tv The Final 5 FOX September 27, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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>> everybody your final five tonight. the president sells us on its tax reform plan, but a loft the details are still up in the air. the people of puerto rico need more help after hurricane maria, the president says they totally have the votes to pass healthcare, just not right now when they need it. an attack in afghanistan just seconds after the secretary arrives there. up first tonight we start with tax reform. the gop put out a blueprint for changes to the company country's tax code. president trump head ed to indiana to help to sell the plan. congress will have plenty to decide as they draft their own legislati.
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s to help the middle and working, not the healthy. our tax reform will protect low income and middle income households, not the wealthy and well connected. they can call me all they want. it's not going to help. i'm doing the right thing and it's not good for me, believe me. >> waiting for the tax returns to prove that. there were a few specifics the president laid out . the first $12,000 of an income for an individual or 24,000 for a married couple would be tax free. and then three tax rates. the framework doesn't say which income levels would be assigned to each rate. the plan also includes the elimination of one specific type of tax. to protect millions of small businesses and the american farmer we are finally ending the crushing, the horrible, the unfair
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or as it is often referred to the death tax. the death tax effects the states that are worth $5.5 million or more much that's less than 1 percent of all estates. the president also also called for an end to the minimum tax which affect people who make between 200,000 and a million dollars. the tax consequences would not benefit the wealthy. i'm re all for supporting relief for folks work ing their way to the middle class. what i do not support is a deficit financed tax cut for millionaires. even though they're saying that's not their intention, so far the the math looks like it's the folks at the very top who are going to get a windfall tax break. an advocacy group called the committee for a federal budget, estimated how much the tax plan would cost in lost revenue over a decade it
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the estimate comes with a high degree of uncertainty but more work needs to be done that would make tax reform fiscally responsible. a the lf the us territory is still without power and water in public safety. they said they are we going to come and bring ice and water and food. nowhere. it's logistics if you fly over the ports you'll see that we have thousands of crates, food, water, fuel is plenty, but we need the transportation wherewithal to execute. president trump says the federal government is doing what it can do to help citizens in public safety. i will be going down to puerto rico to get an on the ground briefing about the disaster rec
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meet the first responders and to meet all of the people who are so affected by these storms. we are with you now i tell them and we will be there every step of the way until this job is done. it is truly catastrophic what happened in pur. >> something we talked about last night. president trump say s he's considering waiving shipping restrictions to puerto rico, something known as the jones act. they lifted those restrictions for texas and florida after hurricanes harvey and irma. the white house fac ing some backlash for not waiving in puerto rico. waiving restrictions won't help because the ports are so badly damn aim ed in puerto rico that ships can't dock. there are a the look of people that need a lot of help in puerto rico. the gop pulled its latest bill before a vote because it didn't have the votes to pass. president trump said today that gram cassidy has the votes to pass. we have the votes on gram cas disirks
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with the rules of reconciliation we're up against a deadline of friday, two days. that's just two days and yes vote senator we have a wonderful senator, great, great senator who is a yes vote, but he's home recovering from a pretty tough situation. >> so the president didn't name names. we were trying to figure out who the guy in the the tough situation is. the president also tweeted about this person saying with one yes vote in hospital and very positive signs from alaska from two others, we have the h care vote, but not for friday. senatorred that corcoan of missouri who is recuperating for what his office referred to as a urological. he tweeted thanks for the well wishes i'm not hospitalized but a.m. recuperating at home in mississippi president
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president blamed john mccain the last time around for the so-called skinny repeal. the president has been physically mocking ma cane in private sessions by mocking the infamous many thumb's down. ma cane is currently fighting brain cancer his daughter commented on the report what more must my family be put through right nowsm that's meaghan ma cane on this report out from ex yoas on the president's continued mentioning about her father. as things stand right now no progress on the healthcare vote. international politics a major topic. defense secretary james mattis traveled to afghanistan. there was an attack on cobble hours after the secretary touched down. both the taliban and the islamic state are claiming credit for the attack. the attack also prompted a strike that accidentally
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five sits tense sense. the us will stay in afghanistan. we will suv kate any hope that al qaeda or is is have of winning by killing. i want to reinforce to the taliban that the only path to piece is through a negotiated settlement. we welcome those who commit to a pieceful future for afghanistan. >> nato says they're committed to funding the afghan security forces until 2020. the us will provide advisors to a accompany afghan units. army ranger al expand row says he will continue to dough flait proceeds from his jersey. he became the top selling jersey in the league when he was standing with his hand over his heart during a game in
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his teammates stayed in the tunnel. the president had more say to today about the the pro tests on the anthem. we saw the cowboys neil including the owner jerry jones which seemed like a clear message against the president's comments players who neil. spoke with jerry jones of the cowboys, jerry is a wiper who knows how to get things done . players will stand for our countriment the president commented to reporters outside the white house today. the nfl is in a very bad spot. you you cannot have people disrespecting our national anthem, our flag, our country and that's what they're doing. in my opinion the nfl has to claing or you know what's going to happen, their business is going to go to hell. >> here's the thing, kneeling of course -- kneeling the anthem started to protest against police brutality. the next envelope game
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green bay versus chicago. the packers said they will lock arms during the anthem. we're going to keep an eye on that one. we're going to get to some breaking news, playboy founder huh hepner passed away from natural causes a at his home. hef introduced the world to playboy in 1953. he was an advocate for free speech, sexual freedom he lived in the legendary playboy mansion from 1971 to his death. huh hef inner dead t night at the age of the 91. one can only imagine the stories and tributes that are going to come out over the next couple of days. certainly a transformal history whether you like it or not. the chances of getting tax reform through congress when we come back.
