tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX September 11, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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rescue and recovery from irma. >> this is what we're still talking about tonight at 6:30 let's get started irma slammed into florida over the weekend at category 4 storm and it's downgraded now to tropical storm but it's wreaking havoc. emergency crews are surveying damage and downed trees and power lines and debris are clogging up roadways. >> at least 220,000 women are emergency shelter and 6.5 million businesses lost power and could be weeks before electric di is restored. prison trump took a moment to talk about those affected by irma earlier today. >> when americans are in
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americans pull together. and we are one country and when we face hardship we emerge closer and stronger and more determined than >> so we talked quite a bit about fema sdaingtser relief fund. >> absolutely frevring congress funding it to actually could it handle this? especially talking about back-to-back storms. right now let's bring in elena treen reporter for axios. >> thank for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> let's listen in today. we know tom boss ert from homeland security was talking today during the white house press briefing about fema response and where he tand. let's listen to that first. >> there's a number of priorities for federal government right now because the storm is ongoing our priority is life vaving and life sustaining and we're trying to marshall resources where we're needed it's prioritization effort. we're worried about floodsing, housing debris an power restoration and power r
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tore ration is access to fuel, refined fuel. >> federal government has a lot on its plate to deal w we're not just talking about irma we're talking about harvey and then what may come after that. it fema prepared to handle both back-to-back storms? >> right, so, it was a lot at once. and i don't think anyone was expected both storms to be as bad as they were harvey with it stalling so long and irma traveling right through the u.s. main land. and they do have enough now thanks to congress passing that 15 billion package last week for aid and they're hoping they'll have more supplemental appropriations in the future to help continue giving aid for those resources. >> so when we talk about the response so far and you know it's tough you really cannot compare this to hurricane katrina now we're talking two big storms and it seems that the reaction so far in d.c. has been pretty positive to the people that president trump is surrounding him
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with administrator seeming to be doing at least from our estimation a don't job so far. when's been -- have there been standouts is there anything that sticks out as a reporter covering fema to far during thisry covery effort? >> well i think it's just with it being back-to-back i think they're working night and day 24 hours and you have not seen this two separate hurricanes hitting with such impact and i think that brock long look you said it doing a great job an a lot of people are saying he has, as is trump and moving forward he's going to just keep doing what he can to get the necessary resources in. >> we know congress approved the brigade package and president signed off on it sure that's a lot of money. this is massive restoration recovery project and is that the only source of funding for fema that's where it gets sticky fema has a budge tote sfik to. last week congress
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would have happened? they don't have went into debt. brock long said he would have kept spending money anyway and i guess give ious to the government. but, yeah, 15 billion they'll probably need to spend more money. tom boss ert said today actually he thinks it will be 3 or 4 more supplemental appropriate rations to aid. >> after sand dwri a lot was said about the ted cruz of world who voted against funding after sandy and then last week when we had that volt we had 90 members of gop opposed the bill. though we should point out it's because of the debt ceel ago taxed as well not just about funding but from a political standpoint has this been a very political process is? do you think there's going be to be a lotle political hurdles to getting fema back to where they need to be. >> i don't think so with that. i think with fema everyone is mainly in support of funding and it's depending how they get it. there i think there are political things that maybe the government is attaching to it. like you said with
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ceiling and government spending being added to re relief. that's where i think some of the criticism comes in. it's not with getting the money necessary for the resources. >> all right elena with axios thanks for joining us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> as you know many people affected by back-to-back hurricanes are now on the road to recovery. >> ronica cleary live on how you might be more compelled to help out in light of the kind of events. hey, ronica, what's going on? >> jim, shawn, you know, it really is an unusual time you may recall last week we spoke to the red cross about responding to these back-to-back disasters and calling on people for support. and you know, do people feel tapped out if you will after donating after harvey and now they complained that you know, each disaster sort of touches people differently. and that people may give to one and not the other. and of course, people may give to both or not at all. so we took to the streets you know because certainly the red cross has a message they want to accepted and we also wanted to talk to you about how you may be compelled and maybe feel differently abo g
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these storms happen so close together. take a listen. sdmri feel that we should give to both. me personally i like to give toy anybody needy adds long as you're giving that's the whole essence of it. >> the fact that they're back-to-back doesn't really affect me at all in terms of biving gabbing. i'm involved in relief efforts with both storms. just means more work. >> that would not impact my desession whatsoever. it's a hurricane. people need help. if i you decide to give to harvey and i decide to give to irma that's my decision. and now other people may not be able to give. but that's a different discussion altogether. >> i think i would be more cautious hearing negativity on how the assets were districted after the sdaingtner texas a think people are cautious and i would be, too. >> now, interesting
