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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  September 28, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> happy friday eve everybody. >> you threw me off nor a for a second. i heard friday. i was a little optimistic. >> we're going to ease you into the weekend. >> all right. >> we'll start with the crisis in puerto rico the nfl protest and a triumphant return to capitol hill after a gunman wounded steve scalise. >> let's get to it. >> we apologize. that is the wrong video there but i know some of you guys saw the video earlier. the house majority whip walked in to a standing ovation. >> it was
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ffits. >> fits -- fitz. this went right today and it put a lot of smiles on a lot of people's faces. you know, rewind. it was back in june when steve scalise was on that baseball field down in alexandria nearly del ray neighborhood just practicing with the republican caucus for what was going to be their game in the congressional baseball team. we know what happened next. a gunman opened fire, four people shot, one of them the house majority whip, steve scalise. we have not seen him before this morning publically and that is when dramatically he walked slowly onto the house floor this morning and he had some things to say. right at the top of what he had to say were thanks. thanks to the two police officers that are in his security detail. crystal griner and david bailey. >> and let me tell you, if they didn't act so
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and even after being shot both themselves, continued to engage the shooter and ultimately got him down which not only saved my life but saved the life of a lot of other people that are here in this chamber today. crystal couldn't be with us today but david bailey is with us. david, you are my hero. you saved my life and thank you so much. [applause] >> reporter: and that applause went on for quite awhile today. now, you'll remember back when this happened. that morning in june. the congressional baseball team for the republicans were out there on the field. they were attacked by a gunman who had a vendetta we learned later against republicans. those police officers, those capitol police officers assisted by alexandria police officers, they returned fire and ultimately that gunman was brought down. we wanted to know exactly what it was like to be in the middle of that today, what it was like to experience it
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today. so we expected in with a couple of the lawmakers, the congress people in our area and this is what they had to say about being in the middle of all of that. >> doors opened and no one came through for awhile. so we were just waiting and you could see staff and his security and everyone just waiting. he comes in and everyone is like same old steve. >> it was wonderful to have him back. he had very beautiful things to say about the cross party sentiments and feelings and support that he had experienced and that's great and when we're at our best that's the way we're operating. >> well, we just got a little heads up with his tweet that he was going to be on the floor but i don't think any of us imagined exactly how it was going to be, him coming in so it was so wonderful. >> reporter: so, there you have david brat jamie raskin and barbara comstock representing two different states, two different political parties united
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bipartisan smiles. at one point in this room, the remark he made this morning he said people these days don't believe in miracles, well look at me, i'm a miracle standing here today. it was a really remarkable scene this morning in it was remarkable fitz. we're glad he's doing well and it was good to see him back. >> yeah. >> 15 weeks, though, that's amazing. seems time as flown. >> yes. >> thank you fitz. puerto rico is still facing a humanitarian crisis tonight. roads are washed out, power is out on much of the island and there's a shortage of fuel water and food. >> ships are waiting to deliver much needed supplies but there's very few ways to get supplies to the people who need it the most. critics have called out the trump administration for not focusing more on the island nation. today homeland security adviser tom bossert defended the white house. >> with respect to the distribution of commodities that is the biggest challenge right now but the restoration of power is a also a big challenge and i'll tell you why. energy here is supplying the hospitals that are providing medical
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and those with medical conditions and had chelation needs and other needs so we are pushing personnel in to augment state and local authorities to push those commodities. >> melanie is here on the politics of getting aid to puerto rico. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> he did a good job of explaining why things are slow there. i want to get your take. do you think that the trump administration's response to puerto rico has been different than it was in texas and in florida. >> well, that's certainly the question and one of the issues here was the jones act. the shipping waiver and that was immediately granted for both florida and texas following those hurricanes and that would ease shipping restrictions so that necessary supplies can more easily and cheaply get to the u.s. mainland but that was an issue right away for puerto rico. now, you heard the white house get defensive at that press briefing today. they said that they did immediately grant this waiver. but lawmakers have been calling for this one year waiver since mda
