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tv   The Final 5  FOX  September 7, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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>> let's go final five on this thursday florida is bracing for hurricane irma and the president is competent they're prepared. the debt ceilings eye moves through the senate. how a nancy pelosi led to a phone call from president trump. the appeals court makes another change to the president's travel ban. you're talking about this, we're talking about this and in the florida and carolina's they're talking about hoimple. they've ordered more evacuations and the governor is telling people in those areas, leave now. there are a lot of people staying put why would you do that? irp ma
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ten deaths in the carribean and president trump took sometime out from his meeting with the a mere in kay wait. we have tremendous groups of talented people there. the people of florida are like the people of texas, louisiana, you've seen how the people of our country have reacted under this tremendous pressure and these horrible things that we call hurricanes. this is something that is probably bigger, not as much water, but much more power than harvey. the governor has so far done a terrific job. i mean they're prepared. we don't know exactly where it's going to be landing. where landfall will be, but we think we're as well prepared as you can possible be the rush to evacuate has led to traffic, backups and gas shortages, american airlines say it's last flight out of miami will
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senate overwhelmingly backed a 13.3 aid billion. chuck shoes mere and nancy peninsula loans i . the president backed leaving gop leaders shocked. republican leadership wanted a more long term plan but because it was tied to harvey aid most republicans didn't vote against the billion except for south carolina senator lindsay gram. he was one of 17 no votes even he though his state deals with a threat of irma. it's more of a protest vote than anything else it's in the a way to run a railroad. continuing resolution denies them funds that they need . a three month cr doesn't strike back into the california dron where we're going to have another crisis in 930 daze. there's been a lot of talk about the president
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democrats. bipartisanship is a good thing. although some people don't think it came about the right way. nancy p pelosi say that's not the case that and that there was in her words, a lifely debate. it was a long meeting and i was very proud of the senate democratic leader chuck you shoe mere. he could speak mocker to the president. agreeing the billion isn't the only thing the democrats persuaded the democrat president to do. she asked the president to reassure those so-called dreamers they aren't going to be deported. you have nothing to worry about, no action. peninsula loans i also talked about the call she had this morning with the president and what happened him to send out that tweet. some of the concerns that people have, he he said six months and these people are being fearful that it said ck
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here in six months, not that we have six months and we're going pass a billion and so take comfort. when he called this morning, i said thanks for calling, this is what the people really need a reassurance from you, mr. president, that the six -month period is not a period of roundup. most members of congress have spoken in favor of reaching a deal on dak a on theory. he said he would wrist it it. >> talking about the russia investigation now donald trump jr. went before the senate judiciary committee in are cles sed door meeting. he was there to answer questions about the 2016 meeting that he arranged with the gremlin linked lawyer who promised damaging information with hillary clinton . the meeting lasted more than five hours and the younger trump said he answered every question. he went onto say
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connecticut richard bloom hal was one of the senators in the meeting and he aid he expects to see donald trump jr. again for a public hearing much there are still a lot of gaps and a lot of questions to be answered and either through him or through other witnesses those questions have to be answered. there's never a kind of bombshell, breakthrough moment in these racials. usually it's piece by piece and step by step t. that's what we're seeing unfold ing here and we received some useful information but threes a lot more to go. we got congressional investigation and the special council investigation much the special council wants to interview white house staffers who were present when president trump helped craft his son's statement on the controversial meeting. robert musclier and his raters want to talk to tafers to see if any at
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primarily discussed adoption of russia children but an e-mail proved that was not the case. facebook says it will continue to investigate hokes story is. the yesterday the company discovered $130,000 ads. facebook says the majority of those ads didn't target a political candidate but instead focused on hot button offerings es including race relations. they filed a complaint with the justice department demanding further investigation. this revelation races a lot of questions. first who were these trols that engaged in this activity? who was paying for this activity in we've seen intelligence reports
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dating back to january that they believe some of the internet trols putting out information on the elections are linked to a financier who is close to put in . so that races concerns. senator mark western inner who is the top delegate says facebook could lead to more regulation of social media ads. rejected trump under the president's travel ban. the ninth circuit court of appeals that grandparents, kins and close familiar life people in the us shouldn't be preventedded present coming into the country the court also said refugees accepted by a settlement agency shouldn't be banned. back in june the supreme court said the ban could be enforced pending arguments set for october rkts but the justices said it shouldn't apply to visitors who have what they call bon fied tie s in the u or a job offer. immediate family but not
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uncle much up next on the final five a lot going on when it comes to security as well as nuclear threats. gentleman meal joining us to talk about that when the final five comes back after this. .
