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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  September 17, 2017 10:00pm-10:59pm EDT

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what happened to thiplace? oh, uh, krusty cut his losses by partnering with caligula's world family entertainment. they redid the whole place as an adult spa. uh-oh. did i leave my sash on? why don't you kids go in here, and we'll find someone who can prove to you that what you think happened didn't happen. so, what do we do now, get naked? ha-ha! i'm joking. unless you want to. in which case, i've never been more serious. so, um, uh, which is it? don't want to. ah, good thing i was joking. (chuckles nervously) ♪ who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? ♪ ♪ tyler stole the cookie from the cookie jar ♪ ♪ what, me? ♪ ♪ yeah, you ♪ ♪ couldn't be ♪ ♪ then who? ♪ ♪ courtney stole the cookie from the cookie jar... ♪
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i've heard enough. let's go, courtney. you, too, tyler. hey, bart, bart, now's our chance to break out of here. but i'm four loops away from finishing my potholder. now! ugh! marge, you know, it used to be i'd be tempted by every one of these places. now i just want to know where the business center is. it's over there. you can print up all the free boarding passes you want. (moans): oh! we didn't even fly here. (groans) (grumbling) oh. oh. (printer whirring) (playful growl) bart, i've seen that shed before! hey, i know your life is boring, but you don't have to advertise it. (door creaks) (wind whistles) (both scream) (both scream) i'm remembering now. we were trying to escape by canoe. come back! everyone needs to watch the musical!
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we've rehearsed for three hours! but there was another kid with us. lisa: (gasps) you're right! bart: his name was charlie. lisa: (gasps) i forgot because i was high on poster paint fumes. bart: quiet! we tipped over in the rapids. (gasping) oh, my god! charlie didn't come back up! hey, hey! look who's back! kamp krusty alumni! we have reason to believe that someone was killed in this camp! whoa! what happened to hello? (humming) hard to concentrate with waves gently lapping on the shore. (kissing grunts) ooh! marge, are you sure you want to do this? mm, i think i still want the old you. everyone, down below the belt! move, move, move! don't leave anything up here! we will not be back!
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iolin playing "adagio for strings") play something to put him in the mood! (playing "boléro") faster! (playing "call to the post") (grunting, kissing) these children would like to report a traumatic incident on the property. (grunting) poor charlie. charlie? did he have a red vest? yes! yes! can you kids keep a secret? i can, but lisa can't. i told you that in confidence! charlie! you're alive! and a man, i might add-- a very short man.
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ople." eh, not that much. i was working undercover as a spy for departures magazine. they are everywhere. anyway, when the canoe flipped, i made my getaway. lisa: but you didn't have your life vest. charlie: i'm a grown-up! i can swim! and vote! (whimpers quietly) oh, my god! it's a miracle. whoa, i guess i really was traumatized. and now i'm glad everything's all right. so many stars. ever wonder how many worlds are out there, homie? pizza. want pizza. and you. that's my man. ♪ ♪ for the fifth time today, i am not a diving platform! (snoring)
10:05 pm
fox... uh... hello? how did you get in here? xbox one x isn't out yet. taco bell's giving fans a chance to win early with every $5 box. we're ready to play. well, then... i guess we should get to it! my apologies, thrak. totally cool, stu. game on! head to taco bell and grab any $5 box and you could be one of the first to win the new xbox one x.
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♪ ♪ that's the new rockstar. ♪ ♪ all jeans on sale, up to fifty percent off. no time to spare! what makes reese's and hershey's cookies 'n' crème crunchers so good? the crunch! famous reese's peanut butter. ooo crunch! classic hershey's cookies 'n' crème. crunchy deliciousness! feast your ears on a... crescendo of crunches! new crunchers. did we mention they're... crunchy?! man... ...saving 50% on these samsung galaxy note 8s from sprint was a genius idea! and they have the best price for unlimited. now we can finish our work before we get to work. i love this office... janice's birthday!! ommmm... 17.... i love mondays.... (vo) get it done, on the samsung galaxy note 8, right now for 50% off. and with galaxy forever,
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to the latest galaxy. for people with hearing loss, switch to sprint. visit ♪ ♪ male soul singer: oh, baby, baby. tonight's the night we're not gonna get it on. and when i say never, i mean forever. at my insistence, i will keep you at a distance. because...
