tv The Final 5 FOX August 14, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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♪ ♪. i'm jim and this is your faith five. charlottesville moving forward after this weekend's protests. the president clapping back at critics. confederate monument is ripped out in north carolina and others may be on way out. north korea talks more about the attack on gam and other south american companies don't want the united states intervening in venezuela. pwe got to start with charlottesville. three lives lost. two virginia state troopers, h jay cullen and berk bates died in a helicopter crash while responding to the violence and
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demonstrating against the white nationalists rally. man accused of killing her is now being held without bail tonight. lindsey watts is in charlottesville with how the city is moving forward in the aftermath. . >> reporter: by now you've surely seen the violence that played out here in charlottesville over the weekend. but tonight we wanted a show you a little bit of how people live here know this town, it's a beautiful community. my first time here and even though the protesters cleared out. there are still signs of what happened here on saturday. you can see the sign down the street at the movie theater that said strong. walking around these streets you can really see on people's faces how what happened has taken a toll on them. a little while ago a i saw a woman crying. people have been gathering where heather heyer was
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can see the flyers people left at the top of the street. around the country tonight, including in dc, there have been protests and rallies there have been vigils nothing like that here in charlottesville, it has been quiet and calm and i think people who live here the residents are welcoming that, they're grieving in different ways, gathering with friends, and family. and just trying to figure out thousand recover from the horror that happened here over the weekend. >> lindsey watts fox 5 local news. meantime tonight, sighting safety concerns, texas university is cancelling an upcoming white supremacist event the. the rally was promoted saturday pwith press release title tonigt charlottesville tomorrow texas a and m. the president came out and forcefully condemned white supremacists groups some say it was two days too late. on saturday after the deadly crash, the president didn't specifically call it racist groups by name. >> we condemn in the
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possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. >> after intense criticism over the statement, president back in front of the cameras to condemn hate groups's here's what he said. >> racism is evil. and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. including the kkk. neo nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. >> during the event the president really wasn't taking questions that didn't stop cnn jim mccosta. there was supposed to be a press conference, we didn't see a full fledged one, he was the one asking questions on behalf of all the networkses. of he tried to get in a question about the president's initial response to what happened in charlottesville, and this is what you saw. >> can you explain why you did not
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over the weekend >> they've been condemn >> why are we not having a press conference. >> we had a press conference >> can i ask you more questions. >> (inaudible). >> that wasn't a press conference, by the way. that was jim mccosta question. of he wrote, made additional remarks on charlottesville and realized once again that the fake news media will never be satisfied. truly bad people. what happened over the weekend involved some truly bad people. and it's reignited the debate over confederate statues and monuments, we're seeing protests. a crowd brought down a confederate statue. you may have seen this, this happened in durham north carolina. a statue of a confederate soldier standing outside the courthouse. a woman draped a rope around the statue, crowd pulled it down, monument stood t
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and closer to these parts, the mayor wants to take down confederate statues and catherine pugh is talking to contractors about taking down four monuments, one monument of city council said they got to go. more than a year ago a commission examined the issue of removing the statues said it would be costly about to million to do that. we're going to talk a little bit more about it and the history when you take down the confederate statue as little bit later on in the show. let's talk about other problems that had been consuming the administration, north korea, the reggie said kim john has been briefed on its military branch. state media said kim jong-un planned to watch the foolish and stupid conduct of the yankees a little more before deciding to issue the missile tests which you know he won't. the chair many traveled to the korean peninsula and dun ford t
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making stops in japan and china >> do we have the capability to defend? the answer is yes, we do. in the meantime. the problem is directly in support of those diplomatic and economic measure >> china still a key player when it comes to finding a peaceful solution, it would cut out imports. the u.s. and south korea are set to begin more military exercises next week. last week, president trump said military action was possible in venezuela. other south american countries are not on board 78 columbia's president said latin america wants no part of u.s. military intervention in venezuela. there has been protests and riots with more than 120 people killed since april. the president created a constituent assembly full of his supporters. that
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take power away. vice president pence was in neighboring columbia. >> president trump made it clear we will not stand by while ever since wail had a collapses or crumbles but it's important to note the president said that a failed state in venezuela threatens r threaten the security and prosper tea of our atmosphere and the people of united states of america. >> vice president pence said the administration was looking at economic and diplomatic efforts towards a democracy and not military intervention. up next. we'll take a closer look what happened over the weekend in charlottesville and the rise in home grown hate when the final five comes back on monday night. stick around. stick around.