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heard from she is displaced from georgia right now in light of irma. so she was here and she was not able to go home. her speaker 23ebg speculative is a little dive. give being back to irma when she may have to deal with recovery herself. i asked is she worried about getting forgotten or you know that sort of thing. her perspective was a little different. but it is interesting to think about. this is a very unusual situation and you got to ask, you know, is sandra bullock going to come out and give another million to irmary leaf and is the president going to given another million where does it stop. in light that these happened so close together they're so devastating and will we see the same kind of response, out reach and support that we saw after harvey that you could argue people responding to -- people in the path of irma also need. so it's something to think about. >> back to you jim, shawn. >> thank you ronica when people don't realize when they're giving to red cross that money
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while they have money for mavshy some will still go to irma. >> we know harvey there was a couple charities came up in light of harvey houston set up a community fund and we'll see what happens with irma obviously we'll see groups pop up. it's also about being vigilant when you give money and you're generous make sure it's going to the right people and right resources out there. >> absolutely we were going to mention tomorrow. >> 8:00. >> 8:00 on all the networks s list celebrities getting together for a telethon to raise money for harvey aid and irma. >> and irma. >> there you go. >> let's talk about the storms. where is irma now. >> sue is here with the late et cetera on the storm. hey, sue. >> jim, shawn, irnl ais still on the weather map and raining hard across georgia and alabama. the remnants of irma are about 150 miles south of atlanta and weakened considerably and those sustained winds are now at 50 miles an hour. that can also take down industries and create flo flooding. airm ais moving unlike harvey remnants which
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this is moving along way west north, north west at 17 miles an hour. it will he haven'tly see it it moving across alabama and then western portions of kentucky and tennessee where it becomes a depression tomorrow and eventually a recommend nabts area of low pressure. now, what about effects here. we'll likely see a couple of light showers later in the day tomorrow. and maybe a rumble of thunder on wednesday as well. and this is unusual to see for the first time atlanta has tropical storm warnings those went into effect yesterday and continues for the charleston area and there could be or tornadoes that touchdown on coastal areas and they still have significant gusts down there and florida is in recovery mode and the winds have come way down and the rain is over and but as you know, the power outages may be around for two weeks down there and so another very difficult stretch of time ahead for florida. and atlanta gusts at 44 and we see winds gusting into the carolinas and maybe strong if you ever to take down trees and limbs there. but fortunately it looks like ir
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weakening path. we'll have the latest on jose and the good news with jose is it's going to sit and spip for a few more days and the bad news is jose is still out there and we really would like to see that dissipating. so we'll have the latest on that tonight and on our later shows. jim, shawn, back to you. ♪ today nation's stopped to remember september 11, 2001, 16 years ago today the terror atook on the united states. >> "fox5" tom fitzgerald is live now with how the nation paid tribute to the many, many lives lost that day. fitz. >> jim, shawn, i know we say this every year but it is hard to believe. it has been 16 years now since the terrorist attacks both here in the d.c. area and of course in pennsylvania. and new york. and every year we have marked the solemnly occasion it's up to the president of the united states to step into the role to lead this nation's observance and that was the case today. new
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course ep stepping into that role. this was the scene at the white house today as the president led the observance of moments of silence that is traditionally held at the white house and then the president went on to mark the observance at the pentagon memorial in arlington, virginia today. the president did not make very long remarks but he did make very poignant remarks about how the united states is on this global war on terror right now and in the president's words speaking today at the pentagon with nation's military and the families of the victims assembled the president made it very clear in his words the united states will not be intimidated. >> the horror and anguish of that dark day were seerd into our national memory forever. living, breathing soul of america wept with grief for every life taken on that day. and we shed our tears in their
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memory, pledge our devotion in their honor and turned our sorrow into unstoppable resolve to achieve justice in their name. >> that's the president speaking at the pents gone today. while the president was in arlington vice-president mike pence traveled to shanksville pennsylvania that is of course where flight 93 was brought down by a group of very brave passengers who realized what was going on on 9/11 and decided to bust through the door of cockpit and bring that plane to the ground. that plane it has been long suspected was on route to washington d.c. either ta targeting the white house or the capitol. that did not happen that day because of the actions of the passengers on that plane. in new york city meanwhile, traditionally that has become a very different kind of memorial. politicians
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stage at ground zero in fact, it is the families of the nearly 3,000 victim of the world trade center that will solemnlyly and every year step up to microphones and take turns reading the names of all of the people who died on that day. it is remarkably different, remarkably solemnly and now as the 16 years have gone on a very traditional marking of these names and these vicks times lives that comes every 9/11. jim and shawn the thing you were marked with though is even though this is historic day, this is aday of memory. this is also a day rooted strongly in today. as we have seen in these talks that the president has had recently about u.s. troop submit presidential this war on terror cop continues to go on this very day and this is very rooted in politics right now of this country and as we continue to agree and disagree about how all of
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handled. >> thank you very much. fitz, we appreciate your per peck receive there, too. and september 11. 2001 was second day on job here at "fox5". i was pull into the parking lot and listening to the radio as the plane hit the pentagon and i remember running in and news director saying your week of learning the ropes here is over. >> get in the car and go to the pentagon. >> i was doing radio back then not far away from sh shankshankville where the plane went down united 93. we were on our way in there and turned around and went back to the city and airport what was going on there. and you know, it strikes close to home for here in d.c. and you would not think the middle of rural pennsylvania yet there it was. >> there it was. >> all right. >> we'll be right back.