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♪ ♪ have had enough of my love, babe ♪ ♪ mm, baby, don't get upset ♪ ♪ but your needs will not be met ♪ ♪ mm, it's like the more you want, the less i give ♪ ♪ baby, that's no lie. ♪ oh, yeah. captioning sponsored by 20th century fox television fox broadcasting company and ford. we go further, so you can.
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of them chanting stop killing us as officers looked on. police say they've made dozens of last night was especially violent. fox's will car has more from st. louis. pros testers in st. louis taking to the streets for a second night in a row. pro testors through gash age cans and rocks through storefronts. i think we should all be mindful and get your message out there, but did it piecefully. on saturday night 23 businesses
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vehicles were damagedment it comes after protests the day before turned violent injuring nearly a dozen protestors. the protests coming after a judge ac quitted former st. louis police officer jason stockily who shot and killed and thely oh medical smith. they pursued each other in a high speed chase . sockly then shot and killed smith. throughout the weekend elected officials chiming in call for unity. we have to look at what we need to do to bring the community together in ways that i think both law enforcement and community leaders have been trying to do since ferguson pult a division in the country. whether it's st. louis or baltimore is not a good thing and we all need to be working hard to make our system work. in
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boarded up their windows just in case more chaos breaks out. >> this is awful, what ' learn ing about the acid assault in four women in france. management crews are getting ready for another catastrophic storm. we'll he show you you where they're headed just in times for hurricane ma maria. the concern over another attack still not over tonight.
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coney island has been around for a long, long time. reminds me of how geico has been saving people money for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today.
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>> developing now a shocking attack in france that injured four american students from boston college. the students are studying abroad this semester. they were at the train station in mar say when a woman with a history of mental health illness sprayed the students in the the face with acid. the
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at a hospital. the attacker was investigated. investigators have ruled out terrorism. to london where police have made a second arrest in friday's subway bombing. a two # one year old man was arrested in west london last night. that's in addition to an 18 year old man whos was arrested yesterday. foxes' kit kitty logan reports. >>reporter: the uk threat level has been put back to clear now that the two men have are in custody. i would urge everybody to be vigilant but not alarmed. the second suspect to be arrest ed is a two # year old man . he was detained in the district of hounds low very close to heat row airport just before midnight on saturday local time. they are completing forensics work at a house which was raidedes
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belongs to an elderly couple who fostered refer gee children and had 18 year old in their care. he was a lovely young man. polite. and he's thought to be the same teenager who was arrest ed earlier yesterday in the port of dover. his arrest is described as very significant . he's now being questioned by police in london. police are trying to determine if more than one person may have been involved in planting this bomb on a busy commuter train on friday morning. it only partl iest ploaded but 30 people were injured mostly with burns. police are continuing the investigation screening security cameras. in london, kitty logan , fox news. >> happening now, hurricane maria is closer to the lee ward islands and the carribean.