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. the president posted this, no one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or background of his religion. he said it quite well there. i believe that's an excellent point. when you say education, what are some of the ways that you think we can educate future generations to say that this is how you should view the world now through this prism but a wider view >> i believe because the department of education and the school boards and the cities around our nation to make sure that the curriculum includes th y
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if president obama quote is correct if you're not born with it, what is the socialation to take you from that age of innocence and where everybody is the same, to this agonizing and sort of agitating presence that we have now in american soil that we cannot hide under a rug. right now, what i'm witnessing is that whether it's ferguson or if it's in something that happened in california, my home town of chicago or charlottesville that you squeeze a balloon and eventually it's going to pop you can't keep pressuring that balloon. i believe that if we have those particular tools and not using just that quote. children are socialized, how can churching stands up on sunday morning is the most segregated time in america on american soil, so how can the churches and the ministers step up to speak to congregations so they can do the greater works of the christian that christ said
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neighbors we're doing a very poor job of doing. we spike answered f on that one. >> the quote we had that president obama posted came from nelson mandela. when you go back to education, there are people who they've gone to charlottesville, new orleans and said this is part of history, you can't change history >> i think that is right. you can't. i felt and this people, probably get a push-back on this, but when rosewood was burnt down, which was a thriving african-american community in the southwest, that would have been going to a pilgrimage for african-american community and hiding a statue is like what they're doing to isis is doing tearing up palamira, and anyone she the histories but like i said how are we going to know if you take away the statues and not put it in the books we're not doing any justice
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happening in america. it's a way of hiding it. one thing i thought of. greg jackson even though some of his friends have had a confederate flag and socialsed in their notion of white supremacy. i don't know how you stop that. >> by the way we had greg on at 6:30 and went to uva he mentioned, i grew up in western pennsylvania and parts of western pens when john murtha said there's parts of red neck and drew a lot of fire i went to school with people who had the flags on confederate truck, they say that's part of their history, that's fine, i see where greg was coming from. >> we might think because it's a southern city you can experience in a northern city, you can martha's vinyard as i had in the 9 90's, it wasn't around violence or wasn't around people
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to take down a statue or put up, its intention is. the fault line has been revealed, every century -- every decade every month seems like we see this pimple is growing all over, and frame at the notion of where the united states of america and when we look at the streets all the buildings on k street in our national capitol we see all the buildings represent a self interest because obviously, they want to be shadows of a government they feel aren't doing them services, women's rights, gay rights, national black organizations. you know, male rights, we're so fractured and we're testament we need to find the real glue to bring us together, if not, we're congratulate hypocrisy. >> thank you for coming in. and we're back after this on the final five. he final five.
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. there's a lot more happening tonight. the warm of politics and military firms waiting for guidance from the president on new policy regarding transgender people in the military. it has been nearly three weeks since the president tweeted the transgender service members were no longer welcome in the military in any capacity. the pentagon said it still has not received written notification from the white house ordering a change. >> it's been a confusing issue for the military. and i think i'm doing the maryland great favor. >> usual going to get rid of a senior noncommissioned officer or senior officers who have years and years of experience and you're going to get rid of them? that will affect military >> jim mattis says he's no doubt the white house will send official guidance on the issue but pentagon will study the policy once handed down and may
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incorporate its own change, five transgender have filed a lawsuit to try and stop the ban from taking effect the state of california announced today they're suing the federal government, attorney general xavier defended sanctuary cities like san francisco very important to point out not san diego, san francisco. he called it an unyou be constitutional move for the trump administration to withhold public safety grants, the funding reverse al announced last month and now sanctuary cities or jurisdictions that choose not to cooperate are facing the threat oh of losing tea law enforcement money be the state of california relies on rough $28 million of that funding >> it's a low blow to the men and women who whatever the badge for the federal government to threaten their crime fighting resources in order to force them to do the work of the federal government when it comes to immigration enforcement. >> the