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>> from the nuclear threats by north korea to the question of whether iran is keeping its end of the deal the us continues to find itself in what many consider to be uncharted territory. here to talk about that at the george mason school of law. cyber security is your wheelhouse, my friend. this is enough to make you you drink. let's talk about equifax, fira and pore most. this broke about 5:00 today. how does this happ.
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vulnerability. we don't know what that means. was it a zero day some sort of standard sequel injection. we don't know what the exact methodology was, but 143 million people, almost half the country, a lot of folks effected, credit card numbers, social security numbers, driver 's license, date of birkts lots of stuff. here we have equifax, the qup when i apply for a loan they go to equifax and equal equifax says somebody got your information and now equifaxs has that on their back. >> i think it adds to the vigilance that we need. >> absolutely. >> obviously a the lieutenant to come on that. but let's talk about the the big thing, north korea going on. its founders day or something this weekend. some people blow up fireworks are we going to see another test >> we've heard they're moving missiles again. we didn't see any
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we saw them go over to japan. that frequented a lot of people out they violated japanese some of ticketed event and what they said was the h bomb test. larger than we've seen before, ten times the size, very troubling. one of the times, i think it bears repeating, what accused celebrated this? it seemed like for so long they would launch a dude and the world would of laugh at them. this is no joke anymore. >> they've been trying for a long time to demonstrate muck largest cyber weapons capability . we've seen six test s. now they're trying to take the nuclear weapons capability and mount it on ballistic missiles. once they do that and get the distance right then we've got a real problem. the sanctions you heard rex tillerson saying about a month or so ago, the sanctions are working but then all of a sudden we had three missiles in one day, another test. is the answer more economic
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tougher on economic sanctions, secondly sanctions where we sanction bangs or countries that work with north korea or trade with north korea. really beyond that we have to be prepared as a nation to think what our military options look like. if we get north korea to comply and p p we get china to put pressure on north korea they have to know that military options are in play. south korea, lots of people win, just a few hundred miles of that border that's a real square i thing. that being said, that's a real thing. when president trump said ease ' prepared to punish countries -- he's referring to china more or less. 90 percent of north korea trade happens with china. they've got to play a role. none of this works if china doesn't get on board. the rallies this isn't good for china, either. we
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we hadn't heard much from, but it keeps going back and forth on this whole nuclear deal with them. nick i haley talked a little bit about it. >> she did. >> where do things stand with iran? >> the president indicated during the campaign he's very concerned about the deal. this deal is not raised tonight good deal. we've all known that for a licensing type. the question is what do you do about a bad deal? do you try to enforce it, do you you disum p it off the first day. president trump didn't do that. he's waited and he's looking at his options. i think what he's told his advisor s you're not giving me good options. it's clear that he haven't complied. at the end of this thing they're going to get a nuclear weapon and be a lot better at it. how much has it changed. we knew who was leading iran at the time. they don't have much say beer rattling from that
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>> you have a moderate in raised tonight hand i as a president, but the truth is the real leader is reu hand i. raised tonight hand i was part of the movement from day one. the reality is look around the world. look at what iran has been doing around the region. they're toaking the fight in yemen, stoaking the fight in syria. this is a real problem country for us and the notion that they are going to obtain a nuclear weapons delivery capability, both with ballistic missiles. that is bad news. cyber security, north korea and iran were solving the world's problems in five minutes . good to see you. it's the first time we've been side-by-side in the studio. hope to have you back. after this. this.