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gc is tacking \tax\tacks reform tonight and so are we after of drips and drags of what mike up the trump proposal. we're getting a better sense of what it means for businesses and you and me of what it means. pushing for small business tax reform. we've had you on the show before. we're glad to have you back a alfredo. >> thank you. >> what did you take away today from the president. now that we know where he hears what are we hearing from d.c. and everyone where. it is an exciting time for the entire country act limit what we heard today was i think some of the best optimism the unified front if you saw the announcement also from the speaker and everyone else there much it's a great opportunity for us to do something for all of americans which is really
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that we are advocating obviously from our organization many i think we've heard positive responses across the board from all the different groups that we were hoping to hear from. alfredo i know originally the president wanted the 15 percent corporate tax. it looks like the final is going to be 12. a give and take when you build up something like this. in terms of getting this through d.c. they had some issues with health reform. mitchell mcconnell is going to be the guy to right to push this through. he knows the system. he knows the senate. how important is he going to be to try to corral everybody in line here. obviously very important. i know that over the past eight months we had some challenges with oh bm a care, repeal april replace. i think this is going to be different, jip. i think there is a united front. i think there is real optimum on doing this. we have less than 40 legislative days to get this actually done, a bill
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sign by the end of of the year. i hope we don't put perfect in front of the act l ul timing that we have left and that we really focus on getting this done. we're advocating for thanksgiving. as i mentioned to you deadlines tend to slip here in d.c. that probably translate s to the end of the year. i know already some democrats, chuck schumer tweeted out a bill and saying where is the relief for firefighters and teachers and whatnot. is it going to be tough to win over democrats in this process. i just don't understand where chuck schumer does his grossly shopping or dry cleaning because this is the middle class, main street america, the tax cuts that the president is talking about is strictly targeting the middle class, and the main street businesses that are out there. this is an amazing opportunity to be able to have 20 percent. i know he was hoot ing for 15 percent. he even said
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redline. even on the small businesses that we're advocating we got 25 percent. that's pretty darn good. about a 40 percent drop for main street businesses. renovating their own businesses, higher more people and invest back in the local economies. you look at this whole scope of plan, are there elements that you think may have to go by the wayside to protect whether it's the small business taxes or whether it's some of those lower income tax brackets? is this recall or nothing. >> i don't think it's all or nothing. i think the president has shown that he's willing to do a deal. i'm sure there are opportunities and some things that may have to be revisited in two years. we're saying let's focus on at least at a minimum get a tax package done. let's make it retroactive to january 1 . get the biggest refund check for next april for all of
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s that. i like your enthusiasm. i guess we'll see if it stands the test of washington. we're back after this on the final five. >> sure. thank you. . we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way.
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ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor and i sponsored this ad narrator: ed gillespie says dr. ralph northam doesn't show up? dr. ralph northam was an army doctor and a volunteer medical director at a children's hospice. he passed the virginia law requiring concussion standards for school sports. the smoking ban in restaurants. and dr. northam is working to connect veterans to good paying jobs in virginia. ed gillespie is a washington dc corporate lobbyist. he shows up for whoever pays him.