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category one storm is expected to hit there within the next day or two. when it makes way it will make its way to puerto rico and event there i to haiti and the dominion rep:hurricane jose is a category one. the state could feel its affects tomorrow but it's expected to not cause major damage. there is tropical depression lee and is expected to weaken by tuesday. as hurricane maria heads parts of the carribean, emergency management are in full force and preparing for possibly another devastating storm. a disaster response team sponsored by fairfax county. some members are already on the ground this carribean helping with recovery efforts following hurricane irma . we're told hurricane maria is supposed to hit puerto rico sometimes between tuesday and thursday. right now people
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store and are getting ready for the days ahead. the virginia task force has been stationed there already working together with fema after irma made its way into the krir and. so now they're on a new mission here. the task force one will the not only be there for this new storm and they'll also be there for the recovery efforts that follow . they've divided up into six different groups of 80 people on the i rands of. essentially what they'll do is assist anyone and everyone on the islands. usually we're on the back end of the storms or as the events as they happen, this time we'll be in the my l of it a little bit different preparation for the safety of the team while we're here to ensure the safety so we're ready to go once the storm does pass he ever on. a the lot of re congress of the area that's going on now which will help us once the storm comes through to the spots that we need to get to to start helping peoples
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on the other islands around here . how do we get from the main islands over to those islands. they also told me tonight how they got back from the recovery efforts in st. thomas and st. john's and they described the areas as pour devastation. a lot of these task force members have families worried about their safety but they say they're constantly communicating with them and rea sured us how they've trained extensively for these catastrophic events. bottom line here they're ready for maria. kristin leone, fox5 local news. >> cleanup from hurricane irma continues tonight. in cuba, the government is calling for a mass mobilization to help. that means the cuban military is taking part in cleanup efforts. irma knocked down trees and power lines in cuba and country leaders say it is going to take sometime before things get back to normal there. the florida keys are also in shambles tonight. hurricane irma caused widespread devastation. nearly 25 percent
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keys were destroyed, 65 percent sustained some type of damage. people who are returning at this point to homes and businesses have to boil their water. debris can be found every where the hardest part is no electricity. all the debris every where. it does smell. there's a lot of garbage. that's a little tough. a lot of see wood comes up and it's rot ting and it stinks pretty bad >> key west port remains closed the harbor is still literred with sailboats and sunk el vessels. the united states and several carribean nations aren't the only ones recovering from a destructive storm. this was the seen earlier in japan. a typhoon made land. strong winds and torrential rains ravaged the area. local authorities are warning residents about possible landslides and fast foods fl the coming days. >> coming up president trump pushing immigration reform. de tails on the new understanding reached with the end of
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program. program.
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dear suspicious snackers, we get it. we know it can be a texture thing, and there are lots of brands to choose from. but it's time for you to pick up your big spoon and try new hood cottage cheese. it's the brand people have trusted for more than 170 years. a whole world of sweet, and savory combinations, like pineapple, cucumber & dill or classic country style. and since it's packed with satisfying protein, you'll want to try all of hood's amazing flavors. don't miss out on delicious. new to your local dairy aisle!
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>> the issue of daka remains un resolved. last week president trump reached across the aisle and hinted a deal was in the works to protect 800,000 people from deportation. people who came to the us illegally as children. i was a p toic on the sunday talk shows today. fox's garret ten any reports. president trump has told lawmakers he doesn't want to wait until the end of the six month deadline for them to pass immigration reform. that was clear this week when he had diner with the top ranking congressional democrats to discuss daka and afterwards announced the two identifies reached an understanding moving forward. today dick der bin laid out what that under
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entails. we're going forward with the understanding that we can work with the white house to come up with an agreement. that daka that includes citizenship for those that are protected under the dream act and also has a standard commitment to increase border patrol. this will be a negotiation ands that he ' partly because among many conservative house members any deal to allow the so-called dreamers to stay in the country is akin to amnesty which is something they've been campaign ing and railing against since the daka program began. they're looking at what other items they can include in that. senator tomorrow the contin said president trump told him he supports it and assured him any deal will put america first. i think the president said that there's in the a deal and he wants to see a deal. he called
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there is no deal. they want to focus on a can pennsylvania age of benefits for illegal immigrants. we want to put american' interests first. it will not include the president's border wall. the president said he plans to pursue that separate limit in washington, inl i'm cigar thette ten any fox news. president trump took to twitter to comment on the tensions with north korea. he said, quote, i spoke with president moon of south korea last night, how asked him how rocket man is do ing, long gas lines forming in north korea too bad. it was his reference of north korea leader kim young kim jong un as rocket man that has a lot of people talk. that wasn't the only tweet that's catching a the look of attention. showing himself hitting a woman who appears to be hillary clinton in the back with a golf ball. iran's leader also said some things on twitter
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today. called the us government the great say the and. this has do with a nuclear deal that form er president obama negotiat ed with the country where iran gets relieve in exchange for conductor its nuclear program. this week president trump said iran was violating the spirit of the deal . could he main i also said on twitter enemies should know bullying won't work on iran. working on tax reform, congress prepares for their next big legislative push as republicans say they're close to t a deal. let's take a look at the week ahead. sunday, the biggest names in television will hit the red carpet for the 69th prime time em any awards, the star studded ceremony will be hosted by steven could he bear at the microsoft theater in. also on sunday citizens across the will come together, the adoption of u s constitution and pays homage to those who have
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us citizensship. for the first time since being electedded president. among those expected to attend t the annual event include french president he manuel mack ron and bejing national in yahoo. thursday we celebrate the you united nations international day of piece found ed in 19 l l 81 the day ames to promote and strengthen the ideals of piece among nation s worldwide. say goodbye to summer because friday marks the first day of fall. the day is noted for having an equal length of both day and night. that's a look at the week ahead i'm jack callahan, fox news. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a bedframe with storage, to the softest linens, to a cozy mattress,
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can be yours for less. and we believe... that cozy should never be costly.