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the 10 day waiver instead. >> it was homeland security i believe that first said, no, we're not going to do it because we can't get the ships into port there safely. i believe john mccain came out today and they're introducing some sort of legislative fix for that. most people would have never talked about the jones act and in a million years in this country but suddenly it's this obscure piece of legislation from years ago that's getting all this attention. >> that's right its a very wonky issue. it's almost a hundred years old and it's getting a spotlight now. it's very important that you have two sides of the debate. it's important to understand the shipping industry, the maritime folks they're really supportive of this. don't want it rolled back and trump even said that himself yesterday, that's a concern they're weighing. dhs officials, i was on that press call on wednesday, they're saying look it might not be needed. the real issue are the containers piling up, they can't get the supplies to citizens because the roads are ripped up, they can't reach the truck drivers, there's a shortage of gasoline. so there are a lot of road blocks here not just getting it to the
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criticism we're hearing of the white house. >> what's the if ick? i know we don't have the answers but is the military there on the ground, are they helping sort in in some way to expedite the process. >> we have 10,000 relief workers there, we just heard today that a three star general has been dispatched there. he's going to coordinate the on the ground efforts in terms of distributing the supplies but the next step is going to be getting aid and that's going to have to go through congress in the form of an emergency funding package. we haven't seen the numbers yet. we know 7 billion has already been released to fema put in the next couple weeks that's certainly something we're going to be watching for on capitol hill. >> this is not a direct criticism of the administration we're having this conversation about u.s. territories and a lot of people said it first we need to pay attention to texas and florida because we take care of americans first.úhello, this. territory. people don't get the fact that these are american citizens. >> these are american citizens
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the other issue is an island has different chal challenge its surrounded by water. a 10 day waiver isn't enough. they want a year long waiver. john mccain wants to completely repeal the law altogether so i certainly expect to see those pushes continue. >> some are critical saying that the president, you know, publically tweeting and talking didn't focus on this as much as he focused on other things like the nfl protest and his rally in alabama. what -- you know, what are you hearing. >> that's right. initially that was the response. republican lawmakers they don't want to have to wait until the nfl debate. they want to be talking about puerto rico. there's no fact that the white house has wrapped their arms around this issue. they're making this fronts and center. we've seen course correction with the shipping waiver and sending that three star general so i do think that the administration realizes that look this could be a modern day katrina and they're doing
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speed up those delivery efforts and help with relief on the ground. >> i will say when you're talking about this being an i'm land we'll see pictures but we're not seeing the live cameras on the ground really brought us katrina in 2005 and harvey and irma. >> that's a great point. >> yeah. >> melanie, thanks so much for coming in. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. the criticism of the crumb p administrations response to puerto rico comes before his visit next week. >> we sent out ronica cleary to get the pulse of the people tonight. hey, ronica. >> reporter: hey, jim and shawn. you know, every day we're out here asking different questions and some questions they just strike a nerve, others they're a little bit more difficult to get answers to. i'll tell you this. i was pretty surprised to find a handful of people not familiar with what's going on in puerto rico. you heard in that last segment talking was it maybe the president focusing on the nfl controversy and all the attention that took. one person actually said to me what's going on in puerto rico? so, that really took me
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but we did find a handful of people who had thoughts on the president's reaction to the horrible crisis and situation right now on the island and their thoughts on the president and the administration's handling of that since hurricane maria made landfall on the island of puerto rico. take a listen to the pulse of the people in that country is in crisis and he's -- he would rather golf. he's that way. so, he's not doing much more puerto rico. >> well, i'm happy that he's 50visiting and he lift the ban. >> i thought he should be on top of it since he was on top of it for harvey and irma. there's no reason why we delayed getting to puerto rico even if we went around the other side of the island and had the barges already waiting and had troops already in place. >> i'd really like to see him take care, be a little bit hands on there but, i
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what can you do. >> he has a lot on his plate. give him a break. >> reporter: so there you go. the second woman you heard from talking about the jones act that you were just speaking about when we were first talking to her she said they have to lift it and i told her that they did lift it. some people very informed on what's going on very in tuned to it. i was just surprised to find a substantial handful of people that really weren't aware of what's going on in a u.s. territory with u.s. citizens so hopefully our coverage at least can get more people informed of what is happening on that island and the devastating circumstances that those people are in. back to you jim and shawn. >> 'cause they need it. thank you ronica. >> president trump isn't backing down when it comes to nfl players kneeling kneeling during the national anthem. >> before we get to that -- >> we're going talk to caitlin that's right. >> we're going to talk about the weather first. it got a little bit cool. >> it did, thank you guys. sandwiched between all outer loo