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disappointing state leaders would take steps to limit cooperation and it is possible other cities will join. president trump told fox news he's seriously considering a pardon, oh, pio was convicted for ignoring a judgely order because he suspected them of being undocumented immigrants. he called opiao who was voted out a great american patriot. he's a trump backer and spoken in support of him at last year's rnc but claims he hasn't been lobbying for a pardon. >> this is the public that trump is saying he should give me a pardon. not me, i never asked and never will. if he wants to do it. that's his prerogative. i'm not going to turn him down. >> the 85-year-old is set tore sentenced in october faces up to six months,
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without a criminal record or no background it's highly unlikely he will serve that much time if any >> more ceos are backing out of the president's manufacturing counsel and in thereafter the last hour or so, in statement under armors, kevin blank said he joined the council remember he drew fire for doing that. but blanks said his company quote engages in invasion sports not politics. he ads he'll continue to focus on quote, inspiring every person that they can do anything through the power of sport, which promotes unit, diversity and inclusion. of maybe should break for angry tweet. ken frazier resigned from the council, the president took that news and tweeted out this, now that ken frazier has resigned from president's manufacturing council he will have more time to lower rip off drug prices he then tweeted about his company again hours later, quote, merck pharmacia is a leader in higher and higher drug
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the same time taking jobs out of the u.s. bring jobs back and lower prices. he alluded to the initial response in charlottesville in his statement that said he was announcing he was leaving. frazier said he felt a personal responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism. now, 2020 seems like a long way off but we know the president is running for reelection, he filed paperwork couple days after elected. now his first campaign add. first tv spot released hearing you. >> immigrants, obstructing the media attacking our president. career politicians standing in the way of success. but president trump's plan is working. 1 million jobs created. more americans working than ever before. unemployment lowest since 2001. the stock market, all time record highs >> i was looking at this here, there was something similar on the air awhile ago then i saw maxine waters you get the sense there's a little bit of a newer add. of it's what happens, you probably won't see itro
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here, definitely me swing states you may see it in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan and wisconsin, because the manufacturing tact plays well in those states. the president was back in town for at least a couple of hours, but his ganger was spotted. it was a very busy day for ronica but she sent us this >> you never know what you're going to find when you're out and about and today a trump impersonator got out of a car with new york tag and a one man camera crew, took a lap around lafayette park at the white house, the thing that took me by surprise, some people at least at first, they were convinced that he was the president. of eventually the handful of people i was speaking to realized that he was an impersonator. wawa do you believe, was he that good? back to you. >> she got her steps in today, if you saw at 6:30, chasing running through the protesters doing interviews and doing a nice job. >> thank you, we're back with more of the final five after this. after this.
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you heard lindsey watts say she'd never been there, i've never been there. i heard from a friend in new york city who worked there once and called charlottesville the best place he ever lived. from greg jackson who grew up in the town he describe add great feeling of pride, people to live and work and learned we've seen the teary eyes of parents, hate they've never had to encounter and hopefully never will again. there have been people quick to point out that the white supremacist that led to the attack weren't from virginia and that is absolutely true. but this happening more and more it's not
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in boston tonight be part of the all glass hallow cost memorial, that was shattered for the seb time in the history both times this summer, when the nazi sympathizer killed two men defending a muslim woman on a train in may. we can pass along all thoughtful in the hopes of finding comfort and solace and maybe collar three this is not left versus right the more we go left versus right the more it dooms us to repeat what we saw over the weekend. but as mar see i can't dyson told us maybe it's best we start with education a deep history lesson, what those monuments mean and what human beings truly had to sacrifice and then maybe, maybe generations to come after his might finally understand that words and actions have consequences. words we should all keep in mind tonight. that's the final five. thanks for watching
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12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: lebron james is understandably pissed off at donald trump. ♪ >> lebron james rocked a red hat that said strive for greatness and it looks like it's a take on donald trump's make america great again hat. >> if kwhiet people want -- white people want white supremacy gone, you got to get rid of it. harvey: i don't think that's a new thing that there are a lot of people that don't like white supremacy. >> i have been feeling this way since the late '90's. >> tom cruise was on the set of "mission: impossible" doing a crazy stunt. tom didn't quite make it. he smacked really hard. harvey: he fell a little short. >> oh, he's short! >> no, cruising for a bruising! >> oh, i like that one better! [laughter] >> video came out this weekend of conor mcgregor knki
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