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ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor and i sponsored this ad narrator: ed gillespie says dr. ralph northam doesn't show up? dr. ralph northam was an army doctor and a volunteer medical director at a children's hospice. he passed the virginia law requiring concussion standards for school sports. the smoking ban in restaurants. and dr. northam is working to connect veterans to good paying jobs in virginia. ed gillespie is a washington dc
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he shows up for whoever pays him. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a bedframe with storage, to the softest linens, to a cozy mattress, can be yours for less. and we believe... that cozy should never be costly.
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>> president trump is preparing to give his first a address to the united nations general assembly that will happen on tuesday. the president has been critical of the you united nations in the past even suggesting deep cuts to the us funding for the un. a major focus of the meeting is expected to be the ongoing tensions between the us and north korea. it's expected to be the next big legislative battle in congress. president trump wants tax reform and he may reach across the aisle in order to get it done. fox's ellison barber has more. tax reform is arguably the most important let's goive issue for the white house this year. it's top of their to do list but far from an easy task. house republicans say they'll release det tails of their plan the week of september 25. details about our business and individual rates that we propose going forward on tax reform, a dramatic simplification of how he we tax so families can keep more of what he they eastern and our businesses can
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especially here at home. a small group of republicans are negotiating \tax\tacks reform the so-called big six. kevin brady the chair of the house way s and means committee is part of the group. before tax reform congress needs to settle l on a budget resolution. that gives us the runway, the rules that allow us to lay tax reform on. when that budget is complete, the ways and means committee will begin action on tax reform ment the white house says they want tax reform to be bipartisan. dick der bin had this to say on fox news sunday. that's what the senate is all about, sitting down with democrats and republicans the republicans are in the majority and really working out an amendment process that comes to a conclusion where both sides have to compromise to some degree. that's where you you you get the best legislation and that's where you you get something the american people can trust. last week president trump invited a small bipartisan
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house for dinner to discuss this very topic. in washington, i'm sell son barber, fox news. >> pupil and the president of south korea have agreed on a call on what they caught stronger and more practical sanctions against north korea. the pair spoke on the phone this morning president they're work ing on the north to end the missiles. the tougher sanctions are in response to continued threats by north korea. secretary of state rex tillerson says he is now reviewing whether to shutdown the newly reopened u s embassy in havana, cub a. this comes after 21 diplomats mysteriously got sick. some have permanent hearing loss or concussions. others have suffered nausea,er ringings. it's still not known what caused this. cuba has denied any wrongdoing. a beautiful weekend and it feels like we're still hanging onto summer for at lea
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in the world it makes you appreciate these sunny days even more. fall is just around the corner as we just said so we are sailing into what feels like a little bit of summer. we're going to enjoy it while we can. we have some clouds that are roling in tonight. for the last couple of days, part of my story has been the same which basically has been can't rule out a stray shower, popup, a little sprinkle here and there. and that's what's been happening for the weekend. it's going to happen as well for your monday as we start into the day. nothing is a total washout and not everybody will see it. here we are tonight on saturday light radar. we do have some clouds coming in. once again just a stray sprinkle l or two, but other than that not bad. we do have a coastal flood advisory for st. mary's area along the shore area. we could see tides one foot above normal. this expires at 3 a.m. on monday morning. in the meantime te