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the winds that were blowing all day, much cooler tonight. real cold air tomorrow with temperatures in the 40's and 50's. it will be 58 for tomorrow morning but that leads into a beautiful friday. the weekend looks great, too. a dry stretch of weather all the way through the seven-day forecast. and that's what we're looking at right here. no rain in sight. which is nice for this time of year. the weather is fantastic but we could actually use that rain. here's the setup for tomorrow. tafting at 58, 75 a beautiful sunny afternoon. the weekend looks great. another front comes through saturday morning or before saturday morning so it might be a little cloudy at times. we'll have a cool breeze. high temperature of just 70 so that knocks the temperatures down even further. sunday is beautiful. look at next week. one nice day after another although temperatures are slowly warming back up a little bit. looks like we'll be back into the low 80's there by
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following thursday. but really nice weather home at home, guys. jim and shawn. >> thank you caitlin. >> as i was saying president trump isn't backing down when it comes to nfl players kneeling during the national anthem. >> we'll break down his latest comments over the controversy when we return. >> ♪
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i'm a lawyer, and i have clients, and i am proud to do what i do on behalf of my clients. narrator: the clients john adams and his team are so proud to work for? banks accused of money laundering. big corporations accused of defrauding taxpayers. and mortgage lenders accused of unfairly foreclosing on homes. now he wants to be attorney general. john adams: the best attorney general the powerful and well-connected can buy. i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad.
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. president trump still talking about the nfl protests and the players who take a knee during the national anthem. today during an interview on fox and friends he claimed the nfl owners are afraid of their players. >> i have so many friends that are owners and they're in a box. i mean, i've spoken to a couple of them. they say we are in a situation where we have to do something. i think they're afraid of their players you want to know the truth and i think it's disgraceful and they've got to be tough and they've got to be smart. >> the president went on to say the nfl has rules for everything else and questioned why the league won't enforce a rule to make players
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the president sparked seven days ago shannon thanks so much for being here. did i say your last name right. >> it's varra. >> so, maybe people don't realize this but the nfl actually came out and responded to the president's claims that, you know, that the owners are scared of their players. what did they say. >> right. so, vice president of communications joe lock heart said in the last 12 hours things that have been said they're not factual so that really pits nfl against trump. >> in the grand scheme of things you have a lot of owners that said we back our players. the d daily caller says -- turns o out it was the green bay packers you're not going to have many nfl owners come out specifically and say this is where we stand, we stand with the president, we stand against
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>> what joe lock heart said is there's know directive from the nfl to the owners to respond to what's happening with president trump but what we're seeing is this isn't the first time trump has targeted a group before. he's targeted women, he's officer fended women, asian americans, he's offended african-americans, latinos and the lgbt community. this isn't the first time it's happened and it's also likely not the last time. >> you bring up a good point here. the president kind of sparked this during his speech in alabama. >> uh-huh. >> he typically -- he knows what he's doing. he knows his audience there. once he said the first thing and he got the, you know, he started this and the roar of the crowd, he knew let's go all in. so, do you think this was really more about playing to his base once he realized that they were all in it with him, or is this really an issue that he's concerned about? >> that's a really good question. what we've heard from trump is he's saying,
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kneeling you're disrespecting the flag, the people who fought for our country but on the other hand as our reporting shows us former white house clinton and senior adviser doug sells nick said this may have been trump deflecting. he had the election in alabama coming up in a potential loss in the cards which ended up happening as well as the gop healthcare vote in theory which didn't end up happening. those are two losses this week for trump and whether it was strategy or not, it's detracting from whatever legislative agenda trump and his team has right now. >> yeah, because we're still talking about it. >> i mean -- >> we still are. >> that's a good point, too, because again, he got that great ovation and let's be honest there's a lot of people out there who agree with him who say the players should stand, they're disrespecting the flag either way. again you're looking for some sort of victory and in terms of legislature, i mean, maybe tax reform but there's nothing -- there's not a big victory and that's -- this is not an opinion. this is fact out there. there's not a major policy ct