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of fallout will there be any fallout. let's bring in jason kelly immediate former director for marketing and maureen simpson junior joins us via skype president of prince george county young democrats. thank you for joining us to today. >> absolutely. >> let me start with you, jason. is what steve bannon said, is that a big ah for the gop. >> well, no -- >> he's talking about going after established republicans and paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. >> sure i think in some level you can certainly read into it that it was to the establishment figures that he he was speaking to. and this is kind of why steve ban on was so successful running president trump's campaign he had his finger other the pulse of awhat was dog on not only in the country and also in the republican are party. at one points in the interview i thought it was really interesting he said that you know mcconnell and ryan came to the white house and presented legislative agenda
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worry about rehe peel and replace we get that done and get taxes next and infrastructure next we've been taking care of it and preparing for this moment nine years. they could do none of it one of the reasons why he cited was mcconnell did not understand. it caught him by surprise he did not have the votes to pass the healthcare repeal and replace. >> maurice let's bring you into the conversation. you're hearing jason talk about this. a know a lot of democrats were excited when steve bannon left the white house. he's not going anywhere he's staying in the political ar arena. >> yeah, i mean, we clearly see he has a list of fellow republicans that he's interested in and fully accountable and primary next year. and i think he needs to show decisiveness and closure of the republican party and soy mean i have expected nothing les. >> maurice it seems like this is a negative for gop and creating
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is he handing gift to nancy pelosi and chuck shumer. >> i think so. what wear doing on democratic side is positioning ourselves to push our values and policies and agenda and i think this lends itself in our favor particularly the heated rhetoric that bannon continues to push when can the administration and daca and all the rhetoric continues to work in our favor. >> let's not pretend the republicans are the only party defined there. you have democratic party right now that half in washington i would not say half but good portion saying why is hillary clinton saying these things relitigating 2016 election now. i think you have clear divisions in both democratic and republican party. >> that's absolutely r
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the i have no idea what the values or flat form of democratic party is. i mean hillary clinton's new book should be titled 101 p.m. i need to blame for having lost my election. they don't have a message right now. to steve bannon's point to 60 minutes interview he was talking about the swamp. let's face it washington d.c. political establishment has a lower approval rating than hurricane irma right now. they are not seeing -- >> wasn't it like head lice, that had a big area approval rating. >> they squeaked ahead yes. >> that's right. >> but you know this is what the primary i think refrain to his you know interview with charlie rose was that the -- that trump understood that there was this view among american electorate. i don't care republican, democrat, who, they viewed washington establishment with great distrust as having carr
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washington to do for them and that there is an establishment almost corporation establishment in this town that's dependent own established interest andal highty head of average voters. >> gentleman thanks so much for joining us we can continue this communication but the producer gave us the wrap. >> couldn't versusy over commencement. new push to rescind invitation to one maryland university address this fall. >> and also more lawsuits over the trump administration decision to end daca we'll be right back
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willing to respond whenever that means. >> it will be interesting to see how they respond. they were not happy with sanctions. >> north korea not happy ever. >> maryland said they're joining lawsuits against trump administration over decision to end daca. >> it is a violation of federal laws and conty institution the lawsuits claims. president trump says he gives congress six months to come up with alternative before ending it completely. more than a dozen states and disstrivingts columbia are suing the federal government. >> democratic candidate calling for university of march maryland to have betsy devos give commencement address. >> former head of naacp relooseed a statement saying he will speak in support of students and alumni to devos giving the speech. alec ross another democrat running for govern nor in maryland also called for invitation to devos to be re
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>> melissa mccarthy memorable and impersonation of spicer on saturday night live. >> the actress won on best actress of comedy series creative arts awards and snl bid fair well in july by featuring best moments after spicer resignation and former press secretary announced departure after president trump named anthony scarmoochi as communications director this is the last time you saw trump alec baldwin as trump and mccarthy together. spicy didn't like it he thought it came off as malicious. sean spicer doing first late night interview on jimmy kimmel this week. >> it will be interesting. >> i would like to think he's
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contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey:drien broner, the former boxing champion, ocked out a guy, not in the ring. attacked a woman. it is crazy video. >> professional boxers have an >> a fighter gives the perp -- person every chance to get out of the way. we have a video that says google me before this happene harvey: how do you google somebody before a fight? >>f someone says to google me before a fight, would ke the time to google him. [laughter] >> cardi b, at the hotel in new york. her song is popular -- harvey: number threen the billboard 100. >> that's impo
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