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because today we hit 85-degrees at reagan national airport. yesterday we hit 87. is fall really come? it doesn't feel like it. 74-degrees right now at d.c. we've got 68-degrees at gaithersburg, 70 at baltimore, 76 at annapolis, 68 at manassas and 63-degrees at winchester with some pretty light winds. this ridge of high pressure continues to dominate our weather pattern, but also at the same time we have this a little bit of a trough that's kind of giving us that spotty shower situation that we're dealing with. we're still looking at some sunshine. don't get too dismayed over it. it's nothing that is going to damnen your day tomorrow because we're headed back to the 80s a very warm day as far as the timing of the sprinkle or two, if you take a look by the 5:00 hour you'll start to see a little bit of that, and then after that things start to improve. improvement will be a the little short thing once we start dealing
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jose may bring to the coastline ment we have hurricane jose, a category one, hurricane marie and, a category one. and then tropical depression lee. the chances for intensifying are still very much out there. lee may become a tropical depression . maria is going to start to intensify over the next few days. jose still taking a northerly track and then moving off to the northeast. we may get some dangerous serve. we're going to take a look at a timeline. here is the sprin of spin of it. we could get some of the bands of rain as it moves its way off to the north and the northeast. very possible as futurecast is showing. maria on the other hand expected to strengthen as it is expected to move its way of the us coast but it doesn't look like it's really going to reach that far right you now. we'll he have to watch it because this is starting to ta a
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carribean islands will definitely be expected as it starts to strepten to a category two and then into tuesday, wednesday period it looks like maybe a category three and then it's going to start to move its way even more with plenty of very wide field of the cone of uncertainty as you can \see\sea ment a the look of areas definitely impacted by it. a long the coastal areas we'll have to watch. here's a look at the planner for tomorrow, 76- degrees by midday, the snof looks absolutely fabulous. we're not doing too badly, but we will welcome friday and fall as it comes. >> thank you, gwen. a heads up for metro riders. tomorrow orange line trains will be single l \track\tracting between new carlson and cheverly station . that means trains will single track between five taitions, metro says the changes are due to unforeseen construction difficulties over the weekend. >> and the loudon county sheriff 's office wants you
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investigators say they're responsible for robbing a high end convenient store last friday afternoon. the men were armed with gun, stole cash and cigarettes from the store as well as from customers. the sheriff's office wants to hear from you if you recognize these men. the search is on in the district tonight for a woman accused of sexually abusing a boy the at a metro station. take a look at your screeb. d.c. police say this woman approached the boy wednesday evening on the platform at union station. police say she touched him inappropriately and then took objection to the form if you you you do recognize her, contact d.c. police. the arch diseases of baltimore is responding to an online petition . it calls for the re lease of personnel files of a late plees who is now at the sente of a popular documentary it's called the keepers. possible connections between sexual abuse at archbishop key oh high school in baltimore and the unsolved murder of a school nun in 1969. priest joseph mass california
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multiple people accused him of sexual abuse but he denied the allegations. they want the records release and has more than 50,000 signature, but the catholic church is saying no. tarps are once again covering the confederate tat yews of robert he lee and stonewall jackson. someone removed the coverings friday night. this is now the third time the tarps have been damaged or removed. that decision came in the aftermath of the deadly rally last month where protestors demanded the city keep the statues in place. meanwhile the university of virginia says it will remove confederate plagues from its row turned a. the move comes following a list of demands from a diverse list of students, among the demends more african-american. the college' bothered voted on friday to re move the plagues which have been there since 1903. the scho
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them in another location. the life and legacy of civil rights act vises and comedian dick gregory was honored in d.c. today. a tribute parade went from howard theatre to ben's chilly bowel in northwest. gregory passed away last month at the age of 84. such a de served goodbye and farewell. nice to see that tribute to him that today. >> coming up, it's a story you'll see on just one taition. we'll take you on a bird's eye view of the district thanks to the us air force.