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>> education secretary betsy devos detailing her plan for revising guidance on how colleges handle sexual assault. citing concerns that the current policies out there denies due process for those who are accused of sexual assault. she says the administration will be seeking public feedback and professional expertise as well as talking to students. more than 606,000. optima health say it's leaving many of the states markets. optima plans previously planning to cover nearly the entire commonwealth next year. without an insurance option for 2018. state official s say most of the areas impacted will be reurl par
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the state where access to doctor s and hospitals is limited . president trump's vet ter fraud commission may be violated law by using personal e-mail accounts by conducting during work. the lawyers committee for civil rights under law. it claims the use of personal e-mail violated the presidential records act. president trump created the vot er fraud commission back in may through an executive order. the commission faced previous just challenges with many states refusing to turn over voter data . president trump promised to donate a million bucks for have a i relief and new we know what charities the money is expected to be going to. the biggest chunk going to the red cross and the salvage army they'll get $300,000 appease. team rub con as well as the houston humane society. you may not realize this but there's a donald j trump state park. introduce a billion to change the billion to heather higher state
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was killed during the violence in charlottesville. there is an online petition for the park's name to be changed. he bought the land for $2 million and then he donated it and used the donation as a tax writeoff. the park was never really built. it's just land, butt signs are just there and they still exist for what is donald j trump state park. kimberly page barnett on facebook vote for me republican and smart white and traditional the state's gop chairman said in a statement the mayoral race won't be decided based on the skin color of any candidates. she apologized and the post has been deleted. some sad news, sa line a myers political career will come to a close in 2018. if you you department know who salinas meyer is you you never seen veeb. the hollywood report er says
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have a great idea of where to end the story. she went from vice-president to president to nothing. they don't want to repeat themselves or be boring. veep scored 16 emmies. only a select few americans are awarded a presidential medal of freed objection to the form you can get a medal of $45 from the trump online tore. they have the president's face on them. earlier this week, a trump cam pain release promises kept and promises made. the video is set in the factory that's producing those very medals. tiffany trump wants to get in the best parties. the first daughter wanted to be there for harper bizarre's event. but
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publicist e-mailed harper's magazine instead of harper's bizarre, rookie mistake. they told the new york daily you news they were. tiffany's public cyst was apparently the was not the first person who mistakenly ing e-mailed them. the pricy stationary bike to the home of ivanka and jared. the pelosi ton, that's about a $2,000 bike. plus you have to pay $40 a month. there's a big screen on there than a it's basically live spin classes. it's probably much easier are to the couple to work out because it doesn't require the secret service to tag along to the jim she's come under criticism for her father's policy. adams morgue than a, bethesda, attack ed trump on social media after finding the first daughter
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her classes. who is sleeping sounding and who is tossing and turning tonight, we'll break it down after this.
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>> what is happening in washington right now? suddenly one democrat, president trump described is incompetent seems to be the big withinner of the week. nancy peninsula pelosi teamed up with chuck schumer convincing the party to shoe his own party. some of whom are now laying the blame on speaker paul ryan. she got the president to tweet out assurances to daka
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worry b. nancy pelosi has become a popular boogie man when it comes to people about scaring people about san francisco values. but when it comes to playing the political game nancy pelosi is someone she knows what she is doing. mip mcdonnell are tossing and turning tonight. they couldn't convince the leader of their own party to side with them. they are reportedly telling ryan they're not happy with his leader high pressure. down the road you you may see some effort to replace him. mitchell manning connel still cyst nt able to secure a major policy for the white house . when it's the president and schumer back slapping each other, this is weird times indeed. that's the final five on this thursday night. glad to have you you with us, we're back here to wrap
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night. make it a good night, morning show here at 4678. twenty-five. make it a good night. >> and cheers. went to vmi. trained at johns hopkins. an army doctor who treated soldiers seriously wounded in the gulf war. eighteen years as volunteer medical director of a children's hospice. as lt. governor, he's fighting to expand healthcare in virginia. he'll get it done as governor. ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, and we need to provide access to affordable healthcare for all virginians, not take it away.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ray's pizza in new rk city has got the ggest endorsement. u2. >> what kind of pizza? >> ray's. >> yeah, there we go. >> oh, my god, every time you ing to get their album, you know it. remember the ipods and stuff, you got that fricking album on it. >> they should rename the pizza after who bought them. >> whoever ordered them, name it bono. >> instead of crust, they have edge now. >> this is kid rock video, he's running for senator in micgan. but it's very kid rock. >> i don't think you should have ttake care of deadbeat nothing system [bleep]. >> watch, he's going to win. charles: kid rock's already been to the white house. he was there the day afr he got in the white house. harvey: i don't


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