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can hang their hat on for better or for worse right now. >> legislatively i would point out that justice gorsuch being on is something trump points to. >> that was a big one. >> that's a big deal. so, trump is definitely looking for a win right now and we may see this carry out for the next couple of days. >> yeah. >> aall right, well shannon thanks for coming in. >> thank. >> it's your first time on the show, right. >> it is. >> well, welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> we're big fans of axios. >> donald trump ditched his secret service protection but now he has it back. >> now did the president son's spend that time without it? we'll tell you after the break. >> ♪
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z2fwdz z16fz y2fwdy y16fy >> ♪ >> welcome back everybody. rapper 50-cent says he turned down a $500,000 offer from president trump who was then candidate trump during this campaign. >> the musician and tv producer said during a radio interview the pre
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to recruit him to make a video to appeal. he talked about the president's behavior saying it would be difficult to not take shots at the president on his new comedy central show which is called 50 central so i guess he's getting into the comedy late night talk genre. >> look, any new president, any time we see a new administration it's always fodder for the comedians, late night comedians so all right i guess maybe he's seen some of the success we've seen with the other late night guys. >> we hear a lot of stories come out though -- i remember during the buildup for the inauguration. people they were going to say perform weren't. after they got turned down a lot of people from the trump campaign including boris epstein said that's not what people want out there. the question is did they try to lure in some people then said no thank. >> they had to say that. >> new reports out tonight show that donald trump spent this time without secret service protection hunting in canada.
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times trump jr. gave up his secret service protection over privacy concerns but the protection was reactivated this week. while he didn't have the protection he went hunting. >> moose hunting. >> moose hunting. >> a little time where the cameras and the scrutiny weren't there for awhile. no word why it's been reactivated but we know when you're talking about detail. first family always has the detail but offspring it's up to you. >> you can make the call it's optional. in some regards it's not a bad idea. >> eight months since she left the white house and former first lady michelle obama says she didn't miss it. >> she added she does miss the people and the work. the former first lady also says she plans to write a book about "being her i wasn't they think particular self quote including stories from her childhood in chicago. i think there's going to be a pretty good response that that. >> i'm
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>> one of hillary clinton fans wore a pant suit. >> the little girl wore pearls along with a pant suit look at her little girl pant suit. she asked mrs. clinton to sign copies of the book it takes a village yesterday. mrs. clinton later tweeted out this picture and wrote great to be back in brooklyn sharing it takes a village with leaders of all rages. of course we know hillary clinton is known for her pants suits. >> i believe it's in a twitter bio pant suit aficionado. >> it documents her loss to president trump in the 2016 election. after months a local military family is back together again. >> we were there for the big reunion. we'll see more when 5 at 6:30 comes right back. >> ♪ blank
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>> ♪ military family is whole
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tonight after months of separation. >> we were there when navy corps man matthew foreman surprises his son in gaithersburg this afternoon. >> daddy. daddy. >> foreman was at sea for eight months. he was in the middle east and sailed around the horn of africa and he's thrilled to be back home with his family and they're thrilled to have him back, too. >> aww look at his little face. he's just clinging onto dad. school officials told cameron's kindergarten class they would have a guest reader today but they didn't say who the reader would be. his little face lit up. thrilled to see his daddy there and daddy actually was the mystery reader. >> see it worked out. they weren't exactly fooling him. they had a mystery reader. >> look at him jumping up and down. >> yeah. >> that has to be a great feeling. >> absolutely. >> for both of them. we
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the news continues on digital at >> join shawn and tony at 8 o'clock for fox5 plus. see you later. for more than 170 years, and it's packed with satisfying protein. new to your local dairy aisle!
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> i don't know any other way to say it but we lost a legend. and nobody's more broken up about it than pam anderson. >> good-bye, hef. >> what's the best hugh hefner story? >> i don't think he was that crazy when he had girls around and had sexual orgies or whatever. >> those are the bst kind of orgies. as far as orgies g, sexual ones are my favorite. [laughter] >> it's been almost one year since kim kardashian was held at gunpoint in paris and robbed. one of the robbers has written her a letter of apology because he wants the judge to give her a lesser sentence. >> are the french jails really good or really bad? >> oh, my god, the french jail food is probably really good. [laughter] >> there's a huge prince auction. the best thing that sold at the auction was the al-access pass from the rick james our fr


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