine in here especially when we've balanced things out but i tell you what it is a great night for the battle of the belle beltways preseason version its a beautiful evening, so comfortable and we'll see temperatures around 77 degrees. there have been a couple passing light sprinkles but nothing that will amount to anything. clouds are on the increase and jim and shawn that is a sign
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tomorrow we've got thunderstorms back in the forecast. humidity is going to be climbing back in later tonight and the during the day tomorrow. and we have a frontal boundary that will bring some showers and thunderstorms back into the picture friday later rather than earlier but our futurecast is also suggesting that some of those could be on the strong side later in the day and they may feature some pretty heavy rain now that that humidity will be back with us tomorrow. saturday still looks unsettled. we'll have showers and storms around but here's some improvement. sunday looks better now so if you have outdoor plans and can flip them to sunday, you won't be as interrupted. right now the drying trend is on for sunday because the frontal boundary that is bringing tomorrow's showers and thunderstorms that will linger on saturday looks like it's going to continue to move down to the south and that should clear us out. not a terrible weekend. today is not bad either. the night will be comfortable and cool but the clouds are here and they'll be with us through the day tomorrow and most of saturday as well. that's a peak at your weather headlines shawn and jim. >> thank you sue.
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debate on capitol hill. the question is what's going to happen to that artwork. >> we're back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ z2fwcz z16fz
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y2fwcy y16fy
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>> ♪ >> welcome back to 5 at 6:30 on this thursday. the justice department says there has been a big uptick in deportation orders in the first six months of the trump administration but now it seems like the deportations themselves could be slowing down. >> as the debate over immigration reform rages on the justice department is already implementing one of president trump's top priorities. ordering more people to leave the u.s. and the numbers speak for themselves. some 57,000 immigrants giving deportation orders in the first six months of the year. that's an increase of about 31 percent over last year. at the same time those given permission to stay in the country decreased nearly 21 percent to just over 68,000. the trump administration calls it a "return to the rule of law and an increase in judges and prisons close to the border." >> this results
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quicker deportation after these prisoners serve out their prison sentences here in the united states. >> another change a program that allowed more than 2,000 illegal immigrants a month to stay in the u.s. has now dropped to fewer than 100. while deportation orders are up the deportations themselves are going at a slower pace than during the obama administration. about 17,000 a month compared with 20,000 a year ago. needing an arrest doesn't translate into the speedy deportation. >> you're here for our country because our country is better than the new policies that have been adopted in the last seven months. >> now, the president's supporting a new bill that would significantly decrease legal immigration as well but there's no word on when or if congress will start the debate on that. shawn. >> top aides to un ambassador nikki haley resigning. they both say they're leaving because of
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their departures though come during increased tensions between the united states and north korea. the un security council unanimously passed those new sanctions against pyongyang saturday at haley's request. david was sworn in. he's now the seventh administrator at the t.s.a. he leads a workforce of approximately 60,000 employees covering security operations at almost 450 airports nationwide. >> all right. so let's talk a little bit more about the u.s.-north korea show down. it is apparently big business for bomb shelter center city. would you stay here if the worst happened? 5 at 6:30 coming right back. >> ♪ >> ♪♪
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for years, fios has been promising
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fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> so jim socked much talked a little bunch the makers of bomb shelters capitalizing on the squabbling between north korea and the
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atlas survival shelters sold more than 30 units. the company is based in california but those others oths are coming from as far away as japan. rising s bunker offers a starter bunker for 45,000. >> what if i wanted to go luxurious. >> that will set you back about $8.35 million. there's another company vevos can dig underground. >> guessing about $35,000. >> you can read well. there's a kitchen spa pool tables not bad. safe castle offers a $19,000 bunker i think that's it. bear bones but its makers claim it could still save you. >> this segment brought to you by the bunker manufacturers of america bunker makers of america because where else are you going to go. >> do you think they have wifi? >> that's -- you know what, nowadays it's a legitimat
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>> chelsea manning debuting her brand new look in the september issue of vogue. in a sweet thursday morning the transgender activist wrote guess this is what freedom looks like. the former army analyst was sentenced to prison for leaking government documents to wikileaks. president obama commuted her sentence. she was leased in may following seven years in prison. >> the group called we the people rising are demanding congressman lieu korea remove the painting from the wall of his office. the painting was entered in a student art composition. he says he has no plans to take the painting down. >> they argued that it wasn't the separation between church and state or something like that. >> and you know what, honestly if you look at that t-it really isn't that evident in the grand scheme of things but it's a students art project. they have a freedom of speech, too. >> sure. >> even if you disagree with it
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is about and if we start talking about -- if we want to start drawing that line of separation of church and state you have chaplains in congress, you have people -- it's that free exercise. >> sure. >> that we enjoy as americans. >> most of the politicians say at the end of all their speeches. >> god bless america. >> we should mention the congressman went to the ethics committee within whatever just to make sure that that was okay. >> yeah. >> and they said it's okay. but those folks say they're going to keep going back and protesting. >> all right, we're back after this. >> ♪ >> ♪♪
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this busy mom spends her days driving all over town. so... why is she smiling? because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale, and filled up her trunk with grocery savings, plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. now that's something to smile about.
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anniversary sale! it's just better! z2fwcz z16fz y2fwcy y16fy >> ♪ >> all right. see what this is right here? yup, went up outside the white house massive inflatable chicken bearing a striking resemblance some say to president trump and not too far away right behind the white house. >> yeah, on the ellipse. you can buy one of your own now on ebay. the asking price is $500. it
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blower and even sand bags to help you set it up. >> i don't know if we should put theme music behind this. >> i don't know what you would play though. >> ♪ >> what is this. >> i don't know. >> we need the chicken dance. >> ♪ >> yeah. >> acts 50's say they put -- that's the national anthem of every wedding in western pennsylvania. >> is it really? >> pretty sure. >> jim is from western pennsylvania. >> yeah. they put up this inflatable chicken to make a statement about the president being a weak leader. really in terms of the curiosity factor a lot of people were there taking pictures and that sort of thing but they cleared it with the secret service. they had the all clear to put it up on the ellipse and there you saw it. >> i believe the same folks had it out here in march. hit to do with taxes. they brought it out during some of the tax day protests they had. >> i wonder if they knew the timing the fact that the president wasn't in washington at the time to do it. >> when they put this up. >> i don't know. >> i don't know how long it takes to get permitted for something like that. >> i'm sure it's not easy. >> we'll call and find out. we want to put up our own
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>> do we have a giant fox5 inflatable. >> i don't know. check ebay. thanks for joining us. fox5 eight on the plus is next. >> fox5 eight on the plus. fox5 plus at 8:00.
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on "tmz" -- harvey: we got pictures of the hottest future billionaire on the planet. no doubt about it, the award goes to kylie jenner, turning 20 today, folks. >> her body is impeccable. >> anyone can look like that if they had the right money. harvey: that ain't the truth. you can have tons of money and time and maybe you can get your body there but there's a reason god invented the term butter face. [laughter] >> god invented that term? >> blac chyna, she is the star in the new music video "power of [bleep]," p.o.p., and in it she's taking some not-so-subtle shots at rob kardashian. >> ♪ harvey: she's essentially calling herself a gold digger. >> she knew the power of it. she took advantage of rob. she's good.


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