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you can't have this frenchie. sam just snagged it from homegoods. it reminds him of bennie. only quieter. you can't have this frenchie. but new finds are always arriving. so you can find something so you, for less. at homegoods. you each drive a ford pickup right? (all) yes. i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. awesome. let's do this. the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. stronger the better. and best of all, this new truck is actually- (all laughing) oh my.... the current chevy silverado. current chevy owners and lessees get a total value of ten-thousand, six hundred dollars. or, 0% financing for 72 months on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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>> a fox5 exclusive now. a tour of the d.c. region from hundreds of feet in the air. it's all thanks to the 11th wing of the you you united states air force they're on-call every day of the year rdy
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region at a moment's notice. fox5's steve chenevey got a ride from one of their helicopters for the trip of a lifetime. thanks for joining us today. that's air force corneal john particular earth, nicknamed dragon, former fighter pilot now commander of the 11th wing. today he's also our tour guide on an exclusive flight over washington, d.c. strapped into our uh1 huh i helicopter after a thorough equipment check and a quick wave to the second chopper on our mission photograph d.c. leaving andrews and quickly climbing to about 1,000 feet the view is phenomenal, cellphone in hand i couldn't help but take some of my own video to remember the moment. our first major fly over reagan national airport carefully making sure air traffic
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the area, right over the runway, then over pentagon gone city to catch a glimpse the he memorial that's where our nation's heros are laid to rest. a sharp dive of several hundred feet in just a matter of seconds and we were basically looking into the windows of pentagon, an amazing view that continued to get even more scenic as we flew along the river, passed the bridge and the lincoln memorial. after a crews up the potomac we reversed \course\coarse back towards washington where the connel and i reflected on the beauty of the nation's capital and the landmarks that are so rarely acceptable by air because of washington's no fly zones. we're looking like we're kids enjoying thisment you're exactly right. when i see the capital from the air, when i see the white house from the air, when i go through the tidal basin and see the jefferson memorial and the washington monument and
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white house, i pinch myself. the white house looked almost small from the air, the low profile of the city buildings became p more evident from up above. our exclusive flight would come to an end soon, but this huey and every other helicopter at joint force andrews will stand be on standby ready to protect this sit s ticketed event and h country at a moment's notice. we are also see some interest credible pictures from the international space station. the space ex capsule is carrying thousands of pounds of research data than a is expected to splash land in the pacific. the capsule is re usable and the space explants to launch it again to sendfully mr. is on a future mission to the international space station they parachute it right down to the water. coming up, honoring those
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sacrifice in vietnam. how a local author is macking sure those vietnam veterans are never forgotten. forgotten.
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been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> this weekend the vietnam war comes back into our forefront with a new documentary by ken burns. there's also a new book about the vet young adult mails veterans memorial by a d.c. journal isabella. it's overwhelming. it is an ocean, an ocean of names. >> author james reston, jr. has written a new book about the vietnam veterans memorial in washington. it has these pro found
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nation reconciles itself to a lost war. i mean we lost the vietnam war. the wall has become one of the most popular attractses in our nation's capital. it's just totally overwhelming. it's a black granite wall with the names of more than 58,000 americans killed during the vietnam war. this has become universal iced as a place of contemplation for all wars. but in his latest book about the building of the vietnam veterans memorial, a rivet in the earth, art memory and the fight for a vietnam war memorial journal isabella reston tells the story about the intense behind the scenes battle in the years right after the war to get this wall built. it was a gash of shame. it was the color black which was the color of shame. it was nothing for the survivors. it was only about the dead. and that battle went o
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finally there was the compromise of these he three statues that was supposed to make the veteran s and the tractors accept the design. q. artist mia line was an asian american. her concept of the wall chosen over more than 1400 submissions. this nearby statue by frederick heart dedicated two years of after the wall serves an event pry experience. all that is forgot, the five-year art war is forgotten and it's universally embraced now. but the arguments are still there and i think we're going to have another round of refighting the vietnam war with the ken burns documentary in the next couple of months. the burns documentary on vietnam
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this weekend. some of the arguments are till there. was it worth 58,000 deaths? reston says the wall its about the cost of war. and did we learn any lessons from it? so, yeah, i think it's important to focus on . reston who lives in chevy chase and has written two dozen books of history served with army intelligence from 1965 to 1968 and has a good friend whose name is on the wall. that's, you know, the concept of this wall, that the survivor looks at who they know, who they knew and imagines how easily it could have been them. along the national mall in washington, bob barnard, fox5 local news. >> take a look at this, it was a dream come true for the virginia boy who wrote president trump saying it would be his honor to mow the white


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