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>> earlier there month facebook revealed a russian troal farm and how great is that saying, russian troal farm had bought a hundred thousand dollars ads. one of those ads referenced black lives matter and was specifically targeted to reach audiences in furnishing son and baltimore. both cities saw widespread protestses. those geographically targeted ads were aimed at political chaos. the ad russian bought could be seen as portraying the group as beg a threat. the army is investigat
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for social media posts showing support for communism. among the postses are a photo of the cadet and the message communism will win written inside of his hat. veterans for kaepernick for showing support for those who pros protests during the comments from the cadet. back to president trump for a moment, health and human secretary tom price definitely on the hot seat tonight. president trump fused to rule out the possibility for firing price. instead of flying commercial like the rest of us. he travel to places where he and his wife owned property. he he was asked about the chartered flights today. he said i'm not happy about it and let him know it. when asked if he will be fire, the president we'll see. we've heard that before. for the first time we're getting a look at some of the designs for
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here's fox's adam housley. it may look like any other construction site, but this is the beginning of president trump 's long promised new border wall. one he began to tout from day one of his campaign a little more than two years ago. i will build a great, great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that. mark my words. the process now l involves ate different wall de signs being constructed outside of san diego by six different companies. congress has cuffed up the money for the prototypes in order to complete one or more of these designses stretching trump administration the golf all the way to mexico. border security is an achievabl able objective when we have the right kind of policies and resources in the form of law enforcement personnel, tenl and border infra struck sewer. roughly 6506 miles of fence or barriers of various types already exist along
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with 113 miles still needed. average construction costs have been $3 million a mile. the fed s and local police department s are planning for pro tests though none have materialized so far. filed suit joining and environmental activists to the trump wall. although we're an environmental organization we do see common the alt of other organizations fighting other elements of the trump administration approach to immigration issues and border security issues. after 30 days the evaluation process begins here, just feet away from a de graded fence that is clearly old. some companies may not show up here for a couple of weeks in order to show their de signs a secret from their competitors. >> we know the bipartisan disifd in congress can get really ugly at times but at least they
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another. that's what happened in began disa. they're throwing mike stands around. this is government. some people in the ruling party accused opposition lawmakers of obstructing proceed ings and that led to a brawl and then they threw it out to members of the party. extend the current president's term. you began dangerous deliveries age limit of 75. their current president is 73 and would be ineligible to run again under the current laws. any time you think washington is nas particular, although this is more fun to watch than par limit procedure? how much would you pay to have dinner with the president. >> how about a quarter million dollars bucks. a quick meet and greet for the budget conscious at 35 grarnd. dinner and a quick how do you do for $100,000 or dinner at a seat at a roundtable with poad us for # $250,000. large audience circumstanceses owners just
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s say they're doing it because they hope it works out as well for them as it did president trump. president trump son-in-law is fee female. how do you mess that sort of thing up. if it was un intentional it wasn't curb's first mistake with paperwork. meetings with for ebb cas, he told comings al investigators the mistakes have been due to a miscommunication with his assistant. how do you miss communicate jend demplet prior to 2009 his new jersey voter registration noted his gender is unknown. a vote is a vote. >> first daughter ivanka trump is spearheading her father's $200 million vivment in science, and math programs. she visited middle school. she was with brad smith. were the kids excited to see brad
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participated in mine craft cod ing with fourth and fifth graders. technology is rein scretting every industry. i encourage you to get excited about it. i'm encouraging for you to let me know as we quod code together. >> if you can get kids learn through mine craft bring it on. the first daughter was in detroit to help the president role out more funding for computer giants. facebook, microsoft have each pledged $350 million towards that educative initiative. we'll tell you you who is sleeping soundly and who is tossing and turning in washington tonight after this. is.
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>> steve bannon may have left the white house but he continues to play king maker in the gop. roy more in the alabama run off last night defeating president's author strange. he plans to turn the 2020 midterms in a lot of alabamas. establishing republicans in vulnerable. meanwhile when it comes to tom price's future in the trump administration we'll see. that seems to be the de facto reply from the president as he appears to muscle over someone's long term employment prospects. the president says he wasn't happy about price spending over 400 grand of your money on private planes. price has apologized and a white house source has there are no immediate plans to remove the secretary from the job and
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ctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> khloe kardashia's pregnant. kylie jenner's prenant. somebody predcted all of this. >> the kardashians aren't going anywhee. >> they are like gremlins. by next week there will be a zillion more of them. >> we can predict more kardashians. >> what network do we ppear on? >> nbc. >> nbc is owned by? >> universal. >> which netwok has the kardashians >> universal. >> you see what i'm talking about now? >> we got tiffny haddish. she's actually doing a movie with kevin hart. we asked her, do you think e should give kevin hart a chance? >> i think everybody should mind their business. >> tiffany haddish and kevin hart go back years. i don't care, you got to get some of these jokes.
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